A Cohesive Segments Method For The Simulation of Crack Growth
A Cohesive Segments Method For The Simulation of Crack Growth
A Cohesive Segments Method For The Simulation of Crack Growth
DOI 10.1007/s00466-002-0394-z
Abstract A numerical method for crack growth is de- cracks in another phase or by propagating across phase
scribed in which the crack is not regarded as a single boundaries, e.g. [1]. Another example is the transition
discontinuity that propagates continuously. Instead, the from subsonic to intersonic crack speeds via the nucle-
crack is represented by a set of overlapping cohesive ation of a micro-crack ahead of the main crack, [2]. Also,
segments. These cohesive segments are inserted into finite in quasi-brittle materials micro-cracking in front of the
elements as discontinuities in the displacement field by main crack tip plays a key role in setting the fracture
exploiting the partition-of-unity property of shape func- toughness [3]. Hence, a need for analysing discontinuous
tions. The cohesive segments can be incorporated at ar- crack growth arises in a wide variety of contexts.
bitrary locations and orientations and are not tied to any A cohesive surface methodology has emerged which
particular mesh direction. The evolution of decohesion of permits the analysis of fracture processes in which there is
the segments is governed by a cohesive law. The inde- no dominant flaw. In fact, an initial crack-like defect is not
pendent specification of bulk and cohesive constitutive required since crack nucleation can occur naturally during
relations leads to a characteristic length being introduced the loading history. The basic assumption of the cohesive
into the formulation. The formulation permits both crack surface framework is that the separation process is con-
nucleation and discontinuous crack growth to be mod- fined to a set of discrete planes (or lines in a two-dimen-
elled. The implementation is outlined and some numerical sional context). A constitutive relation is then specified for
examples are presented. each cohesive surface that allows separation to occur.
The cohesive approach to fracture was pioneered by
Keywords Crack growth, Fracture, Cohesive zones, Barenblatt [4], Dugdale [5] and Hillerborg et al. [6]. In
Partitions of unity these formulations, a dominant flaw was assumed present
as in conventional engineering fracture mechanics, but a
1 cohesive zone was introduced ahead of the existing crack
Introduction tip. The relation between the work expended in this co-
In conventional engineering fracture mechanics, crack hesive zone and that in the crack tip field is typically such
growth is assumed to occur by the extension of a single that the stress singularity is cancelled and the near tip
dominant crack. However, there are a wide variety of stresses are finite. The slip weakening model of Andrews
circumstances where the fracture process involves the [7] introduced in the geophysics literature did not require
nucleation and growth of multiple crack-like flaws. For crack growth to be continuous. The cohesive framework
example, in heterogeneous materials, multiple cracks that was extended to finite deformations and to situations
initiate and grow in one phase may link up by nucleating without an initial crack in [8]. Subsequently, a wide variety
of fracture phenomena have been analysed using the
cohesive surface methodology.
In a cohesive surface formulation, constitutive relations
J. J. C. Remmers (&), R. de Borst are specified independently for the bulk material and for
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Koiter Institute Delft, one or more cohesive surfaces, see [8, 9]. The cohesive
Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5058, constitutive relation embodies the failure characteristics of
2600 GB, Delft, The Netherlands the material and characterises the separation process. The
e-mail: [email protected]
bulk and cohesive constitutive relations together with
A. Needleman appropriate balance laws and boundary (and initial) con-
Division of Engineering, Brown University, ditions completely specify the problem. Fracture, if it takes
Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA place, emerges as a natural outcome of the deformation
process without introducing any additional failure crite-
Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Mike Crisfield, for his rion. The simplest cohesive constitutive relation is one
cheerfulness and cooperation as a colleague and friend over many where the cohesive surface traction is a function of the
displacement jump across the cohesive surface. Such a
The authors wish to express their thanks to Erik-Jan Lingen for cohesive constitutive relation incorporates as parameters
his help in the implementation of the model in the JIVE finite the strength ft and the work of separation (or fracture
element toolbox. AN is grateful for support from the Office of energy) Gc . From dimensional considerations, this intro-
Naval Research through grant N00014-97-1-0179. duces a characteristic length.
When fracture takes place along well-defined interfaces of the continuum element [20, 24–27]. The magnitude of
as, for example, in a lamellar solid, the placement of co- the displacement jump is determined by additional de-
hesive surfaces is clear. Also when the crack path is known grees of freedom which are added at the existing nodes. A
in advance from experiments, accurate predictions can be key feature of the method is the possibility of extending
obtained, since interface elements can be placed along the the cohesive crack during the calculation in an arbitrary
known crack path [10]. However, for a solid that is ho- direction, independent of the structure of the underlying
mogeneous on the scale modelled, the placement of cohe- finite element mesh. When cohesive surfaces are added
sive surfaces is problematic. In Xu and Needleman [9] during the calculation, there is no need for a high initial
multiple cohesive surfaces were used and in their calcula- stiffness to minimise the effect of increasing the initial
tions cohesive interface elements were placed along all compliance of the medium due to the presence of cohesive
finite element mesh boundaries. Although this approach surface elements. As a consequence, numerical anomalies,
simplifies the simulation of complex crack phenomena such as stress oscillations at the interface [28] or spurious
such as crack branching and crack initiation away from a stress wave reflections are avoided, but other anomalies
main crack tip, it is not mesh independent. In fact, since the may be introduced in dynamic problems [12, 13].
interface elements are aligned with the element boundaries, A drawback of the current version of partition-of-unity
the orientation of cracks is restricted to a limited number of based cohesive zone numerical methods is that the crack is
predefined angles. In addition, if, as in [9], the cohesive regarded as a single entity. Crack propagation is modelled
surfaces are taken to have a nonzero initial compliance, the by extending the current displacement jump. Thus, con-
presence of the cohesive surfaces contributes to the overall tinuous growth of a crack as in the original cohesive zone
compliance of the body. Then, if cohesive surfaces are formulations of Barenblatt [4], Dugdale [5] and Hillerborg
added between all elements as the computational mesh is et al. [6] can be modelled, but not discontinuous crack
refined, the overall compliance depends on the mesh and growth involving crack initiation at multiple locations and
an ill-posed problem results. A well-posed problem is ob- the subsequent growth and coalescence of the nucleated
tained if a mesh-independent cohesive surface spacing is cracks.
used, but it is unclear how to set that spacing for homo- Here, we develop a cohesive finite element method
geneous solids. To overcome limitations associated with based on incorporating segments of cohesive surfaces into
initially compliant cohesive surfaces, Camacho and Ortiz continuum finite elements that is applicable when crack
[11] used initially rigid cohesive surfaces in conjunction growth is discontinuous. The crack is not regarded as a
with adaptive mesh refinement. The use of initially rigid single entity. Instead, it is modelled as a collection of
cohesive surfaces introduces other difficulties, at least in overlapping cohesive segments, which are added as dis-
modelling dynamic crack growth [12, 13]. placement jumps by using the partition-of-unity property
For a certain class of problems, an alternative is to adopt of finite element shape functions. A combination of
a smeared crack approach, in which the separation energy overlapping crack segments can behave as a continuous
Gc is distributed over the element width, e.g. [10, 14–16]. crack. In addition, since crack segments can be added at
Finite element methods with embedded discontinuities arbitrary positions and with arbitrary orientations, the
provide a means of implementing smeared cohesive models method allows for complex crack patterns including the
[17, 18]. The embedded discontinuity approaches enhance simulation of crack nucleation at multiple locations, fol-
the deformational capabilities of the elements, especially lowed by growth and coalescence. Branching of an existing
when the standard Bubnov-Galerkin approach is replaced crack is also allowed for.
by a Petrov-Galerkin method, which properly incorporates We begin with a short description of the approach.
the discontinuity kinematics [19]. The high local strain Then, the underlying kinematic relations for a domain
gradients inside localisation bands are captured more ac- with multiple displacement jumps is discussed with
curately at the expense of obtaining a nonsymmetric stiff- attention restricted to a small deformation formulation.
ness matrix. However, a true discontinuity is not obtained Next, some details regarding the implementation are giv-
because the kinematics of the embedded localisation band en. The paper concludes with some numerical examples.
are diffused over the element when the governing equations
are cast in a weak format, either via a Bubnov-Galerkin or 2
via a Petrov-Galerkin procedure. Several authors [20, 21] Cohesive segments model
have proved the equivalence between embedded disconti- The physics of crack initiation and crack growth in a
nuity approaches and classical smeared-crack models in heterogeneous quasi-brittle material is illustrated in Fig. 1
which the separation energy is smeared out over the ele- [1] which shows a concrete specimen loaded in tension.
ment width. Accordingly, the embedded discontinuity ap- The heterogeneity of the material, i.e. the presence of
proaches inherit many of the disadvantages of conventional particles of different sizes and stiffnesses, leads to a
smeared-crack models, including the sensitivity of crack complex stress field in which new cracks nucleate (‘‘a’’ in
propagation to the direction of the mesh lines. Fig. 1) and existing cracks branch (‘‘b’’ in Fig. 1). Smeared
There are advantages to incorporating the cohesive (cohesive-zone) models are not able to capture these
surfaces (or zones) into continuum finite elements by processes of crack initiation, growth, coalescence and
using the partition-of-unity property of finite element branching properly, since essential characteristics are lost
shape functions [22] in conjunction with a discontinuous in the averaging process.
mode incorporated at the element level [23]. The cohesive The cohesive segments approach can, at least in prin-
zone is then modelled as a jump in the displacement field ciple, describe the physical processes observed in Fig. 1.
Kinematic relations
The key feature of the cohesive segments approach is the
possible emergence of multiple cracks in a domain. Con-
sider the domain X with boundary C as shown in Fig. 2. It
contains m discontinuities Cd;j , where j ¼ 1; m. Each dis-
continuity splits the domain in two parts, which are de-
noted as X þ
j and Xj . For all discontinuities the following
relation must hold:
X þ
j [ Xj ¼ X 8 j ¼ 1; m : ð2Þ
The displacement field in the domain X consists of a
continuous regular displacement field u ^ plus m additional
continuous displacement fields u
~j , cf. [29]:
uðx; tÞ ¼ u
^ðx; tÞ þ HCd;j ðxÞ~
uj ðx; tÞ ; ð3Þ
i¼1 j¼1 ..
with ai ðtÞ the regular nodal degrees-of-freedom, bj ðxÞ the Z Z Z
enhanced basis terms and bij the additional degrees of BT r dX þ NT tm dC ¼ HCd;m NTt dC :
freedom at node i, representing the amplitude of the jth
Xþ Cd;m Ct
basis term bj . The displacement fields HCd;j u
~j can be con- m
sidered as enhanced basis fields. By replacing bj ðxÞ by the The equilibrium equation that is related to the regular de-
corresponding Heaviside function HCd;j , we can cast the grees of freedom is identical to the equilibrium equation for
displacement field in Eq. (3) in the following discrete form: an element without a discontinuity. Therefore, it is possible
to add a discontinuity to an element during the calculations The internal forces are given by:
with a minimal effort by adding the additional equilibrium Z
relations and the corresponding degrees of freedom bj . f int
a ¼ BT r dX ;
5.1 Z Z ð28Þ
Constitutive relations f int
bj ¼ BT
r dX þ NT tj dC :
The stress rate in the bulk material r_ is a function of the
strain rate e_ and can be written as, see also Eq. (18): Xþ
Xm Finally, the expression for the external forces is:
r_ ¼ De_ ¼ D B_a þ _
HCd;j Bbj ; ð24Þ Z
j¼1 fa ¼ NTt dC ; 73
where ð_Þ denotes oð Þ=ot and D is the tangent stiffness Ct
Z ð29Þ
matrix of the bulk material (rate independent material
behaviour is assumed here). The traction rates t_ j at the jth f ext
bj ¼ HCd;j NTt dC :
discontinuity can be expressed in terms of the corre- Ct
sponding enhanced nodal velocities v_ j , Eq. (20):
Note that if the tangent matrices D and T are symmetric,
t_ j ¼ Tv_ j ¼ TNb_ j ; ð25Þ symmetry of the submatrices Kaa , Kabj and Kbj bk is
preserved. Consequently, the total stiffness matrix also
where T is the tangent stiffness of the traction-separation remains symmetric.
law at the discontinuity. The latter relations are defined in
a local frame of reference, aligned with the discontinuity. 6
Therefore, they must be transformed into the element local Implementation
frame of reference. The procedure has been implemented using a four-node
quadrilateral continuum finite element. A new cohesive
5.2 segment is added when the major principal stress at an
Linearisation of the equilibrium equations integration point within an element reaches the cohesive
The deformation history is calculated in an incremental strength ft in Eq. (1). The added cohesive segment passes
fashion. At each time step the rate equilibrium equations through the integration point and extends through the
are differentiated with respect to the displacement vari- entire element and into the neighbouring elements to the
ables a and bj . Differentiating the rate form of the dis- boundary of a patch of elements influenced by the added
cretised equilibrium equations (23) leads to degrees of freedom, see Fig. 3. Various criteria can be used
2 32 3
Kaa Kab1 . . . Kabm a_ to determine the direction of the cohesive segment, but
6 Kab Kb b . . . Kb b 76 b_ 7 here the cohesive segment is taken to be normal to the
6 1 1 1 1 m 76 1 7
major principal stress direction at the integration point.
6 76 . 7
6 . . . . .
.. 7 6 7 Since the cohesive segment is taken to be a straight line,
4 . .. .. 54 .. 5
the normal vector nd;j is constant along the patch of ele-
Kabm Kb1 bm . . . Kbm bm b_ m ments. The magnitude of the displacement jump of the
2 ext 3 2 int 3 segment is governed by a set of additional degrees of
fa fa
6 ext 7 6 int 7 freedom, which are added to all four nodes of the central
6 f b1 7 6 f b1 7
6 7 6 7
¼6 . 76 . 7 ; ð26Þ
6 .. 7 6 .. 7
4 5 4 5
f ext
bm f int
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