Aspirin Synthesis Post Lab
Aspirin Synthesis Post Lab
Aspirin Synthesis Post Lab
This experiment was conducted to synthesize Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) from the reaction of
Salicylic Acid with Acetic Anhydride and 85% Phosphoric acid using a macroscale technique.
The product obtained gave a percent yield of 58.52%. The crystals formed were dried and was
subjected to thin layer chromatography and melting point determination which yielded a melting
point range of 138̊C-140̊C. This suggests that the product obtained is impure.
Determine the melting point of the Remove the solvent using Pasteur
crystals using oil bath or John Fisher pipette. Add 1-2 ml of iced water
melting point apparatus. Perform thin and filter the crystals between the
layer chromatography with three sheet of filter paper and squeeze the
spots, reactant, co-spot and product. crystals between the filter to absorb
Test the solubility of the product in excess water. Allow the product to
water and toluene. Observe if it air dry thoroughly before
dissolves completely. determining the weight and calculate
the percent yield.
Table 1: Rf values
Solvent Ratio Reactant Co- Product
(Rf spot (Rf
value) (Rf value)
1:9 (0.5mL 0.64 0.59 0.55
1:1 (2.5mL 0.13 0.13 0.9