Huish 1900, Greek Terra-Cotta Statuettes

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GREEK TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES THEIR: ORIGIN, EVOLUTION, AND USES. BY MARCUS B. HUISH, LL.B. LATE EDITOR ‘‘ THE ART JOURNAL "” AUTHOR OF ‘JAPAN AND ITS ART"? ETC. “Exquisite and fragile marvels, on which the Genius of . expiring Greece amused itself.” LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1900. PREFACE HE first chapter to this volume i so essentially an intros duction and an apology, that the prefatory note which i ¢ be usually a combination of these may in the present inst confined to an acknowledgment of my indebtedness to many sources for much of my material, and of my thanks to the custodians of museums and o vners of collections for permission ions, without which my work would have to reproduce illustr: been altogether deficient in a y usefulness or interest it may claim to possess In the forefront of those to whom [am indebted 1 must phice M. Leon Heuzey, the Conservator of Oriental Antiquities the Louvre, for it was fi illustrated treatise upon the unriv, that [I comm am the sumptuously wed collection of Greek jcines under his charge need my study of Greck Terra He also sttats. allowed me to take from it any illustrations that [ needed. I would next thank M. I book, itself bascd on the work just referred to, | have taken {. Pottier, from whose popular hand- many ideas as to the structure and plin of this volume. For the chapter which deals with the statuettes of Tana vi PREFACE 1 derived much assistance from the handsome portfolio upon the Sabouroff Collection by Professor Furtwangler. With regard to the illustrations: H.R.H. the Princess of Wales graciously permitted me to reproduce as a frontispiece a beautiful statuette of Eros which is in her possession; Dr. A. S. Murray, Keeper of the Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum, was most courteous in furthering the reproduction of whatever I required in the Terra-cotta Room at that institution; Mr. C. H. Smith, the Assistant Keeper, also kindly allowed me to reproduce the cast of a very important statuette in his possession ; Sir T. D. Gibson-Carmichael and Mr. George Salting acceded to my requests to photograph their statucttes now exhibiting at the Victoria and Albert Museum ; and the late Mr. Constantine lonides also offered me the opportunity of selecting any in his fine collection. I have also to thank M. Homolle, the Director of the French School at Athens, who at once accorded me per- mission to reproduce illustrations from the Bulletin de Correspond- ance Hellénique, as well as M. Jules Comte as regards the Revue de l'Art. The publishers of Professor Furtwangler’s volume on the Sabouroff Collection accorded me a like permission. I am under obligations to M. Solomon Reinach (as also to his publishers, Messrs. Fointemoing) for permission to reproduce several of the illustrations in his monumental volume, La Necropole de Myrina, and for many facts connected with the important excavations which he conducted there; to Mr. John Murray for placing at my disposal the blocks of the archaic statuettes in Schliemann’s Mycene and Tiryns ; to my friend, M. Fernand Khnopff, who kindly made special notes for me of the collection of terra-cottas in the PREFACE vii Brussels Museum; to Mr. C. Diehl for information contained in his Excursions Archéologiques en Gréce; and to Mr. C. Holme, the Editor of Tze Studio, who has been so good as to assist me in attaining satisfactory results for my illustrations by permitting me to use a paper which is specially made for that admifably printed magazine. Lastly, I have to tender my best thanks to Mr. H. B. Walters, of the British Museum, for reading the proof sheets of my work and giving me the benefit of his thorough knowledge of the subject. All thosc interested in the Terra-cotta Room of the Museum will be glad to hear that Mr. Walters has recently been entrusted by the trustees with the compilation of an exhaustive and much-needed catalogue of its contents. I should have been glad to have included some plates illus- trating coloured statuettes, but no process that J have hitherto seen in any way does justice to them. MARCUS B. HUISH. New University Cus, Loxvos, October 1899. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 AN APOLOGY CHAPTER IL ‘THE EVOLUTION CF THE STATURTTR =. 0. . CHAP ER UT THE USES OF STATUETTE CHAPTER IV EGYPT AS THE OF THE GREEK STATUETTE © RTHPLAC cHar RY THE CLAIMS OF ASSVKIA, HARYLON, AND CHALDEA 100 RE THE, ORIGINATORS OF THE GREEK STATURITE 2 3H 38 THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE CONTENTS CHAPTER VI SHARE OF PHGNIGIA IN THE EVOLUTION OF THE GREEK STATUETTE, 2 we CHAPTER VIL STATUETTE IN THE ISLANDS OF THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN CHAPTER VIII STAIVETTE IN GREECE IN PRIMITIVE TIMES CHAPTER IX STATUETTE IN GREECE IN LATER TIMES . CHAPTER X GREEK STATUETTE IN ASIA MINOR « CHAPTER XI GREEK STATUETTE IN AFRICA, MACEDONIA, AND THE CRIMEA. CHAPTER XII GREEK STATUETTE IN SICILY AND ITALY. CHAPTER XIII 44 49 67 144 175 186 200 CONTENTS CHAPTER XIV TERRACOTTA MASKS. - sw CHAPTER XV NOTES IN ANCIENT LITERATURE CONCERNING STATUETTES CHAPTER XVI CQSTUME AS ILLUSTRATED BY TRE GREEK STATUETTE CHAPTER XVII THE FABRICATION OF THE GREEK STATUETTE, CHAPTER XVIII MODERN IMITATIONS OF GREEK STATUETTES - xt 203 215, 224 235 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FULL-PAGE, Enos Grove oF Hess Fon Srarurrtis Wixorn Henwarnnonire Beavty ax rite Beast Lavy wintt a Fax Fusewary Sraruerre Quavnica Scare Gopvess Anuexe. Frnaue Heaps. Avnnopires Vaniors Ancuate FeRewcorras * Bee. Horsewas 5 7 lest oF « Gonones Two.llonsisy Crantor A Goonies Basainaros ti: PevEstaLor a Srart Froese wert Dioswsiac WarArit. PLATES Minor Tanagra Exctria Ent Amrt opens Sadanis, Cyprus stelna, Cyprus Csprns, ete Tasnngon Gree, ation Corts Mantima Panagen HLRH. The Princess oF Wales | Fronttapio. To fact pose Author's Collection. 3 late Greau Collection 16 British Museum . «34 Author's Collection. 4s 7 o British Museum. 49 9 Author's Collection. 9 Louvre Muse % ‘Central Museum Athens. f late Gireau Collection. $0 late Hoffmann Collection #9 Tate Grean Collection 38 owvre Munem 6. gu Sabowrot Collection, 1 s nom oe Hrtsh Museum ape xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Pinte XXIV. Seavey Ficune oe ww OXXV. THe Orreninc ro Enos 5. oO XXVL Tue Prowemaoe 2s XXVIL. The Game or Ereoniswos XXVIII, Wonan wir A MAsx or SeiLenos . » XXIX, Tur Tate Graces XXX, Hytas amp a Naan 6. XXXL Apwmoorre 0. »XXXIL A Mounwen XXXII, Tue Orrenine XXXIV. The Dancers. : we OXXXV. Atm » XXXVI, Poseivox . ay XXXVIL Pt » XXXVIIL, Daneine Fiounes oy XXXIX, Eros. , xb. (ee, ano Pavene . eu WITH THE HAD oF Mousa Antena. ao » — XLL. Two Ficures or Awtemis »XLIL Aropire ano Enos XLII Dance Ficures 2. es »XLIV. Ganwrrure or Ficunes (Left portion) XLV. Ganwrrune of Ficunes (Right portion) + XLVL Erores » XLVI, Eros... XLVI Dionysos Ap AnsADNE. : 6 OXUX, Enos ee 5 LoNme. 2 ee e Lins. 2s LIL Urania, LIL, Tae Gace of Erwroniawos LIV. Vantous Busrs 7 5 es LV. Diapumenos 2. Corfu Intepe Myrina To face page ‘Author's Collection Tonides Collection late Greau Collection Ionides Collection British Museum Salting Collection, Yietoria and Albert } Salting Collect Victoria and ier} Meseum late Castellani Collect Sir, T., D._ Gibson. ‘Carmichael's + Col, Teetion, ictoriaand ‘Alber Museum Inte Spitzer Collection British Museum. Louvre Museum British Museum - Salting Collection } Victoria and Albert Museum Nests} Louvre Museum. Sabourof Collect ‘Sh Petersburg, late Greau Collection. National Mascom, ‘Athens +04 - a an soe 136 or 5 ss LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xv Rare or Ganvueoe Aw Appuction 5. Paeranariox rox rie Tosuerre Hanwooios 2... Inte Hoffmann Collection 172 Arunoorte ano THE Book. Louvre Museum. «176 Ame... Paul Perdrizet Collection 184 Fexaue Burs. co 6 TeRa. rita Maseum 188 AbaDe 8s Tarentum Tlaly

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