1kha000951 Uen Re 216

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REG216, REG216 Classic 1KHA000951-UEN

Edition August 2005

Numerical Generator Protection
Numerical Control Device
Operating Instructions
© 2005 ABB Switzerland Ltd

1st Edition

Applies for software version V6.4 and later

All rights with respect to this document, including applications for patent and
registration of other industrial property rights, are reserved. Unauthorized use, in
particular reproduction or making available to third parties without our explicit consent
in writing is prohibited.
The use is only allowed for the purpose laid down in the contract.

This document has been carefully prepared and reviewed. Should in spite of this the
reader find an error, he is requested to inform us at his earliest convenience.

The data contained herein purport solely to describe the product and are not a warranty
of performance or characteristic. It is with the best interest of our customers in mind
that we constantly strive to improve our products and keep them abreast of advances in
technology. This may, however, lead to discrepancies between a product and its
'Technical Description' or 'Operating Instructions'.
Version 6.4 and higher

1. Introduction

2. Description of hardware

3. Setting the function

4. Description of function and application

5. Operation (CAP2/316)

6. Self-testing and monitoring

7. Installation and maintenance

8. Technical data

9. Interface to the interbay bus (IBB)

10. Supplementary information

12. Appendices
RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


1.1. Application of the protection system ..................................................1-2

1.2. Other relevant documents..................................................................1-3

1.3. General instructions ...........................................................................1-4

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

These Operating Instructions apply to the digital generator protection
REG216 and to the numerical control unit REC216. In these
instructions, the designation RE.216 is used to refer to both types
mentioned above.

1.1. Application of the protection system

A number of different protection functions are provided in the software
permanently stored within the RE.216 system. The functions required
to protect a specific plant can be individually selected, activated and
set. A particular protection function may be used several times in
different protection schemes. How the signals are to be processed by
the protection for the plant in question such as the assignment of
tripping, signalling and logic signals to the various inputs and outputs
is also determined by appropriately configuring the software.
The system hardware is modular in structure. The number of electronic
devices and I/O units actually installed, for example, to increase the
number of protection functions or for purposes of redundancy, can
vary according to the requirements of the particular plant
Because of its modular design and the possibility of selecting
protection and other functions by configuring the software, the
generator protection REG216 can be adapted for the protection of
small, medium and large generators as well as large motors, power
transformers and feeders, while the control unit REC216 can perform
data acquisition and control and supervision functions in medium and
high-voltage substations.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

1.2. Other relevant documents

A general description of the system and the electronic devices and I/O
units installed and the corresponding technical data are to be found in
data sheet 1MRB520004-Ben.
Each RE.216 protection system is engineered to fulfil the particular
requirements of the plant concerned. A specific set of diagrams is
provided for each installation, which defines the system with respect to
the electronic devices and I/O units installed, their locations and the
internal wiring.
The set of plant diagrams includes:
• single-line diagram of the protection: complete representation of
the plant showing the CT and VT connections to the protection.
• standard cable connections: block diagram showing the protection
equipment cabling (electronic equipment racks to I/O units).
• protection cubicle layout: installation and locations of the electronic
equipment and I/O units.
• electronic rack layout: equipment locations within a rack.
• measurement circuits (three-phase plant diagram): connection of
the CTs and VTs to the protection.
• auxiliary supply: external connection and internal distribution of the
auxiliary DC voltage supply.
• I/O signals: external connection and internal wiring of the tripping
and signalling outputs and the external input signals.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

1.3. General instructions

NOTE:. The electronic units may only be inserted into or removed

from the equipment rack when the auxiliary supply is switched off!

The auxiliary supply is switched off by means of a switch on the

auxiliary DC supply units 216NG61, resp. 216NG62 or 216NG63. The
following must be noted in this respect:
• Every electronic equipment rack is equipped with its own auxiliary
power supply unit.
• Either one or a maximum of two redundant 216NG6. auxiliary DC
supply units can be installed in an equipment rack.
• Where two redundant auxiliary DC supply units are fitted, both
units must be switched off.
(See also Section 2.)

Any work carried out on the protection such as internal adjustments,

inserting soldered jumpers, wiring, connections etc., may only be
performed by suitably qualified personnel.
In addition to these instructions, all applicable local regulations
governing work and safety must be strictly observed when installing,
wiring and commissioning the protection.
Modifications and repairs to the electronic units or software changes
may not be performed by the user. No liability will be accepted and any
warranty becomes invalid in the case of improper interference or
tampering with the protection equipment. Defective units must be
returned to ABB for repair (see also Section 7).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


2.1. Complete system ...............................................................................2-2

2.2. System versions.................................................................................2-6

2.2.1. Single system.....................................................................................2-6
2.2.2. Redundant system .............................................................................2-8
2.2.3. Disposition of the units in the equipment rack .................................2-10
2.2.4. System versions with classical I/O modules ....................................2-13

2.3. Auxiliary supply ................................................................................2-16

2.3.1. Auxiliary supply distribution..............................................................2-16
2.3.2. Auxiliary DC supply units 216NG61, 216NG62 and 216NG63 ........2-21

2.4. Parallel bus and electronic units ......................................................2-24

2.4.1. Equipment rack 216MB66 resp. 216MB68 with parallel bus B448C2-24
2.4.2. Processing unit 216VC62a ..............................................................2-24
2.4.3. Analog I/P unit 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 .........................................2-27
2.4.4. Binary O/P unit 216AB61 .................................................................2-30
2.4.5. Binary I/P and tripping unit 216DB61...............................................2-34
2.4.6. Analog/binary O/P unit 216AC61 .....................................................2-38
2.4.7. Binary I/P unit 216EB61...................................................................2-42

2.5. I/P and O/P units for the cubicle version..........................................2-45

2.5.1. Input transformer unit 216GW62......................................................2-45
2.5.2. Relays- and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a........................................2-48
2.5.3. Auxiliary relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61 ...............................2-51

2.6. I/P and O/P units for the classic version ..........................................2-54
2.6.1. O/P relay unit 216GA61 ...................................................................2-54
2.6.2. Tripping relay unit 216GA62 ............................................................2-56
2.6.3. I/P relay unit 216GE61.....................................................................2-59

2.7. Injection unit REX010 ......................................................................2-61

2.8. Injection transformer block REX011 ................................................2-65

2.8.1. REX011............................................................................................2-65
2.8.2. REX011-1, -2 ...................................................................................2-66
2.8.3. Figures .............................................................................................2-70

2.9. Testing without the generator ..........................................................2-79

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.1. Complete system
An RE.216 protection system comprises at least an electronic
equipment rack Type 216MB62 or 216MB68 with the electronic
modules inserted (plug-in units) and a number of I/O units, which are
in effect the interface with the primary plant, resp. the process. The
protection system is available as a cubicle version or as a
standardized electronic equipment rack. The standardized electronic
equipment racks can either be installed in a base frame or in a
protection cubicle.
The cubicle version contains one or several 216MB66 or 216MB68
equipment racks built into the hinged frame of a protection cubicle.
The electronic modules mounted on the front are designed as plug-in
units. The B448C parallel bus for the communication between the
electronic units is fitted firmly to the rear of the rack. Also mounted at
the rear of the rack are the plug-in bases for the connections via
system cable to the I/O units. The I/O units are mounted on the rear
wall of the protection cubicle.
The number of electronic units installed, their locations in a rack, the
number of racks and the number and arrangement of I/O units varies
from plant to plant.
Refer to the corresponding set of diagrams for the execution of an
RE.216 system for a particular plant.
Fig. 2.1 shows the principle function and the mode of operation of the
individual units and module types within the entire system.

RE. 216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

216NG61 / 216NG62 / 216NG63: Auxiliary supply units; DC/DC converters

216VC62a: Processor unit
216EA61 / 216EA62: Analog I/P unit (A/D converter)
216AB61: Binary O/P unit
216DB61: Binary I/P and tripping unit

Fig. 2.1 RE.216 protection system; principle of operation of the cubicle version (see next page for legend)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Legend of Fig. 2.1:

WU, WI : primary VTs and CTs
W1...W12 : instrument transformers, current or voltage
UB : auxiliary DC supply (station battery)
X...M : measuring input terminals, measuring circuits
X... : auxiliary supply and signal terminals
X20, 21 : 25 pin standard cable connector
X22 : 15 pin standard cable connector
X10...13 : 20 pin wiring cable connector
1) : 25 core standard cable, core gauge 0.25 mm2
2) : single wire leads wire gauge 1.5 mm2
3) : 20 core wiring cable core gauge 1.5 mm2
4) : wiring cable (only if K9...K16 in 216GE61 are used
for trip circuit supervision)
a/b : 50 pin standard cable connector on rack 216MB62
a: 25 pin upper half
b: 25 pin lower half
X2 : 25 pin RS423 serial interface connector
(for connecting portable control unit)
K... : auxiliary relays
Mx : single-diode matrix with 10 I/P’s and 10 O/P’s.
The primary system CTs and VTs are connected directly to the
216GW61 or 216VC62 input transformer unit. The signals of the
measured input variables are stepped down to a suitable level for
processing by the electronic circuits (analog signals) and transferred
via the system cable to the 216EA61 or 216EA62 unit, which digitizes
them and transmits them to the B448C parallel bus.
The digitized measured variables derived from the primary system
quantities are continuously compared by the processing unit
216VC62a with the pick-up settings of the protection functions. If a
protection function picks up, the corresponding signal or tripping
command is transmitted via the B448C bus to the 216AB61 O/P unit
resp. to the 216DB61 I/O unit. The software installed in the 216VC62a
processor unit also determines the allocation of the signals and
tripping commands at the O/P’s of the protection functions to the
various channels of the 216AB61 output unit or of the 216DB61 I/P
signal and tripping unit.
The output signals from the 216AB61 unit (signaling channels) and
216DB61 unit (trip channels) control the auxiliary relays K1...K16 of
the O/P relay unit 216GA61 resp. 216GA62. The auxiliary relays'
contacts are potentially free and wired to terminals for connection to
external signaling and tripping circuits.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The external input signals connected to the protection energies the

auxiliary relays K1...K16 in the 216GE61 I/P relay unit. The potentially
free contacts of K1...K16 transmit the external signals to the 216DB61
unit and thence to the B448C bus. By appropriate configuration of the
software in the 216VC62a processing unit, external signals can be
assigned to the various protection functions, e.g. for logical
combination (interlocking and blocking) with trip signals or for exciting
the tripping channels 1...8.
Tripping circuits 1...8 can be directly energized by all or just some of
the I/P channels 1...10 (K1...K10) of 216GE61 via the diode matrix
(tripping logic) of 216GA62 (see Section 2.4.5.). Provision is also
made for some of the channels 9...16 (K9...K16) of 216GE61 to be
used for supervising the external tripping circuits 1...8 instead of for the
connection of external inputs. This is an option, which must be
specified in the order to enable the corresponding wiring to be included
when engineering the protection.
For all standard versions and for most of the plant-specific cubicle
versions, the more compact combined I/O units of the type
216GD61(a) are employed instead of the classical modules 216GA61,
216GA62 und 216GE61. In this case opto-couplers perform the
potential-free isolation of the external input signals in lieu of the relays.
In order to supply the electronic units with power the protection must
be connected to an external auxiliary DC supply (station battery). The
auxiliary DC supply unit 216NG61, 216NG62 or 216NG63 (DC/DC
converters) steps the station battery voltage down to 24 V with
electrical insulation and supplies the entire equipment rack via the
B448C parallel bus. The 216NG61, 216NG62 or 216NG63 power
supply unit also supplies the electronic circuits on the I/O units. A
216MB66 equipment rack can be equipped with just one or with two
redundant 216NG61, 216NG62 or 216NG63 auxiliary DC supply units.
Redundant units can be connected to the same or to two different
station batteries.
All software configurations, i.e. selection and setting of the protection
functions and the assignment of signals to the inputs and outputs, are
performed via the RS-423 serial interface on the 216VC62a
processing unit. The corresponding connector is the 25-pin socket X2
on the front of the unit, to which a personal computer is connected.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.2. System versions

The RE.216 system can be supplied in two main versions:
The single system with the equipment rack 216MB66 and the
redundant system with the equipment rack 216MB68.
The configuration of the standard versions is shown in the data sheet
(see Chapter 8.). The configuration for plant specific projected varinat
is taken from taken from the associated diagrams.
2.2.1. Single system
The basic version of the single system consists of the following:
• 1 electronic equipment rack 216MB66 (incl. electronic devices)
• 1 input transformer unit 216GW62
• 1 relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a
• Accessories (connection cable 216IK61, etc.)
Fig. 2.2 shows the electronic equipment rack with all units inserted.
For optionally inserted plug-in units one half of a blanking plate and
one half of a plug-in unit is shown separated by a dot and dash line.

Fig. 2.2 Electronic equipment rack 216MB66; single system

The system-internal connections between the electronic equipment

rack and the modules are made via the system cables 216IK61. The
device connection diagram for a single system is shown in Fig. 2.3.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.3 Device connection diagram for a single system

The auxiliary supply connection diagram for a single system with

redundant supply and reset switch is shown in Fig. 2.10.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

When parametrizing the signaling and tripping relays of the maximum

version, please note that channel numbers are determined by the
electronic devices:
• The unit 216AB61 has 32 (2 times 16) signaling outputs. On the
unit 216GD61a all outputs 1…16 can be utilized. Using a second
unit 216GD61a enables the activation of the signaling relays of the
outputs 1…16 and 17…32.
• Apart from the binary inputs, the unit 216DB61 has 8 tripping
outputs. On the unit 216GD61a the outputs 1…8 can be utilized
and on the second 216GD61a in addition the outputs 9…16.
2.2.2. Redundant system
The basic version of the redundant system REG216 consists of the
following components:
• 1 electronic equipment rack 216MB68 (incl. electronic units)
• 1 input transformer unit 216GW62
• 1 relay- and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a
• Accessories (connecting cable 216IK61, etc.).
Fig. 2.4 shows the electronic equipment rack with all units inserted.
For optionally inserted plug-in units one half of a blanking plate and
one half of a plug-in unit is shown separated by a dot and dash line.

Fig. 2.4 Electronic equipment rack 216MB68, redundant


RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The system internal connections between electronic equipment rack

and the modules are made via system cable 216IK61. The connection
diagram for a redundant system is shown in Fig. 2.5.

Fig. 2.5 Device connection diagram for a redundant system

The auxiliary supply connection diagram for a redundant system with

reset switch is shown in Fig. 2.11.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.2.3. Disposition of the units in the equipment rack

Fig. 2.6 shows the position of the electronic units in the equipment
rack of a single system. The equipment rack is sub-divided into 21
divisions (T). Divisions 1-3 and 19-21 are always used for auxiliary DC
supply units 216NG61, 216NG62 and 216NG63. For reasons of
standardization, however, the various types of units are always located
at the same position in the equipment rack.

Fig. 2.6 Locations of the electronic units in the 216MB66

equipment rack

NOTE: Please observe the specific set of station diagrams for the
disposition of the electronic units in the electronic equipment rack
216MB66 of a given station.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.7 Equipment rack 216MB66 resp. 216MB68, rear view

Table 2.1 gives the standard slot references for the various units in a
single system. For example, a maximum of two 216VC62a processing
units can be installed in an equipment rack and are always located in
slot 4 and 6.
The designations and numbering of the I/O signals for the I/P and O/P
units of a protection system are given in the column "I/O channel
definition". Note that the quantity of I/O channels given for each group
of the same type of units refers to the particular equipment rack and
not the entire system. The number of I/O units installed gives the total
quantity of I/O channels for the entire system.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Rack Unit No. Unit Type 216 Capacity / Function I/O channel definition

division Connector a above Connector b below

1-3 1 NG61, 62, 63 Aux. supply for complete rack

4-5 1 VC62a 425% computing capacity X2

6-7 2 VC62a 425% computing capacity X2

8-9 1 EA61, 62 24 analog I/P’s: meas. channels CH01...CH121) CH13...CH241)

10-11 2 EA61, 62 24 analog I/P’s: meas. channels CH25...CH362) CH37...CH482)

12 1 AB61 32 binary O/P’s: signaling channels CHO001...CHO016 CHO017...CHO032

13 2 AB61 32 binary O/P’s: signaling channels CHO033...CHO048 CHO049...CHO064

3 AB61 32 binary O/P’s: signaling channels CHO065...CHO080 CHO081...CHO096

4 AB61 32 binary O/P’s: signaling channels CHO097...CHO112 CHO113...CHO128

5 AB61 32 binary O/P’s: signaling channels CHO129...CHO144 CHO145...CHO160

6 AB61 32 binary O/P’s: signaling channels CHO161...CHO176 CHO177...CHO192

14 1 DB61 16 binary I/P channels CHI01...CHI16
8 binary tripping O/P channels CHO01...CHO08
15 2 DB61 16 binary I/P channels CHI17...CHI32
8 binary tripping O/P channels CHO09...CHO16
16 3 DB61 16 binary I/P channels CHI33...CHI48
8 binary tripping O/P channels CHO17...CHO24
17 4 DB61 16 binary I/P channels CHI49...CHI64
8 binary tripping O/P channels CHO25...CHO32
1 AC61 16 binary O/P’s CHO01...CHO16
8 analog O/P’s AA01...AA08
2 AC61 16 binary O/P’s CHO17...CHO32
8 analog O/P’s AA09...AA16
3 AC61 16 binary O/P’s CHO33...CHO48
8 analog O/P’s AA17...AA24
4 AC61 16 binary O/P’s CHO49...CHO64
8 analog O/P’s AA25...AA32
5 AC61 16 binary O/P’s CHO65...CHO80
8 analog O/P’s AA33...AA40
6 AC61 16 binary O/P’s CHO81...CHO96
8 analog O/P’s AA41...AA48

X2: connector for portable control unit

Rack division No. 9 for 216EA61, rack division No. 8 for 216EA62
Rack division No. 11 for 216EA61, rack division No. 10 for 216EA62

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Rack Unit No. Unit Type 216 Capacity / Function I/O channel definition

Division Connector a above Connector b below

1 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI01...CHI16 CH17...CH32

2 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI33...CHI48 CH49...CH64

3 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI65...CHI80 CH81...CH96

4 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI97...CHI112 CH113...CH128

5 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI129...CHI144 CH145...CH160

6 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI161...CHI176 CH77...CH192

7 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI193...CHI208 CH209...CH224

8 EB61 32 binary I/P’s CHI225...CHI240 CH241...CH256

19-21 2 NG61, 62, 63 Redundant aux. supplies for

complete rack

Table 2.1 Locations of the units in the standard 216MB66

equipment rack

2.2.4. System versions with classical I/O modules

The number of electronic units and I/O units used in a protection
system varies according to plant requirements. The maximum
quantities of electronic units in one system (a single 216MB66
equipment rack) are given in Table 2.1.
The numbers of I/O signals given for the versions listed in Table 2.2 to
Table 2.4 refer to a complete system (single system with one
216MB66 equipment rack). An equipment rack can accommodate one
or two 216VC62a processing units and therefore the versions given in
Table 2.1 to Table 2.4 can have a total computing capacity of 425 % or
850 %.

1. Analog I/P’s
Quantity Quantity Max. capacity (channels)
Version 216EA61 / 216GW61 / Analog I/P signals
216EA62 216GW62
1.1 1 1 12
1.2 1 2 24
1.3 2 3 36
1.41) 2 4 48

Table 2.2 Alternative versions: Analog I/P signals

1) in 2 cubicles according to version

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2. Signals
Quantity Quantity Max. capacity (channels)
Version 216AB61 216GA61 Signals Alarms
2.1 1 1 14 2
2.2 1 2 30 2
2.3 2 3 46 2
2.4 2 4 62 2

Table 2.3 Alternative versions: Signals and alarms

3. Tripping O/P’s and external I/P’s

Quantity No. of modules Max. capacity (channels)
Version 216DB61 216GA62 216GE61 Tripping O/P’s External I/P’s

3.1 1 1 --- 8 ---

3.2 1 1 1 8 16
3.3 2 2 --- 16 ---
3.4 2 2 1 16 16
3.5 2 2 2 16 32
3.6 3 3 --- 24 ---
3.7 3 3 1 24 16
3.8 3 3 2 24 32
3.9 3 3 3 24 48
3.10 4 4 --- 32 ---
3.11 4 4 1 32 16
3.12 4 4 2 32 32
3.13 4 4 3 32 48
3.14 4 4 4 32 64

Table 2.4 Alternative versions: Tripping O/P’s and external I/P’s

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

An RE.216 protection system can comprise several 216MB66

equipment racks. The possible configurations can be seen from Fig.
2.8. The figure refers to the standard equipment rack and the I/O units
actually installed may be as given in Section 2.2.3.
Depending on the quantity of I/O units, one or several panels may be
Single system Duplicate single system Double system
2S2 2S1

System A 216 System A 216

GA61 GA61

216 216 216 216 216 216

GW61 MB66 GE61 GW61 MB66 GE61

216 216
GA62 GA62

216 216 216

GW61 MB66 GE61

216 216
GA61 GA61

216 216 216 216 216

GW61 MB66 GE61 MB66 GE61

216 216
GA62 GA62
System B System B

HEST 935 015 C

Fig. 2.8 System configurations

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.3. Auxiliary supply

2.3.1. Auxiliary supply distribution
A system resp. the 216MB66 equipment rack can be equipped with
one or two redundant auxiliary DC supply units (DC/DC converters).
Fig. 2.9 shows the auxiliary DC supply system with either two
216NG61, 216NG62 or 216NG63 units.
All electronic units and I/O units have been designed to operate with
redundant auxiliary DC supplies. As long as one of the two 24 V
supplies is available, the correct operation of all the equipment's
functions is assured. The B448C parallel bus has two redundant
auxiliary DC supply lines designated USA and USB and the redundant
supplies for the electronic units are achieved by connecting them to
both. The 216NG6x units also provide the auxiliary DC supply for the
I/O units. The corresponding auxiliary voltage UP (24 V)/ZP (0 V) is
distributed to the individual I/O units via a terminal block.
Legend of Fig. 2.9:
USA, USB : aux. supply lines 24 V DC
ZD : aux. supply return line 0V
SML : general alarm line "System defect"
CK : stand-by signal line "Stand-by"
Red. : "Redundant" circuit (connections to the
redundant 216NG6x.)
F100 : fuses: 216NG61 6.3 A slow
216NG62 2.5 A slow
216NG63 1.6 A slow
K100 : aux. signaling relay "24 V failure"
UP : aux. supply line for I/O modules 24 V
ZP : aux. supply return line for I/O modules 0V

See legend of Fig. 2.1 for other symbols.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


Fig. 2.9 Protection system RE.216; aux. supply concept

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

216MB66 rack with 1 auxiliary supply unit type 216NG6x:

Plug-in jumpers A and B must both be inserted.
• The 216NG6x feeds both auxiliary supply lines USA and USB on
• The I/O units have a single supply.

216MB66 rack with 2 auxiliary supply units type 216NG6x:

Plug-in jumpers A and B on all 216NG6.'s must both be inserted.
• The auxiliary supply lines USA and USB are supplied separately by
the two redundant 216NG6x units.
• The I/O units are supplied separately by the two redundant
216NG6x units.
It is also possible for the first 216NG6x unit to supply just the parallel
bus and electronic units and the second 216NG6x to supply just the
I/O units (i.e. single supply). In this case:
• plug-in jumpers A and B on the first 216NG6x must be inserted
• plug-in jumpers A and B on the second 216NG6x must be

NOTE: Refer to the specific set of installation diagrams for the

wiring of the auxiliary DC supply circuit for a particular plant.

Should the 24 V auxiliary DC supply fail, none of the stored functions

or user settings are lost.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.10 Supply connection diagram for a single system with

two redundant power supply units

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 2.11 Supply connection diagram for a redundant system

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.3.2. Auxiliary DC supply units 216NG61, 216NG62 and 216NG63

The 216NG6. auxiliary DC supply unit transforms the station battery
voltage UB to 24 V DC and provides electrical insulation between I/P
and O/P. The technical data are given in the data sheet 1MRB520004-
Ben (refer to Section 8). Depending on the station battery voltage UB,
one of the following types is installed:
216NG61 : for UB = 48 / 60 V DC ± 25 %,
^ 36...75 V DC
216NG62 : for UB = 110 / 125 V DC ± 25 %,
^ 82.5...156 V DC
216NG63 : for UB = 220 / 250 V DC ± 25 %,
^ 165...312.5 V DC

Fig. 2.12 shows the front and rear views of the auxiliary DC supply
units. The units have a width of 3 divisions (3T). The operation and the
construction of the three types 216NG61, 62 and 63 are identical.

Frontplate signals and controls

LED "U IN" (green):
Lights when the I/P voltage (station battery voltage UB) is
LED "U OUT" (green):
Lights when the O/P voltage (24 V DC before the plug-in jumpers
A and B) is available.
Both LEDs "U IN" and "U OUT" must be lit during normal operation, i.e.
when the protection is on-line and functioning.
Switch "I/O":
Main ON/OFF switch for the auxiliary DC supply unit.
I : ON

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 2.12 Auxiliary DC supply unit 216NG6;

front and rear view

The states of the plug-in jumpers A and B at the rear of the unit
determine whether one or both of the auxiliary DC supply lines USA
and USB are supplied. Fig. 2.13 shows the corresponding plug-in
jumper positions (see also Fig. 2.9).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.13 Plug-in jumpers A and B on 216NG6x

"Closed" position : USA or USB supplied with 24 V

"Open" position : USA or USB not supplied

"24 V failure" signal

The failure of the 24 V output voltage is signaled on the front of the
unit concerned by the LED "U OUT".
The failure of the 24 V output voltage is signaled remotely in three
ways (see Fig. 2.9):
a) By auxiliary signaling relay K100 in 216NG6x.
K100 is continuously energized in normal operation, i.e. when the
216NG6x is switched on, and resets in the event of a failure of the
24 V output voltage.
b) By the stand-by signal line (bus conductor) CK.
CK is at logical "1" during normal operation (O/P CHO02
energized). CK is deactivated and CHO02 resets in the event of a
failure of the 24 V output voltage.

NOTE: If two 216NG6x auxiliary supply units are installed in one

equipment rack and the jumpers are set for redundant supply, the
failure of the 24 V output voltage of just one of the units is not
signaled by the CK bus conductor.

c) In the event of an auxiliary supply failure, the first binary O/P unit
216AB61 energizes the SML "System defect" signal line on the
B448 parallel bus. This is signaled remotely via channel CHO01.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.4. Parallel bus and electronic units

2.4.1. Equipment rack 216MB66 resp. 216MB68 with parallel bus B448C
The 19" rack is 21T (T = 17 mm) wide and 6U (U = 44.55 mm) high.
The rack, the B448C parallel bus, the connectors for the standard
cables and the terminal block form an invariable unit.

No settings have to be made to the equipment rack.
Care should be taken that the standard cables go to the appropriate
connectors for the electronic units actually inserted. Refer also to
Sections 2.1., 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. and the set of specific plant diagrams.
2.4.2. Processing unit 216VC62a
All the available protection and logic functions described in Section 3
are stored as a software module library in the 216VC62a processing
unit. All the user settings for the activated functions and the
configuration of the protection, i.e. assignment of I/P and O/P signals
(channels) to the protection functions, are also stored in this unit. The
software is downloaded using the operator program.
The protection functions and their associated settings necessary for a
particular plant are selected and stored with the aid of the portable
user interface (PC). Every individually selected and activated function
requires a certain percentage of the total available computing capacity
in [%] of the processing unit (see Section 3).
The processing unit 216VC62a has a computing capacity of 425 %.
The 216VC62a is used both as a processor and as an interface to the
interbay bus (IBB) in the substation monitoring system (SMS) and the
substation automation system (SAS). The available communication
protocols are:
• IEC 60870-5-103
In addition an MVB process bus is available.
The LON and MVB protocols are transferred by PC cards.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The supply to the memory in the 216VC62a is maintained in the event

of an interruption by a gold condenser so that the event list and
disturbance recorder data remain intact. The disturbance recorder data
can be read via either the interface on the front of the 216VC62a or the
object bus. The data can be evaluated using the 'PSM5xx / E-wineve'
evaluation program. The internal clock of the RE.216 can be
synchronized via the object bus interface of SMS/SAS systems or by a
radio clock.
I/P signals (channels) from the B448C bus:
• digitized measured variables: primary system currents and
• logic signals: external I/P signals
• 24 V auxiliary supply and data exchange with the B448C bus.
O/P signals (channels) to the B448C bus:
• signals from the protection and logic functions selected
• tripping O/P’s from the protection and logic functions selected
• data exchange with the B448C bus.
The designation of the I/O channels is identical to that of the I/O unit
(see Table 2.1).
The main components of the unit are:
• Processor 80486 DX-2, 50 MHz
for processing the programs
• Bus interface (DPM/RAM) 64 kBytes
for data exchange with B448C
• Program memory (Flash EPROM) 4 MBytes
as memory for the available
protection and logic functions
• Data memory (RAM) 2 MBytes
as main memory for the
ongoing operation
• Data memory (Flash EPROM) 2 MBytes
memory for selected functions
and settings
• Serial interface (RS 232)
for connection of the mobile
user interface
• PCMCIA interface
for LON / MVB bus
• Serial interface (RS 232)
for SPA or IEC 60870-5-103 bus

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fixing screw

Socket 'Passive'
LED (red) 'Alarm'

LED (yellow) 'Master'

LEDs (yellow); L1, L2: System status

L3, L4: Communication
(transmit, receive)
LEDs (yellow) L5, L6

Socket 'Reset'

Plug connection 25-pins

Serial interface X2 (RS 423) for connection of
the mobile user interface (personal computer)

Fixing screw

Fig. 2.14 Processing unit 216VC62a, front view

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Frontplate signals and controls (see Fig. 2.14)

LED "AL" (red):
Alarm. Lights for an internal defect. See Section 6.1. for possible
LED "MST" (yellow):
Master. Lights when the unit is communicating with the bus and
data are being exchanged. (May light only briefly or flash.)
LEDs "L1-L6" (yellow):
L1, L2: System status (see Section 6.2.)
L3, L4: Communication (with the user interface (PC) )
(see Section 6.2.)
L5: LON wink telegram received
L6: Flash EEPROMs in write mode.
Socket "PSV":
Passive. The unit's functions are blocked when the shorting pin is
Socket "RES":
Reset. The program is restarted by briefly inserting the shorting
pin. All other units are reinitialized at the same time.
The list of events is not deleted.

No (hardware) settings are necessary on the 216VC62a unit itself.

2.4.3. Analog I/P unit 216EA61 resp. 216EA62

The 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 input unit receives the analog measured
variables from the 216GW61 or 216GW62 input transformer units,
digitizes them and transfers them to the B448C bus.
The unit has 24 analog I/P channels, i.e. a maximum of two input
transformer units can be connected to an I/P unit 216GW61 resp.
216EA62 (see also Section 2.5.1.)
• connector "a" (upper) : channels CH01...CH12
• connector "b" (lower) : channels CH13...CH24
Within the protection system, the designations of the O/P channels
correspond to those of the I/P channels. Where a system requires
several 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 units, the measurement channels are
designated within the system according to Table 2.1.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 2.15 shows the front view of the analog I/P unit, which is a plug-in
unit with a width of 2 standard divisions (2T). The internal auxiliary
supply voltage is 5 V and is derived inside the unit from the 24 V
auxiliary DC supply. The unit's main components are:
• 24 (measurement) channel analog (-40 V...+40 V)-to-digital
• processor for pre-processing the measured variables
• bus interface
• program memory
• main memory
• electrically deletable and programmable data memory

Frontplate signals and controls (see Fig. 2.15)

LED "ALARM" (red):
Lights when the unit has an internal defect. See Section 6.1. for
possible causes.
LED "MST" (yellow):
Master. Lights when the unit communicates with the bus and
exchanges data. (May light only briefly or flash.)
LED "RUN" (green):
Operation. Lights when the program is running, i.e. it lights
continuously during normal operation. (The digitized measured
variables are not transferred to the bus, if this LED is not lit.)
Socket "PASSIVE":
The A/D converter is blocked and no data (digitized measured
variables) are transferred to the bus when the shorting pin is
inserted. The already stored data and measured variables are not
Socket "RESET":
The program is restarted by briefly inserting the shorting pin. All the
units are reinitialized and the stored measured variable tables are

No (hardware) settings are necessary on the 216EA61 resp. 216EA62
unit itself.
The measuring channels are assigned to the activated protection
functions (configuration) with the aid of the portable user interface (PC)
connected to the 216VC62a unit.
Refer to the set of specific plant diagrams for the configuration of the
particular plant.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fixing screw

Socket 'Passive'

LED (red) 'Alarm'

LED (yellow) 'Master'

LED (green) ‘Operation’

Socket 'Reset'

Fixing screw

Fig. 2.15 Analog I/P unit 216EA62, front view

(corresponds to 1MRB 400 374),
216EA61 has the same front elements

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.4.4. Binary O/P unit 216AB61

The 216AB61 output unit transfers signals generated by the activated
protection functions to the 16 auxiliary relays and opto-coupler units
216GD61 resp. the O/P relay unit 216GA61 for purposes of remote
The unit has 32 O/P channels, i.e. a single 216AB61 unit can control
two 216GD61a O/P relay units and opto-coupler units resp. two O/P
relay units 216GA61.
• connector "a" (upper) : channels CHO01...CHO16
• connector "b" (lower) : channels CHO17...CHO32
If there are several 216AB61 units in a system, the O/P channels are
designated within the system according to Table 2.1.
O/P channels CHO01 and CHO02 of the first 216AB61 unit in a
system (at rack division 12; see Fig. 2.2) are reserved for system
alarm signals.
• CHO01 : Stand-by (general alarm line SML); active during
normal fault-free operation.
• CHO02 : No system defect (stand-by signal line CK); active
during normal operation.
Refer to Section 6.2. for the significance of the system alarm signals.
All 32 O/P channels of the second 216AB61 unit in a system are
available for the signals of active protection functions.

Fig. 2.16 shows the front view of the binary O/P unit, which is a plug-in
unit with a width of 1 standard division (1T). The internal auxiliary
supply voltage is 5 V and is derived inside the unit from the 24 V
auxiliary DC supply. The unit's main components are:
• bus interface
• O/P register and O/P monitor
• O/P driver stages

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fixing screw

Socket 'Passive'

LED (red) 'Alarm'

LEDs (yellow) O/P channels; signal'

01...32 ^ CH001...CH032 at the1st unit
^ CH033...CH064 at the 2nd unit

CH001 : Signal 'no defect'

CH002 : Stand-by signal

Fixing screw

Fig. 2.16 Binary O/P unit 216AB61, front view

(corresponds to HESG 324 031)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Frontplate signals and controls (see Fig. 2.16)

LED "AL" (red):
Alarm. Lights when the unit has an internal defect. See Section
6.1. for possible causes.
LEDs "CH OUT" (yellow):
O/P channels. Indicate which of the activated protection or logic
functions have picked up. The LEDs remain lit for as long as the
functions remain picked up.
• 01...32 of the first unit corresponding to CHO01...CHO32
• 01 and 02 of the first unit light continuously during normal
operation (system alarm signal)
• 01...32 of the second unit corresponding to CHO33...CHO64
Socket "PSV":
Passive. All O/P channels are blocked resp. deactivated when the
shorting pin is inserted. None of the LEDs lights. The statuses
stored in the O/P register are not deleted.

Settings (see Fig. 2.17)

The position of the plug-in jumper XJ1 on the PCB determines whether
the unit's system alarm signals ("System defect" and "Stand-by"
signals CHO01, CHO02) are operational or not. They must be in
operation in the first O/P unit of a system.
• 1st 216AB61 (at rack division 12): XJ1 in position X4-X5
• 2nd 216AB61 (at rack division 13): XJ1 in position X3-X4
The signaling channels are assigned to the activated protection
functions (configuration) with the aid of the portable user interface (PC)
connected to the 216VC62a unit.
Refer to the set of specific plant diagrams for the configuration of the
particular plant.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Plug-in jumper XJ1

Position X4-X5: System defect and stand-by signal (CH001, 002 in operation)
Position X3-X4: System defect and stand-by signal (CH001, 002 out of operation)

Fig. 2.17 Binary O/P unit 216AB61;

PCB assembly side
(corresponds to HESG 324 013)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.4.5. Binary I/P and tripping unit 216DB61

The binary I/P and tripping unit comprises 16 I/P and 8 O/P channels.
The O/P channels are used to transfer the tripping commands of
activated protection functions to the 216GD61a relay and opto-coupler
unit resp. to the 216GA62 tripping relay module. The I/P channels are
used for external signals from the 216GD61a opto-coupler unit resp.
the 216GE61 I/P relay unit, which it transfers to the 216VC62a
processing unit via the bus.
• connector "a" (upper) : I/P channels CHI01...CHI16
• connector "b" (lower) : O/P channels CHO01...CHO08.
If there are several 216DB61 units in a system, the I/P and O/P
channels are designated within the system according to Table 2.1.
The position of the plug-in jumper BR1 on the PCB of 216DB61
determines whether the "ENABLE" and "BLOCK CH OUT" functions
are operational or not, i.e. whether the tripping channels
CHO01...CHO08 are enabled or disabled. The enabling and blocking
functions only concern the 216DB61 unit.

BR1 in position X4: (B/E inactive)

The ENABLE 1/2 and BLOCK 1/2 functions are disabled. I/P
channels CHI13...CHI16 function as normal external I/P’s, i.e. the
signals are transferred via the bus to the 216VC62a unit as in the
case of channels CHI01...12.
BR1 in position X3: (B/E active)
The ENABLE 1/2 and BLOCK 1/2 functions are enabled.
The ENABLE 1 and 2 I/P’s (CHI13 and CHI14) both have to be
enabled (AND gate) for O/P channels CHO01...08 to be enabled.
In order to disable channels CHO01...08, a logical "1" must be
applied to either the BLOCK 1 I/P or the BLOCK 2 I/P (CHI15 or
CHI16; OR gate).

The tripping channels are also disabled, should a short-circuit occur in

one of the tripping channel driving stages. Either channel group
CHO01, 03, 05, 07 is disabled or channel group CHO02, 04, 06, 08,
depending on in which group the short-circuit is.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.18 shows the front view of the binary I/P and tripping unit, which
is a plug-in unit with a width of 1 standard division (1T). The internal
auxiliary supply voltage is 5 V and is derived inside the unit from the
24 V auxiliary DC supply. The unit's main components are:
• bus interface
• I/P register
• O/P register and O/P monitor
• O/P driver stages
• fault detector

Frontplate signals and controls (see Fig. 2.18)

LED "AL" (red):
Alarm. Lights when the unit has an internal defect.
See Section 6.1. for possible causes.
LEDs "CH IN" (yellow):
I/P channels. Indicate which of the I/P’s CHI01...CHI12 are
LEDs "ENABLE" (yellow):
BR1 in position X4: (B/E inactive)
Light when I/P’s CHI13...CHI14 are energized.

WARNING: BR1 in position X3: (B/E active)

LEDs 1 and 2 must be continuously lit during normal operation.
(CH OUT enabled).

LEDs "BLOCK" (yellow):

BR1 in position X4: (B/E inactive)
Light when I/P’s CHI15...CHI16 are energized.

WARNING: BR1 in position X3: (B/E active)

LEDs 1 and 2 must not light during normal operation.
(CH OUT enabled).

LEDs "CH OUT" (yellow):

Tripping signals. Light according to which of the channels
CHO01...CHO08 are energized.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fixing screw

LED (red) 'Alarm'

LEDs (yellow) 'Ext. inputs

^ CHI01...CHI12 at the 1st unit

01...12 =
^ CHI17...CHI28 at the 2nd unit

LEDs (yellow) 'Ext. inputs' or

'Enable CH OUT'

1...2 ^ CHI13...CHI14 at the 1st unit

^ CHI29...CHI30 at the 2nd unit

LEDs (yellow) 'Ext. inputs' or

'Blocking CH OUT'

1...2 ^ CHI15...CHI16 at the 1st unit

^ CHI31...CHI32 at the 2nd unit

LEDs (yellow) Trip

^ CH001...CH008 at the 1st unit

01...08 =
^ CH009...CH016 at the 2nd unit

Fixing screw

Fig. 2.18 Binary I/P and tripping unit 216DB61;

front view (corresponds to HESG 324 098)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Plug-in jumper BR1

Position X3 : 'ENABLE and BLOCK CH OUT' in operation

Position X4 : 'ENABLE and BLOCK CH OUT' out of operation
^ ext. inputs)
(CHI13...16 =

Blocking relay
(Blocking CH OUT at short circuit
or by BLOCK 1/2)

Fig. 2.19 Binary I/P and tripping unit 216DB61;

PCB assembly side
(corresponds to HESG 324 063)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Settings (see Fig. 2.35)

The position of the plug-in jumper BR1 on the PCB determines
whether the functions for enabling and disabling the tripping channels
are in operation or not.
The tripping channels are assigned to the activated protection
functions (configuration) with the aid of the portable user interface (PC)
connected to the 216VC62a unit.
The earmarking of the various I/P’s to be recorded as events is also
performed via the HMI (binary inputs).
Refer to the set of specific plant diagrams for the configuration of the
particular plant.

2.4.6. Analog/binary O/P unit 216AC61

O/P unit 216AC61 has 8 analog and 16 binary O/P channels. The
analog O/P’s supply impressed currents in the range 0 - 20 mA, e.g.
for driving instruments. They are thus used for displaying the variables
measured by protection functions or an SAS. The analog and binary
O/P channels are neither electrically insulated from each other nor
from the auxiliary supply.
The binary O/P signals generated by the active protection functions
(protection and control) can be transferred to the 16 auxiliary relays of
the 216GD61 relay and opto-coupler unit resp. the O/P relay unit
216GA61 for purposes of remote signaling.
• connector "a" (upper) : binary channels CHO01...CHO16
• connector "b" (lower) : analog channels AA001...AA008
Where a system requires several 216AB61 and/or 216AC61 units, the
O/P channels are designated within the system according to Table 2.1.
If the system does not include a 216AB61 unit, the binary O/P
channels CHO01 and CHO02 of the first 216AC61 unit (at rack
division 12; see Fig. 2.2) are used for the system alarms (the unit can
thus be used instead of a 216AB61).
CHO01 : Stand-by (general alarm line SML); active during normal
fault-free operation.
CHO02 : No system defect (stand-by signal line CK); active during
normal operation.
Refer to Section 6.2. for the significance of the system alarm signals.
All 16 O/P channels of the second 216AC61 unit in a system are
available for the signals of active protection functions.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.20 shows the front view of the analog/binary O/P unit, which is a
plug-in unit with a width of 1 standard division (1T). The internal
auxiliary supply voltages are 5 V and ±15 V for the analog O/P circuits
and are derived inside the unit from the 24 V auxiliary DC supply. The
unit's main components are:
• bus interface
• O/P register and O/P monitor for binary signals
• O/P driver stages for binary signals
• O/P register for analog signals
• D/A converter
• O/P driver stages for analog O/P currents

Frontplate signals and controls (see Fig. 2.20)

LED "AL" (red):
Alarm. Lights when the unit has an internal defect.
See Section 6.1. for possible causes.
LEDs "CH OUT" (yellow):
O/P channels. Indicate which of the activated protection or logic
functions have picked up. The LEDs remain lit for as long as the
functions remain picked up.
CH OUT 01...16 of the first unit corresponding to CHO01...CHO16
CH OUT 01 and 02 of the first unit light continuously during normal
operation (system alarm signal)
CH OUT 01...16 of the second unit corresponding to
Socket "PSV":
Passive. All O/P channels are blocked when the shorting pin is
inserted. None of the LEDs lights. The statuses stored in the O/P
register are not deleted. None of the analog O/P’s conducts current
(0 mA).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fixing screw

Socket 'Passive'

LED (red) 'Alarm'

LEDs (yellow) Status of the binary outputs

Fixing screw

Fig. 2.20 Analog/binary O/P unit 216AC61,

front view (corresponds to HESG 324 317)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Plug-in jumper XJ1

Position X4-X5: System defect and stand-by signal (CH001, 002) in operation
Position X3-X4: System defect and stand-by signal (CH001, 002) out of

Fig. 2.21 Analog/binary O/P unit 216AC61;

PCB assembly side
(corresponds to HESG 324 315)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Settings (see Fig. 2.21):

The position of the plug-in jumper XJ1 on the PCB determines whether
the unit's system alarm signals ("System defect" and "Stand-by"
signals CHO01, CHO02) are operational or not. They must be in
operation in the first O/P unit of a system.
• 216AB61/216AC61 (at rack division 12):
XJ1 in position X4-X5 (active)
• Additional O/P units (from rack division 13 onwards):
XJ1 in position X3-X4
The signaling channels are assigned to the activated protection
functions (configuration) with the aid of the portable user interface
(HMI) connected to the 216VC62a unit.
The analog channels are assigned to variables measured by either an
SAS or protection functions using the HMI (Function 216AC61). The
scale of the O/P current range can be varied within ±400 % of its
nominal range of 0...20 mA, the minimum and maximum percentages
being set separately.
Example: Display of the measured value of a current function with a
rated current In = 1 A.
Scale: Minimum = 0 %, Maximum = 200 %. The O/P of
0...20 mA corresponds to 0...2 A.
Example: Display of the measured value of a power function from
-50 % to +150 % Pn.
Scale: Minimum = -50 %, Maximum = 150 %
0 mA corresponds to P = -50 %, 5 mA corresponds to
P = 0 % and 20 mA corresponds to P = +150 %.
When displaying SAS measuring variables, 100 % O/P current
corresponds to a value of 160. The range of values is limited to ±320,
i.e. the practical scaling value for SAS measured variables is ± 200 %.

2.4.7. Binary I/P unit 216EB61

The I/P unit has 32 I/P channels, which are used to transfer the
external signals from the relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a resp.
from the I/P relay unit 216GE61 to the processing unit 216VC62a via
the bus. The I/P’s are neither electrical insulated from each other nor
from the auxiliary supply.
• connector "a" (upper) : I/P channels CHI01...CHI16
• connector "b" (lower) : I/P channels CHI17...CHI32
Where a system requires several 216EB61 units, the I/P channels are
designated within the system according to Table 2.1.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.22 shows the front view of the binary I/P unit, which is a plug-in
unit with a width of 1 standard division (1T). The internal auxiliary
supply voltage of 5 V is derived inside the unit from the 24 V auxiliary
DC supply. The unit's main components are:
• bus interface (64 kByte DPM/RAM)
• I/P register
• microprocessor for pre-processing signals (80C188)
• program memory (128 kByte EPROM)
• main memory (64 kByte RAM).

Frontplate signals and controls (see Fig. 2.22)

LED "AL" (red):
Alarm. Lights when the unit has an internal defect. See Section
6.1. for possible causes.
LED "MST" (yellow):
Lights (usually only briefly or weakly) when the unit communicates
with the bus and exchanges data.
LEDs "L1-L4" (yellow):
System status, error messages: None of these LEDs should light
apart from briefly after the unit is initialized.
LEDs "BINARY CH IN" (yellow):
I/P channels. Indicate which of the I/P’s CHI01...CHI32 are
Socket ‘PSV’:
Processing is stopped when the shorting pin is inserted and there
are no data transferred to the bus.
Socket ‘RES’
The program is started anew when the shorting pin is inserted
momentarily. All units are started anew.
The I/P channels are assigned to the activated protection functions
with the aid of the portable user interface (HMI) connected to the
216VC62a unit.
The exclusion of individual I/P’s from the event recording function and
the definition of the filter time are also performed using the HMI
(216EB61 configuration).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fixing screw

Socket 'Passive'
LED (red) 'Alarm'

LED (yellow) 'Master'

LEDs (yellow); System status

Socket 'Reset'

LEDs (yellow) Status of the inputs

Fixing screw

Fig. 2.22 Binary input unit 216EB61,

front view (corresponds to HESG 324 298)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.5. I/P and O/P units for the cubicle version

2.5.1. Input transformer unit 216GW62
The input transformer unit contains 12 instrument transformers for
connecting directly to the primary system CTs and VTs (see also
Fig. 2.1).
Fig. 2.29 shows the design of the 216GW62 module. Either CTs or
VTs can be fitted at positions W1...W12. The types and ratings of the
CTs and VTs in a 216GW62 module are chosen to suit the
requirements of the specific plant.
The instrument transformers transform the secondary currents and
voltages coming from the primary system CTs and VTs to analog
voltage signals in a range of -40 V...+40 V. These signals are
conducted to the 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 analog I/P unit by a
standard system cable (see also Section 2.4.3. The individual
instrument transformer positions W1...W12 correspond to the I/P’s
CH01...CH12 on the 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 unit, resp.
CH13...CH24, CH25...CH36 or CH37...CH48, where a system includes
several 216GW62 units (see Table 2.1).
The inserted transformers are determined by a code, which is shown
in chapter 8 of the data sheet 1MRB520004-Ben. The connection of
the various modules 216GW62 to the primary plant is shown in the
connection diagram in chapter 12. Refer to the set of specific plant
diagrams for the instrument transformers actually fitted.
Refer to chapter 8 of the data sheet 1MRB520004-Ben for the
technical data of the transformers.
Table 2.5 lists the wiring (secondary circuit) of the 216GW62 unit and
the assignment of the instrument transformer channels resp. the
measuring channels to the one or more 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 units.

The 216GW62 unit does not have any settings.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

W1...W12 : Measuring transformer (current or voltage)

X20, X21 : Socket 25-pin
X...M : Connection terminals; measuring circuits
1) : Socket 2-pin
2) : Wiring according to Table 2.1

Fig. 2.23 Input transformer unit 216GW62; front view

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Input transformer unit 216GW62 Connection to channel CH..

of the units 216EA61/62
W.. Plug Plug: X20,X21 Wire- 1st unit 2nd unit
2-pin 25-pin color a b a b
1.1 1 br
1 1.2 14 nc 1 13 25 37
2.1 2 rd
2 2.2 15 nc 2 14 26 38
3.1 3 og
3 3.2 16 nc 3 15 27 39
4.1 4 ye
4 4.2 17 nc 4 16 28 40
5.1 5 gn
5 5.2 18 nc 5 17 29 41
6.1 6 bl
6 6.2 19 nc 6 18 30 42
7.1 7 pr
7 7.2 20 nc 7 19 31 43
8.1 8 gr
8 8.2 21 nc 8 20 32 44
9.1 9 wt
9 9.2 22 nc 9 21 33 45
10.1 10 bl
10 10.2 23 nc 10 22 34 46
11.1 11 br
11 11.2 24 nc 11 23 35 47
12.1 12 rd
12 12.2 25 nc 12 24 36 48

a : Plug connection (above) b : Plug connection (below):

Color designation: br : brown bl : blue
nc : natural color pr : purple
rd : red gr : grey
og : orange wt : white
ye : yellow bl : black
gn : green

Table 2.5 Wiring 216GW62 and allocation of the measuring

transformers at 216EA61 resp. 216EA62

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.5.2. Relays- and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a

The 216GD61a unit combines various binary in- and outputs:
• 16 opto-coupler inputs:
For controlling the tripping unit 216DB61.
Contrary to the unit 216GD61, in the unit 216GD61a all channels 1
to 16 are designed for the voltage range 82...312 V DC (see
Fig. 2.24). Channel 1 is intended as a reset I/P and is activated by
the optional reset button (see Fig. 12.1 and Fig. 2.10). All the I/P’s
can be adapted for other voltages in the range 20 V DC to
312 V DC by fitting a series resistor with the corresponding value:
Resistance Permissible Remarks
RA RB voltage range
4k7 1k0 20... 30 V
27k 2k7 36... 75 V
82k 15k 82...312 V Standard for channels 1...16
220k 15k 165...312 V

Channel RA RB Channel RA RB
1 R402 R403 9 R602 R603
2 R412 R413 10 R612 R613
3 R422 R423 11 R622 R623
4 R432 R433 12 R632 R633
5 R502 R503 13 R702 R703
6 R512 R513 14 R712 R713
7 R522 R523 15 R722 R723
8 R532 R533 16 R732 R733

• 8 tripping relays:
Controlled by the tripping unit 216DB61. In each case, one circuit
is connected to terminals, which is made by two contacts in series.
• 16 signaling relays:
Controlled by the binary O/P unit 216AB61. The N/O contact of all
the relays and the N/C contact of relays 1...4 are connected to
The unit is supplied at 24 V DC and provision is made for redundant
supplies. The location of the 216GD61a unit and its wiring diagram can
be seen from Fig. 2.25.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.24 Relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a;

PCB with components fitted
(Section of HESG 324 430)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

I/O interface



Fig. 2.25 Relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a;

Connection block diagram
(corresponds to HESG 441 788)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.5.3. Auxiliary relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61

The 216GD61 unit combines various binary I/P’s and O/P’s:
• 16 opto-coupler I/P’s:
For controlling the tripping unit 216DB61.
Channel 1 is designed for an I/P voltage of 24 V DC and channels
2 to 16 for the voltage range of 82...312 V DC (see Fig. 2.26).
Channel 1 is intended as a reset I/P and is activated by the
optional reset button (see Fig. 12.1). All the I/P’s can be adapted
for other voltages in the range 20 V DC to 312 V DC by fitting a
series resistor with the corresponding value:

Resistance Permissible Remarks

RA RB voltage range
4k7 1k0 20... 30 V Standard for channel 1
27k 2k7 36... 75 V
82k 15k 82...312 V Standard for channels

Channel RA RB Channel RA RB
1 R133 R117 9 R141 R125
2 R134 R118 10 R142 R126
3 R135 R119 11 R143 R127
4 R136 R120 12 R144 R128
5 R137 R121 13 R145 R129
6 R138 R122 14 R146 R130
7 R139 R123 15 R147 R131
8 R140 R124 16 R148 R132

• 6 tripping relays:
Controlled by the tripping unit 216DB61. In each case, one circuit
is connected to terminals, which is made by two contacts in series.
• 14 signaling relays:
Controlled by the binary O/P unit 216AB61. The N/O contact of all
the relays and the N/C contact of relays 1...4 are connected to
The unit is supplied at 24 V DC and provision is made for redundant
supplies. A fuse F101 (2 A fast, 5 x 20 mm) is fitted to protect the 24 V
supply against short-circuits on the unit. The location of the 216GD61
unit and its wiring diagram can be seen from Fig. 2.27.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 2.26 Relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61;

PCB with components fitted
(Section of HESG 216 939)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.27 Relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61;

Connection block diagram
(Corresponds to HESG 441 788)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.6. I/P and O/P units for the classic version

2.6.1. O/P relay unit 216GA61
The 216GA61 has 16 auxiliary relays K1...K16 with potentially free
contacts for remote signaling. Fig. 2.28 shows the design of the unit.

K1...K16 : Signaling relay 24 V DC

X20, X21 : System cable connection; basic control circuit K1...K16
X15, X115 : Terminal of the aux. voltage supply UP (24 V_)
X16, X116
X10...X13 : Terminal of the wiring cable; wiring of the signaling contacts
on the terminals

Fig. 2.28 O/P relay unit 216GA61, front view

Fig. 2.29 Control of the aux. signaling relays K1…K16;

Basic control circuit

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The auxiliary signaling relays K1...K16 are controlled by the 216AB61

binary O/P unit and obtain their auxiliary supply from the auxiliary DC
voltage UP. Fig. 2.29 shows the basic control circuit for the signaling
relays in the 216GA61 unit. How the contacts are wired varies from
plant to plant.
The different ways of wiring the contacts of the relays K1...K16 can be
seen from Table 2.6.

A1 A6 A2 A4 A5
3 3 3 X12

X .. X ..
X .. X .. 1 1 1 X12
K ..

K ..

K ..

K ..
7 7 7

6 6 6 X10

HEST 055 020 V

Table 2.6 216GA61; versions for signaling contacts

The relationship between the signaling relays K1...K16 and the

numbering of the O/P channels is:
1st 216GA61 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHO01...CHO16
2nd 216GA61 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHO17...CHO32
3rd 216GA61 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHO33...CHO48
4th 216GA61 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHO49...CHO64.
Refer also to Section 2.4.4. and Table 2.1.
Refer to the set of specific plant diagrams for the execution and the
wiring version of the signaling contacts and the assignment of the
signaling channels for the particular plant.

The 216GA61 unit does not have any settings.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.6.2. Tripping relay unit 216GA62

The 216GA62 has 8 auxiliary relays K1...K8 with potentially free
contacts for remote signaling. Fig. 2.30 shows the design of the unit.

K1...K8 : Tripping relays 12 V DC

X20, X21 : System cable connection; basic control circuit K1...K8
X15, X115 : Terminal of aux. voltage supply UP (24 V)
X16, X116
X10...X13 : Terminal of the wiring cable; wiring of the tripping contacts
on the terminals
X22 : System cable connection;
Control K1...K8 across Mx
Mx : Diode matrix 10 x 10 for direct tripping
E : inputs, A : outputs

Fig. 2.30 Tripping relay unit 216GA62; front view

The auxiliary tripping relays K1…K8 are controlled by the binary I/P
and tripping unit 216DB61. Fig. 2.31 shows the basic control circuit for
the control of the tripping relays.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

K1...K8 : tripping relays; rated coil voltage 12 V DC

1) : wiring of the tripping contacts according to Table 12.3
2) : surge circuit for accelerating K1...K8

Mx : diode matrix tripping logic for direct tripping

(O/P’s A09, A10 not used)

Fig. 2.31 Basic control circuit for the auxiliary tripping relays

How the tripping relay contacts are wired varies from plant to plant.
The different ways of wiring the contacts of the relays K1...K8 can be
seen from Table 2.7.
The relationship between the tripping relays and the numbering of the
tripping channels is:
1st 216GA62 unit, K1...K8 correspond to CHO01...CHO08
2nd 216GA62 unit, K1...K8 correspond to CHO09...CHO16
3rd 216GA62 unit, K1...K8 correspond to CHO17...CHO24
4th 216GA62 unit, K1...K8 correspond to CHO25...CHO32
Refer also to section 2.4.5. and Table 2.1.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Table 2.7 216GA62; versions for tripping contacts

(incl. supervision of the tripping circuits by the
216GE61 unit)

Direct tripping
In addition to being controlled by 216DB61, the diode matrix tripping
logic on 216GA62 also permits tripping relays K1...K8 to be directly
controlled by the external input signals from the 216GE61 unit (see
Fig. 2.31 and Section 2.6.3).
The first 10 channels (K1...K10) of the 216GE61 input relay assembly
are wired to the diode matrix tripping logic to facilitate direct tripping.
Direct tripping is enabled by inserting diode pegs in the desired
Refer to the set of specific plant diagrams for execution, alternative
wiring of the tripping contacts, assignment of the tripping channels and
arrangement of the diode pegs.

• Insert the diode pegs to achieve the desired tripping logic.
• There are no other settings on the 216GA62 unit.

• Check that the correct auxiliary tripping relays with a rated coil
voltage of 12 V DC are inserted in positions K1...K8.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.6.3. I/P relay unit 216GE61

The 216GE61 has 16 auxiliary relays K1...K16 with potentially free
contacts, for example, for incoming external:
• logic signals
• blocking signals
• tripping signals from other devices for distribution to the HV circuit-
breakers by the RE.216's matrix tripping logic.
Fig. 2.32 shows the design of the unit.

K1...K16 : Auxiliary relays for external input signals

rated coil voltage = external aux. supply voltage
X20, X21 : System cable terminal; basic control circuit 216DB61 by
X15, X115 : Auxiliary supply voltage terminal UP (24 V)
X16, X116
X10...X13 : Wiring voltage terminal; wiring on connection terminals
X22 : System cable terminal; basic control circuit 216GA62

Fig. 2.32 Input relay module 216GE61; front view

The auxiliary relays K1...K16 are energized by the external auxiliary

supply. The signals are then relayed to the binary I/P and tripping unit
216DB61 by contacts, which are isolated from the coil circuits and
obtain their auxiliary supply from the auxiliary DC voltage UP. Fig. 2.33
shows the basic circuit of the 216GE61 unit.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Direct trip see Fig. 2.13

K1...K16 : auxiliary I/P relays; rated coil voltage = external auxiliary


Fig. 2.33 Basic control circuit for the external signal I/P relays

The auxiliary relay channels K1...K10 are also connected to the matrix
tripping logic to enable them to directly energize tripping relays.
A second contact on each of the relays K1...K16 is wired to terminals
to remotely signal that the corresponding channel is energized.
The relationship between the auxiliary relays and the numbering of the
I/P channels is:
1st 216GE62 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHI01...CHI16
2nd 216GE62 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHI17...CHI32
3rd 216GE62 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHI33...CHI48
4th 216GE62 unit, K1...K16 correspond to CHI49...CHI64
Refer also to Section 2.4.5. and Table 2.1.

There are no settings on the 216GE61 unit.

Check that the auxiliary relays fitted for K1...K16 the correct rated coil
voltage (= external auxiliary supply voltage).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.7. Injection unit REX010

The injection unit Type REX010 provides the power supply for the
injection transformer block Type REX011. The injection transformer
block generates the signals needed for the 100 % stator and rotor
ground fault protection schemes. The signals all have the same
waveform (see Fig. 2.40).
The injection unit is installed in an REG 316*4 casing and therefore the
mechanical and general data are the same as specified for the
REG 316*4. Older injection units with the auxiliary supply unit
316NE61 are available in the 3 versions with the designations U1, U2
and U3 for the following battery voltages:

Battery voltage Tolerance Output

U1: 110 or 125 V DC +10 % / -20 % 110 V or 125 V, 1.1 A
U2: 110; 125; 220; 250 V DC 88...312 V DC 96 V, 1 A
U3: 48; 60; 110 V DC 36...140 V DC 96 V, 1 A

Versions U2 and U3 operate with a DC/DC converter.

New injection units with the auxiliary supply unit 316NE62 are
designated U0 and have only one version with an auxiliary supply
voltage range of 36…312 V. The output voltage in this case is 96 V.
The frequency of the injection voltage, which corresponds precisely to
¼ of the rated frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz can be selected by
positioning a plug-in jumper on PCB 316AI61. In position X12 the
frequency is then 12.5 Hz and in position X11 15.0 Hz.

Controls and signals:

• green LED READY:
Auxiliary supply switched on
The internal protection circuit has picked up and injection is
• yellow LED DISABLED:
Injection is disabled on the switch on the frontplate or via the opto-
coupler input.
Only the green LED is lit during normal operation.
• toggle switch ENABLE, DISABLE:
Position 0 : Injection is enabled.
Position 1 : Injection is disabled.
• reset button RESET:
This resets the protection circuit, which latches when it operates,
and the red LED extinguishes.
The protection circuit guards against excessive feedback from the
generator and interrupts the injection for zero-crossing currents ≥ 5 A.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The protection circuit will not reset, if the fault that caused it to pick up
is still present. In such a case, switch off the supply and check the
external wiring for short-circuits and open-circuits.
• Opto-coupler input:
This has the same function as the reset button and can also be
used to disable injection. The latter occurs when the input is at
logical '1' and resumes when it is returned to logical '0'.

IMPORTANT: Ensure that the injection voltage is switched off

before carrying out any work on the star-point. The toggle switch on
the front of the injection unit REX010 must be set to "disable" and the
yellow LED "disabled" must be lit.

The input voltage, the injection frequency and the opto-coupler voltage
must be specified in the customer's order and are then set in the works
prior to delivery.
There are no controls inside the unit that have to be set by the user.

Supply failure
If the green LED 'READY' is not lit in the case of version U1 although
the correct auxiliary supply voltage is applied, check and if necessary
replace the fuse on the supply unit 316NE61. The MCB is located at
the rear next to the auxiliary supply terminals.
Fuse type: cartridge 5 x 20 mm
2 A slow
Faulty U0, U2 and U3 units must be returned to the nearest ABB agent
or directly to ABB, Baden, Switzerland.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 2.34 Injection unit REX010 (front view)

(corresponds to HESG 448 574)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 2.35 PCB 316AI61 in the injection unit

(derived from HESG 324 366)
Position X11, Position X12

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.8. Injection transformer block REX011

In conjunction with the injection unit Type REX010, the injection
transformer block Type REX011 supplies the injection and reference signals
for testing the 100 % stator and rotor ground fault protection schemes.

The injection transformer block used must correspond to the method of

grounding the stator circuit:
primary injection at the star-point: REX011
secondary injection at the star-point: REX011-1
secondary injection at the terminals: REX011-2
Each injection transformer type has three secondary windings for the
following voltages:
Uis: stator injection voltage
Uir: rotor injection voltage
Ui: reference voltage, connected to the analog input channel 8 of
The same injection transformer is used for stator and rotor protection
The rated values of the injection voltages Uis, Uir and Ui apply for the
version REX010 U1 and a station battery voltage of UBat = 110 V DC.
All the voltages are less by a factor of 96/110 = 0.8727 in the case of
versions U0, U2 and U3.
Thus the primary injection voltage for the stator circuit is 96 V.
2.8.1. REX011
This version is designed for primary injection at the star-point and is
available with the following rated voltages:
Uis 110 V
Uir 50 V *)

Ui 25 V

Table 2.8 REX011

*) The winding for voltage Uir has a tapping at 30 V. This enables Uir to be stepped down to
30 V or 20 V where an injection voltage less than 50 V is necessary.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.8.2. REX011-1, -2
These injection transformers bear the following identifications (see
also Table 2.9 and Table 2.10):
• HESG 323 888 M11, M12, M13 for REX011-1
• HESG 323 888 M21, M22, M23 for REX011-2.
The injection transformers used for secondary injection of the stator
circuit have four injection voltage windings that are connected in
parallel or series to adjust the power to suit the particular grounding
The value of the parallel resistor R'Ps, respectively the maximum
injection voltage determine the permissible injection voltage
The rated values of the injection voltage Uis are valid for the version
REX010 U1 and a battery voltage UB = 110 V DC.
For the versions U0, U2 and U3 all voltages are smaller by the factor
96/110 = 0,8727.

R'Ps [mΩ] Uis [V] Version

>8 0.85 M11
> 32 1.7 M12
> 128 3.4 M13

Table 2.9 REX011-1

R'Ps [Ω] Uis [V] Version

> 0.45 6.4 M21
> 1.8 12.8 M22
> 7.2 25.6 M23

Table 2.10 REX011-2

Always select the maximum possible injection voltage. For example,

for a grounding resistor R'Ps = 35 mΩ, Uis = 1.7 V is used.
Observe that, for the versions M11, M12 and M13, there is a
connection with a resistance as low as possible between the injection
transformer and the grounding resistor R'Ps. The resistor of both
connecting cables shall at most be 5 % R'Ps, e.g. for a grounding
resistance R'Ps = 35 mΩ and a connection cable length of 2 × 2 m =
4 m, the cable cross section must be at least 40 mm2.
Voltages Uir and Ui are the same as for REX011.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The connections to the primary system are made via the two heavy-
duty terminals 10 and 15 of Type UHV that are designed for spade
terminals. There are four Type UK35 universal terminals 11 to 14
which are used for the internal wiring between the two heavy-duty
Depending on the version, the four windings must be connected to the
corresponding universal or heavy current terminals.
Should the version supplied not be the correct one, the connections
from the windings to the terminals must be changed as shown in the
following diagrams.
In the case of versions M12, M22, M13 and M23, KB-15 shorting links
must be fitted to the universal terminals. How this is done can be seen
from the diagram marked "Shorting links" at the end of this Section.
Shorting links and 3 rating plates are enclosed with every transformer.
After modification the appropriate rating plate should be stuck over the
old one.

Variants M11, M21

S3 S4 S5 S6

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

10 11 12 13 14 15

heavy-duty terminals (UHV)

universal terminals (UK)

Fig. 2.36 Versions M11, M21

In the case of versions M11 (REX011-1) and M21 (REX011-2), the two
windings S3 and S4 are connected in parallel across the heavy-duty
terminals (10, 15). The other two windings are not used and are wired
to the universal terminals. There are no KB-15 shorting links.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Variants M12, M22

S3 S4 S5 S6

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

10 11 12 13 14 15

heavy-duty terminals (UHV)

universal terminals (UK)

shorting links KB-15

Fig. 2.37 Versions M12, M22

In the case of versions M12 (REX011-1) and M22 (REX011-2), two

pairs of parallel windings are connected in series. All the universal
terminals are connected together using the shorting links KB-15.

Variants M13, M23

S3 S4 S5 S6

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

10 11 12 13 14 15

heavy-duty terminals (UHV)

universal terminals (UK)

shorting links KB-15

Fig. 2.38 Versions M13, M23

In the case of versions M13 (REX011-1) and M23 (REX011-2), all the
windings S3...S6 are connected in series. Terminals 12 and 13 are
bridged by a shorting link type KB-15.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The diagram below shows the shorting links used for versions M12
and M22:

Shorting links

Terminal screws

Shorting links

Universal terminals
11 to 14

Fig. 2.39 Shorting links used for versions M12 and M22

4 terminal screws, 3 shorting links and 1 dummy link are enclosed with
every transformer.
The shorting links are inserted into the recesses provided on the
universal terminal block.

Versions M12 and M22:

The dummy link is fitted first with the opening downwards into terminal
11 and then the 3 complete shorting links one after the other. Each
one must be secured using the screws provided.

Versions M13 and M23:

The dummy link is fitted first with the opening downwards into terminal
12 and then the second complete shorting link. Both must be secured
using the screws provided.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

2.8.3. Figures
Fig. 2.40 Injection signal Uis
Fig. 2.41 Wiring diagram for REX011 for primary injection of the
Fig. 2.42 Wiring diagram for REX011-1 for secondary injection of
the stator at the star-point
Fig. 2.43 Wiring diagram for REX011-2 for secondary injection of
the stator at the terminals
Fig. 2.44 Wiring diagram for REX011 for rotor ground fault
Fig. 2.45 Wiring diagram for REX011-1, -2 for rotor ground fault
Fig. 2.46 Wiring diagram for REX011 for testing without the
Fig. 2.47 Wiring diagram for REX011-1, -2 for testing without the
Fig. 2.48 Dimensioned drawing of the injection transformer block
Type REX011




Injection Test

0 320 640 [ms]

Fig. 2.40 Injection signal Uis

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd




N12 N11
REX010 REX011 REs Us
T. T.
X1 X1

Ui1 5 6 Voltage
Reset+ 7
Reset- 6 216GW62
316 GW61
Ui2 3

Ui3 4
4 11
UBat+ +
Up8+ 1 P8nax
UBat- -
Up8- 2

HEST 055 023 V

Fig. 2.41 Wiring diagram for REX011 for primary injection of the
stator (see also Fig. 2.48)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN



Voltage transformer

N'12 N'11
N1 N2 Us

REX010 REX011-1 X2
T. T. X1

Ui1 5 10
Reset+ 7 Uis
Reset- 6

Ui2 3


Ui3 4 9
UBat+ +
Up8+ 1 P8nax
UBat- -
Up8- 2

HEST 055 024 V

Fig. 2.42 Wiring diagram for REX011-1 for secondary injection

of the stator at the star-point
(see also Fig. 2.48)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

R S T Grounding

N1 N2 Voltage

N'12 N'11


REX010 REX011-2
T. T. X1 X2

Ui1 5 10

Reset+ 7 Uis
Reset- 6

Ui2 3


Ui3 4 9
UBat+ +
Up8+ 1 P8nax
UBat- - 1

Up8- 2

HEST 055 025 V

Fig. 2.43 Wiring diagram for REX011-2 for secondary injection

of the stator at the terminals
(see also Fig. 2.48)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


2 × 2 µF
2 × 2 µF
8 kV 2) 1) 8 kV

REX010 REX011 REr Ur

T. T.
X1 X1

Ui1 5 8

Reset+ 7
Reset- 6

Ui2 3


Ui3 4
UBat+ + 11
Up8+ 1
1 P8nax
UBat- -
Up8- 2

HEST 055 026 V

1) Injection on both poles

2) Injection on one pole for brushless excitation

Fig. 2.44 Wiring diagram for REX011 for rotor ground fault
protection (see also Fig. 2.48)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


2 × 2 µF 2 × 2 µF
8 kV 2) 1) 8 kV

REX010 REX011-1, -2 REr Ur

T. T.
X1 X1

Ui1 5 6

Reset+ 7
Reset- 6

Ui2 3

Ui3 4
UBat+ + 9
Up8+ 1
1 P8nax
UBat- -
Up8- 2

HEST 055 027 V

1) Injection on both poles

2) Injection on one pole for brushless excitation

Fig. 2.45 Wiring diagram for REX011-1, -2 for rotor ground fault
protection (see also Fig. 2.48)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


Ck = 4 µF
S2 CE = 1 µF
1 k Ω 2,5 W

REX010 REX011 22 Ω Us
T. T. X1 X1

Ui1 5 8

150 Ω
50 V
>10 W
6 316

Ui2 3


Ui3 4
4 11
UBat+ +
Up8+ 1 P8nax Ui
UBat- -
Up8- 2

HEST 055 028 V

S1: Bridging of the rotor coupling capacitor

Ck: Rotor coupling capacitor
CE: Rotor/stator ground capacitor
Rf: Variable ground fault resistor
S2: Ground fault resistor = 0 Ω

Fig. 2.46 Wiring diagram for REX011 for testing without the

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


Ck = 4 µF
S2 CE = 1 µF
1 kΩ 2,5 W

REX010 REX011-1, -2
22 Ω Us
T. T. X1 X1

Ui1 5 6
150 Ω
7 50 V
>10 W
6 316

Ui2 3

Ui3 4
4 9
Up8+ 1 P8nax Ui
UBat- -
Up8- 2

HEST 055 029 V

S1: Bridging of the rotor coupling capacitor

Ck: Rotor coupling capacitor
CE: Rotor/stator ground capacitor
Rf: Variable ground fault resistor
S2: Ground fault resistor = 0 Ω

Fig. 2.47 Wiring diagram for REX011-1, -2 for testing without the

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 2.48 Dimensioned drawing of the injection transformer block

Type REX011
(corresponds to HESG 324 388)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2.9. Testing without the generator

In order to test the operation of the injection unit Type REX010 plus
injection transformer block Type REX011 or REX011-1, -2 and the
stator and rotor ground fault protection functions without them being
connected to the protected unit, set up the test circuit shown in
(Fig. 2.46 or Fig. 2.47). The two grounding resistors RE and RP are
used for both stator and rotor protection schemes to simplify the
The injection voltage of 50 V is also common to both (see Fig. 2.40).
The ground fault resistance is simulated by the variable resistor Rf.

Stator ground fault protection:

To test the stator ground fault protection, switch S1 must be kept
closed all the time.
The grounding resistor RE comprises two resistors of 1 kΩ and
22 Ω.
This is a simple method of simulating the ratio of the VT.
Settings MTR and REs:
The theoretical value of MTR is determined as follows:
22 Ω +1000 Ω 110 V
MTR = × =102.2
22Ω 50 V
The value of MTR is increased by a factor 110 V/50 V, because of
the low injection voltage of 50 V.
REs = 1022 Ω
The settings can also be determined using the setting functions
'MTR-Adjust' and 'REs-Adjust' according to Section 3.5.24. which
is be preferred to the above calculation.

Rotor ground fault protection:

To test the rotor ground fault protection, the switch S1 must be kept
open all the time with the exception of when the coupling capacitor is
bridged for setting mode 'AdjRErInp'.
The theoretical settings are:
REr = 1022 Ω
Ck = 4 µF.
The settings can also be determined using the setting functions
'REs-Adjust' and 'CoupC-Adjust' according to Section 3.5.25. which
is to be preferred to the above calculation.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


3.1. General ..............................................................................................3-5

3.1.1. Library and settings............................................................................3-5
3.1.2. Protection function sequence.............................................................3-6 Repetition rate....................................................................................3-6 Computation requirement of protection functions ..............................3-7 Computing requirement of the control functions ..............................3-10

3.2. Protection function inputs and outputs.............................................3-10

3.2.1. CT/VT inputs ....................................................................................3-10 Input transformers............................................................................3-10 Analogue protection system inputs ..................................................3-11
3.2.2. Binary inputs (binary addresses) .....................................................3-12
3.2.3. Signaling outputs (signal addresses) ...............................................3-13
3.2.4. Tripping commands .........................................................................3-13
3.2.5. Measured values..............................................................................3-14

3.3. Frequency range..............................................................................3-14

3.4. System parameter settings ..............................................................3-15

3.4.1. Relay configuration ..........................................................................3-15
3.4.2. Configuration of the CT/VT channels...............................................3-16
3.4.3. Entering comments for binary inputs and outputs and analog
outputs ............................................................................................3-17
3.4.4. Masking binary inputs, entering latching parameters, definition of
'double indications' and selection of 'Block/Enable' and the
filter time ..........................................................................................3-18
3.4.5. Analogue outputs .............................................................................3-19
3.4.6. System parameters..........................................................................3-20

3.5. Protection functions .........................................................................3-23

3.5.1. Generator differential ...............................................(Diff-Gen)......3-23
3.5.2. Transformer differential protection function ......... (Diff-Transf)......3-29
3.5.3. Definite time over and undercurrent .................... (Current-DT)......3-53
3.5.4. Peak value over- and undercurrent .................... (Current-Inst)......3-59
3.5.5. Inverse time overcurrent ..................................... (Current-Inv)......3-65
3.5.6. Directional overcurrent definite time protection (DirCurrentDT)......3-71
3.5.7. Directional overcurrent inverse time protection (DirCurrentInv)......3-79
3.5.8. Voltage-controlled overcurrent .............................(Imax-Umin)......3-89
3.5.9. Definite time NPS .....................................................(NPS-DT)......3-97
3.5.10. Inverse time NPS .....................................................(NPS-Inv)....3-101
3.5.11. Definite time over and undervoltage protection .. (Voltage-DT)....3-105 Definite time stator earth fault (95 %) ............................................3-110 Rotor E/F protection.......................................................................3-120 Interturn protection.........................................................................3-122
3.5.12. Peak value overvoltage ...................................... (Voltage-Inst)....3-123
3.5.13. Balanced voltage ............................................... (Voltage-Bal)....3-127

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

3.5.14. Underimpedance ............................................... (Underimped)....3-133

3.5.15. Loss Of Excitation .......................................... (MinReactance)....3-141
3.5.16. Power ..........................................................................(Power)....3-153
3.5.17. Stator overload ................................................ (OLoad-Stator)....3-167
3.5.18. Rotor overload ................................................. (OLoad-Rotor)....3-173
3.5.19. Overtemperature protection ................................. (Overtemp.)....3-179
3.5.20. Frequency protection ........................................... (Frequency)....3-191
3.5.21. Rate-of-change of frequency protection ......................... (df/dt)....3-197
3.5.22. Definite Time Overfluxing .................................... (Overfluxing)....3-201
3.5.23. Inverse time overfluxing ............................................. (U/f-Inv)....3-205
3.5.24. 100 % Stator ground fault with injection .............. (Stator-EFP)....3-213 REs and MTR in the case of primary injection at the generator
star-point ........................................................................................3-221 REs and MTR in the case of secondary injection at the star-point 3-224 REs and MTR in the case of secondary injection at the generator
terminals ........................................................................................3-228 Installations with two star-points in the stator circuit ......................3-231
3.5.25. Rotor Ground Fault (Injection Principle) protection (Rotor-EFP) ..3-235
3.5.26. Pole slipping ............................................................(Pole-Slip)....3-245
3.5.27. Sensitive earth fault protection for ungrounded systems ...............3-257
3.5.28. Sensitive earth fault protection for grounded systems ...................3-263 Coordination with the distance protection ......................................3-268 Choice of operating mode..............................................................3-269 Choice of transfer tripping scheme ................................................3-269 Setting the enabling pick-up levels ................................................3-273 Setting the characteristic angle 'Angle' ..........................................3-274 Setting the basic time 't Basic' .......................................................3-274 Circuit-breaker delay......................................................................3-275 The comparison time 't comp' ........................................................3-275 Setting the waiting time 't Wait' ......................................................3-275 Setting the transient blocking time 't TransBlk' ..............................3-275 CT/VT inputs of the function ..........................................................3-276 Binary inputs of the function...........................................................3-276 Outputs ..........................................................................................3-277
3.5.29. Inverse Time Earth Fault Overcurrent function ....... (I0-Invers)....3-279
3.5.30. HV distance protection function ........................ (HV-Distance)....3-285
3.5.31. Distance protection ................................................. (Distance)....3-287 General ..........................................................................................3-308 Starters ..........................................................................................3-309 Overcurrent starters .......................................................................3-309 Underimpedance starters...............................................................3-309 Current enable ...............................................................................3-311 E/F detector ...................................................................................3-312 Phase preference logic ..................................................................3-312 Undervoltage starters.....................................................................3-313 Measuring units..............................................................................3-313 Determining the distance zones.....................................................3-313 Directional element ........................................................................3-319 Overreaching zone.........................................................................3-320 Reverse zone.................................................................................3-320 Time steps .....................................................................................3-321

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Definitive zone ...............................................................................3-321 Back-up overcurrent protection......................................................3-322 VT supervision ...............................................................................3-323 Tripping logic..................................................................................3-324 Power-swing blocking ....................................................................3-326 Allocation of CT and VT inputs ......................................................3-326 Allocation of binary inputs ..............................................................3-326 Allocation of tripping commands ....................................................3-328 Signals ...........................................................................................3-328
3.5.32. Auto-reclosure ................................................. (Autoreclosure)....3-329 General ..........................................................................................3-344 Connections between auto-reclosure and distance functions........3-344 Connections between auto-reclosure and overcurrent or
differential functions .......................................................................3-346 Redundant schemes ......................................................................3-348 Master/follower logic ......................................................................3-350 Duplex logic ...................................................................................3-352 Timers ............................................................................................3-354 External binary inputs ....................................................................3-357 Close CB and signaling outputs.....................................................3-359 Timing diagrams ............................................................................3-361 Checking the dead times ...............................................................3-371
3.5.33. Breaker failure protection .............................. (BreakerFailure)....3-373

3.6. Other functions...............................................................................3-387

3.6.1. Delay / integrator ..........................................................(Delay)....3-387
3.6.2. Counter .................................................................... (Counter)....3-391
3.6.3. Logic ............................................................................ (Logic)....3-393
3.6.4. Control function ......................................................... (FUPLA)....3-395 Control function settings - FUPLA..................................................3-397 General ..........................................................................................3-398 Timers ............................................................................................3-399 Binary inputs ..................................................................................3-399 Binary outputs ................................................................................3-399 Measurement inputs ......................................................................3-400 Measurement outputs ....................................................................3-400 Flow chart for measurement inputs and outputs............................3-400 Loading FUPLA..............................................................................3-400
3.6.5. Measurement function ................................................ (UIfPQ)....3-401
3.6.6. Three-phase current plausibility ..........................(Check-I3ph)....3-407
3.6.7. Three-phase voltage plausibility ....................... (Check-U3ph)....3-411
3.6.8. Disturbance recorder ................................. (Disturbance Rec)....3-415
3.6.9. Synchrocheck function .....................................(SynchroChck)....3-427 General ..........................................................................................3-435 Settings ..........................................................................................3-437 Binary inputs of the function...........................................................3-443
3.6.10. Flutter detector ........................................................ (Deflutter)....3-447
3.6.11. Measure module ................................ (Measurement Module)....3-451 Impulse counter inputs...................................................................3-456 Impulse counter operation .............................................................3-457 Impulse counter operating principle ...............................................3-457

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Interval processing.........................................................................3-458

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


3.1. General
3.1.1. Library and settings
RE.216 provides a comprehensive library of protection functions for
the complete protection of generators, power transformers and power
The setting procedure is carried out with a user-friendly PC program.
No programming is required.
The active protection functions in a RE.216 system is limited by the
available computing capacity of the 216VC62a processing units. The
max. possible number of active protection functions is 48.
In each case, the control program checks whether sufficient computing
capacity is available and if necessary displays an error message.
The settings determine which functions are active. This procedure
enables the many demands with respect to different protection
configurations scheme to be satisfied:
• Only functions which are actually needed should be activated.
Every active function entails a computing power as given in Table
• Many of the functions can be used for multiple purposes, e.g.:
• to achieve several stages of operation (with the same or
different settings and time delays)
• for use with different input channels
• Other functions can only be configured for one specific purpose in
each set of parameter settings:
• disturbance recorder
• IEC 60870-5-103
• Functions active in the same set of settings can be logically
interconnected, e.g. for interlocking purposes.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

3.1.2. Protection function sequence Repetition rate
The protection system software controls the operating sequence of the
protection functions completely independently. The functions are
divided into routines, which are processed in sequence by the
computer. The frequency at which the processing cycle takes place
(repetition rate) is determined according to the technical requirements
of the scheme.
For many functions, this will depend essentially on the tripping delay.
From this follows that the faster tripping should take place, the higher
will be the repetition rate. Typical relationships between tripping delay
and repetition rate can be seen from Table 3.1.

Repetition rate Explanation Delay time

4 ≥ 4 times every 20 ms 1) < 40 ms
2 ≥ 2 times every 20 ms 40 ... 199 ms
1 ≥ 1 times every 20 ms ≥ 200 ms
1) for 50 Hz or 60 Hz

Table 3.1 Typical protection function repetition rates

The repetition rates of some of the functions, e.g. differential function,

do not depend on their settings.
Also protection functions, which are basically only a logic, are
independent of settings.
The scanning of the binary inputs and the setting of the signaling and
tripping outputs takes place at the sampling rate of the CT/VT inputs.
Whilst the operating speed of the various protection functions is more
than adequate for their purpose, they do operate in sequence so that
the effective operating times of such outputs as
• starting signals
• tripping signals
are subject to some variation. This variation is determined by the
repetition rate controlling the operation of the function (see Table 3.1).
Typical values are given in Table 3.2

Repetition rate Variation

4 -2...+5 ms
2 -2...+10 ms
1 -2...+20 ms

Table 3.2 Variation in the operating time of output signals of

protection functions in relation to their repetition rates

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Computation requirement of protection functions

The amount of computation a protection function entails is determined
by the following factors:
• complexity of the algorithms used, which is characteristic for each
protection function.
• Repetition rate:
The faster the operating time of a protection function, the higher its
repetition rate according to Table 3.1. The computation requirement
increases approximately in proportion to the repetition rate.
• Already active protection functions:
The protection system is able to use certain intermediate results
(measured values) determined by a protection function several
times. In consequence, additional stages of the same protection
function with the same inputs generally only involve a little more
computation for the comparison with the pick-up setting, but not for
conditioning the input signal.
The computation requirement of the RE.216 protection functions can
be seen from Table 3.3. The values given are typical percentages in
relation to the computing capacity of a fictitious main processing unit.
According to Table 3.1, the computation requirement of some of the
functions increases for low settings of the time delay t and therefore a
factor of 2 or 4 has to be used in some instances. When entering the
settings for a function with several stages, the one with the shortest
time delay is assumed to be the first stage. The computation
requirement for the second and further stages is only reduced,
providing the same processor processes all the stages.
The computing capacity required can be viewed by selecting
'Diagnosis' from the 'List programs' menu. It is displayed for each
processor and for the four sets of settings in per thousand. Relevant
for the computing capacity is the highest value in the four sets of

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Function 1st 2nd and higher stages t factor (**)

1ph stage 3ph 1ph 3ph <40ms <200ms

Diff-Gen 40 dito

Diff-Transf 100 dito

Current-DT 2 3 1 4 2

with inrush blocking 5 5 4 2

DirCurrentDT 19 dito 4 2

DirCurrentInv 21 dito

Current-Inst 3 4 2 4 2

Imax/Umin 5 8 2 4 2

Current-Inv 4 7 3

NPS-DT - 6 1

Voltage-DT 2 3 1 4 2

Voltage-Inst 3 4 2 4 2

Voltage-Bal 4 9 dito 4 2

Underimped 6 17 4 11

MinReactance 6 17 4 11

Power 5 14 3 8 4 2

OLoad-Stator 4 7 3

OLoad-Rotor - 6 3

NPS-Inv - 8 3

Over temp 12 15 dito

Frequency 15 - 3 2

df/dt 49.2 - 4.8

Overexcitat 15 - dito 2

U/f-Inv 25,5 - dito

Stator-EFP 40 dito

Rotor-EFP 40 dito

Pole-Slip 20 dito

SynchroCheck 16 dito 2

Delay 8 dito

Counter 8 dito

Logic 4 dito

Defluttering 4 dito

FUPLA 1/ 2/ 4 (***) dito

IEC 60870-5-103 1 (*)

BreakerFailure 34 46 dito

UifPQ 5 dito

Check-I3ph - 5 dito 2

Check-U3ph - 5 dito 2

Distur. rec.

without bin I/P 20 (*)

with bin I/P 40 (*)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Function 1st 2nd and higher stages t factor (**)

1ph stage 3ph 1ph 3ph <40ms <200ms

Distance 50

Z<start 20

Meas Bward 5


Power swing 15

HV distance 70

Meas Bward 5


Power swing 15

EarthFaultIsol 5 dito 4 2

Autoreclosure 1 dito

EarthFltGnd2 10 dito 4 2

IO-Invers 4 3

Analog RIO Trig 2 dito 4 2


Voltage/CurrentInp 10 dito

Cnt 8 dito

(*) can only be set once (**) always 1 for delays ≥ 200 ms
(***) depends on repetition rate (low/medium/high)

Table 3.3 Computation requirement of protection functions

(in percent)

Table 3.4 shows the computation requirement according to Table 3.3
for a simple protection scheme with four active functions. Since
functions 1 and 2 use the same analogue inputs, the amount of
computing capacity required for function 2 is reduced to that of a
second stage.

Function Input Settings Percentage

No. Type channel Phases Pick-up Time incl. factor

1 current 1 (,2,3) three 10.0 IN 30 ms 3% x 4 = 12%

2 current 1 (,2,3) three 2.5 IN 100 ms 1% x 2 = 2%
3 current 4 single 3.5 IN 300 ms 2% x 1 = 2%
4 voltage 7 single 2.0 UN 50 ms 2% x 2 = 4%
Total 20 %

Table 3.4 Example for calculating the computation


ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Computing requirement of the control functions

It is not possible to state the computing requirement of the control
functions directly in percent of the total computing capacity. Apart from
the size of the code, the type of control logic also determines the
computing requirement.
The protection and control function load on the main processor must
be checked after loading the program by selecting ‘Monitor‘,
‘Measurement‘, ‘Display AD channels’.

The 'Loop time' is a measure of the computing requirement. When all

the functions are active, i.e. none are disabled, this number must not
exceed 20000. The value must be read when the device is in the
normal operating state and not during a trip.
The cycle is normally set at 20 ms (default, see Section
‘Control function FUPLA’).
This ensures the correct processing of the protection and control

3.2. Protection function inputs and outputs

3.2.1. CT/VT inputs Input transformers
The system can comprise three types of input transformers, which can
be utilized for different nominal values:
• protection CTs
• metering CTs (core-balance)
• VTs
Protection CTs have a wide dynamic range and are especially
designed for measuring fault currents.
Metering CTs (core-balance) have a low dynamic range, but a high
accuracy. They are intended for measurement under steady-state
Table 3.5 shows the measuring ranges for the corresponding RE.216
CT/ VT input for sinusoidal signals.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Input VTs CTs

Protection Metering
Measuring range
for f = fN 2.25 UN 60 IN 4 IN

with a DC component
time const. up to 150 ms
t < 30 ms 30 IN
t < 100 ms 23 IN
t < 200 ms 16 IN
t > 200 ms 14 IN

time const. up to 300 ms

t < 30 ms 30 IN
t < 100 ms 20 IN
t < 200 ms 12 IN
t > 200 ms 8 IN

Table 3.5 Measuring ranges of the analogue I/P's

When setting the protection functions, the measuring ranges must be

taken into account. The system checks for plausibility, if possible. Analogue protection system inputs
Before being processed by the protection functions, the currents and
voltages of the input transformers are digitized in the analogue input
unit 216EA61 or 216EA62.
An RE.216 system can have a maximum of two 216EA61 or 216EA62
units with a total of 48 I/P's. Every input can be used by any number of
protection functions.
The type of every channel must be defined:
• Voltages:
• single-phase
• three-phase delta-connected
• three-phase Y-connected
• Currents:
• single-phase metering
• single-phase protection
• three-phase metering
• three-phase protection

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

All protection function settings are based on the input values

(secondary ratings) of the RE.216. The fine adjustment to suit the
effective primary system quantities is accomplished by varying the
reference settings of the CT/VT inputs (see "Setting the CT/VT
Three-phase I/P's must be wired consecutively to adjacent I/P
channels. The first channel (R phase) must thus be connected to
either channel 1, 4 or 7 etc.
Since CT/VT I/P's are scanned simultaneously in groups of 6
channels, associated channels should be in the same group wherever
possible (e.g. channels 1 to 6, 7 to 12 etc.).
The following applies with respect to the allocation of CT/VT inputs to
protection functions:
• Generally, only the first I/P (R phase) of three-phase I/P's is stated.
• In the case of functions with several CT/VT inputs, all I/P's must be
processed by the same 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 unit.
• For certain functions, all the CT/VT inputs must belong to the same
scanning group (e.g. generator differential protection). For others
(e.g. power) the I/P's must belong to the same scanning group to
achieve maximum sensitivity.
3.2.2. Binary inputs (binary addresses)
In a RE.216 system, a binary signal can have the following values:
• logical '0' (fixed value) or FALSE
• logical '1' (fixed value) or TRUE
• binary input value (216DB61, 216EB61)
• Double indication, these are composed of two consecutive binary
• binary values from protection functions (trips) as defined by the
function number and the corresponding signaling output
• binary values from the station control level
• binary values from the distributed input units (500RIO11)
• binary values with interlocking data
All the above can also be set as binary inputs of control and protection
All the binary addresses set may be used either directly or inverted.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.2.3. Signaling outputs (signal addresses)

All the RE.216 signaling outputs (signal addresses) can be configured
for one of the following modes of operation:
1) Control a signaling relay and be recorded as an event.
• Full information in relation to important signals.
• Pick-up signals activate "General start" (signal and event)
• Tripping signals activate "General trip" (signal and event)
2) Be recorded as an event without output from a signaling relay.
• No signaling relay needed.
• Information nevertheless available on changes in the status of
the signal.
• Pick-up signals activate "General start" (only event)
• Tripping signals activate "General trip" (only event)
3) Neither control of a signaling relay nor record as an event.
• No signaling relay needed.
• No information available on changes of status, i.e. no memory
space occupied by unnecessary information.
• No influence on "General start" or "General trip"
The auxiliary signaling relays are energized via the binary O/P
216AB61/216AC61. RE.216 can have a maximum of six 216AB61 and
six 216AC61 units.
The following is valid for signaling relays:
• An active state of the relay is indicated on the front of the
respective 216AB61/216AC61 unit by a LED.
• Every signaling channel can be individually configured to latch.
• Exception: The defect signal using channels 1 and 2 of the first
• A signal from a protection function can excite a maximum of two
signaling channels of the first and second 216AB61 units located at
divisions 12 and 13 (only up to channel CHO31 in the case of the
second unit), otherwise only a one signaling channel.
• Activation of two signaling channels by a common signal:
If CHO31 and CHO32 have to be activated by a common signal,
then the channels have to be input in the sequence CHO32,
CHO31. All other channels may be entered at random.
3.2.4. Tripping commands
All protection functions can directly excite the tripping relays. A tripping
logic matrix is provided which enables allocation to any tripping
channel on the tripping output card 216DB61. Each tripping channel
can be activated by any number of protection functions.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

A RE.216 scheme is equipped with a maximum of six 216DB61 units

corresponding to 48 tripping circuits.
Tripping signals can be processed by other protection functions.

3.2.5. Measured values

Apart from being processed internally, the analogue values measured
by the RE.216 protection functions can also be viewed externally as:
• a value:
The input variables measured by the protection functions can be
accessed and displayed on the VDU of the control unit (personal
computer). Their values are generally referred to the secondary
voltages and currents at the input of the RE.216 scheme.
• a recorded event:
The instant a protection function trips, the value of the
corresponding measured variable is recorded as an event.
3.3. Frequency range
The RE.216 protection system can be set to operate at a power
system frequency fN of either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The algorithms
representing the protection functions have been optimized to produce
the best results at the rated frequency fN. Deviation from the rated
frequency cause an additional error.
The O/P of the frequency function can be used to block other
protection functions in the event of excessive frequency variation.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.4. System parameter settings

3.4.1. Relay configuration
(see Section 5.4.2.)
In the relay configuration only the cards fitted into the racks, the
nominal frequency and the device type has to be entered. The
corresponding parameters are to be found in the menu 'Configuration',
sub-menu 'Relay configuration'.
Summary of parameters:

Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Nominal Frequency 50 Hz (Select)
SW Vers SX... REC (Select)
SW Vers S.XXX 999 1 999 1
Slot Nr. 4 not used (Select)
Slot Nr. 5 not used (Select)
Slot Nr. 6 not used (Select)

Slot Nr. 21 not used (Select)

Significance of the parameters:

Nominal Frequency
Determination of the rated frequency:
• 50 Hz
• 60 Hz
Selection of the device type:
• REC216
• REG216
Is not used for RE.216 and should always be set to the default
value of 999.
Slot Nr. 4, 5 .... 21
Determines the type of the card in the slots 4, 5 ..... 21.
• Not used: The slot is empty
• 216VC62, 216EA61/62, 216AB61, 216AC61, 216DB61 or
216EB61: Choice of cards

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

3.4.2. Configuration of the CT/VT channels

(see Section
By clicking on the Edit' button of the 216EA61/62 slots in the 'Relay
configuration' window, the configuration of each A/D converter is

Channel Type
The channel type is provided by the built-in A/D converter. The details
have to be taken from the respective schematics.
In the following tables the configuration possibilities and their
significance are explained.

Channel type Description of the A/D converter channels

Not used To be selected, in case no A/D converter is used in this
IT 1ph Protection CT 1-phase
ITM 1ph Metering CT 1-phase
UT 1ph 1.00 VT 1-phase.
UT 1ph 0.15 VT 1-phase with UN = 15 V.
Used for the Stator- and Rotor-ESS
(for REX010/011) (Ui, Ustator).
UTS 3ph 1.00 VT 3 phase in Star connection. Measurement of the phase
– earth voltage.
IT 3ph Protection CT 3-phase
ITM 3ph Metering CT 3-phase
UTD 3ph 1.00 VT 3-phase in Delta connection. Measurement of the
phase-to-phase voltage.

Table 3.6 Configuration options and their significance for channel


Enter the nominal values for the CTs and VTs in the input transformer
unit (1 A, 2 A, 5 A, 100 V or 200 V). 3 phase converters take the value
of the R phase.
In order that the resolution of the impedance setting for a rated current
of 5 A is meaningful, the impedance setting range for 5 A is
automatically reduced by a factor of 10.

NOTE: The nominal value ratings must be set at the beginning

especially for the distance function and cannot be changed

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Prim/Sec ratio
This setting is utilized to correctly display the primary value in the
measurands display of the HMI, for the evaluation of the disturbance
records, and for the IEC60870-5-103-Protocol. Three-phase CT and
VT channels assume the same value as R phase.

Ref. value
The reference values of the CT / VT channels enable the device
ratings to by matched to those of the protected unit. They e a factor
that can be set in the range 0.5 to 2. Three-phase channels assume
the same value as R phase.
Example: Rated voltage = 110 V
110 V
Reference value of the voltage channel = = 1.100
100 V
Effects of changing the reference values:
With the exception of the impedance settings for the distance function,
the protection function settings (parameters expressed in relation to
'IN' and 'UN') are automatically adjusted to the new reference values.
In the case of the distance function, adjusting the nominal current will
change the impedance values. For this reason the reference values for
the current inputs should not be changed.

User comment can be entered for each analog channel, which is
displayed together with the channel type when the corresponding
CT/VT input parameter of a protection function is selected.

3.4.3. Entering comments for binary inputs and outputs and analog
(see Section 5.4.2.)
By clicking on the 'Edit' button for the resp. slot card in the window
'Relay Configuration RE.216' the user can enter comments for each of
the binary inputs, LED, signaling outputs and tripping outputs.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

3.4.4. Masking binary inputs, entering latching parameters, definition of

'double indications' and selection of 'Block/Enable' and the filter
(see Section 5.4.2.)
Binary channels can be 'masked' by clicking on the 'Edit' button for the
resp. slot card in the window 'Relay Configuration RE.216' so that they
do not appear in the event list.
Every LED, every signaling relay and tripping relay can be set to latch.
Two consecutive binary inputs can be combined to form a 'Double
Indication'. Up to 30 double signals can be defined. The SCS displays
a input as follows:
E1 1-0
E2 0-1
E3 0-0
E4 1-1
In the event list of the HMI, signals appear as 1-0, 0-1, 1-1 and 0-0
(instead of ON and OFF).
For each 216DB61 input card the 'Block Enable' can be set to active or
For each 216EB61 input card the 'Filter Time' can be set to
0 ms,
5 ms,
10 ms or
20 ms.
The filter time is used for the debouncing of the input signals. The
input signal must reach a steady state, before a signal change can be
detected. The time stamp is then corrected to correspond to the
debounce time. In the ideal case (no bounce), the time stamp
corresponds to the leading edge of binary signal. If the signal is
bouncing then the time does not correspond to the leading edge, but to
the moment when the bounce comes to an end.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.4.5. Analogue outputs

(see Section
The analogue output channels on the 216AC61 can be assigned to
and scaled for either protection functions or SCS measured variables.
The output current (0...20 mA) can be scaled as follows:
• SCS measured variables
analogue signals entering via channel 4 of the IBB from the SCS.
The range of values is ±320 and the O/P current scale is ±200 %.
• protection function O/P's
measured variables from protection function. The O/P current scale
is ± 400 %.
• Channel
defines to which analogue O/P channels of the 216AC61 unit a
measured variable is allocated. Where a system includes several
216AC61 units, the channels are designated according to unit and
channel number (e.g. 2001).
• Minimum
scale factor determining the minimum value of the current O/P
(0 mA).
• Maximum
scale factor determining the maximum value of the current O/P
(20 mA).
• Examples of scaling:
Display of the measurement by a current function with a rated current
In = 1 A.
• Scale:
Minimum = 0 %, Maximum = 200 %. The O/P of 0...20 mA
corresponds to 0...2 A.
Display the measured value of power function from -50%...+150% Pn.
• Scale:
Minimum = - 50 %, Maximum = 150 %
0 mA corresponds to Pn = -50 %
5 mA corresponds to Pn = 0 %
20 mA corresponds to Pn = +150 %.
When displaying an SCS measured variable, 100 % corresponds to a
value of 160. The range of values is limited to ±320, i.e. the practical
scale for SCS measured variables is ±200 %.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

3.4.6. System parameters

(see Section 5.4.4.)
The system parameters apply to all the protection and control
functions of the device. The parameters can be accessed from the
menu 'Configuration', 'System Parameters'.
Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Confirm Parameters Offl (Select)
Time Synchronisation By PC On (Select)
General Trip SignalAddr ER
General Start SignalAddr ER
General Trip Mem SignalAddr
General Start Mem SignalAddr
Test Active SignalAddr
MMI is ON SignalAddr ER
Reset 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Reset 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Signals BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Trips 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Trips 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Enable Trips 1 BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Enable Trips 2 BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Enable Test BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Remote Setting BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ParSet2 IN BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ParSet3 IN BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ParSet4 IN BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ParSet1 OUT SignalAddr ER
ParSet2 OUT SignalAddr ER
ParSet3 OUT SignalAddr ER
ParSet4 OUT SignalAddr ER
MVB PB Warning SignalAddr ER
MVB PB Crash SignalAddr ER
Process Bus BA1 Ready SignalAddr ER
Process Bus BA2 Ready SignalAddr ER
Process Bus BA3 Ready SignalAddr ER
Process Bus BA4 Ready SignalAddr ER
Process Bus LA Faulty SignalAddr ER
Process Bus LB Faulty SignalAddr ER

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Explanation of parameters:
Confirm Parameters
If this parameter is set to ON, then on saving the parameters to a
file or the device, a list of the difference between the last saved
values and the current values are created.
This parameter has been implemented only in Version 6.5c and
above. This is not functional for lower versions.
Time Synchronization By PC
switches ON/OFF the synchronization of the RE.216 clock by the
PC when the HMI is started.
General Trip
General tripping signal generated via an OR function of all tripping
signals assigned to the tripping logic.
General Start
Signal for 'General Start'.
This signal is the OR of all start signals configured as events.
General Trip Mem
Latched General tripping signal generated via the General Trip,
remains latched until it is reset by one of the two reset signals.
General Start Mem
Latched General tripping signal generated via the General Start,
remains latched until it is reset by one of the two reset signals.
Test active (see Section 5.5.3.)
Signal indicating that the device is in the test mode.
This signal remains set as long as the HMI menu 'Test Functions'
is open.
MMI is On
Signal indicating that the control PC is connected and serviceable.
Reset 1, Reset 2
Input for remote resetting the signaling latched LEDs and relays:
Block Signals
Input for blocking of all signals.
All outputs to the relays and output cards are blocked. But the
event is logged.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Block Trips 1, Block Trips 2

Input for blocking all trips.
No outputs are made to the trip relays, no indication are sent to the
trip output cards.. The functioning of the signaling relays and the
event logs remain active.
Both inputs are ORed.
Enable Trips 1, Enable Trips 2
Input for the release of the tripping relays.
Both inputs are ANDed.

NOTE: When the jumper X3 on the card 216DB61 is activated for the
function 'Release and Blocking of the tripping circuit', the inputs Block
Trips 1, Block Trips 2, Enable Trips 1, Enable Trips 2 of the System
Parameters are still active. (see Section 2.4.5.).

Enable Test
Input for the release of the HMI controlled test function
Remote Setting (see Section 5.9.1.)
Input for switching between sets of parameters via the interbay
Always FALSE: Switching between sets of parameters only by the
binary inputs ‘ParSet2…4’
Always ON: Switching between sets of parameters only by the
station control system
ParSet 2 IN...ParSet 4 IN (see Section 5.9.1.)
Inputs for switching between different sets of parameters.
ParSet 1 OUT...ParSet 4 OUT (see Section 5.9.1.)
Signal indicating the active set of parameters.
MVB PB Warning, MVB PB Crash, Process Bus BA1 Ready... Process
Bus BA4 Ready, Process Bus LA faulty, Process Bus LB faulty
These messages are only generated when using an MVB process
bus (see Operating Instructions for the remote I/O system RIO580,

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5. Protection functions

3.5.1. Generator differential (Diff-Gen)

A. Application
Differential protection of generators.

B. Features
• Non-linear current-dependent tripping characteristic
(see Fig. 3.1)
• High stability during through-faults and CT saturation
• Short operating times
• Three-phase measurement
• Optimized for the differential protection of generators, i.e.
• no inrush restraint
• no compensation of group of connection
• only two measuring inputs
• Suppression of DC off-set
• Suppression of harmonics

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current (2 sets of 3 inputs)

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Tripping
• R phase trip
• S phase trip
• T phase trip

IV. Measurements:
• R phase summation current
• S phase summation current
• T phase summation current

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Generator differential function settings - Diff-Gen

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
g Setting IN 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.05
v Setting 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25
Current Inp. Chan. AnalogAddr ---
Blocking Inp Chan BinaryAddr Always
Signaling Trip SignalAddr ER
Signaling Trip-R SignalAddr
Signaling Trip-S SignalAddr
Signaling Trip-T SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
g Setting
Basic setting (sensitivity) g of the operating characteristic.
v Setting
Pick-up ratio (slope) of the operating characteristic.
Current Inp. Chan.
defines the A/D input channels. The first channel (R phase) of the
two groups of three phases with the same reference values from
the same sampling group must be specified. I.e. the channels 1, 7,
13, 19, 25, 31, 37 or 43.
Blocking Inp Chan
Binary address used as blocking input.
Signaling Trip
Output for tripping signal

The differential protection function does not have a pick-up signal.
Every time it trips, the signal 'GenStart' is set together with 'Trip',
providing the tripping command is configured to be recorded as an
The tripping measurands will be stored in the event list only if the
trip command is configured in the event list.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Signaling Trip-R
signals that tripping was initiated by R phase.
Signaling Trip-S
signals that tripping was initiated by S phase.
Signaling Trip-T
signals that tripping was initiated by T phase.

Fig. 3.1 Operating characteristic of the generator differential

protection (Diff-Gen)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions
Basic setting g Setting
Pick-up ratio v Setting

The purpose of the generator differential protection is to detect phase

faults in the stator zone. The protection is sensitive, fast and absolutely

Basic setting g
The basic setting g defines the pick-up of the differential protection for
internal faults. It is the section of the operating characteristic with a low
restraint current IH.
The lowest possible value should be chosen for 'g' (high sensitivity) to
enable it to detect the worst case faults, e.g. when excitation is low.
The protection cannot detect interturn faults on the same winding,
because they do not produce a differential current.
Since, however, a small differential current flows during normal
operation, false tripping could result if 'g' is set too low. The spurious
differential current is usually due to imbalances of CT errors and CT
Allowing for an unwanted differential current, a typical setting is 0.1 IN.
Higher values have to be set for 'g' should, for example, the CTs on
opposite sides of the protected unit have different accuracy classes or
their burdens be too high.
The level of primary current at which the protection picks up depends
on the relay settings and the ratio of the CTs. Assuming that there is
no compensation of the A/D channels by reference value settings, it is
calculated as follows:
Relay setting g = 0.1 IN
(where IN is the relay rated current)
Generator rated current IGN = 4000 A
CT rated current IN1 = 5000 A
Calculated primary pick-up current
(referred to the generator rated current):
g I 5000
i= × N1 = 0.1 = 0.125
IN IGN 4000

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Pick-up ratio v
The pick-up ratio 'v' is decisive for the stability of the protection during
through-faults. This is the section of the operating characteristic with
restraint currents higher than 1.5 IN.
The value of 'v' defines the pick-up current ID for a restrain current IH in
the moderately sloped region of the operating characteristic. In the
case of generator differential protection, 'b' has a fixed setting of 1.5
(compare this with Fig. 3.3 and Fig. 3.4 for transformer differential
The 'v' setting should be low enough to make the protection sensitive
to faults when load current is flowing, but high enough to avoid false
tripping during through-faults. A typical setting is v = 0.25.
A higher setting (v = 0.5) is chosen in cases where the transient
behavior of the CTs during through-faults can cause large differential
currents. This is normally the result of under-sized CTs or widely
differing CT burdens.

Typical settings:
g Setting 0.1 IN
v Setting 0.25

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.2. Transformer differential protection function (Diff-Transf)

A. Application
Differential protection of two and three-winding power transformers
generator/transformer units.

B. Features
• Non-linear, current-dependent operating characteristic
(see Fig. 3.2)
• High stability during through-faults and in the presence of CT satu-
• Short tripping times
• Three-phase measurement
• Inrush current restraint
• using the second harmonic
• detection of the highest phase current
• detection of the load current to determine whether the
transformer is energized or not
• Compensation of phase group
• Compensation of CT ratio
• Scheme for three-winding transformers
• phase-by-phase comparison of the highest winding current with
the sum of the currents of the other two windings
• DC current component filter
• harmonic filter

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current (2 or 3 sets of 3 inputs)

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• tripping
• R phase trip
• S phase trip
• T phase trip

IV. Measurements:
• R phase summation current
• S phase summation current
• T phase summation current
• R phase restraining current
• S phase restraining current
• T phase restraining current

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Transformer differential protection settings - Diff-Transf

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
g - Setting IN 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1
v – Setting 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25
b – Setting IN 1.5 1.25 5 0.25
g - High IN 2 0.5 2.5 0.25
I - Inst IN 10 3 15 1
Inrush Ratio % 10 6 20 1
Inrush Time s 5 0 90 1
a1 1 0.05 2.2 0.01
s1 Y (Select)
Current Inp.Chan. 1 CT/VT-Addr ---
a2 1 0.05 2.2 0.01
s2 y0 (Select)
Current Inp.Chan. 2 CT/VT-Addr ---
a3 1 0.05 2.2 0.01
s3 y0 (Select)
Current Inp.Chan. 3 CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Inrush Input BinaryAddr Always
High Set Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Trip-R Signal SignalAddr
Trip-S Signal SignalAddr
Trip-T Signal SignalAddr
Inrush Signal SignalAddr
Stabilizing Signal SignalAddr

Explanation of Parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (matrix).
g - Setting
defines the basic setting g of the operating characteristic.
v - Setting
defines the pick-up ratio v of the operating characteristic.
b - Setting
defines the value b of the operating characteristic. This should be
set to approx. 1.5 times rated current.
g - High
High- Basic setting which replaces the normal basic setting when
activated by the 'HighSetInp' input.
It is used to prevent false tripping, for example, due to excessive
flux (overfluxing).
I - Inst
Differential current, above which tripping takes place regardless of
whether the inrush current is detected. The restraint current, the
pick-up ratio v and b remain active.
This enables the tripping time to be reduced for high internal fault
Inrush Ratio
Ratio of 2nd harmonic current content to fundamental current
above which an inrush condition is detected.
Inrush Time
Time during which the inrush detection function is active following
initial energization or an external fault.
Amplitude compensation factor for winding 1.
Connection of winding 1 (primary)
Settings provided:
• Y: star-connected
• D: delta-connected
Current Inp.Chan. 1
defines the CT input channel for winding 1.
The first channel (R phase) of the two groups of three phases must
be specified.
Amplitude compensation factor for winding 2.
Vector group for winding 2.
Settings provided: All usual groups of connection with
• designation of the circuit (y = star, d = delta, z = zigzag)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• phase-angle adjustment of the winding 2 voltage in relation to

the winding 1 voltage in multiples of 30°.
Current Inp.Chan. 2
Defines the CT input channel for winding 2. The first channel
(R phase) of the two groups of three phases must be specified.
Amplitude compensation factor for winding 3.
Vector group for winding 3.
Settings provided: All usual groups of connection with
• designation of the circuit (y = star, d = delta, z = zigzag)
• phase-angle adjustment of the winding 3 voltage in relation to
the winding 1 voltage in multiples of 30°.
Current Inp.Chan. 3
defines the CT input channel for winding 3.
The first channel (R phase) in a three phase must be specified.
If no input is selected, two-winding mode is executed.
Block Input
Input for blocking the function.
Inrush Input
Activates the inrush restraint, even though the transformer is
already energized.
This enables, for example, the inrush current resulting from
energizing a parallel transformer to be detected and compensated.
The input must be active for the complete period of the inrush
High Set Input
Activates high Basic setting 'g - High'.
Trip Signal
Output for the signaling tripping.
The differential function does not have a pick-up signal. With each
trip, the 'Trip Signal' along with the 'General Start' is set, if the trip
signal is configured for event logging.
The tripping measurement values are logged only when the trip
command is configured for the event logger (ER)
Trip-R Signal
Output for signaling tripping by R phase.
Trip-S Signal
Output for signaling tripping by S phase.
Trip-T Signal
Output for signaling tripping by T phase.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Inrush Signal
Signal output for inrush current.
This signal is set, when the tripping conditions are fulfilled, even
though the tripping is disabled due to the inrush restraint.
Stabilizing Signal
Output for signaling IH > b during through-faults.


Operation for
Operation IN
2 or

v Restraint
1 b 2 3 IH

Protected I2
I1 unit
I3 HEST 965 007 C

I∆ = I1 + I2 + I3 Operating (differential)

⎧⎪ I' ⋅I' ⋅ cos α for cos α ≥ 0⎫⎪

IH = ⎨ 1 2 ⎬ Restrain current
⎪⎩0 for cos α < 0 ⎪⎭

whereI'1 = greatest of I1,I2 ,I3

I' 2 = I1 + I2 + I3 − I'1
α = ∠(I'1;− I' 2 )

Fig. 3.2 Operating characteristic: Diff-Transf

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions
Basic setting g
Pick-up ratio v
Operating characteristic switching point b
Increased basic setting g - High
Pick-up differential current
(uninfluenced by inrush detection) I - Inst
Pick-up ratio of the inrush detector Inrush Ratio
Inrush detection time Inrush Time
Amplitude compensation factors a1 a2 a3
Connection of winding 1 s1
Vector groups of windings 2 and 3 s2 s3
The purpose of the transformer differential protection is to detect
phase faults in the protected zone. It may also detect earth faults and
interturn faults. The protection is sensitive, fast and absolutely

Basic setting g
The basic setting 'g' defines the pick-up setting of the differential
protection for internal faults.
The lowest possible value should be chosen for 'g' (high sensitivity) to
enable it to detect transformer earth faults and interturn faults in
addition to phase faults.
The setting of 'g' must not be too low, however, to avoid the danger of
false tripping due to:
• CT errors
• the maximum off-load transformer current at the maximum short-
time system voltage
• tap-changer range
The off-load current (magnetizing current) of a modern power
transformer is very low, usually between 0.3 and 0.5 % of rated current
at rated voltage. During short-time voltage peaks, e.g. following load
shedding, the off-load current can reach as much as 10 % or more.
The tap-changer voltage range is usually between ±5 % and ±10 %,
but ranges of ±20 % and more occur. Its influence has to be taken into
account regardless of whether the tap-changer is manually operated or
controlled by a voltage regulator.
All three of these influences cause a differential current, which flows
during normal system conditions. The setting for 'g' must be chosen
above the level of this differential current. A typical setting is g = 0.3 IN
(i.e. 30 % IN).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Pick-up ratio v
The pick-up ratio 'v' is decisive for the stability of the protection during
external phase and earth faults, i.e. in the presence of high through-
fault currents.
The value of 'v' defines the ratio of the operating current to restraint
current. The setting should be such that when operating under load
conditions, weak faults causing only a low differential current can still
be detected, but at the same time there is no risk of false tripping
during through-faults. A typical setting is v = 0.5.

Restraint current b
The restraint current b defines the point at which the characteristic is
The sloped section of the characteristic ensures that the relay remains
stable during through-faults with CT saturation.
The ability to switch between two different slopes enables the
characteristic to adapt to different conditions.
The recommended setting for 'b' is 1.5. This provides high stability
during high through-fault currents and sufficient sensitivity to detect
fault currents in the region of the operating current.

Factors a2 and a3
The full setting range for the factors a2 and a3 for compensating
current amplitude only applies, if the reference value for the CT input
channels is set to 1.000. At all other settings, the permissible upper limit
reduces in proportion to the ratio of the CT input channel reference values
(transformer winding 1/winding 2, respectively winding 3/winding 1).

Operating characteristic
The restrain current is either defined by the equation

IH = I1 × I2 × cosα for -90° < α < 90°

or is zero
IH = 0 for 90° < α < 270°
The angle
α = ∠ (I1, − I2 )

The following vector diagram of the current on primary and secondary

sides and of the differential current measured for a transformer on load
is assumed.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

I2 I1


I HEST 905 003a C

The following vector diagrams then result for a through-fault

I2 I1
α = 0°
I I2
HEST 905 003b C

and an internal fault

I2 α I1 I2
α = 180°
HEST 905003c C

According to the equation for the restrain current, IH becomes:

for through faults (α = 0) : IH = I1 x I2
and for internal faults
a) fed from on side (I2 = 0) : IH = 0
b) fed from both sides (α = 180°) : IH = 0
High through-fault currents can cause CT saturation and for this
reason, the gradient of the characteristic is switched to infinity for
IH/IN > b.
When measuring the operating characteristic, it should be noted that
the gradient of the characteristic is only switched to infinity, if apart
from IH, I1 and I2 are also higher than b.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd




g b

0 0,5 1 1,5 IN
HEST 905 003d C

Fig. 3.3 Operating characteristic of the transformer differential

protection for high through-fault currents

This characteristic, however, would scarcely be able to detect faults in

the protected zone at through currents as low as the load current.
Therefore if one of the windings is conducting a current which is less
than the setting of 'b', i.e.
I1 I
or 2 < b

the characteristic is switched back to the gradient according to 'v'.




g b

0 1 2 IN
HEST 905 003e C

Fig. 3.4 Operating characteristic of the transformer differential

protection for low through-fault currents

This characteristic provides higher sensitivity for the detection of faults

in the protection zone.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Internal fault and rated current flowing through the transformer:
I1 I
= 4 2 =1 α = 0

-I 2

I I2 HEST 905 003f C

I∆ = I1 + I2 = 4 IN − IN = 3 IN
IH = I1 × I2 × cos α = 4 IN × 1IN × 1 = 2 IN

Internal faults will thus be reliably detected when a through-current is

flowing even at the highest setting for 'v'.

Increased basic setting g-High

The increased basic setting g-High has been provided as a means of
preventing false tripping under particular operating conditions. It is
activated by an external signal.
Situations occur during normal system operation which cause a higher
differential current, e.g.
• increased magnetizing current as a consequence of a higher
system voltage (switching operations, following load shedding,
generator regulator faults etc.)
• large variation of current ratio (tap-changer at the end of its range)
Providing special conditions of this kind are detected by a voltage relay
or a saturation relay, the corresponding signal can be used to switch
the differential function from 'g' to 'g high'. The recommended setting is
'g high' = 0.75 IN.
The reset ratio following a trip remains unchanged at 0.8 g.

Differential current I-Inst

The differential current setting 'I – Inst' facilitates fast tripping of high
internal fault currents (inhibits the detection of an inrush current).
The setting must be higher than any normal inrush current to be
A typical value for power transformers of low to medium power is:

I - Inst. = 12 IN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Pick-up ratio for detecting inrush

The setting of this ratio determines the sensitivity of the function for
detecting inrush.
Generally the ratio of 2nd harmonic to fundamental is greater than
15 %. Allowing a margin to ensure that an inrush condition is detected,
a setting of 10 % is recommended.

Duration of active inrush detection

The setting for how long the inrush detection function should be active
depends on how long the danger of false tripping due to an inrush
current, which only flows through one winding, exists. A typical setting
is 5 s.
The inrush detection is active if:
• the binary input 'Inrush Input' is set,
• the Transformer is shut off
• during the period 'Inrush Time' after it is recognized that the
transformer has been switched on.
The transformer will be recognized as switched on, when the highest
phase current in all the windings exceeds 4 % IN (in case the 'a' factor
and the reference value is one).

Amplitude compensation factors a1, a2, a3

Factors a1, a2 and a3 facilitate compensating differences between the
rated currents of the protected unit and the CTs.
The 'a' factors are defined by the ratio of the CT rated current to the
reference current.
In the case of a two-winding transformer, both windings have the same
rated power and the rated current of the transformer is taken as the
reference current. Providing the factor 'a' is correctly set, all the
settings of g, v, b, g-High and I-Inst. are referred to the rated current of
the transformer and not to the rated primary current of the CT

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

250/5 A

110 kV 131 A
25 MVA
20 kV 722 A

1000/5 A
HEST 905 004a C

ICT1 250
IB1 = ITN1 = 131 A a1 = = = 1.91
ITN1 131

ICT 2 1000
IB2 = ITN2 = 722 A a1 = = = 1.38
ITN2 722

The reference current is only chosen to be different from the

transformer rated current, if this should be necessary because of the
setting range of factors a1 and a2.
Differences between the rated currents of the CTs and a two-winding
transformer may also be compensated by adjusting the reference
values of the A/D channels. In this case and assuming the power
ratings of the two windings to be the same, the factors are set to
a1 = a2 = 1. The reference values in the case of the above example
ITN1 131 ITN2 722
= = 0.524 = = 0.722
ICT1 250 ICT 2 1000

A further difference lies in the fact that the 'a' factors only effect the
differential protection, whilst changing the reference values of the A/D
channels effects the currents for the entire protection system (all
functions and measured variables).
The windings of a three-winding transformer normally have different
power ratings and a reference power has to be chosen, which is used
for all three windings. All the settings of the protection are then
referred to the reference currents calculated from the reference power.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

250/5 A
25 MVA 110 kV 131 A

1 500/5 A

5 MVA 6,3 kV 458 A

600/5 A
20 MVA 20 kV 577 A HEST 905 004b C

Assuming the reference power SB to be 25 MVA, the reference

currents IB and the 'a' factors become:
SB 25 ICT1 250
IB1 = = 131 A a1 = = = 1.91
3 × U TN1 3 × 110 IB1 131

SB 25 ICT 2 600
IB 2 = = 722 A a2 = = = 0.83
3 × U TN2 3 × 20 IB 2 722

SB 25 ICT 3 500
IB3 = = 2291 A a3 = = = 0.22
3 × UTN3 3 × 6.3 IB3 2291

The same results are obtained by applying the formulas with the
reference power SB:
UTN1 × ICT1 × 3 110 × 250 × 3
a1 = = = 1.905
SB 25000

UTN2 × ICT 2 × 3 20 × 600 × 3

a2 = = = 0.83
SB 25000

UTN3 × ICT 3 × 3 6.3 × 500 × 3

a3 = = = 0.218
SB 25000
A further possibility of compensating different rated powers in the case
of three-winding transformers is to use
• the reference values of the A/D channels to match the protection to
the different rated currents of CTs and transformer
• factors a1, a2 and a3 to compensate the different powers of the

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The 'a' factors compensate the signals at the inputs of the differential
If the reference values of the A/D channels are changed, the changes
apply to the entire protection system (i.e. all functions and measured
This can be seen from the following example.
Reference values:
ITN1 131
Winding 1: Reference value = = = 0.524
ICT1 250

ITN2 577
Winding 2: Reference value = = = 0.962
ICT 2 600
ITN3 458
Winding 3: Reference value = = = 0.916
ICT 3 500
Factors a1, a2 and a3:
ITN1 131
a1 = = =1
IB1 131

ITN2 577
a2 = = = 0.799
IB2 722
ITN3 458
a3 = = = 0.200
IB3 2291

CTs in the unit transformer feeder

When designing the overall differential protection for a generator/trans-
former unit, there are the following alternative methods of taking ac-
count of the CTs or lack of CTs in the unit transformer feeder (Fig. 3.5).
Alternative No.1: No CTs in the unit transformer feeder.
This alternative is mainly needed for hydroelectric power plants, which
have a relatively low auxiliaries requirement. The disadvantage is that
the zone of protection is unlimited in the direction of the unit
transformer feeder with the possible hazard of false tripping for a fault
on the unit auxiliaries supply system. This hazard can be avoided by
correspondingly setting 'g'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

i F2

Unit S aux. sys.


i F


i F

HEST 905 009 C

A fault on the unit auxiliaries supply system causes a current iF (in p.u.)
to flow to the generator star-point.
iF = iF2

S aux.sys.
iF2 = 10; = 0.03

iF = 10 × 0.03 = 0.3
It follows from this that 'g' must be set higher than 0.3 to avoid the
possibility of a false trip.
Alternative No. 2: CTs installed in the unit transformer feeder on the
generator side of the unit transformer (Fig. 3.5). These CTs usually
have the same ratio as the generator CTs although the rating of the
unit transformer is much less. The reason is the high fault level on the
generator side of the unit transformer and the consequentially high
thermal and dynamic stress on the CTs.
The reference value of the CT channel of the protection is determined
by the rated current of the generator and not of the unit transformer.
Alternative No. 3: CTs installed in the unit transformer feeder on the
auxiliaries side of the unit transformer (Fig. 3.5). In this case, the CTs
are specified according to the rated current of the unit transformer.
• clearly defined zone of protection
• reduced performance required of the CTs, which are therefore

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• Interposing CTs may be necessary
• reduced sensitivity of the protection for faults in the protected zone,
but on the auxiliaries side of the unit transformer

800/5 A

3000/5 A

300 MVA
GT 220/18 kV
30 MVA
0.8/10 kA 10/1 A
UT 18/6 kV
1/3 kA

10000/5 A


300 MVA
G 18 kV
10 kA

10000/5 A

HEST 905 054 C

Fig. 3.5 The overall differential protection of a

generator/transformer unit

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Group of connection of a three-phase transformer s1, s2, s3

Factor s1 defines the connection of the three phase windings 1.
Factors s2 and s3 define the group of connection of windings 2 and
windings 3 respectively, i.e. they define firstly how the windings are
connected and secondly their phase-angle referred to windings 1.
The following arrangement is an example for two generators with a
common step-up transformer:

d11 d11
2 3

HEST 905 004c C

The factors are correspondingly:

s1 = Y
s2 = d11
s3 = d11
Factors s2 and s3 are defined according to their phase shift in relation
to the HV side, i.e. to windings 1.

This setting for the vector group (s2 = d11, s3 = d11) assumes that in
relation to the protected unit, the star-point is symmetrically formed
and grounded on the secondary side of the main CTs.
Should this not be possible for some reason (e.g. plant requirements),
the group of connection has to be compensated.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Compensation for group of connection

Phase-to-phase currents are measured in order to compare primary
and secondary currents without regard to the circuit of the transformer.
The combination of these currents internally in the protection takes
account, however, of their phase relationships. The relationships
between the current vectors for different groups of connection can be
seen from the following illustrations.
For example, for a Yd5 connected transformer

I 2R • Star-connected primary
I 1T
I 2S • Delta-connected secondary
T I 2T
T • Phase-angle between the currents of
1R the same phase on both sides
5 x 30° = 150°
⎧⎪I1r (compensated) = 1 / 3 ( −I1R + I1S )

HEST 905 005 C
⎪⎩I2r (compensated) = I2R

Yy0 Yy6
1 2 I1R I2R 1 2 I

I 2R

Yd1 Yd5
1 2 I 1 2 I
1R I 1R

I 2R

Yd7 Yd11
1 2 I 1R 1 2 I
I 2R 1R

I 2R HEST 905 006 C

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Yz1 Yz5
1 2 I1R I 2R 1 2 I1R

I 2R

Yz7 Yz11
1 2 I 1R 1 2

I 2R

Dy1 Dy5
I1R I 2R 1 2
1 2

Dy7 Dy11
1 2 I 1 2

I 2R

Dd0 Dd6
1 2 I 1R I 2R 1 2 I1R


HEST 905 007 C

Dz0 Dz2
1 2 I 1R I 2R 1 2 I1R


Dz4 Dz6
1 2 I 1 2 I1R
R 1R

Dz8 Dz10
1 2 I1R 1 2 I
T I 2R

HEST 905 008 C

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

List of all the compensation matrices for R phase

(S and T phases cyclically rotated):

Compensation matrices Amplitude factor

(R phase)
A = ( 1 0 0) 1
B = (-1 0 0) 1
C = ( 1 -1 0) 1/ 3
D = (-1 1 0) 1/ 3
E = ( 1 0 -1) 1/ 3
F = (-1 0 1) 1/ 3
G = ( 2 -1 -1) 1/3
H = (-2 1 1) 1/3
J = (-1 2 -1) 1/3
K = ( 1 -2 1) 1/3
L = (-1 -1 2) 1/3
M = ( 1 1 -2) 1/3
N = ( 0 1 0) 1
O = ( 0 -1 0) 1

Table 3.7 Compensation matrices and associated amplitude


a) Star connection on winding 1

Two-winding transformer:
Group Comp. matrix Comp. matrix
Winding 1 Winding 2
Yy0 E E
Yy6 E F
Yd1 E A
Yd5 C B
Yd7 E B
Yd11 C A
Yz1 E G
Yz5 C H
Yz7 E H
Yz11 C G

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Three-winding transformer:
Compensation matrix winding 1


Compensation matrix winding 2 Compensation matrix winding 3

s3 y0 y6 d1 d5 d7 d11 z1 z5 z7 z11



Table 3.8 Summary of the compensation matrices for a

three-winding transformer with a star connection
on winding 1

b) Delta connection on winding 1

Applies for two and three-winding transformers:
Group Comp. matrix Comp. matrix
Winding 1 Winding 2 (and 3)
Dy1 A C
Dy5 A F
Dy7 A D
Dy11 A E
Dd0 A A
Dd6 A B
Dz0 A G
Dz2 A K
Dz4 A L
Dz6 A H
Dz8 A J
Dz10 A M

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The compensation for the currents of a three-winding transformer
Yd5y0 is as follows:
s1 = Y
s2 = d5 CBC results from Table 3.8, i.e. the
s3 = y0

compensation matrix
for winding 1 = C = (1 -1 0) (see Table 3.7)
with an amplitude factor of 1 / 3

compensation matrix = B = (-1 0 0) (see Table 3.7)

for winding 2 with an amplitude factor of 1

compensation matrix = C = (1 -1 0) (see Table 3.7)

for winding 3 with an amplitude factor of 1/ 3

The function currents then become:

Function currents (calculated)

Currents measured at
the CTs

⎛ Ir 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 − 1 0 ⎞⎛ IR1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
Winding 1: ⎜ Is1 ⎟ = ⎜0 1 − 1⎟⎜ IS1 ⎟
⎜I ⎟ 3 ⎜−1 0
⎝ t1 ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎟⎠⎜⎝ IT1 ⎟⎠

⎛ Ir 2 ⎞ ⎛ − 1 0 0 ⎞⎛ IR2 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
Winding 2: ⎜ Is2 ⎟ = 1 ⎜ 0 − 1 0 ⎟⎜ IS2 ⎟
⎜I ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 − 1⎟⎜ I ⎟
⎝ t2 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ T 2 ⎠

⎛ Ir 3 ⎞ ⎛ 1 − 1 0 ⎞⎛ IR3 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
Winding 3: ⎜ Is3 ⎟ = ⎜0 1 − 1⎟⎜ IS3 ⎟
⎜I ⎟ 3 ⎜−1 0
⎝ t3 ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎟⎠⎜⎝ IT3 ⎟⎠

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Typical values:
g 0.3 IN
v 0.5
b 1.5
g - High 0.75 IN
I - Inst 12 IN
Inrush Ratio 10 %
Inrush Time 5s
a1, a2, a3 have to be calculated
s1, s2, s3 depend on plant

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.3. Definite time over and undercurrent (Current-DT)

A. Application
General-purpose current function (over and under) for
• phase fault protection
• back-up protection
• ground fault protection
or for monitoring a current minimum.

B. Features
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Single or three-phase measurement
• Maximum respectively minimum value detection in the three-phase
• Detection of inrush currents

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Definite time current function settings - Current-DT

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 1 0.02 60 0.01
I Setting IN 2 0.02 20 0.01
Max / Min Max(1Ph) (Select)
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Current Inp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping O/P of the
function (matrix tripping logic).
Time between the function picking up and tripping.
I Setting
Pick-up current setting.
Forbidden settings:
• > 2.5 IN (when measured with metering CTs)
• < 0.2 IN (when measured with protection CTs)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Max / Min
defines operation as overcurrent or undercurrent or with inrush
blocking. Settings:
• Min(1Ph): Undercurrent.
Three-phase functions detect the lowest
phase current.
• Max(1Ph): Overcurrent.
Three-phase functions detect the highest
phase current.
• Max-Inrush: Blocks during inrush currents if one phase
exceeds setting.
Number Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.
Current Inp. Chan.
defines the CT input channel. All current I/Ps may be selected. In
the case of three-phase measurement, the first channel (R phase)
of the group of three selected must be specified.
Block Input
I/P for blocking the function.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Setting I Setting
Delay Delay
Over or undercurrent Max / Min
Number of phases Number Of Phases
The definite time current function protects transformers, primary
equipment of a captive network, and generators, which can cause an
overcurrent, such as an overload, short circuit and ground fault. The
filters at the measurement input damp the DC component of the
harmonics, thereby the protection reacts only on the fundamental
The protection can be used for sensitive current measurements e.g.
when the earth fault current is small.
Together with an external high impedance protection circuit, this
function can be used as a 'restricted earthfault protection (REF)'.

Setting I-Setting
The current setting 'I-Setting' must be sufficiently high on the one hand
to avoid any risk of false tripping or false signals under normal load
conditions, but should be low enough on the other to detect the lowest
fault current that can occur. The margin that has to be allowed
between the maximum short-time load current and the setting must
take account of:
• the tolerance on the current setting
• the reset ratio
The maximum short-time load current has to be determined according
to the power system conditions and must take switching operations
and load surges into account.




HEST 905 010 C

Fig. 3.6 Operating characteristic of the definite time overcurrent


RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Compensating any difference between the rated currents of CT IN1

and protected unit IGN is recommended. This is achieved with the aid
of the reference value of the A/D channel or by correcting the over-
current setting.
For example, for IGN = 800 A and IN1 = 1000 A, the setting for a pick-
up current of 1.5 IGN = 1200 A would have to be
I 800 A
1.5 GN = 1.5 = 1. 2
IN1 1000 A

Current Inp. Chan.

An interposing CT in the input is essential for current settings lower
than < 0.2 IN.

The delay is used to achieve discrimination of the overcurrent function.
It is set according to the grading table for all the overcurrent units on
the power system. The zone of protection of our overcurrent function
extends to the location of the next downstream overcurrent relay.
Should the downstream relay fail to clear a fault, the overcurrent
function trips slightly later as a back-up protection.

Setting Max / Min

This parameter enables the following operating modes to be selected:
• Min(1Ph): Pick-up when the lowest phase current falls
below the setting.
• Max(1Ph): Pick-up when the highest phase current exceeds
the setting.
• MaxInRush: Blocking of inrush currents when a phase current
exceeds the setting.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Operation of the inrush blocking feature (parameter Max / Min set

to 'MaxInRush')
The inrush detector picks up and blocks operation of the function when
the amplitude of the fundamental component of the current exceeds
the setting of the current function.
The inrush detector is based on the evaluation of the second harmonic
component of the current I2h in relation to the fundamental frequency
component I1h (evaluation of the amplitudes).
The output of the function is disabled when the ratio I2h/I1h exceeds
10 % and enabled again when it falls below 8 %.
There is no setting for the peak value of I2h/I1h.
The function can operate with inrush blocking in both the single and
three-phase mode (parameter 'Number Of Phases').
In the three-phase mode, the phase used for evaluation is the one with
the highest amplitude at rated frequency (pick-up and inrush detec-

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.4. Peak value over- and undercurrent (Current-Inst)

A. Application
• General current monitoring with instantaneous response (over and
• Current monitoring where insensitivity to frequency is required
(over and undercurrent)

B. Features
• Processes instantaneous values and is therefore fast and largely
independent of frequency
• Stores the peak value following pick-up
• No suppression of DC component
• No suppression of harmonics
• Single or three-phase measurement
• Maximum value detection in the three-phase mode
• Adjustable lower frequency limit fmin

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude (only available if function trips)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Peak value current function settings - Current-Inst

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 0.01 0 60 0.01
I Setting IN 4 0.1 20 0.1
Min. Frequency Hz 40 2 50 1
Number of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Current Inp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Max / Min Max (Select)
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (matrix).
Time between the function picking up and tripping.
I Setting
Pick-up current setting.
Setting restrictions:
• > 2.5 IN (when measured with metering CTs)
• < 0.2 IN (when measured with protection CTs)
Min. Frequency
defines the minimum frequency required for measurement.
Setting restriction:
• < 40 Hz when supplied from metering cores
Number Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.
Current Inp. Chan.
defines the CT input channel.
All current inputs may be selected.
In the case of three-phase measurement, the first channel
(R phase) of the group of three selected must be specified.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Max / Min
defines operation as overcurrent or undercurrent. Settings:
• Max: overcurrent
• Min: undercurrent
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Current pick-up I Setting
Delay Delay
Minimum frequency Min. Frequency
Over or undercurrent Max / Min
The instantaneous overcurrent function is a high-speed protection,
which operates in a wide frequency range. It is intended primarily for
two applications.
A protection measuring peak value is necessary for protecting units,
for which the influence of DC component and harmonics may not be
neglected. This is especially the case where rectifiers with semi-
conductors are involved.
The measuring principle of the function is relatively insensitive to fre-
quency and operates in a range extending from 4 to 120 % of rated
frequency. It is therefore able to protect units with synchronous starting
equipment during the starting sequence before reaching system
frequency (e.g. gas turbine sets with solid-state starters).
The function detects when the instantaneous value of the input current
exceeds the peak value corresponding to the setting. For example, for
a setting of 10 IN, it will pick up when the input current exceeds
10 2 IN = 14.14 IN (see Fig. 3.7).
A fault current of 6 × 1.8 2 IN = 15.27 IN could reach this level as a
consequence of a DC component.
The minimum frequency must be entered for every application, be-
cause it determines the reset time. A low minimum frequency means a
long reset delay and since a good protection is expected to have a
quick response, the reset time should be as short as possible, i.e. the
minimum frequency setting should not be lower than absolutely neces-

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

i 15
IN 14.14

Setting current
10 I N

0 t

Output signal

0 t

HEST 905 028 C

Fig. 3.7 Operation of the peak value overcurrent function

Typical settings:
a) Peak value phase fault protection
I Setting according to application
Delay 0.01 s
Min. Frequency 40 Hz

b) Phase fault protection of a machine with synchronous starter

during start-up
I Setting 1.5 IN
Delay 5s
Min. Frequency 2 Hz

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.5. Inverse time overcurrent (Current-Inv)

A. Application
Overcurrent function with time delay inversely proportional to the
current and definite minimum tripping time (IDMT).

B. Features
• Operating characteristics (see Fig. 3.8) according to British
Standard 142:
c = 0.02 : normal inverse
c=1 : very inverse and long time earth fault
c=2 : extremely inverse
• RXIDG : logarithmic time characteristic
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Single or three-phase measurement
• Detection of the highest phase value in the three-phase mode
• Wider setting range than specified in BS 142

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Inverse time overcurrent settings - Current-Inv

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
c -Setting Very Inv. (Select)
k1 -Setting s 13.5 0.01 200 0.01
I Start IB 1.1 1 4 0.01
Min. Tripping Time s --- 0 10 0.1
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Current Inp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr 0
IB - Setting IN 1 0.04 2.50 0.01
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping O/P of the
function (matrix tripping logic).
c -Setting
Setting for the exponential factor according to BS 142 resp. for
selecting the RXIDG characteristic.
k1 -Setting
Constant (multiplication factor) of the tripping characteristic.
I Start
Pick-up current at which the characteristic becomes effective.
Min. Tripping Time
Definite minimum tripping time.
Number Of Phases
Defines the number of phases measured.
Current Inp. Chan.
Defines the CT input channel. All current I/Ps may be selected. For
three-phase measurement, the first channel (R phase) of the group
of three selected must be specified.
IB - Setting
Base current for taking account of differences of rated current IN.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Block Input
defines the input for an external blocking signal.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Base current IB - Setting
Characteristic enabling current I Start
Type of characteristic c -Setting
Multiplier k1 -Setting
The IDMT overcurrent function is used to protect transformers, feeders
and loads of the auxiliaries supply system against phase and earth
faults. The function responds largely only to the fundamental compo-
nent of the fault current.

Base current 'IB-Setting'

An IDMT relay does not have a fixed current setting above which it
operates and below which it does not, as does a definite time-over-
current relay. Instead, its operating characteristic is chosen such that it
is always above the load current. To this end, the relay has a reference
current IB that is set the same as the load current of the protected unit
IB1. The reference current IB determines the relative position of the
relay characteristic, which is enabled when the current exceeds the
reference current by a given amount ('I-Start'). By setting the reference
current IB to equal the load current of the protected unit IB1 instead of
its rated current, for
IB1 < IN of the protected unit : the protection is more sensitive
IB1 > IN of the protected unit : the protection permits maxi-
mum utilization of the thermal
capability of the protected unit

Load current of protected unit IB1 = 800 A
CT rated current IN1 = 1000 A
IN2 = 5A
Relay rated current IN = 5A
Relay reference current 'IB-Setting':
I 5A
IB = IB1 N2 = 800 A =4A
IN1 1000 A

IB 4 A
= = 0 .8
IN 5 A

An alternative is to adjust the position of the IDMT characteristic to

match the rated load of the protected unit and set the reference current
to its rated current instead of its load current.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Enabling the characteristic 'I-Start'

The IDMT characteristic is enabled when the current exceeds the
setting 'I-Start'. A typical setting for 'I-Start' is 1.1 IB.

Choice of characteristic 'c-Setting'

The constant 'c-Setting' determines the shape of the IDMT charac-
The settings for the standard characteristics according to BS 142 are:
'normal inverse' : c = 0.02
'very inverse' and 'long time earth fault' : c = 1.00
'extremely inverse' : c = 2.00

Fig. 3.8 Operating characteristic of the IDMT overcurrent


'c-Setting' can also be set to 'RXIDG', in which case the function’s

inverse characteristic corresponds to that of the relay Type RXIDG:
t [s] = 5.8 – 1.35 In (I / IB)
The parameter 'k1-Setting' has no influence in this case.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Multiplier 'k1-Setting'
The multiplier 'k1-Setting' enables the IDMT characteristic chosen by
the setting of parameter c to be shifted without changing its shape.
For example, in the case of the 'very inverse' characteristic, the
constant c = 1 and the factor k1 ≤ 13.5. The operating time t is given
by the equation

Assuming a grading time of 0.5 s at 6 times the base current IB is

required, the factor k1 for each of the relays is given by
k1 = 5 t
This produces for operating times between 0.5 and 2.5 s the following
settings for k1:

t [s] k1 [s]
0.5 2.5
1 5
1.5 7.5
2 10
2.5 12.5

The characteristics according to BS 142 are set as follows:

'normal inverse' : k1 = 0.14 s
'very inverse' : k1 = 13.5 s
'extremely inverse' : k1 = 80 s
'long time earth fault' : k1 = 120 s
The multiplication factor k1 does not have any influence on the RXIDG

Typical settings:
IB-Setting to be calculated
I-Start 1.1 IB
c-Setting plant-specific
k1-Setting to be calculated
t-min 0.00

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.6. Directional overcurrent definite time protection


A. Application
Directional overcurrent function for
• detecting phase faults on ring lines
• detecting phase faults on double-circuit lines with an infeed at one end
• backup protection for a distance protection scheme

B. Features
• Directionally sensitive three-phase phase fault protection
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Voltage memory feature for close faults

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking
• PLC receive

III. Binary outputs:

• Start
• Start R
• Start S
• Start T
• Forwards measurement
• Backwards measurement
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude
of the three phase currents (IR, IS, IT)
• Active power
A positive measurement indicates the forwards direction
(IR * UST, IS * UTR, IT * URS)
• Voltage amplitude
Amplitudes of the phase-to-phase voltages

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Directional overcurrent settings - DirCurrentDT

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
CurrentInp CT/VT-Addr ---
VoltageInp CT/VT-Addr ---
I-Setting IN 2 0.2 20.0 0.01
Angle Deg 45 -180 +180 15
Delay s 1 0.02 60 0.01
tWait s 0.2 0.02 20 0.01
MemDirMode Block (Select)
MemDuration s 2 0.20 60 0.01
Receive BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER
Start R SignalAddr ER
Start S SignalAddr ER
Start T SignalAddr ER
MeasFwd SignalAddr ER
MeasBwd SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
output (matrix tripping logic).
defines the CT input channel. Only three-phase CTs can be set
and the first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected must
be specified.
defines the VT input channel. Only three-phase VTs can be set
and the first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected must
be specified.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Pick-up setting for tripping.
Setting restrictions:
• > 2.5 IN when supplied from metering cores
• < 0.2 IN when supplied from protection cores
Characteristic angle.
Delay between pick-up and tripping.
Time allowed for the directional decision to be received from the
opposite end in a blocking scheme.
determines the response of the protection after the time set for
memorizing power direction:
• trip
• block
Time during which the power direction last determined remains
Input for the signal from the opposite end of the line:
When not used set it to 'Always TRUE'
Ext Block
Input for blocking the function
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.
Start R
R phase pick-up signal.
Start S
S phase pick-up signal.
Start T
T phase pick-up signal.
signals measurement in the forwards direction.
signals measurement in the backwards direction.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Pick-up current I-Setting
Characteristic angle Angle
Delay Delay
Time allowed for receipt of signal tWait
Response at the end of the
memorized power direction time MemDirMode
Time during which the memorized
direction is valid MemDuration

Pick-up value I-Setting

'I-Setting' must be chosen high enough to prevent false tripping or
alarms from taking place and low enough to reliably detect the mini-
mum fault current. The setting must be sufficiently above the maximum
transient load current and allow for:
• CT and relay inaccuracies
• the reset ratio
The maximum transient load current has to be determined according
to the power system operating conditions and take account of switch-
ing operations and load surges.




HEST 905 010 C

Fig. 3.9 Operating characteristic of the definite time overcurrent


RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Where the rated CT current IN1 differs from the rated current IGN of the
protected unit, compensating the measurement to achieve a match is
recommended. This is done by correcting either the reference value of
the A/D input or the setting.
For example, assuming IGN = 800 A and IN1 = 1000 A, the setting to
pick up at 1.5 IGN = 1200 A would be
IGN 800 A
1.5 = 1.5 = 1 .2
IN1 1000 A

Characteristic angle
Determining the phase-angle of the current provides an additional
criterion for preserving discrimination compared with non-directional
overcurrent protection. The directional sensitivity is ±180° in relation to
the reference voltage. This is illustrated in the following diagrams. The
angles given apply for connection according to the connections in
Chapter 12.

IR vit
ϕ L ns
. se
UR IR ax

Restraint: α = 45°
cos (ϕ’- α) = neg. ϕ’


cos ( ϕ’- α) = pos.

a) b)
HEST 005 001 C

ϕ' = phase-angle between current and voltage

(positive angle)
α = Characteristic angle
L = Border line between operating and restraint areas

a) Definition of current b) Operating characteristic

and voltage

Fig. 3.10 Vector diagram for a fault in the forwards direction

on R phase

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The function determines the power direction by measuring the phase-

angle of the current in relation to the opposite phase-to-phase voltage.
Which current is compared with which voltage can be seen from the
following table.

Current input Phase-to-neutral voltage Calculated voltage


The voltage measurement automatically compensates the group of

connection of the VTs. For example, the phase-to-phase values are
calculated for Y-connected VTs (VT type UTS), while the input
voltages are used directly for delta-connected VTs (VT type UTD).

The delay enables the protection to be graded with other time-
overcurrent relays to achieve discrimination. Its setting is thus chosen
in relation to the timer settings of upstream and downstream protective
devices. The zone of protection covered by this overcurrent protection
extends to the next overcurrent protection device.
Should in the event of a fault in the next downstream zone, the
protection for that zone fail, this protection function takes over after the
time set for 'Delay' and clears the fault as backup.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

R Start R
Meas Fwd

Forwards meas. R
ST ϕ &
≥1 & t Trip
Backwards meas. R
ϕ &
S Start S

Forwards meas. S
TR ϕ &

Backwards meas. S Meas Bwd

ϕ & ≥1

T Start T
Forwards meas. T
RS ϕ & Start

Backwards meas. T
ϕ &

Fig. 3.11 Block diagram

td = 'Delay'
t = 'tWait'

Time allowed for a signal to be received

Where directional functions are configured in both line terminals, each
can send a signal from its 'MeasBwd' output to the 'Receive' input of
the function at the opposite end of the line (e.g. via a PLC channel)
when it is measuring a fault in the reverse direction. This signal
prevents the respective directional overcurrent function from tripping,
because the fault cannot be in the zone between them. The functions
therefore have to allow time, i.e. the 'wait time', for the signal from the
opposite line terminal to be received. If none is received within 'tWait',
the circuit-breakers are tripped at both ends.
The time set for 'Delay' acts in this kind of scheme as a backup, which
does not rely on the communication channel. Thus when the 'Receive'
input is being used, the setting for 'Delay' must be longer than the
setting for 'tWait':
'Delay' > 'tWait'

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Response after decay of the memorized voltage

The voltage measured by the protection can quickly decay to almost
zero for a close fault and make determining direction unreliable. For
this reason, the function includes a voltage memory feature and for the
first 200 milliseconds after the incidence of an overcurrent, the voltage
measured immediately before the fault is used as reference to
determine fault direction.
After this time, the last valid direction is used for an adjustable period
(see next paragraph).
'MemDirMode' provides facility for setting how the protection must
respond after this time or in the event that the circuit-breaker is closed
onto a fault and no voltage could be memorized beforehand. The two
possible settings are the protection can trip or it can block.

Time during which the memorized direction is valid

The 'MemDuration' setting determines how long the last valid direction
measurement shall be used. The setting should be as short as
possible (200 ms) when the function is being used as backup for a
distance function in an HV power system, because an actually
measured voltage is only available during this time and therefore it is
only possible to detect a reversal of direction during this time. For
longer settings, the last valid power direction is used instead of the
actually memorized voltage.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.7. Directional overcurrent inverse time protection


A. Application
Directional overcurrent function for
• detecting phase faults on ring lines
• detecting phase faults on double-circuit lines with an infeed at one end
• backup protection for a distance protection scheme

B. Features
• Directionally sensitive three-phase phase fault protection
• Operating characteristics (see Fig. 3.12) according to British
Standard BS142:
c = 0.02: normal inverse
c = 1: very inverse und long time earth fault
c = 2: extremely inverse
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Voltage memory feature for close faults

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking
• PLC receive

III. Binary outputs:

• Start
• Start R
• Start S
• Start T
• Forwards measurement
• Backwards measurement
• Tripping

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude
of the three phase currents (IR, IS, IT)
• Active power
A positive measurement indicates the forwards direction
(IR * UST, IS * UTR, IT * URS)
• Voltage amplitude
Amplitudes of the phase-to-phase voltages

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

D. Directional overcurrent settings - DirCurrentInv

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
CurrentInp CT/VT-Addr ---
VoltageInp CT/VT-Addr ---
I-Start IB 1.1 1 4 0.01
Angle Deg 45 -180 +180 15
c-Setting 1 (Select)
k1-Setting s 13.50 0.01 200 0.01
t-min s 0 0.0 10 0.01
IB-Setting IN 1 0.04 2.50 0.01
tWait s 0.2 0.02 20 0.01
MemDirMode Block (Select)
MemDuration s 2 0.20 60 0.01
Receive BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Ext Block BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER
Start R SignalAddr ER
Start S SignalAddr ER
Start T SignalAddr ER
MeasFwd SignalAddr ER
MeasBwd SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
output (matrix tripping logic).
defines the CT input channel. Only three-phase CTs can be set
and the first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected must
be specified.
defines the VT voltage input channel. Only three-phase VTs can be
set and the first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected
must be specified.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Pick-up current at which the characteristic becomes effective.
Characteristic angle.
Setting for the exponential factor determining the operating
characteristic according to BS 142.
Constant determining the parallel shift of the characteristic.
Definite minimum operating time, operating characteristic constant.
Base current for taking account of differences of rated current IN.
Time allowed for the directional decision to be received.
determines the response of the protection after the time set for
memorizing power direction:
• trip
• block
Time during which the power direction last determined remains
Input for the signal from the opposite end of the line:
When not used set it to 'Always TRUE'
Ext Block
Input for blocking the function
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.
Start R
R phase pick-up signal.
Start S
S phase pick-up signal.
Start T
T phase pick-up signal.
signals measurement in the forwards direction.
signals measurement in the backwards direction.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions

Base current IB-Setting
Characteristic enabling current I-Start
Type of characteristic c-Setting
Multiplier k1-Setting
Characteristic angle Angle
Delay Delay
Time allowed for receipt of signal tWait
Response at the end of the
memorized power direction time MemDirMode
Time during which the memorized
direction is valid MemDuration

Base current 'IB-Setting'

A tripping current is not set on an IDMT overcurrent function as it is on
a definite time overcurrent function. Instead the position of the charac-
teristic is chosen such that it is above the load current. The function,
however, has a 'base current' setting which is set to the full load cur-
rent IB1 of the protected unit. The base current setting determines the
position of the basic characteristic. The characteristic is enabled when
the base current is exceeded by a preset amount (I-Start). The adjust-
ment of the base current IB to the load current IB1 of the protected unit
instead of its rated current enables for
IB1 < rated current of prot. unit : more sensitive protection
IB1 > rated current of prot. unit : maximum utilization of the
thermal capability of the
protected unit

Load current of the protected unit IB1 = 800 A
CT rated current IN1 = 1000 A
IN2 = 5A
Protection rated current IN = 5A
Protection base current
IN2 5A
IB = IB1 = 800 A = 4A
IN1 1000 A
IB 4 A
= = 0 .8 A
IN 5 A
An alternative is to adjust the position of the IDMT characteristic to
match the rated load of the protected unit and set the base current to
its rated current instead of its load current.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Enabling the characteristic 'I-Start'

The IDMT characteristic is enabled when the current exceeds the
setting 'I-Start'. A typical setting for 'I-Start' is 1.1 IB.

Choice of characteristic 'c-Setting'

The constant 'c-Setting' determines the shape of the IDMT char-
The settings for the standard characteristics according to BS 142 are:
'normal inverse' : c = 0.02
'very inverse' and 'long time earth fault' : c = 1.00
'extremely inverse' : c = 2.00

Fig. 3.12 Operating characteristic of the directional IDMT

overcurrent function

Multiplier 'k1-Setting'
The multiplier 'k1-Setting' enables the IDMT characteristic chosen by
the setting of parameter c to be shifted without changing its shape.
This is used for grading the operating times of a series of IDMT relays
along a line to achieve discrimination.
For example, in the case of the 'very inverse' characteristic, the
constant c = 1 and the factor k1 ≤ 13.5. The operating time t is given
by the equation

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Assuming a grading time of 0.5 s at 6 times the base current IB is

required, the factor k1 for each of the relays is given by
k1 = 5 t
This produces for operating times between 0.5 and 2.5 s the following
settings for k1:

t [s] k1 [s]
0.5 2.5
1 5
1.5 7.5
2 10
2.5 12.5

The characteristics according to BS 142 are set as follows:

'normal inverse' : k1 = 0.14 s
'very inverse' : k1 = 13.5 s
'extremely inverse' : k1 = 80 s
'long time earth fault' : k1 = 120 s

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Characteristic angle
Determining the phase-angle of the current provides an additional
criterion for preserving discrimination compared with non-directional
overcurrent protection. The directional sensitivity is ±180° in relation to
the reference voltage. This is illustrated in the following diagrams. The
angles given apply for connection according to the connections in
Chapter 12.

IR vit
ϕ L ens
UR IR ax

Restraint: α = 45°
cos (ϕ’- α) = neg. ϕ’


cos ( ϕ’- α) = pos.

a) b)
HEST 005 001 C

ϕ' = phase-angle between current and voltage

(positive angle)
α = Characteristic angle
L = Border line between operating and restraint areas

a) Definition of current b) Operating characteristic

and voltage

Fig. 3.13 Vector diagram for a fault in the forwards direction

on R phase

The function determines the power direction by measuring the phase-

angle of the current in relation to the opposite phase-to-phase voltage.
Which current is compared with which voltage can be seen from the
following table.

Current input Phase-to-neutral voltage Calculated voltage


The voltage measurement automatically compensates the group of

connection of the VTs. For example, the phase-to-phase values are

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

calculated for Y-connected VTs (VT type UTS), while the input volt-
ages are used directly for delta-connected VTs (VT type UTD).

Time allowed for a signal to be received

R Start R
Meas. Fwd

Forwards meas. R
ST ϕ &
≥1 & t Trip
Backwards meas. R
ϕ &
S Start S

Forwards meas. S
TR ϕ &

Backwards meas. S Meas. Bwd

ϕ & ≥1

T Start T
Forwards meas. T
RS ϕ & Start
Backwards meas. T
ϕ &

Fig. 3.14 Block diagram

td = Inverse time Delay
t = 'tWait'

Where directional functions are configured in both line terminals, each

can send a signal from its 'MeasBwd' output to the 'Receive' input of
the function at the opposite end of the line (e.g. via a PLC channel)
when it is measuring a fault in the reverse direction. This signal
prevents the respective directional overcurrent function from tripping,
because the fault cannot be in the zone between them. The functions
therefore have to allow time, i.e. the 'wait time', for the signal from the
opposite line terminal to be received. If none is received within 'tWait',
the circuit-breakers are tripped at both ends.
The time set for inverse time delay acts in this kind of scheme as a
backup, which does not rely on the communication channel. Thus
when the 'Receive' input is being used, the setting for 't-Min' must be
longer than the setting for 'tWait':
't-Min' > 'tWait'

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Response after decay of the memorized voltage

The voltage measured by the protection can quickly decay to almost
zero for a close fault and make determining direction unreliable. For
this reason, the function includes a voltage memory feature and for the
first 200 milliseconds after the incidence of an overcurrent, the voltage
measured immediately before the fault is used as reference to deter-
mine fault direction.
After this time, the last valid direction is used for an adjustable period
(see next paragraph).
'MemDirMode' provides facility for setting how the protection must
respond after this time or in the event that the circuit-breaker is closed
onto a fault and no voltage could be memorized beforehand. The two
possible settings are the protection can trip or it can block.

Time during which the memorized direction is valid

The 'MemDuration' setting determines how long the last valid direction
measurement shall be used. The setting should be as short as pos-
sible (200 ms) when the function is being used as backup for a dis-
tance function in an HV power system, because an actually measured
voltage is only available during this time and therefore it is only pos-
sible to detect a reversal of direction during this time. For longer set-
tings, the last valid power direction is used instead of the actually
memorized voltage.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.8. Voltage-controlled overcurrent (Imax-Umin)

A. Application
Phase fault protection of generators with rapidly decaying fault current
such that a normal time overcurrent function could reset before its
delay had expired.

B. Features
• Stores the maximum current value after pick-up
• Resets either after recovery of the system voltage or after tripping
• Processes the positive-sequence component of the voltage
• Insensitive to DC component and harmonics
• Single or three-phase measurement with detection of the highest
phase value in the three-phase mode

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude
• Positive-sequence voltage

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Voltage controlled overcurrent settings - Imax-Umin

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 1 0.5 60 0.01
Current IN 2 0.5 20 0.1
Hold - Voltage UN 0.7 0.4 1.1 0.01
Hold - Time s 1 0.1 10 0.02
Nr. Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Current Input Chan. AnalogAddr ---
VoltageInput Chan. AnalogAddr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
Time between the function picking up and tripping.
Pick-up current setting.
Setting restrictions:
• > 2.5 IN when supplied from metering cores
Voltage below which the pick-up status latches, even if the current
falls below the pick-up setting.
defines how long the tripping signal latches when the voltage
condition is fulfilled.
Nr Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Current Input Chan.

defines the analog current input channel.
All current inputs may be selected.
In the case of three-phase measurement, the first channel
(R phase) of the group of three selected must be specified.
VoltageInput Chan.
Defines the analog voltage input channel.
All three-phase voltage inputs may be selected. A phase-to-phase
voltage must be used for measurement. This is derived from the
set phase and the lagging phase.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Current pick-up Current
Delay Delay
Undervoltage Hold-Voltage
Reset delay Hold-Time

The voltage controlled overcurrent function comprises a definite time

overcurrent unit which latches when the undervoltage unit responds.
The protection is intended for generators and generator/transformer
units, for which a fault current can fall below the pick-up of the over-
current protection before it has an opportunity to trip.
Apart from the influence of a DC component, a decaying AC compo-
nent can only occur on a generator, the steady-state fault current of
which is very low because of the large synchronous reactance Xd typi-
cal of modern generators (see Fig. 3.15).
This function is largely insensitive to DC component and harmonics.


HEST 905 012 C

Fig. 3.15 Generator fault current

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Overcurrent setting 'Current'

The current setting is chosen such that neither false tripping nor false
signals can occur during normal operation and yet the minimum fault
current is detected. The setting must therefore be between the maxi-
mum short-time load current and the minimum fault current and allow
for the tolerance on the protection setting and also its reset ratio. The
maximum short-time load current is a parameter of the power system
concerned and must take account of switching operations, load surges
and fast response excitation (Fig. 3.16).

I Minimum fault current

Maximum short-time
“C urrent" load current



HEST 905 013 C

Fig. 3.16 Operating characteristic of a definite time overcurrent


IN = rated current of the protection

The delay is used to achieve discrimination of the overcurrent function.
It is set according to the grading table for all the overcurrent units on
the power system. The zone of protection of the voltage-controlled
overcurrent function extends from the CTs supplying it in the generator
star-point to the location of the next downstream overcurrent relay.

Undervoltage setting 'Hold-Voltage'

Providing the overcurrent unit has picked up and the undervoltage unit
picks up as well, the undervoltage unit 'Hold-Voltage' latches it in the
pick-up state should the fault current fall below its pick-up setting. The
setting of the undervoltage unit must be such that it can clearly distin-
guish between a normal load and a fault condition. Because of the
different conditions prevailing during symmetrical and asymmetrical
faults, the positive-sequence component of the three-phase system is
evaluated. A setting well below the lowest voltage that can occur
during normal load conditions is chosen (Fig. 3.17).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

UN Minimum short-time
load voltage

setting for latching

HEST 905 014 C

Fig. 3.17 Operating characteristic of the undervoltage control


UN = rated voltage of the undervoltage unit

Reset time 'Hold-Time'

The reset time defined by the parameter 'Hold-Time' determines how
long the overcurrent unit remains latched to ensure a tripping signal of
sufficient duration. The delay starts at the instant of tripping.

Block diagram

I> ≥1 Start

tV Trip
U< & S

tH ≥1 R

HEST 045 009 V

Fig. 3.18 Block diagram of the Imax-Umin function

tV = Time delay
tH = Hold-Time

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Typical settings:
Current 1.5 IN
Delay 3s
Hold-Voltage 0.7 UN
Hold-Time 0.5 s
Should the rated currents of generator and CTs differ appreciably,
compensation of the overcurrent setting is recommended, if this has
not already been done with the aid of the reference value of the A/D

Generator rated current IGN = 4 000 A
CT rated current IN1 = 5 000 A
Typical value 1.5
(referred to the rated
current of the protection)
Compensated setting:
IGN 4000
1.5 = 1.5 = 1 .2
IN1 5000
Since the rated voltages of generator and VTs are generally the same,
compensation of the undervoltage setting is seldom necessary.
Should they differ, the compensated setting would be:

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.9. Definite time NPS (NPS-DT)

A. Application
Protection of generators against excessive heating of the rotor due to
asymmetrical load.

B. Features
• Definite time delay
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Three-phase measurement

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Proportion of negative-sequence current component
I2 = 1/3 (IR + a2 IS + a IT)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Definite time NPS function settings - NPS-DT

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 1 0.5 60 0.01
I2 - Setting IN 0.2 0.02 0.5 0.01
Current Inp. Chan AnalogAddr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
time delay between pick-up and tripping.
I2 - Setting
NPS current setting for tripping.
Setting restriction:
< 0.05 IN when supplied from protection cores
Current Inp. Chan.
defines the A/D current input channel. All three-phase current
inputs may be selected. The first channel (R phase) of the group of
three selected must be specified.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions

Negative-sequence component of stator current I2 - Setting
Delay Delay

An NPS current is usually caused by asymmetrical loading of the three

phases, but may also be the result of an open-circuit phase (single-

An asymmetrical load on a generator produces a magnetic field, which

rotates in the opposite direction to the positive-sequence field. The
negative-phase sequence flux induces currents in the rotor and these
result in additional rotor losses and increased rotor temperature. The
latter can represent a hazard for the rotor and this is the reason for
applying NPS protection.

The asymmetry of the load on a generator is defined in terms of the

negative-sequence stator current I2, which is therefore the quantity,

The definite time NPS function is intended for systems where asym-
metries are of longer duration and do not change frequently. This
generally applies in the case of small to medium generators. Two NPS
stages are used, one for alarm and one for tripping.

The maximum continuous NPS current rating I2∞ is stated by the gene-
rator manufacturer, usually as a percentage of the generator rated
current IGN.

The alarm stage is normally set to I2∞ or somewhat lower, e.g.

for I2∞ = 10 % IGN

'I2 - Setting' is set to 8 % IGN.
The tripping stage is set 50 to 100 % higher than the alarm stage, e.g.

I2 - Setting = 15 % IGN

The NPS protection is always delayed to avoid false tripping during

transient phenomena and especially during phase-to-phase and earth
faults on the power system. The delay may be relatively long, because
the rate at which the temperature of the endangered parts of the rotor
rises is relatively low.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


Tripping stage


Alarm stage

0 t HEST 905 015 C

In cases where both stages are used for tripping, the one with the
higher setting must be faster.

Compensating the frequently differing rated currents of generator and

CTs is also recommended for the NPS protection. The corresponding
compensated setting is given by
Setting = calculated setting

Typical settings:
1st stage (alarm)
I2 - Setting 0.1 IN
Delay 5s
2nd stage (tripping)
I2 - Setting 0.15 IN
Delay 10 s

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.10. Inverse time NPS (NPS-Inv)

A. Application
Negative phase sequence protection especially of large generators
subject to high thermal utilization against excessive heating of the rotor
due to an asymmetric load.

B. Features
• Inverse time delay according to level of NPS (see Fig. 3.19)
• Wide setting ranges for the parameters determining the operating
• Adjustable rate of counting backwards when the overload
disappears (cooling rate of thermal image)
• Insensitive to DC components
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Three-phase measurement

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Proportion of negative-sequence current component
I2 = 1/3 (IR + a2 IS + a IT)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Inverse time NPS function settings - NPS-Inv

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
K1 - Setting s 10 5 60 0.1
K2 - Setting I2/IB 0.05 0.02 0.2 0.01
Min. Operating Time s 10 1 120 0.1
Max. Delay Time s 1000 500 2000 1
Reset Time s 30 5 2000 1
Current Inp. Chan. AnalogAddr ---
IB - Setting IN 1 0.5 2.50 0.01
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
K1 - Setting
Multiplier. Operating characteristic constant.
K2 - Setting
Continuously permissible NPS (I2/IB) and operating characteristic
Setting restrictions:
< 0.05 IN/IB when supplied from protection cores.
Min. Operating Time
Definite minimum operating time.
Max. Delay Time
Maximum delay after being enabled regardless of inverse
Reset Time
Time taken to reset (from the operating limit). This corresponds to
the time taken for the generator to cool.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Current Inp. Chan.

defines the A/D input channel.
All three-phase current inputs may be selected.
The first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected must be
IB - Setting
Reference (base) current for compensating a difference in relation
to IN.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

Fig. 3.19 Operating characteristic of the inverse time NPS


ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Reference current IB - Setting
Multiplier K1 - Setting
Continuously permissible NPS K2 - Setting
Minimum operating time Min. Operating Time
Maximum operating time Max. Delay Time
Resetting time Reset Time

This protection is intended for large generators. It is especially recom-

mended where the level of NPS varies frequently, because in such
cases, higher levels of NPS are permissible for short periods.
Providing compensation using the reference value of the A/D channel
has not been made, the reference current IB for the protection is cal-
culated from the rated currents of the generator IGN and the CTs IN1
and IN2 as follows:

The setting is the ratio IB/IN, where IN is the rated current of the pro-
tection, otherwise 'IB-Setting' would be 1.0 IN.
The following two parameters are required from the manufacturer of
the generator in order to set k1 and k2:
• the continuously permissible NPS component i2∞ [p.u.]

• the permissible energy of the NPS component i22 t [p.u.]

Factor k1 equals the permissible energy:

k1 = i22 t

Factor k2 equals the continuously permissible component i2∞:

k2 = i2∞

Typical settings:
IB - Setting to be calculated
K1 - Setting 10.0 s
K2 - Setting to be defined
Min. Operating Time 10.0 s
Max. Delay Time 1000.0 s
Reset Time 10.0 s

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.11. Definite time over and undervoltage protection (Voltage-DT)

A. Application
Standard voltage applications (overvoltage and undervoltage function).
The function is also utilized for:
• Stator earth fault protection (95 %)
• Rotor Stator earth fault protection (with YWX 111)
• Interturn protection
• Network earth fault protection.
B. Features
• DC component filter
• Harmonic filter
• Single or three-phase voltage measurement
• Maximum value, respectively minimum value, detection for three-
phase measurement

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Voltage amplitude

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Over/undervoltage protection settings - Voltage-DT

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 2 0.02 60 0.01
V - Setting UN 1.2 0.01 2 0.002
Max / Min Max(1Ph) (Select)
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Voltage Inp. Chan. AnalogAddr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Tripping circuit to which the O/P of the over/undervoltage function
is connected (matrix tripping logic).
Time delay between the function picking up and tripping.
Voltage setting for tripping.
Max / Min
Over or undervoltage mode selection:
• Min (1ph): Undervoltage.
Three-phase functions detect the lowest
phase voltage.
• Max (1ph): Overvoltage.
Three-phase functions detect the highest
phase voltage.
Number Of Phases
Number of phases included in the measurement.
Voltage Inp. Chan
Analog I/P channel.
All the voltage channels are available for selection.
For three-phase measurement, the first channel (R phase) of the
group of three must be selected.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Block Input
I/P for blocking the function.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Setting V - Setting
Delay Delay
Over or undervoltage Max / Min
Number of phases measured Number Of Phases
The overvoltage protection protects the stator coils of the generator as
well s transformers from dangerous overvoltages. Simultaneously the
magnetic core is protected from overheating resulting from increased
iron losses. Long duration overvoltage are especially to be expected
on the failure of the voltage regulators. A definite delay prevents
spurious tripping by transient conditions. Often the protection is
executed in two steps, which affects the tripping.

Pick-up voltage (U-Setting)

VT single phase or three phase delta connection:
A setting of 1.3 UN corresponds to a pick-up voltage of 130 V at the
input of the VT.
Y connected three-phase VTs:
A setting of 1.3 UN corresponds to a pick-up voltage of 130 V/ 3 at
the input of the VT (phase-to-neutral voltage).
The first step is intended for protection against small however long
duration over voltage.
The second step is intended for protection against higher over voltage,
which has to set at a value of 70 % of the stator test voltage.

V - setting
Stage 2
V - setting
Stage 1


Delay Delay

0 t
HEST 905 055 C

Fig. 3.20 Operating characteristic of a two-stage overvoltage

UN = rated relay voltage

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Compensating any difference between the rated voltages of VTs UN1

and protected unit UGN is recommended. This is achieved with the aid
of the reference value of the A/D channel or by correcting the voltage
For example, for UGN = 12 kV and UN1 = 15 kV, the setting for a pick-
up voltage of 1.4 UGN would have to be
U 12 kV
1.4 GN = 1.4 = 1.12
UN1 15 kV

Max / Min setting

This parameter provides a choice of the following settings:
• Min (1Ph): Protection picks up when the lowest of the phase
voltages falls below setting.
• Max(1Ph): Protection picks up when the highest of the phase
voltages exceeds setting.

Typical settings:
1st stage
V - setting 1.15 UN
Delay 2s
Max / Min Max(1Ph)
2nd stage
V - setting 1.4 UN
Delay 0.1 s
Max / Min Max(1Ph)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Definite time stator earth fault (95 %)

Voltage V - Setting
Delay Delay
The definite time stator E/F scheme (95 %) is designed for the pro-
tection of generators or generator/transformer units.

The standard zone of protection in the case of generator/transformer
units is 95 % of the length of the stator winding (see Fig. 3.21). It is
normal to limit the zone to 95 % to avoid any risk of false tripping. The
stator E/F function is connected either to the VT at the stator star-point
or to the VTs at the generator terminals. In either case, the function
monitors the displacement of the star-point caused by a stator E/F.
The corresponding off-set voltage becomes a maximum for an E/F at a
generator terminal and zero for an E/F at the star-point (see Fig. 3.21).

95 ma
% x

Voltage Transformer U> 5% U max

HEST 905 029 C

Fig. 3.21 Stator E/F protection for a generator/transformer unit

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

As can be seen from Fig. 3.21, the relay setting for a zone of protec-
tion of 95 % is 5 % of Umax. The scheme detects E/Fs on the gene-
rator stator winding, the cables to the step-up transformer and the
delta-connected windings of the step-up transformer.
The capacitances between primary and secondary of the step-up
transformer conduct currents emanating from E/Fs on the HV side to
the LV side and can cause false tripping of the stator E/F protection.
The capacitive coupling of E/F currents on the HV side takes place
regardless of whether the HV star-point is grounded or not. The capa-
citance C12 between HV and LV windings of the step-up transformer and
the capacitance C of the generator circuit form a potential divider that
determines the potential of the generator star-point (see Fig. 3.22a).
The value of the capacitance C is usually too low to reliably hold the
star-point below the pick-up setting of the protection. For this reason,
the generator star-point is grounded via a resistor RE (see Fig. 3.23)
which ensures that the potential of the star-point remains below the
setting of the protection for an E/F on the HV power system.
Correspondingly, the value of the resistor RE is chosen such that for a
given C12 and an E/F at the HV terminals of the step-up transformer,
the offset of the generator star-point does not reach the pick-up setting
of the 95 % E/F protection.

3 C 12 3 C 12

Star-point 3 3


HEST 905 030 FL

a) without grounding resistor b) simplified circuit with grounding


Fig. 3.22 Generator star-point off-set for an E/F on the HV side

of the step-up transformer

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

C12 capacitance between primary and secondary of the step-up
C capacitance to ground of the stator windings, the cables
with protection capacitors and the LV step-up transformer
U star-point offset
UHV rated voltage of the step-up transformer HV windings
IE E/F current
RE grounding resistor
The value of the grounding resistor RE determines the E/F current. In
view of the damage an E/F current can cause — especially to the
laminations of the stator core — the maximum E/F current should be
limited to 20 A for 10 s, i.e. the grounding resistor RE must not be too
Tripping by the E/F protection is delayed by 0.5 s to avoid any risk of
false tripping during transient phenomena.

Designing a scheme for connection to the generator star-point

Alternative 1 with grounding resistor and VT (see Fig. 3.23):

Generator Step-up transformer

1 2

3 C 12

I Emax


U1n /U 2n

3C RE U>


HEST 905 031 C

Fig. 3.23 Stator E/F protection with a grounding resistor at the


The value of the grounding resistor RE should be chosen such that:

• the maximum E/F current IE ≤ 20 A
• the offset of the generator star-point for an E/F on the HV side of
the step-up transformer does not exceed half the relay setting.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The star-point VT is designed in relation to the maximum continuous

voltage resulting from an E/F, i.e. the phase-to-neutral voltage of the
generator. Arcing faults can cause higher transient voltages and
consequentially saturation of the VT The specification of a relatively
high overvoltage factor such as 1.9 is therefore recommended.
VT rated voltages
U1n = (UGN = generator rated voltage)
U2n = 100 V (should nothing else be specified)

The minimum value of the resistor REmin:

RE min ≥
3 IE max

where IEmax ≤ 20 A
The equation for determining the maximum value of the grounding
resistor REmax (95 % scheme) can be derived from the simplified
circuit diagram of Fig. 3.22b:
0.05 UGN
RE max ≤
6 ω C12 UOS

0.05 - protection sensitivity 5 % (95 % scheme)
6 - factor corresponding to 3 phases times 2 for half the pick-
up setting
The value of the effective grounding resistor RE is chosen between
REmax and REmin and rated for 10 s.

Example 1
UGN = 12 kV; UHV = 110 kV; C12 = 3 x 10-9 F; ω = 314 1/s
IEmax ≤ 20 A

a) HV system ungrounded
RE min ≥ = 346 Ω
3 × 20
0.05 × 12
RE max ≤ = 965 Ω
6 × 314 × 3 × 10 −9 × 110

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Chosen RE = 750 Ω
UGN 12000
IE max = = = 9.24 A
3 RE 3 × 750

1 grounding resistor 750 Ω; 10 A; 10 s

1 VT / 100 V; single-phase insulation

b) HV system solidly grounded

Only 1/6 of the voltage UHV is effective.
RE min ≥ = 346 Ω
3 × 20
0.05 × 12
RE max ≤ = 5790 Ω
6 × 314 × 3 × 10 −9 ×
Chosen RE = 3000 Ω
UGN 12000
IE max = = = 2.3 A
3 RE 3 × 3000

1 grounding resistor 3000 Ω; 2.3 A; 10 s
1 VT / 100 V; single-phase insulation

Alternative 2 with grounding transformer (see Fig. 3.24):

This arrangement is widespread in North America. The maximum
current for the grounding transformer is chosen to approximately equal
the capacitive component of the E/F current.
IEmax ≈ IC
IC = 3 × ω × C ×

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Rated data of the grounding transformer:

U1n =
U2n = 100; 200; 400 V or 115; 230; 460 V
I1n = IEmax
I2n = Ie

where Ie = IE max

The grounding resistor Re connected to the secondary is give by

UGN ⎛ U2n ⎞
Re = ⎜ ⎟
3 IE max ⎜⎝ U1n ⎟⎠

or for U1n =
Re =
U1n IE max
Rated power of the grounding transformer:
Sn = U1n I1n

Generator Step-up transformer

1 2

3 C 12



U 1n /U 2n U3n /U 4n

3C Re U>


HEST 905 032 C

Fig. 3.24 Stator E/F protection with a grounding transformer at

the star-point

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Example 2
UGN = 12 kV; IC = 10 A
IEmax = IC = 10 A
U1n = = 6930 V
I1n = 10 A
U2n = 200 V
I2n = Ie = 10 = 346 A

200 2
Re = = 0.577 Ω
6930 × 10
Sn = U1n I1n = 6930 × 10 ⇒ 70 kVA

1 grounding transformer 70 kVA; 10 s; 50 Hz
6930/200 V; 10/346 A
1 resistor 0.577 Ω; 346 A; 10 s
1 interposing VT 10 VA; 50 Hz; 200/100 V
(only necessary if U2n > 100 V)

Example 3
UGN = 12 kV; IC = 10 A; grounding transformer specified according to
the rated voltage of the generator.
U1n = UGN = 12 kV
U2n = 230 V
I1n = IEmax = IC = 10 A
U1n 12000
I2n = Ie = IEmax = 10 = 522 A
U2n 230
12000 ⎛ 230 ⎞
Re = ⎜ ⎟ = 0.254 Ω
3 × 10 ⎝ 12000 ⎠
Sn = 12000 × 10 ⇒ 120 kVA

1 grounding transformer 120 kVA; 10 s; 50 Hz
12000/230 V; 10/522 A
1 resistor 0.254 Ω; 522 A; 10 s
1 interposing VT 10 VA; 50 Hz; 230/100 V

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Designing a scheme for connection to the generator terminals

If the generator star-point is inaccessible, the stator E/F protection is
connected to three VTs at the generator terminals (see Fig. 3.25). In
this case, the E/F current is fed by the three VT primary windings.
Assuming a permissible short-time current of the primary windings of
5 A, the E/F current must be limited to a maximum of 15 A.
The secondary rated voltage must be chosen such that it does not
exceed 300 V and, wherever possible, the secondary current does not
exceed 250 A.

Generator Step-up transformer

1 2

3 C 12

I1 I1 I1

IE = 3 I 1
U 1n /U 2n U 3n /U 4n

3C Ie Re Ie U>

HEST 905 033 C

Fig. 3.25 Stator E/F protection with grounding transformer at the

generator terminals

For an E/F at a generator terminal, the voltage of the phase concerned

becomes zero and the healthy phases are at phase-to-phase potential
with respect to ground. The vectorial addition of the two phase-to-
phase voltages produces three times the rated voltage across the
broken delta connection of the VT secondary windings:
U = 3 U2n
where U2n is the rated secondary voltage. If U is greater than 100 V,
the E/F protection must be connected via an interposing VT
When designing the scheme, the maximum current flowing through the
primaries of the VTs during an E/F is determined first.
Assuming that the permissible short-time primary current of the VTs is
5 A, then
IEmax = 15 A

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The corresponding minimum value for the grounding resistor is

UGN ⎛ 3U2n ⎞
R e min ≥ ⎜ ⎟ ×K
3Imax ⎜⎝ U1n ⎟⎠
where K is the influence of the VT reactance. A mean value of 0.7 may
be assumed for VTs.
To ensure that the E/F protection remains stable for an E/F on the HV
side of the step-up transformer, the resistor may not be less than
0.05 UGN ⎛ 3 U2n ⎞
R e max ≤ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
6 ω C12 UHV ⎝ U1n ⎠
The secondary current Ie is then chosen and the secondary rated
voltage calculated:
U2n = U1n E
3 Ie
The maximum voltage across Re becomes
UR = Re Ie

and the voltage across the broken delta windings 3U2n. This voltage
must be approximately 30 % higher than the voltage Re Ie across the
resistor so that the design current IE can flow.

Example 4
UGN = 12 kV; UHV = 110 kV; C12 = 3 x 10-9 F; ω = 314 1/s
HV system ungrounded.
IEmax = 15 A
UGN 12000
U1n = = = 6930 V
3 3
12000 ⎛ 3U2n ⎞ −4 2
R e min ≥ ⎜ ⎟ × 0.7 = 0.60 × 10 × U2n
3 × 15 ⎝ 6930 ⎠
0.05 × 12 ⎛ 3U2n ⎞ −4 2
R e max ≤ ⎜ ⎟ = 1.81 × 10 × U2n
6 × 314 × 3 × 10 × 110 ⎝ 6930 ⎠
Since from this calculation Remax is greater than Remin, the protection
is stable at the chosen current IEmax and the value of the resistor Re
can be determined in relation to Remin.
Ie = 200 A
U2n = 6930 = 173 V
3 × 200

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

It then follows that

Remin ≥ 0.60 × 10-4 × 1732 = 1.80 Ω
Remax ≤ 1.81 × 10-4 × 1732 = 5.42 Ω
Re = 1.80 Ω
At Ie = 200 A, the voltage drop across the resistor Re is
UR = Re Ie = 1.8 × 200 = 360 V

Neglecting load current, the maximum voltage across the broken delta
windings is:
U = 3 U2n = 3 × 173 ≈ 520 V
1 resistor 1.80 Ω; 200 A; 10 s

3 VTs / 173 V; single-phase insulated
1 interposing VT 10 VA; 50 Hz; 520 / 100 V

Because of the voltage drop of the VTs, the voltage does not reach
520 V at the full E/F current, but only 360 V. The setting of the pro-
tection must therefore be modified as follows:
Overvoltage setting
0.05 = 0.034 (3.4 % UN instead of 5 % UN)

Example 5
UGN = 27 kV; UHV = 400 kV; C12 = 3 x 10-9 F; x = 314 1/s
HV system solidly grounded
IE = 15 A
UGN 27000
U1n = = = 15600 V
3 3
27000 ⎛ 3U2n ⎞ −6 2
R e min ≥ ⎜ ⎟ = 27 × 10 × U2n
3 × 15 ⎝ 15600 ⎠
0.05 × 27 ⎛ 3 U2n ⎞ −6
Re max ≤ ⎜ ⎟ = 132 × 10 × U2n2
−9 400 ⎝ 15600⎠
6 × 314 × 3 × 10 ×
Ie = 250 A (chosen)
U2n = 15600 = 260 V
3 × 300

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The resistor Re is chosen according to Remin:

Re = 27 × 10-6 × 2602 = 1.825 Ω
Re Ie = 1.825 × 300 = 547 V
3 U2n = 3 × 260 = 780 V
S= 3 × 260 × 300 = 135 × 103 VA
The specification and the modification of the protection setting is similar
to Example 4.

Typical settings:
V-Setting 0.05 UN
Delay 0.5 s

If a generator circuit-breaker is installed between the generator and
the step-up transformer, a second E/F protection scheme is required
for the zone between the step-up transformer and the unit transformer.
The second scheme is connected to the broken delta secondary
windings of three VTs. This scheme must also remain stable for E/Fs
on the HV system and during ferroresonance phenomena and for this
reason there is a resistor across the broken delta as well. Frequently,
the E/F protection is only required to protect the cables and bar
conductors, because the transformers are protected by differential
schemes and Buchholz relays. In this case, the E/F protection setting
is determined by the voltage offset for an E/F at the lowest load
voltage. A typical setting for reliable E/F detection in an ungrounded
system is 60 % UN, i.e.
V - setting = 0.6 UN
The delay can remain the same at 0.5 s. The second E/F scheme
usually gives only an alarm. Since the plant remains in operation for an
E/F on the cables, the resistor across the broken delta must be
continuously rated. Rotor E/F protection

Overvoltage V - Setting
Delay Delay
Over/undervoltage Max / Min
The rotor E/F function in conjunction with the ancillary unit Type
YWX 111 and 2 coupling capacitors is suitable for protecting synchro-
nous generators regardless of the method of excitation. The scheme
operates according to the Wheatstone bridge principle and is
uninfluenced by frequency. The harmonics of the excitation system do
not therefore effect the rotor E/F protection.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The bridge is connected to the rotor circuit by one or two high-voltage

capacitors. The first leg of the bridge consists of the coupling capa-
citors and the capacitance of the rotor winding in series. The second
capacitive leg, the resistive legs and a supply transformer for stepping
down the VT voltage (e.g. 100 V) to the 50 V needed for the measu-
ring circuit are in the ancillary unit Type YWX 111. A second trans-
former isolates the bridge from the input of the E/F protection function.
An E/F short-circuits the capacitance of the rotor winding and the
bridge is no longer balanced. There is thus a voltage across the bridge
that is detected by the overvoltage function. Depending on the design
of the scheme, the pick-up setting is between 0.5 and 3 V to detect an
insulation leakage of 1 kΩ which is considered as being a rotor E/F.
Since all the components influence the setting, it is determined during
commissioning (See Section 4.4.).

Fig. 3.26 Rotor E/F protection function

Typical settings:
V - Setting (for 1 kΩ) 1 to 3 V
Delay 1s
Max / Min Max

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Interturn protection

(voltage principle)

Overvoltage V - Setting
Delay Delay

The purpose of the interturn protection is to detect short-circuits

between the turns of the generator stator windings.
The scheme should be as sensitive as possible to detect the majority
of interturn faults. However, because of various residual voltages
caused by asymmetries, the setting may not be lower than 5 % UN.
A slight delay will prevent false tripping due to transients.
Both ends of the primaries of VTs must be designed for the full HV
Since the star-points of the generator and the VTs are connected, the
high short-circuit power of the generator would cause severe damage
in the event of an interturn fault on a VT primary. HV fuses should
therefore be inserted in the VT primaries.

Typical settings:
V - Setting 0.05 UN
Delay 0.5 s


Voltage transformer



HEST 905 017 C

Fig. 3.27 Interturn protection according to the voltage


RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.12. Peak value overvoltage (Voltage-Inst)

A. Application
• General voltage monitoring with instantaneous response (over and
• Voltage monitoring where insensitive to frequency is required (over
and undervoltage)

B. Features
• Processes instantaneous values and is therefore fast and largely
independent of frequency
• Stores the peak value following pick-up
• No suppression of DC component
• No suppression of harmonics
• Single and three-phase measurement
• Maximum value detection in the three-phase mode
• Adjustable lower frequency limit fmin

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Voltage amplitude (only available if function trips)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Peak value voltage function settings - Voltage-Inst

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 0.01 0 60 0.01
V- Setting UN 1.4 0.01 2 0.01
Min. Frequency Hz 40 25 50 1
Max / Min Max (Select)
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Voltage Inp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping O/P of the
function (matrix).
Time between the function picking up and tripping.
V- Setting
Pick-up voltage setting.
Min. Frequency
defines the minimum frequency for which measurement is
Max / Min
defines operation as overvoltage or undervoltage. Settings:
• Max: overvoltage
• Min: undervoltage
Number Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.
Voltage Inp. Chan.
defines the VT input channel.
All voltage inputs may be selected.
In the case of three-phase measurement, the first channel
(R phase) of the group of three selected must be specified.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

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E. Setting instructions

Overvoltage V- Setting
Delay Delay
Minimum frequency Min. Frequency
Over or undervoltage Max / Min
The instantaneous overvoltage function is a high-speed protection,
which operates in a wide frequency range. It is intended primarily for
the following applications:
• where an overvoltage protection is required, which is largely
insensitive to frequency especially for f > fN.
The limited capacity of the VTs to transform low frequencies must
be taken into account for f < fN:
2.25 UN ×
• where high-speed protection is required. The high speed is
achieved by measuring the instantaneous value of the voltage and
since DC components and harmonics are not suppressed, by
eliminating the inertia of the digital input filter.
Compared with the normal voltage function, the instantaneous function
has a larger tolerance on the pick-up setting. It should therefore only
be used in the above two cases.
The measuring principle is the same as that of the peak value current
function (see Section 3.5.4) and therefore reference should be made
to that Section for a description of the principle and the significance of
the minimum frequency setting f-min.

Typical settings:
V- Setting according to application
Delay according to application
Min. Frequency 40 Hz

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.13. Balanced voltage (Voltage-Bal)

A. Application
Monitoring/comparison of two groups of single or three-phase voltage
inputs to detect voltage measurement errors.

B. Features
• Comparison of the amplitudes of two groups of voltage inputs
(e.g. line 1 and line 2)
• Single or three-phase voltage measurement
• Indication of group with the lower voltage
• Evaluation of voltage balance per phase in the three-phase mode
with selection by OR gate for tripping
• Adjustable delays for operation and reset
• Insensitive to DC components
• Insensitive to harmonics

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Voltage (2 sets of 1 or 3 inputs)

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping
• Line 1 trip (voltage input U1)
• Line 2 trip (voltage input U2)

IV. Measurements:
Single-phase mode
• Difference between voltage amplitudes (U1 - U2)
Three-phase mode
• Voltage amplitude difference for R phase (U1R - U2R)
• Voltage amplitude difference for S phase (U1S - U2S)
• Voltage amplitude difference for T phase (U1T - U2T)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Balanced voltage function settings - Voltage-Bal

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
V - Unbalance UN 0.2 0.10 0.50 0.05
Delay s 0.04 0 1 0.01
t-Reset s 1.5 0.10 2 0.01
Number Of Phases 3 Ph (Select) 2
Voltage Input Line1 AnalogAddr ---
Voltage Input Line 2 AnalogAddr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER
Trip Line1 Signal SignalAddr
Trip Line Signal 2 SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
V - Unbalance
Voltage difference setting for tripping.
Difference between the amplitudes of the two voltage input
channels which results in tripping. The setting applies to all three
phases in the three-phase mode.
time delay between pick-up and tripping.
Time required for the measurement to reset after the tripping
condition has disappeared (reset ratio: 0.90).
Number Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.
Voltage Input Line1
defines the 1st analog voltage input channel U1 (line 1).
In the case of three-phase measurement, the first channel
(R phase) of the group of three selected must be specified.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Voltage Input Line 2

defines the 2nd analog voltage input channel U2 (line 2).
In the case of three-phase measurement, the first channel
(R phase) of the group of three selected must be specified.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.
Trip Line 1 Signal
Same as Trip, but only if the amplitude of the voltage at input U1 is
less than that at input U2 (determination of the voltage difference
per phase in the three-phase mode).
Trip Line 2 Signal
Same as Trip, but only if the amplitude of the voltage at input U2 is
less than that at input U1 (determination of the voltage difference
per phase in the three-phase mode).

U 2R

1 x UN
R phase voltage amplitude of
Line 1 voltage channel 1 (line 1)
(U 1 < U 2 )
0,8 U2R:
Restrains R phase voltage amplitude of
voltage channel 2 (line 2)

Operates Three-phase mode:

0,2 Line 2 The characteristic applies
(U 2 < U 1 )
accordingly to S and T phases
U 1R
0 0,2 0,8 1 x UN

HEST 915 009 C

Fig. 3.28 Operating characteristic of the balanced voltage

function (show for R phase and
the setting V - Unbalance = 0.2 × UN)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Max. voltage difference V - Unbalance
Delay Delay
Reset delay t-Reset

The balanced voltage function is intended mainly for detecting voltage

measurement errors by other devices.
It compares the voltages (amplitudes) of two generally identical volt-
age sources connected to the same busbar phase-by-phase.
The function picks up when the difference between voltages of the
same phase exceeds a set pick-up value (V - Unbalance).
A tripping signal is emitted for the source with the lower voltage (Trip
Line 1 Signal or Trip Line 2 Signal) and a general tripping signal (Trip)
generated after a set time delay (Delay), providing the tripping
condition remains fulfilled throughout the delay time. These signals are
available for blocking protection and instrumentation connected to the
faulty source and thus prevent false tripping or measurements.
The tripping signals are maintained for the setting of the reset time
(t-Reset) after the tripping condition is no longer fulfilled.
The function is thus suitable for detecting VT circuit faults (fuse failure)
and faults on the protection and metering circuits connected to them.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

• Only the voltages of similar sources that have coincident
amplitudes and phase-angles and are connected to the same
busbar should be compared.
• Wherever possible the voltages should be processed by
neighboring sampling groups and by the same input unit. The
purpose of this is to limit signal conditioning errors should the
power system frequency deviate from the rated frequency fN and
during transients.
• To prevent false tripping during extreme variations of frequency,
either the pick-up setting can be increased or the balanced voltage
function can be blocked by a frequency function.
• Differing primary rated voltages of the VTs can be compensated by
appropriately setting the reference values of the corresponding A/D
channels. The adjusted reference values then apply for all the
protection functions connected to the same channels.

Application example:

R S T V.t. 1
Line 1
U 1R
U 1S instrumentation
U 1T equipment
Voltage input
channel (U1 )


TRIP-Line 1
Voltage comparsion
function TRIP
TRIP-Line 2
Voltage input

channel (U2 )


V.t. 2
U 2R
U 2S instrumentation
U 2T equipment
Line 2

HEST 915 010 C

Fig. 3.29 Three-phase balanced voltage scheme (one measured

voltage failed)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The protection monitors the voltages of the two VTs 1 and 2:

In the event of a fault (in this example an open-circuit lead in the circuit
of VT 1), the protection function detects an unbalance and after the set
delay time generates the tripping signals 'Trip' and 'Trip-Line1'.
These then initiate blocking of the metering and protection devices
(such as underimpedance, voltage-controlled overcurrent and distance
protections etc.) connected to VT 1.

Typical settings:
Max. voltage difference (V - Unbalance) 0.20 UN
Delay 0.04 s
Reset time (t-Reset) 0.50 s

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.14. Underimpedance (Underimped)

A. Application
Back-up phase fault protection for the generator feeder.

B. Features
• Circular operating characteristic (see Fig. 3.30)
• Adjustable time delay
• Insensitive to DC component in voltage and current
• Insensitive to harmonics in voltage and current
• Single or three-phase measurement
• Detection of the lowest impedance in the three-phase mode
• Underimpedance measurement enabled by undercurrent unit (0.1 IN)

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Impedance (value)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Underimpedance function settings - Underimped

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 0.5 0.20 60 0.01
Z Setting UN/IN 0.25 0.025 2.500 0.001
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 1
Current Inp. Chan. AnalogAddr ---
Voltage Inp. Chan. AnalogAddr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
SignalingTrip SignalAddr ER
Start Out SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
Time between the function picking up and tripping.
Z Setting
Pick-up impedance setting.
Number Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.
Current Inp. Chan.
defines the analog current input channel. All current inputs may be
selected. For three-phase measurement, the first channel
(R phase) of the group of three selected must be specified.
Voltage Inp. Chan.
defines the analog voltage input channel. All voltage inputs may be
selected. For three-phase measurement, the first channel (e.g. the
phase-to-phase voltage R-S) of the group of three selected must
be specified.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Signaling Trip
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Out
Output for signaling pick-up.

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Fig. 3.30 Operating characteristic of the underimpedance


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E. Setting instructions

Impedance Z Setting
Delay Delay

The underimpedance function serves as back-up protection for phase

faults on the generator/transformer unit. It is faster and more sensitive
than the overcurrent protection. Its disadvantage is that the zone of
protection is shorter than the differential protection, which serves as
the main protection.
The underimpedance scheme is connected to the CTs at the generator
star-point and to the VTs at the generator terminals. The under-
impedance operating characteristic is a circle in the R/X plane,
whereby the origin represents the location of the VTs. The zone of
protection covers the generator windings the cables and the step-up
The setting of the underimpedance function is determined by the short-
circuit reactance of the step-up transformer. Otherwise, the distance
between the step-up transformer and the HV circuit-breaker is mostly
too short to be able to discriminate reliably with the impedance setting
between faults in the generator/transformer unit zone and faults on the
other side of the HV circuit-breaker. The impedance is thus set to 70 %
of the transformer impedance which at least includes the transformer
winding on the generator side in the zone of protection.
The setting of the underimpedance function is referred to rated voltage
and current.
The impedance of the protected zone is determined by the short-circuit
reactance of the step-up transformer and is given by:
z1 = 0.7 xT [p.u.]
The impedance seen by the underimpedance function depends on the
CT and VT ratios Ki and Ku and the rated data of step-up transformer
and protection:
K i = N1 Ku =

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Step-up transformer

Protection zone


HEST 905 019 C

Fig. 3.31 Underimpedance protection

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The impedance to be set on the protection in p.u. is:

Z-Setting = 0.7 xT × × N [1; 1; V; A]

Z-Setting = 0.7 xT × × × N [1; 1; V; A]

For simple cases where UTN = UN1, ITN = IN1, UN2 = UN

and IN2 = IN:
Z-Setting = 0.7 xT [1; 1]

z1 impedance of the protected zone
xT short-circuit reactance of the step-up transformer
Ki, Ku ratios of CTs and VTs
IN1, IN2 CT rated currents
UN1, UN2 VT rated voltages
UTN, ITN rated voltage and current of the step-up transformer
UN, IN rated voltage and current of the underimpedance

The factor of 0.7 avoids any risk of false tripping for a fault on the HV
system at the cost of a zone of protection that is shorter than differen-
tial protection zone.

Transformer: 500 MVA; 24 kV; 12 kA; xT = 0.1

CTs and VTs: 24000/100 V; 12000/5 A

Protection: 100 V; 5A

I 12000
K i = N1 = = 2400
I N2 5
U N1 24000
Ku = = = 240
U N2 100

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


Z Setting = 0.7 x T × × N

24 2400 5
Z Setting = 0.7 × 0.1 × × = 0.07
12 240 100

It must not be forgotten that a current of at least 0.1 IN must flow

before the underimpedance function is enabled.

Typical settings:
Z Setting 0.07
Delay 0.5 s


0 r

HEST 935 003 C

Fig. 3.32 Operating characteristic of the underimpedance

Setting: Z Setting = 0.07

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.15. Loss Of Excitation (MinReactance)

A. Application
• Detection of inadmissible operating conditions due to under-
excitation of a synchronous generator.

B. Features
• Circular operating characteristic (see Fig. 3.33)
• Selectable to operate inside or outside the circle
• Adjustable size and position of the operating characteristic
• Correction of phase errors caused by input circuit
• Adjustable time delay
• Insensitive to DC component in voltage and current
• Insensitive to harmonics in voltage and current
• Single or three-phase measurement
• Detection of the lowest impedance (distance from the centre of the
• Underreactance measurement enabled by undercurrent unit (0.1 IN)

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Impedance (distance from the centre of the circle)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Underreactance function settings - MinReactance

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 0.5 0.20 60 0.01
XA-Setting UN/IN -2 -5 00 0.01
XB-Setting UN/IN -0.5 -2.50 +2.50 0.01
Angle deg 0 -180 180 5
Max / Min Min (Select)
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 1
Current Inp. Chan. AnalogAddr ---
Voltage Inp. Chan. AnalogAddr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Signaling Trip SignalAddr ER
Start Out SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
Time between the function picking up and tripping.
defines the first intersection of the impedance circle with the
reactance axis (assuming a phase correction setting of 0°).
Setting restriction: |XA| < |XB|.
defines the second intersection of the impedance circle with the
reactance axis (assuming a phase correction setting of 0°).
For compensating phase errors of the analog input signals.
The setting can also be used to move the position of the im-
pedance circle.
Max / Min
defines whether over or underreactance function. Settings:
• Min: underreactance function with tripping inside the circle
• Max: overreactance function with tripping outside the circle

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Number Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.
Current Inp. Chan.
defines the A/D input channel.
All current inputs may be selected.
For three-phase measurement, the first channel (R phase) of the
group of three selected must be specified.
Voltage Inp. Chan.
defines the A/D input channel.
All voltage inputs may be selected.
For three-phase measurement, the first channel (e.g. the phase-to-
phase voltage R-S) of the group of three selected must be
The VT should be from the same input card 216EA61 as the CT.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Signaling Trip
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Out
Output for signaling pick-up.

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Fig. 3.33 Operating characteristic of the underreactance function

with MaxMin = Min (default)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions

Reactance XA XA-Setting
Reactance XB XB-Setting
Phase correction Angle
Delay Delay

Integrator (separate 'Delay' function) Trip-Delay


Operating principle of the underreactance function

The underreactance or underexcitation function protects the generator
in potentially dangerous operating conditions which can arise in the
event of loss of, or reduced excitation. There is a danger in such situa-
tions of the unit becoming unstable and running out of synchronism.
This causes thermal stress due to induced currents on the one hand,
and mechanical stress due to surges of torque on the other.
It is general knowledge that a synchronous machine may not be
loaded as much capacitively as inductively, because excessive
capacitive load causes it to drop out-of-step. The reason is the steady-
state stability limit as defined by the load angle δ = 90°, which can only
be reached when the unit is underexcited, i.e. for a capacitive power
factor ϕ. When the voltage is measured at the generator terminals, the
locus of the stability limit of a generator/transformer set is a circle as
shown in Fig. 3.35. The circle encloses the operating points of an
underexcited generator down to the extreme point XA which repre-
sents total loss of excitation. The protection has a circular charac-
teristic that does not normally coincide with the stability limit at the top
to avoid false tripping during voltage dips caused by power system
Operation of the function is delayed to allow for possible recovery of
synchronism following dynamic phenomena with brief load angles of
δ > 90°. A typical setting for the time delay is 2 s.
The scheme includes an integrator (separate 'Delay' function) to
maintain the underexcitation signal in the event of power swings. This
is necessary because the normal 'Delay' setting repeatedly resets
during power swings and prevents tripping from taking place.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Determining the characteristic

The circular operating characteristic of the protection is defined by the
two points A and B. Point A is given in the case of turboalternators by
the unsaturated synchronous reactance xd and in the case of
generators with salient poles by the synchronous reactance xq. As can
be seen from Fig. 3.34, the stability of a generator with salient poles is
given by xq, because the load angle δ is also determined by this
reactance. The steady-state stability limit is reach at this point when
excitation is lost.
Point B is defined as half the transient reactance xd' and determined
by the voltage and current measured at the generator terminals when
the unit is out-of-step and the generator is in phase opposition to the
power system.
a) Turboalternator
xd i

ϕ - phase-angle
δ - load angle
u ϕ < u, I
δ < u, e
δ ϕ

HEST 905 018 C

b) Salient pole generator


xq i

xd i

δ ϕ

HEST 905 018 C

Fig. 3.34 Vector diagram of an overexcited generator.

Voltages, currents and reactances are in p.u.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The reactances XA and XB, are defined according to the phase-to-

phase voltages and calculated for turboalternators as follows:
XA = xd × × 3

x ' U K
XB = d GN × i 3
2 3IGN K u

In the above equation, xq is replaced by xd for salient pole units.

K i = N1

K u = 3 = N1

xd, xd' unsaturated synchronous reactance and saturated
transient reactance of the generator in p.u.
xq synchronous reactance in p.u.
UGN, IGN rated generator voltage and current
Ki CT ratio
Ku VT ratio
UN1, UN2 VT rated voltages
IN1, IN2 CT rated currents

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Turboalternator 100 MVA; 24 kV; 12 kA
xd = 2.0; xd' = 0.25

U N1
3 24000
VTs Ku = = = 240
U N2 100

CTs Ki = = 12000

U GN Ki 24000 12000
XA = xd × × 3 = 2.0 × 3 = 200.0 Ω
3 I GN Ku 3 × 12000 240

xd ' U GN K 0.25 24000 12000

XB = × × i 3= × × 3 = 12 .5 Ω
2 3 I GN K u 2 3 × 12000 240

The reactance settings referred to the protection ratings UN and IN


XA 200
XA − Wert = IN = − × 1 = − 2 .0
UN 100

XB 12.5
XB − Wert = IN = − × 1 = − 0.125 = 0.12
UN 100

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Phase correction
The scheme can include one to three independent measuring sys-
tems, each of which is connected to a phase-to-phase voltage and a
phase current. For example, there are three possible reference volt-
ages for the R phase measuring system, i.e. URS, UST and UTR.
Since, however, all the measuring systems need the angle of their own
phase, i.e. for R phase the angle of the voltage UR, the angle of the
voltage signal has to be corrected in any event.

Phase compensation
Reference voltage Vector diagram "Angle"

RS +30°


ST -90°

TR +150°


HEST 905023 C

*) single-phase measurement only

The phase compensation can also be used when the characteristic

needs to be shifted by a given angle or flipped over into the inductive
region, e.g. for test purposes.
The phase angle compensation have to be considered as per the
connection diagrams illustrated in Fig. 12.4. If the star-point of the CT
secondaries on the generator star-point side is grounded, an angle of -
180° must be added.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Typical settings:
XA-Setting to be calculated
e.g. -2.0
XB-Setting to be calculated
e.g. -0.12
Phase-angle (delta-connected VTs) +30°
(star-connected VTs) 0°
Tripping delay timer:
Delay 2s
or separate integrator ('Delay' function):
Trip-Delay 6s
Reset-Delay 3s



xd xT

x d - generator synchronous reactance [p.u.]

x T - transformater short-circuit reactance [p.u.]

Steady-state stability
x limit curve

x' d r


Characteristic of the
underexcitation function XA-Setting

XA set
settings [UN / IN ]
XB set
HEST 905 021 C

Fig. 3.35 Setting the characteristic of the underexcitation

function according to the steady-state stability limit
curve of the generator/transformer set
All reactances in p.u.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

tR tR tR tR


"TRIP-Delay" setting

t int


HEST 935 017 C

tint integrated time

tR reset time

Fig. 3.36 Underreactance protection

Effect of the integrator during power swings

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Display of measured variable:

The display of the measured variable in the case of the
underreactance protection is an impedance vector which starts at the
centre of the circular characteristic. This vector and the vector of the
impedance measured at the generator terminals form a triangle as
shown in Fig. 3.37. The protection picks up, if the displayed impedance
equals or is less than the radius of the circle:
1⎛ X '⎞
z≤ ⎜ xd − d ⎟
2⎝ 2 ⎠

xd = 2; Xd' = 0,2
z ≤ (2 − 0.1) = 0.95


X d' 0


HEST 905 034 C

Fig. 3.37 Display of the impedance measured by the

underreactance function

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.16. Power (Power)

A. Application
Power function for monitoring
• reverse power
• active power
• reactive power
• power direction

B. Features
• Definite time delay
• Over or underpower
• Adjustable characteristic angle
• Provision for correction of phase errors caused by the input circuit
• One, two or three-phase measurement (two-phase only with delta
connected VTs)
• Wide range of applications (see Fig. 3.39 and Fig. 3.40)
• Correction of CT and VT phase errors
• Insensitive to DC components in voltage and current
• Insensitive to harmonics in voltage and current

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Power

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Power function settings - Power

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
P - Setting PN -0.05 -0.1 1.2 0.005
Angle Deg 0 -180 180 5
Drop Ratio % 60 30 170 1
Delay s 0.5 0.05 60 0.01
Max / Min Min (Select)
Phi Compensation Deg 0 -5.0 5 0.1
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 1
Current Inp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr 0
VoltageInp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr 0
PN UN*IN 1 0.5 2.5 0.001
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
channel of the tripping logic (matrix) activated by the function’s
tripping O/P.
P - Setting
Power setting for tripping.
Forbidden settings:
• < 0.005 PN connected to metering cores
• < 0.020 PN connected to protection cores
• in addition n x 0,005 PN with different sampling circuits in the
A/D converters of the CT / VT inputs
(possible errors for f ≠ fN; n = 1...3 according to the offset of the
sampling groups).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Allocation of the CT/VT channels to the sampling groups:

Sampling CT/VT channel

group Nos.
1 1... 6
2 7...12
3 13...18
4 19...24
5 25...30
6 31...36
7 37...42
8 43...48

In view of the required accuracy, the use of metering cores is

recommended for settings ≤ 0.2 PN.
Characteristic angle between voltage and current.
0° = active power measurement
90° = reactive power measurement (inductive),
Settings between these limits are possible, e.g. for directional
measurements at locations on the power system.
The correction of phase errors caused by the input circuit is also
Drop Ratio
Reset value in relation to the pick-up value. Thus depending on the
sign of the pick-up value, the setting of the reset ratio must be
greater or less than 100 %.
Forbidden settings:
• Reset ratios >100 % for Max and P - Setting >0
• Reset ratios <100 % for Max and P - Setting <0
• Reset ratios <100 % for Min and P - Setting >0
• Reset ratios >100 % for Min and P - Setting <0
A large hysteresis must be selected for low pick-up settings and a
small one for high pick-up settings (see Fig. 3.38).
Forbidden settings for hysteresis (= ⏐100% − reset ratio⏐):
• ≤ 0,5 % / (⏐P - Setting⏐ + 0,01)
• ≥ 10 % / ⏐P - Setting⏐
These conditions are fulfilled by setting, for example,
P - Setting
for 0.2 ≤ ≤ 1: 95 %
P - Setting
for 0.005 ≤ ≤ 0.2 : 60 %

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Time between the function picking up and tripping. The time the
function takes to reset is also influenced by the delay set for
operation, i.e.:
for t > 100 ms, the function resets after 50 ms, otherwise resetting
is instantaneous.
Max / Min
Defines the operating mode as:
• Max: overpower
• Min: underpower
The number and its sign are relevant and not just the value, i.e.
'Min' must be set for reverse power, because tripping takes place
for a power less than zero (P Setting < 0).
Phi Compensation
Input of an angle to compensate CT and VT errors in the case of
highly accurate power measurements.
The setting is determined by the difference between CT and VT
Number Of Phases
Number of phases measured:
• 1: single-phase
• 2: two-phase, i.e. for a three-phase measurement with V
connected VTs
P = URS × IR × cos ϕ − UST × IT × cos ϕ
A two-phase power measurement is only possible when
connected to delta connected VTs.
• 3: three-phase
P = UR × IR × cos ϕ + US × IS × cos ϕ + UT × IT × cos ϕ
(for star connected VTs)
P = URS × IR × cos ϕ + UST × IS × cos ϕ + UTR × IT × cos ϕ
(for delta connected VTs),
the measurement is only correct with delta connected VTs if the
three phase voltages are symmetrical.)
Current Inp. Chan.
defines the CT input channel.
All current I/Ps may be selected.
In the case of multi-phase measurement, the first channel of the
group of three (R phase) must be selected.
Voltage Inp. Chan.
defines the VT input channel.
All voltage I/Ps may be selected.
In the case of multi-phase measurement, the first channel of the
group of three (R phase) must be selected.
The VT channel must be sampled by the same device 216EA61 as
the CT channel.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Rated power as given by UN x IN. This enables the amplitude of
the power being measured to be compensated, e.g. to the rated
power factor of a generator.
Block Input
I/P for blocking the function.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.

Reset ratio 95%
Reset ratio



0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.75

Setting PP

HEST 935 022 C

Fig. 3.38 Permissible reset ratio settings

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E. Setting instructions
(function with two additional timers)

Reference power PN
Setting P - Setting
Reset ratio Drop Ratio
Over/underpower Max / Min
Characteristic angle Angle
Phase error compensation Phi Compensation
tripping delay Delay
The power function can be used for many applications. Some
examples are given in Fig. 3.39 and Fig. 3.40. The angles given apply
for connection according to the connections in Fig. 12.4.


Restrains Operates Operates Restrains

0 P 0 P

Active overpower settings: Active underpower settings:

- P-Setting >0 - P-Setting >0

- Max/Min MAX - Max/Min MIN
- Drop-Ratio <100% - Drop-Ratio >100%
- Angle 0° (30° ) *) - Angle 0° (30° ) *)

HEST 965 017 C

Fig. 3.39 Power function settings for different applications

*) The values in brackets apply for a single-phase measurement with the VT

connected phase-to-phase (e.g. IR current and URS voltage) or for a
three-phase measurement with delta connected VTs.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Operates Restrains Operates


0 P 0 P

Reserve power settings: Reactive overpower settings:

- P-Setting <0 - P-Setting >0

- Max/Min MIN - Max/Min MAX
- Drop-Ratio <100% - Drop-Ratio <100%
- Angle 0° (30° ) *) - Angle 90° (120° ) *)


0 60°


Directional power settings:

- P-Setting <0
- Max/Min MIN
- Drop-Ratio <100%
- Angle 60° (90° ) *)
HEST 965 018 C

Fig. 3.40 Power function settings for different applications

*) The values in brackets apply for a single-phase measurement with the VT

connected phase-to-phase (e.g. IR current and URS voltage) or for a
three-phase measurement with delta connected VTs.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Determining the settings

Where the rated currents and possibly also rated voltages of CTs, VTs
and the protected unit differ, it is of advantage to refer the setting to
the rated power of the protected unit. This necessitates modifying the
sensitivity using the setting for PN.
Setting the reference power PN:


U N × IN 3 × UN1 × IN1 PGN = SGN × cosϕGN

SGN, PGN, UGN, IGN, cos ϕGN: ratings of the protected unit
UN1, IN1: primary VT and CT ratings
PN, UN, IN: protection ratings

Example 1
Generator: 96 MVA, 13.8 kV, 4 kA, cosϕ = 0.8
14.4 100
VTs / CTs: kV / V; 5 kA / 5 A
3 3

Protection: 100 V; 5 A
Reverse power: 0.5 % PGN

Alternative 1: No modification of PN
Reference power = 1 .0
Reverse power:
P U ×I 13.8 × 4
= 0.005 GN GN cos ϕGN = 0.005 0.8 = 0.003
PN UN1 × IN1 14.4 × 5

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Alternative 2: Modification for cosϕGN

Reference power = GN = cos ϕGN = 0.8
Reverse power:
P U × IGN 13.8 × 4
= 0.005 GN = 0,005 = 0.004
PN UN1 × IN1 14.4 × 5

Alternative 3: Modification for ϕGN and CT/VT. data

PN U ×I 13.8 × 4
Rated power = GN GN cos ϕGN = × 0.8 = 0.614
UN × IN UN1 × IN1 14.4 × 5

xReverse power = 0.005

Characteristic angle
The power function is connected to the phase currents and a phase-to-
neutral or phase-to-phase voltage. The purpose of the phase compen-
sation is twofold:
• to compensate the phase difference between the phase voltage
and the any measured phase-to-phase voltage
• to determine whether the function responds to active or reactive
The following table summarizes the most important operating modes
to simplify setting the corresponding parameters correctly. The
angles given apply for connection according to the connections in
Chapter 12.
The phase compensation also provides facility for changing the direc-
tion of measurement or to compensate incorrect VT or CT polarity.

Function "MaxMin" "Drop-Ratio" "P-Setting" "Angle" *)


max MAX < 100%

Fig. 3.41
Active power IR >0 +30°
min MIN > 100%

U RS 0

ABB Switzerland Ltd

max MIN < 100%

Phase compensation
Reverse power <0 +30°
IR 0
min MAX > 100%

max MAX < 100% U RS Q

reactive power >0 +120°

min MIN > 100% IR Q


measurement of active power at low power factors.

max MIN < 100% U RS Q
reactive power <0 +120°

min MAX > 100% I Q

R 0

*) Applicable for a single or three-phase measurement using phase-to-phase voltages (the setting is 30° HEST 965 019 C

R current in relation to the phase-to-phase voltage

less for a three-phase measurement with Y connected v.t's or a two-phase measurement with V

Settings different applications when measuring phase

connected v.t's).

CTs, which have a considerable adverse influence on the

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

This setting is for correcting the phase error between the VTs and
RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Example 2
The active power error at rated current and a power factor of cosϕ = 0
for a total phase error δ of 10' is
∆P = 0.03 × δ = 0.03 × 10 = 0.3 % [%; 1; min]
This is an error which is not negligible at a setting of 0.5 %.
The total error corresponds to the difference between the VT and CT
errors. The case considered in this example of full reactive current
(100%) would scarcely occur in practice, but currents from about 80%
are possible.

Application as reverse power protection

The reverse power function is used primarily to protect the prime
mover. It is necessary for the following kinds of prime mover:
• steam turbines
• Francis and Kaplan hydro units
• gas turbines
• diesel motors
Two reverse power functions are used for prime movers with ratings
higher than 30 MW, because of their importance and value.
The reverse power function has two stages. The setting is half the slip
power of the generator/prime mover unit and is the same for both
The first stage has a short time delay and is intended to protect
against overspeeding during the normal shutdown procedure. By trip-
ping the main circuit-breaker via the reverse power function, the pos-
sibility of overspeeding due to a regulator failure or leaking steam
valves is avoided. To prevent false tripping in the case of steam tur-
bines, the reverse power function is enabled by auxiliary contacts on
the main steam valves of the prime mover.
The purpose of the second stage is to guard against excessively high
temperature and possible mechanical damage to the prime mover.
The time delay can be longer in this case, because the temperature
only increases slowly. Should power swings occur at low load due to
the speed regulator or system instability, the second stage will not be
able to trip, because the function repeatedly picks up and resets
before the time delay can expire. It is for just such cases that the
integrator ('Delay' function) is needed to ensure reliable tripping.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


t 1> Trip
I Trip Trip
t 2>

t 3>

t1 fast stage interlocked with the main turbine steam valve

t2 slow stage
t3 slow stage with an integrator where power swings are to be expected

Fig. 3.42 Reverse power protection for steam turbines

Typical settings:
PN determined by the generator cosϕGN
P - Setting (steam turbines of medium power) - 0.005
Max / Min Min
Drop Ratio 60 %
Angle connection to IR and UR 0°
connection to IR and URS +30°
connection to IR and UST -90°
connection to IR and UTR +150°
Phi Compensation 0.0
Stage 1:
Delay 0.5 s
Stage 2:
Delay 20 s
Integrator ('Delay' function) for delay on operation and reset
Trip time 20 s
Reset time 3s
Integration 1

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The following must be set for a 'Minimum forward power' scheme
according to Anglo-Saxon practice:
P - Setting >0
Max / Min Min
Drop Ratio 150 %

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RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.17. Stator overload (OLoad-Stator)

A. Application
Overload protection for the stators of large generators.

B. Features
• Delay inversely proportional to overload (see Fig. 3.43)
• Operating characteristic according to ASA-C50.13 (American
Standard Requirements for Cylindrical-Rotor Synchronous
Generators) with extended setting range
• Adjustable rate of counting backwards when the overload
disappears (cooling rate of thermal image)
• Insensitive to DC components
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Single or three-phase measurement
• Detection of highest phase in the three-phase mode

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude

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D. Overload function settings - OLoad-Stator

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
K1 Setting s 41.4 1 120 0.1
I - Start IB 1.1 1 1.6 0.01
t - min s 10 1 120 0.1
tg s 120 10 2000 10
t - max s 300 100 2000 10
t - Reset s 120 10 2000 10
Number Of Phases 3 Ph (Select) 2
Current Input Channel AnalogAddr ---
IB - Setting IN 1 0.5 2.5 0.01
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
K1 Setting
Multiplier. Operating characteristic constant.
I - Start
Enabling current for operating characteristic.
t - min
Minimum operating time. Operating characteristic constant.
Time during which the inverse characteristic is active. Operating
characteristic constant.
This must not exceed the maximum delay time.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

t - max
Maximum delay after being enabled regardless of inverse
characteristic. Operating characteristic constant.
t - Reset
Time taken to reset (from the operating limit). This corresponds to
the time taken by the generator to cool.
Number Of Phases
defines whether single or three-phase measurement.
Current Input Channel
defines the analog current input channel.
All current inputs may be selected. In the case of three-phase
measurement, the first channel of the group of three selected must
be specified.
IB - Setting
Reference (base) current for compensating a difference in relation
to IN.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

Fig. 3.43 Operating characteristic of the stator overload function

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Reference current IB - Setting
Enabling current I - Start
Multiplier K1 Setting
Minimum operating time t - min
Time inverse characteristic effective tg
Maximum delay t - max
Resetting time t - Reset

The stator overload function protects stator windings against excessive

temperature rise as a result of overcurrents. The function is applicable
to turbo-alternators designed according to the American standard
ASA-C50.13 or a similar standard defining overload capability.
Providing compensation using the reference value of the A/D channel
has not been made, the reference current IB for the protection is
calculated from the generator load current IB1, which is usually the
same as the generator rated current, and the CT rated currents IN1
and IN2 as follows:
IB = IB1
The setting is the ratio IB/IN, where IN is the rated current of the
protection, otherwise 'IB - Setting' would be 1.0 IN.
The multiplier k1 is 41.4 s for units designed according to ASA.
For units with a similar overload capacity:
∆ϑm −∆ϑn
k1 = τ [s; s; K]

τ : thermal time constant of the stator
∆ϑm : maximum permissible temperature rise of the stator winding
∆ϑn : rated temperature rise of the stator winding

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

τ = 5 min or 300 s
∆ϑm = 70 K
∆ϑn = 60 K
k1 = 300 = 50 s

Typical settings:
IB-Setting to be calculated
I-Start 1.1 IB
K1 - Setting 41.4 s
t - min 10.0 s
tg 120.0 s
t - max 300.0 s
t - Reset 120.0 s

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RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.18. Rotor overload (OLoad-Rotor)

A. Application
Overload protection for the rotors of large generators.

B. Features
• Delay inversely proportional to overload (see Fig. 3.44)
• Operating characteristic according to ASA-C50.13 (American
Standard Requirements for Cylindrical-Rotor Synchronous
Generators) with extended setting range
• Adjustable rate of counting backwards when the overload
disappears (cooling rate of thermal image)
• Three-phase measurement
• Current measurement
• three-phases of AC excitation supply
• evaluation of the sum of the three phases (instantaneous
values without digital filtering)

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Current amplitude

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Overload function settings - OLoad-Rotor

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
K1 Setting s 33.8 1 50 0.1
I - Start IB 1.1 1 1.6 0.01
t - min s 10 1 120 0.1
Tg s 120 10 2000 10
t - max s 300 100 2000 10
t - Reset s 120 10 2000 10
Current Input Channel AnalogAddr ---
IB - Setting IN 1 0.5 2.5 0.01
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
K1 Setting
Multiplier. Operating characteristic constant.
I - Start
Enabling current for operating characteristic.
t - min
Minimum operating time. Operating characteristic constant.
Time during which the inverse characteristic is active. Operating
characteristic constant.
This must not exceed the maximum delay time.
t - max
Maximum delay after being enabled regardless of inverse
characteristic. Operating characteristic constant.
t - Reset
Time taken to reset (from the operating limit). This corresponds to
the time taken by the machine to cool.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Current Input Channel

Defines the analog current input channel.
All current inputs may be selected. For three-phase measurement,
the first channel of the group of three selected must be specified.
IB - Setting
Reference (base) current for compensating a difference in relation
to IN.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

Fig. 3.44 Operating characteristic of the rotor overload function

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Reference current IB - Setting
Enabling current I - Start
Multiplier K1 Setting
Minimum operating time t - min
Time inverse characteristic effective tg
Maximum delay t - max
Resetting time t - Reset

The rotor overload function protects the rotor winding of generators

against excessive temperature rise as a result of overcurrents. The
function is applicable to turbo-alternators designed according to the
American standard ASA-C50.13 or a similar standard defining over-
load capability. It is connected to CTs in the AC excitation supply. It
may nor be used for brushless excitation systems.
Providing compensation using the reference value of the A/D channel
has not been made, the reference current IB for the protection is cal-
culated from the AC load current IB1 of the excitation supply which is
usually the same as the full load excitation current and the CT rated
currents IN1 and IN2 as follows:
IB = IB1
The setting is the ratio IB/IN, IN being the rated current of the pro-
The multiplier k1 is 33.8 s for units designed according to ASA. For
units with a similar overload capacity:

∆ϑm − ∆ϑn
k1 = τ [s; s; K]

τ : thermal time constant of the rotor
∆ϑm : maximum permissible temperature rise of the rotor winding
∆ϑn : rated temperature rise of the rotor winding

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Typical settings:
IB - Setting to be calculated
I - Start 1.1 IB
K1 Setting 33.8 s
t - min 10.0 s
tg 120.0 s
t - max 300.0 s
t - Reset 120.0 s

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RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.19. Overtemperature protection (Overtemp.)

A. Application
Overtemperature protection with accurate thermal image.

B. Features
• selectable thermal image for:
• 1st. order model
• universal thermal image defined by the impulse response of the
thermal system (see Fig. 3.45)
• alarm and tripping stages
• adjustable initial temperature rise
• extended thermal time constant when stationary
• takes account of temperature coefficient of resistance
• insensitive to DC components
• insensitive to harmonics
• single or three-phase measurement
• highest phase value detection in the multi-phase mode
• independent scaling of the impulse response for the universal
thermal image (entry of a table)
• 40 temperature rise calculations per thermal time constant (for 1st.
order model) or 200 calculations per duration of the impulse

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking
• Standstill

III. Binary outputs:

• Alarm
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Temperature rise
• Power dissipation
• Current

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Overtemperature protection settings - Overtemp.

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

General Parameters
Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Theta Begin % 100 0 100 1
Theta Warning % 105 050 200 1
Theta Trip % 110 050 200 1
Temp Coeff 1/ThetaN 0 0 1 0.01
K - Setting 1 1 9 1
IB-Setting IN 1 0.5 2.5 0.01
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Current Input Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Stillst. Input BinaryAddr Always
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Warning Signal SignalAddr ER
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER

1. Order Model
Time Constant min 5 1 500 0.1

Universal Model
ResponseTime min 0 5 6000 1
h[1] 0 -0.2 2 0.01
h[2] 0 -0.2 2 0.01
h[3] 0 -0.2 2 0.01
h[40] 0 -0.2 2 0.01

Explanation of parameters:

Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Tripping logic (matrix) for this function.
Theta Begin
Initial temperature rise.
This temperature rise is set every time the function is initiated, e.g.
when the protection is switched on or settings are changed.
A setting of 100 % is recommended for a unit, which is already
warm; a setting of 0 % is recommended for a unit starting at room
temperature in order to obtain the maximum utilization during the
start-up period
Theta Warning
Temperature rise at which alarm is given.
Theta Trip
Temperature rise at which tripping takes place.
Temp Coeff
Temperature coefficient "a" for taking account of the increased
resistance of the conductor due to the temperature rise caused by
the flow of current.
The temperature rise is derived from the dissipated power, which is
proportional to the resistance R of the conductor:
R = R0 (1 + a × T).
where T is the temperature rise referred to the rated value and R0
is the resistance at zero temperature rise, i.e. at room temperature.
Normally, a setting of a = 0 models the thermal behavior
sufficiently well.
Factor for extending the time constant when the unit is stationary.
The unit is assumed to be at a standstill when binary standstill I/P
is a logical "1" and the measured current is low at the same time
(less than approx. 0.005 IN in the case of metering CT cores or
0.05 IN in the case of protection CT cores).
Reference current: Normal operating current of the protected unit
referred to the rated current of the protection.
Number Of Phases
Nr. of phase currents measured.
Current Input Chan.
defines CT input channel.
All current channels are available for selection.
For three-phase measurement, the first channel (R phase) of the
group of three must be selected.
for detecting when the unit is at standstill and switching to a longer
time constant for taking account of the slower cooling.
Block Input
I/P for blocking the function

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Output for signaling an alarm
Output for signaling tripping

1. Order Model
Time Constant
Thermal time constant for calculating the temperature rise.
>0→ 1st order thermal model for which the thermal time
constant has to be entered.
=0→ Thermal model according to table entered.

Universal Model
Duration of the response impulse.
Only effective for a thermal model described by a table.
Setting restrictions:
not = 0 for a time constant setting = 0
not > 0 for a time constant setting > 0
h[1], h[2] . h[40]
define a value of the impulse response of the thermal system.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions

Reference current IB - Setting
Initial temperature rise Theta Begin
Temperature rise for alarm Theta Warning
Temperature rise for tripping Theta Trip
Temperature coefficient of resistance Temp Coeff
Extension factor K - Setting
Thermal time constant Time Constant
Duration of impulse response Response Time
Instantaneous value of the impulse response h[1] to h[40]
The overtemperature function guards against inadmissible tempera-
ture rise caused by overcurrents. The temperature rise is modeled on
the basis of the influence of the current flowing through the protected
unit on a thermal image of the protected unit. In contrast to the over-
load protection, this function can protect units of any power rating and
thermal capacity. It monitors the temperature rise and not the absolute
temperature. Thereby neither the ambient temperature nor the
effectiveness of the cooling system has an effect on the protection.
The operation of the overtemperature function is based on modelling
of the temperature rise of the winding. When the current changes, the
temperature rise changes from an initial value to a final value
according to one or more exponential functions. For a transformer,
these represent, for example, the thermal behavior of the cooling
water, the oil, the copper of the windings etc. In the case of a rotating
machine they concern the core, end windings, windings in the slots
etc. One of these functions is always more pronounced than the
others, e.g. the transformer oil or motor core. The overtemperature
function utilizes two models for modeling the transient temperature
rise. The first employs an exponential function and the second model a
universally applicable function (see Fig. 3.45). The first model is
suitable for the case where one exponential function is so
predominant, that the others may be either neglected, or approximated
by adjusting the thermal time constant. The second model is to be
preferred for more complex transient temperature rise functions.
This protection function does not monitor instantaneous values as do
most of the others. The temperature rise is determined by integration
over a given period, e.g. 1/40 of the thermal time constant.
The excursion of the temperature rise modeled by the protection is
determined by the following:
• the final steady-state temperature corresponding to the current
• the increased temperature rise due to the transfer functions.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


Current 1

Step response
∆t = t response
t response

Heating ∆ϑ

0 1 2 3... 37 38 39 40 t / ∆t
h(t) = s(t)
t response

h(t) dt = 1

Impulse response


h1 h(t)

h38 h39

0 1 2 3... 37 38 39 40 t / ∆t

HEST 905 037 FL

Fig. 3.45 Thermal impulse response

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The protection assumes that at the rated current IGN of the protected
unit, the temperature rise represents 100 %. Neglecting any compen-
sation of the A/D channel or the base current IB, the protection meas-
ures a current IR determined by the rated current of the CTs:
IGN : rated current of the protected unit
IN1, IN2 : rated primary and secondary CT currents.
The current referred to the rated current IN of the protection is:
IR = = ×
The steady-state temperature rise becomes:
⎛I I ⎞
∆ϑW = ⎜⎜ GN × N2 ⎟⎟ × 100 %
⎝ IN IN1 ⎠
At a constant current, the tripping time is:
⎛ 2

⎜ ϑ [%] − 100 × ⎛⎜ I ⎞⎟ ⎟
⎜ 0 ⎜I ⎟ ⎟
t = τ ln ⎜ ⎝ B⎠ ⎟
⎜ ⎛I⎞ ⎟
⎜⎜ ϑ [%] − 100 × ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ IB ⎠ ⎠
ϑ0 : initial temperature rise
ϑ : pick-up temperature rise
τ : thermal time constant
The variables in the submenu 'DISPLAY OPERATING VALUES' are
the calculated temperature rise, the power dissipation and the current.
The first two are mean values over the period of calculation (= τ / 40).
The values shown in the event list is the power dissipation at the
instant of tripping.

Rated current of the protected unit IGN = 8000 A
CT ratings IN1 = 10000 A
IN2 = 5A
Rated relay current IN = 5A
The temperature rise measured by the protection at a rated current of
IGN is:
⎛ 8000 5 ⎞
∆ϑW = ⎜ × ⎟ × 100% = 64 %
⎝ 5 10000 ⎠

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The settings for overtemperatures of 5 % and 10 % respectively are:

Theta-Warn = 67 %
Theta-Trip = 70 %
The protection is usually initialized when the machine is still cold, so
that the calculation starts at an initial temperature rise of zero and the
setting becomes
Theta-Begin = 0 %
providing it is permissible in the case of machines to neglect the
temperature rise due to iron and frictional losses.
With IB adjusted, the settings become:
IB IGN IN2 8000 5
Base current: = × = × = 0.8
IN IN IN1 5 10000
The settings for alarm and tripping are then:
Theta-Warn = 105 %
Theta-Trip = 110 %
Irrespective of the cooling system, the temperature rise of a winding is
dependant to the square of the current I2 and the winding resistance
R. Since the resistance varies with temperature, the effective
temperature rise is influenced by the temperature of the winding. The
overtemperature function provides facility for taking account of this
influence by setting the factor "Temp.-Coeff.".
In general the following equation applies for the temperature effect
R = R0 (1 + α × ∆ϑ)
or R = R0 (1 + a × T)
R0, R resistance of the winding at room temperature or following a
temperature rise of ∆ϑ
α temperature factor per degree, usually
α = 0.004 for aluminium and copper

a temperature coefficient at the rated temperature rise ∆ϑN

T temperature rise ∆ϑ referred to the rated temperature rise

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The following applies:

α × ∆ϑ = a × T
and then
a = α ∆ϑN T=
∆ϑ N

Rated temperature rise ∆ϑN = 60 K; α = 4 × 10-3 K-1
a = α × ∆ϑN = 4 × 10-3 × 60 = 0.24
The following must therefore be set:
Temp.-Coeff. = 0.24
Transformers have two predominant exponential functions, one
determined by the oil, the other by the winding, with the following
typical values:
oil: ∆ϑoil = 50 K τoil = 120 min
winding: ∆ϑW - ∆ϑoil = 10 K τW = 10 min
total temperature rise of the winding: ∆ϑW = 60 K
The first model operates with a single exponential function and
therefore the composite temperature rise of the winding has to be
approximated as closely as possible by adjusting the single curve. This
can be seen in Fig. 3.46. The final temperature rise of the equivalent
curve is identical to that of the winding as a whole, i.e. ∆ϑW = 60 K in
the example above. The time constant, however, usually lies between
60 and 80 % of the time constant for the temperature rise of the oil
(see Fig. 3.47).
Similar relationships prevail with regard to modeling the temperature
rise of generators and motors

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


ϑnw = 100°C ∆ϑnw = 60°C


i = in ϑÖl = 90°C ∆ϑÖl = 50°C

τw = 10 min τÖl = 120 min

0 t

ϑw ( t = ∞ )
ϑ [°C] 160

ϑ Öl ( t = ∞ ) ϑw

ϑ Öl

ϑ nw

ϑ Öl τ Öl


τw ∆ϑ Öl
ϑw ϑÖl

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 t [min]

HEST 905 035 C

Fig. 3.46 Temperature rise of a power transformer winding

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

ϑ =126,4°C

simulierte Wicklungstemperatur

ϑ [°C] ∆ ϑ [%]


Überlast i = 1,2
Erwärmung bei Nennstrom ∆ϑ nw − ∆ϑnÖl = 10°C τ w = 10 min
∆ϑ nÖl = 50°C τ Öl = 120 min
Einstellwert der therm. Zeitkonstante τ = 90 min

100 100
0 100 200 300 400 500
t [min]
HEST 905 036 C

Fig. 3.47 Comparison of the actual winding temperature with the

simulated temperature

When a motor or generator is stationary, there is no forced cooling and

the cooling time constant is much longer. The time constant at
standstill is defined by the setting of the factor "k". The time constant is
switched when the current falls below a given value and the external
signal "Stillst.-Inp" is being applied at the same time
The universal model enables overtemperature to be monitored on the
basis of a general function, which describes the temperature rise for a
given current change. Fig. 3.45 shows the response of the general
function s (t) to a step change in the current. The general function s (t)
is divided into 40 sections. The mean values h1, h2 ... h40, which
define the steps of the impulse response, are determined graphically
from the derivation of the function s (t) for the individual sections in
relation to time. These instantaneous values of the impulse response
are entered as h[1] to h[40] when using the universal model. The
"ResponseTime", i.e. the duration of the impulse response, must also
be entered. Zero must be entered for the thermal time constant
The reduced cooling of a motor or generator at standstill is taken into
account by extending the impulse response by the factor "k" when an
external signal coincides with operation of the low-current monitor.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Typical settings:
IB-Setting to be calculated
Theta-Begin 0%
Theta-Warn 105%
Theta-Trip 110%
Temp.-Coeff. 0

1st order Universal

model model

K - Setting 3 *) 3
Time Constant acc. to prot. unit 0
ResponseTime 0.
h[1] 0
h[2] 0
. acc. to prot. unit
h[40] 0

*) for motors, otherwise 1.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.20. Frequency protection (Frequency)

A. Application
• Under and overfrequency
• Load-shedding

B. Features
• Measurement of one voltage
• Frequency calculation based on the complex voltage vector
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Undervoltage blocking

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Undervoltage blocking
• Start
• Trip

IV. Measurements:
• Frequency
• Voltage

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Frequency function settings - Frequency

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Frequency Hz 48 40 65 0.01
Block Voltage UN 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.1
Delay S 1 0.1 60 0.01
Max / Min Min (Select)
Voltage Inp. Chan. CT/VT- ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Blocked (U<) Signal SignalAddr
Trip SignalAddr ER
Start SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping relay activated by the tripping output of the
function (matrix).
Operating value.
Setting restrictions:
• underfrequency not ≥ fN
• overfrequency not ≤ fN
Block Voltage
Peak value of the voltage for blocking.
(reset ratio approx. 1.05)
Time between the function picking up and tripping.
Max / Min
defines operation as overfrequency or underfrequency. Settings:
• Max: Overfrequency
• Min: Underfrequency
Voltage Inp. Chan.
defines the voltage input channel.
All voltage inputs may be selected.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Blocked (U<) Signal
defines the output for signaling blocking by undervoltage
(signal address).
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions
There are often several stages of frequency protection using several
single-stage relays.

Frequency Frequency
Delay Delay
Undervoltage blocking Block Voltage
Under or over frequency Max / Min
Frequency protection is used either to protect synchronous machines
and prime-movers against the effects of operating at under or
overfrequency or for load-shedding in the event of an overload.
The adverse effects in the former case prevented by the frequency
protection are:
• excessive temperature rise and additional iron losses in the
• damage to the generator and the prime-mover by vibration
Some synchronous machines are subject to severe vibration if they
are operated at speeds other than their rated speed.
Vibration occurs more usual at speeds below rated frequency, but can
occur both above and below. A complete scheme often comprises
therefore 4 stages, two for alarm and tripping for overfrequency and
two for alarm and tripping for underfrequency. Tripping is delayed to
avoid the risk of maloperation during transients.

Typical settings:
1. Protection of machines

1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage

Alarm Tripping Alarm Tripping

Frequency (Hz) 51.0 52.0 49.0 48.0

Delay (s) 1.5 3 1.5 3

Block Voltage 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

Max / Min Max Max Min Min

Table 3.9 Typical settings for alarm and tripping stages

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

2. Load-shedding

1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage 5th stage
Alarm Load-shed. Alarm Load-shed. Load-shed.

Frequency (Hz) 49.8 49.0 48.7 48.8 47.5

Delay (s) 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Block Voltage 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

Max / Min Min Min Min Min Min

Table 3.10 Typical settings for alarm and tripping stages

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RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.21. Rate-of-change of frequency protection (df/dt)

A. Application
• Static, dynamic and adaptive load shedding in power utility and
industrial distribution systems
• Generator protection

B. Features
• One phase voltage as input variable
• Supervises the rate-of-change df/dt of the frequency
• Provision for enabling by absolute frequency
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics and other high-frequency signals
• Undervoltage blocking

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Blocked by undervoltage
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Rate-of-change of frequency
• Absolute frequency
• Voltage amplitude

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Rate-of-change frequency settings – df/dt

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
df/dt Hz/s -1 -10 +10 0.1
Frequency Hz 48 40 65 0.01
Block Voltage UN 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.1
Delay s 0.1 0.1 60 0.01
Voltage Inp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr. ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Blocked (U<) Signal SignalAddr
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping O/P of the
function (matrix tripping logic).
Rate-of-change of frequency pick-up setting.
Inadmissible settings:
• df/dt = 0
• df/dt > 0 for absolute 'Frequency' settings < fN
• df/dt < 0 for absolute 'Frequency' settings > fN
Setting of the absolute frequency enabling criterion.
Operation for overfrequency or underfrequency is determined by
the absolute frequency setting:
• Underfrequency for 'Frequency’ settings < fN
• Overfrequency for 'Frequency' settings > fN
The absolute frequency criterion is disabled for a setting of
'Frequency' = 0. In this case, tripping is dependent solely on the
rate-of-change setting df/dt.
Inadmissible settings:
• Frequency = fN
• Frequency < fN – 10 Hz
• Frequency > fN + 5 Hz
Block Voltage
Pick-up setting for undervoltage blocking
(reset ratio approx. 1.05, reset time approx. 0.1 s).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Delay from the instant the function picks up to the generation of a
tripping command.
Voltage Inp. Chan.
defines the voltage input channel. All voltage inputs may be
selected with the exception of the special voltage inputs for the
100% ground stator fault protection.
Block Input
defines the input for an external blocking signal.
Blocked (U<) Signal
signals when the function is blocked by the undervoltage criterion.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions
Several rate-of-change of frequency stages are often needed and the
additional stages are achieved by configuring the function as many
times as is necessary.

Rate-of-change of frequency df/dt
Absolute frequency Frequency
Undervoltage Block Voltage
Delay Delay
The rate-of-change of frequency function only trips when the rate-of-
change is higher than setting, the absolute frequency criterion picks up
and the voltage is not lower than the undervoltage setting.
The additional absolute frequency criterion prevents unwanted opera-
tion of the rate-of-change function during power system transients.
Where it is desired that the rate-of-change function should operate
without regard to the absolute frequency, this is achieved by setting
the absolute frequency criterion to '0'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.22. Definite Time Overfluxing (Overfluxing)

A. Application
Protection of generators and power transformers against excessive

B. Features
• Evaluation of the voltage/frequency ratio
• Single-phase measurement
• Definite time delay
• Determination of frequency from the complex voltage vector
• Insensitive to DC components
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Over or underexcitation mode

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Voltage / frequency
• Frequency

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Overfluxing function settings - Overexcitat

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Delay s 1 0.1 60 0.01
V/f - Setting UN/fN 1.2 0.2 2 0.01
Max / Min MAX (Select)
Voltage Input Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
time delay between pick-up and tripping.
V/f - Setting
Setting of the voltage/frequency ratio for tripping.
Max / Min
defines operation as overfluxing or underfluxing. Settings:
Max: overfluxing
Min: underfluxing
Voltage Inp. Chan.
defines the VT input channel.
All voltage inputs may be selected.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions

Magnetic flux V/f - Setting
Delay Delay
Over/underfluxing Max / Min

The overfluxing function is primarily intended to protect the iron cores

of power transformers. Tripping by the function is delayed to avoid
false operation during system transients such as load shedding.
The magnetic flux is not measured directly. Instead the voltage/fre-
quency ratio which is proportional to the flux and easier to measure is
Overfluxing can result from either an increase of system voltage or a
reduction of system frequency.
For example, 10 % overfluxing at constant frequency is equivalent to
increasing the value of the U/f ratio to 1.1 UN/fN.

Typical settings:
V/f - Setting 1.1 UN/fN
Delay 5s
Max / Min Max

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.23. Inverse time overfluxing (U/f-Inv)

A. Application
Protection of generators and power transformers against excessive
flux, especially in heavily loaded non-laminated metal parts, and the
associated excessive heating of the unit.

B. Features
• Evaluation of the voltage/frequency ratio
• Single-phase measurement
• Inverse time delay according to U/f ratio
• Determination of frequency from the complex voltage vector
• Insensitive to DC components
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Delay determined by integrating function response
• Input of delay table facilitates matching the operating characteristic
to a specific machine according to IEEE Guideline
C 37.91-1985
• Adjustable rate of counting backwards when the overfluxing

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Voltage/frequency
• Frequency

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Inverse time overfluxing function settings - U/f-Inv

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
UB - Setting UN 1 0.8 1.2 0.01
U/f Start UB/fN 1.1 1.05 1.2 0.01
t - Min min 0.2 0.01 2 0.01
t - Max min 60 5 100 0.1
t - Reset min 60 0.1 100 0.1
t[U/f=1.05] min 70 0.01 100 0.01
t[U/f=1.10] min 70 0.01 100 0.01
t[U/f=1.15] min 6 0.01 100 0.01
t[U/f=1.20] min 1 0.01 30 0.01
t[U/f=1.25] min 0.48 0.01 30 0.001
t[V/f=1.30] min 0.3 0.01 30 0.001
t[u/f=1.35] min 0.22 0.01 30 0.001
t[U/f=1.40] min 0.17 0.01 30 0.001
t[U/f=1.45] min 0.14 0.01 30 0.001
t[U/f=1.50] min 0.14 0.01 30 0.001
Voltage Input Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (matrix).
UB - Setting
Reference (base) voltage for compensating a difference between
the VT rating and the rating of the generator or transformer.
U/f Start
Voltage/frequency ratio setting referred to UB / fN.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

t - Min
Minimum operating time after being enabled regardless of inverse
characteristic. Operating characteristic constant.
t - Max
Maximum operating time after being enabled regardless of inverse
characteristic. Operating characteristic constant.
t - Reset
Time taken to reset (from the operating point). This corresponds to
the time taken by the generator to cool.
t[U/f = 1.05] ... t[U/f = 1.50]
Table of 10 values (data input) for defining a specific inverse
operating characteristic.
Voltage Input Chan.
defines the VT input channel.
All voltage inputs may be selected.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling pick-up.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Magnetic flux for enabling char. U/f Start
Reference value UB - Setting
Minimum operating time t - Min
Maximum operating time t - Max
10 values defining the inverse t[U/f = 1.05] ... t[U/f = 1.50]
time operating characteristic
Reset time t - Reset

The overfluxing function protects the iron cores of generators and

power transformers against excessive flux.
The magnetic flux is not measured directly. Instead the voltage/fre-
quency ratio which is proportional to the flux and easier to measure is
Overfluxing can result from either an increase of system voltage or a
reduction of system frequency.
For example, 10 % overfluxing at constant frequency is equivalent to
increasing the value of the U/f ratio to 1.1 UB /fN.
The limit curve for the maximum magnetic flux (U/f) permissible for
electrical machines is defined in
• standards
• data supplied by manufacturers

The limit curve for Westinghouse machines is given in Fig. 3.48.

The operating characteristic of the U/f-Inv protection function should
be selected to be just below the short-time limit curve for overfluxing.
The time limits t-min and t-max must also be set (see Fig. 3.49).
It must also be noted that depending on the standard or specification,
the units are also designed for a continuous level of overfluxing apart
from the short-time level. Typical values for generators would be 100,
105, 107.5 and 110%. The choice of characteristic must also take the
continuous level of overfluxing into consideration.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Providing compensation using the reference value of the A/D channel

has not been made, the reference voltage UB for the protection is
calculated from transformer rated voltage UTN and the VT rated
voltages UN1 and UN2 as follows:
The setting is the ratio UB/UN, where UN is the rated voltage of the
protection, otherwise 'UB-Setting' would be 1.0 UN.
The overfluxing curve of the generator must be known in order to set
the times t-min and t-max and enter the table of 10 values t [U/f = 1.05]
... t [U/f = 1.50].

Typical settings:
U/f Start 1.1 UB/fN
UB - Setting according to protected unit
t - Min 0.2 min
t - Max 60 min
t [U/f = 1.05...1.50] according to protected unit1)
t - Reset 60 min



Permissible overfluxing [%]





110 110%

105 105%

100 continuous
.1 .2 .5 1.0 2 5 10 20 50 100 200

t [min]
HEST 935 004 FL

Fig. 3.48 Permissible overfluxing when off-load

Refer to Fig. 3.48 and Fig. 3.51 for typical settings for a Westinghouse unit.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


HEST 935 023 FL

50 60

t [min]

0.5 0.6







Overfluxing [%]

Fig. 3.49 Operating characteristic for a generator with a

permissible continuous voltage in the range
100 ±5 % UN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

% 150




Permissible short-time
120 according to table



.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 1.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60

t-min Time in minutes t-max

HEST 935 024 C

Fig. 3.50 Example of an overfluxing curve

Applications for Power Transformers (IEEE C37.91-1985)



% 130
T 120
z 110


Data on overfluxing limits must be

requested from the various suppliers
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
HEST 935 025 C

Fig. 3.51 Transformer overfluxing limits of three manufacturers

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.24. 100 % Stator ground fault with injection (Stator-EFP)

A. Application
Ground fault protection function for detecting ground faults close to the
star-point of a generator. The scheme is based on the principle of
biasing the potential of the generator star-point by injecting a coded
low-frequency signal. The injection signal is generated by the injection
unit REX 010 and fed into the stator circuit by the injection transformer
block REX 011. In conjunction with the voltage function 'Voltage' that
covers 95 % of the winding, this protection completes detection of
ground faults over 100 % of the winding. Compensation is provided for
the influence of a second high-resistance grounded star-point in the
zone of protection.
Stator ground faults producing a current at the star-point > 5 A cause
the P8 contactor to reset which separates the injection unit Type
REX 010 from the injection transformer block REX 011 and interrupts
injection in both stator and rotor circuits. The 95 % stator ground fault
protection then clears the fault on its own.

B. Features
• Protects the star-point and a part of the stator winding depending
on the ground fault current. The entire winding is protected when
the generator is stationary.
• Biases the star-point in relation to ground by injecting a signal
generated in the REX 010 unit
• Computes the ground fault resistance
• Monitors the amplitude and frequency of the injection signal
• Monitors the measuring circuit with respect to open-circuit and
correct connection of the grounding resistor

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage (2 inputs)

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking
• 2nd parallel star-point
• MTR adjustment
• REs adjustment

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

III. Binary outputs:

• Alarm stage pick-up
• Alarm
• Trip stage pick-up
• Trip
• 2nd parallel star-point
• MTR adjustment active
• REs adjustment active
• Injection open-circuit internally
• Injection open-circuit externally

IV. Measurements:
• Ground fault resistance Rfs
• Measurement transformer ratio MTR
• Grounding resistor REs
Explanation of measurements:
Ground fault resistances between 0 and 29.8 kΩ can be deter-
mined and displayed. A display of 29.9 kΩ or 30 kΩ indicates a
ground fault resistance >29.8 kΩ. A value of 29.9 kΩ or 30 kΩ is
displayed when there is no ground fault.
A whole number fault code between 100 and 109 is displayed in
cases when it is not possible to compute the ground fault resis-
• 100.0 means no injection for more than 5 s.
• 101.0 means incorrect frequency. Either the injection frequency
on the REX 010 or the rated frequency on the REG316*4 is
incorrectly set.
• 102.0 means external open-circuit.
• 109.0 means that both the binary inputs 'Adjust REs Input' and
'AdjMTRInp' are enabled.
No other codes will normally be generated, but if they are, they are
a diagnostic aid for service people.
The value measured for MTR is displayed when the input 'Adjust
MTR Input' is enabled.
During normal operation, the value entered for MTR via the HMI is

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

When the input 'Adjust REs Input' is enabled, the error code 123.0
is displayed initially until the resistance has been calculated. It can
take up to 10 s before the value measured for REs is displayed.
During normal operation, the value entered for REs via the HMI is
Normal operation:
Neither of the two inputs 'Adjust MTR Input' and 'Adjust REs Input'
is enabled and injection is taking place.

NOTE: Only one of the binary inputs may be enabled at any one
time, otherwise an error code is generated for the measurements
Rfs, MTR and REs (see table below).

Adjust MTR Input Adjust REs Input

0 0 Protection active and Rfs is
1 0 Determination of MTR and Rfs
0 1 Determination of REs and Rfs
1 1 Error codes: MTR = 1090.0,
REs = 109.0, Rfs = 109.0

0: binary input disabled

1: binary input enabled

Table 3.11 Configuration possibilities and their significance.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Stator ground fault settings - Stator-EFP

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Alarm Delay s 0.5 0.2 60 0.05
Trip Delay s 0.5 0.2 60 0.05
Rfs Alarm Value kΩ 10 0.1 20 0.1
Rfs Trip Value kΩ 1 0.1 20 0.1
REs kΩ 1 0.25 5 0.01
REs 2. Star point kΩ 1 0.9 30 0.01
Rfs Adjust kΩ 10 8 12 0.01
Meas. Transf. Ratio 100 10 200 0.1
Nr. Of Star Points 1 1 2 1
Voltage Input Ui CT/VT-Addr. 0
Voltage Input Us CT/VT-Addr. 0
2. Star Point Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Adjust MTR Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Adjust REs Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr
Alarm Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Alarm Signal SignalAddr
Inj. Interrupt Signal SignalAddr
Ext. Interrupt Signal SignalAddr
2. Star point Signal SignalAddr
Adjust MTR Signal SignalAddr
Adjust REs Signal SignalAddr
Extern Block Signal SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
Alarm Delay
Time between pick-up of the alarm stage and an alarm.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Trip Delay
Time between pick-up of the tripping stage and a trip.
RFs AlarmValue
Ground fault resistance setting for alarm.
RFs for alarm must be higher than RFs for tripping.
RFs Trip Value
Ground fault resistance setting for tripping.
Grounding resistor REs for primary system grounding.
Where the grounding resistor is connected to the secondary of a
VT, its value related to the primary system R'Es has to be
calculated and entered.
REs 2. Star Point
The total grounding resistance of a 2nd star-point in the zone of
Rfs Adjust
Simulated ground fault resistance used as a reference value for
calculating REs in the 'REs-Adjust' mode.
Meas. Transf. Ratio
VT ratio for a directly grounded primary system.
Nr. Of Star Points
Number of star-points in the zone of protection.
Voltage Input Ui
defines the voltage input channel for the reference voltage.
Channel 8 must be used.
Voltage Input Us
defines the voltage input channel for the measured voltage.
Channel 9 must be used.
2. Star Point Input
Binary address used as status input. It determines whether the
second star-point is connected in parallel to the first.
Adjust MTR Input
switches the protection function to the MTR determination mode.
Adjust REs Input
switches the protection function to the REs determination mode.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling the pick-up of the tripping stage.
Alarm Signal
Output for signaling an alarm.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Start Alarm Signal

Output for signaling the pick-up of the alarm stage.
Inj. Interrupt Signal
Output for signaling an open-circuit injection circuit.
Ext. Interrupt Signal
Output for signaling an open-circuit measuring circuit.
2. Star Point Signal
Output for signaling a second star-point in parallel.
Adjust MTR Signal
Output for signaling the binary status of 'AdjMTRInp'.
Adjust REs Signal
Output for signaling the binary status of 'AdjREsInp'.
Extern Block Signal
Output for signaling that the function is disabled by an external

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions
The value of 'Rfs Alarm Value' for alarm must always be higher than
that of 'Rfs Trip Value' for tripping.
Both alarm and tripping stages have their own timers.
Typical delays used for the 100 % ground fault protection are in the
range of seconds.

'Rfs Trip Value' for tripping
'Rfs Alarm Value' for alarm
Delay for tripping
Delay for alarm
Grounding resistor REs
Measuring transformer ratio (MTR).

Typical settings:
Alarm stage:
RFs-Setting 5 kΩ
Delay 5s
Tripping stage:
RFs-Setting 500 Ω
Delay 2s

Setting procedure:
The accuracy of the Rfs calculation depends on the values entered for
REs and MTR. Therefore check the settings and correct them if
necessary by connecting resistors between 100 Ω and 10 kΩ between
the star-point and ground while the generator is not running.
The protection function provides a convenient way of setting these two
parameters in the software by switching its mode using the input
'Adjust MTR Input' or 'Adjust REs Input'. This is the recommended
procedure. In this mode, the settings of the parameters 'MTR' and
'REs' are calculated with the aid of simulated ground fault resistances.
The two parameters are displayed continuously in the measured
values window.
Should the values of REs and MTR determined by the adjustment
modes differ from their nominal values, the calculated values are the
preferred values.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Determination of 'MTR':
• Ground the star-point (Rf = 0 Ω).
• Set the input 'Adjust MTR Input' to 'Always TRUE'.
• Select menu 'Monitor', 'Measurement', 'Display Function
Measurements', '100% Stator Ground Fault' and click on 'Open
Function'. Note the value for 'Meas. Transf. Ratio'. Return to the
'Configuration' menu, then the submenu 'Protection Functions'. In
the window 'Select Protection Function' select the function '100%
Stator Ground Fault', now enter the value noted for the 'Meas.
Transf. Ratio' and download the set file into the relay.
• Remove the connection between the star-point and ground.
• Reset the binary input ‘Adjust MTR Input’.
Determination of ‘REs’.
• The selection of the menus and items is the same as for the
determination of 'MTR' above.
• Set the input 'Adjust REs Input' to 'Always TRUE'.
• Enter an approximate value for 'REs'.
• Simulate a ground fault Rf by connecting a resistor between the
star-point and ground: 8 kΩ < Rf < 12 kΩ
• In the window 'Select Protection Function', window '100% Stator
Ground Fault (Stator EFP)':
Enter the value for the setting 'Rfs Adjust'.
Enter the approximate value for 'REs'. If the grounding resistor is
on the secondary system side, the value entered must be referred
to the primary side (Refer also to the Sections concerning REs and
MTR in the case of secondary injection at the star-point, respec-
tively at the terminals.) and download the set file into the relay.
• Open the submenu 'Display Function Measurements' in the
'Monitor', 'Measurement', and note the value of 'REs'.
• Enter the value noted for the setting of 'REs' in the 'Configuration'
menu, then the submenu 'Protection Functions' and download the
set file into the relay.
• Remove the simulated ground fault.
• Reset the input 'Adjust REs Input'.
The protection function will only switch back from the
determination mode to the normal protection mode when both
binary Inputs have been reset.
Check the settings by connecting resistors of 100 Ω to 20 kΩ (P ≥ 5 W)
between the star-point and ground and compare their values with the
readings of the measured values on the screen.

NOTE: The tripping and alarm outputs are disabled as long as one of
the two binary Inputs 'Adjust MTR Input' or 'Adjust REs Input' is
enabled, i.e. the protection will not trip if the stator circuit is grounded.
The two signals 'Inj. Interrupt Signal' and 'Ext. Interrupt Signal',
however, are not disabled.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd REs and MTR in the case of primary injection at the generator
An injection transformer block Type REX 011 is needed for this circuit.


N12 N11

REs Us

Uis RPs

Injection voltage

Fig. 3.52 Stator earth fault protection with primary injection

The wiring diagram for primary injection is shown in Fig. 3.52 (peak
value of Uis 110 or 96 V DC) at the generator star-point. The star-point
is grounded via the resistor REs and the parallel resistor RPs. The
current at the star-point must not exceed 20 A. It is recommended,
however, to select the resistors such that the star-point current is ≤ 5 A
to protect as much of the winding as possible.
The total resistance is thus:
Condition 1: REs + RPs ≥
3 × IEmax
where: UGen phase-to-phase voltage at the generator
IEmax max. star-point current = 20 A

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The following conditions must also be fulfilled:

Condition 2a: Injection in Stator- und Rotor circuit:
R + REs
RPs ≥ 87Ω and RPs ≤ Ps
Condition 2b: Injection only in Stator circuit:
R + REs
RPs ≥ 77Ω and RPs ≤ Ps
Condition 3: REs ≥ 4,5 × RPs and REs ≤ 5 kΩ
The VT must be designed such that for a solid ground fault at the
generator terminals, the rated frequency component voltage
Us = 100 ±20 %, i.e. the ratio MTR = N12/ N11 must lie within the
following range:
Condition 4:
N12 UGen REs
1.2 × n ≥ ≥ 0.8 × n , where n = ×
N11 3 × 100 V REs + RPs

N12 UGen
A VT = will fulfill condition 4 in most cases.
N11 3 × 100 V

Design example:
UGen = 8 kV
Assumed: IEmax ≤ 5 A
Injection in Stator- und Rotor circuit
Determination of the grounding resistors:
8 kV
Condition 1: REs + RPs ≥ ≥ 924 Ω
3 ×5 A

924 Ω
Condition 2: RPs ≥ 87 Ω and RPs ≤ = 168 Ω
Assumed: RPs = 100 Ω

Condition 3: REs ≥ 4.5 × 100 Ω = 450 Ω and REs ≤ 5 kΩ

In order to fulfill conditions 1, 3 and 4: REs = 1'000 Ω

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Determination of the VT:

N12 8 kV
Assumed: = = 46.188
N11 3 × 100 V
Condition 4 is fulfilled because:
1,2 × n ≥ ≥ 0,8 × n = 50.4 ≥ 46.1888 ≥ 33.6 where
8 kV 1'000 Ω
n= × = 42
3 × 100 V 1'000 Ω + 100 Ω

The following values are permissible:

RPs = 100 Ω

REs = 1'000 Ω

N12 N11 = 8 kV 3 100 V

Design instructions:
The injection unit REX010 delivers a maximum output power of 150 W.
The peak injection voltage is ±96 V.
Taking into account the available power, typical resistance values for
most applications are REs = 1000 Ω and RPs = 100 Ω. Both RPs and
REs must be able to conduct the maximum star-point current for 10 s.
The resistor RPs must also be continuously rated for the injection
voltage (injected power < 150 W).
The maximum generator star-point current is determined by the
resistors REs and RPs. Using the above resistors, this current would
be, for example, 5.3 A for UGen = 10.5 kV or 13.5 A for UGen = 27 kV.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN REs and MTR in the case of secondary injection at the star-point
An injection transformer block Type REX011-1 is needed for this



N1 N2 N'12 N'11

R'Es Us

R'Ps Uis
Injection voltage

Fig. 3.53 Stator ground fault protection with secondary injection

at the generator star-point

The bias voltage can also be injected across part of the grounding
resistor connected to the secondary of a grounding VT (see Fig. 3.53).
The two resistors R'Es and R'Ps limit the maximum current at the star-
point which must not exceed 20 A. The total resistance is thus:
UGen ⎛N ⎞
Condition 1: R'Es +R'Ps ≥ × ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟
3 × IEmax ⎝ N1 ⎠
where: UGen phase-to-phase voltage at the generator terminals
IEmax max. star-point current = 20 A
N1/N2 ratio of the grounding transformer
Uis Injection voltage, depending on the configuration is
0,85 V, 1,7 V or 3,4 V.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The following conditions must also be fulfilled:

Condition 2a: for injection in Stator and Rotor circuit:
Uis ⎛ R' + R'Es ⎞
R'Ps ≥ 1.2 × and R'Ps ≤ ⎜ Ps ⎟
130 W ⎝ 5.5 ⎠
Condition 2b: Injection only in Stator circuit:
Uis ⎛ R' + R'Es ⎞
R'Ps ≥ 1.2 × and R'Ps ≤ ⎜ Ps ⎟
150 W ⎝ 5.5 ⎠
⎛N ⎞
Condition 3: R'Es ≥ 4.5 × R'Ps and R'Es ≤ 5.0kΩ × ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟
⎝ N1 ⎠
The VT must be designed such that for a solid ground fault at the
generator terminals, the rated frequency component voltage
Us = 100 V ±20 %, i.e. the ratio MTR' = N'12/ N'11 must lie within the
following range:
Condition 4:
N'12 UGen N2 R'Es
1.2 × n ≥ ≥ 0.8 × n , where n = × ×
N'11 3 × 100 V N1 R'Es + R'Ps

N'12 UGen N
A VT = × 2 will fulfill condition 4 in most cases.
N'11 3 × 100V N1

NOTE: In many cases it is better to avoid using an additional VT and

connect the A/D converter directly to R'ES, if Us is within the limits:
80 V ≤ Us ≤ 150 V. In this case the reference value of the
corresponding voltage channel should be adapted for 100 % ESS und
95 % ESS

The settings for REs and MTR must be entered via the HMI, i.e. the
values of R'Es and MTR' reflected to the primary of the grounding
⎛N ⎞
REs = R'Es × ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ ≥ 0.25 kΩ
⎝ N2 ⎠
110 V N'12 110 V
MTR = MTR' × = ×
Uis N'11 Uis
The injection voltage Uis depends on the value of the parallel
resistance R'Ps and can be either 0.85 V, 1.7 V or 3.4 V.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The minimum value of the resistor R'Ps in relation to the corresponding

injection voltage Uis can be seen from the following table. The
maximum possible injection voltage should be chosen in each case.

R'Ps [mΩ] Uis [V]

> 5.5 0.85
> 22 1.7
> 88 3.4

Table 3.12 REX011-1

The two determination modes 'REs Adjust' and 'MTR Adjust' determine
and display the values for REs and MTR, i.e. they present the
secondary circuit reflected on the primary system side. Inaccuracies
due to contact resistance, grounding resistor tolerances etc., are thus
automatically compensated.
Determining the values for REs and MTR by means of the
determination modes 'REs Adjust' and 'MTR Adjust' during
commissioning is recommended in preference to calculating their
As a check, calculate the values of R'Es and MTR' from the values
given for RE and MTR in the measured value window as follows:
⎛N ⎞
R'Es = REs × ⎜ 2 ⎟
MTR' = MTR ×
110 V
In most cases, the calculated and determined values will not agree.
Discrepancies of ±20 % are acceptable. Where the discrepancies -
especially in the case of REs - are large, check the actual values of the
grounding resistors and the grounding transformer.

Design example:
UGen = 16 kV
N1 14.4 kV
= = 60
N2 240 V

Assumed: IEmax ≤ 5 A
Injection only in Stator circuit

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Determination of the grounding resistors:

16 kV ⎛ 1 ⎞
Condition 1: R'Es + R'Ps ≥ × ⎜ ⎟ = 513 mΩ
3 × 5 A ⎝ 60 ⎠

3 .4 V 2 513 mΩ
Condition 2: 1 .2 × ≤ R'Ps ≤ resp.
150 W 5 .5
92.5 mΩ ≤ R'Ps ≤ 93.3 mΩ
Assumed: R'Ps = 93 m Ω
Condition 3: R'Es ≥ 4.5 × 93 mΩ = 419 mΩ and
⎛ 1⎞
R'Es ≤ 5.0 kΩ × ⎜ ⎟ = 1.39kΩ
⎝ 60 ⎠
In order to fulfill Conditions 1, 2 and 3:

R'Es = 500 mΩ
Determination of the VT:
N'12 16 kV 1
Assumed: = × = 1.54
N'11 3 × 100 V 60

Condition 4 is fulfilled because:

1.2 × n ≥ ≥ 0.8 × n resp. 1.56 ≥ 1.54 ≥ 1.04

16 kV 1 500 mΩ
where n = × × = 1.30
3 × 100 V 60 500 mΩ + 93 mΩ

The following values are permissible:

R'Ps = 93 mΩ

R'Es = 500 mΩ

N12 N11 = 154 V 100 V

In this example the VT can be avoided, because the maximum output

voltage amounts to 130 V, In this case the reference value of the
voltage channel for 100 % ESS und 95 % ESS must be changed to
Calculation of the settings REs and MTR:

R Es = 500 m Ω × (60 )2 = 1.8 kΩ

N'12 110 V
MTR = × = 49.8
N'11 3.4 V
for an injection voltage of Uis = 3.4 V.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN REs and MTR in the case of secondary injection at the generator
An injection transformer block Type REX011-2 is needed for this
R S T Voltage

N1 N2 R'Es N'12 N'11 Us

R'Ps Uis
Injection voltage


Fig. 3.54 Wiring diagram for secondary injection of the stator

(grounding transformer at the generator terminals)

The bias voltage can also be injected across part of the grounding
resistor connected to the broken-delta secondaries of a grounding VTs
at the generator terminals (see Fig. 3.54).
The two resistors R'Es and R'Ps limit the maximum current at the star-
point which must not exceed 20 A. The total resistance is thus :
UGen ⎛ 3 × N2 ⎞
Condition 1: R'Es + R'Ps ≥ × ⎜⎜ ⎟
3 × IEmax ⎝ N1 ⎟⎠
where: UGen phase-to-phase voltage at the generator
IEmax max. star-point current = 20 A
N1/N2 ratio of the grounding transformer
The grounding resistors R'Es and R'Ps must fulfill the following
Condition 2a Injection in Stator and Rotor circuit:
Uis ⎛ R' + R'Es ⎞
R'Ps ≥ 1.2 × and R'Ps ≤ ⎜ Ps ⎟
130 W ⎝ 5.5 ⎠
Condition 2b Injection only in Stator circuit:
Uis ⎛ R' + R'Es ⎞
R'Ps ≥ 1.2 × and R'Ps ≤ ⎜ Ps ⎟
150 W ⎝ 5.5 ⎠

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Condition 3: R'Es ≥ 4.5 × R'Ps

The VT must be designed such that for a solid ground fault at the
generator terminals, the rated frequency component voltage
Us = 100 V ±20 %, i.e. the ratio MTR' = N'12/ N'11 must lie within the
following range:
Condition 4:
N' 12 UGen 3 × N2 R'Es
1.2 × n ≥ ≥ 0.8 × n , where n= × ×
N' 11 3 × 100 V N1 R'Es + R'Ps

N'12 UGen 3 × N2
A VT = × will fulfill condition 4 in most cases.
N'11 3 × 100 V N1

The settings for REs and MTR must be entered via the HMI, i.e. the
values of R'Es and MTR' reflected to the primary of the grounding
⎛ N1 ⎞
REs = R'Es ×⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ≥ 0.725 kΩ
⎝ 3 × N2 ⎠
110 V N'12 110 V
MTR = MTR'× = ×
Uis N'11 Uis
The injection voltage Uis depends on the value of the parallel resistor
R'Ps and can be either 6.4 V, 12.8 V or 25.6 V.
The minimum value of the resistor R'Ps in relation to the corresponding
injection voltage Uis can be seen from the following table. The
maximum possible injection voltage should be chosen in each case.

R'Ps [Ω] Uis [V]

> 0.32 6.4
> 1.3 12.8
> 5.0 25.6

Table 3.13 REX011-2

Design example:
UGen = 12kV

N1 3
N2 600 V
Assumed: IEmax ≤ 5A
Injection for stator and rotor earthing protection

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Determination of the grounding resistors:

Condition 1:
⎛ ⎞
⎜ 3 × 600 V ⎟
3 × (600 V )
12 kV ⎜ 3 ⎟ =
R' Es + R' Ps ≥ ×⎜ = 10.4 Ω
3 ×5 A 12 kV ⎟ 3 × 5 A × 12 kV
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠
12.8 2 10.4 Ω
Condition 2: ≤ R' Ps ≤ resp. 1.51 Ω ≤ R' Ps ≤ 1.89 Ω
130 W 5 .5

Assumed: R'Ps = 1.7 Ω

Condition 3: R'Es ≥ 4.5 × 1.7 Ω = 7.65 Ω

In order to fulfill conditions 1, 2 and 3: R' Es = 10.0Ω

Determining the VT:
600 V

N'12 12 kV 3 3 × 600 V
Assumed: = × = = 6.0
N'11 3 × 100 V 12 kV 100 V
Condition 4 is fulfilled because:
1.2 × n ≥ ≥ 0.8 × n = 6.2 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 4.1 where

12kV 3 × 10Ω
n= × = 6 × 0.85 = 5.1
3 × 100 V 12kV 10Ω + 1.7 Ω
The following values are permissible:
R'Ps = 1.7 Ω
R'Es = 10 Ω
N'12 N'11 = 600V 100V
Calculation of the settings REs and MTR:
⎛ 12kV ⎞
⎜ ⎟
R Es = 10Ω × ⎜ 3 ⎟ = 1.33kΩ
⎜ 3 × 600 V ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠
N'12 110V
MTR = × = 51.6
N'11 12.8V
for an injection voltage Uis = 12.8 V.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Installations with two star-points in the stator circuit




Switch position to
binary input

N12 N11


Uis RPs

Injection voltage

Fig. 3.55 Stator ground fault protection for installations with

two star-points

The following parameters must be set:

• 'Nr. Of Star Points' = 2.
• '2. Star Point Input' = Always TRUE
In case, the second star point is connected always in parallel to the
• '2. Star Point Signal' = Binary input of the system
In the case when the second star point is connected to the first with
a switch. The switch closed position is signaled by a logical '1'
binary input.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• 'REs 2.Star Point' = value of the grounding resistor connected to

the second star-point.

The stator ground fault protection scheme sees the grounding
resistor of the second star-point as a ground fault with the value
'REs 2.Star Point'.
Assuming a ground fault of resistance Rfs occurs, the total
resistance of the parallel resistors Rfs and 'REs 2. Star Point' is
calculated first. The value of Rfs can be simply determined from this,
providing the value of 'REs 2. Star Point' is known.
This procedure is subject, however, to certain restrictions. The
maximum ground fault resistance that can be detected is
approximately ten times the value of 'REs 2. Star Point'. Assuming the
grounding resistor of the second star-point to be 1 kΩ, ground faults
with a resistance less than 10 kΩ can be detected. For this reason,
choosing a grounding resistor 'REs 2. Star Point' ≥ 2 kΩ is
recommended wherever possible.

NOTE: An star-open delta connected transformer with a burden

behaves like a second star point and therefore must be
compensated accordingly, see Fig. 3.56.
A resistor R' has the same effect as a earth fault resistor Rf according
to the following equation
⎛ N ⎞
R f = R' × ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟
⎝ 3 ⋅ N2 ⎠

Design example:
R' = 4 Ω

N1 13.8 kV/ 3
N2 120 V
⎛ 13.8 kV / 3 ⎞
Rf = 4 Ω × ⎜ ⎟ = 1959 Ω
⎜ 3 × 120 V ⎟
⎝ ⎠
The system is loaded with a permanent earth fault resistance of
1'959 Ω which has to be compensated as a second star point.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


N1 N2


Switch position
to binary I/P

N12 N11

Uis transformer

Injection voltage

Fig. 3.56 Stator earthfault protection for installations with

2 star-points, second star-point as transformer in 'Star
– open Delta - connection' with burden R'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.25. Rotor Ground Fault (Injection Principle) protection (Rotor-EFP)

A. Application
For the detection of ground faults on the rotor windings of generators.
Because of its low sensitivity to spurious signals, this scheme can be
used for all kinds of excitation systems.

B. Features
• Detection of ground faults on rotor windings
• Injection voltage applied via resistors and coupling capacitors to
both poles of the rotor
• Computes the resistance of the ground fault
• Monitors the amplitude and frequency of the injection signal
• Monitors the measuring circuit with respect to open-circuit and
correct connection of the grounding resistor

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage (2 inputs)

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking
• Coupling capacitor adjustment
• REr adjustment

III. Binary outputs:

• Alarm stage pick-up
• Alarm
• Trip stage pick-up
• Trip
• Coupling capacitor adjustment active
• REr adjustment active
• Injection open-circuit internally
• Injection open-circuit externally
• External blocking

IV. Measurements:
• Ground fault resistance RFr
• Coupling capacitor Ck"
• Grounding resistor REr"

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Explanation of measurements:
Ground fault resistances between 0 and 29.8 kΩ can be deter-
mined and displayed. A display of 29.9 kΩ or 30 kΩ indicates a
ground fault resistance >29.8 kΩ. A value of 29.9 kΩ or 30 kΩ is
displayed when there is no ground fault.
A whole number fault code between 100 and 111 is displayed in
cases when it is not possible to compute the ground fault resis-
• 100.0 means no injection for more than 5 s.
• 101.0 means incorrect frequency. Either the injection frequency
on the REX 010 or the rated frequency on the REG316*4 is
incorrectly set.
• 102.0 means external open-circuit.
• 109.0 means that both the binary inputs 'Adjust REr Input' and
'Adjust Capacitor Input' are enabled.
• 111.0 means that the binary input 'Adjust REr Input' is enabled.
No other codes will normally be generated, but if they are, they are
a diagnostic aid for the service people.
When the input 'Adjust Capacitor Input' is enabled, 133.00 is
displayed initially until the coupling capacitor has been computed.
This can take a maximum of 10 s after which the value measured
for C is displayed.
During normal operation, the value entered for the coupling
capacitor C via the HMI is displayed.
When the input 'Adjust REr Input' is enabled, the error code 133.00
is displayed initially until the resistance has been calculated. It can
take up to 10 s before the value measured for REr is displayed.
The value measured for Rf is 97.0.
During normal operation, the value entered for REr on the HMI is

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Normal operation: Neither of the two inputs 'Adjust Capacitor Input'

and 'Adjust RErInput' is enabled and injection is
taking place.

NOTE: Only one of the binary inputs may be enabled at any one
time, otherwise an error code is generated for the measurements
Rfr, C and REr (see table below).

Adjust Capacitor Input Adjust REr Input

0 0 Protection active and Rfr is computed
1 0 Determination of C and Rfr
0 1 Determination of REr (Rfr = 111.0)
1 1 Error codes: 109.00 and 109
(Rfr = 109.0)

0: binary input disabled

1: binary input enabled

Table 3.14 The configuration possibilities and their significance

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Rotor ground fault settings - Rotor-EFP

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Trip ---
Alarm Delay S 0.5 0.2 60 0.05
Trip Delay S 0.5 0.2 60 0.05
Rfr Alarm Value kΩ 10 0.1 25 0.1
Rfr Trip Value kΩ 1 0.1 25 0.1
REr kΩ 1 0.9 5 0.01
Uir V 50 (Select)
RFr Adjust kΩ 10 8 12 0.01
Coupling Capacitor µF 4 2 10 0.01
Voltage Input Ui CT/VT-Addr ---
Voltage Input Ur CT/VT-Addr ---
Adjust REr Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Adjust Capacitor Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr
Alarm Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Alarm Signal SignalAddr
Inj. Interrupt Signal SignalAddr
Ext. Interrupt Signal SignalAddr
Adjust REr Signal SignalAddr
Coupling Cap. Signal SignalAddr
Extern Block Signal SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of the
function (tripping logic).
Alarm Delay
Time between pick-up of the alarm stage and an alarm.
Trip Delay
Time between pick-up of the tripping stage and a trip.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Rfr Alarm Value

Ground fault resistance setting for alarm.
RFr for alarm must be higher than RFr for tripping.
RFr Trip Value
Ground fault resistance setting for tripping.
Grounding resistor REr.
The normal rotor injection voltage is 50 V. Provision is also made
for an injection voltage of 20 or 30 V by appropriately changing the
wiring on the injection transformer unit Type REX011.
RFr Adjust
Simulated ground fault resistance used as a reference value for
calculating REr in the 'REr Adjust' mode.
Coupling Capacitor
The total capacitance C of the two coupling capacitors in parallel.
Voltage Input Ui
defines the voltage input channel for the reference voltage Ui.
Voltage Input Ur
defines the voltage input channel for the measured voltage Ur.
Adjust REr Input
switches the protection function to the REr determination mode.
Adjust Capacitor Input
switches the protection function to the C determination mode.
Block Input
Binary address used as blocking input.
Trip Signal
Output for signaling tripping.
Start Signal
Output for signaling the pick-up of the tripping stage.
Alarm Signal
Output for signaling alarm.
Start Alarm Signal
Output for signaling the pick-up of the alarm stage.
Inj. Interrupt Signal
Output for signaling an open-circuit injection circuit.
Ext. Interrupt Signal
Output for signaling an open-circuit injection circuit. Both pick-up
and reset of this signal are delayed by 5 s.
Adjust Rer Signal
Output for signaling the binary status of 'AdjRErInp'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Coupling Cap. Signal

Output for signaling the binary status of 'AdjCoupCInp'.
Extern Block Signal
Output for signaling that the function is disabled by an external

NOTE: If the stator and rotor ground fault protection are

activated, then the same A/D channel Ui must be selected for both

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions
The value of 'RFr Setting' for alarm must always be higher than that of
'RFr Setting' for tripping. Both alarm and tripping stages have their own
timers. Typical delays used for the rotor ground fault protection are in
the range of seconds.
Recommended resistances:
REr = 1000 Ω
RPr = 100 Ω

Grounding resistor REr
Coupling capacitor C
'RFr Alarm Value ' for alarm
'RFr Trip Value' for tripping
'Alarm Delay' for alarm
'Trip Delay' for tripping

Typical settings:
Alarm stage:
Rfr-Setting 5 kΩ
Delay 5s
Tripping stage:
Rfr-Setting 500 Ω
Delay 2s

Setting procedure:
How accurately Rfr is measured depends on the values entered for
REr and C. Therefore check the settings and correct them if necessary
by connecting resistors between 100 Ω and 10 kΩ between the rotor
and ground while the generator is not running.
The protection function provides a convenient way of setting these two
parameters in the software by switching its mode using the input
'Adjust REr Input' or 'Adjust Capacitor Input'. In this mode, the settings
of the parameters 'REr' and 'C' are calculated with the aid of simulated
ground fault resistances.
Determination of REr
• Set the input 'Adjust REr Input' to 'Always TRUE'
• Short-circuit the coupling capacitors.
• Simulate a ground fault Rf by connecting a resistor to the rotor:
8 kΩ < Rf < 12 kΩ
• Click on the 'Configuration' menu, then the submenu 'Protection
Functions', in the window 'Select Protection Function' select the
function '100% Rotor Ground Fault (Injection Principle)', and enter
the simulated ground fault value for 'Rfr Adjust' and the nominal
value for REr and download the set file into the relay.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Select menu 'Monitor', 'Measurement', 'Display Function Measure-

ments', 'Rotor Ground Fault' and click on 'Open Function'. Note the
value of 'REr'. Enter the value noted for the setting of 'REr' in the
'Configuration' menu and download the set file into the relay.
• Remove the short-circuit from the coupling capacitors and the
simulated ground fault.
• Reset the input 'Adjust REr Input'.
Determination of C:
• Set the input 'Adjust Capacitor Input' to 'Always TRUE'.
• Ground the rotor winding (Rf = 0 Ω).
• In the window 'Select Protection Function' select the function
'100% Rotor Ground Fault', now enter the nominal value of C into
the parameter 'Coupling Capacitor' and download the set file into
the relay.
Open the submenu 'Display Function Measurements' in the 'Monitor',
'Measurement', and note the value of 'Ck'. nter the value noted for the
setting of 'Coupling Capacitor' in the 'Configuration' menu, and down-
load the set file into the relay.
• Remove the simulated ground fault from the rotor.
• Reset the binary input 'Adjust Capacitor Input'.

Design instructions:
The grounding resistors and coupling capacitors have to fulfill the
following conditions:
Rotor grounding resistor Rpr : 100 Ω ≤ Rpr ≤ 500 Ω
Rotor grounding resistor REr : 900 Ω ≤ REr ≤ 5 kΩ
Coupling capacitors
C = C1 + C2 : 2 µF ≤ C ≤10 µF

Time constant τ = REr ×C : 3 ms ≤ τ ≤ 10 ms

The grounding resistor Rpr must be continuously rated for the injection
50 V
current I = .

The coupling capacitors must be designed for the maximum excitation


RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Application examples:
Rpr = 200 Ω, P = 15 W

REr = 1 kΩ

C = 2 × 2 µF, 8 kV
τ = 4 ms


C1 C2

C = C1 + C2


Uir RPr

Injection voltage

Fig. 3.57 Injection at one pole of the rotor winding

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C1 C2

C = C1 + C2

REr Ur

Uir RPr

Injection voltage

Fig. 3.58 Injection at both poles of the rotor winding

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.26. Pole slipping (Pole-Slip)

A. Application
The pole slipping function detects the condition of a generator that is
completely out-of-step with the power system.

B. Features
• Detection of slip frequencies in relation to the power system of 0.2
to 8 Hz
• Alarm before the first slip (rotor angle pick-up setting)
• Discriminates generating and motoring directions of rotor phase-
• Discriminates an internal and an external power swing centre
• Trips after a set number of slips
• Trips within a set rotor angle

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Current
• Voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking of the entire function
• Blocking operation in generating direction (to left)
• Blocking operation in motoring direction (to right)
• External enable for zone1

III. Binary outputs:

• Alarm before the first slip
• Operation for generating slip (to left)
• Operation for motoring slip (to right)
• First operation in zone 1
• First operation in zone 2
• n1-th operation in zone 1 (tripping)
• n2-th operation in zone 2

IV. Measurements:
• Slip impedance
• Slip frequency

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D. Pole slipping settings - Pole-Slip

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Trip1 ---
ZA UN / IN 0.2 0 5 0.00
ZB UN / IN -0.25 -5 0 0.00
ZC UN / IN 0.1 0 5 0.00
Phi deg 85 60 270 1
Warn Angle deg 110 0 180 1
Trip Angle deg 90 0 180 1
Slip of Zone 1 1 0 20 1
Slip of Zone 2 3 0 20 1
t - Reset s 5 0.5 250 0.01
Current Input Chan. AnalogAddr 0
Voltage Input Chan. AnalogAddr 0
Block Input Generator BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Input Motor BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Enable Zone 1 Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Warning Signal SignalAddr ER
Generator Signal SignalAddr ER
Motor Signal SignalAddr ER
Zone 1 Signal SignalAddr ER
Zone 2 Signal SignalAddr ER
Trip 1 Signal SignalAddr ER
Trip 2 Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Trip 1
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping output of
stage 1 of the function (tripping logic).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Forwards impedance 1). ZA marks the end of zone 2 and is also
used for determining phase-angle.
Reverse impedance 1). ZB marks the beginning of zone 1 and is
also used for determining phase-angle.
Impedance of the zone limit 1). ZC is the end of zone 1 between ZB
and ZC and the beginning of zone 2 between ZC and ZA.
Angle of the slipping characteristic and of ZA, ZB and ZC. Phi also
determines the energy direction:
60°... 90° CT neutral on the line side
240°...270° CT neutral on the generator side
Warn Angle
Rotor angle above which alarm of potential slipping is given
(rotor angle > 'Warn Angle').
Trip Angle
Rotor angle below which first 'Trip 1 Signal' and the 'Trip 2 Signal'
are issued (rotor angle < 'Trip Angle').
Slip of Zone 1
Number of slips for zone 1, i.e. number of slips before 'Trip 1
Signal' is issued and signaled.
Slip of Zone 2
Number of slips for zone 2, i.e. number of slips before 'Trip 2
Signal' is signaled.

1) The impedance unit 1.000 UN/IN represents an impedance of 100%. Thus

if the impedance setting in percent is known, it can be set directly, e.g. the
setting for 10% is 0.100.
An impedance of 1.000 UN/IN corresponds to a current of 1 IN at the rated
phase-to-neutral voltage Ph-0 of UN / 3 in all three phases. The
respective positive-sequence impedance of UN / 3 / IN is :

UN IN Impedance unit
100 V 1A 57.735 Ω/ph
100 V 2A 28.868 Ω/ph
100 V 5A 11.547 Ω/ph
200 V 1A 115.470 Ω/ph
200 V 2A 57.735 Ω/ph
200 V 5A 23.094 Ω/ph

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

t - Reset
The reset time 't - Reset' prevents the function from resetting
between two slips providing n1 or n2 is greater than 1.
Current Input Chan.
defines the A/D input channel.
Voltage Input Chan.
defines the A/D input channel.
Block Input Generator
Blocking input for detecting pole slip to the left, i.e. the generator is
faster than the power system.
Block Input Motor
Blocking input for detecting pole slip to the right, i.e. the generator
is slower than the power system.
(The power system drives the generator as if it were a motor.)
Block Input
Blocking input for the entire pole slipping function.
Enable Zone 1 Input
Zone 1 is enabled for slipping in zone 2 as well, i.e. independently
of ZC.
Warning Signal
Detection of variations of rotor angle (before the first slip occurs).
Generator Signal
Signals rotor movement to the left, i.e. the generator is faster than
the system.
Motor Signal
Signals rotor movement to the right, i.e. the generator is slower
than the system. (The power system drives the generator as if it
were a motor.)
Zone 1 Signal
First slip between ZB and ZC or between ZB and ZA, providing the
input 'Enable Zone 1 Input' is enabled.
Zone 2 Signal
First slip between ZC and ZA.
Trip 1 Signal
Tripping and signaling when the counter for zone 1 reaches the
value n1.
Trip 2 Signal
Signaling when the counter for zone 2 reaches the value n2. If
Trip2 is to control tripping, the signal Trip2 has to be assigned to a
tripping relay (see also Section

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Detecting rotor slip and shift

Rotor shift is detected by monitoring the voltage U·cos ϕ, i.e. the com-
ponent of the voltage in phase with the current.
If the generator is faster than the power system, the rotor movement in
the impedance and voltage diagram is from right to left and generating
is signaled. If the generator is slower than the power system, the rotor
movement is from left to right and motoring is signaled (the power
system drives the generator as if it were a motor).
The movements in the impedance plain can be seen from Fig. 3.59.
The transient behavior is described by the transient e.m.f’s EA and EB,
and by Xd' , XT and the transient system impedance ZS.

The detection of rotor angle is enabled when

• the minimum current 0.10 IN is exceeded
• the value of U·cos ϕ falls below 0.92 UN
• the voltage U·cos ϕ has an angular velocity of 0.2...8 Hz and
• the corresponding direction is not blocked.

An alarm is given when movement of the rotor in relation to the slip

line and the rotor angle exceeds the angle set for 'Warn Angle'.

Slipping is detected when

• a change of rotor angle is detected
• the slip line is crossed between ZA and ZB
• the direction of rotation has remained the same since start

When the impedance crosses the slip line between ZB and ZC it counts
as being in zone 1 and between ZC and ZA in zone 2. The entire dis-
tance ZA-ZB becomes zone 1 when 'Enable Zone 1 Input' is enabled
(external device detects the direction of the centre of slipping).
After the first slip, the signals 'Zone 1 Signal' or 'Zone 2 Signal' and -
depending on the direction of slip - either 'Generator Signal' or 'Motor
Signal' are issued.
Every time pole slipping is detected, the impedance of the point where
the slip line is crossed and the instantaneous slip frequency are
displayed as measurements.
Further slips are only detected, if they are in the same direction and if
the change of the rotor angle detection has reset after the preceding
slip or the slip line is crossed in the opposite direction outside ZA-ZB.
A further slip in the opposite direction within ZA-ZB resets all the
signals and is then signaled itself as a first slip.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The 'Trip 1 Signal' tripping command and signal are generated after n1
slips in zone 1, providing the rotor angle is less than 'Trip Angle'.
The 'Trip 2 Signal' signal is generated after n2 slips in zone 2,
providing the rotor angle is less than 'Trip Angle'.
All signals are reset if:
• the direction of movement reverses,
• the rotor angle detector resets without a slip being counted or
• no rotor relative movement was detected during the time 't - Reset'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 3.59 Locus of the impedance measured at the generator

terminals during pole slipping in relation to the power
system A

Xd' : transient reactance of the generator

XT : short-circuit reactance of the step-up transformer
ZS : transient impedance of the power system A

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

F. Setting instructions

Settings: Current and voltage inputs

A three-phase group must be used for the current input.
The following can be set for the voltage input:
• single-phase input using URS
• three-phase delta group
• three-phase star group
The sampling group of the current angle voltage inputs must also be
taken into account. There are no restrictions on Phi providing the
current input number is lower than the voltage input number and
we urgently recommend observing this rule when connecting the
In cases where a current input number higher than the voltage input
number cannot be avoided, the setting range for Phi is:

Current I/P No. Voltage I/P No. Phi range

7 - 12 1- 6 67 - 90°
13 - 18 1- 6 75 - 90°
13 - 18 7 - 13 67 - 90°
19 - 24 1- 6 82 - 90°
19 - 24 7 - 12 75 - 90°
19 - 24 13 - 18 67 - 90°

Setting: Phi
The angle Phi determines the angle of the slip line and is monitored to
detect slip. The impedances ZA, ZB and ZC lie on this line.
Phi is also used to check power direction, i.e. the polarity of the CTs:
60°... 90° CT neutral on the line side
i.e. connection according to Fig. 12.4
240°...270° CT neutral on the generator side

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Setting: ZA
ZA is the impedance of the slip line and marks the limit of zone 2. It is
also used for measuring phase-angle (see 'Warn Angle' and 'Trip
ZA should be set to the impedance between the location of the
protection and the off-load voltage of the equivalent circuit for the
entire power system.

Setting: ZB
ZB is the impedance of the slip line in the reverse direction and marks
the limit of zone 1. It is also used for measuring phase-angle (see
'Warn Angle' and 'Trip Angle').
ZB should be set to the generator reactance Xd' in the reverse direction
(negative sign).

Setting: ZC
ZC divides the slip line into two zones. Zone 1 lies between ZB and ZC
and zone 2 between ZC and ZA.
ZC should be set to the impedance from the location of the protection
up to the first busbar.

Fig. 3.60 Determining the settings for ZA, ZB, ZC, and Phi
according to Xd', XT and ZS

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


Zone 1 Zone 2


~ ~

U cos ϕ

Transformer: 100 MVA, 33 kV / 11 kV

X'd = 0.34
XT = 0.1
ZS = 1.31 Ω + j 16.44 Ω = 16.49 Ω / 85.4°
Assumption: The reference value of the A/D converter is adjusted to
the rated value of the transformer.
100 MVA × 16,49 Ω
ZS = = 13,63 p.u. = 0,1363 UN / IN
(11kV )2
ZA = XT + ZS = 0.1 + 0.136 = 0.236 UN/IN
ZB = -X'd = -0.34 UN/IN
ZC = 0.8 × XT = 0.8 × 0.1 = 0.08 UN/IN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Setting: Warn Angle

The rotor angle is given by the triangle bounded by the instantaneous
impedance and the impedances ZA and ZB. The protection, however,
measures the angle between the instantaneous voltage and the rotor
voltages EA and EB, which closely approximates the impedance tri-
The setting for 'Warn Angle' can be set between 0° and 180° and
determines the rotor angle above which alarm of imminent slipping is
With the 'Warn Angle' = 0°, alarm is given immediately the rotor angle
changes, providing it lies within the pick-up range.
'Warn Angle' enables the operating status of the generator to be cor-
rected, because its rotor angle setting is reached before the first slip.
The machine can normally be stabilized for rotor angles up to 135°, for
example, by changing the excitation or switching in compensators.
For a setting of 'Warn Angle' = 180°, alarm is not given until the first
slip takes place, i.e. at the same time as the signal for zone 1 or
zone 2.
Typical setting: 'Warn Angle' = 110°

Fig. 3.61 Example of the operation for n1 = 1,

Warn Angle = 53° and Trip Angle = 96°

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Setting: TripAngle
Phi is evaluated in relation to 'Trip Angle' when one of the zones has
reached its number of slips, i.e. n ≥ n1 or n2.
For a setting of 'Trip Angle' = 180°, the tripping command 'Trip1' and
the signals 'Trip 1 Signal' and 'Trip 2 Signal' are issued immediately.
For a setting of 'Trip Angle' = 0°, these signals are only issued when
the slip detector has reset, i.e. when the generator is again close to
synchronism with the power system.
A setting of 'Trip Angle' between 180° and 0° (typically 90°) determines
the rotor angle at which tripping takes place and the signals are
The setting at which tripping should take place is determined accord-
ing to an operating point that
• occurs shortly after the last permissible slip
• is favorable for the circuit-breaker (least stress due to reignition)
Typical setting: 'Trip Angle' = 90°

Settings: n1, n2, t-Reset

The number of slips n1 or n2 that may be considered permissible
depends on the generator being protected and must be stated by the
For settings of n1 and n2 ≤ 1, the reset time 't - Reset' can be set to
any low value.
For settings of n1 or n2 > 1, 't - Reset' must not be set lower than the
period 1/fS of the lowest slip frequency fS to be detected. Slip
frequencies from 0.2 Hz upwards are reliably detected using the
typical setting of 5 seconds.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.27. Sensitive earth fault protection for ungrounded systems

A. Application
The sensitive E/F protection (EarthFaultIsol) detects E/Fs on overhead
lines in radial systems. It is suitable for application in ungrounded
systems, systems with Petersen coils and in resistance grounded MV
and HV systems. The scheme monitors the neutral voltage and current
of the protected line. Depending on the characteristic angle chosen, it
responds to either the real or apparent value of the neutral power.

B. Features
• Adjustable characteristic angle
• Compensation of CT phase errors
• Suppression of DC component in voltage and current signals
• Suppression of harmonics in voltage and current signals

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Neutral current
• Neutral voltage

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking signal

III. Binary outputs:

• Tripping signal
• Starting signal

IV. Measured variable:

• Zero-sequence power

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D. Sensitive earth fault protection settings - EarthFaultIsol

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
P Setting PN 0.05 0.005 0.100 0.001
Angle Deg 0. -180 180 0.01
Drop-Ratio % 60 30 95 1
Delay s 0.50 0.05 60 0.01
PN UN*IN 1 0.5 2.5 0.001
Phi-Comp Deg 0 -5 5 0.01
Current Inp Chan CT/VT-Addr ---
Voltage Inp Chan CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Inp BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip SignalAddr ER
Start Out SignalAddr ER

Explanation of the parameters:

Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Tripping logic (matrix).
P Setting
Pick-up power setting.
Characteristic angle for the power measurement.
0° = real power forwards
180° = real power backwards
-90° = apparent power forwards
90° = apparent power backwards
All angles between -180° and 180° can be set.
Reset ratio of the measuring trigger.
Delay between the protection picking up and the protection
tripping. The delay setting also influences the reset time of the
function. For t > 100 ms, the protection resets after 50 ms.
Resetting is not otherwise intentionally delayed.
Rated power given by UN*IN.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Compensation of CT and VT phase errors. The setting concerns
only the difference between the two errors.
Current Inp Chan
Defines the CT input channel used for the neutral current. Only
single-phase CT inputs can be set.
Voltage Inp Chan
Defines the VT input channel used for the neutral voltage. Only
single-phase VT inputs can be set.
Block Inp
Input for blocking the sensitive E/F function.
Tripping signal.
Start Out
Starting signal.

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E. Setting instructions

Pick-up power P Setting
Characteristic angle Angle
Reset ratio Drop-Ratio
Delay Delay
Phase error compensation Phi-Comp
Rated power PN
The value entered for 'P Setting' is the power at which the function
picks up referred to rated power 'PN'. The parameter 'P Setting' has a
setting range of 0.005 to 0.100 in steps of 0.001.
The setting of the parameter 'Angle' determines the characteristic
angle of the measurement. Its implications are explained below under
'Real power' and 'Apparent power'.
The desired reset ratio is set as a percentage of the pick-up value
using the parameter 'Drop-Ratio'. To ensure that the reset ratio is
adequate for low values of 'P Setting', the following condition is
' Drop - Ratio' < 100 −
100 × ' P − Setting' + 1
An angle to compensate the relative phase errors of CTs and VTs can
be entered using parameter 'Phi-Comp'. The effective characteristic
angle is the sum of the parameters 'Angle' and 'Phi-Comp'.
The setting for the rated power is left at PN = 1.000. The corre-
sponding reference value in the 'ANALOGUE CT/VT CHANNELS-AD
CHANNEL REF VAL' menu must be adjusted for rated voltages other
than 100 V.

Real power
The real power component (real power component = proportion of real
power current x displacement voltage) of the zero-sequence power is
monitored to detect E/Fs in systems with Petersen coils and high-
resistance grounded systems. The neutral component of the current in
the healthy phases resulting from their capacitances to ground and the
inductive Petersen coil current unite at the fault location and return to
the source via the faulted phase.
A power relay is installed at both ends of every line with the exception
of stub lines, which only require a relay at the source end. If the E/F
current is too low and has to be artificially increased, an overvoltage
relay is fitted to detect the displacement voltage and connect a
grounding resistor temporarily to the star-point. To avoid any incorrect
response of the power relays while this is being done, they are
enabled after a short delay. The section of the line with the fault is
determined by comparison of the relay directions.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The real power component of the E/F current is determined by the

resistive losses of the lines, the Petersen coils and the grounding
resistors. A typical value for the charging current of overhead lines is
around 2.5 A / 10 kV and 100 km. In the case of cable systems, it can
be determined from the cable data. The minimum real power
component of the current at the minimum voltage at which the power
relay has to operate can be determined according to the above
procedure. The power at which it must pick up must be set somewhat
lower to allow for phase and ratio errors of the CTs.
The parameter 'Angle' must be set to 0° to measure real power in the
forwards direction, respectively 180° to measure real power in the
reverse direction.

The connections must be made in strict accordance with the ABB
wiring diagram.

Example of how to determine the setting

Assuming an overhead line system with an E/F current (sum of the
three phase currents) of 30 A and a real power current component of
5 A. The core-balance CT has a ratio of 125:1. The star-point VT has a
secondary voltage of 100 V for a solid E/F at the generator/power
transformer terminals. Therefore:
PN = 1 A × 100 V = 100 VA
It is required to detect E/Fs down to 50 % of the displacement voltage.
The E/F current flows only from one side, so that no division of the
current takes place.
The real power component of the current of 5 A results in a secondary
current of:
IW = 5 A × 1/125 = 0.04 A at maximum displacement voltage
IW = 0.04 A × 0.5 = 0.02 A at 50 % displacement voltage
The required pick-up power is thus:
P = 0.02 A × 50 V = 1 VA
This corresponds to 1 % referred to the rated power PN of 100 VA.
A setting of 0.5 % PN is possible, but the accuracy of the CTs must be
checked before deciding whether such a sensitive setting is permis-
sible. The real power can be increased by adding a grounding resistor.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Apparent power
The apparent power component of the neutral power is monitored to
detect E/Fs in ungrounded systems. Every feeder is equipped with a
relay. During an E/F, the capacitive E/F current of the entire system
less that of the faulted line flows into the faulted line. Only the E/F relay
of the faulted line indicates power flowing into its line.
The minimum capacitive E/F current available to operate the relays is
the total capacitive E/F current of the whole system for the smallest
configuration to be expected less that of the faulted line. Of this
capacitive current, only the percentage corresponding to the assumed
minimum displacement voltage at which the protection is still required
to operate may be considered. If there are any double-circuit lines, the
division of current between the circuits must also be taken into
To allow for the CT errors at such low current levels, the pick-up value
set on the relay must be less than the product of the minimum current
determined above and the minimum voltage.
The parameter 'Angle' must be set to -90° pick up for E/Fs in the
forwards direction and 90° for the reverse direction.

The connections must be made in strict accordance with the ABB
wiring diagram.

Time delay
The delay required between the picking up of the relay ('start') and
tripping ('Trip') is set by means of parameter 'Delay'. The setting range
provided is 0.05 to 60 s in steps of 0.01.

CT/VT inputs
The two CT and VT input channels 'CurrentInp' (current) and 'Voltage-
Inp' (voltage) have to be configured for the purpose. The current input
channel may only be allocated to a single-phase metering (core-
balance) CT and the voltage channel to a single-phase VT.

Binary inputs and outputs

The tripping output may be allocated to either a tripping relay or a
signaling relay (different parameters) and the starting signal to a
signaling relay.
Operation of the sensitive E/F protection can be inhibited by applying a
signal to the 'BlockInp' input.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.28. Sensitive earth fault protection for grounded systems

A. Application
High-resistance earth faults, which cannot be detected by the distance
protection, can still cause appreciable problems in spite of the rela-
tively low fault currents involved.
The sensitive E/F protection function ((EarthFltGnd2)) has been
included to complement the main line protection function and cover the
low E/F current range. The protection processes the zero-sequence
components 3I0 and 3U0.

B. Features
• DC component filter
• Harmonic filter
• Directional measurement of zero-sequence components (derived
either internally or externally)
• Current pick-up enabling level
• Reference voltage enabling level
• Adjustable characteristic angle
• Permissive and blocking transfer tripping schemes
• Echo logic for weak infeed and open circuit-breaker
• Transient blocking logic for reversal of energy direction

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• External blocking
• Receive
• CB closed
• VT supervision
• Starting and tripping by the distance function

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Trip
• Fault forwards
• Fault backwards
• Transmit
• Block distance protection receive

IV. Measurements:
• Neutral voltage (3U0)
• Neutral current (3I0)
• Real power component of neutral power (3U0 x 3I0)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• Apparent power component of neutral power

• Fault direction (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards;
this measured variable only applies when the binary input 'CB
closed' is active)
This function does not transfer any tripping measurements via the IBB.
The measurements in the event list are not generated at the instant of
tripping, but when the enabling levels 'U-Setting' and 'I-Dir are exceeded'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

D. Sensitive E/F protection settings - EarthFltGnd2

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Trip ---
Voltage Inp. Chan CT/VT-Addr ---
Current Inp. Chan CT/VT-Addr ---
V - Setting UN 0.2 0.003 0.100 0.001
I - Setting IN 0.1 0.100 1 0.01
Angle deg 60 -90 90 5
t Basic s 0.05 0 1 0.001
t Wait s 0.05 0 0.5 0.001
t Trans Block s 0.1 0 0.5 0.001
CT Neutral Line Side (Select)
Communication Permissive (Select)
Send Mode MeasBwd (Selecs
1 Channel Off (Select)
Echo Mode Off (Select)
Extern Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Receive BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CB closed BinaryAddr Always TRUE
VT Supervision BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Extern Start R BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Extern Start S BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Extern Start T BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Extern Trip 3P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Extern Trip BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER
Meas Forward SignalAddr
Meas Backward SignalAddr
Send SignalAddr
Receive Inh. SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Tripping logic (matrix).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Voltage Inp. Chan

defines the VT input channel. All the VT input channels are
available for selection. If the neutral voltage is derived from the
three phase voltages, the first channel (R phase) of the group of
three must be selected.
Current Inp. Chan
defines the CT input channel. All the CT input channels are
available for selection. If the neutral current is derived from the
three phase currents, the first channel (R phase) of the group of
three must be selected.
V - Setting
Reference voltage pick-up setting.
I - Setting
Current pick-up setting.
Characteristic angle setting.
t Basic
Basic time setting.
t Wait
Waiting time for a blocking signal for directional comparison.
t Trans Block
Blocking time after a reversal of fault energy direction (transient
CT Neutral
Side of the CTs on which the star-point is formed (current direction):
• line (in accordance with the diagram in Chapter 12)
• busbar (reversed connection)
Communication Mode
Kind of transfer tripping scheme:
• permissive
• blocking
Send Mode
For what system condition a signal is transmitted in an intertripping
• Meas. Fwd. - forwards measurement (only permissive scheme)
• non-directional (only blocking scheme)
• backwards measurement (only blocking scheme)
1 Channel
Supplementary logic needed for coordinating E/F and distance
protections when using the same communications channel for a
permissive scheme.
• Off
• On

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Echo Mode
Echo logic for weak infeed and open CB:
• Off echo logic disabled
• Weak echo only for weak infeed
• Brk. echo only when CB open
• Weak & Brk. echo for weak infeed or CB open

Extern Block Input

I/P for an external blocking signal.
PLC receive I/P.
CB Closed
CB position indicator I/P.
VT supervision
VT supervision I/P. This is connected via an auxiliary contact of the
MCB or otherwise to the main protection from the MCB monitoring
Extern Start R / S / T, Extern Trip 3P, Extern Trip
I/Ps for the distance function signals 'Start R', 'Start S', 'Start T',
'Trip CB 3P' and 'Trip CB' for coordinating operation.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal O/P.
Start Signal
O/P for signaling that the protection has picked up, i.e. the current
has exceeded the enabling setting ('I-Setting').
Meas Forward
O/P for signaling a fault in the forwards direction.
Meas Backward
O/P for signaling a fault in the backwards direction.
PLC transmit signal.
Recieve Inh.
O/P for preventing the distance function from receiving a PLC
signal. (This is only effective when E/F and distance protections
use a common PLC channel, i.e. the parameter '1 Channel' is set
to 'on'.)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions Coordination with the distance protection

Directional E/F function as ancillary to the distance function

Compared with integrated E/F and distance functions, the logic in an
independent E/F function needs certain starting and tripping signals
generated by the distance function and, providing the connections are
made as in Section, the E/F protection is blocked in the
following situations:
• starting of more than one distance phase
• three-phase tripping
• any trip (single and three-phase), if '1 Channel' is set to 'on'

Scheme with independent communication channels

Apart from the added security of redundancy, independent communi-
cation channels enable different transfer tripping schemes to be used
for E/F and distance protections.
Providing the distance protection can detect a fault, it should trip before
the E/F protection picks up. For this reason, the basic operating time 't
Basic' for the E/F protection must be set longer than the longest
response time to be expected of the distance protection.

Scheme with a common communication channel

Where E/F and distance protections use the same communication
channel, the transfer tripping schemes must be either both permissive
or both blocking. In the case of permissive schemes, in which the dis-
tance protection operates with non-directional criteria at one end for a
weak infeed, a supplementary logic must be enabled by appropriately
setting the parameter '1 Channel'.
This supplementary logic interlocks the distance relay’s receive signal
at the end of the E/F function’s basic time or when it picks up in the
backwards direction. To this end, the signal 'RecveInh' is connected to
the distance protection input 'ExtBlkHF'. Thus the communication
channel is initially available for use by the distance protection and only
made available to the E/F protection at the end of the basic time. The
basic time setting must allow adequate time for the distance protection
to detect and clear a fault if it can.
Independent directional E/F protection
The E/F function can also be applied as a completely independent
protection, but only in MV and HV systems.
The coordination of E/F and distance protections in this case is
achieved by appropriately setting the parameter 't Basic' .

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

If this time is too short, there is a likelihood that the E/F protection will
issue a three-phase trip before the circuit-breaker has opened for
faults that have been correctly detected by the distance protection.
The basic time of the E/F protection must therefore be long enough to
ensure that the distance protection can trip phase-selectively.
No facility is provided for using the distance relay starters to achieve
phase-selective tripping by the directional E/F function.
An independent directional E/F function requires its own
communication channel, which must be entirely independent of the
distance protection. Choice of operating mode
It is assumed that the E/F protection settings at both ends of the pro-
tected line are the same. This applies especially to the basic time, the
blocking time, the transfer tripping scheme in use and options. Choice of transfer tripping scheme
In the case of a permissive directional comparison scheme, the
amount of fault resistance, which can be detected reduces towards the
remote end of the line, because the enabling current must be
exceeded at both ends. Without additional precautions, the use of a
permissive scheme would be limited on lines with a weak infeed at one
It was possible to eliminate this disadvantage by providing the
directional E/F protection with its own echo logic for weak infeeds that
can be switched in and out as required.

NOTE: Note that the protection only operates in a comparison mode

during the comparison time (1 s) and is blocked at the end of this
time. The comparison time starts at the end of the basic time.

On the other hand, a directional comparison scheme using a blocking

signal is able to detect high-resistance E/Fs along the whole length of
the line, because the protection at the strong infeed end is always able
to trip although the current at the weak infeed end does not reach the
enabling level.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Permissive directional comparison scheme

In this scheme, each of the protection functions has to receive a signal
from the opposite end of line in order to be able to trip. A protection
function sends a permissive signal when its current exceeds the
enabling level 'I setting', the basic time 't Basic' has expired and the
fault detected is in the forwards direction.
• Echo 'Bkr':
Providing this parameter is active, a permissive signal (echo) is
sent to the opposite end of the line, if the local circuit-breaker is
open and a signal is received. Tripping is thus possible at the
infeed end.
The duration of the echo signal is limited to 150 ms.
• Non-directional echo 'Weak infeed':
If the directional E/F function at the weak infeed end of a line
cannot measure, because the reference voltage is too low or the
current does not reach the enabling level, a signal is returned to
the opposite end of the line if one is received.
This enables tripping to take place at the end with the stronger

Start tBasic tBasic Start

I-Setting I-Setting
Send Send
& &
MeasFwd MeasFwd
Receive Receive

& &

Rel. 1 Rel. 2

A1 A2
HEST 925 020 C

Fig. 3.62 Principle of a permissive directional comparison


Start : current higher than the enabling level 'I setting'
t Basic : basic time
MeasFwd : fault in forwards direction

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Tx: I-setting * MeasFwd * t Basic

I0 T: I-setting * MeasFwd * t Basic * Rx
TB: MeasBwd' + t TransBlk

I set

<Tx: MeasBwd * Rx>

TB: MeasBwd' + t TransBlk

I dir


<Tx: MeasBwd * Rx>

U set

Basic operation mode

Non-directional echo and "Transient Blocking"

Non-directional echo HEST 925 022 C

Fig. 3.63 Operation of a permissive directional comparison


<...> : optional function
Rx : receive
MeasFwd : fault in forwards direction
MeasBwd : fault in backwards direction including 'Transient
MeasBwd' : fault in backwards direction
I dir : current enable for directional measurement
(= 0.7 I-Setting)
I-Setting : current enabling level
Iasymm : asymmetrical currents under normal load conditions
Tx : send
T : trip
TB : transient blocking
t TransBlk : blocking time
t Basic : basic time
t Wait : waiting time
U-Setting : reference voltage

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Blocking directional comparison scheme

Providing the conditions for directional measurement are fulfilled i.e.
the current higher than 'I dir' and the voltage higher than its enabling
level 'U-Setting', a protection function transmits a blocking signal to the
remote station immediately it detects a fault in the backwards direction.
Note: I dir = 0.7 I-Setting
A protection function measuring a fault in the direction of the protected
line trips at the end of the adjustable waiting time 't Wait', providing a
blocking signal is not received beforehand.
• SendMode: 'non-directional'
A blocking signal is transmitted in this mode, if the current is higher
than 'I dir', the basic time has expired and no fault is detected in
the forwards direction (including situations when a direction measure-
ment is impossible, because 3U0 < U- Setting).

tBasic tBasic

I-dir I-dir

tBasic & & tBasic

I-Setting I-Setting
Send Send
MeasBwd MeasBwd
MeasFwd Receive Receive MeasFwd

& &
tWait tWait

Rel. 1 Rel. 2

A1 A2
HEST 925 021 FL

Fig. 3.64 Principle of a blocking directional comparison scheme

: current enabling level
I-dir : current enable for directional measurement
(= 0,7 I-Setting)
t Basic : basic time
t Wait : waiting time
MeasFwd : fault in forwards direction
MeasBwd : fault in backwards direction

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Tx: I dir * MeasBwd * t Basic

I0 <Tx: I dir *
MeasFwd * t
<+I dir * MeasFwd * t Basic>
T: I set * MeasFwd * t Basic * Rx * t Wait
TB: MeasBwd' + t TransBlk
I set
Tx: I dir * MeasBwd * t Basic
<+I dir * MeasFwd * t Basic>

TB: MeasBwd' + t TransBlk

I dir


U set

Basic operation mode

Non-directional transmission HEST 925 023 C

Fig. 3.65 Operation of a directional comparison blocking scheme

(for the legend, see Fig. 3.63) Setting the enabling pick-up levels

The setting of the current enabling 'I dir' must take account of the zero-
sequence component in normal operation arising from system asym-
The pick-up setting for the voltage enabling signal 'U-Setting' is deter-
mined by the level of asymmetries on the secondary side (VT toler-
ances, asymmetrical burdens etc.).
The ability to read voltage and current values on the relay is a useful
aid for determining these settings.
For example, if the enabling current setting 'I-Setting' is too low, the
pick-up signal lights continuously (current circuit enabled).
Since an E/F causes asymmetrical voltages in the vicinity of the fault,
the current flowing via the system capacitances also has a zero-
sequence component. A capacitive current of this kind on a long line
lies within the setting range of the sensitive E/F protection function.
The pick-up level 'I dir' of the current circuit for the directional measure-
ment has a fixed setting of 0.7 × 'I set' to take account of influences
such as CT errors and the capacitive charging currents of the line.
The following procedure is recommended for setting the pick-up levels:

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• The enabling current for the directional measurement must be set

to at least twice the maximum possible asymmetrical current,
which can occur in normal operation.

I - Setting = 2.0

• The voltage pick-up must be set to 1.6 times the level of the
spurious voltages, which can occur due to asymmetries in the VT
secondary circuit.

U - Setting = 1.6

U-Setting : setting of the enabling voltage for the directional
Usec.asymm : voltage component 3 U0 caused by asymmetries in the
VT secondary circuit (e.g. VT errors)
UN : 100 V or 200 V according to VT unit in use
I-Setting : setting of the enabling current
Iasymm : current component 3I0 caused by asymmetrical load
IN : primary CT rated current Setting the characteristic angle 'Angle'
The line marking the reversal of direction lies at ± 90° in relation to the
reference voltage.
In order to achieve symmetrical operation of the directional element in
spite of this, the characteristic angle should equal that of the zero-
sequence impedance of the source. Setting the basic time 't Basic'

The basic time is the period between pick-up of the protection and the
earliest possible trip.
The operation of the protection function can be coordinated with others
on the same line by judiciously setting the basic time.
The basic time is also used to achieve coordination between the E/F
function (three-phase tripping) and the distance function (phase-
selective tripping).The E/F protection is delayed to allow time for the
distance protection to respond to a fault if it can.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The basic time is normally set to:

t Basic > max. tripping time of the phase-selective distance
protection (taking account of signal transmission time
and sequential tripping)
+ CB operating time
+ aux. contact time
(I/P 'CB closed')
+ safety margin
The sum of these times is usually about 100 to 200 ms. Circuit-breaker delay
To avoid operation of the enabling current detector during the transient
oscillations, which occur following the closing of the circuit-breaker, it
is blocked for 50 ms upon receiving the corresponding signal from the
CB. The comparison time 't comp'
The comparison time is the time allowed for the directional comparison
to be made and is therefore dependent on the type of transfer tripping
scheme. The comparison time is started after the basic time 't Basic'. If
the comparison time is over, then the direction comparison function is
stopped till the pick up is reset.
The comparison time has a fixed setting of 1 s. Setting the waiting time 't Wait'
The waiting time is also started at the end of the basic time, but is only
effective in a blocking scheme.
In a blocking scheme, tripping is delayed by the setting of 't Wait' to
allow time for the protection in the opposite station to decide on the
direction of the fault and to transmit a corresponding blocking signal if
't Wait' should be set at least as long as the measuring time (about
30 ms) plus the longest possible signal transmission time. Setting the transient blocking time 't TransBlk'
The protection function includes a 'transient blocking logic' to prevent
any mal-operation during the course of tripping a fault or auto-reclo-
sure on double-circuit lines, when there is a likelihood of the flow of
energy reversing direction. The time setting can be selected in a wide
range to suit the prevailing conditions.
For example, after a fault has been detected in the backwards direc-
tion, a second directional decision in the forwards direction is inhibited
for the setting of 't TransBlk' .
The time chosen is determined largely by the time required for the
measurement to reset and the transfer tripping scheme in use.
The recommended setting is 60 ms plus the reset time of the com-
munication channel.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN CT/VT inputs of the function

Where the zero-sequence components of the voltages and the cur-
rents are derived internally, the CT and VT inputs must be connected
precisely as shown in the wiring diagram. The neutral of the CTs in this
case is formed on the line side and the parameter 'CT neutral' must be
set to 'line side' . Binary inputs of the function

Ext. block
Exciting the 'Ext. block' I/P disables the entire protection function.

The signal transmitted by the protection in the opposite station is con-
nected to this I/P.

CB closed
The 'CB closed' I/P is intended for the position indicator signal from the
circuit-breaker and has a fixed pick-up delay of 50 ms. The protection
function is only enabled when this signal is received to confirm that the
CB is closed. The corresponding auxiliary contacts for the three
phases must be connected in series to ensure that the protection does
not operate during single-phase reclosure.
The echo logic is enabled 100 ms after the circuit-breaker is opened.

VT Supervision
The 'VT Superv' I/P is needed to block the echo logic. It can be excited
either by the 'VTSup' signal from the internal distance protection func-
tion or an auxiliary contact on the m.c.b. via a binary I/P.
If this I/P is not needed, it must be set to 'F'.

Ext Start R / S / T, Ext Trip 3P, Ext Trip

These I/Ps are for coordinating operation with the distance protection
function. To them are connected the distance function signals 'Start R',
'Start S', 'Start T', 'Trip CB 3P' and 'Trip CB'.
They must be set to 'F' if an independent directional E/F scheme is in

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Outputs

There are two 'Trip' signals, one for energizing the tripping relay via
the tripping logic and the other for controlling LEDs and signaling

An active 'Start' O/P signals that the zero-sequence current has
exceeded the pick-up setting 'I-Setting'. This signal is only generated
providing the function is not blocked.

Meas Forward
'MeasFwd' is active when the measuring element detects a fault in the
forwards direction, i.e. the settings of 'I dir' and 'U setting' have been

Meas Backward
'MeasBwd' is active when the measuring element detects a fault in the
backwards direction, i.e. the settings of 'I dir' and 'U setting' have been

The 'Send' O/P is the signal sent to the other end of the line.

Receive Inh.
The 'Recve Inh' signal prevents the distance function from receiving a
PLC signal (see Section It is only generated when the
parameter '1 Channel' is set, the basic time has expired or the E/F
protection picks up for a reverse fault.
The signal 'Receive Inh.' must be connected to the distance function
I/P 'ExtBlkHF'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.29. Inverse Time Earth Fault Overcurrent function (I0-Invers)

A. Application
Overcurrent function with IDMT characteristic. A typical application is
as back-up for the E/F protection function, in which case it measures
3 I0 either supplied from an external source or internally derived.

B. Features
• Tripping characteristic according to British Standard 142
(see Fig. 3.66):
c = 0.02 : normal inverse
c=1 : very inverse and long time earth fault
c=2 : extremely inverse
• RXIDG : logarithmic time characteristic
• DC component filter
• Harmonic filter
• External 3 I0 signal or 3 I0 internally derived from the three phase
• Wider setting range than specified in BS 142

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Starting
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Neutral current

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D. IDMT function settings - I0-Invers

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Trip ---
c - Setting Very Inv. (Select)
K1 - Setting s 13.5 0.01 200 0.01
I - Start IB 1.1 1 4 0.01
Min. Tripping Time s 0 0 10 0.1
IB - Setting IN 1 0.04 2.5 0.01
Number Of Phases 1 Ph (Select) 2
Current Inp. Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Tripping logic (matrix).
c - Setting
Setting for the exponential factor determining the shape of the
operating characteristic according to BS 142 or for selecting the
RXIDG characteristic.
K1 - Setting
Constant determining the tripping characteristic.
I - Start
Pick-up setting (initiates the tripping characteristic).
Min. Tripping Time
Definite minimum time of the tripping characteristic.
IB - Setting
Reference current to take account of discrepancies with respect to IN.
Number Of Phases
Number of phases evaluated for measurement:
1 Ph: neutral current direct from an CT input
3 Ph: neutral current derived internally from the three phases

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Current Inp. Chan.

defines the CT input channel. All the current channels are available
for selection. In the case of a three-phase measurement, the first
channel (R phase) of the group of three must be selected.
Block Input
I/P for the external blocking signal.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

Protection function enable 'I-Start'

The IDMT function starts to run when the current applied to the
function exceeds the setting 'I-Start'. 'I-Start' is normally set to 1.1 IB.

Choice of tripping characteristic 'c'

The shape of the IDMT characteristic is determined by the constant 'c'.
The standard IDMT characteristics according to BS 142 are:
'normal inverse' : c = 0.02
'very inverse' and 'long time earth fault' : c = 1.00
'extremely inverse' : c = 2.00

Fig. 3.66 IDMT tripping characteristic for 'I0-Invers' (I = 3 I0)

'c-Setting' can also be set to 'RXIDG', in which case the function’s

inverse characteristic corresponds to that of the relay Type RXIDG:
t [s] = 5.8 – 1.35 In (I/IB)
The parameter 'k1-Setting' has no influence in this case.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Time multiplier 'k1-Setting'

Discriminative operation of the relays along a line is achieved by time-
grading. Assuming all the relays to be set to the same IB, this involves
setting the time multiplier in equal steps (grading time), increasing from
the load towards the source.
For example, in the case of the 'very inverse' characteristic, the
constant c = 1 and the factor k1 ≤ 13.5. The operating time t is then
given by

Assuming the grading time of the protection functions to be 0.5 s at

6 × IB, the settings of k1 according to the formula
k1 = 5 t
for operating times between 0.5 and 2.5 s become:

t [s] k1 [s]
0.5 2.5
1 5
1.5 7.5
2 10
2.5 12.5

The characteristics according to BS 142 are set as follows:

'normal inverse' : k1 = 0.14 s
'very inverse' : k1 = 13.5 s
'extremely inverse' : k1 = 80 s
'long time earth fault' : k1 = 120 s

Definite minimum time 't-min'

Where the IDMT function is being applied as back-up protection for a
directional E/F protection, the definite minimum time 't-min' must be set
as follows
t-min = t Basic + t comp
t Basic = basic time of the E/F function
t comp = comparison time of the E/F function (1 s)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Interconnections between IDMT and directional E/F functions

The IDMT protection is non-directional.
Directional operation can, however, be achieved by linking the direc-
tional signal ('MeasFwd', i.e. fault in forwards direction) from the E/F
protection to the blocking I/P of the IDMT function. The I/P must be
inverted so that blocking of the IDMT function is cancelled by an active
forwards signal.
When using this arrangement, it must be noted that, when 'MeasFwd'
does not pick up, the IDMT function cannot trip when the reference
voltage of the E/F function is too low. If tripping is required for this
case, the directional E/F signal 'MeasBwd' must be applied to the
blocking input.

Applications with single-phase reclosure

In schemes involving single-phase reclosure, the 'I0-Invers' function
has to be blocked for the time that one pole of a circuit-breakers is
open if the minimum tripping time 'tmin' is set less than the single-
phase dead time. This avoids false three-phase tripping due to the
load currents in the healthy phases.

Typical settings:
IB to be calculated
I-Start 1.1 IB
c-Setting depends on the protected unit
k1-Setting to be calculated
t-min 0.00

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.30. HV distance protection function (HV-Distance)

The HV distance protection is optimized for applications in EHV power
systems. The main difference compared with the standard distance
protection function is improved phase selection to achieve a better
response to evolving faults on parallel circuits.
Refer to the standard distance relay function in Section 3.5.31. for the
setting procedure. However, note must be taken of the following
differences (the parameters in Section 3.5.31. that do not apply to the
HV distance protection or have a different significance are marked):

• The HV distance function is only equipped with underimpedance

starters, i.e. the overcurrent starters have been omitted. As a
consequence, the parameters 'Start Mode' and 'I start', the binary
input 'Ext UZ Blk' and the signals 'Start OC' and 'Start UZ' do not
• The function is only applicable to solidly grounded systems. Also
the 'Phase Sel Mode' parameter has different settings.
• In addition to the non-directional starter mode available up to the
present, the 'Phase Sel Mode' parameter also permits the direction
and reach of the overreach zone to be selected. This is only
effective, however, for phase selection in the first time step and
has no influence on (non-directional) signals.
The 'Phase Sel Mode' parameter can be set to one of the following:
non-directional (default)
forwards overreach
• The directional phase selection improves the phase selectivity at
evolving faults on parallel lines.
• An earth fault detector with negative phase sequence restraint I2 is
now included in addition to the existing restraint using the largest
phase current Imax. The settings 'Blocked' and 'I0 AND U0' are no
longer available for the parameter 'Gnd Fault Mode'. The settings
are therefore (the corresponding earth fault criteria are given on
the right, IE = 3 I0 being referred to as the neutral current):
I0: (IE > '3I0min') AND (IE > 0.25 Imax)
I0 OR U0: (IE > '3I0min') AND (IE > 0.25 Imax)
OR (UE > '3U0min')
I0(I2): (IE > '3I0min') AND (IE > 0.23 I2)
I0(I2) OR U0: (IE > '3I0min') AND (IE > 0.23 I2)
OR (UE > '3U0min')
• The slope of the measurement characteristic for the first zone is
changed from 7° to 14° if the load current exceeds the setting of
the new parameter 'I Load' and power is flowing from the relay
location towards the remote end of the line (overreaching due to
the semaphore effect).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The setting range for 'I Load' is 0...2 IN in steps of 0.01 IN (default
setting = 0.5 IN), where:
'I Load' = 0.01...1.99 IN: Characteristic switches as de-
scribed above.
'I Load' = 0 IN: Fixed slope of 14°
'I Load' = 2 IN: Fixed slope of 7°

• The setting 'BlockZ1' in the 'Measurement' sub-menu has been

dropped and a binary input 'Ext. Block Z1' provided instead.
• In the case of short lines and a large line-to-source impedance
ratio, a better response for phase-to-phase faults can be obtained
by correcting the phase-angles of US and UT.
Calibration is performed during commissioning as follows:
• Inject the same voltage (0.5 UN) into all three phases in
• Read the phase error of S and T phases (in relation to R
phase) in the 'List AD channels'.
• Enter the values of the readings for the parameters 'SR Error'
and 'TR Error' in the sub-menu 'Analog inputs'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.31. Distance protection (Distance)

A. Application
Distance protection for the high-speed discriminative protection of long
or short overhead lines or cables, double-circuit lines, heavily loaded
lines, lines with weak infeeds and what are referred to as 'short-zone'
The protection is applicable to solidly or low-resistance grounded
systems, systems with Petersen coils or to ungrounded systems.
All kinds of faults are detected including close-in three-phase faults,
cross-country faults, evolving faults and high-resistance earth faults.
The protection remains stable in the presence of power swings and
reversal of energy direction. Switching onto an existing fault results in
instantaneous tripping of the circuit breaker.
The distance function can also act as back-up protection for the power
transformer and neighboring lines. Most of the logic described in this
Section (e.g. the transmission of signals) is not used for these

B. Features
• Overcurrent or underimpedance starters (polygon characteristic)
• 5 distance stages (independently set polygon characteristics)
• Definite time overcurrent back-up protection also applicable for
protecting short zones (teed section in 1½ breaker schemes
(see Section 4.8.4.))
• VT supervision
• Power-swing blocking
• Tripping logics for:
• switch-onto-fault protection
• overreaching zone
• permissive underreaching transfer tripping (also for weak
infeed and communications channel failure)
• permissive overreaching transfer tripping (also for weak infeed,
communications channel failure and reversal of energy
• blocking scheme (also for reversal of energy direction)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Three-phase currents
• Three-phase voltages
• Neutral current
• Neutral current of the parallel circuit

II. Binary inputs:

• Reversal of measuring direction
• Distance function blocking
• Underimpedance starter blocking
• Power-swing blocking
• Overcurrent back-up blocking (I O/C)
• Dead line
• Manual CB close
• Zone extension
• Isolator open
• Communication receive
• Communication channel failure
• Single-phase auto-reclosure ready
• Tripping condition blocking for the switch-onto-fault protection
• Incoming PLC blocking signal
• First zone blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• R+S+T starters
• RST starter
• R starter
• S starter
• T starter
• E starter
• I0 starter
• U0 starter
• Starter
• Z< starter
• Overcurrent back-up starter (I O/C)
• Switch-onto-fault starter
• Single-phase starter
• CB trip
• RST trip
• R trip
• S trip
• T trip
• Three-phase trip
• Single-phase trip
• Overcurrent back-up trip (I O/C)
• Switch-onto-fault trip
• Trip with transfer trip signal

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

• 'short-zone' protection trip

• Time ≥ 2nd step
• Zone 1 time
• Zone 2 time
• Zone 3 time
• Zone 4 time
• Final zone time
• Measurement
• Overreaching measurement
• Forwards measurement
• Reverse measurement
• 'weak infeed' trip
• Distance protection blocked
• Delayed distance protection blocked
• Power-swing blocking
• VT supervision
• Delayed VT supervision
• Communication send
• PLC boost
• Memory frequency deviation

IV. Measurements:
• Impedance loop RE
• Impedance loop SE
• Impedance loop TE
• Impedance loop RS
• Impedance loop ST
• Impedance loop TR

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Distance protection function settings - Distance

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step


Run On CPU CPU 1 Select

Reference Length ohms/phase 1 0.01 30 0.001
CT Neutral Line Side (Select)
Reset Events All (Select)
Fupla Directory DISTSTD


U input CT/VT-Addr ---

I input CT/VT-Addr ---
I0 input CT/VT-Addr ---
I0P input CT/VT-Addr ---

STARTING (see 'Measurement' for final zone settings)

Start Mode OC (Select)
Phase Sel Mode Solid Ground (Select)
Gnd Fault Mode I0 (Select)
I start IN 4 0.5 10 0.01
I min IN 0.2 0.1 2 0.01
3I0 min IN 0.2 0.1 2 0.01
3U0 min UN 0 0 2 0.01
XA ohms/phase 20 0 999 0.1
XB ohms/phase -10 -999 0 0.1
RA ohms/phase 15 0 999 0.1
RB ohms/phase -10 -999 0 0.1
RLoad ohms/phase 8 0 999 0.1
Angle Load deg 40 0 90 0.1
Uweak UN 0 0 2 0.01


X (1) ohms/phase 3 -300 300 0.01

R (1) ohms/phase 1 -300 300 0.01
RR (1) ohms/phase 2 -300 300 0.01
RRE (1) ohms/phase 4 -300 300 0.01
k0 (1) 1 1 0 8 0.01
K0 Angle (1) deg 0 -180 90 0.01
Delay (1) s 0 0 10 0.001

Not available on HV distance function.
Different settings for the HV distance function.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

X (2) ohms/phase 6 -300 300 0.01

R (2) ohms/phase 2 -300 300 0.01
RR (2) ohms/phase 6 -300 300 0.01
RRE (2) ohms/phase 8 -300 300 0.01
k0 (2) 1 1 0 8 0.01
K0 Angle (2) deg 0 -180 90 0.01
Delay (2) s 0.5 0 10 0.01
X (3) ohms/phase 10 -300 300 0.01
R (3) ohms/phase 3 -300 300 0.01
RR (3) ohms/phase 8 -300 300 0.01
RRE (3) ohms/phase 10 -300 300 0.01
k0 (3) 1 1 0 8 0.01
K0 Angle (3) deg 0 -180 90 0.01
Delay (3) s 1 0 10 0.01
X (4/OR) ohms/phase 15 -300 300 0.01
R (4/OR) ohms/phase 4 -300 300 0.01
RR (4/OR) ohms/phase 10 -300 300 0.01
RRE (4/OR) ohms/phase 12 -300 300 0.01
k0 (4/OR) 1 1 0 8 0.01
K0 Angle (4/OR) deg 0 -180 90 0.01
Delay (4/OR) s 1.5 0 10 0.01
X (BACK) ohms/phase -6 -300 0 0.01
R (BACK) ohms/phase -2 -300 0 0.01
RR (BACK) ohms/phase -6 -300 0 0.01
RRE (BACK) ohms/phase -8 -300 0 0.01
Delay (Def) s 2 0 10 0.01
k0m 1 0 0 8 0.01
k0 Angle(m) deg 0 -90 90 0.01
UminFault UN 0.05 0.01 2 0.01
Mem Dir Mode Trip (Select)
Def Dir Mode non Dir (Select)

*) These parameters belong to the final zone.

The starting and measurement values the settings (in columns Min.,
Max. and Step) the parameters with unit 'Ohm/Phase' have to be
divided by 10 for relays with a rated current of 5 A. They do not
change for rated currents of 1 A and 2 A.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step


I O/C IN 0 0 10 0.01
Delay O/C s 5 0 10 0.1


VT Sup Mode Off (Select)

VT Sup Blk Del Off (Select)
VT Sup Deb Del On (Select)
U0min VTSup UN 0.2 0.01 0.5 0.01
I0min VTSup IN 0.07 0.01 0.5 0.01
U2min VTSup UN 0.2 0.01 0.5 0.01
I2min VTSup IN 0.07 0.01 0.5 0.01


Com Mode Off (Select)

Trip Mode 1Ph Trip (Select)
SOTF Mode Off (Select)
SOTF10sec Off (Select)
Weak Off (Select)
Unblock Off (Select)
Echo Off (Select)
Trans Block Off (Select)
t1 Block s 0.04 0 0.25 0.01
t1 Trans Block s 0.05 0 0.25 0.01
t2 Trans Block s 3 0 10 0.01
t1 Evol Faults s 3 0 10 0.01


Time PS block s 0 0 10 0.01


Change Meas. Dir. BinaryAddr Always FALSE

Ext. Block Dist BinaryAddr Always FALSE
1) Ext UZ Block BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Ext Block PSB BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Ext Block O/C BinaryAddr Always FALSE
DeadLine BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Manual Close BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ZExtension BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Isolator Open BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Com Rec BinaryAddr Always FALSE

1) Not available on HV distance function.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Text Units Default

Com Fail BinaryAddr Always FALSE

1 pol AR BinaryAddr T
Ext. Block SOTF BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Ext. Block HF BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Zextension AR BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Ext. Block Z1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE


Trip CB R Trip Chan ---

Trip CB S Trip Chan. ---
Trip CB T Trip Chan ---


Start R+S+T SignalAddr ER

Start RST SignalAddr ER
Start RST Aux SignalAddr
Start R SignalAddr ER
Start R Aux SignalAddr
Start S SignalAddr ER
Start S Aux SignalAddr
Start T SignalAddr ER
Start T Aux SignalAddr
Start E SignalAddr ER
Start E Aux SignalAddr
Start I0 SignalAddr
Start U0 SignalAddr ER
Start O/C SignalAddr
Start SOTF SignalAddr
Start 1ph SignalAddr
Trip CB SignalAddr ER
Trip RST SignalAddr
Trip RST Aux SignalAddr
Trip CB R SignalAddr
Trip CB S SignalAddr
Trip CB T SignalAddr
Trip CB 3P SignalAddr
Trip CB 1P SignalAddr
Trip O/C SignalAddr ER
Trip SOTF SignalAddr
Trip Com SignalAddr
Trip Stub SignalAddr
Delay >=2 SignalAddr

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Text Units Default

Delay 1 SignalAddr
Delay 2 SignalAddr ER
Delay 3 SignalAddr ER
Delay 4 SignalAddr ER
Delay Def SignalAddr ER
Meas Main SignalAddr
Meas Oreach SignalAddr
Meas Fward SignalAddr
Meas Bward SignalAddr
Weak Infeed SignalAddr
Dist Blocked SignalAddr
Del Dist Blocked SignalAddr ER
Power Swing SignalAddr ER
VT Sup SignalAddr
VT Sup Delay SignalAddr
Com Send SignalAddr ER
Com Boost SignalAddr
Freq Dev SignalAddr
1) Start OC SignalAddr ER
1) Start UZ SignalAddr


Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

BOOL IN1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE

: : :
BOOL_IN8 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
TIMER_1 ms 0 0 30000 1
: : : : : :
TIMER_8 ms 0 0 30000 1
BOOL_OUT1 SignalAddr
: :
BOOL_OUT8 SignalAddr

1) Not available on HV distance function.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Explanation of parameters:

Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Reference Length (see Section
Reactance (secondary value) to be used as reference length of the
CT neutral (see Section
Side of the CTs on which the star-point is formed (current di-
busbar side (old BBC diagram)
line side (standard today,
see wiring diagram in the Chapter 12)
This parameter only influences the distance function and only the
display of the system variables. It does not influence the values of
the A/D channels.
Reset Events (see Page 3-306)
Determination of whether all the distance function events in the
event list which have been reset should be displayed:
Fupla directory
The sub directory for the distance protection logic is selectable.
The default directory name 'DISTSTD' is valid in case the standard
distance protection logic is utilized, which is situated in the HMI sub
A different configuration is necessary only if instead of the standard
distance logic a special distance protection logic is utilized. The
procedure in this case has to be obtained from the associated logic

U input
indicates the first of the VT inputs assigned to the three phase
I input
indicates the first of the CT inputs assigned to the three phase
I0 input
indicates the CT input assigned to the neutral current (if fitted and
activated). This is used for the external acquisition of the neutral
current of the line. If the I0 input is not used, the neutral current is
derived from the phase currents.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

I0P input
indicates the CT input assigned to the neutral current of the parallel
circuit (if fitted and activated). This is used for the neutral current of
the parallel circuit of a double-circuit line.

The CT input (I0P) should be wired in the same sense as the
neutral current input (I0) (e.g. terminals 9 and 10 correspond to
terminals 7 and 8 respectively).

STARTING (see Section / 4.8.1.)

Start Mode 1)
Definition of the starters used:
OC - overcurrent
UZ - underimpedance
PhaseSelMode 2)
Phase preference for cross-country faults in systems with Petersen
coils and ungrounded systems:
solidly grounded (no phase preference)
RTS(R) cyclic
TRS(T) cyclic
RTS acyclic
RST acyclic
TSR acyclic
TRS acyclic
SRT acyclic
STR acyclic
Gnd Fault Mode 2)
Method of detecting ground faults:
I0 OR U0
I0 AND U0.
Blocked (only phase-to-phase loop measured, e.g.
with only two CTs and V connected VTs)
I Start 1)
Pick-up value of the overcurrent starters.
I Min
Current level for enabling the protection.
3I0 Min
Current level of the neutral current (3I0) for enabling the protection
(ground fault detector).

Not available on HV distance function.
Different settings for the HV distance function.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3U0 Min
Voltage level of the neutral voltage (3U0) at which the E/F
measurement is enabled (ground fault detector).
Reactive reach of the impedance characteristic in the tripping
Reactive reach of the impedance characteristic in the restraint
Resistive reach of the impedance characteristic in the tripping
Resistive reach of the impedance characteristic in the restraint
Resistive reach for avoiding load encroachment.
Angle Load
Limit phase-angle for avoiding load encroachment.
(Phase) Voltage pick-up value for determining the 'weak infeed' or
'dead line' conditions for enabling manually energization of the line.
A setting of zero disables the function.

MEASUREMENT (see Section / 4.8.2.)

X (n)
Pick-up line reactance for Zone (n):
X < 0 for the restraint direction
X = 0 disables the zone (Zone 1 cannot be disabled)
R (n)
Pick-up line resistance for Zone (n); the sign must be the same as
for X (n).
RR (n)
Resistive reach (incl. arc resistance) of Zone (n) for phase faults;
the sign must be the same as for X (n).
RRE (n)
Resistive reach (incl. arc resistance) of Zone (n) for E/Fs; the sign
must be the same as for X (n).
k0 (n)
Value of the zero-sequence compensation factor for E/Fs in Zone
(n); (Z 0 − Z1) / (3 x Z1) .

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

k0 Angle (n)
Phase-angle of the zero-sequence compensation factor for E/Fs in
Zone (n); Arg [(Z 0 − Z1 ) / (3 × Z1 )] .
Delay (n)
Operating time for Zone (n).
Pick-up line reactance for the reverse zone:
X = 0 zone disabled.
Pick-up line resistance for the reverse zone.
Resistive reach for phase faults in the reverse zone.
Resistive reach for E/Fs in the reverse zone.
Delay (Def) (see Section
Operating time for the final zone (starter reach).
Value of the zero-sequence compensation factor for a parallel
circuit (ratio of the mutual impedance to three times the positive-
sequence impedance); Zm0 / (3 × Z1) . The mutual impedance is
not taken into account for a setting of zero.
k0 Angle(m)
Phase-angle of the zero-sequence compensation factor for a
[ ]
parallel circuit Arg Zm0 / (3 x Z1) .

Umin Fault (see Section

Minimum voltage at which the fault voltage is used for determining
fault direction.
Mem Dir Mode
Procedure to be followed after decay of the memory voltage and
no voltage is available for measurement:
Protection blocks
Protection trips
Conditional trip: Only trips, if the directions during the present
and the preceding times steps are in
Def Dir Mode (see Section
Response at the end of the final time step (definitive time):
Non-directional: Trips for faults in both directions.
Forwards: Trips only for faults in the forwards direction.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

O/C BACK-UP PROTECTION (see Section / 4.8.4..)

Pick-up value of the definite time back-up overcurrent function.
Delay O/C
Time delay for the definite time back-up overcurrent function.

(see Section / 4.8.3.)
VT Sup Mode
0 Off
1 ZeroSeq [U0 ⋅ I0]
2 NegSeq [U2 ⋅ I2]
3 Zero ⋅ NegSeq [(U0 ⋅ I0) + (U2 ⋅ I2)]
4 Special [U2 ⋅ (I0 + I2)]
VT Sup Blk Del
Delayed blocking of the distance function (12 s) for operation
of the VT supervision.
Off immediate blocking
On delayed blocking
VT Sup Deb Del
Delay (1 s) for resetting blocking by the VT supervision.
Off immediate reset
On delayed reset
U0 min VT Sup
Pick-up setting of the neutral voltage (U0) for VT supervision
referred to the rated VT voltage 100/ 3 or 200/ 3 .
I0 min VT Sup
Pick-up setting of the neutral current (I0) for VT supervision.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

U2 min VT Sup
Pick-up setting of the negative sequence voltage (U2) for VT
supervision referred to the rated VT voltage 100/ 3 or 200/ 3 .
I2 min VT Sup
Pick-up setting of the NPS current (I2) for VT supervision.

TRIP SCHEMES (see Section / 4.8.5.)

Com Mode
Type of transfer tripping scheme:
PUTT nondir
PUTT fwd
Trip Mode
Type of tripping (single or three-phase):
1PhTrip - single-phase tripping (for single-phase auto-
3PhTrip - three-phase tripping in all cases
3PhTripDel3 - single-phase tripping (for single-phase auto-
reclosure) up to the end of 'Delay (3)' then
three-phase tripping
Operating mode of the switch-onto-fault function:
non-dir. non-directional underimpedance starting
(recommended setting)
forward UR2 directional with overreaching (Zone 2, if
overreaching disabled) and non-directional
after decay of any memory voltage
SOTF 10sec
Enables the 10 s delay for the switch-onto-fault function:
Off (t = 200 ms)
On (t = 10 s)
Enables 'Weak infeed' logic for the PUTT or POTT transfer tripping
modes (Uweak must also be set):

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Deblocking logic enable:
On (only suitable for PLC)
'Echo' logic enable for the POTT transfer tripping mode:
Trans Block
Enables 'Transient blocking' logic (stabilization for reversal of
power direction on double-circuit lines) for the POTT and BLOCK
OR (overreaching blocking scheme) transfer tripping modes:
t1 Block
Time allowed for receiving a blocking signal in the BLOCK OR
(overreaching blocking scheme) mode.
t1 Trans Block
Time 1 for the TRANSBL (transient blocking) mode. Delay for
faults after a fault was detected in the reverse direction.
t2 Trans Block
Time 2 for the TRANSBL (transient blocking) mode. The logic
remains enabled for the time t2 after a fault was detected in the
reverse direction.
t1 Evol Faults
Time for discriminating evolving faults (three-phase trip for evolving
faults during this time setting).

POWER-SWING BLOCKING (see Section and 4.8.6.)

Time PS Block
Maximum time during which the power-swing blocking function is
effective. The function is disabled when set to zero.

BINARY INPUTS (see Section

Change Meas. Dir
Input for changing the direction of measurement.
Ext. Block Dist.
Input for blocking the distance protection function.
Ext. UZ Block 1)
Input for blocking the underimpedance starters.

Not available on HV distance function.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Ext. Block PSB

External disable for the power-swing blocking function.
Ext. Block O/C
External disable of the back-up overcurrent function
Line de-energised signal (auxiliary contact on the circuit-breaker
when the VTs are on the busbar).
Manual Close
Circuit-breaker manual close signal.
External zone extension control signal.
Isolator Open
Isolator open signal for activating the 'short-zone' logic and
protection (T section in 1½ breaker schemes).
Com Rec
Input for PLC signal from the remote station.
Com Fail
Input for PLC failure signal.
1 Pol AR
Single-phase trip enable (used in conjunction with the auto-
reclosure function).
Always FALSE: three-phase trip only
Always TRUE: one-phase or three-phase trip (depending
on the short circuit)
Normally the inverted trip signal 'Trip 3-Phase' would be connected
to the auto-reclose function.
Ext Block SOTF
Input for blocking the tripping condition for the switch-onto-fault
Note: The input does not disable the switch-onto-fault starting
Ext Block HF
Input for blocking a received PLC signal (controlled, for example,
by a sensitive E/F scheme using the same PLC channel).
Zextension AR
Input for enabling the overreaching zone by the auto-reclosure
ExtBlock Z1
Input for blocking measurement in the first zone.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Trip CB R
Tripping logic for the R phase pole of the circuit-breaker. This
signal is not generated while a blocking signal is being applied with
the exception of a trip by the back-up overcurrent protection.
Trip CB S
Tripping relay for the S phase pole of the circuit-breaker. This
signal is not generated while a blocking signal is being applied with
the exception of a trip by the back-up overcurrent protection.
Trip CB T
Tripping relay for the T phase pole of the circuit-breaker. This
signal is not generated while a blocking signal is being applied with
the exception of a trip by the back-up overcurrent protection.

Start R+S+T
General distance protection starting signal
(OR logic for all starting signals excluding 'weak infeed').
Start RST (StartRSTAux)
General distance protection starting signal
(OR logic for all starting signals including 'weak infeed').
Start R (Start R Aux)
Distance protection R phase starting signal
(including 'weak infeed').
Start S (Start S Aux)
Distance protection S phase starting signal
(including 'weak infeed').
Start T (Start T Aux)
Distance protection T phase starting signal
(including 'weak infeed').
Start E (Start E Aux)
Distance protection E/F starting signal (U0 or I0). Only generated
together with a phase starter.
Start I0
Neutral current starting signal (I0).
Start U0
Neutral voltage starting signal (U0).
Start O/C
Back-up overcurrent pick-up signal.
Start SOTF
Enabling signal for the switch-onto-fault protection.
Start 1ph
Indicates that the distance protection was started by a single

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Trip CB
General circuit-breaker tripping signal. This signal is disabled while
a blocking signal is being applied with the exception of a trip by the
back-up overcurrent protection.
Trip RST (trip RST Aux)
General tripping signal. This signal is not disabled while a blocking
signal is being applied.
Trip CB R
Circuit-breaker R phase trip signal.
This signal is disabled while a blocking signal is being applied with
the exception of a trip by the back-up overcurrent protection.
Trip CB S
Circuit-breaker S phase trip signal.
This signal is disabled while a blocking signal is being applied with
the exception of a trip by the back-up overcurrent protection.
Trip CB T
Circuit-breaker T phase trip signal.
This signal is disabled while a blocking signal is being applied with
the exception of a trip by the back-up overcurrent protection.
Trip CB 3ph
Three-phase trip signal. This signal is disabled while a blocking
signal is being applied with the exception of a trip by the back-up
overcurrent protection.
Trip CB 1ph
Single-phase trip signal. This signal is disabled while a blocking
signal is being applied with the exception of a trip by the back-up
overcurrent protection.
Trip O/C
Back-up overcurrent trip signal.
Switch-onto-fault trip signal.
Trip Com
Signal for tripping either enabled by the receipt of a permissive
signal or the non-receipt of a blocking signal. (This signal is
disabled while a blocking signal is being applied.)
Trip Stub
'Short-zone' protection trip signal.
Delay >= 2
Signal for starting in Zone 2 or higher.
Delay 1
Signal for starting in Zone 1.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Delay 2
Signal for starting in Zone 2.
Delay 3
Signal for starting in Zone 3.
Delay 4
Signal for starting in Zone 4 (excepting when Zone 4 is being used
as an overreaching zone).
Delay Def
Signal for starting in the final zone.
Meas Main
Measurement by the distance function (Zones 1, 2, 3, 4 or the final
Meas Oreach
Measurement in the distance protection overreach zone.
Meas Fward
Measurement by the distance protection in the forwards direction.
Meas Bward
Measurement by the distance protection in the reverse direction
(reverse zone).
Weak Infeed
Tripping by the 'weak infeed' function.
Dist Blocked
Signal indicating that the distance protection is blocked.
Del Dis Blocked
Signal delayed by 12 s indicating that the distance protection is
Power Swing
Power-swing blocking function picked up.
VT Sup
VT supervision picked up.
VT Sup Delay
Delayed operation of the VT supervision after 12 s.
Com Send
Signal generated when a transfer trip signal is transmitted.
Com Boost
Signal for boosting PLC transmitting power.
Freq Dev
Signal indicating a deviation of the memory voltage frequency.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Start OC 1)
Overcurrent starting signal.
Start UZ 1)
Underimpedance starting signal.

The following settings are only of consequence when a special logic is
loaded instead of the standard distance protection logic. Refer to the
description of the corresponding logic for their significance.
Additional binary inputs for the special distance protection logic.
Additional timer settings for the special distance protection logic.
Additional signals for the special distance protection logic.

Behavior of the signals at the signaling relay outputs and in the

event list
Some of the signaling relay outputs remain excited until the entire
distance protection function has reset (i.e. until 'Start R+S+T' resets)
and others reset as soon as the particular condition disappears.
The parameter 'EventRecFull' (event recorder full) enables a choice to
be made, whether all operation and reset events have to be recorded
in the event list (essential when the protection is integrated in a station
control system) or whether the less important reset events may be
The behavior of the signals can be seen from the following list.
Output: H signal latches
NH signal does not latch
Event list: AR Pick-up (COMES) and reset (GOES)
are recorded.
A Only pick-up (COMES) is recorded pro
viding 'some' is set for 'EventRecFull'.

Signal Output Event list

Start R+S+T NH AR
Start RST NH A
Start RSTAux NH A
Start R H A
Start R Aux H A
Start S H A

Not available on HV distance function.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Signal Output Event list

Start S Aux H A
Start T H A
Start T Aux H A
Start E H A
Start E Aux H A
Start I0 NH AR
Start U0 NH AR
Start OC NH AR
Start UZ H AR
Start O/C NH AR
Start 1ph NH AR
Trip CB NH A
Trip RST Aux NH A
Trip CB 3P NH A
Trip CB 1P NH A
Trip O/C NH AR
Trip Com NH A
Trip Stub NH A
Delay >= 2 NH A
Delay 1 NH A
Delay 2 NH A
Delay 3 NH A
Delay 4 NH A
Delay Def NH A
Meas Main H A
Meas Oreach NH AR
Meas Fward H AR
Meas Bward NH AR
Weak Infeed NH AR
Dist Blocked NH AR
Del Dist Blocked NH AR
Power Swing NH AR
VTSup delay NH AR
Com Send NH AR
Com Boost NH A
Freq Dev NH AR

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions General
The first parameter in the sub-menu 'General' is 'Ref length' which is
needed to indicate the distance to a fault in the event of a trip, but
otherwise bears no influence in the protection function. The parameter
gives the reactance of the reference length (in secondary Ω/ph per unit
length) and may be defined in km, miles, percent line length etc., i.e.
distance =
ref. length
c) In km
Secondary reactance per km ≡ 0.2 Ω/ph
Ref. length = 0.2 Ω/ph

d) In percent line length

Secondary reactance of the line length ≡ 25 Ω/ph
(1 % ≡ 0.25 Ω/ph)
Ref. length = 0.25 Ω/ph

The setting of the parameter 'CT neutral' depends on whether the

star-point of the main CTs is on the line side or the busbar side.
There are thus two possible settings 'Bus side' or 'Line side'. The
'Line side' option is the one to choose, providing the protection is
connected according to the wiring diagram as shown in
Chapter 12. This setting only applies to the distance protection
function. It does not influence the power direction in all the other
functions or the displays of the A/D channels.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Starters
(see Section 4.8.1.)
The distance function provides for two methods of starting, i.e.
overcurrent or underimpedance. The desired method is selected by
appropriately setting the parameter 'Start Mode' in the 'Starting' sub-
Depending on the setting of the parameter 'Def Dir Mode', a starter
can also trip on its own after the time 'Delay (Def)'. (see
Section Overcurrent starters

(see Section
Selecting ‘OC’ for the parameter ‘Start Mode’ enables the overcurrent
starters. The pick-up level of the overcurrent starters is determined by
the setting of the parameter 'Istart'. The corresponding setting range is
from 0.5 to 10 IN, in steps of 0.01 IN. The setting of 'Istart' must be
sufficiently above the maximum load current to avoid any risk of mal-
operation under normal load conditions. Note that all currents greater
than 80% of the highest phase current (and also the enabling current
'Imin') are taken into account by the phase selection function. When
determining the maximum load current it must be considered that
• in the case of a double-circuit line, the load current IB can briefly
reach double its normal value when one circuit is tripped.
• E/Fs can cause additional balancing currents IA in the healthy
It is equally important for an overcurrent starter, which has picked up,
to reliably reset at the maximum load current IBmax, if for example the
fault is tripped by a downstream protection. Taking due account of the
reset ratio of 0.95, the lowest permissible setting is given by:

IB max + IA
(Istart ) min > 1.25
0.95 × IN
The maximum setting (Istart)max is derived from the minimum fault
current IK for a fault at the end of the next section of line:
(Istart ) max < IK min / IN
Should the above relationships result in (Istart)max being lower than
(Istart)min, the underimpedance starters must be used instead. Underimpedance starters
(see Section
Selecting ‘UZ’ as the ‘Start Mode’ parameter enables the
underimpedance starters. The following parameters then have to be

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The characteristic of the underimpedance starters and the correspond-
ing setting parameters can be seen from Fig. 3.67. The parameters
'RLoad' and 'AngleLoad' define the permissible load area.



RB -RLoad AngleLoad RLoad RA

XB HEST 935 049 C

Fig. 3.67 Underimpedance starting characteristic

Because of the method used to represent impedances by the proc-

essor program, the impedance settings should not be set higher than
absolutely necessary, otherwise the resolution for low impedances will
be reduced.

Minimum permissible reach of the starters

The starting units must reliably pick-up for a fault towards the end of
the next section of line (back-up zone). Should back-up protection of
the adjacent section of line not be necessary, the starters must be set
to at least 1.3 times the impedance of the protected line. In the case of
short lines, fault resistance becomes a factor to be taken into account.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Maximum permissible reach of the starters

• The setting must take account of the considerable increase in the
load current of the healthy circuit of a double-circuit line, when a
fault on one circuit is tripped.
• To ensure that the phase selection is correct for single-phase auto-
reclosure, the starters in the healthy phases must not pick up for
an E/F on one of the phases (in spite of any balancing currents
which may occur).
The corresponding limits can be expressed mathematically as follows:
• Solidly grounded systems

Z set ≤ Ω/ph
2 × (IB max + IA )

• Ungrounded systems or system with Petersen coils

Z set ≤ Ω/ph
2 × IB max × 1.25

Zset maximum value of the impedance, i.e. the maximum value of
the expression:

XA2 + RA 2 or XB2 + RB2

U lowest phase voltage of the healthy phases for an E/F on one
phase (U = 0.85 x min. system voltage). The factor 0.85 takes
account of a negligibly small zero sequence source impedance.
Uv lowest phase-to-phase system voltage
1.25 safety factor
2 factor, which takes account of the fact that phase currents and
not phase-to-phase currents, are used.
These requirements are generally fulfilled without difficulty for most
applications. Should, however, the first inequality not be satisfied, the
right-hand side must be expressed vectorially and compared with the
underimpedance starting characteristic in relation to the setting
'RLoad' etc.
The healthy phases must be checked for the case of a single-phase-
to-ground fault. Current enable
Before a phase can take part in phase selection, it must be conducting
a current higher than 'Imin'. The recommended setting is 0.2 IN.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN E/F detector

There are three alternative operating modes for the E/F detector, the
desired one being chosen by the setting of the parameter 'Gnd Fault
Mode'. E/F detection can be based on measurement of the neutral cur-
rent alone or in combination with the neutral voltage. The fourth pos-
sibility is not to measure the ground loop at all, i.e. only the phase-to-
phase loop is measured. The following alternatives are available for
blocked (only measures the phase-to-phase loops)
I0 OR U0
The criterion for the highest '3I0min' setting is:
• the E/F detector must pick-up for all E/Fs in solidly grounded
systems and for all cross-country faults on ungrounded systems or
systems with Petersen coils, providing they lie within the reach of
the underimpedance starters.
The criteria for the lowest '3I0min' setting are:
• the E/F detector must not pick up for an E/F on ungrounded
systems or systems with Petersen coils,
• the E/F detector must not pick up for phase faults, although CT
errors can cause false neutral currents.
The recommended setting is '3I0min' = 0.5 IN.
Should it not be possible to find a setting, which satisfies both these
conditions, the neutral voltage (3U0min) must be used for measure-
ment in addition to the neutral current. Phase preference logic
(see Section
The desired phase preference logic for cross-country faults is chosen
with the aid of the parameter 'PhaseSelMode'.
In solidly grounded systems, the 'PhaseSelMode' parameter is dis-
abled by setting it to 'solid ground'.
It is essential for all the relays in ungrounded systems and systems
with Petersen coils to be set to the same phase preference logic. The
logic in use in a system must therefore be known before one of the
8 alternative schemes can be selected:
RTS(R) cyclic
TRS(T) cyclic
RTS acyclic
RST acyclic
TSR acyclic
TRS acyclic
SRT acyclic
STR acyclic

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Undervoltage starters

The undervoltage starters are used in conjunction with the switch-onto-
fault function and the transfer tripping schemes POTT and PUTT
NONDIR (see Section The corresponding pick-up value is
set in relation to the rated voltage with the aid of the parameter
'Uweak', which has a setting range of 0 to 2 UN in steps of 0.01. Measuring units
(see Section 4.8.2.)
All the settings for the impedance measuring zones are to be found in
the 'MEASUREMENT' sub-menu. Determining the distance zones
Before it is possible to determine the reaches of the distance zones,
the impedances and phase-angles of the line sections during faults
must be known. Typical settings for the various zone reaches along
the line are given below:

Z3 = 0.85 (a + k · b2)

Z2 = 0.85 (a + k · b1)
Z1 = 0.85 · a
ZAZ = 1.2 · a

a b

HEST 935 050 C

Fig. 3.68 Typical settings for the reaches of distance relay zones
(grading table)

Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 impedance reach of the various zones
ZOR impedance reach of the overreaching zone
k≥1 factor to take into account -
the apparent increase of line impedance 'seen' by a
relay due to an intermediate infeed
a, b impedance of the corresponding section of line

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

A B I A'+ I C
1 2 B'
3 4

~ I A'

HEST 935 051 FL

Fig. 3.69 Example for calculating k. The overreach must be

checked for k > 1 when the infeed B is not in operation.
IA ' + IB '
k= ≥1
IA' maximum fault current possible
IB' minimum fault current possible
1...5 distance relays

Calculating the secondary line impedances

The primary values calculated from the grading table for the line
impedances have to be converted to secondary values. These are
obtained by applying the following relationship:

ZLs = =
⎛ KU ⎞ KZ
⎜ ⎟
⎜K ⎟
⎝ I ⎠
ZLp primary positive-sequence line impedance
ZLs secondary positive-sequence line impedance
KU main VT ratio
KI main CT ratio
KZ impedance ratio
The same applies to the conversion of the resistances and reactances.
The impedance characteristic is defined independently for each of the
four distance zones (Zone 4 is used alternatively for the overreaching
zone) by the following parameters (i = 1 to 4):
X (i)
R (i)
RR (i)
RRE (i)
k0 (i)
k0Ang (i)
Delay (i)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The reactance and resistance of the line or cable are set in the
proper units using the parameters 'R' and 'X' (see Fig. 3.70).


Zone 1
(2, 3, 4, OR, BWD)



27° R


HEST 915 019 C

Fig. 3.70 Distance measurement characteristic

At a rated current of 1 or 2 A, the impedance parameters 'X', 'R', 'RR'

and 'RRE' have setting ranges of -300 to +300 Ω/ph in steps of 0.01
(-30 to +30 Ω/ph in steps of 0.001 for a rated current of 5 A).
A zone is disabled when 'X' is set to zero regardless of the settings of
the other parameters. In this case, the other zones are also blocked
with the exception of the last one. Zone 1 can only be disabled by the
binary input 'ExtBlock Z1'.
The direction of measurement is reversed for negative values of 'X',
'R', 'RR' and 'RRE'.

Allowing for fault resistance

Provision is made with parameters 'RRE' and 'RR' for allowing for the
fault resistance in an E/F loop and in a phase-to-phase loop. The
setting takes the E/F resistance comprising the resistance of the arc
and the pylon footing resistance in relation to the line resistance into
Typical settings lie in the range RR(E)/X = 0.5...3.
The arc resistance RB can be calculated according to A.R. van C.
Warrington as follows:
28700 d
RB =
1 .4

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

d length of arc in m
I current in A
RB arc resistance in Ω

Since the unit is Ω/ph, the fault resistance appears differently in the
impedance plane according to the type of fault. Where the value of the
fault resistance RF is known in Ω (see Fig. 3.71), it has to be entered
in the R/X diagram as follows:
• E/F: R=RF/(1+k0)
• phase-to-phase fault: R=RF/2

• three-phase fault: R=RF/ 3

It is for this reason that fault resistance is compensated separately for
E/F and phase-to-phase loops using the parameters 'RRE' and 'RR'.
The parameter 'RR' will generally be set lower than 'RRE', because the
phase-to-phase fault resistance is normally very low.


HEST 915 029 C

E/F Phase-to-phase fault Three-phase fault

Fig. 3.71 Fault resistance

Load current (area)

The load area defined by the underimpedance parameters 'RLoad' and
'AngleLoad' is taken into account be starting and measuring
characteristics. It follows from this that the relay can only trip, if the
fault impedance measured lies within the underimpedance starting

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


Zone 3


Zone 2

Zone 1



HEST 935 053 C

Fig. 3.72 Relay characteristics

Note that the load impedance area is only formed when the under-
impedance starter (UZ) is in operation. It does not exist when starting
is provided by the overcurrent starter (OC).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Zero-sequence compensation of the protected line

The magnitude and phase-angle of the zero-sequence compensation
factor are set individually for each zone using parameters 'k0' and
k0Ang'. The latter are calculated from the positive-sequence imped-
ance ZL and the zero-sequence impedance Z0L of the line:
( Z0L − ZL )
k 0 =1/ 3 x

k 0 = 1 / 3 x (Z 0L − ZL ) / ZL )

Range: 0 to 8 in steps of 0.01

k 0Ang = arctan (X 0L − XL ) / (R0L − RL ) − arctan(XL / RL )

Range: -180° to +90° in steps of 0.01

Zero-sequence compensation for cables

Depending on the type of cable and the application, k0 is set between
–10° and –130°. If a complex setting is made for k0, the polygon
characteristic is rotated in the R-jX diagram. At k0 angles higher than
20°, a slight setting error causes severe under or overreaching. The
setting is often incorrect because
• the cable data are not known exactly
• measured data are only accurate for through faults, but scarcely
ever accurate for internal faults
A setting of 0° or –180° (corresponds to negative values) is therefore
recommended for k0:
k0 = 1/3 × ⏐(X0L – XL) / XL⏐
k0Ang = 0° for X0L > XL
k0Ang = -180°for X0L < XL
Note that the value of R must be set at least to
(2 × RL + R0L) / 3 and the desired RRE is increased by
(2 × RL + R0L) / 3, as the desired fault resistance detection (arcing).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

(2 × RL + R0L) / 3


k0 × ZL Ph-Ph
XL - k0 × XL
ZL 2 × ZL + Z0) / 3 Ph-E


Fig. 3.73 Relay characteristics

Zero-sequence compensation of double-circuit lines

The magnitude and phase-angle of the zero-sequence compensation
factor for a double-circuit line are set using parameters 'k0m' and 'k0
Angle(m)'. This compensation only applies to Zones 1 and 2, the
overreaching zone and the reverse zone. Directional element

(see Section
Each distance zone has its own directional measuring element. The
voltage used for measurement depends on the amplitude of the fault
voltage in relation to the parameter 'UminFault'. The fault voltage is
used, providing it is higher than the setting of 'UminFault', and a
voltage derived from the healthy voltage and the memory voltage is
used when it falls below. The recommended settings are 0.1 UN for
conventional VTs.
Should correct determination of direction not be possible (reference
voltage too low or memory voltage decayed), the setting of the
parameter 'MemDirMode' determines whether the protection blocks or
Block protection blocks all zones
(definitive zone only if directional)
Trip protection trips
Cond. trip Protection blocks unless the instantaneous and
preceding zones are in opposite directions, in which
case the protection trips.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Overreaching zone

The settings including the designation '4/OR' ('X (4/OR)' ... 'Delay
(4/OR)') can be used either for a fourth measuring zone or a com-
pletely independent overreaching zone (but not for both at the
same time) by appropriately setting the parameter 'Delay (4/OR)'
(see Section
In applications requiring a fourth zone, the measuring unit of the
second zone is used for overreaching.
An overreaching zone is necessary for the switch-onto-fault and zone
extension logics and for overreaching transfer tripping schemes (POTT
and BLOCK OR) and the variant PUTT OR2 for the underreach
distance trip. Reverse zone
The reverse measuring zone is configured with the parameters
'X (BACK)', 'R (BACK)', 'RR (BACK)' and 'RRE (BACK)' which have
setting ranges from 0 to -300 Ω/ph.
The reverse zone does not start a trip. In conjunction with the
overreach it is used to generate a blocking signal, to be used with the
direction change and weak in-feed logic. When this logic is not used,
the 'X (BACK)' is set to '0'. The reverse zone is then blocked.

NOTE: In order that this logic functions properly the reverse zone
must further than that of the overreach zone of the oppposite side.
This is also applicable for the reach in the ohmic direction.

To note:
• for underimpedance starting ('Z<'):
With the exception of the load discrimination defined by the
parameters 'RLoad' and 'Angle Load', the reverse zone operates
independently of the starters.
• for overcurrent starting ('I>'):
The reverse zone is only in operation when an overcurrent starter
('I Start') has picked up.
• the binary input ('Ext. UZ Block') blocks operation regardless of the
starter mode for the reverse zone.
• Signal output: 'Meas Bward'.
• Measurement of the reverse zone only takes place while the first
zone is active, i.e. the 'Meas Bward' signal resets, when 'Delay (2)'
has elapsed.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Time steps

The operating time of every activated distance zone (parameter 'X' <> 0)
is determined by the parameter 'Delay', which has a setting range of
0 to 10 s in steps of 0.01. The parameter 'Delay (4/OR)' is also asso-
ciated with a logic, which determines whether it applies to Zone 4 or to
the overreaching zone, i.e. if 'Delay (4/OR)' < 'Delay (2)', it applies to
the overreaching zone, otherwise to Zone 4.
The set times must satisfy the following relationships:
• Delay (1) < Delay (2) < Delay (3) < Delay (4) < Delay(Def),
• Delay (OR) < Delay (2).
When grading the operating times of several distance relays, the
minimum grading time should not be less than the sum of the circuit-
breaker operating time plus 150 ms (reset time + operating time of the
measuring system + safety margin).
Recommended timer settings:
• Zone 1: normally instantaneous.
• Zone 2: 'Delay (2)' is normally set to the sum of relay and circuit-
breaker operating times, arc extinction time, signal transmission
time and a tolerance margin, which amounts to about 0.25 to 0.5 s.
The tolerance includes an allowance for sequential tripping.
• Zone 3: 'Delay (3)' is set to about 2 × 'Delay (2)'.
• Zone 4: 'Delay (4)' or ‘Delay (Def)’ is normally set to at least
4 × 'Delay (2)'.
Special cases may require settings, which deviate considerably from
the above recommendations.
The time steps of zones 1 to 4 must have settings less than 'Delay(Def)'. Definitive zone
The definitive (or fifth) zone is subject to the same parameters as the
underimpedance starters (i.e. XA, XB, RA, RB, RLoad and AngleLoad).
The corresponding time step is defined by the parameter 'Delay (Def)'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


Definitive Zone


RB -RLoad AngleLoad RLoad RA

(in tripping direction)

XB HEST 935 054 C

Fig. 3.74 Definitive zone characteristic

The parameter 'Def Dir Mode' determines the response at the end of
the definitive time. It can be set to be either directional (in tripping
direction) or non-directional (see Fig. 3.74).

NOTE: There is still a definitive zone even using the overcurrent

starter (OC), but only with respect to the parameters 'Delay (Def)' and
'Def Dir Mode'. Back-up overcurrent protection

(O/C Back-up Protection)
(see Section 4.8.4.)
The settings for the back-up overcurrent protection are made via the
sub-menu 'O/C BACK-UP PROTECTION'. The setting of the
parameter 'I O/C' determines the pick-up level, which can be chosen in
steps of 0.1 IN between 0 and 10 IN. The associated time delay is set
in steps of 0.1 s between 0 and 10 s by means of the parameter
'Delay O/C'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The pick-up signal of the overcurrent unit is also used by the STUB
protection. If the function is being used for this purpose, i.e. the binary
I/P 'Isol open' is at logical '1', the tripping time is fixed at 25 ms.
The back-up overcurrent is always active. In case the STUB protection
is not utilized, and; the 'O/C BACK-UP PROTECTION' should only be
active when the distance protection is blocked, then connect the
inverted signaling output 'Dist Blocked' from the distance protection to
the blocking input 'Ext Blk OC' of the O/C backup protection. VT supervision
(see Section 4.8.3.)
The parameters for setting the VT supervision function are located in
the sub-menu 'VT SUPERVISON'. One of four different operating
modes can be chosen using 'VTSupMode'. The function processes
zero and negative-sequence components, which are either used on
their own ('ZeroSeq' and 'NegSeq') or combined ('Zero*NegSeq' and
ZeroSeq [U0 ⋅ I0]
NegSeq [U2 ⋅ I2]
Zero ⋅ NegSeq [(U0 ⋅ I0) + (U2 ⋅ I2)]
Spec [U2 ⋅ (I0 + I2)]
The four pick-up values are the settings of the parameters
'U0min VTSup', 'U2min VTSup', 'I0min VTSup' and 'I2min VTSup'.
They can be set between 0 and 2 UN (or IN) in steps of 0.01. The basic
settings are 0.2 UN for the voltage and 0.07 IN for the current.
Only the 'NegSeq' or 'Spec' options are available in ungrounded
Upon operating, the VT supervision function is normally required to im-
mediately block the distance protection function (see Section
Provision is made, however, for blocking the distance function after a
delay of 12 s by setting the parameter 'VTSupBlkDel'. This parameter
is normally set in cases where only the overcurrent starters are in use.
If the VT supervision function remains picked up for longer than 12 s, it
resets only after a delay (1 s). Should a fault give rise to zero or
negative-sequence current components, it resets immediately.
The parameter 'VTSupDebDel' (deblocking) enables the reset delay to
be continuously enabled regardless of current.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Recommended setting:

Parameter Grounded system Ungrounded system

VTSupDebDel enabled disabled

The signal 'VTSup' indicates that the distance function is being

blocked by the VT supervision and 'VTSupDel' that the 12 s delay is
running. Tripping logic

(see Section
The parameters for determining the tripping logic are grouped in the
sub-menu 'Trip Schemes'.
The various transfer tripping schemes are selected by setting the
parameter 'ComMode' (3 × PUTT, POTT and OVERREACHING
BLOCKING schemes). The possible settings are given below. The
settings for the different schemes only appear after has scheme has
been selected.

Permissive underreaching transfer tripping (non-directional)
'Weak' - enables the weak infeed logic.

Permissive underreaching transfer tripping (in line direction)
No other parameters.

Permissive underreaching transfer tripping (overreaching zone/Zone 2)
'Unblock' - selects the enabling logic for communications
channel failure.

Permissive overreaching transfer tripping
'Weak' - enables the weak infeed logic.
'Unblock' - selects the enabling logic for communications
channel failure.
'Echo' - enables the echo logic.
'Trans Block' - enables the logic for reversal of fault energy
't1 Trans Block' - min. holding time for the wrong energy direction
signal. This has to be set at least 50 ms longer than
the maximum reset time required by the communi-
cation channel.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

't2TransBl' - max. holding time for the wrong energy direction

signal. This has to be set at least 0.4 s longer than
the dead time setting to make sure that blocking is
still effective should an attempt be made to reclose
the faulted line.

Blocking scheme
'TransBlock' - enables the logic for reversal of fault energy
't1 Block' - time allowed for the receipt of a PLC signal
't1 Trans Block' - min. holding time for the wrong energy direction
signal. This has to be set at least 50 ms longer than
the maximum signal transmission time.
't2 Trans Block' - max. holding time for the wrong energy direction
signal. This has to be set at least 0.4 s longer than
the dead time setting to make sure that blocking is
still effective should an attempt be made to reclose
the faulted line.

Depending on the setting of the parameter 'TripMode', tripping is either
phase-selective, controlled by the binary input '1PolAR' (for '1phTrip'),
always three-phase (for '3phTrip') or three-phase after the time 'Delay
(3)' (for '3phTripDel3').

Access is gained to the switch-onto-fault logic settings by selecting the
parameter 'SOTF Mode'. The alternatives presented are whether the
switch-onto-fault logic should trip on the basis of the non-directional
underimpedance starters or the overreaching zone.
This logic is enabled either by the undervoltage function delayed by
10 s or 200 ms (see Section or the binary inputs 'Deadline'
and 'Manual close'.
Two signaling outputs 'Start SOTF' and 'Trip SOTF' are associated
with the switch-onto-fault logic. 'Start SOTF' is intended for blocking
the auto-reclosure function and 'Trip SOTF' signals that tripping took
place as a result of the switch-onto-fault logic.

SOTF 10 sec
The parameter 'SOTF 10sec' determines whether the undervoltage
function and the binary input 'Deadline' are enabled after 10 s ('on') or
after just 200 ms ('Off'). 'Off' indicates switching onto a fault after fast
auto-reclosure (Fast OR). Tripping in this case is thus based on the
decisions of the starters alone.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The setting of the parameter 't1 Evol Faults' determines the time
during which an evolving fault once detected results in a three-phase
trip. Power-swing blocking

(see Section 4.8.6.)
Only the parameter 'Time PS block' for the time during which the
power-swing blocking signal is maintained has to be set in the
'POWER-SWING BLOCKING' sub-menu. The setting range is 0 to
10 s in steps of 0.01. Tripping is enabled again at the latest at the end
of this time.
The power-swing blocking function is disabled when 'tPSblock' is set to
zero or a logical '1' is applied to the binary input 'Ext Blk PSB'. Allocation of CT and VT inputs

(see Section
The parameters for allocating CT and VT input channels are grouped
in the 'ANALOGUE (CT/VT) CHANNELS' sub-menu. Allocation of binary inputs

(see Section
The parameters for allocating binary inputs are grouped in the
'BINARY INPUTS' sub-menu.
All binary inputs can be allocated to external signals or the outputs of
other functions.

Change Meas Dir

Applying a signal to this input reverses the direction of measurement
for the entire distance protection function (all zones).

Ext Block Dist

This input blocks the entire distance protection function. Blocking is
signaled by 'Dist Blocked' and after 12 s by 'Del Dist Blocked'. Only the
back-up overcurrent protection (I O/C) then remains active.

Ext UZ Block
This input blocks the underimpedance starters, the neutral voltage
starter (U0), the measurement for 'Weak' and the reverse measure-
ment. The overcurrent starters (OC) remain in operation.

Ext Block PSB

This input blocks the power-swing blocking function.

Ext Block O/C back-up

This input blocks the back-up overcurrent protection (O/C Back-up

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The signal applied to this input is needed by the switch-onto-fault logic
to indicate to the distance function that the line is without voltage be-
fore the circuit-breaker is closed. It is used for the switch-onto-fault
logic providing the VTs are on the busbars.

Manual Close
Prior to manually closing the circuit-breaker, this signal enables the
switch-onto-fault logic and blocks the VT supervision function.

Zextension, ZExtension AR
The overreaching logic permits instantaneous tripping within the over-
reaching zone. It is enabled via the binary input 'Zextension' or
'ZExtension AR'.
For this purpose, the output 'Zextension' of the auto-reclosure function
is connected to the input 'ZExtension AR'.

Isolator open
This input is required by the STUB protection to ascertain whether an
isolator is open or not (see Section

Com Rec
This input is needed for the external signal 'Com Rec' (signal received
by PLC, optical fibre link or point-to-point radio).

Com Fail
This input signals to the protection that the PLC channel has failed.

1 Pol AR
This input permits single-phase tripping to take place and is used in
conjunction with single or three-phase auto-reclosure schemes. Refer
to the Section 'Auto reclosure' for the connection to the auto-reclosure

Ext. Block SOTF

This input is needed in cases where the switch-onto-fault logic is not
enabled after an auto-reclosure.
Refer to the Section 'Auto reclosure' for the connection to the auto-
reclosure function.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Ext. Block HF
This input blocks the reception of an intertripping signal. It is used for
coordinating communication channel signals when in a solidly
grounded system, the distance protection and the E/F protection use
the same channel. It must be connected to the 'RecBlk' signal of the
E/F function.

Ext Block Z1
This input blocks measurement in zone 1. Allocation of tripping commands
(see Section
The parameters for allocating tripping commands are grouped in the
'CB COMMANDS' sub-menu.
The allocation of the output signals depends on whether single or
three-phase tripping has been set (parameter 'TripMode'). In the case
of three-phase tripping, the three tripping outputs are allocated to the
same auxiliary tripping relay. Single-phase tripping ('TripMode' set to
'1PhTrip' or '3PhTripDel3') requires three separate auxiliary tripping
relays, i.e. the protection has to be equipped with at least two binary
I/O units Type 316DB61/62. Signals
(see Section
The parameters for allocating binary outputs to auxiliary signaling
relays are grouped in the 'SIGNALING' sub-menu.
Some signaling outputs latch until the entire distance protection func-
tion resets (i.e. until 'Start R+S+T' resets, see Section 3.5.31.).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.32. Auto-reclosure (Autoreclosure)

A. Application
The function can be configured for single or three-phase auto-reclosure.
The unit can operate in conjunction with any of the three protection
functions (distance, longitudinal differential and overcurrent protection)
and either an internal or external synchrocheck function.
However, an additional standard FUPLA logic T142 as detailed in the
document 1KHF600220 is necessary for single-phase reclosing in 1½
breaker applications.

B. Features
• Up to 4 fast or slow reclosure attempts
• First cycle with up to 4 individually configurable single and/or
three-phase reclosure attempts
• Independent operating indicators for each reclosure cycle
• Wide dead time setting range
• Provision to control bypassing of the synchrocheck unit and
extending the dead time for the first zone by external signals
• Clearly defined response to changing fault conditions during the
dead time (evolving faults)
• Logic for 1st and 2nd main protection (redundant), duplex and
master/follower schemes

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• None

II. Binary Iinputs:

• Start (Start)
• Redundant start (Start 2) *)
• Redundant start (Start 3) *)

• Three-phase trip (Trip CB 3P)

• Redundant three-phase trip (Trip CB2 3P) *)

• Redundant three-phase trip (Trip CB3 3P) *)

• General trip (Trip CB )

• Redundant general trip (Trip CB2) *)

• Redundant general trip (Trip CB3) *)

• CB ready for open/close/open cycle (CB ready)

• CB2 ready for open/close/open cycle (CB2 ready) **)
• CB ready for close/open cycle (CO Ready)
• CB2 ready for close/open cycle (CO Ready 2) **)

• CB open (CB open)

*) 2 and 3 denote the I/Ps of protection functions 2 and 3 or relays 2 and 3 in a redundant
protection scheme (see Fig. 3.78).

**) 2 denotes the I/O’s for CB2 in a duplex scheme (see Fig. 3.81).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• CB2 open (CB2 open) **)

• CB2 preferred circuit-breaker (CB2 Priority) **)

• Synchrocheck (SynchroChck)
• Synchrocheck 2 (SynchroChck2) **)

• Dead line (Dead Line)

• Dead line 2 (Dead Line2) **)

• External blocking input (Ext. Block AR)

• Conditional blocking input (Cond. Block AR)
• Manual close blocking input (Manual Close)
• External synchrocheck bypass (Ext.SCBypas)
• External extension of dead time (Extend t1)
(1st attempt)
• Delay from master CB (MasterDel)
• Block from master CB (MasterUnsucc)
• Block reclosure by follower (Inhibit Inp)
(redundant scheme)
• External 1P-1P selector for 1st AR (MD1_EXT_1P_1P)
• External 1P-3P selector for 1st AR (MD1_EXT_1P_3P)
• External 1P3P-3P selector for 1st AR (MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P)
• External 1P3P-1P3P selector for 1st AR (MD1_EX_1P3P_1P3P)

III. Signal outputs:

• CB close signal (Close CB)
• CB2 close signal (Close CB2) **)
• Overreach switching signal (ZExtension)
• Definitive trip (Def. Trip)
• Prepare trip of all three phases (Trip 3-Pol)
• Block Follower CB (BlkFlwr)
• Delay Follower CB (DelFlwr)
• Block for Follower. recloser (Inhibit Outp)
• Reclosure function ready (AR Ready)
• Reclosure function blocked (AR Blocked)
• Reclosure cycle running (AR in prog.)
• 1st single-phase reclosure in progress (First AR 1P)
• 1st three-phase reclosure in progress (First AR 3P)
• 2nd Reclosure in progress (Second AR)
• 3rd reclosure in progress (Third AR)
• 4th reclosure in progress (Fourth AR)

IV. Measurements:
• None

**) 2 denotes the I/O’s for CB2 in a duplex scheme (see Fig. 3.81).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

D. Autoreclosuresettings - Autoreclosure
Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

General Parameters
Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
1. AR Mode 1P3P-1P3P (Select)
2..4. AR Mode Off (Select)
Command Close Tripping chan. ---
Fupla Directory AURESTD
t Dead1 1P s 1.2 0.05 300 0.01
t Dead1 3P s 0.6 0.05 300 0.01
t Dead1 Ext. s 1 0.05 300 0.01
t Dead2 s 1.2 0.05 300 0.01
t Dead3 s 5 0.05 300 0.01
t Dead4 s 60 0.05 300 0.01
t Oper s 0.5 0.05 300 0.01
t Inhibit s 5 0.05 300 0.01
t Close s 0.25 0.05 300 0.01
t Discrim. 1P s 0.6 0.1 300 0.01
t Discrim. 3P s 0.3 0.1 300 0.01
t TimeOut s 1 0.05 300 0.01
t AR Block s 5 0.05 300 0.01
Binary Inputs
Start BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip CB 3P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip CB BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Start 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip CB2 3P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip CB2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Start 3 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip CB3 3P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip CB3 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CB Ready BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CO Ready BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CB Open BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Dead Line BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Ext. Block AR BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Cond. Block AR BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Manual Close BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Inhibit Close BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Extend t1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

MD1_EXT_1P_1P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
MD1_EXT_1P_3P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
MD1_EXT_1P3P_1P3P BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Close CB SignalAddr
Trip 3-Pol SignalAddr
Def. Trip SignalAddr
Inhibit Output SignalAddr
AR Ready SignalAddr
AR Blocked SignalAddr
AR in Progress SignalAddr
First AR 1P in Progress SignalAddr
First AR 3P in Progress SignalAddr
Second AR in Progress SignalAddr
Third AR in Progress SignalAddr
Fourth AR in Progress SignalAddr
First AR completed SignalAddr
2...4. AR completed SignalAddr
SC ByPass Off (Select)
1P first AR
SC ByPass Off (Select)
1P3P first AR
Ext. SC ByPass BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Synchro Check BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ZE Prefault On (Select)
ZE 1. AR Off (Select)
ZE 2. AR Off (Select)
ZE 3. AR Off (Select)
ZE 4. AR Off (Select)
Z Extension SignalAddr
Master mode Off (Select)
Master Delay BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Mast. no Succ. BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Delay Flwr. SignalAddr
Block to Flwr. SignalAddr

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

CB2 Ready BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CO Ready2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CB2 open BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Synchro Check 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
DeadLine 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Close CB2 Trip Chan ---
Close CB2 SignalAddr
CB2 Priority BinaryAddr Always FALSE
P_INPUT1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
P_INPUT16 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
TMSEC Timer1 ms 0 0 30000 1
TMSEC Timer8 ms 0 0 30000 1
P_OUTPUT1 SignalAddr
P_OUTPUT8 SignalAddr

Remarks on the signal designations:

The I/O signals specifically for redundant or duplex schemes include
the figure '2', respectively '3' in their designations.
The signals belonging to the basic configuration (1 protection function
and 1 auto-reclosure function) do not necessarily include the figure '1'
in their designations.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Explanations of parameters:

Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
1. AR Mode
Type of first reclosure
1. 1P-1P single-phase trip and reclosure for earth
faults (single-phase dead time), no reclosure
for phase faults
1. 1P-3P single-phase trip followed by three phase trip
after approx. 20 ms, three-phase reclosure
for earth faults (three-phase dead time
initiated by single-phase trip), no reclosure
for -phase faults
1. 1P3P-3P three-phase trip and reclosure for earth and
phase faults (three-phase dead time)
1. 1P3P-1P3P single-phase trip and reclosure for earth
faults (single-phase dead time), three-phase
trip and reclosure for phase faults (three-
phase dead time)
Ext. Selection External selection by the binary inputs
MD1_EXT_1P_1P, MD1_EXT_1P_3P,
MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P and
2..4. AR Mode
Maximum number of reclosure attempts (all three-phase)
Off no 2nd, 3rd or 4th reclosure
2 AR 2 reclosures
3 AR 3 reclosures
4 AR 4 reclosures
Command Close CB
Signal relay output for the command to close the circuit breaker.
FUPLA Directory
The sub directory for the auto reclose logic is selectable. The
default directory name 'AURESTD' is valid in case the standard
auto recluse protection logic is utilised, which is situated in the HMI
sub directory.
A different configuration is necessary only if instead of the standard
autoreclose logic a special autoreclose logic is utilised. The
procedure in this case has to be obtained from the associated logic

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

t Dead1 1P
Dead time for first single-phase reclosure.
t Dead1 3P
Dead time for first three-phase reclosure.
t Dead1 Ext.
Extension of 1st dead time for single or three-phase reclosure
(effective as long as a logical '1' (pulse or continous) is applied to
the 'Extend t1' I/P before the dead time finishes (falling edge.)
t Dead2
2nd dead time.
t Dead3
3rd dead time.
t Dead4
4th dead time.
t Operation
Maximum duration of a fault for which a reclosure attempt is made.
t Inhibit
Period (CB recovery time) from the falling edge of the last
reclosure attempt during which the autoreclosure function is
blocked and after which the function is reset.
In the event of an evolving fault between discrimination and dead
times, the period commences at the instant of another trip
occurring between the two times.
The inhibit timer is also started if the protection trips after the fault
duration time 't Oper' has elapsed.
t Close
Duration of CB close signal.
t Discrim. 1P
Evolving fault discrimination time for single-phase reclosure.
t Discrim. 3P
Evolving fault discrimination time for three-phase reclosure.
t TimeOut
Period following the dead time during which the CB close signal
has to occur. If it does not, the 'Def. Trip' signal is generated.
t AR Block
Time during which reclosure is blocked. 't AR Block' is started by
every blocking signal ('Ext.Blk AR', 'Cond.Blk. AR', 'Manual Close',
'Inhibit Inp' and 'MasternoSucc').

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Start *)
I/P for signaling the start of a reclosure cycle.
This I/P is connected to the 'General start' signal of a protection
Trip CB 3P *)
I/P for the three-phase trip signal.
The three-phase trip from a protection function is connected to
this I/P.
Trip CB
I/P for the general trip signal
The general trip from a protection function is connected to this I/P.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
Start 2
I/P for the AR start signal.
In redundant protection schemes, the general start signal from the
2nd protection is connected to this I/P.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.

Trip CB2 3P
I/P for the three-phase trip signal.
In redundant protection schemes, the three-phase tripping signal
from the 2nd protection is connected to this I/P.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.

Trip CB2
I/P for the general trip signal.
In redundant protection schemes, the general start signal from the
2nd protection is connected to this I/P.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.

Start 3
I/P for the AR start signal.
The general start signal from the 3rd protection can be connected
to this I/P.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.

Trip CB3 3P
I/P for the three-phase trip signal.
The three-phase tripping signal from the 3rd protection can be
connected to this I/P.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.

*)For the auto-reclosure function to operate correctly, at least the ‘Start’ and ‘Trip CB 3P’ inputs
must be connected to a protection function or via a binary system I/P to an external protection

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Trip CB3
I/P for the general trip signal.
The general start signal from the 3rd protection can be connected
to this I/P.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
CB Ready
I/P excited by a signal from the CB when it is ready
Set to '‘Always TRUE’, if not needed or not fitted.
I/P logic: 'CB ready' OR 'CB2 ready'
In a duplex scheme, either an active 'CB ready' or 'CB2 ready' I/P
enables an auto-reclosure cycle.
Resetting of this input is delayed internally by 100 ms.
CO Ready
I/P excited by a signal from the CB when it is ready for a
close/open cycle.
Set to '‘Always TRUE’ if not needed, not fitted and 'Dead line' or
'ExtSCBypas' not used.
I/P logic for enabling the closing command: [('synchrocheck' AND
'CO Ready') OR 'Dead line' OR 'ExtSCBypas'].
CB Open
I/P excited by a signal from the CB when it is open.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
To avoid the operation of fast circuit-breakers from being blocked
unintentionally, the effect of this input is delayed internally by
100 ms.
Dead Line
I/P indicating that the line is de-energised ('CB open' input if the
VTs are on the busbar side).
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
An active I/P overrides the following logical relationship of the I/Ps:
'synchrocheck' AND 'CO Ready'.
Ext. Block AR
I/P for blocking the internal auto-reclosure function.
Even an autoreclosure cycle that is in progress is immediately
blocked by a signal applied to this input.
The output signals 'Trip 3 Pol' and 'Def Trip' are generated and a
three-phase definitive trip takes place.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Cond. Block AR
I/P for a conditional blocking signal.
Blocking only takes place providing an AR cycle is not in progress.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
When tripping is by the distance protection SOTF logic or a
directional E/F PLC signal, the corresponding signals can be
connected to this I/P to prevent auto-reclosure.
Manual Close
Blocking I/P excited by the manual CB close signal.
Even an autoreclosure cycle that is in progress is immediately
blocked by a signal applied to this input.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
Inhibit Close
I/P for blocking the follower reclosure function in a redundant
scheme. The follower is blocked from the end of the master closing
signal until the end of the reclaim time.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
Extend t1
Input for conditionally extending the dead time (single and three-
phase) for the first (fast) reclosure.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
MD1_EXT_1P_1P, MD1_EXT_1P_3P, MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P and
Inputs for externally selecting the mode for the first reclosure. They
are only effective when the parameter '1. AR Mode' is set to 'Ext.
Unused inputs must be set to 'Always FALSE’. If a signal is applied
to more than one input, the next mode in the list is the one that is
active. The auto-reclosure function is blocked if none of the inputs
is used.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Close CB
Indication 'Close command CB'.
Trip 3-Pol
Signal to the distance function so that it can only carry out a three-
phase trip.
This signal is inverted and connected to the distance protection I/P
'1P AR'.
This signal is active in many situations, but particularly when the
AR function is blocked, the CB is not ready for AR, the CB is open,
the single-phase discrimination time 't 1P Discrim' finishes or the
output signal 'First AR 3P' is active.
It resets at the end of reclaim time.
Def. Trip
Signal initiating lock-out tripping of the CB.
This signal is normally active when the protection trips again after
the last programmed reclosing shot or trips while the AR function is
blocked. The signal resets after a fixed time of 500 ms.
Inhibit Output
Signal for blocking the follower AR function in a redundant scheme.
This signal is active from the end of the close command from the
master AR function to the end of the reclaim time.
AR Ready
Signal indicating that the AR function is ready for a reclosure cycle.
This signal is active when the AR function is ON and standing by
and also during the closing command.
AR Blocked
Signal indicating that the auto-reclosure relay is blocked.
AR in Progress
Signal indicating that a reclosure cycle is in progress.
This signal is active from the beginning of the dead time until the
end of the last reclosure attempt.
First AR 1P in Progress
Signal indicating that the 1st single-phase reclosure attempt is in
First AR 3P in Progress
Signal indicating that the 1st three-phase reclosure attempt is in
Second AR in Progress
Signal indicating that the 2nd reclosure attempt is in progress
(always three-phase).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Third AR in Progress
Signal indicating that the 3rd reclosure attempt is in progress
(always three-phase).
Fourth AR in Progress
Signal indicating that the 4th reclosure attempt is in progress
(always three-phase).
First AR completed
Signal indicating that the 1st reclosure is completed.
2...4. AR completed
Signal indicating that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reclosure is completed.

SC ByPass 1P first AR
Bypass of the synchrocheck and close/open ready signals for the
first single-phase reclosure:
'on' First single-phase reclosure not enabled by
synchrocheck and close/open ready signals
(bypass always active).
'Off' First single-phase reclosure enabled by the
synchrocheck and close/open ready signals
(bypass inactive).
SC ByPass 1P3P first AR
Bypass of the synchrocheck and close/open ready signals for the
first single or three-phase reclosure:
'on' First reclosure not enabled by synchrocheck and
close/open ready signals
(bypass always active).
'Off' First reclosure enabled by synchrocheck and close/open
ready signals
(bypass inactive).
Ext. SC ByPass
Bypasses the 'synchroChck' and 'CO Ready' signals.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
I/P logic for enabling the close command: [('synchrocheck' AND
'CO Ready') OR 'Dead line' OR 'Ext.SCBypas'].
I/P logic for enabling the close command: [('synchroChk2' AND
'CO Ready 2') OR 'Dead line' OR 'Ext.SCBypas'].
Synchro Check blocked
I/P for a signal from a synchrocheck relay.
Set to '‘Always TRUE’, if not needed, not fitted and 'Dead line' or
'ExtSCBypas' not used.
I/P logic: [('synchrocheck' AND 'CO Ready') OR 'Dead line' OR

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

To achieve the functions described below, the 'ZExtension' signal must
be connected to the distance protection function (see Section
This signal can be used to initiate fast tripping in schemes including
overcurrent functions (see Section
ZE Prefault
Distance relay reach setting before the first fault:
'On' overreaching ('ZExtension' signal active)
'Off' underreaching ('ZExtension' signal inactive)
ZE 1. AR
Distance relay reach after the 1st reclosure attempt:
'On' overreaching ('ZExtension' signal active)
'Off' underreaching ('ZExtension' signal inactive)
ZE 2. AR
Distance relay’s reach after the 2nd reclosure attempt:
'On' overreaching ('ZExtension' signal active)
'Off' underreaching ('ZExtension' signal inactive)
ZE 3. AR
Distance relay’s reach after the 3rd reclosure attempt:
'On' overreaching ('ZExtension' signal active)
'Off' underreaching ('ZExtension' signal inactive)
ZE 4. AR
Distance relay’s reach after the 4th reclosure attempt:
'On' overreaching ('ZExtension' signal active)
'Off' underreaching ('ZExtension' signal inactive)
Z Extension
Signal to the distance function to switch it to overreach or enable
an overcurrent function with a short delay.

Master Mode
(for 1½ breaker and redundant schemes)
Selection of an auto-reclosure function to be 'Master':
'On' Master O/P signals transmitted
'Off' Master O/Ps blocked
Master Delay
I/P for a signal delaying the closing command from the follower
reclosure function.
This signal picks up when the dead time of the master reclosure
function starts and is reset either by a new trip after the last
reclosure of the cycle or at the end of the wait time following
successful reclosure by the master.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Mast. no Succ.
I/P for a blocking signal from the master CB.
This signal is triggered by the rising edge of the 'Def.Trip' output
from the master reclosure function and resets after a fixed time of
500 ms.
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
Delay Flwr.
Signal to delay the follower CB for as long as the master circuit-
breaker has not completed its auto-reclosure cycle.
The signal picks up at the start of master AR dead time and is
reset either by the rising edge of the 'Def.Trip' output or the falling
edge of the 'Close CB' output after the time 'tClose'.
Block to Flwr.
Signal to block the follower CB as long as reclosure of the master
CB is unsuccessful.
The excursion of this signal is the same as for the 'Def.Trip' output.

CB2 Ready
I/P excited by a signal from CB2 when it is ready
Set to 'Always FALSE', if not needed or not fitted.
I/P logic: 'CB ready' OR 'CB2 ready'
In a duplex scheme, the auto-reclosure cycle is enabled either by
an active 'CB ready' or 'CB2 ready' I/P.
Resetting of this input is delayed internally by 100 ms.
CO Ready2
I/P excited by a signal from CB2 when it is ready for a close/open
Set to '‘Always TRUE', if not needed, not fitted and 'Dead line 2' is
not used.
I/P logic for enabling the close command: [('synchrocheck2' AND
'CO Ready 2') OR 'Dead line 2' OR 'ExtSCBypas'].
CB2 open
I/P excited by a signal from CB2 when it is open.
Set to 'Always TRUE', if not needed. Observe the information given
for the duplex logic in a duplex scheme (see Section

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Synchro Check 2
I/P for a signal from a synchrocheck function belonging to CB2.
Set to '‘Always TRUE’, if not needed, not fitted and 'Dead line 2' or
‘ExtSCBypas’ not used.
I/P logic for enabling the close command: [('synchrocheck2' AND
'CO Ready 2') OR 'Dead line 2' OR 'ExtSCBypas'].
Dead line 2
I/P indicating that line 2 is de-energised (CB2 open and VTs 2 on
the busbar side).
Set to 'Always FALSE’, if not needed.
An active I/P overrides the following logical relationship of the I/Ps:
'synchrocheck 2' AND 'CO Ready 2'.
Close CB2
Tripping relay O/P for the CB2 close command.

Close CB2
Auxiliary relay O/P for the CB2 close signal.

CB2 Priority
Input for determining the preferred circuit-breaker:
'Always FALSE’ CB1 is preferred circuit-breaker
'‘Always TRUE’ CB2 is preferred circuit-breaker
If both circuit-breakers are closed before a fault, only the preferred
circuit-breaker performs the entire auto-reclosure cycle. The other
circuit-breaker closes either after successful auto-reclosure or
when the close command to the preferred circuit-breaker is not
enabled (missing 'CO Ready' or 'Synchrocheck').

The following settings are only of consequence if a special auto-reclo-
sure logic is installed. In this case, consult the associated description
for the significance of the various settings.
Additional binary input for a special auto-reclosure logic.
TMSEC_Timer1, TMSEC_Timer2…TMSEC_Timer8
Additional timer settings for a special auto-reclosure logic.
Additional signals for a special auto-reclosure logic.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions General
The auto-reclosure function can perform from 1 to 4 auto-reclosure
attempts. The first attempt can be either single or three-phase while
the subsequent attempts are always three-phase. The type and num-
ber are determined by the parameters '1. AR Mode' (4 different modes
for the 1st reclosure cycle) and '2..4 AR Mode'.
The function can operate in conjunction with either an external dis-
tance protection relay or other internal protection functions.
It can also operate in a scheme comprising two or more protection
functions (see Sections to Connections between auto-reclosure and distance functions
The auto-reclosure function determines from the states of the input
signals 'start', 'Trip CB' and 'Trip CB 3P', whether the distance protec-
tion has picked up and whether it has performed a single or a three-
phase trip. Only the 'Trip CB' signal is generated for a single-phase
trip, whereas both the 'Trip CB' and 'Trip CB 3P' signals are generated
for a three-phase trip.
The external distance relay or internal distance function decides
whether single or three-phase tripping should take place.
The auto-reclosure function can send two signals to the distance pro-
tection. The 'Trip 3-Pol' signal informs the distance protection whether
it should perform a single or a three-phase trip. The 'ZExtension' signal
switches the distance protection’s overreaching zone on and off.
When setting the parameters, attention should be paid to the order of
the functions. For runtime reasons, the distance function should be
configured before the auto-reclosure function.
Where the SOTF logic is not required to operate during auto-reclosure,
connect the 'AR in progress' Signal to the 'Ext. Block SOTF' binary I/P
of the distance function. The 'SOTF 10 s' timer in the distance
function’s SOTF logic is normally activated for dead times <10 s and in
this case the above connection is not necessary.
If the SOTF logic initiates tripping, an auto-reclosure cycle can be
inhibited by connecting the 'start SOTF' from the distance function to
the 'Cond. Block AR' I/P of the auto-reclosure function.
The exchange of signals in the various schemes (one distance and
one auto-reclosure function, and several protection functions and one
reclosure function) can be seen from
Fig. 3.75, Fig. 3.76 and Fig. 3.79.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

RE.216 / RE.316*4
Start RST Start Auto-reclosure
<Z Trip CB Trip CB function
Trip CB 3Ph Trip CB 3P

CO Ready
Start SOTF Cond. Block AR

CB Ready

Close CB
CB Open
1 Pol AR Trip 3-Pol
Z Extension AR Z Extension

HEST 045019 C

Fig. 3.75 Distance and auto-reclosure functions in the same unit

RE.216 / RE.316*4
Start Auto-reclosure
<Z Trip CB function
Trip CB 3P

CO Ready
CB Ready
Cond. Block AR

Close CB
CB Open
Trip 3-Pol
Z Extension

HEST 045020 C

Fig. 3.76 Distance protection and auto-reclosure functions in

different units

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Connections between auto-reclosure and overcurrent or

differential functions
When setting the parameters, attention should be paid to the order of
the functions. For run-time reasons, the overcurrent function should be
configured before the auto-reclosure function.
To prevent the discrimination timer from operating, connect the
overcurrent 'Trip' signal to the two inputs 'Start' and 'Trip CB 3P' of the
auto-reclosure function.
The time 't Close' must be set longer than the maximum operating time
of the activated (graded) overcurrent functions to prevent the reclaim
time from blocking the AR function in the event of a permanent fault:
tClose from AR function > tmax. overcurrent time delay
In cases where the zone extension signal is used in conjunction with
overcurrent functions (see zone extension settings), the terms
'overreach' and 'underreach' have the following meanings:
'overreach': enabling of an overcurrent function having a short (non-
graded) time delay.
'underreach' : enabling of an overcurrent function having a
long (graded) time delay.
The exchange of signals in conjunction with O/C functions is
shown in Fig. 3.77.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

RE.216 / RE.316*4
O/C Trip ≥ 1 *) Start Auto-reclosure
(I 1>, t 1)
Logic Trip CB 3P function

CO Ready
CB Ready

Close CB
CB Open
Z Extension

O/C Trip
(I 2>, t 2)


HEST045021 C

Fig. 3.77 Overcurrent and auto-reclosure functions in the same


t1 standard delay (0.5 ... 1.5 s)
t2 short delay (0.02 ... 0.2 s)
I1>, I2> pick-up value 'I set' for 'Trip'

*) The ‘Trip’ signal from the second current function may be connected to the
inputs ‘Start 2’ and ‘Trip CB2 3P’ instead of to the logic function.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Redundant schemes

Provision is made for coordinating the operation of two protection
functions and one or two auto-reclosure functions per line terminal
(see Fig. 3.78 and Fig. 3.79).
A master/follower logic has to be used to avoid any time-race
problems due to differing timer tolerances.
A redundant scheme assumes first and second main protection
schemes each with its own reclosure function. The operation of the
reclosure functions therefore has to be coordinated by configuring one
as 'master' and the other as 'follower'. If the master AR starts first, it
delays the operation of the follower AR until it has either achieved
successful reclosure or otherwise.
If the follower AR is enabled first, its dead time starts to run, but should
the master start during the follow’s dead time, operation of the follower
reclosure function is suspended and the master takes over and
performs its reclosure cycle.
The follower is on 'hot standby' and only takes over, if the master AR
or its protection function fails to operate.
The signal from a faulty contact like 'CO Ready' to the master recloser,
however, would result in a 'Def.Trip' output after the time 't Timeout'
and this would also block the Follower AR.
In the circuit of Fig. 3.78, the master and follower functions can also be
the other way round by appropriately configuring the system software.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

<Z <Z

RE.216 / RE.316*4

Z Extension AR
Trip CB 3Ph
Start SOTF
Start RST

1 Pol AR
Trip CB

Z Extension
Cond. Block AR

Cond. Block AR
Z Extension
Trip CB

Trip CB
Trip CB 3P

Trip CB 3P

Trip 3-Pol
Trip 3-Pol


Trip CB2 3P

CB Open CB Open
CB Ready CB Ready
CO Ready CO Ready

Close CB Close CB

Inhibit Close Inhibit Output

Inhibit Output Inhibit Close
Delay Flwr. Master Delay

Master mode = 'ON' Master mode = 'OFF‘

HEST 045022 C

Fig. 3.78 Redundant scheme (first and second main < Z and
auto-reclosure functions) with master/follower logic

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 / RE.316*4
< Z (1)
Start RST Start
Trip CB Trip CB
Trip CB 3Ph Trip CB 3P
Start SOTF Cond. Block AR
1 Pol AR Trip 3-Pol
Z Extension AR Z Extension

Z Extension
Trip 3-Pol

Start 2
Trip CB2

< Z (2) Trip CB2 3P

CO Ready
CB Ready

Close CB
CB Open
Trip CB 3P


HEST 045025 C

Fig. 3.79 Several protection functions and a common auto-

reclosure unit Master/follower logic

Provision is made for a master/follower logic in 1½ breaker schemes
with two line protections per line and an auto-reclosure function per
One of the reclosure functions is assigned the role of master by
appropriately setting the parameter 'Master mode'. After a successful
reclosure, the master AR then enables the follower AR, respectively its
CB (the connections are as given in Fig. 3.80 for a three-phase trip
and reclosure for all types of faults).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Trip CB R Trip CB R
<Z Trip CB S Trip CB S <Z
Trip CB T Trip CB T

Start RSTAux

Start RSTAux
Start SOTF

Start SOTF
Trip CB 3P

Trip CB 3P
Start RST

Start RST
1 Pol AR

1 Pol AR
Trip CB

Trip CB
Cond. Block
Trip CB 3P

Trip CB2 3P
Trip 3-Pol

Trip CB

Trip CB 3P

Trip CB2 3P
Start 2
Trip CB 2

Trip 3-Pol
Cond. Block
Trip CB

Start 2
Trip CB 2

Delay Flwr. Master Delay
RE.316*4 Block to Flwr. Mast. no Succ.
Master AR Follower AR
CO Ready

CB Ready

CO Ready

CB Ready
Close CB
CB Open

Close CB
CB Open

"Master CB” "Follower CB”

HEST 045 023 C

Fig. 3.80 Earth and phase fault master/follower scheme for AR

mode 1P3P-3P

Note: A second line on the diameter (1½ breaker scheme) requires

additional connections and logic (T142).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Follower CB delay 'DelayFlwr'

The master reclosure function sends an active 'Delay Flwr' signal to
the 'Master Delay' I/P of the follower to delay its 'Close CB' command
to the follower CB until the master reclosure function issues the 'Close
CB' command, which is followed by a wait time of 300 ms as a
precaution to allow time for a successful reclosure. If the reclosure is
unsuccessful, the output remains high until the signal 'Def. Trip' is
activated (the 'Delay Flwr' signal resets and 'Blk to Flwr' signal is
Should this signal reset before the end of the follower dead time, the
close command to the follower CB is issued at the end of the dead

Blocking reclosure by the follower 'Block to Flwr.'

The master reclosure function sends an active 'Block to Flwr.' signal to
the follower 'Mast. no Succ.' I/P to block reclosure by the follower, if
the reclosure attempt by the master was unsuccessful as indicated by
the generation of its 'Def. Trip' output. Duplex logic

A duplex logic for a line with two circuit-breakers is also included (see
Fig. 3.81).
Observe the following in connection with a duplex scheme:
• For the scheme to operate correctly, the corresponding CB signals
must be connected to the 'CB open' and 'CB2 open' inputs for the
duplex logic (setting to 'Off' disables the duplex logic). Follow the
procedure below, if separate 'CB ready' and 'CB open' signals are
not available from the circuit-breakers:
• Connect the two circuit-breaker signaling contacts 'CB ready'
(air-pressure or spring charging) and 'CB closed' in series. For
this, 't Close' must be set longer than the maximum spring
charging time to suppress the definitive trip signal in the case of
a successful reclosure.
• Assign the combined signals to the corresponding 'CB ready'
• Assign the same signals but inverted to the corresponding
'CB open' inputs.
• The priority CB is selected with the input 'CB2 Priority'. If both CBs
are closed when a fault occurs, then the Autoreclose cycle is
executed only for the priority CB. In a normal case the second CB
is closed only after a successful autoreclosure of the priority CB. It
is also closed if the priority CB is prevented from closing on a
Close command because of missing release signals ('CO Ready'
resp. Synchrocheck).

Start Start RST

Fig. 3.81
CB Open
CB Ready Trip CB Trip CB

CO Ready Trip CB 3P Trip CB 3P

Start SOTF
< Z (1)

Close CB Cond. Block AR

Trip 3-Pol 1 Pol AR

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Z Extension Z Extension AR
RE.216 & RE.316*4


CB2 Open Z Extension

CB2 Ready Trip 3-Pol

CO Ready2 Start 2
Close CB2 Trip CB 2

Duplex scheme (< Z can be redundant)

< Z (2)

Trip CB2 3P

HEST 045 026 C

ABB Switzerland Ltd
ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Timers
The timers have setting ranges extending up to 300 s in steps of
10 ms.
The purpose of each of the timers is described below.

Dead times 't Dead1 1P' to 't Dead 4'

Provided the trip signal is issued before 't Oper' elapses, the dead time
is the period between the tripping signal ('Trip CB') and the close
signal ('Close CB').
The required dead time must be entered separately for each reclosure
cycle. This necessitates setting the following parameters:
't Dead1 1P', 't Dead1 3P', 't Dead 2', 't Dead 3' and 't Dead 4'.
Provision is made for externally switching the dead times 't Dead1 1P'
and 't Dead1 3P' for the first (fast) reclosure attempt to a second
setting. The corresponding additional time period can be set with the
aid of the parameter 't Dead 1 Ext' and activated via the binary I/P
'Extend t1'.
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th reclosure attempts are always three-phase.

Extended dead time 't Dead 1 Ext'

This time provides facility for extending the dead time (e.g. should
the communications channel be defective or for a redundant scheme
with 2 auto-reclosure functions). The extended dead time is enabled
by the binary input 'Extend t1'.

Maximum fault duration for a reclosure attempt 't Oper'

If a fault has persisted for some time, the probability of a successful
reclosure reduces. The likelihood of the power system becoming
unstable is also greater for an unsuccessful auto-reclosure attempt
following a fault that has persisted for a long period. It is for these
reasons that the time after the inception of a fault during which
reclosure can be initiated is limited. The fault duration is set using
parameter 't Oper'.
The timer for the fault duration is started by the pick-up signal from the
protection function (Start). Faults resulting in tripping after 't Oper' are
locked out ('Def. Trip') and reclosure does not take place.
Should the fault duration time expire before the protection trips, auto-
reclosure is blocked and the reclaim time is started.

Time 'T Oper' < 'Delay(2)' of the distance function means that auto-
reclosure only takes place for faults in the first distance zone
This function is not required for schemes that only use current func-
tions. The binary inputs 'Start' and 'Trip CB 3P' are connected together
(see Section

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Reclaim time 't Inhibit'

The purpose of the inhibit time is among other things to permit the
circuit-breaker to recover its full voltage withstand. To this end, it
disables the auto-reclosure function for the time set for parameter
't inhibit' after one of the following events:
• the last reclosing attempt
• a definitive trip resulting from a protection trip after the fault
duration time 't Oper'
• a recurring trip between discrimination time and dead time
(evolving fault, see O/P signal 'Def. Trip').

Close signal duration 't Close'

The maximum duration of the circuit-breaker close signal (command
O/P 'Close CB') is determined by the parameter 't Close'. Any tripping
signal that occurs during this time overrides the close signal. A
second, third or fourth reclosure attempt can only take place, if the
next trip occurs within the time 't Close'.

Discrimination times 't Discrim. 1P ' and 't Discrim. 3P '

The discrimination time determines the procedure in the event of a
different kind of fault occurring during the dead time (evolving fault),
i.e. one of the other two phases also picks up or the tripping signal
resets and picks up again. The discrimination time is started together
with the dead time. Should a tripping signal recur due to an evolving
fault between the expiry of the discrimination time and before the end
of the dead time, the reclaim timer is started and a definitive trip
('Def. Trip') initiated. The dead time is also discontinued and the signal
'AR in Progress' reset.
If the first fault was initially an earth fault and evolves during the time
't Dead1 1P', but before the end of the discrimination time 't Discrim.
1P', the dead time 't Dead1 3P' is started and three-phase reclosure
takes place.
The discrimination time 't Discrim 3P' is also needed for 2 or 1½
breaker schemes, where each circuit-breaker has its own auto-reclo-
sure function.
A typical setting for the parameters 't Discrim 1P' or 't Discrim 3P' for
single and three-phase reclosure is 50 % of the shortest dead time.
The minimum permissible setting for the discrimination time is:
100 ms + CB time

NOTE: The time 't1EvolFaults' during which a subsequent fault has

to be detected (evolving or unsuccessful reclosure) must be set in the
distance function.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The distance protection parameter 't1EvolFaults' enables the time to

be set during which a subsequent fault (evolving or unsuccessful reclo-
sure) results in a three-phase trip, i.e. every second trip by the distance
protection function trips all three phases. The auto-reclosure function
also signals the switchover to three-phase tripping by exciting the
signal 'Trip 3-Pol' at the end of the fault discrimination time 't Discrim. 1P'.
It is advisable to set the time 't1EvolFaults' longer than the auto-reclo-
sure dead time 't Dead1 1P'.

't TimeOut'
The parameter 't TimeOut' determines the period after the dead time
within which the close signal must be issued, otherwise a 'Def. Trip' is
generated and no further reclosure attempt is made. Before a close
command is issued at the end of every dead time, the logic
[('synchroChck' AND 'CO Ready') OR 'Dead Line' OR 'Ext. SC
ByPass')] is checked and the command only enabled providing all the
criteria are correct within the setting of 't TimeOut'.

Blocking time 't AR Block'

The auto-reclosure function can be enabled or disabled by the follow-
ing binary I/P signals:
• Ext. Block AR - also blocks during the reclosure cycle
• Manual Close - also blocks during the reclosure cycle
• Inhibit Close - also blocks during the reclosure cycle
• CB Ready - blocks excepting during the reclosure cycle
• CB2 Ready - blocks excepting during the reclosure cycle *)
• CO Ready - blocks at the end of the reclosure cycle after
expiry of the time 't time-out'
• CO Ready 2 - blocks at the end of the reclosure cycle after
expiry of the time 't time-out' *)
• Mast. no Succ. - blocks the follower CB after an unsuccessful
reclosure attempt by the master
• Cond. Block AR - blocks excepting during the reclosure cycle.
Should a 'Cond. Block AR' signal occur during a reclosure cycle (i.e.
the 'AR in Progress' signal is active), it only becomes effective from the
end of the current reclosure cycle and providing it is still active.

*) 2 denotes the I/Os for CB2 in a duplex scheme (see Fig. 3.81.).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

A reclosure cycle remains blocked for the duration of the set blocking
time 't AR Block' after the last binary I/P has been enabled. Blocking
also takes place during initialisation of the protection relay when its
auxiliary supply is switched on or the parameter settings are being
loaded. External binary inputs

Starting and tripping signals from the protection function: 'Start'

('Start 2', 'Start 3'), 'Trip CB' and 'Trip CB 3P' ('Trip CB2', 'Trip CB3',
'Trip CB2 3P', 'Trip CB3 3P')
In order to control the auto-reclosure function, it is necessary to
configure the three I/P signals 'Trip CB' (general trip), 'Trip CB 3P'
(three-phase trip) and 'Start'. The normal procedure to achieve this is
to select the protection signals via the sub-menu 'OUTPUT FROM
FUNCTION'. Since the auto-reclosure function is completely
independent, signals from other functions may also be selected.
In a 1st and 2nd main (redundant) protection scheme with one auto-
reclosure relay (see Section, the I/P signals 'Trip CB2', 'Trip
CB2 3P' and 'Start 2' must also be connected to the second protection

Circuit-breaker ready signals: 'CB Ready' and 'CO Ready'

('CB2 Ready' and 'CO Ready 2')
The I/Ps for the parameters 'CO Ready' and 'CB ready' (or 'CO
Ready 2' and 'CB2 Ready' in a duplex scheme) must be connected to
the circuit-breakers in order to signal that they are ready to perform a
complete reclosure cycle. In cases where one of the I/Ps is not used, it
must be set to 'TRUE'.
An active 'CB ready' signal informs the auto-reclosure function that
reclosure is permissible (i.e. sufficient energy is available for a full
open/close/open cycle).
Once a reclosure cycle has started, this signal is ignored (because the
pressure varies during a reclosure cycle of an air-blast breaker).
Resetting of this signal is internally delayed by 100 ms.
The 'CO Ready' signal (close-open cycle can be carried out) is only
effective during a reclosure cycle, i.e. during the dead time. Should
there be insufficient energy to open the circuit-breaker again following
closure, the close signal is disabled and a 'Def. Trip' (definitive trip) is
This I/P is only used in conjunction with circuit-breakers, which provide
the corresponding information (C-O query), e.g. spring-charged and
air-blast circuit-breakers with two switching energy levels.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Circuit-breaker open 'CB open' ('CB2 open')

It is also necessary to include the initial status of the circuit-breakers to
prevent one from receiving a close signal, which was already open
before the fault occurred.
The binary I/P 'CB open' (and 'CB2 open' in a duplex scheme) is thus
provided to determine the initial status of a circuit-breaker.
The pick-up of these signals is delayed by 100 ms to prevent any
unwanted blocking of fast circuit-breakers.
A circuit-breaker that was already open before the 'Start' signal was
received ('CB open' at logical '1') is not closed by the auto-reclosure
Where a circuit-breaker does not provide the necessary information
('CB open' signal), the I/P must be permanently set to 'Always FALSE’).
Providing the scheme is also not a duplex scheme (i.e. only one CB),
the binary I/P 'CB2 open' must also be permanently set to '‘Always
Accordingly, these are the default settings for 'CB open' and 'CB2 open'.
The auto-reclosure function can then operate with a single circuit-
breaker without a 'CB open' signal and no superfluous close signal is
generated for the non-existing CB2.

De-energised line 'Dead Line' ('Dead Line 2') with checking of

synchronism 'synchroChck' ('synchroChck2')
Before the 'Close CB' (or 'Close CB2') instruction can be issued, either
the 'Dead line' or the 'synchroChck' I/P (or 'Dead line 2' or 'synchro-
Chck2' in a duplex scheme) must be at logical '1'.
Logic: [('synchroChck' AND 'CO ready') OR 'Dead Line' OR
Logic: [('synchroChck2' AND 'CO ready 2') OR 'Dead Line 2' OR

External blocking 'Ext. Block AR' and 'Cond. Block AR'

The reclosure function is always blocked by an active 'Ext. Block AR'
An active 'Cond. Block AR' I/P will only block the function, providing a
reclosure cycle is not running (i.e. the 'AR in prog.' signal is at logical '0').
The 'Cond.Blk AR' signal is needed to prevent a reclosure cycle, when
no reclosure is wanted for a first trip that occurs during 't Oper'. This is
the case, for example, for trips by the switch-onto-fault (SOTF)
protection or by a directional E/F protection via PLC.
To prevent the SOFT from initiating auto-reclosure, the distance
protection 'SOFT start' signal must be connected to the 'Cond. Block
AR' input.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

'Manual Close'
The reclosure function is immediately blocked (for the blocking time
't AR Block') by a 'Manual Close' signal. This signal is also needed for
the overreaching logic to switch the 'Z Extension' signal to 'On'.

External synchrocheck bypass signal 'Ext. SC ByPass'

This I/P provides facility for bypassing the 'synchroChck' and 'CO
Ready' (or 'SynchroChck2' and 'CO Ready 2' for CB2) enabling I/Ps.
It is only active for the first fast three-phase or single-phase reclosure

External extension of the dead time ‘Extend t1'

A logical '1' at the 'Extend t1' I/P extends the dead times 't Dead1
1P' and 't Dead1 3P' by the setting 't Dead1 Ext' for the first (fast)
reclosure attempt. This could be necessary, for example, in the event
of a communication channel failure or in a redundant scheme. Close CB and signaling outputs
The most important auto-reclosure output is the 'Close CB' command,
which must be assigned to a heavy-duty auxiliary O/P relay. This and
14 other heavy-duty and signaling O/Ps are provided.
This signal picks up when the closing command is issued and resets at
the end of the time 't Close' or earlier if there is a tripping occurs upon

Status of the auto-reclosure function 'AR Ready' and 'AR Blocked'

The signal 'AR Ready' is generated when the auto-reclosure function
is ready to perform a reclosure cycle and the signal 'AR Blocked' when
it is blocked.
The 'AR Ready' signal is active providing a reclosure cycle is not
blocked (no 'AR Blocked' signal) and a dead time is not running.
The 'AR Ready' signal is active during a reclose command for
purposes of enabling the synchrocheck function (see Fig. 3.99 in the
synchrocheck function section).

Auto-reclosure cycle in progress

There are six signals, which show that a reclosure cycle is running and
what stage has been reached:
'AR in Progress' reclosure cycle in progress
'First AR 1P' first single-phase reclosure attempt
'First AR 3P' first three-phase reclosure attempt
'Second AR' second reclosure attempt
'Third AR' third reclosure attempt
'Fourth AR' fourth reclosure attempt
The signal 'AR in Progress' picks up at the start of the dead time and is
reset by the falling edge of the last reclose command.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Circuit-breaker closing signals 'Close CB' and 'Close CB2'

The CB closing command is normally assigned to a heavy-duty auxiliary
O/P relay by correspondingly configuring the parameter 'Close CB'
(also 'Close CB2' in a duplex scheme). It is also possible to assign the
same signal to a signaling O/P under the same parameter name.
A trip subsequent to a close command during the time 't Close' + 300 ms
switches the dead time step (second, third and fourth AR) or initiates a
lock-out trip (depending on the setting). A close command is reset
immediately after a trip.

Definitive trip 'Def. Trip'

The 'Def. Trip' signal indicates that the circuit-breaker will remain
tripped and no further reclosure attempts will be made. The following
conditions can cause a definitive trip:
• All reclosure attempts were unsuccessful.
• A starting or tripping signal was generated after the discrimination
time and before dead time.
• Tripping takes place while a reclosure cycle is blocked (either via
the blocking I/P or by the reclaim time).
• The 'synchroChck' (or 'Dead line') and/or 'CO Ready' I/Ps were not
enabled during 't Timeout' due to lack of synchronism.
• The 'CB open' signal is still active 300 ms after the close signal
has reset (i.e. the CB has not responded to the close signal).
• The trip signal that followed the start signal occurred after the fault
duration time 't Oper'.
• Tripping occurred for a phase fault and the mode selected for the
first reclosure cycle is 1P-1P or 1P-3P.

Perform three-phase trip 'Trip 3-Pol'

The 'Trip 3-Pol' O/P instructs the line protection to trip all three phases.
The signal can be externally or internally connected.
This signal is generated automatically, if reclosure is blocked, 'CB
Ready' is inactive, the CB is open, the single-phase discrimination time
't Discrim. 1P ' has elapsed or the signal 'First AR 3P' is active.

Zone extension 'ZExtension'

The setting of the auto-reclosure parameter 'ZE Prefault' determines
the pre-fault reach of the distance protection when the auto-reclosure
function is inactive (before the first fault), i.e. setting 'ZE Prefault' to
'On' activates the output signal 'Z Extension' which then switches the
distance function to overreach.
The parameters 'ZE 1. AR reach' to 'ZE 4. AR reach' provide facility for
individually switching the reach for each reclosure attempt. Setting one
of these parameters to 'On' means that the 'Z Extension' O/P is at

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

logical '1' and the distance relay is switched to overreach either before
fault occurrence or for the following reclosure attempt, otherwise the
distance relay is set to underreach.
With the exception of its first change of state when providing
'ZE Prefault' is set to 'On' it resets together with the signal 'Trip CB' or
'Trip CB 3P', this signal picks up and resets together with the 'Close
CB' signal.
The distance relay is switched to overreaching for a 'Manual Close'.
It is switched to underreaching when the auto-reclosure function is
Note also that the 'Z Extension' signal is connected to the binary input
'ZEMode AR' of the zone extension logic in the distance protection
function. Timing diagrams

The time relationship between the various signals during operation of
the auto-reclosure function can be seen from Fig. 3.82 to Fig. 3.90.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Successful AR
time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P


Def. Trip
t Close

Close CB

Z Extension
300 ms

First AR 1P
in Progress t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Unsuccessful AR
time < t Operation

Trip CB

Trip CB 3P


Def. Trip

Close CB

Z Extension

First AR 1P
in Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 1P

Fig. 3.82 Timing diagram for a single or double busbar

arrangement with 1 distance and 1 AR function.
Response for an earth fault.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P-1P' or '1P3P-1P3P',
'2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off', 'ZE Prefault' = 'on',
'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Successful AR (evolving fault during ‘t Discrim1P’)

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P

Def. Trip
t Close
Close CB

Z Extension

First AR 1P
in Progress
First AR 3P
in Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol
300 ms
AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Unsuccessful AR (evolving fault within ‘t Dead1 1P’,

but after ‘t Discrim1P’)
time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P

Def. Trip

Close CB

Z Extension

First AR 1P
in Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 1P

Fig. 3.83 Timing diagram for a single or double busbar

arrangement with 1 distance and 1 AR function.
Response for an earth fault that evolves.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P', '2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off',
'ZE Prefault' = 'on', 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Successful AR
time < t Operation
Trip CB 3P

Trip CB

Def. Trip
t Close
Close CB

Z Extension
First AR 3P
in Progress
Second AR
in Progress 300 ms
Third AR
in Progress
Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 3P t Dead2 t Dead3 t Inhibit

Unsuccessful AR
time < t Operation
Trip CB 3P

Trip CB

Def. Trip

Close CB

Z Extension
First AR 3P
in Progress
Second AR
in Progress
Third AR
in Progress
Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 3P t Dead2 t Dead3

Fig. 3.84 Timing diagram for a single or double busbar

arrangement with 1 distance and 1 AR function.
Response for multiple phase faults.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P', '2..4. AR Mode' = 3,
'ZE Prefault' = 'on', 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off',
'ZE 2. AR' = 'on' and 'ZE 3. AR' = 'Off'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Master AR (Master Mode = "ON")

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P


Def. Trip
t Close
Close CB
Z Extension
300 ms
First AR 1P
In Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Delay Flwr

Inhibit Output

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Follower AR (Master Mode = "OFF", AR on "hot standby")

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P


Def. Trip
Close CB

Z Extension

First AR 1P
in Progress t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Master Delay

Inhibit Close

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Fig. 3.85 Timing diagram for redundant scheme with 2 ARs.

Response for 1 successful reclosure.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P', '2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off',
'ZE Prefault' = 'on' and 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Master AR (Master Mode = "ON")

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P


Def. Trip

Close CB
Z Extension

First AR 1P
in Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Delay Flwr

Inhibit Output

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Follower AR (Master Mode = "OFF", AR on "hot standby")

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P


Def. Trip
Close CB

Z Extension

First AR 1P
in Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Master Delay

Inhibit Close

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Fig. 3.86 Timing diagram for redundant scheme with 2 ARs.

Response for 1 unsuccessful reclosure.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P', '2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off',
'ZE Prefault' = 'on' and 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Unsuccessful AR
time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P

Def. Trip

Close CB

Close CB2

Z Extension

First AR 3P
in Progress

Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 3P

Successful AR
time < t Operation

Trip CB

Trip CB 3P


Def. Trip
t Close
Close CB
300 ms
Close CB2

Z Extension
300 ms
First AR 3P
in Progress

Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 3P t Inhibit

Fig. 3.87 Timing diagram for duplex scheme.

Response for a multiple phase fault.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P', '2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off',
'ZE Prefault' = 'on', 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off'
and 'CB2 Priority’ = 'Always FALSE'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Master AR (Master Mode = "ON", CB on bus side)

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P

Close CB

Z Extension
Def. Trip

First AR 1P
in Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Delay Flwr

Block to Flwr

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked

t Dead1 1P

Follower AR (Master Mode = "OFF", Centre CB)

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P

Close CB

Z Extension
Def. Trip

First AR 1P
in Progress t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Master Delay

Mast.no Succ

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 1P

Fig. 3.88 Timing diagram for a 1½ breaker scheme.

Response for an unsuccessful reclosure.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P' or '1P-1P',
'2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off', 'ZE Prefault' = 'on'
and 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Master AR (Master Mode = "ON", CB on bus side)

time < t Operation

Trip CB

Trip CB 3P
t Close
Close CB

Z Extension
Def. Trip
300 ms
First AR 1P
in Progress
t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Delay Flwr

Block to Flwr

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Follower AR (Master Mode = "OFF", Centre CB)

time < t Operation
Trip CB

Trip CB 3P
t Close
Close CB

Z Extension
Def. Trip
300 ms
First AR 1P
in Progress t Discrim. 1P

Trip 3-Pol

Master Delay

Mast.no Succ

AR in Progress

AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 1P t Inhibit

Fig. 3.89 Timing diagram for a 1½ breaker scheme.

Response for a successful reclosure.
'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P' or '1P-1P',
'2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off', 'ZE Prefault' = 'on'
und 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Master AR (Master Mode = "ON", CB on bus side)

time < t Operation

Trip CB 3P

Trip CB


Def. Trip

Block to Flwr

Delay Flwr

Close CB
Z Extension
First AR 3P
in Progress
Second AR
in Progress
Third AR
in Progress
Trip 3-Pol

AR in Progress
AR Ready

AR Blocked
t Dead1 3P t Dead2 t Dead3

Follower AR (Master Mode = "OFF", Centre CB)

time < t Operation

Trip CB 3P

Trip CB


Def. Trip

Close CB

Mast.no Succ

Master Delay
Z Extension
First AR 3P
in Progress

Trip 3-Pol
AR in Progress
AR Ready

AR Blocked

Fig. 3.90 Timing diagram for 1½ breaker scheme.

Response for an unsuccessful multiple reclosure.

'1. AR Mode' = '1P3P-1P3P', '2..4. AR Mode' = 'Off',
'ZE Prefault' = 'on', 'ZE 1. AR' = 'Off',
'ZE 2. AR' = 'on' and 'ZE 3. AR' = 'Off'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Checking the dead times

When commissioning the auto-reclosure function, it is not sufficient to
check the combined operation of protection function, auto-reclosure
function and circuit-breaker, the resulting dead times must also be
Since the dead time settings do not correspond to the effective total dead
times, especially in a scheme with two circuit-breakers (see Fig. 3.91),
the period during which the circuit-breaker is actually open must be
measured. This entails adjusting the dead time until the measured
breaker time minus arcing and pre-ignition times and the inevitable CB
tolerances result in an adequate composite dead time.
Providing the circuit-breakers at both ends of the line are of the same
type and thus permit the same tolerances to be assumed at both ends,
the same dead time tp can be set in the two terminal stations. Where
this is not the case, the tripping and closing times of the two circuit-
breakers must also be measured in addition to the dead times. The
dead times set for the two auto-reclosure functions must then ensure
that a sufficiently long 'overlapping' dead time exists to enable the
circuit-breakers to deionise.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN



0 1
A 5
t1 t2

t3 t4 t5

0 1
C 2
B 3 5


HEST 925 035 C

A: circuit-breaker 1 B: circuit-breaker 2
C: 'closed' position O: 'open' position
0: start 1: 'trip' signal
2: contacts part 3: current interrupted
4: 'close' signal 5: current flows again
6: contacts make
t1: tripping time t2: reclosing time t3: arc extinction time
t4: dead time t5: pre-ignition time t6: duration of interruption
t7: resulting dead time
tp: dead time ts: inhibit time tw: fault duration

Fig. 3.91 Resulting composite dead time

(Source: 'Guidelines for auto-reclosure in electrical
power systems' published by the German Association of
Power Utilities VDEW)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.5.33. Breaker failure protection (BreakerFailure)

A. Application
• Redundant tripping schemes (RED 1))
• Repeated tripping attempts (BFP 2))
• Backup tripping (BFP)
• End fault protection (EFP 3))
• Unconditional tripping (UT 4))
• External trip initiation

B. Features
• Insensitive to DC component
• Insensitive to harmonics
• Single or three-phase operation
• Blocking
• Two independent timers (t1, t2)
• Transfer tripping
• Provision for disabling features (RED, BFP, EFP, UT)
• Unique ID for each binary input and output

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs
• Current

II. Binary inputs

• 13205 Block BFP
• 13710 Start L1
• 13720 Start L2
• 13730 Start L3
• 13740 Start L1L2L3
• 13705 External Start
• 13770 CB Off
• 13775 CB On
• 13780 Ext. Trip t2
• 13785 Ext. Trip EFP

III. Binary outputs

• 23305 Trip t1
• 23315 Trip t1 L1
• 23320 Trip t1 L2
• 23325 Trip t1 L3
• 23310 Trip t2
• 23340 Remote Trip

Breaker failure protection
End fault protection
) Unconditional trip

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• 23345 Red. Trip L1

• 23350 Red. Trip L2
• 23355 Red. Trip L3
• 23375 EFP Rem Trip
• 23370 EFP Bus Trip
• 23330 Retrip t1
• 23360 Uncon Trip t1
• 23380 Ext Trip t1
• 23335 Backup Trip t2
• 23365 Uncon Trip t2

IV. Measurements
• Current amplitude L1
• Current amplitude L2
• Current amplitude L3

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

D. Breaker failure protection settings – BreakerFailure

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

General Parameters
Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Number Of Phases 3 (Select) 2
Current Input CT/VT-Addr 0
I Setting IN 1.2 0.2 5 0.01
Delay t1 s 0.15 0.02 60 0.01
Delay t2 s 0.15 0.02 60 0.01
Delay tEFP s 0.04 0.02 60 0.01
t Drop Retrip s 0.05 0.02 60 0.01
t Drop Butrip s 0.05 0.02 60 0.01
t Pulse RemTrip s 0.05 0.02 60 0.01
t1 active On (Select)
t2 active On (Select)
RemTrip active On (Select)
EFP active On (Select)
Red active On (Select)
Start Ext act. On (Select)
RemTrip after t1 (Select)
CB Commands
TRIP t1 ---
TRIP t1 L1 ---
TRIP t1 L2 ---
TRIP t1 L3 ---
TRIP t2 ---

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Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Binary Inputs
Block BFP BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Start L1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Start L2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Start L3 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Start L1L2L3 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
External Start BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CB-Off BinaryAddr Always FALSE
CB-On BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Ext Trip t2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Ext Trip EFP BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Signal Outputs
Trip t1 SignalAddr ER
Trip t1 L1 SignalAddr ER
Trip t1 L2 SignalAddr ER
Trip t1 L3 SignalAddr ER
Trip t2 SignalAddr ER
Remote Trip SignalAddr ER
Red Trip L1 SignalAddr ER
Red Trip L2 SignalAddr ER
Red Trip L3 SignalAddr ER
EFP Rem Trip SignalAddr ER
EFP Bus Trip SignalAddr ER
Retrip t1 SignalAddr ER
Uncon Trip t1 SignalAddr ER
Ext Trip t1 SignalAddr ER
Backup Trip t2 SignalAddr ER
Uncon Trip t2 SignalAddr ER

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Explanation of parameters:

General Parameters
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Number of Phases
defines the number of phases supervised.
'1' single-phase operation
'3' three-phase operation
Current Input
defines the CT input channel. Single and three-phase CTs can be
set. The first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected must
be specified for three-phase CTs.
I Setting
Pick-up of the current criterion for the breaker failure protection
(BFP), end fault protection (EFP) and the redundant tripping logic
Delay t1
'Retrip' tripping delay
Delay t2
Backup tripping delay.
Delay tEFP
End fault protection delay.
t Drop Retrip
Reset delay for 'Retrip', 'Redundant Trip' and 'External Trip Initiate'.
t Drop Butrip
Reset delay for backup tripping attempt.
t Puls RemTrip
Transfer tripping impulse width.
t1 active
defines whether timer t1 is enabled or disabled.
'on' Timer t1 enabled
'off' Timer t1 disabled
t2 active
defines whether timer t2 is enabled or disabled.
'on' Timer t2 enabled
'Off' Timer t2 disabled
RemTrip active
defines whether transfer tripping is enabled or disabled.
'on' Transfer tripping enabled
'Off' Transfer tripping disabled

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

EFP active
defines whether the end fault protection is enabled or disabled.
'on' End fault protection enabled
'Off' End fault protection disabled
Red active
defines whether the redundant logic is enabled or disabled.
'on' Redundant tripping logic enabled
'Off' Redundant tripping logic disabled
Start Ext active
defines whether the unconditional tripping logic is enabled or
'on' Unconditional tripping logic enabled
'Off' Unconditional tripping logic disabled
RemTrip after
defines the delay for transfer tripping.
't1' after BFP time t1
't2' after BFP time t2

CB Commands
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
output TRIP t1 (matrix tripping logic). This output is activated for a
'Retrip', 'External Trip Initiate' or 'Unconditional Trip'.
TRIP t1 L1, L2 or L3
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
outputs TRIP t1 L1, L2 or L3 (matrix tripping logic). This output is
activated for a phase segregated 'Retrip'.
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
output TRIP t2 (matrix tripping logic). This output is activated for a
'Backup Trip' or 'Unconditional Trip' the after second time step t2.
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
output REMOTE TRIP (matrix tripping logic).
RED TRIP L1, L2 or L3
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
outputs RED TRIP L1, L2 or L3 (matrix tripping logic).
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
output EFP REM TRIP (matrix tripping logic).
defines the tripping channel activated by the function’s tripping
output EFP BUS TRIP (matrix tripping logic).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Binary Inputs
Block BFP
Input for blocking the function.
Start L1, L2 or L3
BFP or RED Start in phase L1, L2 or L3
Start L1,L2 or L3
BFP or RED Start in all three phases
External Start
starts the unconditional trip.
signals that the circuit-breaker is fully open and also used to start
the end zone fault protection.
signals that the circuit-breaker is fully closed.
Ext Trip t2
Input for signals from the other BFP units in the station.
Ext Trip EFP
Input for signals from the end zone fault outputs of the other BFP
units in the station.

Signal Outputs
Trip t1
signals a trip which is activated by one of the following logics:
• Repeat trip (see 'Retrip t1')
• External trip (see 'Ext Trip t1')
• Unconditional trip (see 'UnconTrip t1')
Trip t1 L1, L2 or L3
signals a repeat trip of phase L1, L2 or L3.
Trip t2
signals a backup trip. This signal is activated by the following
• Backup trip after t2 (see 'Backup Trip t2')
• Unconditional trip after t2 (see 'UnconTrip t2')
Remote Trip
signals a transfer trip.
Red Trip L1, L2 or L3
signals a redundant trip of phase L1, L2 or L3.
EFP Rem Trip
signals an end zone trip. This signal is an impulse of length
't Puls Rem Trip' generated when the EFP timer has timed out.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

EFP Bus Trip

signals an end zone trip. This signal is generated when the EFP
timer has timed out and resets 'tDrop Bu Trip' after the initiating
signal has reset.
Retrip t1
signals a repeat trip after t1. This signal is generated when the
BFP timer t1 in one of the phases has timed out.
Uncon Trip t1
signals an unconditional trip after t1. This signal is generated when
the UT timer t1 has timed out.
Ext Trip t1
signals an external trip. This signal is generated when either the
input 'Ext Trip t2' or 'Ext Trip EFP' is enabled.
Backup Trip t2
signals a backup trip after t2. This signal is generated when the
BFP timer t2 has timed out.
Uncon Trip t2
signals an unconditional trip after t2. This signal is generated when
the UT timer t2 has timed out.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions

Pick-up current setting: I Setting
Tripping delay: Delay t1
Delay t2
Delay tEFP

Rest delay: t Drop Retrip

t Drop Butrip
Impulse: t Puls RemTrip

Enabled signals: t1 active

t2 active
RemTrip active
EFP active
Red active
Start Ext active

Pick-up current setting 'I Setting'

If the BFP current detector pick-up setting is too low, there is a pos-
sibility that the detectors may reset too late after it has successfully
tripped the circuit-breaker. This can be caused by damped oscillations
on the secondary side of the CT.
On the other hand, if the setting is too high, the BFP may fail to oper-
ate at all should, for example, the current fall below pick-up again due
to severe CT saturation. A typical setting for the pick-up current is just
below the minimum fault current that can occur on the respective line.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Tripping delays t1 and t2

The tripping delay settings enable the BFP to be adapted to its par-
ticular operating environment (e.g. circuit-breaker characteristics etc.).
Fig. 3.92 shows a typical timing diagram for clearing a fault.

Fault CB Repeat
incidence (1) Start (2) open (3) trip (4)

CB Backup
open (5) trip (6)

Tripping time tCB open tReset + tMargin

tCB open tReset + tMargin

Delay t1
Delay t2

Fig. 3.92 Operation of the BFP/UT timers t1 and t2

Timing in the case of breaker failure:

(1) A fault has occurred and been detected by a protective device.
(2) A tripping command is transmitted to the circuit-breaker after the
unit protection operating time which also starts the BFP. The
tripping command can be either single (Start Lx) or three-phase
(Start L1L2L3). The redundant signals are also activated at the
same time.
(3) The circuit-breaker ruptures the fault current.
(4) After the reset delay tReset plus a safety margin tMargin, the BFP
either detects that the fault current has been interrupted and the
protection function resets, or the fault current continues to flow
and a second attempt is made by the BFP to trip the circuit-
(5) The second attempt to trip the circuit-breaker is successful and
the fault current is interrupted.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

(6) After a further reset delay tReset plus a safety margin tMargin , the
BFP either detects that the fault current has been interrupted and
the protection function resets, or the fault current continues to
flow and the BFP initiates backup tripping.
If the BFP is only required to carry out a single breaker failure step,
timer t1 can be disabled (see 't1 active'). The response of the BFP
corresponds once again to Fig. 3.92, but with timer t1 set to zero.

Timing in the case of an unconditional trip:

(1) A fault has occurred and been detected by a protective device.
(2) A signal at input 'External Start' starts the UT function.
(3) The circuit-breaker ruptures the fault current.
(4) If after the reset delay tReset plus a safety margin tMargin , the CB
auxiliary contact 'CB-On' still signals to the UT that the CB is
closed, a second attempt is made by the UT function to trip the
(5) The second attempt to trip the circuit-breaker is successful and
the fault current is interrupted.
(6) If after a further reset delay tReset plus a safety margin tMargin the
CB auxiliary contact 'CB-On' still signals to the UT that the CB is
closed, backup tripping is initiated by the UT function.

Delay t1 ≥ t CB open + tReset + tMargin

Delay t 2 ≥ t CB open + tReset + tMargin

tCB open CB opening time including arc extinction time

tReset Reset time of the current criterion 1)
tMargin Allowance for variations in normal fault clearing times 2)

see reset time of the current detector tReset
see safety margin tMargin

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Tripping delay tEFP

The setting for tEFP can be seen from Fig. 3.93 which shows a typical
timing diagram for tripping a fault.

tripping signal (1) open (3) tripping signal (4)

tCB open
tReset + tMargin

tCB Off tEFP

tripped (2)

Fig. 3.93 Timing diagram for an end zone fault

(1) Tripping command applied to the CB.

(2) CB auxiliary contact sends a signal that the CB is open to the
'CB-Off' input of the function which is used to start the EFP.
(3) The circuit-breaker ruptures the fault current.
(4) After a reset delay plus a safety margin, the current unit either
detects that the fault current has been interrupted and the EFP
function resets, or the fault current continues to flow and an EFP
signal is issued.

tEFP ≥ t CB open − t CB Off + tReset + tMargin

tCB open CB opening time including arc extinction time

tCB Off CB opening time of the CB auxiliary contact
(Signal 'CB open')
tReset Reset time of the current detector 3)
tMargin Allowance for variations in normal fault clearing time 4)

see reset time of the current detector tReset
4) see Margin time t

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Reset time of the current detector tReset

The current detector reset time is determine by the power system
configuration as follows:
• Power system time constant up to 300 ms
• Fault current up to 40 IN

Primary CTs TPX: tReset = 28 ms (ISetting ≥ 0.2 IN)

Primary CTs TPY: tReset = 28 ms (ISetting ≥ 1.2 IN)
tReset = 38 ms (ISetting ≥ 0.4 IN)

Safety margin tMargin

A safety margin of 20 ms is recommended.

Reset times 't Drop Retrip' and 't Drop Butrip'

The function includes two independently adjustable signal reset de-
't Drop Retrip' determines the reset delay for the following signals:
23305 Trip t1
23315 Trip t1 L1
23320 Trip t1 L2
23325 Trip t1 L3
23345 Red Trip L1
23350 Red Trip L2
23355 Red Trip L3
23330 Retrip t1
23360 Uncon Trip t1
23380 Ext Trip t1

't Drop Butrip' determines the reset delay for the following signals:
23310 Trip t2
23370 EFP Bus Trip
23335 Backup Trip t2
23365 Uncon Trip t2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Impulse 't Pulse RemTrip'

't Puls RemTrip' determines the width of the transfer tripping impulse
for the following signals:
23340 Remote Trip
23375 EFP Rem Trip

Enabling and disabling the various features

A number of the function’s features can be enabled and disabled.

t1 active
This setting provides facility for disabling the timer t1. When it is dis-
abled, none of the 'repeat trip' group of signals is generated.

t2 active
This setting provides facility for disabling the timer t2. When it is dis-
abled, none of the 'backup trip' group of signals is generated.

RemTrip active
This setting provides facility for disabling transfer tripping. When it is
disabled, none of the 'remote trip' group of signals is generated.

EFP active
This setting provides facility for disabling the end fault protection.
When it is disabled, none of the 'end fault' group of signals is gener-

Red active
This setting provides facility for disabling the redundant protection.
When it is disabled, none of the 'redundant' group of signals is gener-

Start Ext active

This setting provides facility for disabling the unconditional trip feature.
When it is disabled, none of the 'unconditional trip' group of signals is

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.6. Other functions

3.6.1. Delay / integrator (Delay)

A. Application
General purpose timer for
• integration of pulsating binary signals to obtain a continuous signal,
e.g. output of the loss-of-excitation function (out-of-step protection)
or reverse power protection
• extension of short I/P signals (pulse prolongation)
• simple time delay

B. Features
• I/P channel and blocking input assignable to
• binary I/P signals
• protection function output signals
• I/P channel and blocking input can be inverted.
• Adjustable reset time
• 2 types of time delay
• Integration: Only the time during which the I/P signal is at
logical '1' counts at the end of the time delay.
• No integration: The total time from the instant the timer starts
until it is either reset or expires counts.

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• None

II. Binary inputs:

• Input signal
• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Pick-up
• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Time from the instant the timer starts

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Delay/integrator function settings - Delay

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
Trip Delay s 01 0 300 0.01
Reset Delay s 0.01 0 300 0.01
Integration No (Select)
Binary Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Definition of the tripping logic (matrix) excited by the function’s
Trip Delay
Time delay between start signal and the tripping signal.
Reset Delay
Time required for the timer to reset after the input signal has
Determination of the response of the function in the presence of a
pulsating I/P signal:
0: The time delay continues to run, providing the I/P signal
does not disappear for longer than the reset time (see Fig.
1: The time during which the I/P is at logical '1' is integrated,
i.e. tripping does not take place until the sum of logical '1'
time equals the set delay time (see Fig. 3.95).
Binary Input
Timer input.
Block Input
Input for blocking the function.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

tR tR tR

0 t 0 t

0 t 0 t

tA tA
(No (No
tripping) tripping)
0 t 0 t

tR tR

0 t 0 t

0 t 0 t

tA tA
0 t 0 t

HEST 935 019 C

Note: Tripping only takes place, if a start also occurs within the time tR.
tA tripping time ('Trip Delay')
tR reset time ('Reset Delay')

Fig. 3.94 Operation of the 'Delay' function without integration

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

tR tR tR

0 t 0 t

tint tint

0 t 0 t

(No (No
tripping) tripping)
0 t 0 t

tR tR tR tR
0 t 0 t
tint tint
0 t 0 t

0 t 0 t

HEST 935 020 C

tint integrated time for tripping

tR reset time ('Reset Delay')
Setting 'Trip Delay'

Fig. 3.95 Operation of the 'Delay' function with integration

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.6.2. Counter (Counter)

A. Application
General counters, e.g. for
• counting the output impulses of the field failure or reverse power
protection functions
• prolongation of short input signals

B. Features
• Input channel and blocking input can be set by
• binary input signals
• output signal from a protection function
• Provision for inverting signals applied to the inputs

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• None

II. Binary inputs:

• Input signal
• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Start
• Trip

IV. Measurements:
• Count reached

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Counter settings - Count

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Trip ---
Set Count 1 1 100 1
Drop Time s 0.04 0.01 30 0.01
ResetTime s 10 0.1 300 0.1
Binary Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
defines the tripping channel activated by the tripping O/P of the
function (matrix tripping logic).
Set Count
Number of input impulses counted by the counter before it trips.
Drop Time
Time the counter output signal is maintained after the input signal
causing it has reset.
Time after the input signal has reset before the counter is reset to
zero if it did not trip.
Binary Input
Counter input
Block Input
defines the input for an external blocking signal.
Trip Signal
Tripping signal.
Start Signal
Pick-up signal.

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3.6.3. Logic (Logic)

A. Application
Logical combination of binary input signals or of output signals from
the protection functions, e.g. for
• specific signals required by the application
• supplementary protection functions

B. Features
• Binary I/P channels assignable to
• binary I/P signals
• protection function O/P signals
• All I/P channels can be inverted
• Following logic functions available for selection:
• OR gate with 4 I/Ps
• AND gate with 4 I/Ps
• R/S flip-flop with 2 I/Ps for setting and 2 I/Ps for resetting:
• The O/P is '0', if at least one of the reset I/Ps is '1'.
• The O/P is '1', if at least one of the set I/Ps is '1' AND none
of the reset I/Ps is '1'.
• The O/P status is sustained when all the I/Ps are at '0'.
• Every logic has an additional blocking I/P, which when activated
switches the O/P to '0'.

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• None

II. Binary inputs:

• 4 logic inputs
• Blocking

III. Binary O/Ps:

• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• None

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D. Logic function settings - Logic

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Trip ---
Logic Mode OR (Select)
Binary Output Signal SignalAddr ER
Block Input BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 1 (R1) BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 2 (R2) BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 3 (S1) BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 4 (S2) BinaryAddr Always FALSE

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Definition of the tripping circuit excited by the function’s O/P
(tripping matrix).
Logic Mode
Definition of the logic function to be performed by the 4 binary I/Ps.
Possible settings:
• OR: OR gate with all 4 binary I/Ps
• AND: AND gate with all 4 binary I/Ps
• R/S flip-flop: Flip-flop with 2 set I/Ps (S1 and S2) and 2 reset
I/Ps (R1 and R2). The O/P is set or reset when
at least one of the corresponding I/Ps is at
logical '1' (OR gate).
Reset I/Ps take priority over the set I/Ps.
Binary Output Signal
Output for signaling a trip.
Block Input
Input for blocking the function.
The O/P is always at logical '0' when the blocking I/P is at logical
The blocking I/P acts as a reset I/P for the flip-flop function.
Binary Inputs 1 to 4 (AND or OR function)
Reset inputs 1 and 2 and set inputs 1 and 2 (RS flip-flop)

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3.6.4. Control function (FUPLA)

A. Application
The control function is designed to perform data acquisition, monitor-
ing, and control functions in MV and HV substations.
The control logic of a switchgear bay can be configured for SF6 gas-
insulated switchgear (GIS), for indoor and outdoor switchgear and for
single, double or multiple busbar stations.
The control function registers and processes the switchgear position
signals, the measured variables and the alarms occurring in a switch-
gear bay. The corresponding data are then made available at the
communication interface (IBB).
The control function receives instructions from the station control
system (SCS) or from the local mimic, processes them in relation to
the bay control logic configuration and then executes them.
The interlocks included in the control function device prevent inadmis-
sible switching operations, which could cause damage to plant or en-
danger personnel.

B. Features
The control function depends on the particular application for which it
is specifically created using CAP 316. It includes essentially:
• Detection and plausibility check of switchgear position signals
• Switchgear control
• Interlocks
• Monitoring of switchgear commands
• Run-time supervision
• Integration of the local mimic
• Detection of alarms and alarm logic
• Processing of measured variables
Eight FUPLA functions can be configured. The total maximum size
of FUPLA code for all the functions is 128 kB. The FUPLA function
cannot be copied and not configured as 48th function. The function
plan programming language CAP 316 is described in the publication

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C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Constants, measured protection variables, IBB inputs and
sampled values

II. Analog outputs:

• Measured variable outputs

III. Binary inputs:

• Blocking input, binary input for blocking FUPLA
• Binary inputs from the IBB, the system and protection functions

IV. Binary outputs:

• Binary outputs to the IBB, the system, protection functions and
for event processing

V. Measurements:
• Measured variable outputs

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Control function settings - FUPLA

When the FUPLA is reconfigured, the project directory must be
selected before any other parameter.

After clicking on the 'Browse' select the directory in which the files
'project1.bin' and 'project.cfg' are located and select 'project1.bin'. The
project name will be inserted from this file in the first line, alongwith the
time stamp in the second line and the file size in the third line.

The individual parameters can be entered now.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN General
Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

RunOnCPU CPU 1 (Select)
RepetitionRate Low low high 1
CycleTime ms 20 0 1000 1
BlockInput BinaryAddr F

Explanation of parameters:
Defines on which CPU the function should operate
Determines the number of FUPLA runs per cycle.
high: four FUPLA run per cycle
medium: two FUPLA run per cycle
low: one FUPLA runs per cycle
Determines the interval between FUPLA starts.
When for time critical applications the 'RepetitionRate' is set at
'medium' or 'high', then the 'CycleTime' must be set to 0ms
Otherwise for 'low' the 'CycleTime' must be set to the desired time
period between which the FUPLA should be processed.
(F → FALSE, T → TRUE, system binary input,
protection function binary output or input via the IBB).
This blocks FUPLA.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Timers
EXTIN signals of the time factor type and signals belonging to the
TMSEC group are displayed in this window.
The signals can be connected to the following sources:
• Measured variable constant
Setting range and resolution:
TMSEC signal group: 0...60 s, for TON
0...40 s, for TONS
TIMEFACTOR signal group: 0...4000 s, for TONL
• Protection function binary output (measured variable)
Observe the factors ms (TON), 10 ms (TONS), 1 s (TONL).
• Input from the SCS
Observe the factors ms (TON), 10 ms (TONS), 1 s (TONL).
• Input from AXM
Observe the factors ms (TON), 10 ms (TONS) 1 s (TONL). Binary inputs
Binary inputs can be connected to the following sources:
• Always ON ('1')
• Always OFF ('0')
• Binary system inputs
• Protection function binary outputs
• Inputs from the SCS: 768 inputs in 24 groups of 32 signals each
• Inputs from the RIO (remote input / output system)
• Inputs from interlocking (64 groups of 48 signals each) Binary outputs
Binary signals can be connected to the following sinks:
• Signaling relays
• Event processor (excluding 'BinExtOut' blocks)
• Tripping channels
• Outputs to the SCS: 768 inputs in 24 groups of 32 signals each
• Outputs from the RIO (remote input / output system)
• Outputs from interlocking (64 groups of 48 signals each)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Measurement inputs

Measurement inputs can be connected to the following sources:
• Measured variable constant,
integer or percent range.
• Protection function measured variable,
the range for angles is ±180.00° and currents and voltages are
transferred in the corresponding units.
• Input from the SCS,
integer range.
• CT/VT input channels. Measurement outputs
Measurement outputs can be connected to the following sinks:
• Measurements Nos. 1...64 Flow chart for measurement inputs and outputs

O1 V1 function No.
IBB IBB outputs
SCS output Measurement SCS input
CHAN. 4 CHAN. 9 inputs
O 64 V 64


Fig. 3.96 Flowchart for measured variable inputs and outputs

IBB channel No. 4 is write-only and IBB channel No. 9 read-only. The
range of values for IBB channel No. 4 is -32768... +32767 which
corresponds to a 16 Bit integer. Loading FUPLA
The FUPLA code has to be loaded again each time the FUPLA
configuration is changed. After making internal FUPLA changes and
copying the new versions of the files 'project1.bin' and 'project.cfg' to
the FUPLA directory, select 'Communication' from the main menu and
then 'Setfile Download to RE..16' to load the new FUPLA code.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.6.5. Measurement function (UIfPQ)

A. Application
Measurement of voltage, current, real and apparent power and fre-
quency, e.g. for display on the monitor of the control unit or for trans-
ferring to a high level station control system for further processing.

B. Features
• Single-phase measurement (1 voltage and 1 current I/P)
• Phase-to-ground or optionally phase-to-phase voltage meas-
urement (providing three-phase Y connected VTs are installed)
• Evaluation of the fundamental frequency components
• High accuracy in the frequency range (0.9 ... 1.1) fN
• Frequency of voltage measured unless voltage too low, in which
case current is measured; if both are too low, the result is set to
rated frequency
• At least 1 measurement per second
• Filters for voltage and current DC components
• Filters for voltage and current harmonics
• Provision for compensation of connection and measurement phase

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Voltage
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• None

III. Binary outputs:

• None

IV. Measurements:
• Voltage (unit UN)
• Current (unit IN)
• Real power (unit PN (P))
• Apparent power (unit PN (Q))
• Frequency (unit Hz)

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D. Measurement function settings - UIfPQ

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Angle deg 0 -180 180 0.1
PN UN * IN 1 0.2 2.5 0.001
Voltage Mode Direct (Select)
Voltage Input Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---
Current Input Chan. CT/VT-Addr ---

Explanation of parameters
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Characteristic angle for measuring real power. The phase-angle is
also taken into account when measuring apparent power.
The default setting of 0.0 degrees should not be changed, when
voltage and current I/Ps are in phase when measuring purely real
power, e.g. when measuring the phase-to-ground voltage and
current of the same conductor.
The setting may vary from 0.0 in the following cases:
• compensation of CT and VT phase errors
• compensation of the phase-shift between phase-to-ground and
phase-to-phase voltages
• compensation of the phase-shift between voltage and current in
general (e.g. when measuring S-T voltage and R current).

Rated power corresponding to UN × IN.
This enables the amplitude of the measured power to be adjusted,
for example, to equal the rated power factor of a generator.

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Voltage Mode
Definition of the method of voltage measurement and therefore
also the calculation of power. Possible settings:
• Direct The voltage of the selected voltage I/P is
measured directly.
• Delta The phase-to-phase voltage formed by the
selected voltage I/P and the cyclically lagging
voltage channel is measured.
This setting is not permitted when only a single-
phase is connected or when phase-to-phase
voltages are connected.
Voltage Input Chan.
Defines the VT input channel.
All voltage I/Ps are available for selection.
Current Input Chan.
Defines the CT input channel.
All current inputs are available for selection.

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E. Setting instructions
The measurement function must be carefully set to obtain the best
accuracy. The following must be observed:
• CT/VT input channel reference values
The reference values for the voltage and current input channels
must be set such that, when the rated values are applied to the
inputs, 1.000 UN and 1.000 IN are measured by the function.

In most cases it will be possible to retain the default reference

setting (1.000) for the CT and VT input channels. Note that any
changes made to the reference value of a three-phase voltage or
current I/P applies to all phases.
• 'Angle' setting for phase error compensation
The parameter 'Phase-angle' must be correctly set in order to
measure real and apparent power correctly. In most cases it will be
possible to retain the default reference setting of 0.0 degrees when
measuring the phase-to-ground voltage and current of the same
Other settings may be necessary in the following cases:
a) A phase-to-phase voltage is being measured, e.g. meas-
urement of the R phase current in relation to the R - S voltage:
⇒ phase compensation: +30.0°
b) Compensation of CT and VT phase errors.
⇒ phase compensation: according to calibration,
e.g. (−5.0°...+5.0°)
c) Change of measuring direction or correction of CT or VT
⇒ phase compensation: +180.0° or −180°
Where several of these factors have to be taken into consideration,
the phase compensation in all the cases must be added and the
resultant set.
The angles given apply for connection according to the
connections in Chapter 12.
• Power reference value 'PN'
In most cases it will be possible to retain the default reference
setting (1.000). Since the errors in the voltage and current
reference values add geometrically, a fine setting is recommended
to achieve the best possible accuracy.
Check the settings for 'Angle' and 'PN' using an accurate test set
according to the following procedure:
a) Inject purely active power at rated voltage and current.
b) The active power measurement must be as close as possible to
1.000 or oscillate symmetrically to either side of it.
⇒ Adjust the value of 'PN' as necessary.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

c) The reactive power measurement must be as close as possible to

0.000 or oscillate symmetrically to either side of it.
⇒ Adjust the value of 'Angle' as necessary.

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3.6.6. Three-phase current plausibility (Check-I3ph)

A. Application
Checking the plausibility of the three-phase current inputs for
• monitoring the symmetry of the three-phase system
• detection of a residual current
• supervision of the CT input channels

B. Features
• Evaluation of
• the sum of the three phase currents
• the sequence of the three phase currents
• Provision for comparing the sum of the three phase currents with a
residual current I/P
• Adjustment of residual current amplitude
• Blocking at high currents (higher than 2 × IN)
• Blocking of phase-sequence monitoring at low currents
(below 0.05 × IN)
• Insensitive to DC components
• Insensitive to harmonics

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Phase currents
• Neutral current (optional)

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Difference between the vector sum of the three phase currents
and the neutral current

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Current plausibility function settings - Check-I3ph

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU1 (Select)
Trip ---
I-Setting IN 0.2 0.05 1 0.05
Delay s 10 0.1 60 0.1
CT Compensation 1 -2 +2 0.01
Current Input Channel CT/VT-Addr ---
Summation Current Input CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Definition of the tripping logic (matrix) excited by the function’s O/P.
Current setting for tripping.
Time between start signal at the I/P and the tripping signal at the
Forbidden settings:
≤ 1 s for current settings ≤ 0.2 IN
CT Compensation
Amplitude compensation factor for the residual current I/P,
enabling different transformation ratios of the main CTs for phase
and residual currents to be equalised.
The polarity of the residual current can be reversed by entering
negative values.
Current Input Channel
Defines the current input channel.
Any of the three-phase current I/Ps may be selected.
The first channel (R phase) of a three-phase group is entered.
Summation Current Input
Defines the neutral current input channel.
Any of the single-phase current I/Ps may be selected.
Block Input
Input for blocking the function.

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Trip Signal
Tripping signal.

If the phase sequence is incorrect, tripping takes place regardless of
setting (I-Setting).

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3.6.7. Three-phase voltage plausibility (Check-U3ph)

A. Application
Checking the plausibility of the three-phase voltage inputs for
• monitoring the sum of the phase voltages
• monitoring the asymmetry of the three-phase voltage system due
to the zero-sequence component
• supervision of the VT input channels

B. Features
• Evaluation of
• the sum of the three phase voltages
• the sequence of the three phase voltages
• Provision for comparing the sum of the three phase voltages with a
residual voltage I/P
• Adjustment of residual voltage amplitude
• Blocking at high voltages (higher than 1.2 × UN)
• Blocking of phase-sequence monitoring at low voltages
(below 0.4 × UN phase-to-phase)
• Insensitive to DC components
• Insensitive to harmonics
Evaluation of the phase voltages is only possible in the case of Y
connected input transformers, otherwise the residual component
cannot be detected.

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• Phase voltages
• Neutral voltage (optional)

II. Binary inputs:

• Blocking

III. Binary outputs:

• Tripping

IV. Measurements:
• Difference between the vector sum of the three phase voltages
and the neutral voltage

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Voltage plausibility function settings - Check-U3ph

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
Trip ---
V-Setting UN 0.2 0.05 1.2 0.1
Delay s 10 0.1 60 0.1
VT Compensation 1 -2 +2 0.01
Voltage Input Channel CT/VT-Addr ---
Summation Voltage Input CT/VT-Addr ---
Block Input BinaryAddr Always
Trip Signal Signaladdr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate.
Definition of the tripping logic (matrix) output by the functions.
Voltage setting for tripping.
Time between start signal at the I/P and the tripping signal at the O/P.
Forbidden setting:
≤ 1 s for voltage settings ≤ 0.2 UN
VT Compensation
Amplitude compensation factor for the residual voltage I/P,
enabling different transformation ratios of the main VTs for phase
and residual voltages to be equalised.
The polarity of the residual voltage can be reversed by entering
negative values.
Voltage Input Channel
Defines the voltage input channel.
Any of the three-phase voltage inputs may be selected.
The first channel (R phase) of a three-phase group is entered.
Not applicable with delta connected VTs.
Summation Voltage Input
Defines the neutral voltage input channel.
Any of the single-phase voltage inputs may be selected.
Block Input
Input for blocking the function.

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Trip Signal
Tripping signal.

If the phase sequence is incorrect, tripping takes place regardless of
setting (U-Setting).

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3.6.8. Disturbance recorder (Disturbance Rec)

A. Application
Recording current and voltage wave forms and the values of function
variables before, during and after operation of a protection function.

B. Features
• Records up to 12 CT and VT inputs
• Records up to 12 measured function variables
• Records up to 16 binary inputs
• Sampling rate of 12 samples per period (i.e. 600, respectively 720
• 9 analog and 8 binary signals recorded in approx. 5 seconds
• Function initiated by the general pick-up or general trip signals, or
by any binary signal (binary I/P or O/P of a protection function).
• Data recorded in a ring shift register with provision for deleting the
oldest record to make room for a new one.
• Choice of procedure if memory full: either 'stop recording' or
'Overwrite oldest records'.

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• All installed inputs available

II. Measured variable inputs:

• All installed measured function variables available

III. Binary inputs:

• All installed inputs available (also outputs of protection

IV. Binary outputs:

• Start of recording
• Memory full

V. Measurements:
• None

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D. Disturbance recorder function settings - Disturbance Rec

Summary of parameters:

Text Units Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1
Station Address 1 0 99 1
PreEvent ms 40 40 400 20
Event ms 100 100 3000 50
PostEvent ms 40 40 400 20
Recording Mode A (Select)
Trigger Mode TrigByStart (Select)
Storage Mode StopOnFull (Select)
Binary Output SignalAddr ER
Mem Full Signal SignalAddr ER
Analog Input 1 CT/VT-Addr ---
Analog Input 2 CT/VT-Addr ---
Analog Input 12 CT/VT-Addr ---
Binary Input 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 16 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Trig Binary Input 1 No Trigger (Select)
Trig Binary Input 2 No Trigger (Select)
Trig Binary Input 16 No Trigger (Select)
MWA Input 1 MeasVar Disconnected
MWA Input 12 MeasVar Disconnected
MWA Scale1 Factor 1 1 1000 1
MWA Scale12 Factor 1

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Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate
This function can only operate on CPU 1
Station Address
Number of the disturbance recorder for identifying records for
subsequent evaluation.
Definition of how long the recorder runs before a possible event.
Definition of the maximum limit for the duration of an event
(recording mode A). In recording mode B, the same parameter sets
the duration of recording.
Definition of how long the recorder runs after an event (after
Recording Mode
Definition of how events should be recorded. Possible settings:
A: Recording only while the trigger signal is active. (minimum
time = 100 ms, maximum time = event duration setting).
B: Recording from the instant of the trigger signal for the event
duration setting.
Trigger Mode
Definition of the instant of triggering and how binary signals are
recorded. The configured CT and VT channels are always
recorded. Possible settings:
• TrigByStart: The disturbance recorder is triggered when a
protection function picks up (general pick-up).
Binary signals are not recorded.
• TrigByTrip: The disturbance recorder is triggered when a
protection function trips (general trip).
Binary signals are not recorded.
• TrigByBin1: The disturbance recorder is triggered by the binary
I/P 1. Binary signals are not recorded.
• TrigAnyBin: Defined binary signals are recorded and recording
is triggered by any of them via an OR gate.
• TrigStrt&Bin: Defined binary signals are recorded and recording
is triggered by any of them via an OR gate and also when a
protection function picks up (general pick-up).
• TrigTrip&Bin: Defined binary signals are recorded and
recording is triggered by any of them via an OR gate and also
when a protection function trips (general pick-up).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

NOTE: If the trigger conditions are connected to an OR gate and

one of them is fulfilled, the other trigger conditions bear no influence
and no disturbances are recorded. In this situation, a record is
initiated when the disturbance recorder is reset.

Storage Mode
determines the procedure when the memory is full:
• StopOnFull: No further data are recorded when the memory is
• Overwrite: The oldest records are overwritten and therefore
Binary Output
O/P signaling that recording is taking place.
Mem Full Signal
Warning that the memory is ¾ full. Normally, there remains
sufficient room for at least one more record after this signal is
Analog Input 1...Analog Input 12
Defines the CT and VT inputs to be recorded. The setting is the
number of the I/P.
The numbers of the CT and VT inputs do not necessarily have to
agree with the numbers of the CT and VT channels, however, no
gaps are permitted (setting zero).

Binary Input 1...Binary Input 16

Binary inputs to be recorded (for triggering modes 'TrStrt&Bin,
TrigAnyBin and TrTrip&Bin'). Binary address (binary input or output
of a protection function). No recording takes place for F→FALSE or
A particular order is not necessary. There may also be gaps.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Trig Binary Input 1...Trig Binary Input 16

Definition of a corresponding binary signal as one of the trigger
signals for initiating recording. All the trigger signals thus defined,
are connected to an OR gate so that any one of them can start
recording. Possible settings are:
• No trigger: The corresponding signal has no influence on the
start of recording.
• Trigger: A positive-going edge of the corresponding signal from
logical '0' to logical '1' initiates recording.
• Inv. Trigger: A negative-going edge of the corresponding signal
from logical '1' to logical '0' initiates recording.
MWA Input 1...MWA Input 12
Measured variables to be recorded.
Possible settings are:
• Disconnected, no input
• measurements from the selected function
• Binary output from the protection function, and measurements
from the functions
• Input from SCS, input variable of IBB channel 4,
inputs 1...64.
MWA Scale 1...MWA Scale 12
Scaling factors for reading the disturbance records.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions


NOTE: The disturbance recorder function may be configured only

once for each parameter set.
Only the original function can be active in each set. In case a
disturbance recorder is active in each parameter set or copied from
the original function, the following must be observed:
To prevent an incorrect interpretation all the old records are deleted,
upon switching over to another active parameter set. Therefore these
must be uploaded before a switch over.

The special 'disturbance recorder' function serves to record current

and voltage waveforms and measured function variables when a
protection function picks up. A battery buffered 64 kByte memory is
provided for this purpose, which enables 9 analog and 8 binary signals
to be recorded within a maximum of approx. 5 seconds.
To ensure that the memory is not filled by useless data, recording only
takes place after a starting signal (trigger signal). Each time a start
signal is generated, the data are recorded for a predefined time and
saved as an 'event'. Thus depending on the definitions of the relevant
times, the memory has capacity for between 1 and approx. 56 events.
To enable the circumstances leading up to an event and also the
responses after an event to be studied, an event comprises three
parts, the pre-event data (recorded before the start signal), the data of
the event itself and the post-event data. The durations of these three
periods can be independently defined.
How the data prior to an event is obtained requires a little more
explanation. Data are continuously recorded from the instant the
programming of the perturbograph function has been completed. They
are fed into a ring shift register, the older data at the beginning being
overwritten as soon as the register is full. This cyclic overwriting of the
ring register continues until a start signal initiates the recording of an
event (trigger signal). Thus the circumstances immediately prior to the
actual event are available in the ring register.
The duration of the record of the actual event is determined by the
tripping signal (trigger signal), i.e. recording continues for as long as it
is active (recording mode A). If the tripping signal is very short,
recording lasts for at least 100 milliseconds and if it is very long,
recording is discontinued upon reaching the maximum duration (set
event time). A second mode of operation is also provided (recording
mode B), for which the duration of recording always equals the set
event time regardless of the duration of the trigger signal.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The post-event circumstances are of less importance, especially in

recording mode B, in which case simply the duration of recording is
extended. The essential thing is that during post-event recording, a
new trigger signal can initiate the recording of new events. This,
however, means that two events overlap and it may not always be
possible to fully reconstruct the circumstances of both events (part of
the pre-event data is in the preceding event).
The entire event memory operates as a ring register. This means that
a single event can be deleted to make room for a new one without
having to delete the others.
The procedure followed when the memory is full can be selected.
Either recording is discontinued and no new events are recorded, or
the oldest records are overwritten so that the memory always contains
the latest events. It must be noted that in this mode, a record can be
deleted before it has been transferred to an operator station. Even if
transfer of a record is in progress, it will be interrupted to make room
for a new record.

Application programs
Disturbance recorder data files are stored in a binary format and can
only be evaluated using the PSM E_wineve program (see Operating
Instructions 1MRB520372-Uen) or the REVAL program (see REVAL
Operating Instructions 1MDU10024-EN).
Disturbance recorder data (currents, voltages and measured variables)
can be transferred back to the RE.316*4 device using the conversion
program XSCON (in conjunction with the test set XS92b). To inject the
disturbance signals with other test equipment convert the disturbance
records with PSM / E_wineve to COMTRADE format.
Refer to Section 9.3. for the procedure for transferring disturbance
data via the IBB.
Measured functions may have values which cannot be entirely
reproduced by the evaluation software. Such variables can be reduced
using the scaling factors 'MeasScale'. The highest number the
evaluation software can reproduce faithfully is ±16535. The evaluation
software automatically takes account of the scaling factors.
'MeasScale' is calculated from:
Desired Range× Nominal value

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The required scaling factors can be configured in the menue 'View'

'View Referencevalues'. The nominal value corresponds to the
desirwed range of a unit e.g. UN, IN, PN, °, Hz, Hz/s or Ohm/Phase.
The following table shows scaling examples for the most important
measured function variables.

Function Meas. variable Nominal Desired 'MeasScale'

value Range
UIfPQ f 400 70 [Hz] 2
UIfPQ P 1002833 2 [PN] 121
UIfPQ Q 1002833 2 [PN] 121
Synchro Check dPhi 175 180 [°] 2
Power P 1504313 2 [PN] 182

Processor capacity:
The disturbance recorder function runs on the same central processing
unit (CPU) as the protection functions. The processor capacity
required by the disturbance recorder function as a percentage of the
total capacity and in relation to the number of signals is:
• 20 % for 9 analog and 0 binary signals
• 40 % for 9 analog and 16 binary signals
The disturbance recorder function will thus be generally confined to
recording the analog variables and be triggered by the general start or
general trip signals. Changes in the states of binary signals are
nevertheless registered by the event recorder.

Recording duration:
The time during which data are recorded can be determined from the
following relationship:
65535 − ((n + 1) × 22)
t rec = ×p
(2a + b) × 12
where trec: max. recording time
n: Number of events recorded
a: Number of CT and VT channels recorded
b: Number of Bytes required for binary channels
(one Byte per eight binary signals)
p: duration of one cycle at power system frequency
(e.g. 20 ms for 50 Hz)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

n = 10
b = 2 (i.e. 9 to 16 signals)
p = 20 ms
65535 − ((10 + 1) × 22)
t rec = × 20 ms = 5.44 s
( 2 × 9 + 2) × 12
It follows that for the given number of channels and power system
frequency, the capacity is sufficient for 10 events of 540 ms duration

The programs PSM E_wineve, REVAL and XSCON need the file
PLOT.TXT to be able to process the disturbance recorder data.

Example PLOT.TXT
Hardware configuration: IN = 5 A
UN = 200 V)
N: 1
S: M216V6.6
D0 : f 0 GenStart /CO: 1
D1 : f 0 GenTrip /CO: 1

I0 : IR /CO: 1 /TR: 44.905 /UN: IN

I1 : IS /CO: 1 /TR: 44.905 /UN: IN
I2 : IT /CO: 1 /TR: 44.905 /UN: IN
U3 : URS /CO: 1 /TR: 67.760 /UN: UN
U4 : UST /CO: 1 /TR: 67.760 /UN: UN
U5 : UTR /CO: 1 /TR: 67.760 /UN: UN
I6 : IMR /CO: 1 /TR: 3.005 /UN: IN
I7 : IMS /CO: 1 /TR: 3.005 /UN: IN
I8 : IMT /CO: 1 /TR: 3.005 /UN: IN
U9 : USS /CO: 1 /TR: 67.760 /UN: UN
U10: Ui /CO: 1 /TR: 5.082 /UN: UN
U11: Ustator /CO: 1 /TR: 5.082 /UN: UN

N: station number: text
S: station name: text
Dnn binary channels: text (max. 8 char.)
Unn:, Inn: voltage channel, current channel: text (max. 8 char.)
/CO 1 to 15: number of the plot colour for PSM E_wineve
(In the case of REVAL the plotting colour is
determined by the particular layout)
/TR: conversion ratio for PSM E_wineve, REVAL
/UN: unit for PSM E_wineve, REVAL: text

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

NOTE: 'Unn:' and 'Inn:' are needed by XSCON to indicate whether a

channel is being used for voltage or current.
For the PSM / E_wineve the A/D converter channels can also be
designated as Ann:

Ratio TR
Voltage channels for RE-216
Voltage channels for RE.216

15 V: TR = 5.082 in V
100 V: TR = 33.88 in V
200 V: TR = 67.76 in V
TR = 0.3388 times UN

Current channels RE. 216

Protection: 1 A: TR = 8.981 in A
2 A: TR = 17.96 in A
5 A: TR = 44.9 in A
TR = 8.981 times IN

Metering: 1 A: TR = 0.601 in A
2 A: TR = 1.202 in A
5 A: TR = 3.005 in A
TR = 0.601 times IN

These ratios enable PSM / E_wineve to determine the secondary

values. These ratios must be multiplied by the ratio of the main CTs
and VTs to obtain the primary system values.

Automatic creation of the file plotxxx.txt:

In case a disturbance recorder is configured, the file plotxxx.txt is
automatically stored in the directory, from which the HMI is started, if:
• CAP2/316 starts online, or otherwise subsequent to the upload of
the configuration from the device,
• the configuration is downloaded to the device,
• a new configuration file is opened, or
• a configuration data is stored onto a disk
(only V6.6 or above).

If the parameter 'Prim/Sec ratio' is configured, then these values are

used in the file Plotxxx.txt, whereby the scaling values are used for the
primary values in PSM / E_Wineve. Otherwise the secondary values
are displayed.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Merger of several plotxxx.txt:

Several files plotxxx.txt with different station numbers (xxx) can be
combined to a single plot.txt. The file plot.txt must be at the same
location as the disturbance recorder data for the REVAL evaluation

PLOT.TXT (existing file), plot020.txt (data for station No. 20) and
plot021.txt (data for station No. 21) can be combined using the DOS
C>copy PLOT.TXT+plot020.txt+plot021.txt PLOT.TXT
The file PLOT.TXT can be modified using an editor.

Instructions for installing the data evaluation program

PSM / E_wineve
The data evaluation program must be installed in accordance with the
operating instructions 1MRB520372-Uen.

Copy the file 'PLOT.TXT' to the directory:
A disturbance should be recorded during the commissioning of every
relay and the record stored in the directory given above.
The procedure for installing the station parameter files is as follows:
• Start the WINEVE program.
• Open a fault record
The following error message appears:
Could not find file.
• Click on OK.
• Select the menu item 'Import station file' in the 'Parameter' menu.
• Select the file PLOT.TXT belonging to this disturbance recording.
• Select the menu item 'Save station' in the 'Parameter' menu.
This procedure must be repeated for all the relays. The configuration
file PLOT.TXT is no longer necessary and the error message
concerning the missing station file does not appear. WINEVE provides
facility for editing and resaving all the station parameters (texts,
colours etc.).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The ratios TR have to be changed in the file PLOT.TXT and the file re-
imported and saved again as described above.

Copy the file 'PLOT.TXT' to the following directory:
REVAL rereads the file PLOT.TXT every time a disturbance record is
loaded, however, any colours specified in PLOT.TXT are ignored.
Instead, the colours are assigned by REVAL and can be edited after a
disturbance record has been loaded.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.6.9. Synchrocheck function (SynchroChck)

A. Application
Checking the synchronisation criteria (amplitudes, phase-shift and
frequency difference) of two electrical systems and, providing the
corresponding limits are satisfied, enabling them to be connected in

B. Features
• Monitoring synchronism:
Single-phase voltage measurement.
Comparison of the voltages (dU), phase-shift (dPh) and
frequencies (df) of two voltage vectors. Calculation of the
corresponding differences between the voltage vectors in the
complex plane.
Evaluation of the fundamental frequency components of the
voltage signals (after filtering of harmonic and DC components).
• Monitoring voltage:
Single or three-phase voltage measurement.
Evaluation of instantaneous values (non-digitally filtered analog
signals) resulting in a large permissible frequency range. Detection
of the largest and smallest of the three phase voltages in the case
of three-phase measurement.
No filtering of harmonics or DC component.
• Choice of phase for the voltage I/Ps on busbar and line sides (for
amplitude and phase-angle adjustment).
• Additional voltage I/P (for use in double busbar stations) with
provision for remote switchover.
• Provision for remote selecting the operating mode.

C. Inputs and outputs

I. Analog inputs:
• Voltages (2 or 3 single or three-phase I/Ps for 'Voltage Busbar
Input 1', ' Voltage Busbar Input 2' and ' Voltage Line Input')

II. Binary inputs:

• 2 I/Ps for enabling the synchrocheck function
('Release Input 1' and 'Release Input 2')
• 3 I/Ps for interlocking the synchrocheck O/Ps ('Interlock
Synchrocheck Bus 1', ' Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 2' and '
Interlock Synchrocheck Line')
• 1 I/P for bypassing the synchrocheck function ('Override
• 2 I/Ps for remotely selecting operating mode
('Operation Mode Input 1' and ' Operation Mode Input 2')

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• 2 I/Ps for remotely switching voltage channels in double busbar

stations ('Bus 1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active').

III. Signal Outputs:

• Function pick-up ('Start Signal')
• Circuit-breaker closing enable signal ('Permit To Close Signal')
• Function disabled signal ('Sync. Blocked Signal')
• Enable O/P blocked signal ('Trig. Blocked Signal')
• Synchrocheck bypassed signal ('Sync. Override Signal')
• Amplitude difference in permissible range ('Ampl Diff. OK
• Phase-shift in permissible range ('Phase Diff. OK Signal')
• Frequency difference in permissible range ('Freq Diff. OK
• Busbars energised ('Live Bus OK Signal')
• Busbars de-energised ('Dead Bus OK Signal')
• Line energised ('Live Line OK Signal')
• Line de-energised ('Dead Line OK Signal')

IV. Measurements:
Synchronism check (single-phase)
• 'Voltage amplitude difference'
(dU) = U bus - U line
• 'Maximum Phase Difference'
(dPh) = PhBusbar - PhLine
• 'Frequency Difference'
(⏐df⏐) = ⏐f bus - f line⏐
Voltage check (single or three-phase)
• Max. busbar voltage 'Maximum Busbar Voltage'
• Min. busbar voltage 'Mininimum Busbar Voltage'
• Max. line voltage 'Maximum Line Voltage'
• Min. line voltage 'Mininimum Line Voltage'
[Single-phase: max. voltage = min. voltage
Three-phase: max. voltage = max. phase-to-phase voltage
min. voltage = min. phase-to-phase voltage]

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

D. Synchrocheck function settings - SynchroCheck

Summary of parameters:
Text Units Default Min. Max. Step
Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
PermitToClose Trip Chan ---
Max. Voltage Diff. UN 0.2 0.05 0.4 0.05
Max. Phase Diff. 10 05. 80 5
Max. Frequency Diff. Hz 0.2 0.05 0.4 0.05
Minimum Voltage UN 0.7 0.6 1 0.05
Maximum Voltage UN 0.3 0.1 1 0.05
Operation Mode SynChck only (Select)
SupervisingTime s 0.2 0.05 5 0.05
t-Reset s 0.05 0 1 0.05
Voltage Busbar Input Phase 1ph R-S (Select)
Voltage Busbar Input 1 AnalogAddr ---
Voltage Busbar Input 2 AnalogAddr ---
Voltage Line Input Phase 3ph Y (Select)
Voltage Line Input AnalogAddr ---
PermitToClose Signal SignalAddr ER
Start Signal SignalAddr
Sync. Blocked Signal SignalAddr
Trig. Blocked Signal SignalAddr
Sync. Override Signal SignalAddr
Ampl.Diff. OK Signal SignalAddr
Phase Diff. OK Signal SignalAddr
Freq. Diff. OK Signal SignalAddr
Live Bus OK Signal SignalAddr
Dead Bus OK Signal SignalAddr
Live Line OK Signal SignalAddr
Dead Line OK Signal SignalAddr
Bus 1 Active BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Bus 2 Active BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Release Input 1 BinaryAddr Always TRUE
Release Input 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Interlock Synchrocheck Line BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Override Synchrocheck BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Operation Mode Input 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Operation Mode Input 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Explanation of parameters:

Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate
Logic (matrix) O/P channel at which the CB close signal is
Max. Voltage Diff.
Max. permissible voltage difference ⏐dU⏐ between the phases
used for checking synchronism.
Max. Phase Diff.
Max. permissible phase-shift ⏐dPh⏐ between the voltages of the
phases used for checking synchronism.
Max. Frequency Diff.
Max. permissible difference of frequency ⏐df⏐ between the phases
used for checking synchronism.
Minimum Voltage
Voltage level for discriminating between busbar and line being live
(lowest phase voltage in the case of three-phase measurement).
Maximum Voltage
Voltage level for discriminating between busbar and line being
dead (highest phase voltage in the case of three-phase
Operation Mode
Possible synchrocheck function operating modes:
• 'SynChk only': Synchrocheck
[Synchrocheck conditions fulfilled AND
(bus live AND line live)]
• 'dBus & lLine': Synchrocheck OR
(bus dead AND line live)
• 'lBus & dLine': Synchrocheck OR
(bus live AND line dead)
• 'dBus ⏐ dLine': Synchrocheck OR
(bus dead AND line live) OR
(bus live AND line dead)
• 'dBus & dLine': Synchrocheck OR
(bus live AND line dead)
Supervising Time
Period between the function picking up and it issuing the CB close
enable ('PermitToClos').
All the conditions for synchronism must remain fulfilled during this
time, otherwise the function is reset.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Reset time following the non-fulfilment of one or more synchronism

Voltage Busbar Input Phase
Choice of phase I/P on the busbar side.
Possible settings:
1 ph RS, ST or TR; 1 ph RE, SE or TE; 3 ph Y; 3 ph ∆
The phase chosen must agree with the voltage I/P channel
selected (i.e. ' Voltage Busbar Input 1' and, if selected, ' Voltage
Busbar Input 2').
Voltage Busbar Input 1
1st voltage I/P channel on the busbar side. This must agree with
the phase chosen (' Voltage Busbar Input Phase'). In the case of a
three-phase connection (' Voltage Busbar Input Phase' = '3 ph Y' or
'3 ph ∆'), the first channel
(R phase) of a three-phase group must be chosen.
Voltage Busbar Input 2
2nd voltage I/P channel (if applicable) on the busbar side. This
must agree with the chosen phase (' Voltage Busbar Input Phase').
In the case of a three-phase connection (' Voltage Busbar Input
Phase' = '3 ph Y' or '3 ph ∆'), the first channel (R phase) of a three-
phase group must be chosen.
If a second I/P is not configured, the function only takes account of
the 1st voltage I/P channel (' Voltage Busbar Input 1').
Voltage Line Input Phase
Choice of phase I/P on the line side.
Possible settings:
1 ph RS, ST or TR; 1 ph RE, SE or TE; 3 ph Y; 3 ph ∆
The phase chosen must agree with the voltage I/P channel
selected (i.e. ' Voltage Line Input').
Voltage Line Input
Voltage I/P channel on the line side. This must agree with the
chosen phase (' Voltage Line Input Phase'). In the case of a three-
phase connection (' Voltage Line Input Phase' = '3 ph Y' or '3 ph
∆'), the first channel (R phase) of a three-phase group must be

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Permit To Close Signal
Signal to enable closure of the circuit-breaker.
This is generated at the end of the 'Supervising Time' and remains
active as long as the synchronism conditions are fulfilled, or until a
blocking signal is received, or the synchrocheck function resets.
Start Signal
Signal generated at the instant the conditions for synchronism are
fulfilled for the first time.
Sync. Blocked Signal
Signal indicating that the synchrocheck function is disabled, i.e.
both the I/Ps 'Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1' and ' Interlock
Synchrocheck Bus 2' are set to 'FALSE' (F), and the synchrocheck
algorithm is not operative.
Trig. Blocked Signal
The CB close enabling O/Ps are blocked (one or more blocking
I/Ps are logical '1'), but the synchrocheck algorithm continues to
Sync. Override Signal
Signal indicating that the synchrocheck function is bypassed
a signal output to releasee the CB close is generated is
instantaneously generated ('PermitToClos').
Ampl. Diff. OK Signal
Signal indicating that the voltage difference ⏐dU⏐ between the
phases used for synchrocheck has fallen below 'Max Voltage Diff.'.
Phase Diff. OK Signal
Signal indicating that the phase-shift ⏐dPh⏐ between the phases
has fallen below the value of 'Max. Phase Diff.'.
Freq. Diff. OK Signal
Signal indicating that the difference of frequency ⏐df⏐ has fallen
below 'Max. Frequency Diff.'.
Live Bus OK Signal
Signal indicating that the busbar is energised.
(U > 'Minimum Voltage')
Dead Bus OK Signal
Signal indicating that the busbar is de-energised.
(U < 'Maximum Voltage')
Live Line OK Signal
Signal indicating that the line is energised.
(U > ' Minimum Voltage')
Dead Line OK Signal
Signal indicating that the line is de-energised.
(U < ' Maximum Voltage')

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Bus 1 Active, Bus 2 Active
Binary I/Ps for switching between voltage I/P channels by an
remote signal in the case of double busbars (mimic busbar). These
I/Ps are only active providing the second busbar I/P channel has
been configured ('Voltage Busbar Input 2').

'Bus 1 Active' 'Bus 2 Active' Selected voltage I/P

(T) TRUE (F) FALSE 'Voltage Busbar Input 1' active
(F) FALSE (T) TRUE 'Voltage Busbar Input 2' active
Other conditions The previous voltage I/P
remains active

Release Input 1, Release Input 2

Binary I/Ps for enabling the synchrocheck function. (The I/Ps are
connected internally to an OR gate so that at least one must be set
to 'TRUE' (T) or appropriately controlled by an remote signal.) If
both I/Ps are set to 'FALSE' (F), the functions routine (synchronism
algorithm) does not run.
These I/Ps are used where the synchrocheck function is only
needed at certain times (e.g. in auto-reclosure schemes).
Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1, Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 2, Interlock
Synchrocheck Line
Binary I/Ps for interlocking the enabling signals at the O/P of the
synchrocheck function.
Parts of the function effected by the blocking I/Ps:
• Assuming that both busbar I/P channels have been configured,
the active blocking I/P depends on the statuses of the binary
I/Ps 'Bus 1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active':

'Bus 1 Active' 'Bus 2 Active' Selected voltage I/P

(T) TRUE (F) FALSE 'Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1' and
'Interlock Synchrocheck Line'
(F) FALSE (T) TRUE 'Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 2' and
'Interlock Synchrocheck Line'
Other conditions The previous blocking I/Ps remain

• Assuming that only the first busbar I/P channel has been
configured, all the blocking I/Ps are active regardless of the
statuses of the binary I/Ps 'Bus 1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active'.
The active blocking I/Ps are connected internally to an OR gate
and the CB close enabling O/Ps are blocked, if one of them is set
to 'TRUE' (T).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Override Synchrocheck
Binary I/P for bypassing the synchrocheck function. This causes an
enabling signal to be issued regardless of whether the
synchronism conditions are fulfilled or not. It overrides the
function’s blocking and other enabling I/Ps.
Operation Mode Input 1, Operation Mode Input 2
I/Ps for remotely selecting the operating mode:

'Operation Mode 'Operation Mode Synchrocheck mode

Input 1' Input 2'
(F) FALSE (F) FALSE Mode specified in the control
program ('Operation Mode')
(F) FALSE (T) TRUE Synchrocheck OR
(bus dead AND line live)
(T) TRUE (F) FALSE Synchrocheck OR
(bus live AND line dead)
(T) TRUE (T) TRUE Synchrocheck OR
(bus dead AND line live)
(bus live AND line dead)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting instructions General
It is only permissible to connect two energised parts of a power
system, if the difference between the amplitudes of their voltages and
the phase-shift between them are within acceptable limits.
The purpose of the synchrocheck function is to determine these
parameters and decide whether it is permissible to connect the sys-
tems in parallel.
The function thus issues an enable signal ('Permit To Close'),
providing the voltages of the two systems are higher than the set
minimum voltage ('Minimum Voltage') and
• the difference between the voltage amplitudes ⏐dU⏐
• the phase-shift ⏐dPh⏐
• the difference between the frequencies ⏐df⏐
do not exceed the limits set for the parameters 'Max. Voltage Diff.', 'Max.
Phase Diff.' and 'Max. Freq Diff' for the adjustable time 'Supervising
According to the operating mode ('Operation Mode') selected, the
function also permits de-energised parts of a power system to be
Provision is also made for switching between voltage I/Ps belonging to
the busbars of a double busbar station by appropriately controlling two
binary I/Ps ('Bus 1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active'). Note that the function
can only check the synchronism of two voltages at any one time, that
of one of the busbars and that of the line.
The synchrocheck function is therefore used mainly
• to connect infeeds in parallel and to connect outgoing feeders to
the system
• to interconnect two synchronous or asynchronous parts of a power
• in auto-reclosure schemes
• as a safety check when carrying out manual switching operations

The expressions in brackets are the names of the corresponding
setting parameters. Refer also to Section D.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Application example: Feeder connected to double busbars




VT Line



Permit to Close

uLine Input


uBusInput2 Synchrocheck BlckTrigLine




HEST 925 025 FL

Fig. 3.97 Principle of synchrocheck scheme for determining the

instant when it is permissible to connect a feeder to the
power system (the voltages of busbar 'SS2' and the
line are monitored).

SS1, SS2: busbar 1, busbar 2
VT SS1, VT SS2, VT Line: VTs on busbar 1, busbar 2 and line
T1, T2: isolators on busbars 1 and 2
CB: circuit-breaker
Voltage Busbar Input 1,
Voltage Busbar Input 2: voltage I/P channels on the busbar side
Voltage Line Input: voltage I/P channel on the line side
Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1,
Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 2,
Interlock Synchrocheck Line:
I/Ps for blocking the synchro-check
function by the VT fuse failure
Bus 1 Active, Bus 2 Active : Binary I/Ps for switching between the
analog busbar voltage I/Ps in
accordance with the configuration of the
isolators (mimic busbar)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Settings
Max. voltage difference ⏐dU⏐ Max. Voltage Diff.
Max. phase-shift ⏐dPh⏐ Max. Phase Diff.
Max. frequency difference ⏐df⏐ Max. Frequency Diff.
Minimum voltage level for monitoring Minimum Voltage
(determination of whether plant is energised)
Maximum voltage level for monitoring Maximum Voltage
(determination of whether plant is de-energised)
Choice of operating mode Operation Mode
Measuring period (delay before issuing Supervising Time
Reset delay t-Reset
Choice of phase for monitoring on the Voltage Busbar Input Phase
busbar side
Choice of phase for monitoring on the Voltage Line Input Phase
line side

Monitoring the conditions for synchronism ('Max. Voltage Diff.',

'Max. Phase Diff.' and 'Max. Frequency Diff.')
The determination of voltage difference, phase-shift and frequency
difference is performed for just one of the phases of the three-phase
system. For this purpose, the analog values are first filtered by a digital
Fourier bandpass filter (to obtain the fundamentals) and then the
orthogonal components 'U bus' and 'U line' are derived.

The phase-shift dPh between the voltages and the difference between
their amplitudes dU are calculated from the corresponding vector
diagram in the complex plane.


Û bus, : complex vectors for Û line
U bus and U line
Û line ωB
Û bus ωB, ωL : angular velocities for
dPhi Û bus and Û line
dÛ = Û bus − Û line
dPhi = PhiB − PhiL

HEST 925 018 FL

Fig. 3.98 Monitoring the conditions for synchronism

The frequency difference df is obtained by determining the rate at

which the phase-shift between the voltage vectors varies:
df ≈ (dPhi) ≈ (ωB − ωL )

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The conditions for synchronism are fulfilled, providing the values of the
resulting variables are within the limits set for 'Max.Voltage Diff.', 'Max
Phase Diff.' and 'Max. Frequency Diff.'.

Typical values:
Max.Voltage Diff.: 0.2 UN
Max Phase Diff.: 10°
Max. Frequency Diff.:
50 mHz - for connecting largely synchronous parts of a stable
closely meshed system or where high demands
with regard to synchronism have to be fulfilled.
100 mHz - in auto-reclosure schemes with long dead times
(e.g. three-phase slow reclosure) or for auto-
reclosure of short transmission lines.
200 mHz - in auto-reclosure schemes with short dead times,
but where high slip frequencies are to be expected.

The setting of the synchronism measuring period ('Supervising
Time') must be chosen to correspond to the settings for the maximum
phase-shift and maximum frequency difference.

Monitoring the voltage in two power systems

('Minimum Voltage', 'Maximum Voltage')
The determination of voltage amplitude can be either based on
monitoring a single phase or all three phases depending on how the
particular AnalogAddr is configured. If the three phases are included,
then the highest voltage of the three is detected for the maximum limit,
respectively the lowest of the three for the minimum limit.
In order to be able to monitor the voltages in a wide frequency range,
instantaneous values are measured (instead of digitally filtered analog
The voltage detectors may be used to determine whether a system is
de-energised or whether it is energised:
• A system is considered to be 'de-energised', if its voltage (highest
of the three phases in the case of three-phase measurement) falls
below the setting of the parameter 'Maximum Voltage'.
• A system is considered to be 'energised', if its voltage (lowest of
the three phases in the case of three-phase measurement)
exceeds the setting of the parameter 'Minimum Voltage'.
On no account will an enable signal permitting closure of the circuit-
breaker be issued, should the voltage lie between the limits of
'Maximum Voltage' and 'Minimum Voltage'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Typical values:
Minimum Voltage 0.70 UN
Maximum Voltage 0.30 UN

Choosing the operating mode of the synchrocheck function

('Operation Mode')
Basically, an enable signal will always be issued, if the conditions for
synchronism ('dU', 'dPh' and 'df') are fulfilled for the prescribed period
and both systems, i.e. busbar and line, are energised
(voltage > Minimum Voltage').
In cases where closure of the circuit-breaker should also be enabled
when one system is de-energised, e.g. connection of a radial feeder,
this can be achieved by appropriately setting the parameter 'Operation

'Operation Mode' Closure enabled when:

'SynChk only' Synchronism conditions fulfilled AND
(busbar > 'Mininum Voltage' AND
line > 'Minimum Voltage')
'dBus & lLine' 'SyncChk only' OR
(busbar < 'Maximum Voltage' AND
line > 'Minimum Voltage')
'lBus & dLine' 'SyncChck only' OR
(busbar > 'Minimum Voltage' AND
line < 'Maximum Voltage')
'dBus | dLine' 'SyncChk only' OR
(busbar < 'Maximum Voltage' AND
line > 'minVoltage') OR
(busbar > 'Minimum Voltage' AND
line < 'Maximum Voltage')
'dBus & dLine' 'SyncChk only' OR
(busbar < 'Maximum Voltage' AND
line < 'Maximum Voltage')

• Remote mode selection:

Four of the five operating modes can be selected by external signals
applied to two of the function’s binary I/Ps ('Operation Mode Input 1'
and 'Operation Mode Input 2').

'Operation Mode 'Operation Mode Mode (see above)

Input 1' Input 2'
(F) FALSE (F) FALSE 'Mode set in the control program'
('Operation Mode')
(F) FALSE (T) TRUE 'dBus & lLine'
(T) TRUE (F) FALSE 'lBus & dLine'
(T) TRUE (T) TRUE 'dBus | lLine'

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Choice of phase for the voltage I/P on the busbar and line sides
('Voltage Busbar Input Phase', 'Voltage Line Input Phase')
The phase voltage ('Voltage Busbar Input Phase', 'Voltage Line Input
Phase') to be used for determining synchronism can be entered
separately for busbar and line I/Ps (to facilitate individual adjustment of
phase-angle and amplitude).
All single and three-phase voltages are available for setting (1ph RS,
ST or TR; 1ph RE, SE or TE; 3ph Y; 3ph ∆), but the ones chosen must
agree with the setting for the corresponding I/P channels (see Section D.
'Synchrocheck function settings').
Where both busbar I/Ps are in use, the definition of the phase ('Voltage
Busbar Input Phase') applies to both busbars.

• A phase-to-phase measurement is to be preferred for a single-
phase voltage measurement.
If a single-phase I/P has to be chosen on both sides, the same
phase should be used wherever possible.
• If a three-phase 'Y' connection is selected, phase-to-phase
voltages are formed internally. This reduces the harmonic content
and enables the function to continue to be used in ungrounded
systems, which are required to remain in service with a single earth
• According to the setting for 'Voltage Busbar Input Phase' and
'Voltage Line Input Phase', either a just one phase or all three
phases are monitored.
Whether or not the conditions for synchronism ('dU', 'dPh' and 'df')
are fulfilled is determined on the basis of a single phase, whereby
the following apply:
• Where three phases are monitored on busbar and line sides,
the phase-to-phase potential URS is the one extracted for
further processing.
• Should a three-phase measurement be defined on one side
and a single-phase on the other, Then the single-phase voltage
set for the single-phase I/P is used on both sides.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The measuring period ('Supervising Time'), reset time ('t-Reset')

and the operating time of the function and also the dead time of
any auto-reclosure function
• Measuring period ('Supervising Time'):
This supervising time begins with the start of the function, is the period
during which all the conditions must be fulfilled to permit closure of the
circuit-breaker, else the timer is reset.
Providing they all remain within their preset ranges, the enable signal
('Permit To Close') is issued at the end of the supervising time.
Especially in auto-reclosure applications, it is of advantage to set the
'Supervising Time' in relation to the settings for 'Max. Phase Diff.' and
'Max. Frequency Diff.'. It also provides facility for allowing for the
operating time of the circuit-breaker:
2 × (' Max Phase Diff.' ) [°]
' SupervisionTime' [s] ≤ − ( tv + ts) [s]
(' Max Frequency Diff.' ) [Hz] × 360

ts: circuit-breaker operating time
Typical range: 0 ... 100 ms
tv: time required by the function to pick up
(response by the function to transient phenomena in the input
voltage and timer tolerances):
• typically 60... 80 ms for values of 'Supervising Time' < 200 ms
• typically 80... 100 ms for values of 'Supervising Time' ≥ 200 ms
The above setting for the measuring period ensures that for a constant
frequency difference df within the setting of 'Max. Frequency Diff.', the
phase-shift dPh will still be inside the set permissible angular range
(- 'Max. Phase Diff.' to + 'Max. Phase Diff.') at the end of the time
'Supervising Time'.

Typical values:
For a phase-shift setting ('Max. Phase Diff.') of 10°:

'Max Frequency Diff.' 'Supervising Time'

200 mHz 100... 200 ms
100 mHz 250... 450 ms
50 mHz 600...1000 ms

• Minimum operating time of the function:

The minimum operating time achieved by the function, i.e. the shortest
possible time between the instant the synchronism conditions are
fulfilled for the first time and the generation of the signal enabling the
circuit-breaker to be closed 'Permit To Close', is given by the sum of
the measuring time setting 'Supervising Time' and the pick-up
response time 'tv' of the function.
Min. operating time = ('Supervising Time') + tv

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• Auto-reclosure dead time:

In an auto-reclosure scheme, the dead time set for the auto-reclosure
function must be at least as long as the minimum operating time of the
synchrocheck function given above in order to permit the synchro-
check function to issue an enable signal ('Permit To Close') within the
dead time:
dead time ≥ min. operating time = ('Supervising Time') + tv
• Reset time ('t-Reset'):
From the instant that one or more of the synchronism conditions are
no longer fulfilled, the enabling signal O/P ('Permit To Close') and the
pick-up signal reset after the time set for 't-Reset'.
This ensures the a CB closing signal can be maintained for a certain
minimum time.

Typical value:
t-Reset 50 ms

Where high slip frequencies df are to be expected, 't-Reset' must be
short enough to prevent the phase-shift from exceeding the set
permissible range of phase-angles (-'Max. Phase Diff.' to + 'Max.
Phase Diff.') during the reset time.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Binary inputs of the function

Inputs for switching between analog busbar inputs
('Bus 1 Active', 'Bus 2 Active')
Where the two busbar I/Ps ('Voltage Busbar Input 1' and 'Voltage
Busbar Input 1') have been configured for a double busbar installation,
the measurement can be switched from one busbar to the other by
signals corresponding to the isolator positions applied to the I/Ps 'Bus
1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active':

'uBus1Activ' 'uBus2Activ' Analog I/Ps for synchronisation

(T) TRUE (F) FALSE 'Voltage Busbar Input 1' and 'Voltage Line Input'
(F) FALSE (T) TRUE 'Voltage Busbar Input 2' and 'Voltage Line Input'

Other combinations of the states of these two I/Ps do not result in any
switching of the AnalogAddr channels and the prevailing situation is

• The function (timer, all measuring elements and the associated
O/Ps) is automatically reinitialised when busbar I/Ps are switched.
This procedure takes about 60 ms (internal response times).
The function then begins to evaluate the new busbar voltage and
from this instant onwards the generation of an enable signal
('PermitToClos') relating to the new system configuration is
• The two binary I/Ps 'Bus 1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active' are inactivated
in configurations in which only one busbar I/P ('Voltage Busbar
Input 1') is defined.

Blocking inputs for preventing the synchrocheck function from issuing

an enable signal (' Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1', ' Interlock
Synchrocheck Bus 2', ' Interlock Synchrocheck Line')
These are assigned to the corresponding voltage I/Ps and used mainly
when the VT circuit can be interrupted by fuse-failure equipment
(miniature circuit-breakers). In such cases, the blocking I/Ps are
connected to auxiliary contacts on the fuse-failure equipment. This
precaution eliminates any risk of the synchrocheck function permitting
the closure of a circuit-breaker onto a line it considers to be de-ener-
gised, which in reality is under voltage.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Functionality of the blocking I/Ps:

• Both busbar voltage I/Ps have been configured:
Which of the blocking I/Ps is enabled depends on which of the
busbar I/Ps 'Bus 1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active' is active, i.e. on which
voltage I/P is active:

'uBus1Activ' 'uBus2Activ' Active blocking I/Ps

(T) TRUE (F) FALSE 'Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1' and 'Interlock
Synchrocheck Line'
(F) FALSE (T) TRUE 'Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 2' and 'Interlock
Synchrocheck Line'

Other combinations of the states of these two I/Ps do not influence

the blocking I/Ps and the prevailing situation is maintained.
• If only one busbar voltage I/P is configured, all the blocking I/Ps
('Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 1', 'Interlock Synchrocheck Bus 2'
and 'Interlock Synchrocheck Line') are enabled regardless of the
states of the binary I/Ps 'Bus 1 Active' and 'Bus 2 Active'.
The active blocking I/Ps are connected to an OR function so that a
logical '1' from any one of them causes all the measuring elements
and the associated O/Ps ('Start Signal', 'Ampl. Diff. OK Signal', 'Phase
Diff. OK Signal', 'Freq. Diff. OK Signal', 'Live Bus OK Signal', 'Live Line
OK Signal', 'Dead Bus OK Signal' and 'Dead Line OK Signal') and also
the enabling O/P ('Permit To Close Signal') to reset. The algorithm of
the synchrocheck function, however, continues to run.

Inputs for enabling the synchrocheck function

('ReleaseInp1', 'ReleaseInp2')
Since the synchrocheck function is only required during the relevant
switching operations and auto-reclosure cycles, it may be blocked at
all other times to save processor time. The binary I/Ps 'Release
Input 1' and 'Release Input 2' are used for this purpose. Internally they
are the I/Ps of an OR gate, so that at least one must be active before
the synchrocheck program will run.
If neither of the two enabling signals is at logical '1', processing of the
algorithm ceases. All the function’s measuring element O/Ps also reset
immediately and any circuit-breaker close enabling signal ('Permit To
Close Signal') resets after the time set for 't-Reset'.
Conditional enabling of the synchrocheck function is especially recom-
mended, where it has to operate in conjunction with other functions in
the same unit such as distance protection, which are critical from the
operating time point of view, so as not to adversely influence their trip-
ping times.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Application example:
The scheme below shows a synchrocheck function in the same unit as
the distance protection and autoreclosure functions. The synchrocheck
function is only required during the dead times of the autoreclosure
function. This is achieved by connecting the inverted O/P signal
'AR Ready' generated by the autoreclosure function to the binary I/P
'Release Input 1' (or 'Release Input 2') of the synchrocheck unit.
Distance Auto- AR ready Synchro-
function reclosure check
Trip CB function

Trip CB 3P Close CB



HEST 965 020 C

Fig. 3.99 Block diagram showing the interconnections between

the functions for a scheme with conditional enabling of
the synchrocheck function

Input for bypassing the synchrocheck function

A signal applied to this binary I/P causes a 'Permit To Close Signal' to
be generated immediately regardless of whether the conditions for
synchronism are fulfilled or not.
This I/P overrides all other blocking or enabling I/Ps.

Inputs for remotely selecting the operating mode

('OpModeInp1', 'OpModeInp2')
Refer to 'Choosing the operating mode of the synchrocheck function' in
Section 'Choosing the operating mode of the synchrocheck

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.6.10. Flutter detector (Deflutter)

A. Application
Suppresses the recording of multiple events for binary signals subject
to contact bounce.

B. Features
• Input channels can be set by
• binary input signals
• output signals (trips) from protection functions
• provision for inverting signals applied to the inputs
• adjustable supervision time and permissible signal change
• Two outputs assigned to each input:
• signal flutter detected (too many signal changes during the
supervision time)
• image of the status of the input signal

C. Inputs and outputs

I. CT/VT inputs:
• None

II. Binary inputs:

• Binary signals (input signals)

III. Binary outputs:

• Signal flutter detected
• Image of the input signal status

IV. Measurements:
• None

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

D. Signal flutter detector settings - Defluttering

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 Select
Supervising Time s 1 0.1 60 0.1
Nr of Signal Changes 2 2 100 1
Binary Input 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 3 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Binary Input 4 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
State of Input 1 SignalAddr ER
State of Input 2 SignalAddr ER
State of Input 3 SignalAddr ER
State of Input 4 SignalAddr ER
Flutter State Input 1 SignalAddr ER
Flutter State Input 2 SignalAddr ER
Flutter State Input 3 SignalAddr ER
Flutter State Input 4 SignalAddr ER

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate
Supervising Time
defines the time during which the flutter is supervised.
Nr of Signal Changes
defines the number of signal changes during the supervision time.
If a higher number of signal changes is greater than this value, the
signal is deemed to be fluttering.
Binary Input 1
Binary input No. 1
Binary Input 2
Binary input No. 2
Binary Input 3
Binary input No. 3
Binary Input 4
Binary input No. 4
State of Input 1
signals the status of input No. 1

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

State of Input 1
signals the status of input No. 1
State of Input 2
signals the status of input No. 2
State of Input 3
signals the status of input No. 3
State of Input 4
signals the status of input No. 4
Flutter State Input 1
signals that flutter detected on input No. 1
Flutter State Input 2
signals that flutter detected on input No. 2
Flutter State Input 3
signals that flutter detected on input No. 3
Flutter State Input 4
signals that flutter detected on input No. 4

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

E. Setting instructions

If a signal at an input changes its state in a given period of time
(Supervising Time) more frequently than a given number of times (Nr of
Signal Changes), the input is deemed to be fluttering due, for example,
to contact bounce. As a result, no further signal changes at the input
are recorded as events. Its basic protective function, however, remains
intact. This condition is maintained until fewer signal changes are
counted than the number defined for the given period.

Supervision time Supervising Time
Number of signal changes permissible Nr of Signal Changes
The function’s counters continuously count the signal changes at the
inputs selected. They are reset at the end of each supervision period.
Should the number of signal changes counted during the period
exceed the maximum permissible for the input, the input is tagged as
fluttering and the corresponding output set. The 'fluttering' condition is
maintained for as long as the number of signal changes is higher the
set limit and is only cancelled and the output reset when a smaller
number of changes is counted during the period.
To prevent the flutter function from fluttering itself (i.e. the number of
changes of an input is just about equal to the number of changes
setting), the number of changes for resetting to the non-fluttering state
must be less than the number of changes required for pick-up minus
ten percent, but at least one change less when the number of changes
for pick-up is set to less than ten.
Note that the start and finish of a supervision period is not signaled
externally. It can therefore occur that fluttering is not signaled although
the number of changes briefly exceeded the maximum permissible, but
the excess happened to straddle two supervision periods.

Typical settings:
Supervising Time 10 s
Nr of Signal Changes 20

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.6.11. Measure module (Measurement Module)

A. Application
Measurement of 3 phase voltages, 3 phase currents, active and
reactive power, power factor cos ϕ (cos phi) and frequency, e.g. for
display on an operating device or transmission to a station monitoring

B. Features
• Measurement of 3 phase voltages (Y and delta), currents, active
and reactive power, power factor cos ϕ and frequency.
• Provision for using the 3 phase current inputs in combination with
either 3 phase-to-phase voltages or 3 phase-to-earth voltages.
• 2 independent impulse counter inputs for calculation of interval and
accumulated energy
• The three-phase measurement and impulse counters can be used
independently and may also be disabled.
• Up to 4 measurement module functions can be configured on one
RE..16 device.
• All inputs and outputs can be configured by the user.

C. Inputs and Outputs

I. CT / VT inputs:
• Voltage
• Current

II. Binary inputs:

• 2 impulse inputs
• 2 reset inputs

III. Binary outputs:

• 2 outputs for the new counter value

IV. Measurement values:

• Voltage URS (Unit UN)
• Voltage UST (Unit UN)
• Voltage UTR (Unit UN)
• Voltage UR (Unit UN)
• Voltage US (Unit UN)
• Voltage UT (Unit UN)
• Current R (Unit IN)
• Current S (Unit IN)
• Current T (Unit IN)
• Active power P (Unit PN)
• Reactive power Q (Unit QN)
• Power factor cos ϕ (Unit cos phi)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

• Frequency f (Unit Hz)

• Interval energy value 1 (E1Int)
• Interval pulse number 1 (P1Int)
• Accumulated energy value 1 (E1Acc)
• Accumulated pulse number (P1Acc)
• Interval energy value 2 (E2Int)
• Interval pulse number 2 (P2Int)
• Accumulated energy value 2 (E2Acc)
• Accumulated pulse number 2 (P2Acc)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

D. Measurement module function settings (Measurement Module)

Summary of parameters:

Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

Run On CPU CPU 1 (Select)
CurrentInp CT/VT-Addr ---
VoltageInp CT/VT-Addr ---
PN UN*IN*√3 1 0.2 2.5 0.001
AngleComp Deg 0 -180 180 0.1
t1-Interval 15 Min (Select)
PulseInp 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Reset 1 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ScaleFact 1 1 0.0001 1 0.0001
Cnt 1 New SignalAddr ER
t2-Interval 15 Min (Select)
PulseInp 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
Reset 2 BinaryAddr Always FALSE
ScaleFact 2 1 0.0001 1 0.0001
Cnt 2 New SignalAddr

Explanation of parameters:
Run On CPU
Defines on which CPU the function should operate
defines the current input channel. Only three-phase CTs can be set
and the first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected must
be specified.
Current and voltage input signals must come from the same CT/VT
input module.
defines the voltage input channel. Only three-phase VTs can be
set and the first channel (R phase) of the group of three selected
must be specified.
Voltage and current inputs must be assigned before the three-
phase measurement part of the function can be activated. If only
the pulse counter part of the function is to be used, both CT and
VT inputs must be disabled.
Reference value for measuring power. It enables the amplitude of
the power values to be adjusted to take account, for example, of
the rated power factor cos ϕ or to compensate the amplitude errors
of the input transformers.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Angular setting for compensating the phase error. It is set to obtain
the best possible power measuring accuracy. In many cases, the
default setting of 0.0 degrees will be acceptable, but a different
setting may be necessary to compensate the following:
c) CT and VT phase errors
→ typical setting: -5° ... +5°
d) correction of CT or VT polarity
→ typical setting: -180°or +180°
Interval set for accumulating pulses assigned to E1 acc_interval and
The following settings are possible: 1 min, 2 min, 5 min,
10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min and 120 min.
PulseInp 1
Input for energy counter impulse.
Note: Minimum pulse-width is 10 ms.
Reset 1
Input to reset E1accumulate and Pulse1accumulate outputs.
ScaleFact 1
Factor for scaling E1 outputs in relation to pulse counter output:
E1acc_interval = Pulse1acc_interval × ScaleFact 1
E1accumulate = Pulse1accumulate × ScaleFact 1
Cnt 1 New
Output to indicate that new values are available at impulse counter
1 outputs and have been frozen. The binary output is cleared 30 s
after the interval starts.
See t1-Interval.
PulseInp 2
See PulseInp 1.
Reset 2
See Reset 1.
ScaleFact 2
See ScaleFact 1.
Cnt 2 New
See Cnt 1 New.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

E. Setting Instructions
To get the best performance from the measurement module, be sure
to set it properly. The following notes should help to decide the correct
• Reference values for the analog input channels
The settings in this case should be chosen such that the functions
measures 1.000 UN and 1.000 IN when rated voltage and current
are being applied. In many cases the default setting (1.000) will be
• Phase compensation 'Angle comp'
This setting is important for correct measurement of active and
reactive power and the power factor cos ϕ. For most cases, it is
possible to accept the default value 0.0°.
A different setting may be necessary to compensate the following:
a) CT and VT phase errors
→ typical setting: between -5.0° and +5.0°
b) correction of direction of the measurement or CT or VT polarity
→ typical setting: -180.0° or +180.0°
Add multiple errors to obtain the correct compensation setting.
The angles given apply for connection according to the con-
nections in Chapter 12.
• Voltage measurement
The zero-sequence component in case of delta-connected VTs is
assumed to be zero, but with Y-connected VTs the zero-sequence
voltage does have an influence on the phase-to-ground
measurements. In an ungrounded power system, the phase-to-
ground voltages will float in relation to ground.
• Power and frequency measurements
A power measurement is obtained by summing the powers of the
three-phase system: 3 × S = UR × IR* + US × IS* + UT × IT*. The
measurement is largely insensitive to frequency in the range
(0.8...1.2) fN. The frequency measured is that of the positive
sequence voltage. Should the voltage be too low, the frequency is
not measured and a value of 0.0 Hz results.
• Where only the impulse counter is in use, both analog inputs
(current and voltage) must be disabled.
• Where only the measurement part of the function is in use, the
binary impulse and reset inputs of both impulse counters must be
disabled, i.e. 'always FALSE'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Impulse counter inputs

The impulses counted are normally generated by a measuring or
metering device (see Fig. 3.100).
TPulse =

tPulse tPause

Fig. 3.100 Impulse counter input signal

The maximum impulse repetition rate is 25 Hz (see Fig. 3.100). Thus

the minimum time between the positive-going edges of two input
impulses is TPuls, min = Hz = 40 ms .
The pulse-width is determined by the function generating the impulses
and the ratio between the pulse-width and the interval between lagging
and leading edges should be in the range 1:3 to 1:1, i.e.:
1 1
tPulse, min = × TPulse, min = × TPulse, min = 10 ms
1+ 3 4
Since the impulse counter is polled approximately every 5 ms,
impulses are reliably detected with a safety factor of about 2.
The impulse counter evaluates the positive-going edges (0Æ1) of the
input signal.
To filter any contact bounce (debouncing) phenomena, only the first
positive-going edge is evaluated within a given period (typically 10 ms).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Impulse counter operation

The principles of impulse counter operation is shown in Fig. 3.101.

Block diagram for one impulse counter channel


Impulse Intermediate Eacc_interval

buffer Scaling
counter acc_interval
input Pulseacc_interval
tinterval Scaling
Reset factor

Intermediate Eaccumulate
buffer Scaling

Signal response
tinterval tinterval tinterval Reset

tinterval t
Impulse counter
input t

Pulseacc_interval t
Counter values
to be transferred

Counter value t
to be transferred

Fig. 3.101 Block diagram for one impulse counter channel and
signal response Impulse counter operating principle

The binary inputs 'Reset 1' and 'Reset 2' reset the counter values
Eaccumulate and Pulseaccumulate to zero. The interval values Eacc_interval
and Pulseacc_interval are not reset.
When a reset command is applied to binary input 'Reset 1' or 'Reset 2',
measurement events with the values of Eaccumulate and Pulseaccumulate
are created for the respective channel before its counters are reset.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Impulse counter values are stored in a RAM with a battery supply and
are not lost should the auxiliary supply fail. Impulses arriving at the
inputs while the software is being initialised, e.g. after settings have
been made, are lost.
• Capacity for Pulseaccumulate:
At the maximum impulse repetition rate, the total number of
impulses counted during a year is 25 pps × 3’600 s/h × 8’760
h/year = 788’400’000 impulses per year. The output is reset to zero
when a counter reaches 2’000’000’000, i.e. 2 × 109.
Unless special measures taken or a counter is reset, it can
overflow at the worst after approx. 2’537 years.
• Should an impulse counter overflow, the value of Pulseaccumulate is
recorded in the event list. No further measures have been
included, because
1. an overflow is hardly likely to occur.
2. should an overflow occur, it is obvious providing the counters
are checked regularly, for example, by an SCS.
If necessary, the total number of impulses counted since the last
reset can be determined even after an overflow. Interval processing

The interval starts at a full hour plus a even multiple of tInterval and is
synchronised to a full minute by the internal RE..16 clock.
Assuming tInterval is set to 120 min, the interval is started at even hours
throughout the day.
Impulse counter and energy outputs are set at the start of the first
regular interval, even if the previous interval was incomplete. This
ensures that no impulses are lost after starting the function.

When tinterval expires, the following takes place:

• The counter values Eaccumulate, Pulseaccumulate, Eacc_interval and

Pulseacc_interval are stored in the intermediate buffers and remain
unchanged until the end of the next interval.
• When the new impulse counter results are frozen at the end of the
interval, the binary output 'Cnt 1 New', respectively 'Cnt 2 New' is
set to TRUE. It is reset after 30 s regardless of interval duration
and can be used to initiate reading of a new set of frozen interval
• If selected for transmission, transmission of the counter values via
the LON interface is initiated by the positive-going edge of this
• The values Eacc_interval and Pulseacc_interval of the respective
channel are only recorded as measurement events providing the
output 'Cnt 1 New', respectively 'Cnt 2 New' is being used, for
example, to control an event recorder, LED or signaling relay.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The freezing of results, resetting and event recording of the interval

counters is illustrated in Fig. 3.102.
Impulse counter input

Pulseacc_interval Internal only


Pulseaccumulate Internal only

CounterFrozen 30 s 30 s 30 s 30 s 30 s

tInterval tInterval tInterval tInterval tInterval t

Fig. 3.102 Interval processing

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


4.1. Summary............................................................................................4-4

4.2. High-impedance protection ................................................................4-5

4.2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................4-5
4.2.2. Restricted E/F protection for a transformer ........................................4-6 Basic requirements ............................................................................4-6 Components of a restricted E/F scheme............................................4-6 Design................................................................................................4-6 Example ...........................................................................................4-10

4.3. Standstill protection..........................................................................4-14

4.3.1. General ............................................................................................4-14
4.3.2. Standstill protection using an overcurrent function ..........................4-14

4.4. Rotor earth fault protection ..............................................................4-15

4.4.1. Application .......................................................................................4-15
4.4.2. Determining the settings ..................................................................4-15 Data required ...................................................................................4-15 Recommended settings for Rf or U set and t ...................................4-16
4.4.3. Functional check ..............................................................................4-16
4.4.4. Installation and wiring of the ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21 ....4-16 Location and ambient conditions .....................................................4-16 Checking the wiring..........................................................................4-17 Wiring for a two-stage scheme ........................................................4-17 Wiring for an excitation system with shaft-mounted diodes .............4-17 Protection for units with shaft filter ...................................................4-18
4.4.5. Commissioning ................................................................................4-18 Checks prior to commissioning ........................................................4-18 Adjusting the ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21............................4-19 Measuring the voltage values ..........................................................4-20 Testing in operation .........................................................................4-21
4.4.6. Possible causes of failures ..............................................................4-23
4.4.7. Maintenance ....................................................................................4-23
4.4.8. Fault-finding .....................................................................................4-23
4.4.9. Accessories and spares...................................................................4-23
4.4.10. Appendices ......................................................................................4-24

4.5. Application of the underreactance protection function .....................4-26

4.5.1. Introduction ......................................................................................4-26
4.5.2. Out-of-step conditions......................................................................4-26
4.5.3. Monitoring a given load angle ..........................................................4-26

4.6. Stator ground fault protection for generators in parallel...................4-30

4.6.1. Principle of operation .......................................................................4-30
4.6.2. Busbar ground faults........................................................................4-31
4.6.3. Ground fault protection during start-up ............................................4-31

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.6.4. Grounding transformer.....................................................................4-32

4.6.5. Ferroresonance damping resistor Rp ...............................................4-32
4.6.6. Grounding resistor Re ......................................................................4-33
4.6.7. Contactor .........................................................................................4-33
4.6.8. Residual current CT .........................................................................4-33
4.6.9. Required RE.216 functions ..............................................................4-33
4.6.10. Protection sensitivity ........................................................................4-34

4.7. 100 % stator and rotor ground fault protection.................................4-37

4.8. Distance protection ..........................................................................4-40

4.8.1. Starters ............................................................................................4-40 Operation of the starters ..................................................................4-40 Overcurrent starters (I>)...................................................................4-40 Underimpedance starters (Z<) up to the first pick-up.......................4-42 Phase selection................................................................................4-46
4.8.2. Measuring units................................................................................4-47 Operation of the measuring units.....................................................4-47 Measurement during processing period I.........................................4-47 Measurement during processing period II........................................4-50 Directional decision..........................................................................4-52 Construction of the measuring characteristic...................................4-54
4.8.3. VT supervision .................................................................................4-56
4.8.4. Back-up overcurrent function O/C....................................................4-59
4.8.5. System logic.....................................................................................4-59 Structure of the system logic............................................................4-59 Enabling and blocking logic (SUPBL) ..............................................4-60 Switch-onto-fault logic (SOTF).........................................................4-61 Short-zone logic (STUB) ..................................................................4-62 Zone extension logic (ZE) ................................................................4-63 Transient blocking logic (Transbl) ....................................................4-63 Communication channel failure (Deblock) .......................................4-66 Permissive underreaching transfer tripping (PUTT).........................4-67 Permissive overreaching transfer tripping (POTT)...........................4-69 Overreaching blocking scheme (BLOCK OR)..................................4-71 PLC transmit logic (HFSEND)..........................................................4-73 Tripping logic....................................................................................4-74
4.8.6. Power swing blocking (PSB)............................................................4-77
4.8.7. Signal designations and abbreviations ............................................4-79

4.9. Auto-reclosure..................................................................................4-83
4.9.1. Logic segments................................................................................4-83
4.9.2. Signal designations..........................................................................4-91

4.10. Breaker failure protection.................................................................4-94

4.10.1. Introduction ......................................................................................4-94
4.10.2. Three-phase/ single-phase mode ....................................................4-95
4.10.3. Redundant trip .................................................................................4-95
4.10.4. Retrip ...............................................................................................4-96
4.10.5. Backup trip .......................................................................................4-96
4.10.6. Remote trip ......................................................................................4-96

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.10.7. Unconditional trip .............................................................................4-96

4.10.8. End Fault trip....................................................................................4-96
4.10.9. External trip......................................................................................4-97

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


4.1. Summary
Both analog and binary I/P signals pass through a signal conditioning
stage before being processed by the main processor:
Analog signals are processed through the chain comprising the input
transformer, shunt, low-pass filter (anti-alias filter), amplifier, sampling
(sample and hold), multiplexer and A/D converter. The digital signals
are separated by digital filters into real and imaginary components
before further processing in the main processor. The binary signals are
isolated by opto-couplers in the input circuits and are evaluated by the
main processor.
The protection algorithms and the logic functions are then processed
in the main processor.
The RE.216 / RE.316*4 family function libraries provides a compre-
hensive repertory of protection and logic functions, with which other
protection functions can be also realised e.g. restricted earth fault
protection or standstill protection.
In addition, a delay function and a logic function are also included. The
delay function enables a time to be defined between pick-up (I/P of the
function) and its operation. A setting is also provided for the reset time.
The logic function provides an AND, OR or RS gate for combining
different signals (from functions and binary I/Ps).
A logic, which can be freely programmed with the aid of FUPLA
(function block programming language), provides convenient facility for
achieving special circuits needed for specific applications.
In the event recorder upto 256 binary signals and their relative time
tags can be stored. In addition the trip value measurements can also
be recorded.
The disturbance recorder storage can acquire 12 analog and 16 binary
signals. The number of events it can actually record depends on the
total duration of an event as determined by the amount of pre-event
data (event history) and the duration of the event itself.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.2. High-impedance protection

4.2.1. Introduction
In a high-impedance scheme, the measuring circuit represents a high-
impedance across a circulating current circuit. High-impedance
protection is used for
• short circuit and earth fault protection for generators, motors and
• E/F (earth fault) protection for transformers
The main advantage of a high-impedance scheme compared with a
normal differential scheme is its better stability for relatively low
through-fault currents (between IN and 5 IN).
The disadvantages are
• the high voltage across the circulating current circuit during internal
• the special requirements to be fulfilled by the CTs
A high-impedance scheme can be used to advantage where
• fault currents are relatively low
• discrimination for earth fault protection is absolutely essential
This is the case for phase faults on air-cored compensator reactors
and earth faults on power transformers, which are grounded via an
impedance. In some instances solidly grounded transformer can also
be protected.
Either an overcurrent function with a series resistor or an overvoltage
function can be used in a high-impedance scheme. The application of
an overcurrent function in a high-impedance scheme is illustrated by a
restricted earth fault protection (R.E.F) in the following section.
The required level of through-fault stability is determined by the value
of the high impedance presented by the protection measuring circuit.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.2.2. Restricted E/F protection for a transformer Basic requirements
A restricted E/F scheme must be able to
• detect E/F’s in the protection zone
• remain stable during both phase and earth through-faults
The protection is designed to remain stable
• in the case of a solidly grounded star-point for an external E/F
• in the case of an impedance grounded star-point for the highest
external phase and earth fault current
When designing a prsotection scheme, it is assumed that one CT is
fully saturated and none of the others are. Components of a restricted E/F scheme
A restricted E/F scheme comprises the following items:
• RE.316*4 overcurrent function is connected to a measuring CT
• linear stabilizing resistor RS
• non-linear resistor
• shorting contacts where necessary Design
The E/F current is determined by
a) the generator and step-up transformer reactances when the HV
circuit breaker is open (see Fig. 4.1)


HV system


HEST 935 005 FL

Fig. 4.1 E/F on the HV system supplied by the generator

xd” = x2 = 0.2 ; xT = xT0 = 0.1

current value related to the transformer current

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

b) by the HV power system when the HV circuit-breaker is closed

(see Fig. 4.2)

HEST 935 006 C

HV system






Fig. 4.2 E/F on the HV system fed by the generator and the

xd" = x2 = 0.2 ; xT = xT0 = 0.1 ;xsys = xsys 0 = 0.01

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

As a result of the current distribution for a through-fault, the star-point

CT conducts the highest current in the case of a solidly grounded
transformer as shown in Fig. 4.2. Apart from the burden of the cables,
the high fault level results in a high CT flux and a high probability of it
The influence of external phase faults on the circulating current circuit
is limited, especially if the connections between the CT cores can be
kept short. Phase faults are therefore neglected when designing a
scheme for a solidly grounded system. They may not be neglected,
however, where a system is impedance grounded.
The value of the stabilizing resistor is chosen such that the voltage
drop caused by the highest external E/F and possibly phase fault
current across the secondary winding and leads of the saturated CT
cannot reach the pick-up setting of the protection (see Fig. 4.3)
Saturated c.t. Internal E/F


IE External E/F

I2 I2

VDR Shorting contact


HEST 935 007 C

Fig. 4.3 Restricted E/F protection of a Y-connected transformer


The knee-point voltage of the CTs is specified such that the they can
supply sufficient current during an internal fault to enable the
protection to trip. The knee-point voltage Uk of the CTs must therefore
be appreciably higher than the voltage drop ∆Ua.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Symbols used:
IE primary star-point current (AC component) for a
I2 secondary current of the non-saturated CTs
I2N CT secondary rated current
I1N CT primary rated current
IN protection rated current
R2 secondary resistance of the saturated CT at 75°C
RL lead resistance according to Fig. 4.3
∆Ua , ∆Ui voltage drop across the circulating current circuit for
external, respectively internal faults.
Uk knee-point voltages of the CTs
Û peak value of voltage
I current setting
RS stabilising resistor
IF highest primary fault current (AC component) for an
internal E/F.
∆Ua = (R2 + 2 RL) I2
Uk ≥ 2 ∆Ua
I = 0.25 I2N (solidly grounded star-point)
I = 0.10 I2N (impedance grounded star-point)
∆U a
RS ≥
∆Ui = RS I2 (I2 is given by IF)

U max =2 2U k ( ∆U i − U k )

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Example
Determination of the stabilising resistor:
CTs 1000/1 A
R2 = 5 Ω
100 m
RL = = 0.5 Ω
50 × 4 mm 2
(CT leads 100 m long, specific conductance of 50 Ω-1 m/mm2, gauge
of 4 mm2)

Maximum earth fault through current:

IE = 10 000 A
This E/F current is on the HV system for the following data:
xd" = x2 = 0.2 ; xT = xT0 = 0.1 ; xsys = xsys 0 = 0.01
I2 = 10000 = 10 A
∆Ua = (5 + 2 x 0.5) x 10 = 60 V
Uk ≥ 2 ∆Ua = 120 V
Chosen Uk = 200 V (r.m.s)

Settings for a solidly grounded system:

I = 0.25 × IN = 0.25 A (r.m.s)
(The setting I = 0.1 IN. is usually chosen for a impedance grounded
Stabilising resistor
∆U 60
RS ≥ = = 240 Ω
I 0.25
Chosen RS = 300 Ω

Check of the overvoltage at maximum fault current:

3 I1N 3 × 1000
IF = = = 100 000 A
2 x Sys + x Sys 0 0,02 + 0,01

I2 = 100 000 = 100 A
∆Ui = RS × I2 = 300 × 100 = 30 000 V

Umax = 2 2 Uk ( ∆Ui − Uk )

Umax = 2 2 200 (30 000 − 200 ) = 6 905 V

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Since this value exceeds the permissible maximum peak value of

2,000 V, a non-linear resistor must be connected across the circulating
current circuit to limit the voltage. Shorting contacts may also be
The maximum current flowing in the relay branch for an internal fault is
Û 6 905
Î= = = 23 A
RS 300
This current peak is visible in Fig. 4.4. A non-linear resistor, e.g.
Metrosil Type 600 A/S1/256, can be used to limit the peak voltage.
According to the characteristic shown in Fig. 4.5, the peak current
flowing through the resistor is 20 A at 900 V. Since the current through
a linear resistor of 300 Ω at 900 V is 3 A, the total current is 23 A.
For a knee-point voltage of 200 V, the current through the non-linear
resistor during an internal fault is only 0.09 A, so that is bears no
appreciable influence on the pick-up value.

CT specification:
Rated currents 1000/1 A
Winding resistance R2 ≤ 5 Ω
Knee-point voltage Uk = 200 V
Magnetising current I2m ≤ 2 % I2N
i.e. I2m ≤ 0.02 A at U2 = 60 V
The CTs must conform to British Standard 3938, Class X.
The CTs should also:
• have evenly distributed secondary windings on a toroidal core (i.e.
to minimize the secondary leakage flux)
• not have any winding correction

Stabilising resistor specification:

1 piece 300 Ω; 0.5 A; 10 s
Test voltage: 2 kV

Non-linear resistor specification:

1 piece Metrosil Type 600 A/S1/256

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Shorting contacts:
The circulating current circuit must be short-circuited within the thermal
rating time of the two resistors, if an internal fault cannot be tripped in
a shorter time.
Setting value of the function 'Current':
I-setting 0.25 IN
Delay 0.02 s


Ui =
2 . 30 kV

u2 6905 V u2

0 90° 180° 270° 360°


2 . 100 A

i2 23 A i2

0 90° 180° 270° 360°

HEST 935 026 C

Fig. 4.4 Voltage and current of the relay branch of a circulating

current circuit during and internal fault


Fig. 4.5
4 Typical Voltage - Current Characteristics (D.C.)
3 Type 600 A/S1/256 C = 900
Type 600 A/S1/793 C = 650 1088
Type 600 A/S1/1088 C = 450
1000 793

7 256
RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


Voltage (volts)
100 9

Non-linear METROSIL resistors


10 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

.001 .01 .1 1 10 100

Current (amps)
HEST 935 027 C

ABB Switzerland Ltd
ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.3. Standstill protection

4.3.1. General
The purpose of the standstill protection is to isolate the generator from
the system as quickly as possible, if it is connected to the system by
mistake, e.g. when at standstill, during start-up or when running
without voltage.
The protection must have a short operating time to minimise the
mechanical stress on the rotors and bearings of generator and turbine,
if the unit is suddenly connected to the system in these circumstances.
Nevertheless, it must remain stable during external faults and
Standstill protection can be provided by a fast overcurrent or power
function. Function modules for both alternatives are included in the
function library. The following example shows the overcurrent
4.3.2. Standstill protection using an overcurrent function
The overcurrent function is enabled by an undervoltage function, if the
period without voltage exceeds a given time.
The standstill protection scheme comprises the following items:
• an overcurrent function 'Current'
• an undervoltage function 'Voltage'
• a timer 'Delay'
The block diagram can be seen from Fig. 4.6. The computing require-
ment is 23 %.
Similarly, the overcurrent function can be enabled by an auxiliary
contact on the circuit-breaker.
Function No.1 Voltage Function No. 2 Delay

Trip Trip
U U set = 0.85 UN TRIP time = 0.0 s
Delay = 1.00 s Reset time = 20.0 s


Function No. 3 Current

I set = 1.5 IN Trip

I Delay = 0.02 s
by standstill

HEST 935 008 C

Fig. 4.6 Block diagram of a standstill protection scheme using

an overcurrent function

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.4. Rotor earth fault protection

4.4.1. Application
The use of a 'Voltage' protection function in combination with an
ancillary unit Type YWX111-11 or YWX111-21 enables earth faults on
the rotor windings of synchronous alternators and motors to be
The protection scheme is coupled via capacitors (d.c. isolation) to the
positive and negative poles of the excitation circuit and to the shaft
ground. The YWX111-11/-21 ancillary unit, the coupling capacitors and
the normal ground (shaft) capacitance of the rotor winding form a
balanced bridge in normal operation. An earth fault represents a
leakage resistance across the capacitance of the rotor winding to
ground (shaft) and disturbs the balance of the bridge. The voltage
difference occurring across the bridge is applied to an I/P VT of the
RE.216 and causes the corresponding voltage function to trip.

The ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21 is in a casing for surface
mounting having dimensions of 183 x 113 x 81 mm.
4.4.2. Determining the settings
Since it is not possible to set the value of leakage resistance directly in
ohms, a voltage (U set) proportional to a given leakage resistance has
to be set on the RE.216 together with a time delay t [s]. A typical
setting range for the leakage resistance R would be 0 to 5000 Ω:
• U set = 0.5...3 V
• t = 0.5...5 s

R: leakage resistance between

the rotor winding and ground (shaft)
U set: voltage setting
t: operating time for the E/F protection. Data required
No special data are required in order to determine the protection
settings. The latter are in any event difficult to calculate and are
therefore normally determined by measurement.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Recommended settings for Rf or U set and t

In principle any value can be set within the setting ranges for the pick-
up value Rf and the time delay t.
The setting of the voltage function should no be too sensitive to avoid
mal-operation of RE.216 during fast regulation of load changes. This is
especially important where the protection trips the field switch and
shuts the unit down.

Recommended settings:
• Stage 2: 'Trip'
R < 2000 Ω
t > 1.5 s
• Stage 1: 'Alarm'
R < 5000 Ω
t > 1.5 s
Note that the voltage across the bridge is low for a high leakage
resistance and high for a low leakage resistance.

4.4.3. Functional check

Where it is considered necessary to check the function of the
protection prior to installation or connection to the machine, the
procedure is given in Section, or alternatively the circuit of Fig.
4.9 can be simulated and the protection checked according to the
procedure given in Section

4.4.4. Installation and wiring of the ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21 Location and ambient conditions
The ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21 must be installed as closely as
possible to the RE.216 equipment (same panel or cubicle) to minimise
the risk of interference.
On the other hand, the coupling capacitors CK should not be installed
in the protection equipment room, but as closely as possible to the
protected unit. The cables to the rotor winding must be suitable for the
insulation level of the rotor circuit as determined by the excitation

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Checking the wiring

The strict conformity of all connections with the wiring diagram must be
Check that the auxiliary supplies available in the plant 100 V AC or
220 V AC agree with those on the rating plate of the YWX111-11/-21.
The auxiliary supply of 100 V AC or 220 V AC can be obtained from a
voltage divider within the plant of from one of the generator VTs. In the
case of the compact version of the RE.216, the auxiliary a.c. supply
can be taken from the input terminals of the input transformer unit
used for measuring the generator voltage.
Since double ground connections can cause problems, it may be
necessary to disconnect the YWX111-11/-21 ground connection at
terminal 3 within the cubicle (shaft ground).
A high percentage of harmonics produced by the excitation system
between the excitation voltage and ground, can lead to an overload on
the ancillary system YWX111-11/-21. When the power loss between
the terminals 6 and 3 is more than 10 W, then the bridge between
terminals 6 and 7 should be removed, and connect an external resistor
between terminals 6 and 8. This data can be utilized for the expla-
nation of the Fig. 4.7 Wiring for a two-stage scheme
A two-stage scheme requires two 'Voltage' protection functions and
one YWX111-11/-21 ancillary unit.
The normal usage is as follows:
• Stage 1: 'Alarm'
• Stage 2: 'Trip'
The scheme must be similar to that of the single stage variant. Wiring for an excitation system with shaft-mounted diodes

In the case of excitation systems with shaft-mounted rectifier diodes,
the protection has only a single-pole connection to the rotor winding
via an auxiliary slip-ring.
The two capacitors CK1 and CK2 are connected in parallel to either the
positive or negative terminal of the rotor winding. If both alternatives
are possible (several slip-rings), the connection of capacitors CK1 and
CK2 to the minus pole is to be preferred.
The remaining connections must conform to Fig. 4.10 to Fig. 4.11.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Protection for units with shaft filter

If a 'shaft filter' is connected in the rotor supply to prevent currents
from flowing which damage the bearings, the sensitivity of the
protection will be reduced.
In order to reach an acceptable sensitivity in such plants, the value of
R9 in the ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21 can be increased.

YWX 111-11/-21
• Standard: R 9 = 120 Ω
(normal sensitivity)
• Units with a shaft filter: R 9 = 1 kΩ
(increased sensitivity)
Refer to Fig. 4.13 for the location of the resistor R9.

4.4.5. Commissioning
The commissioning procedure is given in Sections to
The tripping circuits of the RE.216 must be interrupted while carrying
out commissioning. Checks prior to commissioning

• Check the wiring according to Section 4.4.4.
• Check that the ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21 is connected to
the correct auxiliary supply of either 100 V AC or 220 V AC.

NOTE: Check that the shaft earthing brush assembly is in proper

working order.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Adjusting the ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21

The measuring bridge of which the YWX111-11/-21 is part must be
balanced with the unit connected by appropriately selecting the values
of the capacitors CX.

Fig. 4.7 Calibration of the YWX111-11/-21

USH: Aux. supply 100 V AC or 220 V AC

CR: Stray rotor ground (shaft) capacitance
CK1, CK2: Coupling capacitors, 2 µF each
CX: Calibration capacitor, Polyester, U ≥ 400 V
RE: External resistance 2.2 kΩ, 137 W
(Type designation FWA40-20,
Ident-Nr. 1MRB380107P0001)
V: AC voltmeter with battery supply
Calibration can be carried out while the machine is stationary.

• Interrupt the tripping circuits from the RE.216.
• Connect and AC voltmeter to terminals 1 and 2 of
• Connect a capacitor decade in place of CX.
• Close the field switch.
• Switch on the auxiliary supply USH.
• Vary the capacitor decade in place of CX until the output voltage at
terminals 1 and 2 of YWX111-11/-21 becomes a minimum;
normally < 50 mVr.m.s..

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Note: It is possible that 50 mVr.m.s. will not be reached by

schemes with increased sensitivity of the
YWX111-11/-21 (R9 = 1 kΩ) for excitation systems with
shaft filters.
• Solder in a combination of fixed capacitors for CX corresponding to
the value set on the capacitor decade.

Theoretical value of CX
a) Circuit according to Fig. 4.10 (or Fig. 4.7):
(CK1 +CK 2 ) × CR
CX =
CK1+CK 2 +CR
b) Circuit according to Fig. 4.11:
3CK × (3CS + CR )
CX =
3CK + 3CS + CR Measuring the voltage values

The value of the voltage across the bridge as measured on the
YWX 111 in relation to different leakage resistances is determined by
measurement with a variable resistor inserted in place of the leakage
resistance as shown in Fig. 4.8.

Fig. 4.8 Measuring the voltages corresponding to leakage


USH: Aux. supply 100 V AC or 220 V AC

CK1, CK2: Coupling capacitors, 2 µF each
RP: Test E/F resistor
V: AC voltmeter with battery supply

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Leakage resistance RP:

• 0 Ω, solid earth fault
• 2000 Ω, > 2.5 W
• 5000 Ω, > 2.5 W
Measurement may be carried out with the machine stationary.

• Interrupt the tripping circuits from the RE.216.
• Connect resistors for RP = 5000 Ω, 2000 Ω and RP = 0 Ω to the
positive pole of the excitation circuit.
• Close the field switch.
• Switch on the auxiliary supply USH.
• Measure the voltage across the bridge corresponding to the
different values of resistance.
• Set the voltages measured at the two resistances of 2000 and
5000 Ω on the RE.216. They should lie between 0.5 and 3 V.
• Repeat the procedure with the resistors RP = 5000 Ω, 2000 Ω and
RP = 0 Ω connected to the negative pole of the excitation circuit. Testing in operation
This test checks that the RE.216 and the ancillary unit function cor-
rectly with the generator in operation. Once again a rotor fault is simu-
lated by installing a leakage resistor. The protection must effectively

Fig. 4.9 Circuit for testing in operation

USH: Aux. supply 100 V AC or 220 V AC

CK1, CK2: Coupling capacitors, 2 µF each
RP: Test E/F resistor

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

V: AC voltmeter with battery supply

ES: Earthing switch for the test
Leakage resistor RP: 1000 Ω, ≥ 10 W, insulation voltage according to
IEC recommendations (for different excitation
• Test conditions: Machine running at rated speed, on load and
excited. Test switch open.
• Interrupt the tripping circuits.
• Set the RE.216 to the voltage measured in Section
• Close the test switch ES.
• Reduce the value set for 'U set' in steps until the protection trips.
Warning: The tripping signal has a time delay.
• Repeat the above procedure with the test resistor RP connected to
the negative pole of the excitation circuit.
• Measure and record the output voltage at terminals 1 and 2 of
YWX111-11/-21during the test.
• Open the test switch ES and make the tripping circuits at the
conclusion of the test.

Checking the adjustment of YWX111-11/-21

With the machine excited and on load, measure the voltage across the
bridge at terminals 1 and 2 of YWX111-11/-21. In normal operation
(ES open), the voltage measured should be < 150 mVr.m.s.. If this
voltage is exceeded,
• check the contact resistance of the connecting brushes (see
Section 4.4.6.)
• repeat and optimise the adjustment of YWX111-11/-21 according
to Section
Note: It is possible that 140 mVr.m.s. will not be reached by
schemes with increased sensitivity of the YWX111-11/-21
(R9 = 1 kΩ) for excitation systems with shaft filters.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.4.6. Possible causes of failures

Should the protection mal-operate during normal operation of the
plant, the possible causes are the following:
• The shaft earthing brushes are not making proper contact
(see Section 4.4.7.).
• The ancillary unit Type YWX111-11/-21 is not properly adjusted
(see Sections and
• An additional ground is connected to terminal 3 of YWX111-11/-21
resulting in a double earth loop (see Section
• The setting for the protection is too sensitive (the pick-up leakage
resistance is too high) or the time delay t is too short.
4.4.7. Maintenance
The ancillary unit requires no special maintenance. It should, however,
be checked regularly as is the case with all safety devices. This can
take place according to the procedure given in Section 4.4.5.
The shaft grounding brush must be checked frequently and, where
necessary, cleaned and the spring pressure adjusted. The contact
resistance of the brush must be as low as possible and above all
4.4.8. Fault-finding
Fault-finding is limited to using the test procedures described in
Section 4.4.5. to determine whether the protection is functioning
correctly. Faulty devices must be returned to the nearest ABB office or
agent or to ABB, Baden, Switzerland.
4.4.9. Accessories and spares
When ordering accessories or spares always state the type de-
signation and serial number of the protection device for which they are
intended. Where several devices of the same type are installed in a
plant, the procurement of a spare unit is recommended.
Spares must be stored in a clean dry room at moderate temperatures.
It is recommended that spare units be tested at the same time as
routine testing is being carried out on those in operation.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.4.10. Appendices

Fig. 4.10 Wiring diagram of the relay RE.216 and ancillary unit
Type YWX111-11/-21
Connection to the d.c. part of the excitation circuit

Fig. 4.11 Wiring diagram of the relay RE.216 and ancillary unit
Type YWX111-11/-21
Connection to the a.c. part of the excitation circuit

CK1, CK2: coupling capacitors; 2 × 2 µF, 8...20 kV, 0.55 A

CK: coupling capacitors; 3 × 0.5 µF, 8...20 kV, 0.55 A
CS: snubber capacitors for thyristor excitation
USH: auxiliary supply; 100 V or 220 V, 50/60 Hz
B: shaft grounding brush

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 4.12 Block diagram and terminals of the ancillary unit Type

Fig. 4.13 Component side of the PCB in the ancillary unit Type
YWX111-11/-21(derived from HESG 437 807)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.5. Application of the underreactance protection function

4.5.1. Introduction
The underreactance protection function can be used for a number of
purposes. It is normally used, however, to detect out-of-step conditions
for load angles δ ≥ 90°. It is similarly applicable to monitoring a
maximum load angle, e.g. δ = 70°.

4.5.2. Out-of-step conditions

The stability limit of a turbo-alternator with or without step-up
transformer is illustrated in Fig. 4.14, at the upper left as a function of
the impedance measured at the generator terminals and at the upper
right as a power diagram. The operation of the protection is set to the
circle (lower left of Fig. 4.14) to avoid tripping during a fault or power
swings on the power system. The setting range permits the protection
chaacteristic to be adjusted to the stability limit curve (see upper left of
Fig. 4.14) which is applicable whether the generator is connected to a
step-up transformer or directly to a busbar.

4.5.3. Monitoring a given load angle

The setting range also facilitates monitoring a given load angle, e.g.
δ < 90°, for:
• alarm purposes when a certain maximum load angle is reached
• fulfilling special requirements, e.g. to take account of the influence
of differing values of Xd and Xq on the stability limit
• salient pole machines
A load angle of δ < 90° represents an off-set circle in the impedance
diagram (see Fig. 4.15 left). The centre of the circle lies on a straight
line which is displaced from the R axis by the angle δ. The circle is the
locus of the operating points with the load angle δ. The corresponding
characteristic in the power diagram is a straight line with a slope of δ.
The value of the load angle δ is set by means of the phase-angle
compensation setting which must be increased by the amount (90-δ).
For δ = 70°, the reference voltage R-S and the R phase current, the
following phase-angle compensation must be set:
30° + (90°- 70°) = 50°.
The reactance XA is set either to the synchronous reactance Xd or a
value which takes account of differing values of Xd and Xq.
The following general statement applies:
XA =

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

XB = 0 in Fig. 4.15 XB can also be positive or negative and

represented in an impedance diagram by circles which do not pass
through the origin. In a power diagram, these circles correspond to
circles to the left and right of the straight lines through points C’, A’ and
E’. Point A is common to all circles with the same load angle δ and the
same XA setting (see Fig. 4.14).




generator/transformer set
generator connected to busbar

operation at rated current


Fig. 4.14 Stability limit of a generator/transformer set and the

characteristic of the ‘Minreactance’ protection function

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 4.15 Locus of the load angle δ < 90°

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 4.16 Operating characteristic for different settings of ‘XB-

Setting’ and a load angle δ < 90°

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.6. Stator ground fault protection for generators in parallel

This is a discriminative ground fault scheme for generators with
ungrounded star-points. It covers 80 % of the winding and operates on
the basis of a directional zero-sequence component in the various
generator feeders. Since the capacitive component of a ground fault
current does not usually provide a sufficiently reliable criterion for
determining the feeder concerned, the ground fault current is artificially
increased by adding a real power component. The latter is generated
by either three single-phase VTs or a three-phase VT In either case
the secondaries are connected as a broken delta across which a
resistor (Re) is briefly switched after a ground fault has been detected.
The grounding transformers or transformer are connected to the
busbars and are continuously under voltage. The number of generator
feeders can vary.
The protection scheme comprises two parts:
The first part is a non-discriminative ground fault detector on each
busbar that comprises:
• grounding transformer
• ferroresonance damping resistor Rp
• switched grounding resistor Re
• neutral voltage detector for switching in the resistor automatically
• contactor
• interposing VT
The second part comprises the power function and a either a core-
balance or three bushing CTs to measure the zero-sequence current.
This arrangement discriminatively locates the ground fault after the
real power component has been added.

4.6.1. Principle of operation

Initially a ground fault is detected non-discriminately due to the
occurrence of a neutral voltage measured by a sensitively set voltage
function. The grounding resistor Re is switched in circuit after a short
delay (t1 = 0.1 s) to prevent operation during power system transients.
Only then is the ground fault current large enough to enable the power
functions on the generators to decide whether the ground fault is on
their generator feeder or not. The delay for the power function is set to
isolate the fault after 0.5 s. The grounding resistor Re is connected for
1.9 s. The resistor Re is switched out of circuit again after a delay of
2 s initiated by the voltage function.
Two timers ensure correct operation of the scheme:
• T1 prevents operation during transients, t1 = 0.1 s
• T2 prevents 'pumping' when the grounding resistor Re is
switched in and out of circuit, t2 = 1 s.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The protection operates with a maximum real power component in the

ground fault current of 12...20 A for a ground fault at the generator
terminals. The neutral voltage is then a maximum. The ground fault
current is proportional to the neutral voltage and is a maximum for a
ground fault at the generator terminals and a minimum for a ground
fault at the star-point.
An offset of the voltage neutral can be causes:
a) in normal operation by
• asymmetrical capacitances between the phases and ground
• a third harmonic component
b) under abnormal conditions by
• switching transients
• power system faults inside and outside the zone of protection
To avoid any risk of mal-operation of the ground fault detector, a
setting must be chosen that is safely above the voltage offset that can
occur in normal operation.
Under conditions of power system instability, the offset can be
increased by the power system capacitances oscillating the VT
inductances (ferroresonance).
The risk of mal-operation of the ground fault detector due to switching
transients can be minimised or even eliminated by adding a resistor Rp
and introducing a delay. The positive effect of this depends on how low
the resistor Rp may be. A low value increases the current and thus the
power rating of the resistor and the VTs or the grounding transformer.
4.6.2. Busbar ground faults
Should no ground fault be located on one of the generator feeders, it
has to be on the busbars or possibly an outgoing feeder. In such a
case, the voltage function operates and the alarm 'Busbar ground fault'
is generated after the set delay of 2 s.

4.6.3. Ground fault protection during start-up

The power function can only detect a ground fault on the generator
feeder when the circuit-breaker is closed. For the time that the circuit-
breaker is open, ground fault protection is afforded by a sensitive
voltage function which trips the excitation switch in the event of a
stator ground fault after a delay of 0.5 s. This ground fault protection
scheme is blocked once the circuit-breaker closes.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.6.4. Grounding transformer

The following arrangements can be used to increase the ground fault
• 3 single-phase VTs with a maximum rating of 80 kVA for 10 s. At
6.66 A, this arrangement can be used up to a rated generator
voltage of 12 kV, respectively at 5 A up to 16 kV and 4 A up to
20 kV.
• a three-phase dry VT permits a current of 6.66 A up to 12 kV.
Apart from the advantage of a higher overload rating, a three-phase
grounding also has a negligible voltage drop.
The recommended rated voltages and currents for a ground fault
current of 20 A (6.66 A per phase) are:

Voltage transformer
sec. rating
U1N [V] U2N [V] S [kVA] [A] for 10 s
10500 167 70 240

4.6.5. Ferroresonance damping resistor Rp

Should the ground fault detector pick up for a ground fault on the
busbar, it gives alarm but the fault is not tripped. The resistor Rp must
therefore be rated for continuous operation. A resistor rated for 1 or
2 A is frequently used, which while being satisfactory for most VTs,
only has a limited damping effect on transient voltages. In the case of
the VT in the example, the VT output power varies for a constant
current of 2 A between 577 and 831 VA.
Should it be considered necessary to limit the risk of mal-operation still
further, the resistor Rp can be designed for the maximum permissible
continuous rating of the VT This is usually in the range 5 to 10 % of the
permissible 10 s rating. If the VT is also used for metering purposes, it
must be borne in mind that both voltage and phase errors are higher at
the maximum continuous rating.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.6.6. Grounding resistor Re

The grounding resistor must be rated for 10 s. A voltage drop of 20 %
has to be allowed when using a VT The recommended value of the
resistor Re for a ground fault current of 20 A at a rated voltage of
UN = 10.5 kV is:

UN Ubroken ∆ Rp Re I2
[V] [V] [Ω] [A] VT [A] 10 s
10500 500 250 2 1.7 Ω 240

4.6.7. Contactor
The contactor switches both ends of the grounding resistor Re.
4.6.8. Residual current CT
Alternative I:
1 core-balance CT 100/1 A, rated burden 2.5 Ω.
Alternative II:
3 bushing CTs, .../5 A - 33/1 A, rated burden 1.5 Ω.
The above burdens apply for CT leads of 2 x 100 m with a gauge of
4 mm2.

4.6.9. Required RE.216 functions

The following RE.216 functions are required for a discriminative
ground fault scheme:
• 1 100 V voltage I/P
• 1 metering current I/P
• 1 to 4 tripping channels
depending on the number of circuit-breaker tripping coils and
whether redundance is required or not
• 1 signalling channel 'Ground fault'
• 2 signalling I/Ps
The start-up scheme requires:
• 1 100 V voltage I/P
• 1 or 2 tripping channels for the excitation switch
• 1 signalling channel 'Start-up ground fault'
• 1 signalling I/P 'Generator CB closed'

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.6.10. Protection sensitivity

For a ground fault at the generator terminals, a real power current of
20 A results in a voltage of approximately 80 V, respectively 100 V at
the input of the RE.216. The lower of the two voltages takes the
voltage drops of three single-phase VTs into account. A current of 4 A
and a voltage of 16 V are produced by a ground fault at 20 % of the
winding from the start-point. The current at the input of the RE.216 in
the case of a core-balance CT with a ratio of 100/1 A is 0.04 A, which
corresponds to a power of 0.64 W at 16 V. This is detected by the
power function with a setting of 0.5 % or 0.5 W at URN = 100 V and IRN
= 1 A.

Ground fault detector

Busbar ground fault signal

Discriminative ground fault protection

Generator ground fault signal

Start-up ground fault protection

Start-up ground fault signal


Fig. 4.17 Discriminative ground fault and start-up schemes for a

generator feeder

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 4.18 Operation of the ground fault protection for a fault

a) on the busbar
b) on a feeder

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


U> 2

P> 6 7 8
U> 9



HEST 965039 FL


1 VT at the generator neutral
2 start-up protection voltage relay
3 3 neutral CTs for measuring the ground fault current
4 power relay for the generator ground fault protection scheme
5 grounding transformer
6 ground resistor Re for the generator ground fault protection scheme
7 transient voltage damping resistor Rp
8 intermediate VT
9 voltage relay for the busbar ground fault protection

Fig. 4.19 Three-phase circuit diagram of the protection and

associated vector diagram

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.7. 100 % stator and rotor ground fault protection

Stator ground fault protection
The ground fault protection of the entire stator winding comprises a
95 % scheme and a 100 % scheme (see Fig. 4.20). The zones of the
two schemes overlap in the stator windings. Ground faults in the region
of the generator terminals are detected primarily by the 95 % stator
ground fault scheme. Ground faults near the star-point, on the other
hand, can only be detected by the 100 % stator ground fault scheme.
The RE.216 functions required for the two schemes are
• a ‘Voltage’ function for the 95 % stator ground fault protection
• the 'Stator-EFP' for the star-point zone protection.
The 95 % scheme uses the generator voltage and detects a ground
fault on the basis of the displacement of the star-point voltage it
The 100 % star-point scheme injects a voltage to permanently displace
the star-point voltage. The injection voltage has an impulse waveform
with an amplitude of about 100 V and a frequency of 12.5 or 15 Hz. It
is provided by an injection unit Type REX010 and an injection
transformer block REX011. The scheme measures the ground fault
leakage resistance.
The 100 % star-point scheme injects a voltage to permanently bias the
star-point. The injection voltage has an impulse waveform with an am-
plitude of about 100 V and a frequency of 12.5 or 15 Hz. It is provided
by an injection unit Type REX010 and an injection transformer unit
REX011. The scheme measures the ground fault leakage resistance.
The sensitivities of the two schemes can be set in the case of the
• 95 % scheme by the pick-up voltage (typically 5 V)
• for star-point protection by settings for the ground fault resistance
(typically 5 kΩ for alarm and 500 Ω for tripping)
The zone of the 100 % scheme depends on the maximum zero-
sequence current at fundamental frequency flowing at the star-point.
This occurs for a fault at the generator terminals. The low-frequency
injection voltage is switched off when the zero-sequence current
component at power system frequency exceeds 5 A. For a current of
IE max = 20 A, the pick-up current of 5 A is reached for a ground fault at
25 % of the winding from the star-point. It is of advantage to limit the
ground fault current to IE max ≤ 5 A so that the zone of the 100 %
scheme extends over the whole stator winding.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

unit REX011

REX010 RE.216

Fig. 4.20 100% stator and rotor ground fault protection

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Rotor ground fault protection

The rotor ground fault protection injects a voltage with an amplitude of
50 V and a frequency of 12.5 or 15 Hz to permanently off-set the
potential of the rotor circuit in relation to ground. The scheme signals a
ground fault when the leakage resistance of the rotor circuit falls below
the value set on the protection.
The injection voltage of 50 V is supplied by the same injection unit
Type REX010 and injection transformer block Type REX011 as are
used for the stator ground fault scheme.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.8. Distance protection

4.8.1. Starters Operation of the starters
The RE.216 is equipped with either overcurrent or underimpedance
starters. The setting of the parameter 'StartMode' determines which of
the two is in operation.
A starter must pick up at least twice before its signal is processed
(for phase selection, starting timers, signalling etc.). Should a starter
pick up only sporadically, only the backwards measuring system and
ancillary functions such as displaying measurements etc. are enabled.
Starting signals do not reset unless all the starters have reset. Overcurrent starters (I>)
The variables at the I/Ps of the overcurrent starters are the phase
currents IR, IS and IT and the residual current IE (3I0), respectively the
neutral voltage UE (3U0). Initially, a logic determines Imax, i.e. the
highest of the three phase currents IR, IS and IT.
If the value of Imax exceeds the setting of the parameter 'Istart'
(overcurrent starters), each of the phase currents Iph is checked to
determine whether it exceeds the setting of the parameter 'Imin'
(current enable) and also 80 % of Imax. In the case of the residual
current, the corresponding values are the setting of the parameter
'3I0min' and 25 % of Imax.
In the case of the ground current IE, it is checked whether it exceeds
the setting of the parameter '3I0min' and also 25 % of Imax.
Depending on the setting of the parameter 'Earth fault detector' (I0, I0
AND U0, I0 OR U0), it is checked at the same time whether the
residual voltage has exceeded the setting of the parameter '3U0min'
(neutral voltage enable).
The logic signals R, S, T and E are accordingly changed from logical
'0' to logical '1' or remain at logical '0'. The kind of fault and the phases
involved are thus determined, information which is needed for
• phase selection (determination of the loop to be measured)
• signalling the kind of fault (signalling relays, LEDs etc.)
• enabling signals for single or three-phase tripping
• starting the timers for the measuring zones
The starting signals R, S, T and E do not reset until measurement has
taken place and the impedances of all six loops lie outside the back-up
impedance zone. (If only the overcurrent starters are in operation,
there is no underimpedance starting characteristic and relay response
is determined by the setting of the overcurrent starter 'Istart'.)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd



I max = highest
value of

I max > I start

(Iph > Imin) N

(Iph > 0.8 I max)

set log.
signal "ph" (R, S, T)

N all
phase currents

[(IE ≥ 3I0 min)

AND (IE ≥ 0.25 Imax)]
(UE ≥ 3U0 min)

set log.
signal "E"

HEST 955038 FL

Fig. 4.21 Overcurrent starters (I>)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Underimpedance starters (Z<) up to the first pick-up

The variables at the I/Ps of the underimpedance starters are the phase
currents IR, IS and IT and the residual current IE (3I0) and the phase-to-
neutral voltages UR, US, UT and the neutral voltage UE (3U0).




[(IE ≥ 3I0min) N
AND (IE ≥ 0.25 Imax)]
(UE ≥ 3U0 min)

(Iph1 ≥ Imin) N
Iph ≥ Imin AND
(Iph2 ≥ Imin)


U ph Uph1 - Uph2
Z= Z=
2 x Iph Iph1 - Iph2

Z < Z Start Z < Z Start


set temp. set temp.

signals "ph, "E" signals "ph1", "ph2"

N all N all
ph-0 loops ph-ph loops


Loop = Selectivity
phase selection conditions

Uph Uph1-Uph2 set

Z= or Z=
Iph + 1 x IE Iph1 - Iph2 log. signals

Z < Z Start

log. signals =
temp. signals

HEST 955037 C

Fig. 4.22 Underimpedance starters

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Depending on the setting of the parameter 'Earth fault detector' (I0, I0

AND U0, I0 OR U0), the function determines initially whether one or
both of the E/F criteria is fulfilled, i.e. whether the residual current IE
exceeds the setting of the parameter '3I0min' and/or the residual
voltage UE the setting of the parameter '3U0min'. Should this be the
case, the three phase-to-ground loops are measured first, otherwise
just the three phase-to-phase loops.

The three phase-to-ground loops are processed as follows:

If Iph (IR, IS or IT) is greater than 'Imin', the corresponding loops are
enabled and the loop impedances calculated as follows:
ZR = (uncompensated)
ZS = (uncompensated)
ZT = (uncompensated)
All uncompensated impedances ZR, ZS and ZT are compared with the
starting characteristic and temporarily set the logical signals ‘Ph’ and
‘E’ (no display). An impedance loop is selected (see Section
on the basis of these signals (loop = selected phase).

If the loop is a phase-to-neutral one, the impedance is compensated

by k0 = 1 for calculation:
UPh − 0 UR
ZPh − 0 = e.g. ZR =
IPh − 0 + k 0 ⋅ IE IR + k 0 ⋅ IE

If the loop is a phase-to-phase one, the impedance is calculated

using phase-to-phase quantities:

UPh − Ph UR − US
ZPh − Ph = e.g. ZRS =
IPh − Ph IR − IS
If the impedance (Z) calculated for the loop determined by the phase
selection logic lies within the underimpedance starting characteristic
(Zstart), the loop is used for measurement.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The logical signals are needed for

• signalling the kind of fault (signalling relays, LEDs etc.)
• enabling signals for tripping
• starting the timers for the measuring zones

The three phase-to-phase loops are processed as follows:

Providing Iph1 and Iph2 (IR and IS, IS and IT, or IT and IR) are higher
than 'Imin', the corresponding loops are enabled and the impedances
are calculated as follows:
US − U T
Z ST =

Z TR =
Comparison of the three starting impedances eliminates the healthy
loops (discrimination condition).
If just one of the loop impedances lies within the underimpedance
starting characteristic (Zstart), only the signals (R and S), or (S and T),
or (T and R) would be set to logical '1'.
If more than one of the loop impedances lie within the under-
impedance starting characteristic, the signals R and S and T are set to
logical '1'.
The kind of fault is thus determined, whereby the information is
needed for
• phase selection (determination of the loop to be measured)
• signalling the kind of fault (remote signalling relays, frontplate
LEDs etc.)
• enabling signals for single or three-phase tripping
• starting the timers for the measuring zones

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Underimpedance starting and definitive zone characteristic



RB -RLoad AngleLoad RLoad RA

XB HEST 935 049 C

Fig. 4.23 Underimpedance starting and definitive zone


ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Phase selection

The phase selection logic determines the loop
• for the underimpedance starting measurement when an ground
fault has been detected
• to be measured in the first period (max. 20 ms) after starting
• to be measured during the function pick-up state when a ground
fault has been detected in a ungrounded system or system with
Petersen coils (phase selection ≠ solidly grounded).
In a solidly grounded system (parameter 'PhaseSelMode' set to 'solid
gr.'), the loop to be measured is determined according to the following

Starters Loop measured

Phase-to-phase fault R,S RS
Phase-to-phase fault S,T ST
Phase-to-phase fault T,R TR
Phase-to-phase-to-ground fault R,S,E RS
Phase-to-phase-to-ground fault S,T,E ST
Phase-to-phase-to-ground fault T,R,E TR
Three-phase fault R,S,T TR (RS) (ST)

In a solidly grounded system, both phases involved in a phase-to-

phase-to-ground fault have to be tripped, which is not the case in
ungrounded systems or a systems with Petersen coils. The phase-to-
phase loops are measured.
In ungrounded systems or a systems with Petersen coils (parameter
'PhaseSelMode' set to cyclic/acyclic phase selection), the loop to be
measured is determined according to the following table:

Starters Loop measured

Phase-to-phase fault R,S RS
Phase-to-phase fault S,T ST
Phase-to-phase fault T,R TR
Three-phase fault R,S,T TR (RS) (ST)
Cross-country fault *) R,S,E according
Cross-country fault *) S,T,E to phase
Cross-country fault *) T,R,E selection logic
*) two E/F’s at different locations

In ungrounded systems or systems with Petersen coils, it is usual for

only one E/F of the two involved in a cross-country fault to be tripped,
so that as much of the system remains in operation as possible.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

This is achieved by arranging for all the distance relays on the system
to measure the same E/F loop and this is the purpose of the phase
selection function.
The logic of the phase selection function provides a choice of the
following sequences:

Starters Fault loop measure in relation to 'PhaseSelMode'

cycl. cycl. acycl. acycl. acycl. acycl. acycl. acycl.

RTSR cyclic (R before T, T before S, S before R) means, for example,

that for a cross-country fault T-R-E, R phase (the R-E loop) is
measured rather than T phase, for a cross-country fault S-T-E, T
phase (the T-E loop) rather than S phase and for a cross-country fault
R-S-E, S phase (the S-E loop) rather than R phase.
RTS acyclic (R before T before S) means, for example, that for a
cross-country fault T-R-E, R phase (the R-E loop) is measured rather
than T phase, for a cross-country fault S-T-E, T phase (the T-E loop)
rather than S phase and for a cross-country fault R-S-E, R phase (the
R-E loop) rather than S phase.

4.8.2. Measuring units Operation of the measuring units
The distance measurement of a fault is enabled after one of the two
starting functions, overcurrent or underimpedance, has picked up
Initially the fault loop determined by the phase selection function is
measured. This processing period I lasts until a trip is generated in
the undelayed stage or a maximum of one period of the system
At the latest after one period of the system frequency, all six
impedance loops are measured. During this processing period II,
alternately the three phase-to-ground loops and the three phase-to-
phase loops are measured.
By comparing all six measured impedances with one another the
healthy loops are eliminated (discrimination conditions).
The triggering of the timer controls the comparison of the measured
impedances with the polygon characteristic. Measurement during processing period I
Processing period I lasts from the instant a starter picks up until the
first tripping signal is generated, but is restricted to a maximum of one

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

period of the system frequency. The input variables are the sampled
analog and digitally filtered values converted to their vector
componentsof the phase currents IR, IS, IT, the residual current IE
(3I0), the residual current of any parallel circuit IEm (3I0m), the neutral
current IEm of any double-circuit line (3I0m) and the three phase
voltages UR, US and UT.
If the overcurrent starters are in operation and have picked up, the
phase selection function is performed and the loop to be measured
determined. Should this not be the case, the loop determined by the
underimpedance starters is measured.
The impedance of a phase-to-ground loop, e.g. R-E is calculated
using the equation:
ZR = (compensated)
IR + k 0 × IE + k 0m × IEm
k0 zero-sequence compensation factor for Z0
k 0 = (Z0 − Z1 ) 3Z1
k0m zero-sequence compensation factor for the mutual impedance
Z0m of double-circuit line
k 0m = Z0m 3Z1

The mutual zero-sequence impedance of a double-circuit line

(k0m × IEm) is only compensated for the 1st, 2nd and overreaching
zones, and in the latter two cases, only if their direction of measure-
ment is the same as that of the 1st zone. In this respect, a reverse
measuring zone is treated in the same manner as an overreaching
The mutual zero-sequence impedance (k0m × IEm) is not com-
pensated, should IEm exceed 1,25 × IE or the direction of IEm not be
the same as that of IE. This prevents a 'healthy' parallel circuit from
being adversely influenced by a fault relatively close to the relay
location of the faulted circuit.
Assuming a fault between R and S, the impedance of the phase-to-
phase loop is calculated using the equation:
It is determined almost simultaneously, whether the impedance
measured lies within the characteristic and whether it is in the direction
of the 1st zone and overreaching zone, or in the direction of the
reverse measuring zone. The corresponding tripping and other signals
are processed by the system logic. Tripping of the circuit-breaker,
however, only takes place after a measuring unit has operated

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd





Overcurrent N

Loop =
phase selection

Z calculation
(ph-0 compensated)

Z Start , Z 1-4 , (Z OR ),
Z Back , direction


fault location,

t > 1 periode
the timers

Change to
Change to periode II
periode II

HEST 955035 FL

Fig. 4.24 Processing period I

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Measurement during processing period II

Processing period II commences after the first tripping signal or at the
latest one period of the system frequency after a starter picks up. The
variables measured are the same as those already processed during
processing period I.
Only in the case of a cross-country fault in an ungrounded system or
system with Petersen coils is measurement restricted during
processing period II to just the impedance loop determined by the
phase selection logic.
Otherwise all the phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase impedance
loops are continuously processed in sequence, providing the release
and ground fault critieria are fulfilled.
The equations used to calculated the loop impedances are the same
as those in the preceding section.
It is then determined whether the impedance measured lies within the
characteristic and whether it is in the direction of the zone being
measured. The overreaching zone and reverse measuring zone are
evaluated as part of the measurement of the 1st zone. The
corresponding tripping and other signals are processed by the system
logic. Tripping of the circuit-breaker, however, only takes place
after a measuring unit has operated twice.

Displaying impedance and fault distance

The impedance and fault distance only appear in the even list after a
further measurement has tripped unless
• the measuring loop, i.e. the phase selection, has changed.
• the impedance is measured to be outside the characteristic.
• tripping was initiated by the reverse measuring zone, the
overreaching zone or the switch-onto-fault (SOTF) logic.
In the above cases, the impedance and fault distance stored by the
preceding measurement (which produced tripping) is displayed.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd



I >, Z < Starting

solidly grounded N
Phase selection
AND (I> starting

6 Z calculations N
(ph-0 compensated) ph-E

ph-0 Z-calculation 3 ph-ph Z-calculation

Z Start , Z 1-4 , (ZOR ),

Z Back , direction




fault location

Stoping the

HEST 955036 C

Fig. 4.25 Processing period II

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Directional decision

Before deciding the direction of a fault, the fault voltage (used as
reference voltage) is checked to determine whether it is higher than
the setting of the parameter 'UminFault' (minimum fault voltage).
Providing this is the case, the phase-angle of the impedance, i.e.
between fault current and voltage, is determined:
arg Z = arg
arg Z = arg U - arg I
arg: argument of the complex number (angle)
U: fault voltage
U = UR (phase-to-ground loop, e.g. R-E)
U = UR-US (phase-to-phase loop, e.g. R-S)
I: fault current
I = IR + IE × k0 + IEm × k0m (phase-to-ground loop, e.g. R-E)
I = IR - IS (phase-to-phase loop, e.g. R-S)
arg Z must lie within the following limits for the fault to be designated a
'forwards fault':
-27° < arg Z < +117°
arg Z must lie within the following limits for the fault to be designated a
'reverse fault':
+153° < arg Z < -63°
Z is the impedance measured by the relay, which corresponds to the
line impedance ZL. By using the fault voltage as reference voltage for
determining direction, the measurement is independent of source
impedance (see following Section
If the fault voltage is less than the setting of the parameter 'UminFault'
(minimum fault voltage), the impedance is determined from the fault
current and a separate reference voltage:
arg Zref = arg = arg Uref - arg I
arg: argument of the complex number (angle)
Uref: reference voltage
Uref = [(US - UT) + 1/8 (USmem - UTmem)] × ∠27°
(phase-to-ground loop, e.g. R-E)
Uref = [(UT - UR) + 1/8 (UTmem - URmem)] × ∠180
(phase-to-phase loop, e.g. R-S)
I : fault current
I = IR + IE . k0 + IEm . k0m (phase-to-ground loop, e.g. R-E)
I = IR - IS (phase-to-phase loop, e.g. R-S)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The reference voltage Uref is derived from the phase voltages not
involved in the fault. In the case of a phase-to-phase loop, the
reference voltage also includes a proportion of the memory voltage
Umem. The duration of the memory voltage is limited to between 5 and
15 periods of the power system frequency, depending on the
discrepancy between the measured frequency and the rated power
system frequency, i.e. the memory voltage is used for 15 periods at
rated system frequency and for a proportionally reduced number of
periods as the frequency deviates from rated power system frequency.
As long as the reference voltage Uref is greater than 0.5% of rated
voltage, it is used to determine fault direction:
In this case, a 'forwards fault' satisfies the condition:
-90° < arg Zref < +90°
A 'reverse fault' satisfies the condition:
+90° < arg Zref < -90°
Zref is the impedance measured by the protection, which contains a
component of the source impedance ZS in addition to the line
impedance ZL. The operating characteristic has to be mathematically
transformed in order to make the influence of the source impedance
visible (see following Section
If the reference voltage is less than 0.5% of rated voltage, direction is
not taken into account for the phase-to-ground loop and tripping is
blocked. In the case of the phase-to-phase loops, tripping is either
enabled or blocked, depending on the setting of the parameter

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Construction of the measuring characteristic


7° / 14°



27° R


HEST 045 010 V

Fig. 4.26 Measuring characteristic using fault voltage as


7° / 14°





HEST 045 011 V

Fig. 4.27 Measuring characteristic using a healthy voltage as


RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd



-RRE -RR -R X/8


7° / 14°


HEST 045 012V

Fig. 4.28 Measuring characteristic for fault in the reverse direction

using a healthy voltage resp. memorized voltage as
reference α = 27° for Ph-E-fault, else 30°
ZS' is dependant on the fault type. With single infeed and
disregarding the memorized voltage for Ph-E an Ph-Ph-
fault the ZS' value is:
k +1
Ph-E-fault: Z S ' = − Z S × 0S
k0 + 1
Ph-Ph-fault: ZS ' = − × ZS ∠ − 30°
3-Ph-fault: ZS ' = − S
ZS: Source impedance
k0: Zero sequence current-compensation
factor of the feeder, parameter 'k0 (n)'
k0S: Zero sequence current-compensation
factor of the source

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.8.3. VT supervision
The purpose of the VT supervision function is to monitor the VT leads
with respect to asymmetrical short-circuits and open-circuits. An m.c.b.
can be included for three-phase VT short-circuits and arranged to
block the protection via a separate opto-coupler I/P.
The I/P variables monitored by the VT supervision function are the
three voltages UR, US, and UT and the three currents IR, IS, IT. The
zero-sequence (U0, I0) and negative-sequence (U2, I2) components
are calculated for both the three-phase voltage and three-phase
current systems.
3U0 = UR + US + UT
3U2 = UR + US . a2 + UT . a a = −0.5 + j = 1 / 120°
3I0 = IR + IS + IT
3I2 = IR + IS . a2 + IT . a

3I 0 > 0 I2 >0 3I0 = 0 I2 >0

3U 0 > 0 U2 > 0 3U0 > 0 U2 > 0

U0 and not I0 U2 and not I2




3I0 > 0 I2 >0

3U 0 > 0 U2 > 0

U 2 and not I2 HEST 915 021 FL

Fig. 4.29 VT supervision

The measurement has to be performed using the negative-sequence

component, whenever there is no source of residual current behind the

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

relay, i.e. no grounded transformer neutrals. The parameter

'VTSupMode' (operating mode) must be set accordingly.
The zero and/or negative-sequence components of currents and
voltages are compared with the settings of the parameters 'U0min
VTSup' [U0_VTSUP], 'I0min VTSup' [I0_VTSUP], 'U2min VTSup'
[U2_VTSUP] and “I2min VTSup' [I2_VTSUP] and the associated
binary signals U0, U2, I0 and I2 are then set to logical '1' or left at
logical '0'.
The signals U0 and U2 are delayed by 5 ms as a precaution against
incorrect blocking as a result of discrepancies between the operating
times of the three circuit-breaker poles.
Depending on the operating mode selected, one of the following four
conditions is monitored:
U0 × not I0 residual voltage, but no residual
U2 × not I2 NPS voltage, but no NPS current
(U0 × not I0) + (U2 × not I2) condition 1 or 2
U2 × not (I0 + I2) NPS voltage, but neither residual
current nor NPS current

Blocking by the VT supervision function is delayed for 12 s following

manual closing of the circuit-breaker, an external blocking signal
(m.c.b. via an opto-coupler I/P), a transfer tripping signal from the
opposite station or the generation of a local tripping signal.
Should U0 (or U2) and I0 (or I2) pick-up during this delay, operation of
the VT supervision function remains blocked until U0 (or U2) resets.
This measure prevents unwanted blocking during single-phase auto-
The signal generated by the VT supervision function ‘VTSupMode’
instantly blocks the distance protection function. Resetting the
parameter 'VTSupMode' [VTSUP_BLKDEL] enables the distance
function to be blocked after delay of 12 s.
From 12 s after the VT supervision circuit has picked up, resetting of
blocking is delayed by 1 s. Standard m.c.b’s can therefore be used,
providing their main contacts do not close before their auxiliary
Blocking by the VT supervision circuit resets the instant a fault with
zero and negative-sequence components occurs.
The parameter 'VTSupDebDel' [VTSUP_DEBDEL] (deblocking)
provides facility for setting the 1 s reset delay permanently regardless
of current.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The blocking signal issued by the VT supervision function does not

influence the back-up overcurrent function.

I 4
14 T

I 8
14 T

Fig. 4.30 Segment: VTSUP1

P_DRST >=1
INP3100 12000 T 5
Q >=1
P_I2_VTSUP >=1 4
INP30C3 22 T 7
Q >=1
BIT_VTSUP1_1 & 8
o &
9 10 OUT3076
BIT_VTSUP1_2 & >=1 11
o &
12 OUT3075

Fig. 4.31 Segment: VTSUP2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

INP3A15 1
I 2
12000 T TOFF
1000 T
P_I0_VTSUP >=1 6 7 OUT30B5
INP30C3 5 & >=1
P_I2_VTSUP o >=1
INP3A16 OUT3091

Fig. 4.32 Segment: VTSUP3

4.8.4. Back-up overcurrent function O/C

The distance protection function includes a definite time overcurrent
unit as back-up protection. A starting signal 'Start O/C' is set to logical
'1', when one or more of the currents IR, IS, and IT exceed the setting
of the parameter 'I O/C'. Following the adjustable time delay
'O/C delay', the tripping signal 'Trip O/C' is set to logical '1' and applied
to the system logic.
Blocking signals generated by the distance, underimpedance starting,
power swing blocking or VT supervision functions do not influence the
back-up overcurrent function.
The back-up overcurrent function is independent of the distance
protection starters and, since it does not have to perform any phase
selection, can therefore have a more sensitive setting.
4.8.5. System logic Structure of the system logic
The system logic processes the binary I/P signals from external plant
(opto-coupler I/Ps) and all the binary signals of the distance protection
The system logic is programmed using FUPLA (function block
programming language) and is divided into what are referred to as
segments, which are processed with a higher priority than, for
example, the auto-reclosure function.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN



Binary input data of the distance protection function and the Input/Output unit


Binary output data to perturbograph and the Input/Output unit












HEST 915 022 C

Fig. 4.33 System logic in the distance protection function

The O/Ps of the system logic are binary signals for controlling a fault
recorder, LED signals and auxiliary tripping and signalling relays. Enabling and blocking logic (SUPBL)
The logic of the VT supervision function (segment VTSUP) has already
been described in the relevant section. The segment SUPBL
coordinates all the external blocking signals distance protection
[EXTBL_DIST] (opto-coupler I/Ps), the power swing blocking function
[PS_BLOCK] and the VT supervision function [VT_BLOCK] and blocks
all the distance protection functions [DISTBL] with the exception of the
back-up overcurrent function.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

INP3100 100 T 2
Q >=1
OUT3091 3
12000 T

Fig. 4.34 Segment: SUPBL Switch-onto-fault logic (SOTF)

When a circuit-breaker is closed onto and existing three-phase fault
(e.g. forgotten earthing clamps), a three-phase trip is immediately
The fault detectors in this case are the non-directional starters
(overcurrent or underimpedance units) or optionally the overreaching
zone, but this is only used in the following special cases:
• power transformer with high inrush currents at the remote end of
the line. In such cases fault detection involving the distance
measuring units is safer.
• close faults with complete voltage collapse may possibly not
otherwise be detected, in which case the parameter 'MemDirMode'
has to be set to 'Trip'.
The switch-onto-fault logic can be activated and the switch-onto-fault
signal [SOTF] set to logical '1' by one of three possible criteria:
1) by an auxiliary contact of the CB control switch when closing the
CB (opto-coupler I/P 'Manual close' [MANCL_DIST])
2) by an auxiliary contact of the CB when opening the CB (opto-
coupler I/P 'Dead line' [DEADLINE])
3) by prolonged undervoltage ('U weak’) on all three phases and no
current enable which corresponds to a dead line [UWEAK_R,S,T].

Alternative 2) is used, if the VTs are connected to the busbars and

alternative 1) is not possible. The criteria of alternatives 2) and 3) may
only be recognised after either 200 ms or 10 s [SOTF_10S] (setting),
depending on whether the switch-onto-fault logic is required to operate
after auto-reclosure (200 ms) or not (10 s). For dead times longer than
10 s (autoreclosure function) there is the possibility of using the
blocking input 'Ext Blk SOTF'. This is a binary I/P which is interlocked
by [P_SOTF_INIT] via an AND gate (see Section

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Combining undervoltage and a missing current enable signal

[CREL_R, S, T] as in alternative 3) prevents mal-operation of the logic
after 200 ms, respectively 10 s, in cases of system faults with low fault
current contribution, which are detected in the higher distance zones.
Resetting of the signal 'SOTF' [START_SOTF] is delayed by 1 s, i.e.
every distance protection start within a time of 1 s after one of the
three switch-onto-fault criteria was fulfilled gives rise to three-phase
tripping [SOTF] of the circuit-breaker.

INP3036 1 5000 T
& Q BIT_UWEAK_5000
INP3031 4
P_CREL_T o >=1
INP3032 5
INP3A13 10000 T 9
Q >=1

7 8
o I
200 T
Q 10
INP3105 1000 T
11 OUT30B7
INP3053 OUT3073

Fig. 4.35 Segment: SOTF Short-zone logic (STUB)

In 1½ breaker schemes, the short zone between the two circuit-
breakers and the line isolator can be protected by the back-up
overcurrent function by permitting its instantaneous pick-up signal
[OC_RST] to trip the circuit-breakers [TRIP_STUB] after 25 ms
whenever the line isolator is open (signal applied to the opto-coupler
I/P 'Isol open').
This arrangement is only necessary, if the VTs are installed on the line
side of the isolator and the CTs are in the bars between the circuit-
INP3054 25 T

Fig. 4.36 Segment: STUB

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Zone extension logic (ZE)

This logic enables the reach of the distance measurement to be
switched from the underreaching first zone to overreaching
[BIT_TRIP_ZE] under the control of a signal from another function or
an external signal.
Such a signal can originate, for example, from the internal auto-
reclosure function (binary input 'ZExtensionAR' [AR_ZE]) or from an
opto-coupler input (binary input 'ZExtension' [ZE_FOR_DIST]).
The internal auto-reclosure function issues an overreach signal
[AR_ZE] when all the auto-reclosure conditions are fulfilled.

INP3111 2
P_AR_ZE & 4

Fig. 4.37 Segment: ZE Transient blocking logic (Transbl)

This logic is only used in conjunction with a permissive overreaching
transfer tripping scheme (POTT) or an overreaching blocking scheme
(BLOCK OR) on double-circuit lines with infeeds from both ends and a
high mutual zero-sequence impedance (both circuits on the same
pylons). A blocking scheme does not require this logic, providing the
waiting time is set sufficiently long.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The logic solves the following problem:

The problem (with POTT)

A1 B1
t=0 s:
Relays A1, B1 and B2
detect the fault
in the OR zone
and send a signal
to the opposite station.
Relay A2 detects
a backward fault.
A2 B2

A1 B1
t = sign.rec.: Relays A1, B1 and A2
receive a signal from
the opposite station.

A2 B2

A1 B1
t = CB open : CB A1 opens
before CB B1 opens.
Relay A2 detects the
fault in the OR zone,
but still receives
a signal from
the opposite station,
e.g. it trips and opens
A2 B2
the “healthy” line.

HEST 915 023 C

Fig. 4.38 Transient blocking

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The operation of the logic is as follows:

The solution (with POTT) Logic in relay A2

A1 B1 TBA T1

MEAS_BWD >=1 &


T2 100ms

A2 B2

A1 B1 TBA T1

MEAS_BWD >=1 &

t = sign.rec.

T2 100ms

A2 B2

A1 B1 TBA T1

MEAS_BWD >=1 &

t = CB open

T2 100ms

A2 B2

TBA = (Com Rec + Unblock) * Meas Oreach

TBE is active for at least T1.
TBE resets at latest after T2.
HEST 915 024 FL

Fig. 4.39 Transient blocking

The critical relay A2 cannot trip, because the reverse measurement

signal [MEAS_BWD] is maintained for at least T1 (parameter
't1TransBl') and resets at the latest after T2 (parameter 't2TransBl').
The purpose of T2 is to ensure that blocking is maintained should
auto-reclosure of the faulted circuit take place.
T1 allows time for the incorrect signal 'Com Rx' to reset. Its setting is
thus given by the reset time of relay B2 and the reset time of the
communication channel. The receiver signal must not be prolonged.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Tripping takes place instantaneously, if the tripping condition TBA is

still fulfilled after the time T1.
Tripping always causes the logic to be reset, after which it remains
inactive for 100 ms. The faulted circuit will therefore be immediately
tripped, for example, in the case of an unsuccessful auto-reclosure

PAR3860 Q o &
INP3067 4
PAR3880 Q >=1 6
OUT3071 100 T 8
Q o &

Fig. 4.40 Segment: TRANSBL Communication channel failure (Deblock)

This logic is only used in conjunction with a permissive underreaching
transfer tripping scheme (PUTT OR2) or a permissive overreaching
transfer tripping scheme (POTT).
The logic causes the communication channel failure signal from the
communication equipment (opto-coupler I/P ‘Com Fail’) to be inter-
preted for 100 ms as a receive signal. This enables tripping
[BIT_UNBL] to take place in PUTT OR2 or POTT schemes in cases
where the PLC receive signal is attenuated by the primary system fault
on the line.

INP3103 20 T 4
Q &
100 T

Fig. 4.41 Segment: DEBLOCK

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Permissive underreaching transfer tripping (PUTT)

The PUTT logic is divided into a receive logic (segment PUTTREC)
and a transmit logic (segment PUTSEND).
The O/P signals from the receive logic (PUTTREC) are transferred to
the transmit logic, while taking account of any weak infeed (Weak)
[UWEAK_R, S, T] and short-term enable signals due to
communication channel failure (Deblock) [BIT_UNBL].
The tripping criterion is thus available for evaluation in conjunction with
the underimpedance starting characteristic (PUTT NONDIR)
[PUTT_NONDIR], the starting characteristic in the forwards direction
(PUTT FWD) [PUTT_FWD] or the overreaching zone, respectively the
2nd. distance zone (PUTT OR2) [PUTT_OR2].
The O/P signals from the transmit logic (PUTTSEND) are passed on to
the common transmit logic for PUTT, POTT and BLOCK OR schemes.
The tripping (Trip) [TRIP_PUTT] and transmit (Tx) criteria
[SEND_PUTT] can be seen from the following diagram.

Delay (Def)

Meas Main
Delay (3)

Meas Main
Delay (2)

Com Rec

Weak Infeed Weak Infeed

Start R+S+T Start R+S+T
Meas Bward 0 sec Meas Main Meas Oreach Meas Fward


t = Delay (1) Trip = Meas Main

= 0 sec : Send = Meas Main
t = Com Rec : Trip (PUTT NONDIR) = Com Rec * (Start R+S+T + Weak)
Trip (PUTT FWD) = Com Rec * Meas Fward
Trip (PUTT OR2) = (Com Rec + Unblock) * Meas Oreach
Send = Meas Main

t = Delay (2) : Trip = Meas Main

Send = Meas Main

t = Delay (3) : Trip = Meas Main

Send = "0"

t = Delay (Def) : Trip = Start R+S+T (dir/nondir)

Send = "0"
HEST 915 025 FL


ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

INP3810 4
INP3050 2

INP3812 7
P_TH2 >=1
OUT3084 6

INP3102 8
& 11
100 T
Q o

20 T

INP3034 o

INP3035 o

INP3036 o
14 OUT3702

15 OUT3703

Fig. 4.43 Segment: PUTTREC

INP3812 2 OUT3721
P_TH3 o
INP3050 OUT3722

Fig. 4.44 Segment: PUTSEND

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Permissive overreaching transfer tripping (POTT)

The POTT logic is divided into a receive logic (segment POTTREC)
and a transmit logic (segment POTSEND).
The O/P signals from the receive logic (POTTREC) are transferred to
the transmit logic, while taking account of any weak infeed (Weak)
[UWEAK_R, S, T], short-term enable signals due to communication
channel failure (Deblock) [BIT_UNBL] and transient blocking (Transbl)
The O/P signals from the transmit logic (POTTSEND) are passed on to
the common transmit logic for PUTT, POTT and BLOCK OR schemes,
while taking account of the signal returned from the remote end of the
line in the case of a weak infeed (Echo).
The tripping (Trip) [TRIP_POTT] and transmit (Tx) criteria [SEND-
POTT] can be seen from the following diagram.

Delay (Def)

Meas Main
Delay (3)

Meas Main
Delay (2)

Com Rec

Weak Infeed Weak Infeed

Start R+S+T Start R+S+T
Meas Bward 0 sec Meas Main Meas Oreach Meas Fward


t = Delay (1) Trip = Meas Main

= 0 sec : Send = Meas Oreach * notTransbl

t = Com Rec : Trip = (Com Rec + Unblock) * Meas Oreach * notTransbl

Trip Weak = Com Rec * Weak * notMeas Bward * notMeas Oreach
Send = Meas Oreach * notTransbl
Send Echo = Com Rec * notMeas Bward
t = Delay (2) : Trip = Meas Main
Send = "0"

t = Delay (3) : Trip = Meas Main

Send = "0"

t = Delay (Def) : Trip = Start R+S+T (dir/nondir)

Send = "0"
HEST 915 026 FL

Fig. 4.45 POTT

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

INP3052 1
INP3102 8 OUT3707
P_TH2 >=1
OUT3084 3
INP3067 200 T 9
Q o &
INP3034 6
20 T
200 T
Q o
o &
o &
12 OUT3712
13 OUT3713

Fig. 4.46 Segment: POTTREC

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

INP3820 2 OUT3705
P_TH2 o >=1
3 o &
& o
INP3821 4
OUT3084 100 T
Q o
INP3102 6
INP3824 7
& 8
150 T 9
Q o &

Fig. 4.47 Segment: POTSEND Overreaching blocking scheme (BLOCK OR)

The BLOCK OR logic is divided into a receive logic (segment
BLOCREC) and a transmit logic (segment BLOSEND).
The O/P signals from the receive logic (BLOCREC) are transferred to
the transmit logic, while taking account of any transient blocking due to
reversal of energy direction (Transbl).
The O/P signals from the transmit logic are passed on to the common
transmit logic for PUTT, POTT and BLOCK OR schemes.
The tripping (Trip) and transmit (Tx) criteria can be seen from the
following diagram.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Delay (Def)

Meas Main
Delay (3)

Meas Main
Delay (2)

Com Rec

Weak Infeed Weak Infeed

Start R+S+T Start R+S+T
Meas Bward 0 sec Meas Main Meas Oreach Meas Fward


t = Delay (1) Trip = Meas Main

= 0 sec : Send = Meas Bward

t = t1Block : Trip = Meas Oreach * notComRec * notTransbl

Send = Meas Bward + Transbl
t = Delay (2) : Trip = Meas Main
Send = "0"
t = Delay (3) : Trip = Meas Main
Send = "0"

t = Delay (Def) : Trip = Start R+S+T (dir/nondir)

Send = "0"
HEST 915 027 FL

Fig. 4.48 BLOCK OR

PAR3840 Q &
INP3102 3
P_TH2 >=1
o &

Fig. 4.49 Segment: BLOCREC

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

INP3103 3 OUT3715
P_TH2 o
INP3052 2
INP3067 100 T 5
Q >=1

Fig. 4.50 Segment: BLOSEND PLC transmit logic (HFSEND)

The task of the transmit logic is to boost (Com Boost) the PLC
transmitter and transmit a signal (signalling relay O/P 'Com Send')
[HFSEND] to the opposite end of the line (signalling relay O/P 'Com
Boost') [HFBOOST].
General rules are:
The underreaching zone transmits the signal in a permissive
underreaching transfer tripping scheme (PUTT).
The overreaching zone transmits the signal in a permissive
overreaching transfer tripping scheme (POTT).
The reverse measuring zone transmits the blocking signal in an
overreaching blocking scheme (BLOCK OR).

OUT3715 3
2 &
OUT3077 4 OUT3081
P_UWEAK_R >=1 8
INP3034 &
INP3035 6
INP3036 5
2000 T 7
Q o >=1
INP3050 OUT3080

Fig. 4.51 Segment: HFSEND

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Tripping logic

The main purpose of the tripping logic is coordination of single and
three-phase tripping of the circuit-breaker (heavy-duty tripping relay
O/Ps). It also provides additional starting and tripping signals.
Single, respectively three-phase tripping is initiated when at least the
following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled:
• starter picked up, i.e. underimpedance start or overcurrent start or
undervoltage start (Weak) [UWEAK_R, S, T] from the POTT or
PUTT receive logic
• trip by the relays own measuring unit or by the back-up overcurrent
unit or by the short-zone logic or by the switch-onto-fault logic or by
the zone extension logic or from the PUTT, POTT or BLOCK OR
receive logic.
• no blocking signal is being generated by the enable and blocking
logic. (This signal cannot block tripping by the back-up overcurrent
unit or short-zone logic.)
Only single-phase tripping will take place when:
• the parameter '3PhTripMode' is set to '1PhTrip'
• the starter of just one phase has picked up
• none of the conditions for three-phase tripping is fulfilled.

Any one of the following conditions will result in three-phase tripping:

• The parameter '3PhTripMode' is set to 'Trip CB 3P'.
• The starters of more than one phase have picked up.
• The auto-reclosure function has instructed the distance function to
trip all three-phases.
• Either the back-up overcurrent function or the short-zone logic has
• operation of the switch-onto-fault logic
• A second trip occurs (e.g. evolving fault) during, for example, the
auto-reclosure dead time.
• The parameter '3PhTripMode' is set to 'Trip CB 3P/Delay 3' and
the zone 3 time has expired (auto-reclosure in the 2nd. zone as

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

OUT3711 4
3 &
OUT3712 5 7
& >=1



INP3054 9 OUT3070
& 15
OUT3072 10
PAR38C0 Q & 12
o I
4 T 14
Q >=1


Fig. 4.52 Segment: TRIP1

BIT_TRIP1_345 >=1
INP3112 1
P_TH3 &
INP3062 2
P_TH3P >=1
OUT3713 OUT30B4

Fig. 4.53 Segment: TRIP2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

P_SOTF >=1
OUT3073 2
INP3111 1
OUT3094 3
P_ZE_EN & 5
INP3050 Q

P_OC_D 7
INP3051 8 10 100 T
OUT3704 OUT3084
OUT3714 9
OUT3717 14
P_HF_OFF o &
BIT_R >=1

12 15
>=1 &

13 16
>=1 &
o & 19
OUT3077 I02 OUT3072
I03 O02 P_D3PH
I04 OUT3085
I05 O03 P_D1PH
INP31A1 O05 P_DR
O06 P_DS
O07 P_DT

Fig. 4.54 Segment: TRIP3

P_DR >=1
OUT30B2 2 OUT3072

o 6
o >=1

o &

o & 7
8 T

Fig. 4.55 Segment: TRIP4

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.8.6. Power swing blocking (PSB)

The power swing blocking function prevents unwanted tripping of the
distance protection function in response to power swing or loss of
synchronism. The power swing blocking function does not influence
the operation of the back-up overcurrent function.
When power swings occur, several electrical parameters vary at a
slower or faster rate in relation to the angle δ between the voltage
vectors of two interconnected parts of a network. In the case of a fault
on the other hand, step changes of these parameters take place. The
parameters, which independent of the location vary distinctly in the
general region around phase opposition (δ = 180°), are the resistance
R and the voltage component U × cos ϕ. The value of ϕ corresponds
to the angle between phase voltage and current.

E1 U E2


U )U×cosϕ

ϕ I
E1 E2

Independent of: -Relay location

-Relay characteristics
-Relay settings
HEST 915 028

Fig. 4.56 Power swing blocking

The voltage and current input variables are passed on to the

evaluation system. The criterion for pick-up of the power swing
blocking function is the continuous variation of (U . cos ϕ), which
corresponds to the variation of real power in relation to current
amplitude (P = I × U × cos ϕ). The value of (U × cos ϕ) is determined

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

after every zero-crossing of the current. A blocking signal is generated,

as soon as a repetitive variation of the value of (U × cos ϕ) is detected,
i.e. a variation must be detected at least three times to count as a
power swing.
Two periods are needed to detect the faster power swings up to a
frequency of 8 Hz. The power swing blocking function does not pick up
during a fault, because the variation of (U × cos ϕ) in relation to time
only occurs once and at a much higher rate than the function’s
operating range.
Slow swings are evaluated over five periods by a second system. At its
lowest operating limit, this system detects a frequency of 0.2 Hz.
Together the two systems cover a range from 0.2 to 8 Hz and no
setting is required during commissioning.
The blocking signal 'PSB' is maintained for as long as the distance
protection function is in the picked-up state. The power swing blocking
function is only effective for the symmetrical three-phase condition and
cannot block the distance function for asymmetrical faults (E/Fs and
phase-to-phase faults).
A blocking signal is not issued, if the zero-crossings of the current
signal occur at relatively irregular intervals, because considerable
differences between the zero-crossing intervals are a clear indication
of a fault on the power system. Phase jumps in the current wave form
occur at the incidence of a fault, as a consequence of incorrect
switching and when CT saturation takes place. Since the currents
during power swings are sinusoidal and do not contain a DC
component, it is permissible to assume that the problem of CT
saturation does not arise.
Zero-crossings resulting from the slip are in any event excluded by the
current enable setting of Imin.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.8.7. Signal designations and abbreviations

FUPLA name HMI name Signal description INT PAR CPU OPT OUT

3P Preparation of a three-phase trip x

AR_1POL-INP 1P recl. Single-phase reclosure by the auto-reclosure function x

AR_ZE ZExtensionAR Sig. from recl. function to switch distance function to overreach x

BLOCK_ON Overreaching blocking scheme selected x

BLOCK_OR BLOCK OR Overreaching blocking scheme x

CREL_E Start I0 Residual current enable, I0 criterion x x

CREL_R R phase current enable x

CREL_S S phase current enable x

CREL_T T phase current enable x

D Trip RST General trip signal before blocking gate from R, S or T phases x

D_RELEASE Any trip before phase selection x

D1PH Trip CB 1P Single-phase trip signal before blocking gate x

D3PH Trip CB 3P Three-phase trip signal before blocking gate x

DEADLINE1 Dead line Line isolator open; used when VTs on the busbars. x

DH Trip Com Trip via the communication channel x

DISTBL Dist blocked Tripping blocked x

DISTBL_OFF NoDistBlk HW_RDY missing therefore no RELAY_RDY x

DR Trip CB R Trip signal to R phase of CB x

DRST Trip CB General trip from R, S or T phase x

DS Trip CB S Trip signal to S phase of CB x

DT Trip CB T Trip signal to T phase of CB x

ECHO Echo Transmission of an echo sig. in a POTT scheme x

EXTBL_DIST Ext blk dist Distance function blocked by external signal x

EXTBL_PSB Ext blk PSB Power swing blocking blocked by external signal x

HF_ON A transfer tripping mode is selected. x

HFBOOST Com boost Signal to boost PLC power ready for transmission x

HFFAIL Com fail PLC channel failure x

HFREC Com Rx Signal received by PLC x

HFREC_EF (unused) x

HFSEND Com Tx PLC signal transmitted x

HW_RDY Hardware standing by x

I0_VTSUP VT supervision I0> setting exceeded. x

I2_VTSUP VT supervision I2> setting exceeded. x

ISOL_OPEN Isol open Line isolator open (only in conjunction with short-zone logic) x

M_OWN Relays own measurement, no transfer tripping involved. x

MANCL_DIST Manual close Signal from CB manual control switch x

MEAS_BWD Meas Bward Fault in the reverse direction x x

MEAS_MAIN Meas main Fault in zone 1, 2, 3, 4 or <Z (dir./non-dir.) acc. to sig. delay x x

MEAS_OR2 Meas Oreach Fault in the overreach zone or zone 2 x x

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

FUPLA name HMI name Signal description INT PAR CPU OPT OUT

OC_D Trip O/C General O/C trip x x

OC_RST Start O/C General O/C start x x

ONE_CHL (not used) x

POTT POTT Permissive overreaching transfer tripping x

POTT_ON POTT scheme selected x

PSBLOCK Power swing Power swing function blocking signal x x

PUTT_FWD PUTT FWD PUTT for forwards only x

PUTT_NONDIR PUTT NONDIR PUTT for the entire underimpedance characteristic x

PUTT_ON A PUTT scheme is selected x

PUTT_OR2 PUTT OR2 PUTT only for overreach zone or zone 2 x

R Starting or Uweak phase selection sig. for R phase x

RELAY_RDY Relay ready Relay standing by. x

RST Start RST General start with Uweak active x

S Starting or Uweak phase selection signal for S phase x

SEND_BLOCK Tx signal from BLOCK OR scheme x

SEND_POTT Tx signal from POTT scheme x

SEND_PUTT Tx signal from PUTT scheme x

SOTF Trip SOTF Switch-onto-fault condition fulfilled x

SOTF_10S SOTF10sec Switch-onto-fault condition fulfilled (after 10 s) x

SOTF_INIT Switch-onto-fault start x

ST1 Delay 1 Zone 1 time delay running x x

ST1FWD Zone 1 set for forwards measurement x

ST2 Delay 2 Zone 2 time delay running x x

ST2FWD Zone 2 set for forwards measurement x

ST3 Delay 3 Zone 3 time delay running x x

ST3FWD Zone 3 set for forwards measurement x

ST4 Delay 4 Zone 4 time delay running x x

ST4FWD Zone 4 set for forwards measurement x

START_ALL Start R+S+T General start with Uweak inactive x x

START_E Start E General E/F start with I0 and/or U0 x x

START_OC Start OC Overcurrent start x x

START_R Start R General start by R phase with Uweak inactive x x

START_S Start S General start by S phase with Uweak inactive x x

START_T Start T General start by T phase with Uweak inactive x x

START_U0 Start U0 Residual voltage start, U0 criterion x x

START_UZ Start UZ Underimpedance start x x

STDEF Delay def Lock-out timer running x x

STOR Overreach zone selected, i.e. T4<T2 x x

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

FUPLA name HMI name Signal description INT PAR CPU OPT OUT

T Starting or Uweak phase selection sig. for T phase x

T1_BLOCK t1Block Waiting time for HFREC, default 40 ms x

T1_TRANSBL t1TransBl Timer for monitoring the TBA signal, default 50 ms x

T1_TRIP t1EvolFaults Timer for detecting evolving faults, default 3000 ms x

T2_TRANSBL t2TransBl Max. duration of the TBE signal, default 3000 ms x

TBA_BLOCK BLOCK OR tripping condition fulfilled. x

TBA_POTT POTT tripping condition fulfilled. x

TBE Transient blocking logic selected. x

TH1 End of zone 1 time x

TH2 Delay >=2 End of zone 2 time x x

TH3 End of zone 3 time x

TH3P 3PhTripDel3 Three-phase trip after TH3 x

TH4 End of zone 4 time x

THDEF End of lock-out time x

THREE_PH_TRIP 3ph trip Always 3 phases tripped. x

TRANSBL TransBl Transient blocking logic x

TRIP_BLOCK Tripping signal from BLOCK OR scheme x

TRIP_POTT Tripping signal from PUTT scheme x

TRIP_PUTT Tripping signal from POTT scheme x

TRIP_STUB Trip Stub Tripping by short-zone logic x

TRIP_ZE Tripping by zone extension logic x

U0_VTSUP U0> setting exceeded. x

U2_VTSUP U2> setting exceeded. x

UNBL Deblocking selected. x

UNBLOCK Unblock PLC channel failure x

UWEAK_POTT 'General Uweak condition fulfilled' from POTT x

UWEAK_PUTT 'General Uweak condition fulfilled' from PUTT x

UWEAK_R Weak infeed in R phase x

UWEAK_S Weak infeed in S phase x

UWEAK_T Weak infeed in T phase x

UWEAKR_POTT 'Uweak condition fulfilled in R phase' from POTT x

UWEAKR_PUTT 'Uweak condition fulfilled in R phase' from PUTT x

UWEAKS_POTT 'Uweak condition fulfilled in S phase' from POTT x

UWEAKS_PUTT 'Uweak condition fulfilled in S phase' from PUTT x

UWEAKT_POTT 'Uweak condition fulfilled in T phase' from POTT x

UWEAKT_PUTT 'Uweak condition fulfilled in T phase' from PUTT x

UZ_FORWARD Meas. Fward Fault in forwards direction x x

VT_FAIL VTSup VT supervision operated x

VTFAIL_DLY VTSup Delay Delayed VT_FAIL signal x

VTFAIL_IU0 VT supervision using zero-sequence component x

VTFAIL_IU2 VT supervision using negative-sequence component x

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

FUPLA name HMI name Signal description INT PAR CPU OPT OUT

WEAK Weak POTT/PUTT phase selection by weak infeed logic x

WI Weak Infeed Weak infeed condition fulfilled x

ZE_FOR_DIST ZExtension Signal switching distance function to overreach x

INT: internal signal connecting two FUPLA segments

BIT_........ (not contained in the above table)
PAR: Parameter or mode which can be set.
PAR_B_...... (short-time element, TONB: delayed pick-up,
TOFFB: delayed reset)
PAR_W_...... (long-time element, TON: delayed pick-up,
TOFF: delayed reset)
FL_......... (Flag, Mode)
CPU: Main processor signal
OPT: Opto-coupler input
OUT: Signal output which can be assigned to an output relay, LED,
event recorder or disturbance recorder

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.9. Auto-reclosure
4.9.1. Logic segments
The auto-reclosure logic comprises the several FUPLA segments, the
block diagrams of which are shown below.
The relationship between the inputs and outputs and the designations
used for the HMI is given in Section 4.9.2.

P_MD1_EXT_1P_3P o
P_MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P o
P_MD1_EX_1P3P_1P3P o >=1
o 4
o >=1
o >=1
& 8

P_MD1_1P3P_1P3P BIT_MD_1P3P_1P3P

Fig. 4.57 MODE_1AR segment:

Selection of the mode for the first auto-reclosure cycle

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN



P_TRIP_3P o >=1

P_TRIP_2 &

P_TRIP_3P_2 o

P_TRIP_3 &
P_TRIP_3P_3 o >=1


P_AR_RUN o &
BIT_MD_1P_3P >=1



8 15
o & >=1

18 20
>=1 & 16
19 21 23 Out R
>=1 >=1 RSFF Q P_AR_3POL_OUT
o S


25 27
o & o &

24 26
>=1 RSFF
28 29 30
NPLS & &


o & 34
o I


Fig. 4.58 ARTRIP segment:

Starting and tripping inputs, determination of the auto-
reclosure mode, AR initiation and fault duration time

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

100 Tim 3
Q >=1

100 Tim 4
Q o &
P_AR_RUN o &
100 Tim 7
Q >=1

100 Tim 9
Q o & 16
o >=1
P_CL_CB >=1 11
50 Tim 12
Q o &



o &



P_MD1_EXT_1P_1P o

P_MD1_EXT_1P_3P o

P_MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P o 17
P_MD1_EX_1P3P_1P3P o I

Q >=1

o & 20
o >=1

P_AR1_ZE &
BIT_AR1 >=1

P_AR2_ZE &


P_AR3_ZE &

P_AR4_ZE &
P_4AR &

o &

29 30

31 32

Fig. 4.59 BLOCK segment:

Blocking and zone extension logic

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

1 2

Q2 P_2AR

Q3 P_3AR
Q4 P_4AR


P_AR_MD2 >=1

P_AR_MD4 o >=1




Q o &
R 14
Q o &

Q o >=1
Q &
P_EXT_T1_EN >=1

Q o &

Q o &

Q o &
Q o &
R 30
Q o & 32
In 34
Out >=1

33 35
o & TOFF

o &
o P_1AR_3P

Fig. 4.60 ARCOUNT segment:

Auto-reclosure attempt counter

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

P_AR_RUN >=1


5 6
o In 7
Out &

8 13
P_MDSCBYPS_1P & & 17
o &
BIT_AR1 >=1




>=1 16

Q o

1 In
o &

Fig. 4.61 CLOSE1 segment:

Close signal for the first circuit-breaker

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

P_AR_RUN >=1


5 6
o In 7
Out &

8 13
P_MDSCBYPS_1P & & 17
o &
BIT_AR1 >=1



P_CO_RDY2 15

>=1 16

Q o


o &


Fig. 4.62 CLOSE2 segment:

Close signal for the second circuit-breaker

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

300 Tim 2
Q & 5


4 7
NPLS o &
In 6
Out &



o & 9
o S

S 11
40 Tim 12
Q &

Fig. 4.63 SUCCES1 segment:

Close supervision for the first circuit-breaker

300 Tim 2
Q & 5

4 7
NPLS o &
In 6
Out &

o & 9
o S


  Fig. 4.64 SUCCES2 segment:

Close supervision for the second circuit-breaker

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN



Q &
R 5
Q >=1








12 15
500 Tim
14 18
22 500 Tim
19 o & 23 Q P_DEF_TRP
& 21 >=1

20 24
o &


o &

Fig. 4.65 DEFTRIP segment:

Master/follower and duplex logic and definitive TRIP

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

4.9.2. Signal designations

The relationship between the designations of the FUPLA input and
output signals and the parameter designations used in the HMI can be
seen from the following tables. The tables do not show the
connections between the various segments.

Timer settings

FUPLA signal name HMI designation HMI setting

TMSEC_BLCK_T t AR Block 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_CL_T t Close 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_DEADT1_1P t Dead1 1P 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_DEADT1_3P t Dead1 3P 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_DEADT1_EXT t Dead1 Ext 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_DEADT2 t Dead2 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_DEADT3 t Dead3 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_DEADT4 t Dead4 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_DISCRT_1P t Discrim. 1P 0.10 … 300
TMSEC_DISCRT_3P t Discrim. 3P 0.10 … 300
TMSEC_INHIB_T t Inhibit 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_OPERT t Oper 0.05 … 300
TMSEC_TIME_OUT t Timeout 0.05 … 300

Binary inputs

FUPLA signal name HMI designation HMI setting

P_AR_MD2 2..4WE Modus 2 AR
P_AR_MD3 2..4WE Modus 3 AR
P_AR_MD4 2..4WE Modus 4 AR
P_AR_START Start -
P_AR_START_2 Start 2 -
P_AR_START_3 Start 3 -
P_AR_ZEMD ZE Prefault On
P_AR1_ZE ZE 1. AR On
P_AR2_ZE ZE 2. AR On
P_AR3_ZE ZE 3. AR On
P_AR4_ZE ZE 4. AR On
P_CB_OP CB Open -
P_CB2_OP CB2 Open -
P_CB2_PRIORITY CB2 Priority -

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

FUPLA signal name HMI designation HMI setting

P_CO_RDY CO Ready -
P_CO_RDY2 CO Ready 2 -
P_DEADL Dead line -
P_DEADL2 Dead line 2 -
P_EXT_T1_EN Extend t1 -
P_EXTBL_AR Ext. Blk. AR -
P_INH_IN Inhibit Inp. -
P_MANCL_AR Manual Close -
P_MAST_DEL MasterDelay -
P_MAST_MDE Master mode On
P_MAST_NOSUC Mast.noSucc -
P_MD1_1P_1PAR 1. AR Mode 1. 1P-1P
P_MD1_1P_3PAR 1. AR Mode 1. 1P-3P
P_MD1_1P3P_3PAR 1. AR Mode 1. 1P3P-3P
P_MD1_1P3P_1P3P 1. AR Mode 1. 1P3P-1P3P
P_MD1_EXT 1. AR Mode Ext. selection
P_MD1_EXT_1P_1P MD1_EXT_1P_1P -
P_MD1_EXT_1P_3P MD1_EXT_1P_3P -
P_MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P MD1_EXT_1P3P_3P -
P_MD1_EX_1P3P_1P3P MD1_EX_1P3P_1P3P -
P_RDY_OCO CB Ready -
P_RDY_OCO2 CB2 Ready -
P_SYN_CK SynchroChck -
P_SYN_CK2 SynchroChck2 -
P_TRIP Trip CB -
P_TRIP_2 Trip CB2 -
P_TRIP_3 Trip CB3 -
P_TRIP_3P Trip CB 3P -
P_TRIP_3P_2 Trip CB2 3P -
P_TRIP_3P_3 Trip CB3 3P -

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Signal outputs

FUPLA signal name HMI designation

P_1AR_1P First AR 1P
P_1AR_3P First AR 3P
P_2AR Second AR
P_3AR Third AR
P_4AR Fourth AR
P_AR_3POL_OUT Trip 3-Pol.
P_AR_RUN AR in Prog
P_AR_ZEOUT ZExtension.
P_BLCK_TO_FLW Blk.toFlwr.
P_CL_CB Close CB
P_CL_CB2 Close CB2
P_DEF_TRP Def. Trip
P_DEL_FLW DelayFlwr.
P_INH_OUT Inhibit Outp

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.10. Breaker failure protection

4.10.1. Introduction
This function provides backup protection to clear a fault after being
enabled by the unit protection for the case that the circuit-breaker (CB)
should fail. It has to operate as quickly and reliably as possible
especially on EHV systems where stability is crucial.
To this end, current detectors continuously monitor the line currents
and if they do not reset after a preset time, which allows for the
operating times of the unit protection and the circuit-breaker, a tripping
command is issued to either attempt to trip the same circuit-breaker
again or trip the surrounding circuit-breakers.
Resetting of current detectors is influenced by the following factors:
• Even after the main CB contacts open, the current does not
immediately drop to zero, but to a level determined by the fault
resistance and the resistance of the arc across the open CB
contacts. The current only becomes zero after the de-ionisation
time of the CB arc.
• The pick-up setting of the detector.
• The fault level prior to operation of the CB.
• Whether the main CTs saturate. If a CT saturates, its secondary
current may not pass through zero at the same time as its primary
current and if the primary current is interrupted at zero, the CT flux
may be at some positive or negative value. The secondary current
therefore decays through the burdens of the relays thus increasing
the reset time.
The resetting time varies typically between 20 and 30 ms.
Since for the above application, the current detectors should reset as
quickly as possible, Fourier filter algorithms are included to minimise
the affect of CT saturation and eliminate completely or substantially
any DC offset.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The block diagram below shows the basic functions, which are
explained in the following sections.
I Current
Redundant Red Trip Lx
Start Lx logic

Trip t1 Lx
logic Retrip t1

Remote Trip
Remote logic

Backup Trip t2
Back up logic

EFP Bus Trip

End Fault
CB Off logic EFS Rem Trip

CB On Uncon Trip t2
Start Ext logic Uncon Trip t1

Ext Trip EFP

Ext Trip t1
Ext Trip t2 ≥1

Trip t1

Trip t2

HEST 005 045 C

Fig. 4.66 Block diagram

4.10.2. Three-phase/ single-phase mode

The function has three current detectors. When it is used in the three-
phase mode, each current detector measures the current in each of
the three phases.
In order to accommodate a fourth current detector measuring the
neutral current, this function has to be duplicated and the second
function set to the single-phase mode and the appropriate current pick-
up. The two functions then operate in parallel .
This arrangement also covers the two special cases of phase-to-
phase-to-ground and three-phase-to-ground faults.
4.10.3. Redundant trip
The ‘Redundant Trip’ logic performs phase-segregated direct tripping
of the same circuit-breaker without any intentional time delay, if the
Start inputs are active and the corresponding current detectors have
picked up. This ensures that the breaker receives a tripping command
in the event of a unit protection trip circuit failure, which would
otherwise cause a second attempt to trip the same breaker or backup
tripping of the surrounding breakers.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

4.10.4. Retrip
The unit protection issues a trip command and simultaneously starts
individual phases or all three phases of the breaker fail function.
A second attempt is made to trip the corresponding phase or phases
after the first time step (t1), providing the current detectors have not
The ‘Retrip’ logic can be disabled if not required.
Separate timers for each phase ensure correct operation during
evolving faults.
4.10.5. Backup trip
A second time step (t2) follows the first time step (t1) and initiates
backup tripping which is always of all three phases. If the first time
step is disabled, the second time step is started immediately, providing
the current detectors have activated by the starting signal from the
The backup trip logic trips all surrounding breakers feeding the fault.
4.10.6. Remote trip
The ‘Remote Trip’ logic trips the breaker at the remote end of the line.
Remote tripping can take place concurrently with the ‘Retrip’ or
‘Backup’ functions or not at all as desired.
In contrast to the other tripping commands which remain activate for a
given period after the initiating signal has reset, the remote tripping
signal is an impulse with a width which is adjustable irrespective of
when the starting signal from the protection resets.
4.10.7. Unconditional trip
This feature was introduced to respond to low-level faults with currents
too low for the current detectors to pick up or do not initially cause any
fault current at all such as mechanical protection devices like
Buchholz, etc.
The start input bypasses the current detectors and activates the time
steps if the breaker is in the closed position. In all other respects, this
logic is similar to the ‘Retrip’ and ‘Backup’ logics.
4.10.8. End Fault trip
While in the case of a fault between a circuit-breaker and a single set
of CTs, the circuit-breaker may not fail, the affect on the power system
and the action that has to be taken are the same as if the circuit-
breaker had failed.
Where there is only a single set of CTs on the busbar side of a circuit-
breaker, the zones of protection do not overlap and a fault between the
circuit-breaker and the CTs is seen as a line fault, although it belongs
to the busbar zone and persists after the circuit-breaker has been

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

tripped. The breaker failure protection’s ‘End Fault Trip’ logic ultimately
clears such faults at the end of the second time step.
This logic is enabled if the breaker is open and the current detectors
are still picked up, indicating a fault between the breaker and the CTs.
The speed of tripping is determined by the time delay setting.
Depending on whether the single set of CTs is on the line side or bus
side of the circuit-breaker, either the section of busbar or the circuit-
breaker at the remote end of the line is tripped.
4.10.9. External trip
This function has been included to make the breaker fail protection
more user-friendly and reduce the amount of systems engineering
required. It generates an instantaneous trip when either of the
following inputs is activated:
• The input connected to the second time steps of other breaker fail
protection devices in the station.
• The input connected to the end fault outputs of other breaker fail
protection devices in the station.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


5.1. Summary............................................................................................5-4

5.2. Installing and starting CAP2/316........................................................5-5

5.2.1. PC requirements ................................................................................5-5
5.2.2. Installing CAP2/316 ...........................................................................5-5
5.2.3. Starting the HMI .................................................................................5-8
5.2.4. Starting and stopping CAP2/316........................................................5-9 Operating modes of the configuration program CAP2/316 ................5-9 Starting CAP2/316 ...........................................................................5-10 Stopping CAP2/316 .........................................................................5-11

5.3. Operation .........................................................................................5-12

5.3.1. General ............................................................................................5-12
5.3.2. Screen display .................................................................................5-13 The status display ............................................................................5-13 Main menu items and icons .............................................................5-14

5.4. Step-by-step configuration of a device.............................................5-17

5.4.1. Short introduction.............................................................................5-17
5.4.2. Relay configuration ..........................................................................5-17 Binary input card 216DB61 ..............................................................5-18 Double indication .............................................................................5-19 Block Enable ....................................................................................5-20 Tripping relay outputs of the card 216DB61 ....................................5-21 Binary input card 216EB61 ..............................................................5-22 Double indication .............................................................................5-23 Filter time .........................................................................................5-24 Signaling output card 216AB61 .......................................................5-25 Signaling output card 216AC61 .......................................................5-26 Analog output card 216AC61...........................................................5-26 CT / VT input cards 216EA61 resp. 216EA62 .................................5-27
5.4.3. Station and bay name ......................................................................5-29
5.4.4. System Parameters .........................................................................5-29
5.4.5. Configuring binary outputs ...............................................................5-29 Signal relays ....................................................................................5-31 Event recording................................................................................5-32 Trip indication relays ........................................................................5-33 Signal to SCS (Substation Automation System) ..............................5-34 Signal to RBO (Remote input output system) ..................................5-35 Signal to ITL (Interlocking) ...............................................................5-36
5.4.6. Configuring binary inputs .................................................................5-37 TRUE / FALSE.................................................................................5-38 Inputs from the binary inputs............................................................5-39 Output from a protection function.....................................................5-40 Inputs from SCS (Substation automation system) ...........................5-41 Inputs from RBI (Remote input output system)................................5-42

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Inputs from ITL (Interlocking data) ...................................................5-43

5.4.7. Configuring protection functions ......................................................5-44 Protection functions in the library and active functions ....................5-44 Inserting a function...........................................................................5-45 Deleting a function ...........................................................................5-45 Copying a function ...........................................................................5-46 Configuring a function ......................................................................5-47
5.4.8. Listing the settings ...........................................................................5-50 Displaying the parameters ...............................................................5-50 Displaying the reference value of
analog and process measurements.................................................5-51
5.4.9. Saving and loading the configuration from a file ..............................5-52 Saving the configuration to a file......................................................5-52 Loading a saved configuration from a file ........................................5-52
5.4.10. Down-/uploading a configuration from the device............................5-52 Uploading a configuration from the device.......................................5-52 Downloading a configuration to the device ......................................5-54
5.4.11. Confirm Parameters.........................................................................5-55

5.5. Monitor menu ...................................................................................5-57

5.5.1. Event handling .................................................................................5-57 Displaying new events .....................................................................5-57 List of the events..............................................................................5-58 Clearing the event list ......................................................................5-59 Clearing latched outputs ..................................................................5-60
5.5.2. Processing of measurements ..........................................................5-60 Displaying A/D converter channels ..................................................5-61 Displaying the process measurement values ..................................5-61 Binary inputs, signal outputs, and trip relays ...................................5-63 Displaying remote analog or binary in-/outputs................................5-63 Displaying ITL in-/outputs ................................................................5-64 Displaying SCS outputs ...................................................................5-65 Displaying FUPLA signals................................................................5-65
5.5.3. Test function ....................................................................................5-67 Activating the protection functions ...................................................5-68 Activating trip outputs and signal outputs ........................................5-69 Activating the RBO outputs (Remote Binary Outputs) .....................5-70 Activating the analog outputs (remote output) .................................5-71 Event handling, measurement and diagnostic information ..............5-71 Parameter set switching...................................................................5-71 Toggling binary outputs....................................................................5-72 AC61 Analog output.........................................................................5-72
5.5.4. Diagnostics ......................................................................................5-73
5.5.5. Disturbance recorder .......................................................................5-75

5.6. Configuration of the CAP2/316 ........................................................5-76

5.6.1. Change language.............................................................................5-76
5.6.2. Changing the password ...................................................................5-77
5.6.3. Automatic deletion of the event list after a download.......................5-77
5.6.4. Downloading device firmware ..........................................................5-77
5.6.5. Configuration of the communications port .......................................5-78

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.7. Help menu........................................................................................5-79

5.7.1. User Manual.....................................................................................5-79
5.7.2. RIO580 / LON / MVB / IEC60870-5-103 User Manual.....................5-79
5.7.3. About CAP2/316 ..............................................................................5-79

5.8. Import / Export of data .....................................................................5-80

5.8.1. Importing files...................................................................................5-80 Loading MBA parameters (mbaXX.par)...........................................5-80 Loading RIO parameters (*.rio)........................................................5-80
5.8.2. Exporting files ..................................................................................5-81 SigTOOL (*.sig)................................................................................5-81 Saving RIO parameters (*.rio)..........................................................5-81

5.9. Operation with several sets of parameters ......................................5-82

5.9.1. Switching sets of parameters...........................................................5-82
5.9.2. Creating sets of parameters.............................................................5-83 Assigning a protection function to a set of parameters ....................5-83 Copying a protection function with its settings .................................5-83 Logics...............................................................................................5-84

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.1. Summary
The HMI program CAP2/316 has been designed to be largely self-
sufficient and requires a minimum of reference to the manual. This
approach achieves a number of advantages:
• The same program can be utilized for both the RE.216 and the
RE.316*4 devices.
• Functions can be selected from extremely user-friendly menus with
full screen displays and windows.
• “Pop-up” prompts wherever practical to guide the user and avoid
errors, see Section 6.4.
• Provision for creating, editing and checking parameter sets off-line,
i.e. without being connected to the protection device.
• Provision for reading or writing parameter sets from and to files.
• Self-explanatory texts using a minimum of mnemonic codes.
• Provision for the user to enter customized descriptions for
functions, inputs and outputs.
• The possibility to view and analyze event lists offline or online.
• Copy – Paste Windows functionality for configuration of comments.
• Call up of HELP with the “F1” key, for clarifications or aid to
problems - from help files stored in PDF format.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.2. Installing and starting CAP2/316

5.2.1. PC requirements
Processor i486 / 50 MHz or higher
Operating system Windows® XP / Windows® 2000/
Windows® NT 4.0
Hardware memory 128 MB
Free disk space 50 .. 500 MB
Interfaces 1 serial interface
USB with USB serial connector
PC Card with serial I/O converter
5.2.2. Installing CAP2/316

Start menu
Install the complete software packet on one disk.
Stop all other application programs and insert the installation CD into
the CD-ROM drive. The following start-up menu will pop up.

Fig. 5.1 Start menu of the installation CD

NOTE: Ensure that the latest installation instructions are available.

You are recommended to go through the Readme.txt, which is stored
in the installation CD.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Installation of the CAP2/316

1. Stop all user programs, and insert the installation CD into the CD-
ROM drive
2. The start menu will pop-up automatically.
In case this does not happen select 'Start' and 'Execute' buttons. In
the 'Open' menu and with the 'Search' button, change the drive to
the CD-ROM and executeCD-Start.exe
3. When the next window pops-up execute 'Start Install'
4. Follow the installation instructions as displayed on the screen
Language, License contract, Registration and the destination
5. Select the installation sequence:

Fig. 5.2 Selection menu for start of the installation

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

6. When 'Customize' is selected the possibilities shown in the figure

below are available:

Fig. 5.3 Installation components

It is important, that the selected option boxes are checked. The

description on the right side displays the required amount of
storage space.
7. Select 'Next' and follow the instructions.
8. Once all inputs are completed the installation will begin

NOTE: All available options are displayed. This includes existing

installed CAP2/316 versions. If the box corresponding to the installed
versions were inadvertently crossed, this would lead to the
deinstallation of that version.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.2.3. Starting the HMI

To start the HMI, click on the 'Start' icon at the bottom left hand corner
of your PC display, and select 'Program Files', 'ABB', 'RE..16', 'RE..16

Fig. 5.4 Window displayed on selection of RE..16 Selector

The selector searches all COM interfaces for a connected relay. If a

connected relay is found, then the corresponding CAP2/316 will be
started on-line, else the user can start one of the installed CAP2/316

Fig. 5.5 CAP2/316 off-line

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.2.4. Starting and stopping CAP2/316

On clicking on the 'Continue' button the HMI is started with the
selected parameters.

Fig. 5.6 Window on start of the CAP2/316 Operating modes of the configuration program CAP2/316

The configuration program can be started in three modes.
Offline: If no device is connected at the start of the CAP2/316, it
starts off-line. Even if a device is connected, the user can
choose to start in off-line mode.
In this case the device type has to be selected in the box –
'General Device'. Normally the RE.216 is pre-selected,
however, the RE.316 can be selected for configuring such a
device. See Section
Online If a device is connected then the CAP2/316 starts in the on-
line mode. One can switch from off-line to on-line mode (with
a connected device) by selecting 'Connect' from the
'Communication' menu. See Section
If the program is started with a connected device, then the software
automatically selects the correct device type.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Demo If at startup 'Demo' is selected in the 'Communication'

field, then a virtual device with predefined configuration
is simulated. This mode permits configuration changes,
however this does not have any effect on the event list
and the measurand values.
The demo mode enables familiarization with the
CAP2/316 without requiring a connected device. For
example, it is possible to display the event list and
measurand values of a predefined device.
Remote HMI This enables communication with the RE..16 using LON
or SPA protocol, or, via a modem.

Fig. 5.7 Selection of the device type Starting CAP2/316

As soon as the program starts select the mode of operation and the
device type, and click on the box 'Continue'.
Change from off-line to
Demo, or if a device is
connected , then from
on-line to off-line.
Select the device type

'Continue' starts the

configuration program

Fig. 5.8 Start the CAP2/316

The main program starts with the selected parameters, when

'Continue' is selected. If a device is connected, then at first all settings
are loaded into the main memory of the PC. This procedure lasts a
while. See Section 5.4.10.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The communication port number (1..4) and communication speed

(9600, 19200) can be selected by clicking on the button 'Setting'.
If accidentally the CAP2/316 is started without a connected device,
and then retroactively an appropriate device is connected, one can
execute 'Check on-line'. Thereby one has the possibility to switch to
the online mode without having to start the program once again. The
device type is selected automatically.

NOTE: If the configuration program has to operate in the 'Online'

mode with data exchange between the PC-HMI and the device, then
ensure that the serial data cable is connected. The connection is
established between the configured serial port of the HMI PCI and the
connector on the device front. The device must be switched on.
In the case of systems with two processor cards, it does not matter to
which processor card the PC is connected. However only one
interface can be utilized at a time.
If changing over the cable from one device to another, stop and
restart the CAP2/316 program, after the cable is re-connected.
If the device is not time synchronized via the IBB from the Substation
Control System, and if the device is so parameterized, then the
CAP2/316 acquires the PC clock time. Stopping CAP2/316

Similar to other Windows programs, stop the CAP2/316 from the pull-
down main menu 'File' 'Exit' or ALT-F4.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.3. Operation
5.3.1. General
The HMI can be in one of four modes:
• Menu: User can select a sub-menu item.
• Operation: User can enter data, e.g. parameter settings,
confirmation of prompts, password etc.
• Output: Display of measured variables, event lists etc.
• Wait: This can occur in any one of the above states, while
a function is being executed (menu is blocked, other
programs can still execute, Multitasking feature of
If a selection is made in the main menu or in the icon bar, a new
Window is opened. In this Window it is possible to select further sub-
menus. In order that a modification becomes effective, click on the
'OK' or 'Save to file' button. To discard changes click on the 'Cancel'

NOTE: If off-line changes are made and it is intended to load these

into the device, then these changes should be saved onto the disk,
before the connection to the device is established.
As soon as the device is connected the configuration in the device
is uploaded into the HMI (working memory).
The configuration or modifications made before, are thereby
overwritten. If the previously made modifications are to be saved to
the device, these must be read in into the HMI - after establishing
connection to the device - and then downloaded from the HMI to the
device. See Section
If from sub-menus further sub-menus are opened, then the changes
will become active and taken over as the actual configuration if it is
confirmed with 'OK' in the topmost sub-menu.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.3.2. Screen display The status display
The following information is displayed in the lowermost frame of the

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)
Fig. 5.9 Status Display

1) Help:
Information regarding the active menu item.
2) Software version of the CAP2/316
It is mandatory that this value corresponds to the version number
(x) in front of the dot and with the sub-version number (y) after the
dot. See item 3. below in the status line. (Example: x.yz; the
revision index is represented as a character (z)).
3) Software version of the device (CPU Firmware):
Provides information of the firmware-version of the device. To
guarantee an accurate communication between the device and the
PC, the firmware number of the device must correspond to the SW
version number of the CAP2/316 as described under point 2).
4) Provides information of the utilized communication protocol to the
substation automation system (SCS) resp. which type of firmware
is stored in the device:
'SPA', 'IEC870-5-103', 'LON' or 'MVB'.
5) Displays whether the configuration program is in the:
'Online', 'Offline', 'Demo' or 'Remote-HMI' mode of operation.
6) Displays the active parameter set:
'Parset (1…4) '.
7) Displays the configured communication port 'COM (1…4) '.
8) Displays the active interface to the device:
The data displays which port is connected to the PC:
'TC57' = Communication is via the Frontend
'SPA' = Communication is via the interface at the rear.
9) Displays the relay type:
’REC216’, ’REG216’, 'REC316*4', 'REG316*4', 'REL316*4', or

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Main menu items and icons

From the main menu list or the icons bar the user can activate the

Main menu
Icon header

Fig. 5.10 Main menu items and icons

Main menu:
File: • Open and save the settings,
open the event list
• Import MBA and RIO parameters,
Export from SIGTool and RIO parameters
• Printer configuration
• End the configuration (HMI) program

View: • Activate the toolbar or status bar

• View Edit parameters
• View the Reference values

Configuration: • Create the relay configuration, the protection

functions and the station and bay name
• The configuration menus can also be activated from
the icon bar.

Monitor: • Event list:

Display, or, print all the events in the device event list
memory, or, clear the memory.
Clear latched outputs.
• Measurements:
Display the variables of the protection system and the
process input values of the A/D converter.
• Test-Functions:
Test the protection function of the parameter sets
Checking of the LEDs, tripping and signaling relays.
• Diagnostics
All relevant information to analyze a fault.
• Disturbance recorder:
Upload the DR file, if configured.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Communication: • Connect or disconnect communication to the device.

Upload / download set files from / to the device. The
set files can also be cleared from the device.
• Configuration of the communication – only possible in
offline mode.

Options: • Set the language or change the password.

• Clear the event list after download of the set file.
• Download 'Firmware' to the processor

Help: • Select the operation manual or other HW / SW

specific manuals.
• Information about the license and SW version.

The above is valid for the 'Online' mode. In the 'Offline' mode it is
possible to use the following menu items i.e. 'File', 'View',
'Configuration', 'Help' and some of the sub-menus in 'Options' and

NOTE: The above mentioned menus, with the exception of

'Configuration', 'Options', 'Help', is meaningful only when the system
is in 'Online' mode with active communication to the device. All
displays are an exact replica of the data in the device.

Icon list
The icon bar is activated in the 'View' menu by selection 'Toolbar'. This
facilitates a fast selection of the configuration menus.

Create a new set file. If the currently open set file is not
saved, it will be lost!.

Save the current set file. If the set file in the PC memory has
to be saved under a different file name, use the 'Save as'
sub-menu in the menu 'File'.

Create the device configuration. The hardware related device

configuration such as AD Converter, Binary channels,
Tripping channels, Signaling channels and the Software key.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Configuration of the system (In- /Output) parameters: The

system parameters concern those that are independent of
the functions. The significance of the parameters is
explained in Section 5.4.4 and Section 3.4.5.

Configuration of the parameter for the InterBayBus: This is

required for connection to the control system e.g. LON, SPA,
MVB. The description of the parameterization is explained in
the respective documentation of the bus. Monitoring of the
IBB is possible in the pull down menu 'Monitor' –
'Diagnostics' – 'IBB Information' (see 'Help').

Configuration of the protection functions and selecting all

possible functions from the functions library.

Configuration of the PC COM interface

Communications port (COM 1...4) as well as the baud rate
(9’600, 19’200 baud). ABB recommends use of 9600 baud.

Call up the CAP2/316 short description.

When 'Help' is called up in the main menu, in addition to the
operating instructions, the complete description of the IBB is

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.4. Step-by-step configuration of a device

This section guides you step-by-step the items to be configured so that
the configuration can be successfully downloaded into the device.
Start the CAP2/316 (see Section
5.4.1. Short introduction
It is mandatory that the following sequence is followed for the
configuration of the device:
1) Configure the relay 5.4.2.
2) Configure the binary inputs / outputs,,
(comments and latching),,
3) Configure the AD converter (Sec. Nom value,
Reference value, Prim/Sec.-ratio,
4) Configure the station- and bay name 5.4.3
5) Configure system in- /outputs 5.4.4
6) Configure the protection function 5.4.7
7) Save the complete device configuration
8) Download the configuration to the device

5.4.2. Relay configuration

In order to configure the relay the following data must be available:
Configuration of the plug-in modules
Configuration of the analog inputs
Configuration of the binary inputs
Configuration of the signal outputs
Configuration of the tripping channels
These data are available in the project specific schemes.
The configuration-menu of the individual cards can be called up by
clicking on the edit button net to the specific card definition (see Fig.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

A typical configuration could be as shown below:

Fig. 5.11 Relay Configuration RE.216

Nominal Frequency Determination of the rated frequency 50 Hz or

60 Hz.
SWVers SX Two possible choices can be selected:
REG for generator protection application
REC for control application.
SWVers S.XXX For all applications this value should be set to
the value of 999.
Slot Nr. 4, 5 .... 21 Determines the type of the card in the slots
4 .... 21.

The SW Vers should always be set to the value of 999 .i.e. all
protection functions from the library are available for configuration.
A few other parameters and comments have to be configured as
described in the Section upto Binary input card 216DB61
Each binary input has a LED indication on the front of the card.
Depending on the system configuration, not all inputs have galvanic or
opto-coupler isolation.
On clicking on the 'Edit' button the following 216DB61 configuration
screen is displayed.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Binary inputs are not

Channel number displayed in the event list Comments of binary inputs

Fig. 5.12 Configuration window for the binary input events

The comments for the binary inputs can be configured in this window,
to be displayed in the event list. A check in the box next to the
comments suppresses display in the event list. Double indication

By clicking on the folder 'Double Indication' it is possible to define up to
30 double indications.
1st select double indication 2nd input is selected
channel automatically

Fig. 5.13 Configuration of 'Double indication'

When a double signal is configured, then a change of state of one of

two consecutive binary signals results in a display in the event list. On
configuring the first binary input the second consecutive binary input is
automatically configured as the second input of the double indication.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Double signals are needed to unequivocally determine the status

(position) of switchgears. For this purpose, the two signals detecting
the end positions of the switch are connected to two consecutive
inputs and form a 'double indication'. Double indications are presented
in a somewhat different form in the event list. Instead of 'on' or 'off', the
signals are listed as '0-0', '0-1', '1-0' or '1-1', whereby '0-1' means that
the switch is closed and '1-0' that it is open. The switch is moving
when the signals produce '0-0', while the combination '1-1' should not
occur at all in normal operation. Block Enable

The folder 'Block Enable' permits the definition of the position of the
jumper on the card if it is plugged in position X3 or X4.
Position of the jumper on the
input card.

Fig. 5.14 Configuration window for the 'Block Enable'

NOTE: With the jumper BR1 on the card 216BD61 the function
"ENABLE und BLOCK CH OUT", i.e. release and blocking of the
tripping outputs CHO01... CHO08 should be in operation or not can
be selected. The release and blocking is valid only for the 216DB61
card (see Section 2.4.5.).
In most cases the blocking functionality is not utilized, i.e. the jumper
is plugged into position X4 and in the 'Block Enable' folder 'X4
inactive' should be selected. The binary inputs 13,14, 15 and 16 are
used as normal inputs.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Tripping relay outputs of the card 216DB61

Each trip output has a LED indication on the front of the card.
Depending on the system configuration, not all tripping outputs are
connected to a relay.
A tripping output matrix can be created from the OUTPUT-command of
the various protection functions or by the combination of output
channels (see Section
Comments of the trip latched output
Latched tripping output in the output-matrix

Fig. 5.15 Configuration window of the 'Trip Out Latched'

The comments of the 'Trip Out Latched' serve the purpose of

documentation of this output. This is then displayed in the tripping
matrix of the function.
The 'Trip Out Latched' outputs can be reset when they are
acknowledged with the binary input 'ExtReset', from the local interface
(LDU), or from the CAP2/316 in the main menu 'Monitor' and sub-
menus 'Event Handling' 'Clear latched outputs' (see Section

NOTE: The 'OUTPUT' command of a function sets the 'General

Trip' combination signal only if the tripping matrix is configured and
the event recorder is parameterized.
An exception is the distance function, for which the 'General Trip'
combined OR signal is always set.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Binary input card 216EB61

Each binary input has a LED indication on the front of the card.
Depending on the system configuration, a relay or an opto-coupler is
not available for all inputs.
On clicking on the 'Edit' button the following 216EB61 configuration
screen is displayed.

Binary inputs are not

Channel number displayed in the event list Comments of binary

Fig. 5.16 Configuration window 'Binary inputs Events Off &


The comments for the binary inputs can be configured in this window,
to be displayed in the event list. A check in the box next to the
comments suppresses display in the event list.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Double indication

By clicking on the folder 'Double Indication' it is possible to define up to
30 double indications.
1st select double indication 2nd input is selected
channel automatically

Fig. 5.17 Configuration of 'Double indication'

When a double signal is configured, then a change of state of one of

two consecutive binary signals results in a display in the event list. On
configuring the first binary input the second consecutive binary input is
automatically configured as the second input of the double indication.
The parameter 'Runtime supervision' enables or disables the runtime
supervision for each double indication.
Double signals are needed to unequivocally determine the status
(position) of switchgears. For this purpose, the two signals detecting
the end positions of the switch are connected to two consecutive
inputs and form a 'double indication'. Double indications are presented
in a somewhat different form in the event list. Instead of 'on' or 'off', the
signals are listed as '0-0', '0-1', '1-0' or '1-1', whereby '0-1' means that
the switch is closed and '1-0' that it is open. The switch is moving
when the signals produce '0-0', while the combination '1-1' should not
occur at all in normal operation.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Filter time

On selecting the folder 'Filter Time' the following picture is displayed:

Selected filter time

Fig. 5.18 Configuration window 'Filter Time'

If a contact bounces the filter time prevents repeated on and off inputs
of the contact.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Signaling output card 216AB61

Each binary input has a LED indication on the front of the card.
Depending on the system configuration, not all signal channels have a
signaling relay.

Latched signal outputs Comments for the signal output

Fig. 5.19 Configuration window 'Signal Outputs'

The comments of the signal outputs document and provide a better

overview of the configuration of the device as supplemental
information for the signal in the event list.
Latched outputs can be reset when they are acknowledged with the
binary input 'ExtReset', or from the CAP2/316 in the main menu
'Monitor' and sub-menus 'Event Handling' 'Clear latched outputs' (see

NOTE: On the first 216AB61 card in a system the first channel is

automatically reserved for the signal 'Relay Ready' and the Channel 2
for the signal 'No Error'. The jumper on the card must be placed in
the position X4-X5.
For the other cards of the type 216AB61 in the same system the
jumper must be placed in the position X3-X4. The channels 1 and
2 of this card can be used as normal signaling outputs (see
Section 2.4.4.).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Signaling output card 216AC61

Each binary input has a LED indication on the front of the card.
Depending on the system configuration, not all signal channels have a
signaling relay.

Latched signal outputs Comments for the signal output

Fig. 5.20 Configuration window 'Signal Outputs'

The comments of the signal outputs document and provide a better

overview of the configuration of the device as supplemental
information for the signal in the event list.
Latched outputs can be reset when they are acknowledged with the
binary input 'ExtReset', or from the CAP2/316 in the main menu
'Monitor' and sub-menus 'Event Handling' 'Clear latched outputs' (see

NOTE: In case in the system there are no 216AB61 cards then the
first channel is automatically reserved for the signal 'Relay Ready' and
the Channel 2 for the signal 'No Error' (see Section 2.4.6.). Analog output card 216AC61

The card can convert analog measurements and output them as a
0...20 mA signal. The analog measurements are the analog outputs
from protection functions, analog signals from the SCS or analog
signals from the remote I/O system RIO580.
A description of the scaling is provided in Section 2.4.6.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Channel Source analog Scaling

Number measurement Minimum und Comments

Fig. 5.21 Configuration window 'Analog Outputs' CT / VT input cards 216EA61 resp. 216EA62

On clicking on the 'Edit' button next to the 216EA61 resp. 216EA62
card, the following window is displayed:

Fig. 5.22 Configuration of the CT / VT channels

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

In sub-menu 'Configuration 216EA61' the following parameters can be

configured which are described in detail in Section 3.4.2.
• Modify channel type:
Three phase converter can only be
selected for channels 1...3, 4...6 or

Fig. 5.23 Configuration channel type

• Prim/Sec ratio:
This value is required for the IEC60870-5-103-protocol, for the
display of the measurand values in the sub-menu 'Monitor' of the
'Main menu', and for the signal display in the evaluation program
'E_Wineve'. For three phase A/D converters this value is valid for
all three phases simultaneously.
• Sec.nom.val:
Configure the nominal rated value of the current and voltage
transformer. For three phase A/D converters this value is valid for
all three phases simultaneously.
• Ref. value:
With the reference value the relay nominal rated value can be
adapted to the primary equipment nominal value. For three phase
A / D converters this value is valid for all three phases
• Comments:
Comments up to 25 characters can be configured for each

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.4.3. Station and bay name

The station and bay name for a device
can be configured. This is displayed on
the topmost line of the CAP2/316 display,
along with the file name. Up to 12
characters can be used for each name.
This can be configured by selecting the
menu 'Configuration', 'Station Name_Bay

Fig. 5.24 Station and bay name configuration

5.4.4. System Parameters

Only the most important parameters, which are utilized as a standard
by ABB, are presented here.
For details regarding the system parameters see Section 3.4.6.
To access the system parameters select 'Configuration' and then
'System Parameters'.

General Trip = depending on the

configuration, configure an
appropriate signal output
Ext Reset = depending on the
application connect to an
external input, for resetting the
latched outputs.

Fig. 5.25 System parameter

5.4.5. Configuring binary outputs

A binary output can be configured with 'Edit' in the 'System
Parameters' menu or as an output of a protection function.
Two physical output sinks can be configured per source (e.g. output of
a function). The listing in the event recording 'ER', signal transmission
to the substation automation system 'SCS', signal to a remote I/O
'Remote Binary Output' (RBO), as also the 'Interlocking Data' signal to

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

ITL do not count as physical outputs. Therefore these can be used in

addition to both physical sinks (see Section The program
blocks an attempt to utilize more than two physical sinks.
Typical sources are
• Outputs from system parameters such as 'General Trip', 'General
Start' etc.
• Output from a protection function (e.g. 'Start Overcurrent')

Physical sinks are

• Signal relays
• Trip relays
Other sinks are:
• Event recorder / event list ER
• Signal transmission to the SCS (Substation Automation System),
RBO (Remote Binary Output), ITL (Interlocking data)

Source Sink Nr. 1

physical Sinks

Sink Nr. 2

Each 1x ER, SCS, RBO,


Fig. 5.26 Definition of the source binary outputs

NOTE: Use the trip matrix if more than two sinks are required.
Normally the trip matrix is utilized for trip signals. (see

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Signal relays

On selecting the 'Edit' button next to a source, and on selecting the
folder 'Signal Relays' the following window is displayed:
Slot selection Channel number for Allocation of the signaling
the signaling relays relays

Fig. 5.27 Signal relays

Comment text if defined for the inputs and outputs are displayed. A
check in the box enables the selection of the text. Select the second
slot to configure the signaling relays in this slot.
An allocated channel is shown as a grey block, and cannot be reused.
If the allocation is made for an output and confirmed with 'OK', then in
the box next to the 'Edit' button the following text will be displayed:
Sxyy: S = Signal relay
xx = Slot number (4 ... 21)
yy = Channel number (01 ... 32)
Example: S1203, (signal relay on 216AB61 in slot 12, channel 03)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

NOTE: The first and second channel of the first 216AB61 in the
system cannot be selected. Both these channels are automatically
reserved for the system messages 'Relay Ready' (Channel 1) and the
signal 'No Error' (Channel 2)
If a channel is already utilized, it is displayed in grey, and cannot be
selected Event recording

On selecting the 'Edit' button next to a source, and on selecting the
folder 'Event Recording' the following window is displayed:
Event recording On / Off

Fig. 5.28 Event recording

If the event recording is activated with 'On' and 'OK', then an 'ER' is
displayed in the field next to the 'Edit' button.

NOTE: The 'Start' message of a function sets the 'General Start'

message only if the 'Event Recording' is parameterized.
The distance function is an exception whereby the start signal
'Start R+S+T' is always displayed as an event and results in the
'General Start' combined signal.
In the case of the differential protection function, the 'Start' signal is
displayed in the 'General start' when the 'Event Recording' is

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

NOTE: A 'Start' command from a function sets the 'General Start'

message only if the trip matrix is configured and the 'Start' message is
parameterized in the 'Event Recording'.
The distance function is an exception whereby the 'General Start'
signal is always configured.

NOTE: A 'Start' measurement value from a function is displayed in

the event recorder only when the 'Start' message is parameterized in
the 'Event Recording'. Trip indication relays

On selecting the 'Edit' button next to a source, and on selecting the
folder 'Trip Relays' the following window is displayed:
Selection of slot Channel number Allocation of the trip relay
for the trip relay

Fig. 5.29 'Trip Relay' indication

The allocation of a source of a trip relay is similar to that of the

indication relay see Section

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Once the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the field next to the
'Edit' button will have the following text:
Cxyy: C = Trip relay
x = Slot number (4 ... 21)
yy = Channel number (01 ... 08)
Example: C1401, (trip channel 216DB61 in Slot 14, Channel 01)

NOTE: Trip Relays can also be utilized for Indication. In general the
Trip Relay is used for the Trip Matrix to activate the protection function
(see Fig. 5.44). It is possible to use an OR function for the trip and the
trip relay indication. Thereby the trip relay can be activated by an
indication output or from the tripping matrix. Signal to SCS (Substation Automation System)

On selecting the 'Edit' button next to a source, and on selecting the
folder 'Signal to SCS' the following window is displayed:
SCS group selection SCS data point Allocation of 'Signal to SCS'

Fig. 5.30 'Signal to SCS'

Select the group from which the signal is to sent to the SCS (Station
Control System = Substation automation system). The SCS groups
1c … 24c are used for transmitting short signals to the MVB
interbaybus (signal capturing).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

If a channel is already selected then it is displayed in grey and cannot

be allocated again.
Once the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the field next to the
'Edit' button will have the following text:
SCxxyy: SC = SCS signal
xx = number of the SCS group (1 ... 24)
yy = data point within a group (01 ... 32)
(*) = (c) signal capturing, ( ) no signal capturing
Example: SC304, (SCS group 3, data point 04) Signal to RBO (Remote input output system)

On selecting the 'Edit' button next to a source, and on selecting the
folder 'Signal to RBO' the following window is displayed:
RBO Group = Output relay within Allocation to 'Signal Utilized
module address the module to RBO' output

Fig. 5.31 'Signal to RBO'

To allocate a signal to a RBO (Remote Binary Output) select the

device (RBO-Grp xx).
If the channel has already been allocated, then it cannot be selected
once again, the field is displayed in gray.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Once the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the field next to the
'Edit' button will have the following text:
RBOxxyy: RBO = RBO signal
xx = module address (1 ... 80)
yy = output relay within a module (01 ... 16)
RBO102, (output module with the address 1, output relay 02) Signal to ITL (Interlocking)

On selecting the 'Edit' button next to a source, and on selecting the
folder 'Signal to ITL' the following window is displayed:
ITL Group Signal number Allocation of the Utilized Signal
Signal to ITL

Fig. 5.32 Signal to ITL

An interlocking telegram comprises 48 signals. These are grouped

in the ITL-Grp 1 the signals 1 to 16,
in the ITL-Grp 2 the signals 17 to 32 and
in the ITL-Grp 3 the signals 33 to 48.
Once the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the field next to the
'Edit' button will have the following text:
ITLxx: ITL = ITL signal
xx = signal number (1 ... 48).
Example: ITL2, (ITL signal 2)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.4.6. Configuring binary inputs

A binary input can be configured by selecting a pushbutton in the
'System Parameters' or in a protection function.

Click on the respective button

Fig. 5.33 Example: Configuration of a binary input

Each binary input can be allocated to many sinks. However one sink
can have only one source.
Typical sources are:
• Signal from SCS (Substation Automation System), RBI (Remote
Binary Input), ITL (Interlocking data)
• Output from a system parameter e.g. 'General Trip',
'General Start' etc. (similar to a protection function)
• Output of a protection function (e.g. 'Start Overcurrent')
• Predefined values (Always ON, Always OFF)
• Binary inputs acquired via Opto-coupler inputs

Typical sinks are:

• Input from a function (e.g. Blocking 'Under frequency' with 'Breaker
• Inputs from system parameters e.g. 'Ext Reset'

Source Sink Nr. 1

Sink Nr. 2

Sink Nr. xx

Fig. 5.34 Definition of source – sink binary inputs

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN TRUE / FALSE

By clicking on the selector button next to a source, and then selecting
the folder 'TRUE/FALSE' the following window is displayed:
Binary input 'Always FALSE'

Fig. 5.35 TRUE / FALSE

The binary input of a function can be set to ON (logical 1) or OFF

(logical 0). This allocation can be performed by clicking on the 'Edit'
button next to the binary input and selecting the 'TRUE/FALSE' folder.
Once the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the field next to the
'Edit' button will have the following text:
Always ON ('1') or
Always OFF ('0')

NOTE: The default value for all inputs is 'Always OFF'. If a particular
input is no longer used it should be set to 'Always OFF'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Inputs from the binary inputs

By clicking on the selector button next to a source, and then selecting
the folder 'Binary Inputs' the following window is displayed:
Selection of slot Input Allocation of Inversion input
channel- optocoupler channel signal

Fig. 5.36 Binary input

Each input to a function can be allocated to a normal or inverted

system binary input. The allocation is done in the folder of the
programmable binary input of a function. The allocation is done by
clicking on the button of the input of a function, and selecting the
desired channel number. By clicking on the 'Inv.' box the input to the
function will be inverted.
Comments if configured for this input will be displayed.
If the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the button next to the input
will display the following text:
(*) Slot x / y: (*) = (-) Inverted, ( ) normal input
x = Plug-in card / slot number of the 216DB61 resp.
y = Input channel number (1 .. 16 resp. 1 .. 32)
Cancel the channel selection by configuring the 'TRUE / FALSE' (see

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Output from a protection function

By clicking on the selector button next to a source, and then selecting
the folder 'Output from Function' the following window is displayed:
Select the function Allocation of the Inversion of the Signal
function output function output name

Fig. 5.37 Output from a protection function

Each function input can be allocated as normal or inverted to an output

of a protection function. The allocation is done in the folder of the
programmable binary input of a function. The allocation is done by
clicking on the button of the programmable input of a function. In the
menu 'Binary inputs' select the folder 'Output from function' and the
channel number. By clicking on the 'Inv.' box the input to the function
will be inverted and sent to the output.
Comments provides the association of the signal output to the function
(e.g. Trip, Start of function etc.)
If the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the button next to the input
will display the following text:
(*) f x y: (*) = (-) inverted, ( ) normal input
x = function number (0 ... 48) or IBB
y = signal name (Start, Trip ... )

Cancel the channel selection by configuring the 'TRUE / FALSE' (see


RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Inputs from SCS (Substation automation system)

By clicking on the selector button next to a source, and then selecting
the folder 'Inputs from SCS' the following window is displayed:
SCS group Signal input Allocation of the Inversion of input
selection channel number signal from SCS from function

Fig. 5.38 Input from SCS

Each function input can be allocated a normal or inverted input from

the SCS. The allocation is done in the folder of the programmable
binary input of a function. The allocation is done by clicking on the
button of the programmable input of a function. In the 'Select Binary
Input' window select the folder 'Input from SCS' select the 'SCS Grp
Nr.' and the channel number within this group. By clicking on the 'Inv.'
box the input will be inverted and transmitted to the input of the
If the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the button next to the input
will display the following text:
(*) SCS xx / yy: (*) = (-) inverted, ( ) normal input
xx = number of the SCS group (1 ... 24)
yy = channel number within a group (01 ... 32)
Cancel the channel selection by configuring the 'TRUE / FALSE' (see

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Inputs from RBI (Remote input output system)

By clicking on the selector button next to a source, and then selecting
the folder 'Inputs from RBI’s' (Remote Binary Input) the following
window is displayed:
RBI Group = Signal input Allocation of the Inversion of the
module channel number input from the RBI input to the Function

Fig. 5.39 Input from RBI

Each function input can be allocated a normal or inverted input from

the RBI. The allocation is in a manner similar to that for the SCS input
(see Section
If the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the button next to the input
will display the following text:

(*) RBI xx / yy: (*) = (-) inverted, ( ) normal input

xx = module address (1 ... 80)
yy = input number of the device (01 ... 19)
Cancel the channel selection by configuring the 'TRUE / FALSE' (see

NOTE: The inputs 17, 18 and 19 deliver special information.

Input 17: A value of 1 denotes that the device is transmitting and

receiving data ('Device connected').
Input 18: A value of 1 denotes Channel A of the device is defective
('Line A defect').
Input 19: A value of 1 denotes Channel B of the device is defective
('Line B defect').

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Inputs from ITL (Interlocking data)

By clicking on the selector button next to a source, and then selecting
the folder 'Inputs from ITL' (Interlocking data) the following window is
ITL Group = Field Output channel Allocation to the Inversion of the
device address input from ITL input

Fig. 5.40 Input from ITL data

Each function input can be allocated a normal or inverted input from

the ITL data. The allocation in a manner similar to that for the SCS
input (see Section
If the allocation is confirmed with 'OK', then the button next to the input
will display the following text:
(*) ITL xx / yy: (*) = (-) inverted, ( ) normal input
xx = address of the source signal from the field
device (1 ... 64)
yy = signal number (1 ... 49)
Cancel the channel selection by configuring the 'TRUE / FALSE' (see

NOTE: The Input Number 49 Signal, provides the information

whether the device is active (Signal is 1) or not (Signal is 0).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.4.7. Configuring protection functions Protection functions in the library and active functions
Function library Function list in device




9) 2) 3) 1) 8)

Fig. 5.41 Function library and active functions

To open the 'Select Protection Function' sub-menu, select

'Configuration' in the main menu, and then 'Protection Functions' from
the pull down menu.

Function library
All the functions available in the RE.216 is displayed in the function
If some functions are not displayed, then check if the Software key as
described in Section 5.4.2, is set to 999 in the Relay Configuration.

List of functions in the device

On the right side of the 'Select Protection Function' window the
functions, which are stored in the device, are displayed.

1) Configured functions with the ANSI code and the corresponding
2) A green button next to the right of the ANSI code indicates that the
minimal requirements of the function have been configured. If the
button is red, then the function is not correctly configured and
therefore cannot be activated.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

3) The number between the button and the function is the function
number. This is utilized for the allocation of the output from the
function (see Section
4) For each of the functions a short description of the function is
provided. The ANSI code of the function is provided before the
description. The ANSI code represents the exact meaning and
functionality of the protection function, and overrides the text
description / clarification.
5) This provides an overview of the function configured for the various
parameter sets, which can be defined by item 6) below.
6) Configuring the function in different parameter sets (see
7) Displays from which function this particular function has been
copied. The A/D converter, the trip signal card and the signal
outputs cannot be changed (see Section
8) The bar display and the numeric value provide information of the
capacity utilization of the CPU by the currently configured
protection functions in the device.
In systems with two CPU’s the load of each CPU is displayed
9) Protection functions in the device can be added from the function
library with the 'drag and drop' method (see Section Inserting a function

In order to insert a new function from the function library into the
device configuration, select the function with the left mouse button,
and drag it across to the device configuration side with the button
pressed, and then drop it by releasing the button. The function is
added to the end of the list. In case the new function is to be placed in
a empty place ('No Func'), drag the function to this placeholder and
then drop it. In order to replace an existing function with a new
function, the old function has to be first deleted which results in a 'No
Func', if it is not the last function in the device.
If a particular function placeholder has to be left free then insert a 'No
Func' in this spot from the library. Deleting a function

An activated function can de deleted, by selecting
this with the left mouse button. Then press the right
mouse for the pop-up menu and select 'Delete'.

Fig. 5.42 Deleting a function

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Copying a function

If the configuration of a parameterized function has be reutilized to a
large extent in a second parameter set, then this function can be
The new copied function inherits all the configuration of the original
function. In the new copied function the following parameters cannot
be changed:
• all analog inputs
• all signaling outputs
• all trip output channels
If these parameters are changed in the original function, then these
are automatically changed in the copied function.
The configuration of the binary input and the parameter 'ParSet1...4''
has to be configured once again in the copied function. The source of
the binary inputs must be active in the same parameter set as that of
the copied function. The copied function cannot be active in the same
parameter set as the original function, and the parameter set of the
copied must be greater than that of the original:
P1 ≤ pO ≤ P4 and pO < pK ≤ P4
pO = parameter set number of the original function
pK = parameter set number of the copied function
If copies of a function exist, the original function cannot be deleted
(see Section.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Configuring a function

To configure a function double click with the left mouse button on the
function or position the mouse pointer on the desired function, click the
right mouse button and select 'Properties' from the pop-up menu (as
described in Section
Example: Configuration of a current function.





Fig. 5.43 Configuration of a function

The configuration and setting of the parameters are not explained

here. This is explained in detail in Chapter 3. The configuration
guidelines and a description of the function can be called up by
pressing the 'F1' key. A prerequisite is that during the installation of the
configuration program the complete operating instructions should also
be installed (see Section 5.2.2.).
1) In the case of systems with two CPU cards, each function must be
explicitly allocated to a CPU. The allocation can be freely selected.
The load of the CPU cards is displayed in the overview window
(see Section
2) The trip channels can be configured by clicking on the button next
to the trip. The trip channel matrix will be displayed, which are
configured with a tick mark. When the mouse is moved near the
selected trip matrix, as described in Section below, the
configured description of the trip channel is displayed. A grey
background indicates that the trip channels are configured for
another protection function. Click on the button 'OK' to activate the
configuration. In the box next to the 'Trip' the text 'Select' will be
displayed, to indicate that the trip channel has been configured. An
empty text field i.e. '--------' indicates the trip channel is not

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Function Function Configured Comments for Trip channel

number type trip channels the trip matrix

Fig. 5.44 Trip signals as per the trip matrix

NOTE : ABB recommends that the trip channels are configured via
the trip channel matrix. This facilitates the simultaneous activation of
the trip channel from different protection functions.

NOTE: A 'Trip' command from a function activates the combined

'General trip' signal only if the trip matrix is configured and the 'Trip'
signal is parameterized for the event logger (ER) display.
An exception is the distance function, for which the 'General trip'
combined signal is always set.

3) The function parameters are defined in detail in Chapter 3.

4) In the current channel (voltage channel) the A/D channels utilized
by the function are configured. If the particular protection function
is a three phase function, then only a three-phase input A/D
channel can be configured. It is sufficient to configure only the first
of the three consecutive phases with a check mark. If a single
phase function has to be configured then any one of the three
phases can be configured.
If the configuration is activated with 'OK' then a numerical value is
displayed in the box next to the A/D converter channel:

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Module xx / yy: xx = Slot number of 216EA61/62

yy = Analog channel nr. (1 .. 24)
Otherwise '--------' is displayed indicating that the A/D converter is
not yet configured.

Fig. 5.45 A/D converter channels

5) The function can be blocked by an output from another function or

by a binary input (see Section 5.4.6.).
6) If the function is triggered or started, the start or trip can be output
as a binary output (see Section 5.4.5.).
7) The trip characteristic of the actual function is displayed.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.4.8. Listing the settings Displaying the parameters
All the settings of a specific group of settings can be displayed on the
screen, printed or saved to a file. These possibilities are shown in the
Fig. 5.46 below.
The menu shown below can be called up from the main menu 'View'
and 'View Edit Parameters'.
Selection of a group Display of the Printing of Save as file
selected group the

Fig. 5.46 Display of the parameters

The desired display of the parameter can be selected by the mouse,

which is displayed on the screen. The selected view can be printed on
the installed printer by clicking on the button 'Print'.
If it is desired to import the parameters into a document editor, the
data can be stored in *.rtf-Format (rich text file) file by clicking on
'Save to file'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Displaying the reference value of analog and process

In the top menu under the pulldown menu 'View' select 'View
Reference values' to view all analog reference values and
measurement values from the protection functions. The format of the
measurand values are also displayed (Integer, Complex etc.) The
nominal value can be used for the calculation of the conversion scale
for the input values of the disturbance recorder. See Chapter 3,
Configuration of the disturbance recorder function.
Nominal value Reference value
Analog channel analog channel analog channel

Measurand Legend Meas Format Description

format nominal measurand measurand
measurand value

Fig. 5.47 Reference value

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.4.9. Saving and loading the configuration from a file

The saving and loading of a configuration is similar to other programs
that run in a Windows environment. In order to save or open a file, a
disk drive with directories has to selected or installed.

NOTE: In general the modifications done to the configuration are in

the working memory of the CAP2/316. Before downloading a
configuration into the RE..16 device it is recommended to store the
configuration onto a hard disk or diskette to prevent overwriting with
subsequent changes, unless the CAP2/316 is connected to the device
and is 'Online' mode. Saving the configuration to a file

The configuration can be saved from the main menu 'File' and from the
pulldown menu 'Save'. If the file has to saved under a different name
us 'Save As…'. When the configuration is saved two files are created,
which are in machine code and utilized by the configuration program.
The files have the ending '.asc' and '.set'.

NOTE: If in Version 6.5c and above the parameter 'Confirm

Parameters' in the System Parameters menu is configured 'On' then
to store the configuration follow the instructions detailed in
Section 5.4.11. Loading a saved configuration from a file

If the configuration is to be downloaded into a device, in the main
menu in the folder 'File' select 'Open' 'Set File' and select the set file.
The configuration is in the main memory of the computer. To load it
and to store into the device follow the instructions described in

NOTE: In the PC-HMI all configuration saved with the DOS-Version

from V5.0 upwards, can be opened with the configuration program

5.4.10. Down-/uploading a configuration from the device

To be able to communicate with the device ensure that the PC is
connected to the device with the serial cable. The connection from the
PC is via a serial port to the connector on the front end of the device.
The device must be operational. Uploading a configuration from the device
If the PC-HMI is connected to the device when starting the CAP2/316
the configuration in the device is automatically uploaded to the
CAP2/316 (see Section If the CAP2/316 has already been
opened, it can be in one of two states described below (no
communication is possible with the device in 'Demo' mode.):

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

In the Online state of the CAP2/316 the configuration can be uploaded
from the device into the working memory of the CAP2/316 by selecting
'Communication' and then the sub-menu 'Setfile Upload from RE..16'.

If the PC is connected to the device as described above and if the
CAP2/316 is in the off-line mode, then establish communication with
the device by selecting 'Communication' in the main menu and then
the sub-menu 'Connect'. Now the active configuration in the device will
be automatically uploaded to the CAP2/316.

Display during the upload of the configuration

If the configuration program was
initially in the off-line state, this
warning message is displayed before
the configuration is uploaded from the
device to the CAP2/316.

Fig. 5.48 Warning message before upload of the configuration

The time required for the

upload of the configuration
from the device is dependant
on the baud rate.

Fig. 5.49 Display during upload of the device configuration

At the end of the upload the display

to the left confirms that the upload
from the device has been
successfully concluded. The window
can be closed by clicking on the 'OK'

Fig. 5.50 Completion of the upload from the device

If the configuration has been downloaded from the same PC to the

device, then the upload from the device is not executed (see Fig. 5.49)
and the confirmation (see Fig. 5.50) displayed is 'Upload from relay
finished'. In this case the configuration is taken from the '*.dat' file, as

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

long as the device identification and the time stamp in the file is
identical to that stored in the device.

If the configuration program was initially

in the Offline state, then at the end of the
upload, the window on the left side is
displayed, which can be closed by
clicking on the 'OK' button.

Fig. 5.51 Device connected Downloading a configuration to the device

To download the configuration in the working memory of the CAP2/316
to the device, select 'Communication' in the main menu and then the
sub-menu 'Setfile Download to RE..16'. The password dialog box will
be displayed, see Section Per default no password is set.
Subsequently the configuration is downloaded to the device.

Display during download of the configuration

The download time of the
configuration to the device is
dependant on the baud rate
of the communication link.

Fig. 5.52 Display during download of the configuration

To be certain that the configuration is

downloaded into the device the popup
window shown on the left is displayed,
which is closed by clicking on the 'OK'

Fig. 5.53 End of the configuration download

NOTE: If in Version 6.5c and above the parameter 'Confirm

Parameters' in the System Parameters menu is configured 'On' then
to store the configuration follow the instructions detailed in
Section 5.4.11.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.4.11. Confirm Parameters

NOTE: The 'Confirm Parameters' has been implemented in Version

6.5c and above. In earlier versions the parameter ' Confirm
Parameters ' in the system Parameters had no significance.

If the 'Confirm Parameters' is set to 'On' then when storing the settings
to a file or the device a list of differences between the last saved
settings and the latest changes are displayed:

Name of the function Actual setting New setting

Accept changes Pint list Save Changes not

list accepted

Fig. 5.54 List of 'Confirm Parameters'

If as shown in Fig. 5.54 on clicking the

'Cancel' button the display shown on the
right pops-up. This can be closed by
clicking on the OK button.
The changed parameters are however
still available and can be saved to a file
or to the device.
Fig. 5.55 Parameter changes not confirmed

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

If as shown in Fig. 5.54 the

button 'Save' selected, then
the window on the left is
displayed. A file and a
directory can be selected, in
which the changes should be
The file is saved in the RTF
format, which can be opened
with the “Microsoft Word”
Fig. 5.56 Save the list with changes

NOTE: If in Fig. 5.56 the file is stored always with the same
filename, then all the changes made are stored sequentially in a list
with date and time data. Thereby one can track all the changes that
have been made.

The file saved as shown in Fig. 5.56 can be opened with the Word

Fig. 5.57 Example of a saved changed list

NOTE: If the parameter are confirmed while saving, then the when
downloading to the device the differences are no longer displayed.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.5. Monitor menu

The monitor menu is meaningful only in
the Online mode. In the Offline mode the
event list can be read from the saved
binary file (*.ebn). If the event list is
stored as an ASCII file (*.evt), it can be
opened from the menu 'File' 'Open'
'Event ASCII-File'.

Fig. 5.58 Display menu

5.5.1. Event handling

The events can be displayed in two
different modes. The two sub-menus in
the pull down menu of 'Monitor' – 'Event
Handling' are 'Display Current Events'
and 'List Event List'. In addition the
event list and latched outputs can be
Fig. 5.59 Overview of the 'Event Handling' menu Displaying new events

Event No time Function description State of the
number Date synch. signal

Exit Time Function Signal comment, Scrollbar

number I/O

Fig. 5.60 Display a new event list

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

In this display mode the PC acquires the latest events from the device.
All existent events are displayed with absolute time, and in the
sequence in which they are created. The events are displayed once,
i.e. when the display is closed and reopened, the display is empty and
remains empty until new events are created.
The event list can be printed on the installed printer, by clicking on
'Print'. If the events have to saved as an ASCII file (*.evt), then click on
the 'Save as ASCII' button. Detailed information is provided in
Section List of the events

Event No time Function description State of the
number Date synch. signal

Time Function Signal comment, Scrollbar
number I/O

Fig. 5.61 Listing of the events in the device event list buffer

In this display mode the entire event storage buffer is displayed (255
If the signal 'General Start Signal' is received, then the subsequent
events are displayed with relative time to this signal, otherwise an
absolute time is displayed. The display can be called up repeatedly,
until it is deleted.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

With the keys '↑', '↓', 'PgUp', 'PgDn' and the 'Scrollbar' one can move
one line up / down or a complete page. Hitting the 'Home' or 'End' key
moves the cursor to the start or end of the event list.
To display the relative time of events subsequent to a particular event,
double click with the mouse on that particular event line.
In both types of display an invalid time stamp is marked with a 'T'
between the time stamp and the function number. An invalid time
stamp occurs due to loss of the time synchronization signal on the
Inter Bay Bus. If a device is not connected to an IBB then on loss of
power supply all events are marked as invalid, until the device is
connected to a PC running the CAP2/316. The device is then
synchronized with the PC system time.
The event list can be saved as files for further analysis in the Offline
mode. The files can be saved in two formats:
a) Save as ASCII file (.evt-file extension)
If the events are saved as an ASCII file, it can be opened and edited
with any word processor. It is also possible to open the file with the
CAP2/316 in the off-line mode and if necessary printed. The *.evt file
can be opened from the main menu 'File', 'Open', 'Event ASCII File'.
b) Save as binary file (.ebn-file extension)
If the event list is stored as a binary file *.ebn then it can only be
opened in the off-line mode with the CAP2/316 program. To open the
file, select in the main menu 'Monitor', 'Event Handling' and then 'List
Event List'. It is possible to save the events in ASCII format to facilitate
processing with a word processor program as described above. Clearing the event list

To delete the event list select

'Clear Event List'.

Subsequently confirm the

clearing of the list.

Entering the password. Per

default no password is set.
For details of password input
see Section5.6.2.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

When the event list is

cleared the following display
is shown.

Fig. 5.62 Clearing the event list

When a new configuration is downloaded to the device the event list is

automatically cleared. See Section 5.6.3. Clearing latched outputs
If latched outputs have
to be reset, they can
be cleared from the
main menu under
'Monitor' and 'Event
Handling', 'Clear
latched outputs'.
Fig. 5.63 Clearing the latched outputs

The exact process for the password is explained in detail in

5.5.2. Processing of measurements
The process
values of the
functions as well
as the inputs /
outputs of the
device can be
displayed with
this menu item.
The menu item
'Display FUPLA
facilitates the
control of the
logic signals of
blocks and can
be used for test
Fig. 5.64 Overview of the measurement display

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Displaying A/D converter channels

9 converter channel inputs are displayed together:
Reference Measuremen Selection of Current
channel t value Value at 100 % display date/ time

Phase Selection of Selection of Hold/activate the

angle 1st channel reference measurement display

Fig. 5.65 A/D converter channel display

The reference channel has to be assigned. The frequency is measured

in the reference channel and serves as reference for the phase angle
display. if the primary or secondary values are selected, in the display
settings the process values of the individual converter channels are
displayed. By clicking on the 'Stop' button the process values can be
frozen or reactivated.
For systems with two analog input devices of the type 216EA61 resp.
216EA62, the group channel selection is switched between the
channels 1 – 24 and 25 – 48. Channels from one group cannot be
displayed with channels of the other group. Displaying the process measurement values
All protection functions with a measurement algorithm provide process
measurement values. In the Monitor sub-menu 'Measurements', the
desired protection function can be selected.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The following functions do not provide any process measurands:

• Autoreclose • Logic
• FUPLA • LDU – events
• IEC60870-5-103 • Bounce suppression

To view the process values, select

in the 'Monitor' sub-menu
'Measurements' and 'Display
Function Measurement' and select
the protection function from the list.

Fig. 5.66 Select protection function

Function type Setting value of the function Trip characteristic

Process value

Fig. 5.67 Process measurement display

The display 'Process Measurement' displays the actual setting value

on the left side. The trip values are partially dynamic. The actual
measurement value of the protection function is displayed online.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Binary inputs, signal outputs, and trip relays

Binary inputs Signal outputs Trip relays

Fig. 5.68 Display of the in-/outputs of the device

The status display of the in-/outputs is possible with the above shown
displays. The legend at the bottom of the display indicates the
meaning of the color of the lamps for ON / OFF state. The slot number
and the card number are displayed in the top respectively bottom lines.
The status display of the in-/outputs can also be seen with the LEDs
on the front of the plug-in cards. Displaying remote analog or binary in-/outputs
Display of the measurement Select module address

Fig. 5.69 Display of the AXM input

The desired remote analog inputs / outputs (AXM) or binary inputs

(RBI) or binary outputs (RBO) are displayed when the module address
is selected in the right hand field.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Displaying ITL in-/outputs

It is possible to display the ITL data. In total there are 48 outputs
(16 outputs organized in 3 groups) and 3072 inputs (48 inputs in
64 groups). Once the group is selected in the right hand side the
requested data is displayed. The active signals are displayed in a
different color than the inactive as per the legend shown in the lower
left corner of the window. For the supervision of the data transmission
a counter (heartbeat) is displayed. For outputs the counter of the local
device is displayed, where as in the case of the inputs, the local as
well as the remote counter is displayed.
The two counters display, whether the data is Selection of the field
being updated. device address

Fig. 5.70 ITL data input display

Fig. 5.71 ITL data output display

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Displaying SCS outputs

The SCS outputs are displayed in 3 groups each comprising
256 signals. The group can be selected with a mouse click in the lower
left hand side of the display. The selected SCS group (01...03) is
displayed in the lower left hand corner, as well the output signals
1…256, 257…512, upto 513…768 in the other section of the display.
Display of SCS output (1...256, 257...512 upto 513...768)

Selection of the SCS group (01...03)

Fig. 5.72 SCS output display

Active outputs are displayed in a color corresponding to the legend at

the bottom of the display. Displaying FUPLA signals

FUPLA signals can also be displayed. The FUPLA file with the
extension 'xx.BIN' must be available so that it can be opened by the
CAP2/316 program. This means that the file must be in the directory
specified in the configuration data.
On selection of 'Display FUPLA Signals' a list of functions is displayed,
similar to the process measurement values see Section After
the selection of the function the following window is displayed.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

With a double click on the signal the 'Input List' resp. 'Output List' or
'Segment List' will display the respective signals in the display

The 'Fupla Cycletime' displays

the start, stop and the operating
time of the FUPLA, which
serves as supervision of
whether the FUPLA is operating
or not.

To check the status of the FUPLA signals select 'Display Signals'. The
status of the signals will be displayed online.
Fig. 5.73 Display of FUPLA in-/outputs, cycle time and signals

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.5.3. Test function

Fig. 5.74 Menu selection of the test function

The test functions can only be opened with a password, because they
can stop the normal operation of the device. The functionality is meant
specifically for commissioning, and should be used only when the
station is out of operation, or, in operation, if the trip and signaling
relays are isolated.
On closing the menu 'Test Functions' the device will be restarted with
the last active parameter set.
The operation of the test function is illustrated below.

Fig. 5.75 Sub-menus of the test function

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Activating the protection functions

By clicking on 'Protection Functions' a list of the functions that can be
tested are displayed. Out of this list the function that has to be
activated can be selected. The following functions cannot be tested:
• Distance protection • Time delay
• Auto-reclosure • Counter
• Pole slip • Logic
• Earth fault grounded • Measurements
• FUPLA • Measurement module
• IEC60870-5-103 • Disturbance recorder
• Defluttering • Breaker failure

The simulated values can be entered in a display which is similar to

the one used for the configuration of the protection function and the
display of the process measurements. The functioning of the
protection function, the trip and signaling relays can be checked with
the simulated values.
When the simulated value has been entered click on the 'Perform Test'
button to start the test.
Configuration of the protection Protection function characteristic

Simulated measurement value of the protection Perform the test


Fig. 5.76 Enter simulated value for testing

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Activating trip outputs and signal outputs

Clicking on one of the pushbuttons – 'Trip Outputs' or 'Signal Outputs' -
in the 'Test Functions' opens the respective window. The slots that
have been configured are displayed. When the output is selected with
a mouse click, then the color of the output is displayed in blue. When
all the outputs to be activated are selected, click on the 'Perform Test'
button. The outputs will be activated and displayed in red color.
If the outputs have to be reset click on the 'Reset Test' pushbutton.
The output will be deactivated excepting if it is configured as a latched
output. In the case of latched outputs select the sub-menu 'Event
Handling' in the window 'Test Functions' and select 'Clear latched
outputs' to reset the latched outputs. When the 'Test Functions'
window is closed, the device is restarted and the outputs are
automatically reset.
It is not possible to set two different types of signals e.g. trip outputs
and signaling outputs simultaneously.

Slot Signal in Testmode

Start of the test Reset test

Fig. 5.77 Activation of the trip relay or signaling relay

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Activating the RBO outputs (Remote Binary Outputs)

On entering the module address one or more output channels can be
selected (with a mouse click as explained in Section The
outputs can be activated by clicking on the 'Perform Test' pushbutton
whereby the selected channel will be activated.
Only the relays from the respective module can be simulated. Besides,
it is not possible to set two different types of signals e.g. signaling
outputs in the RE.216 and one on a remote RIO device.

Relay output channel Module address

Fig. 5.78 Activation of the RBO outputs

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Activating the analog outputs (remote output)

After entering the module number select the output channel. If a
simulated value is entered, then this is output on activation of the test,
i.e. on clicking 'Perform Test'. Only one module can be accessed at a
Scaling of the process value Module number

Channel selection Test value input Perform test

Fig. 5.79 Activation of the analog output Event handling, measurement and diagnostic information

The sub-menus 'Event Handling', 'Measurement' and 'Diagnostics'
permit the use of this functionality within the test mode. These provide
the same functionality as described in the Sections 5.5.1, 5.5.2 and
5.5.4. Parameter set switching
In order to test a protection function from another parameter set, the
required parameter set has to be activated. This is achieved in the
sub-menu 'Paraset Switch'.

Select the desired parameter set with the mouse.

The active parameter set is displayed in gray.

Active parameter set

Fig. 5.80 Parameter set switching

A parameter set switch causes a new start of the device. Thereby, in

the case of LON, communication is interrupted for 20 to 25 s.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Toggling binary outputs

To select the binary output double click on the function in the list and
then choose the desired output. By clicking on the button 'Toggle to'
'On' or 'Off' the status of the binary output can be changed respectively
toggle the status from ON to OFF and vice versa.
Selection of the function Selection of the function signal

Close the selection Pushbutton Signal Signal status

window of the status

Fig. 5.81 Toggle binary outputs

As long as the 'Toggle Binary Output' window is open, all remote I/Os
are decoupled from the process signals. These are transmitted only
when the test function menu is closed.
See the following logic:

Process signal &

Selected window ≥1
'Toggle Binary Output'
closed Binary output

Simulated signal

HEST 045 006 V

Fig. 5.82 Decoupling of the process during the toggling of the

binary output AC61 Analog output

If in the 'Test Functions' menu the button 'AC61 Analog Outputs' is
selected, then the window below is displayed. In systems with more
than one 216AC61, at first one of the cards has to be selected and
then the channel. After entering an analog value and clicking on the
'Perform Test' button the value entered will be output.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Selection of the slot Input for test value Source of the

analog channel

Channel Perform test


Fig. 5.83 Activation of the analog output plug-in board 216AC61

5.5.4. Diagnostics

Fig. 5.84 Diagnostics menu

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The diagnostic menu in 'Monitor' in the main menu provides the following
• 'List Diagnostic Info'
The result of the self-monitoring of the complete device, the main
processor, the analog inputs card 216EA61 or 216EA62, the
analog output card 216AB61 and the binary input and output card
216 DB61 are displayed. It also comprises the time of the last
changes in the configuration.

Furthermore the name and status of the FUPLA-Logic loaded in

the device are displayed.
• 'Get Hex Dump', 'Clear Hex Dump'
This is vital help information for finding the cause of restarts.
• 'IBB-Information'
Provides information on the status of the IBB connection. This is
dependent on the type of the bus protocol (LON, IEC60870-5-103,
SPA, MVB or the IEC618450.).
• 'RBIO-Information'
Displays information of the status of the process bus and the
remote in-/output system.
• 'Reset SCS Input Data'
On entering the respective password, the SCS input data stored in
the device will be reset.
Further information is available in Chapter 6.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.5.5. Disturbance recorder

Fig. 5.85 Selection of the disturbance recorder menu

Two possibilities are available for the processing of the disturbance


a) Display Disturbance Recorder Data

Displays all the stored disturbance records.

Display date and event


Close window
Transfer the selected
recording to a file
Delete the first recording

Fig. 5.86 Display of the stored disturbance recordings.

Transfer to File:
A recording can be saved to a file by first selecting the record with the
mouse and then clicking on the button 'Transfer to file'.
After selection of the directory, the recording is stored to the file. It is
important that the file name which contains the Station- (xxx) and
record (yyy) the (RExxx.yyy) is not modified. These are created by the
Delete first Record:
The oldest – i.e. the first– recording is deleted. This action cannot be
b) Reset Disturbance Recorder
The disturbance recorder is reset. All recorded disturbances are
deleted. This process cannot be reversed! The disturbance records
are also deleted if the disturbance recorder configuration is modified.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.6. Configuration of the CAP2/316

In the main menu 'Options' the basic settings of the CAP2/316 can be

Fig. 5.87 Sub-menu options

5.6.1. Change language

The desired language can be
selected through the displayed
icons. The selection is done by
clicking on the 'OK' button or
double clicking on the desired
language icon. After a short delay
the language is switched over.

Selection of the desired language.

Fig. 5.88 Switching the language

NOTE: In order that the language of the event list is changed, it is

necessary that after the language change the configuration from the
device is uploaded or the CAP 2/316 is started once again.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.6.2. Changing the password

To change the password, first
enter the old password, then the
new password and verify
(reconfirm) the new password.
Only a maximum of 6 characters
can be used. A lost password can
only be modified in SYSMAN in
the sub-menu 'Old Password'.

Fig. 5.89 Change the password

This 'Password' is requested if password protection is configured e.g.

when modified configuration has to be downloaded to the device.

Fig. 5.90 Enter password

5.6.3. Automatic deletion of the event list after a download

When selected the event list is
cleared automatically after a
download to the device.

Fig. 5.91 Clear event list after a download

This functionality is activated with a check, whereby after every

download to the device the event list is cleared. To activate the
functionality click with the left mouse button on this item. If already
activated a second lick will deactivate this functionality.
5.6.4. Downloading device firmware
New or augmented functionality can be implemented by updating the
firmware as also by adding new hardware. With this menu the existing
firmware in the device is deleted and replaced with the newly selected
firmware. This activity has a duration of approx. 15 minutes. The exact
process is described in Chapter 7.8, in updating of firmware.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.6.5. Configuration of the communications port

A further configuration is displayed in the menu 'Communication'.

Fig. 5.92 Communication port configuration

In the sub-menu 'Comm Settings' the communication port to be used

on the PC and the baud rate (9600 or 19200 baud) can be configured.
The configuration is activated by clicking on 'OK'. This configuration
can only be done in the off-line mode. In the Online mode this sub-
menu is displayed in grey and cannot be selected. The sub-menu item
can also be selected from the icon list

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.7. Help menu

Fig. 5.93 Help main menu

The following menu items are meaningful only if the manuals have
been installed along with the main operation program - the CAP2/316.
Otherwise the manuals will not be displayed (see also Section 5.2.2.),
instead an error message.
5.7.1. User Manual
This menu item will call up the latest operating instructions of the
The SPA commands and the respective SPA address list are clarified
in Chapter 9 of the operating instructions.
5.7.2. RIO580 / LON / MVB / IEC60870-5-103 User Manual
With this menu item all the operating instructions of the various
communication protocols can be called up.
5.7.3. About CAP2/316
This sub-menu provides information about the actual software version
and license information.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.8. Import / Export of data

With the function 'Import'/'Export' different files can be created that
help in the execution of the engineering and in commissioning.
5.8.1. Importing files

Fig. 5.94 Import of files Loading MBA parameters (mbaXX.par)

The mbaXX.par file created for a different RE.216 or RE.316*4 which
is connected to the same process bus can be downloaded with the
menu item 'Load MBA Pars' to the device. The PB-device address
should be substituted for the XX.
Thereby the configuration of the bus administrator and the cycle times
from the other device on the process bus can be reutilized. Loading RIO parameters (*.rio)
The saved RIO parameters of another remote device, which is
connected to the same process bus, can be download with the sub-
menu item 'Load Remote I/O Parameters'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

5.8.2. Exporting files

Fig. 5.95 Export of files SigTOOL (*.sig)

The sub-menu lists all the signals along with the different associated
information (Name, Address, Event number, BWA-Index etc.). This can be
used subsequently for loading the database of the substation control
system. Saving RIO parameters (*.rio)

The RIO parameters can be saved with this sub-menu item 'Save
Remote I/O Parameters' for further use in other remote RIO devices,
which are connected on the same process bus.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

5.9. Operation with several sets of parameters

The protection and control devices permit up to four independent sets
of relay settings respectively protection configurations to be defined.
Only one of these parameter sets can be active when in operation. A
switching provision is available for activating or deactivating individual
parameter sets.
5.9.1. Switching sets of parameters
The four parameter sets can be switched by
a) with binary I/P’s (opto-couplers)
b) a signal from the station control system (SCS).

Setting binary inputs

A maximum of four binary inputs are used for switching the parameter
sets. They are configured from the menu item “Edit inputs/outputs” in
the “Edit system functions” menu (see Section 5.4.4.).

If when configuring the inputs using the CAP2/316 they are left at their
default setting of 'Always FALSE' the protection can only operate with
parameter set 1.
“Remote sel.” : If this I/P is activated, a signal from the station
control system (SCS) is necessary to switch between sets of
parameters, otherwise the I/P’s “ParSet2 IN”, “ParSet3 IN” and
“ParSet4 IN” determine which set of parameters is active.
“ParSet2 IN”, “ParSet3 IN” and “ParSet4 IN”:
These three I/P’s enable one of the four sets of parameters to be
ParSet2 IN ParSet3 IN ParSet4 Active set of
IN para.
F F F 1
T F F 2
F T F 3
T T F no change
F F T 4
T F T no change
F T T no change
T T T no change

As can be seen from the table, the current set of parameters remains
effective, if a signal is applied to more than one of the I/P’s at the same

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Setting signaling outputs

Four outputs (“ParSet1 OUT” ... “ParSet4 OUT”) are needed to
indicate externally via a signaling relay and/or record in the event list
which of the four sets of parameters is currently active. These outputs
are configured via the HMI in the same way as all other signaling
5.9.2. Creating sets of parameters Assigning a protection function to a set of parameters
All protection functions have a parameter “ParSet4..1”. The cor-
responding setting determines in which parameter set the function is
Overview of all functions Folder to view the active functions
of the respective parameter set.

Selection in which parameter set

the function should be active.

Indicates from which parameter set

the function has been copied.

Fig. 5.96 Assigning sets of parameters

The assignment is done with a check in the box 'P1'…'P4'. Select the
folder 'ParSet1...4' for this purpose.
To view the active functions of a parameter set and the respective
CPU usage select one of the folders ParSet x. From which parameter
set a protection function has been copied, is displayed in the column
'Copy of' (see Section Copying a protection function with its settings

If the settings of a configured protection function are to be reutilized to
a large extent in another parameter set, then the function can be
copied to another parameter set. The procedure is described in

The copied function must not be active in the same set of parameters
as the original and the parameter set number of the original function
must be lower:

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

RULE: P1 ≤ pO ≤ P4 ↔ pO < pK ≤ P4
pO = parameter set number of the original function
pK = parameter set number of the copied function.
The originals of existing copied functions cannot be deleted. Logics
Where several protection functions are related by a common logic,
they must all be active in the same set of parameters.

NOTE: The outputs from copied distance functions can be linked

to inputs of other functions only if these functions are arranged after
the distance function in the function list.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


6.1. Self-monitoring and diagnosis............................................................6-2

6.1.1. Self-monitoring...................................................................................6-2 Auxiliary supply units 216NG61, 216NG62 and 216NG63 ................6-3 Processor unit 216VC62a ..................................................................6-3 Analogue input unit 216EA61/216EA62.............................................6-4 Binary input and tripping unit 216DB61 .............................................6-5 Binary output unit 216AB61 ...............................................................6-6
6.1.2. Self-diagnosis ....................................................................................6-7

6.2. Signals during normal operation ......................................................6-12

6.3. Display functions..............................................................................6-14

6.3.1. Diagnosis .........................................................................................6-14
6.3.2. Displaying measurements................................................................6-17

6.4. Possible error messages of CAP2/316 ............................................6-19

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


6.1. Self-monitoring and diagnosis
The RE.216 system is equipped with self-monitoring and diagnostic
functions, which operate continuously and instantly block the
protection functions should a defect occur and the correct operation of
the protection be in question.
A defect is signalled on the frontplate of the device and remotely by
the general alarm signalling relay. The program records the
disturbance in the event list.
The status of the system and the individual units and the event list can
be viewed using the diagnostic function on the control unit (PC).
6.1.1. Self-monitoring
Each unit has its own self-monitoring function, which signals the status
of the unit to the system via its device status register.
The principal signals transmitted by the function are:
GNB : unit not ready
SSG : general device alarm
SSS : general system alarm.

A defect is also signalled to the other units connected to the bus by the
'SML' or 'CK' bus lines and on the frontplate of the unit concerned by
the alarm LED 'AL'.
A defective unit sets the general alarm bus line 'SML' (i.e. applies a
logical '1'). In normal operation, the bus line 'CK' oscillates at the clock
frequency of the B448C bus. A defective unit disables this signal (i.e.
connects the line to logical '0').

Legend for the following tables:

1 : logical '1' or LED lit
0 : logical '0' or LED extinguished
- : no influence.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary supply units 216NG61, 216NG62 and 216NG63

Status Signal via:
Normal operation ‘ON’ 1 1 -
O/P voltage failure 1 0 0
I/P voltage failure 0 0 0 Processor unit 216VC62a

Status Signal via:
Status CK SML AL
Normal operation - - - 0
24 V supply failure - 0 - 0
Internal 5 V supply failure SSG 0 1 1
Internal clock failure SSG 0 1 1
RAM or ROM failure SSG - 1 1
B448C bus failure SSS - - 0
‘PASSIVE’ connector inserted GNB - - 0

Device status register:

Symbol Function Weighting

GNB Unit not ready (passive pin inserted) 0002 Hex
EEPROM FUPLA code not valid 0005 Hex
STG Incorrect device configuration 0004 Hex
SSG General alarm for device failure 0010 Hex
SSS General alarm for system failure 0020 Hex
BBOE Warm start following bus time-out 0040 Hex
SWTO Warm start following watchdog time-out 0080 Hex
RAM RAM error 0100 Hex
ROM ROM error 0200 Hex
BERI B448C bus failure 1000 Hex
ARBG MBIC failure 2000 Hex
PER Failure of a peripheral device 4000 Hex
- failure of the auxiliary supply for the O/P
module of a 216AB61
- warm start of an other unit
SML SML line active 8000 Hex

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Analogue input unit 216EA61/216EA62

Status Signal via:
Normal operation - - - 0 1
24 V supply failure - 0 - 0 0
Internal 5 V supply failure SSG 0 1 1 0
Internal clock failure SSG 0 1 1 0
RAM, ROM error SSG - 1 1 0
Defective analogue section SSG - 1 1 0
B448C bus failure SSS - - 0 -
‘PASSIVE’ connector inserted GNB - - 0 0

Device status register:

Symbol Function Weighting

GNB Device not ready (passive pin inserted) 0002 Hex
STG A/D converter disabled 0004 Hex
SSG General alarm for device failure 0010 Hex
SSS General alarm for B448C bus failure 0020 Hex
BBO Warm start following bus time-out 0040 Hex
SWTO Warm start following watchdog time-out 0080 Hex
RAM RAM error 0100 Hex
ROM ROM error 0200 Hex
VREF Reference voltage out of tolerance 0400 Hex
ASE Analogue section supply failure 0800 Hex

BERI B448C bus failure 1000 Hex

ARBG Arbitration error 2000 Hex
(Not all analogue data can be
transferred via the bus.)

PER Redispatch interrupt 4000 Hex

SML SML line active 8000 Hex

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Binary input and tripping unit 216DB61

Status Signal via:
Status SML AL
Normal operation - - 0

Internal 5 V supply failure - 1 1

Defective O/P channel driver SSG, FA0 1 1
Tripping relay module supply failure SSG, FA1 1 1
Data transmission error for a re- SSG, FA2 1 1
ceived tripping signal
I/P module UP supply failure SSG, UP 1 1
Device not initialised GNB 1 1

Device status register:

Symbol Function Weighting

GNB Device not ready 0002 Hex
SSG General alarm for device failure 0010 Hex

FA0 Tripping channel driver failure --

FA1 Tripping relay module supply failure --

FA2 Data transmission error for a received --

tripping signal
FK0..7 Channel No. definition (1..8) for signals --
ZS Time-out operated --
(A tripping signal was not transmitted twice.)
BL1 An FA0 signal has set the blocking flip-flop --
for group 1 (channels 1, 3, 5, 7).
BL2 An FA0 signal has set the blocking flip-flop
for group 2 (channels 2, 4, 6, 8). --
UP I/P module supply failure --
DISB The functions ENABLE 1/2 and BLOCK 1/2 --
are not in operation (see Section 2.4.5.)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Binary output unit 216AB61

Status Signal via:
Status SML AL CHO01*) CHO02*)
Normal operation - - 0 1 1

Redundant 24 V supply fail- - 1 1 0 -

ure (on the B448C bus)

Internal 5 V supply failure - 1 1 0 -

UP supply failure UP - 0 - -
‘PASSIVE’ - Connector in- GNB - 1 0 0
Device not initialised GNB 1 1 0 0

System alarm functions *):

‘SML’ bus line active - - - 0 -

‘CK’ bus line blocked - - 1 0 0

*)only of significance if a special function is active.

Device status register:

Symbol Function Weighting

GNB Device not ready (passive pin inserted) 0002 Hex
UP O/P module supply failure --

S Special function for channels CHO01 and --

CHO02 active

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

6.1.2. Self-diagnosis
In addition to continuous hardware self-monitoring, a diagnostics
routine runs on the 216VC62a processing unit which performs the
following functions:
• cyclic testing of its own memories (RAM, EPROM, EEPROM).
• monitoring the correct running of the program (watchdog).
The operation of the microprocessor is monitored by a
watchdog, which is basically a timer. The program must reset
the watchdog at least once every 50 ms. If the program does
not run correctly (run-time error) the timer goes the full time
and resets the processor. The diagnostic system reports a
warm start.
• initialisation and checking that the actual configuration of all the
devices connected to the B448C bus agrees with the set hardware
• evaluation of all the disturbance signals from all the units, setting
the status of the protection system and blocking of the protection
functions if necessary.
• entry in the event list.
The status of the protection system can be determined with the aid of
the control unit's (PC) diagnostic function (see Section 5.5.4.) and can
assume one of the four following states:
No error: Normal operation

Urgent error: A unit is defective or passive.

The protection is partially operational
(underfunction). The SML line is set.
Fatal error: The system is blocked.
The SML line is set.

Every change in the status of the device gives rise to an entry in the
event list. The same list can also be viewed and printed using the HMI

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The diagnostic function can make the following entries in the event list:
Signal Significance
Cold system start Signal generated upon switching on the
auxiliary supply.
Warm system start The system has been reinitialised due to a
software or hardware error (watchdog).
System status ... The status of the system has changed as
indicated by the message.
Device ... An error has been detected in the device
indicated. Refer to Section 6.1.1. for the
A/D error A 216EA61 analogue I/P unit has detected and
error and initiated a warm system start.
Software error A software (run-time) error has reinitialised the
system. Further information can be obtained via
the control unit (menus: ‘Display‘ →
‘Diagnostics’ → ‘Read run-time error data’).
Refer also to Section 6.3.1.
Bus error A data transfer error was detected on the
B448C parallel bus and a warm system start
Program stop The protection program was stopped, for
example, for changing parameter settings or
because a fatal error was discovered.
Program start The protection program was initialised, for
example, after switching the system on or after
parameters have been reset.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

There now follow some examples of event lists:

a) Entries after switching on the auxiliary supply:
0 00:00:00.000 Cold system start
1 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216VC62a No.1: No error
2 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216VC62aNo.2: No error
3 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216DB61 No.1: No error
4 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216DB61 No.2: No error
5 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216AB61 No.1: No error
6 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216AB61 No.2: No error
7 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216AB61 No.3: No error
8 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: System status: No error
9 00:00:00.826 ParSet1 ON
10 00:00:0.828 Reinitialisation
11 00:00:00.830 BinI/P No.9/ 6 ON
BinI/P No.9/ 7 ON
BinI/P No.9/ 8 ON
BinI/P No.9/ 9 ON
12 1998-11-05 10:41;00.360 HMI active ON

The date and time are only added and synchronised after the
control unit (PC) has been connected.
b) Entries following connection of the control unit (PC) and after
binary I/P No. 1 has been switched on and then off again:
14 1990-07-29 05:28:28.758 BinI/P No. 1 ON
15 1990-07-29 05:28:29.111 BinI/P No. 1 OFF

c) Entries when the passive pin is inserted on the 216AB61 unit:

20 1990-07-29 05:32:51.021 Diagnostics: Unit 216AB61 No.2: GNB (0002H)
21 1990-07-29 05:32:51.021 Diagnostics: System status: Urgent error

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The number in brackets at the end of the status line indicates the
contents of the device status register for the unit concerned. It can
be decoded with the aid of the weighting data (see Section 6.1.1.).
For example, entry No. 22: Unit 216NG61 No.4: SSS (8020H)
8000H : SML SML bus line active
+ 0020H : SSS General system alarm

d) Entries when the passive pin is withdrawn:

26 1990-07-29 05:32:55.158 Diagnostic: Unit 216AB61 No.2: No error
27 1990-07-29 05:32:55.158 Diagnostics: System status: Non-urgent error

e) Entries after switching on the auxiliary supply, if the device

configuration is incorrect:
1 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216VC62a No.1: No error
2 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216VC62a No.2: No error
3 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216DB61 No.1: No error
4 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216DB61 No.2: No error
5 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216AB61 No.1: No error
6 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216AB61 No.2: No error
7 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: Unit 216AB61 No.3: No error
8 00:00:00.000 Diagnostics: System status: No error
9 00:00:00.636 Diagnostics: Unit 216NG61 No.2: SSS (0024H)
10 00:00:00.648 Diagnostics: System status: Urgent error
11 00:00:00.648 Diagnostics: Unit 216VC62a No.1: (0004H)
12 00:00:00.660 Diagnostics: Unit 216VC62a No.1: SSS (0024H)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event messages Nos. 11..13 indicate the device status SSS (0024H).
This means:
0004H : STG Incorrect device configuration
+ 0020H : SSS General system alarm

The above entries can have the following causes:

• The units are not inserted at the positions defined in the device
• The plug-in jumpers on the 216DB61 binary I/P and tripping units
are not at the locations defined in the device settings (see Section
2.4.5 and
• The plug-in jumpers on the 216AB61 binary O/P units are not at
their correct locations (see Section 2.4.4.).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

6.2. Signals during normal operation

The green LED’s on the front of all the units should be lit during normal
operation and the red LED’s should not.
The yellow LED’s on the I/P and O/P units indicate the statuses of the
associated channels.
Channels CH001 and CH002 on the first 216AB61 binary O/P unit are
especially important, because they are used for monitoring the entire
CH001: System ready
The following errors can reset this channel to logical ‘0’:
• The protection program is not running.
• The diagnostic function sets the status to ‘Fatal error’
or ‘Urgent error’.
• The device configuration does not agree with the
hardware configuration defined in the program.
• The EEPROM does not contain any valid protection
• The FUPLA function has been configured, however
the FUPLA code is invalid or not loaded.
CH002 : No system error
This line is set by the diagnostics routine during ini-
tialisation and remains active until a device failure
blocks the ‘CK’ bus line. In this case CH001 is also set
to log. 0; the system does not run (see Section 6.1.1).

The yellow LED’s on the 216VC62a processing unit(s) respond as

follows to the various operating statuses:
System status LED L1 LED L2
No error 0 0
Urgent error 1 0
Fatal error 1 1

Communication LED L3 LED L4

transmit 1 0
receive 0 1
Communication with the control and setting PC

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

LED 5 lights briefly when a LON wink telegram is received.

LED 6 lights while executing a write operation to the program flash
LED ‘MST’ lights whenever the corresponding unit accesses the
B448C bus in a master role.
LED ‘AL’ indicates that the unit to which it belongs is defective.

In the event of a disturbance signal (CH001 and CH002 off), it can be

determined whether the protection is running by observing the display
of the cycling time in the ‘Display AD Channel Measurement‘ window.

A display of (0) means that the protection is not running.

The protection then has to be reset using the resetting pin.

Fig. 6.1 Cycling time display

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

6.3. Display functions

6.3.1. Diagnosis
RE. 216 protection system: Diagnostics
The diagnostic data of the various units can be viewed by selecting the
menus ’Display’ → ‘Diagnostics’ → ‘List unit statuses’.
The following example shows the diagnostic data generated when the
passive pin is inserted on the 216EA61 unit.
SYSTEM - REC216 V4.5 10-09-1997 11:06
List status report

SYSTEM - REC216 V4.5 10-09-1997 11:06

Diagnosis M216

216EA61 No.1 Slot No. 8

Status : Error detected
Hardware configuration invalid
Device not ready
Firmware Version : 3.02

216VC62a No.1 Slot No. 4

Status : No error
HW No.: 000000FE8CD3/06D0/23
Protection stop
Software = 00:00;00.000
Setting = 00:00;00.000
FUPLA status: None loaded

216DB61 No.1 Slot No. 14

Status : No error
ENABLE/BLOCK is not active
216DB61 No.2 Slot No.15
Status : No error
ENABLE/BLOCK is not active

216AB61 No.1 Slot No. 12

Status : No error
Special function is active.
216AB61 No.2 Slot No. 17
Status : No error
Special function is not active

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Diagnostic HEX dump

2000:0000 0000 Error code = no error occurred

2000:0002 0000 Code segment = 0000H
2000:0004 0000 Module name = Module not found
2000:0006 0000 Program counter = 0000H
2000:0008 0000
2000:000A 0000
2000:000C 0000
2000:000E 0000 EEPROM: 0000000000000101
2000:0010 0000
2000:0012 0000
2000:0014 0000
2000:0016 0000
2000:0018 0000
2000:001A 0000
2000:001C 0000
2000:001E 00C5

If a program run-time error was the reason for the warm start, this
information enables the source code instruction to be located at which
the error occurred.
After viewing the information, the list can be deleted in the protection
by selecting ‘Delete HEX dump’ from the ‘Display‘→ ‘Diagnostics’
menu .
The list is deleted when a new set of settings is saved.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

IBB – Information
Depending on the firmware installed and therefore the choice of the
interbay bus, various data on the status of the bus in relation to the
station control system and the PC card can be obtained via this menu
Details for the respective bus protocols are in the specific operating

RIO – Information
Information is displayed on the status of the process bus, the
distributed input/output system and the PC card. A detailed description
of the data is given in publication 1MRB520192-Uen.

Resetting SCS data

After entering his password, an authorized user can delete the SCS
input data.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

6.3.2. Displaying measurements

The menu 'Display' → ‘Measurement handling’ provides facility for
viewing the following variables:
• r.m.s value, phase-angle and frequency for the primary system
variable connected to each channel.
Channel No. Amplitude Phase-angle Frequency
1 1.000 UN 0.00 deg 50.000 Hz

• the most important measurements by the individual protection


Gen. diff.
0.52 IN (spill current in the relay circuit,
IN = transformer rated current)
• binary I/P’s and O/P’s
• O/P signals.

Note on the display of measurements by the protection functions:

The underreactance function describes an impedance vector which
starts at the centre of the circular characteristic. This vector and the
impedance measured at the generator terminals form a triangle as
shown in Fig. 6.2. The function picks up when the displayed
impedance is equal to or less than the radius of the circle:
1⎛ x' d ⎞
z≤ ⎜ xd − ⎟
2⎝ 2 ⎠

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


xd = 2; x'd = 0.2

z≤ ( 2 − 0.1) = 0.95


X d' 0


HEST 905 034 C

Fig. 6.2 Value displayed for the underreactance protection function

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

6.4. Possible error messages of CAP2/316

Error message Remedy

- Plug in communication cable
- Check communication interface (Port)
- Switch the device off/on.

- Plug in communication cable

- Switch the device off/on.

- Close another application using the same


- The wrong CAP2/316 has been used for

the resp. device.
- Use the correct CAP2/316 for the device.

- Connection is not available any more.

Wait possibly until CAP2/316 is in the
offline status. Afterwards select ‘Connect’
under ‘Communication’.

- Compare the SW key in the settings under

I/O with the one at the rear of the device
(SW Vers SX.YYY).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

- There have been inadmissible connections

made between the protection functions,
which were detected only during the final
test. Check again the connections between
the functions.
- It is possible that the memory for the local
data overflows, if several parameter sets
with many functions are being configured.
In this case these signals are also
and after acknowledgement with 'OK': displayed. Reduce the size of the

Table 6.1 Error message and remedy

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


7.1. Summary............................................................................................7-3

7.2. Checks upon receipt ..........................................................................7-4

7.2.1. Unpacking and checking the shipment ..............................................7-4
7.2.2. Transport and storage........................................................................7-4

7.3. Installation and wiring ........................................................................7-5

7.3.1. Place of installation and ambient conditions ......................................7-5
7.3.2. Cubicles .............................................................................................7-5
7.3.3. Installing racks in cubicles .................................................................7-6

7.4. Installation..........................................................................................7-7
7.4.1. Grounding guidelines .........................................................................7-7 Cubicle grounding ..............................................................................7-7 Grounding for relays mounted in an open frame .............................7-11 Additional grounding points along cables ........................................7-12
7.4.2. Wiring...............................................................................................7-12 External wiring .................................................................................7-12 Internal wiring...................................................................................7-13
7.4.3. Screening.........................................................................................7-13 Cable screens ..................................................................................7-13 Terminating cable screens...............................................................7-13
7.4.4. Communication cables.....................................................................7-15 Laying optical fiber cables................................................................7-16
7.4.5. Guidelines for wiring rack assemblies..............................................7-16
7.4.6. Checking the CT connections ..........................................................7-18
7.4.7. Checking the VT connections ..........................................................7-19
7.4.8. Checking the auxiliary supply connections ......................................7-19
7.4.9. Checking the duty of the tripping and signaling contacts.................7-19
7.4.10. Checking the opto-coupler inputs ....................................................7-19
7.4.11. Inserting the units in the equipment rack .........................................7-20

7.5. Commissioning ................................................................................7-21

7.5.1. PC connection..................................................................................7-21 Minimum PC requirements ..............................................................7-21 Interfaces .........................................................................................7-21 Connecting cables to PC .................................................................7-22
7.5.2. Commissioning tests........................................................................7-22

7.6. Maintenance ....................................................................................7-25

7.6.1. Fault-finding .....................................................................................7-25 Human machine interface ................................................................7-26 Restarting.........................................................................................7-26

7.7. Spares..............................................................................................7-26

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

7.8. Firmware updates ............................................................................7-27

7.8.1. Setting data......................................................................................7-27
7.8.2. Deleting the old settings and program and downloading the new
7.8.3. Problems while downloading the new software ...............................7-28

7.9. Replacing hardware .........................................................................7-30

7.9.1. Check list for replacing hardware units ............................................7-31

7.10. Checking the protection functions....................................................7-32

7.10.1. Test Set XS92b................................................................................7-32
7.10.2. Testing the distance protection function ..........................................7-32
7.10.3. Checking the direction of measurement ..........................................7-32
7.10.4. Testing the directional E/F function..................................................7-34 Testing using a test set ....................................................................7-34 Injecting power system voltages and currents .................................7-34 Real power measurement................................................................7-34 Apparent power measurement.........................................................7-38

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


7.1. Summary
The place of installation and the ambient conditions must conform to
the data given in the data sheet (see Chapter 8). Sufficient room must
be left in front and behind the equipment to allow access for
maintenance or adding to the system. Air must be allowed to circulate
freely around the unit.
During the course of commissioning, all the wiring to the unit must be
checked and the auxiliary supply voltage and the voltage for the opto-
coupler inputs must be measured.
Functional testing can be carried out with the aid of the test set Type
All the essential functions of the protection are subject to continuous
self-testing and monitoring and therefore periodic maintenance and
testing are not normally necessary.
It is recommended, however, to check the values of the voltages and
currents of the external circuits from time to time using the on the input
channel display on the HMI. The tripping circuits should be tested at
the same time.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

7.2. Checks upon receipt

7.2.1. Unpacking and checking the shipment
Check that the consignment is complete upon receipt. The nearest
ABB agent must be notified immediately should there be any
discrepancies in relation to the delivery note, shipping papers or the
Visually check the state of all items when unpacking them. Should any
transport damage be found, the last carrier must be informed
immediately and be held responsible in writing. Also inform your
nearest ABB office.
If the cubicle is not to be installed immediately, it should be put in a
suitable room in its original packing together with the other
components (see Section 7.2.2.) until they can all be put into
permanent storage. Where the packing has been damaged, check the
desiccant and replace if necessary. Finally, re-weld the plastic foil.
7.2.2. Transport and storage
The crates with the protection cubicle and the separate units have
transport frames, which enable them to be off-loaded and moved on
site using fork lift trucks, rolling gear and cranes. After unpacking, the
cubicle may only be lifted by the lugs fitted to the top of the cubicle
The cubicle should only be moved in a vertical position and tipping
should be avoided as far as possible. If absolutely necessary, single
cubicles may be laid horizontally on their sides for short periods, e.g.
to pass through doorways. Care should be taken when doing this to
support the cubicle over a large area.
The equipment may never be stored in the open. The protection
cubicle and the separate units must be stored in a suitably closed dry
room, which is not subject to extremes of temperature.
The packing is gauged for a given maximum storage period. The
packing must be opened at the end of this period and at least the
desiccant must be checked and replaced if necessary. Special long-
term packing includes humidity indicators, which can be inspected
without opening the packing.
Consult the general ABB instructions for further details regarding
transport and storage.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.3. Installation and wiring

7.3.1. Place of installation and ambient conditions
When choosing the place of installation, ensure that there is sufficient
space in front of the cubicle, i.e. that the serial interface connector and
the local control and display unit are easily accessible.
All work on and in the cubicle such as installation, wiring, testing,
repairs etc., can be carried out from the front. Access to the rear of the
cubicle is not absolutely essential, but can be an added convenience,
e.g. when working on the I/O assemblies, which otherwise have to be
dismantled from the front.
The place of installation must also conform to the ambient conditions
given in the technical data according to Data Sheet 'REG 216 -
Generator protection' (see Section 8).
Since every piece of technical equipment can be damaged or de-
stroyed by inadmissible ambient conditions
• the location should not be exposed to excessive air pollution such
as dust, aggressive substances etc.
• Severe vibration, extreme changes of temperature, high levels of
humidity and strong induced magnetic fields should be avoided as
far as possible.
• air should be allowed to circulate freely around the equipment
The room where the equipment is installed should be free of dust, the
floor covered if possible with a semi-conducting plastic flooring mate-
rial and cement floors and walls should be suitably painted.
The room must be well ventilated so that the temperature is in the
range –10 °C to +55 °C and the relative humidity between 30 and 70%.
Lead/acid batteries must not be in the same room.
7.3.2. Cubicles
The cubicles delivered by ABB are equipped with a hinged frame and
are suitable for installation:
• standing against a wall
• back-to-back
• side-by-side
• free-standing

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Leave sufficient space in front to avoid damage when the hinged frame
is opened. There must generally be enough room for carrying out
maintenance and for using the associated instruments.
Do not install equipment cubicles in corners, which would hinder
opening the hinged frame and working on the cubicle.
Free access is especially important in the case of cubicles not
equipped with a hinged frame. Cubicles are normally erected on a
pedestal or as a suite of cubicles on a platform to facilitate cleaning the
floor and routing of cables.

Fig. 7.1 Example of a front view and view with the hinged
equipment frame swung out of a cubicle

7.3.3. Installing racks in cubicles

Pay attention when determining the cubicle layout to leave a space of
at least 1 Unit between the racks (1 U / 1 HE = 44.45 mm as specified
in IEC 60297 and DIN 41494 Part 1). This space is necessary for
cables and ventilation to prevent overheating (see Fig. 7.1).

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.4. Installation

7.4.1. Grounding guidelines

Switching operations in HV installations generate transient over-volt-
ages on instrument transformer and control signal cables. There is
also a background of electromagnetic RF fields in electrical instal-
lations that can induce spurious currents in the relays themselves or
the leads connected to them.
Transient overvoltages and RF fields can affect the operation of the
On the other hand, the relay can transmit interference that can
interfere with and disrupt the operation of other relays.
In order to minimize these influences as far as possible, certain stan-
dards have to be observed with respect to grounding, wiring and

NOTE: All these precautions can only be effective if the station

ground is of good quality. Cubicle grounding

Mechanical design
The RF (radio frequency) impedance from the location of the various
relays in the cubicle to the cubicle ground must be low.
There must therefore be a good electrical contact between the metal
parts of the cubicle such as side plates, blanking plates etc., and the
frame and base of the cubicle. The contact surfaces must not only be
good electrical conductors, they must also be corrosion-proof so that
long-term good electrical conductivity is preserved.
Non-observance of these conditions can result in the cubicle or parts
of it resonating at certain frequencies, which increase the interference
transmitted by the relays in the cubicle and can lower their immunity to
electrical interference from outside.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Grounding straps (copper braid) and their fittings

The interference currents conducted by the ground connections are of
high frequency and as a result of the skin effect, only the part of the
ground straps near the surface is of consequence.
Tinned copper braid is therefore used for the ground straps and not
copper rod, because the cross-section of an equivalent rod would be
much greater.
Data of copper braid straps:
Width ≥ 20 mm
Cross-section ≥ 16 mm2
(necessary for protection grounds)
Both ends of the straps must be fitted with lugs suitable for the con-
necting to ground bolts.
The surfaces in contact with the lugs must be electrically conducting
and corrosion-proof.


1 Copper braid
2 Cable lug
3 Ground bolt
4 Steel flat washer
5 Contact surface

Fig. 7.2 Grounding straps and fixture

CAUTION: In the case of aluminium contact surfaces, a cupal disc

(copper-plated aluminium) must be fitted between the lug and
aluminium surface to prevent corrosion.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Grounding a single cubicle

The moving parts of a cubicle such as the doors (front and rear) or
hinged frame must be connected to the cubicle structure by three
copper braid straps.

} } Braided copper strip, width ≥ 20 mm, cross-section ≥ 16 mm2

} Ground rail terminal (sleeve) or conducting connection

1 Door or hinged frame

2 Cubicle ground rail near bottom of cubicle
3 Station ground
4 Device
Fig. 7.3 Cubicle grounding principles

The cubicle ground rail is connected to the station ground by a copper

braid strap.
If the distance to the station ground exceeds 5 m, two straps must be
run in parallel as closely as possible to each other.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Grounding principles for adjacent cubicles

Where cubicles are standing next to each other (less than 1 m apart),
observe the following additional conditions (example with 2 cubicles):

HEST 045 001 V

1 Cubicle
2 Cubicle ground rail
3 Station ground
Fig. 7.4 Grounding principles for two adjacent cubicles
(schematic view)

The ground rails in the two cubicles are connected together and each
one individually connected to the station ground. The ground rails of
cubicles that are more than 1 m apart do not have to be connected.
The cubicles of a suite of several cubicles are also connected together
and each one individually connected to the station ground.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Grounding for relays mounted in an open frame

An open frame must be electrically conducting, corrosion-proof and
properly connected to the station ground (see below).


Input transformer module

Input transformer module

} non-insulated connection
* braided copper (at least 3 cm wide)
** Station ground

Fig. 7.5 Methods of grounding relays in a frame

The contact surfaces between mounting plates or covers and the

frame must be electrically conducting, i.e. neither contact surface may
be painted and the contact area must be corrosion-proof (e.g. gal-
The relays must be grounded directly to the rack frame (see Fig. 7.5),
if the contact surfaces are poor conductors or to the mounting plate
providing the surfaces are good conductors. The relays must be
grounded such that the grounding straps are as short as possible.
As described in Section, a second grounding strap must be
run in parallel if the station ground is more than 5 m away.
Also refer to document 1MRB520197-Ten – 'Grounding and Wiring of
Control and Protection Equipment'.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Additional grounding points along cables

Where cubicles are at different potentials, balancing currents can flow
through the screens of cables that are grounded at both ends, which
induce interference in the cable cores. Where the distance between
the cubicles is greater than approximately 10 m, the induced inter-
ference can be strong enough to affect the equipment.
One solution is to run the cables next to the ground rails of the station
grounding mesh and to ground the cables screens every 5 to 10 m.
For this purpose, remove a suitable length of insulation and fit a clamp
to ground the exposed screen to a grounded metal surface. The clamp
and the metal surface must be clean, electrically conducting and cor-
The type of clamp must be chosen such that it holds the cable firmly
without pinching or crushing the screen of the cores.

7.4.2. Wiring External wiring
The external wiring includes all the connections between the primary
system plant and the cubicle, rack or relay terminals.
The corresponding cables should be run in metal cable ducts that are
connected at several points to the station ground.
The external wiring comprises of the following groups:
• instrument transformer leads
• auxiliary supply connections
• binary inputs and outputs

Experience as shown that most interference is induced in the instru-

ment transformer leads and therefore these should be run in sepa-
rate cable ducts away from the other cables.

CAUTION: The instrument transformer leads in GIS stations must

be screened (see Section 7.4.3. 'Screening'). This is also to be recom-
mended in other kinds of stations.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd Internal wiring

The internal wiring comprises the connections between the cubicle or
rack terminals and the terminals on the relays. This wiring should be
kept as short as possible especially in open frames.
As described in Section 'External wiring', it is recommended to
separate the instrument transformer leads from the other cables, i.e.
they should not be run in the same cable ducts or loom. To reduce the
risk of parallel coupling, cables may also be crossed at right angles.
The minimum cross coupling occurs when cables cross at right angles.
Pre-wiring non-defined inputs should be avoided wherever possible for
EMC reasons (antenna for interference).

7.4.3. Screening Cable screens

Cables have braided screens with a cover ratio of more than 80%. Terminating cable screens
Cable screens must be terminated such that the entire circumference
of the screen is in contact with ground. Cable screens must be
grounded at both ends.

CAUTION: The screening effect is inadequate in industrial instal-

lations if the cable screen is grounded by a wire soldered to it.

The screens of cables can be grounded best if the cables enter cubi-
cles via cable glands. Where this is not possible, proceed as illustrated
in Fig. 7.6, taking care that that the cable screens are grounded inside
the cubicle as closely as possible to the entrance.
In order to connect the screen to ground, remove a suitable length of
the insulation, push the exposed screen back over end of the remain-
ing insulation and clamp it to a metal surface. Both the clamp and the
metal surface must be electrically conducting and corrosion-proof.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

1 3

2 4

1 Cable insulation
2 Screen pushed back over end of insulation
3 Cable clamp
4 Cores
Fig. 7.6 Cable screen termination

It is important that the screen be pushed back over the end of the
insulation as otherwise it frays with time and the quality of the ground
connection diminishes. The risk of the screen and cores being pinched
is also reduced.
Screens in the case of open frames are also secured by a clamp to the
mounting plate close to the relay as shown in Fig. 7.7.

1 Equipment frame
2 Bare mounting plate with relay
3 Cable screen terminations
4 Station ground
5 Screened cables
Fig. 7.7 Cable screen terminations in open equipment frames
(rear view for semi-flush mounting, front view for surface

The unscreened ends of the cores going to the relay terminals must be
kept as short as possible and the groups of cables should be run sepa-
rately as explained in Section 'Internal wiring'.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.4.4. Communication cables

No precautions have to be taken in the case of optical fiber cables.
Conventional copper communication cables must be screened (see
Section 7.4.3.). The cable shield must be effectively connected to
ground in the cubicles at both ends immediately adjacent to the cable
inlet (see Section
With the cable shields grounded at both ends, any potential differences
between the cubicles will cause balancing currents to flow in the
shields that can induce interference in the cables. This can interfere
with the function of a relay at cable lengths of 10 m and more.
A possible solution is to run the cables along ground rails of the
meshed ground system of the station building and grounding the
shields at intervals of 5 to 10 m.
For this purpose, a suitable length of insulation is stripped from the
shield and the exposed shield connected by a cable cleat to a
grounded metal surface (Fig. 7.6). Both the cleat and the contact
surface must be electrically conducting and non-corroding.
An alternative is to run a low-impedance ground connection parallel to
the screened cables to 'bypass' the balancing currents.

1 2 3

5 4

HEST 045 002 V

1 Second cubicle, e.g. control console

2 Screened signal cable
3 Cubicle
4 Grounded cable shield
5 Bypass (braided copper parallel ground)
Fig. 7.8 Low-impedance parallel ground connection

Fig. 7.8 shows a parallel ground connection between an substation

automation system console and a cubicle. The same arrangement
applies in the case of two cubicles.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The parallel ground is of braided copper. It should be kept parallel to

the signal cable. This reduces the RF impedance of the connection. To
ensure that the screened cable and the bypass ground remain
physically parallel, they can be loosely strapped together at intervals.
Cables conducting analog (LF) signals must have twisted cores. Multi-
core cables must have twisted pairs. Laying optical fiber cables
Refer to the supplier’s instructions for how to lay optical fiber cables.
Optical fiber cables may never be sharply bent or pinched. Always
observe the minimum permissible bending radius (typically 50 mm).
7.4.5. Guidelines for wiring rack assemblies
Where digital protection devices (individual units) or protection
systems are supplied in a rack, it is essential that the binary inputs
and outputs (BIOs) and the auxiliary supply which have to be wired
from the rack to the cubicle terminals be run separately from the CT
and VT cables (not in the same duct or loom).
This precaution reduces the parallel coupling of conducted inter-
Should this not be possible along the whole route, parallel coupling
can be reduced by transposing the cables. Complete separation,
however, is to be preferred.


Binary in- and outputs

CT cables
Auxiliary supply


Fig. 7.9 Separation of rack wiring in a cubicle

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Screened leads must be used for the CT and VT wiring from the
terminals to the equipment.

It is also recommended to use screened leads for the binary inputs
and outputs (BIOs) and the auxiliary supply.
The following applies if the equipment is not installed in a
The terminals should be as close as possible to the equipment
terminals so that the unscreened lengths of cables are very short!
Screened CT, VT, binary input and output and auxiliary supply cables
can be secured in one of the following ways:
Assemblies fitted into panels
CT and VT leads to the terminals can be secured, for example, to a
surface (steel rail) using cable clamps. The surface must be in direct
contact with the plant ground and the cable screens must make good
contact with the cable clamps all the way round.
This, however, is not always the case and the screen is frequently not
in contact at the sides which impairs the screening effect. To over-
come this drawback, a tinned copper braid tape can be wound on top
of the cable screen in the region of the clamps. This then ensures
maximum screening efficiency.
Assemblies fitted into cubicles
(2 alternatives)
a) The CT and VT cables going to the terminals can pass through
cable glands. Again the cable screens must be in good contact
with the gland all the way round and the gland with the station
ground (e.g. via the panel or strip material in which the gland is
CT and VT leads to the terminals can be secured, for example, to a
surface (steel or copper) using conduit clamps. The surface (e.g. floor
plate) must be in direct contact with the station ground and the cable
screens must make good contact with the conduit clamps all the way
b) This, however, is not always the case and the screen is frequently
not in contact at the sides which impairs the screening effect. To
overcome this drawback, a tinned copper braid tape can be wound
on top of the cable screen in the region of the clamps. This then
ensures maximum screening efficiency.
To prevent corrosion, a cupal disc (copper plated aluminium) must be
inserted between aluminium and copper parts.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

7.4.6. Checking the CT connections

The CTs must be connected in strict accordance with diagram
supplied with the equipment.
The following must be carried out to check the CTs and CT circuits:
• polarity check
• primary injection test
• plot of the excitation curve
• CT circuit grounding

The polarity check (as close as possible to the protection equipment)

not only checks the current input circuit as a whole, it also checks the
phase-angle of the CT.
Primary injection checks for a ratio error and the wiring to the protec-
tion equipment. Each phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase circuit
should be injected. In each case, the phase currents and the neutral
current should be measured.
The relative polarities of the CTs and their ratios can also be checked
using load current.
Plotting the excitation curve verifies that the protection is connected to
a protection core and not a metering core.
Each electrically independent current circuit may only be earthed in
one place, in order to avoid balancing currents created by potential

Core-balance CTs
If the residual current is obtained from a core-balance CT, the ground
for the cable screen must first be taken back through the core-balance
CT before connecting it to ground. The purpose of this is to ensure that
any spurious E/F current flowing along the screen of the cable cancels
itself and is not measured falsely as an E/F on the relay’s own feeder.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.4.7. Checking the VT connections

The VTs must be connected in strict accordance with diagram supplied
with the equipment.
The following checks must be carried out to check the VT circuits:
• polarity check
• wiring check
• VT circuit grounding

The rated voltage of an E/F protection scheme is defined as the volt-

age which occurs between the terminals 'e' and 'n' for a solid phase-to-
ground fault. An E/F of this kind, e.g. on T phase (see Fig. 7.10),
causes the voltages of R and S phases to increase from phase-to-
neutral to phase-to-phase potential and these add vectorially to pro-
duce a voltage between terminals 'e' and 'n', which is three times the
phase-to-neutral voltage.



HEST 945 002 C

a) normal load condition b) E/F on T phase

Fig. 7.10 Voltages in an ungrounded three-phase power system

7.4.8. Checking the auxiliary supply connections

Check that the supply is connected with the correct polarity. The d.c.
supply voltage must lie within the permissible operating range of the
power supply unit installed under all operating conditions (see Techni-
cal Data for the respective power supply unit).
7.4.9. Checking the duty of the tripping and signaling contacts
Check that the loads connected to all the contacts are within the
specified ratings given in the 'Contact ratings' section of the data sheet.
7.4.10. Checking the opto-coupler inputs
Check the polarity and supply voltage of all opto-coupler inputs in re-
lation to the ordering code (also given on the rating plate at the rear of
the equipment).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

7.4.11. Inserting the units in the equipment rack

Handling the electronic modules

A large part of the electronic elements consist of CMOS modules.
These are very sensitive with respect to electric and magnetic fields as
well as electric discharges. Therefore care must be taken to avoid
touching the modules, resp. the soldered joints.
The electronic plug-in units should only be grasped at the metallic
parts (front plate, draw-out handle, etc.). Prior to this, the person
handling the parts must be discharged electrostatically by touching
grounded metal.
The plug-in units may only be placed on antistatic surfaces (mat).
The plug-in units may only be plugged into (resp. removed from) the
equipment racks with the auxiliary supply switched off.
All the plug-in electronic units must be inserted in the racks and at the
locations in the hinged frame specified in the set of specific plant
diagrams. Where there are several units of the same type, the
numbering on the units must also be observed.
Check that all the units are correctly and fully inserted and then secure
them in place in the rack by tightening the screws at the top and
bottom front edges.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.5. Commissioning
Prior to commissioning, i.e. before energizing the plant, carry out the
checks in Section 7.4.4.

7.5.1. PC connection Minimum PC requirements
The PC used for commissioning and setting must satisfy at least the
• Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system
• 128 MByte RAM
• 1 CD drive and a hard disc drive with at least 700 MByte of free
space (depend on the chosen installation options)
• 1 serial interface (RS-232). Interfaces
The 216VC62a has a 25 pin connector on the frontplate for the serial
interface RS-423A, CCIT V.10. Data transfer takes place vie a
unbalanced cable at a data transfer rate between 1200 and
19200 Baud. The signal level for the 216VC62a is approx. ± 4.5 V.
The PC interface (RS-232C) is initialised and appropriately set to
communicate with the RE. 216 by the software.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Connecting cables to PC

Optical fibre cables must be used for these connections (e.g. Type YX
216-1, see Data Sheet).
A copper cable may be used in laboratory conditions.
Pin connections:
1. 216VC62a ↔ PC
25 pin 25 pin
Screen Screen
Send 2 2 Send
Receive 3 3 Receive

25 pin 9 pin

Screen Screen
Send 2 2 Receive
Receive 3 3 Send
GND 7 5 GND.

7.5.2. Commissioning tests

A complete test of the generator protection on site is divided es-
sentially into two parts:
I) basic functional test of the RE. 216
II) tests in operation with the generator.

I) Basic functional test of the RE. 216

For the protection scheme as a whole to operate correctly, it is not
enough for just the RE. 216 protection equipment itself to be in order,
the reliable operation of the other items of plant in the protection chain
such as circuit-breakers, c.t’s and v.t’s (e.g. protection and metering
core leads exchanged), station battery (earth fault), alarm and
signalling circuits etc. and all the cabling is equally important.
All the points that have to be checked during commissioning can be
seen from the check list in the Appendix in Section 12.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

The correct operation of the equipment itself is determined by the

following tests:
• secondary injection of every current and voltage input
• activating and deactivating every binary input (opto-coupler)
• energizing and de-energizing every auxiliary tripping and signaling
• energizing all matrix inputs
• simulating the logic functions (resp. time delay, counter) activated
by external signals
• Checking the details in the diagnostic menu
• checking the settings (printed by the HMI)
These tests confirm that none of the protection hardware is defective.
The actual protection functions are contained in the software and are
continuously monitored. They do not therefore need to be especially
tested during commissioning.
The following is a list of some of the tests and the faults they are
intended to disclose.

Test Faults disclosed

Injection of rated value at all CT and VT Hardware defective
inputs (e.g. using test set Type XS 92b) Wrong rated current
Wrong rated voltage
Wrong reference value
Activation/deactivation of all binary Hardware defective
inputs (opto-couplers) Incorrect setting
(not inverted)
Incorrect assignment
Energization of all auxiliary tripping Hardware defect
relays (using the test function) Incorrect assignment
Energization/de-energization of all Hardware defect
auxiliary signaling relays (using the test Incorrect assignment

A further useful facility is provided by the 'Display analog values' menu

which enables the currents and voltages applied to the protection to be
viewed. It can thus be seen whether the amplitude and phase of the
currents and voltages are correct. The Appendix in Chapter 12 includes
a test report.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

II) Tests in operation with the generator

These tests determine whether the pick-up settings for the various
schemes are correct.
The event list provided by RE. 216 serves in this case as a test report
and also includes the primary current and/or voltage values at the
instant of every event.
Current tests:
The current functions are tested by installing a three-phase fault (either
upstream and/or downstream of the step-up transformer).
Specific protection functions:
• For the differential protection, the c.t. secondary windings are
shorted at the isolating terminals and the loop to the protection
opened phase by phase.
• The NPS function can be tested by exchanging two phases at the
• The underimpedance function can be tested by installing a fault
downstream of the step-up transformer. In this case the value of
impedance measured must correspond to the short-circuit
impedance of the transformer.
Tests with the generator synchronised and connected to the power
The general power function is tested by varying the generator power
through the corresponding pick-up setting. The reverse power function
is checked by closing, for example, the main steam valve and allowing
the unit to motor.
The generator excitation can be reduced to test the underreactance
function, providing this is permissible, otherwise either the phase-angle
setting can be temporarily changed by 180° or the corresponding
current connections could be reversed at isolating terminals, if fitted.
Both these methods enable the underexcitation function to be tested
with the generator excited.
A further useful facility is provided by the “Display analogue values”
menu, which enables the currents and voltages applied to the
protection to be viewed. It can thus be seen whether the current and
voltage circuits are interrupted, respectively short-circuited. This menu
is also used for periodically checking the protection.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.6. Maintenance
Because of the self-testing and monitoring features included, RE. 216
requires neither special maintenance nor periodic testing.
The wet electrolytic capacitors have a life of >20 years. This assumes
a mean ambient temperature around the casing of 40° C. The life is
doubled, respectively halved for each 10° C of difference.
7.6.1. Fault-finding
The diagnostic function on the control unit (PC) is a valuable tool for
finding faults on the RE. 216 protection system.
Where an error message points to an internal defect, the corre-
sponding unit must be replaced.

WARNING: The electronic devices may only be inserted into, or with-

drawn from the equipment rack when the auxiliary supply is switched

If the failure of an auxiliary supply is being signalled, check the fuses in

the corresponding circuits.
The following points should be checked, should there be no voltage at
the output of a 216NG6. unit:
a) Is the green LED “UIN” lit?
If not, check whether the voltage at the input is available and within
the permissible range?
b) Does the green LED “UOUT” light when the switch on the front is in
position “1”?
If not, disconnect the supply circuits connected to the output and
withdraw the units connected to the bus.
Should the output voltage now be correct, the defective circuit can
be located by reconnecting the output circuits one after the other.
Should, however, the voltage not recover when all the output
circuits are isolated, the unit must be replaced.
Should none of these measures enable the fault to be located and
cleared, consult the nearest ABB office or agent, or contact ABB
Switzerland Ltd., Baden, Switzerland directly. Detailed information on
the signals generated by the fault condition are an invaluable help in
locating the cause of a problem quickly.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Human machine interface

If communication between the protection equipment and the PC is not
possible even if the stand-by LED is on, then check the serial interface
connectors and connecting cable. If the connection appears to be in
order, try to reboot the PC, and then restart the HMI.
Should this also prove unsuccessful, restart the device. This is done
by inserting a shorting pin into the socket ‘RES’ at the front of the
processing unit 216VC62a (warm start) or by switching on and off the
(resp. both redundant) power supply unit 216NG6 (cold start). Restarting
The detection of an error or defect by the self-testing and monitoring
functions during normal operation initiates the following:
• Processing by the protection functions is stopped and their
operation blocked.
• The binary outputs are reset and further operation blocked. This
includes resetting the 'Relay ready' signal, if it was activated.
• The stand-by signal (green LED on the frontplate) flashes.
Communication between the PC and the protection equipment remains
intact, however, and provides facility for localizing the cause of the
Blocking of the protection is maintained until an attempt is made to
restart it by pressing the reset button on the frontplate. Should
restarting be successful, but the original defect still exists, the same
sequence is repeated and the protection is blocked once again.
An entry is made in the event list every time the protection is restarted.

7.7. Spares
When ordering spares, state the name, type designation and the
function in the protection system for which it is intended. Stocking
spare units is recommended, if there are several units of the same
type in a plant.
The remarks in Section 7.2.2. also apply to storing spares. Testing the
spares at the same time as carrying out routine testing of units in
operation is recommended. This should include connecting them to the
auxiliary supply and allowing them to run for a quarter of an hour.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.8. Firmware updates

By updating the firmware and possibly the hardware, new functions or
expanded functions can be implemented.
The firmware version is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of
the screen when the HMI is operating on-line (the first number is the
HMI version and the second the version of the firmware installed in the
The HMI software is compatible with the firmware in the unit when the
first digit after the decimal point in the version numbers is the same.
It is not necessary to dismantle the unit to update the firmware,
because the program is stored in a writeable non-volatile memory
(flash EPROM).
A firmware update should always be carried out be ABB personnel.
Nevertheless, the procedure is described below to facilitate updating
should properly qualified personnel (full familiarity with PC’s) and the
new software be available.

7.8.1. Setting data

A backup has to be made of the settings in the unit using the HMI
(menu item ‘File‘ / ‘Save‘). Close the HMI after doing so.

7.8.2. Deleting the old settings and program and downloading the new

NOTE: During this procedure only one processing unit 216VC62 may
be installed.
If there are two processing units, the firmware update must be carried
out separately for each processing unit.

The following files needed to update the firmware are in the HMI
directory after installation:

• spa216.h26, lon216.h26, Firmware for systems with at least

mvb216.h26, vdew216.h26 one analogue input unit
depends on communication protocol.
• spa216n.h26, lon216n.h26, Firmware for systems without a
mvb216n.h26 analogue input unit 216EA61/62,
depends on communication protocol.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

In order to update click on the pull-down menu 'Options' and select

'Firmware download'.
As soon as the deletion process is completed, the new Firmware for
the desired communication protocol can be selected in the pop-up
The file '*.h26' will be automatically downloaded to the device, which
takes about 5 minutes.
Thereafter the new program is started automatically and the timestamp
of the *.H26 file is stored in the devices.

7.8.3. Problems while downloading the new software

The occurrence of errors while downloading and saving new software
can never be entirely excluded (e.g. power supply failure during data
transfer). Should something of this kind occur, you can attempt to
transfer the program file by running the same batch file again. If the
unit does not respond to a call by the HMI, attempt to reinitialise the
unit using the reset pin and then to download the program file.
Should this procedure prove unsuccessful, the contents of the program
memory in the main processor unit have to be deleted as follows:
Switch off the auxiliary supply and withdraw the main processor unit
216VC62a. Insert the two jumpers X602 and X603 and reinsert the
unit. Switch on the auxiliary supply, after which LED 6 lights for about
20 seconds. Switch off the auxiliary supply again after LED 6 has gone
out and withdraw the unit and remove the two jumpers X602 and
X603. Reinsert the main processor unit and repeat the download
procedure as before.

CAUTION ESD: This work should be carried out only by a suitably

qualified personnel. Above all it is essential for the basic precautions
concerning protection against electrostatic discharge be observed.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 7.11 Main processor unit 216VC62a with the jumpers X602 and
X603 (originated from HESG 324 442

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

7.9. Replacing hardware


CAUTION ESD: Hardware units (PCB’s) may only be replaced by

suitably trained personnel. It is essential that the standard basic
precautions to prevent electrostatic discharge be strictly

It may be necessary to upload the existing settings from the relay or

download new settings to it afterwards and this assumes familiarity
with the operator program (HMI).

NOTE: It follows from the purpose for which the devices and
equipment are used that if they are not correctly handled, mal-
operation or damage can result (either to the devices themselves or to
items of plant)

Examples of damages:
• false tripping of primary system plant
• destruction of modules etc.
The following precautions should be taken to avoid electrostatic
• Before touching the modules, discharge your body by touching the
station ground (cubicle).
• Only hold the modules at the edges and do not touch contacts or
• Only store or transport modules in their original packing.

Tools required
Philips screwdriver No. 0 (for older version screwdriver No. 1)

Follow the check list when replacing hardware units (PCB’s) (see
Section 7.9.1).
The checklist is primarily intended for replacing defective units by one
of the same type. In the event that another relay configuration is
desired or necessary, a plug-in unit must possibly be exchanged. This
may also entail an exchange of the firmware. In case of uncertainties
please contact ABB.
Where changing a module involves updating the software, check with
ABB Switzerland Ltd., to confirm compatibility etc.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

7.9.1. Check list for replacing hardware units

Unnecessary Finished
Not fitted
Upload and save any existing settings in ‰ ‰
the relay (always the case when replacing
Upload and print the diagnostic and event ‰ ‰
Switch off the supply (both supplies where ‰
redundant supplies installed). This has to
be done externally when replacing a
power supply unit.
Unscrew the securing screw and withdraw ‰
the PCB.
Compare the jumper positions on original ‰ ‰
and replacement PCB’s in the case of
216AB61 (XJ1) and/or 216DB61 (BR1).
Compare the software of original and ‰
Insert the replacement PCB and tighten ‰
the securing screw.
Switch on the auxiliary supply. ‰
Download the settings previously saved to ‰ ‰
the relay (always necessary when
replacing 216VC62a; FUPLA may also
have to be downloaded).
Check the proper function of the relay (e.g. ‰
open the “List AD channels” menu and
check the currents and voltages; further
checks are necessary for some PCB’s,
e.g. alarms, trips and binary inputs in the
case of 216DB61).

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

7.10. Checking the protection functions

The actual data of the configured protection functions may be called
up with CAP2/316 under ‘View’ ‘Showing of parameters’ and by the
selection of ‘Protection functions’. If a printer is connected to the PC,
then the data are printed out by activating the button ‘Print’ (see
Section 5.4.8. Listing of settings).
Where testing is considered necessary, the following procedure is
• Measure the currents and voltages in the secondaries of the main
CTs and VTs and compare the results with the values displayed by
the control program (PC).
• Test the external circuits using the test functions provided by the
control program (see Section 5.5.3.).

7.10.1. Test Set XS92b

The protection functions of RE.216 can be tested using a normal
protection relay test set, e.g. XS92b.
A detailed description of the test set XS92b is to be found in data
sheet 1MDB520006-Ben and in the Instructions for Installation and
Operation 1MRB520014-Uen.

7.10.2. Testing the distance protection function

General instructions for testing the distance protection function are
given in Chapter 8 of publication 1MRB520014-Uen and for the use of
test programs in publications CH-ES 86-11.52 E and CH-ES 86-11.54 E.
7.10.3. Checking the direction of measurement
The HMI menu for checking the direction of measurement is as
In the menu 'Monitor', select 'Measurement', 'Display Function Measure-
ment', in window 'Select Function', select function ' (HV ) Distance '.
The following is displayed in the sub-window 'Measurement' e.g. in this
case in Ω/phase:
---------- [Ref Length]
---------- + j ------ Z (RE)
---------- + j ------ Z (SE)
---------- + j ------ Z (TE)
50.00 + j 1.50 Z (RS)
50.00 + j 1.50 Z (ST)
50.00 + j 1.50 Z (TR)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

This display indicates that the relay is measuring in the forwards direc-
tion, because the real component of the phase-to-phase impedance is
positive, i.e. providing the scheme is wired according to the standard
ABB diagram in the Appendices (Chapter 12.), the CTs are grounded
on the line side and power flows from the busbars into the line. If the
real component is negative, power is flowing from the line towards the
The settings 'CT Neutral' on line and busbar sides and the binary input
'Chg Measurement Dir' on the distance protection function influence
this display.
The first four lines (fault distance and phase-to-ground loop im-
pedances) do not influence the direction of measurement.
The last three lines (phase-to-phase loop impedances) are displayed
providing the load current exceeds
U ⎡V⎤
0,5 × Ph −0 ⎢ ⎥ and 0,5 Imin .
XA ⎣ Ω ⎦

XA reactance in the tripping direction (see Section
Imin pick-up setting of the low-current enabling function

If no impedances are displayed at the normal settings, increase the

setting of the impedance parameter Xi (e.g. XBACK) until the first con-
dition is fulfilled.
A second possibility for checking the direction of measurement or for
obtaining a 'second opinion' is to use the menu Monitor / Measurement /
' Display A/D Channels' (see Section 5.7.1.). This method works for
load currents down to about 5 % of rating.
Since this menu is not restricted to a single protection function, it is not
dependent on the settings of the various functions (excepting the
reference for analog channels) and especially not on the 'Bus side/
Line side' setting of the 'CT neutral' parameter and the binary input
' Chg Measurement Dir ' on the distance protection function.

For a purely resistive load with power flowing from the busbar into
the line and the CT neutral on the line side, the angle between R
phase voltage and current (or US-IS, UT-IT) is zero degrees.
This method of checking the direction of measurement, however, does
not disclose whether the setting of the parameter 'CT neutral'
('Bus side/Line side') is correct.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

7.10.4. Testing the directional E/F function

(for ungrounded systems) Testing using a test set

The MODURES test set XS92b injects the corresponding variable AC
signals and enables the accuracy of the pick-up and time delay
settings to be determined. Injecting power system voltages and currents
Where it is not possible to test the protection by installing an E/F on
the primary system, it can be tested using load current.
The test circuits of Fig. 7.12 to Fig. 7.15 differ only in the wiring of the
VTs. Version a) is used in all cases in which the terminals of all the
secondaries are accessible, e.g. three single-phase VTs. Version b) is
used in all other cases, but it must be noted that the residual voltage
can only be measured, if the power system neutral has a defined

DANGER: The following changes to the CT and VT circuits may

only be carried out when no current is flowing, respectively when the
voltage is switched off. Real power measurement

a) Testing with the residual current of a Holmgren circuit (three

CTs in parallel)
If a staged E/F cannot be installed on the system, the protection func-
tion can be tested using load current. To this end, the connections to
the CTs and VTs must be temporarily changed (see Fig. 7.12 a and
b). No changes have to be made to the wiring of the protection.:
• Short-circuit the R and S phase CTs and disconnect them from the
Holmgren circuit with the T phase such that only the T phase CT
supplies current to the relay.
• Interrupt the VT secondary of the same phase (T phase in the
above example) or isolate (by opening the corresponding single-
phase isolator or removing the fuse) and short-circuit its primary.
Providing load energy is flowing into the line, the red LED on the front
of the protection must now light up.

NOTE: Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion

of the test!

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


6 4 6 4

1 1

3 3

n e n e

2 k k k 5 2 k k k 5

l l l l l l


HEST 945023 FL HEST 945024 FL

a) Changes to VT secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to VT primary circuit for


CTs (2): CTs (2):

T phase separated from R and S phases and T phase separated from R and S phases
supplying protection and supplying protection
R and S phases short-circuited R and S phases short-circuited

VTs (3): VTs (3):

T phase removed from broken delta T phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited

The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!

1 circuit-breaker 4 fuse
2 CTs 5 RE.216
3 VTs 6 load direction

Fig. 7.12 Test circuit (for ϕ = 0) with Holmgren connected CTs

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Injecting residual current from a core-balance CT

In the case of a core-balance CT, the load currents flowing in the three
phases cancel each other. Therefore for purposes of the test, an addi-
tional conductor supplied from an auxiliary AC source is passed
through the core. No changes have to be made to the wiring of the
protection. Carry out the changes to the VT circuit as described under
a) above (see Fig. 7.13 a and b).
• The VT secondary winding of the same phase (phase T in the
above example) is interrupted or the primary winding is opened
(open single-pole isolator or remove fuse) and short-circuited.
• The voltage between VT terminals e and n is used as the auxiliary
AC source for the test current through the core-balance CT. The
test current circuit includes a switch and a series resistor. The
series resistor limits the current to a permissible level for the VTs
and the switch limits the duration of the load on the VTs to a
minimum. It may be necessary to reduce the setting of the
parameter (P-Setting) at low injection currents.
The value of the resistor is determined as follows:
10 × UH × Urel
R≤ [Ω]
UH voltage across the VT secondary terminals n and e
Urel voltage across the I/P terminals of the protection
P pick-up power setting
K ratio of the core-balance CT
The 'Pick-up' and 'Trip' signals must operate, if the conductor passing
through the CT is connected to terminal n on the busbar side and
terminal e on the line side.

NOTE: Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion

of the test!

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


8 4 8 4

1 1

3 3

6 7 n e 6 7 n e

2 k 5 2 k 5

l I

HEST 945025 FL HEST 945026 FL

a) Changes to VT secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to VT primary circuit for


CTs (2): CTs (2):

Test current passed through core-balance CT Test current passed through core-
with VT terminal e (3) supplying the line side and balance CT with VT terminal e (3)
n the busbar side supplying the line side and n the busbar

VTs (3): VTs (3):

T phase removed from broken delta T phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited
The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!
1 circuit-breaker 5 RE.216
2 CTs 6 test switch
3 VTs 7 test resistor (see b) in Section
4 fuse for calculation)
8 load direction

Fig. 7.13 Test circuit (for ϕ = 0) with core-balance CT

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN Apparent power measurement

The phase sequence of the power system must be R-S-T for this test.

Testing with the residual current of a Holmgren circuit (three CTs

in parallel)
If a staged E/F cannot be installed on the system, the protection func-
tion can be tested using load current. To this end, the connections to
the CTs and VTs must be temporarily changed (see Fig. 7.14 a and
b). No changes have to be made to the wiring of the protection.:
• Short-circuit the R and S phase CTs and disconnect them from the
Holmgren circuit with the T phase such that only the T phase CT
supplies current to the relay.
• Interrupt the secondary circuit of the R phase VT or isolate and
short-circuit its primary.
Providing load energy is flowing into the line, the signals 'Pick-up' and
'Trip' must operate.

NOTE: Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion

of the test!

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


6 4 6 4

1 1

3 3

n e n e

2 k k k 5 2 k k k 5

l l l l l l


HEST 945027 FL HEST 945028 FL

a) Changes to VT secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to VT primary circuit for


CTs (2): CTs (2):

T phase separated from R and S phases and T phase separated from R and S phases
supplying protection and supplying protection
R and S phases short-circuited R and S phases short-circuited

VTs (3): VTs (3):

R phase removed from broken delta R phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited
The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!
1 circuit-breaker 4 fuse
2 CTs 5 RE.216
3 VTs 6 load direction

Fig. 7.14 Test circuit (for ϕ = -90° capacitive) with Holmgren

connected CTs

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Injecting residual current from a core-balance CT

For purposes of the test, an additional conductor supplied from an
auxiliary AC source is passed through the core. No changes have to
be made to the wiring of the protection (see Fig. 7.15 a and b):
• Interrupt the secondary circuit of the T phase VT or isolate and
short-circuit its primary.
• The phase-to-phase voltage of the two other phases (R and S) is
used as the auxiliary AC source for the test current through the
core-balance CT The test current circuit includes a switch and a
series resistor. The series resistor limits the current to a
permissible level for the VTs and the switch limits the duration of
the load on the VTs to a minimum. It may be necessary to reduce
the setting of the parameter (P set) at low injection currents.
The value of the resistor is determined as follows:
10 × UH × Urel
R≤ [Ω]
UH voltage across the VT secondary terminals n and e
Urel voltage across the I/P terminals of the protection
P pick-up power setting
K ratio of the core-balance CT

The 'Pick-up' and 'Trip' signals must operate, if the conductor passing
through the CT is connected to terminal v on the busbar side and
terminal u on the line side.

NOTE: Be sure to re-establish the original circuit at the conclusion

of the test!

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


8 4 8 4

1 1

3 3

u v w u v w
6 7 6 7

n e n e

2 2

k 5 k 5

l l

HEST 945029 FL HEST 945030 FL

a) Changes to VT secondary circuit for testing b) Changes to VT primary circuit for


CTs (2): CTs (2):

Test current passed through core-balance CT with Test current passed through core-
VT terminal e (3) supplying the line side and u the balance CT with VT terminal e (3)
busbar side supplying the line side and u the busbar

VTs (3): VTs (3):

T phase removed from broken delta T phase primary fuse removed or isolator
opened (4) and winding short-circuited
The phases used must by as shown or cyclically rotated!
1 circuit-breaker 5 RE.216
2 CTs 6 test switch
3 VTs 7 test resistor (see b) in Section
4 fuse for calculation)
8 load direction

Fig. 7.15 Test circuit (for ϕ = -90° capacitive) with core-balance CT

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

a) Three single-phase VTs R

or a five-limb three- T
phase VT: U V W
Residual voltage across
the broken delta UR US
secondary circuit (also
applies to a normal
broken delta
three-phase VT with an
interposing Y/delta U0 = UR + US
connected VTs)
e n

metering wind-
ings where
u v w

HEST 945017 C

R, S, T = three-phase primary system
U, V, W = VT primary terminals
u, v, w = VT metering terminals
n, e = broken delta terminals for E/F protection


u v w u v w

e n
e n
U0 HEST 945019 FL
HEST 945018 FL

b) Five-limb VT c) Three-phase VT plus star-point VT

(must have delta-connected
balancing windings)

Fig. 7.16 Methods of measuring residual voltage

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd



k k k

l l l


HEST 945020 FL
HEST 945021 FL

a) Holmgren CT connection b) Core-balance CT




HEST 945022 FL

c) Special CT arrangement for sensitive E/F protection

Fig. 7.17 Methods of measuring residual current

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


Data sheet REG216.................................................. 1MRB520004-Ben

Data sheet REX010 / 011 ......................................... 1MRB520123-Ben
Demands on measuring transformers
for generator-differential protection .......................... CH-ES 30-32.20 E
Demands on measuring transformers
for transformer protection ......................................... CH-ES 30-32.10 E

Numerical Generator Protection REG216 /
REG216 Classic
Page 1
Issued: May 2005
Changed since: January 2005

Data subject to change without notice

REG216 System REG216

Features • Modular hardware • Display of measured values

• Selectable protection functions • Display of events, their acknowledgment
and printout
• Multitude of applications
• Disturbance recording
• Menu-assisted setting with PC
• Self-documentation
• Fully numerical signal processing
• Long-term stability
• Continuous self-monitoring of hardware
• Communication and coordination with sta-
• Cyclical testing routines mostly performed
tion control
by the software
• Two design versions available; REG216 /
• Setting of parameters and recording of the
REG216 Classic.
settings by PC

Application The REG216 is intended for the protection of tion can be chosen to suit the application by
generators and block transformers. duplicating e.g. auxiliary supply units of the
whole system.
The modular hardware and software design
allows an extremely flexible installation. Standard interfaces make REG216 compati-
Simplicity of adaption to the size of the pri- ble with different process control systems.
mary system and the desired protection Data exchange with higher process control
schemes are achieved through the combi- levels are possible, e.g. one-way reporting of
nation of a software library and hardware digital states and events, measured values and
modules. Economic solutions can thus be protection parameters.
achieved in the full range of applications for
which it is intended. REG216 and REG216 Classic differ with
regard to the binary process connection:
The REG216 software system offers a library
- REG216 uses the E/A-module 216GD61a.
of protective functions. Functions suitable for
generator and transformer protection are lis- - The REG216 Classic uses the modules
ted in the table below. 216GE61 / 216GA61 and 216GA62.
Different degrees of redundancy can be selec-
ted. Availability and reliability of the protec-
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 2

Application (cont´d)

Protection functions: Description
Generator differential 87G three-phase
Power transformer differential 87T three-phase for 2- and 3-winding transformers
Definite time overcurrent (undercurrent) 51 definite time delay, for phase and earth-fault, over-
and undercurrent
Overcurrent or undercurrent with peak value 50 instantaneous operation or with definite time delay,
evaluation value evaluation wide frequency range, over- and undercurrent
Restricted earth fault 87N overcurrent operation with definite time delay*
Voltage-controlled overcurrent 51/27 operation restrained by undervoltage
Inverse time overcurrent 51 inverse current dependent time delay, for phase and
earth fault (51N)
Directional definite time overcurrent 67 definite time tripping
Directional inverse time overcurrent 67 inverse time tripping
Negative phase sequence current 46 negative phase sequence current with definite time delay or
inverse time delay with thermal replica
Definite time overvoltage (undervoltage) 59 definite time delay, over- and undervoltage
27 Applicable also for
64 - stator E/F (95%) (59 G/N)
- rotor E/F (64 R) **
- intertum fault protection
100% stator and rotor earth fault 64 S based on the displacement principle calculation of the
protection 64 R earth fault resistance.
in addition the units REX010 and REX011 are required
Dead machine protection 50AE
Underimpedance 21 circular characteristics centered at origin of impedance plane
Minimum reactance 40 circular characteristics for loss of excitation protection
Pole slip protection 78 detecting loss of synchronism of a generator as against the net-
High-voltage distance protection 21Z<HV 6-system high-voltage protection
Distance protection 21Z< distance protection with overcurrent or underimpedance starting
Power 32 any characteristic angle, over and underpower for:
- active power
- reactive power
- reverse power protection
37 - minimum forward power
Overload 49 thermal replica with operating characteristic
according to ASA-C50.13*** for:
- standard stator current (49 S)
- rotor current (49 R)
Negative phase sequence current 46 evaluation of negative phase sequence of currents
inverse time delay;
with terminal replica
Overtemperature 49 thermal protection with precise thermal replica
Frequency 81 evaluation of voltage input
Rate-of-change of frequency 81 df/dt
Overexcitation 24 voltage/frequency protection (81/27)
definite time delay or inverse time delay (81/27)
Voltage balance 60 monitoring/comparing two groups of single- or three-phase volt-
Voltage peak value evaluation 59/27 instantaneous operation with definite time delay
Synchro check 25 supervision of phase angle frequency and voltage level of two
Breaker failure protection 50BF
Logical functions AND, OR, flip-flop, time delay, counter

* with external hardware: stabilizing resistor, voltage-dependent resistor

** with external hardware: measuring bridge YWX111-..., coupling condensers
***ASA = American Standard Association

Aside from these typical generator protection functions the entire library of the RE.316*4 platform is also available (e.g. distance
protection, autoreclosure, I0 inverse, etc.). For more details see the Operating Instructions of REG216
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 3

Protection functions • The pick-up and tripping signals can be

All protection functions required for the assigned to the channels of the signalling
stand-alone protection of generators, power auxiliary relay assembly.
transformers and feeders are available. The • Provision is available for blocking each
system therefore replaces several relays of a protection function with a digital signal
conventional protection scheme for such (e.g. digital inputs or by using the tripping
power system equipment. The table on page 2 signal of another protection function).
gives a survey of the most significant protec-
tion functions. • External signals applied to the digital
inputs can be processed in any desired
The desired protection functions to suit the fashion.
particular application can simply be selected • Digital signals can be combined to per-
from a comprehensive library using the per- form logical functions e.g. external en-
sonal computer. No knowledge of computer abling or blocking signals with the output
programming is required. signals of an internal protection function
and then used to block one of the other
All setting ranges are extremely wide to make protection functions.
the protection functions suitable for a multi-
tude of applications. The following main pa- Remote in- and outputs (RIO580)
rameters can be set: Using the process bus type MVB, remote in-
• Allocation of processing units and output units 500RIO11 can be connected
to the REG216 terminals. The input and out-
• Input channel or channels put channels can be extended to a large num-
• Pick-up setting ber by using the RIO580 remote input/output
system. Installing 500RIO11 I/O units close
• Time delay to the process reduces the wiring dramati-
• Definition of the operating characteristic cally, since they are accessible via fibre optic
link from the REG216 terminals.
• Tripping logic
• Control signal logic. Analog signals can also be connected to the
system via the 500AXM11 from the RIO580
Setting a corresponding parameter enables family:
the protection functions to be "connected" to
• DC current 4...20 mA
particular input channels.
0...20 mA
-20...20 mA
Digital input and output signals can also be
internally combined logically: • DC voltage 0...10 V
-10...10 V
• The tripping outputs of each protection
function can be assigned to channels of the • Temp. sensor Pt100, Pt250, Pt1000,
tripping auxiliary relay assembly in a man- Ni100, Ni250, Ni1000.
ner corresponding to a matrix.

Construction Hardware • Parallel bus and associated electronic units

The REG216 equipment comprises two main (e.g. analog inputs and data processors/ for
assemblies which are physically separated signal conditioning and processing.
from each other and linked by standard pre-
fabricated screened cables: The complete protection scheme comprises
relatively few hardware modules allowing
• Interfaces to the primary system (CTs, PTs subsequent expansion of electronic units and
and auxiliary relays), which provide DC the interfaces. 21 units of rack space is avail-
isolation and a barrier to electromagnetic able per equipment frame.
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 4

Construction (cont´d)

Fig. 1 Configuration of the REG216 protection system

Excellent electromagnetic compatibility has Space is available for up to 12 transformers,

been achieved through careful attention to which are selected to suit the application. Up
physical separation of the interfaces from the to four assemblies can be used, i.e. 48 inputs.
signal processing units
Auxiliary relay and optocoupler assembly
All hardware can be accommodated in one 216GD61a
cubicle, which provides a further screen This assembly is used in the version of
against induced interference and affords REG216. It provides eight tripping relays,
physical protection against dust, etc. each with powerful, potential-free tripping
contacts (with surge circuits), 16 auxiliary
REG216 has 17 pre-defined rack configura- relays and 16 optocoupler input circuits. Max.
tions with a limited number of I/Os but four assemblies can be provided.
equipped with the same SW library as the
Classic system. Input auxiliary relay assembly 216GE61
Up to 16 auxiliary relays can be accommo-
Other protection relays for functions which dated, providing complete potential separa-
are not part of the REG216 may be installed tion of digital input signals.
in the cubicle and correspondingly interwired
with REG216. Output auxiliary relay assembly 216GA61
Up to 16 auxiliary relays can be accommo-
dated providing complete potential separation
Interfaces to the primary sys- of digital output signals (two contacts per sig-
tem nal).
The following modular assemblies provide
interfacing of REG216 to the power system. Tripping auxiliary relay assembly 216GA62
Up to eight powerful, potential-free tripping
Input transformer assembly 216GW62 contacts and circuits, which provide high-
This assembly adjusts the signal levels and speed operation (surge circuit) with reduced
provides isolation between the primary sys- consumption after operation (economy cir-
tem CT and PT circuits and the electronic cir- cuit) are provided.
cuits of the protection. One type of PT and
two types of CTs are available, to meet differ- The tripping auxiliary relay assembly can be
ent accuracy and dynamic performance optionally fitted with a tripping logic diode
requirements. matrix to enable direct coupling of external
signals. REG216 can also read and process
external signals via digital inputs.
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 5

Facilities for different trip circuit supervision • Connection to the station control with
arrangements in conjunction with the output transmission of messages
unit 216DB61and the input auxiliary relay • Time clock synchronizing for time-tagging
assembly 216GE61 can be provided. of events
• Non-volatile event and disturbance mem-
Parallel bus and electronic units ory (gold capacitor buffered)
The electronic units are of plug-in design and
accommodated in an equipment rack with the • Space requirement: two rack divisions.
standard dimension 19", 6U (1U = 44,45
mm). An equipment rack of this kind is di- Analog Input unit 216EA62
vided into 21 standard divisions. The ex- • 24 inputs sampled simultaneously in
change of data via the parallel bus B448C is groups of six
controlled and monitored by all units avail- • Sampling frequency 600 (720) Hz for a
able. power frequency of 50 (60) Hz
The protection system is based on a data bus • Space requirement: two rack divisions.
with digital signal processing for most func-
tions; signal conditioning, analog and digital Digital output unit 216AB61
inputs, A/D conversion, processing and signal • 32 outputs for controlling the relays of the
output. output auxiliary relay assembly
• Short-circuit proof
The components of the system are:
• Front plate LEDs for indication of acti-
• Static plug-in units, which exchange data vated relays
via a powerful parallel bus
• Space requirement: one rack division.
• Interfaces to the process (primary system,
station equipment), which are isolated Tripping output and binary input unit
from the digital processing unit. 216DB61
• 8 outputs for two-pole control of auxiliary
Equipment rack 216MB66/216MB68 and tripping relays
parallel bus B448C
• Monitored output amplifiers
The main features of the parallel bus B448C
are: • 16 digital inputs for the signals from the
input auxiliary relay assembly (two each
• Specification based on IEEE P 896 (future can be used to externally enable and block
bus) tripping respectively)
• Time multiplexing of addresses and data • Activated outputs and inputs indicated by
(16 bit) LEDs
• Asynchronous data transmission with • Front space requirements: one rack divi-
handshake sion.
• Integrity checking of each data exchange.
Auxiliary DC supply unit 216NG61,
• Up to 32 master units having equal status, 216NG62 and 216NG63
actively accessing the bus • Versions for 36 to 312 V DC input
• Common internal 24 V auxiliary supply • Outputs 24V DC, 150 W
for all electronic units; redundant 24 V are
possible. • Short-circuit and overload-proof outputs
• Parallel connection to increase rating
Processing unit 216VC62a
• 32 bit processor type 80486DX-2 • Parallel connection for redundancy
(2 outputs)
• Application software on Flash EPROM
• Space requirement: 3 rack divisions.
• Operating data on RAM
• Settings on non-volatile Flash EPROM All the REG216 protection functions operate
with sampled primary system voltages and
• Potential-free RS-423 interface for PC currents. The sampling rate of the analog
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Construction (cont´d) input units is 12 times per period at rated For each protection function a visible tripping
power system frequency with a dynamic characteristic is displayed depending on the
range of 15 bits. setting values, e.g. the underimpedance func-
tion shown below.
All further signal processing takes place digi-
tally. The protection functions are therefore
universally applicable, highly accurate and
have excellent long-time stability.

DC components and harmonic contents are

efficiently suppressed by digital filters to
avoid disturbance. The tripping logic for the
internal protection functions (earlier a diode
matrix), is software-controlled in REG216.

Setting and control

The protection system is set and controlled
using a personal computer connected to it via There is a library with all protection functions
a serial interface. necessary for generator and transformer pro-
Operation of the console is menu-assisted and tection. Easy activation of a protective func-
permits: tion by “drag & drop” technology.
• Setting of parameters and recording of the
• Display of measured values
• Display of events, their acknowledgment
and printout
• Disturbance recording.

Windows HMI
A new Windows-based setting tool CAP2/
316 is available since the Firmware version
V5.2. This Software runs only under the fol-
lowing operating systems:
• WINDOWS NT 4.0 Self-monitoring and testing
• WINDOWS 2000 The self-monitoring and testing routine philo-
• WINDOWS XP ≥6.0 sophy of the REG216 can be divided into fol-
lowing sections:
The perfect tool for engineering, testing, • Self-monitoring
commissioning and maintenance personnel
can be used for ON-LINE or OFF-LINE pro- • Parameter viewing facilities
gramming. • Injection testing with separate test equip-

The self-monitoring and testing routine philo-
sophy is quite different from conventional
testing techniques. Whilst the previous prac-
tice in protection was to maintain availability
through comprehensive periodic testing.
REG216 does this continuously by taking full
advantage of digital and data bus technology.

The self-monitoring functions have two ele-

• Continuous self-monitoring by hardware
• Cyclically executed testing routines,
mainly by software.
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Testing Using software HMI „Test functions“

Viewing protection measurements The desired protective function may be se-
One feature of the REG216 is the provision to lected from the list of available active func-
view various operating measurements. This tions. The test operation is based on simu-
together with the self-monitoring functions lated numerical values. One or more channels
replaces the periodic injection testing neces- may be selected for testing the tripping or sig-
sary with conventional protection equipment. nalling outputs. The test function is mainly
The following data can be viewed: used for commissioning purposes when the
system is out of service.
a) The system values as measured by all pro-
tection functions. The corresponding func- Redundancy
tions do not have to have picked up for this Hardware and software redundancy is ad-
purpose. apted to the functional requirements. Two
independent groups of protection functions
b) Analog inputs. The amplitudes, fre- are accommodated in either two separate
quency and phase relationships of all the hardware racks or in only one rack, but with
analog inputs can be viewed without two completely independent hardware
jeopardizing the operation of the protec- groups.
tion functions.
Injection testing
c) Digital input and output signals. The sta- A 100% test of the system can be carried out
tus of each signal can be viewed. by injecting test voltages and currents using,
for example, a test set type OMICRON. Pro-
Apart from the self-monitoring routines, the vision is made for injection testing with a test
fact that the measurement data can be viewed set at the terminals of the input transformer
all the way from the input transformers to the assembly 216GW62. The terminals enable
digital signals also confirms the correct func- primary system PT circuits to be interrupted
tioning of the digital processors and the data and CTs to be short-circuited.
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Technical data Table 1: Input circuits

Rated current IN 1 A, 2 A or 5 A
Rated voltage UN 100 V or 200 V
Rated frequency fN 50/60 Hz
Thermal ratings:
continuous 4 x IN
for 10 s 30 x IN
for 1 s 100 x IN
surge (half-cycle) 250 x IN (peak)
Thermal rating of voltage circuit:
continuous 2.25 x UN
during 10 s 4 x UN
Burden of the current inputs <0.2 VA/input at IN
Burden of the voltage inputs <0.4 VA/input at UN
Input signals
REG216 Classic (216GE61) 24 to 220 V AC or 24 to 250 V DC
REG216 (216GD61a) 20 to 30 V DC, 36 to 75 V DC, 82 to 312 V DC or
175 to 312 V DC

Table 2: Generator differential (87G)

• Three-phase function
• Current-adaptive characteristic
• High stability for external faults and current transformer saturation
g-setting (basic sensitivity) 0.1 to 0.5 IN in steps of 0.05 IN
v-setting (slope) 0.25; 0.5
Max. trip time
- for I∆ >2 IN ≤30 ms
- for I∆ ≤2 IN ≤50 ms
Accuracy of pick-up value of g ±5% IN (at fN)

Table 3: Transformer differential (87T)

• For two- and three-winding transformers
• Three-phase function
• Current-adaptive characteristic
• High stability for external faults and current transformer saturation
• No auxiliary transformers necessary because of vector group and CT ratio compensation
• Inrush restraint using 2nd harmonic
g-setting 0.1 to 0.5 IN in steps of 0.1 IN
v-setting 0.25, 0.5
b-setting 1.25 to 5 in steps of 0.25
Max. trip time (protected transformer loaded)
- for I∆ >2 IN ≤30 ms
- for I∆ ≤2 IN ≤50 ms
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Accuracy of pick-up value ±5% IN (at fN)

Reset conditions I∆ <0.8 g-setting
Differential protection definitions:

Operation for
Operation IN
2 or
I∆ = I1+ I2 + I3 
 I ' × I ' × cos α for cos α ≥ 0 
IH =  1 2  1
0 for cos α < 0 

v Restraint
α = arg (I'1 ; - I'2) g
1 b 2 3 IH
2-winding: I'1 = I1, I'2 = I2
3-winding: I'1 = MAX (I1, I2, I3)
I'2 = I1 + I2 + I3 - I'1 Fig. 2 Differential protection characteristic

Table 4: Definite time current function (51 DT)

• Over and undercurrent detection
• Single- or three-phase measurement with detection of the highest, respectively lowest phase current
• 2nd. harmonic restraint for high inrush currents
Pick-up current 0.02 to 20 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Delay 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Accuracy of the pick-up setting (at fN) ±5% or ±0.02 IN
Reset ratio
overcurrent >94 % (for max. function)
undercurrent <106 % (for min. function)
Max. operating time without intentional delay 60 ms
Inrush restraint optional
pick-up setting 0.1 I2h/I1h
reset ratio 0.8
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 5: Instantaneous overcurrent (50)

• Maximum or minimum function (over- and undercurrent)
• Single- or three-phase measurements
• Wide frequency range (0.04 to 1.2 fN)
• Peak value evaluation
Current 0.1 to 20 IN in steps of 0.1 IN
Delay 0 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Accuracy of pick-up value (at 0.08 to 1.1 fN) ±5% or ±0.02 IN
Reset ratio >90% (for max. function)
<110% (for min. function)
Max. trip time with no delay (at fN) ≤30 ms (for max. function)
≤60 ms (for min. function)

Table 6: Voltage-controlled overcurrent (51/27)

• Maximum current value memorized after start
• Reset of function after voltage return or after trip
• Single- or three-phase measurement for current
• Positive-sequence voltage evaluation
Current 0.5 to 20 IN in steps of 0.1 IN
Voltage 0.4 to 1.1 UN in steps of 0.01 UN
Delay 0.5 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Hold time 0.1 to 10 s in steps of 0.02 s
Accuracy of pick-up value ±5% (at fN)
Reset ratio >93%
Starting time ≤80 ms

Table 7: Inverse time-overcurrent function (51)

• Single- or three-phase measurement with detection of the highest phase current
• Stable response to transients
Inverse time characteristic t = k1 / ((I/IB)C- 1)
(acc. to B.S. 142 with extended setting range)
normal inverse c = 0.02
very inverse c=1
extremely inverse c=2
long time earth fault c=1
or RXIDG characteristic t = 5.8 - 1.35 • In (I/IB)
Number of phases 1 or 3
Base current IB 0.04 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Pick-up current 1 to 4 IB in steps of 0.01 IB
Min. time setting 0 to 10 s in steps of 0.1 s
k1 setting 0.01 to 200 s in steps of 0.01 s
Accuracy classes for the operating time
according to BritishStandard 142 E 5.0
RXIDG characteristic ±4% (1 - I/80 IB)
Reset ratio >94%
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Table 8: Directional definite time overcurrent protection (67)

• Directional overcurrent protection with detection of the power direction
• Back-up protection for distance protection scheme
• Three-phase measurement
• Suppression of DC- and high-frequency components
• Definite time characteristic
• Voltage memory feature for close faults
Current 0.02 to 20 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Angle -180° to +180° in steps of 15°
Delay 0.02 s to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
tWait 0.02 s to 20 s in steps of 0.01 s
Memory duration 0.2 s to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Accuracy of pick-up setting (at fN) ±5% or ±0.02 IN
Reset ratio >94%
Accuracy of angle measurement (at 0.94 to 1.06 fN) ±5°
Voltage input range 0.005 to 2 UN
Voltage memory range <0.005 UN
Accuracy of angle measurement at voltage
memory ±20°
Frequency dependence of angle measurement at
voltage memory ±0.5°/Hz
Max. response time without delay 60 ms

Table 9: Directional inverse time overcurrent function (67)

• Directional overcurrent protection with detection of the power direction
• Back-up protection for distance protection scheme
• Three-phase measurement
• Suppression of DC- and high-frequency components
• Inverse time characteristic
• Voltage memory feature for close faults
Current I-Start 1…4 IB in steps of 0.01 IB
Angle -180°…+180° in steps of 15°
Inverse time characteristic t = k1 / ((I/IB)C- 1)
(acc. to B.S. 142 with extended setting range)
normal inverse c = 0,02
very inverse c=1
extremely inverse c=2
long-time earth fault c=1
k1-setting 0.01 to 200 s in steps of 0.01 s
t-min 0 to 10 s in steps of 0.1 s
IB-value 0.04 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
tWait 0.02 s to 20 s in steps of 0.01 s
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Technical data (cont´d) Memory duration 0.2 s to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s

Accuracy of pick-up setting (at fN) ±5%
Reset ratio >94%
Accuracy of angle measurement (at 0.94 to 1.06 fN) ±5°
Accuracy class of the operating time acc. to British
Standard 142 E 10
Voltage input range 0.005 to 2 UN
Voltage memory range <0.005 UN
Accuracy of angle measurement at voltage
memory ±20°
Frequency dependence of angle measurement at
voltage memory ±0.5°/Hz
Max. response time without delay 60 ms

Table 10: Negative phase-sequence current (46)

• Protection against unbalanced load
• Definite time delay
• Three-phase measurement
Negative phase-sequence current (I2) 0.02 to 0.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Delay 0.5 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Accuracy of pick-up value ±2% IN (at fN, I ≤IN with measuring transformers)
Reset ratio
I2 ≥0.2 IN >94%
I2 <0.2 IN >90%
Starting time ≤80 ms

Table 11: Definite time overvoltage (59, 27)

• Maximum or minimum function
• Single- or three-phase measurement
• Highest or lowest phase value evaluation for three-phase function
• Also applicable as
− Stator earth fault (95%) (59G/N)
− Rotor earth fault* (64R)
− Interturn fault
Voltage 0.01 to 2.0 UN in steps of 0.002 UN
Delay 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Accuracy of pick-up value (at fN) ±2% or ±0.005 UN
Reset ratio >96% (for max. function)
<104% (for min. function)
Response time without delay ≤60 ms
*requires ext. hardware: measuring bridge YWX111-... and coupling condensers.
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Table 12: Instantaneous overvoltage protection function (59, 27) with peak value
• Evaluation of instantaneous values, therefore extremely fast and frequency-independent on a wide scale
• Storing of the highest instantaneous value after start
• No suppression of DC components
• No suppression of harmonics
• Single- or three-phase
• Maximum value detection for multi-phase functions
• Variable lower limiting frequency fmin
Voltage 0.01 to 2.0 UN in steps of 0.01 UN
Delay 0.00 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Limiting fmin 25 to 50 Hz in steps of 1 Hz
Accuracy of pick-up value (at 0.08 to 1.1 fN) ±3% or 0.005 UN
Reset ratio >90% (for max. function)
<110% (for min. function)
Max. trip time at no delay (at fN) <30 ms (for max. function)
<50 ms (for min. function)

Table 13: Distance protection (21)

• All values of settings referred to the secondaries, every zone can be set independently of the others
• 4 independent files for sets of settings.
Impedance measurement -300 to 300 Ω/ph in steps of 0.01 Ω/ph (IN = 1 A or 2 A)
-30 to 30 Ω/ph in steps of 0.001 Ω/ph (IN = 5 A)
Zero-sequence current compensation 0 to 8 in steps of 0.01,
-180° to +90° in steps of 1°
Mutual impedance for parallel circuit lines 0 to 8 in steps of 0.01,
-90° to +90° in steps of 1°
Time step setting range 0 to 10 s in steps of 0.01 s
Underimpedance starters -999 to 999 Ω/ph in steps of 0.1 Ω/ph (IN = 1 A or 2 A)
-99.9 to 99.9 Ω/ph in steps of 0.01 Ω/ph (IN = 5 A)
Overcurrent starters 0.5 to 10 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Min. operating current 0.1 to 2 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Back-up overcurrent 0 to 10 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Neutral current criterion 0.1 to 2 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Neutral voltage criterion 0 to 2 UN in steps of 0.01 UN
Low voltage criterion for detecting, for exam- 0 to 2 UN in steps of 0.01 UN
ple, a weak infeed
VT supervision
NPS/neutral voltage criterion 0.01 to 0.5 UN in steps of 0.01 UN
NPS/neutral current criterion 0.01 to 0.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Accuracy (applicable for current time con-
stants between 40 and 150 ms)
amplitude error ±5% for U/UN >0.1
phase error ±2° for U/UN >0.1
Supplementary error for
- frequency fluctuations of ±10 ±5%
- 10 % third harmonic ±10%
- 10 % fifth harmonic ±10%
Minimum operating time (incl. tripping relay): 21 ms
Typical operating time (incl. tripping relay):
Basic distance protection function 30 ms
With ancillary functions activated +8 ms
Typical reset time 45 ms
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 14: Underimpedance (21)

• Detection of two- and three-phase short circuits (back-up protection)
• Single- or three-phase measurement
• Circular characteristic centered at origin of R-X diagram
• Lowest phase value evaluation for three-phase measurement

Fig. 3 Underimpedance protection function characteristics

Impedance 0.025 to 2.5 UN/lN in steps of 0.001 UN/lN
Delay 0.2 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Reset ratio <107%
Starting time <80 ms (at fN)

Table 15: Minimum reactance (40)

• Detection of loss-of-excitation failure of synchronous machines
• Single- or three-phase measurement
• Out-of-step detection with additional time delay or count logic
• Circular characteristic
• Tripping possible inside or outside of the circle

Fig. 4 Minimum reactance protection function characteristics

Reactance XA -5 to 0 UN/lN in steps of 0.01 UN/lN
Reactance XB -2.5 to + 2.5 UN/lN in steps of 0.01 UN/lN
Delay 0.2 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Angle -180° to +180° in steps of 5°
Accuracy of pick-up values ±5% of highest absolute value of XA, XB (at fN)
Reset ratio (related to origin of circle),
105% for min. function
95% for max. function
Starting time ≤80 ms
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Table 16: Power (32)

• Applicable for
− active power protection
− reverse power protection
− reactive power protection
• Maximum and minimum function
• Single- or two- or three-phase measurement
• Adjustable compensation angle for input transformer errors
Power -0.1 to 1.2 PN in steps of 0.005 PN
Minimum setting: - 0.005 PN (with measuring CT)
- 0.02 PN (with protection CT)
Angle -180° to +180° in steps of 5°
Delay 0.05 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Compensation angle -5° to +5° in steps of 0.l°
Nominal power PN 0.5 to 2.5 UN • IN in steps of 0.001 UN • IN
Reset ratio 30% to 170% in steps of 1%
Accuracy ±10% of setting or 2% UN • IN
(for protection CTs)
±3% of setting or 0.5% UN • IN
(for core-balance CTs)
Max. operating time without intentional delay 70 ms

Table 17: Stator overload (49 S)

• Single- or three-phase measurement
• Operating characteristics according to ASA-C50.13
• Highest phase value for three-phase measurement
• Wide time multiplier setting.

Fig. 5 Stator overload protection function characteristics

Base current (IB) 0.5 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Time multiplier k1 1 to 120 s in steps of 0.1 s
Pick-up current (Istart) 1.0 to 1.6 IB in steps of 0.01 IB
tmin 1 to 120 s in steps of 0.1 s
tg 10 to 2000 s in steps of 10 s
tmax 100 to 2000 s in steps of 10 s
treset 10 to 2000 s in steps of 10 s
Accuracy of current measurement ±5% (at fN), ±2% (at fN) with measuring transformer
Starting time ≤80 ms
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 18: Rotor overload (49 R)

Same as stator overload function, but three-phase measurement
Same as for stator overload function

Table 19: Inverse time negative phase sequence current (46)

• Protection against unbalanced load
• Inverse time delay
• Three-phase measurement

Fig. 6 Inverse time negative phase

sequence current protection function
Base current (IB) 0.5 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Time multiplier k1 5 to 60 s in steps of 0.1 s
Factor k2 (pick-up) 0.02 to 0.20 in steps of 0.01
tmin 1 to 120 s in steps of 0.1 s
tmax 500 to 2000 s in steps of 1 s
treset 5 to 2000 s in steps of 1 s
Accuracy of NPS current (I2) measurement +2% (at fN) with measuring transformers
Starting time ≤80 ms

Table 20: Overtemperature (49)

• Thermal replica for system of first order or general thermal system response
• Single- or three-phase current measurement
• Highest phase value for three-phase measurement
Base current IB 0.5 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Warning stage 50 to 200% ϑN in steps of 1% ϑN
Tripping stage 50 to 200% ϑN in steps of 1% ϑN
Thermal time constant 0.0 to 500 min in steps of 0.1 min
Accuracy of current measurement ±2% (at fN) with measuring transformers
Accuracy of the thermal image ±5%
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Table 21: Frequency (81)

• Maximum or minimum function (over-, underfrequency)
• Minimum voltage blocking
Frequency 40 to 65 Hz in steps of 0.01 Hz
Delay 0.1 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Minimum voltage 0.2 to 0.8 UN in steps of 0.1 UN
Accuracy of pick-up value ±30 mHz (at UN and fN)
Reset ratio <106%
Starting time <135 ms

Table 22: Rate-of-change of frequency df/dt (81)

• Combined pick-up with frequency criterion possible
• Blocking by undervoltage
df/dt -10 to +10 Hz/s in steps of 0.1 Hz/s
Frequency 40 to 55 Hz in steps of 0.01 Hz at fN = 50 Hz
50 to 65 Hz in steps of 0.01 Hz at fN = 60 Hz
Delay 0.1 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Minimum voltage 0.2 to 0.8 UN in steps of 0.1 UN
Accuracy of df/dt (at 0.9 to 1.05 fN) ±0.1 Hz/s
Accuracy of frequency (at 0.9 to 1.05 fN) ±30 mHz
Reset ratio df/dt 95% for max. function
105% for min. function

Table 23: Overexcitation (24)

• U/f measurement
• Minimum voltage blocking
Pick-up value 0.2 to 2 UN/fN in steps of 0.01 UN/fN
Delay 0.1 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Frequency range 0.5 to 1.2 fN
Accuracy (at fN) ±3% or ±0.01 UN/fN
Reset ratio >97% (max.), < 103% (min.)
Starting time ≤120 ms
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 24: Overexcitation function with inverse time delay (24)
• Single-phase measurement
• inverse time delay
• According to IEEE Guide C37.91-1985, setting made by help of table settings
Table settings U/f values: (1.05; 1.10 to 1.50) UN/fN
Start value U/f 1.05 to 1.20 UN/fN in steps of 0.01 UN/fN
tmin 0.01 to 2 min in steps of 0.01 min
tmax 5 to 100 min in steps of 0.1 min
Reset time 0.2 to 100 min in steps of 0.1 min
Reference voltage 0.8 to 1.2 UN in steps of 0.01 UN
Accuracy of pick-up value ±3% UN/fN (at fN)
Frequency range 0.5 to 1.2 fN
Reset ratio 100%
Starting time <120 ms
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Table 25: Voltage balance function (60)

• Comparing of the voltage amplitudes of two groups of voltage inputs (line 1, line 2)
• Single- or three-phase voltage measurement
• Signalling of the group having the lower voltage
• Evaluation of the voltage differences per phase for the 3-phase function and logic OR connection for the
tripping decision
• Variable tripping and reset delay
• Suppression of DC components
• Suppression of harmonics

Fig. 7 Tripping characteristic Voltage comparison (shown for the phases R and the setting value volt.
diff. = 0.2 • UN)
Voltage difference 0.1 to 0.5 UN in steps of 0.05 UN
Trip delay 0.00 to 1.0 s in steps of 0.01 s
Reset delay 0.1 to 2.0 s in steps of 0.01 s
Numbers of phases 1 or 3
Maximum tripping time without delay ≤50 ms
U1R: phase R voltage amplitude voltage channel 1 (line 1)
U2R: phase R voltage amplitude voltage channel 2 (line 2)
For 3-phase function: the characteristic is valid accordingly for the phases S and T
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 26: Dead machine protection (51, 27)
• Quick separation from network at accidental energization of generator (e.g. at standstill or on turning
• Instant overcurrent measurement
• Voltage-controlled overcurrent function e.g. blocked at voltage values >0.85 UN
This function does not exist in the library, it must be combined from the voltage current and time function
Voltage 0.01 to 2 UN in steps of 0.002 UN
Reset delay 0 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Current 0.02 to 20 IN in steps of 0.02 IN
Delay 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s

Table 27: 100% Stator earth fault protection (64 S)

• Protection of the entire stator winding, including star points, even at standstill. Works also for most of
the operating conditions.
• Also suitable when 2 earthings (groundings) are in the protection zone
• Continuous supervision of the insulation level of the stator
• Based on the earth (ground) voltage displacement principle and calculation of the earth (ground) fault
• Alarm and tripping values are entered, resp. measured and displayed in kΩ
• Type of earthings (groundings):
- star point earthing with resistors (requires REX011)
- star point earthing with grounding transformer (requires REX011-1)
- earthing transformers on generator terminals (requires REX011-2)
Alarm stage 100 Ω to 20 kΩ
Delay 0.2 s to 60 s
Tripping stage 100 Ω to 20 kΩ
Delay 0.2 s to 60 s
RES 400 Ω to 5 kΩ
Number of star points 2
RES-2. starpoint 900 Ω to 30 kΩ
Reset ratio 110% for setting values of ≤10 kΩ
120% for setting values of >10 kΩ
Accuracy 0.1 kΩ to 10 kΩ: <±10%
0 to 100 Ω, 10 kΩ to 20 kΩ: <±20%
Starting time 1.5 s
Functional requirements:
- max. earthing current I0 <20 A (recommended I0 = 5A)
- stator earthing capacity 0.5 µF to 6 µF
- stator earthing resistance RPS 75 Ω to 500 Ω
- stator earthing resistance RES 250 Ω to 5 kΩ (≥4.5 x RPS)
(All values are based on the starpoint side)
The actual earthing resistances RES + RPS have to be calculated in accordance with the Operating
The 100% stator earth fault protection function always requires an injection unit type REX010, an injection
transformer block type REX011 and a 95% stator earth fault protection function.
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Table 28: Rotor earth fault protection (64 R)

• Continuous supervision of the insulation level and calculation of the earthing (grounding) resistance
• Alarm and tripping values are entered resp. measured and displayed in kΩ
Alarm stage 100 Ω to 25 kΩ
Delay 0.2 s to 60 s
Tripping stage 100 Ω to 25 kΩ
Delay 0.2 s to 60 s
RER 900 Ω to 5 kΩ
Coupling capacity 2 µF to 10 µF
Reset ratio 110%
Accuracy 0.1 kΩ to 10 kΩ <±10%
0 to 100 Ω, 10 kΩ to 25 kΩ <±20%
Starting time 1.5 s
Functional requirements:
- total rotor earthing capacity 200 nF to 1µF
- rotor earthing resistance RPR 100 Ω to 500 Ω
- rotor earthing resistance RER 900 Ω to 5 kΩ
- coupling capacity 2 µF to 10 µ F
- time constant τ = RER × C = 3...10 ms
The actual earthing resistance RER + RPR have to be calculated in accordance with the Operating Instruc-
The 100% rotor earth fault protection function always requires an injection unit type REX010 and an injec-
tion transformer block type REX011 which are connected to the plant via coupling capacities.
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 29: Pole slip protection (78)

• Recording the pole wheel movements from 0.2 Hz to 8 Hz
• Differentiation of the pendulum center inside or outside of the generator-transformer block zone by two
independent tripping stages
• Adjustable warning angle for pole wheel movements
• Number of slips adjustable before tripping

Fig. 8 Characteristic of the function

ZA (system impedance) 0 to 5.0 UN/lN
ZB (generator impedance) -5.0 to 0 UN/lN
ZC (impedance step 1) 0 to 5.0 UN/lN
Phi 60° to 270°
warning angle 0° to 180°
tripping angle 0° to 180°
n1 0 to 20
n2 0 to 20
t-reset 0.5 to 25 s

Table 30: Synchrocheck (25)

• Supervision of synchronism.
Single-phase measurement. The differences of the amplitudes, phase angles and frequencies of two
voltage vectors are checked
• Voltage supervision:
Single- or three-phase voltage measurement. Evaluation of instantaneous values and therefore a large
frequency range. Detection of maximum and minimum values in case of three-phase input
• Phase selection of the voltage inputs
• External switchover to another voltage input is possible (for double busbar systems)
• External selection of the mode
Max. voltage diff. 0.05 to 0.4 UN in steps of 0.05 UN
Max. phase diff. 5 to 80 deg. in steps of 5.0 deg.
Max. frequency diff. 0.05 to 0.4 Hz in steps of 0.05 Hz
Min. voltage 0.6 to 1 UN in steps of 0.05 UN
Max. voltage 0.1 to 1 UN in steps of 0.05 UN
Supervision time 0.05 to 5 s in steps of 0.05 s
Reset time 0 to 1 s in steps of 0.05 s
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Table 31: Metering function UIfPQ

• Single-phase measurement of voltage, current, frequency, real power and apparent power
• Choice of measuring phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase voltages
• Suppression of DC components and harmonics in current and voltage
• Compensation of phase errors in main and input CTs and VTs
Phase-angle -180° to +180° in steps of 0.1°
Reference value of the power SN 0.2 to 2.5 SN in steps of 0.001 SN
Refer to Table 33 for accuracy.

Table 32: Three-phase measuring module

• Three-phase measurement of voltage (star or delta), current, frequency, real and apparent power and
power factor
• Two independent impulse counter inputs for calculation of interval and accumulated energy
• The impulse counters can be used independently and may also be disabled
• This function may be configured four times
Angle -180° to +180° in steps of 0.1°
Reference value for power 0.2 to 2.5 SN in steps of 0.001 SN
t1-Interval 1 min., 2 min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 20 min.,
30 min., 60 min. or 120 min.
Scale factor of power 0.0001 to 1
Max. impulse frequency 25 Hz
Min. impulse duration 10 ms
Accuracy of time interval ±100 ms
See Table 33 for accuracy

Table 33: Accuracy of the metering function UIfPQ and three-phase measuring module
(including input voltage and input current CT)
Input variable Accuracy Conditions
Core balance CTs Protection CTs
with error compensation without error com-
Voltage ±0.5% UN ±1% UN 0.2 to 1.2 UN
f = fN
Current ±0.5% IN ±2% IN 0.2 to 1.2 IN
f = fN
Real power ±0.5% SN ±3% SN 0.2 to 1.2 SN
0.2 to 1.2 UN
0.2 to 1.2 IN
f = fN
Apparent power ±0.5% SN ±3% SN
Power factor ±0.01 ±0.03 S = SN, f = fN
Frequency ±0.1% fN ±0.1% fN 0.9 to 1.1 fN
0.8 to 1.2 UN
SN = √3 • UN • IN (three-phase)
SN = 1/3 • √3 • UN • IN (single-phase)
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 34: Breaker-failure protection (50BF)

• Individual phase current recognition
• Single- or three-phase operation
• External blocking input
• Two independent time steps
• Remote tripping adjustable simultaneously with retripping or back-up tripping
• Possibility of segregated activating/deactivating each trip (Redundant trip, retrip, back-up trip and
remote trip).
Current 0.2 to 5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN
Delay t1 (repeated trip) 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Delay t2 (back-up trip) 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Delay tEFS (End fault protection) 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Reset time for retrip 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Reset time for back-up trip 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Pulse time for remote trip 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s
Number of phases 1 or 3
Accuracy of pick-up current (at fN) ±15%
Reset ratio of current measurement >85%
Reset time (for power system time constants ≤28 ms (with main CTs TPX)
up to 300 ms and short-circuit currents up to ≤28 ms (with main CTs TPY and
40 • IN) current setting ≥1.2 IN)
≤38 ms (with main CTs TPY and
current setting ≥0.4 IN)

Table 35: Disturbance recorder

• Max. 12 CT/VT channels
• Max. 16 binary channels
• Max. 12 analog channels of internal measurement values
• 12 samples per period (sampling frequency 600 or 720 Hz at a rated frequency of 50/60 Hz)
• Available recording time for 9 CT/VT- and 8 binary signals approximately 5 s
• Recording initiated by any binary signal, e.g. the general trip signal.
Data format EVE
Dynamic range 70 x IN, 2.2 x UN
Resolution 12 bits
Recording periods
Pre-event 40...400 ms in steps of 20 ms
Event 100...3000 ms in steps of 50 ms
Post-event 40...400 ms in steps of 20 ms
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Table 36: Logic functions

Delay function:
- Adjustable trip delay and drop delay 0 to 300 s in steps of 0.01 s
- Two time integration modes
- Input invertible
Counting function:
- Adjustable trip counting threshold and drop delay 1 to 100 in steps of 1
- Input invertible
AND function
- Maximum of four inputs
- All inputs invertible
- Trip with additional delay or counting function
- Maximum of four inputs
- All inputs invertible
- Trip with additional delay or counting function
FLIP-FLOP function
- Two set- and two reset inputs
- All inputs invertible
- Trip with additional delay or counting function

Table 37: Configuration and Settings

Locally via the comm. port on the front-plate using an IBM AT or compatible PC
User interface program CAP2/316 in English, German or French on a CD

Table 38: Remote communication

RS232C interface
Data transfer rate 9600 Bit/s
Protocol SPA or IEC 60870-5-103
Electrical/optical converter (optional) 216BM61b
PC-Card interface
Number 2 plug-in sockets for type 3 cards
(for 2 processing units 216VC62a)
PC-Cards (optional)
interbay bus protocol LON or MVB (part of IEC 61375)
process bus protocol MVB (part of IEC 61375)
(interbay and process bus can be used
LON bus PC-Card with fibreoptic port, ST connectors
Data transfer rate 1.25 MBit/s
IEC 61375 bus PC-Card with redundant fibreoptic port, ST connectors
Data transfer rate 1.5 MBit/s
Event memory
Capacity 256 events
Time marker resolution 1 ms
Time deviation without remote synchroniza-
tion <10 s per day
Engineering interface integrated software interface for signal engineering with
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Technical data (cont´d) Table 39: Contact data

Max. operating voltage 250 VAC or VDC
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 AAC or A DC
Continuous current 10 A AC or A DC
Making power 2500 VA
Rupture current with two contacts in series and
L/R = 40 ms
at U ≤50 VDC 5A
at U ≤120 VDC 1A
at U ≤250 VDC 0,3 A
Signalling stand by
No. of contacts (216GA61) 2 break contacts per signalling channel
No. of contacts (216GD61a) 1 make contact per signalling channel
4 signalling channels with 1 break contact
Max. operating voltage 250 VAC or VDC
Make and carry for 0.5 s 10 AAC or ADC
Continuous current 5 AAC or ADC
Making power 1250 VAAC 60 WDC

Table 40: Auxiliary supply

Max. installed rating per cubicle 400 W
Supply interruption bridging time
at min input voltage and full load >10 ms
at rated input voltage and 70% load >50 ms

Table 41: General data

Temperature range
operation -10° C to +55° C EN 60255-6 (1994),
storage -40° C to +85° C IEC 60255-6 (1988)
Humidity 93%, 40° C, 4 days IEC 60068-2-3 (1969)
Seismic test 2 g, 30 s, 1 to 33 Hz IEC 60255-21-3 (1995),
(1 octave/min) IEEE 344 (1987)
Leakage resistance >100 MΩ, 500 V DC EN 60255-5 (2001),
IEC 60255-5 (2000)
Insulation test 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min EN 60255-5 (2001),
2.2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 s IEC 60255-5 (2000),
2.85 kV, DC, 1 min EN 60950 (1995)
3.2 kV, DC, 1 s
1 kV across open contacts
Second test multiplication x 0.75 (Voltage)
Surge voltage test 5 kV, 1.2/50 µs EN 60255-5 (2001),
IEC 60255-5 (2000) *
1 MHz burst disturbance test 1.0/2.5 kV, Cl. 3; 1MHz, IEC 60255-22-1 (1988),
400 Hz rep.freq. ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
Fast transient test 2/4 kV, Cl. 4 EN 61000-4-4 (1995),
IEC 61000-4-4 (1995)
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Electrostatic discharge test 6/8 kV (10 shots), Cl. 3 EN 61000-4-2 (1996),

(ESD) IEC 61000-4-2 (2001)
Immunity to magnetic interfer- EN 61000-4-8 (1993),
ence at power system frequen- 300 A/m; 1000 A/m; 50/60 Hz IEC 61000-4-8 (1993)
Radio frequency interference test • 0.15-80 MHz, 80% amplitude modulated EN 61000-4-6 (1996),
(RFI) 10 V, Cl. 3 EN 61000-4-6 (1996),
• 80-1000 MHz, 80% amplitude modulated EN 61000-4-3 (1996),
10 V/m, Cl. 3 IEC 61000-4-3 (1996),
• 900 MHz, puls modulated ENV 50204 (1995)
10 V/m, Cl. 3
Emission Cl. A EN 61000-6-2 (2001),
EN 55011 (1998),
CISPR 11 (1990)
* Reduced values apply for repeat tests according to IEC publication 255-5, Clauses 6.6 and 8.6.

Table 42: Mechanical design

CT and PT circuits 10 mm2, Type Phoenix URTK/S
Tripping and signalling circuits 4 mm2, Type Phoenix UKK5-MT KD-P/P
(GKOS for 216GD61a)
Aux. DC supply and remaining aux. circuits 10 mm2, Type Phoenix UK4 (GKOS for 216GD61a)
Cubicle wiring
CT and PT circuits directly mounted terminals
Aux. DC supply (IK62) 0.5 mm2
Tripping and signalling circuits (IK64) 1 - 1.5 mm2
System cables (IK61) 0.14 mm2
Cubicle design ABB Type RESP (see Data Sheet 1MRB520115-Ben)
Cubicle dimensions (w x d x h) 800 x 800 x 2200 mm
Total weight (with all aux. relays and units
inserted) 200 to 400 kg
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Ordering In order to configure the generator protection 1) 216GW62 Input transformer assembly
system type REG216 the ABB-Engineering 2) 216GD61a Interface unit consisting of:
group needs the information from the Ques- 8 tripping relays
tionnaire 1MRB520026-Ken.
16 signalling relays
When ordering the REG216 version the fol- 16 optocouplers
lowing has to be stated: 3 cables 216IK61.
• Rated current
• Rated voltage NOTE:
For customizing the REG216 version, please
• Optocoupler voltage contact an ABB sales representative.
• Quantity of different units (electronic part)
and interfaces.

Table 43: Subcodes

Subcodes Explanation Description Remarks for ordering
M- M1 Single system 1*rack 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 1*DB61, 1*VC62a

1*GW62 Code K-
1*GD61a Code I-
M- M2 Single system 1*rack 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a

2*GW62 Code K-/L-

2*GD61a Code I-
M- M3 Single system 1*rack 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 1*DB61, 1*VC62a

2*GW62 Code K-/L-

1*GD61a Code I-
M- M4 Single system 1*rack 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a

1*GW62 Code K-
2*GD61a Code I-
M- M5 Single system 1*rack 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 2*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a

3*GW62 Code K-/L-/N-

2*GD61a Code I-
M- M6 Single system 1*rack 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 2*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a

4*GW62 Code K-/L-/N-/O-

2*GD61a Code I-

M- M11 Redundant system 1*rack 216MB68 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 1*DB61, 1*VC62a per system

2*GW62 Code K-/L- common for both systems

2*GD61a Code I-
M- M12 Redundant system 1*rack 216MB68 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per system

2*GW62 Code K-/L- common for both systems

4*GD61a Code I-
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Subcodes Explanation Description Remarks for ordering

M- M13 Redundant system 1*rack 216MB68 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 1*DB61, 1*VC62a per system

1*GW62 Code K- for system A

1*GW62 Code L- common for both systems
1*GW62 Code N- for system B
2*GD61a Code I-
M- M14 Redundant system 1*rack 216MB68 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per system

1*GW62 Code K- for system A

1*GW62 Code L- common for both systems
1*GW62 Code N- for system B
4*GD61a Code I-
M- M15 Redundant system 1*rack 216MB68 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 1*DB61, 1*VC62a per system

2*GW62 Code K-/L- for system A

2*GW62 Code N-/O- for system B
2*GD61a Code I-
M- M16 Redundant system 1*rack 216MB68 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per system

2*GW62 Code K-/L- for system A

2*GW62 Code N-/O- for system B
4*GD61a Code I-

M- M21 Double system 2*racks 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 1*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per rack

1*GW62 Code K- for system A

1*GW62 Code L- common for both systems
1*GW62 Code N- for system B
4*GD61a Code I-
M- M22 Double system 2*racks 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 2*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per rack

1*GW62 Code K- for system A

2*GW62 Code L-/N- common for both systems
1*GW62 Code O- for system B
4*GD61a Code I-
M- M23 Double system 2*racks 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 2*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per rack

4*GW62 Code K-/L-/N-/O- common for both systems

4*GD61a Code I-
M- M24 Double system 2*racks 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 2*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per rack

1*GW62 Code K- for system A

3*GW62 Code L-/N-/O- common for both systems
1*GW62 Code P- for system B
4*GD61a Code I-
M- M25 Double system 2*racks 216MB66 consisting of 1*NG6x, 2*EA62, 1*AB61, 2*DB61, 1*VC62a per rack

2*GW62 Code K-/L- for system A

2*GW62 Code N-/O- common for both systems
2*GW62 Code P-/Q- for system B
4*GD61a Code I-
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Ordering (cont´d) Subcodes Explanation Description Remarks for ordering

A- A0 none rated current for protection transformers
A1 1 A
A5 5 A
B- B0 none rated current for measurement transfomers
B1 1 A
B5 5 A
U- U0 none rated voltage
U1 100 V AC
U2 200 V AC
K-/L- K01 6 CTs (3ph Code A-) VT, CT and MT arrangements of
N-/O- L01 1 MT (1ph Code B-) analog input transformer unit
P-/Q- N01 2 VTs (1ph Code U-)
O01 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
K-/L- K02 6 CTs (3ph Code A-) Typ 216GW62
N-/O- L02 3 MTs (3ph Code B-) Explanation:
P-/Q- N02 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-) CT = current transformer protection core
O02 MT = current transformer measurement core
P02 VT = voltage transformer
K-/L- K03 6 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L03 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
P-/Q- N03 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
K-/L- K04 6 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L04 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
P-/Q- N04 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
O04 1 VTs (1ph Code U-)
P04 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
K-/L- K05 9 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L05 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
P-/Q- N05 2 VTs (1ph Code U-)
K-/L- K06 9 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L06 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
P-/Q- N06
K-/L- K07 12 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L07
P-/Q- N07
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Subcodes Explanation Description Remarks for ordering

K-/L- K08 9 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L08 3 MTs (3ph Code B-)
P-/Q- N08
K-/L- K09 3 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L09 3 MTs (3ph Code B-)
P-/Q- N09 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
O09 2 VTs (1ph Code U-)
P09 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
K-/L- K10 6 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L10 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
P-/Q- N10 3 VTs (1ph Code U-)
K-/L- K11 9 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L11 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-)
P-/Q- N11
K-/L- K12 3 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L12 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
P-/Q- N12 1 VT (1ph Code U-)
O12 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
P12 1 VT (1ph 95% Stator earth fault protection
Q12 3 VTs (special) 100% Stator + Rotor earth fault protection
K-/L- K13 6 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L13 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
P-/Q- N13 1 VT (1ph 95% Stator earth fault protection
O13 2 VTs (special) 100% Stator earth fault protection
K-/L- K14 3 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L14 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
P-/Q- N14 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
O14 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
P14 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
Q14 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
K-/L- K15 2 VTs (1ph Code U-)
N-/O- L15 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
P-/Q- N15 9 CT (3ph Code A-)
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Ordering (cont´d)
Subcodes Explanation Description Remarks for ordering
K-/L- K16 2 VTs (special) 100% Stator earth fault protection
N-/O- L16 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
P-/Q- N16 9 CT (3ph Code A-)
K-/L- K18 6 CTs (3ph Code A-)
N-/O- L18 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
P-/Q- N18 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
O18 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
P18 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
K-/L- K19 3 VTs (3pn delta Code U-)
N-/O- L19 3 VTs (3ph delta Code U-)
P-/Q- N19 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
O19 1 MT (1ph Code B-)
P19 1 CT (1ph Code A-)
Q19 1 VT (1ph 95% Stator earth fault protection
2 VTs (special) 100% Stator earth fault protection

The above mentioned devices are included in the code Mx.

The number and types of CPUs, power supply, system
cable length and protocol must be specified by the code

G- G1 165..312 V DC 1. DC/DC converter System A

G2 82....156 V DC supply voltage
G4 36.....75 V DC
H- H0 none 2. DC/DC converter System A
H1 165..312 V DC supply voltage for variants M1-M6 and M21-M25 optional
H2 82....156 V DC redundant DC/DC converter can be used
H4 36.....75 V DC
E- E0 none 1. DC/DC converter System B
E1 165..312 V DC supply voltage for variants M11-M16 and M21-M25 only
E2 82....156 V DC
E4 36.....75 V DC
F- F0 none 2. DC/DC converter System B
F1 165..312 V DC supply voltage for variants M21-M25 optional
F2 82....156 V DC redundant DC/DC converter can be used
F4 36.....75 V DC
I- I1 82....312 V DC
I2 36.....75 V DC Binary input/output unit GD61a optocoupler input voltage
I3 20.....30 V DC
I9 175..312 V DC This variant to be used with 220 or 250 V DC
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Subcodes Explanation Description Remarks for ordering

S- S1 SPA Interbay bus protocol
S2 IEC 60870-5-103 only available >= Version 6.5c
W- W0 not equipped Additional CPU only valid for M1-M6 and M21-M25
W5 System A maximum are two CPUs per system
W6 System B
W7 System A + B
C- C1 IK61*2.5 m System cable Cable length GW62a modules --> System A
C2 IK61*4.0 m
D- D1 IK61*2.5 m System cable Cable length GD61a modules --> System A
D2 IK61*4.0 m
Y- Y0 not equipped System cable Cable length GW62 modules --> System B
Y1 IK61*2.5 m
Y2 IK61*4.0 m
Z- Z0 none System cable Cable length GD61a modules --> System B
Z1 IK61*2.5 m
Z2 IK61*4.0 m
R- R0 none Reset unit
R1 System A
R2 System B
R3 System A + B
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Ordering (cont´d)

Table 44: Accessories

Type Order No.
DC filter for REG216 power supply module (one per module required) HEST402042P0307
PCC card interface
Type Protocol Connector Optical fibre* Gauge ** Order No.
For interbay bus:
PCCLON2 SET LON ST (bajonet) G/G 62,5/125 HESG 448766R0001
For process bus:
500PCC02 MVB ST (bajonet) G/G 62,5/125 HESG 448735R0232
RS232C interbay bus interface
Type Protocol Connector Optical fibre* Gauge ** Order No.
216BM61b SPA ST (bajonet) G/G 62,5/125 HESG448267R1021
216BM61b IEC 60870-5-103 SMA (screw) G/G 62,5/125 HESG448267R1022

* receiver Rx / transmitter Tx, G = glass, P = plastic **optical fibre conductor gauge in µm

Human machine interface
Type Description Order No.
CAP2/316 * Installation CD German/English 1MRB260030M0001
* Unless expressly specified the latest version is supplied.
Optical fibre PC connecting cable
Type Order No.
YX216a-1 (4 m) HESG448522R1
YX216a-1 (10 m) HESG448522R2
YX216a-1 (30 m) HESG448522R3
Disturbance recorder evaluation program PSM505
Description SW variant Licence type Order No.
Software installation key all variants all types 1MRB260035R1099
Licence key RelView single-user 1MRB260035R1001
Professional single-user 1MRB260035R1011
Professional multi-user 1MRB260035R1012
Expert single-user 1MRB260035R1021
Expert multi-user 1MRB260035R1022
30-day trial licence key Expert single-user On request:
[email protected]

Accessories (optional) This PC type can also be used in the future in

These may also be obtained elsewhere, how- the probable event that the software functions
ever correct operation of the overall system is increase (graphic display, etc.). Following
crucial and the following details must be requirements should be met:
64 MByte RAM
Personal computer 1 CD-ROM drive
Various PCs having a RS232 and working 1 hard disk minimum 500 MB
with the operating systems Windows NT 4.0, 1 serial interface (RS 232 C)
Windows 2000 or Windows XP ≥6.0 can be 2nd serial interface as option.
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Variant M1 (single system, 1 rack)

- 1*216NG6x Code G
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 1*216DB61
- 12 Input transformers (1*216GW62) Code K
- 8 Tripping relays
- 16 Signaling relays (1*216GD61a) Code I
- 16 Binary inputs

- Additional CPU type 216VC62a Code W5
- Redundant power supply 216NG6x Code H

Ordering example for M1:

Code: M1K*A*B*U*G*H*I*S*W*C*D*R*

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Ordering (cont´d) Variant M2 (single system, 1 rack)

- 1*216NG6x Code G
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code K/L
- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays
- 32 binary inputs
} (2*216GD61a) Code I

- Additional CPU type 216VC62a Code W5
- Redundant power supply 216NG6x Code H

Ordering example for M2:

Code: M2K*L*A*B*U*G*H*I*S*W*C*D*R*

K- L-

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Variant M3 (single system, 1 rack)

- 1*216NG6x Code G
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 1*216DB61
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code K/L

- 8 tripping relays
- 16 signaling relays (1*216GD61a) Code I
- 16 binary inputs

- Additional CPU type 216VC62a Code W5
- Redundant power supply 216NG6x Code H

Ordering example for M3:

Code: M3K*L*A*B*U*G*H*I*S*W*C*D*R*

K- L-

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Ordering (cont´d) Variant M4 (single system, 1 rack)

- 1*216NG6x Code G
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code K

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs

- Additional CPU type 216VC62a Code W5
- Redundant power supply 216NG6x Code H

Ordering example for M4:

Code: M4K*A*B*U*G*H*I*S*W*C*D*R*


ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 39

Variant M5 (single system, 1 rack)

- 1*216NG6x Code G
- 1*216VC62a
- 2*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61
- 36 input transformers (3*216GW62) Code K/L/N

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs

- Additional CPU type 216VC62a Code W5
- Redundant power supply 216NG6x Code H

Ordering example for M5:

Code: M5K*L*N*A*B*U*G*H*I*S*W*C*D*R*

K- L- N-

ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 40

Variant M6 (single system, 1 rack)

- 1*216NG6x Code G
- 1*216VC62a
- 2*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61
- 48 input transformers (4*216GW62) Code K/L/N/O

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs

- Additional CPU type 216VC62a Code W5
- Redundant power supply 216NG6x Code H

Ordering example for M6:

Code: M6K*L*N*O*A*B*U*G*H*I*S*W*C*D*R*

K- L- N- O-

ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 41

Variant M11 (redundant system, 1 rack)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62A
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 1*216DB61

- 8 tripping relays
- 16 signaling relays (1*216GD61a) Code I
- 16 binary inputs
Common use for both systems:
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code K/L

- none

Ordering example for M11:

Code: M11K*L*A*B*U*G*E*I*S*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L-

ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 42

Variant M12 (redundant system, 1 rack)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs
Common use for both systems:
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code K/L

- none

Ordering example for M12:

Code: M12K*L*A*B*U*G*E*I*S*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L-
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 43

Variant M13 (redundant system, 1 rack)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 1*216DB61

- 8 tripping relays
- 16 signaling relays (1*216GD61a) Code I
- 16 binary inputs
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code K/N
Common use for both systems:
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code L

- none

Ordering example for M13:

Code: M13K*L*N*A*B*U*G*E*I*S*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N-

ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 44

Variant M14 (redundant system, 1 rack)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code K/N
Common use for both systems:
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code L

- none

Ordering example for M14:

Code: M14K*L*N*A*B*U*G*E*I*S*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N-
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 45

Variant M15 (redundant system, 1 rack)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 1*216DB61

- 8 tripping relays
- 16 signaling relays (1*216GD61a) Code I
- 16 binary inputs
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code K/L/N/O
Common use for both systems:
- none

- none

Ordering example for M15:

Code: M15K*L*N*O*A*B*U*G*E*I*S*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N- O-

ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 46

Variant M16 (redundant system, 1 rack)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code K/L/N/O
Common use for both systems:
- none

- none

Ordering example for M16:

Code: M16K*L*N*O*A*B*U*G*E*I*S*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N- O-
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 47

Variant M21 (double system, 2 racks)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 1*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code K/N
Common use for both systems:
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code L

- Additional CPU board per system Code W
- 2nd power supply (A) Code H
- 2nd power supply (B) Code F

Ordering example for M21:

Code: M21K*L*N*A*B*U*G*H*E*F*I*S*W*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N-

216NG62 216NG62
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 48

Variant M22 (double system, 2 racks)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 2*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code K/O
Common use for both systems:
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code L/N

- Additional CPU board per system Code W
- 2nd power supply (A) Code H
- 2nd power supply (B) Code F

Ordering example for M22:

Code: M22K*L*N*O*A*B*U*G*H*E*F*I*S*W*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N- O-

216NG62 216NG62
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 49

Variant M23 (double system, 2 racks)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 2*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61
- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays
- 32 binary inputs
} (2*216GD61a) Code I

Common use for both systems:

- 48 input transformers (4*216GW62) Code K/L/N/O

- Additional CPU board per system Code W
- 2nd power supply (A) Code H
- 2nd power supply (B) Code F

Ordering example for M23:

Code: M23K*L*N*O*A*B*U*G*H*E*F*I*S*W*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N- O-

216NG62 216NG62
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 50

Variant M24 (double system, 2 racks)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 2*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs
- 12 input transformers (1*216GW62) Code K/P
Common use for both systems:
- 36 input transformers (3*216GW62) Code L/N/O

- Additional CPU board per system Code W
- 2nd power supply (A) Code H
- 2nd power supply (B) Code F

Ordering example for M24:

Code: M24K*L*N*O*P*A*B*U*G*H*E*F*I*S*W*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N- O- P-

216NG62 216NG62
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 51

Variant M25 (double system, 2 racks)

Configuration as per system:

- 1*216NG6x Code G/E
- 1*216VC62a
- 2*216EA62
- 1*216AB61
- 2*216DB61

- 16 tripping relays
- 32 signaling relays (2*216GD61a) Code I
- 32 binary inputs
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code K/L/P/Q
Common use for both systems:
- 24 input transformers (2*216GW62) Code N/O

- Additional CPU board per system Code W
- 2nd power supply (A) Code H
- 2nd power supply (B) Code F

Ordering example for M25:

Code: M25K*L*N*O*P*Q*A*B*U*G*H*E*F*I*S*W*C*D*Y*Z*R*

K- L- N- O- P- Q-

216NG62 216NG62
ABB Switzerland Ltd Numerical Generator Protection REG216 / REG216
Power Technology Systems
Page 52

Sample Numerical protection equipment used for • duplicating power supply unit
specification generator and block transformer protection.
• duplicating the whole system.
It will be a stand-alone system but closely
Additional benefits considered are wide set-
involved in the process. Parameters, signals, ting ranges, excellent long-term stability and
measured values as well as remote parameter few setting steps. The numerical system
regulation commands will be exchanged via
should offer a library of the available protec-
appropriate interfaces and a serial communi- tive functions. These functions will then be
cations channel to central process control selected by the user by the simple assign-
ment of parameters.
The system will be supported by a software All protection functions should operate from
library of diverse protection functions. A
sampled primary system voltages and cur-
menu-driven HMI (human machine interface) rents. The sampling rate of the analog input
will allow users to activate functions which units should be 12 times per period at rated
are provided in the protection function
power system frequency with a dynamic
library. range of 15 bit.
The entire protective system will consist of a
The man-machine communication should be
relatively small number of hardware compo- performed easily using only a few push but-
nents. This applies not only to the electronic ton commands on a personal computer (PC)
units, but also to the process interfaces, such
via a serial RS 232 interface. No prior knowl-
as current and voltage inputs as well as the edge of programming should be necessary.
numbers of signal and tripping relays. For all functions the user is guided with the
aid of screen menus and windows. All differ-
This flexibility resulting from the modular ent languages for texts could be supplied.
hardware will enable the equipment configu- Any text change is accommodated easily.
ration to be easily adapted for installations of
different sizes and the desired scope of pro- All the hardware components should be pack-
tection. aged in a single cabinet. This cubicle can also
accommodate other protection relays with
The system will permit various degrees of external functions, for example 100% stator
redundancy. The user can specify the desired earth fault protection, Buchholz relay or some
thermal sensors.

References Data Sheet RESP 97 - Cubicles for Electronic Installations 1MRB520115-Ben

Operating Instructions REG216 (printed) 1 MDU02005-EN /
Operating Instructions REG216 (CD) 1MRB260030M0001
Reference List REG216 1MRB520011-Ren
Data Sheet REX010/011 1MRB520123-Ben

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Power Technology Systems
Brown-Boveri-Strasse 6
CH-5400 Baden/Switzerland
Tel. +41 58 585 77 44
Fax +41 58 585 55 77
E-mail: [email protected]


Printed in Switzerland (0505-0000-0)

Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 REX010/011
for 100% stator and rotor earth
fault protection Page 1
Issued: March 2003
Changed since: June 2002

Data subject to change without notice

Features • Compact design • Auxiliary DC power supply from station bat-

tery from 36 to 312 V DC
• Perfectly matched for the REG216/
REG316*4 • Applicable for all commonly used earthing-
and excitation-systems for generators
• Provides protection of the whole stator
winding including the neutral point • Continuous supervision of the insulation
resistance and calculation of the earth fault
• Continuous supervision of the injection
voltage and the primary earthing system
• The principle is based on the well-known
• Suitable for two separate earthing points
offset method, using injection of a low
within the protected zone
frequency signal
• Continuous self-supervision of the injection
• Suitable for updating existing plants
signal with respect to amplitude and fre-
quency • Insensitive to external disturbances

Application The unit is applied for the protection of gen- former REX011 are required. This injection
erators in block configuration for earth faults equipment can be applied to all common
on the generator side. For the implementation generator earthing- and excitation-systems.
of the 100% stator and rotor earth fault The protection is active during all states of
protection using a REG216/316*4, an injec- the machine, standstill as well as run-up and
tion unit REX010 and the injection trans- run-down.
ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 for 100% REX010/011
Utility Automation Systems
stator and rotor earth fault protection 1MRB520123-Ben
Page 2

Design General dent protection functions are applied: one for

The earth fault protection is based on the in- 95% and one, using a different algorithm, for
jection of a coded signal. The resulting offset 100% of the stator winding. The 100% func-
voltage is utilized to calculate the earth resis- tion is calculating the earth resistance and the
tance (Rf). 95% function is measuring the neutral voltage
displacement of the generator.
The injection signal is produced in the injec-
tion unit REX010 and applied to the genera- a) The 100% function protects 35% of the
tor through the transformer unit REX011. For stator windings from the neutral point
the coupling to the protected unit resistors for Rf = 0 and I0max = 15 A
(RE, RP) are used. For the rotor earth fault
protection two capacitors are required in b) The 95% function (U>) protects 95% of
addition. the generator stator winding from the
terminals. This results in an overlap
The measurement signals for earth fault pro- (redundancy) of the two protection func-
tection are processed by the REG216 or the tions as seen in Fig. 1.
REG316*4 respectively.
The 100% function increases in sensitivity
The equipment described protects 100% of with increasing earth fault resistance and
the generator stator winding. Two indepen- decreasing earth fault current.


95% Stator earth fault protection

100% Stator earth fault
function Rf = 0Ω Rf > 0Ω

Neutral point Terminal
Running machine
Fig. 1

At standstill the full stator winding (100%) is

protected by the 100% function as seen in 100% Stator earth fault function
Fig. 2. At the same time the entire excitation
winding is protected for earth faults. Because
of the excellent rejection of external interfer-
ences, the REX010/011 can be applied to all
types of excitation systems including thyris-
tor type. Fig. 2

Hardware The protection equipment consists of the fol- - Voltage transformers

lowing units (Figures 4 – 8):
The injection unit (REX010) together with
the injection transformer (REX011) produces
REG216/316*4: Numerical generator protection three coded square wave signals (Uis, Uir,
REX010: Injection unit
Ui) with a frequency fN/4. These square wave
REX011: Injection transformer unit
signals are injected into the protected object
with auxiliary contactor
via the coupling components. The three
In addition the following components are square waves have different amplitudes: Uis
required: (Injection signal for the stator), Uir (Injection
signal for the rotor) and Ui (reference signal
- Earthing resistors in the generator neu- for the REG216/316*4). The injection unit
tral point (REs, RPs) and in the excita- REX010 is connected to the station battery
tion circuit (REr, RPr) and the injection signal voltage is generated
- Coupling capacitors in the excitation either by the battery or by an internal DC/DC
circuit of the rotor converter.
ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 for 100% REX010/011
Utility Automation Systems
stator and rotor earth fault protection 1MRB520123-Ben
Page 3

The coding is achieved by alternating the type P8. In the case that the earth fault current
transmission of the square wave with a quies- exceeds 5 A the contactor will open the input
cent period, as seen in Fig. 3. circuit to the injection unit to protect it
against high voltages during earth faults near
the generator terminals. The 95% function is
always active and will detect any earth faults.

The resistors RES, RPS are used to provide

high-resistance earthing of the generator
neutral point and for coupling the injection
signal to RPS as well as the measurement sig-
Fig. 3 nal to RES. A similar arrangement applies for
the generator rotor where coupling is made
The REG216/316*4 evaluates and compares with the resistors RER and RPR; however, two
the measured injected voltage with the refer- additional capacitors C1 and C2 are required.
ence voltage during the transmitting period.
In the quiescent period the evaluation of pos- There are three connection variants for the
sible interferences is active, ensuring the cor- stator and two for the rotor earth fault protec-
rect protection response. The injection trans- tion.
former REX011 is equipped with a contactor,

Software Three protection functions are available in the the protected zone by including the monitor-
REG216/316*4 library: ing of the generator circuit breaker status.
- 100% Stator earth fault The function is capable of measuring the ef-
protection Stator EFP fective value of RES and of the transformation
- Rotor earth fault protection Rotor EFP ratio of the voltage transformer while the ma-
- 95% Stator earth fault chine is at standstill. This allows optimizing
the function with the actual parameters of the
protection Overvoltage U>
protected machine.
During the transmitting period, the digital fil-
Alarm and trip levels are entered and read out
ter algorithms are calculating the instanta-
in kΩ.
neous earth fault resistance from the input
signal pairs Uis, Ui and Uir, Ui respectively. Settings:
Alarm level 100 Ω to 20 kΩ
During the quiescent period the filtered sig-
Delay 0.2 s to 60s
nals Uis and Uir are examined for interfer-
Trip level 100 Ω to 20 kΩ
ence from the protected object or the
Delay 0.2 s to 60 s
connected network. This examination is used
RES 250 Ω to 5 kΩ
to validate the previous calculation of the
earth fault resistance. Number of neutral points 2
RES-2. neutral point 900 Ω to 30 kΩ
The reference signal Ui is continuously Reset ratio 110% (with
supervised with respect to amplitude and fre- settings of <10 kΩ)
quency. This ensures that the injection signal 120% (with
is correct and that it has the correct frequency. settings of >10 kΩ)
Accuracy 100 Ω to 10 kΩ:
The primary earth connection of the protected
machine is checked through evaluation of the
0 to 100 Ω, 10 kΩ
capacitive component of the earth fault cur-
to 20 kΩ: <±20%
rent during the transmitting period.
Operating time 1.5 s
100% Stator earth fault protection function
Machine and system parameters:
This function consists of an alarm level and a
- Max. earth fault
trip level with corresponding signalling and
current l0 <20 A (recom-
tripping outputs.
mended l0 ≤5 A)
It is possible to compensate for a second - Stator earth
high-resistance earth to neutral point within capacitance 0.5 µF to 6 µF
ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 for 100% REX010/011
Utility Automation Systems
stator and rotor earth fault protection 1MRB520123-Ben
Page 4

Software (cont’d) - Stator earth REr 900 Ω to 5 kΩ

resistance RPS 75 Ω to 500 Ω Coupling capacitance 2 µF to 10µF
- Stator earth 250 Ω to 5 kΩ Reset ratio 110% (with
- resistance RES (≥4.5* RPS) settings of <10 kΩ)
120% (with
- RPS // RES >70 Ω settings of >10 kΩ)
The effective earth resistances RES, RPS and Accuracy 100 Ω to 10 kΩ:
the transformation ratio of the voltage trans- <±10%
former must be calculated in accordance with 0 to 100 Ω,
the operating instructions. 10 kΩ to 25 kΩ:
Further details about settings of the various Operating time 1.5 s
functions can be obtained from the REG216/
316*4 data sheet. Machine and system parameters:
- Rotor earth
Rotor earth fault protection capacitance 200 nF to 1 µF
This function incorporates an alarm as well as - Rotor earth
a trip level with separate tripping and signal- resistance RPr 100 Ω to 500 Ω
ling outputs. - Rotor earth
resistance REr 900 Ω to 5 kΩ
The function allows the measurement of the - Coupling
actual coupling capacitance while the ma- capacitance 4 µF to 10 µF
chine is standing still. This measurement per- - Time constant T = REr x C
mits optimum settings with respect to the pro- = 3 to 10 ms
tected machine.
The effective earth resistances REr and RPr
Alarm and trip levels are entered and read out must be calculated in accordance with the
in kΩ. operating instructions.

Settings: Further details about settings of the various

Alarm level 100 Ω to 25 kΩ functions can be obtained from the REG216/
Delay 0.2 s to 60 s 316*4 data sheet.
Trip level 100 Ω to 25 kΩ
Delay 0.2 s to 60 s

Technical data REX010 Injection unit

The injection unit REX010 is contained in a REG316*4 housing, therefore the specifications of
the design details and the general data of the REG316*4 are applicable.

Supply voltage range: 36 to 312 V DC

Power consumption <180 VA
Optocoupler inputs: 18 to 312 V DC (refer to table below)
Connection terminals: HDFK (type Phoenix) 4 mm2
Control and signalling devices:
green LED on: Device ready
red LED on: Overload
yellow LED on: No injection
ENABLE switch: Injection on
DISABLE switch: Injection off
RESET push button: Reset after interruption of injection
Optocoupler input: Interruption of injection, reset after interruption of
ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 for 100% REX010/011
Utility Automation Systems
stator and rotor earth fault protection 1MRB520123-Ben
Page 5

REX011 Injection transformer

Type of auxiliary transformer WU30Z
Primary voltage 2 x 110 V
Secondary voltage
REX011 110 V / 50 V Terminals UK5 (Phoenix) 5 mm2
REX011-1 4 x 0.86 V / 50 V Terminals UHV50 (Phoenix) 50 mm2
REX011-2 4 x 6.4 V / 50 V Terminals UHV50 (Phoenix) 50 mm2
Auxiliary contactor P8nax (8 normally open contacts)
HV test 2.5 kV common mode
REX011 Mounting surface, 180 x 290 mm and 245 mm high
REX011-1, -2 Mounting surface, 180 x 290 mm and 275 mm high


Fig. 4 Stator earth fault protection, star point Fig. 5 Stator earth fault protection with earthing
transformer on generator terminals

Fig. 6 Stator earth fault protection with Fig. 7 Single pole rotor connection earthing with
earthing transformer on star point resistors
ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 for 100% REX010/011
Utility Automation Systems
stator and rotor earth fault protection 1MRB520123-Ben
Page 6

Diagrams (cont’d)

Fig. 8 Two pole rotor connection Fig. 9 Connection diagram REX010/REX011

Dimensions All dimensions in mm

Front view Rear view

Fig. 10 REX010 T = Input and output voltages cross-section = 4 mm2

H = Auxiliary supply

Front view Panel cutout

Fig. 11 REX010
ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 for 100% REX010/011
Utility Automation Systems
stator and rotor earth fault protection 1MRB520123-Ben
Page 7

Fig. 12 Dimensions REX011, -1, -2

Ordering Order codes for REX010/REX011

REX011 Injection transformer unit

REX011 HESG 323888 M1 Starpoint earthing with resistors Fig. 4

REX011-1 R’Ps >8 mΩ HESG 323888 M11 Starpoint earthing with earthing transformer Fig. 6
REX011-1 R’Ps >32 mΩ HESG 323888 M12 Starpoint earthing with earthing transformer Fig. 6
REX011-1 R’Ps >128 mΩ HESG 323888 M13 Starpoint earthing with earthing transformer Fig. 6
REX011-2 R’Ps >0.45 Ω HESG 323888 M21 Earthing transformer on generator terminals Fig. 5
REX011-2 R’Ps >1.8 Ω HESG 323888 M22 Earthing transformer on generator terminals Fig. 5
REX011-2 R’Ps >7.2 Ω HESG 323888 M23 Earthing transformer on generator terminals Fig. 5
If R’Ps is not yet known when ordering, please order M11 resp. M21. The version required later may be

REX010 Injection unit

Function Value Code
Battery voltage 36 to 312 V DC U0
Frequency 50 Hz F5
60 Hz F6
Optocoupler voltage 82 to 312 V DC I3
36 to 75 V DC I4
18 to 36 V DC I5

Order-No. HESG324426M0001 + Code

REX010 offers two options according to the available battery voltage.
ABB Switzerland Ltd Auxiliary unit for REG216/316*4 for 100% REX010/011
Utility Automation Systems
stator and rotor earth fault protection 1MRB520123-Ben
Page 8

Ordering (cont’d) Ordering example

Generator with the earthing transformer at the The associated earthing resistors as well as
neutral point (R’Ps >32 mΩ), system fre- the coupling capacitors 2*2 µF (Leclanche
quency 50 Hz, battery voltage 110 V DC, MIH 800-2) for the rotor earth fault protec-
which is also used for optocoupler inputs. tion may be ordered through ABB Switzer-
land Ltd.
Order description:
1 REX010 - HESG324426M0001 The associated protection package/system
Code U0/ F5 /13 REG216/REG316*4 must be ordered sepa-
1 REX011- HESG323888M12 rately, according to the appropriate Data

References REG 316*4 Data Sheet 1MRK502004-Ben

REG316*4 Operating Instructions (printed) 1MRB520049-Uen
REG316*4 Operating Instructions (CD) 1MRB260030M0001
REG216 Data Sheet 1MRB520004-Ben
REG216 Operating Instructions (printed) 1MRU02005-EN
REG216 Operating Instructions (CD) 1MRB260030M0001

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Utility Automation Systems
Brown-Boveri-Strasse 6
CH-5400 Baden/Switzerland
Tel. +41 58 585 77 44
Fax +41 58 585 55 77
E-mail: [email protected]


Printed in Switzerland (0303-0000-0)

CH-ES 30-32.20 E

ABB Switzerland Ltd




The operation of any generator differential protection is influenced by distortion in
the measuring quantities. The current to the protection will be heavily distorted
when the current transformer is saturated.In most cases it is not possible to avoid
current transformer saturation for all fault conditions, therefore measures are taken
in the generator differential protections to allow for current transformer saturation
with maintained proper operation. REG316 / REG316*4 / REG216 can allow for
heavy current transformer saturation but not an unlimited one.
For transformer differential protection see document
CH-ES 30-32.10 E for RET316 / RET316*4.
Requirements on current transformers
Choice of current transformers
The current transformer should be to type TPS,TPX or TPY with accuracy class
5P20 or better. The use of the linearized current transformer type TPZ leads only
to a small phase angle shift and they can be used without problems, if the same
type is on both sides of the generator. Possibly ABB Switzerland Ltd, Utility Auto-
mation can be contacted for confirmation that the actual type can be used.
The current transformer ratio should be selected so, that the current to the
protection is larger than the minimum operating value for all faults that shall be
detected. Minimum operating current for the generator differential protection in
REG316 / REG316*4 / REG216 is 10 % of nominal current.
Conditions for the CT requirements
The requirements for REG316 / REG316*4 / REG216 are a result of investigations
performed in our network simulation program. The tests have been performed with
a digital current transformer model.
The setting of the current transformer model was representative for current trans-
formers type TPX and TPY.

The performance of the generator differential protection was checked for internal
and external both symmetrical and fully asymmetrical fault currents. A source with
a time constant from 40 up to 300 milliseconds was used at the tests. The current
requirements below are thus applicable both for symmetrical and asymmetrical fault
Both phase to ground, and three phase faults were tested.

Released: Department: Rev.: B


CH-ES 30-32.20 E

ABB Switzerland Ltd

The protection was checked with regard to security to block. All testing was made
with and without remanence flux in the current transformer core. It is difficult to
give general recommendations for additional margins for remanence flux. It de-
pends on the demands of reliability and economy.
When current transformers of type TPY are used, practically no additional margin
is needed due to the anti remanence air gap. For current transformer of Type TPX,
the small probability of a fully asymmetrical fault together with maximum
remanence flux in the same direction as the flux generated by the fault has to be
kept in mind at the decision of an additional margin. Fully asymmetrical fault cur-
rent will be achieved when the fault occurs at zero voltage (0°). Investigations
have proved that 95 % of the faults in the network will occur when the voltage is
between 40° and 90°.
Fault current
The current transformer requirements are based on the maximum fault current for
faults in different positions. Maximum fault current will occur for three phase faults
or single phase to ground faults. The current for a single phase to ground fault will
exceed the current for a three phase fault when the zero sequence impedance in
the total fault loop is less than the positive sequence impedance.

When calculating the current transformer requirements, the maximum fault current
should be used and therefore both fault types have to be considered.
Cable resistance and additional load
The current transformer saturation is directly affected by the voltage at the current
transformer secondary terminals. This voltage, for a ground fault, is developed in a
loop containing the phase and neutral conductor and additional load in this loop.
For three phase faults, the neutral current is zero, and only the phase conductor
and additional phase load have to be considered.

In the calculation, the loop resistance should be used for phase to ground faults
and the phase resistance for three phase faults.
REG316 / REG316*4 / REG216 current transformer requirements
The current transformer effective overcurrent factor should meet the two require-
ment below. The requirement assume 40 to 300 msec maximum dc time constant
for the network.

CH-ES 30-32.20 E

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Pr + PE IN of CT
1. n' ≤ n × ×

n : rated overcurrent factor (ALF = accuracy limit factor)

n' : necessary effective overcurrent factor, as a function of
fault current IK, (at nominal frequency and time constant of
the network)
PB : connected burden at rated current
PE : ct losses of secondary windings
Pr : rated ct burden
IN : nominal current related to the protected object

and 2.
the dependence of the curves of Figure 1, where:
for fault currents ≤ 3 * IN the CT's should not saturate, respectively
the exact boundary is at b*√3 (b = setting value of the characteristic).

0 3 4 6 8 10 12 14
with 50% remanence without remanence

Figure 1: Overcurrent factors

CH-ES 30-32.10 E

ABB Switzerland Ltd



and higher
The operation of any transformer protection is influenced by distortion in the
measuring quantities. The current to the protection will be heavily distorted when
the current transformer is saturated.In most cases it is not possible to avoid
current transformer saturation for all fault conditions, therefore measures are taken
in the transformer protections to allow for current transformer saturation with
maintained proper operation. RET316 / RET316*4 can allow for heavy current
transformer saturation but not an unlimited one.

Requirements on current transformers

Choice of current transformers

The current transformer should be to type TPS,TPX or TPY with accuracy class
5P20 or better. The use of the linearized current transformer type TPZ leads only
to a small phase angle shift and they can be used without problems, if the same
type is on both sides of the transformer. Possibly ABB Switzerland Ltd, Utility Auto-
mation can be contacted for confirmation that the actual type can be used.

The current transformer ratio should be selected so that the current to the protec-
tion is larger than the minimum operating value for all faults that shall be detected.
Minimum operating current for the transformer protection in RET316 / RET316*4 is
10 % of nominal current.

Conditions for the CT requirements

The requirements for RET316 / RET316*4 are a result of investigations performed
in our network simulation program. The tests have been performed with a digital
current transformer model.
The setting of the current transformer model was representative for current trans-
formers type TPX and TPY.

The performance of the transformer protection was checked for internal and ex-
ternal both symmetrical and fully asymmetrical fault currents. A source with a time
constant from 40 up to 300 milliseconds was used at the tests. The current require-
ments below are thus applicable both for symmetrical and asymmetrical fault
Both phase to ground, and three phase faults were tested.

Released: Department: Rev.: E


CH-ES 30-32.10 E

ABB Switzerland Ltd

The protection was checked with regard to security to block. All testing was made
with and without remanence flux in the current transformer core. It is difficult to
give general recommendations for additional margins for remanence flux. It
depends on the demands of reliability and economy.
When current transformers of type TPY are used, practically no additional margin
is needed due to the anti remanence air gap. For current transformer of Type TPX,
the small probability of a fully asymmetrical fault together with maximum
remanence flux in the same direction as the flux generated by the fault has to be
kept in mind at the decision of an additional margin. Fully asymmetrical fault
current will be achieved when the fault occurs at zero voltage (0°). Investigations
have proved that 95 % of the faults in the network will occur when the voltage is
between 40° and 90°.

Fault current
The current transformer requirements are based on the maximum fault current for
faults in different positions. Maximum fault current will occur for three phase faults
or single phase to ground faults. The current for a single phase to ground fault will
exceed the current for a three phase fault when the zero sequence impedance in
the total fault loop is less than the positive sequence impedance.

When calculating the current transformer requirements, the maximum fault current
should be used and therefore both fault types have to be considered.

Cable resistance and additional load

The current transformer saturation is directly affected by the voltage at the current
transformer secondary terminals. This voltage, for a ground fault, is developed in a
loop containing the phase and neutral conductor and additional load in this loop.
For three phase faults, the neutral current is zero, and only the phase conductor and
additional phase load have to be considered.

In the calculation, the loop resistance should be used for phase to ground faults
and the phase resistance for three phase faults.

RET316 / RET316*4 current transformer requirements

The current transformer effective overcurrent factor should meet the two
requirement below. The requirement assume 40 to 300 msec maximum dc time
constant for the network.

Pr + PE IN of ct.
1. n' ≤ n × ×

CH-ES 30-32.10-E

ABB Switzerland Ltd

n : rated overcurrent factor (ALF = accuracy limit factor)

n' : necessary effective overcurrent factor, as a function of fault current IK,
(at nominal frequency and time constant of the network)
PB : connected burden at rated current
PE : ct losses of secondary windings
Pr : rated ct burden
IN : nominal current related to the protected object

and 2.
the dependence of the curves of Figure 1 and 2, where:
for fault currents ≤ 3 * IN the CT's should not saturate

0 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
with 50% remanence without remanence

Figure 1: Transformer with 2 windings

0 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
with 50% remanence without remanence

Figure 2: Transformer with 3 windings

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


9.1. Connection to a station automation system .......................................9-3

9.2. Configuration with the HMI.................................................................9-4

9.2.1. General Parameters...........................................................................9-4
9.2.2. SPA/IEC103 Parameters ...................................................................9-5
9.2.3. IBB MW Parameters ..........................................................................9-6

9.3. Transferring disturbance recorder data via the IBB ...........................9-7

9.4. Time synchronization .........................................................................9-9

9.5. SPA bus address format ....................................................................9-9

9.5.1. Masking events ................................................................................9-10

9.6. SPA address list...............................................................................9-11

9.6.1. Channel 0.........................................................................................9-11
9.6.2. Channel 0, event list ........................................................................9-12
9.6.3. Channel 1, event list ........................................................................9-12
9.6.4. Channel 4, event list ........................................................................9-13
9.6.5. Channel 4 analog input ....................................................................9-13
9.6.6. Binary input signals..........................................................................9-14
9.6.7. IBB input signals ..............................................................................9-14
9.6.8. Binary output signals........................................................................9-15
9.6.9. Tripping signals................................................................................9-16
9.6.10. IBB output signals ............................................................................9-17
9.6.11. IBB output signal event masks.........................................................9-18
9.6.12. Binary input event masks.................................................................9-20
9.6.13. Hardware ................................................ 35....................................9-22
9.6.14. Channel 8 system I/O’s........................... 34....................................9-23
9.6.15. IBB I/O ................................................... 43....................................9-24
9.6.16. Current-DT ................................................ 2....................................9-25
9.6.17. Current ...................................................... 3....................................9-26
9.6.18. Diff-Transf ................................................. 4....................................9-27
9.6.19. Underimped ............................................. 5....................................9-30
9.6.20. MinReactance ........................................... 6....................................9-31
9.6.21. NPS-DT .................................................... 7....................................9-32
9.6.22. NPS-Inv................................................... 11....................................9-33
9.6.23. Voltage ................................................... 12....................................9-34
9.6.24. Current-Inv ............................................. 13....................................9-35
9.6.25. OLoad-Stator ......................................... 14....................................9-37
9.6.26. OLoad-Rotor ........................................... 15....................................9-38
9.6.27. Power ..................................................... 18....................................9-39
9.6.28. Imax-Umin .............................................. 20....................................9-41
9.6.29. Delay ...................................................... 22....................................9-42
9.6.30. Diff-Gen .................................................. 23....................................9-43
9.6.31. Distance .................................................. 24....................................9-44

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.32. Frequency .............................................. 25....................................9-54

9.6.33. Overexcitat.............................................. 26....................................9-55
9.6.34. Count ..................................................... 27....................................9-56
9.6.35. Overtemp. .............................................. 28....................................9-57
9.6.36. Check-I3ph ............................................. 29....................................9-60
9.6.37. Check-U3ph ............................................ 30....................................9-61
9.6.38. Logic ...................................................... 31....................................9-62
9.6.39. Disturbance Rec .................................... 32....................................9-63
9.6.40. Voltage-Inst ............................................ 36....................................9-66
9.6.41. Autoreclosure ......................................... 38....................................9-67
9.6.42. EarthFaultIsol ......................................... 40....................................9-71
9.6.43. Voltage-Bal ............................................ 41....................................9-72
9.6.44. U/f-Inv .................................................... 47....................................9-74
9.6.45. UIfPQ ..................................................... 48....................................9-76
9.6.46. SynchroCheck......................................... 49....................................9-77
9.6.47. Rotor-EFP ............................................... 51....................................9-80
9.6.48. Stator-EFP ............................................. 52....................................9-82
9.6.49. I0-Invers .................................................. 53....................................9-84
9.6.50. Pole-Slip ................................................. 55....................................9-86
9.6.51. EarthFltGnd2 .......................................... 58....................................9-88
9.6.52. FUPLA .................................................... 59....................................9-90
9.6.53. Defluttering ............................................. 60....................................9-91
9.6.54. HV distance............................................. 63....................................9-92
9.6.55. df/dt ........................................................ 69..................................9-102
9.6.56. DirCurrentDT .......................................... 70..................................9-103
9.6.57. DirCurrentInv .......................................... 71..................................9-105
9.6.58. BreakerFailure ........................................ 72..................................9-107
9.6.59. MeasureModule ...................................... 74..................................9-111

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd


9.1. Connection to a station automation system
An electro-optical converter Type 316BM61b is plugged onto the rear
of the protection to convert the electrical RS232 signals from the
216VC62a into optical signals.


Fig. 9.1 Electro-optical converter type 316BM61b

RS232 interface:

Pin 2: Rx
Pin 3: Tx
Pin 4: +12V
Pin 5: 0V
Pin 9: -12V

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Optical cable connections:

• Optical fiber cables with bayonet connectors (ST) are used for the
SPA bus (62.5 µm fibers for 316BM61b).
• Screw connectors (SMA plugs) are used instead of the bayonet
connectors for the IEC60870-5-103 bus.

9.2. Configuration with the HMI

The settings for the IBB/RIO are made via the following HMI menus:
• Configuration / IBB/PB Configuration /
• The sub-menus for the IBB/PB are shown in the Fig. 9.2.

Fig. 9.2 Opening the 'IBB configuration' window

The settings are to be found in the publication:
• the LON interbay bus 1MRB520225-Uen,
• for the MVB interbay bus 1MRB520270-Uen,
• for the IEC60870-5-103 interbaybus
1MRB520226-Uen to
• for the MVB process bus 1MRB520192-Uen.

9.2.1. General Parameters

Range 2- 255: Must be set to the correct SPA bus address.

IBB Runs on CPU

Setting of this parameter on ’CPU1’.

RBIO Runs on CPU

Set this parameter to ’CPU2’ if an interbay bus is applied additionally
to the process bus. Otherwise leave it on ’CPU1’.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Setting determines whether the touch screen or an SMS has to be
• Inactive Connection not in operation (default)
• Active Connection in operation
Note that this parameter has no influence for the versions with the
SPA and IEC60870-5-103 Bus.
The versions for the LON or MVB bus has a fully functional SPA
interface in parallel with the LON/MVB interbay bus for connecting
either a touch screen or an SMS. The parameter 'TouchScreen/SMS'
should only be set to 'active', when the second interface is in use,
while in this case the response time of the LON or MVB bus is more.

Read Distr. Data

This parameter defines which IBB can be used for upload of
disturbance recorder data:
• Via LON/MVB The disturbance recorder data can be uploaded
via interbay bus (SCS).
• Via SPA The disturbance recorder data can be uploaded
via the SPA bus.
Disturbance recorder data can always be read by the HMI regardless
of the setting.

Note that this parameter has no relevance in the versions with the SPA
or IEC60870-5-103 bus protocol.

Defines the time for synchronization via the IBB when the summer
time bit is set:

• Standard time Only the summer time bit is set and standard
time is used for synchronization (preferred
• Summer time Summer time is used for synchronization in spite
of the fact that the summer time bit is also set.
'Standard time' has to be selected when the summer time bit is not set
(e.g. as in the case of the SPA bus).

9.2.2. SPA/IEC103 Parameters

The parameters must be set as follows:

Baud rate
Default 9600 for SPA bus. Do not change.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Master mask
• Bit mask
The bit masks set for every function via the SPA bus apply for all
binary events. No masks are used for analog events.
• Q events off
As above, but all analog events are blocked. This is the default
setting and must always be used when the device is connected to
an SCS100.
• Event off
All events are masked (not recorded).
This setting is intended for testing and during commissioning when
it is not wanted that events be transmitted to the control room.

Indicates that valid SPA telegrams have been received.

Indicates that the device is being initialised.
The following parameters determine the access rights of the remote
HMI and can only be configured on the local HMI:
• Remote CAP2/316 On / Off
Enables or disables the remote HMI.
• TestFunctions On/Off
Enables or disables the test function on the remote HMI.
• TimeSynchronization On / Off
Enables or disables synchronization by the remote HMI.
• Downloading On / Off
Enables or disables the downloading of a 'setfile' from the remote

9.2.3. IBB MW Parameters

Upto 32 IBB measurands can be selected on the following source
• The measurand output from a protection function
• The measurand output from an SCS
• Input measurand values from a distributed analog input / output

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.3. Transferring disturbance recorder data via the IBB

Disturbance recorder data (records) can be read and transferred via
the SPA bus with the aid of the EVECOM program. Further details are
contained in the Operating Instructions for EVECOM.
The disturbance recorder data are available in the EVE format when
transfer is requested. Data transfer is controlled using the SPA BUS
variables V20, M28, M30, M31, V16 and V17 controlled via Channel 0.

Write: WV20:1 starts the transmission of a telegram.
Read: RV20 returns the number of disturbance recorder
records available.

Write: WV17:1...5 determines the compression factor, i.e.
1 %...5 %.
Read: RV17 returns the compression factor.
Compression reduces the number of periods that have to be
transferred per channel. Assuming the 12 points of a period deviate by
less than the specified compression factor from the corresponding
points of the preceding period, the points themselves are not
transferred, but simply the number of repeats in relation to the
preceding period. For example, if a record consists of 100 periods all
the same, then only the 12 points of one period and the number of
repeats are transferred. Compression is applied independently for
each individual channel.

Write: WM28:n selects a disturbance recorder record for
transfer. n has a value between 1 and the number of
records that that can be read using RV20. The
conversion of the record to the EVE format starts and
the first response is NAK. WM28:n has to be repeated
until the response is ACK. (From firmware V4.0.)
Read: RM28 returns the directory information, time stamp and
record number.
1995-05-10 12.34;23.423 RE001.001

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Write: NAK
Read: returns the number of lines in a record (0...1023). A line
contains 26 Byte of data. 0 is returned if a record has
not been selected (M28).

Write: WM30:n moves the pointer to the line to be transferred.
The pointer is automatically incremented by one every
time a line is transferred until there are no lines left. The
pointer is set to 1 at the commencement of data transfer
Read: RM30 returns the number of the line that was
transferred last.

Write: NAK
Read: RM31 transfers the line indicated by the pointer.

Write: WV16:1, WV16:0, deletes the oldest record.
Read: RV16 returns the status of the disturbance recorder.
0: Disturbance recorder not full.
1: Disturbance recorder full.
Write: WV20:0 terminates data transfer.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.4. Time synchronization

The internal clock is synchronised either by the station control system
(SCS 100) or a radio clock (DCF77). Synchronization via the IBB takes
priority over synchronization by the HMI.
After the device is switched off and on again, the clock continues at
the time before it was switched off until the next time telegram is

9.5. SPA bus address format

The structure of the SPA bus telegram is as follows:
<slave address><operation><channel No.><data type><data/event No.>
The slave address identifies the device.
The default address is 2. The slave address can be changed using the
operator program (HMI). The HMI has to be used to assign an address
to the device as defined in the station control system. The device also
responds to data with the address 900 which is used to synchronise all
the devices in an SPA bus loop simultaneously.
Possible operations are:
Read data from the device (R) and write data in the device (W).
The channel number identifies the active functions.
All channel numbers from 0 to 13 are reserved for system functions.
Channel numbers from 14 to 60 are used for numbering the protection
and control functions configured for the device.
Data type enables the different kinds of data in a device to be
addressed specifically. The following types of data are used:
S settings
I binary or analog inputs
O binary or analog outputs
E single events
V measurements, system variables and event masking
Q measurements stored at the instant of tripping
T time
D date
L event memory
B back-up event memory
Data and event numbers are needed to designate individual items of
data and events in data channels.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

The table below shows the channel number mapping for a typical

Function Funct. No. Chan. No. Comment

Current 1 14 First protection function
Voltage 2 15 Second protection function
Delay 3 16 Third protection function

The function numbers in the above table correspond to the HMI

The measured variable of the first function (current) in a device with
the slave address 2 is read as follows:
The SPA bus syntax is defined in SPA BUS COMMUNICATION

9.5.1. Masking events

Once all those binary inputs, IBB output signals and system and
protection function events which are not to be recorded as events
(masked) have been loaded into the device (e.g. using W14V155),
they have to be copied to the non-volatile memory using the save
command W255V255:1 so that they are not lost should the auxiliary
supply fail.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6. SPA address list

9.6.1. Channel 0
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Default Step

V102 R VC type identification 216VC62a
V104 R VC software version
V110 R, W Master event mask 1 Q events masked 0 Bit masks active
2 All events masked
V115 R Time telegram counter
V116 R Date telegram counter
V120 R Restart counter 0
V200 RW SPA address 2 2...255
V201 RW Baud rate 9600 4800,9600,19200
F R Module type REC216 REG216
S0 R Number of functions 0 1...60
S1 R Function type number S1...S60
S100 RW Parameter set switch 1 1...4
T RW Time
D RW Date and time
L R Read event
B R Read event again

Date and time format: YY-MM-DD hh.mm;ss.sss

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.2. Channel 0, event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code

0E1 No error V155 1
0E2 Minor error V155 2
0E4 Major error V155 4
0E8 Fatal error V155 8
0E47 Protection stopped V155 16
0E48 Protection restarted V155 32
0E49 Warm protection start V155 64
0E50 Cold protection start V155 128
0E51 Event buffer overflow V155 256

9.6.3. Channel 1, event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code

1E11 AD fault CPU No. 1 V155 1
1E12 AD fault CPU No. 2 V155 2
1E21 SW fault CPU No. 1 V155 16
1E22 SW fault CPU No. 2 V155 32
1E31 Bus fault CPU No. 1 V155 256
1E32 Bus fault CPU No. 2 V155 512
1E41 Supply fault CPU No. 1 V155 4096
1E42 Supply fault CPU No. 2 V155 8192

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.4. Channel 4, event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code

4E1 EA61 failure V155 1
4E2 EA61 OK V155 2
4E3 VE61 failure V155 4
4E4 VE61 OK V155 8
4E5 DB61 failure V155 16
4E6 DB61 OK V155 32
4E7 AB61 failure V155 64
4E8 AB61 OK V155 128
4E9 VC61 failure V155 256
4E10 VC61 OK V155 512
4E11 EB61 failure V155 1024
4E12 EB61 OK V155 2048
4E13 AC61 failure V155 4096
4E14 AC61 OK V155 8192

9.6.5. Channel 4 analog input

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code

4E21 EA61 failure V156 16
4E22 EA61 OK V156 32
4E23 VE61 failure V156 64
4E24 VE61 OK V156 128

IBB channel 4 provides 64 data points. These may be used either as

FUPLA analog inputs or as analog outputs via the analog output unit
216AC61 or the decentral input/output unit 50AXM11. The numerical
range is -32768...+32767 (16 Bit integers).
The data can be entered in decimal or 4-digit hexadecimal format.
The data remains intact in the event of a supply failure.
Real values are converted to integers, integer = real × 100.
Input format: nnn.mm.
Data point number: O1...O64

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.6. Binary input signals

The significance of the events, for standard as well as for double
signals, is explained in Section 9.6.12.

Channel Inputs Events Slot

101 I1 - I16 E1 - E32 6
102 I1 - I16 E1 - E32 7
103 I1 - I16 E1 - E32 8
104 I1 - I16 E1 - E32 9
105 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 10
106 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 11
107 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 12
108 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 13
109 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 14
110 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 15
111 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 16
112 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 17
113 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 18
114 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 19
115 I1 - I32 E1 - E64 20
116 I1 - I31 E1 - E62 21

9.6.7. IBB input signals

Channel Inputs Group No.

121 I1 - I32 1 1-32
122 I1 - I32 2 33-64
123 I1 - I32 3 65-96
124 I1 - I32 4 97-128
125 I1 - I32 5 129-160
126 I1 - I32 6 161-192
71 I1 - I32 7 193-224
72 I1 - I32 8 225-256
73 I1 - I32 9 257-288
74 I1 - I32 10 289-320
75 I1 - I32 11 321-352
76 I1 - I32 12 353-384

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Channel Inputs Group No.

77 I1 - I32 13 385-416
78 I1 - I32 14 417-448
79 I1 - I32 15 449-480
80 I1 - I32 16 481-512
81 I1 - I32 17 513-544
82 I1 - I32 18 545-576
83 I1 - I32 19 577-608
84 I1 - I32 20 609-640
85 I1 - I32 21 641-672
86 I1 - I32 22 673-704
87 I1 - I32 23 705-736
88 I1 - I32 24 737-768

9.6.8. Binary output signals

Channel Outputs Events Slot

101 O1 - O16 None 6
102 O1 - O16 None 7
103 O1 - O16 None 8
104 O1 - O16 None 9
105 O1 - O32 None 10
106 O1 - O32 None 11
107 O1 - O32 None 12
108 O1 - O32 None 13
109 O1 - O32 None 14
110 O1 - O32 None 15
111 O1 - O32 None 16
112 O1 - O32 None 17
113 O1 - O32 None 18
114 O1 - O32 None 19
115 O1 - O32 None 20
116 O1 - O31 None 21

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.9. Tripping signals

Channel Outputs Events Slot

101 M1 - M16 None 6
102 M1 - M16 None 7
103 M1 - M16 None 8
104 M1 - M16 None 9
105 M1 - M32 None 10
106 M1 - M32 None 11
107 M1 - M32 None 12
108 M1 - M32 None 13
109 M1 - M32 None 14
110 M1 - M32 None 15
111 M1 - M32 None 16
112 M1 - M32 None 17
113 M1 - M32 None 18
114 M1 - M32 None 19
115 M1 - M32 None 20
116 M1 - M31 None 21

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.10. IBB output signals

Channel Outputs Group Event No.

121 O1 - O32 1 121E1...E64
122 O1 - O32 2 122E1...E64
123 O1 - O32 3 123E1...E64
124 O1 - O32 4 124E1...E64
125 O1 - O32 5 125E1...E64
126 O1 - O32 6 126E1...E64
71 O1 - O32 7 71E1...E64
72 O1 - O32 8 72E1...E64
73 O1 - O32 9 73E1...E64
74 O1 - O32 10 74E1...E64
75 O1 - O32 11 75E1...E64
76 O1 - O32 12 76E1...E64
77 O1 - O32 13 77E1...E64
78 O1 - O32 14 78E1...E64
79 O1 - O32 15 79E1...E64
80 O1 - O32 16 80E1...E64
81 O1 - O32 17 81E1...E64
82 O1 - O32 18 82E1...E64
83 O1 - O32 19 83E1...E64
84 O1 - O32 20 84E1...E64
85 O1 - O32 21 85E1...E64
86 O1 - O32 22 86E1...E64
87 O1 - O32 23 87E1...E64
88 O1 - O32 24 88E1...E64

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.11. IBB output signal event masks

Output Event Event No. Mask Enable code

O1 On 1 V155 1
Off 2 V155 2
O2 On 3 V155 4
Off 4 V155 8
O3 On 5 V155 16
Off 6 V155 32
O4 On 7 V155 64
Off 8 V155 128
O5 On 9 V155 256
Off 10 V155 512
O6 On 11 V155 1024
Off 12 V155 2048
O7 On 13 V155 4096
Off 14 V155 8192
O8 On 15 V155 16384
Off 16 V155 32768
O9 On 17 V156 1
Off 18 V156 2
O10 On 19 V156 4
Off 20 V156 8
O11 On 21 V156 16
Off 22 V156 32
O12 On 23 V156 64
Off 24 V156 128
O13 On 25 V156 256
Off 26 V156 512
O14 On 27 V156 1024
Off 28 V156 2048
O15 On 29 V156 4096
Off 30 V156 8192
O16 On 31 V156 16384
Off 32 V156 32768

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Output Event Event No. Mask Enable code

O17 On 33 V157 1
Off 34 V157 2
O18 On 35 V157 4
Off 36 V157 8
O19 On 37 V157 16
Off 38 V157 32
O20 On 39 V157 64
Off 40 V157 128
O21 On 41 V157 256
Off 42 V157 512
O22 On 43 V157 1024
Off 44 V157 2048
O23 On 45 V157 4096
Off 46 V157 8192
O24 On 47 V157 16348
Off 48 V157 32768
O25 On 49 V158 1
Off 50 V158 2
O26 On 51 V158 4
Off 52 V158 8
O27 On 53 V158 16
Off 54 V158 32
O28 On 55 V158 64
Off 56 V158 128
O29 On 57 V158 256
Off 58 V158 512
O30 On 59 V158 1024
Off 60 V158 2048
O31 On 61 V158 4096
Off 62 V158 8192
O32 On 63 V158 16348
Off 64 V158 327680

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.12. Binary input event masks

Input Event Event No. Mask Enable code

I1 On E1 V155 1
Off E2 V155 2
I2 On E3 V155 4
Off E4 V155 8
I3 On E5 V155 16
Off E6 V155 32
I4 On E7 V155 64
Off E8 V155 128
I5 On E9 V155 256
Off E10 V155 512
I6 On E11 V155 1024
Off E12 V155 2048
I7 On E13 V155 4096
Off E14 V155 8192
I8 On E15 V155 16384
Off E16 V155 32768
I9 On E17 V156 1
Off E18 V156 2
I10 On E19 V156 4
Off E20 V156 8
I11 On E21 V156 16
Off E22 V156 32
I12 On E23 V156 64
Off E24 V156 128
I13 On E25 V156 256
Off E26 V156 512
I14 On E27 V156 1024
Off E28 V156 2048
I15 On E29 V156 4096
Off E30 V156 8192
I16 On E31 V156 16384
Off E32 V156 32768

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Input Event Event No. Mask Enable code

I17 On E33 V157 1
Off E34 V157 2
I18 On E35 V157 4
Off E36 V157 8
I19 On E37 V157 16
Off E38 V157 32
I20 On E39 V157 64
Off E40 V157 128
I21 On E41 V157 256
Off E42 V157 512
I22 On E43 V157 1024
Off E44 V157 2048
I23 On E45 V157 4096
Off E46 V157 8192
I24 On E47 V157 16348
Off E48 V157 32768
I25 On E49 V158 1
Off E50 V158 2
I26 On E51 V158 4
Off E52 V158 8
I27 On E53 V158 16
Off E54 V158 32
I28 On E55 V158 64
Off E56 V158 128
I29 On E57 V158 256
Off E58 V158 512
I30 On E59 V158 1024
Off E60 V158 2048
I31 On E61 V158 4096
Off E62 V158 8192
I32 On E63 V158 16348
Off E64 V158 327680

In the case of a double signal the significance of the events changes

as shown in the following example where the inputs 2 and 3 are
configured as double signal.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Input Event No. Significance Significance at

double signal
I2 E3 on 1-0
E4 off 0-1
I3 E5 on 0-0
E6 off 1-1

9.6.13. Hardware 35
RE.216 unit addresses and codes

Address Access Slot No. Slot type Code

1S1 R 4 Not used 0
1S2 R 5 216EA61 1
1S3 R 6 216VE61 2
1S4 R 7 216DB61 3
1S5 R 8 216AB61 4
1S6 R 9 216VC61 5
1S7 R 10 216EB61 6
1S8 R 11 216AC61 7
1S9 R 12 216VE61b 8
1S10 R 13 216VC61b 9
1S11 R 14 216VC62a 10
1S12 R 15
1S13 R 16
1S14 R 17
1S15 R 18
1S16 R 19
1S17 R 20
1S18 R 21

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.14. Channel 8 system I/O’s 34

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

8E1 GenTrip Set V155 1 8I1
8E2 Dito Reset V155 2 8I1
8E3 GenStart Set V155 4 8I2
8E4 Dito Reset V155 8 8I2
8E5 Test active Set V155 16 8I3
8E6 Dito Reset V155 32 8I3
8E11 ParSet1 Set V155 1024 8I6
8E12 Dito Reset V155 2048 8I6
8E13 ParSet2 Set V155 4096 8I7
8E14 Dito Reset V155 8192 8I7
8E15 ParSet3 Set V155 16384 8I8
8E16 Dito Reset V155 32768 8I8
8E17 ParSet4 Set V155 1 8I9
8E18 Dito Reset V155 2 8I9
8E19 HMI is on Set V156 4 8I10
8E20 Dito Reset V156 8 8I10
8E25 MVB_PB_WARN Set V156 256 8I13
8E26 Dito Reset V156 512 8I13
8E27 MVB_PB_CRASH Set V156 1024 8I14
8E28 Dito Reset V156 2048 8I14
8E29 PB_BA1_Ready Set V156 4096 8I15
8E30 Dito Reset V156 8192 8I15
8E31 PB_BA2_Ready Set V156 16384 8I16
8E32 Dito Reset V156 32768 8I16
8E33 PB_BA3_Ready Set V157 1 8I17
8E34 Dito Reset V157 2 8I17
8E35 PB_BA4_Ready Set V157 4 8I18
8E36 Dito Reset V157 8 8I18

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.15. IBB I/O 43

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code

9E1 Received Set V155 1
9E2 Dito Reset V155 2
9E3 Initialisation Set V155 4
9E4 Dito Reset V155 8
9E5 BlckPsDatSig Set V155 16
9E6 Dito Reset V155 32

Measured variables
Function 9 (IBB I/O) makes measured variables available the number
and significance of which depend on the device configuration. The
number of measured variables is limited to 64.

Address Access Text Format

9V1 R IBBMW 1 Longinteger
9Vn R IBBMW 2 Longinteger
9V64 R IBBMW 3 Longinteger

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.16. Current-DT 2
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 00.01 0.00 60.00 0.01
14S10 R I-Setting IN 04.00 0.1 20 0.01
14S11 R f-min Hz 040.0 2 50 1
14S12 R MaxMin <Select> 1 -1 1 2
MIN -1
14S13 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 2

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.17. Current 3
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 01.00 0.02 60.00 0.01
14S10 R I-Setting IN 02.00 0.02 20.00 0.01
14S11 R MaxMin <Select> 1 -3 5 2
MIN (3Ph) -3
MIN (1Ph) -1
MAX (1Ph) 1
MAX (3Ph) 3
Max-InRush 5
14S12 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.18. Diff-Transf 4
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R g IN 0.20 0.10 0.50 0.10
14S10 R v 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25
14S11 R b 1 1.50 1.25 5.00 0.25
14S12 R g-High IN 2.00 0.50 2.50 0.25
14S13 R I-Inst IN 10 3 15 1
14S14 R a1 1.00 0.05 2.20 0.01
14S15 R s1 <Select> 0 0 1 1
Y 0
D 1
14S16 R a2 1.00 0.05 2.20 0.01
14S17 R s2 <Select> 0 00 21 1
y0 0
y1 1
y5 2
y6 3
y7 4
y11 5
d0 6
d1 7
d5 8
d6 9
d7 10
d11 11
z0 12

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

z1 13
z2 14
z4 15
z5 16
z6 17
z7 18
z8 19
z10 20
z11 21
14S18 R a3 1.00 0.05 2.20 0.01
14S19 R s3 <Select> 0 0 21 1
y0 0
y1 1
y5 2
y6 3
y7 4
y11 5
d0 6
d1 7
d5 8
d6 9
d7 10
d11 11
z0 12
z1 13
z2 14
z4 15
z5 16
z6 17
z7 18
z8 19
z10 20
z11 21
14S20 R InrushRatio % 10 6 20 1
14S21 R InrushTime s 5 0 90 1

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Measured variables

Addres Access Text Dec. Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN (Id-R) 2 14V4 R IN (IhR) 2
14V2 R IN (Id-S) 2 14V5 R IN (IhR) 2
14V3 R IN (Id-T) 2 14V6 R IN (IhR) 2

Tripping levels

Addres Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN (Id-R) 2
14Q2 R IN (Id-S) 2
14Q3 R IN (Id-T) 2

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Trip-R Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Trip-S Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Trip-T Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Inrush Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 Stabil. Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.19. Underimped 5
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 00.50 0.20 60.00 0.01
14S10 R Z-Setting UN/IN 0.250 0.025 2.500 0.001
14S11 R NrOfPhases <Select> 001 1 3 1
1 Ph 1
2 Ph 2
3 Ph 3

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN/IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN/IN 3
Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.20. MinReactance 6
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 00.50 0.20 60.00 0.01
14S10 R XA-Setting UN/IN -2.00 -5.00 00.00 0.01
14S11 R XB-Setting UN/IN -0.50 -2.50 2.50 0.01
14S12 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 1
1 Ph 1
2 Ph 2
3 Ph 3
14S13 R Angle Degree 0 -180 180 5
14S14 R MaxMin <Select> -1 -1 1 2
MIN -1

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN/IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN/IN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.21. NPS-DT 7
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 01.00 0.50 60.0 0.01
14S10 R I2-Setting IN 00.20 0.02 0.50 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.22. NPS-Inv 11
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R k1-Setting s 10.00 5.00 60.00 0.10
14S10 R k2-Setting I2/IB 0.05 0.02 0.20 0.01
14S11 R t-min s 010.0 1.0 120.0 0.1
14S12 R t-max s 1000 500 2000 1
14S13 R t-Reset s 0030 5 2000 1
14S14 R IB-Setting IN 1.00 0.50 2.50 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.23. Voltage 12
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 02.00 0.02 60.00 0.01
14S10 R U-Setting UN 1.200 0.010 2.000 0.002
14S11 R MaxMin <Select> 1 -3 3 2
MIN (3ph) -3
MIN (1ph) -1
MAX (1ph) 1
MAX (3ph) 3
14S12 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 1
1 Ph 1
2 Ph 2
3 Ph 3

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.24. Current-Inv 13
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R c-Setting <Select> 1.00 0 2 1
0.02 0
Nor.Inv. 0
1.00 1
Very Inv. 1
2.00 2
Ext.Inv. 2
14S10 R k1-Setting s 013.50 0.01 200.00 0.01
14S11 R I-Start IB 1.10 1.00 2.00 0.01
14S12 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3
14S13 R IB-Setting IN 1.00 0.04 2.50 0.01
14S14 R t-min s 00.00 00.00 10.00 00.10

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.25. OLoad-Stator 14
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R k1-Setting s 041.4 1.0 120.0 0.1
14S10 R I-Start IB 1.10 1.00 1.60 0.01
14S11 R t-min s 0010.0 1.0 120.0 0.1
14S12 R tg s 0120.0 10.0 2000.0 10.0
14S13 R t-max s 0300.0 100.0 2000.0 10.0
14S14 R t-Reset s 0120.0 10.0 2000.0 10.0
14S15 R IB-Setting IN 1.00 0.50 2.50 0.01
14S16 R NrOfPhases <Select> 3 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3
Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3
Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3
Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.26. OLoad-Rotor 15
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R k1-Setting s 033.8 1.0 120.0 0.1
14S10 R I-Start IB 1.10 1.00 1.60 0.01
14S11 R t-min s 0010.0 1.0 120.0 0.1
14S12 R tg s 0120.0 10.0 2000.0 10.0
14S13 R t-max s 0300.0 100.0 2000.0 10.0
14S14 R t-Reset s 0120.0 10.0 2000.0 10.0
14S15 R IB-Setting IN 1.00 0.50 2.50 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.27. Power 18
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R P-Setting PN -0.050 -0.100 1.200 0.005
14S10 R Angle Degree 000.0 -180.0 180.0 5.0
14S11 R Drop-Ratio % 60 30 170 1
14S12 R Delay s 00.50 0.05 60.00 0.01
14S13 R MaxMin <Select> -1 -1 1 2
MIN -1
14S14 R Phi-Comp. Degree 0.0 -5.0 5.0 0.1
14S15 R NrOfPhases <Select> 001 1 3 1
1 Ph 1
2 Ph 2
3 Ph 3
14S16 R PN UN*IN 1.000 0.500 2.500 0.001

Measured variables
Address Access Text Dec.
14V1 R PN 3

Tripping levels
Address Access Text Dec.
14Q1 R PN 3

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Event list
Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status
14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.28. Imax-Umin 20
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 01.00 0.5 60.00 0.01
14S10 R Current IN 02.00 0.5 20 0.1
14S11 R Hold-Voltage UN 00.70 0.4 1.1 0.01
14S12 R Hold-Time s 01.00 0.1 10 0.02
14S13 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3
14V2 R UN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

Event list
Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status
14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.29. Delay 22
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Trip-Delay s 01.00 0.00 300.00 0.01
14S10 R Reset-Delay s 0.01 0.00 300.00 0.01
14S11 R Integration <Select> 0 0 1 1
No 0
Yes 1

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R s 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R s 3

Event list
14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.30. Diff-Gen 23
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R g-Setting IN 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.05
14S10 R v-Setting 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25

Measured variables
Address Access Text Dec.
14V1 R IN (Id-R) 2
14V2 R IN (Id-S) 2
14V3 R IN (Id-T) 2

Tripping levels
Address Access Text Dec.
14Q1 R IN (Id-R) 2
14Q2 R IN (Id-S) 2
14Q3 R IN (Id-T) 2

Event list
Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status
14E1 Trip-R Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Trip-S Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Trip-T Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Trip Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.31. Distance 24
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:
The starter and measurement settings (in columns Min., Max. and
Step) with the unit 'ohms/phase' have to be divided by 10 for relays
with a rated current of 5 A.

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S9 R X (1) Ω/ph 3.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S10 R R (1) Ω/ph 1.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S11 R RR (1) Ω/ph 3.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S12 R RRE (1) Ω/ph 4.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S13 R k0 (1) 1 1.00 0.00 8.00 0.01
14S14 R k0Ang(1) deg 0.00 -180.00 90.00 0.01
14S15 R Delay(1) s 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.001
14S16 R X (2) Ω/ph 6.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S17 R R (2) Ω/ph 2.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S18 R RR (2) Ω/ph 6.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S19 R RRE (2) Ω/ph 8.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S20 R k0 (2) 1 1.00 0.00 8.00 0.01
14S21 R k0Ang(2) deg 0.00 -180.00 90.00 0.01
14S22 R Delay(2) s 0.50 0.00 10.00 0.01
14S23 R X (3) Ω/ph 10.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S24 R R (3) Ω/ph 3.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S25 R RR (3) Ω/ph 8.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S26 R RRE (3) Ω/ph 10.00 -300.00 300.00 0.01
14S27 R k0 (3) 1 1.00 0.00 8.00 0.01
14S28 R k0Ang(3) deg 0.00 -180.00 90.00 0.01
14S29 R Delay(3) s 1.00 0.00 10.00 0.01

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S30 R X (4/OR) Ω/ph 15.00 -300 300 0.01
14S31 R R (4/OR) Ω/ph 4.00 -300 300 0.01
14S32 R RR (4/OR) Ω/ph 10.00 -300 300 0.01
14S33 R RRE (4/OR) Ω/ph 12.00 -300 300 0.01
14S34 R k0 (4/OR) 1 1.00 0 8 0.01
14S35 R k0Ang(4/OR) deg 0.00 -180 90 0.01
14S36 R Delay(4/OR) s 1.50 0 10 0.01
14S37 R X (BACK) Ω/ph -6.00 -300 0 0.01
14S38 R R (BACK) Ω/ph -2.00 -300 0 0.01
14S39 R RR (BACK) Ω/ph -2.00 -300 0 0.01
14S40 R RRE (BACK) Ω/ph -8.00 -300 0 0.01
14S41 R StartMode <Select> Z< 4 6 2
UZ 4
OC 6
14S42 R PhasSelMode <Select> 0 0 8 1
Solid ground 0
RTS(R) cycl 1
TRS(T) cycl 2
RTS acycl 3
RST acycl 4
TSR acycl 5
TRS acycl 6
SRT acycl 7
STR acycl 8
14S43 R ComMode <Select> 0 0 5 1
off 0
PUTT Nondir 1
PUTT Fward 2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S44 R VTSupMode <Select> off 0 4 1
off 0
I0 1
I2 2
I0*I2 3
Special 4
14S45 R Ref Length Ω/ph 01.000 0.01 30.000 0.001
14S46 R CT Neutral <Select> 1 -1 1 2
Busside -1
Lineside 1
14S47 R k0m 1 0.00 0 8 0.01
14S48 R k0mAng deg 0.00 -90 90 0.01
14S49 R Imin IN 0.20 0.1 2 0.01
14S50 R 3I0min IN 0.20 0.1 2 0.01
14S51 R U0 VTSup UN 0.20 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S52 R I0 VTSup IN 0.07 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S53 R U2 VTSup UN 0.20 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S54 R I2 VTSup IN 0.07 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S55 R Istart IN 4.00 0.5 10 0.01
14S56 R XA Ω/ph 20.0 0 999 0.1
14S57 R XB Ω/ph -10.0 -999 0 0.1
14S58 R RA Ω/ph 15.0 0 999 0.1
14S59 R RB Ω/ph -10.0 -999 0 0.1
14S60 R RLoad Ω/ph 8.0 0 999 0.1
14S61 R AngleLoad deg 40.0 0 90 0.1
14S62 R Delay(Def) s 2.00 0 10 0.01
14S63 R UminFault UN 0.05 0.01 2 0.01
14S64 R MemDirMode <Select> 1 0 2 1
Block 0
Trip 1
Cond Trip 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

15S1 R SOFT <Select> 0 0 2 1
off 0
Non-dir 1
Fwards OR2 2
15S2 R EventRecFull <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S3 R 3U0min UN 0.00 0 2 0.01
15S4 R U Weak UN 0.00 0 2 0.01
15S5 R I OC BU IN 0.00 0 10 0.01
15S6 R Del OC BU s 5.00 0 10 0.01
15S7 R GndFaultMode <Select> I0 0 3 1
I0 0
I0 OR U0 1
I0 AND U0 2
Blocked 3
15S9 R Dir Def <Select> 1 1 2 1
Non-dir 1
Fwards 2
15S10 R TripMode <Select> 1 1 3 1
1PhTrip 1
3PhTrip 2
3PhTripDel3 3
15S11 R SOFT10sec <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S12 R t1EvolFaults s 003.00 0 10 0.01
15S13 R ZExtension <Select> off 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S14 R Weak <Select> off 0 1 1
off 0
on 1

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

15S15 R Unblock <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S16 R Block Z1 <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S17 R Echo <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S18 R TransBl <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S19 R t1TransBl s 000.05 0 0.25 0.01
15S20 R t2TransBl s 003.00 0 10 0.01
15S21 R t1Block s 000.04 0 0.25 0.01
15S22 R tPSblock s 000.00 0 10 0.01
15S23 R VTSupBlkDel <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S24 R VTSupDebDel <Select> 1 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S25 R Timer_1 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S26 R Timer_2 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S27 R Timer_3 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S28 R Timer_4 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S29 R Timer_5 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S30 R Timer_6 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S31 R Timer_7 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S32 R Timer_8 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S33 R Trip CB R 01-08 00000000B
15S34 R Trip CB R 09-16 00000000B

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

15S35 R Trip CB R 17-24 00000000B
15S36 R Trip CB R 25-32 00000000B
15S37 R Trip CB S 01-08 00000000B
15S38 R Trip CB S 09-16 00000000B
15S39 R Trip CB S 17-24 00000000B
15S40 R Trip CB S 25-32 00000000B
15S41 R Trip CB T 01-08 00000000B
15S42 R Trip CB T 09-16 00000000B
15S43 R Trip CB T 17-24 00000000B
15S44 R Trip CB T 25-32 00000000B

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R [Ref Length] 2
14V2-14V3 R Z (RE) 2
14V4-14V5 R Z (SE) 2
14V6-14V7 R Z (TE) 2
14V8-14V9 R Z (RS) 2
14V10-14V11 R Z (ST) 2
14V12-14V13 R Z (TR) 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R [Ref Length] 2
14Q2-14Q3 R Z (RE) 2
14Q4-14Q5 R Z (SE) 2
14Q6-14Q7 R Z (TE) 2
14Q8-14Q9 R Z (RS) 2
14Q10-14Q11 R Z (ST) 2
14Q12-14Q13 R Z (TR) 2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

A tripping value will only be overwritten (e.g. Z(RS)) if the same loop
(RS) trips again.
The Real and Imaginary values of the loop impedance are transmitted
on successive addresses.
The 'distance to the fault' is as derived from the last trip signal.
The correct distance to fault value is furnished only if the parameter
'Ref Length' is correctly configured.

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Start I0 Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start U0 Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Meas Oreach Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Trip O/C Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Power Swing Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 Trip CB R Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 Trip CB S Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 Trip CB T Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
14E17 Trip SOFT Set V156 1 14I9
14E18 Dito Reset V156 2
14E19 Start O/C Set V156 4 14I10
14E20 Dito Reset V156 8
14E21 Meas Main Set V156 16 14I11
14E22 Dito Reset V156 32
14E23 Trip CB Set V156 64 14I12
14E24 Dito Reset V156 128
14E25 Start R+S+T Set V156 256 14I13
14E26 Dito Reset V156 512

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E27 Com Send Set V156 1024 14I14
14E28 Dito Reset V156 2048
14E29 Dist Blocked Set V156 4096 14I15
14E30 Dito Reset V156 8192
14E31 FreqDev Set V156 16384 14I16
14E32 Dito Reset V156 32768
14E33 Start R Set V157 1 14I17
14E34 Dito Reset V157 2
14E35 Start S Set V157 4 14I18
14E36 Dito Reset V157 8
14E37 Start T Set V157 16 14I19
14E38 Dito Reset V157 32
14E39 Start E Set V157 64 14I20
14E40 Dito Reset V157 128
14E41 Start I> Set V157 256 14I21
14E42 Dito Reset V157 512
14E43 Start Z< Set V157 1024 14I22
14E44 Dito Reset V157 2048
14E45 Delay 2 Set V157 4096 14I23
14E46 Dito Reset V157 8192
14E47 Delay 3 Set V157 16384 14I24
14E48 Dito Reset V157 32768
14E49 Delay 4 Set V158 1 14I25
14E50 Dito Reset V158 2
14E51 Delay Def Set V158 4 14I26
14E52 Dito Reset V158 8
14E53 Start RST Set V158 16 14I27
14E54 Dito Reset V158 32
14E55 Weak infeed Set V158 64 14I28
14E56 Dito Reset V158 128
14E57 Meas Bward Set V158 256 14I29
14E58 Dito Reset V158 512
14E59 Trip CB 3P Set V158 1024 14I30
14E60 Dito Reset V158 2048

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E61 Trip CB 1P Set V158 4096 14I31
14E62 Dito Reset V158 8192
15E1 Trip RST Set V155 1 15I1
15E2 Dito Reset V155 2
15E3 Trip Com Set V155 4 15I2
15E4 Dito Reset V155 8
15E5 Delay 1 Set V155 16 15I3
15E6 Dito Reset V155 32
15E7 Com Boost Set V155 64 15I4
15E8 Dito Reset V155 128
15E9 Trip Stub Set V155 256 15I5
15E10 Dito Reset V155 512
15E11 VTSup Set V155 1024 15I6
15E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
15E13 VTSup Delay Set V155 4096 15I7
15E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
15E15 Start R Aux Set V155 16384 15I8
15E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
15E17 Start S Aux Set V156 1 15I9
15E18 Dito Reset V156 2
15E19 Start T Aux Set V156 4 15I10
15E20 Dito Reset V156 8
15E21 Start E Aux Set V156 16 15I11
15E22 Dito Reset V156 32
15E23 Start RST Aux Set V156 64 15I12
15E24 Dito Reset V156 128
15E25 Trip RST Aux Set V156 256 15I13
15E26 Dito Reset V156 512
15E27 Start SOFT Set V156 1024 15I14
15E28 Dito Reset V156 2048
15E29 Delay >= 2 Set V156 4096 15I15
15E30 Dito Reset V156 8192

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

15E31 Meas Fward Set V156 16384 15I16
15E32 Dito Reset V156 32768
15E33 BOOL_OUT1 Set V157 1 15I17
15E34 Dito Reset V157 2
15E35 BOOL_OUT2 Set V157 4 15I18
15E36 Dito Reset V157 8
15E37 BOOL_OUT3 Set V157 16 15I19
15E38 Dito Reset V157 32
15E39 BOOL_OUT4 Set V157 64 15I20
15E40 Dito Reset V157 128
15E41 BOOL_OUT5 Set V157 256 15I21
15E42 Dito Reset V157 512
15E43 BOOL_OUT6 Set V157 1024 15I22
15E44 Dito Reset V157 2048
15E45 BOOL_OUT7 Set V157 4095 15I23
15E46 Dito Reset V157 8192
15E47 BOOL_OUT8 Set V157 16384 15I24
15E48 Dito Reset V157 32768
15E49 Start 1ph Set V158 1 15I25
15E50 Dito Reset V158 2
15E51 DelDistBlock Set V158 4 15I26
15E52 Dito Reset V158 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.32. Frequency 25
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Frequency Hz 48.00 40.00 65.00 0.01
14S10 R U-Block UN 0.20 0.20 0.80 0.10
14S11 R Delay s 1.00 0.10 60.00 0.01
14S12 R MaxMin <Select> -1 -1 1 2
MIN -1

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R Hz 3
14V2 R UN 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R Hz 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Block.(U<) Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Trip Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Start Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.33. Overexcitat 26
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 01.00 0.10 60.00 0.01
14S10 R U/f-Setting UN/fN 01.20 0.20 2.00 0.01
14S11 R MaxMin <Select> 1 -1 1 2
MIN -1

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN/fN 2
14V2 R Hz 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN/fN 2

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.34. Count 27
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R CountThresh 1 1 100 1
14S10 R Drop time s 00.04 00.01 30.00 00.01
14S11 R Reset-Delay s 010.0 000.1 300.0 000.1

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R 0

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R 0

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.35. Overtemp. 28
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> CPU 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Theta-Begin % 100 000 100 001
14S10 R Theta-Warn % 105 050 200 001
14S11 R Theta-Trip % 110 050 200 001
14S12 R Temp.-coeff. 1/ThetaN 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01
14S13 R k-Wert 1 1 9 1
14S14 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3
14S15 R TimeConstant min 005.0 000.0 500.0 000.1
14S16 R ResponseTime min 0000. 0005. 6000. 0001.
14S17 R h [ 1] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S18 R h [ 2] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S19 R h [ 3] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S20 R h [ 4] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S21 R h [ 5] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S22 R h [ 6] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S23 R h [ 7] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S24 R h [ 8] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S25 R h [ 9] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S26 R h [10] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S27 R h [11] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S28 R h [12] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S29 R h [13] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S30 R h [14] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S31 R h [15] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S32 R h [16] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S33 R h [17] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S34 R h [18] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S35 R h [19] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S36 R h [20] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S37 R h [21] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S38 R h [22] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S39 R h [23] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S40 R h [24] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S41 R h [25] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S42 R h [26] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S43 R h [27] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S44 R h [28] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S45 R h [29] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S46 R h [30] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S47 R h [31] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S48 R h [32] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S49 R h [33] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S50 R h [34] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S51 R h [35] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S52 R h [36] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S53 R h [37] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S54 R h [38] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S55 R h [39] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S56 R h [40] 00.00 -00.20 02.00 00.01
14S57 R IB-Setting IN 1.00 0.50 2.50 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R Theta-Nom 3
14V2 R Pv-Nom 3
14V3 R IN 3

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R Theta-Nom 3
14Q2 R Pv-Nom 3
14Q3 R IN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Alarm Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Trip Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.36. Check-I3ph 29
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R I-Setting IN 0.20 0.05 1.00 0.05
14S10 R Delay s 10.0 0.1 60.0 0.1
14S11 R CT-Compens 1.00 -2.00 2.00 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.37. Check-U3ph 30
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R U-Setting UN 0.20 0.05 1.20 0.05
14S10 R Delay s 10.0 0.1 60.0 0.1
14S11 R VT-Compens 1.00 -2.00 +2.00 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.38. Logic 31
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Logic Mode <Select> 0 0 2 1
OR 0
RS-Flipflop 2

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 BinOutput Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.39. Disturbance Rec 32

Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S9 R StationNr No. 1 00 99 01
14S10 R preEvent ms 40 40 400 20
14S11 R Event ms 100 100 3000 50
14S12 R postEvent ms 40 40 400 20
14S13 R recMode <Select> 0 0 1 1
A 0
B 1
14S14 R TrigMode <Select> 0 0 5 1
TrigOnStart 0
TrigOnTrip 1
TrigOnBin 2
TrigAnyBi 3
TrigStart&Bi 4
TrigTrip&Bin 5
14S15 R BinInp 1 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No Trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S16 R BinInp 2 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S17 R BinInp 3 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S18 R BinInp 4 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S19 R BinInp 5 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S20 R BinInp 6 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S21 R BinInp 7 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S22 R BinInp 8 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S23 R BinInp 9 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S24 R BinInp 10 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S25 R BinInp 11 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S26 R BinInp 12 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S27 R BinInp 13 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S28 R BinInp 14 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S29 R BinInp 15 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S30 R BinInp 16 <Select> 0 0 2 1
No trig 0
Trigger 1
Inv. Trigger 2
14S31 R StorageMode <Select> 0 0 1 1
StopOnFull 0
Overwrite 1

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Bin output Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Mem full Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.40. Voltage-Inst 36
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Delay s 00.01 0.00 60.00 0.01
14S10 R U-Setting UN 1.40 0.01 2.00 0.01
14S11 R f-min Hz 40 25 50 1
14S12 R MaxMin <Select> 1 -1 1 2
MIN -1
14S13 R NrOfPhases <Select> 001 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN 2

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.41. Autoreclosure 38
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B

14S9 R 1. AR Mode <Select> 4 1 5 1

1. 1P-1P 1
1. 1P-3P 2
1. 1P3P-3P 3
1. 1P3P-1P3P 4
ExtSelection 5
14S10 R 2..4AR Mode <Select> 0 0 3 1
off 0
2 AR 1
3 AR 2
4 AR 3
14S11 R Master Mode <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S12 R ZE Prefault <Select> 1 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S13 R ZE 1. AR <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S14 R ZE 2. AR <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S15 R ZE 3. AR <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S16 R ZE 4. AR <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S17 R SCBypass 1P <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S18 R SCBypass1P3P <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S19 R t Dead1 1P s 001.20 0.05 300 0.01
14S20 R t Dead1 3P s 000.60 0.05 300 0.01
14S21 R t Dead1 Ext s 001.00 0.05 300 0.01
14S22 R t Dead2 s 001.20 0.05 300 0.01
14S23 R t Dead3 s 005.00 0.05 300 0.01
14S24 R t Dead4 s 060.00 0.05 300 0.01
14S25 R t Oper. s 000.50 0.05 300 0.01
14S26 R t Inhibit s 005.00 0.05 300 0.01
14S27 R t Close s 000.25 0.05 300 0.01
14S28 R t Discrim.1P s 000.60 0.10 300 0.01
14S29 R t Discrim.3P s 000.30 0.10 300 0.01
14S30 R t Timeout s 001.00 0.05 300 0.01
14S31 R t AR Block. s 005.00 0.05 300 0.01
14S32 R TMSEC_Timer1 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S33 R TMSEC_Timer2 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S34 R TMSEC_Timer3 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S35 R TMSEC_Timer4 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S36 R TMSEC_Timer5 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S37 R TMSEC_Timer6 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S38 R TMSEC_Timer7 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S39 R TMSEC_Timer8 ms 0 0 30000 1
14S40 R CB Close 01-08 00000000B
14S41 R CB Close 09-16 00000000B
14S42 R CB Close 17-24 00000000B
14S43 R CB Close 25-32 00000000B

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S44 R CB2 Close 01-08 00000000B
14S45 R CB2 Close 09-16 00000000B
14S46 R CB2 Close 17-24 00000000B
14S47 R CB2 Close 25-32 00000000B

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 CB Close Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 CB2 Close Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Trip 3-Pol Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 ZExtension Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Def. Trip Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 Delay Flwr. Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 Blk. to Flwr Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 Inhibit Outp Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
14E17 AR Ready Set V156 1 14I9
14E18 Dito Reset V156 2
14E19 AR Blocked Set V156 4 14I10
14E20 Dito Reset V156 8
14E21 AR in Prog Set V156 16 14I11
14E22 Dito Reset V156 32
14E23 First AR 1P Set V156 64 14I12
14E24 Dito Reset V156 128
14E25 First AR 3P Set V156 256 14I13

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E26 Dito Reset V156 512
14E27 Second AR Set V156 1024 14I14
14E28 Dito Reset V156 2048
14E29 Third AR Set V156 4096 14I15
14E30 Dito Reset V156 8192
14E31 Fourth AR Set V156 16384 14I16
14E32 Dito Reset V156 32768
14E33 P_OUTPUT1 Set V157 1 14I17
14E34 Dito Reset V157 2
14E35 P_OUTPUT2 Set V157 4 14I18
14E36 Dito Reset V157 8
14E37 P_OUTPUT3 Set V157 16 14I19
14E38 Dito Reset V157 32
14E39 P_OUTPUT4 Set V157 64 14I20
14E40 Dito Reset V157 128
14E41 P_OUTPUT5 Set V157 256 1421
14E42 Dito Reset V157 512
14E43 P_OUTPUT6 Set V157 1024 1422
14E44 Dito Reset V157 2048
14E45 P_OUTPUT7 Set V157 4096 1423
14E46 Dito Reset V157 8192
14E47 P_OUTPUT8 Set V157 16384 14I24
14E48 Dito Reset V157 32768
14E49 Erste WE beendet Set V158 1 14I25
14E50 dito Reset V158 2
14E51 2…4. WE beendet Set V158 4 14I26
14E52 dito Reset V158 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.42. EarthFaultIsol 40
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R P-Setting PN 0.050 0.005 0.100 0.001
14S10 R Angle Degree 000.00 -180.00 180.00 0.01
14S11 R Drop-Ratio % 60 30 95 1
14S12 R Delay s 00.50 0.05 60.00 0.01
14S13 R Phi-Comp. Degree 0.00 -5.00 5.00 0.01
14S14 R PN UN*IN 1.000 0.500 2.500 0.001

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R PN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R PN 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.43. Voltage-Bal 41
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R V-Unbalance UN 0.20 0.10 0.50 0.05
14S10 R Delay s 0.04 0.00 1.00 0.01
14S11 R t-Reset s 1.50 0.10 2.00 0.01
14S12 R NrOfPhases <Select> 3 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN (Ud-1) 2
14V2 R UN (Ud-2) 2
14V3 R UN (Ud-3) 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN (Ud-1) 2
14Q2 R UN (Ud-2) 2
14Q3 R UN (Ud-3) 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Trip-Line1 Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Trip-Line2 Set V155 64 14I1
14E8 Dito Reset V155 28

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.44. U/f-Inv 47
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R V/f-Value UB/fN 01.10 1.05 1.20 0.01
14S10 R t-min min 0.20 0.01 2.00 0.01
14S11 R t-max min 60.0 5.0 100.0 0.1
14S12 R t-Reset min 60.0 0.2 100.0 0.1
14S13 R t[V/f=1.05] min 70.00 00.01 100.00 0.01
14S14 R t[V/f=1.10] min 70.00 00.01 100.00 0.01
14S15 R t[V/f=1.15] min 06.00 00.01 100.00 0.01
14S16 R t[V/f=1.20] min 01.000 00.001 30.000 0.001
14S17 R t[V/f=1.25] min 00.480 00.001 30.000 0.001
14S18 R t[V/f=1.30] min 00.300 00.001 30.000 0.001
14S19 R t[V/f=1.35] min 00.220 00.001 30.000 0.001
14S20 R t[V/f=1.40] min 00.170 00.001 30.000 0.001
14S21 R t[V/f=1.45] min 00.140 00.001 30.000 0.001
14S22 R t[V/f=1.50] min 00.140 00.001 30.000 0.001
14S23 R UB-Setting UN 01.00 0.80 1.20 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UB/fN 2
14V2 R Hz 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UB/fN 2

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

4E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.45. UIfPQ 48
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S9 R Angle Degree 000.0 -180.0 180.0 0.1
14S10 R PN UN*IN 1.000 0.200 2.500 0.001
14S11 R Voltage <Select> direct 1 2 1
direct 1
ph-to-ph 2

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN 3
14V2 R IN 3
14V3 R P (PN) 3
14V4 R Q (PN) 3
14V5 R Hz 3

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.46. SynchroCheck 49
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R maxVoltDif UN 0.20 0.05 0.40 0.05
14S10 R maxPhaseDif Degree 10.0 05.0 80.0 05.0
14S11 R maxFreqDif Hz 0.20 0.05 0.40 0.05
14S12 R minVoltage UN 0.70 0.60 1.00 0.05
14S13 R maxVoltage UN 0.30 0.10 1.00 0.05
14S14 R Operat.-Mode <Select> 0 0 4 1
SynChck only 0
DBus + LLine 1
LBus + DLine 2
DBus ⏐ DLine 3
DBus + DLine 4
14S15 R SupervisTime s 0.20 0.05 5.00 0.05
14S16 R t-Reset s 0.05 0.00 1.00 0.05
14S17 R LiveBus <Select> 0 0 7 1
1ph R-S 0
1ph S-T 1
1ph T-R 2
1ph R-E 3
1ph S-E 4
1ph T-E 5
3ph-delta 6
3ph-Y 7

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S18 R LiveLine <Select> 7 0 7 1
1ph R-S 0
1ph S-T 1
1ph T-R 2
1ph R-E 3
1ph S-E 4
1ph T-E 5
3ph-delta 6
3ph-Y 7

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN (dU) 2
14V2 R Degree (dPhi) 2
14V3 R Hz (|df|) 2
14V4 R UN (max. bus V) 2
14V5 R UN (min. bus V) 2
14V6 R UN (max. line V) 2
14V7 R UN (min. line V) 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN (dU) 2
14Q2 R Degree (dPhi) 2
14Q3 R Hz (|df|) 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

4E1 PermitToClos Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 SyncBlockd Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 TrigBlockd Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 SyncOverrid Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 AmplDifOK Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 PhaseDifOK Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 FreqDifOK Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
14E17 LiveBus Set V156 1 14I9
14E18 Dito Reset V156 2
14E19 DeadBus Set V156 4 14I10
14E20 Dito Reset V156 8
14E21 LiveLine Set V156 16 14I11
14E22 Dito Rese V156 32
14E23 DeadLine Set V156 64 14I12
14E24 Dito Reset V156 128

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.47. Rotor-EFP 51
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Alarm-Delay s 0.50 0.20 60.00 0.05
14S10 R Trip-Delay s 0.50 0.20 60.00 0.05
14S11 R RFr-AlarmVal kOhm 10.0 0.1 25.0 0.1
14S12 R RFr-TripVal kOhm 1.0 0.1 25.0 0.1
14S13 R REr kOhm 1.00 0.90 5.00 0.01
14S14 R Uir <Select> 3 1 3 1
20 Volt 1
30 Volt 2
50 Volt 3
14S15 R RFr-Adjust kOhm 10.00 8.00 12.00 0.01
14S16 R CoupC-Adjust µF 4.00 2.00 10.00 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R Rfr (kOhm) 1
14V2 R Ck" (uF) 2
14V3 R REr" (kOhm) 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R Rfr (kOhm) 1
14Q2 R Ck" (uF) 2
14Q3 R REr" (kOhm) 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event list for Rotor-EFP

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Trip Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Alarm Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Start Alarm Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 InterruptInt Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 InterruptExt Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 Rer-Adjust Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 CoupC-Adjus Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
14E17 Extern-Block Set V156 1 14I9
14E18 Dito Reset V156 2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.48. Stator-EFP 52
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R Alarm-Delay s 0.50 0.20 60.00 0.05
14S10 R Trip-Delay s 0.50 0.20 60.00 0.05
14S11 R RFs-AlarmVal kOhm 10.0 0.1 20.0 0.1
14S12 R RFs-TripVal kOhm 1.00 0.1 20.0 0.1
14S13 R REs kOhm 1.00 0.70 5.00 0.01
14S14 R REs-2.Starpt kOhm 1.00 0.90 30.00 0.01
14S15 R RFs-Adjust kOhm 10.00 8.00 12.00 0.01
14S16 R MTransRatio 100.0 10.0 200.0 0.1
14S17 R NrOfStarpt 1 1 2 1

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R Rfs (kOhm) 1
14V2 R MTR 1
14V3 R REs" (kOhm) 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R Rfs (kOhm) 1
14Q2 R MTR 1
14Q3 R REs" (kOhm) 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Trip Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Alarm Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Start Alarm Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 InterruptInt Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 InterruptExt Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 2.Starpt Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 MTR-Adjust Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
14E17 Res-Adjust Set V156 1 14I9
14E18 Dito Reset V156 2
14E19 Extern-Block Set V156 4 14I10
14E20 Dito Reset V156 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.49. I0-Invers 53
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R c-Setting <Select> 1.00 0 2 1
0.02 0
1.00 1
2.00 2
14S10 R k1-Setting s 13.50 0.01 200.00 0.01
14S11 R I-Start IB 1.10 1.00 2.00 0.01
14S12 R NrOfPhases <Select> 1 1 3 2
1 Ph 1
3 Ph 3
14S13 R IB-Setting IN 1.00 0.04 2.50 0.01
14S14 R t-min s 00.00 00.00 10.00 00.10

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN 3

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN 3

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.50. Pole-Slip 55
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU1 1
CPU2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip1 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip1 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip1 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip1 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R ZA UN/IN 0.200 0.000 5.000 0.001
14S10 R ZB UN/IN -0.250 -5.000 0.000 0.001
14S11 R ZC UN/IN 0.100 0.000 5.000 0.001
14S12 R Phi Degree 85 60 270 1
14S13 R WarnAngle Degree 110 0 180 1
14S14 R TripAngle Degree 90 0 180 1
14S15 R n1 1 0 20 1
14S16 R n2 3 0 20 1
14S17 R t-Reset s 5.00 0.50 25.00 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN/IN 3
14V2 R Hz 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R UN/IN 3
14Q2 R Hz 2

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Warning Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Generator SetSet V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Motor Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Zone1 Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Zone2 Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 Trip1 Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 Trip2 Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.51. EarthFltGnd2 58
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R V-Setting UN 0.200 0.003 0.100 0.001
14S10 R I-Setting IN 0.10 0.10 1.00 0.01
14S11 R Angle deg 60.0 -90.0 90.0 5.0
14S12 R tBasic s 0.050 0.000 1.000 0.001
14S13 R tWait s 0.050 0.000 0.500 0.001
14S14 R tTransBl s 0.100 0.000 0.500 0.001
14S15 R CT Neutral <Select> 0 0 1 1
Lineside 0
Busside 1
14S16 R ComMode <Select> 0 0 1 1
Permissive 0
Blocking 1
14S17 R SendMode <Select> -1 0 1 1
MeasFord -1
Non-dir 0
MeasBwd 1
14S18 R 1 Channel <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
14S19 R Echo <Select> 0 0 3 1
off 0
Weak 1
Bkr 2
Weak & Bkr 3

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R UN 2
14V2 R IN 2
14V3 R Forwards 0

Note: This function does not provide tripping levels (Q).

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 MeasFwd Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 MeasBwd Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Senden Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 Recve Inh Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.52. FUPLA 59
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S8 R NoFUPMV x 0 0 1
14S9 R RepRate x low (2) low (2) high (0) 1
14S10 R CycleTime x 20 0 1000 1

Measured variables
The number of FUPLA measured variables depends on the con-
figuration. Within this total configured, the order of the FUPLA
measured variables measured variable numbers can be determined by
assigning numbers to them.

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R FUPMV 1 2
14Vn R FUPMV 2 2
14Vn R FUPMV n 2

FUPLA events can only be configured as IBB events. Events are not
recorded under the FUPLA function number. Because of the variable
number of signals/events, FUPLA would require a variable number of
IBB events
FUPLA ‘Extout’ to IBB channel and ER:
Events are recorded under their SPA address, IBB group and event
Addr 121 E1 .
Binary signals are assigned to IBB channels using the HMI. It is not
possible to mask IBB events.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.53. Defluttering 60
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S9 R SupervisTime s 1.0 0.1 60.0 0.1
14S10 R NoOfChanges 2 2 100 1

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 State of Input1 Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 State of Input2 Set V155 4 14I3
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 State of Input3 Set V155 16 14I5
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 State of Input4 Set V155 64 14I7
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 FlutterMess1 Set V155 256 14I2
14E10 Dito Reset V155 1024
14E11 FlutterMess2 Set V155 512 14I4
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 FlutterMess3 Set V155 4096 14I6
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 FlutterMess4 Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.54. HV distance 63
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:
The starter and measurement settings (in columns Min., Max. and
Step) with the unit 'ohms/phase' have to be divided by 10 for relays
with a rated current of 5 A.

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R CPU-Nr. <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S9 R X (1) Ω/ph 3.00 -300 300 0.01
14S10 R R (1) Ω/ph 1.00 -300 300 0.01
14S11 R RR (1) Ω/ph 3.00 -300 300
14S12 R RRE (1) Ω/ph 4.00 -300 300
14S13 R k0 (1) 1 1.00 0 8 0.01
14S14 R k0Ang(1) deg 0.00 -180 90 0.01
14S15 R Delay(1) s 0.000 0 10 0.001
14S16 R X (2) Ω/ph 6.00 -300 300 0.01
14S17 R R (2) Ω/ph 2.00 -300 300 0.01
14S18 R RR (2) Ω/ph 6.00 -300 300 0.01
14S19 R RRE (2) Ω/ph 8.00 -300 300 0.01
14S20 R k0 (2) 1 1.00 0 8 0.01
14S21 R k0Ang(2) deg 0.00 -180 90 0.01
14S22 R Delay(2) s 0.50 0 10 0.01
14S23 R X (3) Ω/ph 10.00 -300 300 0.01
14S24 R R (3) Ω/ph 3.00 -300 300 0.01
14S25 R RR (3) Ω/ph 8.00 -300 300 0.01
14S26 R RRE (3) Ω/ph 10.00 -300 300 0.01
14S27 R k0 (3) 1 1.00 0 8 0.01
14S28 R k0Ang(3) deg 0.00 -180 90 0.01
14S29 R Delay(3) s 1.00 0 10 0.01

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S30 R X (4/OR) Ω/ph 15.00 -300 300 0.01
14S31 R R (4/OR) Ω/ph 4.00 -300 300 0.01
14S32 R RR (4/OR) Ω/ph 10.00 -300 300 0.01
14S33 R RRE (4/OR) Ω/ph 12.00 -300 300 0.01
14S34 R k0 (4/OR) 1 1.00 0 8 0.01
14S35 R k0Ang(4/OR) deg 0.00 -180 90 0.01
14S36 R Delay(4/OR) s 1.50 0 10 0.01
14S37 R X (BACK) Ω/ph -6.00 -300 0 0.01
14S38 R R (BACK) Ω/ph -2.00 -300 0 0.01
14S39 R RR (BACK) Ω/ph -6.00 -300 0 0.01
14S40 R RRE (BACK) Ω/ph -8.00 -300 0 0.01
14S41 R PhasSelMode <Select> 9 9 10 1
Non-dir 9
Fward OR 10
14S42 R ComMode <Select> 0 0 5 1
off 0
PUTT Nondir 1
PUTT Fward 2
14S43 R VTSupMode <Select> 0 0 4 1
off 0
I0 1
I2 2
I0*I2 3
Special 4
14S44 R Ref Length Ω/ph 1.000 0.01 30.000 0.001
14S45 R CT Neutral <Select> 1 -1 1 2
Busside -1
Lineside 1

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S46 R k0m 1 000.00 0 8 0.01
14S47 R k0mAng deg 000.00 -90 90 0.01
14S48 R Imin IN 000.20 0.1 2 0.01
14S49 R 3I0min IN 000.20 0.1 2 0.01
14S50 R U0 VTSup UN 000.20 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S51 R I0 VTSup IN 000.07 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S52 R U2 VTSup UN 000.20 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S53 R I2 VTSup IN 000.07 0.01 0.5 0.01
14S54 R XA Ω/ph 000.0 0 999 0.1
14S55 R XB Ω/ph 000.0 -999 0 0.1
14S56 R RA Ω/ph 000.0 0 999 0.1
14S57 R RB Ω/ph 000.0 -999 0 0.1
14S58 R RLoad Ω/ph 000.0 0 999 0.1
14S59 R AngleLoad deg 045.0 0 90 0.1
14S60 R SR error deg 0.00 -2.00 2.00 0.01
14S61 R TR error deg 0.00 -2.00 2.00 0.01
14S62 R Delay(Def) s 002.00 0 10 0.01
14S63 R UminFault UN 000.05 0.01 2 0.01
14S64 R MemDirMode <Select> 1 0 2 1
Block 0
Trip 1
Cond Trip 2
15S1 R SOFT <Select> 0 0 2 1
off 0
Non-dir 1
Fwards OR2 2
15S2 R EventRecFull <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S3 R 3U0min UN 000.00 0 2 0.01
15S4 R U Weak UN 000.00 0 2 0.01

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

15S5 R I OC BU IN 000.00 0 10 0.01
15S6 R Del OC BU s 005.00 0 10 0.01
15S7 R GndFaultMode <Select> 4 4 7 1
I0 4
I0 OR U0 5
I0(I2) 6
I0(I2) OR U0 7
15S9 R Dir Def <Select> 1 1 2 1
Non-dir 1
Fwards 2
15S10 R TripMode <Select> 1 1 3 1
1PhTrip 1
3PhTrip 2
3PhTripDel3 3
15S11 R SOFT 10sec <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S12 R t1EvolFaults s 3.00 0 10 0.01
15S14 R Weak <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S15 R Unblock <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S16 R Echo <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S17 R TransBl <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S18 R t1TransBl s 0.05 0 0.25 0.01

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

15S19 R t2TransBl s 003.00 0 10 0.01
15S20 R t1Block s 000.04 0 0.25 0.01
15S21 R tPSblock s 000.00 0 10 0.01
15S22 R VTSupBlkDel <Select> 0 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S23 R VTSupDebDel <Select> 1 0 1 1
off 0
on 1
15S24 R TIMER_1 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S25 R TIMER_2 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S26 R TIMER_3 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S27 R TIMER_4 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S28 R TIMER_5 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S29 R TIMER_6 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S30 R TIMER_7 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S31 R TIMER_8 ms 0 0 30000 1
15S32 R I Load IN 0.5 0 2 0.1
15S33 R Trip CB R 01-08 00000000B
15S34 R Trip CB R 09-16 00000000B
15S35 R Trip CB R 17-24 00000000B
15S36 R Trip CB R 25-32 00000000B
15S37 R Trip CB S 01-08 00000000B
15S38 R Trip CB S 09-16 00000000B
15S39 R Trip CB S 17-24 00000000B
15S40 R Trip CB S 25-32 00000000B
15S341 R Trip CB T 01-08 00000000B
15S342 R Trip CB T 09-16 00000000B
15S343 R Trip CB T 17-24 00000000B
15S344 R Trip CB T 25-32 00000000B

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R [Ref Length] 2
14V2-14V3 R Z (RE) 2
14V4-14V5 R Z (SE) 2
14V6-14V7 R Z (TE) 2
14V8-14V9 R Z (RS) 2
14V10-14V11 R Z (ST) 2
14V12-14V13 R Z (TR) 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R [Ref Length] 2
14Q2-14Q3 R Z (RE) 2
14Q4-14Q5 R Z (SE) 2
14Q6-14Q7 R Z (TE) 2
14Q8-14Q9 R Z (RS) 2
14Q10-14Q11 R Z (ST) 2
14Q12-14Q13 R Z (TR) 2

A tripping value will only be overwritten (e.g. Z(RS)) if the same loop
(RS) trips again.
The real and imaginary values of the loop impedance are transmitted
on successive addresses.
The 'distance to the fault' is as derived from the last trip signal.
The correct distance to fault value is furnished only if the parameter
'Ref Length' is correctly configured.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Start I0 Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start U0 Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Meas Oreach Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Trip O/C Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Power Swing Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 Trip CB R Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 Trip CB S Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 Trip CB T Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
14E17 Trip SOFT Set V156 1 14I9
14E18 Dito Reset V156 2
14E19 Start O/C Set V156 4 14I10
14E20 Dito Reset V156 8
14E21 Meas Main Set V156 16 14I11
14E22 Dito Reset V156 32
14E23 Trip CB Set V156 64 14I12
14E24 Dito Reset V156 128
14E25 Start R+S+T Set V156 256 14I13
14E26 Dito Reset V156 512
14E27 Com Send Set V156 1024 14I14
14E28 Dito Reset V156 2048
14E29 Dist Blocked Set V156 4096 14I15
14E30 Dito Reset V156 8192
14E31 FreqDev Set V156 16384 14I16
14E32 Dito Reset V156 32768

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E33 Start R Set V157 1 14I17
14E34 Dito Reset V157 2
14E35 Start S Set V157 4 14I18
14E36 Dito Reset V157 8
14E37 Start T Set V157 16 14I19
14E38 Dito Reset V157 32
14E39 Start E Set V157 64 14I20
14E40 Dito Reset V157 128
14E41 Delay 2 Set V157 256 14I21
14E42 Dito Reset V157 512
14E43 Delay 3 Set V157 1024 14I22
14E44 Dito Reset V157 2048
14E45 Delay 4 Set V157 4096 14I23
14E46 Dito Reset V157 8192
14E47 Delay Def Set V157 16384 14I24
14E48 Dito Reset V157 32768
14E49 Start RST Set V158 1 14I25
14E50 Dito Reset V158 2
14E51 Weak Set V158 4 14I26
14E52 Dito Reset V158 8
14E53 Meas Bward Set V158 16 14I27
14E54 Dito Reset V158 32
14E55 Trip CB 3P Set V158 64 14I28
14E56 Dito Reset V158 128
14E57 Trip CB 1P Set V158 256 14I29
14E58 Dito Reset V158 512
14E59 Trip RST Set V158 1024 14I30
14E60 Dito Reset V158 2048
14E61 Trip Com Set V158 4096 14I31
14E62 Dito Reset V158 8192
15E1 Delay 1 Set V155 1 15I1
15E2 Dito Reset V155 2
15E3 Com Boost Set V155 4 15I2
15E4 Dito Reset V155 8
15E5 Trip Stub Set V155 16 15I3
15E6 Dito Reset V155 32

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

15E7 VTSup Set V155 64 15I4
15E8 Dito Reset V155 128
15E9 VTSup Delay Set V155 256 15I5
15E10 Dito Reset V155 512
15E11 Start R Aux Set V155 1024 15I6
15E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
15E13 Start S Aux Set V155 4096 15I7
15E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
15E15 Start T Aux Set V155 16384 15I8
15E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
15E17 Start E Aux Set V156 1 15I9
15E18 Dito Reset V156 2
15E19 Start RST Aux Set V156 4 15I10
15E20 Dito Reset V156 8
15E21 Trip RST Aux Set V156 16 15I11
15E22 Dito Reset V156 32
15E23 Start SOFT Set V156 64 15I12
15E24 Dito Reset V156 128
15E25 Delay >= 2 Set V156 256 15I13
15E26 Dito Reset V156 512
15E27 Meas Fward Set V156 1024 15I14
15E28 Dito Reset V156 2048
15E29 BOOL_OUT1 Set V156 4096 15I15
15E30 Dito Reset V156 8192
15E31 BOOL_OUT2 Set V156 16384 15I16
15E32 Dito Reset V156 32768
15E33 BOOL_OUT3 Set V157 1 15I17
15E34 Dito Reset V157 2
15E35 BOOL_OUT4 Set V157 4 15I18
15E36 Dito Reset V157 8
15E37 BOOL_OUT5 Set V157 16 15I19
15E38 Dito Reset V157 32
15E39 BOOL_OUT6 Set V157 64 15I20
15E40 Dito Reset V157 128
15E41 BOOL_OUT7 Set V157 256 15I21
15E42 Dito Reset V157 512

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

15E43 BOOL_OUT8 Set V157 1024 15I22
15E44 Dito Reset V157 2048
15E45 Start 1ph Set V157 4096 15I23
15E46 Dito Reset V157 8192
15E47 DelDistBlock Set V157 16384 15I24
15E48 Dito Reset V157 32768

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

9.6.55. df/dt 69
Basic channel No.: 14
Summary of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R df/dt Hz/s -1.0 -10.0 10.0 0.1
14S10 R Frequency Hz 48.00 00.00 65.00 0.01
14S11 R BlockVoltag UN 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.1
14S12 R Delay s 00.10 0.10 60.00 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R Hz/s 2
14V2 R Hz 3
14V3 R UN 2

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R Hz/s 2
14Q2 R Hz 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Blocked (U<) Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Trip Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.56. DirCurrentDT 70
Basic channel No.: 14
Summery of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R I-Setting IN 2.00 0.20 20.00 0.01
14S10 R Angle Degree 45 -180 +180 15
14S11 R Delay s 01.00 0.02 60.00 0.01
14S12 R TWait s 0.20 0.02 20.00 0.01
14S13 R MemDir Mode <Select> Trip 0 1 1
Trip 0
Block 1
14S14 R MemDuration s 2.00 0.20 60.00 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN (R) 3
14V2 R IN (S) 3
14V3 R IN (T) 3
14V4 R PN (IR, UST) 3
14V5 R PN (IS, UTR) 3
14V6 R PN (IT, URS) 3
14V7 R UN (ST) 3
14V8 R UN (TR) 3
14V9 R UN (RS) 3

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN (R) 3
14Q2 R IN (S) 3
14Q3 R IN (T) 3
14Q4 R PN (IR, UST) 3
14Q5 R PN (IS, UTR) 3
14Q6 R PN (IT, URS) 3
14Q7 R UN (ST) 3
14Q8 R UN (TR) 3
14Q9 R UN (RS) 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Start R Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Start S Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Start T Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 MeasFwd Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 MeasBwd Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.57. DirCurrentInv 71
Basic channel No.: 14
Summery of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B
14S5 R Trip 01-08 00000000B
14S6 R Trip 09-16 00000000B
14S7 R Trip 17-24 00000000B
14S8 R Trip 25-32 00000000B
14S9 R I-Start IB 1.10 1.00 4.00 0.01
14S10 R Angle Degree 45 -180 +180 15
14S11 R c-Setting <Select> 1.00 0 2 1
0.02 0
1.00 1
2.00 2
14S12 R k1- Setting s 13.50 0.01 200.00 0.01
14S13 R t-min s 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.01
14S14 R IB- Setting IN 1.00 0.04 2.50 0.01
14S15 R tWait s 0.20 0.02 20.00 0.01
14S16 R MemDirMode <Select> 0 0 1 1
Trip 0
Block 1
14S17 R MemDuration s 2.00 0.20 60.00 0.01

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R IN (R) 3
14V2 R IN (S) 3
14V3 R IN (T) 3
14V4 R PN (IR, UST) 3
14V5 R PN (IS, UTR) 3
14V6 R PN (IT, URS) 3
14V7 R UN (ST) 3
14V8 R UN (TR) 3
14V9 R UN (RS) 3

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q1 R IN (R) 3
14Q2 R IN (S) 3
14Q3 R IN (T) 3
14Q4 R PN (IR, UST) 3
14Q5 R PN (IS, UTR) 3
14Q6 R PN (IT, URS) 3
14Q7 R UN (ST) 3
14Q8 R UN (TR) 3
14Q9 R UN (RS) 3

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Trip Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Start Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 Start R Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 Start S Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 Start T Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 MeasFwd Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 MeasBwd Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.58. BreakerFailure 72
Basic channel No.: 14
Summery of parameters:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R RunOnCPU <Select> 1 1 2 1

CPU 1 1

CPU 2 2

14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 00011110B

14S5 R 23105 TRIP t1 01-08 00000000B

14S6 R 23105 TRIP t1 09-16 00000000B

14S7 R 23105 TRIP t1 17-24 00000000B

14S8 R 23105 TRIP t1 25-32 00000000B

14S9 R 23110 TRIP t1 L1 01-08 00000000B

14S10 R 23110 TRIP t1 L1 09-16 00000000B

14S11 R 23110 TRIP t1 L1 17-24 00000000B

14S12 R 23110 TRIP t1 L1 25-32 00000000B

14S13 R 23115 TRIP t1 L2 01-08 00000000B

14S14 R 23115 TRIP t1 L2 09-16 00000000B

14S15 R 23115 TRIP t1 L2 17-24 00000000B

14S16 R 23115 TRIP t1 L2 25-32 00000000B

14S17 R 23120 TRIP t1 L3 01-08 00000000B

14S18 R 23120 TRIP t1 L3 09-16 00000000B

14S19 R 23120 TRIP t1 L3 17-24 00000000B

14S20 R 23120 TRIP t1 L3 25-32 00000000B

14S21 R 23125 TRIP t2 01-08 00000000B

14S22 R 23125 TRIP t2 09-16 00000000B

14S23 R 23125 TRIP t2 17-24 00000000B

14S24 R 23125 TRIP t2 25-32 00000000B

14S25 R 23130 REMOTE TRIP 01-08 00000000B

14S26 R 23130 REMOTE TRIP 09-16 00000000B

14S27 R 23130 REMOTE TRIP 17-24 00000000B

14S28 R 23130 REMOTE TRIP 25-32 00000000B

14S29 R 23135 RED TRIP L1 01-08 00000000B

14S30 R 23135 RED TRIP L1 09-16 00000000B

14S31 R 23135 RED TRIP L1 17-24 00000000B

14S32 R 23135 RED TRIP L1 25-32 00000000B

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S33 R 23140 RED TRIP L2 01-08 00000000B

14S34 R 23140 RED TRIP L2 09-16 00000000B

14S35 R 23140 RED TRIP L2 17-24 00000000B

14S36 R 23140 RED TRIP L2 25-32 00000000B

14S37 R 23145 RED TRIP L3 01-08 00000000B

14S38 R 23145 RED TRIP L3 09-16 00000000B

14S39 R 23145 RED TRIP L3 17-24 00000000B

14S40 R 23145 RED TRIP L3 25-32 00000000B

14S41 R 23150 EFP REM TRIP 01-08 00000000B

14S42 R 23150 EFP REM TRIP 09-16 00000000B

14S43 R 23150 EFP REM TRIP 17-24 00000000B

14S44 R 23150 EFP REM TRIP 25-32 00000000B

14S45 R 23155 EFP BUS TRIP 01-08 00000000B

14S46 R 23155 EFP BUS TRIP 09-16 00000000B

14S47 R 23155 EFP BUS TRIP 17-24 00000000B

14S48 R 23155 EFP BUS TRIP 25-32 00000000B

14S49 R I-Setting IN 1.20 0.20 5 0.01

14S50 R Delay t1 s 0.15 0.02 60 0.01

14S51 R Delay t2 s 0.15 0.02 60 0.01

14S52 R Delay tEfp s 0.04 0.02 60 0.01

14S53 R t Drop Retrip s 0.05 0.02 60 0.01

14S54 R t Drop BuTrip s 0.05 0.02 60 0.01

14S55 R t Puls RemTrip s 0.05 0.02 60 0.01

14S56 R t1 active <Select> 1 0 1 1

off 0

on 1

14S57 R t2 active <Select> 1 0 1 1

off 0

on 1

14S58 R Rem Trip active <Select> 1 0 1 1

off 0

on 1

14S59 R EFP active <Select> 1 0 1 1

off 0

on 1

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S60 R Red active <Select> 1 0 1 1

off 0

on 1

14S61 R Start Ext act. <Select> 1 0 1 1

off 0

on 1

14S62 R RemTrip after <Select> 1 0 1 1


t1 1

14S63 R NrOfPhases <Select> 3 1 3 2

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Event list

Event Cause Event Enable Status

14E1 23305 Trip t1 Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 23315 Trip t1 L1 Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8
14E5 23320 Trip t1 L2 Set V155 16 14I3
14E6 Dito Reset V155 32
14E7 23325 Trip t1 L3 Set V155 64 14I4
14E8 Dito Reset V155 128
14E9 23310 Trip t2 Set V155 256 14I5
14E10 Dito Reset V155 512
14E11 23340 Remote Trip Set V155 1024 14I6
14E12 Dito Reset V155 2048
14E13 23345 Red Trip L1 Set V155 4096 14I7
14E14 Dito Reset V155 8192
14E15 23350 Red Trip L2 Set V155 16384 14I8
14E16 Dito Reset V155 32768
14E17 23355 Red Trip L3 Set V156 1 14I9
14E18 Dito Reset V156 2
14E19 23375 EFP Rem Trip Set V156 4 14I10
14E20 Dito Reset V156 8
14E21 23370 EFP Bus Trip Set V156 16 14I11
14E22 Dito Reset V156 32
14E23 23330 Retrip t1 Set V156 64 14I12
14E24 Dito Reset V156 128
14E25 23360 Uncon Trip t1 Set V156 256 14I13
14E26 Dito Reset V156 512
14E27 23380 Ext Trip t1 Set V156 1024 14I14
14E28 Dito Reset V156 2048
14E29 23335 Backup Trip t2 Set V156 4096 14I15
14E30 Dito Reset V156 8192
14E29 23365 Uncon Trip t2 Set V156 16384 14I16
14E30 Dito Reset V156 32768

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

9.6.59. MeasureModule 74

Basic channel number: 14

Parameter summary:

Address Access Text Unit Default Min. Max. Step

14S2 R CPU-Nr. <Select> 1 1 2 1
CPU 1 1
CPU 2 2
14S4 R ParSet4..1 <Select> P1 00000010B 000111110B
14S9 R PN UN*IN*√3 1.000 0.200 2.500 0.001
14S10 R AngleComp Deg 0.000 -180 180 0.1
14S11 R t1-Interval <Select> 4 0 8 1
1 min 0
2 min 1
5 min 2
10 min 3
15 min 4
20 min 5
30 min 6
60 min 7
120 min 8
14S12 R ScaleFact1 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001
14S13 R t2-Interval <Select> 4 1
1 min 0
2 min 1
5 min 2
10 min 3
15 min 4
20 min 5
30 min 6
60 min 7
120 min 8
14S14 R ScaleFact2 1.0000 0.0001 1.0000 0.0001

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Measured variables

Address Access Text Dec.

14V1 R URS(UN) 3
14V2 R UST(UN) 3
14V3 R UTR(UN) 3
14V4 R UR(UN) 3
14V5 R US(UN) 3
14V6 R UT(UN) 3
14V7 R IR(IN) 3
14V8 R IS(IN) 3
14V9 R IT(IN) 3
14V10 R P (PN) 3
14V11 R Q (PN) 3
14V12 R cos phi 3
14V13 R Hz 3
14V14 R E1Int 3
14V15 R P1Int 0
14V16 R E1Acc 3
14V17 R P1Acc 0
14V18 R E2Int 3
14V19 R P2Int 0
14V20 R E2Acc 3
14V21 R P2Acc 0

Tripping levels

Address Access Text Dec.

14Q16 R E1Acc 3
14Q17 R P1Acc 0
14Q20 R E2Acc 3
14Q21 R P2Acc 0

Event list

Event No. Cause Event mask Enable code Status

14E1 Cnt1New Set V155 1 14I1
14E2 Dito Reset V155 2
14E3 Cnt2New Set V155 4 14I2
14E4 Dito Reset V155 8

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


10.1. Changes in Version 5.1a in relation to Version 4.5 ..........................10-2

10.2. Changes in Version 5.1b in relation to Version 5.1a ........................10-2

10.2.1. 'MinReactance' function ...................................................................10-2

10.3. Changes in Version 5.1c in relation to Version 5.1b ........................10-2

10.3.1. Year 2000 compatibility....................................................................10-2
10.3.2. Remote input/output system RIO580...............................................10-2

10.4. Changes in Version 5.2 in relation to Version 5.1c ..........................10-2

10.4.1. Rate-of-change of frequency protection df/dt...................................10-2
10.4.2. Touch screen or SMS in parallel with the SCS connection..............10-2
10.4.3. MVB Process bus ............................................................................10-2
10.4.4. MVB Interbay bus ............................................................................10-2

10.5. Changes in Version 6.0 in relation to Version 5.2(a) .......................10-3

10.5.1. Directional overcurrent functions 'DirCurrentDT' and 'DirCurrentInv'10-3
10.5.2. Breaker failure protection 'BreakerFailure'.......................................10-3
10.5.3. Distance, HV-Distance, Autoreclosure.............................................10-3

10.6. Changes in Version Version 6.1 in relation to Version 6.0...............10-3

10.6.1. Analogue input/output unit 500AXM11 ............................................10-3
10.6.2. 'Analogue RIO Trigger' function .......................................................10-3
10.6.3. Measurement module ......................................................................10-3
10.6.4. Commands via a Stage 2 LON bus .................................................10-3

10.7. Changes in Version 6.3 in relation to Version 6.2............................10-3

10.8. Changes in Version 6.4 in relation to Version 6.3............................10-4

10.8.1. Autoreclosure function .....................................................................10-4

10.9. Changes in Version 6.5 in relation to Version 6.4............................10-4

10.9.1. Distance function .............................................................................10-4

10.10. Changes in Version 6.5c in relation to Version 6.5(b)......................10-4

10.10.1. IEC60870-5-103...............................................................................10-4
10.10.2. Parameter confirmation....................................................................10-4

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN


10.1. Changes in Version 5.1a in relation to Version 4.5
LON level 2 is released with and without 216EA61.
Remote HMI, with remote parameterization, Windows Shell.
216EB61 Firmware: V5.1a
When using V5.1a on the 216VC62, V5.1a has to be used on
216EB61 as well.

10.2. Changes in Version 5.1b in relation to Version 5.1a

10.2.1. 'MinReactance' function
The ‘MinReactance’ function can now be connected to Y-connected

10.3. Changes in Version 5.1c in relation to Version 5.1b

10.3.1. Year 2000 compatibility
From version V5.1c onwards, all the devices are entirely year 2000
10.3.2. Remote input/output system RIO580
The remote I/O system is supported from Version 5.1c onwards.
RIO580 includes distributed I/O units that are connected to the RE.216
via an MVB process bus and an MVB PC card. Further details are to
be found in Data Sheet 1MRB520176-Ben and Operating Instructions

10.4. Changes in Version 5.2 in relation to Version 5.1c

10.4.1. Rate-of-change of frequency protection df/dt
A df/dt function has been added to the function block library.
10.4.2. Touch screen or SMS in parallel with the SCS connection
Where a station control system (SCS) is connected via a LON or MVB
bus, there is a second fully functional SPA interface available in
parallel which can be used for connecting a touch screen an SMS.
10.4.3. MVB Process bus
MVB process bus including RIO580 is released.
10.4.4. MVB Interbay bus
MVB interbay bus (MVB-IBB) is not released, V5.1c has to be used for
MVB-IBB applications.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

10.5. Changes in Version 6.0 in relation to Version 5.2(a)

10.5.1. Directional overcurrent functions 'DirCurrentDT' and
Two directional overcurrent functions 'DirCurrentDT' with definite time
and 'DirCurrentInv' with inverse time characteristic have been added to
the function block library.
10.5.2. Breaker failure protection 'BreakerFailure'
A 'BreakerFailure' function has been added to the function block
10.5.3. Distance, HV-Distance, Autoreclosure
The functions Distance, HV-Distance, Autoreclosure have been added
to the function block library, but have not been released.
10.6. Changes in Version Version 6.1 in relation to Version 6.0
10.6.1. Analogue input/output unit 500AXM11
Versions from V6.2 onwards support the analogue input/output unit
500AXM11 of the distributed input/output system RIO580.
10.6.2. 'Analogue RIO Trigger' function
An 'Analogue RIO Trigger' function has been added to the function
block library which is available for all software keys and facilitates the
supervision of the input signals of the analogue input/output unit
500AXM11. Refer to the Operating Instructions for the distributed
input/output system RIO580, publication 1MRB520192-Uen, for further
10.6.3. Measurement module
The 'MeasureModule' function has been added to the function block
library. It is available for all software keys and facilitates the three-
phase measurement of voltage, current, active and reactive power,
power factor and frequency. Two counter impulse inputs are also
provided for metering energy.
10.6.4. Commands via a Stage 2 LON bus
In automation systems equipped with a Stage 2 LON interbay bus,
commands can be transferred from the automation system to the bay

10.7. Changes in Version 6.3 in relation to Version 6.2

The changes relate only to the RE.316*4 device.

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

10.8. Changes in Version 6.4 in relation to Version 6.3

10.8.1. Autoreclosure function
The Autoreclosure function provides two new signal outputs:
• First AR completed
• 2. ... 4. AR completed
These are transmitted on the IEC60870-5-103 bus with the information
numbers 128 and 129.

10.9. Changes in Version 6.5 in relation to Version 6.4

10.9.1. Distance function
For the distance function the phase selection for 1-phase faults during
special net conditions has been improved.

10.10. Changes in Version 6.5c in relation to Version 6.5(b)

10.10.1. IEC60870-5-103
RE.216 supports the IEC60870-5-103 station bus protocol.

10.10.2. Parameter confirmation

If parameter confirmation is enabled CAP2/316 creates a list when
storing the settings into a file or into the device. This list contains the
differences between the last saved and the new settings.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

August 05


Fig. 12.1 REG216; dimensioned drawing and assembly drawing for

rack mounting or mounting in the hinged frame of a cubicle............12-2
Fig. 12.2 Dimensioned drawing 216MB6 (corresponds to HESG 448 456)...12-3
Fig. 12.3 Dimensioned drawing 216GW62 (corresponds to HESG 448 457) .12-4
Fig. 12.4 Dimensioned drawing 216GD61a (corresponds to HESG 448 458)12-5
Fig. 12.5 Connection for a step-up transformer differential function ...............12-6
Fig. 12.6 Transformer connection example when applying directional
functions (‘CurrentDirection’,’CurrentInvDir’, ‘MinReactance’,
‘Power’, ‘Pole Slip’, ‘Measurement’ and ‘MeasModule’)...................12-7


Typical connection diagram 1KHF309592

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 12.1 REG216; dimensioned drawing and assembly drawing

for rack mounting or mounting in the hinged frame of a

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 12.2 Dimensioned drawing 216MB6

(corresponds to HESG 448 456)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 12.3 Dimensioned drawing 216GW62

(corresponds to HESG 448 457)

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 12.4 Dimensioned drawing 216GD61a

(corresponds to HESG 448 458)

ABB Switzerland Ltd RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN

Fig. 12.5 Connection for a step-up transformer differential

At this connection a continuous current, such as for a load or an
external short-circuit, in RE.216 results in two currents acting in
opposite directions, thereby the differential current becomes zero.

RE.216 1KHA000951-UEN ABB Switzerland Ltd

Fig. 12.6 Transformer connection example when applying

directional functions (‘CurrentDirection’,’CurrentInvDir’,
‘MinReactance’, ‘Power’, ‘Pole Slip’, ‘Measurement’
and ‘MeasModule’)

For this connection the directional specifications in chapter 3 apply, i.e.

if a mere real power flows from the generator in the direction of the
grid, then e.g. the power measurement results in positive real power
measurement values.



Type of protection

Cubicle/relay number

Visual check for transport damage

Visual check of external wiring

Check of cubicle grounding

Check of supply voltage (DC/AC)

Check of settings (calculated by .....)

Check of C.T. circuits

Check of P.T. circuits

Check by internal test function

Check by test set, type ......

Check of input signals

Check of signalisation/alarms

Starting breaker failure protection

Check of tripping circuits

Primary tests

Final check

Date: Signature: Date: Signature:
Generator protection type REG216

Generator datas:

Manufacturer .......................................... Type of turbine ......................... (Steam, hydro etc.)

Type ..........................................
Rated power ................................ MVA Synchronous reactance Xd ................................ p.u.
Rated voltage ................................ kV Transient reactance Xd' ................................ p.u.
Rated current ................................ A Subtransient reactance Xd'' ................................ p.u.

Settings: According to separate print out Software version of the relay ...............

Secondary injection: System ..........

Channel Terminal Terminal Main Rated AD channel Injected Display AD
number block number CT/PT ratio value * reference value channels
[A/A], [kV/V] [A] ; [V] value [A] ; [V] calc. displayed

*) 100/200 V or 1/2/5 A respectively

Remark: If the AD channel reference value is not 1.0 it is advisable to inject rated value * ref. value to get on
the display 1.000 UN/IN.
Example: Rated current generator = 540 A, CT ratio = 600/5 ---> Ref. value = 0.9
Injected current = 5 * 0.9 A = 4.5 A ---> Display = 1.000 IN

Date: Signature: Date: Signature:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB



Numerical generator protection REG216

Typical connection drawing



We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Cover page Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Title page DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet A01
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code K-




08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b

17 17a 17b

18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I- +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M1 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C11
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code K-
04 -X20

Code L-


08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M2 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C21
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K
04 -X20

Code: L-


08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b

17 17a 17b

18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M3 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C31
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C41
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-




08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M4 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C41
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C51
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

Code: L-

08 08a 08b Code: N-
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M5 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C51
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C61
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

Code: L-

08 08a 08b Code: N-
C -X20 C
09 09a 09b
10 10a 10b Code: O-

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M6 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C61
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C111
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB68 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















-X21 Code: K-
04 -X20

-X21 Code: L-
06 06a 06b

07 07a 07b

08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b



14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Power supply fail




Power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

+ Power supply
- Code E-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M11 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C111
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C121
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB68 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















-X21 Code: K-
04 -X20

-X21 Code: L-
06 06a 06b

07 07a 07b

08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b
-X1 -
12 +
-X2 02
216GD61a 03 -
13 -X3 Code I­ +
-X1 -
14 14a 14b 01
-X2 02 +
D 15 15a 15b 216GD61a 03 - D
-X3 Code I­ +
16 16a 16b -X1 -
-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Power supply fail




Power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

+ Power supply
- Code E-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M12 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C121
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C131
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB68 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

-X21 Code: L-
06 06a 06b

07 07a 07b
08 08a 08b Code: N-
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b



14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Power supply fail




Power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

+ Power supply
- Code E-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M13 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C131
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C141
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB68 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

-X21 Code: L-
06 06a 06b

07 07a 07b
08 08a 08b Code: N-
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b
-X1 -
12 +
-X2 02
216GD61a 03 -
13 -X3 Code I­ +
-X1 -
14 14a 14b 01
-X2 02 +
D 15 15a 15b 216GD61a 03 - D
-X3 Code I­ +
16 16a 16b -X1 -
-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Power supply fail




Power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

+ Power supply
- Code E-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M14 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C141
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C151
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB68 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

Code: L-
06 06a 06b

07 07a 07b
08 08a 08b Code: N-
C -X20 C
09 09a 09b
10 10a 10b Code: O-

11 11a 11b



14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Power supply fail




Power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

+ Power supply
- Code E-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M15 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C151
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C161
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB68 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

Code: L-
06 06a 06b

07 07a 07b
08 08a 08b Code: N-
C -X20 C
09 09a 09b
10 10a 10b Code: O-

11 11a 11b
-X1 -
12 +
-X2 02
216GD61a 03 -
13 -X3 Code I­ +
-X1 -
14 14a 14b 01
-X2 02 +
D 15 15a 15b 216GD61a 03 - D
-X3 Code I­ +
16 16a 16b -X1 -
-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Power supply fail




Power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

+ Power supply
- Code E-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M16 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C161
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C211
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

I31 -X21 Code: L-


08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M21 (double system, 2 racks) A Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C211
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C212
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code E- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: N-
04 I31




08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code F-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M21 (double system, 2 racks) B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C212
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C221
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

I31 -X21 Code: L-

I32 -X21 Code: N-
08 08a 08b /C222.C5
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M22 (double system, 2 racks) A Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C221
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C222
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code E- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: O-
04 I31



08 08a 08b
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code F-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M22 (double system, 2 racks) B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C222
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C231
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















I31 -X21 Code: K-
04 -X20

I32 -X21 Code: L-

I33 -X21 Code: N-
08 08a 08b /C232.C5
C -X20 C
09 09a 09b
10 10a 10b I34 -X21 Code: O-

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M23 (double system, 2 racks) A Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C231
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C232
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code E- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok







02 /C231.B5








04 I32



08 08a 08b
C I34
/C231.C5 C
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code F-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M23 (double system, 2 racks) B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C232
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C241
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

I31 -X21 Code: L-

I32 -X21 Code: N-
08 08a 08b /C242.C5
C -X20 C
09 09a 09b
10 10a 10b I33 -X21 Code: O-

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M24 (double system, 2 racks) A Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C241
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C242
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code E- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: P-
04 I31



08 08a 08b
C I33
/C241.C5 C
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code F-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M24 (double system, 2 racks) B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C242
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C251
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code G- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: K-
04 -X20

Code: L-

I31 -X21 Code: N-
08 08a 08b /C252.C5
C -X20 C
09 09a 09b
10 10a 10b I32 -X21 Code: O-

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code H-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M25 (double system, 2 racks) A Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C251
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet C252
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB + Power supply

A - Code E- A

216MB66 Power supply fail



01 Power supply ok















Code: P-
04 -X20

Code: Q-

08 08a 08b
C I32
/C251.C5 C
09 09a 09b

10 10a 10b

11 11a 11b

12 12a 12b

13 13a 13b

14 14a 14b
D 15 15a 15b D

16 16a 16b -X1 -

-X2 02 +
17 17a 17b -
216GD61a 03
-X3 Code I­ +
18 18a 18b
-X1 -



19 -X2 02








216GD61a 03 -
-X3 Code I­ +
20 04







Redundant power supply fail




Redundant power supply ok
We reserve all rights in this document and in the

- Redundant power supply

+ Code F-

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Connection diagram of devices DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M25 (double system, 2 racks) B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet C252
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet E11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB


Code G- Code W5 (Additional CPU) Code H- (Redundant power supply)



L1/2 L1/2 RUN

L3/4 L3/4
L5/6 L5/6






216NG6.a 216VC62a 216VC62a 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216NG6.a

modures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Configuration rack DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M1; 3 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet E11
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet E21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB


Code G- Code W5 (Additional CPU) Code H- (Redundant power supply)



L1/2 L1/2 RUN

L3/4 L3/4
L5/6 L5/6







216NG6.a 216VC62a 216VC62a 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216DB61

REG216 216NG61a
modures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Configuration rack DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M2; 4 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet E21
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet E31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB


Code G- Code W5 (Additional CPU) Code H- (Redundant power supply)

PSV PSV Passiv Passiv PSV
AL AL Alarm Alarm AL AL AL


L1/2 L1/2 RUN RUN

L3/4 L3/4
L5/6 L5/6







216NG6.a 216VC62a 216VC62a 216EA62 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216DB61

REG216 216NG61a
modures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Configuration rack DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M5; 6 (single system, 1 rack) Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet E31
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet E111
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB


Code G- Code E-
PSV Passiv PSV PSV Passiv PSV
AL Alarm AL AL AL Alarm AL AL


L1/2 RUN L1/2 RUN

L3/4 L3/4
L5/6 L5/6







216NG6.a 216VC62a 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216VC62a 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216NG6.a
MB68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Configuration rack DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M11; 13; 15 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet E111
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet E121
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB


Code G- Code E-
PSV Passiv PSV PSV Passiv PSV


L1/2 RUN L1/2 RUN

L3/4 L3/4
L5/6 L5/6







216NG6.a 216VC62a 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216DB61 216VC62a 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216DB61 216NG6.a
MB68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Configuration rack DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M12; 14; 16 (red. system, 1 rack) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet E121
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet E211
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB


System A: Code G- Code W- (Additional CPU) Code H- (Redundant power supply)

System B: Code E- Code W- (Additional CPU) Code F- (Redundant power supply)


L1/2 L1/2 RUN

L3/4 L3/4
L5/6 L5/6







216NG6.a 216VC62a 216VC62a 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216DB61

REG216 216NG61a
modures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

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Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Configuration rack DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M21 (double system, 2 racks) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet E211
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet E222
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© Copyright 2005 ABB


System A: Code G- Code W- (Additional CPU) Code H- (Redundant power supply)

System B: Code E- Code W- (Additional CPU) Code F- (Redundant power supply)
PSV PSV Passiv Passiv PSV
AL AL Alarm Alarm AL AL AL


L1/2 L1/2 RUN RUN

L3/4 L3/4
L5/6 L5/6







216NG6.a 216VC62a 216VC62a 216EA62 216EA62 216AB61 216DB61 216DB61

REG216 216NG61a
modures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

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Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Configuration rack DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Var. M22; 23; 24; 25 (double system, 2 racks) A&B Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en
Sheet E222
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 URS W 42

A 13 S 43

IS1 14 UST W 44

15 45
IT1 16 UTR W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07 31

IM 32


W08 34

U1 W 35

E 36 E

W09 37

U2 38
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Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q01 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F11
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F21
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© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 URS W 42

A 13 S 43

IS1 14 UST W 44

15 45
IT1 16 UTR W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IRM 32

A 33

ISM 34

A 35

E ITM 36 E


Io 38
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Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q02 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F21
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F31
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© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 URS2 W 42

A 13 S 43

IS1 14 UST2 W 44

15 45
IT1 16 UTR2 W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

URS1 W 32

S 33

UST1 W 34

S 35

E UTR1 36 E


We reserve all rights in this document and in the


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Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q03 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F31
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F41
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 URS W 42

A 13 S 43

IS1 14 UST W 44

15 45
IT1 16 UTR W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07 31

I 32


W08 34

IM 35

E 36 E

W09 37

U 38
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Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F41
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F51
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10 41

IR1 12 IM 42

A 13 43

IS1 14 W11 44

15 U1 45
IT1 16 46

17 W12 47

Io 18 U2 W 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IR3 32

A 33

IS3 34

A 35

E IT3 36 E


We reserve all rights in this document and in the


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Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q05 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F51
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F61
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 URS W 42

A 13 S 43

IS1 14 UST W 44

15 45
IT1 16 UTR W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IR3 32

A 33

IS3 34

A 35

E IT3 36 E


Io 38
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Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F61
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F71
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© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 IR4 42

A 13 A 43

IS1 14 IS4 44

15 45
IT1 16 IT4 46

17 47

Io 18 Io 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IR3 32

A 33

IS3 34

A 35

E IT3 36 E


Io 38
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Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q07 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F71
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F81
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© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 IRM 42

A 13 A 43

IS1 14 ISM 44

15 45
IT1 16 ITM 46

17 47

Io 18 Io 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IR3 32

A 33

IS3 34

A 35

E IT3 36 E


Io 38
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Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F81
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F91
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10 41

IR1 12 U1 W 42

A 13 43

IS1 14 W11 44

15 U2 45
IT1 16 46

17 W12 47

Io 18 IM 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IRM 22
A 23

ISM 24

A 25

ITM 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

URS W 32

S 33

UST W 34

S 35

E UTR 36 E


We reserve all rights in this document and in the


Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q09 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F91
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F101
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10 41

IR1 12 U1 W 42

A 13 43

IS1 14 S 44

15 U2 45
IT1 16 46

17 W12 47

Io 18 U3 W 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

URS W 32

S 33

UST W 34

S 35

E UTR 36 E


We reserve all rights in this document and in the


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Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F101
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F111
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 UR W 42

A 13 S 43

IS1 14 US W 44

15 45
IT1 16 UT W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IR3 32

A 33

IS3 34

A 35

E IT3 36 E


Io 38
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Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F111
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F121
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11

IR 12

A 13

IS 14

IT 16


Io 18


W04-W06 21

URS W 22
S 23

UST W 24

S 25

UTR W 26



W07 31

U W 32


W08 34

IM 35

E 36 E
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F122
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M1
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 11

3 3
Ui2 Uir Rpr
DC supply
+ 7
- Uis
C 5 5 6 Rps C

W10 41 Rer
100V spez. S
W 42
v V
43 u U Res

W12 47
15V S
C1 C2
W09 37 Rotor
100V S

W 38


L1 L2 L3

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Sheet F122
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F123
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011-1
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M11
UP8+ Rps > 8mOhm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir Rpr
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 Rps C

W10 41 Rer
100V spez. S
W 42
v V
43 u U Res

W12 47
15V S
C1 C2
W09 37 Rotor
100V S

W 38


L1 L2 L3

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Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F123
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F124
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011-2
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M21
UP8+ Rps > 0.45Ohm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir Rpr
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 C

W10 41 Rer
100V spez. S
W 42
C1 C2


W12 47
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 48 u U Res


W09 37
100V S L1 L2 L3
E U(95%) E
W 38

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Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F124
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F131
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© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11

IR1 12

A 13

IS1 14

IT1 16


Io 18


W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

URS W 32

S 33

UST W 34

S 35

E UTR 36 E


We reserve all rights in this document and in the


Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q13 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F131
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F132
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M1
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 11

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 7
- Uis
C 5 5 6 Rps C

W12 47
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 48 u U Res


W10 41
D 100V S D
W 42

L1 L2 L3

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

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Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F132
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F133
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011-1
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M11
UP8+ Rps > 8mOhm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 Rps C

W12 47
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 48 u U Res


W10 41
D 100V S D
W 42

L1 L2 L3

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F133
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F134
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011-2
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M21
UP8+ Rps > 0.45Ohm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 C




W12 47
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 48 u U Res


W10 41
100V S L1 L2 L3
E U(95%) E
W 42

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F134
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F141
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© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR 12 URS2 W 42

A 13 S 43

IS 14 UST2 W 44

15 45
IT 16 UTR2 W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

URS1 W 22
S 23

UST1 W 24

S 25

UTR1 W 26



W07 31

IM1 32


W08 34

I 35

E 36 E

W09 37

IM2 38
We reserve all rights in this document and in the


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Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F141
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F151
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01 11 W10-W12 41

U1 W 12 IR3 42

13 A 43

W02 14 IS3 44

U2 15 45
16 IT3 46

W03 17 47

I 18 Io 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR1 22
A 23

IS1 24

A 25

IT1 26


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IR2 32

A 33

IS2 34

A 35

E IT2 36 E


Io 38
We reserve all rights in this document and in the


Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F151
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F161
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W03 17 W10-W12 41

I 18 IR3 42

19 A 43

W04-W06 21 IS3 44

IR1 22 45
A 23 IT3 46

IS1 24 47

A 25 Io 48

IT1 26 49


Io 28

W07-W09 31

IR2 32

A 33

IS2 34

A 35
IT2 36


Io 38


We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
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Sheet F161
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F162
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01 11
15V S

W 12


REX010 REX011
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M1
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 11

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 7
- Uis
C 5 5 6 Rps C

W02 14
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 15 u U Res




L1 L2 L3

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

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Sheet F162
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F163
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01 11
15V S

W 12


REX010 REX011-1
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M11
UP8+ Rps > 8mOhm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 Rps C

W02 14
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 15 u U Res




L1 L2 L3

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Sheet F163
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Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F164
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01 11
15V S

W 12


REX010 REX011-2
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M21
UP8+ Rps > 0.45Ohm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 C




W02 14
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 15 u U Res


L1 L2 L3
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Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q16 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F164
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F181
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11 W10-W12 41

IR1 12 URS W 42

A 13 S 43

IS1 14 UST W 44

15 45
IT1 16 UTR W 46

17 47

Io 18 48

19 49

W04-W06 21

IR2 22
A 23

IS2 24

A 25

IT2 26


Io 28

W07 31

I1 32


W08 34

IM 35

E 36 E

W09 37

I2 38
We reserve all rights in this document and in the


Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q18 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F181
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F191
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W01-W03 11

URS1 W 12

S 13

UST1 W 14

UTR1 W 16




W04-W06 21

URS2 W 22
S 23

UST2 W 24

S 25

UTR2 W 26



W07 31

I1 32


W08 34

IM 35

E 36 E

W09 37

I2 38
We reserve all rights in this document and in the


Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q19 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F191
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F192
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M1
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 11

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 7
- Uis
C 5 5 6 Rps C

W12 47
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 48 u U Res


W10 41
D 100V S D
W 42

L1 L2 L3

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q19 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F192
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F193
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011-1
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M11
UP8+ Rps > 8mOhm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 Rps C

W12 47
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 48 u U Res


W10 41
D 100V S D
W 42

L1 L2 L3

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q19 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F193
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet F194
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB

W11 44
15V S

W 45


REX010 REX011-2
Code U-/F-/I- 1 1 Variant M21
UP8+ Rps > 0.45Ohm
B P8 B
2 2

4 4 9

3 3
Ui2 Uir
DC supply
+ 15
- Uis
C 5 5 10 C




W10 47
15V S

Ustat(100%) v V
W 48 u U Res


W10 41
100V S L1 L2 L3
E U(95%) E
W 42

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Measuring circuits DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Subcode K-/L-/N-/O-/P-/Q19 Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet F194
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet Q11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB Signalling relays Tripping relays Binary inputs

43 75 05
44 76 06
77 07
46 78 08
48 79 09
80 10
B 50 81 11 B
51 82 12

52 83 13
53 84 14
41 15
55 42 16
39 17
57 40 18
37 19
59 38 20
61 22
63 24
65 26
D 67 28 D
68 30
70 32

71 34

72 36

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Signalling relays; Tripping relays; Binary inputs DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project First module Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet Q11
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet Q21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

© Copyright 2005 ABB Signalling relays Tripping relays Binary inputs

43 75 05
44 76 06
77 07
46 78 08
48 79 09
80 10
B 50 81 11 B
51 82 12

52 83 13
53 84 14
41 15
55 42 16
39 17
57 40 18
37 19
59 38 20
61 22
63 24
65 26
D 67 28 D
68 30
70 32

71 34

72 36

We reserve all rights in this document and in the

Based on Prepared 05-10-24 Schraner Title Numerical generator protection REG216 Doc. kind. Schema Ref. des.
Approved 05-10-25 Winterhalder Signalling relays; Tripping relays; Binary inputs DCC
Print: 25.10.2005

Project Second module Resp. dept. PTUSE Rev. ind. Language en

Sheet Q21
Rev. Revision note Date Name ABB ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Doc. no. 1KHF309592 n. sheet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Delete data

Notification Form for Errors in this Document

Dear User,
We constantly endeavour to improve the quality of our technical publications and would
like to hear your suggestions and comments. Would you therefore please fill in this
questionnaire and return it to the address given below.

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Power Technology Systems
Betreuung Dokumentation, PTU-BD1
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5401 Baden
Telefax +41 58 585 51 12

Concerns publication: 1KHA000951-UEN (RE.216 V6.4 and higher)

Have you discovered any mistakes in this publication? If so, please note here the pages,
sections etc.

Do you find the publication readily understandable and logically structured? Can you make
any suggestions to improve it?

Is the information sufficient for the purpose of the publication? If not, what is missing and
where should it be included?

Name: Date:


Postal code: Town: Country:

Notification Form for Equipment Faults and Problems
Dear User,
Should you be obliged to call on our repair service, please attach a note to the unit
describing the fault as precisely as possible. This will help us to carry out the repair swiftly
and reliably, which after all is to your own advantage.
Please attach a completed form to every unit and forward them to the address below.

Place of delivery Baden/Switzerland:

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Power Technology Systems
Repair Center
Terminal CA
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5401 Baden

Equipment data:
Unit type:
Serial No.: ……….....................................
In operation since:

Reason for return: (tick where applicable)

‰ Overfunction
‰ No function
‰ Outside tolerance
‰ Abnormal operating temperature
‰ Sporadic error
‰ Unit for checking

Remarks/Description of fault:

Customer: Date:


Please contact: Phone: Fax:

Notification Form for Software Errors and Problems
Dear User,
As we all know from practice, software does not always function as expected for all
applications. A precise description of the problem and your observations will help us to
improve and maintain the software. Please complete this form and send it together with any
supporting information or documents to the address below.

ABB Power Technologies AB

Substation Automation
Product Support, Supportline
SE-721 59 Västerås
Telefax +46 21 14 69 18
E-mail: [email protected]

Unit/ ‰ REL316*4 SW Version: ‰ HMI SW Version:

System: ‰ RET316*4 SW Version: ‰ other: SW Version:
‰ RE.216 SW Version:

Problem: ‰ Program error (unit/system) ‰ Program error (HMI /PC)

‰ Error in manual ‰ Suggestion for improvement
‰ other:

Can the error be reproduced at will? ‰ yes ‰ no

Particulars of hardware and software (unit/system configuration including jumper positions,

type of PC etc.):

Problem located? ‰ yes ‰ no

Suggested changes enclosed? ‰ yes ‰ no

The following are enclosed (floppy with settings etc.):

‰ Floppy ‰ Unit/system settings, file name:
‰ other:

Description of problem:

Customer: Date:


Please contact: Phone: Fax:


ACTION (internal use of ABB Sweden only)

Received by: Date:
Answered by: Date:

Problem solved? ‰ yes ‰ no

Week: Name: Position: Consequence:


Experience has shown that reliable operation of our products is

assured, providing the information and recommendations contained in
these Operating Instructions are adhered to.

It is scarcely possible for the instructions to cover every eventuality

that can occur when using technical devices and systems. We would
therefore request the user to notify us directly or our agent of any
unusual observations or of instances, in which these instructions
provide no or insufficient information.

In addition to these instructions, any applicable local regulations and

safety procedures must always be strictly observed both when
connecting up and commissioning this equipment.

Any work such as insertion or removal of soldered jumpers or setting

resistors, which may be necessary, may only be performed by
appropriately qualified personnel.

We expressly accept no responsibility for any direct damage, which

may result from incorrect operation of this equipment, even if no
reference is made to the particular situation in the Operating
ABB Switzerland Ltd
Power Technology Systems
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden / Switzerland
Telefon +41 58 585 77 44
Telefax +41 58 585 55 77
E-mail [email protected]


Printed in Switzerland (0511-0000-0)

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