Apl Dots
Apl Dots
Apl Dots
Quantum dots represent the ultimate test bed for size copy has been chosen as an experimental tool since it allows
quantization of both electrons and phonons. Strong spatial for probing of active optical phonon modes, as well as con-
confinement of these entities create an exciting opportunity fined electronic structure of quantum dots.12 The latter is
for reengineering of the optical, electronic, and thermal prop- particularly important since the sample structure of self-
erties of many technologically important semiconductors assembled quantum dot arrays does not allow for Fourier
through modification of their electronic states and phonon transform infrared 共FTIR兲 spectroscopy in the regular wave-
dispersion.1,2 Intersubband optical transitions in quantum guide geometry. Owing to the small amount of CdS depos-
dots are of particular interest because of their potential use in ited inside the nanopores and the large band gap of bulk CdS
infrared detectors.3,4 Relative to two-dimensional quantum (E G ⬃2.5 eV), it is also difficult to study confined electron
well structures, quantum dots have many advantages in op- levels in this system using photoluminescence excitation
tical applications due to their delta function-like sharp den- 共PLE兲.
sity of electronic states, and relaxed optical selection rules The samples for this study have been prepared by fol-
which allow for detection of normally incident light.5,6 lowing a number of steps. First, a thin foil of aluminum is
To date, optical investigation of quantum dot arrays has anodized for a few hours in 15% H2SO4 at a dc current
been almost exclusively restricted to systems self-assembled density of 40 mA/cm2 to produce a thick nanoporous alu-
in the Stranski–Krastanow 共SK兲 mode of molecular beam mina film on the surface of the foil. This film is stripped off
epitaxy 共MBE兲 growth.1,4,7 The study of SK quantum dots and the anodization is repeated for a few minutes. The po-
has significantly added to the core knowledge of the physical rous alumina film that forms in the second iteration contains
processes in quasi-zero-dimensional 共0D兲 structures. Alter- an ordered hexagonal array of pores with an average diam-
nate candidate, which can potentially lead to low cost manu- eter of 10 nm and a pore density of 4⫻1010 cm⫺2. The pores
facturing, is electrochemical self-assembly.8–10 This tech- are then ‘‘rounded’’ by soaking in phosphoric acid for a few
nique is capable of fabricating dense 共density ⬃1012 cm⫺2兲 seconds and the porous film is subsequently washed in dis-
highly ordered quasiperiodic two-dimensional 共2D兲 arrays of tilled water to remove debris. Finally, the pores are filled up
semiconductor quantum dots embedded in an insulating po- with CdS using ac electrodeposition. This is accomplished
rous alumina matrix. It is a simple and inexpensive approach by ac electrolyzing the film in H2SO4 for a few seconds
to self-assembling quantum dots and has an extremely fast followed by immersion in a boiling aqueous solution of
throughput because it is a parallel process whereby several CdSO4. The Cd⫹⫹ ion in the solution reacts with the S⫺⫺ ion
arrays can be self-assembled simultaneously. left behind in the walls of the pores from the ac electrolysis
In this letter we report the Raman scattering polarization step to form CdS.
study of arrays of cadmium sulfide 共CdS兲 quantum dots self- The amount of CdS that goes into the pores increases
assembled by the electrochemical technique. CdS is a direct- superlinearly with the duration of immersion in CdSO4. Dur-
band gap, II–VI compound semiconductor that can be used ing the fabrication process, we have carefully avoided over-
for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices such as solar filling the pores by adjusting the immersion time. For this
cells, laser diodes, and photoconductors.11 Raman spectros- study, we have chosen CdS since it requires very simple
deposition steps, and has a linear expansion coefficient (
Electronic mail: [email protected] ⫽5.0⫻10⫺6 K⫺1) matched to that of the alumina substrate