Developing A Framework For Low-Volume Road Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements
Developing A Framework For Low-Volume Road Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements
Developing A Framework For Low-Volume Road Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements
1 · 2015 – pages 77 – 92 77
McLeod Professor in Sustainable Pavement Engineering Director, Centre for Pavement and
Transportation Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of
Waterloo 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 [email protected]
Pervious concrete pavement is one of the promising pavement technologies, as it can help
overcome traditional pavement environmental impacts, assist with stormwater management, and
provide an effective low impact development solution. There are many benefits associated with
pervious concrete pavement such as assisting with water filtration, absorbing heavy metals and
reducing pollution. The most significant aspect, which draws the attention of environmental
agencies and cities and municipalities, is its ability to reduce storm water runoff. Pervious
concrete is documented as the paramount solution in storm water management by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency. Though it has been used in the southern United States
for years, the practice of using pervious concrete is more recent in northern climates where freeze
thaw is observed. In Canada, several pervious concrete parking lots have been constructed over
the past few years. However barriers exist for implementing the technology, as designers are not
always fully informed on the various functional and structural design considerations. In this
paper, a framework is developed to identify how pervious concrete can be integrated into low-
volume infrastructure. This paper also summarizes the structural performance and drainage
characteristics of pervious concrete parking lots constructed in various provinces of Canada,
demonstrating the viability of pervious concrete for low-volume northern applications.
Pervious concrete pavement is a technology that provides a sustainable, and ecological
pavement alternative. The porous nature of the material allows rainwater to percolate
directly through the pavement structure and join the natural ground water system,
mitigating traditional pavement impacts on natural hydrological cycles and removing
the needs for other stormwater management systems. Pervious concrete also provides
other benefits such as water filtration [1, 2], heat and noise control [3–5], and heavy
metal removal from stormwater runoff [6].
Pervious concrete mixes typically contain single-sized aggregate with locally
optimized levels of cementitious binder and water to provide a structure with at least 15%
voids [7]. The amount of fine aggregate is limited and optimized to increase the strength
while maintaining the required void content to facilitate drainage. This resulting pervious
concrete layer is constructed on a clear stone base, which acts as a reservoir layer to store
water during infiltrate to the existing subgrade soil. The thickness of the reservoir layer
depends upon the characteristics of underlying subgrade soil; a subgrade with a low
percolation rate would require a thicker reservoir to maintain a good precipitation rate.
The porous structure of pervious concrete results in lower compressive strength of the
material compared to conventional concrete. As a result, pervious concrete is an ideal
material for usage in residential streets, walkways, driveways, highway shoulders, and
parking lots [3] but not highways or roads with frequent heavy trucks. Literature suggests
that roads with Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) of 400 or less are considered as
low volume roads [8]. But for high traffic volume roads there is no national or American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) definition. One of
the reasons behind this is as it is a local issue; it varies from agency to agency and depends
also on the area of construction. In this paper, roads are classified in four groups:
• Low Volume Road (AADT ≤ 400) [8]
• Moderate Volume Road (400<AADT ≤ 3,000) [9]
• High Volume Road (3,000<AADT ≤ 5,000)
• Very High Volume Road (AADT ≥ 5,000) [10]
Pervious concrete has been used in parts of Europe and warm climates in the United
States for several years but its use in the Northern severe cold climates, such as Canada,
has been limited [11]. This extreme cold climate presents an extra challenge for
pervious concrete and the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology, at the
University of Waterloo, has constructed and monitored several pervious concrete
parking lots across Canada in order to characterize the performance of pervious
concrete in cold climates. These sites have demonstrated that pervious concrete is able
to withstand low-volume traffic [12, 13]. From these results, a framework is developed
for designers to understand where they can apply pervious concrete in their
infrastructure and the design process they need to follow.
1.1. Objectives
This paper will present a framework for how to implement pervious concrete into
pavement infrastructure in northern regions; given the known performance of pervious
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology · vol. 4 · no. 1 · 2015 79
3.5. Economic
Pervious concrete pavement is a cost effective sustainable pavement technology. With
this pavement, the requirement of stormwater retention ponds or infrastructure such as
pipe network can be eliminated. So it cuts the expenses [16,17]. It also reduces property
space as well as probability of flooding [17]. The infiltrated water through pervious
concrete can be transferred to surrounding gardens and lawns to provide natural
moisture and thus can be used in water harvesting system. It limits the expense of
watering as well as water demand [16].
Structural Design
Site Location Construction Approx. PC CS S CTB
Year Area (m2) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 Georgetown, ON 2007 630 300 600 – –
2 Campbellville, ON 2007 1800 240 100 200 –
3 Maple Ridge, BC 2008 100 250 200 – –
4 Barrie, ON 2008 500 200 300 – –
5 Montreal, QC 2009 108 200 – – 200
6 Carlisle, ON 2011 4000 150 – – 150
*PC represents pervious concrete, CS represents clear stone, S represents stone, and CTB
represents cement treated base
Surface distress evaluations were also performed on all of the sites in order to
visually inspect the structural performance of the pervious concrete. The information
from this for all sites is summarized in Table 4.
Permeability is an important performance characteristic of pervious concrete
pavements because without high levels of permeability, the ecological benefits of
allowing the pavement structure to act as a natural reservoir are lost. The permeability
of Sites 1 through 5 were determined using permeability measuring device (Gilson
Permeameter) over up to 4 years are plotted in Figure 2 and demonstrate the longevity
of permeability in unmaintained pervious concrete.
82 Developing A Framework for Low-Volume Road Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements
Table 2. Density and Void Results from the Field Sites, modified from [12, 20]
Table 3. Compressive and Flexural Strength Results from the Field Sites,
modified from [12, 20]
The maximum rainfall rate was determined from intensity duration frequency curves
from Environment Canada website for the area surrounding each field site [38]. The
maximum rainfall rate was similar for each of the five field sites and the highest was
selected, 0.0083 cm/sec. The permeability rate results were compared to a maximum
rainfall rate. If the permeability results were less than the maximum rainfall rate then
the permeability of the pavement was deemed to be inadequate.
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology · vol. 4 · no. 1 · 2015 83
Distress Types
Site # Age (yr) Ravelling, Joints Ravelling, Slab Cracking Aggregate Fracturing
1 2 M M – –
2 2 S S – –
3a/3b 1 – M S –
4a/4b/4c 1 S – – M
5a 0 – S – –
5b 0 VS VS S –
5c 0 S S S –
5d 0 – – – –
6 1 VS – VS –
6 2 S – VS –
6 3 M S S –
*VS: Very Slight, S: Slight, M: Moderate
4.2. Summary
These field sites demonstrate that pervious concrete is an effective option for the
structural design and stormwater management of low-volume infrastructure. The
minimal surface damage caused over time and the high maintained permeability show
that pervious concrete is very applicable to the design of low-volume infrastructure in
northern climates.
84 Developing A Framework for Low-Volume Road Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements
The proposed framework for pervious concrete implementation in infrastructure is
outlined in Figure 3 with descriptions of each step as follows
In traffic determination, the type and level of traffic should be determined according to
previous records and recent survey. In general, for low volume road (AADT ≤400), pervious
concrete can successfully perform as paths or roads, parking lots, parkways, walkways,
driveways, shoulders etc. For moderate volume road (400<AADT≤3000), pervious concrete
can be used in the local roads and shoulders. For high volume road (3000<AADT≤5000)
pervious concrete pavement can only be used on shoulders. For very high volume road
(AADT > 5000), pervious concrete is not applicable due to structural concerns.
5.4.2. Jointing
To control cracking, joints are included into pervious concrete pavement in the similar
manner as conventional concrete pavement. The typical joint spacing is twice as the
thickness of pavement in feet. For example: a six inch pavement would have a joint
space of 12 feet (6” × 2 = 12’). The maximum joint spacing can be 15 feet [34]. Another
study recommended joint spacing of 6m up to 13m, which has record of no uncontrolled
cracking [35].
Before paving starts, joint locations must be pre-marked. String line can be used for
this type of marking. Generally flanged roller or pizza cutters are used to form joints in
pervious concrete pavement [33]. All joints should be completed immediately after
screed and before curing.
88 Developing A Framework for Low-Volume Road Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements
5.4.3. Curing
Curing is one of the most decisive actions for pervious concrete pavement. “If it dries,
it dies”, this sentence is very much true in working with pervious concrete pavement. It
is recommended to execute curing as soon as possible behind the screed [34]. Typically
curing is done by covering the pervious concrete pavement by a 4mm to 6 mm thick
plastic sheet. It is recommended to start the curing (cover the pavement with plastic
sheet) within 20 minutes of placement from the truck [24].
The main objective of this paper is to develop a framework to use pervious concrete in
low volume road. Overall the state-of-the-art in northern climate pervious concrete field
testing has demonstrated that, with diligent design, pervious concrete can be an
effective tool available to pavement designers for low-volume applications. All the sites
presented in this paper were not under regular maintenance. From the permeability
measurement results it is found that permeability reduces with time, as can be expected
that without maintenance. With proper maintenance better performance can be
obtained. The lower strength and modulus of rupture of the materials do limit the
number of heavy vehicles that pervious concrete can withstand, though the slight to
moderate surface distresses noted in Table 4 show that it withstands low-volume traffic
and freeze-thaw cycling very well. Thus pervious concrete can be a potential alternative
for sustainable low volume roads and provide a dust free, smooth, cost effective, and
safe alternative to traditional pavements.
The authors would like to thank all of their partners in this ongoing project including
the Cement Association of Canada, and particularly Rico Fung, Ready Mixed Concrete
Association, Dufferin Concrete, Rempel Bros. Concrete, Ministry of Transportation of
Ontario, Lafarge Canada, Beton du Mobile Quebec, City of Hamilton, King Paving and
Materials Company, Inter-County Concrete, University of Waterloo, and the Centre for
Pavement and Transportation Technology.
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90 Developing A Framework for Low-Volume Road Implementation of Pervious Concrete Pavements
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Short Duration Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency Table and Graphs: