The Application of Trilingual in Early Childhood: Dian Surya Aprilyanti

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: 2007 and Abidin: 2010), establish

EARLY CHILDHOOD meaningful relationships, respond to other people's
sayings and to understand the circumstances
DIAN SURYA APRILYANTI (Barbera M.L.: 2007). These functions can help
Depelovment of Early Childhood Education. Postgraduate children to grow and develop optimally, both in the
Course. language aspect or other aspects of development.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia The fluency of language can also help children to
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No/229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia gain knowledge and develop their cognitive abilities.
[email protected] Oates J. and Grayson A. (2007) suggested that
language significantly indicates the cognitive aspects
ABSTRACT of the children in which they are able to name the
Language is a bridge to communicate in early characteristics of an object, recognize and name
childhood, adapt, and acquire knowledge. Language is objects, learn new things from others, construct and
one of the development aspects that gives significance to communicate something, make plans and understand
a child's life. Children are love to explore the what is existing and happening around them.
environment with their high curiosity. The more Language provide good impacts for children, and if
children master the various languages the easier it is for they are mastering more than one language, they will
them to gain knowledge and explore the environment be able to learn to manage/situate the language
Trilingual is a learning effort that supports the
development of language in children, it even affects
which is the requirement for cognitive ability
various aspects of children’s development, such as (Barack R., Bialystok E., Castro D.C. and Sanchez
cognitive and social-cultural awareness. In early M.: 2014). Exceedingly, when children get trilingual
childhood education trilingual delivered through fun learning they learn three combinations of language
activities such as playing. Trilingual learning would structures that will greatly affect their cognitive
become much easier if it is done in a balanced manner abilities, as well as their social and cultural abilities.
between one and other languages. Although children Language support children socially and
will feel difficult at first place, so usually they will culturally in recognizing the characteristics of
undergo a silent period, but their language development others and enabling them to grow along with the
will be getting better hereinafter, for their vocabulary
keep on accrue through the application of trilingual.
culture, although it becomes problematic when it is
Some studies suggest that trilingual can support children seen that the child is influenced by other cultures
to improve language production in the future through (Bruner J., 2001). Language can help preserve the
good language skills. Trilingual can help children to social-cultural aspects and their values contained
access information, be able to understand and keep up and help children retain their social identity and
with the development of times, and maintain and take up cultural identity of their ancestral heritage. There are
social-culture awareness. All the more so, ones will various benefits can be obtained through trilingual
continue to learn the language all the time implementation. However, it does not mean that
trilingual implementation will not encounter any
Key words : Trilingual, Early Childhood
obstacles in its process. Consistency is required for
the process to run smoothly, in order to minimize the
silence period.
Silent period is a period in which children are
remaining silent and digest a foreign language that is
Language is the one of the children
less dominant in their daily lives (Yip V. and
development aspects that supports the children’s
Matthews S.: 2007). To overcome this silent period
productivity in their growth and development stages.
teacher can modify learning through fun activities
The results of Gillen's (2003: 3) and Stakanova, E.,
such as playing. Playing can develop many aspects
Tolstikhina, E. . (2014) studies suggest that language
of the development of children, one of which is the
development will be more optimal if stimulated
development of the language (Gillen J.: 2001; Philp
early, therefore there will be differences in a
J., Mackey A. and Olive. R.: 2008; Cook G.; 2000).
language development that are stimulated early on
Children’s play activities is not free of the use of
with the development of language which began in
language to construct the delightful playing. Thus,
adulthood. Language will be more productive when
playing can directly or indirectly develop the
used by children because of the various benefits that
language, and the language can be developed
foster their growth and development. Multiple
through unrestrained and restrained playing
language fluency for children constitutes a learning
activities. In addition to play activities there are
process. In the learning process, they can produce
various activities that could support the application
words, learning words and their meanings, and
of trilingual in early childhood.
incorporate words into sentences with the correct
structure hereinafter (Brock and Rankin; 2008:7).
The language has many functions such as the
intermediaries in communication (Gillen J.: 2001;
Whitehead M.R: 2007; and Barbera M.L.: 2007),
expressing feelings (Barbera M.L.: 2007 and Abidin:
Trilingual supports children's language
2010), letting others know their needs (informative)
productivity in their developmental stages.
Gillen (2003: 1) asserts that children who are knowledge (or higher levels of analysis) of
mastering multiple languages will increase similar rules that are successfully used in
their language skills, the more languages they implicit ways in term of conversation." (Barac
learned, their language skills will increase here R., Bialystok E., Castro D.C., and Sanchez M. :
in after. The more children are stimulated to 2014).
speak, the more they will gain the increasingly
rich vocabulary, their language development From the above description we can see
improved. Children's productivity in language that the development of language skills of
promotes their communication skill. Arranging children also takes effect on their cognitive
two languages at the same time is a competitive abilities. A study in America suggests that most
control mechanism between the various of children aged 5-17 years are limited in the
languages used effectively for communication quantity of writing and reading foreign
(Poarch, G. J., & Hell, J. G. Van, 2012). As languages (Moon K. and Reifel S.: 2008).
learning the language children need to show Thereat, in early childhood the introduction of
their language skills to gain recognition foreign language is better be done through the
(Stakanova E. and Tolstikhina E.: 2014). introduction of several nouns in the first place.
Recognized language proficiency of children is There is a speculation suggests that children
very meaningful to them and will affect their who are mastering more than one language
motivation in learning language. So it is not evince that the knowledge of the use the
impossible when Crosse (2007: 1) states, language denotes an advantage of nonverbal
research in multi-cultural countries such as the intelligence (Barac R., Bialystok E. Castro
UK found that many early children who study D.C., and Sanchez M.: 2014). Therefore,
2-3 different languages at once. Brock and children's language skills will increase by the
Rankin (2008: 3) added that some children who application of trilingual both verbal and
use more than one language have varying nonverbal, which also designates the
language usage patterns. improvement of the cognitive development of
The language skill of children includes children.
the skills in delivering language and
understanding the meaning effectively, 2. TRILINGUAL IN THE COGNITIVE
including words and knowledge (Goodrich DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN
J.M., Lonigan C.J., Ann J. and Farver M.: Language immensely affects the various
2017). There is also a supportive statement that developments of children. Stakanova, E.,
children who speak two or more languages will Tolstikhina, E. . (2014) argues that language
have more awareness of how languages psychologically and cognitively supports the
function and improve sensitivity in the using of development of linguistic, musical, visual,
language(s) (Crosse, 2007 : 6). The language mathematical, kinesthetic, intra-personal and
skills improvement by using their vocabulary interpersonal intelligence. Language has a
has been raising the expectation that children considerable contribution in the cognitive
can be directed to the use of language with development of children. There is a tendency to
heuristic functions. According to Halliday, conceive that the mastery of more than one
(1973: in Tarigan, 2011: 8) the heuristic language is a language experience that affects
function is the use of language to gain the language itself and the cognitive of
knowledge and discover the environment in the children, since the ability to manage more than
future. So that in addition to the increase of the one language constitutes an intellectual
language skills of children, they can also gain a potential (Barac R., Bialystok E., Castro DC,
lot of knowledge through an understanding in and Sanchez M.: 2014). Cognitively
interpreting language, especially if they have a challenging conversations are connected
trilingual ability. children with participants in conversations,
Trilingual abilities support children to including explaining, narrating, playing to
improve their future reading skills, to utter produce something, analyze experiences and
language, to increase the phonological share ideas (Masyy: 2004, in Whorall. J. and
awareness, and to describe knowledge Cabell S.Q.: 2016). This cognitive ability can
(Goodrich J.M., Lonigan C.J., Ann J., and continue to grow through the process of
Farver M. : 2017; Whorall. J. and Cabell S.Q. : communication and fluency of children.
2016 ). Language skills – such as listening, There are three cognitive skills of
speaking, reading and writing – will also children who use more than one language, i.e.
increase by the application of trilingual. the skills of managing or responding to relevant
information(s), using memory or renewing
"The analysis of knowledge of linguistics is an their thinking ability and flexible cognitive
implicit process of mental representation that is skills (Barac R., Bialystok E., Castro DC, and
rearranged and reloaded that it becomes Sanchez M.: 2014 ). The more they are
explicit hereinafter. In learning to write, for applying their trilingual the more obvious their
instance, it requires the more explicit cognitive development. Language affects
communication as an environmental facility, understanding, children need examples and
improves children's focus, maximizes cognitive guidance as learners in language fluency,
abilities in the development of children especially in applying more than one language
(Landry et al. : 2006 in Justice L.M., Jiang H., such as trilingual. Multilingual is included in
and Strasser K.: 2016). In fact the learning of the use of three or more different languages,
trilingual application drills and strengthen the where multilingual implies the use of language
focus of children at once. "Many students in various classroom situations of the various
should be guided by other trilingual users from using of language, and communicating with
different language backgrounds and deal with many students from different backgrounds
other pragmatic issues" (Jorda S.P.S.: 2013). (Madiba, M.: 2013).
The guidance done by other trilingual users - Moon K. and Reifel S. (2008) argued
especially by adults - can increase the that the implications of multicultural
confidence to applying trilingual and accelerate understanding and language development that
the trilingual learning in children. are practiced by children are the result of
In the development of language, the teacher guidance, because of the
term of language search terms is classified into comprehension of the teacher. The example
3 categories, i.e.: language experience shown by the teacher in the trilingual
("bilingual learner," bilingual, second language implementation is that there are some socio-
learning), age (infant, or pre-school), and cultural issues that become the focus of the
cognitively functioning (as executive function, teacher. It is easier for children to understand
metalinguistic abilities, brain development, and and designated the various languages they
abstract reasoning), (in Barac R., Bialystok E., learned. Teachers who involved in
Castro D C., and Sanchez M.: 2014). The more multicultural and multilingual situations should
trilingual of children develops, the more pay attention to dialects, language differences
identifiable their cognitive ability. Trilingual and differences in previous language structures
specifically identifies the indistinguishable (Moon K. and Reifel S.: 2008). Moreover,
characteristics of two languages as an there is a different background of every child
acquisition of the first language and the context and socio-cultural background that influences
of one language (Jorda S.P.S.: 2013). The every language development. The real trials for
combination of language can be spoken more teachers on multicultural issues are not just
trimly when the cognitive abilities of children culture, language, and economic status, in a
are also increasing. Teachers are expected to multicultural class the physical appearance will
support the speak ability of children with the become very obvious (Moon K. and Reifel S.:
aim of the achievement of vocabulary target, 2008).
support children to be interested in the The implementation of trilingual is a
language, effectuate the open discussion, and part of the process of recognizing differences in
improving the cognitive development through every human being and tolerance in a broader
challenging topics (Whorall. J. and Cabell social and cultural development. Using foreign
S.Q.: 2016). Moreover, other activities that can languages is a manifestation of teacher's effort
support the implementation of trilingual of for children to be able to distinguish cultures
children are required. on the one hand, and in other hand to sharpen
children's concern and tolerance for different
3. TRILINGUAL IN THE SOCIAL AND cultures/ethnicities (Stakanova, E., Tolstikhina,
CULTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN E. 2014). Children of early age begin to show
Various languages mastered by children their cultural identity of their country as they
can expand their reach in acquiring knowledge speak in the target vocabulary, they grow up to
and understanding the global and local be the tolerant children and have sympathetic
situations. Child language knowledge and skills to other children (Stakanova, E., Tolstikhina,
also affect social and cultural development. E., 2014). The advantages of multilingual are
Multi-language fluency supports the global and associated with multicultural tolerance and
local balance, and internationally optimize the uniformity in language acceptance in children
maintenance of cultural and community and adults (Mcleod S., Harrison L.J., Whiteford
identity (Madiba M.: 2013). Learning a second C., and Walker S., 2015). Trilingual can
and/or third language in early childhood is a represent a different entity that becomes a
part of the value on good mother tongue manifestation of their own language, the
fluency (Stakanova, E., Tolstikhina, E., 2014). interaction between attitudes and socio-cultural
The development of the language of children factors and their choice on the specific form of
also has an impact on the social and cultural language they used (Jorda S, P. S, 2013).
understanding of their inhabitation, or the There are some children who must learn
socio-culture of the language, both locally and and be in situations of trilingual and socio-
internationally, from which the language cultural application that must be faced.
originated, as well as the socio-culture of the Children who have to learn a foreign language
speaker. To gain a socio-cultural because of certain situations such as having to
move, such as immigrant (Moon K. and Reifel language dissolving in the application of
S., 2008). Children who learn more than one trilingual in children does require time and
language other than the language used will motivation that take the form of consistently
experience the transition, not only on language acceptance of trilingual. Researchers found that
but also on culture (Moon K. and Reifel S.: children use more foreign language at school
2008). There are usually some teacher attempts than at home, thus causing the second language
to create fun learning activities. The teacher to be a "hidden language" or "missing" for the
changes the situation / atmosphere of learning absence of continuity of using in
for the sake of creativity, supports play as the communication and socialization in the family
characteristics of children (Moon K. and Reifel (Rodriguez J., Diaz RM, Duran D., and
S. 2008). Through this experience, along with a Espinosa L.: 1995). This means that the
structured and socially motivated culture, optimization of trilingual implementation can
children are developing the comprehension of not be accomplished if trilingual acceptance in
the written language, on what it is for, how it children is not optimal, this can lead children to
works, what it looks like, what it feels like, and not use trilingual and the incomprehension of
how to use it (Halliday: 1975; Rogoff: 1990; the various languages they studied.
NK: 2006). Children need some process to get Centre (2015) conducted a study
language ability showing that children learn foreign languages
more quickly than their mothers when the
4. SILENT PERIOD family occupies a new place. For children
The application of trilingual in children found that the different foreign language they
allows them to experience the silent period due heard can be very interesting and memorable, it
to the existence of several structures and phrase does not take long time to learn and be in the
that must be learned at once. Roberts, Theresa silent period hereinafter. Although children
A. (2014) suggests that the silent period have a biological risk of tardiness of language
follows the introduction of a foreign language development, environmental factors contribute
in which they cannot produce the word in a more significantly to the delay (Reznik-Nevet
foreign language orally. However, it does not R.C.L., and Korona-gaon S.: 2016). The
mean that they are just dwelling and not environment is expected to support children in
progressing in the development of language. In the application of trilingual in the development
the use of a foreign language they may of language, so that they achieve optimal
encounter some difficulties, such as the results in the trilingual development.
presence of delays in speech or some difficult
pronunciation, but this makes them keep on 5. TRILINGUAL LEARNING IN EARLY
learning until they are able to use the language CHILDHOOD
correctly (Stakanova, E., Tolstikhina, E., Developing language in children is a
2014). provision for the future, it is necessary to
A silent period is a stage in which a further improve the development of the
child cannot produce words and experience language of children through the application of
confusion in understanding the meaning of trilingual. Some adjustments between
words and the language structure she/he children’s learning needs, the learning style of
encounter in the 2-3 languages. Furthermore, children and the differences in learning
Roberts and Theresa A. (2014) added that the structure with age, cognitive ability, needs, and
silent period includes the stages of learning a educational background should be made
nonverbal language, the recipient of the (Er.M.,2012). In this case, the trilingual
language or the word pre-production phase. application for children must be tailored to
Therefore, the silent period can also be said to their characteristics. As an effort of stimulation
be a process of learning a language or digesting in conveying and improving the trilingual
a language in an application of trilingual. In ability is an adjustment to the characteristics of
this case, Crosse (2007: 8) states that children’s children, that is by learning through playing.
brain is like boxes to place the word, the silent Moon (2000: 20) argues that there are reasons
period is the phase in which children are still in students do not like when learning a foreign
the stage of remembering the words of those language, that is learning is not through play,
different languages they learned, and figuring they are just learning in order to pass the exam
to which boxes are those words should be and they reluctant to communicate (producing
stored. words), and the limited research on how to
The silent period is not an indicator that teach the language, so that teachers have
children encounter learning barriers, even if difficulty in getting children interested in
they do not produce a word at this stage. After language.
this stage is passed, they will experience a The activity of playing helps students to
period of understanding which followed by an be interested and becomes motivated to learn,
increase in learning, i.e. in which they produce to better practice and interpret the language
words (Dublin, 2005: 2). The process of (Stakanova, E., Tolstikhina, E. .: 2014; Levy A.
K., Schaefer L., & Phelps P.C: 1986). If because children are able to receive trilingual
children love the game given by their teacher, in a good manner, in accordance with the
then they will use the language very massively. characteristics of the children. Stakanova E.
Playing can improve all language skills, and Tolstikhina E. (2014), added that children
namely listening, speaking, reading and writing will easily absorb trilingual or various
skills. Loannidou E. (2017) added, that in play languages because they have the ability as a
activities, children who have knowledge of copycat.
various languages can influence the ethics of
other children. The results showed that the role C. CONCLUSION
plays can build children's language skills and Trilingual is when children learn three
enacting play activities as a good part of combinations of language structures that will greatly
childhood kindergarten (Levy A.K., Schaefer affect their cognitive abilities, as well as their social
L., and Phelps P.C.: 1986). and cultural abilities. Children whose learn trilingual
Aside from playing, there are other will construct language ability in the same time. The
activities that can be done as an application of children very interested to learn something new in
trilingual for children, such as conversation, their life and happy to show their skill to another
questioning, poetry recital, singing and stories especially in language ability. Trilingual can icrease
telling. Among them, according to Moon, children in cognitive ability up to their social and
(2000: 65) is the routine activities that can help cultural abilities. Trilingual employing train the
create a sense of comfort, so that children will children to keep the different language structure
be able to learn because they are familiar with include meaning from the language moreover in
habituation or those routine activities. each word. When children learn another language
Conversations that not included in the teacher's they are learn about social and culture from the
learning plan are when children eatings, while language too. But half of the children cant accept
the children are paying attention to other trilingual easily especially in school. That situation
children, while they using nonstandard can creat silent period on trilingual learning process
vocabulary, while attempting topics that The teacher need fun activity to transfer trilingual
challenge their cognitive ability, and in the for young learner like play, sociodrama, song, rhyme
middle of a discussion (Gest et al. : 2006; in and games in order to trilingual. Trlingual have great
Whorall. J. and Cabell SQ: 2016). Poems and effect for children development and other ability
singing are very useful, just like stories, short today or in the future.
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