A Requirement Model For Customer Complaint System Based On CRM: A Case of Universiti Utara Malaysia
A Requirement Model For Customer Complaint System Based On CRM: A Case of Universiti Utara Malaysia
A Requirement Model For Customer Complaint System Based On CRM: A Case of Universiti Utara Malaysia
Muhammad Nanda Rimansyah
institutions, and it is important to know how to handle them more efficiently in order
to keep and maintain the relationships with the “customers” such as student, alumnae,
staff members, faculty (college) members, and etc. At the moment, the customer can
only lodge their complaints, but their problem might not be entertained. This project
usefulness and ease of use where the respondents are from Universiti Utara Malaysia
(UUM) students. The feedbacks from 50 respondents about the system prototype are
quite good which are showed with 5.46 grand mean for perceived usefulness factor
and 5.37 grand mean for perceived ease of use factor with the scale of 7. Therefore, it
can be concluded that the prototype is useful and easy to use. This requirement model
is expected to facilitate the other university to develop and enhance the system for
customer complaint.
All praise is due to Allah SWT, and peace and blessing be upon Prophet Muhammad
SAW, his Family and his Companions. I would like to express my appreciation to the
I would like to acknowledge for the advices, guidance, support, and kindness of Dr.
Nor Laily Hashim, my supervisor. Thank you for all the opportunities that you have
showed me to which definitely will help me in my future career. And also thanks to
my evaluator, Dr. Husniza Husni for her support during the evaluation of my project
I acknowledge the students from Universiti Utara Malaysia for their supports to test
I would like to give high appreciation to my family; my late father, Ir. H. Karim
Hasan, who never stopped support and encouragement to my study, my mother, Dr.
Ir. Hj. Nyimas Manisah, my sister, Siti Marisa Noviani, who always standing by me,
supporting me, and giving me spiritual uplifting. Lastly, I would like to thank my
friends especially my ex-roomate; Mohd Amirul Hafidz bin Ahmat, who always
sharing knowledge with me; and special thanks to Daisy Puspita Sari who always
3.4 Evaluation...................................................................................................... 23
3.5 Conclusion..................................................................................................... 24
3.6 Summary ....................................................................................................... 24
PROTOTYPE .............................................................................................................. 25
4.0 Introduction ................................................................................................... 25
4.1 UUM Current Complaint System .................................................................. 25
4.2 Software Requirement Specification ............................................................. 27
4.2.1 List of Requirements: ............................................................................. 27
4.2.2 USECASE Specification ........................................................................ 32
4.3 Evaluation of System Prototype .................................................................... 58
4.3.1 Population and Sample .......................................................................... 58
4.3.2 Reliability Analyses ............................................................................... 59
4.3.3 Analyses and Results ............................................................................. 60
4.4 Summary ....................................................................................................... 61
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION.............................................................................. 62
5.0 Introduction ................................................................................................... 62
5.1 Findings and Results ..................................................................................... 62
5.2 Limitation ...................................................................................................... 64
5.3 Future Works ................................................................................................. 65
5.4 Conclusion..................................................................................................... 65
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 66
Figure 2.1: CRM Systems for Handling Customer Complaint Process ........................ 9
Figure 2.2: Complaint Handling Process ..................................................................... 14
Figure 3.1: The General Methodology of Designing research .................................... 16
Figure 3.2: Gantt Chart ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3.3: Prototyping based Methodology ............................................................... 19
Figure 3.4: MVC Architecture ..................................................................................... 21
Figure 4.1: Usecase Diagram ....................................................................................... 30
Figure 4.2: Database of CCS Prototype ....................................................................... 32
Figure 4.3: Usecase for Register .................................................................................. 30
Figure 4.4: Register Page ............................................................................................. 32
Figure 4.5: Usecase for Login ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 4.6: Login Page ................................................................................................. 35
Figure 4.7: Homepage - Administrator ........................................................................ 35
Figure 4.8: Homepage - Technician............................................................................. 36
Figure 4.9: Homepage - Customer ............................................................................... 36
Figure 4.10: Usecase for Manage Users ...................................................................... 37
Figure 4.11: View Users Page ..................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.12: Add Users Page ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.13: Edit Users Page ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.14: Usecase for Manage Complaint .............................................................. 40
Figure 4.15: Complaint via Phone Page ...................................................................... 41
Figure 4.16: Complaint cvia SMS Page ....................................................................... 42
Figure 4.17: Usecase for Create Complaint ................................................................. 42
Figure 4.18: Create new Complaint Page .................................................................... 44
Figure 4.19: View Complaint Page .............................................................................. 44
Figure 4.20: Usecase for View Complaint ................................................................... 45
Figure 4.21: View Complaint Page - Technician......................................................... 46
Figure 4.22: Usecase for create feedback .................................................................... 46
Figure 4.23: Feedback Page ......................................................................................... 48
Figure 4.24: Usecase for Create Warning Message ..................................................... 48
Figure 4.25: Warning Page .......................................................................................... 50
Figure 4.26: Usecase for View Warning Message....................................................... 50
Figure 4.27: View Warning Page - Technician ........................................................... 51
Figure 4.28: Usecase for Manage FAQ ....................................................................... 52
Figure 4.29: View FAQ Page....................................................................................... 53
Figure 4.30: Add/edit FAQ Page ................................................................................. 54
Figure 4.31: Delete FAQ Page ..................................................................................... 54
Figure 4.32: Usecase for View FAQ............................................................................ 55
Figure 4.33: View FAQ Page....................................................................................... 56
Figure 4.34: Usecase for View Profile ......................................................................... 56
Figure 4.35: View Profile Page .................................................................................... 57
1.0 Introduction
Customers’ complaints play very important role for any organizations including
universities. Complaints could bring benefits to the organizations such they may
voice their opinion on certain matters, and also provide quality service and
that problem before reaching the point where he or she does not know how to
One of the areas of study that deals with customer complaints is Customer
The contents of
the thesis is for
internal user
5.3 Future Works
In the future, may be the requirement can be expanding based on the universities
that want to use this proposed requirement model. For example, the complaint
system can have more functions like integrating with email (Email Complaint),
and etc. Additionally the prototype of system has been used in this project were
JSP/Java and MySQL for storing the data, for the future it also possible to develop
the system/system prototype using other technology like PHP, ASP.NET, and
One function that should be added as the future work is to notify the customer
through their mobile phone (SMS) so it can make them feel the system is more
useful for them, and know whether their complaint is handled or not. In addition,
the evaluation of the system in this project only has the sample of 50 respondents,
for the future work it can be evaluated by more respondents so that the sample
5.4 Conclusion
customer has the rights to give complaint and feedback to the university so the
university should know how to maintain the relationship with these customers.
The requirement model that produced by this project is hoped to facilitate the
other university to develop and/or enhance the system for customer complaint. By
using the prototype that has been developed, the university can try to use the
system prototype before they can develop or enhance their complaint system.
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