Artifacts and Relics

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The document introduces 32 powerful magical artifacts from lost civilizations with histories, mysteries, and plot hooks to inspire world-building and adventures. The artifacts are meant to feel like legendary relics of myth and have world-altering power.

The author aims to create artifacts that feel true to the spirit of original items but provide fragments of a shared fictional history across worlds and tie people and events together in subtle ways to add depth to the game world.

Gamemasters should introduce artifacts very carefully as acts of grave intention, as their existence and power could be frightening. Artifacts should have significant impact and not be introduced casually.


For the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. A collection of 32 Artifacts and Relics inspired by classic editions, complete with
histories, Knowledge checks, plot hooks and Consequences.

Artifacts From Before Time

Before the dawn of the current age, other civilizations
walked the world, filled with races alien to us now, and
they worshipped other gods. They wielded strange
magics and fought with strange technologies. They rose,
they loved, they feuded, and in the end, as is the way of
Introduction things, they fell. Those other civilizations, those other
One of the things that I absolutely loved about the races, those other gods, are now largely dust against the
Artifacts and Relics presented in the First Edition of the fickle winds of history.
Progenitor Game was the roundabout world building.
Yet some small remnants survive, to let us know that
Names were dropped as if the reader should know who
these creatures, these people, did in fact exist, and that
those people were and be familiar with the roles they
these tales and legends did happen or, at least, were
played in the history of the campaign world, but no real
based on some small kernel of fact. What we have are
explanations were given. They were mysteries, and my
their greatest creations, both cruel and wonderful, but
earliest world building efforts as a teenager were
made to last. What we have are their greatest artifacts.
directed toward creating adventures that would attempt
to solve them. These often led to even deeper mysteries, Unless otherwise noted, there is only one of each of
but it drove my players to want to explore and learn, these items. They are beyond the ken of even the
rather than simply hack and slash. It inspired me greatest mages and tinkerers to reproduce. We do not
creatively. To this day elements of my campaign contain know how to construct them, but what we may know is
secret histories and background that the players will how they might be destroyed. We know this because
never see. That innkeeper, for example, is a descendant their power can be frightening. We know this because
of one of the Seven Rightful Heirs; that unassuming +1 each item has a story that has lived on, beyond the races
scimitar originally belonged to a personal bodyguard of and gods that created them. These are things that
the Merchant Queen; this evil temple was originally a should not exist. They are terrible echoes of the past,
fane of the Lost Gods. No one knows it but me, and it haunting the future.
doesn’t have a lot of impact on the game, but it helps
me to know that things tie together, that my world has Using These Items in Your Campaign
an historical through line. You, the gamemaster should be very careful about
When I started writing this document my goal was to introducing these artifacts. Their existence in your
not just create knock-offs of those items, many of which campaign should not be casual, and should be an act of
are the Intellectual Property of the Keepers of the grave intention. It has been left up to you, the
Progenitor Game, but to give them some impact and gamemaster, to insert the names of places, heroes,
importance beyond their ridiculous levels of power. I deities, and demons that best suit his campaign. Who
wanted to create items that stayed somewhat true to the are the Dwarvish Lords, in your world? Likewise, who
spirit of the originals, but that tied together and offered were the Trickster, the Prophets, The Hag, and the
fragments of a shared history, that gives hints about Demon Prince? What relationship did they have to the
legendary heroes and villains, epics wars, worlds Seven Kingdoms? These things may have answers, in
beyond the game world, lost races and forgotten gods your milieu, or they may remain nagging mysteries that
that have, in ways both large and small, helped create disturb the characters’ dreams.
the setting that the player characters are adventuring in
Knowledge Checks
Because each of these items are famous (or infamous),
These are not everyday magic items. These are the there is a good chance that the characters will know
equivalent of the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of what they are, some of their back story, what their
Longinus, Frodo’s Ring, Elric’s Stormbringer. These are powers are, and even how they work. The DCs for
things that should make the most jaded dweller in a various Knowledge checks, and what the character can
world of high magic step back and be awed. These are learn, are presented for each item.
items of myth and legend. These are things that can
change lives and alter worlds. These are the stuff of
great quests, epic wars, and lasting tragedies.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does
not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product
Consequences  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you are
aware of the Consequences detailed below. This
This document introduces the concept of powerful
check is reduced to DC 10 for dwarves and goblins.
items having Consequences. No one can possess such
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
an artifact or relic without drawing attention to them.
know the command words needed to activate the
Someone else will desire that power and want to take if
powers of the Axe. This check is reduced to DC 20
from the player characters. Cults will be devoted to the
for dwarves and DC 25 for goblins.
item, or its original possessor. Secret societies may exist
that are constantly on the lookout for the item, either to CONSEQUENCES
recover it or destroy it. Almost all great power comes No matter who wields the Axe, there will be those
with a great price. The gamemaster should feel free to among dwarvenkind who feel that he (or she) is not
explore these plot hooks and develop them as best suits worthy of it. In addition to challenges from within his
his campaign. own clan, the wielder will face challenges from dwarves
who seek the honor of bringing the home to their own
Table 8-1 Special Items clan. This will lead to great political strife, during which
01 Axe of the Dwarvish Lords time the dwarves will be vulnerable to attacks from the
02-03 Cloak of Invulnerability outside.
04-05 Codex of the Infinite Planes Dwarves from rival clans may begin researching the
06-21 Crowns of Divine Might construction of their own Axe, so as not to be upstaged.
22 Cup of the Martyred Saint
The goblins will certainly be interest in the Axe as well,
23-24 Eye of the Arch-Lich
25 Gem of Beauty and will seek to count coup and humiliate the dwarves
26 Hand of the Arch-Lich by capturing it and turning it against them. They will go
27 Horn of Storms to great lengths to steal it, up to and including hiring
28 Hut of the Hoary Hag mercenaries and assassins to take down the wielder.
29-30 Iron Urn
31-32 Mace of the Warrior Saint CLOAK OF INVULNERABILITY
33 Machine of the Lost Gods Aura strong abjuration; CL 15th
34 Mask of the Trickster Slot shoulders; Weight --
35 Mystical Pipe Organ DESCRIPTION
36-42 Orbs of Dragonkind This shimmering Cloak is actually made from incredibly
43-57 Orbs of Divine Might fine links of chain made from an unknown metal. It will
58 Orb of Obsidian Flame alter its size to fit any humanoid wearer from Small to
59-60 Quill of Truth Large in size. As the wearer moves, the Cloak changes
61-62 Recorder of Alarm colors. It is said that this relic was originally worn by
63-68 Relic Teeth of the Martyred the High Zealot of the alien Lost Gods, who bestowed
Saint the Cloak upon him as a sign of great favor.
69-70 Ring of the Unknown
The cloak gives the wearer a +5 deflection bonus to
71-87 Scepters of Divine Might
armor class, and a +5 resistance bonus to all saving
88 Scepter of the Demon Prince
throws. It will also absorb up to 120 points of acid, cold,
89-90 Servant of the Lost Gods
electricity, fire, and sonic damage per day.
91-97 Seven Kingdom Staff
98 Sword, Lichbane KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
99 Thrones of Divine Might  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
100 Wondrous Nightingale identify the item and are aware of the Cloak’s
history as presented above, plus any additional
campaign-specific information the gamemaster
may wish to provide.
 A DC 15 Knowledge (religion or planes) check
See axe of the dwarvish lords in the Pathfinder
means you know the powers and abilities of the
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS  A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
 A DC 10 Knowledge (history) check means you aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
identify the item and are aware of the Axe’s, plus below.
any additional campaign-specific information the  A DC 30 Knowledge (history or planes) check
gamemaster may wish to provide. This of course is means you know the command words needed to
common knowledge for dwarves and goblins, who activate the powers.
will not need to roll for this information.
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
In small pockets around the world their remains cults
know the powers and abilities of the Axe. This
loyal to the Lost Gods. Many of these are tieflings who
check is reduced to DC 10 for dwarves and goblins.
claim Agents of the Lost Gods as their ancestors. They

will see the possession of the Cloak by anyone outside spell resistance of 25 against all spells regardless of the
their order as a great heresy, punishable by death. alignment of the caster. While the Crown is worn, any
The protective power of the Cloak makes it desirable to creatures of a different Ethical Alignment who gaze
upon the wearer must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or
nearly anyone. Heroes on quests to defeat powerful
become blinded.
dragons, demons, or devils will seek it as a means of
victory. Would-be conquerors will want it as defense  The Crown of Divine Good is made of gold, and
against their enemies. Wizards and tinkers will want to inlaid with diamonds and blue sapphires.
examine it to try to reproduce it. The most ambitious  The Crown of Fiendish Evil is carved from a single
will seek to eliminate the wearer using means that the piece of obsidian, inlaid with platinum and
Cloak does not offer extreme levels of protection against adorned with rubies.
such poison.  The Crown of Tranquil Neutrality is a simple ring
DESTRUCTION of petrified wood, shot through with what appear
The Cloak has no powers on the home plane of the Lost to be ribbons of copper.
Gods who created it. The only way to destroy it is to All Crowns will resize themselves to fit the head of any
locate that plane and take the Cloak there via a gate creature of compatible alignment from Small to Large.
If a person attempts to wear a Crown of a different
Ethical Alignment than their own, they suffer 5d6
electrical damage.
See codex of the infinite planes in the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Roll to determine the type of Crown found in a random
01-34 crown of divine good
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history or planes) check
35-77 crown of fiendish evil
means you identify the Codex and are aware of its
78-100 crown of tranquil neutrality
history, plus any additional campaign-specific
information the gamemaster may wish to provide. See holy aura, unholy aura, and protection from
 A DC 15 Knowledge (planes) check means you evil/good in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core
know the powers and abilities of the Codex. Rulebook.
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed  A DC 10 Knowledge (history or nobility) check
below. means you identify the Crown and are aware of its
CONSEQUENCES history as presented above, plus any additional
Those who seek out the Codex are typically half-mad to campaign-specific information the gamemaster
begin with, almost always chaotic and usually evil. If a may wish to provide. You do not, however, know
player character comes to possess it, they will be the Crown’s Ethical Alignment.
plagued by such insane villains. A number of high-level  A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you
wizards, filled with hubris in their belief that they can know the powers and abilities of the Crown, as
handle such power, will want the power of the Codex for well as its Ethical Alignment.
their own. An equal number of wizards possessed of  A DC 20 Knowledge (history or nobility) check
common sense will seek to have it locked up of means you are aware of the Consequences detailed
destroyed, aware of its destructive power and potential below, as well as what happens when someone of a
for abuse; a player character certainly is not equipped different Ethical Alignment tries to use the Crown.
to handle it. There are demons who would like it, simply  A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
to use it as a magical trap to be laid for their curious know the command words needed to activate the
enemies. Crown’s powers.
CROWNS OF DIVINE MIGHT By wearing a Crown, one can argue that they are the
Aura strong abjuration; CL 17th chosen of the gods and therefore are the rightful king.
Slot head; Weight 3 lbs. This means that the currently sitting monarch will not
DESCRIPTION only wish to possess it, but see any player character who
In the Greatest War of the Seven Kingdoms, the gods wears it as a threat to their power. Even if the king is
and demons of the Ethical Alignments each made their generous and benign, there will be loyal members of the
own choices regarding whom they felt should be king. court who do see a threat, and will attempt to have the
Three Crowns were crafted, and three Scepters, three wearer eliminated. Add in those who do seek the throne
Orbs, and three Thrones, one each for Good, one each for themselves, for whom the Crown would be a great
for Neutrality, and one each for Evil. With these, the benefit, and the wearer will find himself in constant
three Nameless Kings lead their factions. peril.

Each Crown of Divine Might surrounds the wearer with Modern deities may or may not be the same deities who
an aura of divine power. It gives the wearer a +5 armor created the Crown. The original deities may have their
class bonus and a +5 bonus on all saving throws, and a own plans as to whom should wear the Crown, and the

player character may not be that choice. They will set Consequences detailed below. The DC is 15 for
events in motion to insure the Crown ends up on the followers of the Martyred Saint or his deity.
head of the person of their selection.  A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
Modern deities and their clerics may take the wearing of know the command words needed to activate the
the Crown as veneration of old, deposed, or dead gods, powers of the Cup. The DC is 20 for followers of
and therefore blasphemy. They will do what they can to the Martyred Saint or his deity.
punish the wearer for engaging in such heresy. CONSEQUENCES
The Hierarchy of the Venerable Church, devoted to the
Those who seek the Crowns of other Ethical Alignments
Martyred Saint’s deity, would certainly love to lay claim
will also be curious, at the very least. The discovery of
to the Cup. The Church would enshrine it in a reliquary,
one Crown may lead to clues as to the location of the
where it would rarely be used to found a pilgrimage site,
others. They will seek to thwart the wearer from gaining
the use of its powers reserved only for the Church elite,
too much political power, in order to better promote the
substantial financial contributors, and powerful
tenets of their own Ethical Alignment.
political allies. If the Church put out the word, nearly all
DESTRUCTION of the faithful would join in a movement to force the
A Crown can be destroyed if all three Crowns are possessor of the Cup to return it; this would include no
brought together, and the wearers of the other two small amount of that financial and political clout being
Crowns can cooperate to focus on its destruction. brought to bear as well.
The Martyred Saint has a cult devoted to him, which is
frequently at odds with the Venerable Church both
Aura strong conjuration; CL 18th
politically and theologically. Rather than lock the Cup
Slot none; Weight 1 lb.
away, they would seek to have it used as it once was,
DESCRIPTION traveling among the common people in order to bring
It is said that this relic once belonged to the Martyred healing and a message of hope and compassion. This, in
Saint, who carved it from wood to be his daily drinking turn, would generate a populist movement that would
vessel. It is said that one day he placed his lips upon it, either force the Venerable Church to change its policies,
and it transformed into a magnificent golden chalice. As or result in a schism and formation of a new church.
it was too ostentatious for his vow of austerity, he first
The deity may present an opinion as well, directly or
sought to sell it, so that he might use its value to buy
indirectly, as this relic was created as a reward for great
food for the poor. When no one could offer him what it
devotion and to further the Martyred Saint’s mission in
was truly worth, he carried the Cup out among the
the world. If the possessor follows the deity, or chooses
people, using it to heal their injuries and cure their
to continue in the footsteps of the Saint, there may be
additional rewards and support. If the possessor
This golden Cup is covered with indecipherable runes. attempts to use the Cup for other ends, it could invoke
The rim is inlaid with silver filigree, and the base the deity’s wrath.
contains 12 emeralds in a symmetrical pattern. Any
Some claim that the Martyred Saint was elevated to the
liquid that is poured into the Cup is instantly
level of a demigod, or at least given a position of
transformed into holy water. Taking a sip from the Cup
importance in the afterlife. If this is so, the Saint may
will cure 3d8+15 points of damage, remove
also have an opinion regarding the use of the Cup, and
blindness/deafness, remove curse, and remove disease
intervene directly or indirectly. If either the deity or the
for any good creature that drinks from it. If an evil
Saint makes their presence known, this would have a
creature sips from the Cup, they must make a DC 28
profound effect upon their followers.
Will save or their Ethical Alignment will be changed to
Good as per the atonement spell. DESTRUCTION
The Cup must be borne into Hell by a coven of 13 evil
witches and thrown into the hottest flames.
 A DC 10 Knowledge (history or religion) check
means you identify the Cup and are aware of the
history presented above, plus any additional EYE OF THE ARCH-LICH
campaign-specific information the gamemaster Aura strong necromancy; CL 17th
may wish to provide. This is common knowledge Slot none; Weight –
for good-aligned clerics and followers of the DESCRIPTION
Martyred Saint or his deity, and do not need to roll Tales of the legendary Arch-Lich survive to this day,
for this information. and are used to frighten misbehaving. Most believe that
 A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you he was an advisor to the Nameless King of Evil during
know the powers and abilities of the item. The DC the Greatest War of the Seven Kingdoms, but there are
is 10 for followers of the Martyred Saint or his also tales that he was originally the court wizard for the
deity. Nameless King of Good, who was transformed into an
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history or religion) check undead creature when he betrayed that King. He was
means you are aware of at least one of the eventually slain by the Lichbane Champion, in a great

battle that lasted 9 days and shook the lands with The possessor of the Greatsword Lichbane will be
violent storms and earthquakes. awakened at the Witching Hour by nightmares of the
While the Arch-Lich did not survive, parts of him did. Ophthalmic Host, and be haunted by Waking Visions of
the Host’s appearance and location. The new Lichbane
This Left Eye has a pale yellow iris, and reflects light
Champion will be honor-bound to track down and
like the eye of a cat. If pressed into the empty left eye
socket of a living creature it will graft itself to the destroy the new Host, and annihilate the Eye.
creature (it will not graft into a right socket), alter its DESTRUCTION
size to fit appropriately, and function as a working eye. The Eye can only be destroyed by being sliced into
The new Ophthalmic Host gains the powers of seven pieces by the sword Lichbane.
darkvision and true seeing, usable at will with either
If the Ophthalmic Host is not already evil, it must make Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
a DC 27 Will save or have its alignment immediately Slot none; Weight --
changed to evil. DESCRIPTION
If the Ophthalmic Host succumbs to evil, the Eye can It is said that this orange jacinth was carved and
then draw the soul from a recently killed creature and enchanted by a wealthy merchant for his favorite wife.
trap it within the Eye. The soul can see everything the It was intended to insure that she would remain young
Host of the Eye does, but can do nothing, although the and beautiful forever. The wife had her own plans, and
Host can read the soul’s thoughts and emotions. bribed the wizard empowering the Gem to instill it with
Looking into the Eye will show the reflection of the even greater powers. When the merchant presented it
person whose soul is trapped within, rather than your to her, she used it to transform herself into a red
own. The Host can only trap one soul at a time, but can dragon, incinerating her husband and seizing control of
release them at any time. his merchant empire.

KNOWLEDGE CHECKS The Gem is currently mounted in an ivory broach, a

 A DC 15 Knowledge (history or nobility) check setting that does not do the Gem’s beauty justice. The
means you identify the Eye and are aware of its gem conveys a +5 bonus to Charisma as long as it is
history as given above, plus any additional worn visibly. It also allows the wearer to shapechange
campaign-specific information the gamemaster at will, including the effects of alter self, beast shape IV,
may wish to provide. elemental body IV, form of the dragon III, giant form
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you II, and plant shape III.
know the powers and abilities of the Eye, and the KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
way that it must be grafted to a living host, but not  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
that it will turn the Ophthalmic Host evil. identify the Gem and are aware of the history of
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are the Merchant Queen presented above, plus any
aware of the Consequences detailed below, as well additional campaign-specific information the
as the fact that it will turn the Host evil. gamemaster may wish to provide.
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history or arcana) check  A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
means you know the command word needed to know the powers and abilities of the Gem.
activate the soul-trapping power of the Eye if you  A DC 20 Knowledge (history or arcana) check
have not succumbed to evil. means you are aware of the Consequences detailed
The Arch-Lich is venerated by necromancers, many of  A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
whom would pluck out one of their own living eyes for know the command words needed to activate the
the opportunity to possess this one. Others would be powers if the Gem.
satisfied with studying it, or adding it to their own CONSEQUENCES
undead creations. Cursed shapeshifters such as lycanthropes have sought
Most good-aligned creatures will find the very concept the Gem as a cure for their condition, or at least a
of the Eye to be a foul, blasphemous thing, and means of controlling their changes. Their desperation
instinctively be drawn to seek its destruction. might drive them to employ dire means to take it from
its current possessor.
Possessors of the Crown, Scepter, Orb, and/or Throne
of Fiendish Evil may be drawn to the Ophthalmic Host There is a legend that the Merchant Queen had
in order to offer them a position as advisor, mimicking children, who carried her trade throughout the world.
the role the Arch-Lich played in relation to the These children were corrupted by the power of the
Nameless King of Evil. Conversely, the possessors of the Gem, and were the first doppelgangers. Modern
Crown, Scepter, Orb, and/or Throne of Divine Good will doppelgangers therefore venerate the Merchant Queen
seek out the Host not only because it proper for good to as a common ancestor. They seek the Gem as a link to
destroy evil, but to complete the vendetta incurred an actual identity, as well as a means of expanding their
when the Arch-Lich betrayed the Nameless King of power to forms beyond humanoid ones.

DESTRUCTION Champion will be honor-bound to track down and
If the wearer can be tricked into changing back into his destroy the new Host, and annihilate the Hand.
true form, the gem can be crushed like glass on the next DESTRUCTION
round. This window of opportunity is only open for one The Hand can only be destroyed by having all of the
round. fingers sliced off, one by one, by the sword Lichbane.


Aura strong necromancy; CL 13th Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th
Slot none; Weight – Slot none; Weight 150 lbs.
Another piece of the Arch-Lich known to have survived This instrument is crafted from the horn of an unknown
is his Left Hand. It appears as a mummified relic, with creature, and banded in an unknown and unidentifiable
brown, papery skin. If pressed against the left stump of metal. It is 5 feet long, and must be rested on the
a humanoid creature, it will graft itself to the creature ground to be played. It is said to have been utilized in
and function as a working hand (it will not graft to a the Final Maelstrom against the Trickster, where it was
right stump). If the creature is not already evil, it must sounded three times.
make a DC 27 Will save or have its alignment
immediately changed to evil. The Horn has different powers, depending upon the
number of times it is sounded in a single round.
The new Sinister Host can point at one target and strike
them with 130 points of damage, as per the spell finger  If it is blown but once, the Horn can control
of death. If the target makes a DC 23 Fortitude save, weather. This power can be used an unlimited
they only take 3d6+13 points of damage. The Host can number of times per day.
also animate dead, up to 26 HD worth, by touching  If it is blow twice in a single round, the Horn
corpses or skeletons with the hand. unleashes a whirlwind that lasts for 17 rounds. A
DC 25 Reflect save is required to resist its effects.
This power can be used three times per day.
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history or nobility) check
 If it is blow thrice in a single round, the Horn
means you identify the Hand and are aware of the
unleashes a storm of vengeance, with deafening,
history presented above, plus any additional
acid, lightning, hail, and wind. The DC for all saves
campaign-specific information the gamemaster
is 27. This power can only be utilized once per day.
may wish to provide.
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
know the powers and abilities of the item Hand,  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
but not that it will turn the Sinister Host to evil. identify the Horn and are aware of the history in
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are relation to the Trickster, plus any additional
aware of the Consequences detailed below, campaign-specific information the gamemaster
including the fact that it will turn the Host evil. may wish to provide.
 A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you
know the powers and abilities of the Horn.
The Arch-Lich is venerated by necromancers, many of
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history or religion) check
whom would chop off their own living left hand for the
means you are aware the Consequences detailed
opportunity to possess this one. Others would be
satisfied with studying it, or adding it to their own
undead creations. CONSEQUENCES
There remains a Warrior Lodge opposed to the
Most good-aligned creatures will find the very concept
Trickster. Following the Final Maelstrom, they hid it
of the Hand to be a foul, blasphemous thing, and
away where the Trickster could not get it, but from
instinctively be drawn to seek its destruction.
whence it could be retrieved should it be needed again.
Possessors of the Crown, Scepter, Orb, and/or Throne Frustrated as not being able to steal it, the Trickster
of Fiendish Evil may be drawn to the Sinister Host in instead made them forget where they had hidden it.
order to offer them a position as advisor, mimicking the Members of the Lodge have been seeking it ever since.
role the Arch-Lich played in relation to the Nameless They would greatly reward anyone who finds it and is
King of Evil. Conversely, the possessors of the Crown, willing to return it to them. Any who aren’t willing to do
Scepter, Orb, and/or Throne of Divine Good will seek so will be assumed to be part of the Trickster’s own cult,
out the Host not only because it proper for good to and dealt with accordingly as are all enemies of the
destroy evil, but to complete the vendetta incurred Lodge.
when the Arch-Lich betrayed the Nameless King of
The Trickster herself seeks the Horn, relishing the irony
of using it against the Lodge. Her cult is always on the
The possessor of the Greatsword Lichbane will be lookout for clues to its location. If a player character
awakened at the Witching Hour by nightmares of the possesses it, the cult will seek to trick them out of it, or
Sinister Host, and be haunted by Waking Visions of the steal it, or trick the Lodge into
Host’s appearance and location. The new Lichbane

DESTRUCTION  A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
There is rumored to be a second Horn; if both are aware of the Consequences detailed below.
sounded simultaneously, the dissonance that results  A DC 30 Knowledge (history or planes) check
will destroy them both. means you are able to decipher the command
words needed to activate the powers of the Hut.
Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th Those who have grown up hearing the tales of the Hag
Slot none; Weight -- as a witch who steals and devours children will typically
DESCRIPTION have but one reaction to the Hut: burn it (or try; it will
Like the Arch-Lich, tales of the Hag are often told to automatically gate to an elemental plane of water to put
frighten children, casting her as an evil witch who takes itself out), and hang anyone operating it or living in it as
the wicked back to her Hut, where they are never seen a witch.
again. The oldest legends, however, portray her not as Those who believe the tales of the Hag as cultural hero
an evil witch but as a force for good, a grandmotherly will seek to turn the Hut into a shrine. If they are aware
character who acted as a protector of her people against of the tale that she is trapped inside, they will seek to
the Agents of the Lost Gods. It is possible that the less rescue her, going so far as to hire adventurers to
flattering characterizations of her stem from undertake such a task.
propaganda generated by those enemies.
Extraplanar creatures such as demons and devils will
This circular wooden Hut has a thatched roof, and make bargains to acquire the Hut, as it would allow
stands upon stilts as if it belongs in a swamp or along them to move freely from their own plane into the
the bank of a river. It is windowless, and has but one world.
door. On the exterior it is only 20 ft. across, but the
door opens into a foyer that is 40 ft. across, and square,
The Hag herself was the only person capable of
with marble floors and a grand staircase. The inside is
destroying the Hut. While most legends say that she
actually a large Mansion with dozens of rooms. Each
perished battling the agents of the Lost Gods, some say
window looks out upon different locations, and even
she still roams the halls of the Mansion, imprisoned
different times, although attempting to climb out the
there by her enemies, lost, insane, and vindictive. She
window will only place you outside the Hut, wherever it
may be convinced to reveal the secret of its destruction
was when you entered it.
in return for freeing her from imprisonment.
Each time a creature leaves a room within the Mansion,
they must make a DC 20 Intelligence check or become IRON URN
lost as per the spell maze. Drawing a map only offers a
Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th
+2 bonus on that check, because the hallways elongate
Slot none; Weight 20 lbs.
and foreshorten, and rooms occasionally change
position within the Mansion. If a natural 20 is rolled a DESCRIPTION
small round sitting room, which appears to be the This vessel is the size of a water jug, made of
“correct” interior for the Hut, will be discovered. There unnaturally black iron and covered with unknown
is a spellbook with a list of command words to operate symbols that radiate strong magic. It has a porcelain
the various features of the Hut, including one that stopper, which is sealed with wax and wrapped with
allows navigation of the Mansion without getting lost. gold, silver, and copper wires.

On the outside, if the proper command word is given, Trapped inside the Urn is a nalfeshnee demon, a Prince
the stilts will transform into legs resembling those of a among demons captured and placed there long ago by
dinosaur or large bird. The Hut can walk, at a speed of the Warrior Saint himself. It will whisper to whoever
40, in the direction indicated. There is one tale that the holds the Urn, making promises of wealth and glory in
Hag used the power to “ride” into battle against the return for releasing it. The Demon Prince will promise
Servant of the Lost Gods. that so long as the holder possesses the Urn, the Demon
Prince will serve them and not attack them. The Demon
A final command word allows the entire Hut to travel to Prince, of course, lies. The Urn prevents it from using
other planes as by the spell gate. Each time the Hut its Charisma or other abilities, so it is entirely up to the
travels in this way, the view out of every window in the holder of the Urn to decide whether to believe it or not.
Mansion changes. If it is released the Demon Prince will, of course, attack
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS unless other means of controlling and containing it are
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history or engineering) check employed.
means you identify the Hut and are aware of the The holder of the Urn can use the Demon Prince’s spell-
history presented above, plus any additional like abilities, as a 12th level caster, with the same
campaign-specific information the gamemaster frequency as a nalfeshnee demon. It does not convey
may wish to provide. any other special abilities. Using these powers is
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana or planes) check considered an evil act. Each time one of the spell-like
means you know the powers and abilities of the abilities is used, the holder must make a DC 27 Will
Hut, internal and external. save or have their alignment shift one degree, first from

good to neutral to evil, then from lawful to neutral to death. If a non-lawful creature attempts to wield the
chaotic evil. If the holder is already chaotic evil, there is Mace, they will suffer the effects of a symbol of pain.
See demon, nalfeshnee in the Pathfinder Roleplaying  A DC 15 Knowledge (history or religion) check
Game Core Rulebook. means you identify the Mace and are aware of the
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS history presented above, plus any additional
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history or religion) check campaign-specific information the gamemaster
means you identify the Urn and are aware of the may wish to provide.
history presented above, plus any additional  A DC 15 Knowledge (history or religion) check
campaign-specific information the gamemaster means you know the powers and abilities of the
may wish to provide. item, but not of its protections against evil or
 A DC 15 Knowledge (planes or religion) check chaotic wielders.
means you know the powers and abilities of the  A DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check means you
Urn, but not of its ability to alter the alignment of are aware of at least one of the Consequences
its user. detailed below, including its protections against
being wielded by evil or chaotic creatures.
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history or planes) check
means you are aware of at least one of the  A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
Consequences detailed below, plus its ability to know the command words needed to activate the
corrupt the user’s alignment. powers.
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you CONSEQUENCES
know the command words needed to activate the Followers of the Warrior Saint will seek to capture the
Urn’s powers. Mace, venerating it as an artifact of the Saint. Anyone
CONSEQUENCES not of their faith who wields it could be accepted as the
The Demon Prince has a powerful cult dedicated to him, Chosen of the Warrior Saint, but they could as easily be
and they will seek the Urn in order to release him. denounced as an unworthy heretic and pretender. They
Followers of the Warrior Saint will seek to capture the may seek to place it into the hands of a Champion of
Urn, venerating it as an artifact of the Saint. They will Faith of their choosing.
remove it to a place where it can be guarded, so that the Members of the Demon Prince’s cult, as well as any
Demon Prince can never be released. If anyone is other powerful demon or undead who are aware of the
caught using the powers of the Urn, they will be treated Mace’s powers, will seek the destruction of it and its
as a corrupted heretic and blasphemer, and dealt with current wielder as a preemptive measure.
accordingly. DESTRUCTION
DESTRUCTION Only the power of the Scepter of the Demon Prince can
The Urn can only be destroyed by the Mace of the destroy the Mace.
Warrior Saint. If the Demon Prince is still contained
within, it is dispatched back to the Abyss and unable to MACHINE OF THE LOST GODS
return to the world for one hundred years and one day. Aura strong transmutation; CL 5th
Slot none; Weight 5,000 lbs.
Aura strong conjuration; CL 15th This device is the size of a horse-drawn cart, made of an
Slot none; Weight 8 lbs. unknown metal, and covered with dozens of dials,
DESCRIPTION levers, and knobs. It is obviously ancient and badly
This +5 heavy Mace was used by the lawful good damaged, with only about one third of its abilities still
Warrior Saint in his battle against the forces of chaotic functioning. It is said to have been constructed by
evil, including the infamous Demon Prince. It has the Agents of the Lost Gods, who came from another world
power to heal 150 points of damage with a touch, and and presented it to the man known as the Obsequious
inflicts that same amount damage to both undead and Cur. It was with the Machine that the Cur began to
demons who are struck by the weapon. conquer nations and forge an empire.
The Mace is an Intelligent, lawful good weapon, and can The main functions of the Machine appear to be
activate its powers as it sees fit. It cannot speak, but communication, which the Cur used to remain in touch
communicates by empathy, pushing feelings to its with his armies and the Servants of the Lost Gods;
wielder. It will glow faintly in the presence of chaos, transportation, which he used to move his assassins and
grow strongly in the presence of evil, and light up a 30 the Agents of the Lost Gods; imprisonment, which the
ft. radius as per a light spell in the presence of chaotic Cur used to hold his enemies captive; and weapons of
evil. There is no way to mute of mask this effect. mass destruction, deployed on the battlefield.
If an evil creature attempts to wield the Mace, they will The advanced technology of the Machine can perform
suffer 150 points of damage as per the spell symbol of each of the following spell-like abilities once per day:

 Binding The Mask is more like a helmet made of unadorned
 Disintegrate white porcelain, which conforms to the head of any
 Force Cage humanoid creature sized Small to Large. It allows the
 Freedom wearer to change their appearance as per the spell alter
 Imprisonment self. It also gives the wearer spell immunity to all mind-
The Machine can perform the following spell-like affecting enchantment spells. Finally, the wearer is
abilities three times per day: protected from divination spells as per the spell mind
 Prismatic Sphere blank.
 Reverse Gravity KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
 Teleportation Circle  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
 Temporal Stasis identify the Mask and are aware of the history
The Machine can perform the following spell-like presented above, plus any additional campaign-
abilities at will: specific information the gamemaster may wish to
 Discern Location
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
 Project Image
know the powers and abilities of the item Mask.
 Scrying, Greater
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
 Sunburst aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
 Teleport, Greater below.
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS  A DC 30 Knowledge (religion) check means you
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you know the command words needed to activate the
identify the Machine and are aware of the history powers of the Mask.
presented above, plus any additional campaign- CONSEQUENCES
specific information the gamemaster may wish to The Cult of the Trickster knows a false history of the
Mask, aware of the fact that it was created by their
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana or engineering) check
means you know the powers and abilities of the master but unaware of the full truth that it was used to
item. deceive him. They will seek it as an artifact of the
 A DC 20 Knowledge (planes) check means you are Trickster’s power, looking to trick the possessor of the
aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed Mask into giving it up, or stealing it if that doesn’t work.
below. If they learn the truth, they will seek to kill anyone who
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history or engineering) check dares to spread what they will interpret to be
means you know the combinations of dials, levers, blasphemous lies against their deity.
and knobs to manipulate in order to activate the
powers of the Machine. The descendants of the Warrior Lodge will want it as a
CONSEQUENCES trophy of their war against the Trickster. If they
The cult dedicated to the Lost Gods will seek this discover the wearer using its powers for purposes not in
artifact. It is said that they know a way to use it to open line with their ethos, they will assume her to be a
a gate through which the Lost Gods can cross over into follower of the Trickster and treat her accordingly.
this world. Oracles from the same temple as the original Gossamer
DESTRUCTION Oracle will want to acquire the Mask as a relic of their
The Machine has no powers on the home plane of the most famous and venerated member. If rumors of its
Lost God who created it. The only way to completely discovery reach them, they will go so far as to hire
destroy it is to locate that plane and take the Machine adventurers to recover it for them. This will lead to
there via a gate spell. The risk, of course, is that the conflict with scions of the Warrior Lodge who also lay
Lost Gods are waiting to come through into the world. claim to it.
MASK OF THE TRICKSTER The Mask can only be destroyed by someone tricked
Aura strong abjuration; CL 17th into destroying it.
Slot head; Weight --
There once was a Gossamer Oracle who served the Aura conjuration; CL 13th
Warrior Lodge opposed to the Trickster. Following a Slot none; Weight 3,000 lbs.
vision she presented herself to the Trickster, stating DESCRIPTION
that she had foreseen his inevitable rise to power. She This Huge instrument was built into a cathedral
would be willing to betray the Warrior Lodge, if he dedicated to the deities of arts and music. It has several
would only craft for her a special item, a Mask that gave hundred pipes; many hundreds of keys, and dozens of
its wearer great power. In his eagerness to defeat the petals spread over three rows. It can be played by a
Warrior Lodge, the Trickster had the Mask created, and single medium-sized humanoid, but appears as if
presented it to the Gossamer Oracle. She then used its designed to be played by three to five.
powers to betray the Trickster, and insure the victory of The Organ allows the player to utilize the following
the Warrior Lodge over him. spell-like abilities at will:

 Enthrall  A DC 15 Knowledge (history or nature) check
 Purify Food and Drink means you identify the Orb, but not the type, and
 Remove Blindness/Deafness are aware of the history presented above, plus any
 Remove Curse additional campaign-specific information the
 Remove Disease gamemaster may wish to provide.
 Remove Fear  A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
know the type of Orb, as well as its powers and
The Organ allows the player to utilize the following abilities.
spell-like abilities once per day:  A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
 Atonement aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
 Geas/Quest below.
 Owl’s Wisdom, Mass  A DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
 Raise Dead know the command words needed to activate the
 Resurrection powers of the Orb.
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you The possessor of an Orb automatically earns the enmity
identify the Organ and are aware of the history of all of dragonkind. That extends to those who consider
presented above, plus any additional campaign- themselves to be dragon-kin, including kobolds and
specific information the gamemaster may wish to dragon-blooded sorcerers. Metallic dragons and their
provide. allies may show semblance of mercy if the Orb has not
 A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you been used; the same cannot be said of chromatic
know the powers and abilities of the Organ. dragons and their minions.
 A DC 20 Knowledge (nobility or local) check There are those who will seek the Orbs specifically to be
means you are aware of at least one of the used a bargaining chips, to get a dragon to perform
Consequences detailed below. some service in return for an Orb containing the
 A DC 30 Knowledge (religion) check means you essence of an ancestor. This of course is dangerous
know the command words needed to activate the business, and anyone caught up in it in any way, no
powers of the Organ. matter how minor, will face grave peril.
The Organ is impossible to move, so its discovery will ORBS OF DIVINE MIGHT
lead to its location becoming a shrine site to the deities Aura strong abjuration; CL 15th
of art and music. The local gods and their mortal Slot none; Weight 3 lbs.
followers will not be pleased with this, unwilling to cede DESCRIPTION
any degree of power to rival temples. This will lead to Each of these Orbs was originally wielded by one of the
political unrest, random acts of violence, and a great three Nameless Kings, agents of the gods and demons
deal of strife in the area as various factions struggle for of the Ethical Alignments. If a person attempts to use
power. Of course, final blame will fall to whoever an Orb of a different Ethical Alignment than their own,
discovered the location of the Organ. they suffer 5d6 electrical damage.
DESTRUCTION The Orb projects a field in a 30 ft. radius around the
If played loudly and badly, the Organ will begin to holder that acts as a dimensional lock, preventing
damage itself. For each round it’s misplayed, it deals teleportation and dimensional travel in or out of the
3d6 points of sonic damage to all listeners within a 100 area. It also projects an antimagic field in the same
foot radius. After 10 rounds, it will explode causing area that suppresses spells and spell-like abilities.
10d6 points of damage in the same radius.
 The Orb of Divine Might is a single diamond larger
than a human fist, with hundreds of minute facets
making it appear around.
Roll to determine what sort of Orb is found in a random
 The Orb of Fiendish Evil is an irregular sphere of
black iron the size of a Large humanoid’s fist, with
01-10 black dragon orb
veins of unknown red and silverfish metal that
11-20 blue dragon orb
change patterns when no one is looking directly at
21-30 brass dragon orb
31-40 bronze dragon orb
 The Orb of Tranquil Neutrality is a smooth crystal
41-50 copper dragon orb
the size of a halfling’s head, filled with a whitish
51-60 gold dragon orb
liquid and fine metallic green particles.
61-70 green dragon orb
71-80 red dragon orb Roll to determine the type of crown found in a random
81-90 silver dragon orb hoard:
91-100 white dragon orb 01-34 orb of divine good
See orb of dragonkind in the Pathfinder Roleplaying 35-77 orb of fiendish evil
Game Core Rulebook. 78-100 orb of tranquil neutrality

See antimagic field, dimensional lock in the Pathfinder served him in his campaigns against the Demon Prince.
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. It was meant to strike fear into the wicked and sinful,
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS and to teach the kindly-hearted paladin the value and
 A DC 10 Knowledge (history or nobility) check necessity of punishing those who turned against the will
means you identify the Orb and are aware of its of the deities of goodness and lawfulness.
history as presented above, plus any additional This sphere of smoky black crystal glows with the image
campaign-specific information the gamemaster of a red, grasping right hand within. It grants the holder
may wish to provide. You do not, however, know a +4 deflection bonus against chaos and evil for as long
the Orb’s Ethical Alignment. as it is held in the user’s right hand. It can also generate
 A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you a magic circle against chaos or magic circle against
know the powers and abilities of the Orb, as well as evil three times per day, manifesting an actual circle of
its Ethical Alignment. ethereal red and black flames in a 10 feet radius.
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history or nobility) check When held by a paladin, the Orb gains one additional
means you are aware of the Consequences detailed power. Pressed against the forehead of a target, its
below, as well as what happens when someone of a obsidian flames will burn a mark of justice into the skin
different Ethical Alignment tries to use the Orb. and even scorching it into the skull below. The paladin
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you using the Orb sets the trigger behavior and the curse
know the command words needed to activate the effect. This effect can be used at will.
Orb’s powers.
If an unworthy (non-good or non-lawful) creature
CONSEQUENCES attempts to use the Orb, they are subject to a curse that
By holding an Orb, one can argue that they are the inflicts a -6 decrease to their Wisdom score (minimum
chosen of the gods and are therefore the rightful king. 1). This penalty is only inflicted once; if the target is
Such a claim is not a strong as wearing the Crown, but it neither good nor lawful, they don’t suffer the curse
can still convey divine support. This means that the effect twice.
currently sitting monarch will not only wish to possess
it, but see any player character that carries it as a threat
to their power. Even if the king is generous and benign,  A DC 15 Knowledge (history or religion) check
there will be loyal members of the court who do see a means you identify the Orb and are aware of the
threat, and will attempt to have the wearer eliminated. history presented above, plus any additional
Add in those who do seek the throne for themselves, for campaign-specific information the gamemaster
whom the Orb would be a great benefit, and the holder may wish to provide.
will find himself in constant peril.  A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you
know the powers and abilities of the Orb, but not
Modern deities may or may not be the same deities who the punishment for unworthy wielders.
created the Orb. The original deities may have their
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
own plans as to whom should wield the Orb, and the
aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
player character may not be that choice. They will set
below, as well as the curse inflicted on unworthy
events in motion to insure the Orb ends up with the
person of their selection.
 A DC 30 Knowledge (religion) check means you
Modern deities and their clerics may take the holding of know the command words needed to activate the
the Orb as veneration of old, deposed, or dead gods, and powers of the Orb.
therefore blasphemy. They will do what they can to CONSEQUENCES
punish the wearer for engaging in such heresy. The Cult of the Warrior Saint will seek out this relic, as
Those who seek the Orbs of other Ethical Alignments will many paladins and inquisitors of similar ideologies
will also be curious, at the very least. The discovery of and dispositions. If it is possessed by a non-lawful
one Orb may lead to clues as to the location of the creature, they will be intimidating to get it; if it is
others. They will seek to thwart the wearer from gaining possessed by a non-good creature, they will be
too much political power, in order to better promote the physically forceful.
tenets of their own Ethical Alignment. The Cult of the Demon Prince desires the Orb’s
DESTRUCTION destruction, both for its association with the Warrior
An Orb can be destroyed if all three Orbs are brought Saint and as revenge for the number of their followers
together, and the holders of the other two Orbs can marked by its flames.
cooperate to focus on its destruction.
The Orb of Obsidian Flame can be smashed to pieces by
ORB OF OBSIDIAN FLAME the Scepter of the Demon Prince.
Aura strong abjuration CL 10th
Slot none; Weight 2 lbs.
It is said that this item was commissioned by the
Warrior Saint as a reward for a trusted paladin who

QUILL OF TRUTH powers can once more be used for good rather than
Aura strong divination; CL 15th wickedness. Members of the order itself may go so far
Slot none; Weight -- as to hire adventurers to undertake its recovery, should
they hear rumors of its whereabouts.
There was once a poor nobleman who had neither DESTRUCTION
enough lands nor titles to go around to all of his The Quill can be destroyed by dipping its tip into
children. His youngest son was sent off to the unholy water.
priesthood, that he might have both education and
occupation. The son was not happy with this RECORDER OF ALARM
arrangement, or the vows to which he was to be sworn. Aura strong enchantment; CL 16th
On his first night within the monastery, he learned of a Slot none; Weight --
magical quill possessed by the Abbot. The Quill would DESCRIPTION
write on its own, scribing the Abbot’s words as he spoke This simple woodwind instrument has a checkered
them. It was said that the Quill could also locate lost history. It is said to have once been used by a legendary
objects, by drawing maps and scribing directions. bard to rid a village of vermin, charming them into
following him to a nearby river then jumping in and
The youngest son’s first night in the monastery was also
drowning themselves. It is also said to have been used
his last. He stole the Quill and went on to lead a life of
by another bard to make all of the guests at party to
crime, becoming the infamous Flagellant Thief. He
dance to the point of exhaustion and death, because the
made his fortune locating lost treasures and evading the
lord throwing the event had insulted him. Finally, an
traps and guardians of kings and wealthy merchants, all
evil bard is said to have used the Recorder to kidnap
with the aid of the Quill.
children by luring them from their homes in the night.
In addition to moving on its own to write the words
The Recorder is capable of playing itself with a
spoken by its owner, the Quill can use the following
command word. It will also sound an alarm, as per the
abilities once per day:
spell of the same name, if any creature enters an area
 Discern Location
designated by the Recorder’s owner.
 Scrying, Greater
The Quill can also use the following abilities at will: The Recorder allows the player to cast the spell
irresistible dance at will against.
 Augury
 Divination If played by a bard, the Recorder allows the player to
Rather than allowing the user to have visions, the Quill cast the spell mass charm monster three times per day,
writes descriptions and draws maps and illustrations. affecting up to 32HD worth of creatures.
This takes one full minute to perform. It requires both KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
ink and paper in order to write.  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS identify the Recorder and are aware of the history
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you presented above, plus any additional campaign-
identify the Quill and are aware of the history specific information the gamemaster may wish to
presented above, plus any additional campaign- provide.
specific information the gamemaster may wish to  A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
provide. This drops to DC 10 for rogues, as every know the powers and abilities of the Recorder.
thief throughout time has heard tales of the Quill  A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
and the Flagellant Thief. aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana/religion) check means below.
you know the powers and abilities of the Quill.  A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are know the command words needed to activate the
aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed powers of the Recorder.
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you There are many who have only heard the tragic tales of
know the command words needed to activate the the Recorder’s use, and consider it to be an instrument
powers of the Quill. of evil. They will assume that any who use the artifact
CONSEQUENCES mean to do harm with it. This belief is not limited to
Every thief throughout time has heard of the Quill of superstitious villagers; many bards believe the item to
Truth. It’s considered a great coup to steal it from its be cursed. Others have only heard of its positive uses,
current owner. The definition of steal is often expanded and will desire it as a tool to rid their village of vermin
to include a knife in the ribs. or to cleanse the surrounding countryside of orcs,
goblins, and the like.
Followers of the same deity as the Abbot who originally
owned the Quill have also heard the story many, many DESTRUCTION
times, and will consider it a matter of honor to recover The Recorder will be destroyed if its owner is slain
it and return it to a shrine or reliquary, where its while playing it.

RELIC TEETH OF THE MARTYRED SAINT also have an opinion regarding the use of the Teeth, and
Aura conjuration; CL 20th intervene directly or indirectly.
Slot none; Weight -- DESTRUCTION
DESCRIPTION The Teeth can be destroyed by burying them in
After the Martyred Saint was sent to his final reward, unhallowed ground on the night of the new moon, then
unscrupulous thieves set out to rob his grave. This was dug up in the morning and ground into powder.
foolish, for the Saint retained no coin or material
possessions, dispersing such things to the poor as RING OF THE UNKNOWN
quickly as he attained them. Legends say that the Aura evocation; CL 11th
thieves were found the next morning beside the Saint’s Slot none; Weight --
empty grave, no sign of a body. One of the thieves DESCRIPTION
clutched in his hand an assortment of loose teeth, which The origin of this Ring is unknown, although many
many believe to have been pulled from the dead Saint’s suspect that is originated on the same plane as the alien
mouth in order to sell them as relics. Lost Gods and may be of the same manufacture as the
The Teeth are kept in a small, plain leather bag, on a Machine and the Servant. It is crafted from an
long cord meant to be worn about the neck. Once per unidentifiable metal, and set with an unknown stone
day, the bag can be used to cast mass heal, restoring up that can be turned, and changes color depending upon
to 250 hit points each to every creature in a 75 foot the position it is turned to.
radius. The ring has several powers, each of which can be set by
If used by a cleric, the Teeth can be used to cast true changing the position of the stone. Unfortunately, the
resurrection once per week, bringing back creatures stone is loose (and cannot be repaired), and there is a
that have been dead for as long as 200 years. Sadly, this 10% chance that each time the ring is used it will move
cannot be used to bring back the Martyred Saint and activate a randomly rolled power instead.
himself. The powers of the Ring, and the color the stone
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS changes, are as follows:
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you 01-10 wall of force (black)
identify the teeth and are aware of the history 11-20 fireball (red)
presented above, plus any additional campaign- 21-30 force cage (orange)
specific information the gamemaster may wish to 31-40 forceful hand (yellow)
41-50 interposing hand (green)
51-60 lightning bolt (blue)
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana/religion) check means 61-70 wind wall (indigo)
you know the powers and abilities of the item. 71-80 resilient sphere (violet)
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are 81-90 ice storm (white)
aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed 91-100 ring malfunctions*
below. *Roll again, with wearer becoming the target of the power
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you rolled. The Ring will also take damage.
know the command words needed to activate the KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
powers.  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
CONSEQUENCES identify the Ring and are aware of the history
The Hierarchy of the Venerable Church, devoted to the presented above, plus any additional campaign-
Martyred Saint’s deity, would certainly love to lay claim specific information the gamemaster may wish to
to the Teeth. Like the Cup, the Church would enshrine provide.
them in a reliquary, where they would rarely be used to  A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
found a pilgrimage site, the use of their powers reserved know the powers and abilities of the Ring, but not
only for the Church elite, substantial financial its flaw.
contributors, and powerful political allies.  A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
The Martyred Saint has a cult devoted to him, which is
below, as well as the effect of the loose stone.
frequently at odds with the Venerable Church both
politically and theologically. Rather than lock the Teeth CONSEQUENCES
away, they would seek to have them used in accordance Those seeking to join the Cult of the Lost Gods may
with the teachings of the Saint, traveling among the think this alien artifact is the key to being accepted.
common people in order to bring healing and a message They would be wrong. Cultists do not know what it is,
of hope and compassion. This, in turn, would generate a but they know that it does not belong to their mythos.
populist movement that would either force the Followers of the Trickster believe that it was created,
Venerable Church to change its policies, or result in a with intentional flaws, by their lord as a prank. They’ll
schism and formation of a new church. want to get the Ring and through subterfuge and
Some claim that the Martyred Saint was elevated to the trickery have it fall into the possession of one of their
level of a demigod, or at least given a position of enemies. To do this, they need to get it away from the
importance in the afterlife. If this is so, the Saint may wearer before it blows up.

The ring has a hardness of 10, but due to damage only By wielding a Scepter, one can argue that they are the
has 50 hit points left. If it takes that much damage, chosen of the gods and therefore the rightful king. The
possibly from one of its own powers malfunctioning, it only thing that would trump this would be the wearing
will explode. The explosion will also remove the hand of the Crown. This means that the currently sitting
wearing the ring. monarch will not only wish to possess the Scepter, but
see any player character who wields it as a threat to
SCEPTER OF DIVINE MIGHT their power. Even if the king is generous and benign,
Aura strong evocation; CL 17th there will be loyal members of the court who do see a
Slot none; Weight 3 lbs. threat, and will attempt to have the wielder eliminated.
Add in those who do seek the throne for themselves, for
whom the Scepter would be a great benefit, and the
Each of these Scepters was originally wielded by one of
wearer will find himself in constant peril.
the three Nameless Kings, agents of the gods and
demons of the Ethical Alignments. If a person attempts Modern deities may or may not be the same deities who
to wield a Scepter of a different Ethical Alignment than created the Scepter. The original deities may have their
their own, they suffer 5d6 electrical damage. own plans as to whom should wield the Scepter, and the
player character may not be that choice. They will set
The wielder of the Scepter can point it at a single target
events in motion to insure the Scepter ends up in the
of a different Ethical Alignment and cause that target to
right hand of the person of their selection.
collapse in upon itself as per the spell implosion. On a
successful DC 27 Fortitude save the target takes no Modern deities and their clerics may take the wielding
damage; on a failed save, the target takes 170 points of of the Scepter as veneration of old, deposed, or dead
damage. This power can be used once per round gods, and therefore blasphemy. They will do what they
without limit, and does not work on creatures of the can to punish the wearer for engaging in such heresy.
same Ethical Alignment as the Scepter. Those who seek the Scepters of other Ethical
 The Scepter of Divine Good is two feet long, Alignments will also be curious, at the very least. The
crafted from gold, with a blue enameled shaft and discovery of one Scepter may lead to clues as to the
a giant pearl at its tip. location of the others. They will seek to thwart the
 The Scepter of Fiendish Evil appears to be the wearer from gaining too much political power, in order
petrified femur of a large humanoid, wound with a to better promote the tenets of their own Ethical
one inch band of copper wire near the top. Alignment.
 The Scepter of Tranquil Neutrality is a plain rod DESTRUCTION
of ivory, with a small diamond set in one end and a A Scepter can be destroyed if all three Scepters are
lump of coal set in the other. brought together, and the wielders of the other two
Scepters can cooperate to focus on its destruction.
Roll to determine the type of crown found in a random
01-34 scepter of divine good
35-77 scepter of fiendish evil Aura necromancy; CL 17th
78-100 scepter of tranquil neutrality Slot none; Weight --
See implosion in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game DESCRIPTION
Core Rulebook. This Scepter once belonged to the Nalfeshnee demon
imprisoned within the Iron Urn by the Warrior Saint. It
is often identified with the Scepter of Fiendish Evil, but
 A DC 10 Knowledge (history or nobility) check
it is in fact a separate object.
means you identify the Scepter and are aware of its
history as presented above, plus any additional The wielder of the Scepter can point it at a single target
campaign-specific information the gamemaster and inflict negative levels as per the spell energy drain.
may wish to provide. You do not, however, know A DC 27 Fortitude save is required to avoid the level
the Scepter’s Ethical Alignment. drain becoming permanent. This ability can be used
 A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you once per round.
know the powers and abilities of the Scepter, as By touching the Scepter to a dead body, the wielder can
well as its Ethical Alignment. transform it into a shadow or wraith as per the spell
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history or nobility) check create greater undead. This ability can be used three
means you are aware of the Consequences detailed times per day.
below, as well as what happens when someone of a KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
different Ethical Alignment tries to use the
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history or religion) check
means you identify the Scepter and are aware of
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you the history presented above, plus any additional
know the command words needed to activate the campaign-specific information the gamemaster
Scepter’s powers. may wish to provide.

 A DC 15 Knowledge (planes or religion) check  A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana or planes) check
means you know the powers and abilities of the means you know the powers and abilities of the
Scepter. Servant.
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history or planes) check  A DC 20 Knowledge (planes) check means you are
means you are aware of at least one of the aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
Consequences detailed below. below.
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you  A DC 30 Knowledge (history or planes) check
know the command words needed to activate the means you know the command words needed to
powers of the Scepter. activate the powers of the Servant.
The followers of the Demon Prince seek this item in The Agents of the Lost Gods are aware of this artifact’s
order to venerate him, as well as to use it as a weapon location and monitor it regularly. If it is stolen, they will
against the followers of the Warrior Saint. They will go to great lengths to get it back.
seek to destroy anyone else who dares to wield it. Anyone seeking to lay siege to a city will seek the power
Other demons who seek to usurp the station of the of the Servant. Anyone opposed to a tyrant
Demon Prince seek it as a claim to power and authority. commanding a metal giant of enormous destructive
They, too, will not trifle with anyone else possessing or power will want the Servant to remain hidden.
wielding it, and destroy them out of hand. DESTRUCTION
The followers of the Warrior Saint seek it, in order to The combined might of the Seven Kingdom Staff was
destroy it. Anyone wielding it will be considered needed to destroy the majority of the Servants.
corrupted by evil and treated accordingly. Submerging the Servant completely in water will
prevent it from using its chain lightning and sunburst
powers, but if it managed to get out of the water and dry
Only the power of the Mace of the Warrior Saint can
destroy the Scepter, by striking it and smashing it. out for one full day, those powers will return.


Aura strong evocation; CL 15th Aura varies (see below); CL 17th
Slot none; Weight -- Slot none; Weight 4 lbs. each

Among the gifts bestowed upon the Obsequious Cur by In the time of the Greatest War of the Seven Kingdoms
the Agents of the Lost Gods were a number of there were Seven Tremulous Wizards, each the master
of one arcane school. Each Wizard was in turn the
Gargantuan humanoid constructs, walking siege
teacher, mentor, and advisor to one of the Seven
engines which laid waste to the lands of the Cur’s
Rightful Heirs, who ruled their lands in the name of
enemies. Only one is known to have survived, hidden
away by the Agents of the Lost Gods until the time is Men rather than alien gods or philosophies imposed by
right for their masters to once again exert their extraplanar entities.
influence upon this plane. These Wizards were concerned about the growing
The Servant walks at a speed of 40, and does 10d6 power of the Nameless Kings, and had foreseen the rise
of the Obsequious Cur. To amplify their own powers in
points of crushing damage to anything it steps on. Its
order to better defend the Seven Kingdoms, each
CMD is 40, making it difficult to knock over, and it
takes 5 rounds for it to stand up again if it falls. Up to Wizard crafted a Staff infused with the power of their
five medium-sized humanoids can ride inside the school. These were traded among them, so that the
Servant. Tremulous Wizard of Conjuration might share some
small part of the Tremulous Wizard of Illusion, or the
Every other round, the Servant can fire a bolt of chain Tremulous Wizard of Transmutation might have access
lightning to a 1000 range from its right hand, doing to some powers of the Tremulous Wizard of Abjuration.
15d6 points of damage to the primary target and up to
The Staves were also made that they might be
15 adjacent secondary targets.
combined. If Wizards stood side by side in battle and
Five times per day it can fire a sunburst from a great one fell, their Staff could be joined with one wielded by
prism upon its chest, to a range of 1000 feet, potentially a Wizard still standing, amplifying her (or his) power.
blinding and dealing damage to all creatures in an 80 Such a time did come, when all Seven Tremulous
foot radius. Wizards fought shoulder to shoulder. As each was
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS struck down, their Staff was taken up by another. When
at last there was only one Wizard left she carried the
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
Seven Kingdom Staff, an artifact of incredible power.
identify the Servant and are aware of the history
presented above, plus any additional campaign- When the time came that the Last Tremulous Wizard
specific information the gamemaster may wish to passed into eternity, the Seven Kingdom Staff broke
provide. back down into its component Staves, which were then

scattered throughout the lands, until such time as they KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
would need to be brought to bear again.  A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you
Each Staff is 4 feet long, made of smoothly polished and identify the Staff as one of the Seven, and are
lacquered hardwood, more closely resembling a rod. aware of the history presented above plus any
When the ends of two or more Staves are pressed additional campaign-specific information the
together, they fuse into a solid Staff that is 7 feet long. gamemaster may wish to provide. The check is DC
No matter how many Staves are fused in this manner, 10 for wizards.
the Staff will always remain 7 feet long.  A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
know the powers and abilities of the item. Detect
Being wondrous items rather than true staves, the magic will reveal the aura, but not the abilities.
Staves do not use charges and instead having abilities
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
that are usable a fixed number of times per day. They
aware of at least one of the Consequences
use the caster level listed, rather than the user’s caster
associated with the Staves.
level. They may be used by any creature capable of
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
casting arcane magic, not just wizards.
know the command words needed to activate the
Each Staff can be used as a magic weapon, treated as if powers of the Staff in question.
it were a quarterstaff, with a +1 bonus to hit and a +1
bonus on damage. The bonus increases for each Staff
It is rumored that the Seven Staves have been entrusted
fused together. Any creature capable of using a
to Seven Orders of Monks, each of whom guards one of
quarterstaff can use the Staves in this way, although it
these relics. They are said to hide them in plain sight,
they cannot cast arcane magic they will not have access
using them as weapons. If one of the Staves is no longer
to its other powers.
in their care, they will seek to reclaim it.
 If any 2 Staves are assembled, the newly-formed Modern arcane schools all trace their ancestry to one of
Two Kingdom Staff gains their combined abilities, the Seven Tremulous Wizards. Each seeks to own the
and functions as a +2 quarterstaff. Staff that equates to their school, as a symbol of power,
 If any 3 Staves are assembled, the Three Kingdom or a symbol of office to be wielded by their arch-mage.
Staff gains their combined abilities, functions as a Some would simply wish to enshrine it, or to study it.
+3 quarterstaff, and adds the ability to cast The cultists who venerate the Lost Gods will seek to
permanency once per day. destroy any Staff that is located, as revenge for the part
 If any 4 Staves are assembled, the Four Kingdom the Tremulous Wizards played in banishing their deities
Staff gains their combined abilities, functions as a from the world.
+4 quarterstaff, has the ability to cast permanency
Devotees of the Ethical Alignments will seek the
twice per day.
destruction of any Staff that turns up, as some small
 If any 5 Staves are assembled, the Five Kingdom
revenge for the role played by the Tremulous Wizards in
Staff gains their combined abilities, functions as a
the defeat of the Nameless Kings.
+5 quarterstaff, plus has the ability to cast
permanency twice per day and limited wish once DESTRUCTION
per week. A Staff can only be destroyed by the powers of the
 If any 6 Staves are assembled, the Six Kingdom Machine of the Lost Gods, or one of the Scepters of
Staff gains their combined abilities, functions as a Divine Power. Each of the Seven Staves must be
+6 quarterstaff, plus has the ability to cast destroyed separately.
permanency three times per day and limited wish
 If all 7 Staves are assembled, the Seven Kingdom Aura strong abjuration; CL 17th
Staff gains their combined abilities, functions as a Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
+7 quarterstaff, plus the ability to cast DESCRIPTION
permanency three times per day, limited wish This Staff allows the user to cast the following spell
three times per week, and to grant a wish once per once per day:
week.  Mage’s Disjunction
If the wielder of a combined Staff is killed, that Staff will The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells
be reduced back into its component Staves. three times per day:
 Break Enchantment
Roll to determine which Staff discovered in a random
 Mage’s Private Sanctum
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells at
01-14 staff of abjuration will:
15-28 staff of conjuration  Alarm
29-43 staff of divination  Hold Portal
44-57 staff of enchantment
58-71 staff of evocation
72-86 staff of illusion
87-100 staff of transmutation

SEVEN KINGDOM STAFF: CONJURATION The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells at
Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th will:
Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.  Magic Missile
 Scorching Ray
This Staff allows the user to cast the following spell
 Teleportation Circle Aura strong illusion; CL 17th
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
three times per day: DESCRIPTION
 Teleport This Staff allows the user to cast the following spell
 Planar Binding once per day:
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells at  Weird
will: The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells
 Obscuring Mist three times per day:
 Unseen Servant  Nightmare
 Phantasmal Killer
SEVEN KINGDOM STAFF: DIVINATION The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells at
Aura strong divination; CL 17th will:
Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.  Color Spray
DESCRIPTION  Hypnotic Pattern
This Staff allows the user to cast the following spell
 Foresight Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
three times per day:
 Contact Other Plane
This Staff allows the user to cast the following spell
 Scrying
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells at once per day:
will:  Shape Change
 Detect Secret Doors The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells
 Locate Object three times per day:
 Enlarge Person, Mass
Aura strong enchantment; CL 17th The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells at
Slot none; Weight 4 lbs. will:
 Enlarge Person
This Staff allows the user to cast the following spell  Reduce Person
once per day:
 Power Word Kill SWORD, LICHBANE
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells Aura necromancy; CL 15th
three times per day: Slot none; Weight 8 lbs.
 Feeblemind DESCRIPTION
 Mind Fog In order to stop the Arch-Lich, the Nameless King of
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells at Neutrality sent for the Lichbane Champion to slay him.
will: Wielding the Greatsword Lichbane, he rode forth and in
 Hypnotism a battle that lasted nine days the Champion chopped
 Sleep the Arch-Lich into pieces, and then burned the remains.
Or so he though.
Lichbane is a +5 Greatsword, +7 vs. liches. It does an
Aura strong evocation; CL 17th
extra 3d6 points of damage to any undead, or 5d6 to a
Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
lich. If any creature not of the neutral Ethical Alignment
DESCRIPTION (that is, good or evil creatures) attempt to wield
This Staff allows the user to cast the following spell Lichbane, they gain 1d4 negative levels. These levels
once per day: come back 24 hours after the creature stops touching
 Meteor Swarm the sword.
The Staff allows the user to cast the following spells
If there is an Ocular Host (possessor of the Eye of the
three times per day:
Arch-Lich) or Sinister Host (possessor of the Hand of
 Chain Lightning
the Arch-Lich) afoot in the world, the wielder of
 Ice Storm
Lichbane will be awakened by nightmares depicting the

Host(s) and their actions in the world. The wielder will THRONE OF DIVINE MIGHT
also have waking visions of the Hosts, and be able to Aura strong conjuration; CL 13th
identify their location. If the wielder (in fact, the new Slot none; Weight --
Lichbane Champion, whether willing or unwilling) does
not follow these portents and seek out the Hosts, they
Each of these Thrones was crafted to acts as the seat of
will not be able to take proper rest and gain its benefits,
power for one of the three Nameless Kings, agents of
including healing damage and regaining spells. If they
the gods and demons of the Ethical Alignments. If a
choose to pursue the Hosts, the nightmares will subside
person attempts to sit upon a Throne of a different
and the visions will only come upon them in order to
Ethical Alignment than their own, they suffer 5d6
steer the Lichbane Champion in the correct direction.
electrical damage.
Sitting in a Throne activates a repulsion field,
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history or nobility) check preventing any creature from coming within and range
means you identify Lichbane and are aware of the up to 30 feet of the seated creature without their
history presented above, plus any additional permission. It also allows a creature of compatible
campaign-specific information the gamemaster Ethical Alignment to regenerate.
may wish to provide.
 The Throne of Divine Good is a high-backed gilded
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you
chair, upholstered in rich red velvet that never gets
know the powers and abilities of the Sword.
 A DC 20 Knowledge (history) check means you are
 The Throne of Fiendish Evil is a crude, squarish
aware of at least one of the Consequences detailed
seat carved from a single block of black marble,
with dried blood congealed in its cracks; uttering a
CONSEQUENCES command word allows it to levitate and be moved
There is a Secret Order of the Lichbane, a society that easily.
has been actively seeking the Sword since the original  The Throne of Tranquil Neutrality is a three-
Lichbane Champion vanished following the epic battle. legged wooden stool, similar to those used for
These warriors continually quest to find it, and each milking cows.
trains so that she might be worthy to be the new
Champion if the fates choose her to be the finder. All stools will resize themselves to accommodate a
Members of the Order will be highly upset if someone creature of compatible alignment from Small to Large.
who is not one of them locates and possesses the sword, Roll to determine the type of crown found in a random
especially if the wielder is not of the Ethical Alignment hoard:
of Neutrality. 01-34 throne of divine good
Any laying claim to the title of the Nameless King of 35-77 throne of fiendish evil
Neutrality, through possession of the Crown, Scepter, 78-100 throne of tranquil neutrality
Orb, or Throne of Tranquil Neutrality, will seek out a See regeneration and repulsion in the Pathfinder
new Lichbane Champion as an ally and bond with them Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
in brotherhood. They will be most upset if Lichbane’s KNOWLEDGE CHECKS
owner is not of the Ethical Alignment of Neutrality.  A DC 10 Knowledge (history or nobility) check
Any laying claim to the title of the Nameless King of means you identify the Throne and are aware of its
Evil, through possession of the Crown, Scepter, Orb, or history as presented above, plus any additional
Throne of Fiendish Evil, will consider the Lichbane campaign-specific information the gamemaster
Champion an enemy. may wish to provide. You do not, however, know
the Throne’s Ethical Alignment.
The Arch-Lich has his own cult, necromancers who
view him as the greatest practitioner of their dark arts.  A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check means you
They consider Lichbane to be a blasphemous thing, and know the powers and abilities of the Throne, as
will seek to avenge his destruction by annihilating both well as its Ethical Alignment.
the Sword and any aspirant to the title of Lichbane  A DC 20 Knowledge (history or nobility) check
Champion. means you are aware of the Consequences detailed
below, as well as what happens when someone of a
The Ocular Host and/or Sinister Host will actively seek different Ethical Alignment tries to use the
the demise of the Champion and destruction of the Throne.
Sword, if only as a preventive measure. They will find it
 A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
easy to enroll the aid of powerful undead, who are also
know the command words needed to activate the
at risk of falling to its blade.
Throne’s powers.
If the Eye and Hand of the Arch-Lich are reunited and
Simply sitting upon the Throne does not automatically
grafted onto the same creature, the Hand’s finger of
convey any claim to kingship, as the Crown, Scepter,
death can destroy Lichbane.
and Orb might. Still, the currently sitting monarch will

wish to possess it, as will those who seek to be king (or  A DC 20 Knowledge (history or arcana) check
queen). means you are aware of the Consequences detailed
Modern deities may or may not be the same deities who below.
created the Throne. The original deities may have their  A DC 30 Knowledge (history) check means you
own plans as to whom should be seated upon the know the command words needed to activate the
Throne, and the player character may not be that Nightingale’s powers.
choice. They will set events in motion to insure the CONSEQUENCES
Throne ends up with the person of their selection. The doppelgangers who consider the Merchant Queen
Modern deities and their clerics may take use of the to be their common ancestor seek out any artifact of
Throne as veneration of old, deposed, or dead gods, and hers, as a way to assert their identity as a race and as
therefore blasphemy. They will do what they can to individuals. This object is highly desirable to them.
punish the wearer for engaging in such heresy. Gnomish tinkers would do much to be able to examine
Those who seek the Thrones of other Ethical this item, to learn from its delicate and complex
Alignments will also be curious, at the very least. The workings. Some would resort to theft; others might go
discovery of one Throne may lead to clues as to the so far as to commit murder.
location of the others. They will seek to thwart the Illusionists appreciate the Nightingale as a curio, an
owner from gaining too much political power, in order amusing bit of entertainment, and many would enjoy
to better promote the tenets of their own Ethical having it hang in their towers or homes. Most would be
Alignment. happy to offer reasonable bids, but the less scrupulous
DESTRUCTION might stoop to other means. If multiple wizards decide
A Throne can be destroyed if the complete set of Crown, they want it, and those wizards are already embroiled in
Orb, and Scepter from another Ethical Alignment can rivalry and less-than-friendly competition, the results
be brought together and their powers turned upon it. will be ugly.
WONDROUS NIGHTINGALE The Wondrous Nightingale can be dismantled by a DC
Aura illusion; CL 15th 40 Craft (jewelry) check. Otherwise, the jewelry cannot
Slot none; Weight -- find the nearly invisible seams and joints where it is
held together.
This Tiny platinum construct is encrusted with tiny
jewels, and sits in a cage of fine platinum wire. It is said
that the Merchant Queen had this device created for her
For more tables, as well as statistics for a full range of
own amusement, and kept it with her at all times. When
magic items, check out the following Asparagus
a command word is spoken, the Nightingale can
Jumpsuit Missing Magic products*:
perform beautiful, lilting birdsongs and project
accompanying illusory entertainments of colorful AJ7300 Missing Magic: Random Treasure
finches in flight and falling flower petals. When a AJ7301 Missing Magic: Potions
second command word is spoken, it can confuse, stun, AJ7302 Missing Magic: Scrolls
or render unconscious up to 15 HD of creatures as per AJ7303 Missing Magic: Rings
the spell scintillating pattern. A final command word AJ7304 Missing Magic: Rods, Staves, Wands
will render one creature of less than 200 HP AJ7305 Missing Magic: Miscellaneous Magic A
permanently blinded (no saving throw). AJ7306 Missing Magic: Miscellaneous Magic B
AJ7307 Missing Magic: Miscellaneous Magic C
KNOWLEDGE CHECKS AJ7308 Missing Magic: Miscellaneous Magic D
 A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check means you AJ7309 Missing Magic: Miscellaneous Magic E
identify the Nightingale and are aware of at least AJ7310 Missing Magic: Artifacts and Relics
the amount of the history of the Merchant Queen AJ7311 Missing Magic: Armor and Shields
presented above, plus any additional campaign- AJ7312 Missing Magic: Magic Weapons
specific information the gamemaster may wish to *If you don’t own any of the above fine Asparagus Jumpsuit
provide. products, the gamemaster can choose a pre-generated item of
 A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check means you the type rolls from the selection in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
know the powers and abilities of the Nightingale. Game Core Rulebook.

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License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with
the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open
Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of
any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy,
modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the
Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.

Asparagus Jumpsuit™
Asparagus Jumpsuit™ is Berin Kinsman (formerly known as UncleBear) and his wife, the artist Katie Kinsman. Visit us at

MISSING MAGIC: SPECIAL ITEMS™ © Copyright 2012 Berin Kinsman. All rights reserved. This is version 1.0 of this
document, released on July 17, 2012.

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Compatibility License. See compatibility for more information on the compatibility


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