Modelling and Simulation of Drying

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Brazilian Journal

of Chemical ISSN 0104-6632

Engineering Printed in Brazil

Vol. 22, No. 02, pp. 153 - 163, April - June, 2005


S. Chemkhi1*, F. Zagrouba1 and A. Bellagi2
Laboratoire Energétique et Procédés Thermiques. Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique,
Phone: 00216 97 332 997, Fax: 00216 71 430 934,B.P. 95, Hammam-Lif 2050, Tunisia.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Monastir, 5019 Monastir, Tunisia.

(Received: October 20, 2004 ; Accepted: November 3, 2005)

Abstract - Foods have high moisture contents which are lost during the drying process. This water loss can
produce important changes in size that hinder the analysis of heat and mass transport. A model of
simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in parallelepiped-shaped potato samples was coupled with a model of
its elastic behaviour. Governing equations and boundary conditions were solved numerically using the finite
difference method.
To check the validity of the mathematical model, drying experiments were carried out. Experimental
conditions were as follows: drying temperatures of 38, 42 and 47°C; relative humidities of 14, 20 and 23%
and air velocities of 1.5, 3 and 4.5 m/s. The different air velocities and temperatures were used in the drying
process to determine their effects on drying time. It was obtained the range of moisture content in the sample
and the range of temperature and stress during drying time. Comparison between predicted and experimental
results provides satisfactory agreement.
Keywords: Drying of foods; Modelling, Heat and mass transfer; Rheological behaviour; Simulation.

INTRODUCTION shrinkage in the most cases (Jomaa, 1991; Katelaars,

1992; Haghighi and Segerlind, 1998; Iyota et al.,
Food preservation is very important for the safety 2001). There are different types of shrinkage: ideal,
and the reliability of the product. Drying is very elastic and viscoelastic.
important because it is the easiest and most common The most appropriate approach for describing the
way to preserve a variety of food products. Quality deformation of many real products was found to be
dried products are in great demand worldwide. The the viscoelastic behaviour. Haghighi and Segerlind
ability to forecast the damaging and cracking of (1998) studied the modern formulation of stress
these products is of major interest. Therefore, analysis in viscoelastic materials during drying.
scientists started to simulate drying phenomena with Further research on transient three-dimensional analysis
different approaches. A large variety of models has was carried out by Itaya (1995). A thermo-mechanical
been developed for modelling the drying process. In approach to shrinking and cracking phenomena in drying
most of these models, one of the crucial assumptions was proposed by Kowalski (2001).
is that shrinkage is negligible (Sherwood, 1929; The objective of this study is to develop a drying
Luikov, 1966; Kiranoudis et al., 1995; Pinheiro et model that takes into account the elastic deformation
al., 1998). However, the assumption of a rigid solid that accompanies changes in moisture content during
is not valid. In fact, drying is accompanied by shrinkage. Using potato samples in the parallelepiped

*To whom correspondence should be addressed

154 S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba and A. Bellagi

form, experimental drying data were obtained at 1*3*5 cm, are put in the dryer where airflow
different temperatures and different air velocities. circulates parallel to their surfaces. The change in
Predicted values were compared to experimental weight of the samples is controlled by a precision
results; results show that there are acceptable balance (Kern 770, max 220 gram, 0.001 gram
agreements. precision) connected to a computer that allows
storage of the values. Inlet air temperature and
relative humidity are measured with a thermo-
EXPERIMENT hygrometer (Testo 635). Air velocity is measured
with an anemometer (Testo 425).
Experimental Installation The drying process is controlled using a PC with
an acquisition program. This program of data
In Fig. 1 is presented the experimental acquisition is developed in our laboratory. During
installation. The most important part of the the experiment the following parameters were
installation is the drying tunnel with adjustable air controlled and registered: drying time, inlet air
speeds and temperatures. Parallelepiped-shaped velocity, inlet air temperature, inlet air relative
samples of potato, with approximate dimensions of humidity and sample mass.

Figure 1: Experimental installation of the tunnel dryer.

Experimental Procedure ƒ the medium is considered biphasic (solid and liquid),

ƒ the thickness of the sample is its smallest
Two different experimental conditions were dimensions, so the mass and heat fluxes are
accomplished: In the first, the airflow speed was assumed to be unidirectional,
fixed in 3 m/s and it was studied the influence of the ƒ the deformation is also assumed to be
variation in temperature in the total drying time. In unidirectional,
the second condition, the temperature was fixed at ƒ all cross effects are neglected,
42°C and the air speed was varied to study its ƒ the initial distribution of moisture and
influence. The selected values of drying air velocities temperature is considered uniform and
and temperatures are suitable for food product to ƒ liquid evaporation occurs only at the external
avoid the deterioration of the material composition surface of the sample.
and quality because of them sensitive aspect.
Heat and Mass Transfer

MATHEMATICAL MODEL The continuity equation applied to the two phases

To simplify the problem of heat and mass transfer
in a deformable medium, the following hypotheses ∂ρs
were made: ∂t
( )
+ div ρ s vG s = 0 (1)

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∂ρ l . K M
+ div ( ρ l vG l ) = 0 (2) m= m v ( Pv,surf − Pv,a ) (9)
∂t R Ta

where ρs and ρl are the solid-phase and the liquid- Km is the mass transfer coefficient calculated from
phase densities and vs and vl are the solid-phase and the Colburn analogy (Sieder and Tate, 1936) only in
the liquid-phase velocities.
Using the continuity equations for the solid and the case of a pure convective process: Km = h c
ρair Cpair
the liquid phase and defining the moisture content X as
The heat transfer coefficient hc is given by the
correlation of Sieder and Tate (1936):
X= (3)
ρs K Nu
hc =
dh (10)
The model refers to the mass transfer that occurs 0.8 13 6 dh
Nu = 0.023 Re Pr (1 + )
in a thin layer of material which is based on Fick's L
law. The mass balance for the material is given as
Rheological Behaviour
 ∂X G JJJJG   ρD JJJJG 
ρs  + vs grad ( X )  = div  grad ( X )  (4) Stress and deformation phenomena are coupled
 ∂t  1+ X 
with mass and energy transfer mechanisms. The
momentum conservation is
where ρ is the average density of the wet solid and D
is the moisture diffusivity of the liquid in the G G JJJG
∂v G G
medium. ρ + ρ vg rad ( v ) = ρ F + d iv ( σ ij ) (11)
The heat balance in the dryer is given for the non- ∂t
isothermal case due to heat conduction in the
material. The heat balance can be derived from the where σij is the stress tensor and F is the external
enthalpy balance force applied to the sample.
If we assume that there are no external forces and
∂ G JJJJG the inertial term is negligible, eq. 11 is limited to
(ρh) + div(ρhv) = div(K gradT) (5)
∂t J JJG G
d iv ( σ ij ) = 0 (12)
∂ G
(ρh) is the enthalpy change, div(ρhv) is the
∂t In the case of elastic behaviour of drying
enthalpy change due to convective flux, material, the observed strains ε are a function of
div ( K grad ( T ) ) is the enthalpy change due to the changes in mechanical strains ε* (deformation due to
elasticity) and in shrinkage strains ε0 (free
conductive flux. deformation due to moisture loss and thermal effect)
The initial and boundary conditions are as (Yang et al., 2001)
ε k l (t) = ε *k l (t) + ε 0k l (t) (13)
t = 0 and ∀ x ⇒ X = X0 and T = T0 (6)
The total strain is expressed as a function of total
 ∂X   ∂T  displacement
x = 0 and ∀ t ⇒   = 0 and -   = 0 (7)
 ∂x x=0  ∂x x=0
1  ∂u i ∂u j 
ε ij =  +  (14)
2  ∂x j ∂x i 
  ρD ∂X .  
 x = e and ∀t ⇒−1+ X ∂x  = m
  x=e The displacement of the solid phase during drying,
 . (8)
and h ( T −T ) = mL (T ) -K  ∂T  denoted u, is a function of the moisture content of
 c a surf v surf   the product (Kechaou, 1989)
 ∂x x=e
. G
du β D JJJJG
m is the evaporating mass flow defined as = grad ( X ) (15)
(Kechaou and Roques, 1990): dt 1 + βX

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156 S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba and A. Bellagi

where β is the contraction coefficient of the material The transformation of eq. 4 into Lagrangian
during drying. coordinates results in the following form
The stress-strain relation in the case of elastic
behaviour is as follows  ∂X  1  ∂  ρD ρ s  ∂ X   
  = 0       (21)
 ∂ t  ξ ρ s  ∂ ξ  1 + X ρ s0  ∂ ξ  t   t
σ = λ tr ( ε )1 + 2µε − 3k ( α T ∆T + βM ∆X) 1 (16)
Using the equation for product density
where 1 is a unit tensor, λ and µ are the Lamé experimentally proved (Chemkhi et al., 2002)
coefficients and k is the bulk modulus that combines
the elastic parameters (Young modulus E and the 1+ X
Poisson's ratio ν). The parameters αT and βM are ρ = ρ s0 (22)
respectively the thermal and the moisture expansion 1 + βX
we obtain the equation for the mass balance
Mathematical Transformation and Numerical
Solution  ∂X   ∂  D  ∂ X   
  =      (23)
 ∂ t  ξ  ∂ ξ  (1 + β X ) 2  ∂ ξ  t  
Due to the complexity of the problem and taking t
into account the shrinkage of the material, we can
write the main equations of our model in Lagrangian Using the same transformation technique, the system
coordinates. of equations to be solved is the following
ξi indicate solid coordinates, which are the
positions at a reference time. We choose this  ∂X  ∂  D ∂X 
reference time as the time when the middle becomes   =  
 ∂t ξ ∂ξ  (1 + β X)² ∂ξ 
completely dry.
It is necessary to transform the right side of eq. 4
 ∂T  ∂  K ∂T 
and then to do the spatial differentiations relative to ρ Cp   =  
the solid coordinates ξi (Lagrangian coordinates) and  ∂t ξ ∂ξ  1 + β X ∂ξ 
not to coordinates (x,y,z) (Eulerian coordinates).
For the one-dimensional case, for x=0 and ξ=0  ∂u  βD ∂X
  =
the lower face is fixed. ∂t
 ξ (1 + β X)² ∂ξ
The mass of the solid ms is conserved in the two
coordinates 1  ∂u ∂u j 
ε ij =  i + 
2  ∂x j ∂x i 
dms = ρs dx = ρs0dξ (17)
σ = λ tr ( ε )1 + 2µ ε − 3k ( α T ∆T + β M ∆X )1
Using this equation, it is obtained div(σij ) = 0
x ρs

ξ= dx with the initial and the boundary conditions
0 ρ0
X(ξ,0) = X 0 ; T(ξ,0) = T 0 and u(ξ,0) = 0
where ρs is the apparent dry solid density.

The change in variables (x,t) to (ξ,t) results in  ∂X   ∂T 

ξ=0;  =0 ,   = 0 and u ( 0,t ) = 0
 ∂ξ   ∂ξ 
 ∂     ∂ξ     ∂   (25)
    1        D ∂X  .
  ∂t  x  =   ∂t  x    ∂t  ξ  ξ = e;− =m
(19)  (1 + βX)² ∂ξ 
 ∂     ∂ξ    ∂   . K  ∂T 
   0       and h c ( T a − Te ) = m L v (Te ) -  
  ∂ x  t    ∂ x  t    ∂ ξ  t  1 + βX  ∂ξ 

∂ξ  Considering the complexity of the model, a

Where 
 = 0 (20) numeric solution is necessary and will be applied to
 ∂x  t ρ s
the system of equations (eqs. 24 and 25). We used

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Modelling and Simulation of Drying Phenomena 157

the finite difference method in its implicit form. RESULTS, DISCUSSION AND SIMULATION
Equations will be integrated at a control volume and
at a time step [t, t+∆t]. It should be observed that The previous mathematical model describes the
since the node is not fixed, we have to work with coupling of the heat and mass transfer and the elastic
nodes of varying size during the time. behaviour of the material. We need a lot of physical
To discretise of the system of equations, we adopt data for characterisation of our product like Young’s
the following hypotheses: modulus and Poisson’s ratio, which are not constant
ƒ For temporal discretisation, we adopt an implicit or easy to determine. In Appendix 1 are presented
diagram that permits assurance of the stability of the physical properties of the material (fresh potato).
the numeric model. These numeric values determined experimentally for
ƒ For the spatial differentiation at a node, we fresh potato are used in the program to solve the
assume linear variations between two mathematical formulation.
neighbouring nodes
Drying Kinetics
j+ 1 j+1
 ∂Φ  Φ i + 1 − Φ i −1 (26) The results of the convective drying process are
  =
 ∂ξ i 2∆ξ represented in Figs. 2 and 3. The drying kinetics
increase with air temperature or velocity because of the
The system of equations is solved numerically raise in the convective heat transfers consequently the
using an iterative method of line-by-line sweep, mass transfer. At the end of the process, this kinetics
starting with the choice of arbitrary range of solution decrease and tend to zero. Profiles for the kinetics of
(initial conditions). Coefficients values are calculated potato drying obtained for different temperatures not
with the help of these arbitrary ranges. The system of cover the constant-rate drying period. The process takes
equations is solved and this new solution is used to place essentially during the falling-rate drying period.
calculate coefficients of the matrix until the solution This result is the most frequently found in biologic
converges. The same iterative method is then used products that dry at a decreasing velocity (Belahmidi et
for the next line. al., 1993; Kompany et al., 1993).



V=1,5 m/s

V=3 m/s

V=4,5 m/s



0 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200
Time (s)

Figure 2: Drying kinetics at a constant temperature.

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 22, No. 02, pp. 153 - 163, April - June, 2005
158 S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba and A. Bellagi


V=3 m/s

0,02 T1=38 °C ; HR=23 %

T2=42 °C ; HR=19 %

T3=47 °C ; HR=14 %



0 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 21600
Time (s)

Figure 3: Drying kinetics at a constant air velocity.

Validation of the Model Simulation

In order to check the validity of the computer Before using the model as a tool for optimisation
simulation results, the drying experiments were of the process, a validation phase is indispensable.
conducted. Fig. 4 compares experimental and theoretical First, the comparison was done with one of the
results on changes in the average moisture content of the experimental tests: results are entirely satisfactory at
sample. The experimental conditions of the model all times for length, on the length of the phases and
validation were as follows: an initial moisture content of changes in temperature. In what follows, we are
4.391 kg of water per kg of dry basis, a drying going to present some results of our model
temperature of 42°C, a relative humidity of 20% and an (Temperature distribution, moisture content profiles
air velocity of 3m/s. The theoretical results agreed and stresses) and to discuss the influence of some
reasonably well with the respective experimental results. parameters on the drying kinetics, in particular
The relative error from experimental and calculated temperature, relative humidity, convective exchange
values is weak and it is equal to 6.35 10-4. coefficient and thickness of the sample.

Figure 4: Validation of the mathematical model with experimental data.

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Modelling and Simulation of Drying Phenomena 159

Temperature Distribution forces), this is due to the hypothesis that we took into
account (no displacement for the lower surface,
Profiles for simulated temperature of the product whatever the time). The maximum stress occurs on
are flat (Figure 5), which is logical considering the the upper surface but in the end of the process, high
thickness of the sample. In fact, the temperature stresses are developed in the lower surface. This
begins to really increase when the shrinkage phenomenon is explained by the fact that the upper
undergone by the material lessens. It attends its surface reaches the equilibrium and the other is not
equilibrium value (corresponding to the hot air yet.
drying temperature) after 3h 30 min of the drying The stress evolution in the other directions is
process. practically on the same order because the value of
Poisson's ratio, which is very close to 0.5 (ν=0.492).
Moisture Content Profiles The stress has the tendency to return to its
equilibrium value after 2h 30min of drying.
Profiles for moisture content have a parabolic
shape before flattening at the end of drying (Fig. 6). Effect of Air Ttemperature
The sample surface in direct contact to the heated air
quickly reaches the equilibrium therefore a moisture Theoretically, an increase in drying temperature
gradient is developed between the surface and the can influence the drying kinetics that can cause a
rest of the sample. The moisture content decreases decrease in the total time of operation. We can
until it reaches a constant value in the entire sample observe Fig. 8; there is little difference between the
that correspond to its equilibrium moisture. We also total drying times for three different temperatures
notice that shrinkage of the product is shown by the (we work under reasonably low temperatures for
change in the thickness of the sample. The material food products).
is highly deformable: the final thickness of the
sample (initially equal to 10 mm) is close to 1.5mm. Effect of Convective Exchange Coefficient

Stress The convective exchange coefficient is directly

related to the air flow velocity by the Reynolds
Normal stress in the material is shown at time number (eq. 10). An increase in air velocity directly
intervals of 15 minutes as a function of sample influences this coefficient and accelerates the drying
thickness presented in logarithmic-scale (Fig. 7). process (Fig. 9). This can be explained by the fact
Practically all the material is submitted to that the air flow is responsible for decreasing
compression forces during drying. The stress near humidity; while increasing this velocity this favours
the lower surface of the sample is positive (traction the transport phenomenon.

Figure 5: Temperature range.

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 22, No. 02, pp. 153 - 163, April - June, 2005
160 S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba and A. Bellagi

Figure 6: Moisture content profiles at time intervals of 15 minutes.

Figure 7: Normal stress range at time intervals of 15 minutes.

Figure 8: Simulation of the effect of temperature on water loss during drying

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Modelling and Simulation of Drying Phenomena 161

Figure 9: Simulation of the effect of relative humidity on water loss during drying

Effect of Relative Humidity Effect of Initial Thickness

The effect of variation in relative humidity is more It is clear that thickness of the sample directly
visible than that of variation in temperature (Fig. 10). influences total drying time. Indeed, while observing
This is can be explained through eq. 9. The diminution Fig. 11 and for a thickness of 10 mm, the time of
in relative humidity increases the difference drying is three and one half hours. For a thinner
( Pv,surf − Pv,a ) and betters the evaporating mass flow. sample (5 mm only), this time does not exceed one
The reduction in the characteristic humidity of drying hour. In the opposite direction and for a thickness of
air has a positive effect while controlling and 20 mm, it is apparent that the operation of drying
decreasing the total required operation time. requires a longer time, which can surpass 12 hours.

Figure 10: Simulation of the effect of convective heat transfer

coefficient on water loss during drying

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 22, No. 02, pp. 153 - 163, April - June, 2005
162 S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba and A. Bellagi

Figure 11: Simulation of the effect of thickness on water loss during drying

CONCLUSIONS vl liquid-phase velocity (m/s)

vs solid-phase displacement (m/s)
Theoretical modelling of the process of drying velocity
biological products with high moisture contents, X moisture content (kg of water
using the simultaneous heat and mass transfer / kg of dry
expressions, are presented. We used a model that solid)
takes into account volume shrinkage. The model is β contraction coefficient of the (-)
also valuables for the optimisation of the process material during drying
under constraints of time and quality. We note that εij strain range (-)
the parameters drying air velocity and relative ν Poisson’s ratio (-)
humidity have the most important role to reduce the ρl density of the liquid (kg/m3)
total drying time. ρs apparent density of the solid (kg/m3)
This model helps to foresee that similar analyses σij stress ranged (Pa)
of other homogeneous food products with high
moisture contents, which have reasonably regular
shapes, will provide enough accurate information on REFERENCES
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Property, Reference and Formula or Value Poisson’s ratio (ν): Finney, 1963

Density (ρ): Chemkhi and al., 2002 ν=0.492

ρ = ρs (1 + 1.343 X) ρs = 1395 kg m-3 Shrinkage coefficient (β): Chemkhi and al., 2002

Equilibrium moisture content using the GAB model
(Xe): Chemkhi and al., 2002 Specific heat (Cp): Wang and Brennan, 1993
Xm C K Aw
Xe = Cp = 4184 (0.406 + 0.00146 T + 0.203 X − 0.0249 X 2 )
(1 − K A w )(− K A w + C K A w )
X m = 0.209 Thermal conductivity (K): Wang and Brennan, 1992
For T from 40 to 50°C K = 0.976
C = 4.416
K = 1.05 − 1.69 10−2 T + 1.9 10−4 T 2
Moisture diffusion coefficient (D): Kiranoudis and
al, 1995 Young modulus (E): Yang et al., 2001
b c
D = a exp(− ) exp(− ) E = 1.691 105 exp(−0.522W) at W > 1
a = 1.29 10-6 , b = 0.0725 , c = 2044 E = 5.23 105 exp(−1.704W) at W ≤ 1

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 22, No. 02, pp. 153 - 163, April - June, 2005
This article has received corrections in agreement with the ERRATUM published in Volume 22 Number 3.

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