Rolemaster Express Additions 04
Rolemaster Express Additions 04
Rolemaster Express Additions 04
Issue #4
November 2007
Author: Tim Dugger & the RMC Team
Editing: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch
Pagemaking, & Layout: Tim Dugger
Artwork: David Bezzina, Mike Jackson, Jeff Laubenstein,
Christophe Swal, Colin Throm
CEO: Bruce Neidlinger
President: Heike Kubasch
Editor/Jack-of-All-Trades: Tim Dugger
Pagemaking: Sherry Robinson
Web Master: Tim Dugger
Office Cats: Rajah, Pheobe, & Matsi
Express Additions Copyright © 2007 by Aurigas Aldebaran LLC. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission.
Produced and distributed by Mjolnir LLC, dba Iron Crown Enterprises 112 Goodman Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.
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Scholars often like to say that giants walk
among us. This old adage is never truer than
when one of the Aesyr leaves their high,
secluded valleys to travel in the lands of
normal men. Standing between 7 and 8 feet
tall, the Aesyr are larger than even High Men,
and some scholars speculate that the High
Men resulted from the mating of Common
Men and Aesyr.
Though genial among friends, the Aesyr
are often a bit guarded in the presence of
those that they do not know. The Aesyr often
have a lifespan of approximately 100 years,
and they spend much of that time in their
remote homelands high in the mountains.
Although the Aesyr are just like the other
mortal races and do not receive any critical
adjustments because of their size. However,
their inherent strength does allow them to
wield two-handed weapons in one hand without any The Gryx also have nightvision just as elves do, and this
penalties, and it also reduces the fumble range of all one allows them to see quite well on all but the darkest nights.
handed weapons to 01-02. Additionally, the Aesyr use
20% of their normal weight as an encumbrance unit, not
the normal 10% like other races.
The savage appearance of the Gryx belies their calm
and gentle nature. Standing around 6’ in height, the Gryx
are often mistaken as monsters at first sight, especially by
those who don’t know them.
Although they are normally peaceful by nature, the
Gryx are not pacifists, and they will fight to defend
themselves. They make superb warriors for such a
normally peaceful race. Gryx are strong, sturdy and quick,
and this grants them a +5 bonus to OB, DB, and initiative.
The average Gryx lives about 95 years, and if they had their
way, they would all be peaceful years.
This small race barely stands above four feet in height.
They look like miniature humans with
slanted brows and slightly pointed ears, RACIAL STATS
giving them a slightly devilish appearance.
Stat Bonus Modifications Aesyr Gr yx Phrenali Vsori
Despite their small stature, the Vsori are
ST +15 +15 +0 +0
often tougher and sturdier than others
might initially think. They are able to use Q U + 5 + 0 + 1 0 + 15
3 times their height as a base for jumping P R + 5 + 0 + 2 0 + 0
maneuvers, unlike other races that use IN -5 +0 +0 +5
their unmodified height. EM -5 +0 +0 +5
The Vsori have nightvision like elves, CO +10 +10 +5 +0
and they also have a set of retractable AG +5 +0 +5 +20
claws. These claws grant them a +20 SD -10 +5 +20 +10
bonus to climbing maneuvers, and they
ME -5 +0 +0 +0
can be used to make a Small (Tier 1)
RE -5 +0 +0 +0
attack on the MA Strikes table, doing
Slash criticals. The Martial Arts skill is R R M od ifications
used by the Vsori in learning how to use Essence -5 +0 -5 +5
their claws in attacking. Channeling -5 +0 -5 +5
The Vsori are a somber and serious Mentalism -5 +15 +40 +5
race, very pragmatic and often stoic. This is Poison +40 +20 +5 +10
usually attributed to their having developed Disease +100 +50 +20 +10
in areas where survival was a continuous Recover y Multiplier 0.5x 1x 1.5x 1x
struggle. For whatever reason, the Vsori
# Starting Languages* 2 3 1 2
seem to prefer living in dangerous lands to
Base Hit Points 60 40 22 32
living in peaceful ones.
Hits per Rank** 11 6 6 6
Max # hits 300 200 110 160
* = Rank 6 Spoken/5 Written for native tongue; 3S/3W for all others
** = Per rank of Body Development
1. Sprain Limb – A random part of a random limb is 1. Vaporize Water –Vaporizes 10 cu’ of liquid/level.
sprained. If it is part of a leg: movement is cut by 25%, 2. Freeze Water – Freezes 10 cu’ of liquid/level.
combat is at -10; if it is part of an arm, combat is 3. Evaporation I – Causes 1000 cu’ of liquid to rapidly
modified by -20. evaporate over the course of 1 hour.
2. Limb Pain – A random limb is in intense pain; for a leg, 4. Unwater I – Instantly disintegrates 100 cu’ of water.
the target cannot walk (target may crawl at 10% of their 5. Calm Water – Water within radius is calmed; waves are
normal movement); for an arm, that arm cannot be used. cut 20’ in center and less towards the perimeter.
3. Touch of Disruption – The bones and tissues of the 6. Water Bolt – A bolt of water is shot from the palm of
target’s body are disrupted as if the target had fallen a the caster; results determined on the Water Bolt Table.
long distance. If the target fails their RR by (1-10), they 7. Unrain I –No precipitation will occur in the area of
takes an ‘A’ Impact critical; (11-20) = ‘B’; (21-30) = ‘C’; effect for the duration of the spell.
(31-40) = ‘D’; (41-up) = ‘E’. 8. Dehydrate – Removes all the liquid (usually water)
4. Lock Joint – One of the target’s joints locks; effect as in from 1 cu’ of inanimate material.
Limb Pain. A moving target that is afflicted with leg 9. Evaporation II – As Evaporation I, except 10,000 cu’
lock will falls; if a target with arm lock is carrying are affected.
anything, it is dropped. 10. Unwater II – As Unwater I, except 1,000 cu’ are affected.
5. Break Limb – As Limb Pain, except limb is broken; SORCERER BASE
broken arm is useless, broken leg cuts movement by GAS DESTRUCTION
50% and combat with that arm will suffer a -75 penalty. Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type
6. Disruption II – As Touch of Disruption, except range is 20’. 1) Unfog 10'R/lvl P 100' F
2) Air Stop I 10' R C 100' F
7. Skin Death – Target’s skin will flake and peel all over 3) Vacuum I 5' R - 100' F
their body; there is no tactical penalty, but it lowers the 4) Deoxygenation I 10' R C 100' F
Appearance of the individual by 50%. Lasts until 5) Air Stop II 20' R C 100' F
6) Vacuum II 10' R - 100' F
dispelled and 1 month passes. 7) Deoxygenation II 20' R C 100' F
8. Disruption V – As Touch of Disruption, except range is 50’. 8) Gas to Air 1 cu'/rnd P 100' F
9) Air Stop X 100' R C 100' F
9. Rupture Ear – One of the target’s ears is disrupted; their 10) Vacuum IV 20' R - 100' F
hearing is at 50% of normal until cured (-25 to Perception
1. Unfog – Disperses all fog in a 10’/level radius.
involving hearing, -50 to Perception only involving
2. Air Stop I – Cuts all generalized air movement (e.g., wind)
hearing). If both ears go, the target will be rendered deaf.
by 30 mph in a 10’ radius (will not affect breathing).
10. Limb Death – One of the target’s limbs (random) will
3. Vacuum I – Creates a 5’ radius of near vacuum; all
wither and die. Target loses 5% of the use of the limb per
within the radius take a ‘B’ Impact critical as the air
day; when the total reaches 100%, the limb falls off. Can
leaves and rushes back in.
be cured through circulation and nerve repair spells up
4. Deoxygenation I – As Air Stop except that caster can
to the 80% point, then it must be regenerated. If the limb
remove the oxygen in a 10’ radius at the rate of 1% of
is a leg, movement is reduced by half the percentage lost
the original oxygen/round.
(e.g., if a leg is 60% withered, movement is cut by 30%).
5. Air Stop II – As Air Stop I, except affects a radius of 20’.
If the limb is an arm, combat suffers a -1 penalty per 1%
6. Vacuum – As Vacuum I, except affects a radius of 10’.
withered (e.g., if an arm is 75% withered, all combat with
7. Deoxygenation II – As Deoxygenation I, except affects
that arm will suffer a -75 penalty).
a radius of 20’.
8. Gas To Air – Changes any gas to oxygen at a rate of 1
cu’/round as long as the caster concentrates.
9. Air Stop X – As Air Stop I, except affects a radius of 100’.
10. Vacuum IV – As Vacuum I, except affects a radius of 20’.
Group Individual Weapons
Blow Guns Blow Gun, Pea Shooter
Bows Short Bow, Long Bow, Composite Bow
Chains Plus Morning Star, Nunchaku (1H)
Clubs Blackjack, Jo (1H), Tonfa, Club (1H)
Crossbows Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Handheld Crossbow
Great Blades Bastard Sword (2H), Katana (2H), 2H Sword, Claymore, No-dachi, Irgaak
Great Chains Flail, Nunchaku (2H)
Great Clubs Club (2H), Cudgel
Lines Plus Bola, Ge
Long Axes Battle Axe, Woodsman’s Axe, 3/4 Axe (“Hudson’s Bay Axe”)
Long Double-Edged Blades Broadsword, Long Sword, Bastard Sword (1H), Katana (1H), Dag, Yarkbalka
Long Single-Edged Blades Scimitar, Sabre, Cutlass, Falchion, Dag
Long Spikes War Mattock, Mattock, Pick, 2H Hammer
Long Stabbing Weapons Spear, Javelin, Short Spear
Mounted Pole Arms Lance (mounted), Spear, Javelin
Pole Arms Pole Arms, Spear, Javelin, Pilum, Harpoon, Lance (unmounted), Trident
Rope Weapons Lasso, Net (fishing), Net (gladiators)
Short Axes Cabis, Hatchet, Hand axe, Tomahawk
Short Blades Dagger, Dirk, Knife, Kynac*, Main Gauche, Short Sword, Sai
Short Spikes Baw, Ice Axe, Mace, War Hammer
Slings Sling, Sling Staff
Staves Quarterstaff, Jo (2H), Spear
Thrown Blades Chackrum, Ikasha (big shuriken), Shuriken, Darts, Knives, Daggers, Chegain
Thrown Projectiles Boomerang, Chegain, Typh
Thrusting Blades Rapier, Foil, Long Kynac, Long Knife
Whips Cat-o’-nine-tails, Whip, Metal Whip, Kusari (long chain whip)