Delhi Labour Welfare Fund

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ADVOCATES & LEGAL Guidelines to be followed as
The Bombay Labour Welfare
Fund Act, 1953 (applicable to

The provisions of the Act shall be

5 JULY 2014

restricted to the establishments

employing five or more persons as per
Section 2(4) of the Act. The key
provisions and guidelines been issued
by the Delhi Labour Welfare Board has
been discussed as hereunder:

1. Employees who are employed in

a supervisory capacity and draws
wages not exceeding one
thousand and six hundred rupees
per mensem comes under the
Trans-India Law Associates, Advocates & Legal Consultants 1
Office: TLA SUITE, JA-120, DLF Tower - A, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi-110025
Court Chamber: Chamber No. 555, New Delhi Court Complex, New Delhi-110001
Tel. :91-11-26943664, Fax.: 91-11-26970075
[email protected]
perview of this Act according to guidelines been issued by the
Section 2(2) of the Act; Delhi Labour Welfare Board;
2. Statement of employees and 6. The statement in the form of
employer’s contribution for the Form-A along with the payment
six month ending shall be shall be submitted to the Delhi
submitted by the employer as per Labour Welfare Commissioner,
Form-A [Rule 3 (4)]; Government of NCT of Delhi,
Vikas Bhawan-II Near Metcafe
3. Contributions to be paid: House, Civil Lines, New Delhi-
(a)Employee’s contribution Rs. 110054;
0.75 per employee;
(b) Employer’s contribution
Rs. 2.25 per employee; For any further details, please contact:
(c) Interest if any; Mr. Raj Singh Niranjan, Counsel for Govt. of
India – Supreme Court (9810070075)
4. The information required for Email- [email protected]
filing the statement of employees Dr. Rajni Patel, Partner (9818043057)
Email- [email protected]
and employers as per Form-A Ms. Sneha Mukherjee, Junior Partner
[Rule 3(4)]: (08860635075)
Email- [email protected]
(a)Name of the Establishment; Ms. Sonia Bharaj, Joint Partner
(b) Name of the Employer;
E-mail: [email protected]
(c) Class of Establishment;
DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information.
You may chose to reproduce or distribute this report for non-commercial
(d) Address of the purposes in part or in full to any other person with due acknowledgement of
Trans India Law Associates (“TLA”). The opinions expressed herein are
entirely those of the author(s). TLA makes every effort o use reliable and
Establishment; comprehensive information, but TLA does not represent that the contents of
the report are accurate or complete. TLA is an independent, Law Firms. This
document has been prepared without regard to the objectives or opinions of
(e) Total number of employees; those who may receive it.

(f) Mode of Contribution.

5. The last date of submission of
forms is 15th July and 15th
January of every year as per the

Trans-India Law Associates, Advocates & Legal Consultants 2

Office: TLA SUITE, JA-120, DLF Tower - A, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi-110025
Court Chamber: Chamber No. 555, New Delhi Court Complex, New Delhi-110001
Tel. :91-11-26943664, Fax.: 91-11-26970075
[email protected]

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