Up Eee
Up Eee
Up Eee
The Board of Regents approved the curriculum leading The Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics and Communications Engineering
Engineering (B.S. EE) on January 10, 1916. Eighty- undergraduate programs produce innovative
eight years later, in 1994, the Department of Electrical engineers committed to serve the nation through the
Engineering transitioned into the Department of practice of the electrical and electronics engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering when two profession and its allied fields. The Bachelor of
additional undergraduate programs were created—the Science in Computer Engineering (B.S. CoE) program
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (B.S. develops engineers who design and implement a
CoE) and the Bachelor of Science in Electronics and broad spectrum of computing systems and
Communications Engineering (B.S. ECE) programs. components, ranging from integrated circuits,
Aside from these three undergraduate programs, four embedded systems, computer networks, and software
graduate degree programs are offered: Master of applications. The Bachelor of Electronics and
Science and Master of Engineering in Electrical Communications Engineering (B.S. ECE) program
Engineering, and the Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor trains engineers who analyze, plan, design, measure,
of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) and operate electronic and communication devices
programs. and systems. The Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Engineering (B.S. EE) program produces engineers
To enhance its role as the country’s premier institution who model, analyze, plan, design, measure, operate,
for research and higher learning in electrical and and control electric power systems. These three
electronics engineering, the Department was officially undergraduate programs work closely together to
transformed into the Electrical and Electronics provide students a unique opportunity for cross-
Engineering Institute on October 24, 2008. curricular learning from all of these areas while
pursuing specific undergraduate degrees, enabling
From its humble beginnings at UP Manila, transferring them to understand new, complex and hybrid systems,
to Melchor Hall in UP Diliman, then the German Yia and allowing graduates to rapidly adapt to the
Hall, and the National Engineering Center (NEC), in continuously-changing technology landscape.
2001 the Department finally moved into its own
building along Velasquez Street in UP Diliman. An The curricula for the B.S. CoE, B.S. ECE, and B.S. EE
additional building with a lot area of 3875 sq.m. and programs may be found in Section 5.8 of this
floor area of 7,500 sq.m. was inaugurated in 2015, Catalogue, while undergraduate course offerings may
while two more structures housing the Microsatellite be found in Section 5.11.
Research Facility are expected to be constructed in
2016. These facilities collectively encompass twenty-
seven research and instructional laboratories, learning 5.4 GRADUATE PROGRAMS
facilities such as lecture rooms and meeting spaces,
and student and staff work and office spaces. The graduate programs of the Institute provide
advanced training and specialization in a broad range
of areas in electrical and electronics engineering and
5.2 VISION AND MISSION its allied fields to prepare students to solve complex
technological problems and to contribute new
The Institute’s basic mission is two-fold: knowledge to the field. Our graduate programs provide
the country with a pool of highly qualified electrical and
electronics engineers who carry out creative and
• to produce excellent and innovative engineers
challenging work in research, development, design,
who are motivated and committed to serve the
technology management and university instruction.
nation, and
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering The IML and MicroLab are used for research in
the design and development of radio-frequency
The Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) program offers an CMOS integrated circuits, analog/mixed signal
advanced professional degree targeted primarily at systems, and low-power microprocessors.
industry practitioners and professionals. Prospective
students in this program seek enhance their skills and UP-Artesyn Power Electronics Laboratory (PEL)
knowledge for career advancement and towards Lab head: Engr. Gaudan Albert Chekov L. Castillo
supporting higher value engineering activities in their
respective institutions. As such, the program supports This laboratory serves as a training ground to
the development of local engineering industry by expose students to the various fields of power
enhancing the capability of its workforce to undertake electronics. PEL research areas include power
higher value engineering work. M.Eng. students may supplies and converters, electric vehicle charging,
flexibly tailor their coursework based on their learning electric motor drives, LED lighting, power
or professional objectives: they may even opt to amplifiers, battery technology, and
engage in research work, directed study, or project electromagnetic compatibility.
work within their program of study.
Computer Networks Laboratory (CNL)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering / Lab head: Dr. Roel M. Ocampo
Doctor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
Researches under this laboratory cover various
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Doctor of rapidly-evolving aspects and applications of
Engineering (D.Eng.) programs produce experts communications networks including but not limited
capable of conducting independent investigation and to mobile systems mobile systems, social
study, producing original contributions to the networks, application-layer overlays, novel link/
fundamental knowledge in the field (Ph.D.), or solving routing/ transport protocols, cooperative
engineering problems of substance and developing community networks, low-overhead computing and
solutions in a creative and distinguished manner networking, smart grids and smart homes, sensor
(D.Eng.). Doctoral students undergo an intensive networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), and big
program of study and research in exciting, cutting- data.
edge areas of technology, and write a dissertation
documenting their journey and findings from their Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Laboratory
investigation. Although the typical entrance credential Lab head: Engr. Michael Gringo Angelo R. Bayona
for admission into the doctoral programs is a master’s
degree in a relevant field, admission is also possible
for exceptional candidates who possess a relevant Research in the DSP Laboratory is geared
bachelor’s degree. towards DSP algorithm development and
implementation. Areas of concentration include
software and hardware embedded systems for
Curricula for the graduate programs may be found in real-time and non-real-time applications in audio,
Section 5.9 of this Catalogue, while graduate course image, video and speech signal processing.
offerings may be found in Section 5.12.
Electric Power Research Laboratory (EPRL)
Lab head: Dr. Allan C. Nerves
Research is an important component of the Institute’s The EPRL is dedicated to research aimed at
work. Our research laboratories provide venues for providing a safe, reliable, and optimum generation,
students to engage in creative work and cutting-edge distribution, conversion, measurement, and control
research to provide electrical and electronic solutions of electric energy. Areas of concentration include
to real-world problems, to advance the state of modeling and simulation of electricity markets and
technology, and to contribute to the body of knowledge power system dynamics; security assessment and
in the field. Currently we have the following research stability enhancement for power systems in the
laboratories: restructured environment; and power system
planning and optimal operation that ensure supply
security, market competitiveness, and
UP-Analog Devices Microelectronics Laboratory environmental sustainability.
Lab head: Dr. Louis P. Alarcon Mobile Robotics (Mobot) Laboratory
Lab head: Engr. Percival D.C. Magpantay
This laboratory focuses on mobile robots and
UP-Intel Microprocessors Laboratory (IML) intelligence agents. Research thrusts include
Lab head: Dr. Ma. Theresa G. de Leon almost every aspect of electrical engineering, e.g.
power electronics, instrumentation and control
communications, embedded systems, artificial energy resources through the implementation of its
intelligence, and operating systems; and a little of projects and programs.
computer science, mechanics, biology, and
philosophy. Ubiquitous Computing Laboratory (UCL)
Lab head: Dr. Rowel O. Atienza
Innovation Research Center (IRC)
Lab head: Dr. Luis G. Sison The UCL focuses on mobile, wearables and
Internet of Things (IoT) research. UCL innovates
The research facility provides technology solutions on areas such as educational games (eg Animated
in managing production resources, health care, Star Gram), human-device interaction (Slash the
and education. Its research thrusts are biomedical Fruit, Alien Antics and Holy Sheep!), virtual reality,
engineering; traffic, structural, and environmental animation, IoT protocols, and smart apps.
monitoring; wireless sensor networks; and
embedded systems and mechatronics; and
hardware interfaces for interactive learning. Wireless Communications Engineering Laboratory
Power Simulations Systems Laboratory (PSSL) Lab head: Engr. Miguel Carlo L. Purisima
Lab head: Dr. Jordan Rel C. Orillaza
The WCEL was established to provide
Research areas include modeling, simulation, and instructional and training support, as well as to
optimization of electric power systems (reliability); spearhead the research and development efforts
and planning, protection, automation, control and of the Institute in the area of wireless
power quality. The lab is equipped with power communications technology. The lab primarily
system simulation software and hardware engages in the design, integration, analysis, and
simulators such as power system micro-models testing of wireless communication devices, circuits,
fitted with protective relays, remote terminal units and systems for various applications such as rural
(RTUs), and supervisory control and data connectivity, emergency response, and public
acquisition (SCADA). safety.
This laboratory focuses on robotic manipulators, The Institute provides a wide range of facilities to
bipeds, and autonomous navigation. Research support the instructional and research needs of its
topics under RAL may include, but not limited to students, ranging from the 240-seater PLDT
manipulator dynamics, motor drives, sensor Multimedia Lecture Hall, numerous lecture rooms of
development, and autonomous vehicles. various sizes, all the way down to meeting facilities for
small group discussions. Students are also provided a
Smart Grid Research Center (SGRC) number of areas for their own use where they can
Lab head: Dr. Michael Angelo A. Pedrasa study, relax, or hold small discussions. Graduate
students are also provided dedicated office spaces in
Research areas include design and addition to their work spaces in the laboratories.
implementation of smart grid building blocks;
control and communication solutions for smart The EEEI complements solid theoretical training with
grids; demand side management; integration of exposure and actual hands-on work in instructional
renewable and distributed energy resources to laboratories on electronic components and circuits,
electric power systems; microgrids; virtual power embedded systems, communication systems, electric
plants; smart buildings and smart homes; and machines and motor drives, power system simulation,
regulatory aspects and market operations for robotics and automation, prototyping, computer
smart grid. programming and computer networks. Many of these
facilities are supported and endowed with state-of-the-
Solar Photovoltaics Laboratory (SPL) art and industry-grade equipment by partners such as
Lab head: Prof. Miguel T. Escoto, Jr. Alexan, Analog Devices, Artesyn, Intel, IXYS-Zilog,
Meralco, PLDT, and Nokia, to name a few. These
As one of the leading research institutions for facilities ensure that students acquire sufficient
renewable energy research in the country, the SPL practical skills in the design, implementation, operation
is continuously striving to develop, innovate, and and management of similar components or systems,
promote novel energy technologies in order to making them "industry-ready" and well-prepared to
uplift the quality of life for Filipino society and to solve engineering challenges out in the real world.
safeguard the environment. Since its inception, the
SPL has continually developed its expertise in
many fields of renewable energy, advocates
sustainable development, and the judicious use of
Support Staff
Sukarno A. Ali
Precision Instrument Technician
Cesar U. Regidor
Administrative Officer
Amelia M. Yanzon
Administrative Officer
Veronica B. Centeno
Administrative Assistant
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute
EEEI Building
Velasquez Street
University of the Philippines Diliman
Quezon City 1101
PLDT +63-2 925-2958
VoIP +63-2 981-8500 local 3300
[email protected]
Effective AY 2010-2011. Total number of units = 181
Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement
Nine (9) units of GE (AH) courses must be in Communication in English
Except for Math 1, GE (MST) Math, Physics, Chem, ES, and EEE cannot be credited as GE courses
For physical education (PE), the student is required to complete any 4 physical education (PE) courses
As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components:
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci)
Effective AY 2010-2011. Total number of units = 184
Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement
Nine (9) units of GE (AH) courses must be in Communication in English
Except for Math 1, GE (MST) Math, Physics, Chem, ES, and EEE cannot be credited as GE courses
For physical education (PE), the student is required to complete any 4 physical education (PE) courses
As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components:
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci)
Effective AY 2010-2011. Total number of units = 183.
Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement
Nine (9) units of GE (AH) courses must be in Communication in English
Except for Math 1, GE (MST) Math, Physics, Chem, ES, and EEE cannot be credited as GE courses
For physical education (PE), the student is required to complete any 4 physical education (PE) courses
As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components:
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci)
A. Required Major Courses 15 units
B. Elective Courses 14 units
C. Comprehensive Examination
D. Seminar Course
• EE 296 Seminar 1 unit
1. Major Subject: Any creditable graduate-level EE course offered by the EEE Institute that is
relevant to the area of specialization.
2. Elective: Any creditable graduate-level course that has been recommended for approval by the
adviser and Institute graduate program committee; provided that all course prerequisites have
been satisfied.
A. Required Major Courses 14 units
B. Elective Courses 9 units
C. Thesis
• EE 300 6 units
D. Seminar Course
• EE 296 Seminar 1 unit
1. Major Subject: Any creditable graduate-level EE course offered by the EEE Institute that is
relevant to the area of specialization.
2. Elective: Any creditable graduate-level course that has been recommended for approval by the
adviser and Institute graduate program committee; provided that all course prerequisites have
been satisfied.
1 2
A. Major or Specialization Courses 24 units
B. Dissertation
• 12 units
EE 400
Major Course: Any creditable Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduate course relevant
to the field / area of specialization
Specialization Course: Any creditable graduate course relevant to the field of specialization,
pre-approved by the adviser and for which all prerequisites have been satisfied
The student must submit a 12-unit dissertation where s/he makes an original contribution to the
fundamental knowledge in the field (Ph.D.) or addresses an engineering problem of substance and
develops a solution in a creative and distinguished manner (D.E.)
A. Major Courses 24 units
B. Specialization Courses 12 units
Major Course: Any creditable Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduate course relevant
to the field / area of specialization
Specialization Course: Any creditable graduate course relevant to the field of specialization,
pre-approved by the adviser and for which all prerequisites have been satisfied
The student must submit a 12-unit dissertation where s/he makes an original contribution to the
fundamental knowledge in the field (Ph.D.) or addresses an engineering problem of substance and
develops a solution in a creative and distinguished manner (D.E.)
Students who wish to study and pursue careers in electrical and electronics engineering and any of its allied fields
need to acquire a strong background in the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, and other engineering sciences,
in addition to courses in their chosen field. To ensure that student aptitudes and interests match the rigors and
demands of the program, and that graduates consistently meet the high quality standards expected of products of
our programs, the Institute enforces academic retention rules that EEE undergraduate students must satisfy, in
addition to existing College and University academic rules and regulations, in order to remain in good academic
A student will be permanently dismissed from any EEE undergraduate program if he or she:
1. Incurs a grade other than a passing grade twice in any of these mathematics courses: (Math 17, Math 53,
Math 54, Math 55);
2. Accumulates three or more grades other than passing grades in any combination of these mathematics
courses (Math 17, Math 53, Math 54, Math 55);
3. Incurs a grade other than a passing grade twice in any of these basic EEE courses (EEE 23, EEE 31,
EEE 33, EEE 35, EEE 41);
4. Accumulates three or more grades other than passing grades in any combination of these basic EEE
courses (EEE 23, EEE 31, EEE 33, EEE 35, EEE 41)
For purposes of this retention rule, a ‘grade other than a passing grade’ includes the following: a 5.00, an unremoved
4.00, an unremoved ‘Inc’, or a ‘DRP’ recorded at the end of the semester or semesters under evaluation.
CoE 23 Synthesis of Sequential Circuits. Minimization of synchronous sequential circuits; synthesis of synchronous
sequential circuits using structured techniques; delays and hazards; asynchronous Huffman circuits; physical
characteristics of logic gate implementations. Prereq: EEE 11, EEE 21, EEE 34. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
CoE 111 Advanced Digital Design. Combinational and sequential circuits; structured design; digital design using
programmable devices; hardware description language (HDL)-based digital design; simulation; testing of digital
circuits. Coreq: EEE 105. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
CoE 113 Advanced Computer Organization. Instruction sets. Central processor implementations. Hardwired and
micro-programmed control. Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processors. Datapaths. Arithmetic and logic
units (ALUs). Distributed systems. Performance enhancements. Prereq: CoE 111, EEE 105. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
CoE 115 Introduction to Embedded Microcontrollers. Introduction to embedded microcontrollers in electronic and
electromechanical systems. Hardware and software design techniques. System interfaces, data acquisition and
control. High speed design techniques. Prereq: EEE 105. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
CoE 121 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. Discrete-time systems in frequency domain; digital filter design;
linear prediction and optimum linear filters. Prereq: EEE 25, EEE 35. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
CoE 123 Introduction to Digital Image and Video Processing. Digital image fundamentals; introduction to two-
dimensional digital signal processing (DSP); image enhancements and restoration algorithms; image filters; image
coding and compression; video coding and standards; some applications of video and image processing.
Prereq: EEE 35. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
CoE 127 Audio and Speech Signal Processing. Fundamental audio synthesis concepts; advanced techniques of
audio signal processing, analysis and modeling; engineering models for speech signal analysis, synthesis and
recognition. Prereq: CoE 121. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
CoE 129 Real-Time Digital Signal Processing. Digital signal processor architectures; data converters; real-time
concepts and programming; digital filtering; real-time spectral analysis. Prereq: CoE 121, EEE 105. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab)
3 u.
CoE 133 Computer Systems Engineering I. History and overview of computer systems engineering. Computer
engineering ethics. Software risks and reliability. Life cycles. Project management. Prereq: EEE 105. 2 u.
CoE 134 Computer Systems Engineering II. Requirements analysis and elicitation. Architectural design.
Implementation, testing and maintenance issues. Prereq: CoE 133. 4 h (1 lec, 3 lab) 2 u.
CoE 135 Operating Systems. Overview and examples of operating systems. System calls. Process management.
Threads. Scheduler. Interprocess communication and synchronization. Deadlock and starvation. Memory
management. Virtual memory. I/O systems. File system. Prereq: EEE 13. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
CoE 141 Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuit Design. Concepts, economics and trends of integrated circuits
(IC); MOS transistor characteristics and models; basic digital building blocks; structured digital circuits and systems.
Prereq: EEE 21, EEE 41. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
CoE 143 Introduction to Analog Integrated Circuit Design. IC fabrication processes; analog device modeling;
circuit simulation; amplifiers, comparators and other analog systems. Prereq: EEE 51. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
CoE 151 Computer Networks. Principles and practices of computer networking. Structures and components of
networks. Packet switching. Layered architectures. Open systems interconnect (OSI) reference model. Transmission
Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Prereq: EEE 13, 107. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
CoE 153 Advanced Computer Networks. Advanced topics in computer networks, including Internet architecture
and design, multicast and advanced routing. Quality of service and congestion control. Network measurement and
modeling. Mobile and ad-hoc networks. Web technologies and the Semantic Web. Application-layer overlay
networks. Security and privacy. Emerging applications. Prereq: CoE 151. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
CoE 197 Special Topics in Computer Engineering. Prereq: COI. 2-4 u. (any combination of lec or lab); may be
repeated for additional credit provided that the special topic should be indicated for record purposes.
CoE 198 Special Problems in Computer Engineering. Prereq: Approved project proposal from EEE 190, research
laboratory affiliation. 11 h (2 lec, 9 lab) 5 u.
ECE 113 Communication Electronics. Resonant circuits and filters. Analog modulation and demodulation circuits.
Frequency synthesis and phase locked loops. Basic concepts in radio frequency (RF) circuit design. Other
communications circuits. Prereq: EEE 53, EEE 54, EEE 100, EEE 107. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
ECE 117 Instrumentation Electronics. Sensors in control systems; signal conditioning; data acquisition systems;
actuators and controllers; industry standards. Prereq: EEE 34, EEE 51. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
ECE 123 Digital Instrumentation and Control Techniques. A/D-D/A conversion; process control; fundamentals of
robotics; data acquisition; real time applications. Prereq: EEE 101. 3 u.
ECE 129 Simulation and Control Laboratory. System modeling; computer-aided control system design and
computer simulation; op amps as feedback compensators; DC motor dynamics and control; closed-loop control and
responses to step and ramp inputs. Prereq: EEE 52/COI, EEE 101. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
ECE 131 Introduction to Robotics. Coordinate transformations; forward and inverse kinematics; manipulator
dynamics; control of manipulators; path planning. Prereq: EEE 101, ES 12, ES 21/COI. 3 u.
ECE 133 Introduction to Mobile Robotics. Mobile robot control. Software architectures. Interoceptive and
exteroceptive sensors. Sensor interpretation. Map building and navigation. Mobile robot construction.
Prereq: EEE 35, ES 12 and EEE 11 or COI. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
ECE 141 Digital Communications. Sampling and quantization; baseband pulse transmission; multiplexing; digital
modulation techniques; bit error rates and spectral efficiency; clock recovery; information theory and error control
coding; spread spectrum modulation. Prereq: EEE 107. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
ECE 151 Communication Networks. Telephony; telephone traffic, switching and signaling systems; multiplexing;
trunking theory; modem standards; optical communication systems; open systems interconnect (OSI) layers for
communication systems. Prereq: EEE 107. 3 u.
ECE 153 Wireless Communications. Radiowave propagation; antenna basics; large-scale path loss models; small-
scale fading; cellular and satellite communication systems; multiple access techniques; current topics of interest in
wireless communications. Prereq: EEE 23; Coreq: ECE 141. 3 u.
ECE 155 Modern Audio Engineering. Fundamentals of sound and hearing; audio tests and measurements;
electrical and environmental noise and noise reduction in audio systems; microphones and loudspeakers; audio
processing electronics and acoustics; practical audio systems. Prereq: EEE 107. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
ECE 157 Microwave Engineering I. Review of electromagnetics; transmission line theory and wave-guides; the
Smith chart; network analysis and port parameters; impedance matching; passive and active microwave circuits.
Coreq: EEE 23, EEE 107. 3 u.
ECE 159 Microwave Engineering II. Microwave materials and processes; laminates; metals; solders; packaging;
connectors; resistance, inductance, and capacitance (RLC) measurements; transmission lines; microstrip circuits; test
and measurement equipment and software for microwave communication systems. Prereq: ECE 157, EEE 100.
5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
ECE 197 Special Topics in Electronics and Communications Engineering. Prereq: COI. 2-4 u. (any combination
of lec or lab); may be repeated for additional credit provided that the special topic should be indicated for record
ECE 198 Special Problems in Electronics and Communications Engineering. Prereq: Approved project proposal
from EEE 190, research laboratory affiliation. 11 h (2 lec, 9 lab) 5 u.
EE 121 Introduction to Power Electronics. Switching converter principles, harmonics, pulse-width modulation,
phase control and phase modulation. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers. AC voltage controllers, DC/DC
converters and DC/AC inverters. Converter transfer functions. Prereq: EEE 42, EEE 53. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 123 Electric Motor Drives. Electric drive systems; steady-state analysis of direct current, induction, synchronous,
and reluctance motor drives; efficiency, harmonics, and converter-motor interaction. Prereq: EE 121, EEE 43. 3 u.
EE 143 Electrical Machine Dynamics and Control. Dynamic models and characteristics of electrical machines.
Applications and control of direct-current, synchronous, induction and reluctance machines. Prereq: EEE 43. 3 u.
EE 145 Electrical Equipment and Devices. Operating principles, characteristics and applications of transformers,
switchgear, and other electrical equipment and devices used for power system protection and control.
Prereq: EEE 43, EEE 103. 3 u.
EE 146 Electric Power Measurements and Equipment Characterization. Power measurements. Performance
evaluation and parameter measurement of electrical machines and transformers. Prereq: EEE 43, EEE 44, EEE 103.
3 h (3 lab) 1 u.
EE 147 Energy-Efficient Lighting Systems. Fundamentals of lighting, vision, and color. Electric light source and
ballast technologies. Luminaires and optical control. Light loss factors. Average illuminance calculations. Calculation
of illuminance at a point. Lighting quantity and quality assessment. Design of energy-efficient lighting for interiors.
Design of energy-efficient lighting for exteriors. Strategies and technologies for control of energy-efficient lighting.
Daylighting. Building energy codes and standards. Lighting economics. Prereq: EEE 41, EEE 101. 3 u.
EE 148 Electrical Machine Design. Design of transformers, rotating machines, and selected electrical equipment
and devices. Prereq: EEE 143. 3 u.
EE 151 Power System Operation. Philippine Grid Code. Voltage and frequency control. Operating reserve. Unit
commitment. Economic dispatch. Optimal power flow. Energy interchange. System security and reliability.
Transmission network operations in competitive electricity markets. Prereq: EEE 103. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 152 Advanced Power Systems Analysis. Large-scale power system studies using computer methods: matrix
techniques and numerical methods. Network building. Load flow studies, fault studies and rotor angle stability.
Electromagnetic transients analysis. Prereq: EEE 13, EEE 103. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 153 Electric Power Distribution Systems. Substation, subtransmission and distribution sys-tem design.
Distribution system models and load flow, short-circuit, reliability, and system loss analysis. Distribution planning.
Distribution automation. Prereq: EE 103, EEE 145. 3 u.
EE 157 New Energy Systems. Non-conventional energy resources and conversion technologies; new energy
systems for off-grid applications; grid integration issues of non-conventional and new energy systems; planning and
operations of electric power systems with intermittent energy systems. Prereq: EEE 103. 3 u.
EE 158 Electrical System Design. Choice of systems and selection, arrangement and protection of components for
power, lighting and auxiliary systems of residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial power systems;
illumination design. Prereq: EEE 103. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 159 Industrial Power Systems. Selection and arrangement of electrical equipment for distribution, control,
protection and metering in industrial plants, substations and modern power plants. Prereq: EEE 158.
5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 197 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering. Coreq: COI. 2-4 u. (any combination of lec or lab); may be
repeated for additional credit provided that the special topic should be indicated for record purposes.
EE 198 Special Problems in Electrical Engineering. Prereq: Approved project proposal from EEE 190, research
laboratory affiliation. 11 h (2 lec, 9 lab) 5 u.
EEE 1 Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Analysis of alternating current (AC) and direct
current (DC) circuits; motors and generators, characteristics and methods of control; diode andtransistor circuits;
current digital circuits and logic gates; transducers and transducer circuits; operational amplifiers; motor control;
feedback control systems; introduction to digital control; programmable logic controllers. Prereq: ES 21/Math
121.1/equiv., Physics 72/102. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
EEE 3 Elementary Electrical Engineering. Fundamentals of electric and magnetic circuits; transformers; direct and
alternating current machinery; elementary distribution systems and electrical wiring. Prereq: Math 54,
Physics 72. 3 u.
EEE 4 Industrial Electronics and Equipment. Electrical measurements and some of their industrial applications.
Operating principles, characteristics and application of electrical equipment. Equipment and devices used for system
protection and control. Applications in power and industrial systems. Modern control devices in industry.
Prereq: EEE 1 or EEE 3. Credits: 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EEE 5 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices and Circuit Theory. Elementary circuit analysis; semiconductor
devices; introduction to transducers, operational amplifiers, and digital design. Prereq: Math 54, Physics 72,
Physics 72.1. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
EEE 11 Programming Fundamentals. Programming fundamentals. Data types. Control loops. Fundamental
principles of software engineering. Functions. Standard libraries. Arrays and strings. Structure and union. File I/O.
Fundamental data structures. Pointers. Prereq: Math 17. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EEE 13 Programming Applications in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Data structures. Algorithm
performance. System calls. Fundamental database concepts. Graphical user interface principles. Fundamental
network programming. Prereq: EEE 11 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
EEE 21 Switching Theory and Digital Logic Design. Combinational logic analysis and design. Digital integrated
circuit building blocks. Design of digital subsystems. Analysis and synthesis of sequential circuits. Introduction to
hardware description languages. Prereq: Math 17. 3 u.
EEE 23 Electromagnetic Fields I. Vector analysis; steady electric and magnetic fields; dielectric and magnetic
materials; time-varying fields. Maxwell’s equations; introduction to uniform plane waves and transmission lines;
applications to electrical engineering. Coreq: Physics 72; Prereq: Math 55. 4 u.
EEE 25 Probability and Statistics for Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Review of descriptive statistics;
combinatorial probability; single and bivariate random variables; expectation; sum of two independent random
variables; introduction to estimation; introduction to random processes. Prereq: Math 55. 3 u.
EEE 31 Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Fundamental concepts and laws in electrical and
electronics engineering. Magnetism. Electrical and electronic devices. DC analysis of resistive networks. Overview of
different fields in electrical and electronics engineering. Demonstration of basic concepts. Prereq: Math 17. 3 u.
EEE 33 Electric Circuit Theory. Network theorems. AC circuit analysis. Equilibrium equations for resistance-
inductance-capacitance (RLC) networks. Transient analysis of first-order and higher-order networks. Sinusoidal
steady-state analysis. Polyphase circuits. Prereq: Math 53, EEE 31. 4 u.
EEE 34 Electrical Measurements Laboratory. Laboratory procedures and practice; data collection and analysis;
laboratory documentation; standard electric instruments and circuits; basic electric circuit behavior; transducers.
Coreq: EEE 33. 3 h ( 3 lab) 1 u.
EEE 35 Signals and Systems. Mathematical modeling of signals and systems. Continuous- and discrete-time
signals. System analysis techniques and their applications to electric and electronic circuits, filter design,
communications, control and signal processing. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. Frequency domain representation
of signals and system transfer functions. Two-port networks. Fourier-, Laplace- and Z-transforms. Prereq: Math 54,
EEE 11, EEE 33. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
EEE 41 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices and Circuits. Semiconductor devices: diodes, bipolar junction
transistors, field effect transistors; device models and circuit applications; regions of operation; large and small signal
modeling and analysis; semiconductor theory. Prereq: EEE 23, EEE 33. 3u.
EEE 42 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Laboratory. Characteristics, parameters, and non-idealities of actual
diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field effect transistors (FETs); basic circuit applications.
Prereq: EEE 34; Coreq: EEE 41. 3 h (3 lab) 1 u.
EEE 43 Electromechanical Energy Conversion. Basic principles; generalized machine model; direct current,
synchronous and induction machines. Prereq: EEE 23, EEE 33. 3 u.
EEE 44 Electrical Machine Operation and Control. Operation and control of rotating machines. Motor and
generator control devices and circuits. Programmable logic controllers. Prereq: EEE 34, Coreq: EEE 43. 3 h (3 lab)
1 u.
EEE 51 Electronic Circuits I. Transistor amplifiers. Feedback amplifiers. Operational amplifiers. Linear regulators.
Prereq: EEE 41. 3 u.
EEE 52 Electronic Circuits Laboratory I. Performance measurements and behavior analysis of analog circuits.
Prereq: EEE 42; Coreq: EEE 51. 1 u.
EEE 53 Electronic Circuits II. Active switching circuits. Waveshaping circuits. Pulse and digital circuits. Analog and
digital circuit building blocks. Linear and switch-mode regulators. Prereq: EEE 21, EEE 41. 3 u.
EEE 54 Electronic Circuits Laboratory II. Construction, performance measurements and behavior analysis of pulse,
wave-shaping, timing and digital circuits. Prereq: EEE 42; Coreq: EEE 53. 3 h (3 lab) 1 u.
EEE 100 Electronic Circuits Prototyping Laboratory. Basic prototyping skills for electronic circuits including
soldering, schematic design entry, printed circuit board (PCB) layout and routing, PCB fabrication. Safe laboratory
practices. Computer aided design tools. Overview of industrial prototyping processes and standards. Prereq: ES 1,
EEE 42. 3 h (3 lab) 1 u.
EEE 101 Control Systems Theory. Continuous and discrete systems; open and closed loop systems; transfer
functions; block diagrams. Signal flow graphs; state variables; state transition matrix; stability; controllability and
observability. Prereq: ES 12, EEE 35; Coreq: EEE 41. 3 u.
EEE 103 Introduction to Electric Power Systems. Electric power industry. Power system components and system
modeling. Per unit system. Symmetrical components. Load flow analysis. Short circuit analysis. Prereq: EEE 23,
EEE 33. 3 u.
EEE 105 Computer Organization. Instruction sets. Computer arithmetic. Datapath and control. Memory system
organization and architecture. Interfacing and communication. Assembly language programming. Prereq: EEE 11,
EEE 21, EEE 41. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
EEE 107 Introduction to Communication Systems. Signals and spectra; noise and distortion; transmission,
reception, and detection; continuous-wave modulation and baseband digital pulse modulation; examples of practical
communication systems. Prereq: EEE 25, EEE 34, EEE 35. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EEE 190 Project Proposals, Inspection Trips, and Seminars. Project proposal documentation and presentation;
visits to companies, factories, and electrical power plants; seminars on topics such as research, technical writing,
presentation skills, career planning, engineering ethics, and technopreneurship. Prereq: SS, research laboratory
affiliation. 4 h (1 lec, 3 lab) 2 u.
EEE 10 Everyday EEE: Kuryente, Radyo, atbp. Electrical and electronics engineering in everyday life. 3 u.
EE 212 Linear System Theory. Theory and application of discrete and continuous-time linear dynamical systems.
Review of applied linear algebra; least-norm and least-squares methods. Autonomous linear dynamical systems;
interpretations of eigenvalues, eigenvectors, matrix exponential, and invariant sets. Singular value decomposition with
applications. Linear dynamical systems with inputs and outputs; transfer matrices. Observability and state estimation;
controllability and state transfer. Examples and applications from digital filters, circuits, signal processing, and control
systems. Prereq: EEE 35 and Math 114 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 214 Probability and Random Processes in Electrical Engineering. Review of combinatorial probability.
Random variables and vectors. Discrete and continuous distributions. Conditional and multivariate probabilities.
Functions of random variables. Mathematical expectations. Autocorrelation and power spectral density. Stochastic
models. Stationarity and cyclostationarity. Higher order statistics, cumulants and polyspectra. Spectral-correlation
density. Prereq: EEE 25 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 217 Electromagnetic Fields II. Review of Maxwell’s equations. Propagation phenomena of plane waves in
dielectric and conducting media. Transmission lines, waveguides and resonators. Antennas and radiation. Fiber optics
and optoelectronic systems. Prereq: EEE 23 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 218 System Identification. Introduction to point estimation, least squares, Bayes risk, and maximum likelihood.
Optimum mean-square recursive estimation for non-dynamic stochastic systems. State estimation for discrete-time
and continuous-time dynamic systems. Parameter identification of stochastic systems using maximum likelihood.
Stochastic approximation, least squares, and random search algorithms. Applications to controls, communication, and
signal processing. Prereq: EE 212 and EE 214. 3 u.
EE 220 Analog Integrated Circuits. Integrated circuit devices and modeling. Noise analysis and modeling. Review
of basic operational amplifier design and compensation. Advanced current mirrors and operational amplifiers.
Operational transconductance amplifiers. Common-mode feedback circuits. Comparators. Sample and holds. Voltage
references and translinear circuits. Discrete-time signals. Switched-capacitor circuits. Coreq: CoE 143 or equiv.
6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
EE 221 Electronic Amplifier Design. Linear and non-linear models of field-effect and bipolar junction transistors at
low and high frequencies; theory, design and application of class A, B, C, D, E, F amplifiers, wide band low-pass
amplifiers, distributed amplifiers, power amplifiers, tuned amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, operational amplifiers,
parametric amplifiers, sense amplifiers, and other special amplifiers; biasing; gain-bandwidth; noise mechanisms and
low-noise design; passive components; performance evaluation and optimization; integrated circuit implementations;
design projects. Prereq: COI. 4 u.
EE 223 Design of Signal Processing Systems. System modeling. Computational algorithms. Architecture mapping.
Hardware optimizations. SoC applications. Prereq: EE 227 and EE 274. 3 u.
EE 224 Mixed Signal Systems. Signals and filters. Sampling and aliasing. Analog and digital filters. Analog-to-digital
converters. Digital-to-analog converters. Sample/hold amplifiers. Mixed-signal applications. Prereq: EE 220.
5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 225 Solid State Electronics and Semiconductor Devices. Conduction mechanisms in semiconductors and
metals. Physics, characteristics and models of p-n junction diode. Bipolar junction transistors. Junction and MOS field-
effect transistors. Trends in scaled MOSFETs. Short channel MOSFETs. Prereq: EEE 41 or equiv. 4 u.
EE 226 Digital Integrated Circuits. Fundamentals of MOSFETS. Technology and modeling. Scaling and limits of
scaling. Design for deep-submicron CMOS- high speed. Design techniques for low power. Arithmetic circuits. Driving
interconnect, high-speed signaling. Timing. Memory design. Design for testability. Prereq: COE 141 or equiv.
6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.
EE 227 Modern VLSI Design. Digital systems and VLSI. Transistors and layout. Logic functions. Combinational logic
networks. Sequential machines. Systems architecture design and HDLs. Subsystem design and IP components.
CAD systems and algorithms. Prereq: EEE 21 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 229 RF Integrated Circuit Design. Introduction to RF and wireless technology. Characteristics of passive
devices at RF. High-frequency amplifier design. Analysis of distortion in amplifiers. Low-noise amplifiers and mixers.
Oscillators. Frequency synthesizers. Power amplifiers. Phased-locked loops. Modulators and demodulators.
Transceiver architectures. Prereq: EE 220. 3 u.
EE 231 Advanced Feedback Control Systems. Transfer functions. Block diagrams. Signal flow graphs. Root locus,
Bode, Nyquist and polar plots. Sensitivity. Stability. Compensation techniques. Multivariable systems. Disturbance
rejection. Robust control. Adaptive control. state-variable representation and feedback; state-space design; optimal
control, computer simulations; design projects. Prereq: EEE 101 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 233 Digital Control Systems Design. Z-transforms and state variable representation of discrete-time systems;
models for mixed continuous and discrete-time systems; modeling asynchronous sampling; analysis and design by
root locus, frequency response, and state-space techniques; controllability, observability and observer design; linear
quadratic optimal control and state estimation; optimization and design issues of mixed continuous and discrete-time
systems; inter sample behavior; robust control; sampling rate selection; effects of quantization and finite precision
errors ; multi-variable control and optimization; multirate systems; computer simulations; design projects.
Prereq: EEE 101 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 234 Advanced Data Acquisition Systems. Sensors and industrial standards. Storage and display devices.
Sensor networks. Prereq: COI. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 235 Nonlinear Control Theory. Introduction to nonlinear control with emphasis on differential geometric methods.
Linear and nonlinear dynamical systems analysis methods. Describing functions. Lyapunov theory. Popov and the
circle criteria. Bifurcation analysis. Controllability, accessibility and observability of nonlinear systems. Differential
geometry and nonlinear control from the geometric point of view. Prereq: EE 212. 3 u.
EE 236 Principles of Robotics. Definition of robots and manipulators. Different transformations involved in the study
of manipulators. Kinematics and dynamics. Trajectory planning. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
EE 237 Advanced Robotics. Dynamical models for manipulator in Lagrange and Newton-Euler formulations.
Controller design based on manipulator dynamics. PID-controllers, eigenvalue assignment and adaptive self-tuning
control. Controllers for compliant motion. Prereq: ECE 131. 3 u.
EE 238 Mobile Robotics. Locomotion. Robot kinematics. Perception. Navigation and planning. Map-building. Mobile
robot localization. Prereq: COI. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 240 Power Electronics I. Application of semiconductor devices and circuits to power systems; power control,
conditioning, processing and switching. Prereq: EEE 53 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 241 Linear and Switching Power Supplies. Linear converters. Switchmode topologies. DC/DC, AC/DC, DC/AC
converters. Applications. Power supply simulation. Prereq: EEE 53 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 242 Industrial Electronics. Electrical transients. Three phase circuits. Fourier series. Transformers. Rectification.
AC/DC thyristor converters. Forced Communication. PWM motor control. AC power control. Applications.
Prereq: EEE 101 and EEE 103 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 243 Electromagnetic Compatibility. Transmission lines. Emissions. Modeling. Susceptibility. PCB Design.
Shielding. Grounding. Prereq: EEE 23 and EEE 53 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 245 Advanced Theory of Electrical Machines. Reference frames and generalized machine theory. Modeling
and analysis of rotating machines during steady state, transient, and dynamic conditions. Prereq: EEE 43 or equiv.
3 u.
EE 246 Dynamics and Control of Electric Motor Drives. Phase- and chopper-controlled DC motor drives. Dynamic
modeling of AC machines. Frequency-, phase-, and vector-controlled induction motor drives. Permanent magnet AC,
brushless DC, and switched-reluctance motor drives. Simulation of electric drive systems. Prereq: EEE 43 and
EEE 51 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 248 Power Amplifiers. Linear amplification. Voltage and current mode amplifiers. Amplifier classes A, B, AB, C.
Trans-conductance amplifiers. Composite amplifiers. Resonant and switchmode amplifiers. Prereq: EEE 53 or EE 121
or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 249 Power Electronics II. Principles of steady state converter analysis. Steady state equivalent circuit modeling.
Converter circuits. AC circuit modeling. Converter transfer functions. Prereq: EE 240 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 251 Fault Studies. Symmetrical components. Sequence impedances of transmission lines, synchronous
machines and transformers. Phase-domain and sequence-domain analysis of unbalanced and simultaneous faults.
Prereq: EEE 103 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 252 Load Flow Analysis. System modeling and matrix analysis of balanced and unbalanced three-phase power
systems. Solution of a system of linear and nonlinear equations. Sparsity techniques and optimal ordering. Load flow
of balanced and unbalanced three-phase power systems. Prereq: EEE 103 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 254 Surge Protection in Power Systems. Electrical surges including traveling waves due to lightning and
switching. Principles of lightning protection. Multi-velocity waves. Electromagnetic transient simulations. Insulation
coordination. Application of surge protection devices. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 255 Electric Power Transmission and Distribution System Planning. Forecasting models for network
planning. Cost models for transmission and distribution facilities. Technical and economic evaluation. Optimization in
transmission and distribution planning. Reliability evaluation of transmission and distribution networks.
Prereq: EEE 103 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 256 Power System Protection. Fundamental principles. Selection and application of protective devices and
protection algorithms. Protection of transmission lines, transformers, generators, motors, buses, and other equipment.
Phase and ground fault protection. Coordination of protective devices. Testing of relays and protection algorithms.
Prereq: EEE 103 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3u.
EE 257 Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Network Automation. Transmission and distribution (T&D)
system automation requirements. Sensors, actuators, and controllers. T&D automation equipment. Remote Terminal
Units (RTUs). Distribution Management Systems. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA).
Decision Support Applications. Communications options and communications for T&D utility automation. Design of
transmission, substation, and distribution feeder automation. Case studies and applications. Prereq: EEE 103 or
equiv. 3 u.
EE 258 Electric Power Quality. Modeling for power quality analysis. Harmonics. Time and frequency domain
methods of analysis. Grounding. Voltage sags and swells. Electrical transients. Measurement techniques. Mitigation
techniques. Power quality standards. Prereq: EEE 103 and EEE 51 and EEE 35 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 260 Embedded Systems Hardware I. Design of 8, 16, 32-bit microprocessor-based systems using
microprocessor integrated circuits and softcores (system-on-a-programmable-chip). Advanced microprocessor
features and peripherals. Memory technologies. Interfacing using simple bus protocols. Prereq: EE 227.
5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 261 Embedded Systems Hardware II. Complex bus protocols. Video. Mass storage. Circuit board-level design f
of embedded systems. High speed circuit board design techniques. Signal integrity issues. Prereq: EE 260.
5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 263 Finite State Machines. Review of clocked sequential circuits. State minimization. State assignment. Pulsed
sequential circuits. Fundamental mode sequential circuits. Delays and hazards. Timing driven analysis. State
identification. State Machine Testing. Prereq: EEE 21 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 264 Computer Architecture. Evolution of computer architecture. Principles of computer system design. Computer
system components. Instruction set design. Processor micro-architecture. Pipelining. Cache and virtual memory
organizations. I/O structures. Instruction level parallelism. Prereq: EEE 105 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 265 Advanced Computer Architecture. Vector machines. Out-of-order execution. Dynamic scheduling. Thread
level parallelism. VLIW machines. Speculation techniques. Compiler support. Multiprocessor architectures. Multicore
architectures. Coherency issues. Interconnection networks. Prereq: EE 264. 3 u.
EE 267 Embedded Software and Operating Systems. Overview of embedded systems. Kernel. Bootlander.
Toolchain. Root Filesystems. Memory Technology Devices. I/O Subsystem. Device Driver. Introduction to Applications
Programming. Prereq: EE 260 and EEE 13 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 269 Digital Systems Testing. Test economics and motivation. Fault models and simulation. Test pattern
generation. Measures for testability. Design for testability. Memory testing. Prereq: EEE 21 and EEE 41 or equiv.
3 u.
EE 270 Digital Communications I. Methods of digital modulation and demodulation. Signal space methods in digital
communications. Communication over AWGN and band-limited channels, including channel capacity. Carrier and
symbol synchronization. Source coding and lossless compression. Channel coding, including block codes,
convolutional codes and Viterbi decoding. Current topics of interest. Prereq: EEE 107 and EE 214 or equiv.
5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 271 Microwave Theory and Techniques. Analysis and synthesis of transmission lines and waveguides.
Microwave resonators. Microwave network analysis. Analysis and design of passive and active microwave devices.
Noise in microwave circuits. Circuit models of active devices. Magnetic materials and their applications. Microwave
test and measurement principles. Prereq: EE 217. 3 u.
EE 272 Radiowave Propagation and Radio Link Design. Transmission loss. Free-space propagation. Propagation
at low and high frequencies. Microwave propagation. Propagation over plane and spherical surfaces. Propagation in
the ionosphere, troposphere and near-earth. Antennas. Design considerations for noise, diffraction, refraction,
absorption, multipath interference, and scattering in wireless communications, including mobile communications and
satellite links. Prereq: EEE 23 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 273 Antenna Engineering. Radiation from simple and extended sources and arrays. Antenna theorems.
Scattering concepts. Analysis and design of wire, aperture, traveling wave, reflector, microstrip and miniaturized
antennas. Modern antenna systems. Receiving antenna considerations. Prereq: EEE 23 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 274 Digital Signal Processing I. Sampling theorem. Discrete time signals and LTI systems. Discrete convolution.
Z- transform. FIR and IIR digital filters. Discrete Fourier transform. Fast Fourier Transform. State-space analysis.
Prereq: EEE 35 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 275 Networking Technologies I. Layered network architecture. Link layer protocols. Packet switching. LAN and
WAN routing. Transport protocols. Applications. Prereq: EEE 13 and EEE 107, or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 276 Statistical Communication Theory. Principles and applications of detection and estimation theories in
communication systems. Bayes and the Neyman-Pearson criteria. Cramer-Rao bound. Minimum variance unbiased
estimation, maximum likelihood, EM, MAP, linear MMSE estimation. Hypothesis testing. Applications in modern digital
communications, radar and sonar signal processing. Prereq: EE 214 and EE 274. 3 u.
EE 277 Coding and Information Theory. Error detecting and error correcting codes. Block codes and convolutional
codes. Analysis and design of error-control channel codes. Modeling of information sources, including zero-memory
and Markov models. Construction of compact source codes. Entropy, mutual information and channel capacity.
Shannon's noiseless and noisy coding theorems. Examples of modern source and error control codes.
Prereq: EEE 25 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 279 Networking Technologies II. Distributed systems and applications. Network architectures and technologies.
Network protocols. Routing and congestion control. Modeling, simulation, and performance analysis. Emerging
applications. Prereq: COI. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 280 Wireless Communication Systems. Radio propagation and antennas. Large-scale and small-scale
propagation models. Performance of wireless communication systems in fading channels. Coding, equalization and
diversity. TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, SDMA and random access protocols. Examples of modern and practical systems,
including cellular systems, wireless local area networks, wireless personal area networks and broadband
wireless access systems. Coreq: EE 270 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 281 Optical Communications Systems. Optical fiber fundamentals. Single mode and multimode fibers. Optical
fiber bandwidth. Optical sources, light-emitting diodes and lasers. Optical detectors, modulators, switches and
directional couplers. Optical communications systems design. Wavelength division multiplexing and other topics of
interest. Prereq: EEE 41 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 282 Adaptive Filtering and Array Processing. Theory and applications of adaptive filtering in systems and
signal processing. Iterative methods of optimization and their convergence properties. Transversal filters. LMS and
gradient-search algorithms. Kalman filtering and least-squares algorithms. Array fundamentals. Optimum array
processing. Adaptive beam forming. Space-time processing and space-time coding. MIMO. Current topics of interest.
Prereq: EE 274 or equiv. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 283 Digital Image Signal Processing. Digital image fundamentals. Introduction to two-dimensional digital
signal processing. Image enhancements in spatial and frequency domain. Image transforms. Image restoration. Color
image processing. Wavelets and image compression. Morphological image processing. Image segmentation,
representation, and description. Introduction to object recognition and computer vision. Advanced topics and
applications of image processing and analysis. Prereq: CoE 121 or EE 274, or COI. 3 u.
EE 284 Speech Signal Processing. Feature Extraction. Speech Recognition. Hidden Markov Modeling. Speech
production models. Pitch detection. Prosody. Speech Synthesis. Speech coding. Prereq: EEE 35 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 285 Digital Video Signal Processing. Digital video fundamentals. Video formation, perception, and
representation. Fourier analysis of video signals. Frequency response of the human visual system. Video sampling
and rate conversion. Video modeling. 2-D and 3-D motion estimation. Video coding: waveform-based coding and
content-dependent coding. Scalable video coding. Stereo and multi-view sequence processing. Video compression
standards. Error control in video communications. Advanced topics and applications of video analysis, processing,
streaming, compression, error control, and transmission. Prereq: CoE 121 or EE 274, or COI. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 286 Digital Audio Signal Processing. Digital audio signal analysis and manipulation. Speech and musical
instrument synthesis. Digital audio recording and reproduction. Prereq: EEE 35 and EEE 11, or COI. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab)
3 u.
EE 290 Directed Studies. Independent study or investigation of directed, current research areas in electrical and
electronics engineering. Collaborative peer discussion of study results and findings. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
EE 298 Special Problems. 3 u.; Course may be repeated for credit, up to a maximum of 12 units, provided that topics
are different; topics to be indicated for record purposes.
EE 300 Thesis. 3 u. to 6 u.
EE 317 Mathematical Methods for Electromagnetics I. Analytical and numerical methods of solving practical
problems in electromagnetics, including fundamental theorems, plane wave functions, cylindrical wave functions,
variational techniques, geometric theory of diffraction, method of moments, finite difference time domain method and
Galerkin’s method. Computer programming exercises. Prereq: EE 217 and ES 204. 3 u.
EE 318 Mathematical Methods for Electromagnetics II. Variational techniques, geometric theory of diffraction,
Galerkin's method, finite difference time domain method, method of moments; recent topics of interest; computer
programming exercises. Prereq: EE 317. 3 u.
EE 320 Analysis and Design of High Performance Digital Integrated Circuits. Parasitic models and second
Order effects of field-effect and bipolar transistors, and interconnects; clock skew and other timing issues; design of
high-performance combinational and sequential logic circuits; arithmetic and memory structures and devices; charge-
coupled device circuits; signaling, synchronization, noise and clock and power distribution issues; extraction of circuit
parameters from process parameters; optimization at the device and circuit levels; circuit-systems issues; design
projects. Prereq: EE 226 Coreq: EE 325. 4 u.
EE 322 Analysis and Design of Monolithic Information Processing and Communication Circuits. Small and
large-signal models of field-effect and bipolar transistors; amplifiers, switched capacitor networks, sample and hold,
multiplexers, analog to digital and digital to analog converters, active filters, comparators, analog multipliers, relaxation
oscillators, phase detectors, phase-locked loops, voltage-controlled oscillators, mixers, sampled-data filters, digital
decimation and interpolation filters; charge-coupled device circuits; architectural and circuit level performance
evaluation; design projects. Prereq: EE 220. Coreq: EE 325. 4 u.
EE 325 Semiconductor Devices II. Compound semiconductors and hetero-junctions; dielectric and optical
properties; optical processes; physics and models of high-frequency, high-speed and optoelectronic devices including
HFET, HBT, MESFET, quasi-ballistic transistors and other sub-micron transistor concepts, and charge-coupled
devices. Prereq: EE 225. 3 u.
EE 326 Optoelectronic Devices. Optical properties and processes; optical detectors, light-emitting diodes, solar
cells, modulators, switches, directional couplers, lasers and others of interest. Prereq: EE 325. 3 u.
EE 327 Advanced VLSI Design. Advanced VLSI technologies; system architecture; system behavior modeling in
VHDL or C; CAD tools for standard cell, custom design or hybrid techniques; integration of heterogeneous CAD tools;
automated and manual synthesis; advanced circuit design and testing methods; synthesis of the different levels of
design hierarchy; design projects. Prereq: EE 227. 3 u.
EE 330 Optimal Control. Theoretical methods in optimal control theory. Topics include the review of the optimality
conditions: Lagrange and Kuhn-Tucker. The calculus of variations and the Pontryagin minimum principle with
applications to minimum energy problems. Geometric methods will be applied to the solution of minimum time
problems. Computational methods, singular problems, observer theory, and sufficient conditions for existence of
solutions are also discussed. Prereq: EE 212. 3 u.
EE 353 Power System Reliability. Basic reliability concepts. Methods for reliability modeling and evaluation.
Reliability measures. Reliability of generation, transmission, distribution, composite, and interconnected systems.
Prereq: EEE 25 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 355 Power System Planning. Financial modeling. Load forecasting. Production simulation. Generation planning.
Network planning. System planning in a competitive electricity industry. Prereq: EEE 103 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 357 Power System Dynamics and Stability. Modeling, analysis, and simulation of power systems subjected to
small and large disturbances. Steady state, transient, and dynamic stability assessment and enhancement. Multi
machine studies. Recent developments. Prereq: EEE 103 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 358 Economic Operation of Power Systems. Economics of energy generation and operation. Optimization
methods. Mixed-generation dispatch. Unit commitment. Optimal load flow. Competitive markets for electricity
generation. Recent developments. Prereq. EEE 103 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 359 Power Systems Operation and Control. Modern power system operational and control problems and
solution techniques, including load frequency control, automatic generation control, system voltage control, security
assessment, state estimation, and contingency analysis. System control centers. Interconnected systems.
Prereq: EEE 103 or equiv. 3 u.
EE 370 Digital Communications II. Communication over band-limited and fading channels. Multipath propagation.
Channel equalization and adaptive techniques. Fractionally-spaced equalizers. Decision feedback equalization.
Spread spectrum systems, multiuser access and detection. Current topics of interest. Computer exercises.
Prereq: EE 270. 3 u.
EE 371 Microwave Integrated Circuits I. Computer-aided analysis and design of distributed circuit structures and
their applications in passive and active microwave circuits including dividers, directional couplers, circulators, filters,
transistor amplifiers, attenuators; experimental characterization; design projects. Prereq: EE 271 and EE 325. 3 u.
EE 372 Microwave Integrated Circuits II. Computer-aided analysis and design of distributed circuit structures and
their applications in passive and active microwave circuits including transistor amplifiers, mixers, modulators,
demodulators, oscillators, frequency converters, phase shifters, harmonic generators; noise models and low-noise
design; monolithic MIC; fabrication processes of monolithic circuits; experimental characterization; design projects.
Prereq: EE 371. 3 u.
EE 374 Digital Signal Processing II. Multirate processing. Optimal methods in filter design. Superior filter structures.
Advanced finite word length effects. Non-parametric and parametric spectrum estimation. Adaptive filters, Wiener
filters and algorithms. Time-frequency analysis and wavelets. Linear prediction. Current topics of interest. Computer
exercises. Prereq: EE 214 or equiv. and EE 274. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
EE 400 Dissertation. 12 u.