Guide Book Lombok SUmbawa English Version

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Lombok and Sumbawa Islands offer colourful cultural

a rac ons and tourism des na on for tourists. The visitors will
never forget the beauty of Lombok and Sumbawa Islands the
diversity of cultures give deeply impression for those who ever
seen. the charming of nature and cultures of West Nusa Tenggara
to develop tourism sectors. Many suppor ng infrastructures have
been built. Restructuring of tourism resort in Lombok and
Sumbawa islands keep con nuing. All effort aim to increase
sa sfied services for the tourist. As one of interna onal tourism
des na on in East Indonesia, we always try to fulfill the facili es
needed in order to make West Nusa Tenggara as host for na onal
and interna onal events.
West Nusa Tenggara has been ready to be the main
interna onal tourism des na on in East Indonesia. The
government has raised the awareness of tourism for the society as
the implementa on of Sapta Pesona Program. It is the star ng
point to develop culture and tourism sector as the main
interna onal tourism des na on. The main objec ve of this
program is to raise the prosperity of West Nusa Tenggara society.
This Guide Book is a guidance to enjoy and dive the beauty
of Lombok and Sumbawa islands. It consists of various informa on
about places, me, culture a rac ons and tourism des na ons
also tourism Exhibi ons Expo. We hope this Guide Book will be
beneficial for the tourist. Welcome to West Nusa Tenggara

Foreword ......................................................................... i
Contents ......................................................................... ii
LOMBOK ISLAND ............................................... iii
Lombok Introduc on ............................................... 1
Ge ng To Lombok .................................. 1
Lombok Map .................................. 7
Tradi onal Art .................................. 10
Culinary .................................. 11
Handicra s .................................. 14
Mataram City ............................................... 15
West Lombok ............................................... 21
North Lombok ............................................... 28
Central Lombok ............................................... 36
East Lombok ............................................... 43

SUMBAWA ISLAND ............................................... 49

Gee ng To Sumbawa .................................. 50
About Sumbawa Island ..................... 51
Sumbawa Map .................................. 53
West Sumbawa Regency .................................. 54
Sumbawa Regency .................................. 59
Dompu Regency ............................................... 64
Bima Regency ............................................... 69

Important/ Emergency ............................................... 76


It is easy to get to Lombok from Bali - flight me is only 25

minutes. Buy ckets direct from local travel agents, in both Bali
and Lombok.

Lombok Interna onal Airport (Bandara Interna onal
Lombok) IATA LOP currently handles interna onal arrivals and has
full Visa On Arrival facili es (VOA), with efficient and fast visa
processing, (0370) 622987.
Silk Air (a regional airline and subsidiary of Singapore
Airlines) flies direct between Lombok and (SIN) Singapore, three
mes per week. Lombok, +62 370 628254, +62 370 628255.
(Codeshares with Garuda, KLM, Malaysian airlines and Singapore
airlines). Airbus A319.
Air Asia (a regional LCC airline) flies direct between Lombok
and (KULL) [LCCT] Kuala Lumpur everyday. Airbus A320-200s.
Garuda Airlines flies between (KUL) Kuala Lumpur in
Malaysia, and (SIN) Singapore and Lombok everyday, with a short
stop-over in. (CGK) Jakarta. All other interna onal connec ons are
available via Jakarta. Call Center +628041807807. Airport, +62 370
649100. (code shares with KLM, and Emirates). [Flight arr/ dep as
D o m e s c s e r v i c e ] . B o e i n g 7 3 7 - 8 0 0 N G s w w w. ga r u d a -
Lion Air (and Wings Air) has daily flights from Kuala Lumpur
and Singapore to Lombok, with a short stop-over in (GKJ) Jakarta or
(SUB) Surabaya, +62 370 6627444, +62 370 642180. the flights from
(SIN)-(CGK), (CGK)-(LOP) and (SIN)-(SUB) are operated by Lion Air

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

using Boeing 737- 900ERs and 737-800NGs, (SUB)-(LOP) are

operated by Wings Air (Regional) using new ATR72-500/600 'New
Genera onal' turbo prop aircra .
Tiger Air operate direct flights between Singapore and
Lombok 3 mes a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

European and other interna onal connec ons are easy via
Jakarta (the capital city of Indonesia), Bali, Makassar and Surabaya.
Direct Flights from Jakarta to Lombok are available every day and are
usually med to connect with European flights. Lombok is easily
accessible from Jakarta, Jogja, Bali, Makassar and Surabaya and is an
important connec on from travel to the eastern island, in par cular
Ende, Bima, Sumbawa, Komodo, Flores and Tambolaka.

Wings Air (Lion Air) has daily flights from Lombok to (DPS)
Bali and (SUB) Surabaya, +62 370 6627444, +62 370 642180. The
flights to Jakarta are operated by Lion Air using Boeing 737-900ERs
and 737-800NGs, flights to Bali and Surabaya are operated by Wings
Air(regional) using new ATR72-500/600 'New Genera on' turbo
prop aircra . This airline has online bookings (per Lion Air).

Garuda Indonesia has direct flights between Lombok and

Bali four mes a day. Also between Lombok, (CGK) Jakarta, (UPG)
Makassar and (SUB) Surabaya every day. Call Centre 080 41 807 807.
Airport, +62 370 649100. The Flights to Jakarta and Bali are operated
by Garuda using Boeing 737-800NGs. The flights to Makassar are
operated by Garuda using Bombardier CRJ1000 Next Gen Jet
aircra . This airline has online bookings. www.garuda-

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Ci link has direct flights between Lombok and (SUB)

Surabaya every day. Call Centre, +62804 1 080808. Airport, Domes c
Bandara Juanda (Surabaya), +62 31 866 6352, Email:
info@ci this airline has online bookings. www.
Lion Air has direct flights between Lombok, (CGK) Jakarta,
(JOG) Jogjakarta and (SUB) Surabaya every day +62 370 662 7444,
+62 370 642180. The flights to Jakarta are operated by Lion Air
using Boeing 737-900ERs and 737-800NGs, flights to Bali and
Surabaya are operated by Wings Air (regional) using new ATR72-
500/600 'New Genera on' turbo prop aircra . this airline has
online bookings.
Trans Nusa Air flies between Lombok and (DPS) Bali, (BMU)
Bima and (SVQ) Sumbawa. They also provide (ENE) Ende via (DPS)-
(TMC), (LBJ) Labuanbajo (Flores) via (DPS). Office in Mataram
Lombok +62 370 624555. Some flights are operated in a 'commercial
co-opera ve' arrangement with Trigana and Indonesia Air
Transport. This airline does not provide online bookings.


Padang Bai Harbour (Bali) provides the sea link between

mainland Bali and Lombok. Lembar Harbour (Lombok) is approx. 1
hour south of Senggigi, Lombok. Arrange your own transport and
buy ckets direct from the harbour, or use a reputable tour company
to provide a transfer service.

Public ferries depart every hour for the sea voyage
between Padang Bai Harbour (Bali) and Lembar Harbour (Lombok).
The crossing between the island cost Rp. 36.000 per person and tax
approx. 4-5 hours. Lembar Harbour +62 361 681209. Padang Bai

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Harbour +62 363 41849, +62363 41840.

There are now numerous fast boat services opera ng
between Bali and Lombok. This is the fastest way to get from Bali to
the islands. Most routes serve Gili Trawangan, but several call at
both Gili Trawangan and Teluk Kodek on mainland Lombok. Some
also call at Gili Air.
The crossing between the islands can be uncomfortable in
poor weather, so choose a reliable operator and avoid companies
that prac ce "over loading" in busy mes. If in any doubt concerning
the boat or the operator simply walk away.
For online fast boat e- ckets you can use, which guarantees good safety and service
standards while also providing replacement flights and transfers in
the rela vely rare event of rough seas cancella ons. The website
provides online reserva on and live seat availability for the carriers
men oned below (as well as a trusted selec on of other operators).
Alterna vely you can email travel agent like for a quote or email the fast boat
companies directly via their own website.

Gili Cat departs Padang Bai Harbour-Bali at 11.30am

everyday for Gili Trawangan & Lombok (Teluk Kodek) and has an
excellent safety record. The return voyage departs Gili Trawangan at
With a crossing me of just over one hour, Gili Cat provides
the quickest sea crossing between Bali and Lombok of all the fast
boat operators. Price includes free transfers between Padang Bai,
Ubud, Kuta, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua and Sanur - Bali. Other loca ons
are available with small addi onal surcharge, +62 361 271 680.

Gili Getaway (formerly island gate away) is a comfortable

fast boat depar ng from Banoa Harbour, Bali (only 20 mins from

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Kuta) daily at 08.00am. The crossing takes around 2 hours.

Gili Getaway operates direct to Gili Trawangan and Teluk
Kodek on Lombok. Departs Gili T 11.30am and Lombok 11.45am.
Transfers to and from Gili Air and Meno are available on request.
fares include free air condi oned transport to your hotel or villa
(small surcharge for Ubud and remote areas). +62 878 6432 315.

Blue Water Express, operated by Blue Water Safaris,

provide transfer between Bali and Gili Trawangan. BWS operates
three boats, with 48, 25 and 30 passenger capaci es, depar ng from
Serangan (near Banoa Harbour) at 08.00am and 10.00am, and from
Padang Bai Harbour at 11.15am every day. Return tranfer from Gili
Trawangan is at 11am. Fares include air condi oned hotel transfers
in Bali. +62 361 895 1111.

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction



Big Drum Dance has become a Is one of mar al arts growing on
cultural heritage NTB then this the island of Lombok. In this
dance is o en used to welcome tradi onal exhibited a ba le
important guests invited as a between the Papadu (fighters)
tribute. a acking each other with
weapons in the form of stranding
(ra an cane) and using the last
PERANG TOPAT: ende (shield the body from the
Topat War is a tradi onal of skin of animals).
throwing Topat rice wrapped in
palm leaves in diamond curves.
The war began with a procession
Topat surround offerings of food ,
fruit, and a number of crops as a
means of players and
processions. It's dominated
society Sasak several prominent
Hindus in Lombok.

Dance Gandrung o en featured in various event and other formal
events. One that is characteris c of dance clothing Gandrung is
"Gegelung" is ornate head dress that the outer surface of the back
filled with frangipani flowers.

LOMBOKISLAND Traditional Art



PLECING KANGKUNG: Plecing Kangkung, very popular on
Lombok as a daily dishes to eat together with plain rice. Plecing
Kangkung consists of a boiled Kangkung (water spinach)
seasoning with Sambal Terasi (Special Lombok Chili Sauce) made
from grounded fresh red chili, tomato, sprouts, salt, grilled
coconut, roasted shrimp paste and lime. It is taste hot and spicy.

AYAM TALIWANG: Ayam Taliwang a tour of Lombok, West Nusa

Tenggara will not be complete without tas ng the local food of
Ayam Taliwang. The uniqueness of Ayam Taliwang comes from
chicken that is used, s ll fresh and young. Beside that, It's also
can be served as fried chicken, spicy roasted chicken and also
honey roasted chicken. Ayam Taliwang always serve together
with Plecing Kangkung with spicy chili sauce and rice.

LOMBOKISLAND Traditional Art


BEBALUNG: in sasak language means ribs. This food called

Bebalung because made from cows or goats ribs. Its cooked
similar to common soup but very well done so the meat at the
bones become very so with tradi onal seasoning blends. This
menu always available in every celebra on of local residents.
Served with plain rice, slice of lemon and chili make it fresh and
tasty. The soup and chili served in separate so for some who can't
eat spicy food can try this.
SATE IKAN TANJUNG: (Fish Satay) originally come from a village
called Tanjung - Northern Lombok. Pieces of fresh snapper or
tuna mixed with coconut milk, lemon grass, garlic, chili paper,
spices, wrapped onto sate s ck and grilled. Easy to find this satay
in Ampenan and Tanjung where the food come from. Usually
served separate with young chili.
SATE PUSUT: (Pusut Satay) the kind of satay made from coconut,
seasoning and meat. Mix together and put in the s ck and grilled.
This food is available in every celebra on as the choice beside of
Satay Tanjung, Chicken Satay and Lamb Satay.

LOMBOKISLAND Traditional Art


SATE BULAYAK: not only delicious but also a unique way of ea ng.
Bulayak is a kind of rice cake wrapped in palm leaves. While the
satay is made from beef seasoning's greased typical Sasak.

SATE REMBIGA: is made from prime beef and very tasty. It

seemed a blend of savory, sweet and spicy.

ARES: Ares is kind of curry dishes, it made from Ares (Care of

Banana Tree) or in English called banana stem especially inner
part cooked together with special seasoning in coconut milk and
mixed with meat of chicken, beef or even fish. It is become one of
menu that should available with the Sate (Satay), Bebalung and
Plecing Kangkung on every celebra on people in Lombok such as


LOMBOKISLAND Traditional Art

Lombok Handicra tour is special tour of the Lombok to visit a

wide varie es of handycra from the island. It could be an
individual or in a group of tour. Some mes visitors (student)
spend more me to learn how to make the cra . Many students
(Singapore, Japan, Korea & Malaysia) who is interes ng
seriously to learn the making process of cra s stay for a while in
Lombok to work directly with the ar san.
Place to visit:
1. Carving and weaving village of Sayang-sayang
2. Ikat weaving and village cra sman in Sukarare
3. Po ery village Banyumulek, Penujak, & Masbagik
4. Wood carving village Labuapi
5. Gi Shop: Pearl, Lombok's clothes & jewellry
LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction


Mataram is the capital of the Indonesia province of West

Nusa Tenggara. The City is surrounded on all the landward sides
by (even through it is not administra vely contained within West
Lombok Regency) and lies on the western part of the island of
Lombok, Indonesia.
Its also the largest city of the province, and had a
popula on of 402.296 at the 2010 census, the latest official (as at
January 2014) is 441.064.
In addi on to serving as the provincial capital, Mataram
has also become the center of government, educa on,
commerce, industry and service.
Three towns cons tute the Mataram area, from west to
east; there are Ampenan, Mataram & Cakranegara. They are
district towns, but run together.
Broadly, Ampenan is an aging seaport city, Mataram is
the governmental & office center for the province and
Cakranegara is the Major commercial center on the island. There
are six subdistrict of Mataram, namely Ampenan, Cakranegara,
Mataram, Pejanggik, Selaparang and Sekarbela.
The city served by the Lombok Interna onal Airport,
near Praya in Central Lombok near by Lembar Harbour Seaport in

the Southwest and Labuan Lombok Ferry port on the east which
provides connec on to Poto Tano in Sumbawa. Mataram is near
west coast of Lombok, so it very close to the island's tourism
center of Senggigi Beach. Which is a short distance northward
from Ampenan.
There are some interes ng places that are worth to visit
during yours stay in Mataram, i.e. Chinese Cemetery Plas ca,
Taman Mayura, Pura Meru, Old city Ampenan, Museum of West
Nusa Tenggara.
The city also offer a wide variety of modern & tradi onal
foods, i.e. Chicken Taliwang, Beberuk Eggplant, Satay Bulayak,
Satay Rembige, Pelecing Kangkung, Ares and many others.

1. Santika hotel Jl. Pejanggik-mataram
Jl. Pejanggik No. 32, Mataram 83121, 7. Bidari Hotel Telp. (0370) 63323 / 641095 / 641096
lombok – NTB – Indonesia Jl. Bangau No. 5 cakranegara Email : [email protected]
Tlp : +62370 617 8888 Telp.(0370) 627710
E_mail : Email :
[email protected] 15. Mataram Hotel
[email protected] Jl. Pejanggik No. 105 Mataram
Website :
Telp.(0370) 633675 / 639872 /
2. Lombok Raya Hotel 8. Arianz Hotel 639871
Jl. Panca usaha No. 11 mataram Jl. Catur warga No.33 mataram
Tlp. (0370) 632305 / 636478 Telp. (0370) 647977 16. Maktal Hotel
Email : Email: [email protected] Jl. Maktal No. 3 cakra
Website : Telp. (0370) 630624
[email protected]
Website : 9. Mataram Square Hotel 17. Crown Hotel
3. Lombok Plaza Hotel Jl. R.soeprapto No. 21A mataram Jl. Maktal No. 8 cakra
Jl.pejanggik No.5 cakranegara Telp. (0370) 631919 Telp.(0370) 630222
Telp. (0370) 629720, 643999
Fax. (0370) 642999 10. Pratama Hotel 18. Ratih Hotel
Website : Jl. Adi sucipto mataram Jl. Pejanggik No. 127 cakra
Telp. (0370) 630931 Telp. (0370) 624865
Email : [email protected]
4. Lombok Garden Hotel Website : 19. Puri Indah Hotel
Jl. Bung karno No. 7 mataram Jl sriwijaya No. 132 Mataram
Telp. (0370) 636015 / 636219 11. Fortune Hotel Telp. (0370) 637669
Email: Jl. Rapatmaja No.2 Mataram
[email protected] Telp. (0370) 630671 20. Grand Hotel
Website : Jl. Sriwijaya No.136 Mataram
12. Giri Hotel Telp. (0370) 630090
5. K2 Stylish Hotel Jl. Caturwarga No. 29 Mataram
Jl.gili asahan No. 2 udayana mataram Telp. (0370)627333 21. Idoop Hotel
Telp. (0370)638699, 638799 Jl. Suara Mahardika 883 Mataram
Email : [email protected] 13. Graha Ayu Hotel Telp. (0370) 630883
Website : Jl. Izmail Marzuki mataram Email : [email protected]
Telp. (0370) 635697 / 626291 Website :
6. Grand Legi Hotel Website :
Jl sriwijaya 81 mataram
Telp. (0370)636282 / 636281 14. Zaitun Hotel


1. Rm. H. Murad Jl. Pejanggik Mall 2 Lt. 2 Cakranegara Jl. Ade Irma Suryani
Jl. Pelikan No. 6 Mataram
Telp. (0370) 633619 13. Rm. Red Wood Resto 25. Lesehan Kemuning
Jl. Pejanggik No. 10 Cakranegara Jl. Majapahit No. 87 Mataram
2. Rm. Asano
Jl. Airlangga No. 9e Mataram 14. Rm. Tosoto 26. Rm. Al – Hamra Arabian Resto
Telp. (0370) 626280 Jl. Cilinaya Mall Cakranegara Jl. Pejanggik

3. Rm. Yugisah 15. Xo Suki & Cuisine 27. Rm. Sbs

Jl. Adi Sucipto No. 10 Mataram Jl. Selaparang No. 47e Cakranegara Jl. Bung Karno, Mataram
Telp. (0370) 642634
4. Rm. Sukaraja 16. Rm. Hongkong
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 9 Ampenan Jl. Hasannudin 88 Cakranegara 28. City Crab Restaurant
Jl. Sriwijaya, Mataram
5. Rm. Taliwang Maju Jaya 17. Rm. Kfc Telp. (0370) 6160999
Jl. Adi Sucipto Lapangan Rembige Jl. Pejanggik Komplek Mataram Mall
Jl. Airlangga Mataram 29. De Sushi
6. Rm. Rindang Jl. Sriwijaya, Mataram
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Rembige 18. Rm. Pizza Hut Telp. (0370) 630752
Jl. Pejanggik No. 47a Cakranegara
7. Rm. Ramayan
Jl. Saleh Sungkar No. 26 Ampenan 19. Rm. Cafe Delicio
Jl. Pejanggik Komp. Mataram Mall
8. Rm. Lesehan Sekarbela
Jl. Kesra Raya No. 129 Perumnas 20. Rm. Mirasa Mall
Jl. Pejanggik Komp. Mataram Mall
9. Rm. Mc. Donals
Jl. Pejanggik Mataram Mall 21. Rm. Remaja
Cakranegara Jl. Aa Gede Ngurah 28 Cakranegara

10. Rm. Taliwang I 22. Rm. Dua Em Bersaudara

Jl. Aa Gede Ngurah 26 Cakranegara Jl. Transmigrasi 99 Kr. Bagu
Telp. (0370) 622394
23. Rm. Seafood Ikan Bakar 99
11. Rm. Ikan Goreng Cianjur Jl. Subak Iii No. 10 Cakra
Jl. Pejanggik Komplek Mall Telp. (0370) 664289

12. City Club Cafe 24. Rm. Taliwang Irama

Travel Agent
1. Pt. Anthea Wisata 622006 Telp. (0370) 637252
Hotel Sahid Legi,
Telp. (0370) 641944 / 636282 / 6. Pt. Dua Nusa
646425 Jl. Sutomo No. 43 Rembige
Telp. (0370) 624955 11. Pt. Lombok Karya Eksotis
2. Pt. Aman Tour Jl. Gelatik No. 9 Cakranegara
Jl. Raya Sengigi Km 3 No.9 7. Panorama Tours Telp. (0370) 640107 / 640108
Telp. (0370) 636362 Jl. Adi Sucipto No. 43 Rembiga
Telp. (0370) 643014 / 646840 12. Pt. Nusantara
3. Pt. Cendrawasih Cemerlang Travel Komplek Pertokoan Mataram No. 6-8
Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 36 8. Pt. Jasa Wisata Telp. (0370) 637062
Telp. (0370) 636859 / 636079 Jl. Komplek Mataram Mall
Telp. (0370) 632888 / 632878 / 13. Pt. Paradiso Perkasa Utama
4. Pt. Citramulia Antarnusa 6477770 Jl. Catur Warga No. 44 Mataram
Jl. Jayenggraha Cakra Telp.(0370) 624553 / 622868
Telp. (0370) 633469 9. Pt. Lombok Wisata Nusantara
Fax. 633453 Jl. Barito Vi/ No.2 Mataram 14. Pt. Sasak Lombok
Telp. (0370) 624988 Jl. Subak 1 No. 9 Mataram
5. Pt. Cahaya Kristal Lombok Telp. (0370) 6222321 / 634275 /
Jl. Gelatik No. 7a Cakra 10. Pt. Lombok Karya Wisata 631638
Telp. (0370) 631550 / 642018 / Jl. Sapta Pesona No. 12 Pagutan



THE OLD CITY AMPENAN is actually port that connects the island of
Lombok and Bali. The existence of the port made Ampenan become
interethnic interac on intrade. Now Ampenan Coast become a culinary
center at night. Dutch heritage buildings can be found in this city.

SEKARBELA, Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, as a handicra

center of pearl Lombok, this area has been a center of trade jewellery,
gold, silver etc for log me.

MAYURA TEMPLE built by King A.A. Made Karangasem around the year
1744, when the monarchy was in power on the island of Lombok. In the
beginning of this park area called Park Kelepung. The name comes from
the sound of "klepung... klepung...", ie the flow of water from the sound
of water falling into a pool. The name was later changed when the park
was renovated by A.A. Ngurah Karangasem in 1866.

PURA MERU is the largest and the second most important Hindu temple
in Lombok. Build in 1720, its dedicated to the Hindu trinity of Brahma,
Vishnu, and Shiva. The inner court has 33 small shrines and three
thatched, teak-wood Meru (Mul ered Shrines). The central Meru,
with 11 ers, is Shiva’s house; the Meru to the north, with nine ers, is
Vishnu's; and the seven- ered meru to the South is Brahma's. The Meru
also represent three sacred mountains, Rinjani, Agung, Bromo and the
mythical Mount Meru. The care taker will lend you a sash and Sarong if
you need one.


MUSEUM WEST NUSA TENGGARA. (Indonesia Museum Negeri Nusa

Tenggara Barat) is a state museum located in Mataram, Lombok Island,
Indonesia The Museum is the provincial museum of the West Nusa
Tenggara Province.
The Museum collects 7.387 items (2006) related to Lombok and
Sumbawa tradi onal art (e.g. tradi onal kris, songket, basketware and
masks) as well related subject such as geology, archaeology,
architecture, biology, ceramic, pain ng and others.

MARKET SAYANG-SAYANG. In the art market is available a variety of

handicra s Lombok, cukli, pearls, shells, woven fabrics, T-shirts, key
chains, jewellery, wall hangings, home replica Sasak, Lombok typical
toys etc.

LINGSAR TEMPLE. Built in 1714, Pura Lingsar was originally based on

the prevailing animist beliefs of the me and some of the originally
animist statues remain today. The temple has two holy shrines and is
the only place on Lombok where all the religions-Hindus, Buddhists,
and Moslems-come together to pray for prosperity, fer lity, rain, health
and general success. Lingsar has spring-fed pools within the temple
grounds and home of large freshwater eels.


West Lombok
As one of the most developed regency in tourism
industry in the West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia, West
Lombok has a wide variety to offered to the visitors. Star ng from
its beauty of natural views (beaches, underwater sport and
views, surfing), cultures, arts performance & culinary

1. Sheraton Sengigi Telp. (0370) 693101 / Website :
Beach Hotel 693400
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 14 Website :
Telp. (0370) 693333 / 15. Batu Bolong Hotel
693241 m Jl. Raya Sengigi
Website : Telp. (0370) 693198 9. Bintang Beach Sengigi Hotel
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 7 16. Mascot Hotel
2. The Santosa Hotel Telp. (0370) 693570 / Jl. Raya Sengigi
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 12 693186 Telp. (0370) 693365
Telp. (0370) 693159 / Website :
693175 17. Alang-Alang Hotel
Website: Mangsit 10. Bukit Sengigi Hotel Telp. (0370) 693194
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 13
3. Holiday Resort Lombok Telp. (0370) 693173 / 18. Astiti Hotel
Hotel 693226 Mangsit
Jl. Raya Sengigi, KM 16 Website: Telp. (0370) 693041
Telp. (0370) 693092 /
693175 19. Dharmarie Hotel Mangsit
Website : Telp. (0370) 693050 11. Puri Mas Sengigi Hotel
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 15 20. New moon Hotel
4. Kila Sengigi Beach Telp. (0370) 693831 Kerandangan
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 11 Fax. (0370) 693023
Telp. (0370) 693210 / Website : 21. Windy Beach Hotel
693200 Mangsit
Website: Telp. (0370) 693192 2. Puri Bunga Hotel 22. Sun Dancer Hotel
Jl. Raya Sengigi Telp. (0370)692077/
5. Jayakarta Hotel Telp. (0370) 693353 / 0823612808
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 6 693286
Telp. (0370) 693045 / Website : 23. Cocotinus Boutique Beach Resort
Website : 13. Qunci villas and Spa Jl. Raya Sengigi Jl. Raya Pandanan
Telp. (0370) 693800 / Pelangan Sekotong
6. Puri Sharon Hotel 693802 Telp. 081933136089
24. Gili Nangu Hotel
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 16 Website: Sekotong
Telp. (0370) 693424 / Telp. (0370) 6641777 /
693266 6640777
7. Pasic Hotel 14. Imaj Private Villa
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 14 Jl. Raya Sengigi
Telp. (0370) 693069 / Phone. +62370
693068 / 693027 619194141 or +62370
6194256 Phone
8. Graha Sengigi Hotel (indonesia) +62370
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 10 6194255 Fax.



1. RM. Batu Bolong Jl. Raya Senggigi Kec. Batu layar

Jl. Raya Senggigi 11. Putri Lombok
Telp. (0370) 693065 Pasar Seni Senggigi 21. Sunset house
Telp. (0370) 693533 Kec. Batu layar
2. Cafe Alberto
Pasar Seni Senggigi 12. Cafe Lumbung 22. Cafe Star
Jl. Raya Senggigi Kec. Batu layar
3. Alang-Alang Telp. (0370) 693208
Mangsit 23. Yessy Cafe
13. Lesehan Ilir-Ilir Kec. Batu layar
4. Windy Lingsar
Mangsit 24. Cafe Surya
Telp. (0370) 693192 14. Gili Nangu Sekotong Kec. Batu layar
Telp. (0370) 623783
5. Astiti 25. Cafe Cristal
Jl. Raya Senggigi 15. Cafe Sugar Kec. Batu Layar
Telp. (0370) 693041 Senggigi Square
26. Lombok Coconut
6. Mascot 16. Sahara Res & Bar Kec. Batu Layar
Jl. Raya Senggigi Senggigi Square
27. Bola-bola Paradise
7. RM. Darmarie 17. Tropicana Rest Kec. Sekotong
Jl. Raya Senggigi Senggigi
28. Paradiso
8. Marina Cafe 18. Puri Senggigi Batu Layar
Jl. Raya Senggigi Kec. Batu Layar
9. Cafe Bambu 19. Menega
Jl. Raya Senggigi Kec. Batu Layar
10. Cafe Happy 20. The Coffee House

Travel Agent

1. PT. Bali Maesti 7. PT. Detros Fokus 13. PT. Surya Kencana
Hotel jayakarta Hotel Puri Saron Senggigi Jl. Maluku No. 18 BTN Gn. Sari
Sengigi Telp. (0370) 693424/693425 Telp. (0370) 634674
Telp. (0370) 693043
8. PT. Garda Gili Wisata 14. PT. Trio Bali Inters
2. PT. Bali Nusa Tenggara Jl. Raya Senggigi Hotel Holiday Inn
Jl. Raya gunung sari Telp. (0370) 693681/693682 Telp. (0370) 693444/693092
Telp. (0370) 632319
9. PT. Lombok Lestari 15. PT. Sunda Trails
3. PT. Citra Lombok Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 15 Komplek Komplek Pasar Seni
Indah Telp. (0370) 693248 senggigi
Hotel jayakarta
Telp. (0370) 693045 10. PT. Lotus Lombok Tour 16. CV. Ima Tour/Travel
Jl. Raya Meninting I G Senggigi
4. PT. Citra Lombok Lestari Telp. (0370) 636781
Jl. Raya Sengigi KM 15 17. CV. Lombok Amazing
Telp. (0370) 693561/693562 11. PT. Mayura Wisata Senggigi
Hotel Melati II Senggigi
5. PT. Casablanca Telp. (0370) 634502 18. PT. Prima Jaya Travel
Jl. Gardenia Batu Layar Jl. Jatisda Ireng
12. PT. Senggigi Sunshine
6. PT. Dewi Sri Murni Jl. Raya Senggigi KM. 9 19. PT. Perama Swara
Hotel Puri Saron Murni Telp. (0370) 693232/693029 Jl. Raya Senggigi
Telp. (0370) 693424/693425 Telp. (0370) 693009

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Places to visit
in West Lombok

SENGGIGI BEACH: The resort area is about 13 km north of Mataram, and

about 1 hour drive from Lombok Interna onal Airport. Senggigi is a
great base for exploring the rest of the island. The face is very laid back,
with ac vi es centered around the beaches and day trips to places of
interest, which are all within a few hours drive from the town. At night,
dine in the many restaurants to all tasted and budgets, listen to live
music at the bars, or dance the night away at the nightclubs.

MALIMBU/ NIPAH: Lombok Island is famous for its natural beauty

Dangan. One is the mount Malimbu. Malimbu a high hill inland
waterway area of Senggigi beach, located in West Lombok regency,
West Nusa Tenggara province. Here you can enjoy the white sand hills
that lie ahead. From the top of the hill, you will refreshed by the sight of
the open nature very fascina ng. Beau ful sunset will be an
unforge able sight. Addi onally, you can enjoy the view of mount
Agung in Bali and a row of earthen dike (island) in the northern part of
the island of Lombok.

BATU BOLONG: This is the one of the best Hinduism temple in Lombok.
Is was built on a rock called Batu Bolong . The best way visi ng this
temple by using Taxi approx $10 or IDR 110 from Mataram. This temple
is close to Senggigi beach and sunset point.


LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction


(Gili Tangkong, Gili Kedis, Gili Sundak)

GILI NANGGU: With the distance about 50 km from Mataram City,
the capital city of West Nusa Tenggara, takes about 45 minutes - one
hour to the island which is take about 20 minutes. There is only one
Hotel in this island where you can stay with a decent and clean
accommoda on.
GILI TANGKONG: This island is only about 28 hectares, but with its
white sand and crystal water, Gili Tangkong has always spreading its
charms to the visitors.
GILI KEDIS: Is the smallest island, from a distance this small un
inhabited island, is looks like a coral island which is surrounded by
adense of ny trees.
GILI SUDAK: Just next to Gili Kedis, is famous with orange star fish
and sea urchins.




LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction


MEKAKI BAY: Mekaki Bay is in Sekotong area, to the south of Lombok Island,
approximately 70 km from Mataram the capital city of West Nusa Tenggara province. It
takes about 2-3 hours trip from Mataram by motorcycle or a car. There is no public
transport to this place, you have to rent or using a private vehicle (motorcycle or car).
The road to this area is very good though. it is a li le bit narrow, but you will enjoy
beau ful scene during the trip to the bay. The bay it self is very beau ful with sandy beach
and crystal water.

ELAK-ELAK BEACH: Is located in Sekotong area to the South of Lombok Island, it is about
60 km from Mataram, the capital city of West Nusa Tenggara province. From the edge of
this beach which is also a cape the visitors can cross it during low de by walk to a small
island named "Gili Penyu". What make it special is you can see a lot of Star Fish sca ered
on the sea floor. It is a rare and amazing view.

NAMBUNG BEACH: the beach is located in the hamlet Nambung. Nambung, Pengantap
Village, district Senggigi, West Lombok or about 60 km from the city of Mataram. White
sand shaped like a paper is one of the advantages of this beach. Its main advantages,
namely at the end of this Nambung coastal cliffs are rocky cliffs and underneath there is a
small pond like pool.
The most beau ful moments is sat under the cliffs. When the sea water slammed the
cliffs, the sea water will fall like Niagara falls. Well, you can capture the moment and make
sure the camera's ba ery and your phone from being exposed to sea water, due to the
pounding surf rock hard enough.


NARMADA PARK: Around 10 km East of Cakranegara in Narmada

district, was created in 1805 as a replica of Gunung Rinjani and Segara
Anak, the lake within Rinjani's crater. The gardens at Narmada are
beau fully maintained and surround the pools and lake.

SURANADI PARK: District is in Narmada, West Lombok, about 13 km

east of the city of Mataram. The word Suranadi is combina on of two
words namely "Sura" which means god and "Nadi" which means river.
When combined in a meaningful word river. When combined in
meaningful word river god administra on.
In this place you will enjoy the bath, one of the holy temple in the island
of Lombok, as well as a variety of flora and fauna are protected. That's
why, Suranadi Park designated as a conserva on area let us explore
Suranadi one by one.

SESAOT: Sesaot is protected forest is contained jungle Sesaot village,

about 5 km North Suranadi Narmada district of West Lombok, West
Nusa Tenggara. Condi ons are s ll very natural forests with springs
origina ng from mount Rinjani is made feasible for the protected forest
Sesaot means unwind. Being in a predominantly rural Sasak taste of this
you will be spoiled with cool air and natural nuance.

BANYUMULEK: Banyumulek is po ery village. The village is located in

the district of Kediri Banyumulek West Lombok district of Kediri
Banyumulek West Lombok district and one village in the Island of
Lombok famous for po ery cra .

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction


North Lombok Regency is the youngest regency in West

Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia, with an area of 776,25 km .
the capital city of Tanjung, and it's geographically is located on
the foot of Rinjani mountain.
The regency has a number of fairly wellknown tourism
objects such as Gili's Islands (Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno & Gili Air),
Segara Anak Lake, Sendang Gile Waterfall, and Strawberry
Planta on & many others.
North Lombok region also contained a cluster of small
islands which is quite famous for its marine and coastal nature
namely Gili (island), Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan. Based on
data from The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG),
North Lombok classified tropical areas with temperatures
ranging from 23.1 degrees celsius with the highest temperatures
occurring in July-August was 32.9 degrees celsius, and the lowest
is in April is 20.9 degrees Celsius.
The region mountains is stretch from Bayan subdistrict to
Pemenang subdistrict. The mountain range is the source of river
water that flowing to the lowland & boils down along the coast.


1. The oberoi hotel 11. Exqisit [email protected]
Jl. Raya medana tanjung Gili trawangan m
Telp. (0370) 6138444 Phone. (0370) 6129405 Email : m
[email protected]
2. Tugu hotel om 20. Blue marlin dive
Jl. Pantai sire tanjung www.exqisitvillasandspa.c Gili trawangan
Telp. 6120111 / 6606822 om Phone. (0370) 6132424 Email :
12. Kelapa luxury villas [email protected]
3. Villa ombak Gili trawangan
Gili trawangan Phone. 08123756003
Telp. (0370) 6142337 Email : 21. Villa almarik
[email protected] Gili trawangan
4. Ombak sunset Phone. (0370) 6138520
Gili trawangan Email: info@almarik-
Tlp. (0370) 644333 13. Villa gracia resort & spa
Email : Gili trawangan
[email protected] Phone. (0370) 629977 Email : info@villagracia- 22. Villa Nero Gili trawangan
5. Beach house Phone. (0370)
Gili trawangan 14. Desa dunia beda 081909048000
Telp.(0370) 6142352 Gili trawangan
Email : Phone. (0370) 641575,
reservation@beachhouse 0811390676 23. Les villas ottalia Email : Gili trawangan [email protected] Phone. 081915954478
m m Email : [email protected]
6. Kokomo villa m
Gili trawangan
Tlp. (0370) 6144169 15. Gili aco villas 24. Aston sunset beach resort
Hp. 081339747459 Gili trawangan Gili trawangan Phone. (0361) 8476419 Phone. (0370) 633686 Email :
7. Scally wags gilitrawanganinfo@astonh
Gili trawangan 16. Gili T resort
Telp. (0370) 645301 Gili trawangan www.aston- Phone. (0370) 6138518
m [email protected]
om 25. Oceano jambaluwuk
8. Jeeva klui resort
Jl. Pantai klui No. 1 Gili trawangan
pemenang 17. The trawangan resort Phone. (0361) 8361717
Telp. (0370) 693035 Gili trawangan Email:
Email : Phone. (0370) 6647066 , info@oceanojambaluwukr
[email protected] 087864297487 Email : www.oceanojambaluwukr
9. Gili villas indonesia
Gili trawangan 26. Vamana resort
Telp. 08123755721 Gili trawangan
Email : 18. Medana resort Phone. (0370)6194848
[email protected] Jl. Medana tanjung, north Email : info@vamana- lombok
m Phone.(0370) 6128000,
10. Manta dive Email : 27. Tir na nog
Gili trawangan [email protected] Gili trawangan
Phone. (0370) 6143649 19. Lombok lodge Phone. (0370) 6194848
Email : info@manta- Jl. Medana tanjung, north Email : lombok [email protected] Phone. (0370) 6622926


28. Samba villas Telp. 081805431019

Gili trawangan 47. Senang villa
Phone. (0370)6194818 Gili air
Email : 38. Tropical hideaways Telp. 081936736273
[email protected] Gili meno Email : info@senang-
om Telp. 087865567017 www.tropicalhideawaysre
29. Gili pearl villas 48. Hotel gili air
Gili trawangan 39. Rust mimpi manis Gili air
Phone. 085337542649 bungalows Telp. 0370 6621448
Email : [email protected] Gili meno E mail : Telp. 081907855755 [email protected]
30. Black penny villas
Gili trawangan www.rustgilimenobungalo 49. Tyreel cottages
Phone. 082897030034 &restaurant
Email : Gili air
reservation@blackpennyvil 40. Bellevue luxury villa Telp. 0370624354, Gili air 081803702424 Telp. 081933147723 [email protected]
m www.bellevueluxury- 50. Villa karang
31. Dejavu hotel Gili air
Gili trawangan 41. Bel air resort and spa Telp. 0370637328
Phone. 081916002257 Gili air Email :
Email : Telp. 0818 05437630 [email protected]
dejavuturtlehotel@yahoo. [email protected] om
42. Chillout bungalows and 51. The anandita villa
32. Villa coral ora bar Jl sire desa pamenang,
Gili trawangan Gili air tanjung, lombok
Phone : 082236333716 Telp. 0370620370 Telp. 0361 737 498
Email : Email :
villacoral[email protected] chilloutbungalows@yahoo
www.villacoral .com 52. Mentigi bay villas
www.chilloutbungalows.c Telp. +62 353292447
33. Wilson retreat om Email :
Gili trawangan [email protected]
Phone.(0370) 6120060 43. Star bar bungalow
Email : info@wilson- Gili air Telp. 081907763251 53. Living asia resort Email: Jl. Raya lendang luar,
[email protected] lombok INDO
34. Villa julius m +62 370 693519
Gili trawangan www.starbarbungalows.c [email protected]
Phone. 081916034549 om
Email: 44. Sunrise resort Gili air
Telp. 0370 642370
35. Biru meno bungalow Email :
Gili meno [email protected]
Phone. 081339758968
Email :
[email protected] 45. Coconuts Gili air
Telp. 0370 635365
36. Kontiki cottage Email : info@coconuts-
Gili meno
Telp. 0370 63282
Email : info@kontiki- 46. The beach club Gili air
37. Adeng-adeng bungalows
Gili meno www.thebeachclublombo


Restaurant / Rumah Makan

1. RM. Bale bayan 13. Bintang trawangan 25. Warung pojok
Senaru-bayan Gili trawangan Gili air

2. RM. Pondok gunung 14. Oda's cafe 26. Garden cottages

baru Gili trawangan Gili air
15. Sunrise cafe 27. Pondok cafe
3. RM. Pondok rinjani Gili trawangan Gili air
16. Dewi sri 28. Casablanca
4. RM. Pondok indah Gili trawangan Gili meno
17. Dive indonesia 29. Gazebo meno
5. RM. Pondok senaru Gili trawangan Gili meno
18. Cafe wayan 30. Kelapa gading
6. Paradise Gili trawangan Gili meno
Gili trawangan
19. Resota cafe 31. Blue coral
7. Trawangan restaurant Gili air Gili meno
Gili trawangan
20. Sandi cafe 32. Bougenvile
8. Villa ombak Gili air Gil air
Gili trawangan
21. Lombok indah 33. Karma kayak
9. Blue marlin Gili air Gili trawangan
Gili trawangan
22. Bunga bungalow 34. The jeeva klui
10. Excelent Gili air Klui ds. Malaka
Gili trawangan pemenang
23. Pondok pantai
11. Coral beach Gili air 35. Bulan batu rest
Gili trawangan Setangi ds. Malaka
24. Lucky's Pemenang
12. Sunset Gili air
Gili trawangan

Dive Centre
1. DSM Lombok dive@divezone- 6. Gili air
Gili traangan & puri bnga Hotel gili air beach couter,
cottages mobile +62(0) 81 339 544 PMA SCUBA Froggy,
Mobile :+62 8180577 1426 998 branch in desa gili indah
Phone : +62 370 693280 kabupaten hotel gili air
Fax : +62 370 693196 4. Villa ombak diving beach couter, gili air academy lombok, indonesia
Gili trawangan island (KLU) (+62) 821 237 808 732
2. Blue marlin dive lombok, indonesia 83355
Address : PO BOX 424 Phone: +62 370 6142336
Sengigi lombok NTB 83355 Fax. +62 370 6142337
Email : Email :
[email protected] [email protected]
Email :
[email protected]
Phone : +62 (0) 370 6132424 5. Samudra indah diving PT
Fax. +62(0) 370 6142286 Jl. Gili trawangan Kode pos: 83355
Phone: (0370) 634496
Bali, trawangan or gili air,
dive gili islands, south





Three perfect coral islands, fringed with white sands and

swaying of palm trees, lay in the sparkling ocean just off the
North-West coast of Lombok. For many years the Gili’s have
a racted visitors from around the world for their pris ne waters,
great diving and snorkeling opportuni es, and laid-back charm.
Over the past decade, each of the three islands has
developed a unique personality or style, catering to different
types of holiday makers and travelers: serious diving enthusiasts,
sun seekers looking for the perfect beach gateway, singles,
families and couples all ages find something to a ract them to
the Gili’s.


Rinjani, rising as high as 3726 meters above sea level is one of
the most beau ful mountain panoramas in Indonesia. The 41.3
thousand hectares are around it has been established as the
Na onal Park. The uniqueness of Rinjani lays on the Lake Segara
Anak which extends 11 thousand square meters with a depth of
230 meters. star ng from Senaru the route is ascending with
gentle weather through the dense forest. Most climbers choose
the Sembalun route to save 700 m of al tude. The Sembalun
route is rather long but plane and the weather is warmer
because it passes a scorching savanna. In 2005, Rinjani received
an award for "Tourism For Tomorrow 2005". Rinjani Na onal
Park is already announced as Geopark.

Sembalun is one of sub-districts in East Lombok district, which is
under the area of Mount Rinjani Na onal Park. Located at an
al tude of 1,156 meters above sea level, making the air in this
region really is cool, very different from the other districts all
over the place in East Lombok. There are a lot of things may
poten ally a ract the a en on for tourism industry, but
among all, the agriculture industry is one of the most interes ng
in this area. You can find a lot of varie es of agriculture crop such
as strawberry, apple, chocolate, orange & potatoes.



Sendang Gile with the distance about 60 km from capital city of
West Nusa Tenggara, takes about 2-3 hour with car to get to this
amazing waterfall. This waterfall is located at 600 m above sea
level and has two-level waterfall.
The legend said that the waterfall's name was taken from the
villagers that found this waterfall when they hunted a crazy Lion
that a acked them. People also believe, if you wash your face
there, you will look younger one year than your real age. From
the entering gate in Senaru village, visitors have to walk through
315 stairs step which is takes about 20 minutes.
All the effort to the waterfall is worth, since its amazing
panorama, clear water & beau ful waterfall. Just a li le bit
further there is a second waterfall named "Tiu Kelep" the view in
here even more astonishing


The Pusuk Pass is a winding moun on road that starts in the
Gunungsari and runs through the mountains island, to
Pemenang in the North. The drive up the pass provides
wonderfull views of valleys and gorges, with rivers running
through the tropical forests and small villages do ed amongst
the trees. Families of grey monkeys live in the jungle and come
down to the road to beg for food from passing motorists.
Beleq Bayan Mosque is a Mosque located in Labuan Lombok
road, the village of Bayan, Bayan subdistrict, North Lombok
regency, West Nusa Tenggara, or about 80 km from the provincial
capital of the province, namely Mataram.
Bayan Mosque Beleq no longer used by the surrounding
community. However, it will return a crowded mosque in the
Islamic religious holidays. One of them at the same me of the
celebra on of the birthday of The Prophet Muhammad.
Celebra on of the birthday of The Prophet Muhammad are
usually held for two days. At the me of the celebra on, Masjid
Bayan Beleq be filled by visitors. In celebra on of this event, the
visitors who wants to follow the ceremony procession are
required to follow exis ng regula ons, such as the need to use
tradi onal dresses like Dodot and Sapuk Sasak.

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction


Laid on 82,7'-8o30 south la tude and 116o10 East longitude and

spread from the foot of Mount Rinjani in the north to the Kuta Beach in the
South, Central Lombok Regency is one of the most growing fast Regency in Nusa
Tenggara Province of Indonesia. And now with the opening of Lombok
Internasional Airport here, the development of tourism industry growing faster.
As one of the regency in Lombok that have been long me wellknown
as a favourites place for tourists, Central Lombok has a lot of place to offer
during your holiday; like a handicra centre in Penujak that is famous for its
po ery handicra , or Sade Village for its tradi onal lifestyle of Sasak, na ve of
Lombok Island & not to men on the beauty of Kuta Beach & other surfing
des na on in Lombok.
1. Novotel Jl. Pariwisata selong belanak Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Mandalika resort pantai putri nyale Phone. 0812144303337
Kuta central lombok Email : [email protected] 11. Sekar kuning
Telp. (0370) 6153333 Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Website : 6. Bumbangku
Phone. (0370) 640123 / 12. G'day Inn
2. Kuta Indah 081907355450 Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Kuta Beach Streat Midde Lombok Email :
INDONESIA [email protected] 13. Ken's hotel
Phone. +62(0) 370 6153781/2 , Website : Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
61655222 Phone. (0370) 655057
Fax. +62(0) 370 61554628 7. Grand royal
Website : Jl. Raya by pass bill, batujai 14. Yuli's home stay
[email protected] Phone. (0370) 6897509 Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Email : 15. Mimpi manis
3. Family House [email protected]
Jl. Raya Pantai Kuta-lombok Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Website : Phone. 0818369950
Phone. (0370)6153748
Email : info@familyhouse- 8. Kuta cove hotel 16. Lamancha
Jl. Pantai kuta lombok Ds. Kuta kec.pujut
[email protected] Telp. (0370) 6158080 /
Website : 087864920120 Email : [email protected] 17. Melon home stay
Website : Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
4. Surfer inn 18. GR. House & cafe
Jl. Pantai kuta Lombok 9. Anda Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Phone. (0370) 655582 Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Email. [email protected] Phone. (0370) 654836 / 654849 19. Lakuen home stay
Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
5. Sempiak Villas 10. Segara anak


12. G'day Inn 15. Mimpi manis 18. GR. House & cafe
Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Phone. 0818369950
13. Ken's hotel 19. Lakuen home stay
Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut 16. Lamancha Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
Phone. (0370) 655057 Ds. Kuta kec.pujut

14. Yuli's home stay 17. Melon home stay

Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut

Restaurant / Rumah Makan

1. Dienda hayu 7. Sekar kuning 13. Family cafe
Jl untung surapati Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Ds. Kuta kec.pujut

2. Kuta indah 8. Rinjani agung 14. Tastura hotel &

Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Ds. Kuta kec. pujut restaurant
Telp. (0370) 654781 Telp. (0370) 654849 Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut

3. Putri mandalika 9. Lucky 15. The sore bar

Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Jl. Diponegoro No. 8 Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut
4. Anda 16. Magic cafe
Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut 10. Warung simpang
Telp. (0370) 654836 Kel. Prapen kec. Praya 17. Kuta kec. Pujut

5. Matahari Inn 11. Rivera cafe

Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Srigangga tiwu galuh,
Telp. (0370) 654832 sengkol

6. Segara anak 12. Astari restaurant

Ds. Kuta kec. Pujut Ds. Prabu kec. Pujut
Telp. (0370) 654849

Travel Agent
1. PT. Anda Tour 3. Henry's Tour &Travel Jl. Raya kuta kec. Pujut
Jl. Gerintuk-renteng Ds. Kuta kec.pujut
praya 6. PT. Bhirawa jaya
Telp. (0370) 654836 / 4. CV. Mitra Armada Kuta kec. Pujut
655049 Terminal lama praya
2. PT. Lombok Trip Wahana
Jl. Raya praya- kopang 5. PT. Muzar Tours
No. 1

Dive Centre
Kuta :
Hotel novotel beach couter, PMA SCUBA FROGGY Branch in mandalika resort, pantai
putri nyale pujut Lombok Tengah, kuta Indonesia
Phone. +62 878 64 26 59 58


Places to visit
in Central lombok


1. Sade Village
Lies on the main road to Kute and is probably Lombok's most
renowned Sasak Tradi onal Village. Visitors can admire sasak
architecture including the prominent bonnet-shaped wallsand floors
made from clay and dried cow dung. A rage of souvenirs such as
bracelets made from coconuts and hand-woven Sarongs are on offer to
2. Sukarara Weaving
Sukarara is home to some of Lomboks best weavers who
produce Songkets and Ikats, the famous tex les which o en boast
bright colors and intricate mo fs, and are woven on tradi onal back-
strapped looms. the knowledge and skills of how to weave are passed
down from genera on to genera on in the weaver's families. the
weavers employ co on, silk, gold and silver threads for their mastery.
When in Sukarara, take a stroll around and see the different shops along
street, hear about the local handicra tradi onal and try threading a
we through a warp yourself. for the most comprehensive online-
catalogue of Sukarara tex les visit:
3. Penujak Po ery
Since the 16th century the Penujak villagers have been
following the tradi onal method of making clay po ery (Gerabah) and
it has remained almost unchanged un l today. In Penujak there are a
handful of art shops to visit and you can glimpse po ers in the process
of making their earthenware.


Kuta Beach
In the southern part of Central Lombok there are row of
beach stretching. One of them Kuta Beach. Kuta Beach has white
sand exo c. Shaped like grains of papper that is very difficult to be
found in other coastal tourist areas. Kuta Beach and its surrounding
areas in the plan of development of integrated tourism area that will
become a des na on similar to Bali Nusa Dua area.

Tanjung Aan
A'an Cape located on east of Kuta Beach, it is a beau ful
white sandy beaches, ideal for snorkling or sunbathe, while
admiring the surrounding beauty and surf. Tanjung A'an very quite
with calm wave. Next to Tanjung A'an are Seger Beach and Kuta
Beach, each beach has different type of beau ful sand.


Benang Stokel Waterfalls

Located in the village of Aik Berik district of North
Batukliang, about 22 Km from the city of Praya. The water is clear
and cold fall from a heigh of 20 meters through a crack rocks that
covered a wide range of plant species from a green wall up to the
rapids, where there is a small pool bathhouse. Water falling precede
each other, sprayed down and making a sound bath of bolling water.
Locals believe that the water can cure diseases. Here there are
facili es like food stalls, coffee shops, inns and the homes of
residents, and a security post. A rac on is visited every holiday and
day of week.

Benang Kelambu Waterfalls

This waterfalls is like a mosquito net that hangs in the air,
blowing in fresh form stage angina truly stunning panorama.
Located only 1 km from the Benang Stokel Waterfalls, can be
reached by car then visitors walk on the trails in the woods are
inhabited by long-tailed macaques to get to the loca on. Cold water
is flowing from the crevices of the rocks from a height of 35 meters.
Travelers very fond of this object as a bathing place while enjoying
the beau ful natural screnery during the holidays.


Plays annual host to Bau Nyale, the biggest tradi onal
event in Southern Lombok which commemorates the death of
princess Mandalika at Seger Beach. According to legend, the
beau ful princess had to choose a husband from among her many
suitors. Seeing how they all vied for her hand in marriage, she feared
bringing war among them and within the kingdom if she chose one.
In an act of sacrifice, she flung herself into the sea and was
trasformed into a swarm of colored worms. Besides Bau Nyale
Fes val, Seger Beach some mes sees good swells for surfers and,
for the roman cally inclined, offers "Sunset hill" with its beau ful
view over Kute Bay at dusk.
A few kilometers drive east of Kute, Gerupuk is posibly
Lombok's most popular surf des na on. You can charter a boat to
one of several surf sports in the bay from Gerupuk. The surf shops
will set you up with gear if you haven't got any yourself. Locals also
make a living from seaweed and lobster farming and these farms can
be seen just offshore. Neighboring Bumbang and Ekas Bay are just a
short boat-ride away.


One of the most picturesque beaches wedged between the
hill sides west of kute. Sheltered in a large horseshoe-shaped bay
with steep terrain on either side. Mawun is great for swimming
(even at the low de) or just lying indly as a walrus under the tropical
sun. Kiosks will provide you with essen als and there's a public toilet

Reef break with fairly consistent surf which a racts
advanced surfers. Be sure to bring your own surf equipment as there
is no rental on loca on.


Beau ful long stretch of beach with fine while sand
surrounded by scenic hills. Ideal for relaxing, swimming, some
entry-level surfing, and for experiencing mesmerizing sunsets. Foot
and other essen al are all available her from warung-style to fine-

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction


East Lombok is one of the regions in the province of West Nusa

Tenggara, Indonesia. The capital city is Selong. This regency has an area of
1.605,55 km2, with the popula on of 1.153.773 (2014).
Geographically, East Lombok Regency is loca on betwen 1160 – 1170
east longitude and batwen 80 – 90 suoth la tude.
The total area of East Lombok district is 2679.88 Km2 consis ng of a land area
of 1605.55 km 2 (59.91%) and a sea area of 1074.33km2 (40.09).
In this area a variety of poten al pearl shell. Some of-the area used for
cul va on of pearls aysters. In addi on to pearls, this area is also an area
producing quite a lot of fish, some natural harbor formed as Marine Fish
Produc ons Centers, such as Labuhan Lombok, Tanjung Luar, Labuhan Hajj and
others. Unfortunately, this poten al is not followed by an increase in the
economic value of products through post – harvest processing. In addi on,
there is also seaweed forming managed by the people residing in the coastal
Some of famous tourism spor in this area ranging from the high land /
montanious to its beaches and under water view, such as Rinjani Mountain,
Sembalun, Aik Temek Waterfall, Otak Kokok Waterfall, Tete Batu, Green Vallay,
Kaliantan Beach, Gili Sunut, Ringgit Cape, Ekas Beach, Nirvana Beach, Gili
Kondo & many others to offer.
1. Wisma Suyono 6. Dian Dutaku 11. Pondok Sembalun
Tete Batu Jl. Lintas Labuah Kayangan Sembalun

2. Wisma Cendrawasih 7. Losmen Lima Tiga 12. Lembah Rinjani

Tete Batu Jl. Lintas Labuah Kayangan Sembalun Lawang

3. Pondok Tete Batu 8. Losmen Munawar 13. Hotel Paradise

Tete Batu Jl. Lintas Labuah Kayangan Pantai Surga

4. Pondok Bulan 9. Losmen Aik Manis 14. Cemara Siu

Tete Batu Jl. Lintas Labuah Kayangan Sembalun Lawang

5. Pondok Gili Lampu 10. Paer Doe 15. Puri Rinjani

Gili Lambu Sambelia Sembalun Sembalun Lawang


16. Heaven On Planet Ekas Bay, South 17. Jeeva Beloam

East – Lombok Jl. Pantai Beloam, Tanjung Ringgit
Ph. 08123751103, 081237974846 Ph. (0370) 693035
Email : [email protected] Website :
Website :

Restaurant / Rumah Makan

1. Sangkareang 5. Harmoni 9. Embojo Dompu
Lenek Tete Batu Kayangan Lb. Lombok

2. Carpio 6. Surabaya 10. Dian Sari

Lenek Kayangan Lb. Lombok Kayangan Lb. Lombok

3. Pelangi 7. Lombok 11. Kelayu Mandiri

Tete Batu Kayangaan Lb. Lombok Kayangan Lb. Lombok

4. Tete Batu 8. Sederhana 12. Rinjani

Tete Batu Kayangan Lb. Lombok Kayangan Lb. Lombok

Travel Agent
1. Pt. Herka Cahaya 3. Cv. Duta Tour 5. Cv. Kerling
Jl. Raya Masbagik Jl Raya Lb. Lombok Masbagik Masbagik
Telp. 21906 Hp. 0818545657
08123755025 6. Pt. H. Makrip
2. Pt. Jabal Rinjani Masbagik
Jl. Raya Sukamulia 4. Rinjani Agung
Telp. 22585 Jl. Pahlawan No. 152 Selong




Tangsi beach or also wellknown as pink beach because of
its pink colour sand. Pink beach is located in Sekarah village, a sub
district Jerowaru in East Lombok regency. It takes about 2 hours to
get into the beach from Mataram city. The capital city of west
Nusa Tenggara province.
beside of its special colour , Pink Beach also populer because of its
beau ful panorama, clear water, you can also do some ac vi es
like snorkeling or just swimming.

Tanjung Ringgit is located at the p of the promontory
east – south district area. East Lombok, precisely located wiyhin
the district. Jerowaru dan pemongkong village. Tanjung Ringgit is
an area of plateau/ hill with topography in the form of steep cliffs.
This area can be achieved with a travel me of about 30 minutes
from the center of the village or about 2 hours from lombok
airport and is approximately ±60 km. Tanjung Ringgit, Tanjung
Perak & Tanjung China presents a view of the beach with the
other shades can be seen from this loca on the endless of indian


Kaliantan beach is one of the tourist area of the southern
part of the district. East Lombok, Jerowaru preciselyn in the district.
Kaliantan beach can be reached via the route of travel from Mataram
City to the East towards East Lombok with a travel me of 1 (one)
hour con nuning southward through the district Sikur – Sakra –
Keruak – Jerowaru – Pemongkong – Kaliantan widt addi onal travel
mebapproximately 90 minutes.
Travel to Cape Bloam is not easy and there are several roads
have not been paved, but the redness in trip will pay off with a
natural because there is much visted by tourist. Not only that,
Tanjung Bloam turtlen conserva on area which has around cliffs and
habitat is along the coast that stretches from the northern p to the
south. So white sand and blue sea water becomes clear and
beau ful scenery. Every now and then looked back and forth
fishermen also catch fish using a wooden boat on the beach.
Interes ngly, the Cafe Bloam has two stones flanking the
coast of cafe bloam padas exo c. The le side cliffs shaped like a
pastry buns while the right side of the cliff irreguler shape and
protrudes toward the coast. Color yellowish cliffs combined with
blacks makes a stark contrast with the blue color of the sea water.
Natural beauty of the beach and around the more visible when riding
up a hill in the west coast. A view similar to Tanjung Ringgit is also
surrounded by the rocks. The alure truly make photography
enthusiasts will not miss the moment to be immortalized in a variety
of angles.


The beach area is one of the coastal area are the coastal
path Ekas. This beach has stuning natural panorama, with white
sandy beach area with sand granular size of peppercorns. With
the condi on and the scenery is quite interes ng the beach
paradise has the poten al to be developed further. In addi on to
the natural poten al of the coast region has the superior
economic poten al of cultured pearl and seawead are managed
by some of the companies that have partnered with the local


Gili Bagek / Gili Kondo
This small island is located in the waters of the district
Sambelia (50 km north of the city selong) and can be achieved
through transat in district Sambelia beach (about 25 minutes) and
the port of Labuan Kayangan Lombok (about 45 minutes).
Although the black sand beach transat but in earthen lamp and
some surrounding white sand dyke.
Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang
Gili Sulat is a small island located 1.5 km to the northeast
of the island of Lombok. The island has a maximum length of 5.2
km is administra vely belonged to the East Lombok, West Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia. As far as 500 meters to the northwest of the
island of Gili Lawang there.
Gili sulat and Gili Lawang that are poten al to be used as
a des na on for nature tourism (eco-tourism) because it has the
poten al in the form of magrove forest and underwater gardens
are very beau ful. Overall second dyke consists of mangrove
forests, but in fact there ia also a small por on of while sand. And
in certain seasons herd dolphins will appear in this area.


Tete Batu is a tourist a rac on located at an al tude of 700
meters above sea level. With the sights and atmosphere of the air
in the countryside, you can get to know and find out how the lives
of the villages in the Tete Batu. Here are some accomoda ons
such as hotels soedjono and green orry ca ages provide guests
with a great room and a restaurant. Stay in Tete Batu is the best
op on to enjoy all the sights around this inn as Otak Kokoq
Waterfall, Waterfall Aik Temer and others.

This a rac on is located in Lunggu, damselfish Montong Village
district of Montong Gading about 40 KM from the city of
Mataram. Otak Kokoq a famous tourist a rac on with a waterfall
believed to healing various skin diseases. To prove the existence
of a disease in a person's waterfall would turn into such murky
Mud and if the water is clear then there is no disease in the
person. In this place we will find two swimming pools far bathing.
Also in this object there are several stalls selling food and cra s
Knickknacks Lombok. Natural scenery in this object is pre y good,
i wonder if the a rac on ia always crowded with tourist,
especially on holidays.

SUMBAWAISLAND Sumbawa Introduction

Trigana Air has 1 flight to Sumbawa and Bima every day. Lombok,
ph :0370 624555.


The main harbour for travel between Lombok and Sumbawa
is Kayangan Harbour, at Labuhan Lombok, on the east coast. The
main harbour on West Sumbawa, for transfers to or from Lombok, is
Poto Tano. On East Sumbawa, for travel between Sumbawa and
Komodo Island or Flores, the harbour is at Port Sape.
Travel by car,
taxi or bus to Labuhan
Lombok (kayangan), the
port on the east of
Lombok. From the
harbour take a public
ferry (2 hrs) to Poto
Tano, in West
Ferry passengers can
orrange transporta on

SUMBAWAISLAND Sumbawa Introduction

at the terminal for Sumbawa(3 hrs), Taliwang (1 hrs), and Maluk (2

hrs). Ferry passengers from Labuhan Bajo (the harbour at Flores) in
the east can travel from Port sape to Bima, Dompu, Huu Beach

Perama Tours is a local tour company that organizes trips
between Lombok, Komodo Island and Flores and Operate shuffle
boat services to the region. Their service include private shuffle bus
and privately – opera on boats.

Sumbawa is an Indonesian island, located in the middle of
the Lesser Sunda islands chain, with Lombok to the west, Flores to
the east, and Sumba further to the southeast. It is in the province of
West Nusa Tenggara.
Sumbawa is 15,448 km2 or 5,965 sq mi (three mes the size of
lombok) with current popula on of around 1.33 million. It marks the
boundary between the islands to the west, which were influenced by
religion and culture spreading from India, and the region to the east
that was not so influeced. In par cular this applies to both hinduism
and islam.
Tradi onally the island is known as the source of
sappanwood used to produce red dye, honey and sandalwood. Its
savanna-like climate and vast grassland used to breed horses and
ca les as well as to hunt dear.
The 14th-century Magarakretagama men oned several
principali es iden fied to be located on the island; Dompu, Bima,
Sape and Sang Hyang Api Volcanic island just offcoast of northeast
Sumbawa, four principali es in western Sumbawa were
dependencies of the Majapahit Empire of Eastern Java. Because of

SUMBAWAISLAND Sumbawa Introduction

Sumbawa's natural resources, it was regularly invaded by outside

forces – from Javanese. The Ducth first arrived in 1605, but did not
effec vely rule Sumbawa un l the early 20th century. The Balinese
kingdom of Gelgel ruled western Sumbawa for a short period as well.
The eastern parts of the island also home to the Sultanate of Bima, an
islamic polity that has links to Bugis and Makasarese People of south
sulawesi as well as other Malay – Islamic poli es in the archipelago.

Sumbawa has historically had two major linguis c groups

who spoke language that were unintelligible to each other. One group
centered in the western side of the island speaks Basa Samawa
(Indonesia : bahasa Sumbawa) which is similar to the Sasak language
from Lombok; the second group in the east speak Nggahi Mbojo
(bahasa bima). They were once separated by the Tambora culure,
which spoke a language related to neither. A er the demise of the
Tambora, the kingdoms located in Sumbawa Besar and Bima were the
two focal points of Sumbawa. This devision of the island into two
parts remains today; Sumbawa Besar dan Bima are the two largest
towns on the island, and are the center of dis nct cultural groups
that share th island.

The island is bound by bodies of water; to the west is Alas

Strait, south is the Indian Ocean, Saleh Bay creates a major north –
central inden on in the island, and the Flores Sea runs the length of
the northern coastline. The Sape strait lies to the east of the island
and separates Sumbawa From Flores and the Komodo islands, there
are a number baby and gulfs, most notably Bima Bay, Cempi bay, and
Waworada Bays Sumbawa's most di nguishing feature is saleh bay
and the Tambora peninsula with Mount Tambora. Highlands rise in
four spots on the island, as well as on Sangeang island, the large
western lobe of Sumbawa is dorninated by a large central highland,
there is MT. Tambora, Dompu and Bima each have more minor

There are a number of large surrounding islands, most notably are

Moyo island, volcanically ac ve Sangeang island and the Toris c
Komodo Islands (administered under Flores ) to the east.

SUMBAWAISLAND Sumbawa Introduction

The popula on of the island was 1.37 million cencus in 2014 with details as follow

Name Capital Popula on 2014

Sumbawa Regency (Sumbawa) Sumbawa Besar 436.599
Dompu Regency (kab. Dompu) Dompu 234.665
Bima Regency (kab. Bima) Bima 463.419
West Sumbawa (Sumbawa Barat) Taliwang 129.724
Bima City (kota Bima) Bima 156.400
Totals 1.420.807

Source :


West Sumbawa, is a Regency in the province of West Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia . The regency is located in the western part
of the island of Sumbawa, Flores Sea border with the north,
Sumbawa to the east, in the southern Indian Ocean in the west
and the Alas Strait.
West Sumbawa is a district of the devision of Sumbawa on
december 18, 2003 based on law number 30 year 2003 on the
establishment of West Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara
1. Grand Royal Taliwang 7. Cemara Beach 14. Jepoen Cottage
Jl. Bung Hatta Gerbang Ktc, Lawan – Sekongkang Bawah Kec. Sekongkang – KSB
Taliwang, KSB 8. Hotel Jelenga
Telp. (0372) 8281333 Jelenga – Jereweh 15. Hotel Sunset View
Fax. (0372) 8281850 Dsn Jelenga kec. Jereweh
9. Jelenga Beach
2. Hotel Thropy Jelenga – Jereweh 16. Hotel Lia
Maluk Jereweh Dsn. Mantoa Timur Kec. Maluk
Telp. (0372) 635119, 63513 10. Pantai Rantung
Sekongkang 17. Cottage Delina
3. Balat Beach Pantai Pasir Putih, Kec. Maluk
Lab. Balat Taliwang 11. Surya Bungalow Sumbawa Barat
4. Maluk Resort
Jl. Pasir Putih Maluk 12. Hotel Balas
Lembas Balas Maluk
5. Tropical Hp. 081929201065
13. Penginapan Rizkah
6. Hotel Kiwi Jl. Jend. Sudirman 54 Kel. Dalam
Maluk Ds Goa Jereweh Kec. Taliwang
Telp. (0372) 635166 Telp. (0372) 81354

Restaurant / Rumah Makan

1. Rm. Cirebon 4. Restaurant Yoyo's 8. RM. Siti Hasanah
Jln. Raya Maluk 99 Jereweh Ds. Sekongkang Bawah, Kec. Jln. Raya Maluk Kec. Maluk KSB
Telp. (0372) 635256 Sekongkang

2. Casanova 5. Restaurant Borneo

Jln. Raya Maluk Dsn. Batu Belawang Rt. 03 Kec. 9. RM. Pulau Sari
Telp. (0372) 635168 Taliwang – KSB Jln. Raya Maluk Ds. Maluk Kec.
Telp. (0372) 81118 Maluk KSB
3. RM. Dunia Baru
Jln. Raya Maluk 6. Restaurant Sunset View 10. RM. Sederhana
Telp. (0372) 635168 Dsn. Jelennga kec. Jereweh Ds. Seteluk Tengah Kec. Seteluk
7. RM. 99
Kel. Kuang kec. Taliwang

11. Sido Mampir 13. RM. Barokah

Ds. Maluk Kec. Maluk KSB Dsn. Pasir Putih kec. Maluk KSB

12. RM. Kharisma

Ds. Beru Jereweh, Kec. Jereweh

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Places to visit in
West Sumbawa

Maluk beach is in a bay, which is located in the
village of west Sumbawa Maluk Jereweh. Who makes
beau ful because beach is flanked by two hills, bukit
mantun in north and bukit balas to the south. Panorama of
the beach is very beau ful, with sparkling white sand.

Sekongkang beau ful beaches and exo c perhaps
you rarely or never even heard Sekongkang Beach. The
beach is located on the corner of Sumbawa island is very
beau ful and exo c. Charm will amaze anyone who visits. I
was amazed when i first saw this beach. I guarantee you will
fall in love with this beach so you see it.
Sekongkang hidden beach located in southwest corner of
the island of Sumbawa, precisely in the village of lower
Sekongkang, district Sekongkang, West Sumbawa, West
Nusa Tenggara. To get to this beach is a struggle. From Poto
Tano Harbor, at the western end of the Island of Sumbawa,
Sumbawa regency located in the Province of West
Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This regency is on the p of the
Island of Sumbawa bounded by the Alas Strait to the west
(memisahkan the Island Lombok), Sape strait in the east
(separa ng the Island of Komodo), the Indian Ocean in the


south, as well as the Flores Sea to the nort. Is the largest city of
bima, which is in the eastern part of the island.
The island has an area of 14.386 km2, and is the largest
island in west nusa tenggara province, as well as one of the two
islands in the province. Highest point is Mount Tambora (2,824
m) which is also an ac ve volcano. The uniqueness of the Island of
Sumbawa is bungin districth which is administra vely under
Sumbawa egency. Bungin island is the most populous island in
the world which has a densify of 15.000 people/km2 . this
happens because the island Bungin with only 8 hectares is
occupied by about 3000 inhabilitas. You have to down a winding
road, up and down and o en perforated here and there, as far as
55km. However, all sacrifices will pay of once you get Sekongkang
beach. Clean white sandy beaches so , will welcome you. The
sea water is crystal-clear turquoise color will refrsh your eyes. The
thiills towering around the cast, futher adds to The exo cim
Sekongkang beach.

1. Amanwana Resort 8. Anda Hotel 15. Sumbawa Hotel
Pulau Moyo – Sumbawa Jl. Pahlawan No. 14 Alas Jl. Gurami Sumbawa
Telp. (0371) 622233 Telp. (0371) 91169 Telp. (0371) 21335

2. Kencana Beach 9. Telaga Hotel 16. Samawa Sea Side Cottage

Jl. Raya Poto Tano Jl. Pahlawan No. 32 Sumbawa Jl. Dsn Omo Ds. Penyaring kec.
Telp. (0371) 22555 Telp.(0371) 91233 Moyo Utara
Fax. (0371) 22624
10. Selamat Hotel
3. Laguna Biru Jl. Pahlawan, Alas, Sumbawa
Jln. Raya badas km. 8 Sumbawa Telp. (0371) 91026
Telp. (0371) 23777
11. Suci Hotel
4. Sernu Raya Jl. Hasanuddin No. 50 Sumbawa
Jln. Raya Sernu No. 18 Sumbawa Telp. (0371) 21589

5. Dian hotel 12. Harapan Hotel

Jln. Hasanuddin No. 29 Sumbawa Jl. Dr. Sucipto No. 7 Sumbawa
Telp. (0371) 21708, 22297 Telp. (0371)21629

6. Tambora Hotel 13. Bala Kembar Hotel

Jln. Kebayan No. 29 Sumbawa Empang
Telp. (0371) 22173 Telp. (0371) 623558
14. Garoto Hotel
7. Baru Hotel Jl. Batu Pasak No. 18
Jl. Dr. Wahiddin Sumbawa Telp. (0371) 22062


Restaurant / Rumah Makan

1. RM. Telaga Garden 5. Muslim
Jl. Telaga Baru Sumbawa Ds. Baru Alas 10. RM. Sari Asih
Telp. (0371) 81147, 81164 Telp. (0371) 91094 Jl. Raya Alas Tano

2. Puspa Warna 6. Wijaya 11. RM. Yuan

Jl. Cendrawasi No. 1 Sumbawa Lintas Sumbawa – Bima Jl. Raya Alas Tano
Telp. (0371) 24029
7. RM. Aneka Rasa Jaya
3. RM. Omega Jaya Jl. Hasanuddin No. 14 Sumbawa
Jl. Garuda No. 54 Sumbawa Telp. (0371) 21291
Telp. (0371) 22461
8. RM. Sidododi
4. Ramayana Jl. Dr. Wahiddin No. 7 Sumbawa
Labuhan alas
9. RM. Senap Semu
Dsn. Sebasang Kec. Moyo Hulu

Travel Agent
PT. Tambora Duta Wisata
Jl. Kebayan No. 2 Sumbawa Besar
Telp. (0371) 22444

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Place to visit in
Sumbawa Regency
The Most Populated Island in The World
Interes ng! That was the first word flew from our lip when
we first got in bungin island.
The island is well known as the most populated island in
the world with an expanding area. The total area of bungin has
increased from 6 hectares in 2002 to around 8 hectares, today. The
reason to that is the coral plan ng program caused by the island's
overcrowding and a unique wedding tradi on.
For young couples who want to get married, they have to build their
own area for housing by collec on coral to be stored up on outer
part of the island. It causes the area to expand, and ge ng wider.
The houses in Bugin island stand close to one another,
showing how crowded the island is. There are more than 700
families live in the island. Most of men are working as fishermen,
while women stay at home and do what they can, such as selling
Even if Bungin is a part of Sumbawa, but most people talk in
Bajo language (tribe in Sulawesi), since most of the resident came
from Sulawesi.
Oh, and don't forget about the goat feeding on paper. It is
another unique story about bungin. Since there's no grass grow on
the island, the goat will eat paper or even plas c.

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Dalam Loka
Dalam loka is a Sultanate palace in Sumbawa. It was
built in the reignot Sultan Jalaluddin Muhammad Syah III around
1885. Dalam Loka is two twin buildings supporter by 99 large
wooden poles. 99 symbolizes the glorious natures of Allah
(asma'ul husna) uniquely, Dalam Loka is built with wooden
architecture whitout a single nail. We can also see the Samawa
special ornaments carved in each of its part.
In 1980 Dalam Loka was restored. In recent years it has
becomes the museum of Sumbawa the place where all sorts of
historical relics are stored and maintained for sustainability.

Bala Kuning (The Yellow House)

Bala the yellow is the residence of the last Sultan's
family. Here can be found the royal magical objets. Such as :
bodong, sarpedang , umbrella, kamutar, tear (spear javelin),
kris, handwriten Qur'an by Muhammad bin Abdulllah Al-Jawi
(+/- in 1784) when the government Sultan Harunnurrasyid II
(1770 – 1790), which is always well maintained.

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction


Moyo island is located in the north of Sumbawa Besar,

by decree of the Ministry of Forestry of Republic Indonesia no.
308/KPTs-11/1986 dated 24 september 1986 it is decide to be
a nature park marine and hun ng park island. Several years
ago, moyo island has been visited by Lady Diana.
How to get there from lombok : there are two
alterna ves to get there, through land by car and air. By car,
you can rent a car using a travel agency that takes
approximately 6 hours trip from Mataram, the capital city of
West Nusa tenggara Province; with details 2 hours from
Mataram to Kayangan Sea port, then takes a ferry to Sumbawa
island (Poto Tano port) about 1-2 hours and Poto Tano to
Sumbawa Besar another 2 hours.
Airway could use a charactered hellicopter landing in
the helipad and could have been provided in Moyo island.

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Kenawa Island
Kenawa island is a small island is sumbawa regency,
West Nusa Tenggara province. This small island is about 15
hectares & s ll inhabitants. Most of its is lowland except there
is a small hill in the middle.
The island is surrounded by white beaches wite clear sea
water around the island. There are small shack where we can
sit and enjoy the view. This island is a perfect place for
backpacker, se ng up a camping tent.

A'i Beling Waterfall

A'i Beling Waterfall (in local language it means the
water that talks) is locatedin southern part of Sumbawa Besar.
Surrounded by dense forest. This area is about 36 km to the
favourite hun ng area for Sultan.
The legend said that the name of waterfall that talks
begin when the Ling's daughter run away from home because
she refused an Varraged marriage with a man she doesn't in
love. She run away to the river nearby and cry & cry for a long
me, then she decided to suicide to by plunge into the river.
Un l now people believe that the spirit of the girl s ll
alive in the river and some mes people can hear she crying in


Barapan Kebo or Buffalo Racing in Sumbawa is a
tradi onal agrarian society. This tradi on is usually held
during the rice plan ng season. The tradi on is inherited from
genera on to genera on as an ancestral habit by the people
of Sumbawa. Ini ally, in tradi on is carried out as an
entertainment in the rainy season during the prepara on of
cul vate the land, which is always followed by the rice
plan ng season. Working during this season must be hard, the
farmers need a show to entertaint them, and bring down their
buffalo to the rice field and turn them from plowers to
Buffaloes Racer. This event quicken the cul vate process.
The winner is the fastest one who reach the finish line.
The sensa n of this game is watching the jockeys trying hard
to control their buffaloes to run in a straight line and lead them
to reach the finish line. Believe it! It is one of the event you
have to see. It is thriling games!


Dompu, is a regency in the province of West Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia. The capital is Dompu. This regency located
in the central part of the island of sumbawa. The area is 2321. 55
km2 and a popula on of about 34.000 inhabitans. Dompu
Sumbawa district and borders the Gulf of Saleh in the West, Bima
regency in the north and east and the indian Ocean in the south.
Dompu famous as a producer of milk and honey and milk
of wild horses. In addi on Dompu also rich in gene c diversity of
meat produc on, for example from swamp buffalo (sahe in
Dompu language) who has not also known levels of gene c
diversity with buffalo in other areas. Dompu culture is very close
to Bima, Although there are slightly differences of dialect and
Lakey beach is one of the best surfing des na ons in the
world which is in Dompu. Because of its prowess, Lakey beach has
a regularly surfing compe on a ended by world class surfers
from all around the world. Lakey beach – Hu'u has four type of
wafes; Lakey peak, Cobble Stones, Lakey Pipe and periscope.
Another famous tourism object are Mount Tambora, horse racing
& Satonda island.

1. Fatma Rauf 6. Monalisa 11. Sahab
Lakey kec. Hu'u Lakey Kec. Hu'u Jl. Soekarno Hatta
Telp. (0373) 623229 Telp. (0373) 623062

2. Purna Bungalow 7. Primadona

Lakey kec. Hu'u Lakey kec. Hu'u
Telp. (0373) 623061 Telp. (0373) 623092

3. Intan Lestari 8. Kota Baru

Lakey kec. Hu'u Lakey kec. Hu'u
Telp. (0373) 623593 Telp. (0373) 210239
9. Samada
4. Any jl. Gajah Mada Dompu
Lakey Kec. Hu'u Telp. (0373) 21439
Telp. (0373) 623593
10. Kartika
5. Aman Gati Jl. Mujair Kel. Bali
Lakey Kec. Hu'u Telp. (0373) 21439
Telp. (0373) 623229


Restaurant / Rumah Makan

1. Rinjani 6. Mandiri 11. Sengigi
Kel. Bada Kel. Bada Kel. Bada
Telp. (0373) 21445
7. Putri ayu 12. Yudi Karya
2. Damai Kel. Bada Kec. Hu'u
Kel. Bada
8. Khas Lombok 13. Sorinomo
3. Robby Kel. Bada Kec. Manggalewa
Kel. Bada
9. Bina Baru 14. Sinar Tambora
4. Tiga Lima Kel. Bada Kec. Kempo
Kel. Bada
10. Murah Meriah 15. Pangestu
5. Moro Soko Kel. Bada Soriutu – manggalewa
Kel. Bada

LOMBOKISLAND Lombok Introduction

Places to visit in
Dompu Regency
Mount Tambora

Situated near the northern edge of the island of Sumbawa

in the West Nusa Tenggara Province. Between the islands of Lombok
and Flores, Mount Tambora is known to the world as the site of the
largest and most deadly volcanic erup on in recorded history.

Its phenomenal erup on in april 1815 le a fascina ng 7 Km –

wide gaping 6,2 km wide caldera containing a two – colored lake with
depths reacing 800 meters, and is considered as the largest caldera in
indonesia. In 2004, archaeologist Haraldur Sigurdsson discovered the
preserved bodies of two adults buried in nearly 10 feet of ash in the
remnants of a small village on the volcano. The discovery is similar to the
one made in the one made in the wake of the erup on of mount
vesuvius in italy in the year 79 that destroyed the city of Pompeii,
primp ng Mount Tambora's nickname to become “The Pompeii of the
East”. The climb to the caldera usually takes two days through dense
Today, aside from a rac ng seis mologists, volcanologist,
archeologists, biologists, and other scien sts, mount Tambora is also
known as a prime des na on for mountaineers from all over the globe
who enjoy the thrill of conquering is challenging tracks. There are two
ascent routes to reach the caldera.
On the summit of mount Tambora, mind – blowing sceneries
await several parts of the edges of the caldera are beau fully decorrated
with edelweis flowers and amazing layers of rocks. An excellent blending
view of rugged mountain, astounding lake-caldera, and the vast blue sea
on the horizon is truly a glorious prize to gain a er hours of challenging
hikes. In 2015, the goverment of NTB Province had hold the 2 century of
the Mt. Tambora's fenomenal errup on as “Tambora Menyapa Dunia,
1815 – 2015”.

Lakey beach was one of the best standars for surfing.
The waves are consistently challanging with a perfect wind ,
made the beach which is located in District Huu, Dompu
District, Sumbawa island a “haven” for world surfers. If the
waves in Nias island or Hawai only move in one direc on, the
waves in lakey can move from le and right. It is o en called as
le – handed waves. The loca on of lakey beach is about 2
hours drive from muhammad salahuddin airport, Bima. From
the airport we can rent a car or take inter-city public
transporta on to dompu.


This beach loca on is about 40 km from Dompu and
about 100 km from Bima airport. The largest stretch of beach
in the West Nusa Tenggara. Its long and uncompromising
curling waves, which have 8 levels gives the area. It has
reputa on as one of the ho est spot for surfing in Indonesia.

It is about 45 km from Dompu, Nanga Doro has a
mountainous resort with a very hot water spring. The
temperature ranges between 80.5 to 81 degrees celsius.

Bima regency is located on the island of sumbawa in west
province Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The regency is cover on area
of 4.389,40 km 2. The latest popula on is approximatelly is
463.419 It has two non – con gous parts, one parts is the
northern half of Sanggar Paninsula which is dominated by Mount
tambora, and the other parts is the eastern most quarter of the
Historically Bima City is the center of Bima Sultanate in the past.
With its rich of herritage and cultures ceremonial held regularly,
Bima can develope a cultural tourism with islamic cultures as its
Just like another regency in West Nusa Tenggara
Province, Bima also offer a wide varia es of tourist des na on is :
satonda island, Bima Palace, Horse Racing & other art
performance such as; Gantao dance. Wura Bungi Monca Dance
to great the guest etc.


1. Kalaki Beach Hotel 4. Losmen Mutiara
Jl. Lintas Sumbawa – Bima Jl. Pelabuhan Ds. Bugis – Sape 7. Losmen Friendship
Palibelo Telp. (0374) 1007 Ds. Rasa Bou Kec. Sape
Telp. (0374) 7009105 Telp. (0374) 71006
5. Losmen Nusa Bajo
2. Penginapan Pandaan Jl. Pelabuhan Ds. Bajo – Sape 8. Losmen Give
Jl. Lintas Sumbawa – Bima Telp. (0374) 71195 Jl. Pelabuhan Sape Ds. Naru
Palibelo Telp. (0374) 71005
6. Losmen Ratna Sari
3. Losmen Mustika Mutiara Ds. Naru Kec. Sape
Pelabuhan Bugis – Sape Telp. (0374) 71186

1. Lambitu Hotel Telp. (0374) 42293 Jl. Soekarno Hatta – Bima
Jl. Sumbawa No. 4 Bima 5. Losmen Pelangi
Telp. (0374) 42222, 43333, Jl. Lombok – Bima 10. Hotel Laila
42304 Jl. Soekarno Hatta – Bima
6. Losmen Komodo Telp. (0374) 42452
2. Lila Graha Hotel Jl. Sultan Ibrahim
Jl. Lombok No. 2 Bima Telp. (0374) 42070 11. Hotel La Ode
Telp. (0374) 42740 Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Raba –
7. Losmen dewi sari Dompu
3. Parewa Hotel Jl. Km. Dara Bima
Jl. Soekarno Hatta 12. Hotel Permata
Telp. (0374) 42652 8. Losmen Putra Sari Jl. Soekarno Hatta – Paruga
Jl. Km. Dara Paruga
4. Losmen dara
Jl. Sultan Salahudin 9. Losmen Fi
1. Lila Graha Restaurant Telp. (0374) 42385 Telp. (0374) 44767
Jl. Lombok No. 20 Bima 6. Anda
Telp. (0374) 44705 Jl. Kaharuddin Bima 11. Depot Srikandi
Telp. (0374) 42703 Jl. Lombok No. 2 Bima
2. Restaurant Lambitu Telp. (0374) 421355
Jl. Sumbawa No. 40 7. Kediri
Telp. (0374) 42222, 43333, Jl. Kaharuddin Bima 12. Pade Doang
42304 Telp. (0374) 45151 Jl. Martadinata No. 10 Bima
Telp. (0374) 42309
3. Arema 8. Marem
Jl. Sutami No. 5 Bima Jl. Pahlawan Dara Bima 13. Surabaya
Telp. (0374) 43645 Telp. (0374) 42148 Jl. Soekarno Hatta Bima
Telp. (0374) 43405
4. Taliwang 9. Mawar
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin Bima Jl sulawesi No. 28 Bima 14. KFC
Telp. (0374) 44438 Telp. (0374) 42272 Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 15
Telp. (0374) 44767
5. Pemuda 10. Depot Erna Sari
Jl. Sulawesi Bima Jl. Sokarno Hatta Bima
Travel Agent
1. PT. Bintang Laut Express 4. PT. Grand Komodo 7. PT. Morinawa Esp
Jl. Soekarno Hatta Bima Jl. Soekarno Hatta 99 Bima Jl. Sulawesi No. 5 Bima
Telp. (0374) 4311 Telp. (0374) 42018
5. PT. Kristal Kencana 8. PT. Mandala Execuitive
2. PT. Doro Parewa Makmur Jl. Sumbawa No. 19 Bima Jl. Sultan Kaharudin No. 36 Bima
Telp. (0374) 42779, 43440 Telp. (0374) 42788
9. PT. Ora Tour
3. PT. Fajar Bima 6. PT. Komodo Explore Jl. Mangge Maci 10 Bima
Jl. Soekarno Hatta 30 Bima Jl. Soekarno Hatta 356 Bima
Telp. (0374) 42382, 42197 Telp. (0374) 646646, 43282,


Satonda island was formed by volcanic erup on on the sea floor at

a depth of 1000 meters, and thrust upwards some millions of years ago.
Not many people have heard of pulau Satonda, lying of the
northern coast of the island of Sumbawa, Close to pulau Moyo Satonda islan
wasformed by volcanic erup on on the sea floor at a depth of 1000 meters,
and thrust upwards some millions of years ago. This charming island is
located in the Flores Sea and is administra vely part of the Nangamiro village
area, in the district of Dompu, in the province of West Nusa Tenggara.
The volcanic island of Satonda looks especially stunning when
viewed from top of Mount tambora, which is located approximately 30
kilometers from harbour. Reportedly santosa is more popular among foreign
tourist who make it a sort of stopping point when visi ng the Komodo
Na onal park from Bali or Lombok. They usually come to see and experience
first – had the stuning white sand, and crystal clear waters for snorkeling.
In addi onal to the diverse tourist crowd, beginning with the exo c,
natural volcanic mountains and beau ful salt water lake in the crater,
Satonda lake also stores a wealth of coral reefs in the surrounding waters. In
the living corals surrounding this island are also many species of ornamental,
exo c fish and other sea creatures. Howksbill (eretrnochelys imricato)is also
o en seen swimming and foraging among the santonda coral reefs.

Bima – Raba is the capital of Bima Regency and also the
connec ng port of eastern, central and western Indonesia. The
former sultan's palace has been restored and contains interes ng
historical items such as the royal crown and some kris with gem-
studded gold and ivory hilts.
Known also as “candi tebing (temple cliff)”, Wadu Pa'a is a
Budhist temple. This temple is nearby Sowa village and can be
accessed by boat from Bima town, the capital regency with the travel
me within one hour. The site was found and restorated in 1984. It is
es mated that the temple was built in year 1733.
Located on the route connec ng Bima with Komodo island,
the Wawo – Maria area produces high quality and exqisite cloth
design. Maria is noted for its tradi onal “Lumbung” rice barns
(lengge) gathered together on a hill outside the village.
Nearby at Wawo, lies the Dutch colonial recrea on Oi Wobo. It has a
Dutch heritage manor (pesanggrahan Wawo) and a swimming pool
fed by spring water. There is accommoda on nearby.


Teka Ra Ne'e is an old tradi on in Bima. Where people
gather together to help villagers who having a party. They come
along bringing their harvest to help the host throw a party.
Women Dompu also have tradi onal clothing called
Rimpu. This ou it worn to cover all the body but face. Rimpu
gloves made of tembe Nggoli. Rimpu itself is divided into two
types : (a) Rimpu colo imposed married women. Rimpu showing
only the fac, hands, and feet. (b) Rimpu Mpida worn by gils or
teenagers. Rimpu shows only the eyes, hands, and feet. There is
now rarely wore veils Rimpu since it's been replaced by modern

Sape is in the northeast, is a major tourist for tourists who
want to visit the island of komodo, a big rep le animals known as
“Dragon”. Sape is 4 km from Labuan (Labuhan Sape) culture in the
eastern region is different from the others. Lamere Dairi northern
coast un l Matambola great for swimming, sunbathing and
enjoying the sunrise (sunrise).


“Pacoa Jara” is a name for horse racing in Bimanese

Language. To Bimanese people, pacoa jara is an old tradi on. It is
held 3 – 5 mes a year. The audience could be thousands of people.
Pacoa Jara uniqueness horses or what usually called jara Mbojo, is
not more than one meters in height, solid body posture, rather
long, slender abdomen, not fat, small feet, and toe nails cupped
downward. From the shape and posture, Jara Mbojo is similiar to
Mongolian horses which lived in Central Asia in the 18th century
AD. As well as the small horse, the jockey is also small. The average
age of them is 5 – 7 years old.



Fire Brigade Mataram : (0370) 645872
Ambulance : (0370) 118, 622254
Police Station : (0370) 649256
Mataram Hospital : (0370) 640774 6222254
Risa Mataram Hospital : (0370) 625560
Biomedika Mataram Hospital : (0370) 645137
Praya Hospital : (0370) 654007
Dr. Soedjono Hospital – selong, East Lombok : (0370) 21118
Risa Sentra Medika Hospital East Lombok : (0370) 23888
Police Station
Mataram : (0370) 632213
Central Lombok : (0370) 654110
West Lombok : (0370) 681105
East Lombok : (0370) 21005
North Lombok : (0370) 649214
Sumbawa : (0371) 22110
Dompu : (0373) 21248
Taliwang, West Sumbawa : (0372) 81003
Blue Bird group : (0370) 627000
Rangga Taxi : (0370) 626000
Narmada Trans : (0370) 7025333
Airport and Harbour
Lombok International Airport : (0370) 6157000
Kayangan Harbor : (0376) 21773
Lembar Harbour : (0370) 681313
Lombok Goverment Ofce Phone Numbers
Immigration Mataram : (0370) 632570
State Museum NTB : (0370) 632159
Cultural Park NTB : (0370) 622428
Deportment of Tourism, Arts and Culture : (0370) 632723


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