3.1 Clausulas Subordinadas (Preguntas)
3.1 Clausulas Subordinadas (Preguntas)
3.1 Clausulas Subordinadas (Preguntas)
They are attached to the main sentence through a relative pronoun: who, which,
whom, whose.
Extra information is not essential. If we remove it, it would not affect the general
meaning of the sentence.
The information I need: I have a boss who is always late. The fact that he adds
that he is also a nice gentleman, is what we would consider extra information
and therefore, would go between commas.
The point is that this is my favorite shirt ... whether or not it is cheap, it is the
least, as far as essential information is concerned, of course.
children who
4) The relative pronoun can not be omitted because it functions as the subject
of the subordinate.
There is a type of exercise for practicing relative clauses (both explanatory and
explanatory), in which we are usually asked to join two sentences by a relative
pronoun and place the commas if necessary.
This exercise brings a lot of head but it really is just a matter of practice.
Here I show you some simple steps that we can follow to get them. We start
from this example:
2) I choose the appropriate relative for this antecedent: which (animals / things)
4º) I add the relative immediately after its antecedent: This tower which
5º) I think about what information is the main and what the secondary.
6th) Main: was built in 1870 (I consider that the year of construction is more
relevant than its appearance)
Define a name and are always located in front of the name. In English, unlike
Castilian, they have neither gender nor plural form. In Spanish we say "the car"
(masculine, singular) or "las casas" (feminine, plural) and in English it is "the
car" and "the houses". "The" corresponds to the following articles in Spanish: el,
la, los, las.
Singular masculine
The boy
The book
Masculine / plural
The books
Feminine / singular
The girl
The table
Feminine / plural
The tables
This article can be preceded by the "of" or "to" prepositions. In English there is
no contraction of preposition and article ( "Del" = "of the" and "al" = "to the").
What is the name of the restaurant? What is the name of the restaurant?
Do you remember the day we went to New York? Do you remember the
day we went to New York?
Who is the president of the United States? Who is the president of the
United States?
3. To refer to directions (right, left, top, bottom) and to the cardinal points (north,
south, east, west).
2. We will never use "the" when we refer to television, or when we refer to meal
times, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, years or time.
4. The article is not used with city names or place names in general, although
there are some exceptions as we have seen in the previous section. Also, do
not use the article with lakes or streets.
Countable nouns.
Words like sugar and money are countless in Spanish, since we can not say
"two sugars", "three monies".
In English you will also find words that are not countable. Let's look at the
following examples:
Uncountable nouns.
They can not be used with indeterminate articles (a / an) in front of them.
You can not say flours / it is not correct to say 3 flours / it is not correct to say to
You can not say milks / It is not correct to say 5 milks / It is not right to say milk.
You can not say snows / it is not correct to say 10 snows / it is not correct to say
Sugar (sugar):
You can not say sugars / it is not correct to say 4 sugars / it is not right to say to
3.4 Adverbios De Cantidad
As its name implies, adverbs of quantity in English are those words that qualify
or affect an adjective or even another adverb of a sentence. Therefore, they are
words that give us more information about these elements. In this way, adverbs
of quantity refer precisely to the number or frequency with which the adjective or
adverb is manifested or presented. These types of adverbs are very easy to
identify because of their relationship to a quantity or something that can be
subject to quantification.
A lot of
at least
Not even
very little
Some (some, some) refers to an indefinite number (a number of ...) used in
affirmative phrases and interrogatives when an affirmative answer is expected:
A) 'A little', with singular nouns that lack plural (tea, sugar, coffee, water):
There is no problem
It has no negative value and therefore requires the use of the verb in an
affirmative form:
In affirmative sentences 'a lot of' is used, whereas in interrogative and negative
phrases are used alternatively 'many' or 'a lot of' when the noun is countable.
You can also use expressions like 'a great deal' (of ...) and 'plenty' (of ...)
meaning 'much'
'Great many' ... corresponds to the Spanish target very many, and always
precedes a plural noun:
Little, (little). 'A little' has a more positive meaning and is equivalent to
'something of ...'. It is always used with countless nouns.
Few, always followed by a plural noun. It has a negative (little) sense while 'a
few' has a more positive meaning and is equivalent to 'some'.
We will usually find constructions with many negatively rather than few in their
positive form. Thus, the first sentence of the previous example would be:
Certain means safe, true, and can refer to a noun in singular or plural.
You should not use 'most' when there is a comparison between two people or
things. Thus, we should not say 'of those two men, Charles is the most strong'
but '... the strongest'
He is strong enough.
Either (leader or leader) - either (of two), both; None (by denying)
The other (di óder) - the other, the other, the others, the others
This is my book.
Either (leader or leader) - either (of two), both; None (by denying)
Another; other
3.6 Pronombres
Subject pronouns
A subject pronoun is the person or thing that does the action of the verb.
Usually comes before the verb except in questions. A pronoun takes the place
of the specific person or thing.
Pronouns Object
An object pronoun is the person or thing that receives the action of the verb.
Usually comes after a verb or preposition.
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives indicate who is something. For example, instead of saying that the book
is from John, we must say that it is his book
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns also indicate who is something but are not adjectives. A
posessive adjective is used before a noun (ie that is her book.
Reflexives pronouns
A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that refers to the subject of the sentence. For example, if I
say "I hurt myself." (I hurt myself), I am the subject and object of this sentence because I did
the action of the verb and I received the verb action.
3.7 Colocaciones
When words are used regularly together, rules are created about their use not
for grammatical reasons but for simple association. "Black and white", for
example, appears in that order by placement; Always used that way and put it
backwards "white and black" looks wrong.
For the same reason, "we make a mistake" or "do a test" (we do a test). In
these examples, the reason for using these verbs is that we always do it in the
same way: this is collocation.
Knowledge of placements is vital for correct use of language and for adequate
translation of a text from Spanish to English, since a grammatically correct
sentence may seem "strange" if placement preferences are ignored.
English idioms
1. So far, so good. This expression could be translated more or less like "At the
moment well" or "For now, well". Usually it is the answer to something or
someone who asks us how a specific issue is going. For example: "How are
your studies going?". And the boy replies: "So far, so good". Which indicates
that at the moment is going well, but we do not know how it will end the thing in
the end.
4. By all means. Although the literal translation is "by all means", it can be used
in different contexts and comes to mean something like "in any case", "anyway",
"there would be no more", etc. I like how they explain it in the Wordreference