Rolemaster Express Additions 04

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Issue #4
November 2007


Introduction ..................................................... 1 Welcome to the fourth issue of Express Additions! In
Races ................................................................. 2 this issue, we will bring you 4 brand new races, imported
from HARP, to expand your gaming pleasure. You get the
Aesyr ........................................................... 2 Aesyr, the Gryx, the Phrenali, and the Vsori.
Gryx ............................................................ 2 We will also introduce 2 more professions, into
Phrenali ...................................................... 3 Rolemaster Express, the Sorcerer and the Mystic.
Vsori ........................................................... 3 The Sorcerer and the Mystic are spell casters who
Professions ....................................................... 4 have access to multiple realms of magic unlike other spell
users you have encountered in Rolemaster Express so far.
Sorcerer ...................................................... 4 Next, we give you a couple more Secondary Skills to
Mystic ......................................................... 4 add to your game, and your enjoyment.
Sorcerer Base Lists ..................................... 5 And finally, we will top off the issue with a number
Mystic Base Lists ........................................ 7 of optional rules that can be introduced to your game.
New Skills......................................................... 9 Enjoy!
Optional Rules ............................................... 10
Extended Semi Base Lists ........................ 10
Armor as a Single Skill ............................ 10
Rapid Load & Fire .................................... 10
Basic Styles ............................................... 11

Author: Tim Dugger & the RMC Team
Editing: Tim Dugger, Heike Kubasch
Pagemaking, & Layout: Tim Dugger
Artwork: David Bezzina, Mike Jackson, Jeff Laubenstein,
Christophe Swal, Colin Throm

CEO: Bruce Neidlinger
President: Heike Kubasch
Editor/Jack-of-All-Trades: Tim Dugger
Pagemaking: Sherry Robinson
Web Master: Tim Dugger
Office Cats: Rajah, Pheobe, & Matsi

Express Additions Copyright © 2007 by Aurigas Aldebaran LLC. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission.
Produced and distributed by Mjolnir LLC, dba Iron Crown Enterprises 112 Goodman Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.
Web: and

Express Additions 1 Issue #4

Since its inception, we have occasionally
added new races to one of our other product
lines known as HARP. In this issue, I have
selected 4 of those new races and have converted
them over for use in RMX. They bring with
them many possibilities for adventure.
Perhaps they are from an isolated location,
and your adventurers stumble upon them.
Perhaps they are from another world and fell
through a portal into the one where your
campaign takes place and are now searching
for a way home. I hope that you enjoy them.

Scholars often like to say that giants walk
among us. This old adage is never truer than
when one of the Aesyr leaves their high,
secluded valleys to travel in the lands of
normal men. Standing between 7 and 8 feet
tall, the Aesyr are larger than even High Men,
and some scholars speculate that the High
Men resulted from the mating of Common
Men and Aesyr.
Though genial among friends, the Aesyr
are often a bit guarded in the presence of
those that they do not know. The Aesyr often
have a lifespan of approximately 100 years,
and they spend much of that time in their
remote homelands high in the mountains.
Although the Aesyr are just like the other
mortal races and do not receive any critical
adjustments because of their size. However,
their inherent strength does allow them to
wield two-handed weapons in one hand without any The Gryx also have nightvision just as elves do, and this
penalties, and it also reduces the fumble range of all one allows them to see quite well on all but the darkest nights.
handed weapons to 01-02. Additionally, the Aesyr use
20% of their normal weight as an encumbrance unit, not
the normal 10% like other races.

The savage appearance of the Gryx belies their calm
and gentle nature. Standing around 6’ in height, the Gryx
are often mistaken as monsters at first sight, especially by
those who don’t know them.
Although they are normally peaceful by nature, the
Gryx are not pacifists, and they will fight to defend
themselves. They make superb warriors for such a
normally peaceful race. Gryx are strong, sturdy and quick,
and this grants them a +5 bonus to OB, DB, and initiative.
The average Gryx lives about 95 years, and if they had their
way, they would all be peaceful years.

Express Additions 2 Issue #4

Standing only four and a half feet tall on average, the
Phrenali are a truly unique race. Their pale skin, and their
oversized eyes, that glisten like liquid gemstones, and their
lack of body hair all proclaim their unusual origins.
The Phrenali are a very peaceful race. They are
very calm and reserved, rarely showing emotion.
Many races like to hire Phrenali as negotiators
and ambassadors because of these traits. The
Phrenali have an average lifespan of 200 years
The stare of a Phrenali is extremely
unnerving to other races, and many claim
that their stare can see straight into your
soul. While that is an exaggeration, the stare
of a Phrenali can be very difficult to deal
with. If a person notices a Phrenali staring
at them, they must make a SD based RR
against the Phrenali’s level or have the
fumble range of any action that they are
taking at the time be doubled.
Their large eyes also grant them superior
visual capabilities, including nightvision as an
elf and darkvision out to a range of 50’ and a +5 to
all vision related perception maneuvers.

This small race barely stands above four feet in height.
They look like miniature humans with
slanted brows and slightly pointed ears, RACIAL STATS
giving them a slightly devilish appearance.
Stat Bonus Modifications Aesyr Gr yx Phrenali Vsori
Despite their small stature, the Vsori are
ST +15 +15 +0 +0
often tougher and sturdier than others
might initially think. They are able to use Q U + 5 + 0 + 1 0 + 15
3 times their height as a base for jumping P R + 5 + 0 + 2 0 + 0
maneuvers, unlike other races that use IN -5 +0 +0 +5
their unmodified height. EM -5 +0 +0 +5
The Vsori have nightvision like elves, CO +10 +10 +5 +0
and they also have a set of retractable AG +5 +0 +5 +20
claws. These claws grant them a +20 SD -10 +5 +20 +10
bonus to climbing maneuvers, and they
ME -5 +0 +0 +0
can be used to make a Small (Tier 1)
RE -5 +0 +0 +0
attack on the MA Strikes table, doing
Slash criticals. The Martial Arts skill is R R M od ifications
used by the Vsori in learning how to use Essence -5 +0 -5 +5
their claws in attacking. Channeling -5 +0 -5 +5
The Vsori are a somber and serious Mentalism -5 +15 +40 +5
race, very pragmatic and often stoic. This is Poison +40 +20 +5 +10
usually attributed to their having developed Disease +100 +50 +20 +10
in areas where survival was a continuous Recover y Multiplier 0.5x 1x 1.5x 1x
struggle. For whatever reason, the Vsori
# Starting Languages* 2 3 1 2
seem to prefer living in dangerous lands to
Base Hit Points 60 40 22 32
living in peaceful ones.
Hits per Rank** 11 6 6 6
Max # hits 300 200 110 160
* = Rank 6 Spoken/5 Written for native tongue; 3S/3W for all others
** = Per rank of Body Development

Express Additions 3 Issue #4

The Sorcerer and Mystic are Hybrid spell user
professions, each of which combines some of the powers
of two different realms of magic. They can obtain the Skills Stats Sorcerer Mystic
power of the most potent pure spell user only in a very Maneuvering in Armor
restricted set of spells. However, they are much more Soft Leather Ag/St 9 4/*
flexible since they have access to two realms of power. Rigid Leather Ag/St 9 5/*
A Hybrid spell user may learn their Base Lists, Chain Ag/St 10 6/*
and may learn Open and Closed lists in both of their
Plate Ag/St 11 7/*
realms, but only to 10th level, even if you are using
the full spell lists from RMC Spell Law. Weapon Skills
When a Hybrid spell user casts a spell from one of One-Handed Edged** St/St/Ag 9 9
their two realms, they must abide by the restrictions of One-Handed Crushing** St/St/Ag 20 20
that realm of power (only). For example, when casting a Two-Handed** St/St/Ag 20 20
Mentalism spell, a helmet cannot be worn. When casting Missile** Ag/Ag/St 20 20
one of the spells from their hybrid base lists, they must
Thrown** Ag/Ag/St 20 20
abide by the restrictions of both realms. (see RMC Spell
Law for more detail on Hybrids) Pole Arms** St/St/Ag 20 20
General Skills
SORCERER Climbing Ag 7 7
Sorcerers are Hybrid spell users who combine the Swimming Ag 3 3
realms of Essence and Channeling, concentrating on Riding** Em/Ag 3 3
spells of destruction. Their base spells deal with the Disarm Traps In/Ag 7 7
specific destruction of animate and inanimate material.
Pick Locks In/Ag 7 7
Prime requisites: Empathy and Intuition.
Stalk & Hide Ag or SD 6 2
MYSTIC Perception In/Re 3 2
Mystics are Hybrid spell users who combine the M a g i c al Sk i l l s
realms of Essence and Mentalism; they have Spell Lists** Em or In 2/* 2/*
concentrated on subtle spells of misdirection and Runes Em/In 2/5 2/5
modification. Their base spells deal with personal Staves & Wands Em/In 2/5 2/5
illusion as well as the modification of matter.
Directed Spells** Ag 2/5 2/6
Prime requisites: Empathy and Presence.
Special Skills
Ambush — 9 9
Linguistics** — 2/ * 1/*
Adrenal Moves** Pr/SD 5 5
Adrenal Defense — 20 15
Martial Arts ** varies 9 6
Body Development Co 8 8
Secondar y Skills
First Aid SD/Em 3/6 2/6
Foraging In/Me 2/6 2/6
Lore: General** Me/Re 1/3 1/3
Tracking In/Re 3 2/4
Prime Requisites Em/In Em/Pr
** - Must be specialized into individual, specific skills, such
as 1 weapon, spell list, lore, or language.

Express Additions 4 Issue #4

Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type
1) Sprain Limb 1 target P 100' F 1) Vaporize Water 10 cu'/lvl P 100' F
2) Limb Pain 1 target 1 rnd/5% 100' F 2) Freeze Water 10 cu'/lvl P 100' F
3) Touch of Disruption 1 target P touch F 3) Evaporation I 1000 cu' P 100' F
4) Lock Joint 1 target 1 rnd/5% 100' F 4) Unwater I 100 cu' P 100' F
5) Break Limb 1 target P 100' F 5) Calm Water 100'R C 100' F
6) Disruption II 1 target P 20' F 6) Water Bolt I 100' - 100' Ed
7) Skin Death 1 target varies 100' F 7) Unrain I 100' R 4 hrs/lvl 100' F
8) Disruption V 1 target P 50' F 8) Dehydrate 1 cu' P 100' F
9) Ear Disruption 1 target P 100' F 9) Evaporation II 10,000 cu' P 100' F
10) Limb Death 1 target P 100' F 10) Unwater II 1,000 cu' P 100' F

1. Sprain Limb – A random part of a random limb is 1. Vaporize Water –Vaporizes 10 cu’ of liquid/level.
sprained. If it is part of a leg: movement is cut by 25%, 2. Freeze Water – Freezes 10 cu’ of liquid/level.
combat is at -10; if it is part of an arm, combat is 3. Evaporation I – Causes 1000 cu’ of liquid to rapidly
modified by -20. evaporate over the course of 1 hour.
2. Limb Pain – A random limb is in intense pain; for a leg, 4. Unwater I – Instantly disintegrates 100 cu’ of water.
the target cannot walk (target may crawl at 10% of their 5. Calm Water – Water within radius is calmed; waves are
normal movement); for an arm, that arm cannot be used. cut 20’ in center and less towards the perimeter.
3. Touch of Disruption – The bones and tissues of the 6. Water Bolt – A bolt of water is shot from the palm of
target’s body are disrupted as if the target had fallen a the caster; results determined on the Water Bolt Table.
long distance. If the target fails their RR by (1-10), they 7. Unrain I –No precipitation will occur in the area of
takes an ‘A’ Impact critical; (11-20) = ‘B’; (21-30) = ‘C’; effect for the duration of the spell.
(31-40) = ‘D’; (41-up) = ‘E’. 8. Dehydrate – Removes all the liquid (usually water)
4. Lock Joint – One of the target’s joints locks; effect as in from 1 cu’ of inanimate material.
Limb Pain. A moving target that is afflicted with leg 9. Evaporation II – As Evaporation I, except 10,000 cu’
lock will falls; if a target with arm lock is carrying are affected.
anything, it is dropped. 10. Unwater II – As Unwater I, except 1,000 cu’ are affected.
5. Break Limb – As Limb Pain, except limb is broken; SORCERER BASE
broken arm is useless, broken leg cuts movement by GAS DESTRUCTION
50% and combat with that arm will suffer a -75 penalty. Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type
6. Disruption II – As Touch of Disruption, except range is 20’. 1) Unfog 10'R/lvl P 100' F
2) Air Stop I 10' R C 100' F
7. Skin Death – Target’s skin will flake and peel all over 3) Vacuum I 5' R - 100' F
their body; there is no tactical penalty, but it lowers the 4) Deoxygenation I 10' R C 100' F
Appearance of the individual by 50%. Lasts until 5) Air Stop II 20' R C 100' F
6) Vacuum II 10' R - 100' F
dispelled and 1 month passes. 7) Deoxygenation II 20' R C 100' F
8. Disruption V – As Touch of Disruption, except range is 50’. 8) Gas to Air 1 cu'/rnd P 100' F
9) Air Stop X 100' R C 100' F
9. Rupture Ear – One of the target’s ears is disrupted; their 10) Vacuum IV 20' R - 100' F
hearing is at 50% of normal until cured (-25 to Perception
1. Unfog – Disperses all fog in a 10’/level radius.
involving hearing, -50 to Perception only involving
2. Air Stop I – Cuts all generalized air movement (e.g., wind)
hearing). If both ears go, the target will be rendered deaf.
by 30 mph in a 10’ radius (will not affect breathing).
10. Limb Death – One of the target’s limbs (random) will
3. Vacuum I – Creates a 5’ radius of near vacuum; all
wither and die. Target loses 5% of the use of the limb per
within the radius take a ‘B’ Impact critical as the air
day; when the total reaches 100%, the limb falls off. Can
leaves and rushes back in.
be cured through circulation and nerve repair spells up
4. Deoxygenation I – As Air Stop except that caster can
to the 80% point, then it must be regenerated. If the limb
remove the oxygen in a 10’ radius at the rate of 1% of
is a leg, movement is reduced by half the percentage lost
the original oxygen/round.
(e.g., if a leg is 60% withered, movement is cut by 30%).
5. Air Stop II – As Air Stop I, except affects a radius of 20’.
If the limb is an arm, combat suffers a -1 penalty per 1%
6. Vacuum – As Vacuum I, except affects a radius of 10’.
withered (e.g., if an arm is 75% withered, all combat with
7. Deoxygenation II – As Deoxygenation I, except affects
that arm will suffer a -75 penalty).
a radius of 20’.
8. Gas To Air – Changes any gas to oxygen at a rate of 1
cu’/round as long as the caster concentrates.
9. Air Stop X – As Air Stop I, except affects a radius of 100’.
10. Vacuum IV – As Vacuum I, except affects a radius of 20’.

Express Additions 5 Issue #4

SORCERER BASE 8. Earth/Mud – As Stone/Earth, except changes earth
Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type 10. Corridor – Creates a 3’x6’ corridor that is l’/level long;
1) Minor Pain 1 target 10 min/5% 100' Fm it can be cut through any non-metal, inorganic
2) Jolts I 1 target 1 rnd/10% 100' Fm
3) Disorientation 1 target 1 day/5% 100' Fm material. The corridor can be cut at a rate of 1’ (length)
4) Unbalance 1 target 1 day/5% 100' Fm per round as the caster concentrates.
5) Distortions 1 target 1 day/5% 100' Fm
6) Jolts III 1 target 3 rnd/10% 100' Fm
7) Major Pain 1 target 10 min/5% 100' Fm
8) Forget 1 target P 10' Fm SOUL DESTRUCTION
9) Word of Pain * 1 target P 100' Fm
Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type
10) Mind Shock 1 target 1 day/5% 100' Fm
1) Question 1 target - 100' Fm
2) Demonic Possession I 1 target varies 100' Fm
1. Minor Pain – Target takes 25% of their remaining 3) Neurosis 1 target P 100' Fm
concussion hits (i.e., those not already taken); these 4) Guilt 1 target P 100' Fm
hits are healed when the duration is up, provided 5) Paranoia 1 target P 100' Fm
6) Demonic Possession II 1 target varies 100' Fm
target has not died. 7) Panic 1 target P 100' Fm
2. Jolts I – Target is stunned. 8) Transferal 1 target varies 100' Fm
3. Disorientation – Target must subtract 25 from all 10) Demonic Possession III 1 target varies 100' Fm
orientation, perception, and initiative rolls.
4. Unbalance – As Disorientation, except 25 is subtracted 1. Question – Target must answer a single concept question
from all maneuver rolls. (presuming that the target can understand the question).
5. Distortions – As Disorientation, except 25 is subtracted 2. Demonic Possession I – Target is possessed by a Type
from all combat rolls. I Demon; caster has no control over the target or
6. Jolts III – As Jolts I, except duration is 3 rounds/10 failure. Demon. The Demon will force the target to do random
7. Major Pain – As Minor Pain, except 50% of (not necessarily destructive) things; target gets an RR
remaining hits are taken. every other round to attempt to get rid of the Demon.
8. Forget – Target forgets a period of (1 min/level) of 3. Neurosis –Target has an extreme dislike for any specific
their past, as desired by the caster. thing the caster chooses; target has a 50% chance, modified
9. Word Of Pain – As Major Pain, except hits must be cured. by their Self Discipline stat bonus, of overcoming the
10. Mind Shock – As Disorientation, Unbalance, and neurosis when given a choice (e.g., neurosis concerning
Distortions (all at once). horses would mean that every time the target tried to get on
or near a horse they would only have a 50% chance).
SORCERER BASE 4. Guilt – Target becomes guilty over some action in their
SOLID DESTRUCTION past. The GM should choose some significant event in
Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type the target’s past. They will not perform similar actions
1) Melt Ice 10 cu'/lvl P 100' F again and must take steps to alleviate the guilt.
2) Loosen Earth 100 cu' P 100' F
3) Erosions 100 cu'/lvl P 100' F 5. Paranoia – Target will trust no one absolutely. When in
4) Cracks Call 10'x10'x10' P 100' F a life threatening/ dangerous situation, there is a 50%
5) Undoor 10'x10'x6" P 10' F
6) Stone/Earth 100 cu' P 100' F chance (modified by the their Self Discipline stat bonus)
7) that they will not put their safety in the hands of others.
8) Earth/Mud 100 cu' P 100' F
6. Demonic Possession II – As Demonic Possession I,
10) Corridor 3'x6'x1'/lvl P 100' F except Demon is Type II and the possessed only gets a
1. Melt Ice – Melts up to 10cu’/level of ice. RR once every minute.
2. Loosen Earth – Loosens 100 cu’ of earth to the 7. Panic – Target will flee in panic in any personally
consistency of plowed ground. dangerous situation, unless they successfully make an
3. Erosions – Causes a 100 cu’/level section of inorganic RR (once per combat only). Fleeing equates to
material to erode and deteriorate at 1000 x normal rate. movement away for D10 rounds at maximum pace.
4. Cracks Call – Any previous cracks or flaws in material 8. Transferal – Target’s “soul” and the caster’s “soul” are
up to 10’x10’x10’ (not 1,000 cu feet) section will extend interchanged; the caster can operate at 50% of their normal
to their limit. activity in the body of the target. The target in the caster’s
5. Undoor – Will vaporize a non-magic door up to 6" body is inactive. The caster can cancel the spell at any time
thick, 10’ high, and 10’ wide (if the door is thicker than (takes 1 round); the target can only cancel the spell if they
6" it will vaporize the closest 6 inches). make a successful RR (they gets one every 10 minutes). If
6. Stone/Earth – Changes 100 cu’ of stone to packed either body is killed, both “souls” will be destroyed .
earth; change is gradual and takes 3 rounds. 10. Demonic Possession III – As Demonic Possession I,
except Demon is Type III and the possessed target only
gets a RR once every 10 minutes.

Express Additions 6 Issue #4

MYSTIC BASE 5. Air Stop I – Stops all generalized air movement (e.g.,
CONFUSING WAYS wind) up to 30 mph and cuts higher winds by 30 mph,
Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type both in a 10’ radius.
1) Distraction 1 target C 100' Fm 6. Fog X – As Fog II, except radius is 100’.
2) Confusion 1 target 1 rnd/5% 100' Fm
3) Blur Vision 1 target C 100' Fm 8. Airwall True – As Airwall, except has a set duration of
4) Fear 1 target 1 min/10% 100' Fm 1 min/level and does not require concentration.
5) Stumble 1 target - 100' Fm
6) Fumble 1 target - 100' Fm
9. Fire Bolt I – A bolt of fire is shot from the palm of the
7) Hallucination 1 target C 100' Fm caster; results are determined from the Fire Bolt Table
8) Spin 1 target - 50' Fm (a fire source must be within 10’).
9) Weapon Alteration 1 target 1 rnd/lvl 100' Fm
10) Mirages 1 target C 100' Fm 10. Air Stop V – As Air Stop I, except radius is 50’.
1. Distraction – Target is at -30 for all actions. MYSTIC BASE
2. Confusion –Target is incapable of making decisions HIDING
or initiating action; may continue to fight current foes Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type
or in self-defense. 1) Blur caster 1 min/lvl self D
2) Unseen 1 object 24 hrs touch P
3. Blur Vision – Target has a -100 OB mod for missile 3) Shadow caster 10 min/lvl self P
attacks; -50 for all other actions. 4) Quiet I 1'R 1 min/lvl self F
5) Invisibility I 1 target 24 hrs touch P
4. Fear – Target fears caster and attempts to flee. 6) Invisibility II 1 target 24 hrs touch P
Fleeing usually equates to moving at maximum pace 7) Screens 1,000 sq' C 100' P
away from caster. 8) Displacement I caster 1 min/lvl self P
9) No Sense 1 target 24 hrs touch P
5. Stumble – Target becomes unbalanced; if they is 10) Shadow Mystic varies 1 min/lvl 100' P
moving, they trips and falls (Down for 1-5 rounds); if
they is performing a maneuver they fails it. 1. Blur – Causes caster to appear blurred to attackers,
6. Fumble – As Stumble, except target fumbles any subtracting 10 from all attacks.
weapon or item in their hands; roll on the appropriate 2. Unseen – A single object is made invisible (1 garment, 1
Arms Law Fumble Table. naked body, etc.); until 24 hrs pass or the object is
7. Hallucination – Target sees a nonexistent foe; must struck by a violent blow (being hit by a weapon, falling,
fight them until the foe is “defeated” (i.e., takes damage etc.) or the object makes a violent move (i.e., an attack).
that would drop the target); foe has same capabilities as 3. Shadow – Caster and objects on their person appear to
target but does them no damage (i.e., always misses). be a shadow; and thus are almost invisible in dark
8. Spin – Target is spun about 180°, taking 1 round/10 areas (e.g., in many situations this could be handled
point failure to recover. with a Stalking/Hiding bonus between 25 and 75).
9. Weapon Alteration – Target’s weapon is altered to appear 4. Quiet I – Any sounds originating within a radius of 1’ of
to them that it is some other weapon, with which they the caster’s body are completely muffled; +25 to Stalking.
must fight; treat as a similar weapon for OB purposes. 5. Invisibility I – As Unseen, except everything within 1’ of
10. Mirages – Target sees all moving things clearly, but the the target is invisible as long as it remains within the radius
caster can control the fixed scene that the target “sees”. (1’) and none of the Unseen termination conditions occur.
Only objects totally contained in the radius at the time of
MYSTIC BASE casting become invisible. Any object in the radius is under
GAS ALTERATION the restrictions given in Unseen. See Express Additions #1
Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type for notes on Invisibility.
1) Condensation 1 cu' water P touch F 6. Invisibility II – As Invisibility I, except the caster can
2) Airwall 10'x10'x3' C 10' E
3) Fog II 20'R 1 min/lvl 100' E vary the radius up to 1’.
4) 7. Screens – Creates a 1,000 sq’ screen on which the caster can
5) Air Stop I 10'R C touch F
6) Fog X 100'R 1 min/lvl 10' E place any static scene; seems 3-dimensional and normal.
7) 8. Displacement I – Caster appears to be offset from
8) Airwall True 10'x10'x3' 1 min/lvl 10' E
9) Fire Bolt I 1 target - 100' Ed
where they really is, all attacks have no effect 10% of the
10) Air Stop V 50'R C touch F time (no normal RRs). Each time a foe misses, the
chance of “no effect” for that foe goes down by 5%.
1. Condensation – Condenses 1 cu’ of water from the
9. No Sense – As Invisibility I, except caster is also
surrounding air into the caster’s hands. The caster can
undetectable by smell and sound,
then funnel the water into any available container.
10. Shadow Mystic – Creates a duplicate of the caster; if
2. Airwall – Creates 10’xl0’x3’ wall of dense air; cuts
they concentrates, it will move as they wills; otherwise,
movement and missile attacks through it by 50%
it does exactly as they does. With a round of
(i.e., -50 to OBs).
concentration, the caster can merge the shadow mystic
3. Fog II – Creates dense fog in a 20’ radius.
with himself and then split apart again.

Express Additions 7 Issue #4

MYSTIC BASE 5. Enlarge – Caster can increase their mass (and usually
LIQUID ALTERATION height) by 10%/level; but there is no proportional increase
Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type in strength (other than for movement purposes).
1) Boil/Freeze Water 1 cu'/lvl C 2' F 6. Shrink – As Enlarge, except caster shrinks by 10%/level
2) Clear/Desalinate Water 1 cu'/lvl C 2' F
3) Evaporation 1,000 cu'/lvl P (C) 2' F (to a maximum of 90%) and there is no proportional
4) Waterwall 10'x10'x1' C 10' E decrease in strength.
5) Water Bolt I 1 target - 100' Ed
6) Water Corridor I 100'x3'x10' C 10' F 7. Misfeel Calling – As Misfeel Kind, except profession
7) Call Rain 100'R C self F may be misrepresented.
8) Calm Water 100'R C 10' F
9) Wave (1'x10')/lvl - 100' F
8. Changing Lungs – Caster can breathe water, air, or
10) Waterwall True 10'x10'x1' 1 min/lvl 10' E gas at will.
1. Boil/Freeze Water – The caster may vary the 9. Change – As Change To Kind, except caster can assume
temperature of any inanimate body of liquid (1 cu’/ any organic form within 1/2 and 2x their mass; does
level) by 125°F per round. Once the liquid begins to not obtain any special abilities.
boil/freeze, it will not continue to heat up, but will begin 10. Mind Tongue – [RR Mod: -50] Caster can speak mentally
to cool naturally if the caster stops concentrating. with any sentient being; and to the being it will seem as if the
(Temp. cannot be lower then -20°F). caster was speaking in the being’s own language.
2. Clear/Desalinate Water – As Boil/Freeze Water, except MYSTIC BASE
removes all sediment and dissolved substances. SOLID ALTERATION
3. Evaporation – As Boil/Freeze Water, except 1,000 cu’/ Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type
level of liquid is evaporated at a rate of 100 cu’/round. 1) Warm Solid 1 cu'/lvl 24 hrs touch F
2) Heat Solid I 1 cu'/lvl 1 min/lvl (C) touch F
4. Waterwall – Creates a 10’x10’xl’ wall of churning water 3) Cool Solid I 1 cu'/lvl 24 hrs touch F
(a liquid source must be within 10’), cuts all movement 4) Cracks Call 10'x10'x10' - 100' F
and attacks through it by 80%. 5) Door 1 door - touch F
6) Woodfires 1'R - touch F
5. Water Bolt – A bolt of water is shot from the palm of 7)
the caster (a liquid source must be within 10’); results 8) Heat Solid II 1 cu'/lvl 1 min/lvl (C) 50' F
9) Cool Solid II 1 cu'/lvl 1 min/lvl (C) 50' F
are determined on the Water Bolt Table. 10) Wall of Ice 10'x10'x2' varies 10' E
6. Water Corridor I – Creates a corridor through liquid up to
100’ long, 3’ wide and 10’ deep (must be open at the top). 1. Warm Solid – Any solid inanimate, non-metal material (1
7. Call Rain – Causes it to rain in 100’R about the caster, cu’/lvl) can be warmed to 100°F at a rate of 1 cu’/rnd. The
heaviness is determined by the humidity. solid will not begin to cool for 1 min per level of the caster.
8. Calm Water – All water within a 100’R is calmed: waves 2. Heat Solid I – As Warm Solid, except material can be heated
are cut by 20’ in the center and less towards the perimeter. to 500°F at a rate of 100°F/rnd. The caster must concentrate
9. Wave – Creates a wave moving away from the caster; to increase the temperature (without concentration, the
wave is 1’ high/ level in the center and 10’/level wide. material will retain it’s current temperature for the duration
10. Waterwall True – As Waterwall, except has a set duration of the spell). The caster need only touch the solid when
of 1 min/level and doesn’t require concentration. initially casting the spell
MYSTIC BASE 3. Cool Solid I – Any solid, inanimate, non-metal material
can be cooled to -20°F, at a rate of 1 cu’/round.
MYSTICAL CHANGE 4. Cracks Call – Any previous cracks or flaws in material up
Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range Type
1) Study self - 300' I to 10’x10’x10’ section will extend to their limit.
2) Face Shifting True self 1 hour/lvl self U 5. Door – Can cause a door to expand or contract due to
3) Change to Kind self 10 min/lvl self U
4) Misfeel Kind o self C self Pm subtle temperature changes; door can be jammed or
5) Enlarge self 10 min/lvl self U loosened (a special modification of +/- 50 to maneuvers to
6) Shrink self 10 min/lvl self U
7) Misfeel Calling o self C self Pm
break down the door can be granted).
8) Changing Lungs self 10 min/lvl self U 6. Woodfires – Causes wood and other burnable materials to
9) Change self 10 min/lvl self U instantly burst into flames.
10) Mind Tongue 1 target + self C 20' Um
8. Heat Solid II – As Heat Solid I, except the range is 50’
1. Study – Caster studies and memorizes the appearance but the heat only increases 50°F each round that the
and mannerisms of a being, for later use in a Face Shift caster concentrates.
or Change type spell. 9. Cool Solid II – As Cold Solid, except material can be cooled
2. Face Shifting True – Allows caster to alter the form of their to -200°F, at a rate of (1 cu’ and -100°F)/round. The caster
face; if they Studied a being they can take on the exact form. must concentrate to decrease the temperature (without
3. Change to Kind – Caster can alter their entire body to concentration, the material will retain it’s current temperature
the form of another humanoid race (no increase in for the duration of the spell).
mass). This cannot be a specific person. 10. Wall of Ice – Creates a 10’x10’x(2’ base, 1’ top) clear wall
4. Misfeel Kind – Caster appears to be of any race they of ice, lasting until: melted (100 hits of fire) or chopped
chooses to magical or mental detections. through (50 man rounds). Requires water source within 10’.
Express Additions 8 Issue #4
In the last issue, we brought you ten new skills. This that require thought. For example, he can jump a ditch,
time, we are only going to add 2 more skills to the list, and but swing across on a rope requires too much mental
we won’t be recommending that you increase the number effort for the frenzied character.
of Developments Points that a character receives because All damage sustained while in a frenzy is still there when
we are also offering a couple of options that will reduce the the character recovers. This can quite often put him below
overall number of skills that the player has to worry about. zero hits. If this is so, when the character leaves the frenzy, he
The Additional Skills Table below lists the two new will pass out and be unconscious until he has a positive
skills as well as the 10 skills from last issue. We did this number of hits. If a character has received more hits than his
because you need the skill costs for all of the professions Total Hits plus his Con stat, when he leaves the frenzy, the
to date, as well as needing the costs of the other skills for character will immediately begin the process of dying.
the professions introduced in this issue.
FRENZY [EM/SD] (SM) The meditation skill bonus is used to allow the
This is the character’s bonus to attempt to go into a character to enter, leave, and exploit meditative trances. Each
state of single-minded, unpredictable rage. Once the hour of uninterrupted meditation equals two hours of sleep.
character has entered a frenzied state, he will gain the While in a trance, the character is usually unaware of
following benefits and restrictions: all outside activity. Physical prodding allows one to make a
• +30 to Melee OB. static maneuver to leave the trance. A painful strike, such as
• All melee attacks do double concussion hits a slap, gives a +25 modification to leaving the trance. With
(criticals not included). a Hard meditation roll, a character may setup a verbal
• May take double normal amount of hit damage trigger that will immediately rouse him from his trance.
before going unconscious. More skill meditation practitioners will often enter a
• No DB other than armor bonuses. trance in order to aid their mental faculties. Since this
• May not parry. form of trance allows for very minor movements and
• May not use a shield. even interaction with others, it is harder to maintain, and
Preparation for entering a frenzy requires at least one requires an Extremely Hard meditation roll to properly
round of preparation. Once frenzied, the character will enter. While in this form of trance, the character gains a
not be able to distinguish friend from foe without making +25 modifier to other static actions that he performs
a Very Hard Perception maneuver roll. He will first attack while in this trance. Elves get an additional +25
the focus of his frenzy, and then attack the next nearest modification to this skill bonus.
foe, or friend if he cannot tell the difference, and so on
until all foes are down. The character may also make a
static maneuver each round to leave the frenzied state.
While in the frenzy, the character may not use any
skills or other maneuvers except those that move him
closer to his target, and even then, they may not be things

Additional Secondar y Skills

Skill Development Cost (Per Profession)
Skill Stat Figh Thief Rogue W Mnk Mage Anim Ment Sorc Myst Monk Rang Bard
Acrobatics Ag/Qu 2/5 1/3 1/4 1/3 3 2/7 3/7 3 3 1/5 2/6 2/6
Acting Pr/Em 2/6 2/5 1/3 2/5 3/6 2/7 2/6 2/7 1/2 2/6 2/6 1/5
Crafting Ag/Em 2/6 2/6 2/6 3/5 3 3 3 3 3 2/6 2/6 2/6
Frenzy Em/SD 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/5 5 3 2/4 3/6 3 1/3 2/6 2/6
Lore: Magical Me/Re 6 5 4 6 1/4 2/5 2/4 2/5 2/5 3/6 3/6 1/4
Lore: Obscure Me/Re 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 3/7 2/4
Meditation Pr/SD 3/7 3/6 3/6 2/4 1/5 1/3 1/4 2/4 1/3 1/5 2/4 2/4
Music Ag/Em 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/5 2/6 2/6 1/2
Navigation Re/In 2/6 2/6 2/5 2/6 2/6 1/5 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 1/4 2/6
Singing Pr/In 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/6 2/5 2/6 2/6 1/2
Streetwise In/Pr 2/4 1/2 1/3 3/6 3 4 3 3 2/5 3/7 3/6 2/4
Trickery Pr/Qu 2/6 1/2 1/3 1/4 3 3 3 3 1/5 2/5 2/5 2/4
Figh Thief Rogue W Mnk Mage Anim Ment Sorc Myst Monk Rang Bard

Express Additions 9 Issue #4

In this issue, we will present you with a number of
new options that you can use to enhance your game.


In the core rules of RMC Spell Law, Pure spell users
are allowed to select four additional spell lists to be Base
Lists in addition to the six that they get from their
profession. It is this that sparked the idea for this option.
In Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying, Semi spell users
get 6 Base Lists as opposed to the 5 Base Lists that a Semi
Spell User has in Rolemaster Classic. In order to bridge the
gap between the two systems, we are offering this option. RAPID LOAD & FIRE
A Semi spell user may select 1 Closed List from their In Rolemaster Classic and Rolemaster Express (RMX)
Realm to be treated as a sixth Base List for their both, loading and firing a missile weapon are considered
profession. This option will allow for a small amount of to be separate actions requiring differing amount of
customization among Semi spell users. activity. And according to the rules regarding activity
percentages, neither action may normally be
ARMOR AS A SINGLE SKILL accomplished using less activity.
I have always found it slightly odd that a Rolemaster However, in RMX, on the Weapon Statistics table on
character had to learn 4 different skills for dealing with the page 52, we also introduce an action known as Rapid
extra weight and limited maneuverability of a suit of armor Load & Fire (RLF) which combines the loading or
based on what it was made of. Its construction should not be reloading of a missile weapon with the firing of it into a
a factor in learning how to wear and move properly in armor. single, complex action that takes less time than the two
This option removes the 4 separate Maneuver in Armor separate actions, but it also carries with it a modifier to
skills and replaces it with a single skill. This single skill still the attack’s OB.
works exactly the same way as the four separate skills did, This option expands the information from RMX to
nothing changes in that manner. The cost of this single skill include other missile weapons not found in that product,
can be found in the Armor as a Single Skill table. such as thrown weapons and light crossbows. This
option also presumes that the missile weapon is in hand,
ARMOR AS A SINGLE SKILL and strung (if it is a bow), or that the weapon to be
Profession Cost Profession Cost thrown is sheathed in an easily accessible location.
Fighter 3/* Mentalist 7/* The Rapid Load & Fire table shows the type of
Thief 4/* Lay Healer 5/* missile attack, and how much activity percentage is
Rogue 3/* Seer 7/* required along with the OB modifier for the attack.
Warrior Monk 11/* Sorcerer 11/*
Magician 11/* Mystic 7/* RAPID LOAD & FIRE
Illusionist 11/* Astrologer 7/* Type RLF Information
Alchemist 11/* Monk 11/* Thrown Weapon RLF (50%) at -20
Cleric 7/* Ranger 4/* Sling RFL (90%) at -10
Animist 8/* Bard 4/* Short Bow RLF (90%) at -15
Healer 7/* Composite Bow RLF (90%) at -20
Long Bow RLF (90%) at -25
Crossbow, Light RLF (120%) at -30
Crossbow, Heavy RLF (185%) at -35

Express Additions 10 Issue #4

BASIC STYLES learning the basic style for an individual weapon or for a
group of related weapons. The following information
In an upcoming Rolemaster Classic product, we will be
applied to both the Melee and the Ranged skills, based
introducing rules for creating and using combat styles in place
upon whether they learn the skill for an individual
of the existing combat oriented skills that are currently used.
weapon or a group of weapons.
The goal of this option is to move things a step in that
The Basic Styles DP Costs table shows the DP costs of
direction by providing you with the most basic styles possible.
these new skills for all the RMC professions.
A Basic Style is essentially the same thing that is
covered by a normal melee or ranged attack. The INDIVIDUAL
character may attack and parry using the Basic Styles just This allows the character to gain skill in using a single
as they would do so using the original combat skills. This weapon. He may attack using the full skill bonus as his OB.
option does not grant any additional attack capabilities, it The character may also make attacks using the other weapons
only changes the manner in which the skills are learned. from the same group as that individual weapon with a
The Weapon Groups table below shows various maximum of 50% of his OB in the individual weapon.
groups available and what weapon belongs to each
group. The table includes weapons that are in Rolemaster GROUP
Classic, but not in Rolemaster Express. It also includes a When a character learns this skill, he must select one
number of weapons that are listed only on the Weapon weapon from the group to be his primary weapon. He
Statistics Chart on page 23 of RMC Arms Law. may make attacks using his full skill bonus as his OB for
This option replaces the 6 weapon skills with 2 skills, that weapon. All other weapons within the group may be
Melee and Ranged. The DP costs for the Melee and used with a -10 modifier.
Ranged skills depend upon whether the character is

Group Individual Weapons
Blow Guns Blow Gun, Pea Shooter
Bows Short Bow, Long Bow, Composite Bow
Chains Plus Morning Star, Nunchaku (1H)
Clubs Blackjack, Jo (1H), Tonfa, Club (1H)
Crossbows Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Handheld Crossbow
Great Blades Bastard Sword (2H), Katana (2H), 2H Sword, Claymore, No-dachi, Irgaak
Great Chains Flail, Nunchaku (2H)
Great Clubs Club (2H), Cudgel
Lines Plus Bola, Ge
Long Axes Battle Axe, Woodsman’s Axe, 3/4 Axe (“Hudson’s Bay Axe”)
Long Double-Edged Blades Broadsword, Long Sword, Bastard Sword (1H), Katana (1H), Dag, Yarkbalka
Long Single-Edged Blades Scimitar, Sabre, Cutlass, Falchion, Dag
Long Spikes War Mattock, Mattock, Pick, 2H Hammer
Long Stabbing Weapons Spear, Javelin, Short Spear
Mounted Pole Arms Lance (mounted), Spear, Javelin
Pole Arms Pole Arms, Spear, Javelin, Pilum, Harpoon, Lance (unmounted), Trident
Rope Weapons Lasso, Net (fishing), Net (gladiators)
Short Axes Cabis, Hatchet, Hand axe, Tomahawk
Short Blades Dagger, Dirk, Knife, Kynac*, Main Gauche, Short Sword, Sai
Short Spikes Baw, Ice Axe, Mace, War Hammer
Slings Sling, Sling Staff
Staves Quarterstaff, Jo (2H), Spear
Thrown Blades Chackrum, Ikasha (big shuriken), Shuriken, Darts, Knives, Daggers, Chegain
Thrown Projectiles Boomerang, Chegain, Typh
Thrusting Blades Rapier, Foil, Long Kynac, Long Knife
Whips Cat-o’-nine-tails, Whip, Metal Whip, Kusari (long chain whip)

Express Additions 11 Issue #4

Should a character learn a skill for an individual
weapon, and then later learn a skill for that weapon’s
entire group, he may use either skill when using that
specific weapon, but must use the group skill when using
all other weapons from that group.
Melee skills will use St/St/Ag as their stats while
ranged skills will use Ag/Ag/St for its stats.
Under this option, we included the Directed Spells
skill because it is an attack skill, and as such it should
following the same DP cost guidelines as the other skills.
This skill is not changed in any other manner.
In the core rules, there are 2 types of martial arts, Strikes
and Sweeps & Throws. Each type is also broken down into 4
different tiers of ability and each tier requires a separate skill.
The higher tiers are also not learnable without first learning
the lower tiers to an equal or higher level.
Under this option, each type of martial arts is divided
into 2 ability levels, Basic and Advanced. Basic Martial
Arts do a maximum of a Tier 2 attack, and Advanced
Martial Arts do a maximum of a Tier 4 attack. A
character must have an equal or greater number of ranks
in the Basic MA skill than they do in the Advanced MA
skill. A character must also learn separate skills for Strikes
and Sweeps & Throws types of attacks. Martial Arts use
St/Ag for its stats.


Melee Ranged Directed Martial Arts
Profession Individual Group Individual Group Spells Basic Advanced
Fighter 1/3 2/4 1/4 2/6 6/12 2/6 3/6
Thief 2/4 3/6 3/6 4/8 6/12 2/6 3/6
Rogue 1/4 3/6 3/6 4/8 6/12 2/6 3/6
Warrior Monk 3/8 5/10 5/10 8 6/12 1/3 1/4
Magicain 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/4 5/10 6/12
Illusionist 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/6 5/10 6/12
Alchemist 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/6 5/10 6/12
Cleric 5/10 8 5/10 8 3/8 5/10 6/12
Animist 5/10 8 5/10 8 3/8 5/10 6/12
Healer 5/10 8 5/10 8 3/8 5/10 6/12
Mentalist 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/6 3/6 3/8
Lay Healer 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/6 3/6 3/8
Seer 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/6 3/6 3/8
Sorcerer 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/4 5/10 6/12
Mystic 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/6 5/10 6/12
Astrologer 5/10 8 5/10 8 2/6 5/10 6/12
Monk 4/8 6/12 5/10 8 6/12 1/4 2/4
Ranger 2/6 3/8 3/8 5/10 6/12 3/8 4/8
Bard 3/6 4/8 5/10 8 6/12 3/6 3/8

Express Additions 12 Issue #4

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