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Integrated Strategy Project - IBM

Allan Williams

May 5th, 2008

Word Count 7,035

0.1 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

0.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
0.2.1 Assignment Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1 Strategic Position Analysis 11

1.1 Strategic Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1.1 External Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1.2 Internal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1.3 IBM Stakeholder Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1.4 SWOT Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.1.5 EVR Congruence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.1.6 Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2 Analysis of Suitability, Feasibility, and Acceptability . . . . . . 22
1.2.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2 Business Transformation 23
2.1 Mobilizing for Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1.1 Communicating the Change Process . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1.2 Leadership and Change Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 Translating Strategy Into Objectives and Initiatives . . . . . . 33
2.2.1 Process of Implementing Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.2 Gap Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2.3 Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2.4 Customer Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2.5 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2.6 Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3 The Change Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.1 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.2 Power Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.3 Organizational Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.4 Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3.5 Routines and Rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


2.3.6 Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3.7 New Paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.4 Align the Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4.1 Social Cohesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4.2 Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4.3 Monitoring and Evaluating the Change Process . . . . 43
2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.6 Personal Development Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
.1 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
.1.1 PESTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
.1.2 Porter’s Five Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
.1.3 McKinsey 7S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
.1.4 Market Share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
.1.5 IBM’s Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

0.1 Executive Summary

No matter how dismal the US economy may currently be, these are heady
times for IBM. Record profits were announced for 2007, with IBM reporting
$10.4 billion USD on revenues of $98.8 billion. $21 billion were returned
to shareholders through stock buybacks and dividends, and a further $12.2
billion invested into acquisitions and capital expenditures. Unprofitable busi-
nesses were sold off or divested, new markets entered, allowing IBM to enjoy
a 42.3% gross margin on revenue.
Despite these splendid results, IBM knows full well that it must con-
tinuously put new offerings in the product lifecycle; rivals are all too keen
to emulate or undercut IBM’s line of products and services. IBM has long
abandoned the traditional practice of customer lock-in, where customers are
forced to use IBM products once they enter an IBM contract1 . IBM fully sup-
ports any software platform on any hardware system, allowing customers low
entrance and exit barriers. IBM relies on one asset that provides the high-
est value (and margins) – its consultants, contractors, and experts provided
to customers to solve their most difficult technical and business problems.
To meet client demands, IBM employees are dispersed through the world to
be close to their customers, taking full advantage of ‘virtualization’, or an
officeless, ‘always on’ working style.
IBM in many ways pioneered the current trend of virtualization, already
having eliminated offices for employees and vacated entire buildings, such as
the the famous address of 550 Madison Avenue in New York City. Employ-
ees are equipped with laptops that are their offices; they can connect and
work anywhere, from home, client sites, airports, foreign cities, and any con-
ceivable location with an Internet connection of some kind. Employees are
‘always on’, working a nominal 40 hours per week, but reachable at any time.
IBM employees are also isolated, working as individuals, at their own discre-
tion of what the company’s future holds and what skills and developments
they will undertake. IBM employees must regain a common vision, purpose,
camaraderie, and form a learning network that has disappeared with their
cubicles and offices.
Many of the components for this transformation is already in place;
knowledge management systems are plentiful, social networks are readily
used, reward mechanisms used, and education well established. What is
missing is an architecture for implementing the new strategy of team-based
learning, customer engagement, and market advantage. The new architec-
ture has its components of high-level objectives mapped to critical success
Gerstner, 2002

factors, targets matched with initiatives, and artifacts such as a Balanced

Scorecard will be used to monitor progress and results.

0.2 Introduction
IBM is a global IT manufacturing and consulting company, with 335,000
employees across nearly every industrialized country in the world2 . Once
largely focused on the sale of mainframes and related software contracts, IBM
has evolved into lucrative technology and business consulting, supported by
a wide range of IBM software platforms and products. Figure 1 shows IBM’s
value system in the marketplace, demonstrating a reliance on knowledge-
based transformation and processes. Products such as hardware and software
are either sold outright, or used (along with competitor’s products) as a basis
for consulting engagements.
Table 0.2 gives an overview of IBM’s finances, showing a mildly flat
growth in revenue, but a steady increase in profits for the past few years
due to widening margins.

Year 2004 2005 2006 2007

Revenue $96.3 $91.1 $91.4 $98.8
Net Income $7.5 $8.0 $9.4 $10.4

Gross Profit Margin 36.9% 40.1% $41.9 $42.2

Capital Expenditures $3.7 $3.5 $4.7 $4.9
Working Capital $7.3 $7.7 $4.5 $8.8
Share Repurchase $7.1 $7.7 $8.0 $18.8

Number of Employees 329,001 329,373 355,766 386,558

Table 1: IBM Year-End Financial Results, in Billion $USD

IBM Annual Report, 2007

Government/Federal/Military Universities/Education Research & Development

Fortune 500 Companies Retail/POS/e−Commerce Mainframes/Workstations/Networks

Small Business/Home Business Finance/Banking Consulting/Contracting/Services

Open Source Initiatives Microelectronics Integration/Business Transformation


Strategic Outsourcing
Business Transformation Outsourcing Consulting and Systems Integration
Integrated Technology Services Application Management Services

Websphere Servers
Information Management Storage
Tivoli Retail Store Solutions
Rational Systems & Microelectronics
Operating Systems Software Financing Commercial Financing
Client Financing

Competitor Systems and Platforms Joint ventures / alliances Internal/external IT workers

Sub−contracting services Raw materials for microelectronics Outsourced labor

University research departments Hardware manufacturers Open Source Initiative

Figure 1: Value System of IBM

0.2.1 Assignment Structure

The structure of this assignment is in two parts; the first half determines
IBM’s current strategic position in the marketplace, with focus on competi-
tion and customer demands. From this determination, the underlying logical
reasons for IBM’s future directions are analyzed, formulating the basis of
a business transformation. The second part of this assignment details the

mechanics of the transformation, keeping IBM ahead of rivals, preserving

margins, and raising revenue.


Internal External
* McKinsey’s 7S * PESTLE
* Value System * Porter’s 5 Forces
* Product Portfolio
* Competitive Advantage

Stakeholder Analysis





Strategic Choices

Henley Transformation Framework

Figure 2: Assignment Structure

Chapter 1

Strategic Position Analysis

1.1 Strategic Direction

1.1.1 External Analysis
PESTLE Analysis
A full PESTLE analysis is performed in Appendix .1.1, and the pressing
issues are discussed in turn below:

• Skilled Employees - Despite the ranks of skilled workers in India and

other countries, competition has shrunk the pool of available candi-
dates. Employees work in a ‘virtual organization’, where location is no
longer defined; employees are connected to each other through networks
and technology.

• Commoditization of Technology - As competitors become adept

at duplicating the same types of services IBM develops, competition
increases and profits drop. Because IBM does not force clients to use
any particular product, it is easy for clients to move to IBM, at the
risk of them easily moving elsewhere.

• Pressure to Innovate - Innovation of new products and services (or

the acquisition of the same) is the lifeblood of IBM, missteps in pre-
dicting industry trends can be costly investments with little return.

A dangerous position for IBM is the non-differentiation between a skilled

employee working for IBM and the same employee later working for a com-
petitor. Clients may not see value in paying IBM’s premium prices if the
same services can be found cheaper elsewhere. Simply paying employees


more merely increases costs all around and may not be an effective solution
– a new way to differentiate the available pool of talent, raise competitive
barriers, and yet keep overhead costs low must be found.

Porter’s 5 Forces

Figure 1.1 diagrams the detailed Five Forces analysis from Appendix .1.2.


Rivals are small compared to IBM,
but can compete on at least one
specialized front, such as a
narrow or unique service or
product, or more often, on price.
Market is easy to enter, but
growth and sustained advantage
is difficult.




SUPPLIERS High IBM, as the dominant player in BUYERS

Suppliers are skilled workers the market, is the natural focus High if the service or product
employed by companies, of rivals. IBM can expect small can be bought elsewhere,
outfits to attempt to chip away High/Low low if the service is
specialized skills can be
rare and expensive. at every weakness it has. propietary, or the vendor has
a close relationship with client


Low for IBM’s recent technology
from R&D efforts, or products
given away for free by IBM.

High if service is copied or

available from the competition.

Figure 1.1: Porter’s Five Forces

Competition is intense, although IBM holds the largest share of any one
company (see Appendix .1.4), it does not hold a dominant position. Much of
its competition is small companies and individuals who may have a focus as
narrow as IBM’s is wide. Few companies can hold their own against IBM’s
breadth and depth of software products and platforms, but the lucrative
business of providing skilled individuals (the ‘suppliers’) is attractive to any
company, large or small.

1.1.2 Internal Analysis

McKinsey’s 7S

Figure 1.2 illustrates the effectiveness of each of the elements of the McK-
insey’s 7S model (please see Appendix .1.3 for more detail). The biggest
weakness in this diagram is the Structure, putting IBM in a critical risk with
competitors. Employees deployed in consulting positions often are working
alone, with their learning self-directed. While materials are available for
learning on any conceivable subject that IBM has interest in, there is lit-
tle direction in which materials to study or the relevance of subjects not in
the immediate scope of the employee’s current position or project. In turn,
Structure weakens the Strategy and Shared Vision portions of the 7S dia-
gram. IBM’s strategy pertaining to its consulting base is strongly linked to
employees sharing the same corporate vision.

Strength Effectiveness: Poor

Employees Interaction with other elements: Good
working on
Neither solitary projects
Weakness responsible for
Good company
wide strategy *Defines
Structure Indusry Standards Effectiveness: Good
Effectiveness: Good for systems,
Interaction with other elements: Poor but improvements Interaction with other elements: Good
Well developed
for analyists/ platforms

Strategy Company Systems

wide vision is
good, individual Effectiveness: Fair
or specialist Interaction with other elements: Good
vision needs

Highly developed Shared Vision Flexible,

skills, top notch work oriented
Effectiveness: Good training available networks for Effectiveness: Good
Interaction with other elements: Good as well as active dispersed Interaction with other elements: Good
recruitment employees

Skills Highly skilled Style

and diverse from
all industrialized
nations in the Effectiveness: Good
world Interaction with other elements: Good


Figure 1.2: McKinsey’s 7S


Value Chain
IBM can be split into its components using Porter’s Value Chain, as shown in
Figure 1.3. In this figure, arrows in red indicate weak linkages, while arrows
in green show strong links.
Playing to IBM’s strengths is the strong link between Technology Develop-
ment, Procurement and Inbound Logistics, as IBM has aggressively acquired
or developed a wide array of technology platforms that meet the challenges
of clients’ needs, as well as a willingness to support non-IBM products.

Organization’s Infrastructure

Human resource management

Technology development


Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing

Logistics Logistics and
Sales Service

Strong links
Weak contribution to margin. Weak links

Figure 1.3: Value Chain

As Table 0.2 shows, IBM’s profits have increased as a direct result of

widening margins despite flat revenues. This is a result of cutting overhead
and improving efficiency, but there is a natural limit to how long this trend
can continue. To increase profits, revenues must increase. The weak link
between Human Resource Management, Organization’s Infrastructure, and
Operations is the lack of differentiation between IBM’s pool of consultants
and the same pool at IBM’s closest competitors. Areas that need stronger
contributions to margins are indicated in yellow.

Product Portfolio
IBM has an enormous product portfolio, encompassing every aspect of IT
and business consulting for clients. IBM relies on wide margins and ability

to use its specialized knowledge to attract clients, rather than competing on

price. For this reason, IBM puts great effort in creating new markets and
responding to early trends. Figure 1.4 shows (in red) the random nature of
employees directing their learning without guidance. Green arrows show the
desired direction of learning effort. This requires a nimble mobilization of
IBM consultants with readily available skills and experience in areas that
represent a competitive business advantage for clients. It is essential that
IBM orchestrates the learning efforts of employees to capitalize on emerging
and potentially lucrative opportunities.



Development Growth Shakeout Maturity Decline

Highest Profit Margins for IBM IBM Exits Market

Desired Directed Learning Efforts Current Learning Efforts

Figure 1.4: IBM Product Lifecycle

Mature or declining markets with diminishing profit margins are routinely

exited, leaving the cost advantage model to lower priced rivals.

1.1.3 IBM Stakeholder Analysis

As a large public corporation with a global presence, IBM has many stake-
holders with varied interests. The stakeholders of key concern are shown in
Figure 1.5. Clients who are cost-sensitive are generally not pursued by IBM,
and have a diminishing relevance. However, companies who provide dis-
counted prices set the price floor for IBM, and hence IBM’s exit point from
the market. Quicker capabilities and entries by low-cost rivals puts pressure
on IBM maintaining market lead. Clients with technological leading-edge
needs who are willing to pay high initial prices are the most desired cus-
tomers for IBM, as well as its closest competitors. IBM’s critical asset, its
own consultants, need to migrate up the Power scale to edge out competition
with a early market capture advantage.

Low High

Minimal Effort Keep Informed

Cost sensitive customers

Preminum Service

Leading edge
Shareholders IBM Consultants Customers

High Keep Satisfied Principal

Figure 1.5: IBM Stakeholder Mapping

1.1.4 SWOT Analysis

Table 1.1 is a SWOT analysis for IBM. IBM has enviable strengths in market
leadership and responding to new trends, in addition to having billions $USD
to spend as necessary.
The weaknesses that IBM faces are skills shortages in critical areas, es-
pecially in new products and services IBM wishes to dominate. Timing is
critical, waiting too long to get employees up to speed on needed puts IBM
at risk of losing business to lower-cost rivals. Motivating and directing em-
ployees in a learning corporation requires shaping and driving a common set
of values. A lack of competitive advantage in retaining and deploying skilled
employees shortens the time when IBM can count on the wide margins driv-
ing profits.

1.1.5 EVR Congruence

IBM is a tightly run organization; careful strategies, positioning of products,
and level of service has resulted in a effective EVR congruence. However,
Values is in danger of drifting out of congruence, due to the need to co-
ordinate the vision and direction of IBM consultant employees (Figure 1.6).

Strengths Weaknesses
• Industry Leadership • Undirected learning
• Deep resources • Reliance on high
• Nimble response margins
• Employee values

Opportunities Continuously scout Systemize employee

• Emerging markets
for new market learning efforts to
• Immediate client opportunities and point to emerging
• Skills demand develop products and markets and areas
services, cultivate of high demand.
demand through Mobilize teams to
marketing. support client needs.

Threats Formulate new strat- Address skills-

• Cost competition
egy that makes skills building and em-
• Low entry barriers provisioning hard to ployee values issues.
• Skills shortage
duplicate by compe-

Table 1.1: IBM SWOT Analysis



Figure 1.6: IBM EVR Congruence

IBM has responded to an environment of high competition and a constant
need for innovative and emerging technology from clients seeking out any
business advantage. The business model of creating new markets and re-
sponding to emerging trends is critical to maintaining IBM’s wide profit

IBM has considerable resources, in cash, assets, intellectual property, and
product lines. Despite these assets, IBM’s principal method of creating share-
holder value is to buy back its own shares. Table 1.1.5 shows IBM’s stock
price and market capitalization vs. the amount spent on share repurchase1 .

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008

Share Repurchase $7.7 $8.0 $18.8 N/A
(Billions, USD)
IBM Stock Price, January $98 $85 $98 $110
Market Capitalization $163 $129 $146 $160
(Billions, USD)

Table 1.2: IBM Effects of Stock Repurchase

The flat market capitalization and stock price seems to indicate that
investors do not see IBM as a growth company. It is not clear that the share
repurchase is having any significant effect on value creation. This money

may be better spent on innovating new ways to create growth and revenue
increases for IBM.

IBM currently has a working process, but in order to energize value creation
at IBM, a more focused vision and strategy is needed. Values is an area of
critical attention, and must be prevented from drifting. The disconnect that
employees feel as they work in a virtual environment enforces drift; each
employee makes the best choice from the information that is available to
them and applicable to their situation.

IBM is in danger of becoming an ‘unconsciously competent organization’
without a strict correction of its values2 . A better redirection of IBM’s con-
siderable resources can tighten the EVR congruence.

1.1.6 Scenarios
In the near future there is a best case and a worst case scenario for IBM to

IBM’s Worst Case

IBM can experience a natural limit to improvements in efficiency and cost
reduction that is currently driving margins. Revenue remains flat, stalling
profit growth. Competitors take advantage of IBM’s isolated consultants and
employees by poaching them, providing focused teams vs. IBM’s unorganized
ranks, and chip away at widening niche advantages (cost and expertise) over

IBM’s Best Case

IBM can increase profits by both increasing revenue and lowering overhead,
and differentiate their consulting services to raise entry barriers for rivals.
Figure 1.7 shows the ideal position for IBM’s consulting offerings, which is
done by identifying and enhancing IBM’s sweet spot advantages over the
competition3 .
Thompson, Page 125
Collins & Ruckstad, 2008

Competitor’s Customers’

Offerings Needs

IBM Strategic
Sweet Spot

Figure 1.7: IBM Strategic Sweet Spot

Option 1

IBM counters the downsides of virtualization, bringing IBM employees to-

gether to address the needs of a ‘Learning Organization’ 4 :

A Shared Mindset
Speed of New Ideas
Learning And Knowledge Management

Option 2

IBM leaves employees to find their own learning plan based on their position
and understanding of industry trends. IBM devises a reward scheme to
employees who successfully reach levels of skills that clients demand.

Option 3

IBM aggressively hires employees with high-demand skills, and sheds em-
ployees with skills that are in industries that IBM plans to exit.
Henley Critique 11


Options 2 and 3 are the most easily implementable and may use financial
rewards as incentive for employees to find the best solution to gain skills,
perhaps in ways IBM has not thought of. Unfortunately, this does not pro-
vide any distinct capabilities that cannot easily be copied by competition.
Employees who have independently achieved high skills through their own
initiative may not feel that they must remain loyal to IBM, and can easily
leave to work for competitors or themselves.
Option 1 is the hardest to implement, but fits with the new goal of creat-
ing a sustainable competitive advantage. This option makes the assumption
that employees can become capable in new skills, avoiding the problem of
recruitment in a tight labor market. Option 1 is chosen for the Business
Transformation in the next Chapter, to implement the goal of continuous
retraining as shown on Figure 1.4. This type of change will not be a sudden
shift for IBM, as it will take advantage of many programs and facilities al-
ready available, marking it as an ‘Incremental Transformation’ as shown in
Figure 1.8.


Transformation Realignment


Evolution Adaption
Scope of Change

Big Bang

Revolution Reconstruction

Figure 1.8: IBM’s Scope of Change


1.2 Analysis of Suitability, Feasibility, and Ac-

The strategy from the previous section is analyzed through a SFA test, as
shown in Table 1.2.

Suitability The chosen strategy fits in with the

aims of creating sustainable and hard-to-
duplicate competitive advantage for IBM,
while avoiding problems with recruitment
or inefficient training mechanisms.
Feasibility IBM has spent much energy solving the
‘hard’ factors of virtualization, the balance
remains on focusing on the ‘soft’ factors.
The transformation is based on behavioral
and people management issues, and not re-
liant on technology that needs to be in-
vented or software that may not be used
or accepted.
Acceptability There will be certain employees who will
not accept any changes, no matter how
beneficial these changes are thought to be.
For this reason, this transformation must
be targeted to employees who are recep-
tive to changes that will be beneficial for
themselves, their career, and for IBM.

Table 1.3: SFA Analysis - Johnson and Scholes

1.2.1 Conclusion
From the SFA analysis, the Transformation will target IBM’s highly moti-
vated employees, with a suitable reward mechanism, to alleviate the isolation
from the virtual work environment. The end result will be a migration into
learning teams that cannot easily transferred to competitors if an employee
leaves IBM.
Chapter 2

Business Transformation

In this Chapter, the Henley Business Transformation model is used to lead

the change for IBM to sustain competitive advantage.

2.1 Mobilizing for Change

At the center of the Transformation, IBM will address the following five core
categories of behavior1 :

Challenging the Processes

Inspiring a Shared Vision
Enabling Others
Modeling the Way
Encouraging the Heart

The focus of changes will be in the ‘Structure’, ‘Strategy’, and ‘Shared

Vision’ components of the McKinsey’s 7S model (Figure 2.1). Many of the
components necessary for the transformation exist (as indicated by ‘Struc-
ture’), but are poorly utilized or disorganized.
The ultimate focus is to instill a new ‘Shared Vision’ that will lead IBM

2.1.1 Communicating the Change Process

At this juncture, IBM faces a difficulty in mounting any transformation ef-
forts; the balance sheet is too good (Table 0.2), IBM beat Wall Street esti-
mates for 20072 , and continued ‘wins’, or significant contracts with important
Kouzes and Posner (1998)
IBM Annual Report, 2007


working on
Neither solitary projects
Weakness responsible for
Good company
wide strategy Structure
for systems,
but improvements
for analyists/

Strategy Company
wide vision is
good, individual
or specialist
vision needs

Shared Vision

Figure 2.1: IBM’s Changes in the McKinsey 7S

clients, continue to be signed. There is little urgency for change; it is not

plausible to state IBM is in trouble. A sense of urgency therefore must be
created to motivate employees to look forward to what may be in store in
the future. Unmotivated or change-resistant employees will be bypassed,
with the expectation that employees who go along with the changes will set
a good example by having an advantage in lean times.
Figure 2.2 shows the targeted stakeholders in this change effort:
In addition, IBM’s efforts in the commitment curve shown in Figure 2.3
will focus on employees at the ‘Adoption’ stage, and not spend any signif-
icant energy on employees in the ‘Denial’ or ‘Resistance’ stage. Employee
participation will be optional.
IBM, by no means, is a static company; there are many programs and ini-
tiatives that currently exist. IBM employees have responsibilities for impor-
tant ongoing goals, such as a personal development plan, skills assessment,
certifications, professional interest groups. In addition, there are classes,
workshops, electronic community groups, electronic forums, and education
available. What is missing is a formal structure, as shown in Figure 2.4.
The new structure for employees is to form formal learning groups, in
which employees belong to groups that are expected to achieve levels of com-
petencies in specific technical areas, increase communication among similar
groups, provide mentoring opportunities, and award professional recognition
for accomplishments. This structure is described in Section 2.4.

Commitment to Change
Low High

Blockers Champions
Energy for Action



Low Medium High

Focus Focus Focus

Figure 2.2: IBM Stakeholder Mapping

5. Commitment

4. Acceptance

3. Adaption

2. Resistance

Cutoff Point
For IBM Effort
1. Denial


Figure 2.3: IBM Commitment Curve Focus

Unfreeze, Move, and Sustain

A communications strategy will be complex, especially in an organization the
size of IBM. The focus will draw and attract receptive employees, with the

Training and Education Professional Development

Business Commitments Mentoring Programs

Performance Bonuses Technical Jam Session

Balanced Scorecard Competency Groups

Certification Program Electronic Groupware

Individual Development Plan Technology Fairs


Figure 2.4: IBM Employee Structure Now

message of ‘promoting your career’; the desired segment will be employees

who have an interest in moving ahead in their line of work.

2.1.2 Leadership and Change Agents

IBM has no shortage of good leaders, and can rely on skilled employees who
are experts in their specialty to ‘give back’ to the community. The focus
of leaders and change will be the emotional needs of employees to ensure
In this transformation, the leaders are given the goal to form a sense
of community and to enhance morale among IBM employees who may not
be located in the same geographic area. With support from upper manage-
ment, leaders will be recruited from current IBM ranks that demonstrate the
following characteristics:

1. A desire to lead and to inspire workers

2. Highly charismatic and champions for employees
3. Deep experts in a distinct, specialized field
4. Are able to design learning programs and certification levels

Dozens to a few hundred leaders may be recruited, for specialized com-

munities (for example, database development), with a learning plan, drawn
from IBM’s wide range of training materials. Leaders will be in charge of or-
ganizing recruits, fostering networks, and giving recognition to achievements
– in an environment where employee participation is strictly voluntary.

Change Phase Communications Aims Method

Unfreeze Mobilizing Begin advertising in IBM in-
ternal web pages before roll-
• Bring awareness to
out. Pamphlets, e-mail dis-
IBM staff
tributed to managers and
• Generate interest
• Create momentum staff. Transformation de-
tails released.
Move Inform Provide full details in web-
sites, how to get started,
• Describe changes
workshops, conference calls,
• Benefits
• How to participate kick-off meetings.

Sustain Update Announce successes; em-

ployees who have gone
• Sustain interest
through the transformation,
• Provide progress up-
encourage employees to list
• Success stories credentials earned, periodic
workshops to invite non-
participants to take part of

Table 2.1: IBM Unfreeze, Move, Sustain


The next sections appraise the cultural changes that may be needed
within IBM to realize the transformation.

Operational Culture Focus

Table 2.1.2 shows the analysis from the Garrison Diamond Test Model to
determine the necessary issues that must be focused on to make the trans-
formation effective.

Behavior Current Desired

Activity Focused on employee’s current as- Employee encouraged to keep up
signment, dependent on values and with latest developments, con-
goals of client. Employee’s sense tribute to peer learning, and forge
of activity is out of alignment with emotional and professional ties to
IBM due to isolation. co-workers.

Excellence Rewarded through client work and Continue focus on excellence, using
at IBM, based on client feedback. any additional resources that be-
Honorary and financial incentives come available.

Balance Balance is skewed toward success of Adjust balance so that IBM em-
clients. Development and career de- ployee has a ready and sympathetic
sires of employees are sometimes ne- group to discuss concerns and de-
glected due to lack of communica- sires, and to get advice and help
tion from IBM side. Career advice from IBM resources.
often comes from clients’ employees
rather than IBM.

Friendliness Camaraderie exists within IBM Leverage this friendliness into a

ranks, with recognition for working true networking, learning, and en-
for the same company. gaging experience.

Table 2.2: IBM Garrison Diamond Test

From the Garrison Diamond test model, the need to move the dependency
for connection and fulfillment away from the client and back into IBM.

Management Style & Structure

Figure 2.5 shows the current and desired position of IBM in the Blake-
Mouton-McCanse model. IBM’s current orientation lies between ‘Production
Pusher’ and ‘Do Nothing Manager’. This reflects IBM focusing on results
(success at the client engagement) while leaving IBM employees to find their
own culture and guidance. The desired position is to be in the ’Team Builder’

Country Club

Team Do Nothing
Desired Manager
Builder Position



Figure 2.5: IBM in the Blake Mouton McCanse Model

Using the Handy model, IBM is currently leaning toward the ‘Task Cul-
ture’, with the desired emphasis on ‘Person Culture’. The goal being to
recognize the IBM employee as a person needing a person-oriented network,
rather than being focused only on the tasks on their current assignments.

Risk Orientation
IBM is a great risk taker, as indicated in the Deal & Kennedy model in Figure
2.7. As IBM, by necessity, must always find new markets and eventually must
abandon entire industries as low-cost competition catch up in capability. IBM
is in a constant position of needing to ‘bet your company’, and will likely
keep this culture in the foreseeable future.


Role Person
Culture Culture



Figure 2.6: IBM in the Handy Model

The previous models show that IBM is task-and-results oriented, with

little in the way of addressing the employee as an individual. Figure 2.8
supports this conclusion by showing control through great emphasis on tech-
nological achievement, but not following through on the softer organizational

Learning Organization Structure

A new organizational structure is necessary to implement the learning and
community environment to re-introduce a sense of common values to IBM
employees. The new structure, shown in Figure 2.9, is replicated across
specific technical subjects, and is designed to accomplish these objectives:

1. Address need for emotional sense of belonging and loyalty to

A single face is given to each technical specialty, usually a recognized
domain expert. Chosen for charismatic leadership, this Resident Do-
main Expert is responsible for organizing IBM courses for training,
setting up networks, being a point of contact, and driving momentum
in networking efforts.

High Risk
Slow Feedback

Your Company


Low Risk High Risk

Work Hard Macho
Play Hard
Fast Feedback Fast Feedback


Low Risk
Slow Feedback

Figure 2.7: IBM in the Deal & Kennedy Model


Values No distinctive logo
other than IBM logo

Power Structures
Technically competent IBM employee fit
IBM = "I’m By Myself"
in with client power
Success through ’wins’
Technical focus
Employee is OK if
deployed with client

Routines and Rituals Organization Structures

Yearly review with IBM employees on
Professional Development their own
manager Control Systems
Little supervision once
IBM employee is
engaged in client project

Figure 2.8: IBM’s Cultural Levers


Domain Expert
Certificate Award Domain
Expert Communication
Expert Newsletters
Events 6
3 Groupware
Certificate Award Mentoring
Intermediate Recognition
Level Mentoring Achievement 5
Cohort ceremonies
Certificate Award

Beginner Mentoring Networking

Cohort Cohort timeline
Class studies 2

Figure 2.9: Transformational Organization for IBM

2. Build networks among employees with similar interests IBM

employees are placed into ‘cohorts’, or groups formed at specific times
with a timetable to complete a course of study for a certificate. Team
assignments, regular calls, and a small and intimate group will form
bonds and a sense of obligation between members.

3. Give informal advice about career and skills

Employees in cohorts will be encouraged to mentor employees in less
advanced cohorts.

4. Promote learning in chosen specialty

A staggered learning course with awarded certificates are given at each
level of learning. Cohorts and networking facilities allow remote learn-

5. Reward and recognize achievement among peers

Formal awards ceremonies are held to present achievements; if geo-
graphic considerations make this impossible, then other forms of recog-
nition are given, such as personal congratulations from the Resident
Domain Expert, publication in a company wide newsletter, and the
right to use a title on presenting qualifications in IBM’s ’Blue Pages’
directory and resumés sent to clients.

6. Use existing IBM resources and initiatives


Courses and facilities are simplified by using IBM’s established training

programs, tailored to fit the schedule of the cohort so each member
learns alongside familiar people.

2.2 Translating Strategy Into Objectives and

2.2.1 Process of Implementing Strategy
To determine the eventual result of the Transformation, analysis must be
performed to determine the specific actions to be taken. The strategic goals
are taken from Section 1.2 and are mapped in a network of strategic goals in
Figure 2.10.

Build employee loyalty


Gain more ‘wins’ by

Increase revenues predicting future Through nonfinancial Lower costs
by 10% in−demand skillsets incentives of recruiting


Our technology We go beyond


We deliver superior We do not have

services skills shortages fits every need supplying a
possible consultant


Our services are Our employees Our employees We position our


cutting edge and are virtualized are trained in the skillsets to the
cannot be had and can work latest technologies 4 forefront of market
elsewhere anywhere demand
2 3

We are not We generate new


Our employees We see new markets

feel connected and opportunities affected by ideas and innovate
and fulfilled before our rivals talent wars new solutions and

Figure 2.10: IBM Strategic Goal Network (Ahn, 2001)

Strategic links point to the ultimate strategic goal of raising revenue by

10%, a point raised in Section 0.2. Reducing costs and overhead sets the
floor of margins, while total revenue sets the ceiling. The links are discussed
below in turn:

1. Link 1
IBM employees feelings of fulfillment and connection builds loyalty and
makes IBM an employer of choice. Salary is not the only consideration
for employees who have choices of where to work.

2. Link 2
By seeing where the market is going and new opportunities, IBM can
position training programs to meet skills demand ahead of time. Em-
ployees often only see the day-to-day responsibilities of their jobs and
not long-term industry trends, or strategy positions IBM may be tak-

3. Link 3
By being in a company that offers the latest training, IBM employees
become aware that they lose this benefit in the long term by moving
to a competitor.

4. Link 4
By making the training regimen team and network oriented, the client
is assured that they are not benefiting just from the talent of the IBM
consultant, but also from the personal network and resources available
to the consultant. The client has penetration into IBM’s total knowl-

5. Link 5
Keeping in with IBM’s strategy of pursuing the high-end market, IBM
assures the client of superior services to any other in the market. This
assurance rests on the quality of IBM employees.

6. Link 6
Superior services means going above what a competitor can offer, in
this case, more than just what the consultant is experienced with – the
potential to tap into other experts as needed.

7. Link 7
With the position of providing only superior services, more ‘wins’ are
signed, contract negotiations falling to IBM’s favor, with the goal of
boosting an otherwise flat revenue trend upwards.

2.2.2 Gap Analysis

The gaps between IBM’s present state and the desired state in 3 years is
analyzed in Table 2.3.

2008 2011 Gaps

Loyalty and belong- Loyalty, connec- Create network-
ing to immediate sur- tions, and fulfillment ing structures to
roundings, such as within IBM. overcome draw-
client worksite. backs of ‘virtualized’
IBM employees must Directed training Create training pro-
decide their own programs to keep grams based on in-
learning strategy on ahead of client de- formed decision on
own perception of mands and industry technology and de-
industry trends. trends. mand trends.
IBM Employees can IBM Employees re- Enhance and encour-
move to a competitor luctant to move to age employees to
easily. competitors because work together, even
of loss of peer net- with geographical
works. gaps and across
Clients get the Clients get the same Encourage network-
knowledge that knowledge plus ev- ing and track met-
comes with the IBM eryone else on the rics and effectiveness
employee. employee’s network. of teamwork.
Revenues remain flat. Revenues increase Implement strategic
markedly, goal is planning with ulti-
10% over three years. mate goal of revenue

Table 2.3: IBM Gap Analysis

2.2.3 Finance
The financial goals are a 3.3% growth over 2007 revenues, as shown in Table

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

$98.8 102 105 108.58 111.84

Table 2.4: IBM Financial Goals, in $USD, billions

The financial goals are a 10% increase of 2007 revenues over 3 years, rep-
resenting $10 billion USD in 2011. Consultants with desired skillsets in de-
mand, and IBM gaining a ‘first to market’ advantage, drives extra revenue.
Revenue can come from new clients, negotiating a higher rate for existing
clients, or follow-up contracts from completed work. IBM is not to lose any
business by not having skilled contractors ready to work on a proposed con-
tract ready to sign.

2.2.4 Customer Perspectives

Set goals for Customer Perspectives:
1. IBM provides clients with competitive advantage
2. IBM has a reliable supply of skilled consultants
3. IBM commands a premium fee, not discounted services

To realize this goal, marketing focuses on IBM’s consulting initiatives with
the message that ‘clients get more than just an IBM consultant’. This
promise is followed up by superior customer satisfaction, a perceived gap be-
tween IBM’s level of service vs. a competitor, and delivery of service based
on competitive value rather than on price. Marketing campaigns, readily
available resources, and clear leadership in industry trends are vital.

2.2.5 Process
Set goals for Processes:
1. Create directed learning in skills identified to be especially valuable to
IBM’s clients.
2. Create groups of networks for IBM employees to participate in.
3. Encourage peer networking, track effectiveness through metrics.

The initiatives to create this new process follows these stages:

1. Identify areas of skills that are in short supply and lucrative.

2. Identify and recruit leaders responsible for encouraging and driving

learning and networking activities.

3. Create certificate levels and curriculum (from IBM’s existing education

courses), depending on industry needs.

4. Standardize communications through IT systems, such as wikis, fo-

rums, newsletters, personal communication, mentoring.

5. Track networking activity (such as awarding points for answering peo-

ple’s questions), and continuously improving program.

2.2.6 Potential
The Potential perspective has two main goals:

1. IBM Employees are connected and fulfilled at IBM.

2. IBM is not affected by talent shortages.

To achieve these goals, IBM must pay special attention to the human net-
working needs of employees who are not working in traditional offices, and
follow through with directed learning initiatives.

2.3 The Change Process

The Transformation will focus on the change levers shown in Figure 2.11 to
affect a new paradigm.

2.3.1 Symbols
IBM employees value marks of technological distinction, such as titles con-
veying a level of achievement (‘Certified IT Specialist’, ’Distinguished Engi-
neer’). These titles give status to employees, especially in a situation where
employees work at home and rarely meet their peers in person. Traditional

Targeting Levers

Change Architecture

New Paradigm

Figure 2.11: IBM Culture Change

symbols such as company cars and corner offices are not effective if employees
are not seen in them.
In the virtual world, symbols appear in the form of employee resumés
(viewable by anyone), the number of times a name appears in a search engine,
and mentions in company newsletters. Taking advantage of this focus, a
new symbol will be introduced for employees who have achieved a high level
of certification in a directed learning course. This symbol will be displayed
prominently in an employee’s entry in the ‘Blue Pages’, or company directory.
The employee will have the right to use this symbol in his resumé, and
to reinforce the prestige of such symbols, a real-life manifestation will be
awarded as well. This manifestation may be a small plaque, pin, or other
item meant to be displayed at home or in an office.

2.3.2 Power Structures

The Transformation is designed to be voluntary, with IBM employees choos-

ing if and when they will participate in the directed learning and networking.
This is designed to ensure a high level of commitment and enthusiasm in
those that participate. IBM employees are empowered in this regard, with
the focus of power on those who freely share their knowledge rather than
their position in the management hierarchy.

2.3.3 Organizational Structures

IBM employees currently have a networked organizational structure, which

follows the non-geographical nature of virtualized workspaces, and the fact
that employees often change assignments, with new project managers and
co-workers with each change. Figure 2.12 shows a typical network of an IBM
employee in red, and the new elements in blue. The new elements are the
cohorts that are also taking the directed training as the employee, and the
professional network instituted by IBM.







Figure 2.12: IBM Employee Organization


2.3.4 Control Systems

IT Systems
IBM has a heavy investment and dependence on IT systems, and the existing
infrastructure will be vital in measuring the success of the Transformation.
As employees will have very little chance to network in person, the basis of
communication will be nearly entirely electronic. Figure 2.13 shows the nec-
essary metrics to be collected. Key to encouraging networking and commu-
nication is keeping score in how often the employee accesses the networking
facilities, the frequency and nature of interactions, and focus on timesaving
shortcuts to make the system convenient and easy to use.

to body of




5 Metrics Gathered

1) Existing metrics of client satisfaction

2) Employee’s contribution to body of knowledge
Activity in 3) Progress in keeping up with cohort in learning
electronic 4) Employee interaction with others in networks
resources, 5) Activity in supporting IBM engagements
answers to 6) Employee’s use of network resources
queries, etc.

Figure 2.13: IBM Controls

Central to the Transformation is the desired increase of human interaction;
the “Resident Domain Experts” (Figure 2.9) to encourage and drive this
interaction. They may choose to publish regular newsletters, answer inquires,
communicate one-to-one with individuals. Their purpose is to put a human

face on to the process, and serve to draw interest and interaction to issues
and topics of the day. More importantly, these leaders continuously improve
the process in a cycle shown in Figure 2.14.
In addition to existing criteria considered at the employee’s annual review,
participation and notable contributions to networking will be a factor in
determining the outcome of the employee’s review.

Stable System
Improvements implemented
New metrics gathered

Corrective Feedback
Accurate and
Action timely data,
Correction plan relevant to
initiated users

Gaps identified

Figure 2.14: IBM Performance Monitoring

2.3.5 Routines and Rituals

On an ongoing basis in the interest of recognizing achievements and peri-
odically reviewing the performance of the directed learning and networks
installed by the Transformation, routines will include:

• Quarterly reports of metrics and performance by Resident Domain Ex-


• Periodic newsletters, ‘meet and greet’ events, workshops

• Individual one-on-one discussions between the Resident Domain Ex-

perts and constituents of directed learning and networking efforts

Rituals will include:

• Awards ceremonies, recognition for achievements
• Feedback for annual review giving metrics for employee’s participation
in Transformation efforts
• Balanced Scorecard results tying Transformation to ultimate goal of
10% revenue increase.

2.3.6 Stories
Stories will reflect the success of individuals who have completed a course
of education in a given skillset, focusing on how they contributed to IBM’s
success as well as their own. The positive benefits of networking and how
employees relied on it to solve difficult problems are highlighted, while plans
are discussed to address areas where drawbacks or difficulties have been un-
covered. These stories will be used to draw non-participants into the Trans-
formation scheme, using all available communications channels within IBM.

2.3.7 New Paradigm

As a result of modifying the change levers, Figure 2.15 shows the outcome
of the Transformation.

Values Right to use icons
on online directory
and resume’ for
Stories learning
achievements Power Structures
IBM works together IBM power focused
Success through on knowledgable
individuals who share
Invitation to all
with other employees
to join as well Paradigm
Technical and social
focus in professional
life within IBM,
bringing successes
Routines and Rituals to all clients Organization Structures
Periodic improvement Network of many
reviews individuals to draw
Achievement Control Systems knowledge from
IT systems to implement
networking channels
Management tracks
networking metrics

Figure 2.15: IBM Culture Change


2.4 Align the Organization

2.4.1 Social Cohesion
The desired alignment of the Transformation is to raise ‘social capital’, or
social cohesion among IBM employees in a virtual workplace3 . Figure 2.16
shows IBM moving through Phase 5, where growth is a result of collabora-
tion4 . To lead IBM employees through this phase change, management will
stress that the action is voluntary on the employee’s part. This sidesteps
employees who may resist or oppose the change, while giving ambitious and
willing employees an opportunity to build and create the missing social cap-
ital in their day to day activities. By setting an example, they may entice
those with a ‘wait and see’ attitude to join as well. A voluntary approach ties
managements’ hands in the number of approaches they can employ; namely,
coercion is ruled out, leaving only positive change behaviors such as personal
encouragement, acting on feedback and criticism, as well as setting the tone
of mutual respect, power of knowledge, and recognition of achievements.

2.4.2 Action Plan

The timeline for this action plan is shown in Table 2.5, giving the events
and their outcomes. Cost is not detailed here, as the costs are either sunk
(such as development of existing training modules) or already allocated to
a general budget (paying for servers and computing resources for any legiti-
mate business need). Employees chosen to be Resident Domain Experts will
already be on the payroll, with their duties shifted to this endeavor. A mod-
est budget will be allocated to each Resident Domain expert to host awards
functions and prizes as appropriate.

2.4.3 Monitoring and Evaluating the Change Process

For a large scale effort involving many people and their needs, criticism and
feedback are to be expected immediately after inception and implementation.
For this reason, the Resident Domain Experts are given a wide latitude on
actions taken to improve the Transformation efforts. Periodically, feedback
and metrics measurements are gathered, analyzed, and acted upon, as shown
in Figure 2.9, showing a double-loop learning feedback system.

Greenier 1972
Henley Critique 8

Event Time Outcomes Principals

Identify skillsets, now and fu- July 2008 List of skillsets, in priority of Industry forecasters, top
ture, that are in short supply projected market returns strategy managers, expert
and lucrative. employees, HR
Identify and appoint Resi- August Appointments made, job de- Top expert employees, HR,
dent Domain Experts, each in 2008 scriptions changed to focus Strategic management
charge of skillsets identified. on Transformation.
Domain Resident Experts to October Curriculum using existing Domain Resident Experts
design core curriculum for 2008 IBM training courses, with
’Immediate’, ’Advanced’, and absolute minimum of new
’Expert’ qualifications, de- materials created.
signed for part-time study for
cohorts at a fixed time
Create standardized struc- November Directed learning and net- IT Services, Domain Resident
ture for electronic resources, 2008 working platform that is eas- Experts
libraries, wikis, newsletters, ily replicated as new skillsets
allow for maximum ease-of- are created, using existing
use and multiple networks for IBM technology.
Begin advertising and com- December IBM Employees form first co- HR, Senior Management,
municating to IBM employ- 2008 horts, undergo training as de- Resident Domain Experts,
ees about directed learning signed, begin use of network- IBM Employees
and networking opportuni- ing.
ties, stressing benefits and
calls to participation.
Ongoing collection of metrics, Ongoing Metrics collected and ana- Senior Management, Resi-
focusing on performance, ef- lyzed, feedback acted upon, dent Domain Experts
fectiveness, and bottom line improvements made
Ongoing Awards recognition, Ongoing Activities to drive metrics Resident Domain Experts
periodic newsletters, one-on- collected
ones with individual IBM
employees participating in
Transformation program.
Halfway point in 3 year Jan 2010 General report on program Senior Management, Resi-
program - measure progress effectiveness, successes & is- dent Domain Experts
of company against eventual sues to act upon.
goal of 10% revenue increase
in 3 years after inception.
End of 3 year program - July 2011 Decision to continue Trans- Senior Management
measure progress of company formation program or termi-
against goal of 10% revenue nate due to lack of perfor-
increase in 3 years after in- mance.

Table 2.5: IBM Transformation Action Plan



4. Crisis of
red tape
Size of Organization

3. Crisis of

2. Crisis of
autonomy Current
1. Crisis of Phase 5. Growth through
leadership collaboration
4. Growth through
3. Growth through co−ordination
2. Growth through

Small 1. Growth
through creativity

Age of Organization
Young Mature

Figure 2.16: IBM Growth through Phases

2.5 Conclusion
This paper has detailed the proposed Transformation, on how IBM can give
itself a distinctive advantage over rivals who constantly try to duplicate IBM’s
offerings at lower cost points. IBM gained a good deal from its virtual work-
force, being the pioneer in many cases, but now must address the downside
- the loss of camaraderie and knowledge sharing within a traditional office
setting. The end result of the Transformation is to restore the social setting
of the IBM employee, building loyalty to the company, promoting teamwork
and reliance among peers, giving joy to the work experience, and satisfying
clients with excellent service that cannot be obtained anywhere else in the





For new
Manage opportunities
for competitive
Implement advantage
Monitor changes with
data from
Collect and collected
Create evaluate metrics
Create vision/
strategy with

Figure 2.17: IBM Double Loop Learning



Henley Transformation

Desired Post−Transformation

Figure 2.18: IBM’s Transformation Process


2.6 Personal Development Report

IBM has been an excellent place to work, and in many ways I feel fortunate
to have joined IBM when I did, just at the very beginning of the
collapse. In some ways IBM presented credibility and security, being ‘old
economy’ and an established company. IBM may not be glamorous as work-
ing for Google or Facebook might be, but in exchange, working on decidedly
bread-and-butter industries such as insurance and investment banking gives
me invaluable experience on projects that have no hype to sell; whatever
IBM project I am on is successful because of the many experienced people I
find myself working with.
In a company of experienced and talented leaders, it is difficult for any
one person to stand out from over a quarter million employees, and the
ones that do are employees who have done a great deal for IBM’s bottom
line. Standouts include salesmen, inventors of market creating products,
visionaries, and people who have shown prescience in the way the markets
are heading. While I have certainly done well on projects with a technical
focus or delivery, I’ve always been only somewhat aware of the business
deliberations that took place before I became involved in the work. With
the MBA studies, even with the basics in ‘Foundations of Management’, I’ve
found it much easier to make sense of what IBM was doing in its business
dealings, such as in its acquisitions or courting of certain clients. In my own
personal daily worklife, merely mentioning an interest in business processes
has opened doors to working closer with business analysts on projects most
noted for its strict divide between technology and business interests.
One way I’ve found that would allow me to stand out at IBM is to bridge
the gap between technology and business. It is rare to find anyone willing
to work with both groups. Usually when the business analysts are done
with their requirements, it’s tossed over a fence to the technology group to
implement to be tossed back at some future date. With my knowledge and
tools I have learned from Henley, hopefully some day on my projects there
will be no fence.

[1] Bragg, Steven M. (2006) Financial Analysis: A Controller’s Guide New

York: Wiley and Sons.
[2] Collis, Davis and Ruksand, Michael(1993) Can You Say What Your
Strategy Is? Harvard Business Review, April 2008
[3] Gerstner, Louis V. Jr. Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? New York:
HarperCollins Publishers, 2002
[4] IBM Annual Report, 2007, 2006, 2005
[5] Kaplan R S and Norton D P The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strat-
egy into Action Harvard Business School Press 1996
[6] Larson, Carl E. and LaFasto, Frank M.J. (1989) Teamwork: What Must
Go Right; What Can Go Wrong. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage.
[7] Lewin : Business Transformation Instruction Material, Henley Manage-
ment College. 1941
[8] Marchand, D (2000) Competing with Information, John Wiley and Sons
[9] McFarland: Managing Information Material, Henley Management Col-
lege. 1963
[10] Nellis, D. Parker. (2002) Principles of Business Economics Essex: Fi-
nancial Times
[11] Oakland, J.S.(1992), Total Quality Management, Oxford: Butterwo rth
[12] Porter M (1980) Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Indus-
tries and Competitors, The Free Press
[13] Porter, M E & Millar, V E (1985) How Information gives you Compet-
itive Advantage Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug 1985


[14] Porter, M. The Value Chain and Competitive Advantage. Free Pres s.
New York. p.33-61. 1985

[15] Thompson, John and Martin, Frank (2004) Strategic Management:

Awareness and Change, Thomson Publishing

[16] Treacy/Weirsema (1993) Customer Intimacy and Other Value Discip

lines, Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb 1993

.1 Appendices
Table 6 gives a PESTLE analysis of IBM.

Drivers External Influence Impact (A)*(B) Probability

Factors on Industry on Company of Change
0 to 10 (A) -5 to 5 (B)
Political/Legal Conflicting regulations be- 4 -1 -4 Low
tween different countries;
compliance with local laws
vs. global operations.

Patent laws are in a flux 8 3 24 Medium

in the US and worldwide;
patent reform changes nature
of competition.
Economical Global recession from US eco- 9 -4 -36 High
nomic troubles

Shift away from US as pri- 7 3 21 High

mary market
Social Workforce growing older; 6 2 12 High
fewer young employees and
more diverse workers

Workers separated geograph- 8 3 24 High

ically; trend of employees
working from home or re-
gional offices
Technological Technology quickly becomes 8 -4 32 High
widespread / copied by low
cost rivals

Disruptive technology; new 9 +/-5 +/-95 Medium

invention creates or destroys
an industry quickly

Environmental Focus on ‘green’ or low- 4 2 8 Medium

consumption sustainable en-

Natural disasters 2 -4 -8 Low

Table 6: Environmental factors affecting IBM

Political / Legal
- IBM is a multinational company operating in many countries, often result-
ing in IBM needing to navigate conflicting regulations. What may be legal in
one country may not be in another, financial practices may differ. Worker’s
rights, patent laws, export controls are all factors that need to be taken to

- Economic recessions can impact clients who may cut back on spending on
IT and business operations. IBM may find that it needs to rely less on US
operations for profit as emerging countries come on line, for example, Chinese
companies looking for premium IT service.

- Workers are gradually graying, becoming older as boomers move toward
retirement. Employee needs and desires change as workforce becomes more
diverse. Technology allows employees to collaborate and work far away from
each other, downsides of isolation and separation need to be addressed.

- IBM is the trendsetter and market maker for new technology for IT automa-
tion and business. It is likely that old standards can be disrupted overnight
with introduction of a new technology. IBM needs to continuously innovate
as anything can be copied or adopted by rivals.

- Natural disasters can disrupt IBM operations, as facilities are located world-
wide. Focus on ‘green’ technology an important issue as clients and govern-
ments try to address global warming.

.1.2 Porter’s Five Forces

Threat of New Entrants
As the IT and business consulting market is lucrative and a global business,
new entrants are constantly entering the market in response to new oppor-
tunities. This is especially true of emerging countries, where skilled and
low-cost workers in countries such as China and Vietnam are underbidding
India, once the leading low-cost bidder for Western outsourcing business. As
having an advantage through business automation and cost savings through
outsourcing means a advantage over competition, any business of appreciable
size will welcome new products and services that will work to their favor.
Threat: High

Supplier Bargaining Power

IBM can no longer engage in customer lock-in, in which the customer is forced
to use IBM products exclusively once entering a contract. Open standards
allows a client to migrate their data and process to competitor platforms
as needed. For this reason, IBM embraces competitor products as well and
provides service with the same depth as a similar IBM brand. ‘Suppliers’
can also mean IBM’s consulting base, employees who can work for IBM, a
competitor, or hang out their own shingle as an independent consultant.
Threat: Low

Buyer Bargaining Power

Buyers are divided into two camps, one seeking low-cost service and the
other camp seeking leading edge IT products and services. Low-cost service
reduces overhead for clients, but requires a mature market with an adequate
number of competitors. Leading-edge clients often will pay a premium for
new products and services, and have few vendors to choose from. IBM nearly
exclusively positions itself in the leading-edge market, and must constantly
cede business to low-cost competition once margins become unsatisfactory.
Threat: Medium

Threat of Substitute Products & Services

When a new service or product is developed, a new market is created, one
that promises a new level of automation or a new way to reach customers.
In the time of market creation, products and knowledge (in the form of
consultants) are limited. Over time, as competing products are made and

more consultants gain knowledge, customers have more choices and the threat
of substitution increases.
Threat: Medium

Competitor Rivalry
Competition is fierce, but IBM enjoys a large share of the leading-edge IT
consultancy market. Many of IBM’s products set the market standard, al-
lowing IBM to control the direction and progress of the market. Many of
IBM’s competition are niche-oriented or cost-leaders, or are complementary
(using IBM’s products to drive demand for a specialized service).
Threat: Medium

.1.3 McKinsey 7S
• Hard Elements

– Structure A company of IBM’s size is split along three lines:

Software, Services, and Systems & Financing. By necessity, there
are diverse structures suited to the nature of a particular business.
The structure that is in question is the ranks of IBM consultants,
who are generally individuals on assignment and are not necessar-
ily aligned with any direction other than their own.
– Strategy IBM summarized their strategy succinctly with “... to
solve our clients’ hardest problems”; IBM continuously seeks op-
portunities which represent a technological advantage or a cost
savings for clients. Service contracts based on IBM products and
platforms are lucrative for growth markets.
– Systems IBM often sets the industry standards for systems and
automation, and has an interest in being flexible and responsive to
market conditions. Many mechanisms, such as training, HR, and
assignment deployment are well developed, although often left to
employees to discover and determine how best to use them.

• Soft Elements

– Style IBM has a surprisingly informal and collaborative style for

an organization of its size. Gone are the days of pinstripe suits and
‘sincere’ ties, replaced by a global collaborative network in which
IBM employees work on projects from any location. A full third
of IBM employees work from home, with the rest in ‘solutions
delivery centers’, IBM campuses, or in client sites.
– Shared Values IBM places emphasis on integrity and customer
satisfaction, and every IBM employee must read and sign a doc-
ument defining what IBM stands for. Because of the dispersed
nature of IBM, often values may be that of a client the IBM em-
ployee is working for, or assumed values from a temporary group
working together. Transient assignments tend not to reinforce
values over time.
– Skills IBM places a high premium on skills, as it is what makes
the company marketable to clients. IBM is often the company of
first resort to solve complex issues or introduce new technology to
clients. Despite the importance of skills, cultivating and directing
learning efforts is left to the individual employee.

– Staff With nearly 400,000 employees, IBM has a wide pool of la-
bor to draw from. Cleanly divided into ‘bands’, or levels of respon-
sibility (and pay) as well as broad job definitions, IBM marks out
stepping stones in advancement for the employee. A yearly perfor-
mance based bonus (both individual, department, and company)
motivates employees. Special programs such as ‘certification’ and
titles such as ‘distinguished engineers’ give special recognition to
employees who have achieved a remarkable level of skill.

.1.4 Market Share








Figure 19: IBM Market Share 2006

IBM’s market share for IT and Business services in 2006, showing that
while IBM has a large portion of the market, an even larger portion is held by
small IT consultancies. Individual consultants, small shops, and universities
lending scholars make up for the largest share of the IT market. Rivals
such as HP, Infosys, and Microsoft have a small market share now, but are
expected to invest and stake out a larger share over time.

.1.5 IBM’s Stakeholders

Competitor Platforms
IBM supports all IT platforms and products as a normal course of business.
IBM has no stake in providing service exclusively for its own products. As a
result, competitors often take an interest in IBM supporting their platform
as it can drive sales. On the other hand, IBM’s openness also allows the
possibility of a customer migrating to an IBM product as well.

Shareholders have not treated IBM as a ‘hot stock’, and IBM’s P/E ratio
remains low compared with other similar companies within the industry.
This treatment makes it difficult to retain key executives with stock options
and employees who may own IBM stock through company plans. Even with
record profits, IBM is not treated as a growth company.

IBM Consultants
IBM Consultants are the stock in trade when giving customers advice and
supplying skilled labor. Consultants find themselves in high demand when
their skill set is in short supply. However, consultants can find themselves
isolated from any sense of direction or corporate vision as they are isolated,
either by being embedded in client corporations or working alone from home.
While IBM may see emerging trends, this is often not shared with individual

Cost Sensitive Customers

Cost sensitive customers are clients that have found a cheaper alternative to
IBM, usually when a technology matures enough that low-cost competitors
have developed sufficient skills to provide the same service IBM does, but at
a discount. IBM cannot compete on cost so must find ways to provide clients
value that low-cost competition cannot.

Low Cost Competition

Low cost competition are competitors who have developed sufficient skills to
compete against IBM, especially in mature or declining markets. Low cost
competition sets the price floor for IBM, driving IBM forward to finding new
markets in which IBM can charge higher prices.

Premium Service Competition

Premium service competition are competitors who have the same business
model as IBM, eschewing competition on price and instead focusing on value
delivered to the client. IBM may either compete head-on or else form partner-
ships and alliances with this competition, especially for technology requiring
substantial knowledge and investment.

Leading Edge Customers

Leading edge customers are customers who will pay a high price for products
and services that will give them a business advantage or significant cost sav-
ings. These clients seek to gain an edge over their own competition, and are
willing to make the required investments. Leading edge customers can also
be cost sensitive customers, especially when portions of their infrastructure
has matured enough to make it difficult to justify retaining IBM to service

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