Limits Sought For Charters: Week'S Drizzly Start Won'T Linger
Limits Sought For Charters: Week'S Drizzly Start Won'T Linger
Limits Sought For Charters: Week'S Drizzly Start Won'T Linger
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Limits sought for charters education. holders and profit margins that graduate fewer than half of
2 bills seek crackdown on for-profit firms’ Democratic Assemblyman instead of on children and stu- their high school students.
Kevin McCarty of Sacramento dent achievement,” McCarty By the state’s calculation,
ability to operate charter schools in state authored one of the measures, said in an interview. “Profiting about half of the 15,000 Cali-
Assembly Bill 406, because he off the public good is bad public fornia students enrolled in the
said for-profit firms haven’t policy.” company’s schools are not profi-
By Jessica Calefati nies’ ability to operate charter proved they can manage high- He says he first learned of cient in reading and only a third
CALmatters schools in California. achieving schools and shouldn’t the problem last year when a are proficient in math — levels
The two proposals seek to ad- be allowed to fail any longer on San Jose Mercury News inves- below statewide averages.
SACRAMENTO — Vowing dress a growing concern among taxpayers’ dime — even if the tigation cited state data show- The investigation also noted
to fight public school profiteer- legislators that Wall Street- Trump administration thinks ing that K12 Inc.— the biggest that kids who spend as little as
ing, Democratic state lawmak- traded companies managing otherwise. for-profit firm of its kind in the one minute during a school day
ers have introduced legislation some of the state’s charters are “When we allow private com- state — reaps tens of millions of logged onto K12’s software may
that would either block or se- raking in mountains of state aid panies to run public schools, we taxpayer dollars annually while
riously limit for-profit compa- while providing students a poor invite them to focus on share- operating online academies See Charters on Page 2
By Tatiana Sanchez
[email protected]
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a dog a Two
form of critical
cruelty? after fire
DEAR JOAN: My daughter
bought a Great Dane puppy
at motel
as a birthday present for
her husband almost two Unit at Casa Linda
years ago. He still chews Motel badly damaged
on whatever odd shoe or
stuffed animal is lying in the explosion
around and will bark across
the fence at the neighbor’s
dog. By Eric Kurhi
My daughter is worried [email protected]
about the chewing and has
said: “We can’t trust him.” SAN JOSE — Two peo-
Thus, they leave him in a ple were critically injured in
crate in the laundry room an explosion at a Monterey
from the time they leave for Road motel early Sunday
work to the time they get that’s being investigated as
home, late afternoon. a crime scene, according to
He also fire officials.
has to sleep One unit at the Casa
in a crate at Linda Motel at 1669 Mon-
night, which terey Road was badly dam-
is in their aged in the blast, said fire
bedroom. Capt. Mike Van Elgort, with
They bought the inside looking “like it
JOAN MORRIS the largest Kirk Dougherty as Rodolfo and Sylvia Lee as Mimi deliver powerful performances in Opera San Jose’s new production had a flashover in there”
ANIMAL LIFE crate made, of “La Bohème” at the California Theatre through the end of the month. and a window blown out.
but this is a “Fire investigators are
Great Dane — he can turn
around, barely, but can’t
fully stand.
‘La Boheme’ still relevant for our times checking for origin and
cause,” Van Elgort said,
“but police are investigat-
I feel so bad for the dog. ing and it is considered sus-
It’s like the poor thing is performed with the kind OPERA SAN JOSE James Myer brought picious.”
left in a cramped jail cell. Updated production of vocal assurance and Presents Puccini’s “La energy and depth to the There was no further
My daughter seems to about doomed lovers dramatic flair that was in Boheme” musician Schaunard. information immediately
think that dogs like being evidence throughout Sat- Baritone Carl King was available about the two
crated and it makes them
trapped in poverty urday’s opening, it’s a won-
When: through April 30
amusing as the landlord, adults injured in the blast,
Where: California Theatre,
feel safe. I think it’s cruel. derful night in the theater Benoit, and bass-baritone who were both taken to lo-
San Jose
Who’s right? — and a bracing reminder Vagarsh Martirosyan was cal hospitals.
Robert Jones By Georgia Rowe that our own young artists Tickets: $56-$176; Musetta’s elderly sugar The explosion was first
San Jose Correspondent are still struggling to sur- 408-437-4450; daddy, Alcindoro. The Op- reported at 12:27 a.m.,
vive in freezing garrets, era San Jose Chorus made and a second alarm was
DEAR ROBERT: Dog crat- There’s a moment in and the divide between well-calibrated contribu- quickly sounded because
ing has its supporters and Act III of “La Bohème” rich and poor is growing As Mimi’s lover, the tions in the Act II crowd of accounts coming in. But
detractors. There’s no when the young lovers wider than ever. poet Rodolfo, resident scenes. arriving firefighters were
doubt it’s a useful training Mimi and Rodolfo, meet- This revival, directed tenor Kirk Dougherty There are a few un- able to quickly knock down
tool, especially for puppies ing outside an inn on a by Michael Shell and made his finest company usual touches in Shell’s the blaze and no other units
being housebroken. It also freezing winter night, conducted by Joseph outing to date. Singing production, which unfolds were affected, although
can be used to teach dogs sing longingly about the Marcheso, caps a strong with power, focus and on effective sets by Kim they were evacuated while
not to chew on things. It warmth of April. Opera San Jose season elegant musical line, he A. Tolman, with lighting inspectors checked the
should never be used as a It’s just a brief episode, that included Donizetti’s delivered his Act I aria, by Pamila Z. Gray and building’s structure for
form of punishment or for but it’s an uncommonly “Lucia di Lammermoor,” “Che gelida manina,” with costumes by Alina Bokov- damage.
the mere convenience of poignant one, and at Opera Rossini’s “The Barber of ardor and generous, ring- ikova. Another fire early Sun-
the pet owner. San Jose’s vibrant open- Seville” and Kevin Puts’ ing tone. Act I opens on Christ- day caused significant dam-
Dogs spend about 16 ing night performance of “Silent Night,” and it Baritone Matthew mas Eve, and Shell moves age to a Wienerschnitzel
hours a day sleeping, and Puccini’s opera Saturday boasts a sturdy, faithful Hanscom sounded im- it forward a few years, to restaurant on the 2800
they often do feel more at the California The- staging and a youthful, pressively robust through- the first Christmas Eve af- block of Story Road. While
comfortable and at ease atre, it seemed to radiate fully engaged cast. out the evening, offering a ter World War I. Colline is the cause is under investi-
in a cozy, enclosed spaces. warmth as only this ever- Saturday, the quartet of likable, big-hearted char- blind — perhaps from an gation, Van Elgort said it
Those who study domestic green masterpiece can. singers at the center of the acterization as Rodolfo’s injury sustained in the war appears to be accidental.
dogs, wild dogs and wolves, For operagoers who opera was especially viva- painter friend, Marcello. — and he and Schaunard
calling it “denning.” have experienced “Bo- cious, beginning with the The production’s surprise seem to suggest a closer
If the dog has no bad hème” numerous times Mimi of Sylvia Lee, whose entry was soprano Van- relationship than we see Milpitas
associations with the crate, — and that includes pretty lithe, pure-toned soprano essa Becerra, who made in most productions of this
they are happy to go inside
to sleep, feeling protected
much anyone who attends
live opera on a regular ba-
projected the consumptive
seamstress’s girlish sweet-
her company debut as an
opulent-voiced Musetta in
No matter — this is Man
and safe. sis — the 1896 melodrama ness in silvery, forthright the Café Momus scene. still the “La Bohème” op-
Dogs never should be
left in their crates for more
about struggling young
artists enduring a Pari-
phrasing (Lee repeats the
performance on April 20
As the philosopher Col-
line, bass-baritone Colin
era fans love, with all of
Puccini’s warmth, heart-
than half the day, or longer
than overnight. I think your
sian winter can be easy to
and 30; soprano Julie Ad-
ams will sing the role April
Ramsey gave an assured
performance of the Act IV
ache and enduring music
intact. after theft
daughter is pushing the
time limit on her dog, and I
hope that when she and her
But when the piece is 23 and 28). coat aria. Baritone Brian
of football
husband get home, they let Berkeley
the dog out and interact with By Ramona Giwargis
it, walking and playing.
Dogs are social creatures
and need the company of
Police arrest 23 in violent protests [email protected]
other dogs and humans. have arrested a man in con-
If they are left too long in nection with a stolen foot-
a crate, they can develop Stabbing among 11 injuries as Trump ball signed by Hall of Fame
“cage rage,” and become de- supporters, opponents clash in park football player Jerry Rice
pressed, anxious or fearful. and auctioned at a charity
The size of the crate event.
matters, too. It should be By Rick Hurd Michael Hornsby, 27; San Jose resident Pat-
large enough for the dog [email protected] Willie Morning, 59; Geo- rick Van Lam, 45, was
to turn around, but it also vanni Ramirez, 32; Tahtan- caught on video after a live
needs to be tall enough that BERKELEY — The ar- erriah Sessomshowell, 26; auction April 9 at the Koi
the dog can stand without rest total from Saturday’s Carlos Barbarossa, 29; Palace restaurant in Milpi-
stooping. In addition to the violent clash between pro- Luke Dennis, 36; and Rob- tas. Once Lam realized his
overall isolation in a crate, testers supporting or op- ert Peete, 52, face felony image from the video was
dogs need exercise so posing President Donald charges, according to the released to local media, he
spending too long in a crate Trump grew to 23 on Sun- log. surrendered to detectives
is not good for them. day when Alameda County “The charges include on Saturday, said Milpitas
I recognize the difficulty Sheriff’s Office officials re- arrests for assault with a Police Sgt. Steven Fox.
of dealing with a dog that leased the names of those deadly weapon and sev- Lam returned the foot-
can’t be trusted, however, who were nabbed. eral other felony assaults,” A protester talks with police during competing pro and ball, police said, and was
the dog shouldn’t be pun- Police late Saturday police said in an announce- anti-Trump demonstrations in Berkeley on Saturday. booked into Santa Clara
ished or caged. It should originally announced 20 ment Saturday evening, County main jail on bur-
be trained. When the dog arrests and 11 injuries after adding that more arrests bats, lumber or wood of any provocateur Milo Yian- glary and grand theft.
is in its crate during the fighting broke out at Mar- would likely be pursued size, poles, bricks, rocks, nopoulos at UC Berkeley The football was auc-
day, your daughter should tin Luther King Jr. Civic after video and social me- glass bottles, pepper spray was canceled after agita- tioned for $3,500 to Amy Fu.
give him a toy that contains Center Park, where Trump dia posts were reviewed. and other objects. tors who infiltrated a large The theft happened when
treats inside that the dog backers and members Police in riot gear Despite their efforts, crowd of protesters on Fu left the football unat-
has to work to get out. of the so-called alt-right were on hand to try to police said officers con- campus threw rocks, broke tended at the restaurant’s
This will not only pro- movement held a “free keep the peace, with lim- fiscated pepper and bear windows and set fires out- front desk to take a photo,
vide him with mental and speech” rally. Opponents ited success. During the spray, knives and mace, an side the student union police said. Two suspects
physical stimulation, it also of the movement, calling melee, loud explosions ax handle and a concrete- building and throughout were seen grabbing the ball
will teach him that chewing themselves anti-fascists, were heard in the crowd, filled can at Saturday’s downtown Berkeley. Some and taking off. The suspects
on certain things is reward- also were there among the immediately followed by protest, and that city staff downtown businesses were diners unassociated
ing, chewing on others is crowd of about 200. fistfights. BART closed its cleaning the park before boarded up windows in ad- with the fundraising event.
not. When he’s out of the The two sides wasted downtown Berkeley sta- the rally found a replica vance of Saturday’s protest Officers are searching for
crate, your daughter and no time in going after each tion during the protests. gun. as a precaution. other “persons of interest.”
son-in-law should watch other with fists, sticks, In its Saturday state- Saturday’s protest fol- And Berkeley will be The auction raised
him and if he starts chew- flagpoles and worse. ment, police said officers lowed a series of demon- tested again: According to money to benefit the Prince
ing on something he’s not Eleven people were in- tried to protect people and strations — both violent the Daily Cal newspaper, of Peace Children’s Home
supposed to, gently divert jured, including one per- their free speech rights — and nonviolent — that conservative firebrand Ann in Tianjin, which funds sur-
his attention with some- son who was stabbed, po- despite organizers’ lack of have swept the country Coulter has been invited by gery and medical care for
thing that is OK to chew. lice said. a permit — by prohibiting since Trump took office in the College Republicans orphans with special needs.
Once the dog has earned According to the Sher- potential weapons, limiting January. and BridgeCal to speak on Anyone with any informa-
your daughter’s trust, she iff’s Office arrest log, seven park entry and exit, and A March 4 rally and campus later this month. tion regarding the suspects
should let the dog decide people were arrested on sharing citation and arrest counter-protest in Berke- Anyone with photos or or persons of interest is asked
when to go into the crate. suspicion of committing risks for rule violations. ley, planned by several of video that could help iden- to call the Milpitas Police De-
In the meantime, she needs felonies, and 16 others They put up a plastic barri- the same groups as those tify law-breakers may send partment at 408-586-2400.
to invest in a slightly taller were arrested on suspicion cade in an attempt to keep who announced this one, them to Berkeley police Submit tips anonymously to
crate. of committing misdemean- the opposing sides apart also resulted in several in- by going to the Crime Tip Hotline at 408-
ors. Berkeley police did not and collected anything that juries and arrests. berkvideo. 586-2500 or via the Milpitas
Contact Joan Morris at return phone calls Sunday, could be used as a weapon. In February, a sched- Police Department website
jmorris@bayareanewsgroup. but the Sheriff’s Office con- Police had banned metal uled appearance by former Staff writer George Kelly at:
com or 925-977-8479. firmed the arrest log. pipes, baseball or softball Breitbart News editor and contributed to this report.
lGifted (PG-13) 10:10, 12:50, 3:50, 7:00, 10:15 lGifted (PG-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:00 Hackworth IMAX Dome Theater
lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 11:20, 2:50, lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 201 S. Market St. San Jose 408-294-8324
CineLux Chabot Cinema CineLux Plaza Theatre
6:30, 10:05 10:00
2853 Castro Valley Blvd. Castro Valley 510-582-2555 2501 S. Winchester Blvd. Campbell 408-378-2425
lT2 Trainspotting (R) 10:10, 1:10, 4:20, 7:50, 11:00 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:55, 2:30, 4:55, lDream Big: Engineering Our World (NR)
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 10:00, 11:00, 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:30, 9:30 12:00, 2:00
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 12:30, 3:45, lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:15, 1:00, 4:00, 6:45, 10:00
5:00, 7:10, 8:20, 10:20 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:00, 11:45, lJerusalem (NR) 4:00
7:00, 10:15 lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:45, 2:30, 5:15, 7:30,
lThe Case for Christ (PG) 4:40, 7:50, 10:45 12:30, 2:15, 3:45, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:15, 8:00, 8:45, 9:30 lA Beautiful Planet (G) 1:00, 3:00
Century at Pacific Commons and XD lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) XD 12:00, lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, lExtreme Weather (NR) 5:00
43917 Pacific Commons Blvd. Fremont 800-246-3627- lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:30, 2:00, 4:45,
3:30, 7:20, 11:00 6:45, 9:45 Century 20 Oakridge and XD
2170 7:45, 10:00
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:00, 10:30, 925 Blossom Hill Rd. San Jose 800-246-3627-2 exp 972 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 12:15, 1:45, Century Cinema 16
11:00, 11:30, 12:40, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 4:30, 5:10, 5:40, 3:45, 5:00, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View 800-246-3627-2
lGet Out (R) 2:20
6:20, 6:50, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30 exp 910 lGet Out (R) 1:40
lLogan (R) 1:25, 7:30
Camera 7 Pruneyard lLogan (R) 7:00, 10:25
lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 10:05, 3:25, 6:40
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 10:05, 1:15, 4:25, 1875 S. Bascom Ave. Campbell 408-559-6900
lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 12:40, 10:05 lGet Out (R) 1:45, 4:30, 7:35, 10:50 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 1:20, 2:50, 4:25,
7:35, 10:35
lGoing in Style (PG-13) 12:10, 3:10, 6:30, 9:20 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 9:55, 11:10, 12:55, 6:00, 7:40, 9:10, 10:50
lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:30, 12:45, Call theater for showtimes
lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 2:15, 4:00, 5:20, 6:15, 7:20, 8:25, 9:30, 10:30 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:30, 12:20,
3:15, 4:25, 6:55, 9:35
lYour Name (PG) 10:50, 1:50, 10:50
AMC Cupertino Square 16 2:00, 4:25, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20
lSmurfs: The Lost Village 3D (PG) 1:55 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 10:00, 11:30,
10123 N. Wolfe Rd. Cupertino
lSpark: A Space Tail (PG) 10:15, 1:05, 3:40, 12:25, 2:00, 2:50, 4:35, 5:25, 7:45, 10:15 lSmurfs: The Lost Village 3D (PG) 2:50
lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 10:30
6:50, 9:50 lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 9:50 lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20,
lGifted (PG-13) 10:45, 1:25, 4:05, 6:45, 9:25 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 2:20, 4:50, 7:15
lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 4:20 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 10:05, 10:45, 11:50, 12:45, 10:35
lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 10:30, 4:35, lSmurfs: The Lost Village 3D (PG) 11:55, 9:50
lGifted (PG-13) 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 10:00
10:40 Guild Theatre 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:25, 5:10, 7:10, 8:00, 9:55, 10:40
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:30, 2:00, 4:25, 6:55, 9:30
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:00, 10:20, lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 10:55, 1:55,
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 10:10, 11:25, 12:40, 1:55, 3:10, 949 El Camino Real Menlo Park 650-566-8367 lLogan (R) 3:20, 6:35, 10:05 10:50, 11:35, 12:20, 1:10, 1:40, 2:05, 3:00, 3:40, 4:25, 5:00, 4:55, 7:55, 10:55
4:30, 5:40, 7:05, 8:10, 10:40 lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 4:30, 7:20, 10:10
5lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 1:30, 4:15, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7:40, 8:20, 8:55, 9:40, 10:20, 11:00 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:35, 12:55, 2:15, 3:35, 4:55,
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) XD 10:00, lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 12:20
6:15, 7:35, 8:55, 10:15
1:20, 4:40, 8:00 7:00 lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 2:05, 7:15, 9:55 lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:55, 2:35, 5:15,
lThe Case for Christ (PG) 10:50, 1:40, 4:35,
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:40, 11:10, Redwood Downtown 20 and XD lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 11:25, 4:40 7:55, 10:35
7:30, 10:25
11:40, 12:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:50, 5:20, 5:50, 6:20, 7:10, 825 Middlefield Rd. Redwood City 800-246-3627-2 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 11:50, 2:55, 6:05, lGoing in Style (PG-13) 9:55, 11:40, 2:10, 4:40,
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) XD 1:15, 4:30,
8:40, 9:10, 9:40, 10:30 exp 990 9:20 7:15, 9:45
7:50, 11:00
lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 10:20, 1:35, 4:35, lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 1:15 lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:05, 11:30,
7:30, 10:25 lGet Out (R) 11:40, 2:25, 5:10, 8:05, 10:45 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:15, 12:15, lYour Name (PG) 11:45, 2:25, 5:05, 7:45, 10:25
12:05, 12:30, 1:50, 2:20, 2:45, 3:20, 3:45, 5:05, 5:35, 6:00,
lLife (R) 10:05 lLogan (R) 3:15, 6:50, 10:15 lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 10:30
12:45, 2:30, 3:30
6:35, 7:05, 8:20, 8:50, 9:15, 9:50, 10:20, 11:35, 12:01
lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 10:25, 1:10, 3:55, 6:40 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 10:25, 1:30, 3:05, lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 4:00, 5:45, CineArts at Palo Alto Square lLife (R) 11:00, 4:20, 10:30
lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 9:50 4:40, 6:15, 7:45, 9:20, 10:45 7:15, 9:00, 10:15 3000 El Camino Real, Bldg. #6 Palo Alto 800-246-3627-2
lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:45, 2:30, 8:00,
lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:05, 1:40, 4:10, 6:50, lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 10:05, 11:15, lThe Fate of the Furious: The IMAX 2D exp 914
9:30 12:25, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:10 Experience (PG-13) 11:45, 3:00, 6:15, 9:45
lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 5:15
lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 10:20, 1:20 lGoing in Style (PG-13) 1:20, 3:50, 6:25, 9:00 lGifted (PG-13) 2:00, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45, 7:00
lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:40, 2:15, 4:50, 7:30,
lKaatru Veliyidai (NR) 10:20 lGifted (PG-13) 10:30, 1:15, 4:15, 7:25, 10:00 lT2 Trainspotting (R) 1:05, 4:00, 6:50, 9:40 Aquarius Theatre 10:05
lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 11:00 lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 4:10, 10:20 lGifted (PG-13) 11:35, 2:15, 5:00, 7:40, 10:10 430 Emerson St. Palo Alto 650-327-3241
lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00
lMister (NR) 6:00, 9:45 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 10:00, 11:25, 12:40, 2:00, lSpark: A Space Tail (PG) 12:25, 2:45, 5:05,
lYour Name (PG) 11:10, 1:55, 4:40, 7:25, 10:10
Century at Hayward 3:20, 4:30, 6:00, 7:10, 8:35, 9:45 7:25, 9:55 5lKedi (NR) 5:00
lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 11:40
1069 B Street Hayward 800-246-3627-2 exp 898 lThe Case for Christ (PG) 10:45, 1:35, 4:25, lYour Name (PG) 1:35 5lFrantz (PG-13) 2:30 7:15, 10:05 lYour Name (PG) 4:15, 7:00, 10:00 5lKedi (NR) 2:00
CineArts Santana Row
3088 Olsen Drive San Jose 800-246-3627-2 exp 3088
lGet Out (R) 7:00, 10:00 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) XD 10:00, lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 5lFrantz (PG-13) 4:15, 7:30
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 12:30, 3:50, 7:10, 1:10, 4:20, 7:35, 10:45 lThe Devotion of Suspect X (NR) 11:20, 2:05,
Stanford Theatre lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 10:25, 1:25, 4:25,
10:20 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:40, 11:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 221 University Ave. Palo Alto 650-324-3700 7:25, 10:05
lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 10:45, 12:05, 12:00, 12:35, 1:50, 2:30, 3:10, 3:45, 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00,
Bluelight Cinemas 5
lGifted (PG-13) 10:35, 1:30, 4:10, 7:05, 9:40
2:35, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 8:15, 8:55, 9:35, 10:15
21275 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino 408-255-2552 No Films Showing Today lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:20, 12:00,
lSmurfs: The Lost Village 3D (PG) 1:30, 4:00 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:40, 12:00,
1:50, 3:10, 5:00, 6:20, 8:15, 9:35
West Wind Capitol 6 Drive-In 1:45, 3:30, 5:15, 7:00, 8:45, 10:15
lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 10:50, 1:45, 4:35, lGifted (PG-13) 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:50
3630 Hillcap Ave. San Jose 408-226-2251 lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 10:15, 1:15, 4:15,
7:35, 10:35 lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 10:00, 12:55, lThe Boss Baby (PG) 12:50, 3:05, 5:20, 7:35 7:15, 10:15
lGifted (PG-13) 11:05, 1:50, 4:25, 7:05, 9:40 3:55, 7:20, 10:25 lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 1:00, 3:40, lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 8:10, 8:40, lGoing in Style (PG-13) 10:45, 1:55, 4:35, 7:35,
lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 1:00, 4:15, lLife (R) 10:30 6:20, 9:00 9:10, 11:10, 11:40, 12:10 10:20
7:30, 10:35 lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:10, 4:55, 7:50 lThe Sense of an Ending (PG-13) 6:10 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 8:10, 12:10
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 10:35, 1:20, 4:20, 6:55, 9:55 lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 2:10, 10:40 lThe Shack (PG-13) 1:15, 7:05
AMC Eastridge 15
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 10:10 2190 Eastrdige Loop San Jose
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:25, 11:15, lGoing in Style (PG-13) 10:05, 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, lHidden Figures (PG) 4:20, 8:30 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 8:10
12:45, 1:35, 2:45, 4:05, 5:00, 6:15, 7:25, 8:25, 9:45, 10:40 8:00, 10:35 lA United Kingdom (PG-13) 4:00, 9:50
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 10:15 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:00, 1:20, 1:50,
lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:25, 2:00, 10:25 lTommy's Honour (PG) 10:15, 1:05, 4:00, 6:55, lLa La Land (PG-13) 1:20, 9:30
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 9:40 3:40, 6:00, 8:20, 10:15
lGoing in Style (PG-13) 12:35, 3:05, 5:30, 7:55, 9:50 lKedi (NR) 12:50
lGet Out (R) 12:20 lSmurfs: The Lost Village 3D (PG) 11:30, 4:10
10:30 lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00
Platinum 7 Theatre AMC Saratoga 14 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:30
lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 lYour Name (PG) 11:15, 2:00, 4:45, 7:30
6851 Monterey Rd. Gilroy 408-846 6843 lThe Boss Baby 3D (PG) 9:50
700 El Paseo De Saratoga San Jose
Century 25 Union Landing and XD lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 11:55 lLogan (R) 10:00
32100 Union Landing Union City 800-246-3627-2 exp Century at Tanforan and XD lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 10:45, 1:30, 5:20,
lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:10, 4:10, 9:05 lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 2:00, 4:45, 7:30
936 1188 El Camino Real San Bruno 800-246-3627-2 exp 8:30
lSmurfs: The Lost Village 3D (PG) 1:25, 6:25 lGet Out (R) 6:30, 9:00 998 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:00, 1:25, 4:05, 6:30, 8:45 lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 12:00, 3:00,
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:50, 4:55, 9:45
lThe Shack (PG-13) 11:05, 2:10 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:50, 11:55,
lThe Boss Baby 3D (PG) 2:30, 7:20 6:00, 9:00
lGet Out (R) 5:15, 7:50, 10:30 lGet Out (R) 9:55, 12:30, 3:05, 5:40, 8:15, 10:50 2:15, 4:05, 5:40, 7:35, 9:10
lLogan (R) 11:40, 3:00, 9:40 lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:50, 2:25, 5:00,
lLogan (R) 11:00, 2:15, 5:30, 8:45 lLogan (R) 1:20, 11:00 lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:15, 1:35, 4:35, 7:00, 9:15 7:35, 10:10
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 12:50, 2:30, 4:05, lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 1:15, 7:15, 10:00
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 9:40, 11:20, 12:55, lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 1:25, 6:55
lGet Out (R) 12:10, 6:05, 8:35 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 11:00
5:30, 7:10, 8:30, 10:10 2:25, 4:00, 5:30, 7:10, 8:35, 10:15 lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 10:45, 4:10,
lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 3:00, 6:30 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 11:30, 2:30, 5:30,
lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:00, 12:10, lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 9:35, 10:50, 9:35
lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 3:10, 8:50 8:30
2:30, 3:40, 4:50, 6:00, 7:10, 9:30 12:00, 1:15, 2:35, 3:45, 5:00, 6:15, 7:25, 9:50 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:00, 1:20, 4:05,
lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 12:30, 6:00 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:15, 12:00,
lSmurfs: The Lost Village 3D (PG) 1:20, 8:20 lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 10:40, 1:45, 4:45, 6:30, 8:55
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 12:45, 3:45, 6:50, 1:45, 2:30, 3:15, 5:00, 5:45, 6:30, 8:15, 9:00, 9:45, 10:45
lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 11:00, 1:50, 4:40, 7:50, 10:45
Los Gatos Theater 9:55 lThe Fate of the Furious: The IMAX 2D
7:30, 10:20 lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 10:25, 1:25, 43 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos 408-399-9800 Experience (PG-13) 12:30, 3:45, 7:00, 10:15
lCHIPS (R) 10:00
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 4:15
4:25, 7:30, 10:30
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:00, 12:00, lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:15, 10:00
lGifted (PG-13) 11:10, 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 9:30, 10:55, 12:05, 1:35, 2:45, lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 11:15, 2:00, 5:00, lThe Case for Christ (PG) 2:00, 4:45
lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 12:50, 3:45, 2:10, 3:20, 5:30, 6:45, 8:40, 10:00
4:10, 5:25, 6:50, 8:00, 9:30, 10:35 8:00 lGifted (PG-13) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00
6:50, 9:45 lThe Fate of the Furious: The IMAX 2D
lThe Case for Christ (PG) 1:10, 4:05, 6:55, 9:45 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:45, 2:45, lSpark: A Space Tail (PG) 11:50, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:30, 12:45, 2:00, 3:15, 4:30, Experience (PG-13) 11:30, 2:50, 6:15, 9:30
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) XD 12:25, 5:45, 8:45 lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00
8:15, 9:50 lGoing in Style (PG-13) 12:20, 3:15, 5:45, 8:30
3:40, 7:00, 10:20
lThe Boss Baby 3D (PG) 5:45
Century 20 Great Mall and XD lLife (R) 8:55 AMC Mercado 20
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 9:45, 10:15,
1010 Great Mall Drive Milpitas 800-246-3627-2 exp 940 3111 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara
lThe Case for Christ (PG) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00,
10:45, 11:15, 11:45, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 4:20, 4:50,
10:00 7:00, 9:50
5:20, 5:50, 6:20, 7:40, 8:10, 8:40, 9:10, 9:55, 10:55 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 10:05, 1:15, 4:25,
lGifted (PG-13) 12:50, 3:30, 6:10, 9:00
lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:45, 2:10, 4:45,
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) XD 1:00, 4:10, lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 9:45, 10:45, 7:35, 10:45 7:05, 9:35
7:20, 10:30 lSpark: A Space Tail (PG) 1:30, 3:50, 6:20
1:00, 2:00, 4:20, 5:20, 7:40, 8:40, 10:55 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:00, 11:40, lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:30, 1:00, 2:00, 4:35,
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:00, 11:35, lLife (R) 8:45 CineLux Almaden Cafe & Lounge
2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:55 7:20, 9:50
12:05, 12:35, 1:35, 2:10, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45, 4:45, 5:20, 5:55, lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:05, 1:50, 4:35, 2306 Almaden Rd San Jose 408-265-7373
lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 10:35, 1:35, 7:40, lLogan (R) 12:30, 4:00, 7:10, 10:20
6:25, 6:55, 7:55, 8:30, 9:05, 9:35, 10:05 7:20, 10:00
10:40 lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 10:10
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:00, 12:05, lGoing in Style (PG-13) 10:00, 12:35, 3:10, 5:35, lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 12:00, 3:15, 6:45,
lKong: Skull Island 3D (PG-13) 4:35 lGet Out (R) 1:15, 4:05, 6:50, 9:45
2:10, 3:15, 5:20, 6:25, 8:30, 9:35 8:05, 10:40 9:45
lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 1:50, 11:05 lSaban's Power Rangers (PG-13) 12:50, 4:00,
lLife (R) 11:20, 1:55, 4:50, 7:25 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 10:15
lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 lThe Boss Baby (PG) 10:30, 1:25, 2:15, 4:05, 5:05, 7:10, 10:10
lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:15, 1:55, 7:15, 9:55 lYour Name (PG) 10:10, 7:35, 10:25 lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:45, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30,
6:45, 9:25 lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:15, 4:45, 10:15
lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 4:35 lSpark: A Space Tail (PG) 9:30, 11:55, 2:20, 4:55 10:00
lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) XD 12:20, lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 2:00, 7:30
lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 10:20 lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:00, 1:30, 4:00,
3:50, 7:20, 10:50 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 11:30, 2:30, 5:30,
9:30 6:30, 9:00
Century 12 San Mateo lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 9:30, 10:00, 8:30
lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:00, 12:15,
320 East 2nd Ave. San Mateo 800-246-3627-2 exp 968 11:10, 1:30, 2:00, 2:40, 5:00, 6:10, 7:00, 8:30, 9:40, 10:20 lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 12:25
lManje Bistre (NR) 11:45, 3:05, 6:25, 9:45 2:15, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15, 8:45, 9:30 lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 9:40, 12:30, 6:15, lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 11:00, 1:45,
lYour Name (PG) 11:25, 2:05, 4:45, 7:25, 10:05
lGet Out (R) 11:55, 2:35 9:05 Camera 3 2:15, 5:00, 5:30, 8:15, 8:45
lSpark: A Space Tail (PG) 11:55, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 12:55, 4:15, 5:50, lGhost in the Shell 3D (PG-13) 3:20 288 S. Second St. San Jose 408-998-3300 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 12:15, 3:30,
lKaatru Veliyidai (NR) 9:35
7:30, 9:00, 10:40 lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:45, 2:25, 5:05, 7:45,
6:45, 10:00
lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 11:30 lYour Name (PG) 8:55
lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 11:45, 2:15, 4:45, 10:35 lThe Fate of the Furious: The IMAX 2D
lMister (NR) 11:25, 2:40, 5:55, 9:10
7:15, 9:45 lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 lTommy's Honour (PG) 6:20, 8:50 Experience (PG-13) 12:45, 4:00, 7:05, 10:20
lThe Good, the Bad, the Corny (NR) 6:30
SAN MATEO COUNTY lGifted (PG-13) 11:35, 2:15, 4:55, 7:35, 10:15 lManje Bistre (NR) 7:50, 11:00 lGoing in Style (PG-13) 11:25, 2:00, 4:30, 6:55,
lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:00, 12:25, 1:40, 3:05, 4:20, lBeauty and the Beast Sing-Along (NR) 10:45 Towne 3 Cinemas 9:35
Century 20 Daly City and XD
1901 Junipero Serra Blvd. Daly City 800-246-3627-2
7:00, 9:40 CineLux Tennant Station Stadium 11 1433 The Alameda San Jose 408-293-5034 lThe Shack (PG-13) 3:25
exp 905 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 10:20, 11:25, 750 Tennant Ave. Morgan Hill 408-778-6500 lLife (R) 6:40, 9:25 12:30, 1:35, 2:40, 3:45, 4:50, 5:55, 7:00, 8:05, 9:10, 10:15 lManasu Malligey (NR) 2:00 lThe Case for Christ (PG) 1:30, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50
lGet Out (R) 10:20, 1:20, 7:40, 10:50 lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 12:55, 4:00, lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 11:55, 1:00, 4:00, lPa.Paandi (NR) 7:45, 10:45 lThe Zookeeper's Wife (PG-13) 1:15, 4:10, 7:15,
lLogan (R) 11:50, 7:00 7:05, 10:10 7:00, 10:00 lKadamban (NR) 2:00 10:15
lBeauty and the Beast (PG) 10:00, 11:40, 1:20, lGhost in the Shell (PG-13) 11:05, 1:50, 4:35, lThe Boss Baby (PG) 11:15, 1:45, 3:00, 4:15, 6:45, lThe Great Father (NR) 8:00 lGifted (PG-13) 11:05, 1:35, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45
3:10, 7:10, 10:30 7:20, 10:05 9:45 lMister (NR) 5:00, 11:00 lSpark: A Space Tail (PG) 11:10, 1:40, 4:20, 6:45,
lSmurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 10:40, 1:40, lGoing in Style (PG-13) 12:05, 2:40, 5:15, 7:50, lThe Case for Christ (PG) 12:45, 3:30, 7:15, 9:55 lKaatru Veliyidai (NR) 2:00, 7:45, 10:45 9:10
4:10, 6:40, 9:25 10:25 lThe Fate of the Furious (PG-13) 12:30, 3:45, lKavan (NR) 4:45 lFor Here or to Go? (NR) 3:35, 6:30, 9:15
lKong: Skull Island (PG-13) 3:40, 10:45 lDoctor Who: Season 10 Premiere (NR) 7:00 7:15 lTake Off (NR) 5:00 lBegum Jaan (NR) 1:40, 4:35, 7:30, 10:20
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Australian shepherd
standards for the breed.
Dylan was at the show
for the diving competition.
Livell-Hower occasionally
to the edge so the dogs
can work up momentum.
Strum got involved with
North America Diving
caused by power cord
Dylan barked while staring shows him in obedience Dogs when her Belgian
fixedly at the orange toy shows, but he’s mostly a Malinois, Vhoebe, jumped By Ramona Giwargis “Sometimes we extension cord running
held by his owner, Geor- performance dog, mean- almost 25 feet on her first [email protected] through the driver’s side
gia Livell-Hower, as she ing he participates in sport time off the dock. find people living door caused the fire.
moved down the launch
pad. As she threw the
“It’s his favorite thing,”
“We started doing it
as a sport and then we
year-old man died Sunday
in a way where “The cord had become
frayed over time and that
toy over the water, Dylan Livell-Hower said. “When started doing it as a busi- morning when his recre- they power or heat was the cause of the fire,”
sprinted down the dock we parked, he saw them ness,” Strum said. “We had ational vehicle caught fire, Schapelhouman said. “It’s
and launched himself in putting up the dock and he no idea (this sport existed). an incident the city’s fire
things that create not the way you should
pursuit of the toy, landing wouldn’t shut up. I had to This dog has taken us on an chief called tragic. problems. It’s power an RV, but it appears
with a splash. close all the blinds (in my adventure.” The fire was reported he was living in there.”
Dylan was a top con- RV).” For the last three years, about 5:55 a.m. at 3190 Park tragic.” As Bay Area housing
tender in the North Amer- The North America Div- Strum and Dike have taken Lane in North Fair Oaks, — Harold Schapelhouman, costs skyrocket, the fire
ica Diving Dogs competi- ing Dogs competition was the mobile diving dock to an unincorporated area of fire chief, chief said, he’s seen people
tion held outside of the new this year at the dog American Kennel Club San Mateo County. Fire Menlo Park living in a variety of unsafe
Sacramento Dog Show at show, with all of the equip- dog shows in the western crews from Menlo Park and Fire Protection District situations.
Cal Expo on Sunday. Inside ment brought by Lise Ann United States. Redwood City found smoke “These days we find
the pavilions, thousands of Strum and her husband, Titles won on the dock coming from an RV parked people living in sheds, base-
dogs competed over four Scott Dike. are recognized by the AKC, at the Park Lane address, found a man unconscious in ment and attics — the Bay
days, culminating in Sun- “We’re always looking but a dog doesn’t have to said Menlo Park Fire Pro- the back of the vehicle. Fire Area is a booming place and
day’s event. Other than for new things to add to the be part of the club to par- tection District Fire Chief officials performed CPR, but housing is expensive,” he
the sporty diving dogs and show,” said promoter Rich ticipate. Harold Schapelhouman. the man was in full cardiac said. “And sometimes we
barn hunt competitions Vida. “(Diving dogs) draw The Sacramento Ken- The RV was loaded with arrest and unresponsive. find people living in a way
held outside, there were quite a crowd.” nel Club’s dog show is al- “an extreme amount of stor- He was taken by ambulance where they power or heat
obedience competitions The diving pool looks most 100 years old. It be- age,” but firefighters even- to Stanford Hospital, where things that create problems.
and conformation compe- like a wider and shorter gan as part of the state fair tually worked their way to he later died. It’s tragic.”
titions, which judge how lane from a swimming pool before growing to include the back of the vehicle. Af- Schapelhouman said
closely a dog meets the for people, but there’s a specialty clubs and events ter extinguishing the blaze, Menlo Park fire investiga- Contact Ramona Giwargis
American Kennel Club’s long turf dock leading up such as dock diving. Schapelhouman said, crews tors determined a pinched at 408-920-5705.
e o with
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By Scott Smith
Associated Press
high tufts of grass dot the
streets of Hardwick, a ru-
ral neighborhood with a
few dozen homes hemmed
in by vineyards and walnut David Miguel is one of several residents near Hanford who
and almond orchards in still live on water tanks because their wells ran dry.
California’s agriculture-
Nguyen Ngoc Hanh edits, prints and talks to students in the photography class he taught at rich San Joaquin Valley. family’s long-gone dairy Emergency water tanks
the Indochinese Refugee Resettlement Center, in San Jose. Nearby, the Kings River operation in Hardwick. “I for residents have cost the
— swollen with rainwater wouldn’t drink it.” state nearly $28 million
Hanh and Sierra Nevada snow-
melt — meanders through
Miguel and his neighbor
survive on the trucked-
since 2014, with more than
half in Tulare County.
fields. Water is abundant in water and deliveries of Calls for help have slowed
Continued from Page 1
in the river but it may not bottled drinking water. significantly, said Susan
last. They live in the last two Atkins of Self-Help Enter-
graphic genius,” said his- Despite winter storms Hardwick homes awaiting prises, a nonprofit organiza-
torian Jean Libby, a friend that have turned much of a state grant to hook into a tion that helps residents get
of Hanh’s who lives in Palo California’s parched land- reliable water main. tanks and navigate govern-
Alto. Libby, 76, said the scape to vibrant green, the Miguel doesn’t know ment bureaucracy.
power of Hanh’s photo- drought has yet to loosen when his home will get con- “But they’re still com-
graphs was in his distinct its grip on thousands of nected to the new 470-foot ing in,” she said about the
and intimate portraits. residents in the valley. community well outside the calls.
“When you have a por- Many people must still use county fire station, but he In Hardwick, which has
trait done by a master pho- water stored in large tanks anticipates a $50 monthly no sidewalks or street-
tographer, it’s very special,” in their yard to wash dishes water bill — more than it lights, residents say their
she said. “His close-up work and bathe. costs to run his own well. wells began drying up after
is recognizable. I can see Scientists at Stanford Miguel laughed when farmers on three sides of
something online and I can University and NASA say asked what he thinks about the community dug deep
recognize it as his.” excessive pumping of wells Gov. Jerry Brown’s re- wells to irrigate their or-
At age 10, Hanh was U.S. Air Forces create a curtain of flying shrapnel during the during the drought has cent declaration that the chards during the drought,
taken by French troops defense of Khe Sanh and a U.S. Marine base, March 1968. tapped out some under- drought is over for most of when water from rivers
from a Catholic orphanage ground sources of water California. and canals was scarce.
in Ha Dong, outside Hanoi, regime, and he was sent to a learned English with the that will never recover. “Oh, is that so?” he Resident Alvin Lea said
according to Libby. The “re-education” camp along help of co-workers. At the height of the joked. his 120-foot well that was
troops a year later took him with tens of thousands of His visual career also drought, nearly 2,400 wells Keeping the emergency drilled in the 1960s dried
to France, where he was ed- other South Vietnamese of- took on a new life when he dried up, affecting 12,000 declaration in place in a up, costing him $17,000 for
ucated in Catholic schools. ficers. At one point, he was began teaching photogra- people, state officials said. few areas allows officials to a new one that was more
He returned to his home- forced to live 16 months in phy to local youth. It was The drought emergency prolong efforts to find per- than 100 feet deeper.
land in 1946, when Vietnam a metal container in which one of his greatest passions, remains in effect in Kings, manent water supplies for Lea, 77, a retired me-
was still a French colony. he couldn’t stand up or lie according to Tam Nguyen, Fresno, Tulare and Tu- desperate residents. chanic, keeps his swim-
About a year later, he down. He was allowed out a San Jose city councilman. olumne counties, even after In parts of the San Joa- ming pool full for his great-
secretly joined a commu- for only two hours a day but “He always had a smile one of California’s wettest quin Valley, underground grandchildren to play in
nist youth group as part of was forced to kneel on bro- on his face. He was very winters in years prompted aquifers — layers of earth during scorching summer
the Vietnamese resistance. ken glass and stare at the humble, simple and ap- officials to declare an end saturated by water — col- days. He raises 200 exotic
But when he was asked to sun. proachable,” Nguyen said. to the historic, five-year lapsed from over-pump- birds, which also need to
kill a French family of five When he returned to “That’s why he had a lot of dry spell in nearly all of ing during years of dry drink, he said, tipping back
to prove his loyalty to Viet- his home eight years later, students. They all loved him the nation’s most populous weather, according to the brim of his hat to peer
namese communist leader Hanh found out that his so much.” state. scientists at Stanford and at them through a wire
Ho Chi Minh, Hanh hid wife and children had fled Nguyen said Hanh put David Miguel relies on NASA who studied satel- mesh enclosure.
them instead after listening the country. His house was his soul into his work. water from a large, black lite imagery to measure Randy Herman, a long-
to their pleas. occupied by strangers. “It’s a sad loss because emergency tank located sinking land. distance trucker with a
After the Vietnamese “They were raising pigs he was one of a few of the pi- just steps from the front They say layers of clay family, says it’s obvious to
defeated the French at Dien upstairs,” Hanh told Mer- oneers who helped establish door of his mobile home. A soil have compacted, per- him that his community is
Bien Phu in 1954, Hanh cury News reporter De the art of photography for water delivery truck tops it manently reducing natural a long way from rebound-
joined the South Vietnam- Tran in 1995. “There was South Vietnam,” Nguyen off every few weeks. aquifer storage capacity. ing from drought.
ese army and stayed in the unbearable heartbreak.” said. “You can take a bath Throughout the San Joa- “You got tanks, you got
military until North Viet- Hanh had arrived in San Hanh spent much of his with it, do dishes — no quin Valley, the situation water bottles,” Herman
namese tanks rolled into Jose in 1989 as a refugee af- postwar life photographing problem,” said Miguel, a has left roughly 900 homes said. “I don’t think the
Saigon in April 1975. Rather ter fleeing Vietnam by boat mountains, streams and 64-year-old retired farm relying on storage tanks for drought’s over. It’s going
than fleeing with other of- four years earlier. Divorced bridges. hand who was raised on his residential water. to take a long time.”
ficers, he took photos of the from his wife and estranged “Mountains may erode,
South Vietnamese soldiers from his children, he took a rivers may run dry, ” he
left behind, according to job delivering mail to em- once said. “The sky and the
Libby. ployees at Cirrus Logic, moon may change, but I’ll
Hanh’s pictures were a computer technology never forgive the commu-
soon confiscated by the new company in Fremont. He nists.”
The Daily Commuter
Subscribe to your
local newspaper today.
CA, and James (Amy) Sunnyvale in 1946. He at- Greg’s special education began at age 3 at Hope
in Los Gatos. She will al- Preschool, continuing elementary school at Idylwild,
ways be remembered for Vanderbosch of Los Gatos, tended San Jose State
CA, grandchildren Vincent College for a year before Anderson and Fammatre, Price Middle School, Blackford
her love of animals and her H.S. and 3 years at Foothill College, graduating in 1991.
keen sense of fashion. For and Alyssa Micciche, being drafted into the
Sean, Dylan, and Kevin Army. After military ser- He learned to use VTA transit for school and his part time
over fifty years she enjoyed job at Club One until April 2004. He had a remarkable
bowling at Cambrian Bowl. Leary, Gabrielle and Jaclyn vice, he became a salesman
Iseman, and Molly and Kate in the wholesale food and memory for dates and events. He loved everyone and
Weekends were often filled everyone loved him. Greg was the most kind, innocent,
with boating at the Delta Vanderbosch. His broth- beverage business, working
ers Phillip Vanderbosch throughout the Bay Area. loveable soul we have ever known, in spite of his pain
with family and friends.
of Matthews, NC, Richard He enjoyed hiking and and suffering and never wanted to give up. He was our
She will be missed. Please hero and goodwill ambassador. Our sweet angel is surely
keep her in your prayers. Vanderbosch of Loveland, big band music. Friends
CO and his sister, Virginia knew him for his love of resting in Jesus’ loving arms.
Plans for a memorial service Greg is survived by his parents, Rick and Darleen Worth;
are pending at this time. Powers of Pittsburgh, PA, Airedales which he always
also survive him. Along introduced to the neighbor- sister Patty Priestley (Clint) of Camino, CA., brother Rich
Please direct donations giv- Worth (Kerri) of Salem, OR; nephew and niece, Jonathan
en in Barbara’s memory to with his parents, he was hood children. Most of all
preceded in death by his he enjoyed the company of and Julie Priestley, and niece Ruby Schwarz-Worth; aunts,
your local Humane Society. uncles and many cousins all over the U.S. and Canada.
grandson, Nolan Iseman. family and friends.
He was employed by the Tom is survived by his We want to thank Greg’s teachers, doctors, nurses and
Bendix Corporation in South loving wife Beth, niece all the many people who interacted with him and our
Bend, IN and in 1966 took a Barbara Corbett (Thad) of family over the years, especially the staff at FMC and
By Eugenia Last CANCER (June 21-July 22): Iron improvements. HHHH
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (April 17): out any differences and move SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):
Refuse to let trivial matters get forward. Be creative to find al-
Aim to finish what you start.
to you this year. Make the most ternative solutions to a pending
partnership problem. HHH Someone close to you will be
of each day. Your numbers are 2, evasive to avoid hurting you or THE DUPLEX Glenn McCoy
14, 22, 27, 34, 36, 40. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Carefully
making you angry. HHH
BIRTHDAY BABY: You are smart consider any changes. Think
as well as goal-oriented. with your head, not your emo- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):
tions. A vocational mistake will Ask questions, share thoughts
ARIES (March 21-April 19): You
be difficult to reverse. HHH and ideas. Host a gathering and
have the drive to surpass any-
one or anything that gets in your VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Set you will be offered interesting
way. Stay focused and head for up your plan of attack and make responses and choices. HHH
the finish line. HH a big splash. You’ve got what AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):
it takes to attract support and
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Pay Don’t give up on an investiga-
recognition. HHHHH
attention to what others do and tion to help you understand a
say. Don’t put your health at risk LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Tone discrepancy. Once it’s complete,
trying to keep up with someone things down and turn inward.
you can move forward. HHH
who is careless. HHHHH Pick your battles wisely. Intel-
ligence will exceed bluster. HH PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Be
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Search
for new opportunities. Broaden SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Learn consistent and reliable and
you’ll be eyed for a promotion.
your outlook to find greater from past mistakes. Don’t reveal
Don’t let your past determine
ADAM@HOME Rob Harrell
balance, tolerance and personal information that may be used
growth. HHH against you. Make personal what you can do now. HHHH
4/17 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
2 Biig Bang Big Bang 24: Leg
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32 IND Jo
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36 IND News News Modern
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42 IND (6:00) Pa
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CABLE 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 BRIDGE | Frank Stewart
A&E Th
he First 4 8 The Firstt 48 The Firrst 48 Battes Motel (N) Th
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AMC (5:50) Sherlock Holmes (:50) Be
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all Sau
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a ll Sau l
and er pum p R . VanderpumpR (N) Sou
uth/ Charm (N) Sw
OK SweetO
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and erR “I know you won’t talk about your former marriage,” I said
to Cy the Cynic, “but at least tell me whether you were hitched
NN Ton
g ht CNN Ton
g ht A. Coo
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g ht
in a church or eloped.”
outhPk Sou
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hPk SouthPk To
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osh.0 Tosh.0 SouthPk DailyS. Midnig
ght “I got married to no a-veil,” Cy said.
an Pattriick Show The Happy Hour WPT Pok
ker Lege
ds The Ha pp y Hou r In a penny game, Cy played at four hearts, and West led
all Texas vs Oakland 'TVG' A'ss Po
ost Mixed Martial Artss
the 10 of diamonds in response to East’s opening bid. East took
the K-A and led a third diamond, and Cy ruffed with the jack of
DSC Sttreet Outlawss: Fulll (N) 'TV14' Sttre
eet Outlawss (N) Ca
ar Saviorss (N) Sttreet Outlaws trumps — to no avail. West overruffed and led a spade.
aseball To nig ht SportssCen
nt er SportsCentter SportsCentter SporttsCe
entter The Cynic took his ace and drew trumps, but when he
y Speciiall O'Re
y Factorr TuckerrCarlsonTon Hannity Special Th
he First 1000 Days attacked the clubs by leading to dummy’s ace and finessing with
his jack, West produced the queen for down one.
uy'ss Game Diiners Din e rs Diners, Drrive-Ins Ye
p (N) Din
n e rs Din
n e rs Din
n e rs
“You would think,” Cy growled, “that the opening bidder
FX 5: Fast & Furio... ++ The Maze Runner ('14, Sci-Fi) 'TV14' The Maze Runner 'TV14' would hold one of those queens.” Meanwhile, North issued
e rty Golf Cen
ntra l Fehe
e rty Fe
e rty The Golff Fix threats of mayhem that were not so veiled.
Cy erred. On the third diamond he should pitch a club
ek News ++ Indignation ('16, Dra) 'TVMA' Th
he Le ft o v ers LstW
ek Vee
instead of ruffing. West ruffs and leads a spade, but Cy can
LIFE Grrey's Anato
omy ++ Rumor Has It ('05, Com) 'TVPG' ++ Two
o Weeks Notice 'TV14' win, draw trumps and discard another club on the high jack of
he Last Word
d 11thH
Hour Hardball Ra
achel Madd
do w The Last Word
d 11thH
Hour Hardball diamonds, assuring the contract.
hunder Thunder Niicky GShakers FllH
Housse F.H
Housse F.Housse F.Housse Friend
ds Friend
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o vi e The
eCiirc.. Gue
errrilla B il lio n s Gue
errrilla Billlions at your right, opens one heart. What do you say?
SYFY 5: Pirates of t... +++ The Da Vinci Code ('06, Dra) Tom Hanks. 'TV14' The Legend of ... ANSWER: The answer partly depends on whether your pair
y Fam..Guy
y Fam..Guy
y Fam..Guy
y Fam.Guy
y Fa
y Am..Dad Tribecca Conan (N) embraces an idea called “equal-level conversion.” Then if you
double and partner bids two clubs, you can bid two diamonds
y 6 0 0 -lb L i fe My 600-lb Life: Sup
persized 'TV14' Skiin Tight (N) My
y 6 0 0 -lb L i fe
without promising extra strength. Double, planning to pass a
TNT 5: Ba
asket. NBA Basketba
all Playoffs 'TVG' In
n s id e t h e N B A NBA Bask
ketba ll two-club response, or overcall two diamonds. Neither call is
odern Mod
dern WWE Mond
day Night Raw 'TVPG' (:05) Frid
day N (N) safe, but passing wouldn’t be either.
THE FAMILY CIRCUS Bil and Jeff Keane BIZARRO Dan Piraro
Plenty of clouds with a cou- Considerably cloudy skies Some sunshine in the Any clouds around will dissi- There will be an abundance
ple of showers around; not with a shower or two cross- morning will be followed by pate early; turning out mostly of sunshine with high pres-
as cool ing the area increasing clouds sunny sure in control
East Bay: 64-69/52-56 East Bay: 65-70/46-51 East Bay: 65-72/49-55 East Bay: 65-70/44-50 East Bay: 69-78/45-53
South Bay: 67-71/55-57 South Bay: 68-70/50-52 South Bay: 69-72/51-53 South Bay: 67-69/47-49 South Bay: 73-77/46-50
The Peninsula: 63-69/53-56 The Peninsula: 63-69/46-51 The Peninsula: 63-72/48-54 The Peninsula: 63-69/45-49 The Peninsula: 67-77/46-50
The Coast: 61-63/52-55 The Coast: 61-64/45-50 The Coast: 59-64/49-54 The Coast: 60-65/47-49 The Coast: 63-72/46-49
Central Valley: 61-69/52-54 Central Valley: 65-70/41-48 Central Valley: 69-74/44-50 Central Valley: 67-71/39-49 Central Valley: 75-78/45-51
Bay Area 14-day trend
Temperatures Normals Records Surf and sea report Calistoga Sacramento
Yesterday’s high 61 69 93 (1999) Location Sw. W.W. Per. Dir. 63/50 66/52
Yesterday’s low 53 49 29 (1896) Stinson Beach 4-8 1-2 9 WSW
Past 7 days Forecast Golden Gate 1-2 1-2 12 NW
Pacifica 4-8 2-4 9 WSW
Santa Rosa Davis How to read this map
64/50 65/53 City name Today’s
Half Moon Bay 4-7 2-4 9 WSW
Monterey Bay 3-6 4-8 12 W 75/43 High/low forecast
Surf forecast valid until 6 p.m. today. Swells (Sw.) Vacaville
and wind waves (W.W.) given in feet, period (Per.) 66/52 65° Water temperature
given in seconds and (Dir.) is Direction. Napa
Tides Fairfield Galt
Time High Time Low Petaluma Sonoma 66/54 65/52
64/54 64/54
4:01 a.m. 5.5 ft. 10:59 a.m. 0.5 ft. Wind: SW 4-8 kts
(5-9 mph)
6:30 p.m. 4.7 ft. 11:32 p.m. 3.1 ft. Wind: SW 4-8 kts Rio Vista
Vallejo Waves: 0-1 ft.
Antioch (5-9 mph) 66/53
Point Waves: 1-2 ft. 64/55 Pittsburg Lodi
6:47 a.m. 3.5 ft. 1:32 a.m. 1.3 ft. Reyes Benicia 59° 66/54 65/53
9:51 p.m. 2.8 ft. 3:29 p.m. 0.2 ft. 63/54 Novato 66/54
Benicia 66/55 56° Martinez Antioch
Air quality 5:18 a.m. 4.8 ft. 1:15 p.m. 0.4 ft. 66/54 Pleasant Hill 67/54 Oakley Stockton
Spare the Air: No alert today. When 8:30 p.m. 3.8 ft. --- Hercules 67/54 67/54 69/52
unsafe ozone levels are predicted a Golden Gate Bridge Stinson San Rafael 65/55 Concord
Spare the Air alert is issued. 67/53 Clayton Brentwood
3:41 a.m. 4.8 ft. 10:34 a.m. 0.3 ft. Beach 65/54 Lafayette 67/53
Region Today Index 6:12 p.m. 4.0 ft. 10:58 p.m. 3.0 ft. 61/54 66/53 66/53
Coast/Central Bay ............................... Good ........ 44 Mare Island
Richmond Berkeley
65/55 Walnut Creek Discovery Bay
Eastern District .................................... Good ........ 44 64/55 67/54 Alamo
4:50 a.m. 4.9 ft. 12:37 p.m. 0.3 ft. 68/53
Merced County .................................... Good ........ 44 7:54 p.m. 4.2 ft. ---
Orinda 67/54
North Counties .................................... Good ........ 42 Alameda 69/54 Moraga Danville
San Joaquin County ............................ Good ........ 40 Monterey Harbor San 65/56 69/53 67/53
Santa Clara Valley ............................... Good ........ 44 2:20 a.m. 4.3 ft. 10:08 a.m. 0.4 ft. Francisco Oakland Manteca
54° 63/55 San Ramon Tracy 69/54
South Central Bay ............................... Good ........ 42 5:39 p.m. 3.3 ft. 9:26 p.m. 2.9 ft. 66/55 Castro V. 67/54 Livermore 69/54
Wind: S 6-12 kts
Stanislaus County ............................... Good ........ 43 Richmond 68/55 Dublin 66/52
(7-14 mph)
What it means: 0-50: Good; 51-100: Moderate; 3:57 a.m. 5.0 ft. 11:04 a.m. 0.3 ft. Daly City 56° 67/53
101-150: Unhealthy for sensitive people (Usg); 151+: Waves: 1-2 ft.
6:28 p.m. 4.1 ft. 11:28 p.m. 3.0 ft. 63/54 Wind: SW 4-8 kts Hayward Pleasanton
Unhealthy for all. Source: (5-9 mph) 69/55
San Mateo Bridge Pacifica 67/54
63/55 SFO Waves: 1-2 ft. San Leandro
Allergy report 4:14 a.m. 6.6 ft. 11:32 a.m. 0.7 ft.
66/55 Union City 66/55
Index rating as of Sunday 6:47 p.m. 5.7 ft. 11:54 p.m. 3.3 ft. 67/55
Santa Cruz San Mateo San Lorenzo
Pollen levels Source: National Allergy Bureau 66/55 Fremont 69/55
2:14 a.m. 4.2 ft. 9:57 a.m. 0.4 ft. 68/56
Grass ....... Moderate Weeds ............... Low 5:33 p.m. 3.2 ft. 9:15 p.m. 2.9 ft. Half Moon Bay Palo Alto Newark
Trees ....... Moderate Mold .................. Low 61/52 68/53 67/55
Redwood City
Water levels (in thousands of acre-feet) 68/55
Mountain Milpitas
Today’s UV index Location Yest. Cap. 2017 2016 View 69/56
68/55 Santa Clara
*Monthly readings
11+: Extreme East Bay Los Altos 69/56
8-10: Very high Briones 55 61 90% —— 68/55 San Jose
Highest at 12 p.m. 6-7: High
Camanche 289 417 69% 51% 57° Cupertino Sunnyvale 69/55
(The higher the num- Chabot 10.4 10.4 101% —— Wind: S 6-12 kts 71/57 69/56
3-5: Moderate *Del Valle 39 77.1 51% 52% (7-14 mph) San Jose (south)
ber, the faster skin
damage will occur.) 0-2: Low EBMUD 619 767 80% 71% Waves: 2-4 ft. Saratoga 66/53
Lafayette 4.1 4.3 97% —— 68/56
Sky watch L. Vaqueros 146 160 91% —— Los Gatos
Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
Pardee 187 204 92% 92%
Today 6:30 a.m. 7:45 p.m. 12:45 a.m. 11:02 a.m. San Pablo 36 39 93% —— Morgan Hill
Tues. 6:29 a.m. 7:46 p.m. 1:32 a.m. 11:53 a.m. Upper S.L. 35 37 91% —— Boulder Creek 66/53
San Francisco and San Mateo Counties
Hours of sunlight *Calaveras 34.4 100 34% 35% Satellite
13 hr., 15 min. *Crystal Spgs 55.5 57.9 96% ——
Apr 19 Apr 26 May 2 May 10 Hetch Hetchy 281 360 78% 78% Through 3 p.m. yesterday Gilroy
California today Santa Clara County
Almaden 1.5 1.5 95% ——
Santa Cruz
Anderson 61.6 90.3 68% ——
Eureka Calero 4.2 9.9 42% —— 64/54
61/50 Chesbro 8.0 7.9 101% ——
Coyote 23.4 23.2 101% —— Hollister
Guadalupe 2.2 3.4 63% —— 67/53
Ukiah Lexington 18.9 19 99% ——
62/50 Tahoe Stevens Creek 3.1 3.1 98% —— 55°
47/36 Uvas 9.9 9.8 101% —— Wind: WSW 4-8 kts
Vasona 0.4 0.5 80% —— (5-9 mph)
Sacramento Total 133.2 169 79% —— Waves: 4-8 ft. Salinas
66/52 Yosemite Santa Cruz County (weekly readings) 68/53
57/45 Loch Lomond 8.7 8.7 100% —— Weather fact
Statewide Monterey
Monterey Fresno Don Pedro 1,680 2,030 83% —— 66/53
76/57 Mike Nicco/weather anchor, KGO-TV
66/53 Folsom 711 977 73% 80% [email protected]
McClure 665 1,025 65% ——
Santa Barbara
According to a recent NOAA study, The
Central Coast Drainage area of Califor-
National forecast
Oroville 3,007 3,538 85% 92% nia, which includes the Bay Area, has a Shown are
66/56 Los Angeles today’s noon
San Luis 1,970 2,041 96% 50% <0.1 percent chance of recovering from positions
Shasta 4,379 4,552 96% 91% the 2012-2015 extreme dryness within of weather
Trinity 2,306 2,448 94% 58% systems and
San Diego two years. precipitation.
73/62 Temperature
bands are highs
North Coast: Periods of rain today and Yesterday’s temps/rain Readings as of 4 p.m.
Season runs Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 for the day.
Normal Normal
tonight. A couple of showers tomorrow. Past Season Season Season Past Season Season Season
Wednesday: periods of rain. Hi/Lo 24 hours to date to date normal Hi/Lo 24 hours to date to date normal
Alameda 60/49 0.24 36.50 22.21 23.97 Orinda 55/48 0.18 42.89 24.82 26.74
Tahoe: Cloudy and chilly, rain and drizzle
Antioch 60/48 0.05 20.92 12.23 13.24 Pacifica 57/48 0.20 61.84 29.21 31.93
this afternoon. Benicia 57/50 0.14 25.01 18.82 20.24 Palo Alto 64/51 0.04 24.20 15.07 16.16
Central Valley: Mostly cloudy and cool Berkeley 57/51 0.17 31.12 24.82 26.74 Pittsburg 59/50 0.16 21.69 10.53 NR
today with a shower or two. A couple of Boulder Cr. 56/46 0.01 88.17 47.44 50.48 Pleasanton 63/49 Trace 21.53 14.01 15.23
showers tonight. A shower tomorrow. Castro Valley 61/48 0.10 30.84 16.13 17.78 Redwood City 62/50 Trace 31.37 19.14 20.33
Concord 59/48 0.13 24.83 15.22 16.47 Richmond 57/51 Trace 30.38 23.23 24.95
Big Sur: Variable cloudiness today with a Cupertino 59/50 0.03 17.60 14.33 15.82 Sacramento 59/46 0.15 32.50 16.84 18.52
couple of showers. Periods of rain tonight. Danville 61/48 0.10 41.27 22.82 25.04 Salinas 61/49 0.04 16.06 14.30 15.46
A passing shower tomorrow. Dublin 62/48 0.07 27.89 14.44 15.71 San Francisco 62/49 Trace 31.35 21.98 23.65
Warm Cold
Fremont 60/50 Trace 23.74 15.43 16.68 S.F. Airport 60/52 0.06 30.57 19.39 20.65 T-Storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice
Yosemite: Mostly cloudy and cooler, a Stationary Jetstream
Gilroy 61/46 Trace 29.70 19.21 20.54 San Jose 61/53 0.24 18.12 14.54 15.82
shower this afternoon. H. Moon Bay 55/46 0.10 31.62 26.28 29.00 San Leandro 59/50 0.21 35.25 17.53 19.46
Southern California: Clouds and sun today; Hayward 62/52 0.08 19.25 16.47 18.05 San Mateo 62/52 0.05 33.07 19.39 20.65
very warm in the deserts. Mostly cloudy Hollister 61/46 Trace 15.35 13.14 14.20 San Rafael 54/46 Trace 63.40 33.22 35.24
Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun. Today
tonight. Lafayette 55/45 0.16 43.27 16.88 18.13 San Ramon 61/48 0.06 31.63 14.91 16.54
City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W
Livermore 62/46 0.07 24.82 14.01 15.24 Santa Cruz 57/51 Trace 49.92 29.21 31.35
Los Gatos 59/49 0.09 27.01 21.74 23.08 Santa Rosa 53/44 0.12 59.43 33.42 36.28 Akron OH 78/61/0.02 68/45/pc Detroit 74/65/0.00 70/42/s Oklahoma City 72/64/0.00 74/59/c
Sun. Today Manteca 63/52 0.13 19.29 16.22 17.77 Sonoma 51/43 Trace 50.09 29.12 31.44 Albany NY 85/56/Tr 63/40/pc Duluth 61/40/0.01 47/30/pc Omaha 71/47/0.00 74/56/pc
City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Martinez 57/48 0.15 28.87 18.82 20.23 Stockton 61/48 0.19 21.14 12.77 14.07 Albuquerque 77/41/0.00 80/50/s El Paso 88/52/0.00 88/57/s Orlando 86/61/0.00 87/63/s
Anaheim 77/52/0.00 76/60/pc Monterey 59/46 0.08 24.06 19.42 21.10 Sunnyvale 61/50 0.03 17.06 14.43 15.71
Anchorage 42/34/0.00 46/30/s Fairbanks 35/24/0.00 39/14/s Philadelphia 87/57/0.00 75/51/s
Auburn 61/46/0.05 58/51/sh Moraga 56/45 0.21 42.98 17.66 NR Tracy 60/50 Trace 17.20 11.58 13.06
Morgan Hill 60/48 Trace 27.05 19.21 20.54 Travis AFB 56/43 0.16 32.82 23.14 24.82 Asheville 74/57/0.34 75/55/t Fargo 62/33/0.00 55/41/pc Phoenix 88/62/0.00 92/66/s
Bakersfield 86/52/0.00 81/59/pc Atlanta 80/62/0.00 81/63/t Flagstaff 66/29/0.00 66/33/s Pittsburgh 76/65/0.22 68/46/pc
Mtn. View 61/51 0.02 18.10 15.07 16.16 Union City 62/51 0.10 27.67 15.43 16.68
Barstow 88/57/0.00 83/58/pc Atlantic City 82/56/0.00 70/50/pc Grand Rapids 70/57/0.02 66/40/s Portland ME 85/47/0.03 65/36/pc
Napa 57/45 0.21 36.18 18.59 20.39 Vacaville 60/45 0.19 46.39 24.50 26.13
Bishop 77/35/0.00 74/47/c Newark 62/51 0.10 27.02 15.43 16.68 Vallejo 55/50 Trace 29.40 23.23 24.95 Austin 84/68/Tr 83/61/t Great Falls 52/23/0.00 55/35/sh Portland OR 63/41/0.00 57/49/c
Calistoga 54/47/0.19 63/50/sh Novato 53/46 0.10 45.06 33.22 35.23 Walnut Creek 60/44 0.10 31.23 16.88 18.13 Baltimore 86/58/0.03 74/50/pc Greensboro 80/61/0.00 80/57/t Providence 86/57/0.00 72/43/s
Chico 59/44/0.27 65/54/r Oakland 61/51 0.19 28.04 19.12 20.81 Watsonville 58/48 0.20 39.94 21.88 23.50 Billings 55/34/0.00 62/40/sh Hartford 87/51/0.00 69/40/s Raleigh 82/60/0.00 83/58/t
Cloverdale 53/45/0.09 61/51/sh Birmingham 82/59/0.00 83/64/t Honolulu 84/69/0.04 83/69/pc Rapid City 61/28/0.00 67/40/t
Columbia 64/41/0.05 60/47/sh STATEWIDE Modesto 65/49 0.10 16.19 11.69 13.11
Eureka 59/43 0.16 65.69 41.72 49.15 Redding 58/44 0.06 45.49 30.05 34.67 Bismarck 57/36/0.00 58/35/c Houston 85/65/0.00 83/66/t Reno 69/42/0.00 59/44/c
Crescent City 52/45/0.15 56/50/r Boise 69/40/0.00 60/45/c Indianapolis 73/61/Tr 69/48/pc Richmond 85/60/0.00 79/54/t
Fresno 75/50 0.00 16.74 10.29 11.50 San Diego 73/57 0.00 11.70 9.68 10.34
Death Valley 92/66/0.00 91/76/pc Los Angeles 76/55 0.00 18.67 13.95 14.93 Santa Barbara 66/47 0.00 23.88 16.58 17.76 Boston 86/58/Tr 70/42/s Jackson MS 81/66/0.00 81/62/t St. Louis 76/64/0.07 72/53/c
Eureka 59/43/0.16 60/49/r Brownsville 86/75/0.00 86/71/t Jacksonville 81/57/0.00 85/58/s Salt Lake City 68/42/0.00 67/49/c
Grass Valley
World Sun.
Today Sun. Today Sun. Today
Buffalo 73/61/Tr
Burlington VT 81/53/0.09
Kansas City
San Antonio 82/69/Tr
San Juan PR 87/77/0.33
Lakeport 50/44/0.07 58/48/sh City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Casper WY 62/21/0.00 72/39/pc Las Vegas 88/60/0.00 84/66/pc Santa Fe 75/42/0.00 78/42/pc
Los Angeles 76/55/0.00 74/60/pc Charleston SC 79/60/0.00 84/62/pc Little Rock 79/64/0.00 75/59/t Seattle 66/42/0.00 58/48/r
Long Beach 72/55/0.00 73/60/pc Algiers 72/52/0.00 77/51/pc Auckland 66/56/0.06 67/53/pc Madrid Charlotte 80/57/0.00 83/60/t Louisville 78/63/0.54 73/55/sh Shreveport 86/64/0.00 83/63/t
79/46/0.00 82/52/s
Mammoth Lakes 56/34/0.00 50/35/c Baghdad 83/56/0.00 87/61/s Melbourne 70/47/0.00 68/48/c Moscow Cheyenne 65/31/0.00 70/42/c Medford OR 62/42/Tr 62/45/r Sioux Falls SD 68/37/0.00 68/54/c
39/25/0.17 35/21/sf
Modesto 65/49/0.12 70/55/c Beirut 68/58/0.00 71/59/s Sydney 77/58/0.00 73/61/pc Munich Chicago 72/59/0.68 72/42/s Memphis 80/65/0.00 75/62/t Spokane 57/30/0.00 54/43/sh
48/39/0.73 46/30/r
Morro Bay 65/47/0.00 65/57/sh Cairo 81/62/0.00 85/66/s Cincinnati 79/62/0.21 70/50/pc Miami 81/72/Tr 83/72/sh Syracuse 81/66/0.05 53/35/pc
CANADA Oslo 40/25/0.21 42/27/sh
Mt. Shasta 55/35/0.11 50/40/r Damascus 73/45/0.00 79/49/s Calgary 46/23/0.00 50/31/pc Paris Cleveland 79/67/0.00 67/45/pc Milwaukee 73/60/0.71 63/39/s Tampa 86/66/0.00 87/69/pc
57/41/0.00 59/37/c
Needles 93/61/0.00 94/67/pc Jerusalem 66/50/0.00 71/51/s Edmonton 36/13/0.02 39/23/c Prague Colorado Sprs 66/41/Tr 74/46/pc Minneapolis 66/47/0.00 59/47/pc Topeka 68/60/1.73 73/59/c
49/37/0.08 47/33/pc
Nevada City 58/46/0.06 53/46/r Johannesburg 68/47/0.00 70/44/s Montreal 59/54/0.36 49/32/c Rome Columbia SC 84/60/0.00 86/62/pc Myrtle Beach 77/62/0.00 80/63/pc Tucson 88/56/0.00 90/59/s
71/55/0.02 72/51/s
Palm Springs 92/62/0.00 93/67/pc Riyadh 88/71/0.00 93/68/s Ottawa 59/50/0.29 48/29/c Stockholm Concord NH 86/47/0.01 67/35/pc Nashville 85/66/Tr 76/59/t Wash DC 88/65/Tr 76/56/pc
36/23/0.31 38/22/sf
Paso Robles 70/45/0.00 70/52/sh Tel Aviv 72/56/0.00 77/55/s Toronto 70/63/Tr 58/33/pc Vienna Dallas 80/67/Tr 79/65/t New Orleans 81/69/0.19 79/65/t Wichita 72/57/2.05 71/59/c
55/44/0.12 52/37/sh
Redding 58/44/0.06 63/51/r ASIA Vancouver 52/37/0.00 56/46/sh Warsaw Denver 71/31/0.00 78/44/c New York City 86/59/0.01 72/49/s Yakima 63/32/0.00 64/41/c
45/36/0.09 49/34/pc
Riverside 79/43/0.00 78/49/pc Amritsar 110/70/0.00 109/74/pc Winnipeg 46/34/0.01 43/35/c Zurich Des Moines 72/53/0.00 73/52/pc Norfolk 86/66/0.00 81/57/t Yuma 91/62/0.00 93/67/pc
51/45/0.36 54/35/r
Sacramento 59/46/0.15 66/52/sh Bangkok 95/81/0.00 97/81/pc CARIBBEAN LATIN AMERICA
San Bernardino 82/52/0.00 78/57/pc California extremes National extremes
Beijing 84/59/0.00 80/52/pc Barbados 86/79/0.00 86/79/s Asuncion 80/69/1.49 81/66/c
Yesterday for the 48 contiguous states.
San Diego 73/57/0.00 73/62/pc Hanoi 86/75/0.06 84/71/c Havana 86/70/0.00 84/65/t Bogota 66/46/0.02 67/50/r Needles ............................ 93 Tuolumne Meadows ....... 16 Presidio, TX ................... 94° Yellowstone Lake, WY .. 12°
San Luis Obispo 70/47/0.00 69/57/sh Ho Chi Minh 97/79/0.00 96/80/pc Nassau 84/72/0.01 85/71/pc Buenos Aires 69/58/0.00 68/59/c
Santa Barbara 66/47/0.00 66/56/c Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries,
Hong Kong 86/75/0.00 84/74/pc San Juan 87/77/0.33 81/76/sh Caracas 88/79/0.26 88/77/t
sn-snow, i-ice, Prec.- precipitation
S. Lake Tahoe 57/29/Tr 47/36/sn Islamabad 103/68/0.00 103/75/s La Paz 59/32/0.00 56/38/c
Stockton 61/48/0.19 69/52/sh
Truckee 55/25/Tr 45/34/c
51/37/pc Lima 79/68/0.00
71/56/t Panama City 90/73/0.07
88/72/pc Recent quakes Snowpack Snow April 1
Ukiah 54/45/0.01 62/50/sh Kuala Lumpur 91/77/0.12 92/76/t Berlin 47/39/0.33 51/32/sh Rio 88/72/0.00 85/73/sh Largest in past 24hrs up to 3:05 p.m. Sunday Location Elevation (ft.) depth average
Yuba City 60/47/0.25 65/53/sh Manila 86/79/0.18 93/78/t Brussels 52/41/0.06 53/34/sh Santiago 72/54/0.00 76/52/pc Magnitude, time & location Donner Summit 6,900 127.5” 164%
Yosemite Village 73/37/0.00 57/45/c Mumbai 97/79/0.00 93/79/pc Budapest 59/36/0.31 58/40/pc MEXICO 2.1 - 4:37 p.m. 4 mi NW of The Geysers (largest of Heavenly (Freel Bench) 7,300 44.0” 189%
New Delhi 108/77/0.00 109/79/pc Copenhagen 41/32/0.12 44/32/pc Acapulco 92/74/0.00 87/73/pc 12 earthquakes) Mammoth Pass 9,300 178.5” 195%
Osaka 76/54/0.05 67/59/r Dublin 54/41/0.16 53/38/c Cabo S.L. 88/59/0.00 84/64/s 0.8 - 8:24 p.m. 3 mi WNW of Cobb (largest of 2 Mt. Shasta 6,800 110.0” 97%
earthquakes) Sequoia (Panther Mead.) 8,600 142.0” 169%
Seoul 73/50/0.00 61/46/r Frankfurt 53/41/0.08 53/34/sh Cancun 84/73/0.00 86/73/pc
Forecasts and graphics for 4/17/2017 S.Lake Tahoe (Echo Sum.) 7,450 102.5” 155%
provided by AccuWeather, Inc.
Shanghai 85/63/0.18 76/60/r Geneva 59/46/0.06 61/39/pc Guadalajara 89/55/0.00 86/52/pc
Singapore 89/79/0.01 89/78/c Helsinki 34/21/0.18 38/24/sf La Paz 87/62/0.00 90/63/s Squaw Valley 7,700 157.0” 173%
For feedback, please contact Taipei 91/73/0.00 88/75/t Istanbul 75/55/0.01 68/49/pc Mazatlan 90/54/0.00 82/63/s Tioga Pass 9,800 122.5” 197%
[email protected] Tokyo 78/55/0.00 73/59/r Lisbon 75/55/0.00 78/61/s Mexico City 77/54/0.00 75/52/pc Yosemite (Peregoy M.) 7,000 74.5” 139%
ENDS 4/21
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