What Is Eczema
What Is Eczema
What Is Eczema
Eczema Symptoms
There is a debate about which comes first in atopic eczema, the itching
or the rash. This is analogous to the chicken and egg controversy. It
really does not matter. When the rash is in an acute stage, it is weepy
and oozy. Later after the patient has been rubbing and scratching for
some weeks, it becomes a plaque of thickened skin. This is called
Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic eczema is an inherited skin condition more common in
individuals with a personal or family history of eczema, inhalant
allergies like asthma or hay fever. Patients develop weeping, oozing,
itchy lesions in a characteristic distribution. The severity depends to a
great extent on the amount of moisture in the skin.
Contact Eczema
Contact dermatitis is a dermatitis that occurs in response to exposure to
an irritant or allergenic substance. Irritants cause skin damage by
producing direct toxic damage to the skin cells. Contact allergens are
not necessarily irritating or toxic but are recognized by the immune
system. Once the immune response is stimulated, a dermatitis occurs at
the site of exposure.
Seborrheic Eczema
Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic recurrent dermatitis, and it is
probably the most common of all rashes in adults. The rash
characteristically appears on the scalp, forehead, brows, ears, the folds
that extend from the nose to the lips (nasolabial folds), middle of the
chest, and middle of the back. It occurs in infants as cradle cap. Its
course is distinguished by periods of improvement followed by flares.
Nummular Eczema
With nummular eczema, round plaques of eczematous skin often
appear on the lower legs. It often is seen in the elderly and seems to be
associated with dry skin.
Lichen simplex chronicus is a localized, thickened area of skin caused
by itching and rubbing. Although there is usually some inciting cause,
the origin of the problem is entirely obscured by the eruption. Any of
the eczematous eruptions can evolve into lichen simplex chronicus if
rubbed long enough.
Stasis Dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis usually occurs on the lower legs of patients who have
sustained damage to the valves present in the large veins responsible
for returning blood to the heart. These valves, along with muscular
contractions of the leg muscles, help propel venous blood from the
periphery to the lungs and heart. Damage to these valves causes a long
column of blood to produce enough hydrostatic pressure on the wall of
the vein so small leaks occur. The lower legs swell and brownish blood
pigment is deposited in the skin from degradation of hemoglobin. A
dermatitis often occurs, and skin ulcers are common.
Dyshidrotic Eczema
Dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx) is a common but poorly understood
condition in which very itchy small blisters occur on the lateral surface
of the fingers, toes, hands, and feet. Many patients note exacerbations
during periods of high stress (for example, finals week).
Diagnosis of Eczema
In order to make an accurate diagnosis of eczema, it is important for
your physician to take a complete history and examine all of the areas
of skin that are affected. Occasionally, certain laboratory tests can be
helpful in distinguishing various types of eczema. A pathologist may
need to examine skin scrapings and even a small piece of biopsied