Estimating Basics
Estimating Basics
Estimating Basics
With a
Spreadsheet by Bill Lacey
Le n g
th o
f slo
Pitch Factor pe
Pythagorean theorem:
A2 + B2 = C2
30' C 62 + 122 = 180
180 = 13.4164
B Sloping distance ÷ unit run = pitch factor
Run 13.4164 ÷ 12 = 1.118034
the spreadsheet calculate the slope. It’s faster than using a
calculator and there’s less chance of a mistake. All I have to
do is enter the area on the flat in one cell and the pitch in
12 another, and the template creates a pitch factor, which it
6 uses to calculate the sloped area of the roof (see Figure 1).
12 The pitch factor is the ratio between the sloping distance
and the run. Multiplying the area on the flat by this number
gives you the area on the slope. To calculate a pitch factor,
start with the Pythagorean theorem:
A2 + B2 = C2
Figure 1. Plans typically show horizontal
A is the rise, B is the run, and C is the sloping distance. For
and vertical dimensions and the slope of
the roof. This roof is 1,820 square feet on a 6/12 roof, A equals 6, B equals 12, and C equals the square
the flat, but to estimate sheathing and root of 180 (6 2 + 12 2). The square root of 180 is 13.4164. The
roofing materials it’s necessary to deter-
formula for the pitch factor is:
mine the area on the slope. First, using the
Pythagorean theorem, calculate the slope sloping distance / unit run = pitch factor
distance — 13.4164 inches per foot of run
for a 6/12 roof. The ratio between this 13.4164 / 12 = 1.118034
slope distance and a unit of run is called
the pitch factor. Multiplying the run of the Think of this number as a percentage: Rounded up, it tells
roof by the pitch factor gives the slope, or us that the distance up the slope of a 6/12 roof is 112 per-
rake, distance of that roof. Multiplying the cent of the horizontal run.
area of the roof on the flat by the pitch
With the pitch factor, we can easily determine the sloped
factor gives the sloped area of the roof.
area of the roof:
4 LF of Eaves 124
Eave Overhang in Decimal Foot (i.e. 16" = 1.333) 2 Calculates sloped area by taking the flat area
found in E8 and multiplying it by a pitch factor
6 LF of Gables (sloped) 86
7 Gable Overhang in Decimal Foot (i.e. 16" = 1.333) 2
Square Foot of Gable Ends 257 This is where the estimator enters
the roof pitch, in this case 6/12
15 2x4-16' SPF #2 & Btr Ribbons 9.00 Each 10.00% Determines sheathing quantity
2x4-16' SPF #2 & Btr Lookouts 7.00 Each 10.00%
by taking sloped area found in
I3, dividing by 32, multiplying by
2x6-16' SPF #2 & Btr Ladders 7.00 Each 10.00%
17 a 15% waste factor, and rounding
18 2x6-16' SPF #2 & Btr Subfascia 21.00 Each 10.00% up to the next full sheet
19 4'x8' OSB or CDX Roof Sheathing Sheathing 74.00 Each 15.00% ROUNDUP((I3/32)*(1+I19),0)
20 4'x8' OSB Gable Sheathing Sheathing 9.00 Sheet 10.00%
Figure 2. When doing a roof takeoff, the author enters quantities and dimensions
in the yellow-highlighted cells of this worksheet. Other cells contain formulas that
convert the takeoff quantities into a materials list. For example, cell I3 calculates
the sloped area of the roof. The formula is already in the template; all the estima-
tor has to do is enter the area of the roof on the flat and the roof pitch.
This formula will work for any roof where all the areas are power), you would enter =POWER(6,3).
the same pitch. If the roof has more than one pitch, then We need to convert A 2 + B 2 = C 2 into language that Excel
you’ll have to use separate pitch factors for each area. The can understand. Since we’re talking about a 6/12 roof, the
estimating template has been simplified for this story; my calculation would be:
regular estimating template contains additional rows that
(6)2 + (12)2 = C2
can be used when the roof has more than one pitch.
As you’ve guessed, the convention for entering a formula
Putting the Formula Into Excel in Excel is to put an equal sign in front of it. So for a 6/12 roof
While a carpenter may understand these formulas, Excel the cell entry to solve for C2 would be:
can’t use them unless they’re written in a certain format.
Squaring a number, as in 62, is the same as raising the num-
ber to the second power. Since we usually work in pitches that show a rise over 12,
In Excel, you can square the number 6 by entering this we can simplify the formula by using the number 144 (12
formula into a cell: squared) in place of the second POWER function. The sim-
plified entry would be:
That tells the program to raise the number 6 to the power
of 2. To square the number 4 you’d enter =POWER(4,2). Some plans show rise over 10. In that case you would sub-
If you wanted to cube the number 6 (raise it to the third stitute the number 100 (10 2) for 144.
Finding the Square Root sloped roof area of the roof described above, we can now
To find the sloping distance of a 6/12 roof, we must solve multiply by the area on the flat (1,820 square feet). The for-
for C in the equation A 2 + B 2 = C 2. So far, we’ve only entered mula now reads:
A 2 + B 2. C is the square root of A 2 + B 2. To find the square
root, we add =SQRT in front of the formula:
The result is 2,035, the square footage of sheathing
needed for the roof.
Note the outer set of parentheses, which tells Excel to This formula is not quite ready to be put into the estimat-
treat (Power(6,2)+144) as a single number. (There should ing template. The way it reads now, you would have to
always be the same number of parentheses facing left as change some of the numbers every time you did an esti-
there are facing right.) mate. For example, if the roof had a 7/12 pitch, you’d have
The result is 13.41641. To convert this number to a pitch to change the 6 to a 7. And if the roof was 2,500 sq. ft. on the
factor, you divide it by 12. The formula will now read: flat, you’d have to change 1,820 sq. ft. to 2,500 sq. ft.
It would be much better to put the formula into the tem-
plate once and then leave it alone. The way to do that is to
The result is 1.118034 — the pitch factor. To find the use cell references for the values that change.
OC Supreme 3-Tab Shingles Shingles 0.00 Bund
OC Supreme 3-Tab Shingles Shingles 3.00 Bund
Lomanco Roof Vent #750 Black Vent 18.00 Each
A B C D E F G H OSI Roof Cement 29oz Sealant 2.00 Each
1 ROOF COVERAGE White Aluminum Drip Edge Finish Edge 9.00 Each
2 Prompt Value White Aluminum Gutter Apron Finish Edge 13.00 Each
3 SQF of Roof to be Shingled = 5/16" Duo-Fast Staples Fasteners 5.00 Carto
4 LF of Eaves 124 Accuchoice 1-1/4" Coil Roofing Nails Fasteners 5.00 Box
5 LF of Gables 86 2" Galvanized Roofing Nails Fasteners 5.00 Poun
6 LF of Hip Corners 0
7 LF of Valleys 24
8 LF of Ridge 78
9 Enter 1 for 30# Felt 0
Enter 1 for Dimensional Shingles 1
11 Number of Surface Mount Vents 18 C
12 LF of Preformed Step Flashing 0
14 Item Use Qty Unit
15 Felt - 15# 432 sqf Felt 5.00 Roll
16 Felt - 30# 216 sqf Felt 0.00 Roll Value LF of Subfascia 210
17 "W" Style Valley Flashing 20"x10' W.Wood Flashing 3.00 Each 121 SQF of Roof Sheathing 2035
18 2.5"x2.5" Preformed Flashing Flashing 0.00 Box
Figure 4. Cell references transfer data from one cell to 86
another, even a cell on a different worksheet. To create a 2
cell reference between worksheets, first type = in the cell
that is to contain the reference. In this case, it’s cell E3 of the
roof coverage tab (A). Next, click the tab of the worksheet
that contains the cell you want to refer to (B). Then click the
cell that contains the data you want (C) and hit the enter key. A B C D E F
This will take you back to the original worksheet, where the 1 ROOF COVERAGE
cell reference is now embedded in the original cell (D). The 2 Prompt Value
reference shown here tells Excel that E3 equals whatever 3 SQF of Roof to be Shingled 2035
number happens to be in cell I3 of 26-MRF. If the quantity 4 LF of Eaves 124
of roof sheathing in I3 changes, Excel will automatically 5 LF of Gables 86
update the value for “SQF of Roof to be Shingled.” 6 LF of Hip Corners 0
7 LF of Valleys 24
Cell References the cell references apply to cells on the same worksheet. But
A cell reference tells Excel where to find a particular piece of what if you want to refer to cells on a different worksheet?
data. This saves you from having to enter the same number For example, the area of roof that has to be sheathed was
multiple times and places — an incredibly useful function calculated on the miscellaneous roof framing tab, but I need
that’s worth mastering. to use the same number to estimate shingles on the tab
So instead of changing the roof area formula for every esti- for roof covering (Figure 3, page 4). I could manually transfer
mate, I substitute cell references for the values that change this number to the roof covering tab, but it would be safer
(Figure 2, page 3). On the miscellaneous roof framing tab, and faster to do it by creating a reference to a cell on a differ-
the area on the flat (1,820) is in cell E8 and the pitch (6) is in ent tab (Figure 4). That way, if a design change alters the
E9. With these cell references, the formula reads: amount of roof sheathing, the shingle quantity automatically
updates to the correct amount.
With this formula in place, we can enter any area on the flat Rounding Up to Full Pieces
we want in E8 and any pitch we want in E9 and the spread- If you wanted to sheathe an 8-foot-by-10-foot area, you’d
sheet will automatically calculate the sloped area of that roof. need 80 square feet of plywood or OSB. That’s two-and-a-
Creating references between tabs. In the formula above, half sheets, but since you can’t buy half sheets you’ll have to
6 LF of Gables 86
14 2x2-8' Cedar S4S Soffit Trim Soffit 17.00 Each 10.00% Determines the number of 8-foot vent
10D Galvanized Splitless Anchor Nails Fasteners 3.00 Pound 10.00%
strips by taking the LF of vent found
in I4, dividing by 8, multiplying by the
16 waste factor found in I13, and round-
17 ing up to the next full piece
Tabs for worksheets =ROUNDUP((I4/8)*(1+I13),0)
round up to three sheets to sheathe that area. You can tell
the spreadsheet to do this by using the ROUNDUP function.
Be aware that this is different from formatting a cell to
Figure 5. The ROUNDUP function tells Excel to simply round to the nearest full number, because the cell
round quantities up to the next full unit — the next could just as easily round down.
full piece, sheet, box, or pound. Don’t format a cell The ROUNDUP function can be found in many places
to simply round to the nearest full number; there’s
always the chance that the program will round within my estimating template (Figure 5). For example, on
down and you’ll come up short on material. tab 29-CSF the spreadsheet calculates the number of 16-foot
pieces of 1x8 cedar it will take to trim the rakes and eaves.
The formula, in cell 11G, reads:
210 x (1 + .1)
231/16 = 14.44
Estimating With a Spreadsheet
Prompt Value
2 This cell indicates the type of felt we plan to use. It
SQF of Roof to be Shingled 2035
3 normally contains a 0, which means we want 15#
LF of Eaves 124
4 felt. But if we enter a 1, it means we want 30# felt
5 LF of Gables 86
6 LF of Hip Corners 0
7 LF of Valleys 24
8 LF of Ridge 78
9 Enter 1 for 30# Felt 0
This cell contains the formula
10 Enter 1 for Dimensional Shingles 1
11 Number of Surface Mount Vents 18
which calculates the number of 432-sq.-ft.
12 LF of Preformed Step Flashing 0
rolls of 15# felt needed for the roof, but only
if cell E9 equals 0
14 Use Qty Unit Waste%
15 Felt - 15# 432 sqf Felt 5.00 Roll 0.00%
16 Felt - 30# 216 sqf Felt 0.00 Roll 0.00%
17 "W" Style Valley Flashing 20"x10' W.Wood Flashing 3.00 Each 0.00%
18 2.5"x2.5" Preformed Flashing Flashing 0.00 Box 0.00% This cell contains the formula
Granulated Ice & Water Shield Shingles 3.00 Roll 0.00%
19 =ROUNDUP(IF(E9=1,(E3/216)*(1+I16)),0),
Shingle Starter Shingles 2.00 Bundle 0.00%
20 which calculates the number of 216-sq.-ft.
30' Omni Low Profile Ridge Vent Vent 3.00 Roll 0.00%
21 rolls of 30# felt needed for the roof, but
OC Pro 30 Dimensional Shingles Shingles 74.00 Bundle 20.00%
22 only if cell E9 equals 1. E9 doesn’t equal 1,
OC Supreme 3-Tab Shingles Shingles 0.00 Bundle 10.00%
23 so the calculation isn’t run
24 OC Supreme 3-Tab Shingles Shingles 3.00 Bundle 10.00%
25 Lomanco Roof Vent #750 Black Vent 18.00 Each 0.00%
26 OSI Roof Cement 29oz Sealant 2.00 Each 0.00%
27 White Aluminum Drip Edge Finish Edge 9.00 Each 0.00% Figure 6. Whenever there’s
28 White Aluminum Gutter Apron Finish Edge 13.00 Each 0.00% a choice to be made between
29 5/16" Duo-Fast Staples Fasteners 5.00 Carton 0.00% materials, the IF function
30 Accuchoice 1-1/4" Coil Roofing Nails Fasteners 5.00 Box 0.00% allows you to specify which
31 2" Galvanized Roofing Nails Fasteners 5.00 Pound 0.00% to estimate.
We can’t buy 14.44 pieces of trim, which is why I’ve used For instance, if you’re estimating 15-pound felt, you don’t
the ROUNDUP function. Note the comma followed by 0 want the spreadsheet to also calculate the quantity of 30-
after the 16, which tells Excel to go to the next full number, pound felt — you want one or the other.
which is 15. If you were to replace that 0 with a 1, it would I use the IF function in this situation (Figure 6). Cell E9 of
round up to the nearest tenth, and the result would be 14.5. sheet 27-RC allows me to specify which weight of felt to esti-
mate. Entering a 1 means 30-pound felt; leaving a zero indi-
Using the IF Function cates 15-pound. Below, in G15, the formula reads:
Occasionally I’ll have to make a choice between two or more
types of materials. For example, does the job call for 15-
pound or 30-pound felt? In a case like this, you can use the This tells Excel, if E9 is a zero, to calculate the rolls of 15-
IF function to quickly specify quantities. pound felt by dividing the area of the roof to be shingled (2,035
Because you’re working from a template, you’ll have a line square feet, in cell E3) by the number of square feet in a roll
for every type of material you might use on a job, even (432), multiplying by a waste factor (here, 0), then rounding
though you won’t necessarily use every material on every up. If I had typed a 1 in E9, the worksheet would have calcu-
job. There will also be a separate formula to calculate the lated rolls of 30-pound felt, using the formula in G16:
quantity of each material. So you need a way to tell the
spreadsheet which calculations to perform.
Prompt Value
4 LF of Eaves 124
A B C D E F 5 Eave Overhang in Decimal Foot (i.e. 16" = 1.333) 2
3 LF of Ribbon (cleat for flat soffit) 121 8 Flat SQF of Roof 1820
6 LF of Gables (sloped) 86 11
7 Gable Overhang in Decimal Foot (i.e. 16" = 1.333) 2 12 Square Foot of Gable Ends 257
=(E8 ((SQRT((POWER(E9,2))+144))/12))
2 Prompt Value
A B C D E 3 LF of Ribbon (cleat for flat soffit) 121