COE 0003 Industrial Burner Brochure M Web
COE 0003 Industrial Burner Brochure M Web
COE 0003 Industrial Burner Brochure M Web
From simple products to complex burner systems and complete package options, we can customize a solution to meet your
specific needs. Designed and built for your distinct specifications, we can help you optimize your entire line of combustion
systems to meet even the toughest environmental regulations.
Our experienced professionals are there for you after installation as well. With dedicated in-house engineers who provide
immediate evaluations, as well as a global network of factory-trained field technicians, we’ll make sure your combustion
systems perform reliably and efficiently for years to come.
++ Emergency service
++ Testing is conducted under a wide range of operating Our cutting-edge CFD modeling leads to
conditions and heat inputs using a diverse variety of fuel state-of-the-art solutions.
A Coen burner at our test facility, one of the most advanced testing complexes in the industry.
The Variflame™ burner delivers high-efficiency performance in gas-fired
package boilers with NOx emissions as low as 20 ppm at 3 percent O2.
Low-NOx Burners
++ Advanced designs We have the most burner installations in the industrial steam generation
industry, making our Coen, Todd and Hamworthy Peabody brand burners
++ Rugged construction
a preferred choice for reliable, proven low-NOx performance.
++ Stable flames
++ Dependable performance We offer several burner designs to accommodate variable fuels, emission
levels, boiler types and flame geometry. Our low-NOx burners efficiently
++ Ideal for single or
lower NOx emissions by reducing the amount of flue gas recirculation
multi-burner applications
(FGR) required. They can easily achieve 30 ppm to as low as 20 ppm firing
++ Future regulatory ready gas, with some models meeting these levels without the need for FGR.
QLN™ (Quantum Low-NOx®) burners deliver The ECOjet® ultra-low-NOx burner offers
low-NOx without flue gas. extremely stable flames, high turndown and
can reduce boiler maintenance and damage.
The RMB™ (Rapid Mix Burner) can cut costs and space requirements,
providing a proven alternative to the catalytic control of NOx emissions.
Ultra-Low-NOx Burners
++ Compact, stable flames Our ultra-low-NOx burners help you meet the most stringent emissions
requirements year after year. We have proven experience in developing efficient,
++ Safe operation
reliable and safe ultra-low-NOx burner technologies, products and systems for
++ Easy-to-use controls the industrial steam generation industry. Innovative Coen, Todd and Hamworthy
++ Excellent burner Peabody brand burners are designed to efficiently lower NOx emissions by
turndown reducing the amount of FGR required.
++ Trouble-free designs
We offer multiple ultra-low-NOx burner models that meet 15 ppm, 12 ppm, 9 ppm
and even sub-5 ppm NOx levels depending upon your emission requirements.
Our burners can achieve the ultra-low-NOx levels you require, eliminating the
need for back-end selective catalytic reduction (SCR) equipment.
Sub-5 ppm QLN-II Ultra-Low-NOx Burner The RMB Natural Gas Burner for single-digit
inside Once Through Steam Generator NOx and ultra-low CO and VOC emissions.
(OTSG) furnace.
Our iScan2™ Flame Scanner can differentiate real flame signals from simulated flame signals
to ensure safe operation in utility, industrial and other combustion-related applications.
++ Safe We know a burner may not solve all your challenges. That’s why we offer a
comprehensive line of burner packages, safety systems and auxiliary products —
++ Reliable
the most advanced and dependable available. From cost-effective predesigned
++ Rugged control systems with operator interface and custom-engineered burner
++ Customized designs management control systems to ancillary components including windboxes,
available combustion air fans and piping skids, our proven experience and expertise
works hand-in-hand with your combustion equipment.
With no moving parts to adjust, the Variflame™ The DAF™ multi-staged low-NOx burner is
Packaged Burner utilizes a simple design designed for low-NOx applications on single
to deliver rugged performance, even in the or multiple burner units when firing multiple
toughest applications. gases, liquid fuels or waste streams.
We’ve installed thousands of Variflame™ Burners worldwide.
Proven Technologies
Coen, Todd and Hamworthy Peabody brand products are world-renowned for reliability, efficiency and
innovation. Today’s industrial enterprises are challenged to expand capacity while meeting ever-increasing
safety, efficiency and performance standards. We are committed to engineering next-generation technologies
that keep your system running smoothly and in compliance with environmental regulations. Contact us today
to learn more about innovative boiler burners, burner packages, safety systems and auxiliary products to
improve the safety and performance of your system.
North America Middle East
International Headquarters Africa Asia-Pacific Latin America
+ John Zink Company LLC + Hamworthy Combustion + Hamworthy Combustion + Coen Sistemas en Combustión, S.A. de C.V.
11920 East Apache Street Engineering Ltd. Engineering Co. Ltd. Av. Juarez No. 40-106
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116 Fleets Corner World Meridian Building #1307 60-24 Col. Ex-Hacienda de Santa Monica
United States of America Poole, Dorset Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu Tlalnepantla Edo. de Mexico C.P. 54050
BH17 0LA Seoul, South Korea 153-801 Mexico
T: +1.918.234.1800 United Kingdom
F: +1.918.234.2700 T: +82.2.2113.8181 T: +52.55.5384.1390
T: +44.0.1202.662700 F: +82.2.2113.8180 F: +52.55.5384.1162
[email protected] F: +44.0.1202.665333
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
For Coen, Todd and Hamworthy Peabody Brand Maintenance Parts contact: +1.800.445.0912
©2012 John Zink Company LLC. JOHN ZINK HAMWORTHY COMBUSTION and VARIFLAME are trademarks of John Zink Company LLC. COEN and QUANTUM LOW-NOx are registered
trademarks of Coen Company, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries worldwide, used under license. TODD is a registered trademark of John Zink Company LLC in the U.S. and various countries
worldwide. RMB is a trademark of URS Corporation, used under license. QLN, QLN-II, DAF, iScan2 and HAMWORTHY PEABODY are trademarks of Coen Company, Inc., used under license.
ECOJET is a registered trademark of Hamworthy Combustion Engineering Ltd. in the U.S. and various countries worldwide, used under license.