Journal of Catalysis: Dmitry Yu. Murzin
Journal of Catalysis: Dmitry Yu. Murzin
Journal of Catalysis: Dmitry Yu. Murzin
Journal of Catalysis
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Article history: The impact of nanoparticle size effects in heterogeneous catalytic kinetics over supported metal catalysts
Received 9 July 2010 is discussed taking into account different activities of edges and terraces. Kinetic equations for the Eley–
Revised 2 September 2010 Rideal mechanism as well as for the two-step sequence were derived, analyzed and compared with
Accepted 3 September 2010
experimental data for ethene hydrogenation. Quantitative description for selectivity in a consecutive
reaction of pyrrole hydrogenation/ring opening as function of the metal cluster size is provided demon-
strating good correspondence between theory and experiments.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cluster size effect
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86 D.Yu. Murzin / Journal of Catalysis 276 (2010) 85–91
the surface site hF surface coverage, of A
dcluster cluster size l(r) chemical potential
fterraces, fedges fractions of terraces and edges l(1) chemical potential of a metal particle of an infinite size
DGads,terraces Gibss energy of adsorption on terraces (bulk-like)
DGads,edges Gibss energy of adsorption on edges m the order of a cluster.
KA adsorption constant of A v parameter in Eq. (17)
k rate constant k xI frequencies of steps
Z surface site X the atomic volume of the bulk metal.
a Polanyi parameter
c surface free energy
where is the surface site, adsorption step is at quasi-equilibrium different from that in a metal particle of an infinite size (bulk-like)
and the surface reaction is irreversible. The rate is expressed l(1) in the following way [21,22,25,26]
K ACA lðrÞ lð1Þ ¼ 2cX=r ð3Þ
r ¼ khA ¼ k ð2Þ
1 þ K ACA where c is the surface free energy and X is the atomic volume of the
bulk metal. For a liquid, the surface energy excess is then a syno-
where KA is the adsorption constant and C is concentration of A, nym of the surface tension [27], and the later notion should not
respectively. be used for solids according to Kolasinki [27]. The treatment of
In the general case of real surfaces with lateral interactions, the Murzin and Parmon [21–24] assumed that changes of the chemical
rate constant k depends not only on the size of nanocluster r and its potential, when the size of nanocluster is changing, are dependent
morphology, but on surface coverage hF, since lateral interactions on the presence or absence of an adsorbate.
obviously are more prominent at higher coverage. In the current contribution, we would like to consider a situa-
In addition to the rate constant, also equilibrium constant can tion when (Fig. 2) the alterations of the chemical potential of
depend on the cluster size, thus coverage can also change with nanoclusters in comparison with bulk metal are the same indepen-
changes of the cluster size. dent on the surface coverage (e.g. bare surface or occupied with
Mechanistic explanations in the literature, which in principle reactants). Since differences in the activation energy between
should account for variations of rate and equilibrium constants edges and terraces are well recognized [7,28], the focus of the
with the particles size, include among others [5] variations in the paper will be in exploring kinetic consequences of different activ-
electronic properties of small metal clusters, e.g. more narrow ities of edges and terraces in terms of reaction rates and selectivity.
metal valance band, geometric aspects, e.g. changes in the relative
fraction of surface sites depending on the cluster size. Another
2. Geometrical and energetic characteristics of clusters
explanation can include presence of metal species with different
valencies (i.e. Pt4+, Pt2+ and Pt0) and thus different activity, which
For the sake of clarity in the following text, we will consider
relative distribution can alter depending on the cluster size.
only the terraces and edges, as sites with different reactivity. Thus,
In addition, mode of adsorption of mainly complex organic mol-
for adsorption, an expression for the Gibbs energy can be written
ecules can depend on the cluster size, leading also to changes in the
binding energy, which in turn will result in cluster size dependent DGads ¼ DGads;terraces fterraces þ DGads;edges fedges ð4Þ
reaction rates.
Strain or compression was also listed [5] among the possible where DGads,terraces and DGads,edges correspond, respectively, to
reasons for the cluster size effect. The latter concept was very adsorption on terraces and edges, while fterraces, fedges denote frac-
much behind the thermodynamic approach [21,22], which albeit tions of these surface sites, which sum is obviously equal to unity.
being rather formal, was successful in describing experimental
data for several heterogeneous catalytic reactions [23,24]. This
thermodynamic approach relied on the concept of chemical poten-
tial l(r), which in a metal particle with a radius of curvature r is
ΔG∞ μ∞
In order to progress further, geometrical properties of metal clusters where DGads,terraces defined as DGads,terraces = DGads,square_terracesfsquare/
should be considered. To this end, a shape, which can represent (square+triangular) + DGads,triangular_terracesftriangular/(square+triangular) can be
such a cluster, must be selected. Following [28,35], the cubo- approximately considered as independent on the cluster size.
octahedral geometrical model is a good representation of metal Interestingly enough, the rate constant of adsorption according
clusters often encountered in heterogeneous catalysis. In the stud- to (13) has almost the same dependence on the cluster size as de-
ies of supported Pd particles, the cubo-octahedral shape of the par- rived in [23,24] using a thermodynamic approach. It can also pro-
ticles was fully supported by the high resolution TEM investigation vide an easy mechanistic explanation for both increase or decrease
[35]. Certainly, cubo-octahedral geometrical model is a simplifica- of adsorption rates with cluster size increase, relating such behav-
tion of a true crystal, and it could be argued that this is a statistically ior to Gibbs energy of adsorption on edges and terraces.
improbable occurrence, as most will have a partial outer layer for
which many other types of sites or coordination number will ap- 3. Two-step reaction sequences
pear. Such representation is still probably sufficient for kinetic mod-
eling purposes at least as the first approach. It should be noted that The two-step mechanism with two kinetically significant steps
even encapsulated cubo-octahedral Pt nanoparticles can be pre- [38,39], which implies that one of the several surface intermedi-
pared using for example tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide ates is the most abundant, while all the others are present on the
as capping agent with a high amount of ideal geometry, as demon- surface at much inferior concentration levels, is widely applied in
strated in [36], where 90% of particles were cubo-octahedra and just the literature to account for heterogeneous catalytic kinetics
10% were of irregular shapes. [40,41]
Expressions for the geometrical characteristics for several
structures, including cubo-octahedral one were presented in [37], 1: Z þ A1 $ ZI þ B1
relating the fractions of edges to the total number of atoms on the
2: ZI þ A2 $ Z þ B2 ð14Þ
surface, which includes besides edges also square and triangular
faces A1 þ A2 $ B1 þ B2
88 D.Yu. Murzin / Journal of Catalysis 276 (2010) 85–91
(a) The reaction rate for this mechanism is well known [41,42]
0.8 k1 P A1 k2 PA2 k1 PB1 k2 PB2
v ðdÞ ¼ ð15Þ
k1 PA1 þ k2 PA2 þ k1 PB1 þ k2 PB2
fraction of atoms in edges
0.6 where PA1, etc., are partial pressures (for gas-phase reactions) or
concentrations (for liquid-phase reactions), ki – kinetic constants.
The rate constant for the first step of mechanism (14) is
0.4 a1 v
In Eq. (24), step 2 is a linear one. For the purpose of our analysis,
8 steps 1 and 3 are considered as quasi-equilibria. The equilibrium
constant of the first step can be determined from Eqs. (16) and (18)
a1 v
6 k1 edcluster v
K 1 ðdÞ ¼ ð1a1 Þv
¼ K 1 edcluster ð25Þ
k1 e dcluster
TOF, s-1
Polanyi parameter was close to 0.5 often observed in heteroge- Analysis of (27) and (28) demonstrates that in principle, the turn-
neous catalytic reactions, while estimated value of v leads to a sub- over frequency can change with the particle size due to changes
stantial difference between adsorption on edges and terraces, e.g. in the coverage, while the rate constant will be cluster size indepen-
DGads,edges DGads,terraces is above 55 kJ/mol. Even a larger differ- dent. Similar type of behavior was recently reported for Fischer–
ence between step-edge sites and terraces of 116 kJ/mol was re- Tropsch synthesis [19].
ported recently in [28].
Theoretical analysis of Eq. (22) clearly shows that the position
5. Selectivity dependence on the particle size
of the maximum in turnover frequency as a function of cluster size
For analysis of selectivity in structure sensitive reactions, it is
v interesting to consider hydrogenation of pyrrole to pyrrolidine
dat max ¼ ap2 ð23Þ
ln 1 a and butylamine
k2 ðdÞ ¼ k2 eð1a2 ÞvA =dcluster ; k4 ðdÞ ¼ k4 eð1a4 ÞvB =dcluster ð32Þ 6. Conclusions
The reaction rate for consumption of pyrrole is thus given by The ability to control particle size of metal catalysts in the nano-
meter range allows examining the issue of structure sensitivity
k2 eð1a2 ÞvA =dcluster K A edcluster C A C H2 with well-defined nanoparticles. Difference in reactivity of edges
v2 ¼ vB ð33Þ and terraces is supposed in the present work to be responsible
C þK B edcluster
dcluster A
1 þ KAe CB for cluster size effects. The ratio between edges and terraces was
calculated for cubo-octahedral clusters and shown to be approxi-
while the generation rate of butylamine is expressed as mately proportional to the reciprocal value of the cluster diameter.
Kinetic equations were derived for two-step sequence assuming
k4 eð1a4 ÞvB =dcluster K B edcluster C B C H2 one most abundant surface intermediate and for several variations
v4 ¼ vA vB ð34Þ of this mechanism. The theoretical concept advanced in the pres-
1 þ K A edcluster C A þ K B edcluster C B
ent contribution leads to the same kinetic equations, previously
The selectivity toward the intermediate product B could be written derived [23,24] using a formal thermodynamic approach based
taking into account (33) and (34) on the changes of chemical potential. Comparison between exper-
imental and calculated data performed in [23,24] demonstrated
k4 ea4 vB =dcluster K B C B applicability of the kinetic equations to treat experimental data
SB ¼ 1 ð35Þ showing increase, decrease and even maxima in TOF as a function
k2 ea2 vA =dcluster K A C A
of cluster size. An example of such comparison for hydrogenation
Assuming that the values of Polanyi parameter are close to each of ethene on nanoscale catalyst particles at atmospheric conditions
other Eq. (35) can be simplified resulting in was presented in this paper, showing that a substantial difference
between adsorption on edges and terraces could be anticipated
k4 K B C B a4 ðvB vB Þ=dcluster based on this kinetic analysis. Analysis of a mechanism with a lin-
SB ¼ 1 e ¼ 1 p3 ep4 =dcluster ð36Þ
k2 K A C A ear step of isomerization in the adsorbed state (Christiansen se-
quence) demonstrated that turnover frequency can change with
where p3 stands for k4KBCB/k2KACA, while p4 is equal to a4(vB vA). the particle size due to changes in the coverage, while the rate con-
Eq. (36) provides a possibility to evaluate dependence of selec- stant is cluster size independent in line with recent experimental
tivity on the particle size. When the difference in adsorption observations for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis on cobalt.
behavior of pyrrole on terraces and edges is not the same as this Finally, a quantitative analysis of selectivity was done for struc-
difference for pyrrolidine, it can be expected that selectivity will ture sensitive ring opening of pyrrole to n-butylamine through for-
depend on the cluster size. Let us consider now the experimental mation of pyrrolidine.
data reported in [20]. Selectivity to the intermediate pyrrolidine
decreased significantly with the size increase from 1 to 3 nm. Acknowledgments
Comparison between experimental and calculated values of
selectivity toward pyrrolidine done with Origin 7.5 software is pre- The author is grateful to Profs. G. Somorjai, E. Iglesia, V. Parmon,
sented in Fig. 5. As can be seen from Fig. 5, the trends in selectivity V. Bukhtiyarov, A. Stakheev for valuable discussions on various
are described in a rather accurate way. As pyrrole to pyrrolidine topics related to cluster size effect.
hydrogenation is structure insensitive, within the framework of
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