Derivation of The K Epsilon Model

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Derivation of the k-ε model

Start with the RANS equations (RANS), here for ρ = const

Du i −1 ∂p ∂ 2 ui ∂ui0 uj0
= +ν − , (RANS)
Dt ρ ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
where we defined the substantial derivative over the mean flow as
Dφ ∂φ ∂φ
:= + uj .
Dt ∂t ∂xj

We don’t know the Reynolds stresses ui0 uj0 . This is referred to as an unclosed term. We could
derive a transport equation of the form

Dui0 uj0
= ...,
but this will lead to more unclosed terms like the triple correlation ui0 uj0 uk0 , which is still unclosed.
This unfortunate situation is called closure problem.
To resolve this situation, we need additional equations which give us the Reynolds stress ui0 uj0 .
The k-ε model solves two additional PDEs to find the stresses, which means it’s a two equation
Firstly, we assume that we can model the Reynolds stress sort of like the stress in a Newtonian
fluid. In a Newtonian fluid, we have (with Stokes’ assumption)

dev (σ) = 2µs. (NF)

In the Boussinesq eddy viscosity ansatz, we have

dev(ρCov (u)) := −2µT s ⇔
1 (EV)
aij := ui0 uj0 − uk0 uk0 δij := −2νT s ij .
As far as I see, the minus − 2νT in (EV) stems from the fact that strictly speaking, the kinematic
Reynolds stress tensor is − ui0 uj0 , as can be seen in (RANS).
This νT is known as the kinematic eddy viscosity. It is not a property of a fluid like a real
viscosity, but instead a property of the flow. We then define the turbulent kinetic energy as
1 0 0
k := uu. (TKE)
2 i i
In the following subsection, we derive a transport equation for k

Derivation of the transport equation for the turbulent kinetic energy k

Start with the usual incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equations (NS) without body
∂ui ∂ui −1 ∂p ∂ 2 ui
+ uj = +ν . (NS)
∂t ∂xj ρ ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj
Subtract the RANS equation (RANS) from it to get a transport equation for the fluctuations
∂ui0 0 ∂u i ∂ui0 0
0 ∂ui −1 ∂p 0 ∂ 2 ui0 ∂ui0 uj0
+ uj + uj + uj = +ν + . (NSFLUCT)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj ρ ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj

Then, multiply both sides by ui0 , average and simplify to get a transport equation for k

= Pk + Tk + Dk − ε
Pk := −ui0 uj0 s ij turb. production
∂ 1 0 0 0
1 0 0
Tk := − uj ui ui + p uj turb. transport
∂xj 2 ρ (KTSP)
∂ k
Dk := ν turb. diffusion
∂xj ∂xj
∂ui0 ∂ui0
ε := ν dissipation.
∂xj ∂xj

In the transport equation, Pk , Tk and ε are still unclosed.

Closing turbulent production Pk

To close Pk , we first employ the eddy viscosity ansatz (EV) to get rid of the Reynolds stress
ui0 uj0 .
Pk = −ui0 uj0 s ij = 2νT s ij s ij .
Now, how do we address νT ? We use dimensional analysis to set it proportional to k α εβ for
some α and β.
The target variable νT has dimensions m2 s −1 . k has dimensions m2 s −2 and ε has dimensions
2 −3
m s as can be seen from (KTSP).
This yields the following system of equations
2 2 α 2
= . (NUDIM)
−2 −3 β −1

Solving it, we determine α = 2, β = −1, so we set

νT :∝ . (NUPROP)
The proportionality constant cµ of (NUPROP) is a model parameter.

Closing turbulent transport Tk

Instead of specifying equations for uj0 ui0 ui0 and 1ρ p 0 uj0 , we directly model Tk as gradient diffusion
Tk := div grad(k) . (TKGRADDIFF)
σk is called the turbulent Prandtl number and is a model constant.

Derivation of the transport equation for the dissipation ε

We could also start from the Navier-Stokes equations and then derive an equation for the
∂u 0 ∂u 0
dissipation ε = ν ∂xji ∂xji . Doing so would however lead to a zoo of new unclosed terms which we
can’t treat appropriately because we can’t measure them nicely in experiments. So we surrender

and just assume that the structure of the transport equation is analogous to the one for k

= Tε + Pε − Γε
Tε := div grad(ε) dissipation transport
Pk ε
Pε := cε1 production of dissipation
Γε := cε2 destruction of dissipation,
where σε , cε1 , cε2 are model constants.

When to use this model

The k-ε works well in free shear flows (high Re, away from walls). Near walls, the k-ω model is
better. It fails in strongly curved flows, swirling flows and flows with recirculation zones because
of the eddy-viscosity approximation.

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