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It9 Diagnostic Test

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Name:____________________________________________________ No.:______ Class:______

Date: ____/____/____ Mark: ________________________ Teacher: _______________________


1. Two foreign students are sitting at a counter in a restaurant waiting to be served. After
a few minutes, one student turns to the other and speaks.
Fill in the gaps according to what you hear.

Maria: The service is really (1) __________________ here.

I’ve been trying to get the waiter’s attention for the last ten
Ali: I hope he comes and serves us soon. I have a
(2) __________________
at two o’clock.
Maria: Me, too. I recognize that English book. You __________________ be a student at
the English Language Center.
Ali: Yeah. I’m in the fourth level course-upper-intermediate. Are you studying there?
Maria: Yes, I’m in the fifth level course. I (4) __________________ the fourth course last month.
Ali: I came here just two weeks ago. Do you like the institute?
Maria: It’s pretty good. I think I’ve (5) __________________ a lot of English so far.
Ali: Yeah. I only wish the classes were a little smaller, though, because we don’t get enough
chance to (6) __________________. But I like my teachers a lot.
Maria: How long are you going to be here?
Ali: I guess a year, but sometimes I feel like going (7) __________________ tomorrow.
Maria: You’ll get used to it. (8) __________________ are you from?
Ali: Saudi Arabia. How about you?
Maria: Venezuela. I’m only staying here three more (9)
__________________. Then I go to
Columbia University in New York.
Ali: By the way, my name’s Ali.
Maria: Hi. I’m Maria.
Ali: Hi. Oh, (10) __________________ comes the waiter. It looks like we’re going to get served
after all.
Maria: Good. I’m starving.

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1. Circle the correct option.

Improve your language skills

in only 1 to 4 weeks
Enjoy a unique linguistic and cultural experience in
This is a…
another country, living in your tutor’s own private
a) tourist flyer. _____
family residence. Quality accommodation, structured
tuition, all family meals, excursions and visits, social b) hotel leaflet. _____
and cultural activities. Choose from hundreds of c) language school advert. _____
beautiful locations all over the United Kingdom. Don’t
be a tourist!! Return home speaking like a native!!

2. Sara, a Portuguese student, wrote a letter

to an English penfriend about her summer. Decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
Explain why the false statements are not correct.

Dear Anne,
Thank you very much for your letter. You ask me about my summer.
Well, this summer was amazing.10 out of 10. In July, when my parents decided to enroll me at a
language school, I thought I might die although I knew my English was terrible.
But then, after a first day full of anxiety and fear, I loved it. The summer school was great. There were
students from all over the world. There was a pool, a football field and a tennis court. Inside, the building
was very modern. There were rooms equipped with laptops and interactive boards. There was a big
library and a games room, where we could also watch TV.
You may ask: Why so many sports and games in a language school? The answer is easy. The
lessons were only in the morning. In the afternoon we played lots of games and visited some local
attractions. But I had to speak English all the time. You can see that it really improved a lot…
Tell me more about your visit to Athens. Did you like it?
I look forward to your next letter.
Love, Sara

a) This is a letter from Anne to her friend Sara. ___ ___
b) Sara loved this summer holiday. ___ ___
c) She asked her parents to go to an English summer school. ___ ___
d) She enjoyed the school from the first day to the last. ___ ___
e) The school was modern and well-equipped. ___ ___
f) There were many sporting activities in the morning. ___ ___
g) The students were able to do some sightseeing. ___ ___
h) Sara’s English is much better than it was. ___ ___

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1. Choose the best option.

1. On the first day of school, the teachers ________________ any homework.
a) sent b) didn’t send c) didn’t set
2. I ________________ some friends at my new school.
a) already made b) have already made c) have never made
3. If you are in a good class, you ________________ more competition.
a) will find b) would find c) found
4. There are ________________ new students in my school this year.
a) few b) little c) a little
5. The canteen is ________________ the bar and the students’ room.
a) among b) over c) between
6. My mother drives me to school now, but I used to ________________ on foot.
a) go b) going c) went

2. Complete the second sentence so that it means

the same as the first. Use no more than two words.
a) The film was very interesting.
Everybody was __________________ in the film.
b) I advise you to read the book.
You ____________________ read the book.
c) It is forbidden to smoke inside the school.
You ____________________ smoke inside the school.
d) This school is better than the other one.
The other school was __________________ this one.
e) It was so foggy that we couldn’t see anything.
It was so foggy that we could see __________________.
f) This is the teacher. He gives us History lessons.
This is the teacher __________________ gives us History lessons.

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1. You have changed school. In 50-60 words, write an email to a friend telling him/her about your first
impressions. You may refer to:
• the building, the rooms, the equipment
• the teachers, the students
• the surroundings.


1. Student A: Ask a partner questions about the topics below.

Student B: Answer the questions.
Take turns.

Ask about:
• his/her name
• his/her surname
• his/her age
• his/her school
• favourite subjects
• weekend activities

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1. N3 Indica 9 ou 10 informações corretas. 20

Chave: 1. slow; 2. class; 3. must;
4. completed; 5. learnt; 6. talk;
7. home; 8. Where; 9. months; 10. here
N2 10
N1 Indica 1 ou 2 informações corretas. Erra ou omite as outras informações. 2


1. N1 Indica 1 informação corretamente. 10

Chave: 1. c)
2. N3 Classifica 7 ou 8 frases corretamente. 20
Chave: a) F. This is a letter from Sara to Anne; b) T; c) F. Her parents decided to enroll her in a summer
school; d) F. The first day was of anxiety and fear; e) T; f) F. There were classes in the morning; g) T; h)
N2 15
N1 Classifica 1 ou 2 frases corretamente. Erra ou omite as outras informações. 5


1. N3 Indica 6 informações corretamente. 20

Chave: 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. c; 6. a
N2 15
N1 Indica 1 ou 2 informações corretamente. Erra ou omite as outras informações. 5
2. N3 Completa 6 frases corretamente. 20
Chave: a) interested; b) should; c) mustn’t; d) worse than; e) nothing; f) who/that
N2 15
N1 Completa 1 ou 2 frases corretamente. Erra ou omite as outras informações. 5


Competência Pragmática
N5 Escreve um e-mail, respeitando as instruções dadas, fornecendo pormenores e destacando aspetos relevantes. 15
Utiliza alguns mecanismos de coesão e articula as ideias de forma adequada num texto organizado, claro e
coerente. Respeita os limites de palavras indicados.
N4 12
N3 Escreve um e-mail simples, respeitando as instruções dadas e destacando alguns aspetos relevantes. 9
Utiliza conectores simples, articulando as ideias num texto coeso embora ainda constituído por uma
sequência linear de informações. Pode não respeitar os limites de palavras indicados.
N2 6
N1 Escreve um e-mail simples, abordando o tema de forma genérica e recorrendo a repetições e pormenores
pouco relevantes. Utiliza conectores simples para ligar frases elementares, mas estrutura deficientemente o
texto. Pode não respeitar os limites de palavras indicados.

Competência Linguística*
N5 Escreve um texto razoavelmente elaborado, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados que lhe permitem 15
transmitir a informação de forma precisa. Utiliza vocabulário suficiente para se exprimir. Revela
geralmente bom domínio das estruturas e formas gramaticais, não cometendo erros gramaticais que
possam causar incompreensão.

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A ortografia é razoavelmente precisa.

A pontuação é geralmente adequada.
N4 12
N3 Escreve um texto simples, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados ao que pretende transmitir. 9
Pode ainda revelar alguma influência da língua materna.
Utiliza vocabulário suficiente para se exprimir com a ajuda de circunlocuções. Utiliza, com correção,
estruturas simples, não cometendo erros gramaticais elementares de forma sistemática.
A ortografia é suficientemente precisa para não afetar a inteligibilidade do texto.
A pontuação é geralmente adequada.
N2 6
N1 Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padrões frásicos elementares. Utiliza vocabulário elementar 3
suficiente para se exprimir com a ajuda de circunlocuções.
Utiliza, com correção, estruturas simples, mas ainda comete alguns erros gramaticais elementares de
forma sistemática, sem que isso impeça a compreensão global da mensagem.
Revela algum conhecimento das convenções ortográficas.
A pontuação nem sempre é adequada.


1. N3 Faz 6 perguntas e responde corretamente.

1. What is your name?
2. What is your surname?
3. How old are you?
4. Do you like your school? Why/Why not?
5. What are your favourite subjects?
6. What do you usually do at the weekend?
1. My name is…; 2. My surname is…
3. I am… years old.
4. Yes, I do. It is a modern school, fully equipped and I like the teachers and the students. / No, I don’t.
My school is old and ugly and I don’t like some teachers and some students.
5. My favourite subjects are...
6. At the weekend I usually stay at home with my family / go out with friends…
N1 Faz 1ou 2 perguntas e responde corretamente. Erra ou omite as restantes informações.

* A competência linguística só será avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo menos, no nível 1
da competência pragmática.

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