Rome Self Help Questionnaire

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Rome Self Help Questionnaire

1. In the last 3 months, how often did 0 Never Never = Skip remaining
you have discomfort or pain anywhere 1 Less than one day a month questions
in your abdomen? 2 One day a month
3 Two to three days a month
4 One day a week
5 More than one day a week
6 Every day
2. For women: Did this discomfort or pain 0 No
occur only during your menstrual 1 Yes
bleeding and not at other times?
2 Does not apply because I have
had the change in life
(menopause) or I am a male
3. Have you had this discomfort or
pain 6 months or longer? 0 No
1 Yes
4. How often did this discomfort or pain get 0 Never or rarely
better or stop after you had a bowel
1 Sometimes
2 Often
3 Most of the time
4 Always
5. When this discomfort or pain started, did 0 Never or rarely
you have more frequent bowel 1 Sometimes
movements? 2 Often
3 Most of the time
4 Always
6. When this discomfort or pain started, did 0 Never or rarely
you have less frequent bowel 1 Sometimes
movements? 2 Often
3 Most of the time
4 Always
7. When this discomfort or pain started, 0 Never or rarely
were your stools (bowel movements) 1 Sometimes
looser? 2 Often
3 Most of the time
4 Always
8. When this discomfort or pain started, 0 Never or rarely
how often did you have harder stools? 1 Sometimes
2 Often
3 Most of the time
4 Always
9. In the last 3 months, how often did you 0 Never or rarely 0 Never or rarely
have hard or lumpy stools? 1 Sometimes 1 About 25% of the time
2 Often Or 2 About 50% of the time
3 Most of the time 3 About 75% of the time
4 Always 4 Always, 100% of the time

10. In the last 3 months, how often did 0 Never or rarely 0 Never or rarely
you have loose, mushy or watery 1 Sometimes 1 About 25% of the time
stools? 2 Often 2 About 50% of the time
3 Most of the time 3 About 75% of the time
4 Always 4 Always, 100% of the time
C1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Diagnostic Criteria*
Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort** at least 3 days/month in last 3 months associated with
two or more of criteria #1 - #3 below:
Pain or discomfort at least 2-3 days/month (question 1>2)
For women, does pain occur only during menstrual bleeding? (Question 2=0 or 2)
1. Improvement with defecation
Pain or discomfort gets better after BM at least sometimes (question 4>0)
2. Onset associated with a change in frequency of stool
Onset of pain or discomfort associated with more stools at least sometimes
(question 5>0), OR
Onset of pain or discomfort associated with fewer stools at least sometimes
(question 6>0)
3. Onset associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool
Onset of pain or discomfort associated with looser stools at least sometimes
(question 7>0), OR
Onset of pain or discomfort associated with harder stools at least sometimes
(question 8>0)
* Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis
Yes. (Question 3=1)
**”Discomfort” means an uncomfortable sensation not described as pain.
In pathophysiology research and clinical trials, a pain/discomfort frequency of at
least two days a week is recommended for subject eligibility.
Pain or discomfort more than one day per week (question 1>4)

Criteria for IBS-C (question 9>0) and (question 10=0)

Criteria for IBS-D (question 9=0) and (question 10>0)

Criteria for IBS-M (question 9>0) and (question 10>0)

Criteria for IBS-U (question 9=0) and (question 10=0)

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