Automotive Electronics System: Gauges
Automotive Electronics System: Gauges
Automotive Electronics System: Gauges
Consists of the speedometer indicating the vehicle speed, the odometer indicating the distance
travelled, and the trip meter, which can be reset 0 as desired.
Indicates the engine speed ion rpm (revolutions per minute).These usually have an
electromagnetic movement. The engine speed signals may come from an electronic pickup at the
ignition coil. Voltage pulses taken from the ignition system are processed by solid-state circuitry
into signals to drive the tachometer pointer. The pointer responds to the frequency of these
signals, which increase with engine speed. A filter is used to round off the pulses and remove
any spikes.
Late-model vehicles with an engine control system may control the tachometer through an
electronic module. This module is located on the rear of the instrument cluster printed circuit
board and is the interface between the computer and tachometer in the same way the solid-state
circuitry processes the ignition system-to-tachometer signals described earlier.
Voltmeter: Indicates the battery voltage or alternator out-put voltage.
Fuel gauge or warning lamp
All modern cars have a fuel level gauge. Some have an additional warning lamp or an LED to
indicate a low fuel level.
Current through the fuel gauge is provided by a variable resistor in the fuel tank. The tank
sending unit has a float that moves with the fuel level. As the resistance and falls, the resistance
of the sending unit changes. Low fuel level indicator is used, its switch will operate through a
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heater or bimetallic to prevent flicker. Fuel level warning lamps are operated by the action of the
fuel gauge pointer, as explained for an oil pressure gauge.
Light display for level-over indication and for electrical parts functioning and abnormality
indication generally consists of the following lights:
Discharge warning light: Indicates that the charging system is not functioning normally.
High beam indicator: Indicates that the headlights are on high beam.
Turn signal indicators: Indicate that the right or left turn signal lights are flashing
Adigrat university mechanical and Technology department of mechanical engineering (vehicle stream)
Low Fuel level warning light: Indicates that the parking brake is applied or brake fluid is
Open door warning light: Indicates that a door is not fully closed.
Turbo boost indicators
Most turbocharged engines have visual or audible indicators to inform the driver about turbo
boost levels. At low manifold pressure when the turbocharger starts to operate, a set of contacts
in the turbo pressure switch turns on the boost indicator lamp to indicate that the turbocharger is
functioning. If manifold pressure reaches approximately 8 psi (55 kPa), a second set of contacts
in the switch close while the first set opens. This turns off the boost indicator lamp and turns on
the over boost buzzer and alarm indicator lamp. A high engine oil temperature warning indicator
system is incorporated with the boost warning system. If this condition occurs during turbo
charging, the oil temperature warning lamp also will flash.
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Adigrat university mechanical and Technology department of mechanical engineering (vehicle stream)
Cooling fan motors are small, high-torque units with permanent ceramic magnets for poles. Like
relays, they are not serviceable, but are replaced if defective.
Adigrat university mechanical and Technology department of mechanical engineering (vehicle stream)
The amount of current flow through the electromagnet’s coil determines the electromagnet’s
field strength, and therefore the amount of pointer movement.
A 3-coil movement depends upon the field interaction of three electromagnets and the total
field’s effect on a moveable permanent magnet. The three coils are connected in series from the
ignition switch to ground. A fixed resistor forms a circuit branch parallel to the minimum-
reading coil. The variable-resistance sending unit forms a circuit branch to ground, parallel to the
bucking and minimum-reading coils.
When sending resistance is high, current flows through all three coils to ground. Because the
magnetic fields of the minimum-reading and the bucking coils cancel each other, the maximum-
reading coil’s field has the strongest effect on the permanent magnet and pointer. The pointer
moves to the maximum-reading end of the gauge scale.
As sending unit resistance decreases, more current flows through the minimum-reading coil and
the sending unit to ground than flows through the bucking and maximum-reading coils. The
minimum-reading coil gains a stronger effect upon the permanent magnet and pointer, and the
pointer moves to the minimum-reading end of the gauge scale.
Air Core Gauge: A gauge design in which there is no magnetic core. A field created by the
sending unit resistance moves a pivoting permanent magnet.
Instrument voltage regulator
Except for the air core electromagnetic design, gauges require a continuous, controlled amount
of voltage. This is usually either the system voltage of 12 volts or a regulated 5 to 6 volts.
Regulated voltage is supplied by an instrument voltage regulator (IVR). The IVR can be a
separate component that looks much like a circuit breaker, or it can be built into one gauge. Its
bimetallic strip and vibrating points, act like a self-setting circuit breaker to keep the gauge
voltage at a specific level. Gauges that operate on limited voltage can be damaged or give
inaccurate readings if exposed to full system voltage.
Ground sensor
A ground sensor is the opposite of a ground switch. Here, the warning lamp remains unlit as long
as the sensor is grounded. When conditions change and the sensor is no longer grounded, the
bulb lights. Solid-state circuitry generally is used in this type of circuit.
Adigrat university mechanical and Technology department of mechanical engineering (vehicle stream)
Electronic displays are used in electronic instrument clusters and other electronic readout
devices. Unlike electromechanical instruments they do not require a digital-to-analog
conversion; they’re compatible with the digital signals, from a computer. The major types of
displays that are used with electronic instruments are described in the following.
Light-emitting diode (LED)
The light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor diode that transmits light when electrical
current is passed through it. An LED display is composed of small dotted segments arranged to
form numbers and letters when selected segments are turned on. The LED is usually red, yellow,
or green. LED’s have two major drawbacks:
1. While easily seen in the dark, they are difficult to read in direct sunlight.
2. They consume considerable power relative to their brightness.
Liquid crystal display (LCD)
The liquid crystal display (LCD) uses sandwiches of special glass containing electrodes and
polarized fluid to display numbers and characters. Light cannot pass through the polarized fluid
until voltage is applied. The display is very dense, however, and the various special filters used
to provide colors create even more density. For this reason, halogen lights are generally placed
behind the display. Although LCD’s perform slowly in cold ambient temperatures, require
proper alignment, and are very delicate, they have two big advantages:
1. They consume very little power relative to their brightness.
2. They can be driven by a microprocessor through an interfacing output circuit.
Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD)
This is the most commonly used display for automotive electronic instruments, primarily
because of its durability and bright display qualities. The vacuum fluorescent display (VFD)
generates light similar to a television picture tube, with free electrons from a heated filament
striking phosphor material that emits a blue-green light.
The anode segments are coated with a fluorescent material such as phosphorous. The filament is
resistance wire, heated by electrical current flow. The filament coating produces the free
electrons, which are accelerated by the electric field generated by the voltage on the accelerating
grid. High voltage is applied only to the anode of those segments required to form the characters
to be displayed. Since the anode is at a higher voltage than the fine wire mesh grid, the electrons
pass through the grid. The phosphors on the segment anodes impressed with high voltage glows
Adigrat university mechanical and Technology department of mechanical engineering (vehicle stream)
very brightly when struck by electrons; those receiving no voltage do not glow. The instrument
computer determines the segments necessary to emit light for any given message and applies the
correct sequences of voltage at the anodes.
VFD displays are extremely bright, and their intensity must be controlled for night viewing. This
can be done by varying the voltage on the accelerating grid: the higher the voltage, the brighter
the display. Intensity can also be controlled by pulse width dimming, or turning the display on
and off very rapidly while controlling the duration of on-time. This is similar to the pulse-width
modulation of a carburettor mixture control solenoid or a fuel injector. The on-off action occurs
so rapidly that it cannot be detected by the human eye.