Chaos Daemons en
Chaos Daemons en
Chaos Daemons en
Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Page 42 – The Two Heads of Fate
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Amend the third sentence to read as follows:
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect ‘In addition, the right head also randomly generates
amendments to the rules and present our responses to one power each from the Pyromancy, Divination and
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated Daemonology (Malefic) disciplines; the left head also
regularly, each has a version number; when changes randomly generates one power each from the Telepathy,
are made, the version number will be updated, and any Biomancy and Daemonology (Malefic) disciplines.’
changes from the previous version will be highlighted
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, Page 43 – Scrolls of Sorcery
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in Replace with the following:
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other ‘At the start of each friendly Psychic Phase, choose a
minor correction. Psychic Discipline from Warhammer 40,000: The Rules
and roll a D6 – this turn the Blue Scribes automatically
AMENDMENTS manifest that power without the need for a psychic test
Various – Psykers (they cannot swap it for the Primaris Power). This power
Any model with the Psyker or Brotherhood of Sorcerers is treated as having been manifested by the minimum
special rule may generate powers from the Daemonology amount of Warp charge points required to manifest the
discipline in addition to the others listed in their Army power, for the purposes of Deny the Witch rolls. Note
List Entries. that the Blue Scribes are not Psykers for the purposes of
any special rules that target Psykers.’
Page 32 – Blood Thrones of Khorne
Replace ‘TRANSPORT CAPACITY: 1 (Herald of Page 55 – Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh
Khorne)’ with ‘RIDER: Herald of Khorne (pg 29).’ Replace ‘TRANSPORT CAPACITY: 1 (Exalted Alluress
or Herald of Slaanesh)’ with ‘RIDER: Exalted Alluress.’
Page 32 – Blood Thrones of Khorne Please ignore the Designer’s note.
Add the following under Special Rules:
‘Bloodletter Crew: This model makes 2 additional Page 56 – Hellflayers of Slaanesh
Strength 4 AP3 Attacks in each Assault phase resolved at Replace ‘TRANSPORT CAPACITY: 1 (Exalted
Weapon Skill 5. These Attacks are made at the Initiative Alluress)’ with ‘RIDER: Exalted Alluress.’
4 step (though this does not grant an extra Pile In
move). On a turn in which this model charged, the Page 57 – Disruptive Song
Strength of these Attacks is increased to 5.’ Replace this rule with the following:
‘Disruptive Song: Enemy Psykers suffer a -1 penalty to
Page 33 – Skull Cannons of Khorne their Leadership whilst they are within 12" of at least
Add the following under Special Rules: one Fiend of Slaanesh.’
‘Bloodletter Crew: This model makes 2 additional
Strength 4 AP3 Attacks in each Assault phase resolved at Page 91, 92, 93 – Lord of Blood, Lord of Fate, Lord of
Weapon Skill 5. These Attacks are made at Initiative step Plague and Lord of Secrets
4 (though this does not grant an extra Pile In move). Replace ‘your army’ with ‘a detachment’ in all instances.
On a turn in which this model charged, the Strength of Add ‘…in that detachment.’ to the end of the sentence
these Attacks is increased to 5.’ in all instances.
Q: Can Daemons charge in the turn in which they Q: According to the rules, ‘friendly units’ are all units under
are summoned? your control. Does that mean that a model can target itself with
A: No. an ability or equipment that targets friendly units, like the
Grimoire of True Names?
Q: Can a Daemon’s invulnerable save be improved to better A: Yes (although in this instance, the Grimoire of True
than 2+ (through the effect of psychic powers and other abilities Names has no effect on the bearer).
which improve invulnerable saves)?
A: No.
Q: Can the Masque of Slaanesh use her powers through the Fire
Points of buildings?
A: No.