Getting Started ANSA
Getting Started ANSA
Getting Started ANSA
This Quick Start Guide aims to provide an overview of ANSA interface and basic
operations. A number of basic functions are described, oriented to specific
tasks, to help you get started.
This guide is ideal for the user that encounters ANSA for the first time. For the
engineer who is familiar with CAE terminology, but is not familiar with ANSA
interface. If you want to find your way around ANSA interface, but don't know
quite where to start, this guide will familiarize you with some of the basic
window panels of ANSA interface.
Database Browser
and Selection Lists
Discipline Modules
Modules Buttons
Guiding messages
By selecting from these options, one can choose to visualize only icons,
Or just labels…
Current color
• Rotating • Panning
• Zooming
Zoom by a window is now supported under the “Rectangle Zoom” option. The area
included in the selection-box will be fitted to the screen.
• Standard views
• Step rotations
• Panning
• Box selection
Polygonal selection
Selecting 1D entities
Selecting nodes
• Another way to access the "ANSA online help" is through Help>[Help Window].
• Note that the "Help Window" is independent of the main ANSA window and can
remain open while the user works and executes functions.
• By clicking on the small icon on the right side of the edit field, the settings of the
Search Engine come up.
Hot Points: Hot Points are fixed mesh nodes on the Macro Area
Perimeters. They correspond to the CONSs Hot Points of TOPO
menu. Hot Points may be used to improve the morphology of a
Macro Area and the quality of the shell mesh. They are
displayed as white dots and their visibility is controlled by the
Perimeters POINTs button.
There are five options available for the Mid. Surface function.
Skin Option
This function turns the solid description of a thin part into a thin shell description by
isolating the outer or inner skin of the solid description. It refers to stamped parts.
Solid descriptions with
calculated thickness greater
than this value, will not be
accepted for treatment.
Casting Option
This completely automatic function is used to create FE shell elements that represent
the middle skin of a solid description. It refers to casted parts.
Give the minimum thickness of
Choose the element type for the solid description.
the FE mesh.
Percentage of strictness.
This function turns the solid description of a group of thin parts into thin shell
descriptions as Mid.Surface [Skin] but afterwards it also connects the ones that are
near by extending the Faces and applying Topology.
Getting Started with ANSA 45
Before starting with meshing the model, the Mesh Parameters have to be set.
These parameters can be accessed through Utilities> Mesh Parameters, where the user
can define the parameters for the Reconstruction, Reshape and Fix functions.
Basic Tab
The Distortion distance and
Defines the element length angle fields gives the ability
used by the reconstruct to control how close to the
function. original CAD surface shall be
the created shell grids.
These values influence the
The 'Freeze' section has mesh result especially at
the purpose of not curved perimeters like
allowing (during Fillets and Holes.
reconstruction) the
renumbering or the
movement of nodes that
lie on free edges (Single
Bounds) and on edges 'Remove triangles from' prevents
common to three or more from creating undesired trias on
elements (Triple Bounds). spots, internal single bounds or
feature lines.
Getting Started with ANSA 46
Perimeters Tab
The ‘Perimeters' tab provides the feature lines treatment during reconstruction on FEM.
"Options List" window panel. (The options listed in this panel may vary for each algorithm.)
An important Parameter to keep an eye on here and check whether it is set correctly, is the
"Element type":
mixed quad tria ortho tria
In case violating elements remain after the previous mesh-improving actions, they can
be fixed manually.
There are many functions for these corrections, such as the following:
Connection Manager: Select, identify and organize connection entities while also
create mesh dependent and mesh independent representations. The selection of
connection entities is easily performed using the "Connection Selection Assistant"
window panel.