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Voltage Stability Constrained Available Transfer Capability Calculation Using Matlab

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Journal of Analysis and Computation, ISSN : 0973-2861

Vol. 7, No. 1, (January-June 2011) : pp. 27-37

© Serials Publications





The Available Transfer Capability (ATC) of a transmission system is a measure
of unutilized capability of the system at a given time and depends on a number
of factors such as the system generation dispatch, system load level, load
distribution in the network, power transfers between areas, network topology,
and the limits imposed on the transmission network due to thermal, voltage and
stability considerations. This paper describes a method for determining the
ATC between any two areas in a transmission system (multiarea) under a given
set of system operating conditions. The method used here provides ATC between
the two areas in a transmission system on the basis of voltage magnitude limits
at the buses and static voltage stability limits. In addition, the method can be
used to compute ATC between two areas based on including thermal limits
also. The proposed method is illustrated using two IEEE test systems.
Index Terms: Available Transfer Capability (ATC), Total Transfer Capability
(TTC), Tie Lines.

The computation of ATC is very important in the deregulated power system
because Electric utilities would be required to post information on ATC’s of
their transmission networks so that such information will help power marketers,
sellers and buyers in planning, operation and reserving the transmission services
[1]. Utilities would have to determine adequately their ATC’s to ensure that
system reliability is maintained while serving a wide range of transmission
transactions. ATC between and within areas of the interconnected power system
and ATC for critical transmission paths between these areas would be
continuously updated and changes in scheduled power transfers between the
areas are posted.

1,2,3,4 Department of Electrical and Electronics, The National Institute of Engineering - Mysore.
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Power system transfer capability indicates how much inter area power
transfers can be increased without compromising system security. Transfer
capability computations play a role in both the planning and operation of the
power system with regard to system security. One benefit of interconnected
power systems is the potential for increased reliability.
In an interconnected system, the loss of generation in one area can be
replaced by generation from other areas. Thus, several systems interconnected
can survive contingencies that the individual systems could not. Transfer
capability computations are useful for evaluating the ability of the interconnected
system to remain secure following generation and transmission outages.
Determining the adequacy of the transmission system in allowing external
generation to replace internal generation is a typical application for transfer
capability computations. For this purpose, a model of the network reflecting
the anticipated conditions is assumed. Several generators within one area are
selected as sinks. The power injected to the network at these locations is
systematically reduced or eliminated to reflect the planned or unplanned loss
of the units. For each generation outage scenario, several external generators
are selected as potential sources.
The choice of sources and the participation of each source depend upon
the assumption concerning the time frame of the response. The purpose of the
transfer capability computation is to determine the quantity of lost generation
that can be replaced by the potential reserves and the limiting constraints in
each circumstance. In addition to varying the assumptions regarding the
generation sources and sinks to reflect different outages and reserve locations,
the computations are often repeated assuming different loading conditions or
increasing loads and coincident branch element outages.
Transfer capability is the measure of the ability of interconnected electric
systems to reliably move or transfer power from one area to another over all
transmission lines (or paths) between those areas under specified system
conditions [3]. The units of transfer capability are in terms of electric power,
generally expressed in megawatts (MW). In this context, “area” may be an
individual electric system, power pool, control area, sub region, or NERC
Region, or a portion of any of these. Transfer capability is also directional in
nature. That is, the transfer capability from Area A to Area B is not generally
equal to the transfer capability from Area B to Area A [3].
Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is a measure of the transfer capability
remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity
over and above already committed uses [3]. Total Transfer Capability (TTC) is
defined as the amount of electric power that can be transferred over the
interconnected transmission network in a reliable manner while meeting all of
a specific set of defined pre and post-contingency system conditions [3].
The system-limiting factors that limit a power system’s ATC are many.
Among them are the line current limits, voltage magnitude limit, generator
reactive power limit, and voltage collapse limit, etc.

The line current limit usually is a line’s thermal limit. Too much current
flow in a line may cause a line to droop or damage nearby connected
equipments. DC power flow has been widely used to calculate thermal limit
with great speed.
But DC power flow can not deal with other limiting factors. The bus voltage
magnitudes also need to be kept within reasonable limits. Voltage over-limit
may cause damage to system equipments, and reduce the power quality to the
customers. Low voltage sometimes is also an indication that the system is near
a voltage collapse. Both high voltage and low voltage are regulated by system
circuit breakers and pose limits to the power transfer.
Generators have reactive power output limits. After a limit is reached, a
generator will not be able to regulate its bus voltage. It is degraded from a PV
bus into a PQ bus. This may cause voltage collapse or system instability [6].
The voltage collapse is the upper physical limit that a power system can
function properly. Beyond this point, no mathematical solution exists. This
situation usually happens after a bus voltage has a significant drop or when a
generator’s var limit is reached.
The limitations on power system performance that we consider in this paper
are transmission voltage magnitudes and voltage collapse. All these limits can
be handled in an AC load flow power system model.


Static voltage instability is mainly associated with reactive power imbalance.
Reactive power support that the bus receives from the systems can limit loadability
of that bus. If the reactive power support reaches the limit, the system will
approach the maximum loading point or voltage collapse point [7].
In static voltage stability, slowly developing changes in the power system
occur that eventually lead to a shortage of reactive power and declining voltage.
This phenomenon can be seen from the plot of the voltage at receiving end
versus the power transferred. The plots are popularly referred to as P-V curve
or “Nose” curve. As the power transfer increases, the voltage at the receiving
end decreases. Eventually, the critical (nose) point, the point at which the system
reactive power is out of use, is reached where any further increase in active
power transfer will lead to very rapid decrease in voltage magnitude. Before
reaching the critical point, the large voltage drop due to heavy reactive power
losses can be observed. The maximum load that can be increased prior to the
point at which the system reactive power is out of use is called static voltage
stability margin or loading margin of the system [8].
In static voltage stability study, mainly two analysis techniques, namely
Continuation Power Flow and Optimization technique (or direct) methods are
used [8].

(a) Continuation Power Flow Method

Continuation Power Flow presents a way to plot complete PV curves by
automatically changing the value of Loading Factor (LF or ë). It involves
predictor and corrector steps to guarantee a well behaved numerical solution
of the related equations. PV curves are currently in use at some utilities for
determining proximity to collapse so that operator can take timely preventive
measures to avoid voltage collapse. The CPF method uses the successive power
flow solution to fully compute the voltage profiles up to collapse point to
determine the loading margin. Tangent vector which is a byproduct of the CPF
process can also be used as an index to identify the weakest bus of the system.
Mathematically, the CPF procedure can be summarized in two steps, namely
predictor and corrector steps. A third step known as parameterization is
introduced to avoid some convergence problem.

(b) Optimization Technique Method

Optimization technique provides a more accurate solution and it is able to
handle power system constraints in a simple way. However, it gives only the
solution at the optimal point, which may not be useful in the operation of an
intermediate loading point, between base case and collapse point.


The basic idea in the ATC calculations is to determine for a given set of system
conditions (generation dispatch, load level, network topology, and its limits),
the maximum amount of power that a transmission system can transfer, in
addition to the already committed transmission services, when power is injected
at one location and the same amount of power is extracted at the same time at
another location without the violation of transmission constraints. This additional
amount of power is referred to in this paper as the ATC between the two locations
in the network.
Injecting power at one location in the network and extracting it at another
location affects system flow patterns. As the injected power increases between
the two locations, some transmission elements or interfaces become limiting,
and therefore no more additional power can be transferred between the two
locations. If there is one transmission path between the two locations, the ATC
between them will be equal to the ATC for the path and is given by the
difference between the flow limit on the limiting element or the interface and
the flow on the element or interface before the injection of power (base case).
If there is more than one transmission path between the two locations, the ATC
between them is equal to the sum of ATC’s for all transmission paths between
the two locations. In this case, the ATC for a certain path between the two
locations is given by the difference between the flows on the path after and
before the injection of power.

The simulation process used in this paper is illustrated using the flow chart
given below. The ATC is limited by the voltage magnitude at the buses and the
static voltage stability limit. Thermal limit checking is not accounted in this
ATC computation and is assumed to be infinity.
As the flowchart shows, a transfer case is selected first. The variables,
which are going to be used for the simulation, are chosen. For example, after
identifying the tie lines connecting the two areas, the power of the generator of
an area and the load of another area is increased so that power is transferred
from an area to another. The branch flow of the line or lines connecting the
two areas will then be recorded. If the power flow solution of the transfer case
cannot be converged, the simulation will be stopped, go back a few steps, and
continue running again with smaller steps, just to increase the accuracy of the
simulation. The reason for running the simulation in a bigger step comparing
to the second stage is to reduce the time consumption. The ATC is then the
total power flow increased between the two areas before the system plunge
into instability.
For a given system state, the ATC from one area (Area 1) to another area
(Area 2) and ATC’s for selected transmission paths between them will be
calculated using following procedure:
1. Establish a base case power flow using AC power flow in which the
system load is supplied without violating any transmission limits.
2. Identify the tie lines between the two areas.
3. Obtain from the base case, power flows in these selected tie lines or
transmission paths between the two areas.
4. Check for presence of loads at the receiving ends of these tie lines.
5. If so, increase the load in larger steps.
6. Again obtain the power flows in these tie lines between the two areas by
running AC power flow.
7. Repeat step 5 until system conditions are violated.
8. Now go back one step and decrease the load by one step.
9. Now by increasing the load in smaller steps run the power flow until
system conditions are violated and obtain the power flows in tie lines.
10. The difference between the flows computed in steps 9 and 3 on a
particular transmission path or tie line would give the required ATC for
that path or tie line.
11. The sum of ATC’s computed for tie lines between two areas will give the
ATC between those two areas.

Select transfer case and

variables to be changed

Step increase variables

Check if Bus
voltages are stable

Step back and increase
variables in smaller steps

Check if Bus Yes

voltages are stable


Fig. 1: Flow Chart for The Simulation
Fig. 1: Flow chart for the simulation
The above procedure can he used to compute ATC’s of multiple-area
systems as a function of time. Hourly or daily ATC’s can be calculated as the
power system goes through its moment by moment changes.


The methods described in the preceding sections for computing the ATC of a
transmission system are illustrated using two IEEE bus systems as shown in
figures 2 and 5. That is using IEEE 30 bus system and IEEE 118 bus system
[10] and [11].
ATC’s were computed between three areas using power flow program in
MATLAB. The ATC’s of the transmission lines and the ATC’s between the
areas for the IEEE 30 Bus Test system shown in figure 2 are as given in the
following tables I and II. The maximum power that can be transferred between
the two areas 1 and 2 without any violations of transmission constraints was
found to be 23.15 MW and between areas 1 and 3 and 2 and 3 the ATC values

are found to be 38.52 MW and –13.71 MW respectively. The negative sign

indicates that the ATC is in reverse direction.
Figure 3 shows the PV curves of receiving end load buses of tie lines of
IEEE 30 bus test system with only voltage collapse limit applied. Figure 4
shows the PV curves of receiving end load buses of tie lines of IEEE 30 bus
test system with both voltage limit and voltage collapse limit applied.
Similarly the ATC’s between the areas for the IEEE 118 Bus Test system
shown in figure 5 are as given in table III. The maximum power that can be
transferred between the two areas 1 and 2 without any violations of transmission
constraints is found to be 19.09 MW and between areas 1 and 3 and 2 and 3
the ATC values are found to be –21.97 MW and –345.29 MW respectively.

Fig. 2: Modified IEEE 30 Bus Test System


Fig. 3: PV Curves of Receiving End Buses of Tie Lines of IEEE 30

Bus Test System with Only Voltage Collapse Limit

Fig. 4: PV Curves of Receiving End Buses of Tie Lines of IEEE 30

Bus Test System with Both Voltage Limit and Voltage Collapse Limit

Fig. 5: Modified IEEE 118 Bus Test System

Table I

Available Transfer Capability (ATC)

Branch No. Bus No. to Bus No. ATC (MW)
1 1 2 41.39
2 1 3 22.40
3 2 4 15.20
4 3 4 22.04
5 2 5 7.90
6 2 6 17.40
7 4 6 13.78
8 5 7 7.75
9 6 7 –7.70
10 6 8 1.39
11 6 9 20.14
12 6 10 11.51
13 9 11 0.00
14 9 10 20.14
15 4 12 23.15
16 12 13 0.00
17 12 14 1.32
18 12 15 5.43
19 12 16 4.18
20 14 15 1.31
21 16 17 4.11
22 15 18 4.41

23 18 19 4.33
24 19 20 4.30
25 10 20 7.87
26 10 17 8.04
27 10 21 2.23
28 10 22 3.46
29 21 22 2.20
30 15 23 2.23
31 22 24 3.46
32 23 24 2.20
33 24 25 –6.59
34 25 26 0.00
35 25 27 –6.78
36 28 27 6.86
37 27 29 0.00
38 27 30 0.00
39 29 30 0.00
40 8 28 1.38
41 6 28 5.48

Table II
Area No. to Area No. ATC (MW)
1 2 23.15
1 3 38.52
2 3 –13.71

Table III
Area No. to Area No. ATC (MW)
1 2 19.09
1 3 –21.97
2 3 –345.29

In this paper a simple, efficient and practical method for determining the ATC
between any two areas in the transmission system has been proposed and the
ATC’s for transmission paths between two buses and ATC’s between two areas
interconnected by tie lines are calculated. The results obtained from the
application of the above method of ATC assessment to the two IEEE test systems
demonstrated that ATC was limited mainly due to the violation of voltage
magnitudes at the buses.

[1] G. Hamoud, “Assessment of Available Transfer Capability of Transmission Systems”, IEEE
Transactions on Power System, 15, No. 1, February 2000.
[2] Ian Dobson, Hans Glavitsch, Chen-Ching Liu, Uasio Tamura and Khoi Vu, “Voltage Collapse in
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[3] North American Electric Reliability Council, “Available Transfer Capability Definitions and
Determination”, NERC June 1996.

[4] G.C. Ejebe, J. Tong, J.G. Waight, J.G. Frame, X. Wang, W.F. Tinney, “Available Transfer
Capability Calculations”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 13, No. 4, November 1998.
[5] Dr. Nigel T. Hawkins, “Voltage Collapse and its Avoidance”, IEE, Savoy Place, London WC2R
0BL, UK.
[6] Ronghai Wang, Robert H. Lasseter, Jiangping Meng, Fernando L. Alvarado, “Fast Determination
of Simultaneous Available Transfer Capability (ATC)”.
[7] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGrawHil, 1994.
[8] Arthit Sode-Yome and N. Mithulananthan, “Static Voltage Stability Study Using MATLAB
Symbolic and Optimization Toolboxes”.
[9] Ian Dobson, Scott Greene, Rajesh Rajaraman, Christopher L. DeMarco, Fernando L. Alvarado,
Mevludin Glavic, Jianfeng Zhang, Ray Zimmerman, “Electric Power Tansfer Capability: Concepts,
Applications, Sensitivity and Uncertainty,” PSERC Publication 01-34 November 2001.
[10] www.ee.washington.edu/research/pstca.
[11] www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower.

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