Taking FST-7 Training Program For A Test Drive - Part 1: Chest
Taking FST-7 Training Program For A Test Drive - Part 1: Chest
Taking FST-7 Training Program For A Test Drive - Part 1: Chest
It is known throughout the world as the training program for 2009. Everyone in the bodybuilding
and fitness industry is buzzing about it. People can't stop talking about it and it is being adapted
into training routines across the globe.
It is FST-7, created by "The Pro Creator" Hany Rambod, and it is intense as well as productive.
It has to be. 3 Time and 2009 Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler, 202 Mr. O Kevin English, and Mr.
Olympia top contender Phil Heath was doing it in preparation for the O. Mark Alvisi won the
NPC USA overall title this year on Hany's program. If I ran down everyone who has asked for
Hany's help and has incorporated FST-7, it would read like a Who's Who of bodybuilding.
1. Fascia: pl. fas·ci·ae : Anatomy - A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping,
separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.
2. Stretch: v. stretched, stretching, stretches - To lengthen, widen, or enlarge
3. Training: the process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency by
practice and instruction.
4. Seven: The seventh in a set or sequence.
I am going to document my chest workout I did at Greenbrier Valley Fitness on August 13, 2009
and go over each section of my workout.
I had a protein smoothie that contained vanilla protein powder, V8 Fusion, strawberries, and
bananas in it one hour before I hit the gym. I was definitely fueled. About 30 minutes before
leaving the house, I took my NO product, multi, and 1000mg of Vitamin C. Let's go do this!
It takes about 90 seconds to transition to the next exercise. I am already getting a decent pump. I
like it so far, but it is only the beginning. We'll see where this goes.
This is pretty intense. By now my pump is pretty good. I am still feeling strong too. At this point,
my buddy Chris Amos (dukeamos22 on BodySpace) joined me for the second half of the
workout. We are now moving on to the 'T' part of the workout. By the way, Hany recommends
water, water and more water during this. I know why. I was sweating bullets and the gym is air
conditioned. Stay hydrated if you try this.
Oh my God! This is intense. I haven't felt a pump like this in a long time. Chris is ecstatic too.
Now we get to the "fun" part of the training session. If you think the sevens is nothing special, I
challenge you to try this.
We set up the cable station and go with 55 pounds and decide if we need to, we can adjust. We
definitely didn't need to go heavier. This was freaking crazy. You are supposed to rest 30-45
seconds between sets. To be safe, as soon as I was done, Chris started, then as soon as he
finished, I went, and so on. It turned out to be about 30 seconds rest for both of us.
At this point, I am thinking that I can get all 7 sets for 12 reps. Then I keep going.
Fourth Set: 55 Pounds - Roger 12 reps. Chris 12 reps.
30 Seconds Rest.
Fifth Set: 55 Pounds - Roger 10 reps. Chris 9 reps.
30 Seconds Rest.
Cable Crossover
The workout took 33 minutes total. I never had a pump like this. The sevens are intense and
Chris and I both felt them. We both decided that FST-7 is great and I personally am going to
implement it into my permanent routine. I had two protein bars as soon as I finished and I took
some BCAA's and 1000mg more of Vitamin C. Recovery is crucial with this program because
you can overtrain easily and need the nutrition.
There is no doubt in my mind that FST-7 is a program that everyone should try. If you are a
beginner, be careful, go for only three sets and stay light for the sevens. If you are more
advanced, do not take this program lightly! This is quick and intense. It is an awesome program
and I know why everyone is jumping on the Pro Creator bandwagon.
4 sets of 12 reps
3 sets of 12 reps
7 sets of 12 reps
4 sets of 12 reps
7 sets of 12 reps
Hany Rambod's Ultimate Guide FST-7 Shoulders and Triceps
Watch the video - 40:33
The purpose of this workout is to help you build just such a set of shoulders: round, thick, and
full. If you're posing on stage, your shoulders need to look wide from all angles, even from the
back. So, in this workout, you'll hit each of your three deltoid heads—front, middle, and rear—
for 3-D growth.
When you've completed all the regular sets in this session, you'll finish off your delts with FST-7
sets. The goal of FST-7, or fascia stretch training, is to expand and create microscopic tears in
the connective sheath—the fascia—surrounding the muscle fibers. These tears are achieved by
flooding the muscle with blood while you work toward the most epic pump of your life!
The purpose of this workout is to help you build just such a set of shoulders: round, thick, and full. If
you're posing on stage, your shoulders need to look wide from all angles, even from the back.
When you're done demolishing your shoulders, you'll move on to your triceps. Because you're
working two muscle groups, this workout may take you a little longer than you're accustomed
to—around 60-75 minutes. You need to bring intensity and effort for the entire workout. Don't
Two-time Olympia men's physique champ Jeremy Buendia and I will take you through this
tough but effective, shoulder session. Jeremy will show you the intensity; I'll give you the cues.
Put them together when you do the workout on your own, and you'll see and feel insane results!
When you're done with this workout, be sure to try my FST-7 chest and biceps and FST-7 back
and abs workouts!
2 sets of 8-12 reps per arm. Add 5 partials after final rep.
Bent-over lateral raise
High-Pulley Row
Take your time warming up your shoulders. Don't skimp here; do both of the prescribed warm-
up sets to prepare your body for the tough working sets. Then, when you start lifting heavier,
don't forget to breathe. A lot of people hold their breath, but your muscles need oxygen in order
to function.
Take all 90 seconds to rest between sets. If you take too little time, you won't be able to get
through the next set. Trust me, you're going to need all the reps you can get.
This is a great exercise to hit the lateral (outside) head of the delts. When you do this exercise,
lean away from the cable tower. Doing so will provide constant tension on your delts. If the
weight slams back into the stack, step farther away from the machine.
Cross your feet and pull your arm right up to about trap height. Anything higher will engage your
trap, and we want to keep the focus on the shoulders. Add some flexing and posing after you're
done with the set to maximize blood flow to the muscle.
Dumbbell front raises are great for working your front deltoid heads. Keep your thumbs up and
don't lift the dumbbells any higher than your traps. Control the weight and squeeze at the top of
each rep. Don't just swing the weights and let gravity do the work. If you start to swing or are
unable to control the weight, the dumbbells are too heavy.
At the end of each set, try to bring the dumbbells up at the same time and pause for maximum
muscle-fiber recruitment. You can also throw in some partial reps to really burn things out.
The bent-over lateral raise and high-pulley row are great exercises for the rear delts. On the
lateral raise, keep your torso just slightly above perpendicular to the ground. Your arms should
be almost straight and your pinkies should be up.
Stay low and keep your head straight. Don't move your neck. Quickly catch your breath after the
first set, then move right on to the row.
High-pulley row
High-pulley row
Put one foot up when you do these rows, in order prevent your body from getting dragged
forward. Squeeze back and keep your elbows and your rear delt on the same plane. Pull right to
your nose.
The key to building rear delts is finesse. Don't lift too heavy, or other muscles will kick in and do
a substantial amount of the work.
During these FST-7 sets, rest for 45 seconds between sets. Adjust your weights so you hit failure
at about 10 reps. Add partials and/or negatives to the end of your sets. Remember, the goal with
these sets is to get the biggest possible pump! You want to drive blood into the muscle to really
stretch the fascia.
Use your index finger and middle finger to push the weight down and away from your body,
which will ensure that you're hitting the outside head of your triceps. Squeeze your triceps hard
through each rep.
Don't go too heavy. If you use too much weight, you'll get the rear delts and traps involved.
Concentrate on using only your triceps so you can really develop a thick, horseshoe shape.
During this exercise, bring the weight down far enough so that your wrists are parallel with your
elbows. Try not to let your elbows flare out. As you move the dumbbell up, squeeze the triceps
to reach full extension.
Keep the head and chest up as you do these FST-7 sets. The trick to getting the most out of this
movement is to turn your wrists in as your arms come over your head. Once turning your wrists
becomes too difficult, straighten out and do some partial reps to achieve maximum burnout.
Try to fail around 10 reps. If you can get to 12 or even 15 reps easily, you need more weight.
Don't forget to keep your rest to 45 seconds! As before, you want to really pump some blood into
the muscle with these sets. Push through till the end, and growth will be your ultimate reward!