Sinar Catalog
Sinar Catalog
Sinar Catalog
of the format
specific ·
9x12 cm D[)' 462 .16
13x18 cm
497 .26
- Slnarp
Basic 4x5 " 5 xl"
9 x 12 cm 13x18 cm
To 5 xl"/ 13 x 18 cm To 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
Larger with format changing set 497.27 with format changing set 497.28
formats To 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
with format changing set 497.28
Rear standard bearer 433.21 or 433.22
required in addition for SINAR f
To SINAR s 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
with format changing set 497.28 + 433.48
To 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 cm
with format changing set 497.26
To 6 x 6, 6 x 7 and 6 x 9 cm with format reducing adapter 553.27
Smaller with roll film holders The format changing sets are preferable
as they reduce not only the picture size but also
To 8,5 x 10,5 cm (3 1f4X41/4")
formats with Polaroid P 405 film pack holder the camera weight and bulk .
R System
standard outfits
8 x10"
18x24 em
sinar p
8x 10"
18x24 cm
Slnar 51
but front
standard 437.41
in place
of 431.21,
rear standard
bearer 433.48
in place
of 433.22;
rail extension
424.11 with
rail cap 428.31
in place of
Slnar c
491.38 Slnar52
but front
standard 437.31 As SINAR s1,
in place but front
of 431.21 standard 437.31
in place
of 437.41
To 5x7"/13x18 cm
with format changing set 497.27
To 4x5"/9x12 cm
Further, the film plane is unchanged for with format changing set 497.26
all formats, providing optimum wide-angle scope with format reducing adapter 553.28
Extending the
Accessory items
of the format JJ 473 .31
4x5"/9x12 cm 5x7"
. 0 CI
535 .26 461.66 534.16
ponents 455.36 455.27
--~ --CI
slnar p EXPERT sinar p EXPERT
4 x 5"/ 9x12 em 5 x 7" / 13x18 em
accessory items
• ~I
558.26 586.26
D 551.66 525.16
R system
basic outfit
I ~I~.
8 x lO"
18x24 em
. , "' , (
~1Ir. -
. j.
" r",
' ~- "
." .
, ..
13x18 em 8x10"/18x24 em
475.32 535.18
slnar p EXPERT
8x10"/ 18x24 em
571.27 571.28
553.28 525.18
The SINAR Code is a compact listing of the entire modular
system of the SINAR cameras and accessories .
It will help you to assemble your ideal SINAR outfit for your
specific requirements .
The key
The third part finally lists the whole system once more in
the sequence of the order codes. This numerical code is
laid out in such a way that you can order any item by simply
checking off the appropriate box .
Detailed leaflets and a price list are available from the agen-
cy in your country or, if necessary, directly from SINAR .
491 .27 SINAR P EXPERT Comprises :
5x7"/ 13 x 18 cm SINAR p STANDARD 5 x7"/ 13 x 18 cm plus the following items :
SINAR P STANDARD 14900 g Multipurpose standard 1437.31
5 x7"/ 13 x 18 cm Universal bellows 454 .11
6000 g Wide-angle bellows 455.27
Comprises : Rods 11 , 16 and 25 cm for bellows hood and filter holder 472.61/71/81
Rail clamp 411 .21 2 bellows holders 473 .31
Basic rail unit 12"/30 cm 422.11 Rail extension 18"/45 cm 424.11
2 rail caps 429 .11 Rail extension 6"/ 15 cm 421.11
Front main standard SINAR p 431.21 Fresnel screen 5 x 7"/ 13x 18 cm 535 .17
Rear standard bearer SINAR p, c 433.21 Binocular magnifier 471.21
Rear format frame 5x7 "113x18 cm 433 .27 Binocular hood 531.91
Film holder/ screen back 5x7"113 x 18 cm Bellows hood mask 533.11
461.27 Universal camera holder 519.11
Tapered bellows 5x7"/13x18 cm 452.17 Camera support 519.21
Case 475.32
SINAR p EXPERT Comprises : '- -
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm SINAR p STANDARD 8 x 10" / 18 x 24 cm plus the following items :
20400 g Multipurpose standard I 437 .31
SINAR P STANDARD Universal bellows 454.11
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm Wide-angle bellows 455.28
7100 g Rods 11 , 16 and 25 cm for bellows hood and filter holder 472.61 /71 /81
Comprises : 2 bellows holders 473.31
Rail clamp 411.21 Rail extension 18"/45 cm 424 .11
Basic rail unit 12"/30 cm 422 .11 Rail extension 6"/ 15 cm 421 .11
2 rail caps 429 .11 Fresnel screen 8x10"/ 18 x 24 cm 535.18
Front main standard SINAR p 431.21 Binocular magnifier 471.21
Rear special bearer SINAR p 433.22 Binocular hood 531.91
Rear format frame 8x10"/18x24 cm 433.28 Bellows hood mask 533.11
Film holder/screen back 8x10"/ 18x24 cm Universal camera holder 519.11
461.28 Camera support 519.21
Tapered bellows 8 x 10"/ 18x24 cm 452.18 Case 475.38
491.36 491.68
4x5"/ 9x12 cm 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
4200 g 5300 g
Comprises: Comprises:
Rail clamp 411.21 Rail clamp 411.21
Basic rail unit 12"/30 cm 422.11 Rail extension 18"/ 45 cm 424.11
2 rail caps 429.11 Rail cap 429.11
Multipurpose standard I 437.31 Rail cap, special 428 .31
Rear standard bearer SINAR p, c 433.21 Multipurpose standard 1437.31
Rear format frame 4x5"/ 9 x 12 cm 433.26 Rear standard bearer SINAR s 433.48
Metering back 4x5"/ 9 x 12 cm Rear format frame 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm 433.28
Universal bellows 454.11 Film holder/ screen back 8x10 "/ 18 x 24 cm
Tapered bellows 8x10"/18x24 cm 452.18
5x7"/ 13 x 18 cm
4900 g 493.16
Comprises : SINAR handy
Rail c lamp 411.21 1300 g
Basic rail unit 12"/30 cm 422.11
2 rail caps 429.11 Comprises:
Multipurpose standard I 437.31 Rear format frame 4 x 5"/ 9x12 cm 433.26
Rear standard bearer SINAR p, c 433.21 Film holder/screen back 4 x 5"/9x 12 cm 461.36
Rear format frame 5 x 7"/13 x 18 cm 433.27 Handgrip 513.21
Film holder/ screen back 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 cm Coupling piece 513.61
461.27 Accessory shoe 531.61
Tapered bellows 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 cm 452.17 Two-way spirit level 531.71
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
5800 g
Comprises :
Rail clamp 411.21
Basic rail unit 12"/30 cm 422.11
2 rail caps 429.11
Multipurpose standard I 437.31
Rear standard bearer SINAR p, c 433.21 Camera supports
Rear format frame 8 x 10"/18x24 cm 433.28
Film holder/ screen back 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
Tapered bellows 8x10 "/ 18 x 24 cm 452.18
t •
Rail clamp
To mount the SINAR camera on the pan/ tilt
head 516.41 or directly on a tripod. Fitted with
3/8" tripod bush . Convertible to 1/4" bush with
reducing bush 519.61.
Can also be used for all smaller cameras via the
universal camera holder 519.11.
SINAR f 411.91
4x5 "/ 9 x 12 cm
3200 g MP-4 camera clamp
Comprises : Coupling piece for using SINAR cameras up to
Rail clamp 411.21 8x10 "/18x24 cm with the Polaroid MP-4 copy-
Basic rail unit 12"/30 cm 422.11 ing system. Includes special 9 cm rail unit and
2 rail caps 429.11 rail cap 429.11 (single-sided).
Multipurpose standard I 437.31
Multipurpose standard II 433.31
Film holder/screen back 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 cm 461.36 418 .11
Multipurpose bellows 454.11
Baseplate with screws
As extra camera support with 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24
cm models with long extension or when using
the Rapid Adapter. The camera is mounted on
the 490 mm baseplate (in turn fixed to the
tripod or the pan / tilt head) with two rail clamps
8 x 10"/ 18x24 cm
5000 g
Comprises :
Rail clamp 411.21
Rail extension 18"/ 45 cm 424.11
Rail cap 429.11
Rail cap, special 428.31
Multipurpose standard III 437.41 514.21
Rear standard bearer SINAR s 433.48
Rear format frame 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm 433.28 Clamping stand
Film holder/ screen back 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm The clamping stand can mount cameras with
461.28 3/8" tripod bush virtually anywhere (for instance
Tapered bellows 8x10"/ 18 x 24 cm 452 .18 on window frames , ladders, railings , etc.). For
cameras of different tripod bush size use with
universal screw adapter set 515.11.
Comprises: Camera holder 514.71
Clamp unit 514.81
Screw adapter 514.91
514.71 Standards
Camera hold er
Part of clamping stand.
Clamp unit
Part of clamping stand.
Front main standard
Lens standard of the SINAR p, with full parallel
514.91 displacements , swings and tilts .
Screw adapter
With 3/6" screw for directly mounting camera on
clamp unit.
Mount cameras of different bush size with uni-
versal screw adapter set 515 .11.
Universal screw
adapter set 433.21
'\ Cage with six different screw and bushes - 1/4", Rear standard bearer
3/6" and M6 . A valuable aid for mounting any SINAR p, c
camera on camera stands with different screw
Lower section of the SINAR p and c rear stand-
fittings . ard, with the full parallel displacements , swings
and tilts plus depth of field scale. The standard
516.41 bearer takes the rear format frame.
Where the camera is constantly used as an
Pan / tilt head 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm camera, the SINAR p rear
With 1/4"/ 3/6" camera screw 519.71. special standard bearer 433.22 is recom-
mended .
519 .61
Reducing bush ,
Continental / English 433.22
Reduces a 3/6" bush to 1/4". For use with the Rear special standard bearer
pan/ tilt head 516.41 and rail cl amp 411 .2 1. SINAR p
Heavy duty standard bearer for the 8 x 10"/
519.71 18 x 24 cm format frame. Also recommended
Camera screw, when using the 4 x5"/9x 12 cm Rapid Adapter.
Continental/English Can also be used on a 4 x5"/ 9 x 12 cm and
3/6 " and 1/4" screws for pan / tilt head 516.41 and
5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 cm camera assembly.
universal camera holder 519.11.
Rear standard bearer
Lower section of the SINAR s 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24
cm rear standard, with fine focusing drive,
depth of field indicator and tilt angle scale .
Without tilt or parallel displacement mechanism .
The SINAR rail
Rear format frame
421.11 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 cm
Rail extension Upper section of the 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 cm SINAR p
6"/ 15 em and c rear standard.
Extends the SINAR rail by 6"/15 cm Fits SINAR p rear standard bearer 433.21 or
SINAR p special bearer 433.22. To take the film
holder and ground glass screen , the metering
back 462.16 or 4 x5"/ 9 x 12 cm F/ S back 461.36
422.11 is required.
Basic rail unit
12"/30 cm
Basic rail of all SINAR cameras . Any number of
extension rails can be screwed on at either end. Metering back
4 x 5"/ 9x12 cm
Take s fi lm holder and ground glass screen on
423.11 4 x 5"/ 9x12 cm rear format frame or on all mul-
tipurpose standards.
Rail extension The probe housing holds the metering probe of
12"/30 em the exposure meter (BRONCOLOR , GOSSEN ,
Extends the SINAR rail by 12"/30 em PRONTOR , SINAR) . The probes are thus in-
stantly ready to operate without needing a light-
meter cassette .
Consists of 4 x 5"/9x 12 cm film holder and me-
424.11 ter probe carrier 462.96, 4x5"/ 9 x 12 cm screen
carrier 461.56 and exposure meter holder on
the film holder carrier. Including 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12
cm ground glass screen 536.66.
Mask and Fresnel holder 461.76 including Fres-
nel sc reen , and mask set 534.16 are re com-
mended .
Film holder/ screen back
4 x 5"/ 9x12 cm
Rail cap , special Takes film holder and ground glass screen on
Prevents unlocked standards from sliding off 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 cm rear format frame or on all mul -
when a rail extension is used as the basic rail tipurpose standards.
unit. Consists of 4 x 5"/9x 12 cm film holder carrier
461.46 and 4 x5"/ 9 x 12 cm screen carrier
429.11 461.56.
Includes 4 x 5"/ 9x12 cm ground glass screen
Standard rail cap 536.66. Mask and Fresnel holder 461.76 includ-
Prevents unlocked standards from sliding off ing Fresnel screen, and mask set 534.16 are
the rail. recommended .
462.96 433.31
Film holder and Multipurpose standard II
meter probe carrier with micrometer focusing
4 x5"/9xI2 cm Multipurpose standard with swings , tilt s and
Required to convert F/ S back 461.36 to the me- parallel displacements , depth of field scale and
tering back 462.16. tilt indicator. Forms rear standard of SINAR f.
Also an ideal object stage for macrophotogra-
Lightmeter holder
Included in metering back 462.16 and in
4x5"/ 9xI2 cm film holder and meter probe
carrier 462.96.
461.46 437.41
Multipurpose standard III
Film holder without
meter probe carrier Lens standard of SINAR sl with rising front
4 x5"/9x I2 cm movement, without swi ngs and tilts . Can also
be used as multipurpose standard where no
Fits screen carrier
camera movements are required.
4x5"/ 9 x I2 cm 461.56.
Screen carrier
4x5"/ 9 x I2 cm
Including 4 x5"/9x I2 cm ground glass screen
536.66. 433.91
Fits film holder carrier 4 x5"/9x I2 cm
462.96 and 461.46 . Police standard with masks
Permits precise location of three exposures on
433 .27 a 4 x 5" film .
Rear format frame
5 x7"/ 13 x 18 cm
Upper section of 5 x7"/ 13 x I8 cm SINAR p and
SINAR c rear standard.
Fits SINAR p rear standard bearer 433.21 or
SINAR p special rear bearer 433 .22. To take film
holder and ground glass screen , 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18
cm F/ S back 461.27 is required .
461 .27
Film holder/ screen back 551.16
5x7"/ 13 x I8 cm
Takes film holder and ground glass screen on Rapid Adapter without
5 x7"/ 13 x I8 cm rear format frame 433.27. In - SINARSIX attachment
cludes 5x7"/ 13 x I8 cm ground glass screen The Rapid Adapter consist s of a ground glass
536.37. screen section and a film holder section taking
Fresnel screen 535.17 is recommended . standard 4 x5"/9x I2 cm film holders, various
roll film magazines and Polaroid film pack or
sheet film holders.
After focusing on the ground glass screen , the
433.28 sliding carriage of the Rapid Adapter is pushed
to the left to bring the film into position for the
Rear format frame exposure. Upright or horizontal shots are possi-
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm ble.
Upper section of 8 x l0"/ 18 x 24 cm SINAR p, c , The Adapter does not interfere with automatic
s rear standard . operation of the SINAR shutters.
The special SINAR p standard bearer 433 .22 is With the SINARSIX attachment 525.26 the light-
recommended . meter probes can be used on the ground glass
Also fits the SINAR p rear standard bearer screen section without a lightmeter cassette.
433.21. Includes mask and Fresnel holder 551.66.
To take film holder and ground glass screen , Accessories: Fresnel screen 535.26 , mask set
8 x l0 "/ 18 x24 cm F/ S back 461.28 is required. 534.16, spare ground glass screen 536.46.
Recommended for more rigid set-up : Special
standard bearer 433 .22 and base plate 418.11
with two rail clamps 411.21.
Film holder/screen back
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
Takes film holders and ground glass screen on
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm rear format frame 433.28 . In-
cludes ground glass screen 536.38.
The Fresnel screen 535.18 is recommended . 551.26
Rapid Adapter with
SINARSIX attachment
The Rapid Adapter consists of a ground glass
screen section and a film holder section taking
standard 4 x 5"/9x I2 cm film holders , various
roll film magazines and Polaroid film pack or
sheet film holders.
After focusing on the ground glass screen , the
sliding carriage of the Rapid Adapter is pushed
to the left to bring the film into position for the
437.31 exposure. Upright or horizontal shots are possi-
Multipurpose standard I ble.
The Adapter does not interfere with automatic
Multipurpose standard for the bellows lens operation of the SINAR shutters.
hood , serves as intermediate bellows support With the SINARSIX attachment 525.26 the light-
with long extensions, as object stage, holder meter probes can be used on the ground glass
for the SINAR mirrors , etc . Equipped with paral- screen section without a lightmeter cassette.
lel displacement and swing and tilt movements. Includes mask and Fresnel holder 551.66.
Also serves as lens standard of the SINAR Accessories : Fresnel screen 535.26, mask set
f, c , s2. 534.16, spare ground glass screen 536.46.
Recommended for more rigid set-up : Special
standard bearer 433.22 and base plate 418 .11
with two rail clamps 411.21.
Bellows 455 .28
Wide-angle bellows
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 em
For very short extensions with 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24
em format , and focal lengths from 120 to 240
454.11 mm . Permits maximum camera movement
Universal (multipurpose) bellows range despite short extension .
4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 em Also used as ground glass screen viewing
hood , for instance with binocular magnifier
Standard bellows of 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 em SINAR p, 471.21 and hood 531.91.
c , f. Used with the multipurpose standards to in-
crease the camera extension for all film sizes
and as bellows hood and ground glass screen
viewing hood. Extends to 45 em (18 " ).
Wide-angle bellows
4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 em 473.31
For very short extensions with 4 x 5"/ 9 x 12 em Bellows holder
format and focal lengths from 65 to 135 mm .
Permits maximum camera movement range To mount the bellows hood or bellows hood
despite short extension. mask 533 .11 on camera.
Also used as ground glass screen viewing A rod for the bellows hood and filter holder
hood, for instance with binocular magnifier 472.61 /71 / 81 is required .
471.21 and hood 531.91. Not usable on old SINAR.
Rod, 11 em (41/4")
for bellows hood
and filter holder
452.17 Permits use of bellows holder 473.31 and filter
holder 541.21 on camera.
Tapered bellows
5 x 7"113 x 18 em 472.71
For extensions up to 50 em (19 1/2" ) with
5 x 7"/ 13x 18 em format. Rod , 16 em (61/4")
Longer extensions require a multipurpose for bellows hood
standard and additional universal bellows. and filter holder
Permits use of bellows holder 473 .31 and filter
holder 541.21 on camera.
Rod , 25 em (10")
for bellows hood
and filter holder
455.27 Permits use of bellows holder 473.31 and filter
holder 541.21 on camera.
Wide-angle bellows
5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 em
For very short extensions with 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 em
format and focal lengths from 90 to 165 mm .
Permits maximum camera movement range
despite short extension .
Also used as a ground glass screen vi ewing
hood , for instance with binocular magnifier
471.21 and hood 531.91 ~
Tapered bellows
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 em
For extensions up to 65 em (25" ) with
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 em format.
Extensions from 65 to 90 em require mUltipur-
pose standard 437.31 and additional universal
bellows 454.11.
Special bellows
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 em to 5 x7"/ 13 x 18 em
For extensions exceeding 90 em (35 " ) with
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 em format.
A 5 x 7 "/ 13 x 18 em rear standard is required as
intermediate standard and 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 em
tapering bellows . Further extensions possible
with mUltipurpose standard and universal bel-
Viewing aids 534.19
Pair of 4.25 diopter magnifiers
for binocular reflex magnifier
For longsighted users. Includes special tool
Fresnel screen and fitting instructions for changing .
4x5 "/ 9xI2 cm
The Fresnel screen is easy to fit in the mask
and Fresnel holder 461.66 or 551.66. 531.18
Copying reflex viewer
r----, 461.66 8 x l0 "/ 18 x 24 cm
Special viewing hood for copying with the
Mask and Fresnel holder,
:L..,....JI empty
Fits 4 x 5"/9 x I2 cm metering back 462.16 and
8 x l0 "11 8 x 24 cm SINAR p, c , s when pointing
vertically downwards .
Restricted usability also in normal camera set-
4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm F/ S back 461.36 . ups .
Matching accessories : Fresnel screen 535.26, Includes hood 531.91.
masks 534.16 and 534 .19.
471 .21
Mask and Fresnel holder.
including Fresnel screen Binocular magnifier
Fits 4 x 5"/9 x I2 cm metering back 462.16 and Fits every SINAR bellows for ground glass
4 x 5"/9 x I2 cm F/ S holder 461.36. screen viewing without stray light (except
Matching accessories : Masks 534.16 and 453.(8) . With the magnifier swung in , the
534.19. screen image is magnified 2112 x. The hood
531.91 is needed in addition.
Adapters for other view camera makes : 551 .16
to 56.
Mask and Fresnel holder, 531.91
Fits Rapid Adapters 551.16 and 551.26 . Binocular hood
~~~~h~ne~ g§~~~SOries Fresnel screen 535.26, Screens off stray light when viewing the ground
glass screen with the binocular magnifier
471.21, the binocular reflex magnifier 531.12 or
the copying reflex viewer 531.18.
o 551.76
Mask and Fresnel screen holder
with Fresnel screen
Fits Rapid Adapter 551.16 and 551.26.
Matching accessories : Masks 534.16
[J Mask set
6 x 6, 6 x 7, 6 x 9 and 9 x 12 cm
Transparent yellow masks to outline the nega-
tive area on the ground glass screen when us-
ing rollfilm magazines.
Fit mask and Fresnel screen holders 461.66 and
Format changing Lenses and lens boards
Lens board, plain
For user fitting of lenses . To ensure correct fit-
ting of new lenses they should be fitted at the
factory (marked by SINAR designation en-
graved on lens) .
441 .11
Format changing set Lens board ,
4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm to take lens
Converts 5 x 7"/ 13x18 cm or 8x10"/ 18 x 24 cm With suitable opening and barrel to take various
SINAR p or c to 4x5"/9x12 cm. lenses.
Comprises : When ordering, exact indication is essential of
Rear 4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm format frame 433.26. type , focal length and mount of lens to be fitted .
4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm metering back 462 .16 Universal
bellows 454 .11.
Lens board
with aperture control
To fit or convert various lenses to manual
SINAR aperture control.
The lens listing on page 22 indicates which
lenses may be fitted . The lens must be mounted
by SINAR or authorised customer se rvic ing sta-
tions. When ordering , exact indication is essen-
tial of type , focal length and mount of lens to be
Format changing set
Lens in auto-aperture
5 x7"/ 13 x 18 cm
control mount (DB) on board
Converts 4 x 5"/9x12 cm or 8x10 "/ 18 x 24 cm Lenses with DB mount for automatic aperture
SINAR p or c to 5x7"/13 x 18 cm.
control with the SINAR/COPAL shutter 521.31
Comprises: and the SINAR DIGITAL shutter 522.11.
Rear 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 cm format frame 433.27.
5 x7"/ 13 x 18 cm F/ S back 461.27.
5 x7"/ 13 x 18 cm tapering bellows 452.17.
DB conversion kit
with board
For user conversion of existing lenses to auto-
aperture control. Kit includes fitting instruc-
tions. When ordering , exact indication is essen-
tial of type , focal length and mount of lens to be
For manual control see 446.91.
Lens in DB control
with manual aperture setting,
on board
Like lenses in DB mount 446.11 , but with addi-
tional manual settings for apertures smaller
than f/ 45 , depending on lens type .
Auto-aperture conversion kit (DB)
Format changing set
with manual aperture settings
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm
and board
Converts 4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm or 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 cm
For user-fitting of existing lenses for auto-aper-
SINAR p or c to 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm .
ture control with additional manual settings at
Rear 8 x 10"/ 18x24 cm format frame 433.28 . apertures smaller than f/45, depending on lens
type . The conversion kit includes fitting instruc-
8 x 10" /18 x 24 cm F/ S back 461.28.
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm tapered bellows 452 .18. tions .
When ordering , exact indication is essential of
type , focal length and mount of lens to be fitted.
553.27 441.71
Format reducing adapter Macro tube on lens board
5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 cm to 4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm
For using traditional macro lenses on the
Reduces picture format from 5 x 7"/ 13 x 18 cm SINAR.
to 4x5"/9 x 12 cm without change of format
frame. The swing and tilt axes are not in the film
plane and wide-angle performance is restricted .
A 4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm metering back 462 .16 or F/ S
back 461.36 are required in addition .
553 .28
Format reducing adapter
8x10"/ 18 x 24 cm to 4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm
To reduce the picture format from
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm to 4 x 5"/ 9x12 cm without
change of format frame. The swing and tilt axes
are not in the film plane and wide -angle per-
formance is restricted .
A 4x5"/9 x 12 cm metering back 462.16 or F/S
back 461.36 is required in addition.
Shutters and modules 522.41
Module 1
Module 1, connected to DIGITAL shutter 522.11,
processes measured intensity values for con-
521.31 tinuous or flash lighting with manual input or di-
rectly entered from film plane with SINARSIX-
SINAR / COPAL shutter digital meter 524.31.
Mechanical behind-lens shutter with auto-aper- Module 1 calculates and controls correct expo-
ture control. sure for single-point, multi-point and contrast
Includes: measurements ; allows automatically for reci-
Automatic cable 521.51. procity failure with long exposure times .
Cable release 521.61. Recommended accessory: Module accumula-
Bayonet connector 521 .91. tor 522.91.
Synchro lead adapter with standard plug
521.51 Module 2
Automatic cable Module 2 has same specifications as module 1
Closes shutter automatically when film holder is but also establishes correct exposure with
pushed in and opens shutter on withdrawing complex mixed light setups.
the film holder. Recommended accessory: Module accumula-
For 75 em maximum camera extension . tor 522.91.
Includes bayonet connector 521 .91.
Module carrier
Allows module 1 or 2 to be mounted behind
camera on rail as a control unit.
~ Cable release Requires module cable 523.71 to connect to
. Fits SINAR / COPAL shutter 521.31 , 70 cm long. DIGITAL shutter 522.11.
521 .91
Bayonet connector 523.71
for automatic cable Module cable
Connects automatic cable 521.51 to film holder Connects DIGITAL shutter 522.11 with module 1
carrier. or module 2 when the module is not attached
directly to the DIGITAL shutter.
522.11 Length 120 cm.
DIGITAL shutter
Electronically controlled behind-lens shutter
with auto-aperture control lin k. Basic element 523 .91
of electronic modular system .
Includes : Shutter accumulator
Release and automatic cable, 0.3 m/ l .2 m Power supply for SINAR DIGITAL shutter and
522.11.002 . modules, with mounting to attach to SINAR rail
Synchro lead adapter 552.11.005. unit , and with connecting cable to DIGITAL
Provision for plugging in modules 522.41 , shutter.
522 .51 and SINARSIX-digital 524.31. Module accumulator 522.91 may not be con-
Matching accessories : Case 573.91 , shutter nected at same time .
accumulator 523.91 . battery charger
523 .11 .001 /002 .
Module accumulator
522.11.002 Attaches directly to module 1 and module 2.
Shutter accumulator 523.91 may not be con-
Release and automatic cable nected at same time .
0.3 m/ l .2 m
Coiled cable for automatic shutter and aperture
control with DIGITAL shutter 522.11.
For camera extensions up to 1.2 m, release
cable 0.3 m long.
SINAR-rapid battery charger,
Release and automatic cable 110 volts
5m / l .2m Rapid charger to recharge the accumulators of
For camera extensions up to 1.2 m. release DIGITAL shutter and modules . Also mains
cable 5 m long . adapter for direct mains operation. Can only op-
erate via shutter accumulator 523 .91 or module
accumulator 522 .91.
SINAR-rapid battery charger,
Release and automatic cable 220 volts
5 m/ 2 m Specification as for charger 523.11.001
For camera extensions up to 2 m, release cable
5 m long .
52211 .005
Synchro lead adapter
with standard plug ,
7 cm long
Connects commercially available flash synchro-
nising leads or remote releases to DIGITAL
shutter 522.11 or SINAR / COPAL shutter 521.31.
Flash synchro lead
Synchro lead, 5 m long , with reinforced heavy-
duty plug to fit shutter. A plug to fit the flash
unit in use may be attached to the free end of
the lead .
Fits SINAR DIGITAL shutter 522.11 and later
versions (from 1980) of SINAR/COPAL shutter
521.31 with new flash socket.
Exposure meters 525.17
SINARSIX lightmeter cassette
5x7"113 x 18 cm
Takes metering probes of all probe exposure
Usable in all view cameras with international
5x7"113 x 18 cm back.
Exposure meter for spot readings in image
plane, with silicon cell for every type of lighting.
Readings automatically fed into module 1 or 2
where they are processed for automatic setting
of DIGITAL shutter 522.11. 525.18
Can be used directly in the 4 x 5 "/9 x I2 cm me-
SINARSIX adapter frame
tering back 462.16 or with lightmeter cassette 8 x 10"118 x 24 cm
525.1611 7 (52517 combined with 525 .18 for
8 x l0 "118 x 24 cm) . Adapts 5 x 7"113 x 18 cm SINARSIX lightmeter
cassette to view cameras with international
Including release cable 524.31 .001 .
8xl0"118x24 cm back.
PROF I-select TIL
SINARSIX attachment
for Rapid Adapter
Attachment for GOSSEN PROFISIX for expo- Permits the use of all probe exposure meters
sure measurement of flash and continuous light without lightmeter cassette in Rapid Adapter
in film plane , using a silicon cell. May be used 551.16.
directly in 4x5 "/9xI2 cm metering back 462.16
or with the lightmeter cassette 525.16117.
SINARSIX exposure meter
with probe
Exposure meter for spot readings in film plane ,
using a CdS cell for continuous light.
Includes three scale dials 524.61171181.
May be used directly in 4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm meter-
ing back 462.16 or with the lightmeter cassette
525 .16117.
524 .51
Densitometer aperture
with instructions
Adapts SINARSIX for use as densitometer.
SINARSIX scale dial N
Linear shutter speed scale.
SINARSIX scale dial S
(Reciprocity corrected)
Allows for average long-time reciprocity failure .
o 524.81
SINARSIX scale dial X
(user's reciprocity correction)
User may mark shutter speed scale for specific
reciprocity failure correction.
SINARSIX scale dial P
(modelling light)
User may mark shutter speed scale for modell-
ing lamp indexes of electronic flash units .
SINARSIX lightmeter cassette
4 x 5 "/9 x 12 cm
Takes measuring probes of all probe exposure
Usable in all view cameras with international
4 x 5"/9xI2 cm back .
Filters and filter holders 539.91
Semi-reflecting 40/ 60 DID mirror
in frame
Mirror without protective case, 18 x 18 cm large
to fit all SINAR 5 x 7"/ 13x18 cm standards ;
otherwise as 539.11.
to 546.21
Glass filters
Round , 103 mm diameter, dyed in the mass and Handgrip for handy
coated , clear diameter 96 mm, to fit universal fil- Handgrip for SINAR handy 493.16 with 570 mm
ter holder 541.21 and any SINAR shutter (not cable release for lenses with between-lens
polarising filter) . Table with detailed data on shutter.
page 21 .
Universal filter holder 513 .61
with srew-in ring 541.91
Coupling piece for handy
The universal filter holder takes glass filters
546.01 - 21 of 103 mm diameter, the SINAR To attach handgrip 513 .21 to 4 x 5 "/ 9 x 12 cm
polarising filter 546 .21 or the gelatine filter hol- format frame of SINAR p, c 433.26.
der 542.21 .
Screw-in ring 531.61
For universal filter holder 541.21.
Accessory shoe
To mount various finders on the SINAR handy
493.16 or accessories on any SINAR standard .
Gelatine filters
Available from various manufacturers. 10 x 10
cm filters fit gelatine filter holder 542.21 and any
SINAR shutter.
542 .21 Mamiya finder
Gelatine filter holder For SINAR handy 493.16.
For 10 x l0 cm gelatine filters. Fits universal fil-
ter holder 541.21 or directly (with the 541.91
screw-in ring) in the 300 mm Sironar, 300 mm
Symmar-S and 165 mm Super-Angulon lenses . 531.71
Two-way spirit level
533.11 May be mounted on all SINAR standards .
Serves as a supplementary spirit level on the
Bellows hood mask lens standard or for use with the SINAR handy
The bellows hood mask can serve as a hood 493.16.
with wide -angle lenses , as a mask ~older for
special effects or as the holder for the SINAR
shading filters.
Fits all 4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm cm standards and bel- 586.26
lows holder 473.31.
Quadruple lens on board
For quadruple exposures . Three slide-in stops
for fll1 , f / 16 and f / 22 are supplied for each lens .
Focal length 125 mm.
Format divider 558 .26 is required in addition for
identity pictures .
to 542.91.211
Shading filters
Available in sets of 10 filters each , with instruc-
tions, mounted in frames ; clear opening Format divider
113 x 118 mm, fit bellows hood mask 533 .11 . for four exposures
Table with details on page 21 . on 4x5"/9x12 cm or 31f4 X 41f4" films
Other accessories
Front-surfaced mirror
in protective case
With the SINAR front-surfaced mirror the view
camera can "look round the corner" or reflect a
subject into an image for special effects .
12x15 cm mirror, fits a1l4 x 5"/9 x 12 cm stand-
ards .
Semi-reflecting 40/ 60 DID mirror
in case
The SINAR semi-reflecting mirror solves light-
ing problems in close-ups , projects images
onto a background screen with front projection
setups and can also be used for numerous spe-
cial effects.
12x12 cm mirror, fits a114 x 5"/9 x 12 cm SINAR
Film holders 566.57
5 x7"
Double sheet film holder.
21f4 x 3 1/4"16 x 9 cm
Roll film holder. For No. 120 film , 8 exposures .
8 x 10"
Double sheet film holder.
2 1f4x 23/4"/6 x 7 cm
Roll film holder . For No . 120 film , 10 exposures .
SINAR -panorama
P405 Format 6 x 12 cm
3 /4 x 4 1f4"/8 ,5 x 10,5 cm Roll film holder for nO 120 and 220 roll film, 6 or
' 12 exposures respectively.
Polaroid filmpack holder, including mask 534.19. Inserted like sheet film holder.
P545 SINAR 67
Format 6x7 cm
4 x 5" Roll film holder for n° 120 and 220 roll film , 10 or
Polaroid single sheet film holder . 20 exposures respectively .
Inserted like sheet film holder.
Spool insert
For roll film holders. Separate spool for preload-
P550 ing. Allows a very fast exchange of the film .
4 x 5"
Polaroid filmpack holder.
For use with other camera systems
Calumet lens board adapter
Permits the use in SINAR of lenses on Calumet
lens board . Cannot be combined with SINAR
shutters .
519.11 441.91
Universal camera holder Linhof lens board adapter ;
With pan / tilt head 516.41 and rail clamp 411.21 Linhof Technika IVIV,
forms a solid double pan/tilt head for miniature, Linhof Master Technika
medium format or movie cameras . Permits use in SINAR of lenses on Linhof lens
With '14" and 3/S" tripod bush. boards. Cannot be combined with SINAR shut-
519 .21
Camera support
SINAR p, c
To mount still and movie cameras on the rear
standard bearer 433.22/ 21. Permits precise
camera levelling . Tilts and displacements as for
Restricted usability also with standard bearer
433.48 .
Adapter board
for Minolta cameras
556 .63
Adapter board
for Alpa cameras
Adapter board
for Hasselblad cameras
Adapter board
for Exakta cameras
556 .83
Adapter board
with 42 mm screw mount
Adapter board
for Nikon cameras
559 .16
Toyo adapter
for binocular reflex magnifier
[1 Cambo adapter
for binocular reflex magnifier
Calumet adapter
for binocular reflex magnifier
Plaubel adapter
for binocular reflex magnifier
Adapter case
8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm ;
520x125x370 mm (201f2x5xI4 1/2" )
Holds 8 x 10"118 x 24 cm format changing set
497.28, 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 cm wide-angle bellows
455.28 , special SINAR p rear standard bearer
433.22 , film holders , SINARSIX .
1600 g
Case lor 4x5"/9x12 cm
or 5x7" / 13 x 18 cm SINAR p
400 x 300 x690 mm (15 3/4 X 113/4 X 27114")
3 Holds 4 x 5"/9x12 cm EXPERT outfit 492.26 or
5x7"/ 13x18 cm outfit 492.27 and numerous 573.11
6000 g SINARSIX case
330xll0x295 mm (13x41f4 x ll1f2 " )
3 Holds SINARSIX 524.21 with lightmeter cas-
sette and accessories.
800 g
DIGITAL shutter case
330xll0x295 mm (13x41f4Xll1f2 " )
Holds SINAR DIGITAL shutter 522.11 with shut-
3 ter accumulator 523.91 , battery charger
523.11.001 / 2 and one module 522.41 / 51.
800 g
Double handle
Universal hold-all case
and four separators §~;ni7, ~~1.~~O cases 475.16, 571.21, 571.22,
3 400 x 170x260 mm ( 15 3/4 X6 3/4Xl0 1f4" )
300 g
With adjustable separators . For SINAR handy
493.16 , format changing set 497.26 or other ac-
2200 g
1 inch = 25,4 mm 100 mm = 4 inches
Lens compartment for 571 .11
Fits in universal hold-all case 571.11.
550 g
Universal case
520 x 125 x 370 mm (20 1f2x 5 x I41f2")
3 With foam plastic panels , includes knife for pre-
paring own cutouts.
1850 g
Accessory case
520 x 125 x370 mm (201f2 x 5 x I4 1f2")
3 Holds 8 film holders, 2 lenses , mUltipurpose
standard or SINARSIX 524 .21 , 15 cm rail exten-
sion 421.11.
1650 g
Numerical code 471.21
Binocular magnifier
Rod 11 cm / 4 112"
120 9
Shading filters
Available in sets of 10 each, with instructions / filters mounted in frames ; clear opening 113 x1 18 mm / to fit bellows hood mask 533.11.
Glass filters
Coated glass dyed in the mass, round , 103 mm outside diameter, 96 mm clear diameter, fit universal filter holder 541.21 and every SINAR shutter (except for polarising filter)
551 .16 Rapid adapter with 551.66 1040 9 571.11 Universal hold-all case with 4 separations 2200 9
551 .26 Rapid adapter with 525.26 and 551.66 1200 9 57111005 Lens compartment for 571.11 550 9
551.66 Mask and Fresnel holder, 571.21 Universal case 1850 9
empty, 5x5"/12xI2 em for 551.16/26 25 9 571.22 Accessory case 1600 9
551.76 Mask and Fresnel holder 571.27 Adapter case 5 x7"/13 x 18 cm for 497.27 1550 9
with Fresnel screen 5 x 5"/ 12 x 12 em for 25 9 571.28 Adapter case 8 x 10"/ 18 x 24 em for 497.28 1600 9
551.16/ 26 571.99 Double handle 300 9
553.27 Format reducing adapter 573.11 SINARSIX case 800 9
5 x7"/13x I8 cm to 4x5"/ 9 x I2 cm 480 9 573.91 DIGITAL shutter case 800 9
553 .28 Format reducing adapter
8xl0 "/ 18 x 24 em to 4x5"/ 9 x I2 em 800 9
556.53 Adapter board to take Minolta cameras 170 9 586.26 Quadruple lens 260 9
556.63 Adapter board to take Alpa cameras 120 9 767.45 Roll film holder 6 x 9 cm 460 9
556.64 Adapter board to take Hasselblad cameras 180 9 767.64 Roll film holder 6 x7 em 470 9
556.73 Adapter board to take Exakta cameras 120 9 767.84 Roll film holder 6 x7 em 750 9
556.83 Adapter board with 42 mm screw mount 200 9 P405 Polaroid filmpack holder
556.93 Adapter board to take Nikon cameras 160 9 8.5 x l0.5 cm/ 31f4x 41f4" 300 9
558 .26 Format-divider (adapts to P 405) 100 9 P545 Polaroid single sheet film holder 4 x 5" 800 9
559 .16 Toyo Adapter for 531.12 150 9 P550 Polaroid film pack holder 4 x 5" 660g
559.36 Cambo Adapter for 531.12 150 9 M50 Mamiya view finder 50 mm
559.46 140 9
Calumet Adapter for 531.12 150 9
559.56 Piau bel Adapter for 531.12 150 9
Film holders
566.46 Double sheet film holder 9 x 12 cm 190 9
566.47 Double sheet film holder 13 x 18 em 290 9
566.48 Double sheet film holder 18 x 24 cm 650 9
566.56 Double sheet film holder 4 x 5 " 180 9
566.57 Double sheet film holder 5 x7" 290 9
566,58 Double sheet film holder 8 x l0" 620 9
567.12- SINAR-vario , roll film holder
4,5 x 6, 6 x 6, 6 x 7, 6 x 9, 6 x 12 cm 900 9
567.35- SINAR-panorama, roll film holder 6 x 12 em 750 9
567.54· SINAR 67, roll film holder 6 x 7 cm 750 9
567.92· Spool insert 70 9
lenses focal with auto- with between lens shutter
type length aperture
In mm control Compur Copal Cpr I, III, V 2) Prontor-Press
mechanical mechanical electronic lor SINAR handy
OBM plain board aperture control plai n board aperture control plain board Focusing mount
~ i)]
~ DB
'I i)]
1:4.5 90
• 4) DB DB
Nikkor-W 100
1:5.6 135
1 :6,3
2 10
• M) DB M)
1 :9 55°
• M) DB M) DB M)
1 :1050°
• M)
I'; I'; I';
1 :4,5
• 4)
• • • • • I
• 4)
• • • • • I
Grandagon 75
• • • • • • I
• • • • • • I
1 :6,8 115
• •
Sironar-N 100
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB
1 :5,6 150
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB
• I DB
~ 180
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB
• I DB
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB
• I DB
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB .111 DB
• M)
• (DB) M)
• (DB) M)
• (DB) M)
• (DB) M) .1 11 DB M)
W 1:6,8 360
• M)
• DB M)
• DB M)
• DB M)
• DB M) .1 11 DB M)
0 Apo Ronar 150
• • • • •
a: 50°
• M)
• DB M)
• DB M)
• DB M)
• DB M) .1 DB M)
• M)
• DB M)
• DB M)
• DB M)
• DB M) .1 DB M)
• M)
• (DB) M)
• (DB) M)
• DB M)
• DB M) . 111 DB M)
• M)
• DB M)
• DB M)
•... M) 3)
• DB M) 3)
• DB M) 3)
I'; V
800 ... NF
1 :16 1000 ... NF I'; V
Imagon 200
• NF
• • .111
• NF
• • .111
Super 1)
• NF
• I'; V
1) 65 I'; I'; I'; I'; I';
105° 1) 75
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB
• I DB I';
1:5,6 1) 90
• • DB
• DB
• DB
• DB
• I DB
Super 1) 65
• I'; I'; I'; I'; I';
1) 75
• • (DB)
• (DB)
• DB
• DB
• I DB I';
1 :8 1) 90
• • (DB)
• (DB)
• DB
• DB
• I DB I';
1) 120
• M)
(DB) M)
(DB) M)
Notes and symbols 2) Accessories for Compur Electronic shutters not included with lens or in
• Type DB auto-aperture iris is automatically controlled down to 1/45 by the DI- el. I: Battery test unit
GITAL shutter or the SINAR / COPAL shutter. el.lIl : Aperture setting unit
M) Type M lenses also have manual control for smaller apertures. Other type DB el. V: A remote control unit and cable are required for operation
lenses with manual settings on application . Remote control unit
DB A conversion set allows conversion of many existing lenses from the original Lead 1.5 m (5')
mount to DB mounting. Lead 4 m (13')
Lead 10 m (33 ')
(DB) Conversion possible depending on year of manufacture .
Mains adapter 9 volts
• Usable with all SINAR shutters. Remote control lead 4 m (13')
.. Restricted use with SINAR shutters. Remote control lead 10 m (33')
tl Not compatible with SINAR shutters. 3) Maximum aperture f/11 for lens in springloaded auto-aperture control.
NF With manual iris diaphragm or perforated stop in place of spring-loaded auto- 4) Max. aperture ~ f/5.6 when used with SINAR/COPAL shutter 521.31.
aperture. 6) The image circle and maximum displacements all apply to lenses at f/22,fo-
cused at infinity. At a close-up scale of for instance 1:5 the values are in-
1) To compensate optical vignetting (light loss) at the image edges the use of creased by 200/0.
annular graduated filters is recommended . 7) For upright pictures the vertical and horizontal displacements are inter-
No. For Super Angulon changed. The values apply only when the lens is displaced from its centre po-
1 65mmf/8 sition either horizontally or vertically.
2 47 mm f/5.6 , 75 mm f/8 Does not cover format.
3 65 mm f/5.6 , 75 mm f/ 5.6
3a 90 mm f/8
4 90 mm f/5,6, 120 mm f/8 Lenses fitted by SINAR can be used with the SINAR shutters as indicated in the
Exposure factor for all sizes: 3 x table .