Engine Knock Sensors - Part Two

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Counter Point

T H E E L E C T R O N I C, D I A G N O S T I C A N D D R I V E A B I L I T Y
Volume 12 Issue 2, Summer 2008
R E S O U R C E.

Engine Knock Sensors Broadband sensors use a single-wire circuit.

This sensor type can respond to knock
frequencies up to 1000 Hz from the design
Part Two frequency value. This allows the sensor to
accommodate shifts in engine knock

frequency with changing engine operating
conditions. The sensor’s high voltage output
allows the use of a single, non-shielded
output wire and a low impedance measuring
e continue circuit, while providing reduced susceptibility
to electromagnetic interference (EMI).
our investigation of
engine knock sensors Some PCMs output a bias voltage on the
knock sensor signal wire. The bias voltage
with a look at one- creates a voltage drop that the PCM
monitors and uses to diagnose knock sensor
and two-wire sensors. faults. The knock sensor noise signal rides
along this bias voltage. Due to the constantly
fluctuating frequency and amplitude of the
signal, it will always be outside the bias
In the previous issue of Counter Point, we control of spark advance and extract voltage parameters. The PCM in many
discussed the various causes of engine maximum performance is the engine knock applications will learn the knock sensor’s
knock. Prior to the age of electronic engine sensor. For any given operating situation, the normal noise output. The PCM uses the
control, an engine designer had a limited ECM attempts to deliver the maximum noise channel and the knock sensor signal
number of effective tools to guard against available performance by advancing the that rides along the noise channel similar to
engine knock. Principle among these were ignition. If this advance were unchecked, it bias voltage systems. Both systems constantly
combustion chamber design, the octane of would inevitably lead to engine knock. monitor the sensor output, watching for a
the fuel used and mapping of the spark missing signal or one that falls within the
advance curve. The designer couldn’t risk The control unit needs a sentinel to report noise frequency channel.
the possibility of engine damage caused by knock as soon as it begins. Ignition timing is
knock, so it was always necessary to keep then retarded by the ECM, and the knock Flat response knock sensors use a two-wire
the engine well short of the point where it stops. The ECM repeats the process by circuit. This is a self-generating piezoelectric
might begin. This assured engine longevity, steadily advancing the timing until knock is design that requires no power to the sensor.
but hurt performance. detected, then retarding the timing until the The sensor has a flat frequency response
knock stops. This closed loop process allows over the range of 5 to 18 kHz. This allows
Modern engines are now fully controlled by the engine to deliver maximum performance the sensor to be used on different engines
electronics. Engineers no longer have to under all conditions, without the risk of by adjusting the filter frequency of the
settle for a conservative preset spark advance damage or lost performance caused by signal processing electronics to match the
curve. Spark advance can now be controlled knock. knock frequency of the engine. The sensor
dynamically. This dynamic control allows responds to knock frequencies that are
the engine control module (ECM) to take Two major knock sensor designs are used higher than the primary knock frequency,
into account changing engine operating today: broadband single-wire and flat response allowing the higher knock frequencies to be
conditions as well as the available octane of two-wire knock sensors. Both sensor designs used by a control system, either individually
the fuel, then use that information to extract use piezoelectric crystals to produce and send or combined with the primary knock
the maximum amount of engine voltage signals to the ECM. The amplitude frequency.
performance without running the risk and frequency of this signal varies, depending
of damaging spark knock. upon the vibration levels within the engine. The signal rides within a noise channel
Broadband and flat response knock sensor which is learned by the PCM. The noise
The key sensor used to maintain dynamic signals are processed differently by the PCM. continued on page 3

WHAT’S INSIDE: Engine Knock Sensors - Part Two...Pages 1&3 / FINE TUNING…Pages 2&3 / QUALITY POINTS: Wells ABS Sensors...Page 4 / Publisher’s Information...Page 4
Fine Tuning questions are answered by have all been replaced. But guess what? The
Mark Hicks, Technical Services Manager.
Please send your questions to: Mark Hicks P0300 and number 4 misfire were still there and
c⁄ o Wells Manufacturing, L.P.,
cylinder number 1 showed some misfires

Fine Tuning
P.O. Box 70, Fond du Lac, WI
54936-0070 or e-mail him at above 1200 RPM.
[email protected].
We’ll send you a very nice Wells golf shirt
if your question is published. So please The first thought was a possible problem
include your shirt size with your question.
with the distributor. Yes, it had been
replaced. But remember, this is the type
with the odd ventilation problems. We found a
Q: I am working on a 2002 Nissan Sentra GXE with would be reasonable to assume that the PCM is technical service bulletin (TSB), number 03-06-
a 1.8L engine. It has a code P0335 stored in the receiving the CKP sensor signal. So the first two 04-041A, which talks about setting code P0300.
computer. My reference says the P0335 code scenarios are not the issue. When I see the third Chuck checked out the new distributor. The
means a crankshaft (CKP) sensor fault. I have condition, my question is this: How does the cap and rotor looked good and the vents were
replaced the PCM twice with a Nissan factory unit PCM know what is normal and what is not? In clear. He also put a timing light on the number
and I have also installed the updated sensor kit. I this case the PCM compares the signal from the 4 ignition wire and found it would
have also tested the CKP signal at both the sensor CKP and camshaft position sensors to each intermittently lose spark. Okay, we know all the
and at PCM pin 75. I was able to obtain examples of other. parts that send the high voltage are good. It
the Nissan factory waveforms for the crank and must be a trigger problem.
cam sensors and the ones I am getting on this This is the key to this repair. Look at these two
vehicle match the examples perfectly. I checked signals superimposed on your scope, as shown The secondary ignition is triggered by the
voltage drop on both the feed and ground sides of in the diagram. This testing technique will take PCM on this vehicle. The PCM determines
the circuit and they are well within specs at .005 longer to explain than the available space. We when to trigger the module based on the
volts. I cleared the code after doing all this, but it will discuss this issue in greater detail in the near signals it receives from the cam and crank
immediately returns after start-up. I am lost; future. But for today, if your scope pattern does sensors. Could there be something
where do I go from here? not match the synchronization of this pattern, interrupting the synchronization? The
your timing chain and tensioner will most likely crankshaft sensor is triggered by a reluctor on
Tom Evans need replacement. the end of the crankshaft and the camshaft
Fixer Right Repairs sensor is triggered by the distributor rotation.
San Antonio, TX Result: Tom ended up replacing the timing What is in between the two? You guessed it,
chain, gears and tensioners to repair the the timing chain.
A: There’s been an increase in the frequency of problem.
this problem in the past few years. To get a Chuck checked the timing chain
better understanding, let’s take a quick tour I have to apologize for throwing such an off-the- tension and sure enough there was all
through the computer system’s calculating wall question at you in our last issue. I think it kinds of slop.
process on this Nissan. A P0335 DTC is set by was worth it, because the answer to the problem
the PCM when one or more of the following will give us all a better understanding of GM We did a little more research and found a
conditions occur: computer strategy. I hope you agree. service bulletin on it. Funny, the bulletin was
not listed under misfires or timing chain
• The CKP sensor signal is not detected by the Last time we were working on a 2001 Chevrolet issues. It was under timing chain tensioner,
PCM during the first few moments of cranking, pickup with a 4.3L engine. It had a P0300 code which this vehicle does not come with from
• The proper signal from the CKP sensor is not stored and the scan tool showed number 4 the factory. The TSB number is 03-06-01-
sent to the PCM during engine running, cylinder had multiple misfires. It has previously 024C. It says nothing about misfires, but it
• The CKP sensor signal is not in the normal been checked for vacuum leaks and the intake does talk about rattling and spark noise,
pattern during engine running. gaskets were replaced. The plugs, wires, which of course points to a loose chain. The
distributor, MAP, EGR valve, fuel injectors, bulletin also suggests installing tensioners
With the testing you have already performed, it PCM and number 4 cylinder’s valve springs when the chain is replaced.

Screen capture courtesy John Thornton

Replacing the chain and installing the tensioners continued from page 1 allows the PCM to determine whether
took care of the Check Engine light, codes and Engine Knock Sensors - Part Two knocking is occurring. If so, the ignition
misfires. This tells me the synchro- point is retarded by a fixed amount, 3° of
nization was being skewed due to a loose channel is based upon the normal noise crankshaft rotation for example, for the
chain. It also raises a question: Does the input from the knock sensor and is known cylinder involved. This process is repeated for
factory know more about this type of as background noise. As engine speed and every cylinder for every combustion process
problem than they are letting on? load change, the noise channel upper and that has been recognized as knocking. Once
lower parameters will change to accommodate the knock subsides, the ignition point is
Diagnose The Problem Win A Shirt the knock sensor signal, keeping the signal advanced in small steps until it has returned
I am working on a 2002 Chevrolet Suburban within the channel. When there is knock, the to its spark advance map value.
K1500 with a 5.3L VIN T engine. Five DTCs signal will move outside the noise channel A defective knock sensor on a 2000 Toyota Avalon
have set in the computer’s memory. I have frequency and the PCM will reduce spark engine produced the waveform below during a snap
cleared the codes twice but they return after 15 advance until the signal moves back inside the throttle test.
minutes of driving. The transmission goes into noise channel frequency.
safe mode and seems to be in third gear as soon
It’s very difficult to make an engine knock when you
as the Check Engine light illuminates. want it to. Here, an air chisel and a blunt bit are used
to temporarily mislead the knock sensor.
The codes are:
P0740 - Torque converter clutch enable circuit
P0753 - 1-2 shift solenoid valve performance
P0758 - 2-3 shift solenoid valve performance
P0785 - Transmission 3-2 shift solenoid
P1860 - Torque converter clutch pulse width
modulated solenoid electrical fault

The other unusual problem is the instrument

panel. It will go out intermittently and pop back Since the knock limit varies from cylinder to
“on” with no rhyme or reason. Any ideas? cylinder within an engine and changes
dramatically within the operating range, the
Sigurd Peterson Photo and sccreen captures courtesy Bernie Thompson result is an individual ignition point for every
Both the number and position of the knock cylinder. Cylinder-selective knock recognition
Editor’s Hint: The instrument panel sensors must be carefully selected so that and control makes possible the best
and transmission controls are electrically knock from any cylinder or cylinders can be optimization of engine efficiency and fuel
fed by the same IGN 0 fuse. recognized under all conditions, with special consumption. If the vehicle is designed for
emphasis on high loads and engine speeds. operation with unleaded premium fuel, it can
If you have the answer, please use the The knock sensor mounting position is also be operated with regular unleaded fuel
following contact information: generally on the side of the engine block or with slightly reduced performance and without
under the intake manifold. Four cylinder the risk of internal engine damage.
E-mail: [email protected] engines are normally equipped with one
You can see quite a bit more scope activity during a
Fax: (920) 922-3585 sensor, five and six cylinder engines with two snap throttle test after the knock sensor had been
Postal: Counter Point Editor and eight, ten and twelve cylinder engines replaced on the same vehicle.
c/o Wells Manufacturing, L.P. with two or more knock sensors.
P.O. Box 70
Using your oscillosope to check patterns produced by
Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070 good components will help you identify defective
components. The air chisel produced this signal from
For certified (no fee) diagnostic assistance, call the front knock sensor on a 1996 Volvo 850.
1-800-558-9770 between 7:00 AM and 7:00
Important Dates To
A Shirt
The National Institute for Automotive Service
Excellence (ASE) will offer its Fall 2008 paper
and pencil-based certification
tests on November 13th, 18th
and 20th. The Winter 2009 In dynamic operation, knock frequency will
computer-based testing will increase under such conditions. To reduce
take place between January knock, an individual spark advance map can
16th and February 23rd, at be stored in the electronic control unit for
230 designated test centers. Additional The sensor signals are evaluated by the the two fuel types. After start-up, the engine
information can be found at PCM. A reference level is formed for each operates with the “premium” map. The
www.ase.com. cylinder, which is continuously and PCM is switched to the “regular” map if the
automatically adapted to operating knock frequency exceeds a predetermined
Wells Manufacturing. L.P. encourages conditions. A comparison with the useful limit. The driver is not aware of this
professionalism through technician signal obtained from the sensor signal for switchover; only power and fuel
certification. every combustion process in every cylinder consumption will be slightly reduced.


P.O. Box 70
Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070

Return Service Requested IED


SID E: E ngine
IN ensors
Kn o ck S
Part T

Quality Points
Publisher’s Information
Wells President.....................David Peace
V.P. Marketing & Sales........Steve Hildebrand
Technical Services Manager ...... Mark Hicks
Newsletter Editor ...................Karl Seyfert
Counter Point is a quarterly publication of Wells
Wells ABS Sensors Manufacturing, L.P., P.O. Box 70, Fond du Lac, WI
54936-0070. Letters and comments should be
Today’s tires, suspensions and brakes have (L), capacitance (C), and impedance (R) LCR directed to: Counter Point Editor,
c/o Wells Manufacturing, L.P., P.O. Box 70,
dramatically improved vehicle safety. The meter and record the results. The sensors are Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070.
antilock braking system (ABS) has made the tested next at two speeds: a very low 50 rpm © COPYRIGHT 2008 WELLS MANUFACTURING, L.P.
largest single safety improvement in this area. and a very high 2000 rpm. These signals are All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or part is permitted
Wells recognizes that captured by a 14-bit without the written consent of Wells Manufacturing, L.P.
ABS speed sensors must analog device, then
be manufactured to sent to the integral
precision standards, to computer system
assure that the system (shown here) for
will always function analysis. Rejected
properly. For this reason sensors are scrapped
we manufacture state- and passing sensors
of-the-art ABS wheel are laser date coded.
speed sensors, and every
sensor is fully function- Your customers can
tested before it is boxed. rest easy knowing
they will stop in the
The first step in this shortest distance and
process is to test straightest line
inductance and impedance with an inductance possible using our ABS sensors.

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