Index: Index Terms Links A
Index: Index Terms Links A
Index: Index Terms Links A
Damage due to 330
England, Ireland 255
inhalation 258 259 270 274
ACGIH (Aerosol Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists) 261
ACMI (American Can Makers Institute) 40 57 60 61
Actuators 150
brush fitment 15
design 150
for ferrule valve 175
specialty 179
two-piece 179
VariSeal 177
Adolph Gottscho Inc. 390
Advanced Extrusions, Ltd. 75
Aeroclo Div. 156 531
Aerofill Ltd. 382 383 385 399 407
Aeropres Corp. 337 341 350 351
Aerosect aerosol 62
Aerosol Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 261
Aerosol sniffing 540
abuse 255 258 259 270 274
(see also Abuse – inhalation)
Aerosol advantages 45 136
Aerosol Research Ltd. 149
Aerosol Service, A.G. 89 106 107 396
Aervalv, S.A. 150
Air fresheners 30 36 255
in hair spray formulations 324
642 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index terms Links
Antiperspirants 20 36 507
filling 374 376 390
formulation 23 24
propellents for 307
toxicology 253 273 278
transfer efficiency 335
Apache Can Div. 48 49 60 70 71
Apachecan 70 71
Aquamist 177
Aquasol 177 178
ARC Div. of Ethyl Corp. 149 169
flammability regulations 211
Atmospheric chemistry 310
flammability regulations 209
Automotive aerosols 12 306
Autoproducts, Inc. 379 404
Avoset Corp. 32 149 172
AyPak Machinery, Inc. 399
BAMA (British Aerosol Mfg. Assn.) 207 224 289 290 292
Barex resin 138
Beard, Walter C. 100 200
Ben venue Laboratories 371
Blending propellents, costs 307
Blow molding 137
Bomb, Bug 306
Boston rounds 202
glass aerosols 116 123
Boxal Div. 76 77 83 84 92
96 109 110
(see also Alusuisse Metals, Inc.)
Boyle Midway Div. 28 33
Bridgeport Brass Co. 48 151
British Aerosol Manufacturers Association (BAMA) 207 224 289 290 292
Brockway Glass Co. 112
Bromochlorofluorocarbon propellents 334
Budzilek, Edmund 111 118 119 300 304
of cans 49 53 54 55 97
of plastic coated glass aerosols 118 119 120
Busse Bros., Inc. 388
Butane propellents 371
CAA (Clean Air Act) 319 531
Can cleaners 389
Can Makers Institute (CMI) 40 57 60 61
CFC regulations 317
DME in 355
flammability regulations 210
hydrocarbon use 335
methylene chloride use 369
regulations 101 210 253 317 544
Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Assn, (CCTFA) 210
Cans, aluminum 75
bursting of 49 53 54 55 97
capacity 61 82
compartmented 101
crimping 57 286
decomposition 327
design 63 87 93
dimensions 58 60 61 63
diameter 289
drop test 54
end unit construction 55
fabrication techniques 62
filling speed 380
aluminum cans 89
controlled with neutralizer 18
Cosmetic Toiletries & Fragrances Assn. (CTFA) 267 269 440 478
Cosmetics 509
CGMP for 478
filling 374
methylene chloride in 369
estimating aerosol production 44
of equipment 373
pricing aerosol product 11
Coster Aerosols Ltd. 383 388 399
Cover caps 183
actuator 184
aluminum 193
child resistant 195 196 256 521
custom 193 198
decorating 198
dimensions 187 190
functions 183
identification chart 187
lift-up cap 186
plastics for 192
rim snap cap 185
slotted 185
snap lock cap 185 192
Cozzoli Machine Co. 374 391
CPC International 33 34
CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 98 201 254 259 534
Crimpers 395
Crimping 281
cans 57
collet 297
efficiency 423
glass aerosols 132 299
magnification of curl 284
Crimping (Continued)
plastic coated glass aerosols 132
specifications 286
with CO2 formulas 365
Cress Report on ozone 312
Crown Cork & Seal Co. 47 48 60 66 69
70 71 72 74 95
107 281
CSMA (Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Assn.) 61 186 287 343
Aerosol Guide 62 118 211 220 221
225 230 304 438
Can Disposal Committee 252
Flame Projection Test 211
Flammability Committee 200 206 224 227
Material Safety Data Sheets 262
CTFA (Cosmetic Toiletries & Fragrances Assn.) 267 269 440 478
Cunningham Co., M.E. 390
Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) 249 439 478 508
Currie Machinery Co. 384 407
Customer dissatisfaction 10
Cylinder rounds 123
d-Con Co. 28 29 93
caps 198
glass aerosols 111 113 116 124 135
lithography 94
plastic 142
plastic coated glass aerosols 114 116 118 135
silk screening on cans 87 95
silk screening on glass aerosols 112 116 130 135
Deodorants 515
flammability test results 213
valves for 180
(see also Antiperspirants)
cans 63 87 93
Dewey & Almy, Div. of W.R. Grace & Co. 56 154 293 306
Dial-A-Spray 177
Digital Blending Systems, Inc. 378
cans 58 60 61 63
covercaps 187 190
Dimethyl ether propellents (DME) 355
flammability of 359
glass aerosols 121
hair sprays 19
paint 30
toxicology of 357
use instead of P152a 332
Dip tube 167
lengths 181
swelling 167
tester 454
Disposal of aerosols
devices for 251
plastic aerosols 148
safety of containers 249
Diversified Chemicals & Propellents Co. 337 350 352
DME propelents (see Dimethyl ether propellents)
Dow Chemical Co. 91
Drackett Industrial Products Div. 29 74
Drop Testing
cans 54
glass aerosols 126 127
plastic coated glass aerosols 129
filling 374 377
du Pont de Nemours, I.E. 19 47 154 268 306
319 357
EEC (European Economic Community) 62 77 82
Elgin Packaging Machinery Corp. 104
Emson Research Inc. 75 92 149 175 176
aerosol deodorant market 22
aerosol market 39
aerosol poisoning 255
aerosol user survey 255
can capacity 61
Gillette packaging 41
home insulation products 31
regulations of cans 52
six-pack packaging 43
Enviro-Spray Systems, Inc. 109
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 256 310 320 332 511
523 527
precautionary statements 513
regulation CFC use 317 318
Equipment 373
cost 373 384 391 402 403
406 407
laboratory 420 421 434
plant layout 375 379
Ertel Engineering Co. 390
Ethers, as propellents 306 354
Ethylene glycol 371
Ethylene oxide 371
can capacity 61
cans 48
capacity testing 130
cover caps 198
crimp measurements 292 294
dimensions 61
DME in 355
filling cans 62
Europe (Continued)
filling lines 376
flammability definition 226
flammability regulations 204
flammability test results 208
gasket use 156 157
hydrocarbon propellents 117
market 38 39
plastic coated glass aerosols 124
propellent use 335 336
regulations 117 130 204 317 541
regulations on CFC 317
regulations of glass aerosols 117
transportation 542
European Economic Community (EEC) 62 77 82
Exxel 110
Factory Mutual 239 248
Fair Packaging & Labeling Act (FPLA) 510
FDA (Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act) 505
FEA (Federation of European Aerosol Assn.) 59 61 62 77 86
205 207
Federal Environmental Pest Control Act (FEPCA) 529
Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) 201 221 240 254 532
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide & Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 202 272 279 511 522
525 530
Federation of European Aerosol Assn. (FEA) 59 61 62 77 86
205 207
Feminine hygiene sprays 38 75
FEPCA (Federal Environmental Pest Control Act) 529
Ferule valves 193 194
FHSA (Federal Hazardous Substances Act) 201 221 240 254 532
FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide & Rodenticide Act) 202 272 279 511 522
525 530
Filler Machine Co. 392
aluminum cans 380 387 390
aluminum tubes 131
antiperspirants 374 376
chlorofluorocarbons 306
colognes 381
cosmetics 374
drugs 374 377
food products 373 377 392
frypan release sprays 376
glass aerosols 131 132 380
hair sprays 376
insecticides 376
liquid concentrate 391
paints 374 376 404
plastic coated glass aerosols 131 132
powder 390
shaving creams 385
speed of 380
whipped creams 373 385 404
Filling lines, European 376
Fire extinguisher aerosols 370
Fischer & Proter Co. 378
Flame Projection Test 211 216
glass aerosols 121 122
with DME formulas 359
Flame Propagation Test 200 208
Flame testing equipment 421
DME 359
electrostatic hazards 227
foam 225
plant layout 378
plastic aerosols 148
sprinkler protection 375
surface 223
Flammability (Continued)
testing 121 122 200 208 209
221 421 476
Flash Point determination 464
Fleetwood Systems, Inc. 389
FLIP system 108
Flit 63
Flo-Master 102
Fluorocarbon propellents 323
charcoal product 225
flammability test 225
stabilizers 14
sunscreen 225
Fogger, indoor 331
Food aerosols 6 32 36 254
CO2 for 365
compressed gases 362
equipment 373 377 392
frypan release sprays 376
handling of 530
pancake batter products 6
whipped creams 307 373 385 404
Food Drug & Cosmetic Act (FDA) 505
Formulation 44 131
antiperspirants 23 24
cologne 26
confidential statement of formula 516
product reformulation 246
shaving creams 14 417
skin care products 26
Foxboro Corp. 307 378 398
FPLA (Fair Packaging & Labeling Act) 510
insecticides 27
Freon 306
GAF 19 20
Gaskets 531
cut gaskets 156
DME effect on 356
flowed in 153 288 293
flowed in, analysis 477
leakage 157 286
methylene chloride effect on 369
neoprene 163
nomenclature of elastomers 162
solvent effect 300 301
stem 163
swell 160
thickness 288 295
use in Europe 156 157
weight loss chart 430
Gassers 397
safety of 401
chlorofluorocarbons 306
CO2 propellents 367 401 404
glass aerosols 134
N2 propellents 403 404
N2O propellents 367 401 404
Sepro cans 403
Gassing room 237
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs & Trades Section) 82
Gauges 286 289 293 294 297
A-D dimensions 453
can bead 453
cover cap fitment 186 191
Gauges (Continued)
crimp 451 452
double seam height 453
for baseweight of metal 450
for height weight of valve cup 450
micrometer for G dimension 450
stem height tester 450
testing 65
Gel shaving creams 14
(see also shaving creams)
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trades Section (GATT) 82
Gibson girl 96
Gillette Co. 23 41
Glass Aerosols
amber 113
Boston rounds 116 123
bursting of 118 119 120 126
capacity testing 130
compounding concentrate 131
crimping 132 229 304
decoration 111 116 124 135
designs 116 122 123 124 125
drop testing 126 127
filling 131 132 380
finishes for 114
hot-tanking 134
inspection of 113
labeling of 135
perfumes 111 112 114 123 132
Pharmaceuticals 112
pressure considerations 116
private molds 124
production line 131
regulations 118 121 131 134
safety of 118 119 120 212 122
124 128
Haase, Franklin 297
Hafel, Dr. Hroar 47
Hair sprays 16 36 323 507
alcohol in 324
DME in 19
filling 376
flammability 207 213 217
formulations 18 19
market profile 17
marketing 255 256
methylene chloride in 369 370
product test 432
propellents 18 308 324
toxicology 261 271
user survey 255 256
valves for 180
Halon 334
Haumiller Engineering U.S.A. Inc. 406
Heekin Can Div. 48 59 69 70
Herbert Products, Inc. 391
Hercules Inc. 393
High speed filling
of plastics 138
Hi-Pac Co. 93
Holophane Div., Johns-Manville Inc. 406
IATA (International Air Transport Assn.) 205 542
IMCO (Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 205 209
Impact Container Corp. 75
Industries Ltd., D.H. 380 388 392
Industrial Hydrocarbons Inc. 337
Inhalation of aerosols 258 540
atntiasthmatics 270
consequences 270
methylene chloride 368
tests of propellents 330
toxicology 258 268 278
Inhibitors 325 327
Injection of gases 367
Insect repellents 29
Insecticides 27 36
filling 376
Flame Projection Test results 219
formula 431
Insecticides (Continued)
methylene chloride in 369
propellents 28
share of market 40
toxicology 273
wasp spray 365
weight loss of product 430
chemicals 459
finished aerosols 475 476
labels 455 456
overcaps 456 457
shipping containers 456
valve cups 453
valves 454
Insta-Foam Products, Inc. 31
Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) 205 209
International Air Transport Assn. (IATA) 205 542
ISO (International Standards Organization) 82
Isobutane 307 347
Isopentane 307 348
insecticides 27
J.G. Machine Works, Inc. 382 391 396
antistatic product 37
capacity testing 130
CFC, glass aerosols 117
CFC, production 37 117
Closed Drum Test 227
colognes 25
deodorant market 23
DME 355
filling 62
flammable aerosol classifications 205
Japan (Continued)
flammability regulations 203
hair spray market 16 17
market of aerosols 16 17 23 39
paint 30
perfumes 25
regulations 53 84 203 317
refillable aerosol 177
Johnson & Johnson Inc. 74
Johnson & Son, S.C. 28 29 200
Kartridg Pak Co. 104 105 283 300 307
367 382 383 393 395
396 397 399
filling 307
flammability precaution 232
Keene Corp. 378
Kervil, N.V., S.A. 109
Kiwi Coder Corp. 389 405
Knight Engineering & Molding Co. 196
Labeling 527 528
cans 57 89 90
claims 510
color selection 43 44
CPSC labeling program 534
FIFRA requirements 522
filling line speed 380 381
glass aerosols 135
hot-tanks 405
new product 9 43
pesticides requirements 512
plastic bottles 142
plastic coated glass aerosols 116 135
retainer samples 484
Labeling (Continued)
technical data 517
toxicity categories 513
warnings 201 209
equipment 420 421 434
layout 419
techniques 422
Laundry aids 30 36
Layout 375 379 419
Lead, bioaccumulation 259
Leakage 72 83 100 160 161
282 285 296 298 301
crimp 365
hot-tanks 405
methylene chloride 369
testing 158
Lechner, S.A., R. 84
Lehn & Fink Products Corp. 384
LeMay Machine Co. 367
Lessenich, Dr. Werner 205
Linings, cans 63 75 87
Lithography 94
Mace 28
cologne and perfume 112
European 38 39
tinplate aerosols 48
Market place 41
air freshener survey 255
color in packaging 44
hair spray 17 255 256
packagers check list 42
packaging considerations 42
Marketing (Continued)
product introduction 7
strategies 13
Mateer-Burt Co. 390
Measurement 286
can bead 291
can dome 289
crimp depth 291
crimp diameter 281 299
finished crimp 301
G-dimension 282
gasket thickness 295
valve cup 298
Metabolism, of aerosol chemicals 259
Metal Box Ltd. 48 72 75 88 89
90 149 163 185 193
Metal Goods Manufacturing Co. 48
Metered valve 175
Methyl bromide propellents 371
Methylene chloride propellents 368
Metramatic Corp. 394
Microcompack system 106
Midgley, Thomas 306
MIL-STD-1050 447
sampling table 448
Mine Safety Appliances Co. 398
Mira-Flo 101 109
Mira-Spra 101
Mounting Cup 151
MRM/Elgin Packaging Machinery Corp. 393
N2 propellents, (see Nitrogen propellents)
N2O propellents, (see Nitrous oxide, propellents)
Nalbach Inc., John R. 382 389 392 398
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA) 262 535
Odd Nitrogen Process 311 312
Oden Corp. 409
OPET 139
decoration 141
Open Drum Test 200 208
Oral Applicator 178 179
Organosol 65 87
dome lining 18
variables 67 87
OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Act) 262 535
Pacific Packaging Machinery Co. 393
shrink wrapping 41
six-pack trays 43
Paints 29 30 36
filling 374 376 404 405
hydrocarbon propellents for 338
Paint remover
toxicology 261
Patent indemnity 547 549
Pearl Container Co. 83
Peerasol 14 75 84 89 91
Peerless Tube Co. 75 83 84
Perfumes 24 36
aluminum tubes 112
filling 132
glass aerosols 111 112 114 123 132
market 112
propellents 328
pump sprays 112 136
(see also colognes)
Perry Industries Inc. 391
PERT diagram 3 7 9 523
toxicology 257 272
Peterson, Harry E. 47 48 325
Peterson/Puritan Inc. 401
First Aid cut spray formula 415
glass aerosols 112
(see also Drugs, Toothpaste)
Phillips Chemical Co. 306 337 339 350 352
Plant Industries, Inc. 110
decoration 142
fabrication 142
for aerosol bottles 142
identification table 148
impact resistance 144
permeation 145
properties 142
safety 145
trays 41 43
Plastic bottles
crimping 299 304
for chemical specialties 12
future 148
labeling 142
production of retail packages 6
Plastic coated glass aerosols
advantages 114
Boston rounds 123
bursting of 118
crimping 132
cylinder rounds 123
decoration 114 116 135
designs 123
Drop Test 129
hot-tanking 134
labeling 135
limitations 114
manufacture 112
Plastisol 115 134
poly vinyl chloride 112 115
Propellents (Continued)
bromochlorofluorocarbons 334
butanes 371
carbon dioxide 34 361 373 401
chlorofluorocarbons 35 37 117 121 134
373 381 396 397 323
classification 305
colognes 25 328
commercial properties table 321
conversion costs 320
definition 305
dimethyl ether 355
ethers 306 354
fluorocarbons 323
hair sprays 18 308
halon 334 335
hydrocarbons 112 115 117 121 134
236 329 335 344 373
insecticides 28
loss of 282 378
methylene chloride 368
nitrogen 361
nitrous oxide 361
P-152a 330 331
perfumes 25 328
pressure vs. temperature 328
selection for aerosols 14 36
Pump sprays fragrance products 112 136
Purse-size container 177
RCRA (Resource Conservation & Recovery Act) 531
Reed Tester 118 302
Refillable aerosol 177
Argentina 211
Australia 209
Canada 101 210 253 317 544
Cans 52 62 69 70 191
Chlorofluorocarbons 317
CPSC 254
EPA 256
Europe 117 130 204 541
FHSA 254
FIFRA 272 279
glass aerosols 118 131 134
Japan 53 84 203 317
hot-tanks 405
P-11 in antiperspirants 307
state 539
South America 484
toxicology 253 269 270 272 279
UN Certification marking 208
weights and measures 540
Resins 19
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 531
Reyner, Dr. Ellis 109
Risdon Manufacturing Co. 92 149 175 196 197
200 306
Roth, Dr. 208
Rotheim, Eric 47 92 306 355
Rousseau, Roy 286
Rowland and Molina 36 308 309 313 317
321 335
Safety 253
cans 97
gassers 401
hot-tanking 405
Material Safety Data Sheets 262
Safety (Continued)
plastic 145
Product Safety Warranty 545
safe handling 234
safety guidelines 269
Sampling, statistical 444
Schering-Plough Corp. 387
Schumacler, Th & H 109
Seaquist Valve Co. 149 169 170 172 174
176 177 179 180
child resistant cap 196
Security aerosols 12
Seam height 164
SEFEL (Society for European Container Standards) 59 61
Selvac dispenser 110
Selvac Div., Plant Industries Inc. 110
Sepro-cans 74 102 107 108
crimping dimensions 304
Foam Flammability Test 225
food aerosols 34
gassing 403
shaving cream 15
Sewell Plastics Co. 140
Sexton Can Co. 74
Seymore of Sycamore, Inc. 30
Shaving creams 12 13 36
chlorofluorocarbons 306
customer complaints 12
filling 385
formulation 14 417
gel 14
hot foam 14
propellents for 306 307
Sepro can 15
women's 14
Sherwin-Williams Co. 48
Shield Chemical Co. 48
Summit valve
in Flame Projection Test 218
Sunbeam Plastics Inc. 549
Super Whip Valve 164 170 172
Surfatest, Inc. 65
Syscon Corp. 409
Tagliabue Open Cup Test 221 464
Tanks 405
leakers 405
regulations 405
safety of 405
Taylor Ltd., Div., Samuel 397
Terco, Inc. 105 380 383 389 393
396 397 399 403
Tests, testing
Ames Test 275 279 330 370
can linings 66
Canadian Flame Tester 209
Closed Drum Test 121 122 200 203 208
220 331
composite flammability 226
Drop Testing 54 126
Flame Extension Test 209
Flame Projection Test 121 122 211 216 359
Flame Propagation Test 200 208
Flammable Field Diameter 121
foam flammability 225
furniture polish 432
glass aerosols 124
hair spray 432
leakage 158
Open Drum Test 200 208
product use 431
safety guidelines 269
spray starch 432
precautions against ignition 231
table 228
TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) 257 279 504 530
Tube Manifold Corp. 48 92
Tubettificio Ligure S.p.A 84
Union Carbide Corp. 138 139
U.S. Bottlers Machinery Co. 392
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 539
U-t-C gassing 57 91 104 105 109
285 300
Valois, S.A. 110 149
action diagram 171
body 165
female valve 172 174
ferrule type 174
inserters 394
model CL 166
nomenclature 438
one shot 176 177
polyethylene adapter 32
Poly-cell 32
spring 166
stem 164
suggested for products 181
toggle action 170
vertical action 150
vapor 365
VariSeal actuator 177
Victor Industries Corp. 75
Virjune Manufacturing Cp. 75 83 84 92
Viton 369
Warehouses 375
fire involving aerosols 242
flammability in 234
international storage 248
storage of aerosols 239 285
(see also Storage)
Wasp spray 365
(see also Insecticides)
Weight loss 431
Wheaton Aerosol Co. 26 111 112 115 118
121 138 145 202
SAF Process 123
Whipped creams
filling 373 385 404
propellents for 307 328 329
(see also Food aerosols)
White Metal Manufacturing Co., Div. of Wheeling Stamping Co. 75
White's propellent 307
WHO (World Health Organization)
toxicology 267
chlorofluorocarbon production 318
consumption 35
production by country 38 39
storage of aerosols 248
X-r chart 469
Zytel 146