Extended Validation of Dynamic Design Formula For Scour Protection Around Monopiles

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Coastlab12, 2012, Ghent. Belgium.

Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Conference

on the Application of Physical Modeffing to Port and Coastal Protection. ISBN 978 90 382 2008 6



n! Ghent University, Department of Civil engineering,
Technologiepark 904, Zwijnaarde, B-9052, Belgium.
[email protected]; Peter. [email protected]; [email protected]; Kem1eth. Vannieu [email protected]
(l ! Flemish Government, Department ofMobility and Public Works, Geotechnical Division
Technologiepark 905, Zwijnaarde, B-9052, Belgium. [email protected]
(3! International Marine and Dredging Consultants,
Coveliersstraat 15, Berchem, B-2600, Belgium. Annelies.Bol/[email protected]

1. Introduction
To transform Europe into a highly energy-efficient, low carbon economy, wind energy is one of the commonly
applied renewable energy sources, with minimal human, ecological and environmental impacts. However, in
order to evolve offshore wind energy to a competitor of the primary energy resources, the cost efficiency of this
technology needs to be further improved. A critical part is the scour protection around the monopile foundation
of the wind turbine.
Due to the presence of a monopile, the current field is disturbed and local scour occurs around the
foundation. A scour protection is applied to prevent scour development near the construction and to guarantee
the pile's stability. Instead of designing a statically stable scour protection, allowing no damage to the top layer,
smaller rock elements can be used for the scour protection. The advantages are both the lower cost of the
elements as well as the need for fewer filter layers. However, allowing movement of some stones without
causing failure of the scour protection, implies that the development of damage in time needs to be investigated
and the damage needs to be incorporated in the design formula of the protection. This paper investigates the
damage to the scour protection by physical model tests and verifies a dynamic design formula to calculate the
required stone size for a scour protection around a monopile foundation in a combined wave and current climate.

2. Design of a scour protection under combined wave and current load

Only recently, the combined wave and current loads on a scour protection around a monopile are examined (e.g.
den Boon et al., 2004; Hansen and Gislason, 2005; Grune et al., 2006; Whitehouse et al., 2006 and De Vos et al.,
2011; 2012). De Vos (De Vos et al., 2011; 2012) formulated one of the few design methods for a scour protection in
a combined wave and current loading, which is further validated in this research.

-- J.50m 1.30m
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7.80m J.70tn
slopt l/20 wrrent~

Figure 1. Experimental set-up in the wave flume (top: plan view; bottom: cross section) .

2.1 Methodology of the experiments

Small scale tests are performed on the scour protection of a monopile, under combined wave and current loads,
to extend the validation of the design method. A sand bed is positioned in the middle area of a wave flume, in
which a monopile is founded (Figure 1). Around the pile, a geotextile filter is installed on the sand bed and
differently coloured circles of rocks are constructed to form the scour protection (Figure 2), with a total extent of
five times the pile diameter. The colours are used to visually assess the damage to the scour protection. In
addition, a profiler maps the scour protection before and after each test, enabling the comparison of both profiles
and consequently the extraction of the damage that occurred to the profile.

2.2 Existing damage formula

A first set of tests was performed by De Vos (De Vos, 2008) on a scale 1/50, to assess the influence of the wave
conditions, the current velocity, the filter type and the grading and size of the rock scour. Also some limited

variation of the water depth was tested. From these tests De Vos (De Vos, 2012) extracted a damage formula,
allowing the designer of the scour protection to calculate the required stone size corresponding to a certain
damage level s3D· This damage formula is given in. Eq. [1], with the damage leve15Jo as a function of wave period
Tm-J,o, orbital velocity Unv steady current velocity Uc, number of waves N, stone size Dnso, relative stone density s,
water depth d and a number of empirical coefficients ao, a1, a2, a3, a4 and ba.


The scour protection is composed of concentric circles with diameters that are multiples of the pile's
diameter, and each ring is further subdivided in sections with magnitude equal to the cross section of the pile.
The damage to each subarea 5Jo,sub is defined as the ratio of the eroded volume to the stone diameter Dn5o times
the area of the subsection. The damage number of the subarea that is most eroded is assigned as damage number
5Jo of the scour protection.

2.3 Extended experimental study

From practical application of the design formula, the need arose to expand the
formula's validity range. As the installation of offshore windmill farms is
progressing rapidly, designers encounter environmental and structural
conditions that differ from the tested ranges of De Vos (De Vos, 2008). Hence,
additional tests with broader parameter ranges are needed. Another request
from the industry is the possibility to assess the total damage to the scour
protection, in view of its maintenance. Moreover, further validation of the
damage formula within the ranges tested by De Vos is imperative.
Therefore, new tests are being executed at the wave flume of Ghent
University from January till April 2012. The range of water depths is further
extended, and waves with larger peak periods are included as well to
incorporate Atlantic wave conditions. Also the diameter of the pile is varied
(pile diameters equal to 0.050m, 0.100m and 0.125m), to test its influence on the
damage. Furthermore, the set of tests with a current opposing the waves is Figure 2. Experimental set-up:
extended, to further investigate the damage under this combined current and scour protection on a sand
wave interaction. bed around monopile.

3. Results and discussion

This research targets the study of the influence on the damage to the scour protection of (a) the direction of the
flow to the waves, (b) the water depth, (c) the pile diameter and (d) the wave period. Moreover, the effect of these
parameters will be incorporated in the design formula for the scour protection, and an assessment of the total
damage to this scour protection will be formulated. More detailed results will be presented in the paper.

De Vos, L. 2008. 'Optimisation of scour protection design for monopiles and quantification of wave run-up.
Engineering the influence of an offshore wind turbine on local flow conditions', PhD Thesis, Ghent
University, Ghent.
De Vos, L., De Rouck,]., Troch, P. and Frigaard, P. 2011. 'Empirical design of scour protections around monopile
foundations. Part 1: Static Approach', Coastal Engineering, 58, pp 540-553.
De Vos, L., De Rouck, J., Troch, P. and Frigaard, P. 2012. 'Empirical design of scour protections around monopile
foundations. Part 2: Dynamic approach', Coastal Engineering, 60, pp 286-298.
den Boon, J.H., Sutherland, J., Whitehouse, R., Soulsby, R., Stam, C.J.M., Verhoeven, K., H0gedai, M. and Hald, T.
2004. 'Scour behaviour and scour protection for monopile foundations of offshore wind turbines', Proceedings
of European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC), London, UK.
Grtine,]., Sparboom, U., Schmidt-Koppenhagen, R., Wang, Z. and Oumeraci, H . 2006. 'Stability tests of geotextile
sand containers for monopile scour', Proceedings of 30111 International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE
(Ed.), San Diego, USA, pp. 5093-5105.
Hansen, N.-E.O. and Gislason, K. 2005. 'Movable scour protection on highly erodible sea bottom', Proceedings of
International Coastal Symposium.
Whitehouse, R.J.S., Sutherland, J. and O 'Brien, D. 2006. 'Seabed scour assessment for offshore windfarm',
Proceedings of3 11• International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


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