Self-Assessment Colour Review of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery

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Self-Assessment Colour Review of

Small Animal
Soft Tissue

Stephen D. Gilson
Sonora Veterinary Surgery
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Manson Publishing/The Veterinary Press

Reprinted 2001,2006

Copyright © 1998 Manson Publishing Ltd

ISBN: 1-874545-64-2
ISBN: 978-1-874545-64-4

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This title provides a brief but broad overview of all aspects of general surgery for
small animals. Like other titles in the Self-Assessment Colour Review series, the
questions are divided into multiple parts and most are accompanied by an illustration,
diagnostic image or clinical photograph. The answers are of moderate length and are
designed to provide the reader with specific considerations for the management of the
, disease process presented. The content and format of the cases are presented in a man-
ner akin to clinical experience, and will appeal equally to veterinary students, practi-
tioners with an interest in surgery and surgeons in training. They also provide a
spectrum of challenge ranging from simple to difficult, with most of the questions
being moderately difficult.
The cases were provided by an international group of authors. Surgery is an in-
herently controversial topic, so the reader may find variations to the diagnostic and
treatment recommendations with which they are familiar. I have attempted to dampen
points of controversy, but ask the reader to consider some of the different approaches
presented herein with an open mind.
This text is the culmination of many hours of work, and my hope is that you enjoy
the book and that you are surgically more learned having read it.

Stephen D. Gilson

Ana Mayenco Aguirre, DVM Mercedes Sanchez de la Muela, DVM
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain
Fidel SanRoman Ascaso, DVM, DDS, MD Maura G. O'Brien, DVM, Dipl ACVS
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital,
Madrid, Spain Los Angeles, California, USA
R. Avery Bennett, DVM, MS, Dipl ACVS Debora J. Osuna, BS, DVM, Dipl ACVS
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Franklin Veterinary Services Referral
USA Centre, Papakura, New Zealand
Bernard Bouvy, DVM, MSc, Dipl ACVS Pilar Llorens Pena, MD
& ECVS Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Clinique Veterinaire Fregis, Arcueil, Madrid, Spain
France Betina C. Rama, DVM
Phyllis Ann Ciekot, DVM, MS, Dipl lams Company, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ACVIM (Oncology) Leonardo J. Sepiurka, DVM
Sonora Veterinary Surgery and Oncology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Buenos
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA Aires, Argentina
Gilles Dupre, DVM, Dipl ECVS Nick Sharp, BVetMed, PhD, Dipl ACVS,
Clinique Veterinaire Fregis, Arcueil, France ACVIM & ECVS, MRCVS
North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
Paloma Garcia Fernandez, DVM
North Carolina, USA
Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain Mark M. Smith, VMD, Dipl ACVS
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of
Stephen D. Gilson, DVM, Dipl ACVS
Veterinary Medicine, Blacksburg,
Sonora Veterinary Surgery and Oncology,
Virginia, USA
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Mark J. Soderstrom, DVM
Joseph Harari, DVM, MS, Dipl ACVS
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
Rowley Memorial Animal Hospital,
Oklahoma, USA
Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Jesus Rodriguez Quiros, DVM
Elizabeth M. Hardie, DVM, PhD,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain
North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
North Carolina, USA Sharon Ullman, DVM, Dipl ACVS
Veterinary Surgical Associates, Concord,
Dudley E. Johnston, BVSc, MVSc, AM,
California, USA
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Katherine Wells, DVM
Israel Metroplex Veterinary Center, Irving,
Texas, USA
Jolle Kirpensteijn, DVM, MS, Dipl
ACVS & ECVS C.D. van Zuilen, DVM
University of Utrecht, Utrecht, University of Utrecht, Utrecht,
The Netherlands The Netherlands

I would first and foremost like to thank the international group of contributing authors
and the staff at Manson Publishing for their outstanding and timely efforts - I realize it
was often a challenge collaborating with an overworked editor in a different time zone.
Without the co-authors I could not have assembled a text with this quality of content;
and without the organizational skills, guidance and persistent prodding of Jonathan
Gregory, Clair Chaventre and Paul Bennett at Manson Publishing I could not have
assembled it in this century!
On a broader scale I want to give long overdue thanks to my friends and colleagues:
Don Morshead for providing the spark that began my interest in surgery; Peter Schwarz
who encouraged and guided me through my internship; and long-time friend and
mentor Elizabeth Stone who, in addition to providing several of the photographs used
in the text, has had the greatest impact on my professional development. Thanks also to
the many other people I owe for my training and advancement as a surgeon - you know
who you are and more importantly I know who you are.
The following gave their permission for the following figures to he reproduced in the
book (identified by question numbers):
13 Courtesy of Mary Mahaffey, DVM, MS, Dipl ACVR
28b Reproduced with permission from Smith, M.M. and Waldron, D.R. (1993)
Approach to the hard palate. In: Atlas of Approaches for General Surgery of the
Dog and Cat. Eds Smith, M.M. and Waldron, D.R. WB Saunders, Philadelphia,
168a-c, 176a, b, 192, 209a Copyright © 1988, United States Surgical Corporation. All
rights reserved. Reprinted with the permission of the United States Surgical Corpor-
172 Reprinted with permission of the Journal of the American Animal Hospitals

AGID Agar gel immunodiffusion HCG Human chorionic gonadotrophin
bpm Beats per minute ilm Intramuscular
BUN Blood urea nitrogen i/v Intravenous
CBC Complete blood count LH Luteinizing hormone
ECG Electrocardiogram MIC Minimum inhibitory
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent concentration
assay PCV Packed cell volume
FeLV Feline leukemia virus plo Per os (by mouth)
FIV Feline immunodeficiency virus q Every
GnRH Gonadotrophin-releasing hor- sic Subcutaneous
mone tid Ter in die (three times a day)

Classification of cases
Analgesia 41,64, 70, 71, 79, 124 Surgery (continued)
Anesthesia 13, 70 hernia repair 4, 26, 35, 182, 196
intestinal 85, 89,90, 102, 132, 139,
Diagnostic tests 40, 55, 77, 96, 97, 128, 158, 181
150, 164 ovariohysterectomy 41,47, 113, 150,
tumor staging 19, 44, 55, 69, 116 160,161,178,212
Dressings 72, 83, 125 palate 2, 53, 100, 137, 190
pancreatic 17, 107,205
Imaging 1, 12,26,36,40,68, 73, 105, prostate 74, 81
116,141 renal 11, 56, 93,104,151
abdominal 18, 36, 47, 56, 91, 96, 161, staples 168, 192
180,207,212 testicular 39, 128
renal 96, 104 thoracic 29,34,60,66, 136, 152, 155,
ultrasound 36, 40 208
tumor excision 19, 42,68,69, 80,
Non-surgical management 1, 7,9, 15, 109,146, 167, 17~ 179, 183,212,
17,22,54,56,58,61,67,78,105, 224
113,120,136,145 ureteral 14, 36,104,114,151
antibiotic therapy 51, 58 urethral 45, 49,106,110
chemotherapy 117, 146, 157,212 vaginal 160, 180
enteral feeding 2, 52 Surgical instruments 8,23,24,119,121,
fluid management 6, 33, 223 176,209
radiation therapy 19, 43, 55, 69, 109, forceps 75, 153
157 retractor 27, 217
stapler 25, 218
Postoperative management 71, 79, 86, sterilization 122, 148(~
98,10~ 114, 133, 171 Sutures 10, 14,38,46;89)92,95, 103,
Pre-surgical management 5, 86 106,111, 125, 140, 1&8, 181, 192,
Surgery 1, 3, 16,20,21,22,23,24,30, patterns 59,147,202
32,40,95,115,140,142,154,169, purse-string 110, 132,214
abdominal 97, 117, 120, 130, 132, Wound management 10, 15,30,31,65,
135,166,172,175,203,210 76,82,87,94,111,123,149,221
amputation 99, 115 burns 199,200
cardiac 42,143,185,191,195,214 debridement 123, 149
castration 45,55,167,172 degloving 162, 163
cystostomy 41,114,133 dehiscence 95,100,113
ear 129, 171, 198 inguinal 173, 174
gall-bladder 186, 187,220 skin flaps 173, 174, 200
gastric 5, 20, 33, 44,62, 102,201 skin grafts 101, 163
head and neck 13, 28, 48, 61, 103, tissue adhesives 63, 127

la lb

1 A six-month-old Cairn Terrier is presented for acute onset of drooling, regurgi-

tation, anorexia and cervical pain. An esophageal foreign body is detected by plain
radiography of the cervical region.
i. Name common locations for esophageal foreign body entrapment.
ii. Describe some non-surgical alternatives and list the advantages of these methods.
iii. Name several indications for surgical intervention.
iv. Describe the surgical procedure shown (la, b).

2 A surgical procedure underway in the 2

oral cavity of a four-month-old, male
Bulldog is shown (2). The owner's
complaint is that the dog has a chronic
mucopurulent nasal discharge, coughs
when eating or drinking, and has not
been gaining weight at a rate equal to
that of his litter mates. He also has a
foul odor from the oral cavity.
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What secondary complication may
be associated with this defect?
iii. What are three principles to be fol-
lowed during surgical repair of this

3 Describe four ways tissues can be cut/incised. What are the advantages and dis-
advantages of each?

1-3: Answers

1 i. Foreign body entrapment caused by limited ability of the esophagus to dilate at

certain locations is most common at the pharynx, thoracic inlet, base of the heart and
just before the cardia.
ii. Non-surgical management consists of foreign body retrieval by forceps under
guidance of a rigid or flexible endoscope, or by the Foley catheter technique. Non-
surgical removal of foreign bodies results in lower morbidity and shortens hospital-
ization in uncomplicated cases. A recovery rate of 98% is reported after foreign body
removal without surgery.
iii. Conservative treatment is attempted prior to surgery, except when there is evidence
of esophageal perforation, large areas of necrotic tissue, or immobility of the foreign
body. Clean lacerations that do not extend through the full thickness of the
esophageal wall may be left to heal secondarily. Endoscopy allows direct visualization
of the foreign body and esophageal mucosa.
iv. Cervical esophagotomy. The esophagus is visualized beside the trachea after a
ventral midline skin incision and separatIon of the sternohyoideus and sterno-
thyroideus muscles. The esophagus is incised longitudinally and the foreign body
removed. Closure of the esophagus is by simple interrupted suture in the mucosa and
submucosa, followed by a second interrupted layer in the muscularis adventitia.

2 i. Congenital cleft of the hard and soft palates (secondary palatal defect).
ii. Aspiration pneumonia is often a complication of secondary palate defects. The
animal should be evaluated with thoracic radiographs and treated appropriately prior
to surgical correction of the palate defect.
iii. Repair flaps should be larger than the primary defect to reduce tension on suture
lines. Connective tissue and vascular supply is preserved by limited meticulous dis-
section (avoid the palatine artery) and gentle tissue handling. Tissue flaps are apposed
to cleanly incised epithelium to ensure healing. Temporary feeding via a pharyn-
gostomy or gastrostomy tube should be considered to bypass the oral cavity during
wound healing (see also 190).

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Scalpel blade Cheap, least traumatic, good for Poor for loose tissues, no
dense tissue and tissue under hemostasis, difficult to use for
tension. Gold- standard for tissue fine diss"ection around vessels
InCISIon and nerves
2. Electroscalpel Decreased blood loss (coagulation), Variable thermal necrosis at wound
decreased foreign material edges, delayed wound healing,
(ligature), decreased operating decreased resistance to infection
3. Scissors Good for loose tissues, provides Crushing damage to tissue, difficult
some hemostasis by crushing, to use in dense tissue
good depth control for cutting
and dissection
4. Laser Less thermal injury than High equipment cost and
electroscalpel, resulting in maintenance, delayed wound
decreased postoperative edema, healing from thermal injury;
drainage and pain; provides requires special training and
no-touch technique and precise safety measures
tissue vaporization for meticulous

4-6: questions
4 A lateral abdominal radio- 4
graph of a three-month-old,
female cat is shown (4). The
animal was born with a swell-
ing in the umbilical region that
is easily reduced manually.
i. What is your diagnosis?
ii. Do you need any other tests
to confirm the diagnosis?
iii. What is the treatment of

5 An eight-year-old St. Ber- 5

nard is presented with signs of
depression, abdominal disten-
sion and non-productive
vomiting (5).
i . What is the most likely
ii. Describe the initial presurgi-
cal therapy.
ii. Describe the surgical cor-
rection of the problem, and
name different surgical tech-
niques to prevent recurrence.

6 A five-week-old, female Brittany Spaniel puppy is presented for two day duration
of anorexia, vomiting and depression. The owner suspects the puppy may have
swallowed a small plastic toy. On examination, the puppy's temperature is 37.2°e,
heart rate is 150 bpm and pulses are weak.
i. How is hydration status best assessed in puppies less than six weeks of age?
ii. You have assessed the puppy to be severely dehydrated. By what routes can fluid
therapy be administered?
iii. The abdomen is slightly distended and painful to palpation. Abdominal
radiographs indicate there is an intestinal obstruction and a moderate amount of
peritoneal effusion. Relevant hemogram and serum chemistry values are: rev 0.6 ])1
(60%); serum protein 75 gil (7.5 g/dl); glucose 2.5 mmo!!l (45 mg/dl); urea
6.64 mmo!!l (BUN 40 mg/dl); potassium 3.0 mmol/l (3.0 mEq/l). Exploratory
laparotomy is planned to treat the gastrointestinal obstruction. What replacement
fluids are used to rehydrate this puppy? What considerations are made prior to
administration? What rate of administration is appropriate? How is overhydration

4-6: Answers

4 i. A congenital umbilical hernia containing omentum and small intestine.

ii. In this case it is not necessary to perform other diagnostic tests. The radiographs
show air-filled tubular structures, typical of small intestinal loops, outside the
abdominal wall. In other less obvious cases it may be useful to perform a barium study
or, if the presence of a herniated parenchymatous organ (e.g. liver, spleen) is suspected,
then sonography can be used.
iii. Treatment is by surgical reduction of the hernial contents and suturing closed the
defect edges. Due to the size of this particular hernia, it is not recommended to wait for
spontaneous resolution; small hernias will often be harmlessly occluded by falciform
ligament or omentum. Larger hernias present the risk of bowel obstruction or visceral
organ strangulation and are best repaired by early surgery.

5 i. Gastric dilatation-volvulus.
ii. Initial treatment consists of gastric decompression and treatment of shock. Gastric
decompression is achieved by passing a stomach tube, percutaneous needle trocariza-
tion or temporary gastrostomy.
iii. A standard midline laparotomy is performed and the stomach is repositioned and
decompressed. Stomach contents are removed using a large stomach tube or through a
gastrotomy incision. The viability of the stomach is evaluated and non-viable parts are
resected. The spleen is repositioned and inspected. Splenectomy is performed if viability
is in doubt. The stomach is secured in a normal position by attaching the pyloric antral
region to the adjacent right abdominal wall. Gastropexy techniques include tube
gastrostomy and circumcostal, belt loop and incision gastropexy.

6 i. In animals younger than six weeks of age, use of skin turgor is not accurate to
estimate dehydration. Evaluation of mucous membrane moistness and urine color are
more accurate. The urine of puppies at this age should be clear and colorless. Any color
tinting indicates dehydration.
ii. In very young animals, fluids can be administered ilv through the jugular or cephalic
veins, and intra osseously into the long bones. An intraosseous needle can be readily
placed in the femur, tibia, humerus or ulna. Flow rates of up to 11 ml/min can be
achieved with gravity flow through an intra osseous catheter.
iii. A replacement fluid such as Ringer's solution with 5% dextrose is utilized best by
young animals. To treat acute hypoglycemia, replace glucose with 1-2 mllkg of
10-25% dextrose solution; maintain plasma glucose concentration at 4.5-11.2 mmolll
(80-200 mg/dl). Fluids are warmed prior to administration, and potassium chloride is
added if serum potassium concentration is less than 2.5 mmolll (2.5 mEq/I). A basal
fluid administration rate of 10-20 ml/kg/hour is recommended during anesthesia to
prevent hypovolemia and maintain renal perfusion. To prevent overhydration,
regularly assess for cardiopulmonary abnormalities such as tachypnea, dyspnea and
cough. Weigh animals 3--4 times daily to monitor weight gain. Chemosis, exophthal-
mos and restlessness are other signs of overhydration.

7 A four-year-old cat is diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
i. What is a common vascular complication associated with this disease process?
ii. What are three commonly noted clinical or physical examination findings asso-
ciated with this condition?
iii. Is surgery useful for treatment?
iv. What is the prognosis?

8 i. Identify this instrument 8

ii. What is its use?
iii. What are some examples
of alternative instruments?

9 An exploratory laparotomy 9
is performed on a six-year-old
dog with peracute signs of de-
pression and hematochezia (9) .
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What breed is presumably
predisposed, and what is the
iii. What disease syndrome
may ensue after resection of
more than 70-80% of the
small intestine? Give the most
common clinical signs of this
syndrome and what therapy
should be instituted.

7-9: Answers

7 i. Aortic thromboembolism. Thromboemboli commonly lodge at the aortic trifurca-

tion and extended into the branches. Peripheral thromboemboli may originate from
cardiac thrombi which dislodge and pass into the aorta. Occasionally, cardiac thrombi
are detected using ultrasound.
ii. Common abnormalities include paraparesis, pain, hypothermia and ischemia of the
hindlimbs; and auscultation of a murmur, gallop sound or arrhythmia. Absent or
weak femoral pulses indicate presence of a thrombus. Dyspnea and tachypnea may
also be observed.
iii. Treatment includes supportive therapy with fluids and diuretics, use of a vaso-
dilator such as acepromazine, and an anticoagulant such as heparin, aspirin, or
warfarin. Heparin is generally used in the acute phase, and warfarin for long-term
anticoagulant therapy. Clot dissolution has been achieved using streptokinase and
Surgical removal of aortic thromboemboli has not been rewarding. It is best per-
formed within four hours of embolization. Amputation of the left atrial appendage
has also been suggested to eliminate the nidus for thrombus formation. In most cases,
surgery is not rewarding and medical management is preferred.
iv. A recent study showed that affected cats had a 34% chance of surviving the initial
thromboembolic episode; those that did had an average survival of 11.5 months. Re-
embolization was common. Prognosis varies with the severity of the embolic event,
degree of ischemia, evidence of abdominal organ infarction and severity of the under-
lying cardiac disease.

8 i. Pointed bone reduction forceps.

ii. Maintenance of reduction during fixation of fractured bones.
iii. Richard's and Verbrugge bone holding forceps are used for maintaining reduction
or manipulation of fragments. These forceps are usually restricted to use on tubular
bones because of their shape.

9 i. Mesenteric volvulus.
ii. German Shepherd Dog. The prognosis of mesenteric volvulus is extremely poor
because of the peracute nature of the disease and the rapid total occlusion of blood
supply to a large part of the intestinal tract.
iii. Short bowel syndrome. The most common clinical signs include chronic diarrhea,
steatorrhea, weight loss and malnutrition. Medical therapy consists of feeding multiple
small meals per day of a fat-restricted diet, oral antibiotics for bacterial overgrowth,
cimetidine for gastric hypersecretion and vitamin supplementation.

10, I I: Questionsi

10 With many types of sutures currently available, proper selection may be difficult.
Certain principles are considered when choosing a suture material.
i. How strong should sutures be and, ideally, how rapidly should they lose strength
while being absorbed?
ii. Can suture materials enhance a wound's ability to resist infection?


11 An ll-year-old, spayed female Poodle (lla) presented with a history of polyuria

and polydipsia, bilaterally symmetrical alopecia and a pot-bellied, pendulous
abdomen. A diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was made after performing the follow-
ing tests: CBC, serum chemistry profile, urinalysis, ACTH stimulation test and high-
dose dexamethasone suppression test. Abdominal radiography and ultrasonography
were used to examine the adrenal glands . An enlarged left adrenal gland (11b,
arrowed) was found. The right adrenal gland could not be visualized. A unilateral
adrenal tumor was suspected as the cause of hyperadrenocorticism in this patient.
i. What treatment options are available for this condition? What are the mechanisms
of action of medical treatments? What are the benefits and disadvantages of these
ii. What are some anesthetic and surgical considerations in performing adrenal-
ectomy for an adrenal tumor?

I 0, I I: Answers

10 i. Sutures should be at least as strong as the normal tissue through which they are
placed. The relative rates at which sutures lose strength and the wound gains strength
should be compatible. The mechanical properties of sutures should closely match
those of the tissue to be closed.
ii. No, sutures potentiate wound infection. The ability of sutured tissue to resist
infection varies, depending on the physical and chemical configuration of the suture.
However, even the least reactive suture material will impair a wound's ability to resist
infection. The ability of a suture material to potentiate acute infection appears to
parallel the inflammatory response caused by that suture. Wound infections usually
begin around suture materials left in the wound. Therefore, suture use should be
minimized in contaminated wounds. Monofilament sutures withstand contamination
better than multifilament sutures of the same material. Synthetic sutures are superior
to natural sutures. Polyglycolic acid, polyglactin 910, monofilament nylon and poly-
propylene have the lowest incidence of infection when used in contaminated tissues.

11 i. Surgical exploratory and adrenalectomy is preferred to treat non-invasive

adrenal tumors; however, it is not without risk. In one report, more than 50% of
patients undergoing adrenalectomy died of complications (e.g. thromboembolism,
renal failure and infection), or were euthanatized due to metastatic disease at the time
of surgery. Patients with adrenal adenomas had a significantly greater chance of
surviving than did dogs with adenocarcinomas.
Mitotane (op'-DDD) is cytotoxic to the cortisol producing layers of the adrenal
cortex; the zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis. It is a more effective therapy for
treating pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism than for adrenal cortical tumors,
but at higher doses (50-150 mg/kg daily) some response is reported for both adrenal
adenomas and adenocarcinomas.
Ketoconazole administration inhibits cholesterol synthesis and blocks cortisol
formation. It is safer than mitotane since it is not cytotoxic to adrenal cortical cells,
but because it does not destroy the cortisol secreting cells it must be administered for
life. It was shown to have better efficacy in treating adrenal dependent hyperadreno-
corticism as compared to mitotane.
ii. Hyperadrenocorticism can result in fluid and electrolyte imbalances, infection, poor
wound healing, pancreatitis and thromboembolic disease. All fluid and electrolyte
imbalances are corrected prior to anesthesia. Antibiotics are administered in the peri-
operative period and the surgeon should rigidly adhere to principles of aseptic surgery.
Some surgeons feel that due to poor wound healing and muscle atrophy in these
patients, a flank laparotomy may be a better surgical approach to the affected adrenal
gland. Although the latter does not provide exposure to the entire abdominal cavity,
the flank incision is subject to less tension than a ventral abdominal incision. Adrenal-
ectomy may result in sudden decrease of serum cortisol levels and corticosteroids are
administered peri operatively to avoid an acute Addisonian crisis.

12, 13: Questions


12 A 13-year-old, castrated male cat was presented with a history of weight loss
despite a ravenous appetite. A cervical nodule was palpated during physical examina-
tion. Hyperthyroidism is a differential diagnosis in this patient. It is now becoming
more commonplace to diagnose and treat hyperthyroidism in its early stages prior to
development of these classic symptoms.
i. What diagnostic test is represented (12, thyroid adenomas arrowed)?
ii. What other diagnostic tests are reported to help diagnose occult or early hyper-
iii. What other concurrent conditions are frequently present in cats diagnosed with

13 You are presented with a 13

ca t in severe respiratory dis -
tress. The cat was hit by a car
two weeks previously and was
treated by an emergency clinic.
Becau se chest trauma was
present, thoracic radiographs
are made (13).
i. Based on the radiograph,
what is yo ur diagnosis?
ii. Describe how this inju ry
iii. Does this cat most likely
have inspiratory or expiratory
dyspnea, and why?
iv. Describe the surgical man-
agement of this problem.

12, 13: Answers

12 i. Radionuclide imaging. Radioactive technetium-99m is administered intra-

venously and the neck is scanned by gamma camera. All secretory glands take up the
radioactive material and in the normal patient thyroid glands show the same degree of
reactivity as salivary glands. Hyperfunctioning thyroid glands show increased uptake.
Radionuclide imaging also detects metastatic and ectopic lesions.
ii. Serum concentrations of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) may be elevated;
increased T4 concentrations are more reliable for diagnosing hyperthyroidism.
T3 suppression test - serum T3 and T4 concentrations are determined before and
after T3 (oral preparation: liothyronine) is administered for three days. In normal cats
T4 concentrations decrease markedly; in cats with hyperthyroidism the glands
function autonomously and are not responsive to negative feedback of the thyroid
hormone axis, therefore suppression of T4 is minimal.
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation test - serum T4 concentration is
measured before and after administration of exogenous thyrotropin releasing agent. In
normal cats T4 concentration increases; in hyperthyroid cats T4 concentrations stay
the same or only increase slightly. This test is not yet w idely available and needs
further study.
iii. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a common sequela of hyperthyroidism. Cardiac
changes induced are reversible in the majority of cats successfully treated for hyper-
thyroidism. Other common concurrent conditions of older hyperthyroid cats include
chronic renal disease and hepatopathies.

13 i. Tracheal av ulsion, rupture or transection are terms used to describe this

condition. The intrathoracic trachea is transected.
ii. The trachea is rapidly and severely stretched. The carina and lungs are fixed in their
location and as the trachea is stretched, it tears just cranial to the carina. Tissues
surrounding the trachea usually do not tear and pneumothorax does not occur. As
healing progresses and scar tissue ma tures, stenosis or displacement of the trachea
result in respiratory distress.
iii. Expiratory dyspnea is most prominent, because as the patient exhales, intra-
thoracic pressure increases and tends to collapse the pseudotrachea formed around the
defect. During inspiration, there is negative intrathoracic pressure which tends to open
this area.
iv. The challenge for surgery is to maintain anesthesia and controlled ventilation
during thoracotomy. The endotracheal tube must be long enough to reach the carina.
It is wise to have a sterile endotracheal tube and breathing circuit which can be placed
into the aborad portion of the trachea once the thoracotomy is performed. A right,
4th intercosta l lateral thoracotomy is made. The azygous vein may need to be ligated
for adequate exposure. The defect is identified and, if possible, the endotracheal tube
placed per as is guided into the aborad segment. If the tube cannot be quickly
advanced into the aborad segment, the pseudotracheal tissue is incised and a sterile
endotracheal tube is inserted and connected to a sterile breathing circuit. The
pseudotrachea is excised and the trachea prepared for anastomosis. The per as
endotracheal tube is now advanced into the aborad segment and the trachea anasto-
mosed in a routine manner. After anastomosis, if there is a leak, a mediastinal pleural
patch is sutured aro und the anastomosis to provide adequate seal.

14, 15: Questions


14 A lateral radiograph of a ten-yea r-old Miniature Schnauzer presented with a his-

tory of anorexia, lethargy and dysuria for three days is shown (14a). On physical
examination the dog was depressed, lethargic and febrile (39.4°C/103°F). It had a
history of chronic urolithiasis and had undergone two cystotomies, and pre scrotal
urethrostomy in the past three years .
i. Give your diagnosis.
ii. What diagnostic tests wo uld yo u consider before taking this dog to surgery?
iii. What are treatment options for this disease?
iv. To perform ureterotomy for calculus removal, would you incise the ureter proxi-
mal or distal to the calculus, and which suture material would you use to close the in-
cision? Would you temporarily stent the ureter?

15 This is a wound complica- 15

tion that occurred four days
after surgery for osteochondri-
tis dissecans of the humeral
head (15).
i. What is the complication
and the basis for its occur-
ii. How does this lesion affect
wound healing?
iii. What are treatment options
and prognosis?

14, 15: Answers

14 i. A ureteral calculus is
suspected in addition to stones
in the bladder.
ii. A CBC, serum chemistry
profile and urinalysis are indi-
cated to rule out urinary tract
infection and evaluate renal
An excretory urogram or
ultrasound examination is
performed to confirm ureteral
stones are present.
iii. One option is to do serial
radiographs and see if the ureteral calculus passes on its own. In a canine experimental
study, solid spheres of 2.3 mm passed freely, 2.8 mm spheres became firmly impacted,
and those of 3.9 mm or more could not even be introduced into the ureter. Given the
size of the calculi here, the chances of it passing naturally are small.
If no irreversible damage is present in the kidney or ureter (e.g. marked hydro-
nephrosis or hydroureter) a ureterotomy is performed to remove the calculus, and
ventral cystotomy is performed to remove the bladder stones and flush the ureters. An
intraoperative view of hydroureter with multiple calculi is shown (14b). Treatment
with antibiotics (based on culture and sensitivity) and appropriate diet modification
(based on calculi analysis) is indicated . After two weeks of ureteral obstruction an
affected kidney will regain only 50-60% of its pre-obstruction function . With severe
ureteral dilation, hydronephrosis or pyelonephritis, ureteronephrectomy is considered.
iv. Incise the ureter proximally because in most instances it is dilated and ureterotomy
is easier; to close use simple interrupted or simple continuous sutures. Although gut,
polyglycolic acid or polyglactin 9 have been used with success in the urinary tract,
absorbable, 5-0 to 6-0, monofilament suture, such as polydioxanone (PDS, Ethicon) or
polyglyconate (Maxon, Davis and Geck), with a swaged-on needle is recommended.
These materials provide less tissue drag, better strength at a smaller size and varied pH,
and induce less inflammation.
Stenting the ureters allows re-epithelialization if trauma has occurred. However, its
use is controversial when good apposition is obtained. Any foreign body will increase
local inflammation and ascending infection which both increase the risk of stenosis.
The author (B. Bouvy) does not stent ureters routinely.

15 i. A seroma caused by: inadequate hemostasis or dead space closure; excessive

tissue trauma from surgery or postoperative activity; or in this instance, failure to close
the scapulohumeral joint capsule incision.
ii. Seromas delay wound healing by disruption of tissues; inhibition of reparative cells
by local hypoxia, poor nutrient delivery and waste removal; and by serving as a
medium for bacterial infection.
iii. Treatment options include open or closed drainage, pressure bandage support, and
reduction of activity. Persistent lesions may require reoperation and surgical obliter-
ation of dead space with sutures. Cytologic examination of the fluid is useful to rule
out concurrent infection. The prognosis for recovery is good.

16, 17: Questions


16 This five-year-old, female, mixed-breed dog is presented three days after routine
ovariohysterectomy (16a).
i. What is the presumptive diagnosis?
ii. What diagnostic tests could be performed to confirm the diagnosis?
iii. When is emergency surgery indicated?

17 A five-year-old Weimaraner 17a

(17a) presents with episodic
weakness and is diagnosed as
having persistent hypoglycemia
(serum glucose <2.2 mmoUI
<40 mg/dl)). This patient ex-
hibits 'Whipple's triad', and an
insulin secreting tumor is sus-
i. What is 'Whipple's triad'?
W hy are determinations of
serum concentrations of both
insulin and glucose helpful in
ru ling out other sources of
hypoglycemia and diagnosing
ii. Describe surgery for an in-
sulin secreting tumor.
iii. What medical alternatives
are available for the treatment
of islet cell tumors?

16, 17: Answers

16b 16 i. An abdominal wall dehiscence (16b ).

ii. Digital palpation of the mass may reveal a
hernia ring or allow the abdominal content
to be reduced into the abdomen. Radio-
graph y and ultraso no gra phy ma y prove
valu ab le in confirming the diagno sis of
inci sional dehi scence a nd h erniati o n of
abdominal organs. Fine-needle aspira tion
biopsy heJps rule out other soft tissue masses.
iii. Emergency surgery is indicated in cases
that deteriorate despite medical supportive
therapy, if the herniated organs show signs of obstruction or incarceration or when
external wounds or fistulation are present.

17b 17 i. Whipple's triad consists of: symptoms

after fasting or exercise; serum glucose con-
centration <2.8 mmolll (5 0 mg/dl); symp-
toms relieved by the administration of glu-
cose. Hypoglycemia may be caused by con-
ditions other than an insulinoma (e.g. non-
pancreatic neoplasms, pregnancy, hepato-
pathy, neonatal hypogl ycemia) . H ypogly-
cemia normally suppresses insulin secretion
proportional to severity; islet cell tumors
secrete insulin regardless of serum glucose
concentrations. By finding concurrent low
serum glucose and high insulin concentrations, one can determine whether or not
hyperinsulinemia is present.
ii. The pancreas is carefully evaluated (17b) since islet cell tumors can be quite small
«0.5 cm). A detectable mass is excised by partial pancreatectomy. Metastatic disease is
present at the time of surgery in as many as 45 % of cases, and the liver is the most
common site. The regional lymph nodes, liver and spleen are evaluated and excisional
biopsy performed to evaluate fo r presence of metastatic disease and reduce tumour
burden. If surgery is successful (complete excision of the islet cell tumor ), then
hypoglycemia should resolve. In one study 58 % of patients became normogl ycemic
postoperatively and 27% remained hypoglycemic.
iii. Frequent feedings to maintain serum glucose levels and reduce exertional activity.
Diazoxide inhibits insulin secretion, promotes hepatic gluconeogenesis resulting in
increased glucose production, and stimulates the beta-adrenergic system reducing
glucose utilization by antagonism at the cellular level. It is not cytotoxic to the neo-
plastic pancreatic islet cells and does not decrease insulin production. Streptozotocin
selectively destroys pancreatic beta-cells and can be used for islet cell tumors but is
potentially nephrotoxic. Glucocorticoids antagonize the effects of insulin at the cellular
level and promote hepatic gl ycogenolysis res ulting in increased serum glucose .
Glucocorticoids are not cytotoxic but are useful in controlling the effects of hyper-
insulinemia. Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic blocking agent, reduces insulin secretion
by regulation of the beta-adrenergic nervous system. Unfortunately, it may also
promote hypoglycemia by blocking hepatic gluconeogenesis.

I 8, I 9: Questions

18 An abdominal sonogram (18a) of an 18c

I 1-year-old, female , mixe d-breed dog
that presented with an abundant serosan-
guinous vulvar secretion of one month's
d uration . Onset w as concomitant w ith
late estrus. The sonogram shows cystic
formations within a tubular structure.
Polydipsia or polyuria was not present. A
hemogram show ed significant anemia
and moderate leukocytosis (PCV 0.207 lJl
(2 0.7% ); Hb 63 gil (6.3 g/ dl ); total
protein 70 gil (7. 0 g/dl ); RBCs 2.28 x
1012/1 (2.28 x 10 6/mm 3 ); leukocytes 29.4 x 10 911 (29 ,400/mm 3 ) ; neutrophils 91 %). A
lateral abdominal radiograph of the dog (18b) and the affected organ after surgical
excision (18c) are shown.
i. What is the affected organ ?
ii. What is your diagnosis?

19 A mandibular lesion was 19

noted during oral examination
of a ten-year-old, mixed-breed
dog (19). The owner was con-
cerned after seeing blood tinged
sa liva near the dog ' s water
i . What are the differential
diagnoses for this lesion?
ii. What diagnostic tests would
'-au perform ?
iii. What treatment would you

18, 19: Answers

18 i. The fluid-filled structure in the caudal abdomen is the uterus. The presence of
thin-walled cysts in the organ lumen is not a normal finding. When a contrast
hysterogram is performed (18b), the uterus is visible as a dilated, fluid-filled mass
occupying the caudal abdominal cavity. It is greatly distended and fluid in the lumen
has diluted the contrast media (Iohexol - 300 mg Uml). In the same image a small
inguinal hernia is also evident. The radiographic image could be mistaken for a
uterine perforation.
ii. Based on history, clinical signs, hemogram (neutrophylic leukocytosis and anemia
from uterine hemorrhage) and radiograph and sonogram images, a diagnosis of cystic
endometrial hyperplasia was made. Histologic evaluation of the uterus diagnosed
Type II cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Type I hyperplasia is not associated with any
particular phase of estrus and has minimal concurrent inflammatory response in the
uterine wall. Type II hyperplasia is characterized by a uterine wall thickened from
inflammatory cell infiltrates, cyst formation, occurrence during diestrus and a sero-
sanguinous discharge (non-purulent). Type III hyperplasia is associated with marked
inflammation (often purulent) and is the most common type associated with
pyometra, and Type IV is chronic endometritis.

19 i. Squamous cell carcinoma, amelanotic melanoma, fibrosarcoma and epulis.

Osteomyelitis is not usually associated with a mass lesion. Squamous cell carcinoma
often appears as a flat, ulcerated, sessile lesion with a granular appearance such as this.
ii. The TNM system of tumor staging is used for animals with oral neoplasms. Tumor
size and invasiveness based on clinical examination, regional radiographs, and some-
times computed tomography are used to determine the stage of the primary tumor (T).
Incisional biopsy of oral tumors usually provides adequate tissue to determine the
histologic diagnosis. For easilv reached, protruding tumors on the labial sides of the
mandible and maxilla a moderately deep wedge can be taken without anesthesia since
tumors contain no nerves.
Regional lymph node metastases may occur in palpably normal lymph nodes.
Regional nodes are assessed with a combination of palpation, fine-needle aspiration
and cytology, and biopsy for histologic analysis (N). Lymph nodes with afferent drain-
age in this region are the mandibular, parotid and medial retropharyngeal nodes.
Ventrodorsal and right and left lateral thoracic radiographs of the chest are used to
assess for the presence of thoracic metastases (M). A general health screen is also indi-
cated to rule out concurrent disease which may affect prognosis or treatment strategy.
iii. Histologic diagnosis was squamous cell carcinoma, and staging showed the tumor
was confined to the mandible (T2NOMO). Treatment options include surgical resection
by rostral hemimandibulectomy, and radiation therapy. Local tumor control can be
achieved in approximately 98% of cases and several reports claim total cure with a
mean follow-up of 17 months after surgical excision. With radiation therapy, control
rates of >50% at one year are reported. There is long-term risk of secondary malig-
nancies after radiation therapy.

20, 21: Questions


20 An exploratory laparotomy is performed on the dog in question 5. The stomach is

repositioned, and the stomach wa ll is evaluated for viability.
i. The discoloration of the stomach wall (20) is often associated with what type of
injury? Describe two possible surgical techniques to eliminate the problem.
ii. What clinical criteria are used to assess the presence and extent of ischemic injury to
the stomach?
iii. The use of fluorescein dye to assess the gastric viability is controversial. What is the
main reason for this controversy?

21 This open ulcerated les ion (21a ) is 21a

present on the lateral aspect of the meta-
tarsus in a six-year-old Great Dane. The
lesion has been present for two years and
has grown steadily over this period. The
dog is not lame and the lesion is not irri-
i. What is this lesion? What is the cause?
ii. How can it be treated? If surgery IS
necessary, describe the selected procedure.

20, 21: Answers

20 i. Pale green to gray serosal areas are attributed to arterial or arterio\-e no us

disruption and generally indicate ischemic or necrotic areas of the a tric wa ll that
require surgical resection or partial gastric invagina tion.
ii. The criteria often used to evaluate the extent of gastric wall injury include serosal
color and perfusion, gastric vascular patency and gastric wall texture. Active bleeding
of the gastric wall after full thickness incision is used as the main cri terio n to
determine the margin of resection.
iii. The use of fluorescein dye is not recommended because subserosa 1 hemorrhage and
corresponding serosal discoloration can block tissue fluorescence, resulting in a false-
positive diagnosis of ischemic damage.

21b 21c
21 i. Pressure sores can develop
over bony prominences in large
breed dogs. The lesion typically
progresses from skin edema and
surface inflammation to a large
raised ulcer from unsuccessful
attempts of tissues to heal by
contraction and epithelializa-
ii. With early pressure sores, the
lesion is trea ted by protective
bandage and soft bedding. If
ulceration is limited , a callus
will develop in many dogs. A
large ulcer will not heal. Im-
portant considerations for cor-
rection are the limited amount
of local skin and need for full
thickness sk in replacement
because of continued pressure.
The simplest effective pro-
cedure is selected; a relaxing
incision will allow closure of the
large wo und resul t ing from
excision of the ulcer. An incision is made medially and extended until the surgeon
determines that skin tension is not excessive (21b ). This procedure has the additional
advantage that the skin used to close the defect is from the local area and therefore
resembles the original skin.
The relaxing incision, a bipedicle advancement flap, is used when the original defect
must be closed with full thickness skin at the expense of an adjoining area. For this case .
the defect required strong, healthy skin and a scar on the medial aspect of the leg is not
subjected to pressure. Most relaxing incisions heal well in animals by contraction and
scarring is minimal. The relaxing incision is shown at day 25 (21c). Because of continued
pressure on this area, recurrence of the ulcerated lesion is likely without continuous
monitoring and treatment of the pressure sore before ulceration occurs.

22-24: Questions


22 This dog (22 ) was presented for persistent erection. The penis cannot be reduced
into the prepuce. No other physical ab normalities we re found on examination.
i. What are the causes of this condition?
ii. What is the treatment for each of the above causes?


23 Name this instrument (23a) and descri be how it is used in vascular surgery.

24 Electrocautery is an extremely useful tool to the surgeon for rapid convenient

hemostasis of small vessels. It provides a cleaner, blood-free field facilitating identi-
fication of anatomic structures, and reduces blood loss from the patient (particularly
important for very small animals) . Describe how it works.

22-24: Answers

22 i. Paraphimosis, the inability to retract the erect penis following sexual stimula-
tion, may be caused by an abnormally narrow preputial orifice (phimosis), a short pre-
puce, constriction by preputial hair, or trauma; strangulation resulting from placement
of rubber bands or other constricting substance around the base of the erect penis; and
priapism associated with local inflammation or, more commonly, spinal cord injury or
ii. Para phimosis is treated by cleaning and lubricating the penis and replacing it in the
prepuce. Application of hyperosmolar solutions or warm packs are useful fo r shrink-
ing the penis to facilitate replacement. For phimosis, surgical enlargement of the pre-
putial orifice or partial penile amputation may be required to prevent recurrence.
Strangulation is treated by removing the strangulating object and treatment of the
trauma ti zed ischemic tissues. Ca theteriza tion ma y be need ed to ensure urethral
patency until resolution of penile edema.
The pathogenesis of priapism in man and dogs is not currently und erstood and
treatment is limited. Treatment must be prompt and consists of preventing drying and
self-trauma, and addressing the inciting cause (e.g. spinal fracture fixation). Injection
of alpha-adrenergic drugs or benztropine, and anticholinergic drugs, into the corpus
cavernosum penis to induce detumescence has been reported in man and a stallion.
Surgical treatment in man is by creating a communication between the corpus caver-
no sum penis and the glans penis, and this may be an option in breeding animals.
Potential sequelae to chronic penile prolapse include penile necrosis and urethral
obstruction. In these cases, partial or complete penile amputation is indicated.

23b 23 Satinsky vascular clamp. It

is used to parti a lly occlude
atraumatically a blood vessel
such as the vena cava allowing
the surgeon to perform a lat-
era l veno tomy . T he clamp is
placed as demonstrated (23b)
allowing blood to flow around
the portion of the vein isolated
by th e clamp. The surgeon
may then perform a venotomy
for an end-to-side anastomosis
or removal of an intraluminal
m ass such as a th ro mbu s or
tumor. Following closure of the venotomy or anastomosis, this atraumatic clamp is
removed, thus re-establishing circulation.

24 Electrocautery works by passing high frequency alternating current through the

body of the animal. The tiss ues provide resistance to current flow and a portion of
the energy is converted to heat. Two electrodes of differe nt sizes are used (the hand-
piece and the gro und pl ate) to concentrate current fl ow and provide greater energy
density, and hence heat, at the smaller electrode. In bipolar ca utery, both electrodes
are in the hand piece and there is virtually no stray current allowing for more precise
coagula tion.

25, 26: Questions

25 i. Identify this instrument 25

ii. List common uses for this
iii. Are there alternative devices
for some or all of these proce-
iv. List the steps taken when
using this instrument.


26 You are presented w ith a two-year-old, spayed

female Cocker Spaniel with a history of lethargy
and anorexia. Survey thoracic radiographs are
shown (26a, b ).
i. Describe the radiographic findings .
ii. What is the most likely diagnosis?
iii. How could you confirm this diagnosis ?
iv. Describe the pathophysiology of this condition.
v. Describe the surgical treatment of this condition.
vi. What is the long -te rm prognosis follo w ing
surgery for this patient?

25, 26: Answers

25 i. Thoracoabdominal (TA) surgical stapler.

ii. Complete or partial lung lobectomy, atrial tumor resection, uterine stump ligation,
partial hepatectomy, partial prostatectomy, enterotomy closure, gastrotomy closure
and partial splenectomy are all common uses for this device.
iii. The gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) surgical stapler may be used for similar
purposes. This stapler places a double row of staples and contains a blade to incise
tissue between the staples.
iv. (1) Engage safety catch. (2) Open approximating lever. (3) Insert staple cartridge.
(4) Stapler is placed over tissue to be stapled, approximating lever is closed. (5)
Alignment is ensured, safety catch is disengaged and staple trigger is depressed. (6)
Scalpel blade is used to excise tissue distal to the staple line and stapler is removed.
(7) Staple line is inspected and additional sutures are placed as needed.
Some surgeons prefer to place a line of simple continuous suture over the line of
staples for added security, especially when large vascular pedicles are present.

26c 26 i. The cardiac silhouette is en-

larged and contains opacities consis-
tent with soft tissue and fat. The
trachea is displaced dorsally. The liver
shadow is not identified in the abdo-
men and loops of gas-filled intestine
are in contact with the diaphragm.
The diaphragm becomes indistinct
ii. Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic
iii. Echocardiography is best to con-
firm the diagnosis by imaging ab -
dominal viscera such as spleen and liver within the pericardial sac. An upper gastro-
intestinal contrast radiographic study could also be used. In this case (26c) contrast
approached the diaphragm but did not enter the pericardial sac; however, intestinal
proximity to the diaphragm confirms the diagnosis, as normally the liver is inter-
posed between these structures.
iv. Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is usua lly congenital resulting from
incomplete closure of the diaphragmatic septum transversum. Although present at
birth, it often does not cause clinical signs until later in life and may be discovered
incidentally. This defect is considered a developmental, not genetic or inherited,
defect. Symptomatic patients generally have signs referable to the cardiopulmonary
or gastrointestinal systems.
v. The hernia is accessed by ventral midline celiotomy. To reduce the hernia, the
defect may need to be enlarged as the contents may be swollen. Adhesion of the
hernia contents to the pericardium or epicardium is rare. Once reduced, the defect is
closed using interrupted or continuous sutures with an absorbable material. Dorsal
(deepest) sutures are placed first with closure continuing ventrally. Single layer
closure is sufficient and it is not necessary to separate the pericardium from the peri-
toneum . Air is removed from the pericardial sac by aspiration through the suture
line. This is especially important when the hernial sac is large and pneumopericar-
dium could impair pulmonary expansion.
vi. Prognosis following herniorrhaphy is excellent.

27-29: Questions

27 i. Identify this instrument

ii . What is its use?
iii . What precautions should
be taken in using this instru-

28 This is an oral view show- 28a

ing a chronic oronasal fistula
in a dog (28a).
i. What are expected clinical
signs associated w ith this
ii. How could this problem
have been prevented ?
iii. What are the surgical
principles that maximize the
incidence of a s uccessful

29 The structures accessible through an intercostal thoracotomy vary with the

intercostal space through which the approach is made. Identify the intercostal space
and side of the chest most appropriate for an intercostal thoracotomy approach for
surgical access to the following:
(a) Ductus arteriosus (patent ductus arteriosus or persistent right aortic arch).
(b) Caudal esophagus .
(c) Caudal vena cava.
(d) Feline thoracic duct.
(e) Canine thoracic duct.
(f) Cranial lung lobe.
(g) Intermediate lung lobe.
(h) Caudal lung lobe.
(i) Cranial esophagus.
(j) Pulmonic valve.

27-29: Answers

27 i. Balfour self-retaining abdominal retractor.

ii . Retraction of the abdominal wall to provide adequate visualization of the
abdominal organs during surgery.
iii. The abdominal wall should be protected from drying and from blade trauma by
using saline-soaked laparotomy sponges. Also, care must be taken to prevent
entrapment of intestinal structures between the side blades and the abdominal wall.

28b 28 i. Chronic rhinitis.

ii. Chronic oronasal fistula in
this location is common sec-
ondary to extraction or spon-
taneous loss of the maxillary
canine tooth. Minimal eleva-
tion of perialveolar muco-
gingival tissue and primary
wound closure usually prevents
oronasal fistula.
iii. A two layer closure is
recommended for orona sal
fistula repair. The first layer
must provide an epithelial sur-
face for the nasal cavity. This
may be accomplished by eleva-
ting the periphery of the fistula
and folding the oral epithelium
inward. The second layer may
be a buccal mucosa flap or a hard palate mucoperiosteal flap, providing the oral
epithelial surface (28b) Other flap combinations may also be used successfully.
Submucosal surfaces must be in apposition for healing; epithelium does not heal to

29 (a) Left fourth intercostal space.

(b) Left or right 7-9th intercostal space.
(c) Right 7-9th intercostal space.
(d) Left 8-10th intercostal space.
(e) Right 8-10th intercostal space.
(f) Fifth intercostal space on the right or left side for the appropriate lung to be
evaluated. In some cases, the 4th intercostal space may provide better access.
(g) Right 5th intercostal space. There is no intermediate lobe on the left side.
(h) Fifth intercostal space on the right or left side. In some cases, the 6th intercostal
space may be used.
(i) Right 3rd or 4th intercostal space. The cranial esophagus cannot easily be
accessed from the left side.
(j) Left 4th intercostal space.

30-32: Questions

30 A six-month-old, male Labrador Retriever puppy was brought to you for treatment
of a closed femur fracture. The owner returns with the dog after ten days for suture
removal. He comments that the dog has not been putting much weight on the leg. Vital
signs are normal, with the exception of a body temperature of 40°C (104°F). On
palpation, there is a fluid pocket present and the surgical incision appears red and
inflamed. The dog resents palpation of the region.
i. What diagnostic tests would you use to confirm or deny the presence of a surgical
wound infection?
ii. Describe in detail how you would perform those tests.
iii. What percentage of clean, closed fractures develop wound infection after surgery,
and what organisms are most likely to be involved?
iv. What prophylactic antibiotic is recommended to decrease the incidence of infection
in such a case?


31 The lateral aspect of the forelimb one week after repair of a humeral condyle
fracture (31 ).
i. Surgical apposition of tissues with sutures or staples immediately after wounding is
classified as what type of wound closure or healing?
ii. This type of wound healing is characterized by what biological stages?

32 Patient hypothermia is a hazard that occurs during longer surgical procedures .

i. Which animals are at greatest risk?
ii. Describe several preventive measures.

30-32: Answers

30 i. The most useful test to confirm for infection at the surgical site is sterile
aspiration of the fluid, cytologic examination and culture. A CBC might show evidence
of inflammation, given that fever is present.
ii. In order to perform sterile aspiration, an area adjacent to the incision and outside the
area of inflammation is clipped and surgically prepared. A sterile 22 gauge needle
attached to a 6 ml syringe is directed through the surgica lly prepared skin into the fluid
pocket. Fluid is withdrawn into the syringe and the needle withdrawn. The fluid sample
is (1) placed into a vial containing transport media for bacterial culture, and (2) placed
on glass slides for staining. The CBC is performed on blood drawn in a routine fashion.
iii. In a series of 1,399 clean fractures of the long bones and pelvis, an infection rate of
3.5% was documented. The organisms cultured most often from small animal surgical
wounds are coagulase-positive staphylococci and Escherichia coli.
iv. Cefazolin (20 mg/kg given i/v at the start of surgery and sic six hours later) is
recommended for prophylaxis. This regime maintains the drug concentration at the
surgical site above the MIC90 for coagulase-positive staphylococci and Escherichia coli
for 12 hours.
31 i. Primary or first intention wound healing. With primary wound healing there is
minimal wound contraction, epithelialization and scar formation. Also, because wound
size is smaller, healing is more rapid . Second intention healing (or wound granulation)
and third intention wound healing (delayed surgical closure of a granulating wound)
are other forms of healing. They offer a potential advantage in infected wounds or
where tissue is inadequate for primary closure, at the expense of greater scar tissue
formation and longer healing time.
ii. Primary wound healing is characterized by the stages of inflammation (days 1-3),
repair (days 4-14) and maturation (two weeks-many months). The inflammatory stage
is characterized by neutrophil and macrophage influx to remove contaminants and
cellular debris. Macrophages also produce essential cytokines that induce wound
healing. The repair stage is characterized by capillary growth, fibroblast proliferation
and collagen production. During the repair phase, wound strength is rapidly increasing.
The maturation phase is characterized by remodelling of the scar, alignment of collagen
fibers along lines of stress, and reduction in capillary density. The result is a more
'efficient' scar.

32 i. Small animals are at greater risk because of their relatively larger body surface
area. Animals undergoing thoracic or abdominal surgery lose more heat because ex-
posed viscera increase the surface area for radiation and evaporative heat loss, and criti-
cally sick animals often have subnormal temperatures before surgery requiring special
measures to prevent further heat loss. .
ii. Helpful measures include:
• Use of a heat pad (water blanket preferred).
• Warming intravenous fluids before administration or running the ilv line through hot
• Use of warm saline for body cavity lavage.
• Reducing surgical preparation time.
• Covering abdominal viscera with a sterile plastic bag to eliminate evaporation.
• Maintaining the animal on a closed or semi-closed anesthestic circuit to reduce
ventilatory heat loss.

33, 34: Questions


33 A radiograph of the abdomen of a nine-month-old, domestic shorthair cat that

has a history of severe vomiting for three days (33a).
i. The radiographic diagnosis is gastric foreign body. What laboratory tests would
you perform, and what abnormal findings would you expect in a case like this?
ii. Describe the surgical technique for gastrotomy.
iii. What does the immediate after-care entail?

34 The larynx of a four- year- 34

old, male Pug presented to the
emergency clinic for dyspnea
and cya nosis (34 ).
i. What is the diagnosis (be
specific), and wha t is the cause
of this problem?
ii. What other abnormalities
may be present along with this
condition in brach ycephalic
iii. What treatment(s) are avail-
able, and what additional sur-
gical procedures should be

33, 34: Answers

33b 33 i. Severe vomiting often

leads to dehydration and elec-
trolyte and acid-base disturb-
ances. The most common ab-
normality is metabolic acidosis
caused by fluid loss and de-
creased fluid intake. Routine
laboratory evaluation should
include measurement of hema-
tocrit, electrolytes, acid-base
status, BUN and creatinine.
ii. The gastrotomy incision is
performed along a hypovascu-
lar region of the stomach,
preferably on the ventral aspect
of the gastric body midway between the greater and lesser curvatures. Stay sutures are
placed at each end of the incision and the stomach is isolated with moist laparotomy
sponges to contain spillage. The length of the incision depends on the size of the foreign
body, for it must allow passage without tearing. Either a one-layer or a two-layer
technique may be used to close the incision (33b) . Use of synthetic, absorbable,
monofilament material is preferred.
iii. Electrolyte solutions are administered intravenously to correct electrolyte and acid-
base abnormalities . Water can be offered directly after surgery and feeding small
amounts of food can be started as soon as 24 hours after surgery, if oral fluids are
retained. The use of an antiemetic or of antimicrobial prophylaxis is usually not

34 i. Everted laryngeal saccules. This occurs secondary to chronic respiratory com-

promise of the upper airway. Increased respiratory effort from airway obstruction
increases negative pressure at the glottis during inspiration, leading to eversion of the
mucosa of the laryngeal saccules. This in turn exacerbates respiratory stridor.
ii. Brachycephalic airway syndrome is characterized by stenotic nares, elongated soft
palate and everted laryngeal saccules arising from severe foreshortening of the skull in
these breeds of dogs. Respiration can be further compromised by hypoplasia of the
trachea. These primary factors may be accompanied chronically by secondary laryngeal
iii. Correction of everted laryngeal saccules is ~ccomplished by grasping the everted
saccule with a forcep (Babcock or Allis tissue) and surgically excising it with an
instrument such as a tonsil snare, electroscalpel or scissors. Resection is simple and
rapid, and improves breathing. Temporary tracheostomy can be performed to facilitate
surgery and improve ventilation in the immediate postoperative period. Other surgical
procedures performed concurrently include soft palate resection and correction of
stenotic nares. If tonsilar enlargement and eversion has occurred, tonsillectomy is

35-37: Questions

35 The inguinal area of a one- 35

year-old, male Basset-hound is
shown (35). The owner noted
the mas s only hour s before
when the dog was licking the
area . The mass is soft and is
associated wi th marked pain
on palpation.
i . What are the differe ntial
diagnoses for this mass?
ii. What is the best treatment
for this abnormality?


36 A 13-month-old, fema le English Bulldog is presented with a history of chronic re-

current urinary tract infection. In the past, clinical signs of pollakiuria and hematuria
resolved w hen the dog was treated with antibiotics, but quickly recurred when
therapy was stopped.
i. What diagnostic tests should be performed?
ii. An excretory urogram and negative contrast cystogra m for this animal is shown
(36). What is the diagnosis ?
iii. What is the treatment for this abnormality?

37 i. Describe placement of a thoracostomy tube including the number of holes the

tube should contain, the size of the tube, the loca tion of the skin incision, the
location of the thoracostomy, and the direction of insertion.
ii. What pressure should be used for aspiration through a thoracostomy tube?
iii. How much effusion does such a tube alone produce, and how does this influence
a decision to remove the tube?

35-37: Answers

35 i. Differential diagnoses include testicular torsion, orchitis, testicular neoplasia and

scrotal hernia. Definitive diagnosis is made by palpation, ultrasound examination and
exploratory surgery. This dog has a scrotal hernia.
ii. Treatment for scrotal hernia involves reduction of hernial contents and imbrication
of the vaginal process and inguinal ring; better still is to perform castration and
complete closure of the vaginal process, and imbricate the inguinal ring allowing space
only for the external pudendal vessels and genital nerve to pass. Recurrence of scrotal
hernia is common if castration is not performed. The most common complications of
herniorrhaphy and castration are scrotal dermatitis and hematoma formation.

36 i. Urine culture and sensitivity are performed to confirm infection and

characterize antibiotic sensitivity. Unusual infections with mycoplasma or resistant
bacterial strains must be considered, given the chronic recurrent history.
Imaging of the urinary tract is performed to rule out anatomic abnormalities,
urinary calculi and prostatic disease in males where infections can be chronically har-
bored. Imaging choices include ultrasound examination and contrast radiography
such as excretory urography and cystography. Ultrasound is generally more useful
for kidney, bladder and prostate evaluation; contrast radiography is most helpful for
ureteral, bladder and urethral abnormalities.
ii. The abnormality seen on the radiograph is a ureterocele. This is a cystic dilatation
of the submucosal segment of the intra vesicular ureter.
iii. Treatment for this abnormality is by surgical resection of the affected ureter and
bladder wall, and reimplantation of normal, more proximal ureter into the bladder
wall further cranial. If concurrent generalized hydroureter and advanced hydro-
nephrosis is present, nephroureterectomy is performed.

37 i. The tube should be approximately the diameter of the mainstem bronchi and
should contain at least five holes. The skin incision is made at the dorsal third of the
10th, 11th or 12th intercostal space. The tube is tunneled bluntly subcutaneously in a
cranioventral direction to the level of the 7th or 8th intercostal space. The tube is
introduced firmly in either the 7th or 8th intercostal space and fed into the cranio-
ventral pleural space.
ii. The pressure used to aspirate through the tube should be between 10-20 cmH 2 0.
Excessive pressure can damage lung tissue.
iii. A few days after being placed, the presence of the tube alone will stimulate the
production of 2-4 ml/kg/day of fluid. Red rubber tubes produce more than com-'
mercially available chest tubes. Once fluid production drops to this level, the clinician
can assume that the fluid is a result of the tube and not the disease process. The tube
can then safely be removed.

38-40: Questions

38 The external sheath of the 38

rectus abdominus mu scle of
the dog shown (38) was closed
with a simple continuous
suture pattern. Compare the
advantages and disadvantages
of this method of closure with
simple interrupted sutures .

39 i. What is the diagnosis of the condition 39

illustrated (39)?
ii. Where is the undescended testicle most likely
iii. What are four methods for retrieving an
abdominally located testicle?
iv. List three reasons for removing cryptorchid

40 A six-year-old, female Boxer was presented for evaluation of a chronic draining

tract on the left flank. The owners report a history of exposure to plant awns and the
dog was normal when spayed at another hospital three weeks previously. On physical
examination the dog's temperature was 39.6°C (103 °P) and the abdominal wall tissues
in the left flank were indurated and tender. H emogram abnormalities included WBC,
27 x 10 9 /1 (27,OOO/mm 3 ): 87% neutrophils, 5 % lymphocytes and 8% monocytes .
i. What are the differential diagnoses for this lesion?
ii. What additional diagnostic test would be helpful?
iii. What is the treatment?

38-40: Answers

38 A simple interrupted suture pattern is classically used to close the external rectus
sheath. Advantages of this technique include a safe, secure closure and correct appo-
sition of the tissue borders. Disadvantages include time required for placement of the
sutures, amount of suture material left in the wound and decreased suture economy. A
simple continuous suture pattern has been more recently advocated for closure of the
external rectus sheath because of adequate safety, decreased surgical time, decreased
suture material left in the wound and increased suture economy. In one study evalua-
ting simple continuous closure of the external sheath of the rectus abdominus muscle
the incidence of dehiscence was 11550 or 0.18%. Recommended sutures are monofila-
ment polypropylene or polydioxanone, and sizes are 3-0 for patients under 2.5 kg, 2-0
for patients from 2.5-10 kg, and 0 for patients over 10 kg. Care is taken with either
method of closure to include only the external rectus sheath as it is the holding layer
of the abdominal wall, and inclusion of muscle in the suture line leads to necrosis and
failure of the tissue to hold sutures.

39 i. Unilateral cryptorchidism.
ii. The most common location of a cryptorchid testicle is in the abdominal cavity. It
can be located anywhere along the fetal tract of migration from a position near the
cranial pole of the kidney to the external inguinal ring.
iii. The four methods are:
• The ductus deferens is traced from the prostatic termination to the testes.
• The testicular artery is traced from the aorta to the testicle.
• The testicular vein is traced from its termination on the caudal vena cava or left
renal vein to the testicle.
• The gubernaculum testes is retrieved with a Snook hook, in the same manner as
retrieving a uterine horn, and traced to the testicle.
iv. The three reasons are:
• Intact cryptorchid males are 13.6 times more likely to develop testicular tumors
(Sertoli cell tumors, seminomas) than non-cryptorchid males.
• Cryptorchid males are more likely to develop testicular torsion.
• The trait is heritable.

40 i. A fistulous tract - foreign body reaction due to either a plant awn such as a
foxtail that has migrated into the body wall, or use of braided non-absorbable suture
(e.g. caprolactam) to ligate the ovarian pedicles during ovariohysterectomy.
ii. A contrast fistulogram can aid identification of the size, location and source of
origin of the fistulous tract. Occasionally, a foreign body can be seen as a filling defect
in the contrast shadow. Ultrasound is also reportedly useful for identification of
fistulous tracts and detection of foreign objects.
iii. Treatment of fistulous tracts can be difficult and frustrating. If the source of the
lesion is identified and removed by surgical exploration, routine drainage and wound
management will resolve the clinical signs. For a fistulous tract arising from ovario-
hysterectomy, exploratory laparotomy is performed and the inciting ligature removed.
If the source of a tract cannot be identified, en bloc removal of all affected tissues is
indicated; recurrent tracts are common and owners must be advised that multiple
surgeries may be required when the primary cause is not definitively identified.

41-43: Questions

41 You are planning to perform a cystotomy on a six-year-old, castrated male

domestic shorthair cat.
i. What preoperative/operative pain control drugs will you choose?
ii. How will you monitor for postoperative pain?
iii. What postoperative pain control therapy will yo u provide?

42 You are presented with a

seven-year-old English Spring-
er Spaniel with a history of
exercise intolerance and 'pass-
ing out'. On physical exam-
in ation the dog is alert and
active. On auscultation of the
heart you determine that there
is bradycardia (heart rate 55
bpm). The lead II elec tro-
cardiogram (ECG) you record-
ed for this patient is sho wn
i. Name the arrhythmia and
describe its features.
ii. What are th e potential
causes of this arrhythmia?
iii. If this dogs electrolytes are normal, how would you treat it?

43 A mass on the flank of an eight-year- 43

old mixed-breed dog is shown (43). The
owners first noted the mass one month
pr evious ly and it has grown a pprox-
imately 25% in size since that time. The
dog has no clinical signs related to the
i. What are the differential diagnoses,
and what procedure will establish the
definitive diagnosis?
ii. If this mass was dia gnosed as a
h emangiopericytoma wh at treatments
could be considered, and w hat are the
risks and benefits of each?
iii. If surgery was chosen for treatment,
d escribe specifically how you wou ld
manage the case.

41-43: Answers

41 i. Oxymorphone (0.05 mg/kg i/v, i/m or sic), butorphanol (0.4 mg/kg i/v, i/m or
sic) and xylazine (1 mg/kg i/m) all provide some degree of analgesia. The first two
drugs would be more appropriate for a cat undergoing a major abdominal surgery,
since there are fewer cardiovascular side-effects.
ii. Cats are difficult to monitor because their behavioral response to pain is that of a
solitary animal: they lie still and dissociate from their environment. If provoked by
palpation or manipulation, they may vocalize or become vicious. Ideally, the cat
should remain calm, be able to sleep comfortably and display normal greeting be-
havior after ovariohysterectomy. High heart rates after surgery may be due to pain,
but can also be from other stresses (hospitalization, cardiovascular instability).
iii. Oxymorphone (0.05 mg/kg i/v, i/m or sic, q 3-4 hours) can be used. If narcotic-
induced delirium occurs, administer ace promazine (0.025-0.05 mg/kg i/v, ilm or sic, q
3-4 hours). Butorphanol (0.4 mg/kg i/v, i/m or sic, q 1-2 hours) may be used, but the
sedative effects often last 3-4 hours, which confounds patient monitoring.

42 i. This ECG is consistent with atrial standstill. The features of atrial standstill are
bradycardia (usually less than 60 bpm), absence of P waves in all leads and normal
appearing QRS complexes initiated from a supraventricular focus.
ii. Hyperkalemia associated with Addison's disease, oliguric renal failure and obstruc-
tive uropathy can cause atrial standstill. Other rule outs include digitalis toxicity and
persistent atrial standstill. Persistent atrial standstill occurs most commonly in English
Springer Spaniels. Its etiology remains undetermined; however, an underlying mus-
cular dystrophy has been described in some dogs with persistent atrial standstill. These
dogs demonstrate atrial standstill on ECG, but have normal electrolytes and the rate
does not increase after the administration of atropine.
iii. The treatment of choice is permanent ventricular pacemaker implantation.

43 i. Differential diagnoses include neoplasia, abscess, granuloma, hematoma/seroma

and abdominal hernia. Specific neoplasms to consider include soft tissue sarcoma,
mast cell tumor, fibroma and lipoma. Definitive diagnosis is reached by a combination
of palpation, fine-needle aspirate, and biopsy if a solid mass is identified and fine-
needle aspirate was not helpful.
ii. Treatment options for hemangiopericytoma include wide surgical resection (local
control 85-90%) and radiation with or without adjuvant hyperthermia. Because
metastatic rates for hemangiopericytoma are less than 10%, treatment with systemic
chemotherapy is not warranted. Local tumor control rates are approximately 50%
with radiation. The main risk of surgery is incomplete resection; for radiation it is the
poorer response rates and occurrence of secondary malignancies (<10%).
iii. Surgical resection of a soft tissue sarcoma requires wide or radical margins. These
tumors are prone to extensive local invasion. Tumors are removed completely
contained within an envelope of normal tissue. Collagen-rich, vascular-poor tissues
(e.g. fascia, cartilage etc.) are utilized as biologic barriers to ensure complete tumor-
free lateral and deep margins. The surgical wound is closed primarily or, if the wound
is large, with a combination of polypropylene mesh, muscle flap and axial pattern skin
flap as needed to ensure a tension-free closure.

44-46: Questions

44 A tumor located in the 44

greater curvature of the stom-
ach of a dog is shown (44).
i. What is the most common
type of stomach tumor found
in dogs?
ii. What other types of tumors
are included in your differen-
tial diagnoses?
iii. Wha t is the prognosis for
this dog after complete exci-
sion of the tumor?

45 A six-year-old, castr ated 45

male Golden Retriever was
presented with a four week
history of progressive strang-
uria. A partial obstruction was
appreciated on catheterization
of the urethra. A urethrogram
confirmed a well circum-
scribed mass in the prescrotal
urethra .
i. What is the surgical pro-
cedure shown (45)?
ii. Descri be a surgical trea t-
ment for this mass if the lesion
was benign, and another if it
was malignant.
iii. Describe any special postoperative requirements for these surgical procedures.

46 When selecting sutures for different tissue types, what are the preferred types and
i. For skin?
ii. For subcutis?
iii. For fascia?

44-46: Answers

44 i. Gastric adenocarcinoma (comprises 42-72% of stomach tumors in dogs).

ii. Leiomyosarcoma, lymphoma, fibrosarcoma, leiomyoma and adenoma. Diagnosis is
made by endoscopic or surgical biopsy.
iii. The prognosis is poor when there is invasion to the serosal surface. Metastatic sites
include regional lymph nodes (50-70%), liver (10-30%) and other sites such as lungs,
omentum and peritoneum «20%). Early stage disease can be cured, while treatment
of late stage disease results in survival time of 5-12 months. Early detection, accurate
staging and complete en bloc resection of all tumor is important to providing the best

45 i. A prescrotal urethrotomy.
ii. If the mass was benign, as in this case, excision or permanent urethrostomy
proximal to the site of obstruction is considered. If the lesion was malignant, then
segmental urethral excision or penile amputation is recommended.
In dogs, urethrostomy can be performed in the penile (prescrotal), scrotal, perineal
or antepubic urethra. Urinary scalding is common after perineal urethrostomy in dogs
and is probably best avoided.
When performing urethral incision or resection, meticulous technique is important
to prevent stricture and minimize hemorrhage. Urethral epithelium is carefully
apposed (whether to itself for urethrotomy, or to the skin for urethrostomy) with 4-0
or 5-0 monofilament suture in a simple interrupted pattern. Castration is performed
on intact animals undergoing permanent urethrostomy to prevent erection.
iii. After urethrostomy the most common complication is hemorrhage or self trauma.
An Elizabethan collar is used until the time of suture removal. Hemorrhage is mini-
mized by using cold packs and sedation to minimize excitement. The surgical site is
not cleaned and no attempts are made to remove blood clots or crusts.
After urethrotomy or segmental resection, stricture and dehiscence are the most
common complications. A soft indwelling urinary catheter can be placed for 7-10
days to provide urinary bypass and stenting if the surgeon is concerned. If the urethral
tissues are healthy and epithelial apposition is good, then no catheter is needed. If
there is detrusor atony, bethanecol (5-30 mg plo q 8 hours) is administered.

46 i. Monofilament nylon and polypropylene are the preferred sutures for skin.
Braided materials or sutures that are reactive should be avoided. In selecting suture
size, one should choose the smallest size suture possible that has strength comparable
to the tissue being sutured. Use of too large a suture results in excessive foreign
material in the wound and needlessly alters the architecture of the sutured tissue. 3-0
or 4-0 is the appropriate size for skin in small animal surgery.
ii. Monofilament absorbable sutures are preferable for subcutis. 3-0 or 4-0 is the
appropriate size.
iii. Monofilament nylon and polypropylene, as well as surgical gut and synthetic
absorbable sutures, have also been used effectively in fascia, although the latter two
materials do not have prolonged suture strength. Appropriate sizes for small animals
range from 0 to 3-0.

47-49: Questions

47 48

47 A seven-year-o ld, female, mixed-

breed dog is presented with a distended
abdomen, polydipsia/polyuria and pro-
gressive anorexia and lethargy. At this 48 A mass in the naso- and oropharyn-
time there is no vulvar secretion but the gea l region in a II-month-old cat is
owners recall the dog having a thick shown (48).
yellowish discharge 10-12 days pre- i. What wou ld be the predominant
viously that quickly disappeared. Last clinical sign?
estrus was ten weeks ago. A caudal ii. What is the diagnosis and why is it
abdominal sonogram is shown (47) . uften misdiagnosed?
i. What is the suspected diagnosis? iii. What diagnostic tests should be
ii. What other procedures wou ld you performed to determine the extent of the
consider to confirm the diagnosis? lesion?
iii. What is the treatment of choice?

49 A five-year-old, male domestic shorthair cat is presented for urinary obstruction.

It is the fourth episode in six months. The owners report difficulty complying with
dietary and medical recommendations previously prescribed for feline urolithiasis
syndrome (FUS), and are becoming frustrated by their frequent trips to the veterin-
arian to treat the obstructions.
i. What surgical treatment is available?
ii. Briefly describe the procedure.
iii. What are the potential complications?

47-49: Answers

47 i. Closed pyometra. The history of purulent vaginal discharge and the time since
last estrus strongly support the diagnosis. Pyometra generally occurs between 9-12
weeks after estrus when the uterus is under progesterone influence from an active
corpus luteum. The sonogram shows a dilated, fluid-filled uterus typical of pyometra.
ii. The sonogram in this case is sufficient for diagnosis. A hemogram, serum chemis-
try profile and urinalysis would help support the diagnosis (presence of a neutro-
philia and mild anemia) and allow evaluation of hydration status, electrolyte balance
and renal and hepatic function. Up to 50% of animals have concurrent nephropathy
or hepatopathy, and most dogs have concurrent bacterial cystitis.
iii. Ovariohysterectomy. Use of antibiotics and prostaglandins (PGF2) is not advised in
this case because of the extensive uterine dilation and closed cervix. This treatment can
cause peritonitis from uterine rupture or reflux of purulent material up the uterine
horns. Medical management is appropriate only for open pyometra when an owner
declines ovariohysterectomy because they desire to breed the bitch.

48 i. Chronic rhinitis. .
ii. Nasopharyngeal polyp. The common misdiagnosis is viral upper respiratory
infection. Usually viral infections resolve with time and appropriate supportive care.
When symptomatic therapy is discontinued in patients with a nasopharyngeal polyp,
the clinical signs recur.
iii. Nasopharyngeal polyps originate in the dorsomedial compartment of the tympanic
bulla. The lesion may extend down the Eustachian tube to enter the nasopharynx or
up the external ear canal. Otoscopic examination and bulla radiographic series aid in
assessing the invasiveness of the polyp. The pharyngeal and aural components may be
avulsed manually and removed. However, if there is radiographic evidence of a soft
tissue mass in the bulla, exploratory ventral bulla osteotomy is indicated. Surgery for
nasopharyngeal polyp may be associated with transient ipsilateral Horner's syndrome.

49 i. Perineal urethrostomy. Owners should be advised that perineal urethrostomy

will prevent urinary obstruction but will not resolve signs of FUS, and that adjunct
medical management will still be required.
ii. An elliptical incision is made around the prepuce and scrotum and the penis is
dissected free from the subcutaneous tissues. The ischiocavernosus muscles are
transected and the pelvic ligaments bluntly dissected to free the penis to the level of
the bulbourethral glands where the urethral diameter is significantly larger. The
retractor penis muscle is reflected and the urethra is incised dorsally. The urethral
mucosa is meticulously apposed to the skin with small (4-0 or 5-0) interrupted non-
absorbable sutures, creating a new, larger stoma that will allow the passage of
urethral plugs and small stones. The penis is amputated distally leaving a short 'drain
board' of urethral mucosa ventral to the orifice. An Elizabethan collar is placed until
the time of suture removal.
iii. Reported complications are persistent hemorrhage, dehiscence, self-mutilation,
cystitis and urethral stricture if the urethra is not opened at the level of the bul-
bourethral glands or if the skin and urethral mucosa are not meticulously apposed. If
the cat has been chronically obstructed, preoperative diuresis for management of
azotemia may be required to minimize anesthetic risk.

50, 5 I: Questions


50 A 12-year-old, castrated SOb

male Keeshound with recurrent
urinar y tract infections is
identified as having cystic
calculi (SOa). Cystotomy was
performed and calculi analysis
identified the stones as calcium
oxalate (SOb). A preoperative
serum chemistry profile re-
vealed hypercalcemia.
i. What are the most common
pathologic conditions that
result in hypercalcemia?
ii. Describe a systematic ap-
proach to determining the
cause of hypercalcemia?

51 You are presented with a four-year-old, female domestic shorthair cat that is
anorexic, depressed and febrile. She has vomited occasionally over the last week. On
palpation of the abdomen you feel the intestines bunched and crowded into the
cranial abdomen. You examine the base of the tongue and can see what appears to
be a thin ridge of granulation tissue on the ventral aspect (see also 194) .
i. What condition is being described and what is the most likely reason for the
depression, anorexia and fever? How would you confirm or deny your suspicions?
ii. What contaminating organisms are likely to be associated with this condition?
iii. What antibiotic therapy is instituted before surgical correction of the problem?

50, 51: Answers

50 i. Renal failure (acute and chronic); humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (e.g.

lymphoma, anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma); hypoadrenocorticism; osteolytic
conditi ons (e.g. neoplastic, osteomyelitis ); hypervitaminosis D; primary hyper-
parathyroidism (parathyroid adenoma, hyperplasia).
ii. History is used to rule out vitamin toxicoses, dietary imbalances, or rodenticide
ingestion inducing hypervitaminosis D. Physical examination is performed to identify
any neoplasia (e.g. lymphadenopathy, painful bone lesions, anal gland tumors, etc.).
Clinicopathologic testing includes a CBC, serum chemistry profile and urinalysis. A
CBC is helpful to diagnose lymphoma or leukemia. Thc serum chemistry profile and
urinalysis are evaluated for signs of renal failure, hepatopathy, electrolyte imbalance
(hypoadrenocorticism) or hyperglobulinemia and proteinuria (multiple myeloma).
Further eva luation for multiple myeloma includes protein electrophoresis, bone
marrow evaluation and survey radiography to check for lytic bone lesions can be
pursued. Hypoadrenocorticism is confirmed by performing an ACTH stimulation test.
Thoracic and abdominal imaging help to identify internal lymphadenopathy or
skeletal changes inducing hypercalcemia of malignancy. If all tests are normal,
primary hyperparathyroidism is considered and a parathyroid hormone assay is
performed. Surgical exploration of the parathyroid glands can be both diagnostic and

51 51 i. Peritonitis secondary to
linear foreign body. The ridge of
granulation tissue at the base of
the tongue is associated with a
string cutting deeply into the tis-
sues. The bunching of the intes-
tines is due to plication over the
string (51). Peritonitis occurs
when the string, which embeds
into the mesenteric side of the
intestine, cuts or erodes through
the intestinal wall. Vomiting is
due to both obstruction and peri-
toneal irritation, while anorexia
and fever are most likely associated with peritonitis. Prognostic tests of value include
CBC, survey abdominal radiographs to look for signs of plication, and contrast (iodine
or barium) enterogram if survey radiograph results are equivocal. If perforation is sus-
pected, abdominocentesis or abdominal lavage is performed to recover a sample for
cytologic analysis.
ii. A mixture of organisms including anaerobes such as Bacteroides, Clostidium and
Fusobacterium and Gram-negative enteric organisms and enterococci are usually
present. Bacterial concentrations are normally 5-6 log values higher in the lower
gastrointestinal tract than in the upper tract, although this ratio narrows under con-
ditions of obstruction.
iii. Ce£oxitin (30 mg/kg, iJv, q 5 hours, given slowly to avoid vomiting) or ce£otetan (30
mg/kg, i/v, q 8 hours) have activity against anaerobes and Gram-negative enteric bac-
teria, but less activity against enterococci. Combinations of an aminoglycoside (genta-
micin, amikacin), plus an anti-anaerobe drug (clindamycin, metronidazole), plus or
minus ampicillin (which has activity against enterococci) can also be used.

52-54: Questions
52 What is the advantage of initiating early enteral feeding in animals after surgery?

53 This is a postoperative oral view of a 53

surgery site for cleft hard palate repair in
a dog (53).
i. What is the name and basis for the
surgical procedure performed?
ii. Will lateral oronasal defects secondary
to medial movement of palate muco-
periosteum heal without further surgery?
iii. What is the prognosis for this disease?

54 You are presented with a five-year-old, spayed female Shetland Sheepdog which
has just been hit by a car. During your physical examination, crackles within the lung
fields are heard on auscultation. Additionally, yo u notice that a section of the chest
wall in the same area seems to move in during inspiration and out during expiration.
i. What is yo ur tentative diagnosis based on this paradoxical respiratory movement,
and what is the mechanism for this paradoxical motion?
ii. How should this condition be managed?

52-54: Answers

52 The advantage of feeding soon after surgery (even fo r ani mals undergoing
gastrointestinal tract surgery) is that it promotes metabolic anabolism and a healthy
intestinal mucosa. It is important to prevent systemic catabolism because calories and
amino acids in an unfed animal are soon derived from endogenous sources. Since there
are no natural protein stores in the body, functional reso urces (e.g. immune and vis-
ceral proteins) are used, resulting in reduced immune defense, metabolism and wound
hea ling . In humans, nutritional support is documented to reduce postoperative
mo rb idity and mortality for many procedures. Enteral feeding is important to
enterocyte nutrition, promotion of healthy intestinal mucosa, and reduced bacterial
translocation from the gut (an important source of postoperative sepsis). Enterocytes
receive 40-70 % of their nutrition from the gut lumen and the balance from the
systemic blood supply. Colonocytes preferentially use short chain fa tty acids and small
intestinal enterocytes use glutamine obtained from the lumen for sustenance.

53 i. The surgery performed in this dog was a modified Van Langenbeck technique.
The surgical basis for this technique is the development of lateral relief incisions to pre-
vent tension on the sutured defect. The defect is sutured in two layers (see 190).
ii. Lateral oronasal defects may be present postoperatively, especially in dogs with wide
defects of the maxillary bones. These defects generally heal spontaneously without the
need for further surgery.
iii. The prognosis for surgical closure of cleft hard palate is good, however owners
should be made aware that multiple procedures may be required to attain complete
defect closure.

54 54 i. Flail chest. This occurs when multiple rib

fractures result in a free unsupported section of
thoracic wall (54). When the patient inhales, the
chest expands and as negative intrapleural pres-
sure is generated the free section is pulled inward,
opposite to the direction of the remainder of the
chest. When the patient exhales the chest col-
lapses generating a positive intrapleural pressure,
and the free segment is forced outward while the
remainder of the chest collapses.
ii. In most cases, flail chest is associated with
severe chest trauma and the patient should be
stabilized prior to treatment. Hypoxemia is often
secondary to ventilation/perfusion mismatch and
the presence of pulmonary contusion. An ex-
ternal splint may be used fo r temporary or defini-
tive treatment of flail chest. An aluminum bar
splint is fashioned to fit aro und the nec k and
along the sides of the chest connected over the
lumbar spine. A suture is placed blindly around
the ribs of the free section and secured to the
splint. If this treatment is to be the definitive treatment, the splint should be left in
place for 4-6 weeks to allow the ribs to heal. Alternatively, the ribs may be ap-
proached surgically, reduced and stabilized primarily.

55-57: Questions

55 The testicles of a ten-year- 55

old dog that presented for tes-
ticular enlargement are shown
(55). The testicle was firm and
non-painful on examination.
The remainder of the physical
examination was normal.
i . What are the differential
ii. What additional diagnostic
tests or staging procedures are
iii. What is the prognosis?

56 A nine-year-old, male Miniature Poodle presents with intermittent hematuria, foul

smelling urine and lumbar pain. The dog's appetite is poor. Although you suspect
cystic or urethral calculi, urethral catheterization and contrast cystourethrography
appear normal.
i. Are urinary calculi definitely ruled out? If not, what type of calculi is suspected?
ii. Upon more careful scrutiny of abdominal radiographs you suspect radiopaque
.structures are present in the kidneys. Is this diagnostic ? Which tests are now indi-
cated i
iii. Having diagnosed bilateral nephroliths, moderate renal failure and pyelonephritis,
should you treat this animal medically or surgically?

57 A four-year-old, castrated 57
male domestic shorthair cat
tha t presented for this ulcera-
tive lesion on the upper lip is
shown (57). The lesion is non-
painful and non-pruritic. What
is the diagnosis and list one dif-
ferential that should be con-

55-57: Answers

55 i. Sertoli cell tumor, seminoma and interstitial cell tumors are the most common
testicular tumors, although fibrosarcoma, granulosa cell tumor, hemangiosarcoma,
leiomyoma, schwannoma, undifferentiated sarcoma/carcinoma and gonadoblastoma
have been reported. Other causes of testicular enlargement (e.g. torsion, orchitis,
scrotal hernia) are excluded because the testes are not painful on palpation.
ii. A CBC is performed since testicular tumors, especially sertoli cell tumors, can pro-
duce estrogens and may cause blood dyscrasias such as anemia, thrombocytopenia
and pancytopenia. Metastasis of the most common testicular tumors is rare (9%
Sertoli cell tumors, 4% seminomas and 0.6% interstitial cell tumors) and usually
affects the sublumbar and inguinal lymph nodes. Staging includes at least palpation
and perhaps ultrasound examination of these nodes. Fine-needle or other type biopsy
is performed if lymphadenopathy is detected.
iii. Sertoli cell tumors, seminomas and interstitial cell tumors without blood dyscrasias
or lymph node involvement warrant a good prognosis following castration. Blood
dyscrasias worsen the prognosis because they may pers\st for months after the tumor
is removed. Radiation therapy for lymph node metastasis has been successful for these

56 i. Althongh uncommon (1.3-4% of canine urinary calculi), uroliths can be in the

renal pelves (2.5% bilaterally) or ureters. When present in the upper urinary tract,
concurrent calculi of the lower urinary tract occur in 47% of male and 23% of female
dogs. Nephroliths are most commonly composed of calcium salts (65% oxalate and
phosphate) and often have no associated clinical signs.
ii. Other radiopaque structures may resemble nephroliths on abdominal radiographs
(e.g. intestinal content, calcified lymph node, mineralization of renal diverticula), and
stones with low calcium content are radiolucent (e.g. urates, silicates). Abdominal
ultrasonography is used to confirm nephrolithiasis and rule out secondary hydro-
nephrosis or concurrent pyelonephritis. Excretory urography is an alternative if ultra-
sonography is not available. It requires uncompromised renal blood flow and function
to excrete iodine contrast in enough concentration to produce a good quality study.
Urinalysis, hemogram, and serum chemistry profile are indicated to evaluate renal
function and test for urinary tract infection. Other useful tests include urine culture
and urine protein quantitation.
iii. Detection of nephroliths alone is not a direct indication for surgery. Removal is
indicated when there is refractory infection, obstruction of the renal pelvis, progressive
enlargement or failed attempts at medical/dietary dissolution of stones, or deteriora-
tion of renal function. Other special circumstances where surgery may be indicated are
in growing animals because the safety of low-protein/low-magnesium diets is not
proven, and in males where acute urethral obstruction is a risk.

57 i. Feline eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC) - eosinophilic or rodent ulcer.

This lesion should not be confused with eosinophilic plaques which are most com-
monly found over the abdomen and groin, or linear granulomas (eosinophilic col-
lagenolytic granulomas) which are most common in young cats and are found over the
caudal thighs and in a nodular form in the oral cavity. Linear granulomas also occur
on the nose, chin, lips, pinnae, foot pads or paws. Important differential diagnoses to
consider are oral squamous cell carcinoma, plasma cell stomatitis-pharyngitis and oral
gingivitis, periodontitis and stomatitis from viral infections.

58-60: Questions

58 With regard to the cat in question 57:

i. What test(s) will be most useful in confirming the diagnosis?
ii. List three treatments that are available for management of this syndrome?


59 The dog illustrated (59) had a cystotomy for removal of a struvite urolith that
was present for six months.
i. What suture material is appropriate for closure of this cystotomy?
ii. What suture materials are inappropriate for closure of this cystotomy?
iii. What suture patterns are acceptable for closing this cystotomy?

60 An intraoperative photo- 60
graph is shown of a five-year-
old, fem ale Schnauzer with a
two month history of cough-
ing and weight loss that has
been non-responsive to anti-
biotic therapy (60 ). A tenta-
tive diagnosis of pulmonary
abscess has been made.
i. What is the surgical course
of action?
ii. Are there any concerns with
iii. What is the prognosis?

58-60: Answers

58 i. Tissue biopsy, hemogram (peripheral eosinophilia is most commonly seen with

eosinophilic plaques and linear granulomas), serum titers for FeLV and FIV virus, and
elimination diet to rule out food allergy as the cause. Histopathologic analysis will
identify specific tissue patterns to differentiate each of the subclinical divisions of
EGC, and will rule out neoplasia and plasma cell stomatitis-pharyngitis.
ii. Corticosteroid therapy: methylprednisolone acetate (ilm) or prednisone (p/o). Anti-
histamine therapy: chlorpheniramine and hydroxyzine hydrochloride are most com-
monly used when atopy and flea allergy are considered contributory. Food antigen
management: is implemented after determining a dietary source of allergy. Hyposen-
sitization has little efficacy in the cat but some cases of EGC due to feline atopy may
respond. Antibiotic therapy is used to treat secondary pyoderma. Antibiotics commonly
used include trimethoprim-sulfa, amoxicillin-clavulinate and cephalosporins. Proges-
terone compounds are not recommended because of associated side effects.

59 i. Absorbable sutures are used whenever possible in the urinary bladder to reduce
risk of adhesions, infection and urolith production. Struvite urolithiasis is indicative of
a bacterial infection; in one in vitro report evaluating suture strength in infected urine,
polydioxanone retained greatest breaking strength.
ii. The above study showed that no suture material retains excellent breaking strength.
Polyglactin 910, polyglycolic acid and chromic gut did not retain sufficient strength to
allow healing in urine infected with Proteus spp. Braided suture material can act as a
wick for infection and is inappropriate for this case. Non-absorbable suture is also
inappropriate (see i. above).
iii. The suture pattern selected for closure of the urinary bladder should be watertight,
technically simple to perform, provide anatomic reconstruction, avoid penetrating the
mucosa, and not cause significant decrease in lumen size. Simple interrupted closure
incorporating the submucosa in one layer and seromuscular layers in another,
accomplishes these goals. This suture pattern has similar bursting wall strength to
double layer inverting patterns, but with more anatomic alignment of tissues and less
decrease in lumen diameter. Double layer inverting closure is probably better suited to
closure of defects when the healing capacity of the bladder is questionable. A single
layer appositional closure is adequate for a healthy bladder.

60 i. Complete pulmonary lobectomy of the abscessed lobe is performed. The lung

lobe or lobes are submitted for histopathologic and microbiologic analysis to define
the etiologic agent. Surgical stapling devices are ideal for performing lobectomy as
they minimize operative time and manipulation of the affected lung. Extensive
manipulation of the abscessed lung can cause drainage of purulent material into
adjacent unaffected lobes, and potentially cause occlusion of major airways and life-
threatening complications.
ii. Every effort is made to manage this condition via antimicrobials and supportive
therapy. A mortality rate of 20.3% was noted in one study, and dogs treated medi-
cally for more than 1.3 months prior to surgery had a significantly greater survival
rate. Also, a significant increase in mortality was noted with increasing number of pul-
monary lobes removed. Interestingly, the etiologic agent isolated did not have a signi-
ficant effect on the final outcome.
iii. The prognosis is fairly good for animals surviving the perioperative period:
approximately 25% mortality rate, 50% have complete resolution with surgery, and
25 % unresolved or recurrent pneumonia.

61-63: Questions

61 An 18-year-old, spayed female cat is presented for bilateral thyroidectomy. The

cat has been managed medically with methimazole therapy; however, the side-effects
have become intolerable. On examination, heart rate is 150 bpm, respirations are
normal and the cat is well hydrated. The following preoperative laboratory results are
obtained: rcv 0.36 III (36%); serum protein 62 gIl (6.2 g/dl); urea 10.46 mmol/l
(BUN 63 mgldl); glucose 10 mmol/l (180 mgldl); potassium 5.0 mmol/l (5.0 mEq/l).
i. What is your pre-anesthetic fluid regimen for this patient? What important factor is
considered with this endocrinopathy and the cardiovascular system?
ii. Twenty-four hours after surgery and an uneventful recovery from anesthesia, sud-
denly the cat has repeated bouts of tetanic convulsion . What is the most likely
iii. Serum calcium is measured at 1.05 mmolll (4.2 mg/dl). What is the immediate and
long-term treatment for this condition?

62a 62b

62 Two forms of chronic gastric outflow obstruction (62a) are encountered clinically
in dogs.
i. Describe these two disorders.
ii. What breeds are commonly affected?
iii. A surgical technique used in the past to alleviate the clinical signs is shown (62b).
Name the procedure, and the disadvantages of this technique.

63 Cyanoacrylates are used extensively as tissue adhesives.

i. List three common uses.
ii. List three applications where cyanoacrylate would not be a good choice for tissue

61-63: Answers

61 i. Renal insufficiency is present. To help maintain renal perfusion during surgery,

diuresis is induced with i/v administration of saline (0.9%) at 10-20 ml/kg per hour,
and mannitol at 0.25-1 glkg. This reverses arteriolar vasoconstriction, expands intra-
vascular fluid volume and decreases renin secretion.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often occurs with hyperthyroidism. Assessment of
cardiac function by thoracic radiographs, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram is
performed before surgery. Care is taken to prevent volume overload of the heart.
ii. Tetany from hypocalcemia occurs from iatrogenic injury to the parathyroid glands
during bilateral thyroidectomy.
iii. If hypocalcemia is severe (serum calcium <1.5 mmolll «6 mg/dl)), supplemen-
tation with slow i/v boluses of calcium chloride or calcium gluconate (calcium glu-
conate 1 %: 0.5-1.5mllkg) is given to effect during tetany; the ECG is monitored con-
currently for arrythmias. Calcium chloride (1 gl250 ml of maintenanc,e fluids) is useful
to maintain normal serum calcium. Calcium supplements must not be added to lac-
tate, acetate or bicarbonate solutions since precipitates may occur. Calcium supple-
mentation is temporary until parathyroid gland function returns, or vitamin D therapy
is initiated for long-term management of hypocalcemia.

62 i. Congenital pyloric muscle hypertrophy. Luminal obstruction is caused by con-

centric hypertrophy of the circular smooth muscle. Clinical signs often appear shortly
after weaning.
Acquired antral hypertrophy is usually encountered in small middle-aged dogs and
results from hypertrophy of the circular smooth muscle, hyperplasia of the mucosa, or
ii. Congenital form: brachycephalic breeds, including Boston Terrier, Boxer, Bulldog.
Acquired form: Lhaso Apsa, Shi Tzu, Pekinese, Poodle.
iii. Fredet-Ramsted (FR) pyloromyotomy. Neither exposure of the mucosal surface
nor obtaining a full-thickness surgical biopsy is possible in this procedure. The pyloric
lumen after FR pylorotomy is not significantly larger than the lumen of control dogs
after a healing period of 3-4 weeks and may actually be less because of scar forma-
tion. Y-U pyloplasty more effectively enlarges the lumen, but gastric antral resection
and gastroduodenal anastomosis (Billroth I) is now more commonly performed to
treat this abnormality.

63 i. Monomers of cyanoacrylate are converted from a liquid to a solid state by poly-

merization, catalyzed by minute amounts of water on the tissue surface. Three com-
mon areas of use are oral surgery, corneal ulcer management and cutaneous incisions.
ii. Cyanocarylates are not recommended for closure of hollow organs (eg. bowel or
bladder incisions ), closure of fascial incisions or as a method of stabilizing fractures.

64, 65: Questions

64 You are presented with a two-year-old, spayed female Beagle that has been hit by
a car. After initiating shock treatment, you begin to assess her injuries more fully .
Any manipulation of the pelvis or left femur causes the dog to writhe in pain and
attempt to bite.
i. How will you manage this dog's pain while you continue to stabilize her and assess
the full extent of her injuries?
ii. How will you manage pain during the operative and immediate postoperative
period, assuming that pelvic and femoral fractures are present?
iii. How will you manage pain once you send the animal home after surgery?

65 The open wound shown on the hindlimb of this large mixed-breed dog (65a)
started as a large necrotic lesion, probably toxic epidermal necrolysis or the result of
a spider bite. An outline of care was given to the owner. The wound progressed well
and is shown three weeks later (65b). At this time, reconstructive surgery was recom-
mended. The dog was not returned for further care for four months when it had
developed the problem shown (65c) . Most of the open wound has healed; however,
the hock and stifle cannot be extended or flexed because of the tight band of scar
tissue that extends from the stifle to the hock.
i. What has happened to the leg?
ii. What can be done?

64, 65: Answers

64 i. Immediate pain control is achieved by i/v administration of oxymorphone in

boluses of 0.05 mg/kg each time. Wait five minutes between doses to assess the degree
of pain control: stop administration of oxymorphone when the dog will allow some
manipulation of the injured limb. Pain is controlled until surgery by several methods:
intermittent administration of morphine (0.5-1 mg/kg i/m or sic, q 2-6 hours) or oxy-
morphone (0.05-0.1 mg/kg i/v or i/m, q 3-4 hours) can be used, or more easily a
trans dermal fentanyl patch (50 )lg/kg/hour patch) is placed on the neck under a
bandage. It will take 12-18 hours for the fentanyl to reach analgesic blood concentra-
tions, during which time tapering administration of oxymorphone or morphine can be
used. The patch is active for at least three days.
ii. If a fentanyl patch was used, it will provide analgesia during surgery. Emergence
delirium is pronounced with fentanyl patches and a single dose of oxymorphone
(0.05 mg/kg i/v) should be given just before extubation to facilitate recovery. Alterna-
tive methods include epidural administration of a mixture of bupivacaine (0.2 mllkg
of a 0.25% solution) and morphine (0.1 mg/kg), or intermittent parenteral administra-
tion of morphine or oxymorphone.
iii. Pain can be controlled using oral drugs once the animal is sent home. Mixtures of
codeine and acetaminophen are available (codeine dose of 1-2 mg/kg p/o q 6-8 hours)
in several strengths and may be used unless there is evidence of liver disease. Buffered
aspirin (10 mg/kg p/o q 12 hours) or carprofen (2 mglkg p/o q 12 hours) may also be

65d 65 i. This open wound has healed by contrac-

tion and epithelialization. Unfortunately, surgery
was not done when recommended and further
wound contraction has led to contracture de-
formity. The open wound on the lateral aspect of
the leg above the hock has stopped contracting.
ii. The line of scar tissue is tight and inflexible. In
this instance, Z-plasty will release the tension
along the linear cicatricial contracture, it will
change the scar from a straight line to a Z and it
will bring adjacent skin into the area. An incision
is made along the linear cicatricial contracture
and a second and third incision are made at 60°,
one on the medial side and the other on the
lateral side of the leg. The resulting triangular
flaps are detached and undermining is done as
necessary to allow transposition of the flaps. The
large open wound below the area of contracture
has been grafted (65d). The line contracture
deformity is removed and immediately there is
considerable mobility in the stifle and hock.
Z -plasty is used to increase the distance
between two points by bringing adjacent tissue
into the central line of the Z and transforms the scar into a Z which can be stretched.
The procedure is also useful to increase the circumference of a circle as in a constricted
anus following perianal infections.

66, 67: Questions


66 This is a lateral radiograph (66a) of the cervical region in a four-year-old, male

German Shepherd Dog that presented for acute onset of hypersalivation, gagging, and
retching. There is no history of trauma and he is an indoor/outdoor dog with no other
animals in the household.
i. Based on the history and radiograph what is the most likely diagnosis?
ii. If thoracic radiographs demonstrate pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax or pleural
effusion, what has most likely happened?
iii. D escribe how to resolve this problem and what complications might be
encountered later?

67 i. What is the urinary ap- 67

paratus shown (67), and what
are the indications for its use?
ii. What are alternatives to use
of this system?
iii. Describe the clinical man-
agement of this system.

66,67: Answers

66b 66 i. The radiograph shows a linear,

radiolucent foreign body lodged in the
hypaxial musculature dorsal to the
cervical esophagus and ventral to the
second and third cervical vertebrae.
The radiopaque structure ventral to
the esophagus is an endotracheal tube.
The foreign body was a piece of wood
ii. If any of the above findings were
evident on thoracic radiographs, tra-
cheal perforation should be suspected.
iii. If the foreign body is protruding
into the pharynx or esophagus, an attempt is made to retrieve it per os or by endos-
copy. The area is then surgically explored for residual pieces of wood left behind. De-
vitalized tissues are debrided, the wound copiously lavaged, and suitable drainage is
provided. If the foreign body is not visible from the pharynx, the muscles ventral to
the cervical spine are explored via a ventral midline approach.
In this case the entry wound in the pharynx was not visible. The cervical hypaxial
musculature was approached, the wound was cleaned and debrided, and a Penrose
drain placed. This dog made a good recovery, although the general prognosis should
be guarded for this problem. Foreign material is often difficult to find, and one study
reported four of five dogs with lacerations of the esophagus subsequently died from
If an esophageal laceration is present, tissue viability is assessed and necrotic tissue
debrided. Tension-free apposition is required to achieve primary healing of the
esophagus. The submucosa is the strength layer in the esophagus and there is no
serosa which is important for forming a fibrin seal to prevent leakage and dehiscence.
Complications of esophageal tears include dehiscence, stricture formation and

67 i. This is a closed indwelling urinary drainage system made from a used ilv fluid
bag, a fluid administration set and red rubber feeding tube. Polyvinyl, latex or silicone
catheters can be used but stiff polyethylene catheters cause urethral damage. Foley
catheters can be used in female dogs.
Indications for use of this system include: urethral obstruction; detrusor atony or
dysynergia; assessment of urine production; collection of urine after chemotherapy;
collection of urine from paralyzed patients; selected urethral and prostatic surgeries.
ii. Intermittent catheterization, cystocentesis or manual expression of the bladder are
alternatives. Micturition is concurrently assisted by pharmacologic therapy: sphincter
relaxation is promoted with phenoxybenzamine (2.5-10 mg daily) and detrusor tone
is increased with bethanecol (2.5-30 mg tid).
iii. Indwelling catheters are used for the shortest possible time. The drainage system is
opened using only aseptic technique, and the collection bag is never inverted or raised
above the level of the bladder. Antibiotic therapy and bacterial culture are not
routinely performed while the catheter is in place unless the patient shows signs of
illness. Urine culture and sensitivity is performed at the time of catheter removal;
appropriate antibiotic therapy is administered for 10 days.

68-70: Questions


68 A mass on the ventrum of a 12-year-old, female, mixed-breed dog that presented

after six months for evaluation of a slow growing mass (68) . On palpation a hard,
irregular mass is detected in the left inguinal region. The mass is approximately 12
cm long and related to the mammary tissue.
i. What is your diagnosis?
ii. What additional diagnostic or staging tests are indicated?
iii. What is the treatment?

69 This dog (69) is a six-year- 69

old Miniature Schnauzer with
a history of chronic neck pain.
The dog holds its neck in a
guarded position similar to
patients with cervical inter-
vertebral disc protrusion. The
right mandibular lymph node
is palpably enlarged.
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What procedure would you
perform to confirm the diag-
iii. What is the prognosis?

70 You are setting up a standardized anesthesia/analgesia protocol for performing

ovariohysterectomies in dogs at a large multiveterinarian hospital.
i. Is postoperative pain control part of your protocol? Why or why not?
ii. What preoperative drugs will you recommend?

68-70: Answers

68 i. Mammary tumor. Differential diagnoses are mastitis and steatitislcellulitis.

ii. Thoracic radiographs (ventrodorsal and both right and left lateral views) are evalu-
ated for the presence of pulmonary metastases and screening laboratory work (hemo-
gram, serum chemistry profile and urinalysis) for concurrent diseases. Fine-needle
aspiration for cytologic analysis is not particularly helpful because of low sensitivity
and specificity (97-100% and 64-78% respectively) and because 30-40% of dogs
with multifocal masses will have both benign and malignant tumors. Histologic
analysis is best performed on an excisional biopsy unless inflammatory carcinoma is
iii. If thoracic radiographs show no evidence of metastases, surgery is recommended.
The preferred procedure is surgical resection that will result in complete excision of all
cancerous tissue. This may be simple lumpectomy for a small well localized tumor,
mastectomy for a larger tumor, or bilateral radical mastectomy for multiple large
If histopathologic analysis confirms neoplasia, re-examination every 3-4 months is
recommended. If the tumor is malignant, thoracic radiographs (three views) are also
made and adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy or radiation is considered. Fifty
percent of canine mammary tumors are benign and approximately half of malignant
tumors can be removed before they spread; thus effectively, a durable remission can be
achieved for 75% of canine mammary tumors with early aggressive surgery. For the
remaining 25% of cases, metastasis and death will occur on average within a year
(range 2-24+ months).

69 i. Tonsillar squamous cell ca,rcinoma. Patients with tonsillitis usually have bilateral
tonsillar enlargement and the tonsils do not have a fleshy appearance as in this dog.
ii. Classification using the TNM system as in 19 with the principle diagnostic test
being excisional biopsy of the tonsil.
iii. The prognosis for this disease is poor. With surgical excision alone, survival is
often <2 months. Radiation therapy following surgical resection improved survival
times to 4-5 months but most dogs still died of distant metastases.

70 i. Drugs to control postoperative pain are not traditionally used after ovariohys-
terectomy in dogs. Most dogs appear to recover quickly after this surgery and anal-
gesics are not thought to be needed. In blind studies comparing the postoperative.
recovery of dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy with or without analgesics, dogs
treated scored lower on pain scales and had more rapid return of normal behavior. A
good guide is that if a procedure is painful for humans, it is assumed to be painful for
animals and analgesic drugs should be used.
ii. Pain is controlled better by prevention, than by treatment after exposure. Preopera-
tive drugs that act as both analgesics and sedatives include morphine (0.5 mg/kg sic),
oxymorphone (0.05 mg/kg ilv, ilm or sic) and butorphanol (0.4 mglkg ilv, ilm or sic).
Carprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, acts as an analgesic and provides
good pain control after ovariohysterectomy. The dose is 4 mg/kg plo once, one hour
before surgery.

71-73: Questions

71 With regard to the protocol for performing ovariohysterectomies in dogs at the

large multi veterinarian hospital in question 70:
i. How will you monitor for postoperative pain?
ii. What postoperative pain control therapy will you recommend?

72 i. A steam sterilized pack, double wrapped in Quarpel treated 270 pima cloth, is
considered sterile for how long?
ii. How is this time altered if the pack is wrapped in paper?
iii. How is the time altered if ethylene oxide sterilization is used?

73 This is a skull radiograph 73

of a five-year-old , male Ger-
man Shepherd Dog that pre-
sented for chronic sanguino-
purulent nasal discharge, ulcer-
ation of the external nares and
intermittent epistaxis (73).
i. Based on this radiograph,
what is the diagnosis and what
signs enable you to be con-
fident of your diagnosis?
ii. What other diagnostic tests
would be useful to perform?
iii. Describe the most non-inva-
sive treatment for this condi-
tion. Why does this therapy
provide a better prognosis, and
.what complications can occur?

71-73: Answers

71 i. Veterinarians traditionally use gross behavioral evidence of pain (vocalization,

vocalization on manipulation, lameness, refusal to move, obvious difficulty in rising,
etc.) to monitor animals. These signs occur when the animal has reached the extreme
limits of pain tolerance. Healthy animals not given analgesics after ovariohysterec-
tomy display much more subtle evidence of pain: they raise their lip slightly on palpa-
tion, they stay awake the night after surgery, and they do not come to the front of the
cage and wag their tails when someone approaches. High heart rates after surgery may
be due to pain, but are more often related to cardiovascular instability.
ii. Morphine (1 mg/kg ilm or sic, q 2-6 hours), oxymorphone (0.05 mg/kg ilv, ilm or
sic, q 3-4 hours) and butorphanol (0.4 mg/kg ilv, ilm or sic, q 1-2 hours) all provide
analgesia. The sedative effects of butorphanol last longer than the analgesic effects,
which confounds patient monitoring. Carprofen does not need to be redosed until 12
hours :ffter surgery. Flunixin meglumine (0.5-1.0 mg/kg ilv once) may be used for
pain control after surgery in healthy dogs, but should not be used preoperatively due
to increased risk of inducing renal compromise during surgery.

72 i. Forty nine days in an enclosed cabinet or 2J days on an open shelf.

ii. The time is extended to 56 days minimum in a cabinet and remains 21 days on an
open shelf.
iii. It is shortened to 15-30 days for cloth and 30-60 days for paper wraps. Plastic
wraps extend safe storage times to 90-100 days if tape sealed and up to one year if
heat sealed.

73 i. Mycotic rhinitis due to Aspergillus spp. (A. fumigatus is the most common
isolate) or Penicillium spp. is typical of the pattern present on radiographs. There is
marked turbinate destruction and an overall radiolucency of the left nasal chamber.
Other diagnostic considerations include intranasal foreign body (although increased
opacity is commonly seen around the object) and neoplasia (aggressive destruction of
turbinates, vomer bone and/or facial bones is seen, but usually with a homogeneous
increase in opacity of the nasal passages).
ii. Rhinoscopy may reveal white, yellow or green fungal plaques on the nasal mucosa;
concurrent biopsy samples are taken for histologic analysis, culture and cytologic
examination. Serologic testing is performed (AGID or ELISA) but cross-reactivity
between Aspergillus spp . and Penicillium spp. may make them hard to differentiate by
this method.
iii. Treatment of nasal aspergillosis is by infusion of enilconazole or clotrimazole
through an 8 French polypropylene catheter placed through the external nares mid-
way along the dorsal nasal meatus on each side. The nares and nasopharynx are
occluded using gauze sponges or laparotomy pads and the dog is placed in dorsal
recumbency. After injection of the agent, the animal is placed in ventral recumbency
and the nose tipped to allow drainage of excess fluid. Complications of this procedure
include recurrence from incomplete distribution of the antifungal agent (although less
likely to occur than with the surgical technique), and aspiration pneumonia or
esophagitis from leakage of the agent if occlusion of the nasopharynx is not performed

74-76: Questions


74 The figure (74) shows an eight-year-old male dog at exploratory surgery. The
mass adjacent to the bladder was thin walled and filled with clear yellow fluid. There
were several adhesions to the prostate, but an anatomic communication with the
gland was not identified.
i. What is the most likely diagnosis?
ii. What anatomic structure is thought to be involved in this process?
iii. What are the surgical treatments for this abnormality, and what are the
advantages and disadvantages of each?

75 Match the hemostatic for- 75

ceps illustrated (75) with their
intended use.
i. Control of small bleeding
ii. Control of large bleeding
iii. Control of large bleeding
vessels and ligation of a large

76 A swelling is present on the neck of a three-year-old, male cat that was bitten by
another cat two days previously. The swelling is turgid and marked pain is present on
i. How would you treat this wound?
ii. Is it necessary to have any kind of postsurgical drainage? Why or why not?
iii. If you were to use a drain for this case, what are the basic rules of drain placement?

74-76: Answers

74 i. Periprostatic cyst. The size of the cyst and the absence of communication with
the prostate make this the most probable diagnosis.
ii. Periprostatic cysts are thought to arise from the uterus masculinus, a remnant of the
Mullerian duct system. Serosal cysts and hemorrhage can also result in periprostatic
cyst formation.
iii. Cyst resection is curative if the origin is identified. Disadvantages include more
extensive prostatic manipulation needed to identify the origin of the cyst and recur-
rence in the case of inadequate resection. A recent report described good success using
omentalization of the cyst remnant after subtotal resection.
Marsupialization provides continuous drainage, and prostatic manipulation is mini-
mized reducing the likelihood of damage to the prostatic neurovascular supply. The
cyst is anchored to the paramedian rectus abdominus muscle. The cyst membrane is
incised and the fluid drained and cultured. The cyst wall is then sutured to the skin to
form a semi-permanent stoma. Disadvantages include difficulty in mobilizing the cyst
to reach the abdominal wall and prolonged drainage. Resection is required if the cyst
cannot be mobilized sufficiently. The stoma usually closes spontaneously by eight
weeks postoperatively. Biopsy of the prostate and cyst wall and castration are per-
formed at the time of resection or marsupialization to identify neoplasia and prevent
recurrence of prostatic disease by inducing involution.

75 i. Halsted mosquito forceps (right).

'ii. Kelly hemostatic forceps (center).
iii. Rochester-Carmalt forceps (left). These are the hemostatic forceps most commonly
used in veterinary surgery. Mosquito forceps are suitable only for control of small
bleeding vessels and are not designed for clamping large vessels or bundles of tissue.
Kelly forceps are slightly larger than mosquito forceps and are designed for ligation of
medium sized vessels. Rochester-Carmalt forceps are designed for ligation of large
tissue pedicles and vessels, and have longitudinal grooves that prevent tissues from
slipping through the clamp under traction. Improper use of tissue forceps leads to
failure at the box lock. This may be tested by lightly rapping the instrument on a
surface; a functioning box lock will not spring open whereas an improperly function-
ing box lock will.

76 i. The abscess is lanced and drained, and the wound lavaged and debrided.
Lacerations should be sutured closed and drainage maintained for 3-5 days.
ii. Drainage must be established. This is an infected wound with a large amount of
necrotic cellular debris. Wound healing cannot progress beyond the inflammatory
phase until wound debris is eliminated by surgical debridement or host phagocytes.
iii. Drains must span the extent of dead space created by the wound. The smallest and
fewest number of drains necessary are used for the shortest possible time. For n~)!1-
suction drains, the exit end of the drain must be dependant to facilitate gravity flow
and prevent pooling in the wound space. Drains should not enter or exit through a
suture line; they are placed through separate stab incisions. Conduit drains (e.g. Pen-
rose) should not be fenestrated. Fluid flow is related to surface area and fenestrations
decrease surface area and hence fluid flow. In contaminated areas (e.g. perineum) the
clinician must bear in mind that drains provide a venue for contaminant transport
both out of and into a wound. Drain openings are managed aseptically, clipped free of
hair and cleaned daily.

77-79: Questions

77 This ten-year-old cat pre- 77a

sents with signs of gastrointes-
tinal obstruction (77a). An ex-
ploratory laparotomy is per-
formed and a jejunal mass is
foun d. A fine-needle aspiration
biopsy is performed and micro-
scopic evaluation reveals neo-
plastic epithe li al ce lls often
forming acini.
i. What is your diagnosis, and
what are the differential diag-
ii. What diagnostic tests could
be used to confirm the prelim-
inary diagnosis?
iii. Name a breed that is reported to be commonly affected, and what is the prognosis
for this type of tumor?

78 Clinical signs for this dog (78) in- 78

elude halitosis and reluctance to eat or
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What are the possi ble etiologies for
this lesion?
iii. What would be an appropriate treat-
ment plan?

79 You are planning to repair a ruptured cruciate ligament in a ten-year-old, spayed

fema le Golden Retriever. She is at least 7 kg overweight.
i. What local technique might you use to control pain after surgery?
ii. What systemic drugs do you plan to use after surgery?
iii. Will the use of analgesics make the dog more likely to use the leg prematurely
after surgery, endangering your repair?

77-79: Answers

77b 77 i. Differential diagnoses

include malignant lymphoma,
adenocarcinoma, mast cell
tumor, leiomyoma and leio-
myosarcoma. Based on the de-
scription given, adenocarci-
noma is most likely, although
lymphoma is the most common
tumor type in cats.
ii. Histologic evaluation of
frozen or formalin-fixed biopsy
material of the tumor and en-
larged lymph nodes.
iii. Siamese cats. More than
70% of cats with intestinal
adenocarcinoma have gross or
histologic evidence of metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis. In cats the most
common abdominal metastatic sites are abdominal serosa, lymph nodes (77b), lung
and livet. However, average survival times up to 15 months are reported after complete
surgical excision.

78 i. Oral mucosa and gingival necrosis.

ii. Thermal, chemical or electrical trauma.
iii. Attempt to determine any other systemic manifestations of the trauma such as
pulmonary edema (electrical) or esophageal dysfunction (chemical). Superficial
debridement of devitalized mucosa. If vitality is in doubt, do not resect; the dead tissue
will slough. Warm water lavage performed by the owner will aid debridement. If the
patient does not eat, consider placement of a nasoesophageal feeding tube or percu-
taneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube. Monitoring of bone and dental integrity using
physical and radiographic examination will aid determination of delayed effects on
other tissues. Finally, check the maxilla for associated lesions.

79 i. Placing 0.5 mVkg of a 0.5% bupivacaine solution in the joint at the conclusion of
the repair is an effective method of reducing pain after cruciate surgery in the dog.
ii. Carprofen, morphine, oxymorphone or butorphanol would each provide some
degree of analgesia after surgery. Buprenorphine (0.005-0.02 mg/kg ifv or ifm, q 4-12
hours) might also be used.
iii. Analgesic therapy may result in early postoperative use of the limb. If the limb is
painful, the animal is less likely to place weight on the limb. However, pain can also
make the dog step awkwardly on the limb, which could also strain the repair. If the dog
appeared inclined to be overly active after surgery, judicious use of tranquilizers would
be a more humane method of enforcing rest than pain.

80, 81: Questions
80 A 12-year-old, castrated male Kees- 80
hound dog presents with hypercalcemia
and calcium oxalate uroliths (see 50) and
is diagnosed with primary hyperpara-
thyroidism. Exploratory surgery of the
cervical region was performed and a
parathyroid adenoma (80) was found -
the hemostat is pointing to the enlarged
cranial parathyroi d gland. The other
parathyroid glands were too small to be
identified during surgery. The enlarged
parathyroid gland was surgically excised.
i. What are the benefits and risks of
resection for a parathyroid adenoma?
ii. How is hypocalcemic tetany treated
and how can one prevent severe hypo-
calcemia from developing after para-

81 A dog presented for 81

lethargy, tenesmus and inap-
petence. A diagnosis of pros-
tatic abscess was made on the
basis of the physical examina-
tion, hemogram, serum chem-
istry analysis, urinalysis and
ultrasound examination. At
surgery pus was readily aspir-
ated from the enlarged gland
i. Name four surgical treat-
ments for this disease.
ii. What are the complications
of the listed surgical treat-
iii. What other surgical procedures are indicated in addition to management of the

80, 81: Answers

80 i. Surgical excision of a parathyroid adenoma results in rapid resolution of hyper-

calcemia, and is considered curative in most cases. The most serious complication
associated with the removal is postoperative hypocalcemia. The remaining para-
thyroid glands are atrophied due to the negative feedback of chronic persistent hyper-
ii. Hypocalcemia generally occurs within the first week after surgery. Tetanic con-
vulsions are treated on an emergency basis with administration of calcium gluconate
(0.5-1.5 ml/kg i/v administered slowly over a period of 15-30 minutes). To prevent
hypocalcemia, vitamin D and calcium is supplemented after surgery. Dihydrotachy-
sterol (0.03 mg/kg/day p/o for two days, then 0.02 mg/kg/day for two days and then
0.01 mg/kg/day) is the vitamin D supplement most often used due to its quick onset of
action. Calcium is supplemented at a dose in dogs of 1-4 g/day p/o divided and in cats
of 0.5-1 g/day p/o divided. Calcium concentrations are re-evaluated weekly until the
remaining parathyroid glands resume their normal productivity.

81 i. The surgical treatments are:

• Partial prostatectomy/abscess resection.
• Penrose tube drainage.
• Prostatic omentalization.
• Total prostatectomy.
ii. Complications of surgical treatment for prostatic abscess include sepsis, reabsces-
sation, urethral rupture and fistula formation, hemorrhage, and urinary incontinence.
Dogs with prostatic abscessation are often septic and surgical manipulations can cause
rupture and further release of bacteria and endotoxin into the peritoneum. Early
identification, prompt treatment and intraoperative containment of pus and fluid is
important to minimize morbidity and mortality.
Partial prostatectomy is effective if the abscess is focal. Resection results in a low
incidence of incontinence, reabscessation and urethral rupture. However, the majority
of prostatic abscesses are diffuse and not easily amenable to resection, and if an
animal is septic at the time of surgery, this technique can be time consuming and more
risky to the patient.
Penrose tube drainage can be performed rapidly providing a decided advantage
when considering anesthesia of the septic patient. Recurrences are most common with
drainage, and rupture of the prostatic urethra during drain placement and urethral
fistulae formation are potential complications. Incontinence is least common with
prostatic drain techniques.
Prostatic omentalization is as effective as prostatectomy in preventing recurrence
and has a very low incidence of postoperative complications. In this technique an
omental flap is passed around the urethra through the prostatic parenchymal abscess
to provide additional blood and lymphatic supply and serve as a biologic drain. Be-
cause the surgeon must dissect dorsal to the urethra, care is taken to prevent urethral
Prostatectomy is very successful in preventing recurrence and urethral rupture, but
has an unacceptably high incidence of postoperative incontinence (up to 90%).
iii. Two procedures are performed as additional management of prostatic abscess:
biopsy is necessary because multiple prostatic diseases can occur concomitantly (e.g.
abscess and neoplasia); castration is performed because prostatic hypertrophy and
secretions are androgen stimulated.

82-84: Questions


82 The dorsal perineum and caudal lumbar regions of a Cocker Spaniel is shown
(82). Surgical and mechanical (bandage) debridement were used to treat a non-
healing, infected bite wound.
i. What is the name and composition of the red exposed tissues?
ii. How could this wound be reduced for progressive healing to occur?

83 There are three layers in the construction of a typical bandage. Briefly describe
the layers and their function, and give a specific example or two of each layer type.

84 A three-year-old, female 84
English Bulldog (84) is pre-
sented for suspected dystocia.
It is 67 days since the first
breeding and 65 days since the
second. On examination the
dog has marked mammary en-
largement with minimal milk
production, and a distended
abdomen. No other abnormali-
ties are noted.
i. Give several causes of dy-
ii. Does this dog have primary
or secondary uterine inertia?
iii. What is the treatment, given
your diagnosis?

82-84: Answers

82 i. A healthy bleeding bed of granulation tissue which is composed of capillary and

lymph vessels, fibroblasts, small amounts of collagen and macrophages. This tissue
serves as a barrier against infection, a bed for epithelialization and a source for wound
contraction and support. Granulation tissue is the hallmark of the repair stage or
second phase of wound healing.
ii. With a healthy granulation bed present, wound closure is easily achieved using free
skin grafts (usually meshed) or neighboring pedicle skin flaps. Granulation tissue is
highly resistant to infection and provides a ready source for neovascularization,
enhancing the survival of transposed tissue.

83 Primary layer (material apposed to the wound) - can be used to debride tissue or
provide a non-stick surface for wound granulation and epithelialization. The primary
layer should wick fluid away from the wound to the secondary layer, be semi-per-
meable to moisture and oxygen, and conform to the wound surface. Primary bandage
layers include: saline soaked gauze pads as used in a wet-to-dry bandage, and pet-
roleum impregnated gauze as used in a non-stick bandage. Secondary layer (middle
layer) is used for absorption, padding, or rigid support. The most common secondary
layer is cotton, and different thicknesses can be applied depending on the desired func-
tion. Splint m;iterial (plastic, metal, fiberglass, etc.) is incorporated into this layer for
immobilization. Tertiary layer (outside covering of bandage) for protection from the
environment. Ideally it is rugged enough to withstand wear and tear initiated by the
animal, and provides some degree of water resistance. For each layer the ideal bandage
material should be easy to apply, wrapping around contours with good fit, be non-toxic
to tissues preventing delayed wound healing, and be cost effective to use.

84 i. Dystocia is considered when: a bitch shows signs of toxicity or exhaustion; 20

minutes of strong labor or 2-3 hours of weak labor has failed to produce a puppy;
more than four hours has elapsed between puppies; there is abnormal vulvar discharge;
or there is prolonged gestation of more than 70 days. Causes include primary uterine
inertia (lack of sufficient uterine contractions to expel a normal fetus from a normal
birth canal) and secondary uterine inertia (lack of sufficient contractions because of
exhaustion from prolonged labor or metabolic abnormality). Secondary inertia is
caused by maternal factors (e.g. vulvar or pelvic obstruction; uterine torsion or rupture;
and uncommonly from hypocalcemia or hypoglycemia), and by fetal factors such as
oversize fetuses (commonly with small litters and brachycephalic breeds), congenital
disorders (e.g monster puppies and hydrocephalus), fetal malpositioning and dead
ii. This dog does not have dystocia at this time. While the average bitch whelps around 63
days from the time of breeding, gestational length is variable ranging from 56-72 days.
This dog has shown no clinical signs of active labor or whelping abnormality ruling out
secondary inertia as a problem and has not yet exceeded the gestational time range
considered normal for ruling out primary uterine inertia.
iii. Treatment is nothing more than close observation over the next few days for signs
of whelping. Rectal temperature is monitored: less than 37. 7°C (100°F) indicates
declining serum progesterone concentration and impending parturition (usually within
24 hours). If fetal viability is suspect, radiographs or sonography are performed. After
69-70 days from the time of the second breeding (or ideally LH peak), primary uterine
inertia is considered present, and diagnosis and treatment for dystocia initiated.

8S An eight-month-old Weim- 8Sa
araner is presented with signs
of ileus. The cause of the ileus
is shown (8Sa).
i. What is the clinical diagno-
sis, and what are predisposing
ii. Name in decreased order of
frequency the most common
sites for occurrence of this dis-
ease process.
iii. What surgical technique is
reported to prevent recurrence
of this disease process?

86 When considering interventional nutritional support for a surgery patient, what

are the relevant points for deciding the route of feeding?

87 An ulcerating lesion of ap- 87

proximately two years dura-
tion on the back of a four-year-
old Doberman Pinscher is
shown (87). Many unsuccessful
attempts were made to close
this defect and biopsies were
taken to rule out neoplasia.
The lesion originally extended
down both flanks and the
present size is the result of
wound contraction. Scar tissue
is palpated extending into the
flanks and the skin surround-
ing the lesion is extremely
i. What reconstructive proce-
dures can be considered to cor-
rect this abnormality?
ii. After alternatives are considered, a decision is made to use a tissue expander. What is
the physiologic mechanism by which this device provides sufficient skin to cover a

85-87: Answers

85b 85 i. Intussusception. Abnor-

mal intestinal motility caused
by viral and bacterial infec-
tions; intestinal parasitism; and
acute inflammatory disorders
including neoplasia, diverticula,
and chronic infiltrative disease
may predispose to intussuscep-
tion formation.
ii. Ileocolic junction, ileum, je-
junum, cecum and duodenum.
iii. Enteroplication of the je-
junum and ileum (85b). The
intestine is folded into loops from the distal duodenum to distal ileum. The lateral
borders of each loop are sutured to the adjacent loop with simple interrupted mono-
filament suture material.

86 Feeding should be as close to physiologically normal as the affecting disease process

allows. If an animal will tolerate oral feeding (forced or drug stimulated), it is best
used. The disadvantage is that adequate intake is difficult to maintain in an anorectic
animal; they do not readily tolerate forced feeding and effective drug stimulation is
usually transient. Drug stimulation is best for cases of partial anorexia. If vomiting is
not occurring and oral intake is inadequate, esophageal or gastric tube feeding (e.g.
nasogastric, pharyngostomy, esophagostomy, gastrostomy) is indicated. With most of
these methods (except nasogastric tube) a large bore tube is placed for administration
into the stomach. H yperosmotic, calorie-dense diets can be used, and intermittent
feeding is tolerated because of the stomach's reservoir effect. The disadvantage is that
anesthesia is required to place some feeding devices (pharyngostomy and gastrostomy
tubes) . If vomiting is present, a jejunostomy feed ing tube is needed. Disadvantages are
that surgical placement is needed and, because of the smaller tube bore and enteric
administration, continuous infusion of isosmotic liquid diets is required. If malabsorp-
tion is present or anesthesia is not feasible, parenteral nutrition is needed. The disad-
vantage is the high cost and labor intensiveness of parenteral feeding.

87 i. Skin surrounding this wound is exceptionally tight so local skin mobilization is not
possible. Skin grafting is avoided on the body because of problems with immobilization.
An axial pattern flap using the deep circumflex iliac vessels can be used to cover the
lesion, but is not selected because of possible involvement of these vessels in the original
wound. Use of a tissue expander and single pedicle advancement flap is preferred.
ii. Skin is capable of expanding over slowly enlarging masses (e.g. tumor or an
enlarging abdomen). Controversy exists but evidence is that mitotic activity occurs in
the epidermis and that it retains its original thickness; the dermis and panniculus
carnosus muscle, however, become thinner. When skin over the expander is harvested
for transfer, the thick fibrous capsule which forms over the expander is transferred with
the epidermis and dermis to restore the original thickness. Skin can necrose, especially
over bone, if the expander is filled too rapidly. Skin flaps created by expansion have
improved survival when compared to acutely raised flaps because of the 'delay phe-
nomenon' (if blood circulation to skin is compromised, collateral or remaining vessels
expand in response).
88, 89: Questions

88 With regard to the tissue expander discussed in 87, how is this device used? How
rapidly is the expander distended? When is the final surgical procedure done?



89 A two-year-old, mixed-breed dog is presented with a two-day history of vomiting

and diarrhea. A jejunal foreign body is found during abdominal exploratory surgery
(89a). The foreign body is removed by intestinal resection and end-to-end ana-
stomosis (89b ).
i. Describe fo ur suture techniques for end-to-end anastomosis.
ii. Name the major disadvantage of each technique.
iii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of stapling techniques?

88, 89: Answers

88a 88 The expander device in-

cludes an inflatable bag (ex-
pander) connected by tube to a
dome-shaped filling reservoir.
Expander size and shape can
vary, and ready-made and cus-
tomized expanders are avail-
able. The expander is surgically
placed close to the recipient
area, and the incision is made
with care so that it does not
interfere with the final donor
flap. The filling reservoir is
placed distant to the expander
to avoid becoming covered and
88b inaccessible for needle punc-
ture. The dome of the filling
reservoir is easily palpable
under the skin.
The expander is filled with
saline slowly over six weeks or
more. In acute wounds there
are practical difficulties. In one
experimental report, expanders
were filled in seven days and
skin flaps were harvested.
There were some negative
effects and more investigation is
In this dog the expander was
filled once weekly, using no
sedation or analgesia, with approximately 60 ml of sterile normal saline. The filled
expander containing approximately 360ml of saline is shown at six weeks (88a). Lines
are shown on the skin to indicate the incisions of a single pedicle advancement flap
utilizing the loose skin made available. The finished flap is shown (88b).

89 i. Inverting, everting, crushing and approximating suture patterns.

ii. Inverting suture pattern: decrease of luminal size. Everting suture pattern: increase in
incidence of adhesion formation. Crushing suture pattern: increase in tissue necrosis
and disruption of blood vessels during the first week after surgery. Appositional
technique: mucosal eversion between sutures.
iii. The advantages of stapling techniques include greater speed, greater blood flow
through the anastomosis, greater bursting strength and less inflammatory reaction com-
pared to certain suture techniques. Stapling equipment is more expensive compared
with conventional suturing techniques.

90, 91: Questions

90 An exploratory laparotomy 90a

in a two-year-old German
Shepherd Dog with a history of
intermittent hematochezia and
soft stools is shown (90a).
i. What is your diagnosis?
ii. What breed predilection has
been suggested, and what eti-
ology has been suspected to
playa role in the pathogenesis?
iii. What diagnostic test should
be performed?
iv. What is the surgical therapy?

91 This is a one-year-old, female Terrier- 91

mix breed presented for intermittent drib-
bling since its acquisition at three months
of age (91). This dog periodically voids
the bladder normally.
i. What diagnosis is suggested by the
contrast study?
ii. What are five morphologic variations
of this anatomic anomaly?
iii. What are the methods of choice for
assessing the ureteral pathway and its

90, 91: Answers

90b 90c

90 i. Partial cecal inversion (90b).

ii. Young, large-breed, male dogs are pre-
disposed. Weimaraner dogs are suggested
to have a higher risk. Trichuris worms
are reported to be a causative agent.
iii. Plain abdominal radiographs often
are not diagnostic. Pneumocolonography
and colonoscopy are more successful in
determining the diagnosis.
iv. Typhlectomy is the treatment of
choice for a partial cecal inversion (90c,
d). Total cecal inversion is treated by sur-
gical resection of the ileocolic junction.

91 i. The excretory urogram shows ureteral ectopia; here the dilated left ureter drains
into the urethra. It is a congenital disorder where one (70-80% of dogs) or both
ureters (most cats) terminate and drain at a site other than the urinary bladder, most
often in the urethra or vagina. The condition occurs most frequently in Siberian
Huskies, Newfoundlands, Terriers, Golden and Labrador Retrievers and Toy Poodles;
the mode of inheritance is unknown.
ii. The five morphologic variations of this anatomic anomaly are:
• Intramural ureter with the opening distal to the bladder sphincter. This is the most
common type of ectopic ureter.
• Intramural ureter with no distal opening.
• Intramural ureter with two distal openings - one above and one below the bladder
• Intramural ureter with a normal opening and a ureteral trough continuing distal to
the sphincter.
• Extramural ureter that enters directly into the vagina or urethra without penetrating
the bladder wall.
iii. An excretory urogram in conjunction with pneumocystogram is useful to assess the
presence or absence of an ectopic ureter. Vagino-urethrography is also useful for
evaluating the termination of the ureter. Radiography cannot be used to identify the
morphologic type of ectopic ureter.

92, 93: Questions

92 The dog shown (92) had an 92

esophagotomy for removal of a
bone. There was mild eso-
phageal mucosal hemorrhage
and erosion but the muscular
tunic was intact. There was no
evidence of esophageal perfora-
i. What is the most appropriate
suture pattern for closure of
the esophagotomy wound?
ii. What is the holding layer of
the esophagus?
iii. If the incision margins have
questionable viability, what
options exist for reinforcement
of the incision?


93 A lateral abdominal radiograph of a five-year-old, male Beagle is shown (93a).

Diagnostic evaluation of this dog identified pylonephritis (urine culture grew Escheri-
chia coli) and mild azotemia (urea 6.97 mmolll (BUN 42 mg/dl)), urine specific
gravity 1,020). Surgical removal of the calculi is planned.
i. Which surgical technique is least deleterious to renal function?
ii. If the technique from (i.) is not applicable, which technique is most commonly
used? What are the consequences on renal function?
iii. What should be thought of less invasive procedures such as lithotripsy for animals?

92, 93: Answers

92 i. The ideal suture pattern is easily performed, sufficiently strong to resist dehis-
cence, provides a watertight seal, does not result in stricture and provides anatomic
alignment of the tissues. This is best accomplished by a double layer simple inter-
rupted suture pattern in the submucosa/mucosa and the muscularis/adventitia. Simple
interrupted single layer closure has similar strength and can be performed more
quickly, but provides poor anatomic alignment of tissues. Simple continuous patterns
are placed quickly and have similar ultimate (28 day) wound strength, but result in
poor anatomic alignment of tissues and inhibit luminal distension.
ii. The submucosa contains the most collagen and is therefore the holding layer of the
esophagus. Previously, several investigators maintained that the mucosa was the
holding layer of the esophagus because it is thicker and has a substantial lamina
propria. Sutures in the submucosa have equal tensile strength to mucosal/submucosal
sutures and comparable strength to full thickness sutures.
iii. A vascularized omental or pericardial flap can be used to deliver blood and lym-
phatic supply to the esophageal wound and to bridge defects. Muscular reinforcement
of esophageal anastomosis using the sternohyoideus (cervical esophagus) or pedicled
intercostal muscle (thoracic esophagus) can be used; the disadvantage is decreased
distensibility and they cannot be used to bridge esophageal defects.

93b 93 i. If renal calculi are within a dilated proximal

ureter or the extra-renal portion of the renal pelvis, a
dorsal pyelolithotomy is preferred (93b). Advantages
of this technique are that there is no destruction of
nephrons and it does not require renal ,vascular occlu-
sion because the surgical incision is made in the pelvis
rather than through renal parenchyma.
ii. When calculi are deep into the renal pelvis or when
there are many small calculi, bisection nephrotomy
allows better visualization of the renal pelvis and
diverticulae facilitating removal of stones. Disadvan-
tages are destruction of functional nephrons (patients
are often azotemic) and more prolific hemorrhage
than pylolithotomy (patients are often anemic). Hemo-
stasis is improved by obstructing the renal artery with
a bulldog vascular clamp (occlusion should not exceed
20 minutes). Bisection nephrotomy decreases renal
function in operated kidneys by 30-50% (direct in-
cisional effect, indirect devascularization) and transfix-
ing sutures further compromise glomerular filtration
rate. Intersegmental nephrotomy offers no significant
protective effect for preservation of kidney function.
In the case of advanced pyelonephritis or hydro-
nephrosis, ureteronephrectomy is recommended.
iii. Lithotripsy is not currently an option in companion animals given the relative
hardness of the stones, the risk for kidney and lung parenchyma damage and the pro-
hibitive cost and inaccessibility of equipment. Experimental percutaneous nephro-
lithotomy has been described in the dog but is not yet clinically practical.

, 94-96: Questions

94a 95

94 The wound illustrated (94a) resulted 95 The stifle joint area of a Labrador
from removal of a mast cell tumor in a Retriever treated three months earlier for
dog. There is ample skin for closure of a cranial crucia te ligament inj ury is
the defect. shown (95). The limb is non-functional
i. Name three suture techniques that can and an open, draining wound has been
be used to repair this circular wound. present for nearly a month.
ii. Placement of the initial sutures resulted i. How would this wound be classified
in a 'dog ear'. List three methods of cor- with respect to contamination?
recting this fold. ii. What are the treatment options and

96 A cat is presented two days after being hit by a car. Although recovering rapidly
from initial hypovolemic shock, the cat's condition has been deteriorating for 24
hours. The 13th rib is fractured on the left side. Gross hematuria is present and
serum urea nitrogen is elevated. Abdominal radiographs show good peritoneal con-
trast; however, the left retroperitoneal area is opaque and the kidney not readily
i. What diagnoses are suspected?
ii. Which clinical tests will likely lead to a definitive diagnosis?

94-96: Answers

94b 94 i. Create a fusiform

1 2 3 defect by removing triangles

o ~
of skin from opposite edges
of the circle (1.5 times the
diameter of the circle) (94b,
1). The incision is then closed
with simple interrupted
sutures. This is an excellent
technique but is restricted to
areas where there is ample
skin for reconstruction. The
wound may be closed with a
three point intradermal suture
to crea te a Y -sha ped defect
(94b, 2). Each leg of the Y is
HHHHn HHHYHH closed with simple inter -
rupted sutures. This closure
may result in 'dog ears' that
must be addressed.
o to Z closure may be used when closure under tension or deviation of tissues will
have adverse consequences (e.g. around the nares or eyes) (94b, 3). With this technique,
curvilinear incisions are made in opposite directions on opposite sides of the circle. The
resulting flaps are undermined and brought together to result in a Z-shaped closure.
ii. The skin incision may be extended through the 'dog ear' and two triangles of
affected skin removed (94b, 4); incision along the base of one 'dog ear' and extension
of the incision through the 'dog ear' (removal of the resulting skin triangle results in a
curved end to the incision) (94b, 5); extension of a fusiform incision to include the
affected skin with closure of the defect routinely (94b, 6).

95 i. The surgical incision has undergone dehiscence. This wound is a chronic, open,
dirty lesion consisting of excessive granulation tissue, exposed bone and necrotic
purulent debris.
ii. Surgical treatment is by tissue debridement, wound lavage, removal of infected
lateral imbricating sutures, and partial closure to reduce contamination and permit
evaluation of granulation tissue formation. Because of potential joint involvement by
the wound, broad-spectrum bactericidal antibiotics are administered based on culture
and sensitivity testing. Prognosis for normal recovery is poor due to the chronic and
severe nature of the joint injury.

96 i. Hemo- or uroretroperitoneum is likely. At this point, a ureteral tear cannot be

distinguished from renal or other retroperitoneal trauma.
ii. Excretory urography is the diagnostic test of choice to diagnose and distinguish renal
versus ureteral trauma. Look for an accumulation of contrast material in the area of
suspected leakage. Iodine-based contrast is administered intravenously (325 mg
iodine/kg) and radiographs are taken at 0, 5 and 10 minutes. Ultrasonography may be
helpful to delineate renal integrity. Pulsed Doppler echography can help determine
whether renal arteries are patent, and is less invasive than renal arteriography.

<'?7. . 99: .Q uestions

97 This is a right lateral abdominal radiograph of a nine-year-old, domestic short-

hair cat (97a). Clinical signs included fever, vomiting, depression, anorexia and diarr-
hea for two days. Pain is elicited by palpation of all areas of the abdomen.
i. Describe your radiographic interpretation and most likely diagnosis.
ii. What diagnostic tests should be performed, and what is their accuracy?
iii. Intracellular bacteria are found on cytologic analysis of the abdominal fluid. An
exploratory laparotomy is performed and the colon is found to be ruptured. The
colon is resected. What technique is used to establish effective peritoneal cavity drain-
age, and what is the prognosis?

98 Describe four types of restraint devices to prevent animals from traumatizing

themselves, their bandages or other surgical appliances.

99 Digit III on the right rear foot of a ten-year-old, female German Shepherd Dog is
enlarged. The owners first noticed the toe was swollen approximately four weeks
prior to presentation. In the interim time the swelling has increased in size and a
small ulcerative area has developed on the medial surface of the digit. On palpation
the digit is moderately firm and the popliteal lymph node is enlarged and firm. A
radiograph of the foot shows lysis of the third pharynx of the affected digit.
i. What are the differential diagnoses?
ii. What diagnostic procedures will establish a definitive diagnosis?
iii. Assuming this is a bacterial osteomyelitis, what is the appropriate treatment and
associated prognosis?
iv. Assuming this is a neoplasm, how would treatment and prognosis be different?

97-99: Answers

97b 97 i. The usually sharp outline

of th e abdominal organs is
hazy and blurred because of
fluid accumulation in the ab-
dominal cavity. The most likely
diagnosis is peritonitis. Free gas
may be seen if there is gastro-
intestinal perforation (97b).
ii. Most cases of septic peri-
tonitis are diagnosed accurately
by cytologic examinatio n of
fluid obtained by paracentesis
or la vage . Intra -a bd omi nal
injury or disease was accurately
detected by needle paracentesis in 47 % and by lavage in 95% of cases in a clinical
evaluation of 129 dogs and cats.
iii. Incomplete abdominal closure (open abdominal drainage) . A mortality rate of 48%
has been reported. Other techniques of peritoneal drainage are less successful in
draining the abdominal cavity.

98 The four devices are:

• Elizabethan collar or plastic restraint collar (the collars must be big enough to pre-
vent reaching peripheral body parts such as feet and tail, or inhibit neck flexion).
• Body brace or side bars for animals that will not tolerate a collar (aluminum rods
secured to the side of the body to inhibit neck and body flexion).
• Hobbles to prevent animals from scratching.
• A wire muzzle (will protect from self-tra uma and allows the animal to drink).

99 i. Bacterial or fungal osteomyelitis, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma,

apocrine gland (sweat) adenocarcinoma, severe paronychia and dermatofibrosis
associated with renal adenocarcinoma in German Shepherd Dogs.
ii. Biopsy of the digit and culture (bacterial and fungal) of tissue samples. Histologic
analysis should include special stains to identify a potential infectious etiology. In this
case, excisional biopsy or amputation of the digit is preferred since it is also the initial
phase of therapy for all differential diagnoses being considered. In endemic areas fungal
titers (e.g. coccidioidomycoses, histoplasmosis, etc.) are performed. Concurrent fine-
needle aspirate or cutting needle biopsy of the popliteal lymph node is indicated.
iii. Excision of affected tissues and a short course of postoperative antibiotics (based on
culture and sensitivity results). The bone changes present in phalanx III are so severe
that resolution of clinical signs is unlikely without amputation. The prognosis is
excellent for complete resolution.
iv. Digit amputation is the initial therapy. Lymph node biopsy and thoracic radiographs
are performed to stage the tumor. The most common tumor types at this site are
squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma and sweat gland adenocarcinoma. All
three of these tumors have a propensity to metastasize to the regional lymph node and
lungs. Because of this expected behavior pattern, adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation
are often implemented for best results. Small tumors limited to the local area have a .
better prognosis. The short-term prognosis is fair but long-term prognosis is often poor,
especially for squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma of the nail bed.

'I (j)O:~i 191 : Q uestions

100 The facial view of a 16- 100a

we ek old Boston Terrier is
shown (lOOa).
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What are the principles of
surgical repair ?
iii. What problems may occur
postoperatively, and what is
the prognosis for successful
surgical correction?



101 This open wound (lOla) in a young mixed-breed dog was sustained in an auto-
mobile accident. Extensor tendons are exposed. No fractures are present.
i. What is the immediate plan for this wound and what is the long-term goal?
The open wound is shown three weeks after treatment (lOlb). All tendons are
covered by healthy granulation tissue and a zone of epithelialization is seen surround-
ing the granulation tissue.
ii. What is done now?

100, 10 I : Answers

100b 100 i. Primary cleft palate or 'harelip'.

ii. Closure of the floor of the nasal orifice,
modified Z-plasty for cutaneous closure,
the medial cleft margin is used to recon-
struct the philtrum area, adequate flap size
for good vascularity and low tension on
the suture line. The dorsal suture advanc-
ing the laterally created flap medially to
the bed of the medially created rotation
flap is shown (lOOb). The ventral suture
rotates the medial flap ventrolaterally to
the ventral aspect of the lateral advance-
ment flap bed.
iii. Postoperative problems include wound dehiscence from excess tension or licking of
sutures. If the size of the dehiscence is 3 mm or less, healing by second intention is
usually adequate. If dehiscence disrupts the repair, a period of 2-3 weeks is allowed for
healing and decreased inflammation before further surgery. Generally, the prognosis is
good for successful repair and acceptable cosmesis .

101c 101 i. The wound is cleaned and debrided.

Because of considerable tissue loss, primary
closure or delayed primary closure cannot
be considered. The wound is treated open,
allowing it to contract and epithelialize,
and making further decisions weekly as the
wound heals. Contracture deformities must
be avoided and large areas of new thin epi-
thelium are not able to withstand daily nor-
mal trauma. A reconstructive procedure is
done without delay if one or both of these
101d conditions start to occur.
ii. After thre e weeks there is a clean,
healthy wound. It becomes apparent that
further contraction will affect the digits,
and further epithelialization will produce
a large area of thin, delicate epithelium on
the front of the paw (lOlb). The simplest
and quickest way to cover this wound is
by free skin graft. A large single sheet of
full thickness or thick split thickness skin is used because strong skin with good hair
growth is desired. This is an excellent wound for grafting. The surface is flat, smooth
and well vascularized. A ·rim of epithelium and one millimeter of the surface granulation
tissue is removed. The graft is obtained from the lateral body wall and draped over the
wound with hair follicles pointing ventrally (lOlc). The graft is sutured loosely so that it
overlaps the skin at the margins of the wound. The graft is bandaged with a non-stick
primary layer bandage. The graft is shown at three days when 100% take is expected
(l Old). Full thickness grafts survive, have good hair growth and do well when a
favorable body part is selected for the graft. Thin split thickness grafts also take well;
however, they tend to be dry and devoid of hair.

102, 103: Questions


102 An eight-month-old, male English Bulldog is presented with a history of

hypersalivation and regurgitation. On physical examination, mild dyspnea is noted.
A contrast esophogram is performed and a lateral view radiograph is shown (102) .
i. What is the diagnosis and what are the different types or categorizations of this
ii. What is the surgical treatment for this problem?
iii. What is the prognosis?

103 A cervical tracheallacera- 103

tion caused by a dog fight in a
two-year-old, castrated male
Dachshund is shown (103).
The endotracheal tube is intro-
duced through a temporary
tracheostomy and the lacera-
tion is distal to the tracheos-
tomy. The laceration involves
appro ximately three tracheal
i. What are the expected pre-
senting clinical signs?
ii. After confirming the diag-
nosis what steps are taken to
stabilize the patient?
iii. Describe your approach to treatment (include suture patterns and suture type).
iv. What complications might occur?

102, 103: Answers

102 i. Hiatal hernia. These hernias are classified as congenital or acquired (in animals
most are congenital), and as a type I sliding hernia or type II periesophageal hernia (in
animals most are type I). With type I hernias the phrenicoesophageal ligament is
stretched, allowing the gastroesophageal junction to herniate back and forth into the
thorax. With type II hernias the gastroesophageal junction remains stationery and the
gastric fundus herniates through the esophageal hiatus alongside the esophagus.
ii. This condition is rare in animals and the best surgical approach remains
controversial. Successful treatment of three animals with hiatal hernia using a com-
bination of three surgical techniques has been described. A modified Nissen fundo-
plication is performed to reduce gastroesophageal reflux, in conjunction with suture
reduction of the esophageal hiatus and placement of a left fundic tube-gastropexy. The
gastrostomy tube provides the additional advantages of allowing nutritional support,
bypass of the esophagus and surgery site, and facilitates decompression of the stomach
in the early postoperative period. Gas distension, presumably from an inability to
belch, can cause discomfort after surgery.
iii. The prognosis for complete relief of clinical signs is guarded. A review of reported
cases shows approximately 25% success, and a mortality rate of 64%.

103 i. Expected clinical signs include dyspnea, subcutaneous emphysema, air trans-
gression through the open wound and pneumomediastinum.
ii. Tracheal laceration and respiratory distress is treated as an emergency. Stabilizing
measures include intubation or tracheostomy to provide a patent airway, and oxygen-
ation. The cuffed end of the tube must pass beyond the site of the laceration.
iii. Peri operative antibiotics are administered and a ventral midline approach to the
cervical trachea is performed. Surrounding tissues are assessed and debrided as neces-
sary. Recurrent laryngeal nerves are identified during exploration.
The affected tracheal cartilage and mucosa is debrided and realigned. Approx-
imately 50% of the trachea can (in theory) be resected in adult animals before stenosis
and dehiscence (due to tension) become a major concern. Sutures are limited to the
number necessary to reappose the trachea without excessive tension. A simple inter-
rupted suture pattern which penetrates the cartilage of tracheal rings adjacent to the
laceration is best. The suture material should be non-absorbable and monofilament
with the knots on the external surfaces.
Other techniques include encircling tracheal ring sutures rather than penetrating
sutures, suturing of the annular soft tissue, and techniques such as fibrin glue or argon
laser welding. To relieve tension, encircling sutures may be placed two to three rings
away from the primary wound. In larger dogs, steel sutures with Teflon stents can be
placed through the tracheal rings in a horizontal mattress pattern. The site is lavaged
and surrounding soft tissues sutured over the anastomosis to provide a seal and elim-
inate dead space. If dead space or wound contamination is excessive, a Penrose drain
is placed.
iv. Potential complications include infection or abscess formation, dehiscence and
stricture. All animals with injuries to the cervical region are assessed for laryngeal
paralysis. This patient had bilateral laryngeal paralysis which required arytenoid
lateralization two weeks after tracheal anastomosis.

104, 105: Questions

104 A nine-year-old, male Golden Retriever has abdominal enlargement, a palpable

central abdominal mass and gross hematuria. Abdominal radiographs show only one
normal kidney and a large mass. You suspect a kidney tumor.
i. What is the diagnostic imaging test of choice to confirm your clinical suspicion?
ii. What type of renal tumors are most frequent?
iii. What is the surgical technique of choice for renal tumor excision?


105 A seven-year-old, male domestic shorthair cat is presented for chronic bilateral
mucopurulent nasal discharge. There is no concurrent facial deformity or epiphora. On
oral examination, moderately severe dental tartar formation and pyorrhea is seen.
i. What are several possible causes for the nasal discharge?
ii. What tests will help determine the diagnosis?
The frontal sinus exposed at surgery is shown (105); the cotton applicator shows the
viscosity of the discharge present.
iii. What are two surgical treatments for this animal assuming the diagnosis is chronic

104, 105: Answers

104 i. Ultrasonography is probably the most informative and cost effective imaging
technique to be combined with survey radiographs for suspected renal tumors.
Ultrasonography allows investigation of both kidneys, para-aortic lymph nodes, liver
and vena cava for signs of tumor involvement. Excretory urography is an alternative if
ultrasonography is unavailable. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance
imaging is also extremely useful to evaluate local and regional tumor involvement.
ii. Canine primary renal tumors affect older males more than females and 90% are
malignant. Tubular adenocarcinomas are most frequent, and are often bilateral.
Metastases are present in >50% of cases (lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bones) at the time
of diagnosis. Tumors can also be of mesenchymal (20%, e.g. fibrosarcoma) or
embryonal (10%, e.g. nephroblastoma) origin. Lymphoma is the most common renal
tumor in cats.
iii. Unilateral renal cancer is best treated by complete ureteronephrectomy, and
retroperitoneal muscle resection if capsular extension has occurred. The renal vein is
ligated early in the dissection process to minimize the potential for metastases. Partial
nephrectomy is sometimes used for surgery of bilateral renal tumors in which a benign
histologic diagnosis is made. Survival times >10 months are reported for 20-30% of
dogs with renal tumors treated by surgery alone. Death is usually from metastasis.
Renal lymphoma is best treated with chemotherapy.

105 i. Chronic sinusitis, bacterial rhinitis (usually secondary to mycotic infection or

neoplasia), foreign body, tooth abscess, oronasal fistula and cleft palate. Important
characteristics that often indicate etiology include pattern and type of discharge,
whether discharge is unilateral or bilateral, and the presence of facial deformity or
ii. Open-mouth ventrodorsal (or intraoral dorsoventral) and rostrocaudal skyline radio-
graphs of the skull are made in addition to standard views. Changes such as turbinate
destruction arid airway opacities are often subtle. Perfect positioning and exposure are
mandatory, therefore anesthesia is required. Computed tomography or magnetic
resonance imaging is also useful if available.
Copious retrograde nasal flush is performed using a Foley catheter placed in the
nasopharynx. All discharged material is carefully examined for foreign matter.
Rhinoscopy is used to inspect for foreign material and neoplastic or fungal lesions,
and to gather cytology and histology samples.
Nasal biopsy is performed by curette, endoscopic biopsy instrument, or taking a core
biopsy blindly with the plastic sleeve of an iJv catheter or large urinary catheter.
iii. Lavage and surgical drainage into the nasal cavity or sinus obliteration. The sinus is
trephined with an intramedullary pin and a small diameter tube is placed percu-
taneously into the hole, through the sinus, and out to the nasal cavity to establish
drainage. If the sinonasal aperture is blocked or narrowed, the sinus is opened and the
aperture widened.
Obliteration is indicated if drainage cannot be established or sinus disease recurs.
The frontal sinuses and caudal nasal cavity are exposed. The mucosal lining is debrided
away (preferably with a power burr), the sinus is packed with fat graft and the wound
is closed over a drain.

106-108: Questions


106 A four-year-old, castrated male Siamese cat was presented for a third episode of
urethral obstruction. A Wilson and Harrison perineal urethrostomy was performed
i. Assuming the cat is clinically stable, what radiographic procedure may be indicated
before surgery is performed?
ii. Describe two methods of transecting the ischiocavernosus muscle (ICM) (arrow in
106) to avoid excessive intraoperative hemorrhage.
iii. What are potential postoperative complications and their predisposing factors?
iv. What are suitable suture materials for urethral suturing?

107 An eight-year-old, spayed female Poodle is treated for necrotizing pancreatitis by

partial pancreatectomy.
i. What, if any, special considerations are made for postoperative nutritional support?
ii. Whether you decide this animal needs special nutritional support or not, what type
of diet will you choose to feed after surgery, and when will you begin feeding?

108 i. What are two important variables for autoclave sterilization, and what are the
minimum values for effectiveness?
ii. Why is steam added to the system?
iii. List two methods of monitoring sterilization, and advantages and disadvantages
of each.

106-108: Answers

106 i. A positive contrast urethrogram is used to rule out another site of urinary
obstruction if one is suspected clinically.
ii. Elevation of the rCM from its origin on the ischium; ligation of each rCM and
transection near its insertion on the ischium.
iii. Rough dissection predisposes to urinary incontinence if branches of the pudendal
nerve are damaged. Failure to incise the penile urethra to the level of the bulbourethral
glands, incomplete release of tension on the urethra from inadequate transection of the
rCMs (arrow in 106) or ventral ligament of the penis, self-mutilation to the urethra
postoperatively and use of an indwelling catheter predispose to urethral stricture.
Excess hemorrhage occurs if the rCM is transected in the muscle belly, if there is
inadequate ligation of the corpus cavernosum penis after penile amputation, and if the
urethra is not incised on the dorsal midline.
iv. Small gauge (4-0), synthetic, monofilament non-absorbable sutures on a swaged on
taper-cut needle are preferred. Absorbable sutures are not recommended because
absorption of these sutures when exposed to air causes an inflammatory reaction and
possible granuloma formation.

107 i. Anorexia and vomiting are likely postoperative sequelae to this case. Because of
disease severity and the magnitude of the surgery, energy requirements for this animal
will be high. Nutritional support after surgery is needed to maintain an anabolic state.
Because vomiting is likely to occur and the gut aboral to the pancreas is functional,
placement of a jejunostomy feeding tube is indicated. Adequate nutrient intake cannot
likely be maintained with oral, esophageal or gastric feedings.
ii. Diet type is chosen based on: special nutritional needs of animal, route of feeding,
and convenience factors (i.e. cost, availability, palatability, etc). This animal has
moderate to marked metabolic stress and is subject to glucose intolerance. Calories
should be mostly derived from protein and fat. Because of poor pancreatic function fat
sources should be less in quantity and highly digestible. Postoperative gastrointestinal
ileus predisposes to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth; fructooligosaccharide supple-
ment will help reduce pathogen overgrowth. Because a jejunostomy tube is chosen for
feeding, a liquid isosmotic diet is selected. Maldigestion is probably present to a degree,
so a monomeric diet is a better selecrion than polymeric diet.

108 i. Time and temperature. Higher temperatures require less time for sterilization.
Recommended settings are 120°C for 13 minutes. Five to ten minutes are sufficient to
destroy most microbes and 3-8 minutes are recommended as a safety margin. Unwrap-
ped instruments may be autoclaved at 131°C for three minutes.
ii. Steam is more effective than dry heat for sterilizing materials. Steam must directly
contact surfaces of microbes. Heat is transferred to the organism and water condenses,
resulting in protein denaturation and microbe destruction. Dry heat destroys microbes
by oxidation and requires more time and higher temperatures.
iii. Chemical indicators (autoclave tape or indicator strips) undergo color change at a
specific temperature. They are easily used and are inexpensive, but they provide no
indication of time at a given temperature. Chemical indicators are best used as a sign
that a pack has completed an autoclave cycle, not that it is sterile. Biologic indicators
use the temperature resistant spore of Bacillus stearothermophilus. After autoclaving,
the indicator is cultured and assessed for signs of growth. This is most accurate and
reliable, but is more time consuming and expensive.

109,,1 II: Questions


109 The hemimandible from a ten-year-old dog that presented with a mass in the
oral cavity and a foul odor in the mouth is shown (109).
i. List the three most common malignant canine oral tumors.
ii. Which of these tumors carries the most favorable long-term prognosis for survival
and which has the worst?
iii. This particular tumor was histologically diagnosed as a fibrosarcoma. What is the

110 This dog (110) was pre- 110

sented for persistent licking of
the penis and redness of the tip
of the penis.
i. Name the condition pictured.
ii. Which breeds are most com-
monly affected?
iii. How does the condition
iv. How would you treat the

111 A large wound was created by resection of a soft tissue sarcoma. Primary closure
will result in tension on the wound margins. List three suture patterns that alleviate
tension and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

109-1 1 I: Answers

109 i. Malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and fibrosarcoma (in order of
prevalence). In the cat, squamous cell carcinoma and fibrosarcoma are the most
ii. Squamous cell carcinoma has the best long-term prognosis in dogs. Local invasive-
ness of this tumor is limited and the incidence of distant metastasis is low. Malignant
melanoma has the poorest long-term prognosis. Although local control can be effec-
tively achieved in approximately 90% of cases, the incidence of metastasis to the lungs
and regional lymph nodes is 80-90%. Median survival time is 7-8 months (25% alive
at one year) from the time of diagnosis.
iii. Fibrosarcoma has a highly invasive growth pattern and a low propensity for distant
metastasis (approximately 20%). Complete resection can be difficult, especially when
the tumor is on the lingual side of the mandible or crosses midline on the maxilla. With
aggressive resection local control is achieved in approximately 55% of cases. Median
survival time is 7-8 months (40% alive at 1 year). Neoadjuvant radiation can be used
to shrink tumors before surgery, and adjuvant radiation used to treat incomplete resec-
tion margins. Oral fibrosarcomas generally have limited response to chemotherapy.
The best way to improve treatment success is to diagnose this tumor-type early and
treat it aggressively.

110 i. Urethral prolapse.

ii. The condition occurs almost exclusively in the English Bulldog.
iii. Urethral prolapse can occur following irritation from genitourinary tract infection
or excessive sexual stimulation.
iv. Treatment is directed toward elimination of underlying infection and surgical man-
agement of the prolapse. Initial therapy involves reduction of the prolapse using a lubri-
cated catheter, and placement of a purse-string suture. The suture is tied tightly enough
to prevent recurrence but not tight enough to result in obstruction. The suture is
removed in five days. If prolapse recurs, or if there is necrosis and drying of the mucosa
initially, amputation of the affected mucosa is indicated. Excision is performed by
incising the penile and urethral mucosa for half the circumference of the penis. The ure-
thral mucosa is sutured to the penile mucosa with simple interrupted sutures of fine
(e.g. 4-0) absorbable material. Once half of the prolapse is incised and sutured, the
remaining urethra is excised and sutured in a similar manner. Incising half of the cir-
cumference initially prevents retraction of the urethral mucosa and eliminates the need
for stay sutures.

111 Horizontal mattress sutures placed at a distance back from the wound and over a
stent will relieve tension on the primary suture line. The disadvantages of this suture are
that it may cut through tissue (this is less likely with a stent) and it reduces circulation
at the wound edge.
Vertical mattress sutures placed at a distance back from the wound margins will also
relieve tension on the suture line. Vertical mattress sutures allow increased circulation
to the wound edge as compared to horizontal mattress sutures, and they should be
placed over a stent to prevent tissue tearing.
Far-near, near-far sutures approximate the wound margin and relieve tension with
less compromise to circulation than horizontal mattress sutures and less tendency to
tear tissue than either mattress pattern.

1 12, 1 13: Questions

.12a 112b

112 A IS-year-old, spayed female Cocker Spaniel underwent abdominal ultrasonography

(112a) to evaluate a mass that was detected on abdominal radiographs located in the area
of the left kidney and adrenal gland. Ultrasonography revealed a large adrenal mass
cranial to the left kidney closely associated with the aorta. A necropsy specimen of an
adrenal mass (open arrows) invading the caudal vena cava (thrombus delineated by white
arrows) in another patient is illustrated (112b). Both patients had exhibited signs of rest-
lessness and weight loss, and were diagnosed with hypertension.
i. What is the most likely kind of adrenal tumor in both these patients?
ii. Aggregates of extra-adrenal chromaffin cells usually are located near sympathetic gan-
glia. When tumors of chromaffin cells occur in these extra-adrenal sites, what are they
also known as?
iii. Signs associated with adrenal medullary tumors are vague in animals and often go un-
noticed, explaining why many of these tumors are diagnosed on postmortem exam-
ination. Clinical signs are due to the tumors' ability to produce and secrete excess cate-
cholamines. These signs can be persistent but are usually paroxysmal, complicating diag-
nosis. Other symptoms reported are related to the invasive nature of some of these
tumors. What clinical signs or related conditions are associated with this tumor?
iv. What pharmacological agents can be used to lessen the effects of excess catecho-
lamine release in patients with pheochromocytomas in order to prepare them for sur-
gery or for medical management of the symptoms?

113 An owner calls to tell you that three days after you performed ovariohysterec-
tomy on her six-month-old Dalmatian, the incision split open and intestines were
dragged through the grass . The owner sensibly grabbed the dog and wrapped the
intestines and abdomen in a clean towel. She is calling on her car phone to tell you
that she is coming to your clinic.
i. What is your initial treatment of this dog?
ii. What factors other than too much exercise might lead to dehiscence?
iii. How will you close the abdominal wound this time?
iv. Are antibiotics indicated, and if so, what will you administer?

112 i. Pheochromocytoma.
ii. Paragangliomas or extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas.
iii. Episodic release of excessive amounts of catecholamirtes can induce hypertension,
congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, restlessness, weakness, polyuria, poly-
dipsia and muscle tremors. Invasion into the adjacent vena cava can result in venous
obstruction posterior to the tumor leading to abdominal distension, ascites and hind-
limb edema.
iv. Pharmacologic agents used for treatment of excess catecholamine secretions are
alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking agents. Phenoxybenzamine, a long-acting alpha-
adrenergic blocker, is the preferred drug because it is given orally and is effective.
Prazosin, a selective alpha-l antagonist, is not a good choice due to its short duration
of action. Phentolamine, another alpha-adrenergic antagonist, can be given i/v and is
useful in the perioperative period to control hypertension. Propranolol, a beta-blocking
agent, is useful in emergency control of tachycardia. However, to avoid a severe
hypotensive episode due to unopposed alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction of peripheral
vessels, the use of a beta-blocker must be preceded by an alpha-blocker.

113 i. Prepare the following supplies: sterile drapes, surgical gloves, warm crystalloid
lavage solution, a sterile bowl, sterilized surgical supplies and an i/v catheter. The dog is
anesthetized and the towel is unwrapped. Wearing sterile gloves, the intestines are
placed on a sterile drape, copiously lavaged to remove gross contamination, replaced in
the abdomen, and the abdominal wall rapidly closed with a continuous suture. The
skin is aseptically prepared and the dog taken to surgery for thorough cleaning of the
intestines and wound repair.
ii. Since dehiscence happened after only three days, wound healing abnormalities are un-
likely in this case. Potential surgical technique errors include: too small a suture size, too
much space between interrupted sutures, using chromic gut in a continuous pattern in
the abdominal wall, placing fewer than 5-7 throws at the ends of a continuous suture
line, handling the suture with needle holders, and incorrectly placed sutures in the linea
alba. Removal of sutures by the animal might also have contributed to dehiscence.
iii. Abdominal wall layers are difficult to recognize even three days after surgery. Sub-
cutaneous tissues are adhered to the external rectus fascia and must be dissected free.
Rather than trying to recognize the linea alba or external rectus fascia, it is easier to
place wide sutures that incorporate the entire abdominal wall. Since the field is
potentially contaminated, monofilament suture, either absorbable or non-absorbable, is
recommended. For a 20-25 kg dog, at least size 2-0 suture material is used. Simple
interrupted sutures, placed 1 cm apart, reduce the chance of suture breakage should the
dog continue to be overly active. The subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed routinely,
and an Elizabethan collar is used.
iv. A broad-spectrum antibiotic such as cephalexin (20 mg/kg plo tid) is indicated due
to the risk of peritonitis developing.

114, 115: Questions


114 In the dog in 91, the ureter can be visualized extramurally as it courses along the
lateral side of the bladder (114).
i. List the different treatment options for this case, and for other morphologic types of
ureteral ectopia.
ii. As far as continence is concerned, what prognosis is expected after treatment of ec-
topic ureter? What are the causes and treatment options for postoperative inconti-
iii. What are the major complications of ureteral ectopia surgery and how are they

115 The tail and perineum of 115

a two-year-old, female English
Bulldog is shown (115). The
owners report a one year his-
tory of odor and moist dis-
charge from the area. Previous
evaluation by another veterin-
arian diagnosed anal sacculi-
tis. The dog was treated with
cephalexin and topical anti-
biotic ointments, and the ow-
ners reported a good response
initially. More recently, medi-
cal management has had limit-
ed success.
i. What are several differential diagnoses?
ii. Physical examination reveals deep furrows in the skin around the tail filled with a
purulent discharge. A pelvic radiograph of the dog shows deformity of the coccygeal
vertebrae. What is the definitive diagnosis?
iii. What are the medical options for treatment of this problem, and what are the
iv. What are the surgical options for this problem?

i i 4, I I 5: Answers

114 i. If severe unilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis are present, ureteronephrec-

tomy is considered.
Ureteroneocystostomy is used for extramural ectopic ureter. The ureter is
reimplanted into the trigone after its distal extremity has been severed. Microsurgical
technique is often necessary for the cat because of the small ureteral lumen.
To treat intramural ectopic ureter, ventral cystotomy is performed. A normal
ureteral opening is seen on one side of the trigone and a submucosal ridge caused by
the ureter coursing under the mucosal surface is seen on the other. The bladder mucosa
and ureteral wall are incised longitudinally. The mucosal edges of the bladder and
ureter are apposed using 4-0 to 7-0 absorbable material (monofilament is preferred).
The distal portion of the ureter is occluded by passing sutures around it from the
serosal surface of the bladder wall.
Surgical correction of ureteral trough is by excision of a strip mucosa from each side
of the trough and then closure with a simple continuous pattern of 4-0 absorbable
ii. Surgical treatment of intramural ectopic ureters has a better prognosis than
extramural ureters. Studies report that about 50% of animals remain incontinent after
surgery. Urethral incompetence, reduced bladder capacity and failure to ligate the distal
ureter adequately are possible causes. Urethral pressure profile and cystometrogram are
recommended prior to surgery, especially in Siberian Huskies. Phenylpropanolamine
therapy (alpha agonist) can eliminate or significantly reduce sphincter incompetence in
about 50% of cases.
iii. Stomal stenosis can occur causing hydroureter and hydronephrosis. Good surgical
technique using magnification and small size sutures helps prevent this complication. If
transplantation is done close to the bladder neck, an indwelling catheter can be used as
a stent for 4-6 days until inflammation and edema has subsided. Concurrent urinary
tract infection is common and should be treated adequately based on culture and

115 i. Anal sacculitis, perianal fistulae, tail fold pyoderma, vulvar fold pyoderma.
ii. Tail fold pyoderma secondary to deformity of the coccygeal vertebrae. This abnor-
mality is known colloquially as a 'corkscrew tail'.
iii. Tail fold pyoderma can be treated medically like any other pyoderma: broad-
spectrum systemic antibiotics (first generation cephalosporin, amoxicillin-clavulanic
acid or trimethoprim-sulfa) and topical wound care by clipping the hair, cleansing the
skin folds with an antibacterial shampoo and application of a topical antibiotic
ointment and drying solution. The difficulty is this therapy does not treat the primary
problem, and rapid recurrence of signs is common after discontinuing medications.
Medical management is useful before surgery to reduce infection and the often copious
inflammatory discharge.
iv. Surgical treatment for tail fold pyoderma includes resection of the skin folds, with or
without tail amputation. Most surgeons perform concurrent tail amputation because
without it the problem often fails to resolve. An elliptical incision is made around the
affected area and the tail folds are resected en-bloc with the coccygeal vertebrae. Drains
are placed as needed to vent dead space that can not be closed by suturing.

116 This is an oral view of a 116
ten-year-old Labrador Re-
triever with a smooth well de-
lineated mass on the premax-
illa (116) . The owners first
noted the mass approximately
six months earlier and they
report it has grown in size
about 50% since then.
i. What are the differential
diagnoses for this lesion?
ii. What diagnostic tests
would you perform?
iii. What treatment do you

117 A 10-year-old, male German Shepherd Dog is presented for acute collapse. The
owner reports mild weight loss, and increased lethargy over last month. Abnor-
malities noted on physical examination are pale mucous membranes and weak
pulses. The abdomen seems distended and tender on palpation.
i. What diagnosis do you suspect?
ii. What further diagnostic tests are indicated?
iii. Surgery is performed and the diagnosis is splenic hemangiosarcoma. What is the

118a 118b
118 This 12-year-old, spayed
female Poodle (118a) presented
with a histor y of weakness ,
lethargy and exercise intoler-
ance of two years duration.
The owner's current concern is
the abdominal distension. You
notice the engorged state of the
epigastric veins (118b) and
recommend abdominal ultra-
sound. The sonogram demon-
strates a right adrenal tumor
which appears to be invading
the caudal vena cava.
i. What is the most likely diag-
ii. What clinical findings would support this diagnosis?
iii. What laboratory test would confirm the diagnosis?
iv. Explain the ascites and venous congestion.

1 16-1 18: Answers

116 i. Epulis, tumor of dental origin, fibrosarcoma and osteosarcoma. These tumors
tend to have a smooth mucosal surface and are often well delineated. Rostral position
and a slow growth history are most typical of an epulis. Epulides are classified as
acanthomatous, ossifying and fibromatous epulis. All are benign but tend to be locally
ii. Intraoral radiographs are used to determine bone margins needed for resection. If a
diagnosis of malignancy would alter the owner's desire to treat the animal, an
incisional biopsy is performed. If malignancy is diagnosed, the tumor is staged
according to the TNM system.
iii. Rostral maxillectomy is the treatment of choice for this lesion regardless of histologic
diagnosis, because local tumor control can very likely be provided with little surgical
morbidity. The diagnosis was acanthomatous epulis (the most invasive form of epulis),.
and requires wide resection for complete removal. Tumors of dental origin and epulides
have an excellent prognosis (100% local control) following complete resection. Epulides
can also be successfully treated by radiotherapy; however, there is a small chance -for
delayed secondary malignancy at the irradiated site. Be aware that histologically,
acanthoma to us epulis can be confused with squamous cell carcinoma and vice versa. If
there is doubt about the histologic diagnosis, the pathologist should be consulted.

117 i. Hemoabdomen and secondary hypovolemia from a ruptured splenic hemangio-

sarcoma, hemangioma or hematoma.
ii. Abdominal radiographs are helpful to confirm peritoneal effusion, splenomegaly or
hepatomegaly. Thoracic radiographs are made to rule out pulmonary metastases. A
hemogram may reveal regenerative anemia if hemorrhage has been chronic, thrombo-
cytopenia, or the presence of schistocytes or other fragmented red blood cells. The most
helpful diagnostic test is four-quadrant abdominocentesis; recovery of fresh blood is an
indication for surgery.
iii. The long-term prognosis for ruptured splenic hemangiosarcoma is considered poor;
median survival after splenectomy is less than three months. Surgery followed by
adjuvant chemotherapy provides a median survival of 3-6 months. The combination of
vincristine, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (VAC) appears to be the most effective.
In a recent study, median survival time was approximately 190 days using the VAC
protocol after surgical cytoreduction.

118 i. Pheochromocytoma is most likely but adrenal adenocarcinoma cannot be ruled

out without further investigation.
ii. Clinical laboratory data are often normal, although hypercholesterolemia is common.
Most dogs with pheochromocytoma are hypertensive (blood pressure elevations
164-325 mmHg systolic, and 110-198 mmHg diastolic), and other causes in dogs are
few. Pheochromocytoma should be suspected in animals with hypertension, anxiety and
iii. Dogs with pheochromocytoma may have high levels of circulating catecholamines.
Because of difficulties evaluating blood catecholamine concentrations, urine catechola-
mines and their metabolites are measured for definitive diagnosis. Urine is collected for
24 hours and 15 ml of 6N hydrochloric acid added. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, meta-
nephrine, normetanephrine and vanillylmandelic acid concentrations are determined.
iv. Ascites and congestion of the caudal superficial epigastric veins are most likely from a
tumor thrombus occluding the caudal vena cava (see 112b).

21: Questions

119 With regard to the female Poodle in 118, describe how you would remove the


120 A five-year-old, domestic shorthair cat was presented with signs of obstipation,
anorexia, vomiting and weight loss. A lateral abdominal radiograph of this patient is
shown (120).
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. Describe the medical and surgical therapy.
iii. What is the quality of enteric function of cats after surgical treatment for this

121 Name this instrument (121) and 121

describe its use.

119-1 2 1: A nswers

l19a 119b

119 If the tumor thrombus within the vena cava is small, a Satinsky clamp is used to
isolate the area for venotomy. In this case, the tumor thrombus was large and flow
through the vena cava was occluded using Penrose drains (119a, b) or Rumel tourni-
quets placed around the vena cava cranial and caudal to the tumor. With these tourni-
quets compressed, flow through the cava is suspended allowing venotomy and tumor
removal. In order to re-establish flow through the vena cava quickly, a Satinsky clamp
is applied across the venotomy after tumor removal. The tourniquets are then released
and circulation re-established. With the Satinsky in place, the venotomy is closed

120 i. Acquired (idiopathic) megacolon.

ii. Medical therapy provides only temporary relief, but should be utilized first and
until it is no longer effective. Acute episodes of constipation are treated with laxatives
and enemas. Chronic treatment is provided by use of stool softeners, increasing
dietary fiber content and treatment with motility modifiers (bisacodyl, cisapride). Sur-
gical treatment is by subtotal colectomy. The ileocecocolic valve can be spared
(colorectal anastomosis) reducing bacterial reflux into the small bowel, or it can be ex-
cised (ileorectal anastomosis) reducing the likelihood of redistension of the colonic
iii. In one study no subclinical or clinical evidence of abnormal bowel function was
found in normal cats after subtotal colectomy. Bowel movements occurred only
slightly more frequently compared with normal cats, and the only significant dif-
ference between the two groups was a higher serum cobalamine concentration in the
cats in which colectomy was performed.

121 Finochietto rib spreader. It is used during intercostal thoracotomy to spread the
ribs. The blades are placed between the ribs and the lever is turned; since there is no
quick release mechanism to remove the rib spreader, the lever must be turned counter-
clockwise until the anTIS come together. Finochietto rib spreaders are available in
various sizes including a child size with 38 x 45 mm blades and a 152 mm spread, and
standard sizes with 48 x 65 mm blades and 203 mm, 254 mm and 305 mm spreads. A
Finochietto Debakey infant rib spreader is also available with a blade size of 19 x
21 mm and an 85 mm spread.

:W' I,22-124: Questions

122 i. What three variables affect sterilization by ethylene oxide?

ii. A red rubber polypropylene and Teflon catheter have just been sterilized with
ethylene oxide gas. How long should each item be aerated prior to contacting tissue,
and why is aeration necessary?
iii. How can ethylene oxide sterilization be monitored? List two methods and the
advantages and disadvantages for each.

123 The proximomedial aspect of the 123

hindlimb of a dog, three weeks after an
abrasive, degloving injury, is shown
i. What type of wound healing is occur-
ii. What are the characteristics of this
healing pattern?
iii. How could this wo und be treated to
enhance wound healing time?

124 You are planning to remove a 1.5 em diameter basal cell tumor located in the
flank region of a six-year-old, male Labrador Retriever. The dog will go home with
the owner two hours after surgery.
i. What pain control method will you use?
ii. What pain medication will you advise the owner to give the dog, if needed, once the
dog is home?

122-124: Answers

122 i. Concentration, temperature and humidity. Doubling ethylene oxide concen-

tration decreases sterilization time by approximately one-half. Activity of ethylene
oxide doubles for every lOoC increase in temperature. Twelve hours should be allowed
for room temperature sterilization (25°C) by ethylene oxide, and four hours at a tem-
perature of 55°C. Minimum relative humidity of 33% is essential for ethylene oxide to
enter cells, where it causes alkylation of proteins and blocks metabolic reactions.
Mechanical aeration Natural aeration
Red rubber catheter 18 hours 55 hours
Polypropylene tubing 12 hours 48 hours
Teflon catheter 48 hours 168 hours

Aeration is needed because ethylene oxide becomes trapped in rubber and certain
plastics and is toxic to mammalian cells. Time is allowed after sterilization for the
molecule to diffuse from exposed materials.
iii. Chemical indicators show a color change after exposure to a minimum concen-
tration of ethylene oxide. They do not indicate gas exposure for the required steriliza-
tion time, and are best used as a sign of exposure to ethylene oxide, and not a marker
of sterilization.
Biologic indicators use spores of Bacillus subtilis var globigii because this organism is
resistant .t oethylene oxide. This is the most reliable and accurate indicator, but is
expensive and cultures take up to seven days.

123 i. Second intention wound healing. The large, purulent cutaneous defect is allowed
to close by granulation, wound contraction and epithelialization without surgical
apposition by sutures or staples.
ii. This type of healing is characterized by granulation tissue formation, myofibroblastic
contraction producing centripetal movement of the skin, and peripheral re-epithelializa-
tion to achieve complete wound coverage. These processes begin after the inflammatory
phase, approximately three to five days after wounding.
Drainage is optimal with this type of wound healing, making infections rare. While
the time and expense of surgery are avoided, wound management is prolonged by
slower healing time. Disfigurement or loss of function from excessive wound contrac-
ture should be considered in the decision to manage a wound by second intention
iii. Debridement and lavage of exposed tissues, and surgical closure of the wound (third
intention wound healing) by skin graft, skin flap or primary apposition, would shorten
healing time. A wound drain is placed if there is concern for continued infection or
excess fluid production.

124 i. Regional infiltration of the surgery site with bupivacaine (2-3 mg/kg) before the
surgical incision is made will prevent sensitization of the spinal neurons, thus reducing
postoperative pain. Additional pain control could be achieved by using oxymorphone
(0.05 mg/kg i/v) as a premedicant.
ii. Buffered aspirin (10 mg/kg plo q 12 hours) can be administered by the owner at

125 The dog shown (125) has 125
severed his superficial and
deep digital flexor tendons
jumping through a plate glass
i. What type of suture ma-
terials are best suited for repair
of the tendon?
ii. Name three suture patterns
that are well suited to this
repair and the advantages and
'disadvantages of each.
iii. What postoperative treat-
ment will this dog receive?

126 This is an oral view of an 126

eight-month-old dog with
multiple, proliferative lesions
of the labial mucosa (126). The
patient was asymptomatic.
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What treatment would you

127 Cyanoacrylates are used successfully as a tissue adhesive . Isobutyl-2-cyano-

acrylate has been used as a tissue adhesive for closure after feline declaw. Name three
desirable properties of this adhesive and one disadvantage. What are some potential
complications related to the use of tissue adhesives for feline declaws?

125-127: Answers

125 i. Monofilament non-absorbable suture. Monofilament suture is preferred because

of decreased tissue drag and less destruction of the tendon's intrinsic blood supply. Non-
absorbable suture is used because tendon healing is often prolonged (>5 weeks).
Polypropylene or nylon are preferred for their minimal tissue reaction; stainless steel is
susceptible to cyclic loading and failure, or cutting through tissues.
ii. The Bunnel-Meyer suture pattern has excellent strength and resists suture pull out,
but it decreases intrinsic blood supply to the tendon resulting in prolonged wound
healing. The Modified Kessler suture (locking loop suture) has equal strength to the
Bunnel-Meyer without disruption of the intrinsic blood supply, and decreases tendon
gap formation at the anastomotic site. The three-loop pulley suture pattern has greater
strength than the locking loop suture and effectively prevented gap formation in one
study. The disadvantage of this suture is that a large amount of suture material is
exposed and may contribute to adhesion formation.
iii. In humans, early passive motion enhances tendon healing. In animals, we cannot
limit activity to passive motion. The anastomosis is protected by external coaptation
(Robert Jones bandage or cast) for three to four weeks, after which limited weight
bearing is begun. By five weeks, the tendon has approximately 56% of its initial
strength. This is well above the 25-33% strength needed for walking activity, but is not
sufficient for activities such as running or jumping.

126 i. Oral papillomatosis.

ii. These lesions resolve spontaneously and no specific treatment is necessary. However,
confirmation of the disease is appropriate and may help assure particularly concerned
clients. A small dissection scissor may be used to 'snip' off one of the lesions, which is
submitted for histopathologic assessment.

127 Desirable properties of tissue adhesives include a long shelf life; can be stored at
room temperature; good handling properties such as the ability to be spread easily to a
thin film; rapid polymerization in the presence of moisture; no pressure required to
achieve a short cure time; and the ability to produce a flexible yet strong bond. Most ad-
hesives are non-toxic and non-antigenic, and they can be sterilized in ethylene oxide.
The major disadvantage is slow biodegradation. In experimental studies, moderate
amounts of adhesive could be detected in the dermis for several months after appli-
Potential complications of tissue adhesives include wound infection, fistulation, dehis-
cence, tissue toxicity, granuloma formation and delayed healing. These complications
are more likely to occur if the tissue is ischemic, contaminated, infected or otherwise
compromised. If tissue is compromised to the point that it will not heal with sutures, it
will not heal with tissue adhesives. Discomfort to the pet may result from the presence of
foreign material in a wound located on weight-bearing surfaces such as feline declaw
wounds. Lameness had been reported after adhesive use for feline declaw.

128-130: Questio~s

128 A four-year-old, cryptorchid male dog is presented with a history of vomiting,

lethargy and pain in the lumbosacral region. On abdominal palpation, a firm, painful
caudal abdominal mass was identified. There was no evidence of pain elsewhere and
the remainder of the examination, including rectal examination, was normal. Abdomi-
nal radiographs revealed a soft tissue mass in the caudal abdomen. Sonography
showed a hypoechoic mass was present cranial to the bladder. The kidneys and
prostate were normal.
i. What are the differential diagnoses for this dog?
ii. What additional diagnostic tests are indicated?
iii. What is the most probable diagnosis?
iv. What is the treatment for this condition, and what is the prognosis?

129 The postoperative view of 129

a surgical procedure performed
on the ear of a dog is shown
i. Name the surgical procedure.
ii. Describe the procedure. Be
sure to include anatomic land-
marks that are used when per-
forming this surgery to ensure
that it is done correctly.
iii. List indications for this sur-
gery (be specific).

130 A 12-month-old, male 130

Pood le was presented for re-
current E. coli urinary tract
i. What differential diagnoses
are considered, and what diag-
nostic plan wo uld you pro-
As part of the evaluation an
excretory urogram was per-
formed (130).
ii. What is the radiographic
iii. Describe the surgical and/or
medical management of the
abnormality seen (130).

128-130: Answers

128 i. Differential diagnoses include testicular neoplasia, testicular torsion, gastro-

intestinal neoplasia and infected periprostatic cyst.
ii. Hemogram and serum chemistry profile to evaluate for signs of concurrent systemic
disease (e.g. anemia, uremia, hypoproteinemia). Urinalysis is indicated to identify
urinary tract infection and neoplasia and to assess urine concentrating ability. Radio-
graphs can be used to identify organ of origin, but ultrasound is most useful to identify
the mass and differentiate parenchymal consistency.
iii. Testicular torsion is most likely in this case because of the presence of pain, crypt-
orchidism, and the animal's young age. Radiograph and sonogram results also support
this diagnosis.
iv. Treatment is exploratory laporatomy and orchidectomy. Testicular torsion occurs
primarily in young to middle-aged cryptorchid male dogs and neoplasia is frequently
associated with torsion (6/13 dogs in one report). The prognosis is good for full re-
covery in the absence of testicular neoplasia with metastasis or anemia (secondary bone
marrow suppression warrants a guarded prognosis).

129 i. Lateral ear canal resection (modified Zepp procedure).

ii. Important landmarks include the tragohelicine incisure (rostral to the tragus) and the
intertragic incisure (caudal to the tragus). Incisions are made parallel to one another
originating from each of the incisures, continued ventrally for 1.5 times the length of
the vertical ear canal, and the skin reflected dorsally. The incisions are carried through
the subcutaneous tissue, and the parotid salivary gland is identified and reflected ven-
trally if necessary. The blade of the scissors is placed into the vertical ear canal and two
parallel cuts (again originating from the incisures) are made through the cartilage
extending to the horizontal ear canal. The lateral wall of the vertical canal is reflected
ventrally and approximately 1-2 cm is left attached to the base to form a drain board
(the remainder is excised). The drainboard is sutured to the adjacent skin in a simple
interrupted pattern making sure to penetrate the cartilage.
iii. Indications include removal of inflammatory polyps in the external ear canal, mild
chronic otitis externa limitedly responsive to medical therapy or where owners have
difficulty medicating the ear, and for thickening of the external ear canal that does not
involve or obstruct the horizontal ear canal. Contra indications are chronic otitis
externa where the horizontal ear canal is obstructed or calcified, or as the sole treat-
ment for tumors/polyps of the middle ear.

130 i. Differential diagnoses include urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, urachal

diverticulum and neoplasia. Diagnostic tests of value include urinalysis, excretory
urogram, cystogram and ultrasound evaluation of the urinary tract.
ii. Radiographs show a small diverticulum filled with contrast at the apex of the
bladder. Congenital vesicourachal diverticulum is a remnant of the embryonic conduit
between the bladder and the allantoic sac. The conduit normally closes completely in
the newborn. If it remains patent, it is called a persistent urachus and urine is seen
dripping from the umbilicus. If it closes partially, a urachal diverticulum is formed as
shown (130). The diverticulum acts as a blind pouch which harbors bacteria in a
sanctuary site isolated from exposure to antibiotics.
iii. Surgical treatment consists of excision of the urachal tube including the bladder
apex and umbilicus. Urine culture and sensitivity are performed at the time of surgery,
and infection is treated with an appropriate antibiotic.

131-134: Questions

131 If the patient in 130 was a cat, how would the treatment be different?

132 A German Shepherd Dog 132

is presented with rectal pro-
lapse (132).
i. Name the predisposing fac-
tors or diseases.
ii. What are the treatment

133 A nine-year-old Minia- 133

ture Schnauzer was presented
with a four month history of
dysuria and hematuria unre-
sponsive to antibiotics. As part
of the initial evaluation, survey
abdominal radiographs were
taken (133).
i. Describe how these calculi
would be surgically removed.
ii. What postoperative proce-
dure is recommended to ensure
successful removal of all the
iii . Describe the short-term
management of this dog.

134 i. Calculate the ongoing calorie requirements for a 15 kg dog suffering from
extensive third degree burns.
ii. What are the protein requirements for this animal, and how would they be changed
if the dog had concurrent protein losing glomerulopathy or hepatic insufficiency?

~ J i=134: Answers

131 In cats, diverticula are frequently detected only after urethral obstruction. Diver-
ticula often regress after resolution of the urinary obstruction, so surgery is not always
necessary. Cats are re-evaluated radiographically and by urinalysis four weeks after re-
lief of obstruction to determine if the diverticulum is persistent and surgery is necessary.

132 i. Predisposing factors or diseases include cystitis, dystocia, prostatomegaly, peri-

neal hernia, colitis, rectal foreign bodies, proctitis, rectal or anal tumors, urolithiasis,
parasites and postoperative tenesmus.
ii. If the rectal tissue is viable, the prolapse is cleaned and reduced, and a purse-string
retention suture of non-absorbable material is left in place for 3-5 days. Alternatively,
colopexy can be performed via routine caudal midline laparotomy. Colopexy is best
used for recurrent prolapse after removal of an anal purse-string suture, or for chronic
intermittent recurrence. Rectal amputation and anastomosis is used when the viability
of the rectal tissue is questionable.

133 i. The bladder is isolated from the abdomen with laparotomy pads. Retention
sutures are placed at the apex of the bladder and at each side of the cystotomy incision.
Calculi are removed, and the bladder and urethra are flushed with saline to dislodge
any remaining calculi. Ventral cystotomy affords better visualization of the trigone and
ureteral openings, and easier access to the urethra than does a dorsal cystotomy. There
is no greater risk of leakage or adhesion compared to a dorsal cystotomy. The cysto-
tomy is closed in one layer with 3-0 or 4-0 synthetic absorbable suture. Suture material
should not penetrate into the lumen of the bladder.
ii. Immediate postoperative radiographs are done to detect any calculi remaining in the
urinary tract. In studies, up to 15% of dogs and 20% of cats had calculi remaining in
the urinary tract after surgery.
iii. Immediate postoperative management requires the bladder be kept empty for several
days; the patient must be allowed to urinate frequently, be catheterized or have a closed
indwelling urinary collection system placed. Urine is submitted for culture and sensi-
tivity, and the calculi submitted for mineral analysis. Prophylactic antibiotics are con-
tinued until urine culture results are returned.

134 i. The resting energy requirement is calculated by using the equation: body weight
(kg)O.75 x 70 = kcalJday, i.e. in this case: 15°·75 x 70 = 534 kcallday. This is multiplied
by a disease factor of 1.28 for burn injury; so for this case 684 kcallday are required. If
the intended diet contains 1.2 kcalJg, then 684 kcals -;- 1.2 kcalJg, i.e. 570 g of food,
needs to be fed per day. An individual animal's requirements can vary, so clinical moni-
toring is important to refine this 'guideline-value'.
ii. The guideline for protein requirement in the dog is 4 gllOO kcal of metabolizable
energy in the chosen diet, and for the cat is 6 gllOO kcal.
For this animal, 4 g/lOO kcal x 684 kcal = 27 g of protein are required per day. This
value would be increased for animals with ongoing protein loss (6 gllOO kcal for dogs,
8 gllOO kcal for cats) such as glomerulopathy, and decreased for animals with protein
intolerance (2 gllOO kcal for dogs, 4 gllOO kcal for cats) such as hepatic insufficiency. If
a diet ration designed for animals is being used, the protein requirements are likely to
be already balanced in the diet. If a human enteral food product is being used, supple-
mentation with a protein module may be required.

135, 136: Qu~stions


135 A seven-month-old, female Yorkshire Terrier is diagnosed with a single

extrahepatic portocaval shunt. Clinical, hematologic and trans colonic nuclear
scintigraphy results support the view that the shunt is no longer open.
i. What are the three surgical options available for management of a single
extrahepatic portosystemic shunt?
ii. Which of the three techniques described was utilized in this dog (135), and what
are the advantages of using this procedure for shunt occlusion?
iii. What are several potential pitfalls with the procedure illustrated above?

136 A four-year-old, spayed female 136

domestic shorthair cat is presented with a
history of exercise intolerance and
lethargy of several months duration.
Thoracic radiographs reveal marked
pleural effusion. Thoracocentesis pro-
duced the white fluid pictured (136) .
i. What is the most likely diagnosis and
how can this be verified?
ii. What are four possible etiologies?
iii. What treatment options are available,
and what response would you expect?

135, 136: Answers

135 i. Complete shunt ligation is ideal but can result in fatal portal hypertension.
When the shunt cannot be completely occluded, partial ligation is performed while
monitoring portal blood pressure using a mono meter and evaluating the splanchnic
viscera for signs of congestion. Recently a new tool, an ameroid constrictor ring, has
become available to gradually occlude the shunting vessel.
ii. Ameroid constrictor ring. This is a circular metal band with a casein lining and a key
mechanism that allows it to be placed around the shunting vessel. The lining of the ring
slowly expands, gradually occluding the shunting vessel between 28-35 days after
placement. With gradual occlusion portal flow through the liver slowly increases
avoiding development of severe portal hypertension. The ameroid constrictor also
eliminates a second surgery to occlude completely the shunting vessel as is often done
following partial ligation.
iii. Disadvantages to using an ameroid constrictor include increased expense ($40-$60),
until familiarity is gained, the ring can be somewhat cumbersome and awkward to
place, and depending on the extent of vessel manipulation during placement venous
thrombosis may occur. The ameroid ring is in the early stages of clinical application
and long-term evaluation of its efficacy is not available.

136 i. Chylothorax or pyothorax. Chylous fluid is a white or pink, opaque fluid that
will not clear when centrifuged. The predominant cell type on cytologic analysis is the
lymphocyte. An ether clearance test can be used to verify fluid type, although a more
objective way is to compare the cholesterol and triglyceride content of pleural fluid and
serum. Chylous fluid has a higher triglyceride content than serum and a normal or low
cholesterol content. Fluid associated with pyothorax may appear similar but often has a
foul odor. Cytologically, neutrophils and bacteria are usually abundant.
ii. Etiologies for chylothorax include: trauma, cranial mediastinal mass, cardio-
myopathy, lung lobe torsion and heartworm infection. When no obvious underlying
disorder is found, the term idiopathic chylothorax is used.
iii. Treatment depends on etiology; if possible, the inciting cause is eliminated or
treated. Medical management is directed at decreasing chyle formation by feeding a fat-
free diet and draining the pleural space. Medium chain triglycerides are used as dietary
fat supplement since they are absorbed directly into the portal system and not trans-
ported in chylomicrons by the lymph system. The pleural space is drained via thora-
costomy tube and continuous suction.
Surgery is indicated in cats that do not have underlying disease and when medical
management has failed. Options include thoracic duct ligation, shunting procedures
(pleurovenous or pleuroperitoneal) such as the Denver shunt, passive pleuroperitonea 1
drainage through a diaphragmatic mesh, or pleurodesis. Medical and surgical therapy
of this disease can be frustrating. Reported success rates for cats treated with thoracic
duct ligation are variable (20-40%). Potential complications of chylothorax include
lobe torsion, pleural fibrosis and intrathoracic infections.
The best approach for treatment is a combination of dietary management to decrease
the formation of chyle, and surgical ligation of the thoracic duct combined with passive
pleuroperitoneal drainage through a diaphragmatic mesh.

137, 138: Questions

13 7 A two-year-old, female 137

Pekingese is presented for
evaluation of stertorous breath-
ing. The owners report the
dyspnea becomes worse when
the dog is excited. On oro-
pharyngeal examination, the
soft palate extended through
the rima glottidus (137).
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What is the treatment? De-
scribe the procedure in detail.
iii. What are the potential com-

138 This is a five-year-old, spayed 138

female, mixed-breed dog that presented
for reluctance to eat and the presence of a
swelling and draining sinus ventral to the
medial canthus of her eye (138).
i. What is the diagnosis and list possible
causes for this problem?
ii. List tests helpful to confirm the diag-
nosis, and what you would expect to find
for each result?
ii. Discuss two options for treatment of
this problem?

B1, 138: Answers

137 i. Elongated soft palate. The palate should not interfere with the rima glottidis.
Elongated soft palate is often one component of brachycephalic airway syndrome.
BAS consists of stenotic nares, elongated soft palate, everted laryngeal saccules and oc-
casionally hypoplastic trachea.
ii. Treatment is by staphylectomy or surgical resection of the obstructing portion of
the palate. The soft palate should slightly overlap the epiglottis but not interfere with
the rima glottidis. At surgery, stay sutures are placed in the lateral aspects of the soft
palate and it is retracted rostrally. The palate is resected using a cut-and-sew tech-
nique: excess palate is excised in one-third portions and immediately oversewn with
absorbable suture material. Enough palate is resected to prevent interference with the
larynx, but should not be resected beyond the caudal aspect of the tonsils (136). If
BAS is present, concurrent rhinoplasty, tonsillectomy and laryngeal sacculectomy is
iii. The most common postoperative complication is pharyngeal edema. This is mini-
mized by using gentle technique, avoiding electrocautery, and administering an anti-
inflammatory dose of corticosteroids (e.g. dexamethasone 0.1 mg/kg) before surgery.
Hemorrhage is best controlled by limited incision and rapid suturing of the mucosal
edges; pressure is applied if hemorrhage persists after suturing. Excessive palate
removal may cause nasal reflux by failure ,to cover the nasopharynx during swal-

138 i. Carnassial tooth abscess (malar abscess, facial fistula or sinus), although other
teeth can be involved. Common causes include slab fractures with pulpal exposure,
extension of a deep periodontal pocket, or concussive disease of the root apex.
ii. Oral examination for fistula formation; color of the tooth crown as an indication of
viability; palpation of the apex for swelling; and percussion of the root to assess the
animal's response. Percussion may confirm extension of infection into the periodontal
ligament space as accumulation of fluid in this space increases pressure and produces
pam on perCUSSlOn.
Radiographs are indicated but may not always give the diagnosis; overlying
structures can impair evaluation (foraminae and bony trabeculae can mimic endo-
dontic lesions). Common radiographic signs of tooth abscess are changes in the shape
and continuity of the lamina dura, and the width and shape of the periodontal liga-
ment, indicating periodontal and pulpal necrosis. In chronic cases an apical osteolytic
lesion may be evident. Accurate positioning is imperative, and if there is question
about apical lucency, the view is repeated and the contralateral tooth radiographed for
iii. Treatment of carnassial tooth abscess is by either root canal therapy or extraction.
Indications for root canal therapy are: exposure of the pulp cavity from tooth fracture,
attrition or caries; facial swelling; intraoral or extra oral fistula; gingival inflammation
with pocket formation in a combined periodontal/endodontic lesion; extraction is per-
formed when financial constraints are imposed. Recurrence is possible if a root tip is
left in place.
Concurrent antibiotic therapy for anaerobes and Gram-positive aerobic cocci is
instituted. Appropriate choices include tinidazole, metronidazole, clindamycin or

1,39, 140: Questions

139 This is a rectal polyp in a 139a

ten- yea r-old, male, mixed-
breed dog (139a).
i. What is the surgical therapy?
ii. What is the prognosis?
iii. What preoperative prepara-
tion may be beneficial in this

140 The perineum of a nine- 140

year-old, mal e Doberman
Pinscher is shown (140). The
do g has had a one month
duration of tenesmus and soft
stools. The owners noted the
perineal swelling approxi-
mately two weeks earlier, and
they report the dog has had no
difficulty urinating.
i. What is the diagnosis, and
what is the cause of this
ii. What are two common
surgical techniques for repair
of this problem?

139, 140: Answers

139b 139c

139 i. Small polyps are removed per rectum using electrocautery, surgical excision
(139b, c), cryosurgery or simple ligation. Larger polyps or tumors invading the mus-
cularis mucosae may require intestinal resection and anastomosis .
ii. Prognosis is excellent after complete excision, but recurrence can occur with large
lesions and new polyps can develop. Concurrent colitis or other source of chronic irri-
tation must be treated. Dogs are periodically rechecked throughout their life to assess
for and treat new polyp formation. Malignant transformation occurs in humans and
probably dogs, although it has not been proven.
iii. Preoperative preparation is by withholding food for 24 hours and administration of
enemas and laxatives. Use of enemas on the day of surgery is not advisable since it
increases the risk of contamination from spillage of liquid feces. Preoperative enteric
and systemic antibiotics may decrease bacterial contamination of the wound.

140 i. Perineal hernia. Herniation occurs when abdominal contents (fat, prostate,
bladder, etc.) rupture through to the perineum, generally between the levator ani and
external anal sphincter muscles, from straining against the weakened pelvic diaphragm.
Prostatomegaly, colitis or constipation often cause the straining, and a weakened pelvic
diaphragm occurs from atrophy (neurogenic, senile, hormonal or metabolic) of muscles
forming the barrier.
ii. The 'classic' technique is performed by apposing with prep laced chromic gut sutures
(size 0 or 1) the levator ani (coccygeus muscle is used if the levator ani muscle is
atrophied), external anal sphincter and internal obturator muscles. The difficulty with
this technique is the muscles can be severely atrop hied and the sutures are under
moderate tension after closure, particularly ventrally, predisposing the herniorrhaphy
to dehiscence and failure (up to 45 % incidence). The second technique is transposition
of the internal obturator muscle. The obturator muscle is elevated from the ischium,
transposed dorsally and sutured to the external anal sphincter and levator ani or coc-
cygeus muscles. The advantage is the obturator muscle provides a wider 'patch' for the
hernial rent, and consequently sutures are under less tension upon completion. The
reported incidence of failure is 5% for this technique. Care is taken to protect the
pudendal vessels and nerves which are closely adjacent to the transposed muscle flap.
A variation for both techniques is to place lateral sutures in the sacrotuberous ligament
rather than the levator ani or coccygeus muscles. The ligament is much stronger than
the often atrophied muscles, but greater care must be taken to avoid penetrating the
caudal gluteal vessels and sciatic nerve.

141 This is the radiographic 141a
image of an eight-year-old, fe-
male Poodle presented for evalua-
tion of a distended abdomen and
difficulty breathing (141a). On
examination, symmetrical alo-
pecia of the flanks, dorsum and
perineal region was present. Sero-
sanguinous fluid was collected on
abdominocentesis. On sono-
graphy of the mid-abdomen the
animal had hyperechoic nodular
masses caudal to both kidneys. A
mass of 4.4 cm diameter with a
cystic formation of 2.6 cm di-
ameter is shown (141b). 141b
i. Is the radiograph helpful in the
ii. From the information provided
on the sonogram, what organ is
iii. What are the most common
tumor types for this organ?

142 Masses removed from the 142

middle ear and horizontal canal
of a nine-month-old Siamese cat
are shown (142).
i. What is the correct diagnosis,
and how is this made?
ii. List four common presenting
clinical signs for this condition?
iii. Describe the procedure for re-
moval of these masses, and what
is the prognosis for this cat?

i 41 ~ i 42: Answers

141 i. No. The only abnormality seen is a large amount of peritoneal fluid obstruct-
ing the view of most of the abdominal organs. It is impossible to determine the origin
of the fluid. Ultrasound examination is indicated to study the organs not visible on the
ii. The ovary and caudal kidney. This image, combined with the clinical signs, is indi-
cative of a hormone-producing ovarian neoplasia. Cytologic analysis of the peritoneal
effusion revealed neoplastic cells.
iii. Ovarian tumors are uncommon in dogs and cats, presumably because animals are
so frequently neutered. Epithelial cell tumors such as papillary or cystadenomalcar-
cinomas are most common (40-50%), followed by sex-cord stromal tumors such as
teratoma (30-50%) and germ cell tumors such as granulosa cell tumor (6-20%).
Ovarian tumors often cause no clinical signs until they become large enough to create
a space-occupying effect. Metastases can affect the lungs, liver, lymph nodes and
adjacent kidney. Ovarian carcinoma can cause malignant effusion and intra-ab-
dominal seeding, and frequently affects both ovaries. In general, metastatic rates are
low for ovarian tumors «20 %) and complete surgical excision often results in a cure.
Once metastases occur the long-term prognosis is poor, although short-term responses
have been reported following chemotherapy.

142 i. Bilateral inflammatory polyps (middle ear polyps, nasopharyngeal polyps).

Polyps are common in cats and may be congenital. Their presence is confirmed by oto-
scopic examination of the ear canals, and examination of the oropharyngeal region by
retraction of the soft palate rostrally using a spay hook. Radiographs of the pharynx
and skull may show the mass, increased opacity of the osseous bullae, thickening of
the bullae wall, and sclerosis of the petrous temporal bone. This cat had no evidence
of nasopharyngeal polyps.
ii. Aural discharge; a visible mass in the horizontal canal on otoscopy; signs of otitis
media or interna; dyspnea or dysphagia if there is extension into the nasopharynx.
iii. Surgical removal of inflammatory polyps is based on polyp location. For naso-
pharyngeal polyps, an oral approach is used. In the external ear canal a lateral ear
resection may be necessary, and those located in the middle ear are excised by ventral
bulla osteotomy. These polyps were removed from the horizontal canal following a
lateral wall resection, and a ventral bulla osteotomy was performed since the polyps
were arising from the middle ear.
For bulla osteotomy the cat is placed in dorsal recumbency with the neck elevated.
The bulla is palpated caudal and slightly medial to the vertical ramus of the mandible.
A paramedian skin incision is made over the bulla. By separating the digastric muscle
from the hyoglossal and styloglossal muscles, the ventral bulla is visualized. The hypo-
glossal nerve must be avoided. A Steinman pin is inserted into the bulla and the
opening enlarged using rongeurs. The cat bulla is divided by a septum that must be
opened for complete drainage and curettage. The polyp is excised at its base. Lavage is
performed and a drain placed prior to closure. Prognosis is excellent long term, but
recurrence is likely if the entire polyp is not removed.

143, 144: Questions

143a 143b 143c

143 These illustrations demonstrate the surgical cor- 143d

rection of a cardiac defect (143a-d).
i. Name the condition.
ii. What breeds are predisposed to the development of
this condition ?
iii. Describe the surgical approach used for this ex-
iv. What structure is being retracted ventrally with a
stay suture, and what structure is identified by the
arrow in 143a?
v. Which ligature is tightened first, and what is the
Branham reflex?

144 Many surgery patients ill from trauma or disease suffer from protein-calorie
malnutrition. Nutrient deprivation adversely affects humoral and cell mediated im-
munity and wound healing, putting animals at increased risk for sepsis and other
complications. Nutritional assessment and support is of paramount importance
because no patient benefits from starvation.
How do you assess the nutritional status of animals? Discuss history, physical
examination, laboratory findings, treatment and disease related factors, and special
nutritional status tests.

143, 144: Answers

143 i. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).

ii. Miniature Poodles, Pomeranians, Keeshonds, Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, German
Shepherd Dogs, Brittanys and Cocker Spaniels.
iii. A left 4th intercostal lateral thoracotomy. The skin incision is made parallel to the
ribs at the caudal border of the scapula. The latissimus dorsi muscle is incised parallel
to the skin incision and the intercostal spaces are counted using a hemostat inserted
cranially under the latissimus. The insertion of the scalenus muscle is incised leaving
enough for the muscle to be reapposed at closure. The serratus ventralis muscle is
separated parallel to the direction of the muscle fibers. The intercostal muscles are
incised in the middle to avoid damaging the intercostal vessels and nerve along the
caudal margin of each rib. Once the pleura is incised, ventilation is assisted. The
opening is extended dorsally to the tubercle of the rib and ventrally to the internal
thoracic artery which is visualized and avoided. A Finochietto rib spreader is used to
maintain exposure. The left cranial lung lobe is packed into the caudal recesses of the
surgical field with a moist sponge or laparotomy pad. The PDA is identified between
the pulmonary artery and the aorta.
iv. The vagus nerve is being retracted with the stay suture, and the phrenic nerve is
identified with the arrow.
v. The aortic side ligature. Once this ligature is tightened, the blood pressure increases
and the heart rate decreases - the Branham reflex. After a couple of minutes the size of
the pulmonary artery decreases and the ligature on the pulmonary artery side may be

144 Clinicians should gauge nutritional status by assessment of history and diet,
physical examination, medical and surgery status and selected clinical chemistries.
History: owners are questioned about quantity and quality of food intake by the
animal (if intake is reduced the duration of decreased intake) and about sources of
nutritional loss such as vomiting and diarrhea. Physical examination: animals are
inspected for loss of lean body mass, poor coat quality, limb edema and pressure
sores. Special care is taken in overweight/obese dogs that may still have lost lean body
mass. Laboratory findings: anemia, lymphocytopenia and hypoalbuminemia are sug-
gestive of protein-calorie malnutrition. Albumin is a poor indicator of actue protein
malnutrition because concentrations change slowly; it is more useful for determination
of chronic malnutrition. Transferrin, an iron binding and transport protein, reflects
acute changes more accurately; low transferrin levels can cause secondary anemia. A
lymphocyte count of less than SOO/mm3 is an indicator of immune suppression and, if
due to malnutrition, predominantly involves T-cells. Abnormal values such as these
are interpreted with care since disease processes besides malnutrition can result in
similar changes. Treatment and disease related factors: nutritional intake can be
adversely affected by oral and gastrointestinal surgery, chemotherapy and other
factors (iatrogenic or disease induced) that cause vomiting, diarrhea or decreased
appetite. Special tests: in the future, more accurate tests such as calorimetry and
nitrogen balance will be used to more accurately and quantitatively assess nutritional

145 A German Shepherd Dog 145
is presented for dyschezia and
excess ive licking of the peri-
anal region (145 ).
i. What is the diagnosis, and
what is the signa lment of a
typical patient?
ii. Name severa l treatm en t
options and their approximate
success rates.
iii. Li st th e mos t common
potential complication (and its
app roxim ate incidence) for
each therapy.

146 This is a view of the 146

labial mucosa in a 12-year-old
Labrador Retriever (146). The
owner became concerned upon
noticing blood-tinged saliva
hanging from the left cheek
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. What would be considered a
palliative surgical procedure
for this lesion?
iii. What would be considered
a more definitive surgical pro-
cedure for this lesion?

147 Suture material is used in a variety of patterns. There are advantages and disad-
vantages to each closure pattern. The surgeon should choose a suture pattern that
provides optimum security but minimal interference with wound healing.
i. When closing skin, is an inverting or everting suture pattern more desirable?
ii. When closing a wo und, what are the advantages and disadvantages of interrupted
and continuous suture patterns?

145-147: Answers

145 i. Perianal fistulas. Male, two years of age or older, German Shepherd Dogs or
other large breeds are most commonly affected.
ii. Medical treatment can be administered by oral and topical antibiotics, local clean-
ing and topical antiseptics; results are at best temporary relief of clinical signs. Surgical
excision with or without primary closure has a success rate of 60-80%. Cryotherapy
or chemical cauterization of the fistulas is successful in 80-90% of reported cases.
Deroofing and fulguration has a 60% reported success rate and tail amputation used
alone an 80% success rate. Recently, successful treatment had been reported with
immunosuppressive drug therapy (steroids, cyclosporin).
iii. The most frequently recognized complications are: surgical excision - recurrence
and incontinence (20-60%); cryotherapy - recurrence and stenosis (10-45%); chemi-
cal cauterization, deroofing and fulguration, tail amputation - recurrence (20%).

146 i. Malignant melanoma. Benign hyperplasia of pigmented mucosa would be a sig-

nificantly less likely differential diagnosis.
ii. Submucosal resection of the mass for excisional biopsy will provide short-term
resolution; however, tumor recurrence locally, regionally (lymph nodes) or at distant
sites (lungs) is likely. The long-term prognosis is poor regardless of treatment for large
(>2 em) melanomas. Small «2 em) melanomas often have a good long-term prog-
iii. A similar diagnostic work-up as in 19 is recommended for all patients with oral
neoplasms. Full-thickness resection of the cheek commissure and a modified neck
dissection to remove regional lymph nodes (mandibular, parotid and medial retro-
pharyngeal) is a comprehensive procedure in an attempt to remove as much tumor
mass as possible. Cheek reconstruction using a caudal auricular axial pattern flap will
provide excellent cosmesis. Follow-up adjunctive chemotherapy may be indicated.
This procedure may provide a greater tumor-free interval and improve the prognosis
from poor to guarded.

147 i. Skin margins tend to invert as healing proceeds hence suture patterns that
create slight eversion are preferable. Simple interrupted, interrupted cruciate and Ford
interlocking are all acceptable patterns for dermal closure.
ii. The primary advantage of interrupted patterns is the ability to precisely adjust ten-
sion at each point along the wound in accordance with variable spreading forces along
its margin. With an interrupted pattern, each suture is a separate entity, and failure of
one suture may be inconsequential. The major disadvantage of interrupted patterns is
the increased time necessary to tie many individual knots. There is also more foreign
material left in the wound when sutures are buried.
The primary advantage of continuous patterns is speed of closure. Less suture
material is used and fewer knots are present. This reduces both operative time and the
amount of foreign material in the wound. Continuous patterns also form a more water-
tight or airtight seal. The major disadvantage of continuous patterns is the potential for
suture breakage and disruption of the entire line of closure. There is also less precise
control of suture tension and wound approximation. The Ford interlocking pattern is a
good compromise; it can be applied rapidly, yet provides fairly accurate adjustment of
tension at multiple points along the wound.

148-150: Questions

148 List the steps for proper care of surgical instruments prior to sterilization.

149 The inguinal and cranial 149

thigh regions of a German
Short-haired Pointer presented
for treatment 48 hours after
vehicular trauma are shown
(149). The dog's vital signs are
sta ble and limb function is
unaffected except for the soft
tissue wounds.
i. In terms of wound classifi-
cation based on duration of in-
jury and expected level of con-
tamination, how would this
wound be categorized?
ii. What are the treatment op-
tions for this case and progno-
sis for recovery?

150 A nine-year-old, female Doberman Pinscher is presented for ovariohysterectomy.

After routine venipuncture your technician notes that the dog continues to bleed.
Upon questioning the owner, there is no previous history of surgery other than cos-
metic otoplasty and tail docking as a puppy. Delayed hemorrhage at the fucision areas
was noted at that time by the owner. Examination of the dog is otherwise normal.
i. What is a quick, immediate assessment of this patient's coagulation ability that you
can perform in the clinic?
ii. What diagnostic procedures do you wish to perform to further evaluate coagulation
status in this dog?
iii. What is the most likely diagnosis, and what presurgical treatment can be used in
this patient to temporarily correct the coagulation abnormalities?
iv. What endocrine abnormality can you screen for, which may have important impli-
cations for future management of this coagulopathy?

148-150: Answers

148 Instruments are: (1) rinsed in a weak detergent; (2) cleaned ultrasonically; (3)
rinsed in instrument milk; (4) examined to determine working condition. Instruments
are first soaked in warm water with a weak detergent to loosen dried blood and debris.
Gross contamination is removed before placing the instruments in an ultrasonic
cleaner. Ordinary soaps and abrasive compounds are avoided because they leave
behind alkaline residues. Ultrasonic cleaning works via cavitation, whereby minute air
bubbles are created, expand and implode. This process is more effective at removing
tightly adhered soils than other methods of cleaning and is strongly recommended for
routine cleaning of instruments. Following rinsing and drying, instruments are quickly
rinsed in instrument milk to lubricate moving parts and help prevent corrosion and
staining. A final inspection for damage is made when instruments are placed in the
pack in an orderly fashion. Sterilization indicators are added for gas or steam steriliza-
tion, as appropriate, prior to wrapping.

149 i. An open, contaminated wound of greater than six hours duration, and con-
taining foreign debris and devitalized tissue would be classified as a dirty wound. The
reported infection rate for these wounds is 18%.
ii. Treatment for this injury includes: debridement of necrotic tissue; copious wound
lavage with sterile saline or antiseptic solution (dilute povidone or chlorhexidine);
reduction of dead space; drainage of contaminated tissue pockets; and wound closure.
Systemic antibiotics are not required unless signs of systemic disease such as fever, inap-
petence, toxemia, cellulitis or degenerative leukocytosis are present. Tissue approxima-
tion can be by primary or delayed primary wound closure using an adjacent pedicle
graft. The prognosis for recovery is fair to good and depends on local and systemic
tissue health factors, and the efficacy of surgical treatments.

150 i. The cuticle bleeding time can rapidly determine if a coagulation defect is present.
If the cuticle bleeding time is normal (less than six minutes), then significant bleeding
during surgery is unlikely; if prolonged, a primary hemostatic defect is present, i.e. vas-
culopathy, thrombocytopenia or platelet dysfunction.
ii. Examination of a blood smear and platelet count determination. Activated coagu-
lation time (evaluates the ability of whole blood to clot with the contact activator diato-
maceous earth). Tests for secondary hemostatic defect or intrinsic clotting system
defects: activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), one-stage prothrombin time
(OSPT); fibrin split products (FSP); and factor VIII-related antigen (FVIIIR:Ag) for Von
Willebrand's disease (VWD). Bleeding time in this dog was eight minutes, Von Wille-
brand's factor was significantly decreased and all other coagulation tests were normal.
iii. VWD is associated with prolonged bleeding time, decreased values for Von Wille-
brand's factor and normal APTT, OSPT and FSP values. Presurgical treatment with
either fresh whole blood, fresh plasma (5-10 mllkg) or fresh frozen plasma
(5-10 mllkg), and desmopressin acetate at a dose of 1 mglkg sic will temporarily
ameliorate bleeding tendancies. FVIIIR:Ag can be increased in collected blood by pre-
treating donors with desmopressin acetate.
iv. Hypothyroidism increases bleeding tendencies in VWD patients. Decreased platelet
adhesion and prolonged bleeding times have been noted in patients with low thyroid
hormone levels alone.

151-153: Questions

151 With regard to the cat in 96, you diagnose renal trauma. Is surgery a reasonable
consideration and how would you proceed with it?

152a 152b

152 These thoracic radiographs (152a, b) were

made during a routine preoperative work-up on a
nine-year-old, spayed female rabbit.
i. What is your radiographic diagnosis?
A sonogram demonstrated a multilocular, cystic
structure in the cranial mediastinum. On cytologic
evaluation, a fine-needle aspirate of the mass was
highly cellular with the majority of cells being
mature lymphocytes.
ii. What is your cytologic diagnosis based on these findings?
iii. What surgical approach would you use to treat this condition?
iv. What major anatomic structures would you encounter and how would you deal
with them? ~
v. What clinical laboratory data are expected to be abnormal with this condition?

153 This is a microsurgical tis- 153

sue forceps (153). It has several
features making it suitable for
use during microsurgery. De-
scribe these features and their
importance for microsurgery.

151-153: Answers

151 151 If an animal with diagnosed renall

ureteral trauma does not improve with
supportive therapy, if severe damage to
the kidney is suspected and significant
hemorrhage continues, or a urethral tear
is diagnosed, exploratory laparotomy is
performed. The retroperitoneum is en-
tered via ventral midline laparotomy. In
this case, left kidney trauma with second-
ary hemoretroperitoneum is shown (151).
Attempts are made to preserve all viable
renal tissue and whenever possible partial
nephrectomy is performed. Compensatory
hypertrophy of remaining glomerulae will occur. The renal artery is occluded with a vas-
cular clamp and partial nephrectomy is performed by excising all terminally damaged
renal tissue. Arcuate arteries are ligated and the renal pelvis is sutured closed (4-0
absorbable monofilament). Exposed renal parenchyma is covered by omentum sutured
to the capsule. The kidney is replaced and nephropexy performed. For severe trauma
ureteronephrectomy is performed. If a ureteral tear or avulsion is present it is primarily
repaired, or ureteronephrectomy is performed if injury is severe.

152 i. A cranial mediastinal mass is evident. There is loss of cranial cardiac waist, ele-
vation of the trachea and the cranial lung fields are replaced by the tissue dense mass.
ii. Thymoma.
iii. Median sternotomy is used for removal of a large mediastinal mass.
iv. The internal thoracic artery and vein are avoided along the internal surface of the
sternebrae. In large dogs where a saw is used to cut the sternebrae, a flat metal instru-
ment such as a malleable retractor is inserted along the internal surface to protect
intrathoracic structures from the saw. Other important structures to identify and
avoid include the cranial vena cava and phrenic nerves present along the craniodorsal
aspect of the mass. In some cases the tumor surrounds a phrenic nerve and it must be
sacrificed. The thymic artery is also found nearby as well and must be ligated to allow
removal of the thymoma.
v. Clinical laboratory findings are generally normal. In some patients a mature lympho-
cytosis (>20 X 10 9/1 (>20,000/mm 3 )) may be present. Hypercalcemia has been docu-
mented in some cases and is suspected to be a result of pseudohyperparathyroidism.

153 The back end of the forceps is weighted so the instrument balances in the groove
of the hand created by the thumb and first finger. This allows the surgeon to use the in-
strument without having to grip it preventing muscle fatigue and tremors. The handles
are round which allows the surgeon to roll the instrument between the fingers. During
microsurgery, the fingers manipulate the instrument with almost no movement ori-
ginating from the arms and hands. If the handles are flat, the rolling action performed by
the fingers is jerky, while if the handles are round, rolling produces a smooth motion at
the tip of the instrument. The tips are miniaturized to allow accurate tissue handling of
very fine structures during microsurgery; however, the overall length of the instrument is
maintained. Many ophthalmic instruments have an overall short length and must be
held between the thumb and first finger. This results in muscle fatigue and tremor.

154, 155: Questions

154 The perianal area of a spayed female 154a

Maltese Terrier is shown (154a).
i. Give the diagnosis, and describe the
surgical therapy.
ii. Name common postoperative compli-


155 A six-year-old, male Samoyed presents with a history of an acute onset of dyspnea
and cyanosis. Thoracic radiograph is shown (155). There is no history of antecedent
i. What is the radiographic diagnosis?
ii. What is the suspected disease process and its etiology?
iii. H ow should this dog be treated, and what is the prognosis?

154, 155: Answers

154b 154c

154 i. Ruptured anal sac abscess. Surgical excision is the therapy of choice. Preopera-
tive administration of antibiotics may reduce the inflammatory component and facili-
tate surgical removal. All anal sac epithelia l lining must be removed to prevent recur-
rences (154b). The wound is flushed thoroughly and may be closed primarily (154c),
over a Penrose drain, or left open for healing by secondary intention.
ii. Fecal incontinence, chronic draining tracts, tenesmus, stricture formation and dys-

155 i. Pneumothorax is evident based on elevation of the cardiac silhouette and col-
lapse of the caudal lung lobes. Pneumothorax can be traumatic or spontaneous; in this
case spontaneous pneumothorax is most likely.
ii. In a series of 21 dogs with spontaneous pneumothorax, all had underlying pulmon-
ary pathology noted grossly or histopathologically. Bullous emphysema is most com-
mon and it is likely that a bleb or bulla associated with this condition ruptured causing
iii. Although thoracocentesis may be effective in treating traumatic pneumothorax,
thoracostomy tube placement is usually necessary for spontaneous pneumothorax. If
more than two thoracocenteses are required within 24 hours, tube thoracostomy is per-
formed and continuous suction applied for several days to keep pulmonary and chest
wall tissues apposed allowing an adhesion to form . An effective adhesion is often
difficult to maintain and recurrence following conservative treatment is high. If
pneumothorax persists and there is radiographic evidence of the source, thoracotomy is
considered. With bilateral involvement of the pulmonary parenchyma, median
sternotomy is performed for partial or complete pulmonary lobectomy to remove
diseased tissue.
The prognosis is guarded. Recurrence rates for spontaneous pneumothorax in dogs
treated by thoracocentesis or tube thoracostomy is 80% or higher, and with surgery
recurrence approaches 25% as other areas of lung can develop bullae which subse-
quently rupture. Adjunct procedures such as mechanical or chemical pleurodesis may
further increase the effectiveness of surgical management.

156, 157: Questions

IS6 A nine-year-old, male Yorkshire Terrier is presented for a chronic, non-

productive cough. The cough occurs primarily when the dog gets excited, and until
recently it was manageable with medical therapy. A lateral thoracic radiograph taken
during mid-inspiration showed narrowing of the cervical trachea near the thoracic
inlet. The radiograph taken at mid-expiration was normal. Screening laboratory
work was unremarkable.
i. Why were radiographs taken at mid-inspiration and expiration?
ii. What other diagnostic tests are indicated?
iii. Are there any surgical treatments for this abnormality? Provide details.
iv. What are the success rates and complications of surgical treatment?

157 A ten-year-old, male Col- IS7a

lie presented for swelling of the
nose (IS7a). The owners noted
an intermittent mucopurulent
nasal discharge from the left
nostril. You suspect a nasal
tumor due to the dog's age and
presenting clinical signs.
i. List three tumors of the nasal
ii. A CT scan was performed
on the nasal cavity of the dog
(157b). Describe the findings.
Do you still suspect a nasal
iii. If this tumor is diagnosed as IS7b
the most common nasal tumor
found in the canine, what is the
prognosis and list three avail-
able treatments?

156, 157: Answers

156a ~• •~ 1561

156 i. Tracheal collapse occurs from degeneration and weakening of the cartilaginous
tracheal rings (156a). The result is narrowing and dynamic collapse of the large airways
(trachea, mainstem and lobar bronchi); the severity and location varies with the phase
of respiration. Collapse is more severe in the cervical trachea during inspiration because
of the negative intraluminal airway pressure, and in the intrathoracic trachea and lobar
bronchi during expiration because of the positive extra luminal airway pressure. The
phase specific changes in pressure induce a dynamic collapse that is more apparent
radiographically when exposures are made during mid-inspiration and mid-expiration.
ii. Fluoroscopy provides visualization through all.phases of respiration and is superior to
radiographs. Bronchoscopy is also useful to evaluate the location and severity of
collapse, and to allow inspection of laryngeal function and lobar bronchi.
iii. Surgical treatments include chondrotomy, trachealis muscle plication, tracheal
resection and anastomosis, and intra- or extraluminal tracheal ring prostheses. Of
these, extraluminal polypropylene C-shaped or spiral ring prostheses provide the best
results (lS6b). Prostheses are placed along the collapsed section of trachea (results
are poor if there is concurrent lobar bronchi collapse because they cannot be stented)
and the wall is sutured to the stent restoring luminal diameter.
iv. Placement of ring prostheses (C-shaped stents) provided elimination or significant
improvement of clinical signs in over 60% of treated animals in one report. Animals over
six years of age did worse probably due to an increased incidence of underlying disease,
such as infection, collapse of the mainstem bronchi and heart disease. Common postopera-
tive complications included persistent cough or dyspnea, and laryngeal paralysis.

157 i. Nasal adenocarcinoma (most common), squamous cell carcinoma, fibro-

sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma and
transmissible venereal tumors.
ii. There is a large soft tissue mass in the left nasal passage. There does not appear to be
bony lysis nor is there a shift of the nasal septum. Do you still suspect tumor?
iii. If diagnosed as nasal adenocarcinoma, the prognosis is guarded. Eighty per cent of
nasal tumors are malignant and are prone to early local invasion and recurrence after
therapy. Treatments include radiation (external beam or brachytherapy), photo-
dynamic therapy, cryotherapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy
is the best treatment. Mean survival time of dogs treated with surgery and ortho-
voltage, or cobalt irradiation is 25 months (approximately 60% alive at one year and
40% at two years). Other therapies are considered only palliative.

158 Tumors located in the caudal part 158a
of the rectum can be treated surgically by
various techniques, depending on the ex-
tent of tumor involvement.
i. Name and describe this technique
ii. Name two alternative approaches that
can be used for rectal lesions not involv-
ing the anus.
iii. Name the major disadvantages of
each technique.

159 A five-year-old , female Boxer is 159

presented for this protruding vulvar mass
i. What are three differential diagnoses
for the abnormality shown?
ii. How can these three abnormalities be

158, 159: Answers

158b 158c

158 i. Rectal pull-through procedure. An incision is made in the skin surrounding the
anus or anocutaneous junction, depending on the extent of the tumor. Blunt dissection
and caudal traction are performed along the adventitial surface of the rectum. The
abnormal part of the rectum is amputated (158b) and the rectal end is sutured to the
skin (158c).
ii. The ventral approach using pubic symphysectomy or pubic osteotomy to gain
access to the pelvic canal, or the dorsal perineal approach.
iii. Rectal pull-through: postoperative complications include incontinence, stricture
formation and dehiscence. Ventral approach: complicated access to the rectum and
postoperative morbidity associated with the osteotomy technique. Dorsal perineal
approach: limited access and extensive dissection.

159 i. Vaginal hyperplasia (vaginal edema), vaginal prolapse and neoplasia.

ii. Diagnosis is based on signalment, history of estrus, vaginal examination and
urinary catheterization. Vaginal neoplasms occur in older (median age 10-11 years)
intact nulliparous females, and are not necessarily related to estrus. Masses are often
firm and pedunculated; leiomyoma and fibroma are most common and can arise from
any surface of the vagina. Vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse usually occur during the
follicular phase of estrus and are associated with physiologic (or pathologic) elevations
of estrogen. Hyperplasia is usually seen at the first heat cycle and commonly recurs;
prolapse can occur at any age and is most often associated with straining. Vaginal
hyperplasia occurs from marked thickening of the vaginal floor cranial to the urethral
papilla. The indurated tissue protrudes from the vagina, appearing as a red fleshy
mass. The urethra does not become exteriorized and can be readily catheterized by
reflecting the mass dorsally and visualizing the papilla. Vaginal prolapse presents as a
doughnut-shaped mass from eversion of the complete vaginal circumference. The
urethral papilla is commonly exteriorized and is catheterized by visualizing the papilla
in the center of the 'doughnut'.

160-163: Questions

160 With regard to the Boxer in 159, how does the treatment differ for the three
diagnostic considerations?

161 The abdominal radio- 161a

graph of an 11-year-old,
female, mixed-breed dog pre-
sented for evaluation of polla-
kiuria is shown (161a) . The
patient was previously diag-
nosed with a 'fibroma' in the
neck of the uter us and the
owner elected no treatment at
that time. On clinical examina-
tion the dog had a visibly dis-
tended abdomen and on palpa-
tion a large firm mass was
occupying the mid and caudal
abdomen. There was no va-
ginal discharge, hematuria or
hematochezia. Rectal examination was normal. On screening laboratory evaluation
only a mild leukopenia and eosinophilia were present.
i. What other diagnostic or staging tests are indicated?
ii. What is the treatment and likely prognosis?

162 A deglove injury on the hindlimb of a 162

three-year-old, mixed-breed dog is shown (162).
The lateral collateral ligaments of the hock have
been avulsed, the interior of the joint is exposed,
and several small bone fractures are present.
There is 360 of skin loss from below the stifle
to the digits.
i. This is obviously a serious wound. What prob-
lems and so lutions are discussed with the
ii. How can this wound be managed?

160-162: Answers

160 Treatment of vaginal hyperplasia is by surgical excision of redundant vaginal

tissue; without concurrent ovariohysterectomy recurrence is likely at parturition or the
next estrus cycle. It is not usually necessary to treat mild vaginal prolapse as spon-
taneous regression will occur in diestrus. For more severe cases where the prolapsed
tissues are suffering from exposure or strangulation, the tissues are reduced using a well
lubricated obturator such as a syringe case (episiotomy may facilitate this), a urinary
catheter is placed and the vulvar labia are temporarily closed with sutures. If the
prolapsed tissues are devitalized, then circumferential resection is performed. Ovario-
hysterectomy induces permanent regression of vaginal prolapse. Surgery is the treat-
ment of choice for vaginal tumors except transmissible venereal tumor (TVT). Excision
generally cures the most common vaginal tumors; TVTs can be cured with chemo-

161b 161 i. The presence of a large mass occu-

pying practically the whole abdomen and
preventing visualization of other organs is
bes t eval uated by sonography. Ultra-
sound allows determination of the af-
fected organ, the nature of parenchymal
consistency, and is useful t o 0 btain
guided needle aspirate or biopsy samples.
If this diagnostic tool is not available at a
primary care or referral facility, explora-
tory laparotomy .for direct observation,
biopsy sample collection or surgical resec-
tion is the next best choice. In this case a
uterine mass was confirmed by ultra-
sound examination . There was no evi-
dence of abdominal metastases. Three-view thoracic radiographs (ventrodorsal view
and both right and left lateral views) were evaluated for metastases and none were seen.
ii. Treatment for uterine neoplasia is ovariohysterectomy (161b). In dogs most uterine
tumors are benign (55-90% leiomyomas) and cause no signs. Complete resection is
generally curative. Leimyosarcoma was diagnosed in this case. This uncommon tumor
type (10 % incidence) is more prone to local invasion into adjacent organs, and distant
metastasis to the lymph nodes, liver and lungs. With complete resection and no evi-
dence of metastasis, the prognosis is good for tumor control.

162 i. There is no quick treatment of such a wound. The owner must understand the
complexity, length and cost of management. Treatment will require 30-50 days and the
hock joint will likely be stiff, however it should be possible to salvage the leg.
ii. A clean, healthy, granulating wound surface is first produced to cover all joints,
tendons and bones. The wound is cleaned, debrided, and covered by a non-occlusive
dressing as a primary layer. The limb is bandaged with an absorptive secondary layer
and an external splint is incorporated. With proper care a healthy wound is obtained in
about 25 days (see 163).

163, 164: Questions

163 With regard to the injury on the hindlimb 163a

of the dog in 162, the wound is shown after 25
days of treatment (163a).
i. What alternatives are considered for defini-
tive care of this wound?
ii. Describe in detail the chosen method.

164 This is a ventral view of a 164

five-year-old, mixed-breed dog
with a ventral cervical mass
(164) . The mass , which had
been enlarging during a six
week period, was fluctuant
and non-painfuL A cervica l
mucocele is suspected.
i. What is the simplest diag-
nostic test?
ii. How would the affected
side be determined?

163, 164: Answers

163b 163 i. No loose available skin

is adjacent to the wound. Heal-
ing by contraction and epithe-
lialization, or undermining and
mobilization of skin edges is
ruled out. Free autogenous skin
grafts can be used; however, a
large wound in an area difficult
to bandage can require multi-
ple grafts, and the healed area
is usually a mixture of skin and
epithelialized scar tissue easily
damaged by normal trauma.
Axial pattern flaps are not use-
ful for this large 360° distal
wound. Free microvascular
transplantation of a flap re-
quires a suitable artery and
vein at the recipient site and
special expertise and equip-
ment. A method used success-
fully and recommended by this
author (D.E. Johnston) for
large distal open wounds on forelimbs and hindlimbs is a direct bipedicle flap from the
lateral body wall.
ii. The leg is placed against the abdominal wall in the conscious animal to determine
that the joints have adequate flexibility and that the animal does not resent the
maneuver. The skin is marked where incisions are made for entry and exit of the leg.
Tissue is excised from the edge and surface of the granulating wound and hemostasis
obtained. The leg is inserted beneath the undermined skin through the two incisions,
and the abdominal skin is sutured to the leg (163b). The leg is then fixed (here an insuf-
ficient amount of the paw was available for fixation by a bandage, so the leg was fixed
to a body bandage by nylon sutures inserted into the pads). The bandage is changed in
seven days and the leg detached in 14 days (163c). Sufficiently large flaps are measured
and removed to wrap around the medial aspect of the leg by fashioning a wound
template before the leg is placed under the body wall skin. This method is technically
simple and results in full thickness skin replacement in 14 days. No muscular or neural
problems have been seen by this author in six reported cases and no dog that required
this procedure has been ruled ineligible because of temperament.

164 i. Fine-needle percutaneous aspiration. Aspiration is useful to diagnose a mucocele

(stringy, sometimes blood-tinged fluid with low cell numbers), and to rule-out infec-
tious or inflammatory lesions.
ii. Mucoceles often lateralize when the patient is placed in dorsal recumbency. If the
affected side is still equivocal, historical reference to when the mucocele was smaller or
sialography may provide information as to the affected side. Sialography can be dif-
ficult and time consuming to perform; it is challenging to find and cannulate the sub-
lingual andlor mandibular salivary duct.

165-167: Questions

165 With regard to the dog in 164:

i. What is the surgical treatment of choice?
ii. Can mucoceles be life-threatening?

166 A two-year-old, castrated 166

male cat was presented for
anuria and azotemia after a cat
fight. There was marked swell-
ing of the perineal tissues and
groin area. A cystogram and
urethrogram were performed
as part of the evaluation (166) .
i. What are three surgical op-
tions for treatment of this in-
ii. The most common compli-
ca tion of urethral tra uma is
stricture. Which treatment op-
tion would have the least
chance of causing urethral
stricture? Which would have
the most?
iii. Describe the after-care of this patient?

167 A 12-yea r-old , intact 167a

male Yorkshire Terrier is pre-
sented with signs of tenesmus.
i. The perianal area is shown
(167a ). Give the most likely
diagnosis and list some dif-
ferential diagnoses .
ii. This tumor is hormone
dependent. What hormone is
involved, and what disease has
been reported to cause this
tumor in spayed female dogs?
iii. List three different thera-
pies for this disease.

165-167: Answers

165 i. Resection of the mandibular and sublingual gland/duct complex to a point near
the lingual nerve. Mucoceles secondary to saliva leakage from a gland/duct defect
rostral to the lingual nerve rarely occur. If the defect is not observed during dissection
(often the case) and the affected side was not determined preoperatively, rather than
perform more diagnostic tests or wait to see if the mucocele recurs, the opposite man-
dibular and sublingual gland/duct complex may be concurrently resected. Xerostomia
is not a problem following bilateral mandibular and sublingual gland resection as dogs
still have bilateral parotid and zygomatic salivary glands.
ii. Yes. Pharyngeal mucocele may cause airway obstruction. This is an emergency situa-
tion requiring aspiration of the mucocele and marsupialization. Definitive surgery for
this type of mucocele is also resection of the mandibular and sublingual gland/duct

166 i. Primary repair of the urethral rent via pubic osteotomy, with 4-0 to 5-0 syn-
thetic absorbable suture. An intraurethral catheter and closed urinary collection system,
or urinary diversion using a Stamey or Foley cystostomy catheter, is indicated for 5-7
days after surgery.
Secondary healing around a soft intraurethral catheter with closed urinary collection
system for 7-21 days depending on the size of the laceration and degree of urethral
tissue injury. Pubic osteotomy is not necessary in this case.
Prepubic urethrostomy might be required if urethral damage was extensive.
ii. Surgical repair and primary healing over a soft intra urethral catheter would have the
least chance, using a catheter alone and allowing secondary healing would have the
most chance of causing urethral stricture.
iii. A urinary catheter is maintained for several days to weeks depending on the treat-
ment chosen. In most animals this requires an Eliza bethan collar, side brace, or incor-
poration of the catheter system into a body bandage. The catheter is regularly checked
for patency. Urinary tract infections are controlled with use of a closed urinary collec-
tion system, and at the time of catheter removal urine is cultured and appropriate anti-
biotic therapy prescribed.

167b 167 i. Perianal gland adenoma. Differ-

ential diagnoses include perianal adeno-
carcinoma, anal sac adenocarcinoma and
non-tumorous diseases of the perianal
area (anal sac abscess, perianal fistulas,
ii. Testosterone, pituit ary-depen d ent
iii. Surgical resection, cryotherapy (167b)
and castration. The prognosis for control
of perianal adenoma with all three treat-
ments is excellent.

168-1 70: Q uestions

168 A three-year-old, male 168a

Labrador Retriever undergoes
exploratory laparotomy for
intussusception (168a). The in-
tussusception was non-redu-
cible and a portion of jejunum
was resected.
i. What suture pattern would
you use to anastomose the je-
junal ends?
ii . What surgical stapling
equipment could be used to
anastomose the jejunal ends?

169 A fluid filled mass over the ole- 169

cranon of a one-year-old, male Great
Dane is shown (169) . The owners first
noted the mass two weeks previously and
they report it has become approximately
25 % larger since that time. It is non-
i. What diagnostic testis) would be useful
to further define this abnormality?
ii. What are two possible treatments for
this abnormality, and their significant
related complications?
iii. What important management or hus-
bandry change is needed to facilitate
treatment and prevent recurrence?

170 A four-year-old, female 170

Weimaraner developed this
swelling overnight (170). The
dog has no history of otitis
and does not scratch her ears.
The owner reports the the dog
is kept in a fenced-in yard and
enjoys running up and down
the fence-line with the neigh-
bor's dogs.
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. List three potential causes
for this condition.

168-170: Answers
168b 168d

168 i. Appositional sutures such as a Gambee, simple interrupted or simple continuous

pattern are preferable. The Gambee suture is less susceptible to wicking of bowel con-
tents than simple interrupted. Inverting or everting patterns can be used; however, they
can compromise bowel lumen size and increase adhesion formation respectively.
ii. An anastomosis can be created with the GIA and T A 55 stapling instruments (United
States Surgical Corporation Norwalk, CT) (168b). The antimesenteric borders of the
segments are apposed and the stapler is fired, creating two double-staggered staple lines
to join the bowel. Simultaneously, the knife blade cuts between the double staple lines
to create a stoma. Sutures are placed to close serosal and mucosal surfaces at the edge
of the single opening that has been created. A TA 55 (168c) is applied across the intes-
tinal edges, locked and activated. Excess tissue is trimmed using the cartridge edge as a
guide (168d) to complete the anastomosis.

169 i. Sterile preparation of the skin and fine-needle aspiration of the mass to confirm
serous fluid and a diagnosis of hygroma. If the fluid is purulent, culture and sensitivity
is performed.
ii. Drainage by fine-needle aspiration and placement of a pressure relieving ('donut'
padded) bandage for 2~3 weeks, or open drainage by lancing and placement of Penrose
drains for 10-14 days, followed by padded bandaging for another 10-14 days. Sig-
nificant complications of aspiration are iatrogenic bacterial contamination, and hy-
groma recurrence. Complications for surgical drainage are more extensive fibrosis and
a cosmetic blemish over the elbow, and a small but possible chance for recurrence.
Aspiration is most useful for smaller acute hygromas, and surgery for larger more
chronic ones. Excision is not appropriate since hygromas are not true cysts. They are
more akin to seromas, and the best treatment is one that facilitates the tissue layers
healing back together.
iii. An important management change is to alter the surface the animal lies on.
Hygromas are generally caused by repetitive trauma from kenneling animals on hard
surfaces and change to a softer surface such as carpet or grass is important for resolu-
tion and to prevent future recurrence.

170 i. Aural hematoma: blood accumulation between the cartilage layers of the pinna
from ruptured branches of the great auricular artery on the inside of the auricular car-
ii. Causes include trauma, parasites, otitis, aural foreign body, and ear canal tumors or
polyps. This dog's hematoma was due to trauma.

171 With regard to the dog in 170, describe several procedures to correct this
problem. Make sure to discuss postoperative management.

172 A one-year-old, male Miniature 172

Poodle was presented for simultaneous
urination from the anus and urethra,
hematuria and cystitis. A lateral fluoro-
scopic image of the contrast cystogram
and retrogade urethrogram is shown
(172). Contrast is shown passing from
the urethra at the pelvic brim into the
distal rectum (arrowed).
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. Describe the best surgical approach to
the anomaly.
iii . What other surgica 1 procedure is
recommended to be done at the same
iv. What is the potentially serious con-
sequence if this condition is left un-

173 An open wound of two 173

years duration in the inguinal
area of a five-year-old cat is
shown (173). History indicates
tha t the original wound re-
sulted from trauma. Repeated
unsuccessful attempts were
made to repair this wound
with bandages, sutures and
i. What is the basic reason why
the wound has not healed?
ii. How could this wound be

171-173: Answers

171 There are numerous ways to repair aural hematomas. (1) Simple drainage of the
hematoma with a large gauge needle and bandage the ear. Multiple aspirations may be
needed over a period of days to weeks (greater chance for recurrence). (2) Lance the
hematoma on the concave surface of the pinna with a scalpel blade. Clot and fibrin are
removed and mattress sutures are placed parallel to the incision. The incision edges are
not reapposed and sutures should penetrate the full thickness of the ear. Knots are tied
on the convex surface of the ear. The number of sutures is determined by the amount of
dead space that must be closed. Postoperatively, ears mayor may not be bandaged. The
bandage is removed after 5-7 days and the sutures in 21 days. Other necessary pro-
tective devices that may be used are Elizabethan collars, neck shields or stockinette
placed over the ears. (3) A sutureless technique involves elliptical incision over the
swelling with removal of the clot and fibrin. The ear is bandaged over a roll of gauze or
cast padding positioned on top of the head, making sure that the incision is open and
exposed. The incision is covered with a dressing and changed as necessary. The incision
heals by second intention and the ear is left bandaged for three weeks. (4) Placement of
a bovine teat cannula through a stab incision into the hematoma. Fluid and fibrin are
removed and the teat cannula is sutured in place with a figure-of-eight pattern. The
owner is instructed to massage the ear twice daily and force fluid out of the hematoma.
The cannula is left in place for three weeks and, as a minimum, an Elizabethan collar is
placed to avoid self-trauma to the area.

172 i. Congenital urethrorectal fistula and large cystic calculus.

ii. Exposure to the fistula is by caudal ventral abdominal incision and pubic osteotomy.
The catheterized fistula is easily identified by palpation, and it is excised after ligation
of its attachments to the urethra and rectum with 4-0 synthetic absorbable material.
Ventral cystotomy is performed to remove the cystic calculus (see 133).
iii. Castration is recommended as the inheritance of this anomaly is uncertain.
iv. If left untreated, chronic cystitis will result in pyelonephritis. Other less serious
sequelae include perianal dermatitis, urolith formation (as in this case) and chronic

173 i. Chronic skin defects occur in cats and the cause can be obscure. Pyo-
granulomatous panniculitis caused by mycobacterial infection, abscesses from bite
wounds, indolent ulcers and other lesions are described. In this cat, biopsies and
cultures did not identify a cause. Wounds in the inguinal and axillary region are subject
to movement and tension, and this likely caused the open non-healing wound in this
ii. For all reconstructive procedures the surgeon should select the simplest and quickest
procedure. Undermining and mobilization of skin adjacent to the wound is rarely suc-
cessful in this area. Free skin grafts are easier and more successful in cats than in dogs,
and a graft could be used. An axial pattern flap from the opposite superficial epigastric
artery or from the ipsilateral deep circumflex iliac artery should be successful. A simpler
technique is an advancement or transposition flap. Skin fold advancement flaps in this
region have been described recently. This author (D.E. Johnston) prefers a transposition
flap of readily available skin craniodorsal to the wound.

174, 175: Questions

174 With regard to the repair of the wound in the cat in 173, describe in detail the
selected method.


175 A right lateral abdominal 175b

radiograph of a 12-year-old,
domestic shorthair cat (175a)
and the result of an explora-
tory laparotomy (175b) are
i. Give your differential diag-
noses for primary liver tumors
in the cat.
ii. Describe two partial liver
lobe resection techniques.
iii. How much of the liver can
be resected without significant
clinical dysfunction?

174, 175: Answers

174a 174b

174c 174 The cat is shown in lateral recum-

bency after the wound margins are de-
brided (174a ). The transposition flap is
outlined by incisions in the skin. Meas-
urements were made to ensure the flap
length and width correctly approximate
the defect. The flap is transposed and
sutured in place with subdermal absorb-
able simple interrupted sut~res (174b ).
Since the subdermal fascia is strong and
resistant to ischemic necrosis, simple
interrupted skin sutures are inserted if
needed; they were not needed in this case.
Flaps are not transposed beyond 90° to .
avoid interference with blood supply.
This flap is transposed to the maximum
degree and this created some skin folds in the base of the flap. These folds disappear
rapidly without treatment.
In all £laps taken from the body wall the pattern of hair growth in the £lap resembles
that of the donor site, as can be seen in this flap at one year (174c).

175 i. Hepatocellular adenoma, hepatocellular adenocarcinoma, bile duct adenocar-

cinoma, focal hepatic malignant lymphoma.
ii. Liver lobectomy can be performed using the finger-fracture or suture-fracture
technique. An incision is made in the liver capsule. The liver parenchyma is separated
by digital pressure to isolate the blood vessels and large intralobar bile ducts. The blood
vessels and bile ducts are ligated. Alternatively, the liver lobe can be resected using a
thoracoabdominal stapler to crush through the parenchyma and apply a line of staples
for hemostasis.
iii. Up to 75% of a normal liver can be resected without clinical dysfunction.

176, 177: Que stions

176a 176b

176 i. Identify this instrument (176a).

ii . Name two advantages to using this type of device (176b ).
iii. Name two disadvantages to using this type of device.


177 A 1S-year-old, domestic shorthair cat was treated for hyperthyroidism by sur-
gical removal of a thyroid adenoma (177). More than 90% of thyroid tumors in cats
are adenomas and 70% occur bilaterally.
i. What are the benefits and complications of bilateral thyroidectomy?
ii. What are the different techniques used to perform bilateral thyroidectomy?
iii. What treatment options are available for feline hyperthyroidism other than

176~ 111: Answers

176 i. Skin staple remover. The corresponding skin stapler is shown (176b). This type
is disposable and can be sterilized in ethylene oxide.
ii. The major advantage of using skin staples for wound closure is the potential
decrease in operating time. Stapling is the fastest method of closure for long skin inci-
sions or lacerations. Decreased operating time, anesthetic administration and patient
morbidity are resultant advantages of surgical stapling.
iii. Most surgical staples are made of 316 L stainless steel which causes minimal reac-
tion; however, they produce artefacts in computed tomography and should not be used
in animals that will undergo this procedure in the immediate postoperative period. Dis-
advantages of stapled skin closure include occasional malfunction (most manufacturers
will replace any malfunctioning product) and increased cost. Staples are contra-
indicated if there is less than 4.0-6.5 mm between underlying bone or viscera and the
skin to be closed.

177 i. Benefits of surgery include good success, low expense, requires less hospi-
talization and is more widely available than radioiodine therapy. Disadvantages are
that hyperthyroid cats tend to be geriatric, cachectic and have concurrent cardiac or
renal conditions making them poor candidates for anesthesia. Recurrent hyperthyroid-
ism, hypocalcemia and hypothyroidism can develop and hyperactive ectopic thyroid
tissue may be missed.
ii. Extracapsular. The cranial and caudal thyroid arteries are ligated and the gland
removed with its capsule intact. The cranial parathyroid gland is spared, but there is
usually damage to its blood supply. Recurrence of hyperthyroidism is low (less than
7%) but hypocalcemia occurs in up to 82 % of patients.
Intracapsular. The capsule is opened and the thyroid gland is separated and re-
moved from within. The cranial parathyroid gland and its blood supply are preserved.
The capsule left behind may contain residual thyroid tissue, and an 8 % recurrence
rate of hyperthyroidism is reported. Hypocalcemia occurs in 15-22 % of patients.
Modified extracapsular. The cranial thyroid artery is not ligated and the para-
thyroid gland is carefully spared. The thyroid gland and capsule is removed. Hyper-
thyroidism recurred in 4 % of cases and hypocalcemia occurred in 23 % of cases.
Modified intracapsular. After intracapsular thyroidectomy, the majority of the
capsule is also removed except near the cranial parathyroid gland. This technique has
a 34-47% incidence of hypocalcemia.
Staged bilateral thyroidectomy by any combination of the intracapsular, modified
extracapsular and modified intracapsular methods. Thyroidectomies are separated by
several weeks to minimize the incidence of hypocalcemia.
iii. Administration of methimazole, which blocks thyroid hormone synthesis but is not
cytotoxic to neoplastic thyroid tissue. Administration is maintained for life or until
alternative therapy is undertaken. Radioiodine therapy is a curative and safe method
of treatment and is effective against ectopic thyroid tissue. However, it is often expen-
sive, involves a 1-2 week period of hospitalization and is not widely available.

178-180: Questions

178 An ll-year-old, female Cocker 178

Spaniel was presented for evaluation of
an abundant, persistent serosanguinous
vulvar discharge following estrus. The
animal was not polydypsic/polyuric, and
hemogram and serum biochemistry tests
were normal, with the exception of a
slight leukocytosis (WBC 12.5 x 10 9/1
(12,500/mm 3 )). Vaginal cytology showed
large numbers of stratified squamous epi-
thelial cells and serum progesterone con-
centration was 3.84 nmol/l (120 ng/dl).
Abdominal ultrasound was performed
and the area caudal to the left kidney is
shown (178 ).
i. What round structure is being measured
by the calibers in the image?
ii. What do the signs of proestrus reflect
that is occurring physiologically?
iii. What is the diagnosis, and what treat-
ment is advised?

179 This is an oral view of a 179

cystic mass of the right hemi-
mandible in a 12-week -old
Boxer (179). The patient was
i. What is the tentative diag-
ii. What test(s) would be most
helpful in providing diagnostic
iii. What is the surgical treat-
ment of choice for this lesion?

180 A 2-year-old Weimaraner is presented for reproductive evaluation after failure

to breed . The owners report the dog would allow the male to mount, but would not
allow intromission. The owners report no other abnormalities with the dog.
i. What two specific things should be done on physical examination to further
evaluate this problem?
ii. You suspect a vaginal stricture. What two diagnostic tests are used to further
define the abnormality?
iii. What is the treatment?

~ 18~ ~ 80: Answers

178 i. The left ovary with ovarian follicles that have not ruptured. Non-ovulation is
confirmed by the animal's clinical signs and by the low serum progesterone concen-
tration present. Cysts can be single or multiple and can affect one or both ovaries.
ii. The clinical signs of persistent proestrus are caused by estrogen production from the
ovarian follicular cysts. These cysts occur from Graafian follicles that have not under-
gone atresia. Other commonly associated clinical signs include nymphomania, roam-
ing, aggressiveness and mammary hyperplasia. Often these cysts are incidental
findings at the time of routine ovariohysterectomy.
iii. Persistent ovarian follicles (or ovarian cysts) with production of estrogen. Treat-
ment depends on the owners desire to maintain the reproductive function of the
animal. If reproduction is of no concern to the owner, ovariohysterectomy is indi-
cated; if breeding is desired, then medical management with GnRH or HCG is indi-
cated to induce follicle rupture.

179 i. Tumor of dental epithelial origin.

ii. Radiographs of the mandible and analysis of fluid obtained from the mass using
fine-needle aspiration. Radiographs showed bony lysis of the mandible and cytology
did not indicate a neoplasm. In this patient, incisional biopsy was performed to deter-
mine the diagnosis (odontoma).
iii. Rostral unilateral hemimandibulectomy. Rarely, tumors of dental epithelial origin
may resolve following curettage of the lesion. This latter procedure was performed in
this patient at the time of incisional biopsy. The cystic mass recurred and rostral uni-
lateral hemimandibulectomy was performed.

180 i. Digital examination of the vagina and rectal palpation. Vaginal palpation is
performed first and is most useful to identify stenosis, persistent hymen, vaginal neo-
plasia or other intraluminal abnormalities. The most common location for congenital
anomalies is the vestibulovaginal junction just cranial to the urethral papilla. Digital
palpation is somewhat easier during estrus due to relaxation of the vagina. Rectal
examination is most useful to define larger vaginal masses and extravaginal causes of
ii. Vaginoscopy and contrast vaginography. Vaginoscopy is performed using a specu-
lum, otoscope or endoscope. A small, single opening suggests annular stenosis; two
small openings indicate a vertical septal band or double vagina are present. Vagino-
scopy is helpful to evaluate the cranial part of the vagina, but lesions at the vesti-
bulovaginal junction can be overlooked. Vaginography is performed by placing a
Foley catheter and inflating the cuff just caudal to the vestibulovaginal junction.
Radiopaque contrast is infused and radiographs are made. Vaginography may reveal
vaginal septae, double vagina or vaginal masses, or it may outline a vaginal stricture.
iii. Surgical excision or vaginoplasty. The urethra is catheterized to identify its location
and prevent accidental injury. Septal bands are best identified and excised by
episiotomy; the mucosal defect is closed with absorbable suture. Annular constrictions
are best exposed by a dorsal perineal approach to the vagina and managed by vagino-
plasty (Y-U plasty or transverse closure of a longitudinal incision). It is important to
evaluate the diameter of the vaginal lumen before wound closure. Breeding is not
allowed for a minimum of two weeks.

181, 182: Questions


181 This cat (181a) has been diagnosed with megacolon that is unresponsive to
medical therapy. Subtotal colectomy is recommended for management.
i. What suture patterns are recommended for the colon?
ii. What suture material is appropriate for this anastomosis?
iii. What methods are available for managing the size disparity between ascending
colon and rectum?

182 A six-year-old, female 182

Basset-hound is presented
with a soft doughy mass in
the inguinal region (182).
Vulvar enlargement typical of
estrus is also noted.
i. What are the differential
diagnoses for this mass?
ii. What are the anatomic,
hormonal and metabolic fac-
tors that contribute to the
occurrence of this problem?
iii. What two surgical a p-
pro aches can be made for
repair of this problem?

181, 182: Answers

181b 181 i. Because of the size dis-

parity, difficulty suturing in the
cranial pelvic canal and the
need for distensibility and
watertight apposition, simple
interrupted sutures are com-
monly used. Sutures are placed
to penetrate the submucosa and
not the mucosal layer. In a
canine model, simple inter-
rupted appositional, crushing
and inverting sutures had simi-
lar wound healing character-
ii. Monofilament non-reactive
suture on a taper needle is recommended. Polydioxanone, polypropylene and nylon
incite minimal inflammation and are all good choices. Polydioxanone has the added
advantage of being absorbable.
iii. Small variations in size are managed by placing sutures closer together on the small
lumen side and slightly further apart on the large lumen side. Moderate variations in
size are managed by cutting the smaller diameter bowel segment at an angle towards
the antimesenteric side creating a larger lumen. Moderate to large disparities are
managed by 'fish mouthing' the small diameter segment, incising the antimesenteric
border (181b) , or by suturing the segments routinely until the antimesenteric border of
the small segment is reached and the remaining unsutured large segment is closed in an
inverting pattern. Care is taken to ensure the anastomosis at the antimesenteric surface
of the small segment is secure.

182 i. Differential diagnoses include inguinal hernia, abdominal wall hernia,

seroma/hematoma and neoplasia. Diagnosis is determined by palpation (contents
reducible), radiographs (tangential view of abdominal wall to look for discontinuity)
and, if the above tests are inconclusive, fine-needle aspirate can be considered. The
abnormality shown in this dog is an inguinal hernia.
ii. A large inguinal opening is considered the primary risk factor for herniation.
Anatomically, females are predisposed because the inguinal canal is larger and
shorter than in males; estrogen probably also plays a role by changing the strength
and character of connective tissues, resulting in an enlarged canal. Most inguinal
hernias occur in estral or pregnant bitches; an acquired inguinal hernia has not been
reported in a spayed female. Weakness of the abdominal wall may also occur from
an altered nutritional or metabolic state. Obese animals seem to be predisposed.
iii. Surgical repair can be by direct incision over the hernial sac and inguinal canal, or
by ventral midline approach and reduction and closure of the inguinal canal from
inside the abdomen. The midline approach avoids incising through mammary tissue
in the lactating dog, and allows inspection of both inguinal canals. Midline incision is
also a more familiar approach for most surgeons.

183, 184: Questions

183a 183b

183 A 12-year-old, spayed female Cocker Spaniel

was presented with a history of chronic hematuria,
strang uri a and pollakiuria. Previous urine cultures
were negative. Excretory urogram showed a large
bladder mass involving the trigone and causing
unilateral hydroureter (183a, b). An exploratory
surgery was performed. Impression smears of the
mass were consistent with transitional cell carcinoma.
i. How else could the diagnosis have been made preoperatively?
ii. What are the surgical options if the tumor involves the trigone and both ureters?
What options are available if the trigone is not involved?
iii. What are complications of urinary diversion techniques?

184 Name and describe the three components of 184

the cardiac pacemaker pictured (184).

183, 184: Answers

183 i. Preoperative diagnosis of a bladder mass can be made by ultrasound guided

fine-needle aspiration. The clinician must beware of tumor seeding. Cells can also be
collected by exfoliation into urine sediment either naturally or iatrogenically by large
bore urethral catheter. However, this technique can be highly unreliable. Cystoscopy is
most useful in determining the extent of tumor involvement and for collection of biopsy
samples. It is the gold-standard for staging and diagnosis of bladder cancer in humans.
ii. Since most transitional cell carcinomas involve the trigone region, ureterocolonic
anastomosis (UCA) is usually the surgical treatment of choice. If the trigone area is not
involved, partial cystectomy or trigonal colonic anastomosis can be performed. Contro-
versy continues over the role of surgery in the management of bladder cancer (see iii
iii. The most common complication of surgery is tumor recurrence. Urinary diversion
procedures alone do not significantly increase the lifespan of patients. In a study of ten
cases of UCA, nine dogs survived from 1-5 months after surgery. Other complications
included pyelonephritis and hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, hyperammonemia and
elevated serum creatinine concentration. Electrolytes, acid-base status, renal biochem-
istry tests and urinalyses must be regularly monitored.

184 i. Pulse generators can be synchronous or asynchronous. Asynchronous pace-

makers generate an impulse at a continuous, fixed rate and are not synchronized with
the heart. They are relatively inexpensive, reliable, long lasting and are not very sen-
sitive to external electromagnetic radiation. They may create competitive rhythms if the
natural rhythm returns. Synchronous pacemakers sense spontaneous cardiac activity
and either inhibit impulse generation, or deliver impulses synchronously during natural
rhythms and asynchronously in the absence of natural rhythm, preventing occurrence
of competitive rhythms. A three-letter code is used to identify the mode of generator
operation. The first letter identifies the area of the heart being paced (A = atrium, V =
ventricle, D = both). The second represents the area sensed (A = atrium, V = ventricle,
o = neither). The third letter represents the mode of response (I = inhibited, T =
triggered, 0 = neither). A VVl pacemaker is most commonly used in veterinary surgery.
Power sources can be mercury-zinc or lithium. Lithium cells have a longer life span
(8-16 years compared with 3-6 for mercury-zinc) and fail by gradual decay; the mer-
cury-zinc type fail by suddenly stopping.
Electrodes can be endocardial or epicardial. Endocardial (transvenous) electrodes are
placed into the right ventricle through a branch of the cranial vena cava, and require a
higher threshold potential to stimulate a beat. Epicardial-myocardial electrodes are
either sutured or screwed into the myocardium of the ventricle. Less energy is required
to initiate a heartbeat and the lifespan of the power source is increased. Either type of
electrode may be unipolar or bipolar.

185, 186: Questions

185 Describe a trans diaphragmatic approach for implantation of the cardiac

pacemaker in 184.


186 A right lateral radiograph of the cranial abdomen of a ten-year-old, female

Schnauzer is shown (186a).
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. This disease is often insidious and asymptomatic in dogs. List the most common
clinical signs in dogs that are symptomatic.
iii. The pathogenesis of this disease in dogs is unknown. Several causes have been
proposed. Name the most likely ones.
iv. Describe the surgical therapeutic options, and give the therapy of choice.

185, 186: Answers

185a 185b

185c 185 Transdiaphragmatic pacemaker

implantation is performed via ventral
midline celiotomy. The diaphragm is
incised just left of midline and the peri-
cardium identified and incised to expose
the cardiac apex. A unipolar screw-type
lead is implanted into the myocardium
being careful to a void the coronary
arteries (185a). No sutures are required
but the Dacron pledget must contact the
epicardium to allow fibrous tissue in-
growth to anchor the electrode in place.
The lead wire is connected to the pulse
generator which when placed against the body wall becomes grounded, and the
pacemaker begins to function. The lead may exit through the incision in the dia-
phragm or is passed between the diaphragm and body wall using the tunneler (185b).
The diaphragm is closed and air is evacuated from the chest. The pulse generator is
placed in a muscle pocket created between the muscles of the body wall (185c). This
approach is rapid, cosmetic and less painful than a thoracotomy approach.

186b 186 i. Cholelithiasis (186b).

ii. Vomiting, anorexia, weakness, poly-
uria/polydypsia, weight loss, icterus, fever
and signs of abdominal pain are the most
common clinical signs in dogs with symp-
tomatic cholelithiasis.
iii . Proposed causes include trauma,
biliary stasis, diet alterations, cholecysti-
tis, and parasitic and bacterial biliary in-
iv. The treatment for cholelithiasis is chol-
elithotomy via cholecystotomy, cholecys-
tectomy or choledochotomy. Cholecys-
tectomy is indicated in dogs with cholelithiasis and concurrent cholecystitis and should
be regarded as therapy of choice.

187-189: Questions

187 An exploratory lapar- 187

otomy is performed on a five-
year-old cat with signs of
vomiting and anorexia for two
weeks (187).
i. What is this unusual abnor-
ii. Biliary diversion techniques
can be used to circumvent bile
duct obstruction that cannot be
relieved. List the two methods
most commonly used.
iii. Describe technical consid-
erations that improve the out-
come of the surgical techniques
listed under (ii).

188 An 18-month-old Border 188

Collie crossbreed was present-
ed for treatment of a nasal his-
tiocytoma. Cryosurgery was
used to treat this tumor (188).
i. To maximize cell destruction
what speeds should be used for
the freeze and thaw cycles, and
how many cycles are recom-
ii. Describe the preparation of
a site for cryosurgery.
iii. List contra indications for
the use of cryosurgery.

189 A six-week-old, male Boxer puppy with dyspnea is presented. On physical

examination you determine the puppy has dorsoventral compression of the chest
with a dorsal deviation of the sternum into the chest.
i. What is this condition called?
ii. Describe how the frontosagittal index and the vertebral index are determined.
iii. How are these indices used?
iv. Describe the technique that is currently recommended for treatment of this

187-189: Answers

187 i. Vesica duplex (double gall-bladder).

ii. Cholecystoduodenostomy and cholecystojejunostomy.
iii. The gall-bladder should be mobilized from its hepatic fossa to decrease tension at
the stoma site. Stoma sizes of 2.5-4 cm have been recommended to prevent obstruc-
tion caused by contraction of the stoma during maturation of the wound. Spillage of
bile and duodenal contents should be prevented during the surgery. Proper suture
placement using a mucosal apposition technique and overs ewing the serosa will pre-
vent leakage and subsequent peritonitis.

188 i. Two cycles of rapid freezing (to -20°C/-4°F or cooler) and slow thawing are
recommended to achieve optimal cell destruction. Rapid freezing results in small intra-
cellular ice crystals which cause rupture of cell membranes. Large ice crystals, which
cause cell damage by their size alone, form during a slow thaw.
ii. Preparation of the surgical patient is not as involved as for traditional surgery. Hair
is clipped around the lesion to allow easier visualization of the ice ball and recognition
of run-off of liquid nitrogen. Skin is cleaned if needles are to be used; however,
sterility is not necessary. When a freeze is induced by spraying liquid nitrogen onto a
lesion (as opposed to freezing by touching a probe to a lesion) surrounding tissues are
protected by a thick layer of petroleum jelly.
iii. Contra indications for cryosurgery include mast cell tumors and tumors with bone
involvement. Mast cells release heparin and histamine when lysed. Cancellous bone
does not freeze well and cortical bone becomes weakened after freezing and can form
a sequestrum. Large vessels that pass through treated tissue are ligated preoperatively
to prevent hemorrhage when the eshcar sloughs.

189 i. Pectus excavatum.

ii. Frontosagittal index: chest width measured across the 10th thoracic vertebra on a
ventrodorsal radiograph divided by the distance between the sternal deformity and
ventral aspect of the closest vertebral body measured from the lateral radiograph.
Vertebral index: distance from the dorsal surface of the vertebral bodies to the nearest
point of the sternal defect as measured from a lateral radiograph divided by the
diameter of the same vertebral body.
iii. A frontosagittal index of <2 and vertebral index of >9 is considered mild pectus
excavatum. A frontosagittal index of 2.0-3.0 and a vertebral index of 6.0-9.0 are con-
sidered moderate and a frontosagittal index of >3.0 and a vertebral index of >9.0 are
considered severe pectus excavatum. The severity of pectus excavatum is assessed
using these indices. Surgery is indicated based on severity and the presence of clinical
signs. These indices are also useful to determine improvement postoperatively.
iv. An external splint of a thermoplastic (VTP [IMEX Veterinary Inc.] or Orthoplast
Uohnson and Johnson]) is cut and molded to a normal shape of the patient's chest.
Holes are created in the splint separated by a distance slightly greater than the width
of the sternebrae. Under general anesthesia, sutures are placed around the sternebra
and through the holes in the splint. They are tightened to pull the sternum and chest
to conform to the splint and are tied with bows so they may be adjusted as needed
postoperatively. The bows are taped to the splint for security. The splint is left in place
for 6-14 days. Contact irritation may occur under the splint.

190, 19·1: Questions

190 Two small oronasal fistulae near the 190

junction of the hard and soft palate are
shown (190). The patient had multiple
surgeries to close this area following the
original trauma of foreign body (stick)
i. What are the expected clinical signs at
this time?
ii. What is the likely reason for failure of
previous surgeries?
iii. Describe a surgical repair that would
avoid this problem.

191 You are presented with a 191

12-week-old, male Weimar-
aner puppy with a history of
regurgitation noticed shortly
after the puppy was purchased
from the breeder. On physical
examination the puppy is thin
but alert and active. The ow-
ners report that he does not re-
gurgitate liquids. Survey radio-
graphs of the chest and abdo-
men are normal. The barium
swallow results are shown
i. What is the most likely diag-
ii. Describe the pathophysiology of this condition.
iii. How should this dog be managed prior to surgery, and when should surgery be
iv. Describe the surgical management of this condition.
v. What is the long-term prognosis for this dog, and how should it be managed post-

! 90, 191: Answers

190 i. Clinical signs in this dog were mild, intermittent sneezing and gagging
especially after drinking water. Since this lesion is caudal, the dog did not have clinical
signs of rhinitis.
ii. Inappropriate tension at the surgery site. Failure to immobilize tissues adequately
and decrease tension at the suture line is the primary reason for failure of cleft palate
and oronasal fistula repair. The prognosis is good if excessive tension is prevented.
iii. The bridge of tissue between the two defects was excised. The perimeter of the
defect was incised to provide two separate layers. Relief incisions of the oral mucosa
were made from the middle of the soft palate, along the dental arcade, and ending
between the second and third premolars. Submucosal dissection plane was developed
with a perisoteal elevator resulting in bilateral contiguous soft palate mucosa and hard
palate mucoperiosteal flaps. Dissection and undermining was performed from the
lateral aspects (relief incisions) to the midline defect. Thus, in effect, two bipedicle
mucosal flaps were developed with the midline component consisting of the defect.
The defect was then sutured in two layers (nasopharyngeal mucosa, oral mucosa)
using simple interrupted polyglactin 910. The knots of the oral suture line were buried
to prevent licking causing knot disruption.

191 i. Vascular ring anomaly. Persistent right aortic arch is most likely. A breed pre-
disposition is identified for Weimaraners, Great Danes, Irish Setters and Doberman
ii. Persistent right aortic arch results from failure of the left aortic arch to develop as
the dominant structure in the fetus; instead, the right aortic arch develops. Cardio-
vascular physiology is normal but the ligamentum arteriosum (ductus arteriosus of the
fetus) connects the right-sided aorta to the pulmonary artery creating the vascular ring
entrapping the esophagus and trachea. The primary clinical sign is regurgitation at
weaning. Emaciation and aspiration pneumonia may occur secondarily.
iii. Surgery is performed as soon as possible. If aspiration pneumonia is present, it is
treated first. If surgery is delayed, the esophagus may develop permanent loss of
muscle tone and neurologic dysfunction. Prior to surgery, the puppy is fed a liquid or
gruel diet (small amounts frequently, from an elevated position) which will pass
through the vascular ring.
iv. Surgery involves transection of the ligamentum arteriosum and freeing the
esophagus from its entrapment within the vascular ring. The ligamentum arteriosum,
approached via left lateral 4th intercostal thoracotomy, is identified caudal to the
esophageal dilation and dissected free from attachments to the esophagus. Because it
can be patent, the ligament is double ligated and transected between ligatures. A large
oro gastric tube is inserted into the esophagus and passed through the constricted area;
any tissue preventing distension is dissected free allowing the tube to pass easily.
v. Prognosis with early surgical treatment is good. The longer surgery is delayed, the
poorer the prognosis. Postoperative management is identical to preoperative manage-
ment. Four weeks following surgery the puppy is gradually returned to a normal diet.
If regurgitation occurs, a barium swallow is repeated to determine the status of the

192-194: Questions

192 Name two different modalities for vascular ligation.

193 This is a ventrodorsal view of a 193

cranial abdominal radiograph (193).
i. What diagnostic study has been per-
formed, and what is the diagnosis?
ii. What other diagnostic tests could
have been performed to obtain a defini-
tive diagnosis?
iii. Name the potential postoperative
complications associated with the sur-
gical correction of this disease.

194 This is an oral view of the sub- 194

lingual area in a five-year-old, mixed-
breed dog (194). The patient has a his-
tory of anorexia and intermittent vomit-
ing. The patient was undergoing an ex-
ploratory laparotomy when the sublin-
gual area was examined.
i. What diagnostic test(s) indicated sur-
gery was necessary?
ii. Why was the sublingual area specifi-
cally examined?
iii. If the patient had not had clinical
signs of gastrointestinal disease, name an
additional differential diagnoses?

192-194: Answers

192 192 Vascular ligation can be

performed with sutures or
surgical staples. Suture pat-
terns acceptable for ligation
include a simple ligature, Hal-
stead transfixation ligature,
modified transfixation liga-
ture and tissue ligature.
Double ligatures are recom-
mended for large isolated ves-
sels, especially arteries. Knot
security is inversely propor-
tional to suture diameter;
therefore the smallest suture
providing adequate strength
is used.
Vascular clips are an alternative for ligation of small vessels (192). Advantages are
they can be applied rapidly and accurately, easily applied in poorly accessible areas
where suture ligation is difficult, and metal clips are radiopaque and can serve as
landmarks of the surgical site on radiographs. The disadvantage is that clips are more
easily dislodged, especially if there is tissue manipulation after placement. To apply
clips, dissect as much surrounding tissue as possible from the vessel to be occluded. The
diameter of the vessel to be ligated should be no larger that two-thirds the length of the
clip. The vascular clip is applied several millimeters from the cut end of the vessel to
avoid slippage. An artery and its accompanying vein are clipped separately.

193 i. Jejunal vein portography. Extrahepatic portosystemic shunt from the portal
vein to the caudal vena cava. The extrahepatic location of the shunt is deduced from
the fact that the shunt is located caudal to the T13 vertebral body.
ii. Splenoportography; cranial mesenteric portography; celiac arteriography; intra-
venous, transcolonic, and intrasplenic nuclear scintigraphy. All imaging studies are
diagnostic of portosystemic shunt if contrast material (radiopaque or nuclear) is
detected to bypass the liver and directly enter the systemic circulation.
iii. Postoperative complications following shunt ligation include portal hypertension,
portal vein thrombosis, ascites, delayed wound healing, hemorrhage, hypoglycemia,
infection, seizures and death.

194 i. Abdominal radiographs and ultrasound showed 'pleating' of small bowel sug-
gestive of a string foreign body.
ii. The sublingual area is always examined in patients with a string foreign body. This
patient indeed had an intestinal string foreign body which could not be removed by
enterotomy until the portion around the tongue had been cut. Intestinal string foreign
body which is caught at the tongue will 'saw' into the frenulum causing inflammation
and exuberant granulation tissue as in this dog.
iii. Squamous cell carcinoma can appear very similar.

195, 196: Questions

195 An eight-year-old, male 195

Great Pyrenees presents with a
history of a gradual onset of
weakness, lethargy and cough-
ing. Recently, the owners
noticed abdominal distension.
On physical examination you
determine there is ascites, and
muffled heart sounds on
thoracic auscultation. Radio-
graphs reveal a dramatically
enlarged cardiac silhouette. A
cardiac ultrasound is shown
i. What is your sonographic
You collect a sample for
cytology and it consists of a
sterile, non-clotting fluid with
erythrocytes, macro phages and reactive mesothelial cells. There is no evidence of
neoplasia on ultrasound examination or on cytologic evaluation.
ii. What is your definitive diagnosis?
iii. What treatment is recommended for this condition?
iv. What histologic changes would you expect to find?
v. What is the long-term prognosis with surgical management?

196 This is a lateral radio- 196a

graph of a three-year-old, fe-
male domestic shorthair cat
made at the local emergency
clinic (196a) . The cat is your
patient and was hit by a car
the night before, treated at the
emergency clinic and referred
to you for further treatment.
The cat is painful and some-
what dyspneic.
i. What is your diagnosis based
on this radiograph?
ii. What treatment would you

195, 196: Answers

195 i. Pericardial effusion. The source and character of effusion cannot be determined
without further testing.
ii. In the absence of infectious or neoplastic disease, a definitive diagnosis of idiopathic
hemorrhagic pericardial effusion (IHPE) is made based on cytology.
iii. Treatment for IHPE is intermittent pericardiocentesis, or total or partial peri-
cardiectomy. Many clinicians attempt pericardiocentesis and recommend pericardiec-
tomy if the condition recurs. The disadvantage of pericardiocentesis is that acute car-
diac tamponade with fatal consequences may occur at any time. Pericardiectomy (total
or subtotal) removes much or all of the diseased pericardium and allows any produced
to drain into the thoracic cavity and be absorbed without risk of tamponade. This pro-
cedure is contraindicated in cases of infectious pericarditis.
iv. Fibrous connective tissue and fibrin tag deposition on the parietal pericardium. The
cardiac surface of the parietal pericardium usually has the most active lesions. Changes
can include hemorrhage, congestion, neovascularization, inflammation and fibroplasia.
Lymphocytes and plasma cells predominate though macrophages are prominent in
some cases. Marked mesothelial proliferation may also be present.
v. Though the etiology remains unknown, the prognosis is good; most dogs are normal
following pericardiectomy.

196b 196 i. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. The

heart and lungs are displaced dorsally by what
appears to be the liver. There is no distinct
separation between the abdomen and thorax. A
thoracotomy tube has been placed.
ii. First, the patient is stabilized and treated for
shock. High mortality rates occur when surgery
is performed within the first 24 hours (33%)
due to shock, organ failure and the stress of
anesthesia and surgery. Surgery (diaphragmatic
herniorrhaphy) is performed as soon as the
patient is stable.
Anesthesia is induced quickly, the patient
intubated, and ventilation controlled until the
hernia is repaired and negative pressure estab-
lished in the pleural space. For acute hernia, a
ventral midline celiotomy is recommended
(l96b). Other approaches (a ninth intercostal
thoracotomy, a median sternotomy and a trans-
sternal thoracotomy) are indicated only if adhe-
sions are present. Abdominal viscera are return-
ed to their normal position. A malleable retrac-
tor is used to keep viscera reduced allowing inspection and closure of the diaphragm.
Even with chronic tears, it is not necessary to debride the edges of the hernia. An
absorbable material such as polygalactin 910 or polydioxanone is preferred and the
pattern may be either continuous or interrupted. Closure is initiated dorsal (deep) and
continued ventral. A chest tube is placed for 24-48 hours postoperatively.

197.... 19.9: Q uestion s

197 With regard to the cat in 196 with traumatic diaphragmatic hernia:
i. Which side, if either, is more commonly involved?
ii. What are the major postoperative complications associated with this procedure?
Discuss re-expansion pulmonary edema.

198 An eight-year-old, spayed female Cocker Spaniel is presented for treatment of

chronic otitis externa. The dog has had otitis for years and in the past, medical man-
agement would palliate the dog. Currently the dog is so painful she will not allow the
owners to treat the ears, and recent response to medical therapy has been poor.
i. What are the surgical treatments for chronic otitis externa?
ii. What criteria are used to choose the appropriate procedure?
iii. What additional diagnostic tests can be performed before surgery to fully evaluate
the ears?


199 This five-year-old, mixed-breed dog (199) received a burn from a heating pad
during surgery approximately three months ago. The dog is systemically healthy and
there is no evidence of infection, electrolyte abnormalities, protein loss, etc. In ad-
dition to the areas of hair loss and epithelialization, there are three wounds; the largest
of these is in the caudal thoracic and cranial abdominal area and is a square wound
almost entirely covered with a tightly adherent dried eschar (1). Cranial to this wound
over the shoulder and upper arm is a second major wound also covered with an
adherent dried eschar (2) . The third is the open granulating wound over the stifle and
thigh (3) . Is this a typical burn w ound? Describe the nature of these individual

197-199: Answers

197 i. Reports vary, but when put together there is an even distribution between right-
sided and left-sided diaphragmatic hernias. In dogs, about 40% have peripheral tears,
40% have central tears and 20% have a combination. In cats, about 60% have peri-
pheral tears, 20% have central tears and 20% have a combination.
ii. Hemothorax, pneumothorax, hypoventilation due to pain, ascites from increased
hepatic venous pressure and re-expansion pulmonary edema. Re-expansion edema
occurs when lung, atelectatic for a prolonged period, is rapidly re-expanded.
Chronically atalectatic lung should be gradually reinflated. If the lung does not inflate
with pressures of 20-30 cmH2 0, further attempts are not made. A chest tube is placed
and the lung expanded gradually over hours or days. Corticosteroids may have a
protective role in preventing pulmonary edema. Treatment is with ventilation and
diuretics but is frequently unrewarding.

198 i. Lateral ear canal resection exposes the vertical and horizontal canals via exci-
sion of the lateral portion of the vertical cartilage. It is used to relieve stenosis of the
vertical canal, and expose the horizontal canal improving drainage, air circulation, and
application of topical medications.
Vertical canal resection is performed if severe chronic otitis is limited to the vertical
canal or a small tumor or polyp is present. The horizontal canal mucosa is apposed to
the skin.
Total ear ablation is performed to remove the entire cartilaginous ear canal. It is
most often combined with lateral bulla osteotomy since otitis media is a common com-
plication of severe, chronic otitis externa.
ii. Criteria used to choose the appropriate procedure are the extent and severity of
disease. Mild to moderate chronic otitis externa without marked epithelial hyperplasia
often responds better to medical therapy after lateral ear canal resection. Lateral canal
resection is indicated only if the horizontal canal is patent. If the vertical canal is
severely affected or a tumor is present, and the horizontal canal is patent, vertical ear
canal ablation is indicated. Complete ear canal ablation is indicated if hyperplastic or
neoplastic tissue extends to the horizontal canal or bulla.
iii. To properly determine the severity and extent of ear disease, physical, neurologic and
otoscopic (may need to be performed after anesthesia) examinations are performed.
Radiographs are made of the bullae, including left and right lateral oblique views, and
an open-mouth rostrocaudal view. Changes seen include calcification of the external ear
canal, thickening of the bullae walls and increased opacity of the bullae chambers.

199 Burns from heating devices used during surgery occur from prolonged contact
with a moderate heat source. Burns usually occur with solid pad heating elements and
very rarely with flowing warm water pads. Pad temperature should not exceed 42°C
and immobile animals are moved regularly to avoid prolonged contact between one
area of skin and the heat source. The limb wound (3) is a mixture of first, second and
third degree burns. The first and second degree burns have healed, causing areas of
hairlessness and epithelialization. All three third degree burns were originally covered
with a coagulum of scab and dried skin. This eschar was removed from the hindlimb
wound (3) and it is now healing by contraction and epithelialization. Because of
adequate loose skin in this area, healing will be complete and contracture deformity
will not occur. The other two wounds are covered with a leathery eschar which pre-
vents wound contraction. Early in care, dried eschars are removed slowly by lifting the
edges as much as the patient allows on a regular basis.

-200, 20 I: Questions

200 With regard to the dog in 199, what is the definitive therapy?



201 A gastric outflow resection procedure is shown (201a, h) .

i. Name the procedure.
ii. Describe an alternative technique.
iii. What are the complications associated with both techniques?

200, 20 I: Answe rs

200a 200 The eschar in the cranial

wound is excised and this
wound is sutured easily. The
caudal granulating wound is
healing and is allowed to con-
tinue to do so. Available skin is
saved for the major wound in
the middle. The eschar in the
middle wound is excised, creat-
ing a square defect on the
lateral body wall (200a). Loose
skin on the right side is easily
transferred to the left by means
of a bipedicle ad vancement
200b flap or H-plasty. Four inci-
sions are required: two inci-
sions continue the sides of the
square defect dorsally over the
back of the dog and two inci-
sions are made in t he same
manner ventrally under the
abdomen. The flaps are under-
mined, leaving loose subcu-
taneous tissue and large vessels
attached to the skin to preserve
blood supply. The incisions are
extended and undermining is
continued until the free edges of the flaps can be advanced across the defect (200b ).
Divergence of the incisions as they are made prevents the base of the flap becoming
narrowed when it is advanced. Survival of a bipedicle flap is dependent on random
blood vessels entering the flap, and in this case is almost assured because of the many
vessels over the trunk and the width to length ratio of the flaps is more than 1:1. If the
width to length ratio is less, an attempt is made to devise an axial pattern flap instead.

201 i. Pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I).

ii. Gastrojejunostomy (Billroth II ). Following pylorectomy the pyloric and antral
stumps are closed using an inverted two-layer suture pattern. Full-thickness longi-
tudinal incisions are made in the stomach and jejunum. The jejunum and stomach are
then sutured together using a two-layer closure technique.
iii. Incisional leakage and dehiscence, hemorrhage, pancreatic or common bile duct
injury, persistent gastric outflow obstruction, marginal ulceration and stricture of the

202-204: Questions

202 The buried continuous intradermal closure technique (also called subcuticular
or intradermal pattern) has gained popularity in ve terinary surgical procedures. In
which of the fo llowing cases is this suture pattern appropriate as an alternative to
skin sutures?
(a) A five-year-old, male Labrador Retriever undergoing a routine castration.
(b) A ten-month-old , male Doberman Pinscher with an infected skin laceration
requiring debridement and closure.
(c) A six-month-old, female Siamese undergoing a routine ovariohysterectomy.
(d) A ten-year-old Husky with a large mass at the lateral aspect of the stifle.

203a 203b

203 A seven-month-old cat is presented with intermittent behavioral and neuro-

logical abnormalities (203a ). The abdominal cavity of this cat during exploratory
laparotomy is shown (203b ).
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. Describe the surgical therapy.
iii. What is the prognosis following surgery?

204 A 12-year-old, female H usky cross- 204

breed was presented for treatment of a
tonsillar mass. A carbon dioxide (C0 2 )
laser was used to excise the tumor.
i. What are advantages and disadvan-
tages of CO 2 laser excision compared
with scalpel excision?
ii. What are the patient safety precau-
tions illustrated (204)? Name ano ther
safety precaution not shown.
iii. What safety precautions are taken by
the surgeon and assistants?

202-204: Answers

202 Both (a) and (c) are appropriate cases for using intradermal closure pattern alone.
This closure pattern is best not used alone if wound edges are under tension, in con-
taminated or infected wounds, or wounds requiring drainage. The buried continuous
intradermal closure technique is ideal for elective veterinary surgical procedures be-
cause it eliminates the need for suture removal. Absorbable, inert, light-colored sutures
with a swaged needle are preferred. Appropriate sizes range from 3-0 to 6-0, depending
on the incision location and cosmetic consideration; 4-0 size is usually preferred.
Sutures should be placed superficial enough to hold skin edges together but deep
enough so that they are covered by a healthy epithelial layer. Knots are buried entirely
beneath the dermis to avoid interference with dermal coaptation and suture extrusion.

203c 203 i. Extrahepatic portosystemic shunt

(see 193).
ii. The anomalous vessel is identified and
a ligature is placed as close to the vena
cava as possible (203c). Portal vein pres-
sure is monitored during attenuation of
the vessel, and visual inspection of the
splanchnic viscera is used to evaluate
circulation and look for signs of passive
congestion. The anomalous vessel is
partially or totally closed, depending on
the rise in portal pressure and the quality
of visceral perfusion. More recently, re-
ports of shunt occlusion using an ameroid
ring have shown good results with limited morbidity and mortality (see 135).
iii. The prognosis following surgery for porto systemic shunts in cats is less favorable
than in dogs because postoperative improvement is less predictable. Persistence or
relapse of clinical signs after initial improvement is common and is caused in some
cases by development of multiple acquired portosystemic shunts after surgery.

204 i. The CO 2 laser controls hemorrhage better than scalpel surgery. This is desirable
in vascular areas such as the oral cavity, where physical access is limited, and in
patients with coagulopathies. The CO 2 laser seals lymphatics, theoretically minimizing
dissemination of tumor cells during surgery. Disadvantages of CO 2 laser include cost of
equipment and specialized training of staff.
ii. The endotracheal tube is covered with crinkled aluminum foil to prevent laser
penetration and potential ignition of gas vapors and plastic. Surrounding soft tissues
are protected from reflections with saline soaked gauzes. Not shown is suction for
removal of the plume (smoke) that can cause respiratory irritation of both patient and
surgeon. It is possible for viral particles and viable DNA from the target tissue to be
transported in the plume.
iii. Safety glasses are necessary to protect all personnel from stray laser reflections that
can cause ocular damage. A CO 2 fire extinguisher and a bucket of water for quenching
flaming drapes, etc. should be available. A laser emblem logo is posted outside the
operating room to alert staff of potential danger and to advise personnel entering the
room that eye protection must be worn. Personnel must be trained in the safe operation
of laser equipment before it is used.

205, 206: Questions



205 A seven-year-old, male Golden Retriever is presented with a history of acute

vomiting, depression, anorexia and diarrhea. A large, painful mass was detected by
abdominal palpation. The findings during abdominal exploration are shown (20Sa, b).
i. What are the differential diagnoses?
ii. What is the recommended therapy for this dog?
iii. Partial pancreatectomy can be performed by two techniques. Name these techniques
and their advantages.

206 When considering renal biopsy to gain a specific diagnosis:

i. What are some important contraindications, complications and perioperative
ii. Which biopsy needle is most commonly used and why?
iii. Name four different approaches to the kidneys, and the advantages and
disadvantages of each.

205, 206: Answers

205 i. Pancreatic abscess, pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreatic neoplasm.

ii. Removal of the mass by partial pancreatectomy. Debridement and open abdominal
drainage is recommended in septic dogs with pancreatic abscesses. Jejunostomy feeding
tube should be placed if prolonged anorexia or vomiting is anticipated after surgery.
iii. The dissection and ligation technique and the suture-fracture technique. The former
procedure allows precise identification and ligation of vessels and ducts, and causes less
inflammatory reaction . The latter procedure is less precise but requires less time. It is
more useful fOl: resection of a distal limb of the pancreas.

206 206 i. Contrai ndications for

rena l bi opsy include coagu-
lop athies, marked hydrone-
phr osis, suspected a bsce ss,
shrun ken end-stage kidneys,
and clinicians unfamiliar with
the technique or lacking appro-
priate equipment. Complica-
tions include non-diagnostic
specimens, gross or microscopic
hematuria (3%), hemorrhagic
shock (3%) and hydronephro-
sis from renal pelvis obstruction
by blood clots. Platelet count, coagulation time
and preferably renal sonography are evaluated
before biopsy.
ii. The disposable (reusable as long as sharpness is satisfactory) Vim Tru-Cut style
biopsy needle (206). The closed needle is advanced to the kidney capsule, and directed
away from the pelvis. At least two samples are obtained. Tangential cutting needle
cores or a thin wedge biopsy taken from the kidney pole provides good samples of cor-
tex and medulla with minimal risk to renal pelvis. If the approach allows, pressure is
applied to the biopsy site for 2-5 minutes. Eight to twelve hours of diuresis after biopsy
helps prevent formation of blood clots in the renal pelvis. Automated biopsy needles
such as the one shown are now available; these render manual immobilization of the
kidney unnecessary.
iii. A blind percutaneous approach is outdated due to inadequate lesion localization,
renal immobilization, hemostasis and specimen acquisition success rate. Key hole tech-
nique is simple and reliable, but allows access to only one kidney at a time. This
approach is made by a 45° skin incision at the craniodorsal corner where the last rib
meets the sublumbar musculature. M uscles are separated along the axis of their fibers
and the peritoneum incised. A finger is inserted to palpate and stabilize the kidney for
percutaneous cutting needle biopsy.
Ventral midline laparotomy provides access to both kidneys and is preferred when
exploration of the entire urinary tract (or abdomen) is needed.
Percutaneous ultraso und-guided biopsy using an automated cutting needle device
can be performed under sedation. Precise location of the area to biopsy is provided and
morbidity is minimal. Ultrasound examination also allows evaluation of the entire
urinary tract.

207-209: Questions

207a 207b

207 A seven-year-old, female German Shepherd Dog

presented for consultation was previously diagnosed
with acute cystitis. Its last estrus was nine weeks ago.
On clinical examination a seropurulent vulvar secre-
tion was observed. A contrast radiographic study is
shown (207a) together with an ultrasound image of the patient's caudal abdomen
i. What contrast techniques have been used?
ii. Is the appearance of the studied organs normal?
iii. What is the diagnosis?

208 A nine-year-old, male Labrador Retriever is presented on emergency for acute

onset of dyspnea. The owners report the dog was breathing heavily all day, but this
evening became much worse. On presentation the dog has marked inspiratory stridor
and is cyanotic. Body temperature is 40.6°C (105°F).
i. Where is the location of the obstruction, and what is the most likely cause?
ii. What emergency treatment is required?
iii. Briefly describe the needed emergency surgical procedure.

209 i. What are these instruments

ii. Name three procedures that are
performed using these instruments.

207-209: Answers

207 i. Double contrast hysterography (air and iodine contrast) and double contrast
cystography. The contrast material used was Iohexol (300 mg Ifml) at a dose of 1 ml/kg
body weight.
ii. No. The bladder wall is thickened and its outline irregular. The uterine outline is
irregular in both horns. Urinalysis showed inflammatory sediment, and urine culture
grew Escherichia coli. Corpora lutea were seen on ultrasound examination of the
ovaries and serum progesterone concentration was 80 nmolll (25 ng/ml).
iii. Cystitis and cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Treatment for cystitis is antibiotic
therapy based on urine culture and sensitivity. Treatment for cystic endometrial
hyperplasia, if symptomatic, is ovariohysterectomy or perhaps chemical luteolysis by
prostaglandin therapy.

208 i. Inspiratory stridor is caused by upper airway obstruction. Given signalment,

history and physical examination findings, laryngeal paralysis is likely.
ii. Emergency therapy consists of cooling the animal (alcohollwater bath, fan, fluids),
decreasing laryngeal inflammation and edema with corticosteroids, and breaking the
'stress-dyspnea' cycle with sedation and oxygen therapy. If the animal decompensates
in spite of medical treatment or presents in a life-threatening condition, as this dog is, a
patent airway is established by temporary tracheostomy.
iii. Depending on the degree of urgency, the patient is best prepared and draped for
aseptic surgery . In critical cases the hair is clipped and skin only swabbed with
antiseptic. A ventral midline approach is made to the larynx. The annular ligament is
transected one-half to two-thirds the circumference of the trachea between two rings
(usually rings 3 and 4) being careful not to damage the recurrent laryngeal nerves.
Alternatively, a vertical incision can be made through the tracheal rings. The tube is
placed and secured with umbilical tape around the neck. A long, non-absorbable stay
suture is placed around the distal tracheostomy ring and left in place to expose the
trachea by applying traction, in the event the tube needs to be replaced urgently.
Muscle, subcutis and skin are closed to the level of the tube. Antiseptic ointment is
placed at the open incision site.

209b 209 i. End-to-end anastomosis (EEA)

stapling instrument (United States
Surgical Corporation, Norwalk, CT) and
corresponding ovoid sizers. The EEA
applies a circular double row of staples,
creating a true two-layer inverting anasto-
mosis. A circular blade within the car-
tridge simultaneously cuts the redundant
'doughnut-shaped' ring of tissue from
each bowel end to create a new lumen.
The ovoid sizers are used to determine lu-
menal diameter and hence which size
EEA cartridge is used.
ii. Common uses of the EEA stapler include: colorectal resection and anastomosis
(209b), end-to-end gastroduodenostomy, end-to-side gastroesophageal anastomosis,
and esophageal and colonic anastomoses.

210, ill: Questions

210 A lethargic nine-year-old, male 210

German Shepherd Dog is presented with
abdominal distension and an abdominal
mass. Plain radiography confirms spleno-
megaly and a splenectomy is performed.
The enlarged spleen is shown (210).
i. Name the different causes of localized
ii. What laboratory tests should be per-
formed before surgery?
iii. List four predictors of splenic neo-
iv. A malignant tumor derived from
blood vessels is diagnosed by histologic
examination. What is the prognosis?

211 A 12-year-old, female Lhasa Apso is admitted to your hospital for evaluation of
chronic weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. On presentation, the dog is depressed, 12%
dehydrated, tachycardic, has weak femoral pulses and its respirations are labored. Body
temperature is 40.6°C (105°F) and the abdomen is tense and painful. Hemogram and
serum chemistry abnormalities include: WBC 42 x 10 9/1 (42,000/mm3 ); PCV 0.52 111
(52%); albumin 19.0 gil (1.9 gldl); platelets 75 x 10 9/1 (75,000/mm 3 ); urea 7.97 mmolll
(BUN 48.0 mg/dl); glucose 2.9 mmol/l (52 mg/dl). Elevations of serum creatinine,
alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, amylase and lipase are noted, as well as hypokalemia
and hypochloremia. Abdominocentesis recovers purulent fluid (WBC 55 x 10 9/1
(55,000/mm 3 )), with degenerative neutrophils and bacteria present. Amylase and lipase
concentrations in the fluid are greater than those found in the serum. On sonography a
pancreatic mass with a mixed echo pattern, possibly an abscess, is seen. Suspecting
septic shock from a pancreatic abscess, you initiate treatment.
i. What are the fluid therapy options for acute restoration of intravascular volume?
Which is preferred for patients in septic shock, and why?
ii. Thoracic radiographs show mild pulmonary edema and moderate plural effusion.
This patient has no history of cardiopulmonary disease. What changes in the labora-
tory values could account for these findings, and why? What treatment is used to
reverse this process?
iii. Arterial blood gas analysis indicates metabolic acidosis is present. Why does this
occur in septic shock, and how is it treated?
iv. Exploratory laparotomy is performed and a pancreatic abscess is diagnosed. Post-
operatively, what steps besides i/v crystalloid therapy are considered to support this
patient nutritionally?

210,211: Answers

210 i. Splenomegaly can be caused by primary neoplasia (hemangiosarcoma, lympho-

sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, plasma cell tumor, mast cell tumor and
hemangioma), metastic disease and non-neoplastic disease (hyperplasia and
ii. Routine laboratory tests should include hemogram, BUN, creatinine and liver
enzymes. Hemostasis should be investigated before surgery because splenic hemangio-
sarcoma is associated with diffuse intravascular coagulation at the time of presenta-
tion in up to 50% of cases.
iii. Anemia, nucleated red blood cells, abnormal red blood cell morphology and
splenic rupture were found to be associated with a significantly greater chance of
splenic neoplasia in dogs.
iv. A splenectomy is often life-saving in dogs with hemangiosarcoma, but a cure is
seldom obtained. Hemangiosarcoma is associated with an average survival time of 2-3
months after splenectomy.

211 i. Fluid therapy options for this patient include: balanced electrolyte solutions
such as lactated Ringer's or similar (90 ml/kglhour); 7.5% saline (4-8 mllkg); colloid
therapy with dextran (dose 20 mllkg) or hydroxyethyl starch (dose 20 mllkg). Because
large volumes of crystalloid solutions are required in septic shock to restore microcir-
culation, concurrent use of colloids or hypertonic saline during resuscitation is recom-
mended to reduce the amount of crystalloid required by 40-60%.
ii. Serum proteins, especially albumin, provide oncotic pressure in the normal animal.
Hypoalbuminemia exacerbates fluid leakage into the interstitium,promoting
peripheral and pulmonary edema. Administration of colloids can reduce or prevent
edema from forming. When albumin concentration is less than 20 gil, fresh frozen
plasma or albumin are the colloids of choice. Once serum albumin is above 20 gil,
synthetic colloids such as dextran 70 or hydroxyethyl starch are used. The oncotic
activity of dextran is stronger but not as long lasting as hydroxyethyl starch.
iii. Metabolic acidosis results from hypotension, poor tissue perfusion and local
hypoxia; this stimulates anaerobic glycolysis and excess lactic acid production. Im-
proving microcirculation and tissue blood flow is most important in treating meta-
bolic acidosis.
iv. The nutritional needs of the septic patient cannot be overemphasized. The im-
mediate goal of nutritional support is to prevent further catabolism of the body's own
nutrient stores. Enteral feeding is preferred in septic patients - disuse of the bowel pro-
motes enterocyte degradation, breakdown of the blood-bowel barrier and further bac-
terial translocation. In this patient, placement of a jejunostomy tube and feeding a
balanced enteral formula will help restore normal metabolism.


212 An II-year-old, female Fox Terrier was presented for evaluation of marked
weight gain over the last three months, in spite of decreased appetite during that period
of time. There were no other significant clinical signs. An abdominal radiograph of the
dog is shown (212a).
i. Is the radiograph normal?
ii. What are the differential diagnoses for the noted abnormalities?
iii. What other diagnostic tools would you use before proceeding with exploratory

213 You are presented with a one-year- 213

old, female Giant Schnauzer for its an-
nual vaccinations. On auscultation of the
chest you detect a murmur. Part of your
diagnostic evaluation includes a selective
right ventricular angiogram. The radio-
graph pictured demonstrates the lesion
i. Name the cardiac lesion, and identify
the area outlined by arrows.
ii. Describe the murmur you would hear
with this type of lesion.
iii. What ECG findings would you expect
with this lesion?
iv. What therapy would you recommend,
and what would determine if medical or
surgical therapy were indicated?

212, 213: Answers

212b 212 i. No. A large round mass (ap-

proximately 10 cm diameter) is visible
in the cranial abdomen. The spleen is
not visible, and a tubular structure of
fluid opacity is present in the caudal
abdomen, compatible with an en-
larged uterus.
ii. The cranial mass could be associ-
ated with the spleen by position and
because the normal shadow of the
organ is not visible in this view. Dif-
ferential diagnoses include a mass on
the kidney, adrenal gland, mesenteric
lymph node or ovary. The caudal
mass is compatible with a pyometra.
iii. In this case, sonography provides
data of great value. The spleen was normal in size, and the cranial mass was identified
as an ovarian tumor (212b). The pyometra was readily visualized on the sonogram.
The remaining abdominal organs and contralateral ovary were normal, and thoracic
radiographs (three views) showed no evidence of metastases. Ovariohysterectomy was
performed. Histologic evaluation of the ovary identified a papillary adenocarcinoma.
This is the most common ovarian tumor type in bitches. They can spread to the lungs
or seed throughout the abdomen causing carcinomatosis. Careful inspection and biopsy
of suspicious lesions on the contralateral ovary and all peritoneal surfaces is warranted
at the time of laparotomy. Treatment is by surgical resection. The prognosis is good if
metastasis has not occurred. Chemotherapy may be effective for disseminated tumors.

213 i. Subvalvular pulmonic stenosis with muscular infundibular stenosis. The arrows
outline the poststenotic dilation of the pulmonary artery. ,
ii. Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur heard best on the left side at the base of the
iii. ECG changes would be consistent with right-sided cardiac enlargement and right
axis deviation. Tall P waves, S waves greater than 0.35 mV in lead II and greater than
0.05 mV in lead I, presence of S waves in leads I, II, III and aVF, and deep Q waves
(>0.5 m V) in leads I, II, III and aVF are consistent with right-sided cardiac enlargement.
iv. The decision between medical and surgical management of pulmonic stenosis is
generally based on the pressure gradient between the right ventricle and the pulmonary
artery. A catheter is placed through the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and
pressures are monitored as the catheter is withdrawn through the stenosis. The pressure
in the pulmonary artery is lower than that of the right ventricle because of obstructed
flow. Surgery is recommended in adult dogs if right ventricular systolic pressure is
120 mmHg or greater (in immature dogs greater than 70 mmHg), or if the gradient
across the stenosis is greater than 100 mmHg.
No specific medical therapy is indicated for the management of pulmonic stenosis.
Many dogs are asymptomatic and those with clinical signs generally have pressure
gradients which warrant surgery. If left untreated, signs of right-sided heart failure
develop and may be managed medically.

214-216 Questions

214 With regard to the dog in 213 with pulmonic stenosis, what surgical options are
available for treatment of the lesion?

215 A 14-year-old, mixed- 215a

breed dog is presented because
of progressive abdominal en-
largement. A positive undula-
tion is found and paracentesis
is performed. Cytologic exam-
ination of the abdominal fluid
reveals reactive mesothelial
i. The greater omentum (215a)
and the abdominal wall (215b)
are shown. What is your pre-
sumptive diagnosis?
ii. The healing of acute
peritoneal defects is rapid and 215b
often complete within 5-7 days
regardless of the size of the
defect. Characterize this heal-
mg process.
iii. Suturing the peritoneum is
not advisable. Explain why.

216 You are planning to remove several lipomas (2-4 cm in diameter) from a healthy
eight-year-old, spayed female Cocker Spaniel. The dog has moderate dental calculus
and periodontitis, and the owner requests that the teeth be cleaned at the same time so
that the dog will only have to undergo anesthesia once. You agree to perform both the
lipoma removals and the dental cleaning/prophylaxis at the same time.
i. What potential complications should you warn the owner about?
ii. Would you use prophylactic antibiotic therapy to prevent wound infection in this
iii. If you choose to use a prophylactic antibiotic, what drug would you use and when
would you administer it?

2 14-216: Answers

214 Pulmonic stenosis with infundibular muscular stenosis carries the poorest prognosis
and is the most difficult to treat surgically. Options for treating this type of stenosis are
the modified Brock procedure, patch graft technique and right ventricle-pulmonary
artery conduit. Techniques such as valve dilation and pulmonary arteriotomy are not
successful at resolving the muscular component of this condition.
The modified Brock technique involves placing a purse-string suture and Rumel tour-
niquet in the right ventricle and a right ventriculotomy incision is made. An infundibular
rongeur is inserted and the Rumel tightened. The subvalvular stenosis and infundibular
muscle is removed. When complete, the purse-string is tied off to close the ventriculo-
tomy. The patch graft technique involves placing a patch over the pulmonary outflow
tract between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. A preplaced wire or cutting
suture is used to cut the outflow tract, allowing blood to fill the patch and the widened
outflow tract. This technique enlarges the outflow tract and allows blood to flow more
easily to the pulmonary artery. The conduit technique accomplishes the same goal as the
patch graft by bypassing the pulmonary outflow tract; a synthetic vascular conduit is
placed between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. Conduits are available with
or without a valve to prevent regurgitation.

215 i. Neoplastic effusion caused by a metastatic tumor, most likely a mesothelioma or

gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma. Widespread peritoneal dissemination like this is also
known as carcinomatosis.
ii. The healing process of the peritoneum is called reperitonealization and occurs by
deposition of mesothelial cells on the denuded surface, centripetal proliferation of meso-
thelial cell from the wound edges, and adherence of nearby structures that have a
mesothelial surface.
iii. Suturing the peritoneum is not advised because if it is left unsutured, there is less ad-
hesion formation and no increase in dehiscence or delay in wound healing. Furthermore,
suturing of the peritoneum does not increase the strength of a wound.

216 i. Potential complications of lipoma removal include hematoma, seroma, wound

infection and dehiscence associated with inadvertent early removal of sutures or staples.
Potential complications of dental cleaning/prophylaxis include pain or bleeding while
eating and bacteremia. Common organisms associated with periodontal disease include
anaerobes (Porphyromonas spp., Actinomyces spp.), streptococci and enterococci.
Dental cleaning results in bacteremia, and high numbers of organisms are present in
blood at the lipoma removal sites; the risk of wound infection may be higher than usual.
ii. In a healthy dog with moderate dental calculus and periodontitis, it may not be neces-
sary to use prophylactic antibiotics. If you choose to use antibiotics to reduce the chance
of wound infection, short-term perioperative use is recommended.
iii. High blood concentrations of antibiotics are required at the time blood is seeping into
the surgical wound and are continued for a maximum of 24 hours. The antibiotic should
be effective against the organisms prevalent in periodontal disease. The drugs of choice
would be ampicillinlsulbactam (20 mg/kg, i/v, q 6 hours) or amoxicillinlclavulinic acid
(11-22 mg/kg, plo, q 8 hours). Alternative drugs would be clindamycin (11 mg/kg, plo
or ilv, q 12 hours) or tinidazole (30 mg!kg, plo, q 24 hours, in dogs; 15 mg/kg, plo, q 24
hours, in cats). (Tinidazole is currently available in Europe and is awaiting approval in
the USA.) Intravenous drugs are administered at the time of anesthetic induction, while
oral drugs are administered several hours before surgery.

217 i. Identify this instrument 217a
ii. What is its use?
iii. What are examples of
alternative instruments that
can be used for the same pur-

218 A lung lobectomy is

being performed to remove a
pulmonary abscess in the
affected lobe (218a, b).
i. What instrument is being
ii. Describe how the device
functions, and name one other
application for this device.


219 For what time durations do the following suture materials provide useful
strength for wound closure and remain present in the surgical wound?
i. Chromic gut.
ii. Polygalactin 910 (Vicryl) or polyglycolic acid (Dexon).
iii. Polydioxanone (PDS) or polyglyconate (Maxon).
iv. Nylon.
v. Polypropylene (Prolene) or polybutester (Novafil).

217-219: Answers

217b 217 i. Senn retractor.

ii. To facilitate exposure and maintain
retraction of adjacent or overlying
tissues while the primary procedure is
iii. Army-Navy, Rake, and Malleable
retractors are all examples of common
hand held retractors (217b). These in-
struments are an essential part of a
well equipped surgical pack. They are
valuable for retraction of large and
small tissue, and allow a surgical field
uncluttered by fingers. The main dis-
advantage of hand held retractors are
that they require a surgical assistant.
Self-retaining retractors such as Gelpi,
Weitlaner and Balfour retractors maintain tissue separation without assistance.

218 i. A surgical linear stapling device. TP 90, TP 60 and TP 30 (Ethicon Endo-Sur-

gery), and TA 90 and TA 55 (United States Surgical Corporation) are examples of
linear stapling devices. The numeric designation refers to the length in millimeters of
the rows of staples placed when discharged. They place a double row of staggered
staples which allows circulation between the staples, assuring viability of the 2-4 mm
of tissue remaining distal to the staples.
ii. Tissue to be removed is placed in the jaws of the stapler and they are closed. The
adjusting knob is set to the desired amount of tissue compression. For thick and
friable tissues such as liver, less compression is used to avoid cutting the tissues. The
safety catch is released and the trigger is squeezed until it locks into the handle, sealing
the tissue with staples. The device has a cutting guide for a scalpel to transect the tis-
sue distal to the staples. The jaws are released and the instrument removed. The stump
is inspected for leakage. The stapler allows application deep within body cavities for
such procedures as resection of the right atrial appendage, pulmonary lobectomy or
pneumonectomy, hepatic lobectomy, prostatic cyst resection, partial splenectomy,
uterine or ovarian pedicles, and similar procedures.

219 i. 33% loss of strength at seven days; 67% loss at 28 days; complete absorption
at 60 days (shorter if infection/inflammation present).
ii. Polygalactin 910: 50% loss of strength at 14 days, 80% at 21 days; complete
absorption at 60-90 days. Polyglycolic acid: 37% loss of strength at seven days, 80%
at 14 days; complete absorption at 120 days.
iii. Polydioxanone and polyglyconate: 19-26% loss of strength at 14 days, 41-42 %
at 28 days, 86% loss at 56 days; complete absorption at 180-182 days.
iv. Biologically inert; 30% loss of strength at two years; never completely absorbed.
v. Strength is permanently retained after implantation; never absorbed.

220-222: Questions

220 A five-year-old West Highland White Terrier developed jaundice, anorexia and
abdominal distension one week after a dog fight. Radiographic examination of the
abdomen revealed the presence of free fluid. Abdominal paracentesis revealed a dark
brownish-red fluid. The exploratory laparotomy findings are shown (220). '
i. What is the most likely diagnosis?
ii. Name several surgical procedures to eliminate the primary problem.
iii. What supportive therapy should be instituted?

221 A two-year-old, castrated male domestic shorthair cat is brought to your clinic
after having been gone from home for a week. A 5 cm diameter open wound is
present on the dorsum at the base of the tail. The wound surface is dry and there is
leaf litter, gravel and dirt embedded in the surface of the wound.
i. What immediate wound care do you recommend for management of contamina-
tion and infection?
ii. What is your long-term plan for treatment of the wound?
iii. Do you administer antibiotics?

222 Describe the double valve Denver shunt, its components, functions, method for
implantation and clinical applications.

220-222: Answers

220 i. Bile peritonitis secondary to extrahepatic biliary tract rupture, gall-bladder rup-
ture, or extensive liver trauma.
ii. Primary closure or anastomosis of tears in the gall-bladder or bile ducts, closure of
bile ducts over a T-tube or Y-tube, bile flow diversion techniques (cholecystoduodeno-
stomy or cholecystojejunostomy), reimplantation of the avulsed bile duct and serosal
patch grafting.
iii. Supportive therapy consists of peritoneal lavage, systemic antibiotic therapy, fluid
and electrolyte replacement, and correction of any acid-base imbalance. Open ab-
dominal drainage should be considered if there is bacterial peritonitis. Sterile bile peri-
tonitis has a much better prognosis than bacterial contaminated bile peritonitis.

221 i. If there is a delay in wound care while you stabilize the cat, the wound is cover-
ed with a water-miscible antibiotic ointment and a sterile dressing. Once stable, the
cat is anesthetized, the wound surgically prepared, and necrotic tissue and gross debris
is removed. The wound is lavaged with isotonic crystalloid solution. Bacterial con-
tamination may be further reduced with 1.0% povidone iodine solution (1 part povi-
done solution:10 parts crystalloid) or 0.05% chlorhexidine diacetate solution (1 part
chlorhexidine diacetate solution:40 parts crystalloid). The wound is managed open
under bandages that are changed 1-2 times daily for 3-5 days. The use of a wet-to-dry
bandage facilitates debridement and promotes development of a viable vascular bed.
The tail base is an ideal place to use a tie-over bandage.
ii. Options include second intention healing; chronic skin stretching using 'walking
sutures' until delayed primary closure is achieved; a local flap; or an axial pattern flap
based on the dorsal or ventral branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery.
iii. Short-term use of a systemic antibiotic will aid in reducing the bacterial contami-
nation of wounded tissues, which speeds healing. A broad-spectrum antibiotic such as
cephalexin (20 mg/kg p/o tid) is appropriate. Topical antibiotics/antiseptics can also
be used although most agents delay wound healing. The clinician must weigh the risks
and benefits of treating infection and delaying wound healing by applying topical sub-

222 The Denver shunt is a pleural/peritoneal-venous shunt for treatment of chronic

ascites or pleural effusion. It consists of an efferent catheter, two one-way valves and an
afferent catheter. The efferent catheter is placed in the abdomen or chest through a stab
incision. The catheter is tunneled under the skin along the body wall to the cervical
region. The pump is sutured in place over a rib so that external pressure compresses the
pump diaphragm against a firm surface. The afferent catheter continues subcutaneously
to the jugular vein and is inserted intravascularly to the level of the right atrium. A liga-
ture is tied around the catheter to secure it in place and a proximal ligature is tightened
to ligate the jugular permanently. With the catheter in place, fluid is pumped through
the one-way valve system from the chest or abdomen into the right atrium. Denver
shunts are used to treat ascites secondary to chronic protein losing enteropathy (the
protein rich fluid is returned to circulation), and chylothorax (the shunt is reversed and
placed so that fluid is drained from the thoracic cavity into the abdomen).

223, 224: Questions

223 A nine-year-old, 30 kg German Shepherd Dog is presented for acute collapse. On

physical examination, the dog is recumbent, tachypneic, tachycardic and has obvious
abdominal distension. Mucous membranes are pale and dry, and capillary refill time is
prolonged. Femoral pulse is weak and rapid. Abdominal radiographs show peritoneal
effusion. Hemogram yields the following information: PCY 0.2 III (20%); serum
protein 41 gil (4.1 gldl).
i. What type of fluid is appropriate for initial replacement therapy? At what rate of
infusion? How do you monitor the animals's response to treatment?
ii. Abdominocentesis is performed and bloody fluid is obtained (PCY 0.14 VI (14%);
protein 38 gil (3.8 gldl)), confirming the presence of intraperitoneal hemorrhage. What
criteria are used to decide if a transfusion is needed? What type of blood product
(whole blood, packed red cells, plasma, etc.), and volume would you infuse?
iii. Despite aggressive fluid therapy and blood transfusion, the animal's condition
deteriorates. Exploratory laparotomy is performed and a hemorrhaging mass is found
in the spleen. A liter of blood is removed from the abdominal cavity. Do you utilize
this fluid to autotransfuse this patient, or continue with whole blood transfusions?


224 A ten-year-old, male Labrador Retriever is presented for evaluation of this

tongue mass (224). The owners report no associated clinical signs; the lesion was
noted incidentally when the dog was panting.
i. What are the differential diagnoses?
ii. What further tests are indicated?
iii. What is the treatment for this abnormality?

223,224: Answers

223 i. Crystalloid agents are adequate to restore circulating volume initially. An ideal
replacement solution is sodium-based, isoosmolar (canine normal 290-310 mOsmll),
has a physiologically balanced electrolyte composition, and a bicarbonate precursor
such as lactate. Lactated Ringer's solution closely matches these characteristics. The
rate for fluid restoration in circulatory shock is 90 mllkg/hour for dogs and
60 mllkg/hour for cats. Hypertonic saline (7.5%) and colloids such as hydroxyethyl
starch (Hetastarch, Dupont Critical Care) and dextran 70 (Gentran 70, Baxter Health
Care) increase intravascular volume by raising serum osmolarity and activating fluid
shifts from the interstitium to the vascular space (canine dose - 4-8 ml/kg for 7.5%
saline and 20 mllkg for colloids). Use of an osmotic agent decreases the volume of cry-
stalloid solution required to restore perfusion. Restoration of intravascular volume is
recognized by normalization of heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse quality, mucous
membrane color and capillary refill time.
ii. Animals require red cell replacement for acute hemorrhage when 25-30% of blood
volume is lost (blood volume in this dog is 90 mllkg, i.e. 2700 ml), when PCV declines
acutely below 0.2 III (20%) and when clinical signs indicate cardiovascular function is
compromised. Packed red blood cells with crystalloid fluids, or whole blood are best
administered; whole blood has the advantage of replacing clotting factors. Red cells
are administered to maintain PCV above 0.15 III (15%); a guideline of 10-20 ml of
blood/kg body weight or one unit of blood (500 ml) per 20 kg animal can be used.
iii. Autotransfusion is contraindicated due to the likelihood of spreading or seeding
tumor cells system wide. Use of whole blood transfusions is preferred for this patient.
Ideally, cross-match is performed prior to all transfusions; here the need for multiple
transfusions requires it.

224 i. The most common canine tongue neoplasm is squamous cell carcinoma. Other
common tumor types are granular cell myoblastoma, melanoma and mast cell tumor.
Sarcomas occur less commonly, and a variety of other carcinomas and benign tumors
have occasionally been reported.
ii. The tongue is biopsied by wedge excision from the center of the mass. The surgeon
must be careful not to extend the tumor margin at the time of biopsy. Regional lymph
nodes are aspirated to stage the tumor, and if melanoma or squamous cell carcinoma
is suspected, thoracic radiographs are performed (left and right lateral, and ventrodor-
sal views) to search for metastasis.
iii. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for most lingual tumors. Granular cell
myoblastoma is potentially a curable tumor with wide surgical excision, and good
local control (65%) can be achieved with melanoma. Long-term survival (>18
months) often occurs with lingual melanomas as metastases seem to occur more
slowly than for melanomas at other sites. Squamous cell carcinoma and mast cell
tumor have a poor prognosis for one year survival (25% or less); local recurrence and
lymph node metastases are common. In general, tumors of the rostral tongue have a
better prognosis. Adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation are recommended for in-
operable tumors, when lymph node metastases are present or likely to occur (mela-
noma, squamous cell carcinoma, mast cell tumor), to shrink tumors before surgery,
and to manage metastases.

225, 226: Questions

225 This ten-year-old Golden

Retriever (225) had a history of
weakness, restlessness, exercise
intolerance, seizures and col-
lapse. Hypoglycemia was
found by serial measurements
of plasma glucose.
i. What is the diagnosis?
ii. Name two other primary
pancreatic neoplasms.
iii. Give the prognosis for this
dog after surgery and discuss
some prognostic factors .

~26a 226b

226 This is an intraoral endoscopic picture of an eight-year-old, spayed female Labra-

dor Retriever that presented to the emergency clinic for dyspnea (226a). The owners
reported an acute onset of respiratory distress; upon further questioning, you learn
that the dog has also had a change in her bark and she seemed to have respiratory dif-
ficulties last summer as well.
i. Based on the history and illustration, what is your preliminary diagnosis?
ii. How will you confirm the diagnosis?
iii. Name three surgical procedures that can be used to correct this problem and what
complications might be encountered with each? A postoperative intraoral endoscopic
view of this animal is shown (226b).

225, 226: Answers

225 i. Insulin-secreting islet cell neoplasm (insulinoma). Diagnosis is confirmed by

measuring a high serum insulin concentration concurrent with a low blood glucose
ii. Exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma and gastrinoma.
iii. The short-term prognosis is very good for relief of signs of hypoglycemia, however
the long-term prognosis is generally poor because a surgical cure is unlikely given the
highly metastic behavior of the tumor. Relapse of clinical signs can be expected 10-14
months after surgery in about 95% of the cases. Poor prognostic indicators include
age at time of diagnosis, high preoperative insulin concentrations and the presence of
distant metastases at time of surgery.

226 i. Laryngeal paralysis. Idiopathic laryngeal paralysis is usually seen in large-breed

dogs (Retrievers, Saint Bernard, and Siberian Husky) over nine years of age. Other
etiologies include trauma, hypothyroidism and congenital paralysis. Clinical signs
include voice change; gagging or coughing while eating; inspiratory stridor; and
dyspnea, cyanosis or even syncope.
ii. Diagnosis is by laryngoscopic observation of the arytenoids under sedation light
enough that the gag reflex remains present. Failure of the arytenoid cartilages to
abduct during inspiration or cough is diagnostic. Cervical and thoracic radiographs
are made to rule out other possible respiratory diseases.
iii. Three surgical procedures are:
• Unilateral arytenoid lateralization. Variations of this procedure include thyro-
arytenoid and cricoarytenoid cartilage lateralization. The most common complica-
tions are aspiration pneumonia and postoperative edema or hematoma. It is possible
to penetrate the laryngeal mucosa during dissection, contaminating the surgical field
from the oral cavity and risking abscess formation at the surgical site. In this
author's opinion (N.].H. Sharp), this technique is the treatment of choice.
• Partial laryngectomy is performed per as after temporary tracheostomy intubation
(this allows unencumbered visualization of the pharynx). Hemorrhage and sub-
sequent aspiration of blood can occur with this procedure, and swelling and edema
may lead to airway obstruction. Aspiration pneumonia can occur if too much of the
larynx is excised and the epiglottis is incapable of covering the airway. The most
severe complication is laryngeal webbing and stenosis weeks to months after
• Castellated laryngofissure widens the lumen of the glottis by apposition of a stair-
stepped incision in the thyroid cartilage. The vocal folds are also resected and mat-
tress sutures are placed through the arytenoid and thyroid cartilages to stabilize the
arytenoid cartilages. Tracheostomy is recommended prior to this procedure. Com-
plications reported include edema, aspiration pneumonia and stenosis at the surgery

227-229: Questions

227 Name three disinfectants used for preparation of the surgical field. List the
mechanism of action, advantages and disadvantages of each.


228 An additional diagnostic technique has been used to help delineate this tumor
during surgery (228).
i. Name this technique.
ii. What deleterious side-effects can occur from an excessive dose?
iii. Name another type of tumor in which this technique is helpful.

229 A three-year-old, castrated male domestic shorthair cat is presented for emer-
gency evaluation after being hit by a car. Prior to the accident the cat was normal.
Outwardly, the cat appears normal on clinical examination except for a heart rate of
185 bpm and a respiratory rate of 55 breaths per minute.
i. What type of 'occult' injuries can be present that may not be readily apparent on
routine physical examination?
ii. You are concerned the cat may have a ruptured bladder. How will you assess this
iii. What is the treatment for a ruptured bladder?

227-229: Answers

227 Chlorhexidine alters bacterial cell wall permeability causing precipitation of

cellular proteins and cell death. Advantages include rapid onset of action (99% kill
rate within 30 seconds), broad spectrum of activity (most bacteria and many fungi),
prolonged residual activity, and continued activity in the presence of organic matter
and alcohol. Disadvantages include decreased efficacy against some Pseudomonas
spp., minimal viricidal and sporicidal activity, and, rarely, contact dermatitis.
Povidone slowly releases free iodine which binds to bacterial cell walls creating free
radicals that result in cell death. Advantages include rapid onset of action (similar to
chlorhexidine) and broad spectrum of activity (most bacteria, any viruses, fungi, some
protozoa, and sporicidal after prolonged exposure). Disadvantages include inactiva-
tion in the presence of organic matter, minimal residual activity, skin irritation and
Isopropyl alcohol reacts with lipids in bacterial cell membranes leading to altered
permeability and cell death. Advantages include broad spectrum of activity, rapid
onset, ability to remove the detergent left by other agents (e.g. chlorhexidine scrub,
povidone scrub) and increased efficacy of chlorhexidine and povidone when used with
alcohol. Disadvantages include slower onset of action and less efficacy than chlor-
hexidine or povidone iodine when used alone, little residual activity, and tissue injury
and necrosis in open wounds.

228 i. Methylene blue (3 mg/kg body weight) can be given intravenously to delineate
insulinomas and their metastases. Methylene blue appears to stain specifically the pan-
creatic islet-cell tumor cells, facilitating visualization of small masses at surgery.
ii. Side-effects include pseudocyanosis, hemolytic anemia with Heinz body formation
and red blood cell morphology changes, disseminated intravascular coagulation and
iii. Parathyroid gland tumors.

229 i. Occult thoracic injuries from trauma include pneumothorax, pulmonary con-
tusion, diaphragmatic hernia (especially in cats) and rib fractures. Occult abdominal
injuries include splenic and hepatic contusion or laceration, biliary tract rupture, and
urinary tract injury or rupture.
ii. Four-quadrant abdominocentesis is performed and recovered fluid is grossly
inspected and evaluated for PCV, protein content, cytology and urea nitrogen. Com-
parison is made with systemic PCV, serum protein concentration and serum urea
nitrogen. High concentrations of urea nitrogen and the presence of significant
amounts of blood in abdominal fluid indicates urinary tract rupture. If urine is identi-
fied in the abdomen, the animal is further evaluated by excretory urogram and con-
trast cystourethrogram to assess the integrity of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and
urethra, and identify the location of leakage before surgery.
iii. If the animal is not immediately stable for surgery, a peritoneal and urinary
catheter are placed to drain urine from the abdomen and bladder. Fluids and other
medications are administered to stabilize and diurese the animal. Surgical repair is per-
formed when the patient is stable and azotemia is decreased; in some cases this may be
24-72 hours after presentation. A caudal ventral midline laparotomy is made and the
urinary tract is inspected for signs of injury. The bladder rent is debrided as necessary
and sutured with a single or double layer closure using absorbable suture. If the rent is
large or bladder wall integrity is questionable, a urinary catheter is left in place for
several days after surgery.

All references are to question and body brace 98
answer numbers bone reduction forceps, pointed 12
abdominal drainage, open 97 brachycephalic airway syndrome 34, 137
abdominal retractor, Balfour 27 bradycardia 42
abdominocentesis 117 Branham reflex 143
abscess Brock technique, modified 214
anal sac 154 bulla osteotomy 142
carnassial tooth 13 8 Bunnel-Meyer suture pattern 125
drainage 76 bupivacaine 79, 124
pancreatic 205, 211 buprenorphine 79
prostatic 81 buried continuous intradermal closure 202
acepromazine 41 burns 134, 199
acidosis, metabolic 33 butorphanol41, 71, 79
Addison's disease 11, 42 calcium oxalate uroliths 80
adrenal medullary tumor 112 calcium supplementation 61
adrenal tumor 11 calculi
adrenalectomy 11 cystic 50, 172
ameroid constrictor ring 135,203 ureteral 14
anastomosis carcinomatosis 215
colorectal 120 cardiac murmur 213
end-to-end 89, 209 cardiac pacemaker 184, 185
gastroduodenal 62 cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 7, 12
gastrointestinal 25 carnassial tooth abscess 138
ileorectal 120 carprofen 71, 79
jejunal 168 castration 35,45,55, 167
ureterocolonic 183 catecholamine excess 112, 118
antibiotics 30, 51, 73,115,216 cecal inversion, partial 90
antral hypertrophy, acquired 62 cervical mucocele 164, 165
ascites 222 chemotherapy 117, 146, 157,212
Aspergillus 73 chlorhexidine 227
aspiration, thoracostomy tube 37 cholecystectomy 186
aspirin, buffered 124
cholecystoduodenostomy 187
atrial standstill 42
cholecystojejunostomy 187
aural discharge 142
cholelithiasis 186
aural hematoma 170, 171
chondrosarcoma, nasal 157
Bacteroides 51 chondrotomy 156
bandage chromaffin cell tumors 112
layers 83 chromic gut 219
Robert Jones 125 chyle formation reduction 136
basal cell tumor 124 chylothorax 136
bile duct adenocarcinoma 175 cleft palate 2, 53,100
biliary tract rupture 220 Clostridium 51
biopsy needle, renal 206 CO 2 laser 204
bipedicle flap, direct 163 coagulation status 150
blood colectomy, subtotal 120
dyscrasias 55 colloid agents 223
transfusion 223 colonocytes 52

colorectal anastomosis 120 feline urolithiasis syndrome (FUS) 49
conduit technique 214 FeLV 58
corkscrew tail 115 fentanyl patch 64
corticosteroids 11 fibrosarcoma 109
cryosurgery 167, 188 nasal 157
cryptorchidism 39 oral 116
crystalloid agents 223 fine-needle aspiration
cyanoacrylates 63, 127 hygroma drainage 169
cyclophosphamide 117 percutaneous 164
cystitis 207 ultrasound guided 183
cystoscopy 183 Finochietto rib spreader 121
cystostomy 41,133 fistulous tract 40
catheter 166 FNvirus 58
cystotomy 59 flail chest 54
cytokines 32 fluid replacement 6, 223
flunixin meglumine 71
dehydration 6 fluorescein dye 20
dental calculus 216 food allergy 58
Denver shunt 136,222 Ford interlocking suture pattern 147
detrusor atony 67 foreign body 33, 51
diaphragmatic hernia 26, 196, 229 cervical region 66
digital flexor tendon, severed 125 esophageal 1, 92
disinfectants 227 fistulous tract 40
doxorubicin 117 jejunal 89
dysphagia 142 string 194
dyspnea 7,13,137,142,189,208 fracture, wound infection 30
dystocia 84 Fredet-Ramsted pyloromyotomy 62
ear frontosagittal index 189
ablation 198 Fusobacterium 51
canal resection 129, 198 gall-bladder, double 187
hematoma 170, 171 Gambee suture 168
electrocardiogram 42 gastric adenocarcinoma 44
electrocautery 24 gastric antral resection 62
electrodes, pacemaker 184 gastric decompression 5
electrolyte solutions 33 gastric dilatation-volvulus 5
Elizabethan collar 98 gastric invagination, partial 20
end-to-end anastomosis 89 gastric outflow obstruction 62
stapling instrument 209 gastric viability assessment 20
endometrial hyperplasia, cystic 22, 207 gastric wall injury 20
enteral feeding 52 gastroduodenal anastomosis 62
enterocyte nutrition 52 gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma 215
epigastric vein, caudal superficial 118 gastrointestinal anastomosis 25
epulis, acanthomatous 116 gastrointestinal obstruction 77
eschar, burns 199, 200 gastrojejunostomy 201
Escherichia coli 32, 93, 130 gastropexy 5
esophageal foreign body 1, 92 gastrostomy 33
esophageal laceration 66 genitourinary infection 110
esophagotomy 1, 92 granulation tissue 82
ethylene oxide 122 granuloma, linear 57
feline eosinophilic granuloma complex 57 Halsted mosquito forceps 75

hare lip 100 interstitial cell tumor 55
hemangiopericytoma 43 intestinal adenocarcinoma 77
hemangiosarcoma 117,210 intussusception 85, 168
hematoma, aural 170, 171 islet cell tumors 17, 225
hemimandibulectomy, rostral 19, 179 isopropyl alcohol 227
hemoperitoneum 96 jejunal anastomosis 168
hepatic malignant lymphoma 175 jejunal vein portography 193
hepatocellular adenoma/adenocarcinoma
175 Kelly hemostatic forceps 75
hernia Kessler suture, modified 125
diaphragmatic 26, 196, 229 ketoconazole 11
hiatal 102 laryngeal collapse, secondary 34
perineal 140 laryngeal paralysis 226
scrotal 35 laryngeal saccule, everted 34
umbilical 4 leiomyoma 77
herniation, abdominal organs 16 leiomyosarcoma 77, 161
herniorrhaphy 26, 35 lipoma 216
hobbles 98 liver tumors 175
Horner's syndrome 48 lymphoma, malignant 77
humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy 50
hydronephrosis 114 macro phages, inflammation 31
hydroureter 114 malignant melanoma
hygroma 169 of digit 99
hyperadrenocorticism 50 oral mucosa 146
hypercalcemia 50, 80, 152 prognosis in dogs 109
hypercholesterolemia 118 mammary tumor 68
hyperinsulinemia 17 mandible, squamous cell carcinoma 19
hyperkalemia 42 mast cell tumor 77, 94
hyperparathyroidism 50 megacolon
hyperthyroidism 12, 177 acquired idiopathic 120
hypervitaminosis D 50 subtotal colectomy 181
hypoadrenocorticism 11 mesothelioma 215
hypocalcemia 61 metabolic anabolism 52
hypoglycemia 17, 225 metastases
hypothermia, long surgical procedures 32 intestinal adenocarcinoma 77
hypothyroidism 150 lingual tumors 224
hysterogram, contrast 18 mammary tumor 68
methylene blue delineation 228
ileorectal anastomosis 120 neoplastic effusion 215
ileus 85 ovarian tumors 141
immunosuppressive drugs 145 pancreatic neoplasms 225
incision split 113 regional lymph node 19
incisional dehiscence 16 renal tumors 104
incontinence, postoperative 114 stomach tumor 44
inguinal hernia 182 testicular tumors 55
inguinal mass 35 thoracic 19
inguinal ring 35 methylene blue 228
inspiratory stridor 208 middle ear, inflammatory polyps 142
insulin secreting tumor 17 mitotane 11
internal obturator muscle transposition 140 monofilament suture 14,46,106,125,181
interrupted cruciate suture pattern 147 morphine 71, 79

muzzle, wire 98 pericardial effusion, idiopathic
hemorrhagic 195
nasal adenocarcinoma 157 pericardiectomy 195
nasal cavity tumor 157 perineal hernia 140
histiocytoma 188 perineal urethrostomy 49, 106
nasopharyngeal polyp 48, 142 periodontal disease 216
nephroliths, bilateral 56 periprostatic cyst 74
neutrophils 31 peritonitis 51, 97
nutritional status assessment 144 bile 220
nylon sutures 42, 219 persistent right aortic arch 191
oral mucosal and gingival necrosis 78 pharyngostomy 2
oral papillomatosis 126 phenoxybenzamine 112
oral tumor, malignant 109 phentolamine 112
oronasal fistula 28, 190 phenylpropanolamine 114
osteochondritis dissecans 15 pheochromocytoma 112, 118
osteolytic conditions 50 pleural effusion 66, 222
osteomyelitis, bacterial 99 pleurodesis 136
osteosarcoma, premaxillary 116 pleuroperitoneal drainage 136
otitis externa 198 pneumomediastinum 66
otitis media 142 pneumonia, aspiration 2
ovarian follicle, persistent 178 pneumothorax 66,155,229
ovarian follicular cyst 178 polybutester sutures 219
ovarian tumor 141,212 polydioxanone sutures 18, 181, 196,219
ovariohysterectomy 16,40,47,70, 71, polyglactin sutures 196,219
113,150 polyglycolic acid sutures 10,219
dehiscence 16,38,113 polyglyconate sutures 18,219
fistulous tract 40 polypropylene sutures 14,46,219
ovarian follicular cyst 178 portocaval shunt, extrahepatic 135
ovarian tumour 212 portosystemic shunt, extrahepatic 193,203
uterine neoplasia 161 povidone 227
vaginal prolapse 160 prazosin 112
overhydration 6 pregnancy 84
oxymorphone 41, 64, 79, 124 pressure sores 21
priapism 22
pacemaker implantation 185 propranolol 112
pain control 41, 64, 70, 71, 79, 124 prostate, periprostatic cyst 74
palatal defect, secondary 2 prostatic abscess 81
pancreatic abscess 205, 211 protein requirement, third degree burns
pancreatic neoplasm 205, 225 134
pancreatic pseudocyst 205 protein--calorie malnutrition 144
pancreatitis, necrotizing 107 pseudohyperparathyroidism 152
panniculitis, pyogranulomatous 173 pubic osteotomy 158, 166
paraganglioma 112 pubic symphysectomy 158
paraphimosis 22 pulmonary abscess 60
parathyroid adenoma 80 pulmonary contusion 229
parathyroid gland tumors 228 pulmonary edema 197
patent ductus arteriosus 143 pulmonary lobectomy 60
pectus excavatum 189 pulmonic stenosis, subvalvular 213
Penicillium 73 pulse generator 184,185
perianal fistula 145 pyelonephritis 56, 93, 172
perianal gland adenoma 167 pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy 201

pyloric muscle hypertrophy 62 soft tissue sarcoma 42, 111
pyoderma sphincter incompetence 114
secondary 58 splenectomy 5, 210
tail fold 115 splenomegaly 210
pyometra 47,212 splenoportography 193
pyothorax 136 splint, pectus excavatum 189
splinting, flail chest 54
radiotherapy squamous cell carcinoma
fibrosarcoma 109 of digit 99
squamous cell carcinoma 19 nasal 157
rectal polyp 139 prognosis in dogs 109
rectal prolapse 132 stapler, thoracoabdominal surgical 25
rectal pull-through procedure 158 staples
rectal tumors 158 removal 176
rectus abdominus muscle, external sheath vascular ligation 192
closure 38 stapling 89,168,209,218
red cell replacement 223 steam sterilization 108
relaxing incision 21 stenting, ureter 14
renal biopsy 206 sterilizati 0 n
renal calculi 93 autoclave 108
renal failure 50, 56 chemical indicators 108
renal insufficiency 61 dressings 72
renal trauma 151 ethylene oxide 122
renal tumors 104 surgical instruments 148
resting energy requirement 134 sternum, dorsal deviation 189
restraint devices 98 stomach
retractors ischemic injury 20
Army-Navy 217 tumor 44
Malleable 217 surgical field disinfectants 227
Rake 217 surgical gut sutures 46
Senn 217 sutures 10, 14,38,46,59,78,89,92,95,
rhinitis 28, 48, 73 103,106,111,113,125,140,181,192
rib fractures 54 sweat gland adenocarcinoma 99
rima glottidis 137 synthetic absorbable sutures 46
Rochester-Carmalt forceps 75
rodent ulcer 57 tail fold pyoderma 115
root canal therapy 138 technetium-99m 12
Rumel tourniquet 214 testicular torsion 128
testicular tumors 39, 55
Satinsky vascular clamp 23, 119 tetany 61
seminoma 55 hypocalcemic 80
sepsis, nutritional needs 211 thoracoabdominal surgical stapler 25
septic shock 211 thoracocentesis 155
seroma 15 thoracostomy tube placement 37
Sertoli cell tumor 55 thoracotomy, intercostal 29
short bowel syndrome 9 thromboembolism, aortic 7
simple interrupted suture pattern 147 thymoma 152
sinusitis, chronic 105 thyroid
skin flaps 173, 174,200 hyperfunctioning 12
skin grafts 101, 163 tumors 177
soft palate, elongated 137 thyroidectomy, bilateral 61, 177

tissue urethrostomy 45
adhesives 63, 127 perineal 49
expander 87, 88 prepubic 166
flaps 2 urethrotomy, prescrotal45
tongue squamous cell carcinoma 224 urinary bladder
tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma 69 ruptured 229
tooth extraction 138 transitional cell carcinoma 183
trachea urinary calculi 133
avulsion 13 urinary drainage system, indwelling 67
hypoplasia 34 urinary obstruction 49
tracheal collapse 156 urinary tract infection 36, 50, 130
tracheal laceration 103 urethral stricture 166
tracheal resection and anastomosis 156 urolith 56, 80,59
tracheal ring prostheses 156 urolithiasis 14, 59
tracheal is muscle plication 156 uroretroperitoneum 96
tracheostomy, temporary 34 uterine neoplasia 161
transfusion 223 uterus, fluid-filled 18
trauma 78
vaginal hyperplasia 159, 160
chest 54
vaginal neoplasia 159
degloving 123, 162
vaginal prolapse 159, 160
diaphragmatic hernia 196, 197
vaginal stricture 180
inguinal region 149
vaginography 180
occult injuries 229
vaginoplasty 180
open wound 101
Van Langenbeck technique 53
renal 151
vascular clamp 23
renal/ureteral injury 96
vascular ligation 192
ruptured bladder 229
vascular ring anomaly 191
tracheal laceration 103
venotomy 23
Trichuris worm 90
ventricular pacemaker implantation 42
tube thoracostomy 155
vesica duplex 187
tubular adenocarcinoma 104
vesicourachal diverticulum, congenital 130
vincristine 117
of dental origin 116, 179
volvulus, mesenteric 9
staging 19,44,55,69, 116
vomiting 33, 109
thrombus 118, 119
Von Willebrand's disease 150
typhlectomy 90
Whipple's triad 17
umbilical hernia 4
upper airway obstruction 208
contraction 65
urachal diverticulum 130, 131
dehiscence 95
urachus, persistent 130
infection 10
ureteral ectopia 91, 114
wound closure
ureterocele 35
soft tissue sarcoma resection 111
ureterocolonic anastomosis 183
trauma 149
ureterotomy 14
wound healing
urethral obstruction 67, 106
burns 199
urachal diverticulum 131
second intention 123
urethral prolapse 110
stages 31
urethral stricture 166
urethral tear 151 Z-plasty 65
urethrorectal fistula, congenital 172 Zepp procedure, modified 129

Compiled by an international group of authors using clinical case
presentations and illustrated with superb=quality colour photographs, imaging
and diagrams, this book covers all aspects of soft tissue surgery, including peri-
operative patient management, and surgical preparation and technique.
The randomized self-assessment format is used to enable readers to think
through each case step by step, allowing them to consider fully each problem
before the diagnosis and a suggested treatment plan is revealed . This book
provides an excellent interactive resource for veterinary students and for practising
veterinarians in their continuing professional development.
'I commend the authors for compiling a representative group of questions ... and an
enjoyable mental challenge ... especially useful for students or residents preparing
for board exams or practitioners wanting to gauge their knowledge.'
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA)
Also in the Self-Assessment Colour Review series:
Brown & Rosenthal, Small Mammals
Forbes & Altman, Avian Medicine
Freeman , Veterinary Cytology
Frye & Williams, Reptiles and Amphibians
Keeble & Meredith , Rabbit Medicine & Surgery
Kirby, Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
Lewbart, Ornamental Fish
Lewis, Parker & Bloomberg , Small Animal Orthopaedics
Mair & Divers, Equine Internal Medicine
May & Mcllwraith , Equine Orthopaedics & Rheumatology
Moriello, Small Animal Dermatology
Pycock, Equine Reproduction & Stud Medicine
Sparkes & Caney, Feline Medicine
Tennant, Small Animal Abdominal & Metabolic Disorders
Verstraete, Veterinary Dentistry

ISBN 1-874545-64-2

9 781874 545644

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