Finite Element Analysis of EBW Welded Joint Using Sysweld
Finite Element Analysis of EBW Welded Joint Using Sysweld
Finite Element Analysis of EBW Welded Joint Using Sysweld
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013)
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013)
To simplify the welding simulation, it is computationally
efficient to perform the thermal and mechanical analyses
separately. Physically, it is assumed that changes in the
mechanical state do not cause a change in the thermal state.
That is, a change in stress and strain does not cause a
change in temperature. However, a change in the thermal
state causes a change in the mechanical state. Computation
of the temperature history during welding and subsequent
cooling is completed first, and then this temperature field is
applied to the mechanical model to perform the residual
stress analysis. Some of the works where one-way coupling
approach is used are given in references [Andersson et al.
(1978), Marcal et al. (1974), Karlsson et al. (1986), Bibby Fig. 1. Gaussian conical distribution heat source model [Goldak et al.
et al. (1985), Wikander et al.(1996), Lindgren et al.(1988)]. (1989)]
Oddy et al.(1992) state that the heat generated by the
Fig. 1 shows the 3D-Gaussian conical distribution,
plastic deformation is much less than the heat introduced
where the power density deposited region is maximum at
by the weld arc itself. Therefore, the thermal analysis may
the top surface of work piece, and is minimum at the
be performed separately from the mechanical analysis.
bottom surface. Along the work piece thickness, the
In the present work, thermal analysis is carried out
diameter of the power density distribution region is linearly
followed by mechanical analysis and the electron beam
decreased. However, the heat density at the Z-axis (central
welding (EBW) is considered for investigation as it finds
axis) is kept constant. The power density distribution at any
widespread applications diversified industries. EBW offers
plane perpendicular to the Z-axis may be expressed as [Wu
a significant number of advantages compared to other
et al. (2006)]:
fusion welding techniques which include high penetration,
narrow heat affected zone, flexibility to weld a variety of qv(r,z) = qo exp(-3r2/r2o) (1)
materials, less distortion, less energy per unit length and its
vacuum environment. Where q0 is the maximum power density, r0 is the radius
of the heat source at z and r is the radial coordinate of
III. HEAT SOURCE MODELING interior point. The height of the conical Gaussian heat
source is H = ze -zi, the z-coordinates of the top and bottom
Before simulation, the heat source needs to be fitted for surfaces are ze and zi, respectively, and the radii at the top
the welding process. Generally for arc welding processes, and bottom surfaces of the heat source at z = ze and z = zi
double ellipsoid model Goldak et al. (1984) is chosen in are re and ri, respectively. The parameter r0 is decreased
which there are two ellipsoids. In cases where the fusion linearly from the top to the bottom surfaces of the cone
zone differs from an ellipsoidal shape, other models are region and it can be stated as:
used. For the deep penetration electron beam welds, a
conical distribution of power density which has a Gaussian ro(z) = re – (re-ri) (ze-z)/(ze-zi) (2)
distribution in radial direction and a linear distribution in
A. Welding parameters:
axial direction yields more accurate results. Therefore
Gaussian conical distribution is considered for modeling. In this work, two butt plates are joined by using electron
beam welding and the process is simulated for the
prediction of residual stresses and distortions taking the
following parameters into consideration: Welding speed -
1.2 m /min, Voltage - 130KV, Current- 8mA and Energy
per unit length of weld - 55 kJ/mm. The effect of clamping
and the clamping releasing time on welding angular
distortions and residual stresses is investigated.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013)
B. Material used: In the course of welding process, addition of filler
Because of a considerable number of applications, material is modeled using the element birth-and-death
Inconel 718 is considered for analysis. It is a nickel-based technique. During the thermal analysis, deactivated
super alloy that is well suited for applications requiring elements are reactivated sequentially when they come
high strength in cryogenic temperatures. It also exhibits under the influence of the welding torch. For the
good tensile and impact strength. The filler material is subsequent structural analysis, birth of an element takes
assumed to be the same as the parent material. The place at the solidification temperature. Melting and ambient
properties of this material, viz., thermal, metallurgical, and temperatures are set as reference temperatures (temperature
mechanical properties are directly secured from the at which thermal strain is zero) for thermal expansion
SYSWELD material database [SYSWELD manual, 2010]. coefficients of filler and base metals respectively.
For the transient simulation to complete, first thermal
C. Modelling and Meshing: analysis is carried out followed by mechanical analysis. On
Initially, the geometrical model of the welded assembly the basis of the parameters defined in heat input fitting,
is created as shown in Fig.2. Each plate has the dimensions transient analysis is run for a time period which included
of 200mm length x 100mm width x 2.5mm thickness. The the weld run and sufficient time for the plate to cool down
geometrical model is then meshed with the tetrahedral solid to ambient temperature after welding. The analysis has
element. Totally 17625 three dimensional elements are required 118 time increments and taken approximately 2.5
generated for meshing. In order to apply convection on the h to complete. The whole temperature history is saved for
surfaces of the plate with its surroundings, 6880 two the subsequent mechanical analysis. Then the mechanical
dimensional elements are extracted from the solid mesh. analysis is carried out using an isotropic hardening model
Then, since the weld source is to be modelled with the one and small displacement theory. Annealing is assumed to
dimensional elements, totally 80 one dimensional elements occur at 1400 0C. It is the temperature at which the material
are generated from the two dimensional mesh. During melts and the finite element code, SYSWELD, assumes
meshing, special care is taken such that finer mesh is that the material loses its hardening memory, i.e. the effect
provided at the areas of higher concentration such as weld of prior work hardening is removed by setting the plastic
line and heat effected zone and the coarse mesh is provided strain to zero. Due to large nature of the output files
at the remaining parent material. produced by the mechanical transient analysis, it is not
practicable to record every time step. Therefore, only the
last steps of the welding process and the cooling period are
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013)
But in the (iii) case, transverse residual stresses are In the present work, Electron beam welding is
compressive at weld start and stop locations, and they are considered for simulation. The effect of three
tensile at the middle part of the weld line. The results of different clamping conditions on the residual stresses
transverse residual stresses at the bottom surface show that and the distortions are studied. From the simulation
in (i) and (ii) cases, the distribution of transverse residual results, it is concluded that more the clamping the
stresses are similar and they are compressive along the higher the residual stresses and lesser the distortions
weld line. But in the (iii) case, the transverse residual while lesser the clamping lesser the residual stresses
stresses are compressive at the weld start and stop and higher the distortions. .
positions, and they are tensile at the middle part of the weld Among the three cases considered, the third case
line . The results indicate that in (iii) case, the distributions yields the minimum transverse residual stresses at the
of longitudinal residual stresses at the top and bottom upper surface of the plate while it is reversed with
surfaces are almost same. The above analysis indicates that regard to the bottom surface. Since the plate is
the prevalence of clamping during welding but unclamping unclamped after cooling down to ambient
after cooling down to ambient temperature reduces the temperature, it increases the longitudinal stresses at
distortions significantly as shown in Figs 7 & 8, but it the bottom surface due to the self weight of the plate
increases the transverse residual stresses. as it acts as a fixture to the bottom surface. Hence the
third case is the most preferable condition in regard to
the residual stresses.
The following conclusions are drawn from the present
Fig 5 . Transverse stress distribution at the top surface (a) and bottom
work: surface (b)
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013)
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