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International Journal of Agricultural

Science and Research (IJASR)

ISSN (P): 2250-0057; ISSN (E): 2321-0087
Vol. 7, Issue 6, Dec 2017, 17-22
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




SRF-NRRI, Cuttack, Odisha, India
Associate Professor, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

A Research and Field Experiment was undertaken at the Department of Plant Physiology, College Of
Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar in the year 2014 in order to know the Physiological Effect of Micronutrient on Yield
and Yield Attributes of Sesame Crops in Coastal Odisha Climatic situation. 3 Researchers were involved in this Research
to get concrete conclusion regarding this. So that farmers can use the latest technology. The research was conducted
during Kharif Season. Various Micronutrient Tests had been made for getting suitable result by using AAS machine and

KEYWORDS: Micronutrient, Physiological Effect & Yield

Original Article
Received: Sep 10, 2017; Accepted: Oct 04, 2017; Published: Oct 12, 2017; Paper Id.: IJASRDEC20173


Sesame is a flowering plant and called as “Queen of all Oilseeds” In Odisha, the deficiency of
micronutrients has been observed in light –textured red and lateritic acid soils. The situation has been aggravated
by the introduction of high yielding crop varieties and intensive cropping system. As the demands of nutrients for
the higher yields increase and plant requirements for major nutrients are only met micronutrient deficiencies are
likely to become acute. In Odisha soil, the deficiency of micronutrients like Zn, B, and Mo has been reported both
by farmers, extension and research workers. Low seed yield, due to deficiency of above micronutrients, have been
well recognized due to several reasons such as flower and fruit drop, low harvest index and poor vegetative
growth. Keeping all the above facts into consideration, the present investigation has been undertaken to study the
effect of micronutrients applied as foliar spray, on metabolism, growth and yield of sesame crop.


Randomized Block Design was used in this experiment to get the concrete results. Field Level Experiment
was executed carefully under the guidance of a Plant Physiologist. The experiment was carried out in randomized
block design with 10 treatments and replicated thrice. Field Level Intercultural operations were done with proper
care. The application of various Micronutrients at field time to time in order to observe the real result.

The Modus Operandi of Field Preparation is as per the following Calendar prepared by the Researchers.

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18 Barsha Bindu Roul, B. K. Mishra & Nibedita Prusty

Calendar of Field Operation

Date Field Preparation

11.06. 2014 Collection of soil sample
14.06.2014 Ploughing
16.06.2014 application of FYM and fertilizer
17.06.2014 Lay out and leveling
18.06.2014 Sowing
19.06.2014 Irrigation
02.07.2014 2nd irrigation
07.07.2014 Thinning
O8.07.2014 Hoeing and weeding
09.07.2014 Top dressing
10.07.2014 Earthling up
12.07.2014 3rd irrigation
22.07.2014 4th irrigation
03.08.2014 1st Foliar application
08.08.2014 Sampling of plant
11.08.2014 5th irrigation
18.08.2014 2nd Foliar application
25.08.2014 Sample collection
26.09.2014 6th irrigation
27.09.2014 Harvesting

Sampling Techniques

Plants were sampled from a unit area of 0.30m25 no. of plants at random from each plot leaving sufficient border
rows around it. The plant parts were separated and sun dried. Then dried in a hot air oven at 800 for 72 hrs. Till constant
weight. The dry weight of different plant parts was recorded.

Growth Observations

The following observations were recorded in 45, 60 and 90 DAS.


After the Critical observation and enthusiastic Field experiment was conducted at central farm OUAT, BBSR,
during Kharif 2014 with 10 treatments replicated thrice in a Randomized Block Design to study the response of sesame to
foliar application of micronutrients. The morphological, physiological and biochemical observations taken at various
growth stages during the course of the investigation were recorded, statistically analyzed and presented in this chapter with
appropriate tables and figures in following heads and subheads.

Dry Matter Accumulation and its Partitioning

Dry matter accumulation and its partitioning into different plant parts were recorded in 45, 60, and 90 DAS were
presented in table 5. Data revealed that there was a concomitant increase in total dry matter (TDM) accumulation till 90
DAS but it’s partitioning to different parts like leaf, stem and pod increased up to 60 DAS but at 90 DAS partitioning of
TDM was less to the leaf compared to stem and pod.

Foliar application of all the micronutrients and their combination significantly increased leaf dry matter (LDM),
stem dry matter (SDM), pod dry matter (PDM) and total dry matter (TDM) of the plant recorded in 45, 60 and 90 DAS
over control except foliar application of Cu (T5), Fe (T6) which found at par with control with respect to (TDM) and its

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9857 NAAS Rating: 4.13

Physiological Effect of Micronutrient on Yield and Yield Attributes of 19
Sesame Crops of Coastal Odisha Condition

partitioning to different plant parts at various growth stages. Significantly the highest accumulation of dry matter in leaf,
stem, pod as well as in whole plant recorded at all the growth stages in plant applied with foliar sprays of micronutrients in
combination (T9) followed by foliar application of Zn (T3) and B (T2). The pattern of partitioning of TDM at 45 and 60
DAS are same i.e. Stem > leaf > pod whereas the pattern of partitioning of TDM was in a sequence of pod > stem > leaf at
90 DAS.


Growth parameters like LAI, SLA, SLW and LAR determined at 45 and 60 DAS were presented in table-6. Data
indicated that higher values of LAI and SLW were found at 60 DAS where as the higher value of SLA and LAR were
noticed at 45 DAS in all the treatments.

Leaf area index (LAI) increased significantly due to foliar application of micronutrients which was ranged a
minimum of 0.91 (T1) to a maximum of 1.35 (T9) at 45 DAS and 1.08 (T1) to 2.24 (T9) at 60 DAS. In both the stages (45
and 60 DAS) significantly the highest LAI was recorded in plants sprayed with combined micronutrients (T9) followed by
application of Zn (T3), B (T2), Mo (T4) and commercial mixture (T10).

Table.1: Effect of Different Micronutrients on Dry Matter Accumulation (g/plant) and its Partitioning
Treatments 45DAS 60 DAS 90DAS
T1 0.95 0.90 0.08 1.95 1.93 3.08 2.80 7.81 1.71 4.31 4.42 10.44
T2 1.51 1.68 0.32 3.52 3.27 5.50 5.50 14.27 2.95 7.01 10.27 20.23
T3 1.59 1.69 0.25 3.54 3.90 5.56 5.30 14.76 3.73 7.63 10.14 21.50
T4 1.49 1.64 0.22 3.37 3.12 4.57 4.40 12.09 2.83 5.88 8.21 16.92
T5 1.09 1.11 0.10 2.30 2.11 3.97 3.30 9.38 1.96 4.37 5.90 12.23
T6 1.27 1.23 0.11 2.62 2.67 4.13 3.50 10.30 1.77 4.79 6.59 13.15
T7 1.33 1.50 0.19 3.03 2.83 4.31 3.60 10.74 2.56 5.50 7.63 15.69
T8 1.32 1.48 0.12 2.93 2.80 4.29 3.50 10.59 2.64 5.18 7.14 14.96
T9 1.92 1.72 0.36 4.01 4.26 7.16 6.90 18.32 4.09 8.40 13.40 25.89
T10 1.49 1.55 0.20 3.24 2.88 4.34 4.30 11.52 2.77 5.85 7.59 16.21
SE(m)+ 0.014 0.003 0.015 0.183 0.171 0.268 0.303 0.690 0.158 0.341 0.479 0.979
C. D(0.5) 0.04 0.008 0.04 0.54 0.50 0.79 0.90 2.05 0.47 1.01 1.42 2.90

Table 2: Effect of Different Micronutrients on Lai, SLA, SLW, LAR at Different Growth Stages
LAI SLA(cm2/g) SLW(mg/cm2) LAR(cm2/g)
45DAS 60 DAS 45DAS 60 DAS 45DAS 60 DAS 45DAS 60 DAS
T1 0.91 1.08 428.8 252.8 2.33 3.95 210.4 62.4
T2 1.08 1.77 324.2 244.4 3.08 4.09 139.0 56.0
T3 1.13 2.10 319.0 243.2 3.13 4.11 143.7 64.2
T4 1.09 1.65 329.2 239.1 3.03 4.18 146.4 61.7
T5 0.98 1.33 405.0 284.3 2.46 3.51 191.6 63.9
T6 1.00 1.38 353.6 233.6 2.82 4.28 171.7 60.5
T7 1.06 1.63 360.1 259.7 2.77 3.84 158.3 68.4
T8 0.98 1.32 335.3 213.0 2.98 4.69 151.7 56.3
T9 1.35 2.24 317.3 237.4 3.15 4.21 151.9 55.2
T10 1.07 1.64 321.9 257.0 3.10 3.89 148.2 64.2
SE(m)+ 0.052 0.053 0.641 0.606 0.082 0.001 0.475 3.382
C. D(0.5) 0.15 0.15 1.90 1.79 0.24 0.002 1.41 NS

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20 Barsha Bindu Roul, B. K. Mishra & Nibedita Prusty

Specific leaf area (SLA) was recorded at 45 and 60 DAS differed significantly among the treatments. At 45 DAS
the highest SLA 428.8 cm2/g was recorded in the control (T1) and lowest 317.3 cm2/g in T9where as at 60 DAS the SLA
was highest 284.3 cm2/g in T5 and the lowest 213 cm2/g recorded in T8. Though significant differences in SLA was
observed among the treatments in both the stages, but no definite trend in the influence of micronutrient spray on SLA was
observed at both stages.

Specific leaf weight (SLW) recorded at 45 and 60 DAS differed significantly among the treatments. Foliar
application of most of the micronutrients alone or in combination significantly increased SLW over control. At 45 DAS the
maximum SLW 3.15 mg/cm2 recorded in plants applied with foliar sprays of combined micronutrients (T9) followed by Zn
(T3), commercial mixture (T10) and B (T2) whereas at 60 DAS, the highest SLW 4.69 mg/cm2 was recorded in Co (T8)
followed by Fe (T6) and T9. The lowest value of SLW was recorded in the control (T1) at 45 DAS and in Fe (T5) at 60

Leaf area ratio (LAR) recorded at 45 and 60 DAS varied among the treatments. The highest LAR 210.4 and the
lowest 139 cm2/g were recorded in T1 and T2 respectively at 45 DAS. Whereas highest LAR 68.4 and lowest 55.2 cm2/g
were recorded in foliar spray of Mn (T7) and combined micronutrients (T9) respectively at 60 DAS. Though LAR differed
among the treatments recorded in both the stages, but no definite influence of micronutrient spray on LAR was observed.


• RGR, NAR, CGR and LAD determined between 45 and 60 DAS were depicted in table-7.

• Relative growth rate (RGR) increased with foliar sprays of most of the micronutrients over control, but
significant, increase was recorded (101.3 mg/g/day) in combined micronutrients sprayed (T9) followed by Zn (T3).

• Net assimilation rate (NAR) significantly influenced by foliar application of micronutrients. The significant
increase in NAR over control was observed in case of the foliar spray of all the micronutrients except Mn (T7)
which was at par with control. The highest NAR 1.2 mg/cm2/day was recorded in T9 followed by B (T2) and Zn

Table 3: Effect of Different Micronutrients on RGR, NAR, CGR and LAD at Different Growth Period
RGR(mg/gm/day) NAR(mg/cm2/day) CGR(g/m2/day) LAD
45-60 DAS 45-60 DAS 45-60 DAS 45-60 DAS
T1 92.5 0.87 8.7 14.97
T2 93.2 1.13 15.9 21.49
T3 95.0 1.05 16.6 24.31
T4 85.2 0.95 12.9 20.66
T5 93.5 0.91 10.5 17.37
T6 91.2 0.96 11.4 17.90
T7 84.4 0.85 11.4 20.24
T8 85.5 0.98 11.3 17.36
T9 101.3 1.20 21.1 27.01
T10 84.4 0.91 12.2 20.36
SE(m)+ 0.763 0.001 0.760 0.596
C. D(0.5) 2.26 0.002 2.58 1.77

Crop growth rate (CGR) was significantly increased by application of different micronutrients as foliar spray.
Among the treatments the maximum CGR 21.1 g/m2/day was registered in plants applied with combined micronutrients

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9857 NAAS Rating: 4.13

Physiological Effect of Micronutrient on Yield and Yield Attributes of 21
Sesame Crops of Coastal Odisha Condition

(T9) followed by Zn (T3), B (T2) and Mo (T4). The lowest CGR was recorded in control plant (T1) where no micronutrient
was applied.

Leaf area duration (LAD) was influenced significantly by foliar application of micronutrients. Among the
treatments the highest LAD 27.01 was registered in T9 followed by application of Zn (24.31), B (21.49), and Mo (20.66).
The lowest LAD was recorded in control plant without micronutrients (T1).


Here the Researchers are able to get the research on the effect of micronutrient on the growth of Sesame crop and
able to recommend the latest technology for poor farmers. In the present investigation, it was very clear that foliar
application of different micronutrients either alone or their combination enhanced most of the morpho- physiological traits
(plant height, number of branches, capsules per plant, RGR, NAR, CGR and total dry matter accumulation per plant) as
well as biochemical attributes (chlorophyll content, N, P and K uptake and oil content), seed yield and yield attributes over
control. Application of micronutrients in combination (T9) excelled over the rest of the treatments in respect of seed yield
and oil content. Further application of individual micronutrients like B, Zn and Mo also performed well for increasing seed
yield and oil content in sesamum next to combined micronutrient treatment. Keeping in view of the above beneficial effect
of micronutrient application, from the present endeavor, it was concluded that foliar spray of individual micronutrients like
B, Zn, Mo, Fe, Mn, Cu and Co or their combination can be used as a supplementary application along with the normal dose
of N, P and K in order to improve the productivity of oilseed crop in general and sesamum in particular.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 5.9857 NAAS Rating: 4.13

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