CCEA GCSE Chemistry Specification

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CCEA GCSE Specification in


For first teaching from September 2017

For first assessment in Summer 2018
For first award in Summer 2019
Subject Code: 1110
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Aims 4
1.2 Key features 4
1.3 Prior attainment 5
1.4 Classification codes and subject combinations 5

2 Specification at a Glance 6

3 Subject Content 8
3.1 Unit 1: Structures, Trends, Chemical Reactions, Quantitative 8
Chemistry and Analysis
3.2 Unit 2: Further Chemical Reactions, Rates and Equilibrium, 25
Calculations and Organic Chemistry
3.3 Unit 3: Practical Skills 37

4 Scheme of Assessment 42
4.1 Assessment opportunities 42
4.2 Assessment objectives 42
4.3 Assessment objective weightings 42
4.4 Quality of written communication 43
4.5 Reporting and grading 43

5 Grade Descriptions 44

6 Guidance on Practical Skills Assessment 47
6.1 Overview 47
6.2 Skills assessed by Unit 3 47
6.3 Task taking in Booklet A 48
6.4 Task marking 49

7 Curriculum Objectives 50
7.1 Cross-Curricular Skills at Key Stage 4 50
7.2 Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities at Key Stage 4 52

8 Links and Support 54
8.1 Support 54
8.2 Examination entries 54
8.3 Equality and inclusion 54
8.4 Contact details 56

Appendix 1 57
Mathematical Content

Appendix 2 59
How Science Works

Appendix 3 61
Data Leaflet including the Periodic Table of the Elements

Subject Code 1110
QAN 603/1146/0

A CCEA Publication © 2017

This specification is available online at

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

1 Introduction
This specification sets out the content and assessment details for our GCSE course in
Chemistry. We have designed this specification to meet the requirements of:
• Northern Ireland GCSE Design Principles; and
• Northern Ireland GCE and GCSE Qualifications Criteria.

First teaching is from September 2017. We will make the first award based on this
specification in Summer 2019.

This specification is a unitised course. The guided learning hours, as for all our GCSEs,
are 120 hours.

The specification supports the aim of the Northern Ireland Curriculum to empower
young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible
decisions throughout their lives, as well as its objectives:
• to develop the young person as an individual;
• to develop the young person as a contributor to society; and
• to develop the young person as a contributor to the economy and environment.

If there are any major changes to this specification, we will notify centres in writing.
The online version of the specification will always be the most up to date; to view
and download this please go to

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

1.1 Aims
This specification aims to encourage students to:
• develop their knowledge and understanding of the material world;
• develop their understanding of the effects of chemistry on society;
• develop their understanding of the importance of scale in chemistry;
• develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of the nature of science
and of the scientific process;
• develop their understanding of the relationships between hypotheses, evidence,
theories and explanations;
• develop their awareness of risk and the ability to assess potential risk and
potential benefits;
• develop and apply their observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and
problem-solving skills and understanding in laboratory, field and other learning
• develop their ability to evaluate claims based on chemistry through critical
analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions both qualitatively and
quantitatively; and
• develop their skills in communication, mathematics and the use of technology in
scientific contexts.

1.2 Key features
The following are important features of this specification.
• It offers opportunities to build on the skills and capabilities developed through the
delivery of the Northern Ireland Curriculum at Key Stage 3.
• The course comprises two theory units (Units 1 and 2), which are designed to be
taught in the first and second years of the course respectively, and a practical skills
assessment unit (Unit 3), which is made up of Booklet A and Booklet B.
• Students carry out a variety of prescribed practical activities, which appear in
italics throughout the specification. Two of these are assessed in Unit 3: Practical
Skills Booklet A, which students carry out in class towards the end of the course.
• A timetabled examination, Booklet B, completes the practical skills assessment.
This consists of a series of questions about the prescribed practicals and other
practical activities throughout the specification.
• All units are externally marked.
• The specification allows students to develop transferable skills that will benefit
them in vocational training and employment. It also enables them to progress to
the study of science and related courses at GCE Advanced level and Advanced
Subsidiary level.
• Details of the mathematical skills expected of students are given in Appendix 1.
• The content in this specification is assessed in the context of How Science Works
(see Appendix 2).
• There is a range of support available for both teachers and students, including
specimen papers, mark schemes and planning frameworks. You can download
these from our Chemistry microsite at

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

1.3 Prior attainment

Students do not need to have reached a particular level of attainment before
beginning to study this specification.

However, the specification builds on the knowledge, skills and understanding
developed through the Northern Ireland Curriculum for science at Key Stage 3.

Before studying this specification, we expect students to have a level of skills in
science, numeracy, literacy and communication that is commensurate with having
studied science to Key Stage 3.

1.4 Classification codes and subject combinations
Every specification has a national classification code that indicates its subject area.
The classification code for this qualification is 1110.

Please note that if a student takes two qualifications with the same classification
code, schools, colleges and universities that they apply to may take the view that
they have achieved only one of the two GCSEs. The same may occur with any two
GCSE qualifications that have a significant overlap in content, even if the
classification codes are different. Because of this, students who have any doubts
about their subject combinations should check with the schools, colleges and
universities that they would like to attend before beginning their studies.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

2 Specification at a Glance
The table below summarises the structure of this GCSE course.

Content Assessment Weightings Availability

Unit 1: External written 35% Summer from
Structures, examination 2018
Trends, Chemical
Reactions, Students answer
Quantitative compulsory structured
Chemistry and questions that require
Analysis short responses, extended
writing and calculations.

There are two tiers of

Foundation Tier: 1 hour

Higher Tier: 1 hour 15 mins

Unit 2: External written 40% Summer from

Further Chemical examination 2019
Reactions, Rates
and Equilibrium, Students answer
Calculations and compulsory structured
Organic questions that require
Chemistry short responses, extended
writing and calculations.

There are two tiers of entry.

Foundation Tier:
1 hour 15 mins

Higher Tier: 1 hour 30 mins

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Assessment Weightings Availability

Unit 3: Booklet A 7.5% Between
Practical Skills 1 January and
Externally marked 1 May from 2019

Students carry out two
pre-release practical tasks
in the final year of study.

There are two tiers of

Foundation and Higher
Tiers: 2 hours

Booklet B 17.5% Summer from

External written

Students answer
compulsory structured
questions that require
short responses, extended
writing and calculations, all
set in a practical context.

There are two tiers of

Foundation and Higher (Unit 3
Tiers: 1 hour total: 25%)

Students must take at least 40 percent of the assessment (based on unit weightings)
at the end of the course as terminal assessment.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

3 Subject Content
We have divided this course into three units. The content of each unit and the
respective learning outcomes appear below.

Content for the Higher Tier only is in bold.
Questions in Higher Tier papers may be set on any content in the specification.

Content for the Foundation Tier is in normal type.
Questions in Foundation Tier papers will only be set on this content.

The nine prescribed practicals, which are assessed in Booklets A and B of Unit 3:
Practical Skills, are shown in italics.

3.1 Unit 1: Structures, Trends, Chemical Reactions,
Quantitative Chemistry and Analysis
This unit introduces and explores safe practical and theoretical chemistry in terms of
atomic structure, structure and bonding in traditional, new and nanoparticles,
patterns in the Periodic Table, reactions of acids including preparation of pure, dry
salts, solubility and chemical analysis. Students are expected to express themselves
accurately in terms of formulae, ionic equations and balanced symbol equations. The
section on quantitative chemistry includes calculations in terms of amounts in moles
and percentage yield.

Content Learning Outcomes

1.1 Students should be able to:
Atomic structure 1.1.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how
ideas about the atom changed over time, with
reference to:
• the Plum Pudding model;
• Rutherford’s model of a nucleus surrounded by
electrons; and
• the discovery of the neutron by Chadwick, leading to
today’s model of an atom;

1.1.2 describe the structure of an atom as a central
positively charged nucleus containing protons and
neutrons (most of the mass) surrounded by orbiting
electrons in shells;

1.1.3 state the relative charges and approximate relative
masses of protons, neutrons and electrons; and

1.1.4 define atomic number as the number of protons in an

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

1.1 Students should be able to:
Atomic structure 1.1.5 define mass number as the total number of protons
(cont.) and neutrons in an atom;

1.1.6 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that an
atom as a whole has no electrical charge because the
number of protons is equal to the number of electrons;

1.1.7 calculate the number of protons, neutrons and
electrons in an atom or an ion and deduce the charge
on an ion or determine the number of subatomic
particles given the charge;

1.1.8 write and draw the electronic configuration (structure)
of atoms and ions with atomic number 1–20;

1.1.9 recall that atoms have a radius of about 0.1 nm

(1 × 10 -10 m) and that the nucleus is less than 1/10 000
of that of the atom (less than 1 × 10 -14 m);

1.1.10 define isotopes as atoms of an element with the same
atomic number but a different mass number, indicating
a different number of neutrons;

1.1.11 interpret data on the number of protons, neutrons and
electrons to identify isotopes of an element;

1.1.12 calculate the relative atomic mass of elements from the
mass number and abundances of its isotopes;

1.1.13 recall that a compound is two or more elements
chemically combined;

1.2 1.2.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that an ion

Bonding is a charged particle formed when an atom gains or
Ionic bonding loses electrons and a molecular ion is a charged particle
containing more than one atom; and

1.2.2 define the terms cation and anion and explain, using
dot and cross diagrams, how ions are formed and how
ionic bonding takes place in simple ionic compounds,
limited to elements in Groups 1 (I) and 2 (II) with
elements in Groups 6 (VI) and 7 (VII), the ions of which
have a noble gas electronic configuration.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Ionic bonding Students should be able to:
(cont.) 1.2.3 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that:
• ionic bonding involves attraction between oppositely
charged ions;
• ionic bonds are strong; and
• substantial energy is required to break ionic bonds;

1.2.4 recognise that ionic bonding is typical of metal

Covalent 1.2.5 describe a single covalent bond as a shared pair of

bonding electrons;

1.2.6 explain, using dot and cross diagrams, how covalent
bonding occurs in H2, Cl2, HCl, H2O, NH3, CH4 and similar
molecules and label lone pairs of electrons;

1.2.7 draw dot and cross diagrams and indicate the presence
of multiple bonds in O2, N2 and CO2;

1.2.8 recognise covalent bonding as typical of non-metallic

elements and compounds;

1.2.9 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
a molecule is two or more atoms covalently bonded
and that diatomic means that there are two atoms
covalently bonded in a molecule;

1.2.10 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that

covalent bonds are strong and that substantial energy
is required to break covalent bonds;

1.2.11 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
a covalent bond may be represented by a line; and

Metallic 1.2.12 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that

bonding metallic bonding results from the attraction between
the positive ions in a regular lattice and the delocalised

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

1.3 Students should be able to:
Structures 1.3.1 use the accepted structural model for giant ionic
Ionic lattices to explain the physical properties of ionic
structures substances such as sodium chloride, including melting
point, boiling point and electrical conductivity (drawing
a diagram of a giant ionic lattice is not expected but
students should be able to recognise it);

1.3.2 recall that most ionic compounds are soluble in water;

Molecular 1.3.3 use the accepted structural model for molecular

covalent covalent structures to explain the physical properties of
structures molecular covalent structures such as iodine and
carbon dioxide, including melting point, boiling point
and electrical conductivity;

1.3.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that the
intermolecular forces between covalent molecules are
weak forces called van der Waals’ forces;

1.3.5 recall that many covalent molecular substances are
insoluble in water;

Giant 1.3.6 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

covalent the giant covalent structure of carbon (diamond) and
structures carbon (graphite), and predict and explain their
physical properties, including:
• electrical conductivity;
• hardness;
• melting point and boiling point; and
• their uses in cutting tools (diamond), lubricants and
pencils (graphite); and

Metallic 1.3.7 use the accepted structural model for metals to predict
structures and explain their structure and physical properties
including melting point, malleability, ductility and
electrical conductivity.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Metallic Students should be able to:
structures 1.3.8 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that an
(cont.) alloy is a mixture of two or more elements, at least one
of which is a metal, and the resulting mixture has
metallic properties;

1.3.9 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that the
different sizes of atoms in an alloy distort the layers in
the metallic structure, making it more difficult for them
to slide over each other, and so alloys are harder than
pure metals;

1.3.10 recall that gold used in jewellery is usually an alloy with
silver, copper and zinc, that the proportion of gold is
measured in carats, and that 24 carat gold indicates
pure gold and 18 carat gold indicates 75% gold;

Structure and 1.3.11 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that

bonding of carbon can form four covalent bonds;
1.3.12 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
structure of graphene (a single atom thick layer of
graphite), explain its physical properties, including
strength and electrical conductivity, and recall its uses
such as those in batteries and solar cells;

1.3.13 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
meaning of the term allotrope as applied to carbon
(diamond), carbon (graphite) and graphene; and

Classification 1.3.14 use given information to classify the structure of

of structures substances as giant ionic lattice, molecular covalent,
giant covalent or metallic.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

1.4 Students should be able to:
Nanoparticles 1.4.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
nanoparticles are structures that are 1–100 nm in size
and contain a few hundred atoms;

1.4.2 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of surface
area to volume relationships and that, as the side of
a cube decreases by a factor of 10, the surface area to
volume ratio increases by a factor of 10;

1.4.3 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that

nanoparticles have properties different from those for
the same material in bulk, due to their high surface
area to volume ratio;

1.4.4 evaluate the benefits of nanoparticles in sun creams,
including better skin coverage and more effective
protection from the Sun’s ultraviolet rays, and the risks,
such as potential cell damage in the body and harmful
effects on the environment;

1.5 1.5.1 recognise symbols and names for common elements

Symbols, and recall the diatomic elements;
formulae and
equations 1.5.2 interpret chemical formulae by naming the elements
and stating the number of each type of atom present;

1.5.3 write chemical formulae of compounds;

1.5.4 demonstrate understanding that chemical reactions use
up reactants and produce new substances called

1.5.5 construct word equations to describe the range of
reactions covered in this specification; and

1.5.6 recognise that in a chemical reaction no atoms are lost
or made but they are rearranged, and as a result we
can write balanced symbol equations showing the
atoms involved.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

1.5 Students should be able to:
Symbols, 1.5.7 write balanced symbol equations for all reactions
formulae and covered in this specification and for unfamiliar chemical
equations reactions when the names of the reactants and
(cont.) products are specified;

1.5.8 write balanced ionic equations for reactions covered
in this specification;

1.5.9 write half equations for reactions covered in this

1.5.10 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that in
chemical equations the three states of matter are
shown as (s), (l) and (g), with (aq) for aqueous
solutions, and include appropriate state symbols in
equations for the reactions in this specification;

1.6 1.6.1 describe how Mendeleev arranged the elements in the

The Periodic Periodic Table and left gaps for elements that had not
Table been discovered at that time, and how this enabled him
Basic to predict properties of undiscovered elements;
structure of
the Periodic 1.6.2 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how
Table scientific ideas have changed over time in terms of the
differences and similarities between Mendeleev’s
Periodic Table and the modern Periodic Table;

1.6.3 describe an element as a substance that consists of
only one type of atom and demonstrate understanding
that elements cannot be broken down into simpler
substances by chemical means;

1.6.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
a group is a vertical column in the Periodic Table and
a period is a horizontal row; and

1.6.5 identify and recall the position of metals and
non-metals in the Periodic Table and distinguish
between them according to their properties, including
conduction of heat and electricity, ductility,
malleability, melting point and sonority.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Basic Students should be able to:
structure of 1.6.6 identify elements as solids, liquids and gases (at room
the Periodic temperature and pressure) in the Periodic Table;
Table (cont.)
1.6.7 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
elements in the same group in the Periodic Table have
the same number of electrons in their outer shell and
this gives them similar chemical properties;

1.6.8 recall that elements with similar properties appear in
the same group (for example Group 1 (I) and Group
2 (II) are groups of reactive metals, Group 7 (VII) is a
group of reactive non-metals and Group 0 is a group of
non-reactive non-metals), locate these groups in the
Periodic Table and recall the names of the groups;

Group 1 (I) 1.6.9 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that the

alkali metals have low density and the first three are
less dense than water;

1.6.10 assess and manage risks associated with the storage
and use of alkali metals and recall that alkali metals are
easily cut, are shiny when freshly cut and tarnish
rapidly in air;

1.6.11 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
Group 1 (I) metals react with water to produce
hydrogen and a metal hydroxide, and give observations
for the reactions;

1.6.12 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that alkali
metals have similar chemical properties because when
they react an atom loses an electron to form a positive
ion with a stable electronic configuration;

1.6.13 write half equations for the formation of a Group 1 (I)
ion from its atom; and

1.6.14 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how the
trend in reactivity down the group depends on the
outer shell electrons of the atoms.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Group 1 (I) Students should be able to:
(cont.) 1.6.15 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that most
Group 1 (I) compounds are white and dissolve in water
to give colourless solutions;

Group 7 (VII) 1.6.16 recall data about the colour, physical state at room
temperature and pressure, diatomicity and toxicity of
the elements in Group 7 (VII), interpret given data to
establish trends within the group and make predictions
based on these trends;

1.6.17 recall the observations when solid iodine sublimes on
heating and demonstrate understanding of the term

1.6.18 describe how to test for chlorine gas (damp universal
indicator paper changes to red and then bleaches

1.6.19 investigate the displacement reactions of Group 7 (VII)
elements with solutions of other halides to establish
the trend in reactivity within the group and make
predictions based on this trend;

1.6.20 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how the
reactivity down the group depends on the outer shell
electrons of the atoms;

1.6.21 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that the
halogens have similar chemical properties because
when they react an atom gains an electron to form a
negative ion with a stable electronic configuration;

1.6.22 write half equations for the formation of a halide ion
from a halogen molecule or atom;

Group 0 1.6.23 use the concept of electronic configuration to explain

the lack of reactivity and the stability of the noble
gases; and

1.6.24 recall that the noble gases are colourless gases.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Group 0 Students should be able to:
(cont.) 1.6.25 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
trend in boiling points of the noble gases going down
the group;

Transition 1.6.26 compare the physical properties of the transition

metals metals with Group 1 (I) elements, including melting
point and density, and demonstrate understanding that
the transition metals are much less reactive with water;

1.6.27 demonstrate knowledge that transition elements form
ions with different charges (for example iron(II) and
iron(III)) and form coloured compounds:
• copper(II) oxide is black;
• copper(II) carbonate is green;
• hydrated copper(II) sulfate is blue; and
• copper(II) salts are usually blue in solution;

1.7 1.7.1 recall that the relative atomic mass (Ar) of an atom is
Quantitative the mass of the atom compared with that of the
chemistry carbon-12 isotope, which has a mass of exactly 12, and
Formula mass demonstrate knowledge and understanding that Ar is a
weighted mean of the mass numbers (linked to 1.1.12);

1.7.2 calculate the relative formula mass (Mr) (relative
molecular mass) of a compound and the percentage of
an element, by mass, in a compound;

The mole 1.7.3 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that

chemical amounts are measured in moles and that the
mass of one mole of a substance in grams is
numerically equal to the relative formula mass;

1.7.4 convert the given mass of a substance to the amount of
the substance in moles (and vice versa) by using the
relative atomic or formula mass; and

1.7.5 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
importance of scale in chemistry in terms of
calculating moles from masses given in tonnes and
kilograms, for example in industrial processes.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

The mole Students should be able to:
(cont.) 1.7.6 calculate the reacting masses of reactants or products,
given a balanced symbol equation and using moles
and simple ratio, including examples where there is
a limiting reactant;

Percentage 1.7.7 calculate the theoretical yield and the percentage yield
yield of a chemical reaction given the actual yield;

1.7.8 recognise possible reasons why the percentage yield of
a product is less than 100%, including loss of product in
separation from the reaction mixture, as a result of side
reactions or because the reaction is reversible and may
not go to completion;

Calculation of 1.7.9 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the

the formulae terms empirical formula, molecular formula, hydrated,
of compounds anhydrous and water of crystallisation;

1.7.10 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that water
of crystallisation can be removed by heating to
constant mass and any thermal decomposition may be
carried out to completion by heating to constant mass;

1.7.11 calculate the relative formula mass of compounds
containing water of crystallisation;

1.7.12 calculate the percentage of water of crystallisation in a

1.7.13 determine the empirical formulae of simple
compounds and determine the moles of water of
crystallisation present in a hydrated salt from
percentage composition, mass composition or
experimental data; and

• determine the mass of water present in hydrated crystals

(Prescribed Practical C1).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

1.8 Students should be able to:
Acids, bases and 1.8.1 recall the colours of phenolphthalein and methyl
salts orange in acidic, alkaline and neutral solutions;
Indicators and
pH 1.8.2 describe the effects of acidic, alkaline and neutral
solutions on indicator papers (red and blue litmus
papers and universal indicator paper) and the use of a
pH meter to give pH data to at least one decimal place;

1.8.3 interpret given data about universal indicator (colour or
pH) to classify solutions as acidic, alkaline or neutral
and to indicate the relative strengths of acidic and
alkaline solutions according to the following
• pH 0–2 strong acid;
• pH 3–6 weak acid;
• pH 7 neutral;
• pH 8–11 weak alkali; and
• pH 12–14 strong alkali;

1.8.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that acids
dissolve in water to produce hydrogen (H+ (aq)) ions;

1.8.5 recall that the higher the concentration of hydrogen
ions in an acidic solution, the lower the pH;

1.8.6 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that alkalis
dissolve in water to produce hydroxide (OH–(aq)) ions;

1.8.7 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
strong acids and strong alkalis are completely ionised
in water, recall examples of strong acids (including
hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid) and
recall examples of strong alkalis (including sodium
hydroxide and potassium hydroxide); and

1.8.8 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that weak
acids and weak alkalis are partially ionised in water,
recall examples of weak acids (including ethanoic acid
and carbonic acid) and recall examples of weak alkalis
(including ammonia).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Indicators and Students should be able to:
pH (cont.) 1.8.9 explain dilute and concentrated in terms of the
amount of substances in solution;

Reactions of 1.8.10 describe neutralisation as the reaction between the

acids hydrogen ions in an acid and the hydroxide ions in an
alkali to produce water and recall the ionic equation
H+(aq) + OH–(aq) → H2O(l)

1.8.11 investigate the temperature change during

neutralisation and demonstrate understanding that
neutralisation reactions are exothermic (heat is given

1.8.12 recall that a base is a metal oxide or hydroxide which
neutralises an acid to produce a salt and water and that
an alkali is a soluble base;

1.8.13 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of and
write observations on and equations for the general
reactions of hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acids with:
• metals;
• bases;
• carbonates;
• hydrogencarbonates; and
• ammonia;

1.8.14 describe how to test for hydrogen gas: apply a lighted
splint and a popping sound results;

1.8.15 describe how to test for carbon dioxide:
limewater (calcium hydroxide solution) will change
from colourless to milky if the test is positive; and

Preparation of 1.8.16 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that a salt

soluble salts is a compound formed when some or all of the
hydrogen ions in an acid are replaced by metal ions or
ammonium ions.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Preparation of Students should be able to:
soluble salts 1.8.17 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that most
(cont.) Group 1 (I), Group 2 (II), aluminium and zinc salts are
white and if they dissolve in water they give colourless
solutions, and that transition metal salts are generally

1.8.18 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how
pure dry samples of soluble salts can be prepared by:
• adding excess insoluble substances to acid;
• adding alkali to acid, or vice versa, in the presence of
an indicator; and
• repeating without indicator or removing the
indicator using charcoal
(methods of drying to include placing in a desiccator or
a low temperature oven or drying between two sheets
of filter paper);

1.8.19 develop awareness of the importance of safety in the
laboratory to assess potential risks, including the
hazards associated with chemicals labelled with the
GHS/CLP international chemical hazard labelling
(including toxic, corrosive, flammable, explosive and

• investigate the reactions of acids, including temperature
changes that occur (Prescribed Practical C2);

• investigate the preparation of soluble salts (Prescribed
Practical C3);

1.9 1.9.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that a pure

Chemical substance is a single element or compound not mixed
analysis with any other substance; and
purity and 1.9.2 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that pure
separating elements and compounds melt and boil at specific
mixtures temperatures and melting point and boiling point can
be used to distinguish pure substances from mixtures.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Assessing Students should be able to:
purity and 1.9.3 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that a
separating formulation is a mixture that has been designed as a
mixtures useful product and is formed by mixing together several
(cont.) different substances in carefully measured quantities to
ensure the product has the required properties, for
example alloys, medicines and fertilisers;

1.9.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
terms soluble, insoluble, solute, solvent, solution,
residue, filtrate, distillate, miscible, immiscible,
evaporation and condensation;

1.9.5 investigate practically how mixtures can be separated
using filtration, crystallisation, paper chromatography,
simple distillation or fractional distillation (including
using fractional distillation in the laboratory to separate
miscible liquids, for example ethanol and water);

1.9.6 describe paper chromatography as the separation of
mixtures of soluble substances by running a solvent
(mobile phase) through the mixture on the paper
(stationary phase), which causes the substances to
move at different rates over the paper;

1.9.7 interpret a paper chromatogram including calculating Rf

1.9.8 analyse given data on mixtures to make judgements on
the most effective methods of separation and plan
experiments to carry out this separation;

1.9.9 describe how water can be made potable, including the
need for filtration, sedimentation and chlorination;

1.9.10 describe how seawater can be made potable using
distillation; and

1.9.11 use anhydrous copper(II) sulfate to test for water.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Tests for ions Students should be able to:
1.9.12 describe how to carry out a flame test using nichrome
wire and concentrated hydrochloric acid to identify
metal ions;

1.9.13 demonstrate knowledge of the flame colours of
different metal ions:
• lithium (crimson);
• sodium (yellow/orange);
• potassium (lilac);
• calcium (brick red); and
• copper(II) (blue–green/green–blue);

1.9.14 describe the test for Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Zn2+ and Mg2+
ions in solution using sodium hydroxide solution and
ammonia solution;

1.9.15 describe the tests for the following:
• chloride, bromide and iodide (using silver nitrate
• sulfate (using barium chloride solution); and
• carbonate (using dilute acid and identifying the
carbon dioxide evolved);

1.9.16 write ionic equations for the halide and sulfate ion
tests and tests for metal ions using sodium hydroxide

1.9.17 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that many
tests for anions and cations are precipitation reactions;

1.9.18 plan experiments to identify cations and anions present
in an unknown or a given compound; and

• identify the ions in an ionic compound using chemical tests
(Prescribed Practical C4).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

1.10 Students should be able to:
1.10.1 define solubility as the mass of solid required to
saturate 100 g of water at a particular temperature;

1.10.2 use given data to calculate solubility values;

1.10.3 experimentally determine the solubility of a solid in
water (other practical activity);

1.10.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that a
saturated solution is one in which no more solute will
dissolve at that temperature, demonstrate
understanding that when a hot concentrated solution
is cooled some of the solute will be deposited, and
calculate the mass of solute deposited;

1.10.5 draw and interpret solubility curves (graph of solubility
in g/100 g water against temperature in °C); and

1.10.6 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that the
solubility of gases decreases as temperature increases,
whereas the solubility of a solid generally increases as
temperature increases.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

3.2 Unit 2: Further Chemical Reactions, Rates and

Equilibrium, Calculations and Organic Chemistry
In this unit, students extend their knowledge of safe practical and theoretical
chemistry further to include reactivity series, redox, rates of reaction, energy
changes in chemical reactions and gas chemistry. Students are introduced to organic
chemistry, equilibrium in chemical reactions and electrochemistry. They also
continue to write more complex equations and carry out increasingly complex
calculations of amounts in moles involving solution and gas chemistry.

Content Learning Outcomes

2.1 Students should be able to:
Metals and 2.1.1 recall the reactivity series of metals, including K, Na, Ca,
reactivity series Mg, Al, Zn, Fe and Cu;

2.1.2 describe the reactions, if any, of the above metals with
the following and describe how to collect the gas
produced, where appropriate:
• air;
• water; and
• steam;

2.1.3 explain how the reactivity of metals is related to the
tendency of a metal to form its positive ion;

2.1.4 explain and describe the displacement reactions of
metals with other metal ions in solution;

2.1.5 collect and/or analyse experimental data to predict
where an unfamiliar element should be placed in the
reactivity series or make predictions about how it will

2.1.6 examine the relationship between the extraction of
a metal from its ore and its position in the reactivity
series, for example:
• aluminium, a reactive metal, is extracted by
electrolysis; and
• iron, a less reactive metal, is extracted by chemical
reduction; and

2.1.7 recall that the Earth’s resources of metal ores are
limited and that alternative extraction methods,
such as phytomining, are used.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Metals and Students should be able to:
reactivity series 2.1.8 recall the following aspects of phytomining:
• plants are used to absorb metal compounds such as

copper(II) compounds;
• the plants are harvested, then burned to produce
ash, which contains the metal compounds;
• an acid is added to the ash to produce a solution
containing dissolved metal compounds (leachate);
• copper can be obtained from these solutions by
displacement using scrap iron; and
• this technique avoids traditional mining methods of
digging, moving and disposing of large amounts of

• investigate the reactivity of metals (Prescribed Practical C5);

2.2 2.2.1 recognise oxidation and reduction in terms of loss or

Redox, rusting gain of oxygen or hydrogen and identify in a reaction or
and iron symbol equation which species is oxidised and which is
reduced (link to suitable industrial processes covered in
this specification);

2.2.2 recognise oxidation and reduction in terms of loss or
gain of electrons and identify in a symbol equation,
ionic equation or half equation which species is
oxidised and which is reduced (link to suitable
industrial processes covered in this specification);

2.2.3 investigate experimentally rusting as a reaction of iron
with water and air producing hydrated iron(III) oxide
(other practical activity); and

2.2.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
methods used to prevent iron from rusting, including
barrier methods such as painting, oiling, plastic coating
and suitable metal coating or plating (galvanising), and
explain sacrificial protection of iron related to the
reactivity series.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Redox, rusting Students should be able to:
and iron (cont.) 2.2.5 describe the extraction of iron from haematite
• the production of the reducing agent;
• the reduction of haematite; and
• the removal of acidic impurities;

2.2.6 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that iron is
used in bridges and structures due to its strength;

2.3 2.3.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that the

Rates of reaction rate of a reaction may be determined by measuring the
loss of a reactant or gain of a product over time and use
the equation:
rate =


2.3.2 suggest appropriate practical methods to measure the

rate of a reaction and collect reliable data (methods
limited to measuring a change in mass, gas volume or
formation of a precipitate against time) for the reaction
• metals with dilute acid;
• calcium carbonate/marble chips with dilute
hydrochloric acid;
• catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide; and
• sodium thiosulfate with acid (equation not required);

2.3.3 interpret experimental data quantitatively, for example
drawing and interpreting appropriate graphs to
determine the rate of reaction; and

2.3.4 describe and explain the effects on rates of reaction
when there are changes in:
• temperature;
• concentration;
• frequency and energy of collisions between
particles; and
• changes in particle size in terms of surface area
to volume ratio.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Rates of reaction Students should be able to:
(cont.) 2.3.5 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
a catalyst is a substance which increases the rate of
a reaction without being used up and recall that
transition metals and their compounds are often used
as catalysts;

2.3.6 explain catalytic action in terms of providing an
alternative reaction pathway of lower activation

• investigate how changing a variable changes the rate of
reaction (Prescribed Practical C6);

2.4 2.4.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that many

Equilibrium chemical reactions are reversible and the direction of
a reversible reaction can be changed by altering the
reaction conditions;

2.4.2 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
dynamic equilibrium occurs in a closed system when
the rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal
and the amounts of reactants and products remain

2.4.3 state Le Châtelier’s Principle and use it to predict the
qualitative effects of changes of temperature,
pressure and concentration on the position of
equilibrium for a closed homogeneous system;

2.4.4 describe the Haber process as a reversible reaction
between nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia,
and describe and explain the conditions used and the
trade-off between the rate of production and the
position of equilibrium; and

2.5 2.5.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that

Organic carbon can form four covalent bonds and there is
chemistry a large number of carbon compounds, the study of
which is simplified by grouping the compounds into
homologous series.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.5 Students should be able to:
Organic 2.5.2 define a homologous series as a family of organic
chemistry molecules that have the same general formula, show
(cont.) similar chemical properties, show a gradation in their
physical properties and differ by a CH2 group;

2.5.3 recall that a hydrocarbon is a compound/molecule
consisting of hydrogen and carbon only;

2.5.4 recall the general formula of the alkanes and the
molecular formula, structural formula and state at
room temperature and pressure of methane, ethane,
propane and butane;

2.5.5 recall that crude oil is a finite resource and is the main
source of hydrocarbons and a feedstock for the
petrochemical industry;

2.5.6 describe and explain the separation of crude oil by
fractional distillation;

2.5.7 describe the fractions as largely a mixture of
compounds of formula CnH2n+2, which are members of
the alkane homologous series, and recall the names
and uses of the following fractions:
• refinery gases used for bottled gases;
• petrol used as a fuel for cars;
• naphtha used to manufacture chemicals and plastics;
• kerosene as a fuel for aircraft;
• diesel as a fuel for cars and trains;
• fuel oils used as fuel for ships; and
• bitumen used to surface roads and roofs;

2.5.8 explain that cracking involves the breakdown of larger
saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes) into smaller more
useful ones, some of which are unsaturated (alkenes);

2.5.9 describe the complete combustion of alkanes to
produce carbon dioxide and water, including
observations and tests to identify the products.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.5 Students should be able to:
Organic 2.5.10 describe the incomplete combustion of alkanes to
chemistry produce carbon monoxide and water and sometimes
(cont.) carbon (soot – equations for the production of soot are
not required);

2.5.11 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that combines with
haemoglobin in the blood, reducing its capacity to carry

2.5.12 recall the general formula of the alkenes and the
molecular formula, structural formula and state at
room temperature and pressure of ethene, propene,
but-1-ene and but-2-ene;

2.5.13 describe the complete and incomplete combustion of

2.5.14 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
a functional group is a reactive group in a molecule,
recognise the functional groups of alkenes, alcohols
and carboxylic acids, and recognise that alkanes do not
have a functional group and so are less reactive;

2.5.15 recall and describe the addition reaction across a C=C
double covalent bond, including the reaction of ethene
with bromine, hydrogen and steam (name of the bromo
product is not required);

2.5.16 determine the presence of a C=C using bromine water;

2.5.17 describe how monomers, for example ethene or
chloroethene (vinyl chloride), can join together to form
very long chain molecules called polymers and recall
that the process is known as addition polymerisation;

2.5.18 write equations for the polymerisation of ethene and
chloroethene; and

2.5.19 deduce the structure of an addition polymer from
a simple alkene monomer and vice versa.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.5 Students should be able to:
Organic 2.5.20 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
chemistry addition polymers are non-biodegradable and evaluate
(cont.) the advantages and disadvantages of their disposal by
landfill and incineration;

2.5.21 recall the general formula of the alcohols and the
molecular formula, structural formula and state at
room temperature and pressure of methanol, ethanol,
propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol;

2.5.22 describe the complete and incomplete combustion of

2.5.23 describe the preparation of ethanol from sugars by
fermentation (equation for fermentation of sugars is
not required), including the conditions required;

2.5.24 recall the oxidation of alcohols when exposed to air
and by the reaction with acidified potassium
dichromate solution (equations are not required) and
demonstrate understanding that methanol, ethanol
and propan-1-ol are oxidised to the corresponding
carboxylic acid (students should know that
propan-2-ol can be oxidised but do not need to know
the name or structure of the product);

2.5.25 recall the molecular formula, structural formula, state
at room temperature and pressure of the carboxylic
acids: methanoic acid, ethanoic acid, propanoic acid
and butanoic acid;

2.5.26 demonstrate knowledge that carboxylic acids are weak
acids as they are only partially ionised in solution; and

2.5.27 investigate experimentally the reactions of carboxylic
acids with carbonates, hydroxides and metals, test any
gases produced and write balanced symbol equations
for these reactions.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.5 Students should be able to:
Organic 2.5.28 demonstrate knowledge that the combustion of fuels is
chemistry a major source of atmospheric pollution due to:
• combustion of hydrocarbons producing carbon
dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect
causing sea level rises, flooding and climate change;
• incomplete combustion producing carbon monoxide
(toxic) and soot (carbon particles), which cause lung
damage; and
• presence of sulfur impurities in fuels, which leads to
acid rain damaging buildings, destroying vegetation
and killing fish;

2.5.29 identify alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and carboxylic acids
using chemical tests (other practical activity);

• investigate the reactions of carboxylic acids (Prescribed
Practical C7);

2.6 2.6.1 calculate the concentration of a solution in mol/dm3

Quantitative given the mass of solute and volume of solution;
2.6.2 calculate the number of moles or mass of solute in
a given volume of solution of known concentration;

2.6.3 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that the
volumes of acid and alkali solutions that react together
can be measured by titration using phenolphthalein or
methyl orange;

2.6.4 carry out acid–base titrations using an indicator and
record results to one decimal place, repeating for
reliability and calculating the average titre from
accurate titrations (details of the practical procedure
and apparatus preparation are required); and

2.6.5 collect data from primary and secondary sources for
acid–base titration and use this data to calculate the
concentrations of solutions in mol/dm3 and g/dm3.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.6 Students should be able to:
Quantitative 2.6.6 calculate concentrations of solutions and solution
chemistry (cont.) volumes in an acid–base titration, identify unknown
compounds and determine the degree of hydration;

2.6.7 recall that the volume of one mole of any gas at room
temperature and pressure (20°C and 1 atmosphere
pressure) is 24 dm3;

2.6.8 recall and use Avogadro’s Law as equal volumes of
gases at the same temperature and pressure contain
the same number of particles/molecules;

2.6.9 calculate the volumes of gaseous reactants and
products from the balanced equation for a reaction;

2.6.10 calculate the atom economy of a reaction to form
a desired product from the balanced equation:

atom economy = mass of desired product × 100
total mass of products

2.6.11 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
a high atom economy is important for sustainable
development and economic reasons;

• determine the reacting volumes of solutions of acid and
alkali by titration and determine the concentration of
solutions of acid and alkali by titration
(Prescribed Practical C8);

2.7 2.7.1 explain the meaning of the terms electrolysis, inert

Electrochemistry electrode, anode, cathode and electrolyte and explain
conduction in an electrolyte in terms of ions moving
and carrying charge; and

2.7.2 predict the products of electrolysis of molten salts
including lithium chloride and lead(II) bromide using
graphite electrodes and state appropriate observations
at the electrodes.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.7 Students should be able to:

2.7.3 interpret and write half equations for the reactions

occurring at the anode and cathode for the electrolysis
processes listed in 2.7.2, for other molten halides and
in the extraction of aluminium;

2.7.4 recall the products of electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid
using inert electrodes and the half equations for the
reactions occurring at the anode and the cathode;

2.7.5 describe the industrial extraction of aluminium from
alumina, demonstrate knowledge and understanding
that the alumina has been purified from the ore bauxite
and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
need to replace the anodes periodically;

2.7.6 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that
recycling aluminium uses only a fraction of the energy
needed to extract it from bauxite and saves waste;

2.8 2.8.1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding that

Energy changes chemical reactions in which heat is given out are
in chemistry exothermic and that reactions in which heat is taken in
are endothermic;

2.8.2 draw and interpret reaction profile diagrams for
exothermic and endothermic reactions identifying
activation energy;

2.8.3 explain activation energy as the minimum energy
needed for a reaction to occur;

2.8.4 recall that bond breaking takes in energy and bond
making releases energy, and demonstrate
understanding that the overall energy change in
a reaction is a balance of the energy taken in when
bonds break in the reactants and the energy released
when bonds form in the products; and

2.8.5 calculate energy changes in a chemical reaction from
bond energies by considering bond making and bond
breaking energies.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.9 Students should be able to:
Gas chemistry 2.9.1 recall the composition of the gases in the atmosphere:
• about 78% nitrogen;
• about 21% oxygen;
• about 0.03–0.04% carbon dioxide;
• about 1% argon;
• small proportions of other noble gases; and
• varying proportions of water vapour;

2.9.2 recall the physical properties of nitrogen and describe
its lack of reactivity due to its triple covalent bond;

2.9.3 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of using
nitrogen as a coolant and in food packaging;

2.9.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the test
for ammonia, using a glass rod dipped in concentrated
hydrochloric acid, and recall the use of ammonia in the
manufacture of fertilisers by its reaction with acids;

2.9.5 describe the laboratory preparation and collection of
hydrogen using zinc (or other suitable metal) and
hydrochloric acid, and recall the physical properties of
hydrogen and its uses, including weather balloons and
hardening oils, and its potential as a clean fuel;

2.9.6 describe the laboratory preparation and collection of
oxygen by the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide, and recall the physical properties of oxygen
and its uses in medicine and welding;

2.9.7 describe the reaction of carbon, sulfur, magnesium,
iron and copper with oxygen and classify the products
as acidic or basic; and

2.9.8 describe the laboratory preparation and collection of
carbon dioxide gas using calcium carbonate and
hydrochloric acid, and recall the uses of carbon dioxide
in fizzy drinks and fire extinguishers.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

2.9 Students should be able to:
Gas chemistry 2.9.9 investigate the chemical reactions of carbon dioxide
(cont.) with water producing carbonic acid and with calcium
hydroxide (limewater) until carbon dioxide is in excess;

• investigate the preparation, properties, tests and reactions
of the gases hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide
(Prescribed Practical C9).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

3.3 Unit 3: Practical Skills

Units 1 and 2 include a number of practical tasks that students carry out during the
course. Nine of these are prescribed practicals. This unit has two parts: Booklet A
and Booklet B. We set and mark both booklets.

Booklet A is a practical skills assessment. It assesses students’ ability to carry out two
practical tasks based on but not identical to the nine prescribed practicals listed in
this specification.

Booklet B is a written, externally assessed examination taken during the final year of
study. It assesses students’ knowledge and understanding of practical science. It
consists of questions about planning and carrying out any of the prescribed practical
tasks, together with more general questions about any practical situation that arises
in Units 1 and 2 in this specification.

Content Learning Outcomes

Planning an Students should be able to:
• identify the dependent, independent and controlled

variables in an investigation (if appropriate);

• suggest a hypothesis for investigation in the context of How
Science Works;

• plan a method to allow a hypothesis to be tested or to allow
an analysis to be carried out;

• carry out a risk assessment on all planned practical activities;

• select equipment or apparatus that is suitable and will
contribute to obtaining accurate results;

• produce a results table with appropriate headings (and units
if appropriate) for recording a wide range of appropriate raw
data including observations and deductions;

• draw a diagram of the apparatus used in an experiment; and

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the steps that
must be taken to ensure the validity of the practical process
and the reliability of data collected (if appropriate).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Carrying out an Students should be able to:
• demonstrate the practical skills necessary to use the

following apparatus correctly, skilfully and safely:

− Bunsen burner and associated apparatus such as

heatproof mat, tripod, gauze, pipeclay triangle, crucible

and evaporating basin/dish;

− general glassware such as beakers, conical flasks, test

tubes, boiling tubes, glass rod, pipettes (disposable plastic

pipettes may be used), filter funnels, watch glass and

combustion tubes;

− gas preparation apparatus including gas jar and lid, thistle

funnel, delivery tubes, beehive shelf and trough (or basin);

− electrolysis equipment including graphite electrodes,

electrical wires, crocodile clips and d.c. power supply;

− graduated glassware (volume) such as measuring cylinders

of varying sizes;

− titration apparatus including at least class B bulb pipettes

and burettes (volume), burette holder/clamp and white


− gas syringe;

− electronic balance (mass);

− ruler (length);

− stopclock or stopwatch (time);
− thermometer or sensor (temperature); and
– any other appropriate apparatus.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Analysing Students should be able to:
• record detailed observations or numerical data (where
appropriate) during chemical reactions, including discrete or

continuous variables;

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
differences between accuracy (practical techniques or
apparatus that helps to ensure accuracy), reliability
(reproducibility of results) and validity (whether the
experiment is suitable for the task);

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
mathematical techniques that can be used to identify the
relationships between variables;

• use appropriate scales and axes labels when plotting
a graph of experimental data;

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of what is meant
by an anomalous result in a set of experimental data and
how it should be treated;

• plot data points accurately and draw the appropriate straight
line or curve;

Drawing • make reasoned judgements and draw evidence-based

conclusions conclusions;
from an
experiment • analyse, interpret and critically evaluate a broad range of
experimental data;

• make deductions from given observations;

• use reliable numerical data to carry out appropriate
calculations of moles, mass, percentage by mass, gas
volume, concentration, solution volume, degree of hydration
and any other appropriate quantity; and

• demonstrate understanding that for a graph of y against x, a
straight line through (0,0) is an indicator of direct proportion.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Drawing Students should be able to:
conclusions from
• demonstrate understanding that for a graph of y against 1/x,
an experiment
a straight line through (0,0) is an indicator of inverse
(indirect) proportion;

• discuss in detail the areas of an investigation that could affect
the reliability of the data or evidence collected;

• develop and defend a hypothesis with appropriate and
detailed scientific reasoning; and

• develop arguments and explanations, taking account of the
limitations of the available evidence.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Content Learning Outcomes

Prescribed Below is a list of prescribed practicals that may be assessed in
practicals Unit 3.

Students should be able to:
• determine the mass of water present in hydrated crystals
(Prescribed Practical C1);

• investigate the reactions of acids, including temperature
changes that occur (Prescribed Practical C2);

• investigate the preparation of soluble salts (Prescribed
Practical C3);

• identify the ions in an ionic compound using chemical tests
(Prescribed Practical C4);

• investigate the reactivity of metals (Prescribed Practical C5);

• investigate how changing a variable changes the rate of
reaction (Prescribed Practical C6);

• investigate the reactions of carboxylic acids
(Prescribed Practical C7);

• determine the reacting volumes of solutions of acid and
alkali by titration and determine the concentration of
solutions of acid and alkali by titration
(Prescribed Practical C8); and

• investigate the preparation, properties, tests and reactions
of the gases hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide
(Prescribed Practical C9).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

4 Scheme of Assessment
4.1 Assessment opportunities
For the availability of examinations and assessment, see Section 2.

This is a unitised specification; candidates must complete at least 40 percent of the
overall assessment requirements at the end of the course, in the examination series
in which they request a final subject grade. This is the terminal rule.

Candidates may resit individual assessment units once before cash-in. The better of
the two results will count towards their final GCSE grade unless a unit is required to
meet the 40 percent terminal rule. If it is, the more recent mark will count (whether
or not it is the better result). Results for individual assessment units remain available
to count towards a GCSE qualification until we withdraw the specification.

4.2 Assessment objectives
There are three assessment objectives (AO1, AO2 and AO3) for this specification.
Candidates must:
AO1 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
• scientific ideas; and
• scientific techniques and procedures;
AO2 apply knowledge and understanding of and develop skills in:
• scientific ideas; and
• scientific enquiry, techniques and procedures; and
AO3 analyse scientific information and ideas to:
• interpret and evaluate;
• make judgements and draw conclusions; and
• develop and improve experimental procedures.

4.3 Assessment objective weightings
The table below sets out the approximate assessment objective weightings for each
assessment component and the overall GCSE qualification.

Assessment Unit Weighting (%) Overall

Objective Weighting
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 (%)

AO1 15 16 9 40

AO2 15 17 8 40

AO3 5 7 8 20

35 40 25 100

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

4.4 Quality of written communication

In GCSE Chemistry, candidates must demonstrate their quality of written
communication. They need to:
• ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar are
accurate so that meaning is clear;
• select and use a form and style of writing that suit their purpose and complex
subject matter; and
• organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary where

Quality of written communication is assessed in responses to questions and tasks
that require extended writing.

Units 1, 2 and Booklet B of Unit 3 each have one question that has 6 marks allocated
to a candidate’s quality of written communication. These questions are marked using
a three tier banded mark scheme that stipulates the minimum number of marks
required for each band. Quality of written communication is then assessed within
each individual band.

4.5 Reporting and grading

We report the results of individual assessment units on a uniform mark scale that
reflects the assessment weighting of each unit.

We determine the grades awarded by aggregating the uniform marks that
candidates obtain in individual assessment units. We award GCSE qualifications on a
grade scale from A* to G, with A* being the highest. The nine grades available are as

Grade A* A B C* C D E F G

If candidates fail to attain a grade G or above, we report their result as unclassified (U).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

5 Grade Descriptions
Grade descriptions are provided to give a general indication of the standards of
achievement likely to have been shown by candidates awarded particular grades.
The descriptions must be interpreted in relation to the content in the specification;
they are not designed to define that content. The grade awarded depends in practice
upon the extent to which the candidate has met the assessment objectives
overall. Shortcomings in some aspects of candidates’ performance in the assessment
may be balanced by better performances in others.

Grade Description

A Candidates recall, select and communicate precise knowledge and
detailed understanding of chemistry. They demonstrate a
comprehensive understanding of the nature of chemistry, its laws,
its principles and applications and the relationship between
chemistry and society. They understand the relationships
between scientific advances, their ethical implications and the
benefits and risks associated with them. They use scientific and
technical knowledge, terminology and conventions appropriately
and consistently, showing a detailed understanding of scale in
terms of time, size and space.

They apply appropriate skills, including communication,
mathematical, technical and observational skills, knowledge and
understanding effectively in a wide range of practical and other
contexts. They show a comprehensive understanding of the
relationships between hypotheses, evidence, theories and
explanations and make effective use of models, including
mathematical models, to explain abstract ideas, phenomena,
events and processes. They use a wide range of appropriate
methods, sources of information and data consistently, applying
relevant skills to address scientific questions, solve problems and
test hypotheses.

Candidates analyse, interpret and critically evaluate a broad range
of quantitative and qualitative data and information. They
evaluate information systematically to develop arguments and
explanations, taking account of the limitations of the available
evidence. They make reasoned judgements consistently and draw
detailed, evidence-based conclusions.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Grade Description

C Candidates recall, select and communicate secure knowledge and
understanding of chemistry. They demonstrate understanding of
the nature of chemistry, its laws, its principles and applications
and the relationship between chemistry and society. They
understand that scientific advances may have ethical implications,
benefits and risks. They use scientific and technical knowledge,
terminology and conventions appropriately, showing
understanding of scale in terms of time, size and space.

They apply appropriate skills, including communication,
mathematical, technical and observational skills, knowledge and
understanding in a range of practical and other contexts. They
show understanding of the relationships between hypotheses,
evidence, theories and explanations and use models, including
mathematical models, to describe abstract ideas, phenomena,
events and processes. They use a range of appropriate methods,
sources of information and data, applying their skills to address
scientific questions, solve problems and test hypotheses.

Candidates analyse, interpret and evaluate a range of quantitative
and qualitative data and information. They understand the
limitations of evidence and use evidence and information to
develop arguments with supporting explanations. They draw
conclusions based on the available evidence.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Grade Description

F Candidates recall, select and communicate limited knowledge and
understanding of chemistry. They recognise simple
interrelationships between chemistry and society. They show a
limited understanding that scientific advances may have ethical
implications, benefits and risks. They use limited scientific and
technical knowledge, terminology and conventions, showing some
understanding of scale in terms of time, size and space.

They apply skills, including limited communication, mathematical,
technical and observational skills, knowledge and understanding in
practical and some other contexts. They recognise and use
hypotheses, evidence and explanations and can explain
straightforward models of phenomena, events and processes.
They use a limited range of methods, sources of information and
data to address straightforward scientific questions, problems and

Candidates interpret and evaluate limited quantitative and
qualitative data and information from a narrow range of sources.
They can draw elementary conclusions having collected limited

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

6 Guidance on Practical Skills Assessment

6.1 Overview
Unit 3 assesses practical skills. It has two parts: Booklet A is a practical skills
assessment and Booklet B is an examination.

All of the nine prescribed practicals should be taught throughout the course.
Booklet A consists of two pre-release practical assessment tasks based on but not
identical to those on the list of nine prescribed practicals. We change the two
assessed practicals every year to ensure that they continue to set an appropriate
challenge and remain valid, reliable and stimulating.

For Booklet A, candidates carry out two practical tasks in the laboratory. Booklet A is
a practical skills assessment and should be carried out under a high level of control,
with teacher and invigilator supervision to comply with health and safety

We send centres a list of the materials required for Booklet A in the December
before the Summer submission. We send Booklet A to centres in January of the final
year of study.

Candidates collect qualitative or quantitative results depending on the demands of
the practical skills assessment. We will publish a timetabled period for this practical
skills assessment on the examinations timetable. Centres must send Booklet A to us
for marking.

Booklet B is a timetabled, externally assessed examination taken at the end of the
final year of study. It consists of questions about planning and carrying out any of the
prescribed practical tasks. It also has more general questions about any practical
situation that arises from this specification.

6.2 Skills assessed by Unit 3
The following skills are assessed:
• planning an investigation;
• carrying out an experiment;
• analysing experimental data; and
• drawing conclusions from an experiment.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

6.3 Task taking in Booklet A

Booklet A is a practical skills assessment and must be carried out under a high level
of control.

An appropriate teacher should be present with an invigilator to ensure compliance
with health and safety regulations.

Teachers and invigilators should not offer direction or guidance to candidates where
this would assist them in completing Booklet A.

Candidates may work collaboratively in groups of up to three when carrying out the
practical tasks, but they must work individually and independently to complete
Booklet A.

Candidates have 2 hours to complete Booklet A, and it must be completed in a single

Foundation and Higher Tier candidates may carry out the practical skills assessment
in the same room but can only work with others taking the same tier.

The examinations officer must keep all Booklet A papers (completed and unused)
securely at all times.

Centres must return Booklet A papers to us for marking after 1 May.

We will provide additional information relating to Booklet A as a support document.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

For Booklet A, the level of control for task taking is high. The table below exemplifies
high levels of control for this practical skills assessment.

Areas of Control Detail of Control

Authenticity • Booklet A is an externally set and externally marked
practical skills assessment.
• Teachers must ensure that all candidates are in direct sight
of the supervisor at all times.
• Interaction between candidates is tightly prescribed during
the practical tasks.
• They should not communicate with each other when
completing their response in Booklet A.
• We will publish a timetabled period for this practical skills
assessment on the examinations timetable.
• Candidates must carry out the practical tasks and complete
Booklet A in 2 hours.
• We send an apparatus and materials list to examinations
officers in December of the final year of study. They should
distribute this list to the relevant head of department.

Feedback • Teachers should not provide guidance or feedback during

the practical skills assessment except to intervene on the
grounds of health and safety.

Page Limit • We set Booklet A. It has no prescribed page limit.

Collaboration • Candidates for the same tier of entry may work

collaboratively to carry out the practical tasks, but they
must provide an individual response in Booklet A.

Resources • The only allowed additional resource is the GCSE Data

Leaflet that appears in Appendix 3, if required.

For up-to-date advice on plagiarism, or any kind of candidate malpractice, see
Suspected Malpractice in Examinations and Assessments: Policies and Procedures on
the Joint Council for Qualifications website at

6.4 Task marking
Our examiners mark the tasks.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

7 Curriculum Objectives
This specification builds on the learning experiences from Key Stage 3 as required for
the statutory Northern Ireland Curriculum. It also offers opportunities for students to
contribute to the aim and objectives of the Curriculum at Key Stage 4, and to
continue to develop the Cross-Curricular Skills and the Thinking Skills and Personal
Capabilities. The extent of the development of these skills and capabilities will be
dependent on the teaching and learning methodology used.

7.1 Cross-Curricular Skills at Key Stage 4


Students should be able to:

• communicate meaning, feelings and viewpoints in a logical and coherent
manner, for example outline examples of how modern life is dependent on
hydrocarbons and crude oil;
• make oral and written summaries, reports and presentations, taking account of
audience and purpose, for example produce a presentation on the importance of
nanomaterials and their uses, including benefits and risks;
• participate in discussions, debates and interviews, for example debate disposing
of polymers by incineration or landfill, or discuss the environmental effects of
fossil fuel combustion;
• interpret, analyse and present information in oral, written and ICT formats, for
example prepare a PowerPoint presentation or a poster about acid rain and its
causes, its environmental impact and society’s responsibility to minimise it on an
international scale; and
• explore and respond, both imaginatively and critically, to a variety of texts, for
example review several articles about the use of catalysts in industrial processes.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Using Mathematics

Students should be able to:

• use mathematical language and notation with confidence, for example use
appropriate units, measurements and calculations to determine mass, degree of
hydration, concentration, empirical formula or identity of an unknown
• use mental computation to calculate, estimate and make predictions in a range
of simulated and real-life contexts, for example estimate temperature changes
during neutralisation and displacement reactions;
• select and apply mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies in a
range of simulated and real-life contexts, for example apply the general formula
for a homologous series and apply this determined formula to combustion
• interpret and analyse a wide range of mathematical data, for example compare
pH values to identify substances as being strong or weak acids or alkalis;
• assess probability and risk in a range of simulated and real-life contexts, for
example assess risk through risk assessment of practical activities; and
• present mathematical data in a variety of formats which take account of
audience and purpose, for example present tables of titration results and use
standard form.

Using ICT

Students should be able to make effective use of information and communications

technology in a wide range of contexts to access, manage, select and present
information, including mathematical information, for example use a spreadsheet
to plot rates of reaction data from a variety of groups carrying out experiments
with different concentrations of a solution such as hydrochloric acid.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

7.2 Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities at Key Stage 4


Students should be able to:

• plan work;
• set personal learning goals and targets to meet deadlines;
• monitor, review and evaluate their progress and improve their learning; and
• effectively manage their time,
for example carry out an individual project or assignment that collates the data
on reactions of metals with air and with water, along with displacement
reactions carried out in class, to develop a reactivity series.

Working with Others

Students should be able to:

• learn with and from others through co-operation;
• participate in effective teams and accept responsibility for achieving collective
goals; and
• listen actively to others and influence group thinking and decision-making,
taking account of others’ opinions,
for example investigate the reactions of acids with metals, metal oxides, metal
hydroxides and metal carbonates as a circuit of experiments that are combined
to consolidate the output of the observations and equations for the reactions

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Problem Solving

Students should be able to:

• identify and analyse relationships and patterns, for example interpret data to
determine and state trends such as the reactivity of metals or solubility;
• propose justified explanations, for example determine the identity of cations and
anions from the observations of precipitation reactions and flame tests;
• analyse and evaluate multiple perspectives, for example evaluate the idea of
yield versus rate in industrial processes as a chemical engineer as opposed to a
chemist in maximising profit;
• explore unfamiliar views without prejudice, for example research the use of
nanomaterials, including their benefits, risks and withdrawal;
• weigh up options and justify decisions, for example outline the advantages and
disadvantages of recycling aluminium when compared to extraction from
aluminium ore; and
• apply and evaluate a range of approaches to solve problems in familiar and
novel contexts, for example explore salt preparation methods.

Although not referred to separately as a statutory requirement at Key Stage 4 in the
Northern Ireland Curriculum, Managing Information and Being Creative may also
remain relevant to learning.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

8 Links and Support

8.1 Support
The following resources are available to support this specification:
• our Chemistry microsite at and
• specimen assessment materials.

We also intend to provide:
• past papers;
• mark schemes;
• Chief Examiner’s reports;
• Principal Moderator’s reports;
• guidance on progression from Key Stage 3;
• planning frameworks;
• centre support visits;
• support days for teachers;
• practical skills assessment guidance for teachers;
• practical skills assessment guidance for candidates;
• a resource list; and
• exemplification of examination performance.

8.2 Examination entries
Entry codes for this subject and details on how to make entries are available on our
Qualifications Administration Handbook microsite, which you can access at

Alternatively, you can telephone our Examination Entries, Results and Certification
team using the contact details provided.

8.3 Equality and inclusion
We have considered the requirements of equality legislation in developing this
specification and designed it to be as free as possible from ethnic, sexual orientation,
gender, religious, political and other forms of bias.

GCSE qualifications often require the assessment of a broad range of competences.
This is because they are general qualifications that prepare students for a wide range
of occupations and higher level courses.

During the development process, an external equality panel reviewed the
specification to identify any potential barriers to equality and inclusion. Where
appropriate, we have considered measures to support access and mitigate barriers.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

We can make reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities to reduce

barriers to accessing assessments. For this reason, very few students will have a
complete barrier to any part of the assessment.

Students with a physical impairment may instruct a practical assistant to set up
equipment but may have difficulty in making observations and in manipulating the
equipment to carry out the experiment.

Students with a visual impairment may find elements of the assessment difficult, but
technology may help visually impaired students to take readings and make
observations. Therefore, the assessments should not pose a difficulty for these

It is important to note that where access arrangements are permitted, they must not
be used in any way that undermines the integrity of the assessment. You can find
information on reasonable adjustments in the Joint Council for Qualifications
document Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments, available at

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

8.4 Contact details

If you have any queries about this specification, please contact the relevant CCEA
staff member or department:
• Specification Support Officer: Nuala Tierney
(telephone: (028) 9026 1200, extension 2292, email: [email protected])

• Subject Officer: Elaine Lennox
(telephone: (028) 9026 1200, extension 2320, email: [email protected])

• Examination Entries, Results and Certification
(telephone: (028) 9026 1262, email: [email protected])

• Examiner Recruitment
(telephone: (028) 9026 1243, email: [email protected])

• Distribution
(telephone: (028) 9026 1242, email: [email protected])

• Support Events Administration
(telephone: (028) 9026 1401, email: [email protected])

• Moderation
(telephone: (028) 9026 1200, extension 2236, email: [email protected])

• Business Assurance (Complaints and Appeals)
(telephone: (028) 9026 1244, email: [email protected] or
[email protected]).

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Appendix 1
Mathematical Content
The mathematics that must form part of GCSE Chemistry should be at levels up to,
but not beyond, the requirements specified in GCSE Mathematics for the
appropriate tier.

This specification ensures that the number of marks used to credit the relevant
mathematical skills is no less than 20 percent of the total marks for the qualification.

Students need to be familiar with and competent in the following areas of
mathematics to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in Chemistry.

Mathematical Skills
Arithmetic and numerical computation
Recognise and use expressions in decimal form
Recognise and use expressions in standard form
Use ratios, fractions and percentages
Make estimates of the results of simple calculations
Handling data
Use an appropriate number of significant figures
Find arithmetic means
Understand the principles of sampling as applied to scientific data
Understand the term mean (average)
Use a scatter diagram to identify a correlation between two variables
Make order of magnitude calculations
Change the subject of an equation
Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for
physical quantities
Solve simple algebraic equations
Translate information between graphical and numeric form
Plot two variables from experimental or other data

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Physical quantities, units and unit abbreviations

The table below gives the physical quantities, units and abbreviations commonly
used for GCSE Chemistry.

Students should also understand the prefixes femto (f), pico (p), nano (n), milli (m),
centi (c), deci (d) and kilo (k) where appropriate.

Physical Quantity Unit Abbreviation for Unit

Amount mole mol
Concentration mole per cubic decimetre mol/dm3
gram per cubic decimetre g/dm3
Energy joule J
kilojoule kJ
Length metre m
centimetre cm
millimetre mm
nanometre nm
picometre pm
femtometre fm
kilometre km
Mass gram g
kilogram kg
tonne t
Pressure atmosphere atm
Temperature degree Celsius °C
Time second s
minute min
hour h
Volume cubic decimetre dm3
cubic centimetre cm3
cubic metre m3

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Appendix 2
How Science Works
We assess students’ practical skills through written examinations and practical
assessments. This specification emphasises the importance of practical work. The
content in this specification is assessed in the context of How Science Works and
assesses students’ abilities in the following skills.

Students should be able to:

• understand how scientific methods and theories develop over time;

• use a variety of models such as representational, spatial, descriptive,

computational and mathematical to solve problems, to make predictions and to
develop scientific explanations and understanding of familiar and unfamiliar

• appreciate the power and limitations of science and consider any ethical issues
that may arise;

• explain everyday and technological applications of science, evaluate associated
personal, social, economic and environmental implications and make decisions
based on the evaluation of evidence and arguments;

• evaluate risks both in practical science and in the wider societal context,
including perception of risk in relation to data and consequences;

• recognise the importance of peer review of results and of communicating
results to a range of audiences;

• use scientific theories and explanations to develop hypotheses;

• plan experiments or devise procedures to make observations, produce or
characterise a substance, test hypotheses, check data or explore phenomena;

• apply knowledge of a range of techniques, instruments, apparatus and materials
to select those appropriate to the experiment;

• carry out experiments with the appropriate manipulation of apparatus, taking
accurate measurements and considering health and safety;

• recognise when to apply knowledge of sampling techniques to ensure any
samples collected are representative; and

• make and record observations and measurements using a range of apparatus
and methods.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Students should be able to:

• evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements and further

• present observations and other data using appropriate methods;

• translate data from one form to another;

• carry out and represent mathematical and statistical analysis;

• represent the distribution of results and make estimations of uncertainty;

• interpret observations and other data (presented in verbal, diagrammatic,
graphical, symbolic or numerical form), including identifying patterns and
trends, making inferences and drawing conclusions;

• present reasoned explanations including relating data to hypotheses;

• be objective, evaluate data in terms of accuracy, precision, repeatability and
reproducibility and identify potential sources of random and systematic error;

• communicate the scientific rationale for investigations, methods used, findings
and reasoned conclusions through written and electronic reports and
presentations using verbal, diagrammatic, graphical, numerical and symbolic

• use scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions;

• recognise the importance of scientific quantities and understand how they are

• use SI units (for example kg, g, mg; km, m, mm; kJ, J) and IUPAC chemical
nomenclature if appropriate;

• use prefixes and powers of 10 for orders of magnitude (for example tera, giga,
mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro, nano, pico and femto);

• interconvert units; and

• use an appropriate number of significant figures in calculations.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

Appendix 3
Data Leaflet including the Periodic Table of the Elements
This data leaflet is for use with the specimen assessment materials. The same
information will be provided with live examination papers and may be subject to
updates as required.

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

CCEA GCSE Chemistry from September 2017

© CCEA 2017

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