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Apptitude Equations: Developed By: Mittal Patel

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Expansions Rules:

1) (a+b) 2= a2 + 2ab+b2
2) (a-b) 2= a2 - 2ab+b2
3) (a+b) 3= a3 + 3a2b+3ab2+b3
4) (a-b) 3= a3 -3a2b+3ab2-b3
5) (a+b+c)2= a2+b2+c2+2ab+2bc+2ca
6) a2-b2= (a+b) (a-b)
7) a3+b3 = (a+b) (a2-ab+b2)
8) a3-b3 = (a-b) (a2 +ab+b2)
9) (a+b) 2 +(a-b) 2 = 2(a2+b2)
10) (a+b) 2 -(a-b) 2= 4ab
11) Roots of ax2 + bx +c =0 where a#0 are –b+(b2-4ac)1/2/2a and –b-(b2-4ac)1/2/2a
12) If alpha and beta are two roots of the ax2 + bx +c =0 where a#0 then
Alpha + beta =-b/a and alpha*beta=c/a
13) am*an = a(m+n)
14) am / an = a(m-n)
15) (am )n = a(mn)
16) a-m = 1/ am
17) (ab)m = am*bm
18) logamn = logam + logan
19) loga (m)n = n logam
20) logbn = logan/logab
21) The nth term of the Airthmetic progression A.P. = a + (n-1)d
a= first term of the series
d= Common difference
n = term of the given series.
22) Sum of series in A.P.
a) Sn = n/2(a+l)
n = Term of the given series
a = First term of the series
l = last term of the series
b) Sn = n/2(2a + (n-1)d)
23) Representation of terms in A.P. :
a) 3 terms = a-d,a,a+d
b) 4 terms = a-3d,a-d,a+d,a+3d
c) 5 terms = a-2d,a-d,a,a+d,a+2d
24) The nth term of the Geometric Progression G.P = arn-1
a = First term of the series
r = Common Ratio of the series
n = Term of the Given series

25) Sum of the nth terms of the series in G.P. :

a) Sn = a(rn -1)/(r-1) Where , r >1
b) Sn=a(1-rn)/(1-r) where, r<1
26) Sum of infinity in G.P. if |r|<1 , Sinfinity = a/1-r
27) Representation of terms in G.P.
a) 3 numbers in G.P. = a/r,a,ar
b) 4 numbers in G.P. = a/r3,a/r,ar,ar3
c) 5 numbers in G.P. = a/r2,a/r,a,ar,ar2
28) Sum of the first n natural numbers Sn = n(n+1)/2
29) Sum of the Square of the first n natural numbars Sn= n(n+1)(2n+1)/6
30) Sum of the cubes of the first n natural numbers Sn = [n(n+1)/2] 2
31) Combinations:
a) One at a time : {a},{b},{c}
b) Two at a time : {a,b},{b,c},{a,c}
c) Three at a time : {a,b,c}
32) Permutations :
a) One at a time : {a},{b},{c}
b) Two at a time : {a,b},{a,c},{b,a},{b,c},{c,a},{c,b}
c) Three at a time : {a,b,c},{a,c,b},{b,a,c},{b,c,a},{c,a,b},{c,b,a}
33) Permutations of n different objects taken r at a time where r<=n
pr = n!/(n-r)!
34) Combinations of n different objects taken r at a time
Cr = n!/(r! * (n-r)!)
35) (A’)’ = A
36) (A union B)’ = A’ section B’
37) (A section B)’ = A’ union B’
38) If G is the G.C.M of two numbers a and b and L is the L.C.M. then
a * b = G*L
39) G.C.M of Two Fractions = G.C.M od Numerators / L.C.M of Denominators
40) L.C.M of Two Fractions = L.C.M of Numerators / G.C.M of Denominators
41) If a is x% more than b then b is less than a by { (x/100+x)*100}%
42) If a is x% less than b then b is more than a by {(x/100-x)*100}%
43) If the Price of the Commodity increase by x% then reduction in Consumption not to increase
the expenditure is {(x/100+x)*100}%
44) If the Price of the Commodity decrease by x% then increase in consumption not to decrease
the expenditure is {(x/100-x)*100}%
45) Gain = Selling Price (S.P) – Cost Price(C.P)
46) Loss = Cost Price(C.P) – Selling Price(S.P)
47) Gain Percent = (Gain /C.P) * 100
48) Loss Percent = (Loss/C.P)*100
49) S.P = ((100 + Gain%) /100)*C.P
50) S.P =((100-Loss%) /100)*C.P
51) If the Sides of two squares are in the ratio X:Y their are as are in the ratio X 2:Y2
52) If the Sides of two Circles are in the ration r1 : r2 their area are in the ratio r1 2 : r22
53) If the Speed increases then the time for the completing a journey decreases.
54) Quantity of Cheaper/Quantity of Dearer =
(C.P of Dearer – mean price)/ (mean price – C.P of cheaper)

55) If A can do a piece of work in X days , then A’s 1 day’s work = 1/X

56) If A’s 1 day work is 1/X , then A can finish the work in X days.

57) Distance Travelled = Speed * Time

58) If two objects are moving in the same direction, their relevant speed is THE


59) If two objects are moving in the Opposite direction, their relevant speed is THE


60) 1 km/hour = 1 * (1000/3600) m/sec

61) 1m/sec = 1 * (3600/1000)km/hour

62) If two trains start at the same time from two points A and B towards each other and

After crossing each other they take a and b hours in reaching A and B respectively.

Then A’s Speed : B’s Speed = (b)1/2 : (a)1/2

63) If speed of a boat in still water is u km/hour and speed of stream is v km/hour then

a) Speed Downstream = (u+v) km/hour

b) Speed Upstream = (u-v) km/hour

64) If the Speed Downstream is X km/hour and speed of the Upstream is Y km/hour,

a) Speed in still water = (X+Y)/2 km/hour

b) Rate of Stream = (X-y)/2 km/hour

65) Simple Interest =( p*n*r)/100

Where, p = Sum of Principal deposited in Rs.,

n = number of years,

r = rate of Interest r% per annum

66) When interest is COMPOND ANNUALY :

Amount = p[1+(r/100)] n

67) When interest is COMPOUND HALF YEARLY :

Amount = p[1+(r/2/100)] 2n

68) When interest is COMPOUND QUATERLY :

Amount = p[1+(r/4/100)]4n

69) When rates are different for different years.Suppose r1%,r2%,r3% are rates of interest for
1st ,2nd and 3rd year respectively, than

Amount = p[1 + (r1/100)][1+(r2/100)][1+(r3/100)]

70) The difference between the simple interest and the compound interest

= p[1+(r/100)]n - p

71) Area Of the Square = (side)2 = ½(diagonal)2

72) Diagonal of the square with sides = s*(2)1/ 2 , Where s=Side of the Square

73) Area of the rectangle = Length(l) * Breadth(b)

74) Diagonal of the rectangle = (l2 + b2)1/2

75) Perimeter = 2(l + b)

76) Area of the Triangle = 1/2 * (base(b)) *(height (h))

77) If the sides of the triangle are of length a,b,c . Area of the Triangle

= (s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))1/2 Where 2s = a+b+c

78) Area of an equileteral triangle of side a =((3)1/2/4) *a2

79) Area of the Circle := pi * r2 Where r = Radious of the circle and pi=3.1414……

80) If the length of the an area of the Circle is l and the corresponding central angle is THETA

than l = (THETA/360) *(2*pi*r)

81) Circumference of the circle = 2*pi*r

82) Area of a Sector = ½ *r*l = ½ *r*(THETA/360)*(2*pi*r) =(pi*r2)*(THETA/360)

83) Area of the parellelogram = base(b) * height(h)

84) Area of Trapezium = ½ * (a+b)*h

Where , a=b= are lengths of the parellel sides

h= is the distance between sides a and b

85) Area of Rhombus = ½ * (product of the diagonals)


a) Volume = l * b *h cu.Units

where , l,b,h are the lengths of the coterminal edges.

b)Total Surface area = 2*((l*b) + (b*h) + (h*l)) sq. Units

c) Length of the Longest diagonal = (l 2 +b2 + h2)1/2

87) CUBE :

i) Volume of the cube = s3 cu.Units.

Where s= side of the cube

ii) Total surface area = 6*s 2 Sq.Units

iii) Diagonal of the Cube = s*(3) 1/2 Units


i) Volume = pi*r2*h cu. Units

ii) Area of the curved surface = 2*pi*r*h square units

iii) Total surface area = ((2 * pi * r * h) + (2*pi 2)) Square units

where , r = radious of the base

h = height of the cyclinder


i) Volume =1/3*pi*r2*h cu. Units

ii) Area of the curved surface = pi*r*l

Where, r = base radious

l = slant height

iii) l2 = h2 + r2 Where , h = vertical height

iv) Total surface area = (( pi * r * l) + (pi*r 2)) Square units

90) SPHERE :

i) Volume =4/3*pi*r3 cu. Units

ii) Total surface area = 4*pi*r 2 Square units

91) HEMISPHERE: (It is exactly half a sphere)

i) Volume =2/3*pi*r3 cu. Units

ii) Total surface area = 3*pi*r 2 Square units

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