Connect As A Family: Ponder Point: God Is Our Shepherd and King
Connect As A Family: Ponder Point: God Is Our Shepherd and King
Connect As A Family: Ponder Point: God Is Our Shepherd and King
At Home Weekly is designed for you to use during the week with your son or CONNECT AS A FAMILY
daughter. You’ll find out what they learned today at church, and you can help
them prepare for next week by exploring the theme (or Ponder Point) and Bring out your favorite worship music and encourage your family to join you in a
spending time together in God’s Word. dance party. After the first song, stop and read 2 Samuel 6:12–15 and 17–19. In
the Old Testament, the ark of the covenant reminded people that God was with
them. Discuss David’s reaction when the Israelites brought the ark to Jerusalem.
WHAT WE LEARNED THIS WEEK Explain that because of Jesus, God’s Spirit lives inside of us when we decide to
PONDER POINT: GOD IS OUR SHEPHERD AND KING follow Him. God is with us all the time. Celebrate some more! Turn the music
David Crowned King back on and continue your dance party.
2 Samuel 5; Psalm 23
God crowns David, a shepherd, as king of God’s people. He charges David to After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together:
lead the people in a way that illustrates how God is our true Shepherd and King. • What did David do when he brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem?
• Why do you think David celebrated with food and dance?
• How does it make you feel to know that God is with us all the time?
These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for
opportunities to bring conversations about how God Blesses Us with His
The Ark Brought to Jerusalem
Presence into your everyday life as a family.
2 Samuel 6; Psalm 132
Years after the Philistines return the ark of the covenant, it’s finally brought to the
city of Jerusalem. REMEMBER VERSE
The Remember Verse focuses on a character trait of God that’s highlighted in
DID YOU KNOW? next week’s portion of The Big God Story.
Share these facts to get the conversation started.
• During a dramatic battle against the Philistines, the ark of the covenant, the Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
physical reminder of God’s presence with His people, was captured and taken. do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God
Devastated, the Israelites mourned. But as long as their enemy had possession will be with you wherever you go.
of the ark, God plagued them with disease and death.
Joshua 1:9
• After seven months, the terrified Philistines returned the ark to the Israelites at
Kiriath Jearim, where it stayed for about 20 years. But God wanted another city
to be its resting place. BLESSING
• The Lord chose Zion, another name for Jerusalem, as the place where the ark Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission,
would dwell. David, God’s chosen and anointed king, vowed to bring the ark to a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.
A blessing to pray over your child:
(Child’s name), may you be blessed with God’s presence each day, and
remember that He loves you very much.
© 2017 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a
national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. Reproducible for church use only.