Research Activities in 4G Networks at INESC Porto: Manuel Ricardo, José Ruela
Research Activities in 4G Networks at INESC Porto: Manuel Ricardo, José Ruela
Research Activities in 4G Networks at INESC Porto: Manuel Ricardo, José Ruela
Abstract1— This paper gives an overview of the current Always Best Connected (ABC) to the available networks.
research activities in mobile communications networks at INESC This is possible since a terminal may have multiple network
Porto, with emphasis on fourth generation (4G) networks and interfaces, of different radio technologies, which are used
ambient networks. The main topics covered are the development according to the user requirements and, possibly,
of a generic link layer for heterogeneous networks, the automatic simultaneously. 4G also considers that all the information is
and dynamic creation of networks, including ad-hoc and multi- conveyed as IP packets. Research problems include the
homing, mechanisms to provide Quality of Service (QoS) over support of mobility, routing, QoS and radio resource
wireless links, test and monitoring tools required to validate management, security, and traffic accounting. Ad-hoc and
these networks, and emerging multicast solutions. A testbed is mobile networks, which will expand the coverage of the
being deployed to support these research activities as well as the telecom operator networks, are also highly relevant topics of
integration and demonstration of results with real services. research, as well as those related with network planning,
management and operation.
Ambient networks support, from the communications point
of view, the concept of ambient intelligence. The latter is a
The Communications Networks and Services group, which vision of the future where people are immersed in the
is integrated into the Telecommunications and Multimedia environment, which is sensible and reacts to their presence.
Unit at INESC Porto, has been active for more than fifteen Persons are expected to carry small devices, embedded in
years through the participation in a large number of European their clothes or even in their body and interconnected by
and national R&D projects, as well as in contracts with the means of personal area networks (PAN). Those devices will
industry and telecom operators. The main research topics communicate over radio links to establish connections with
addressed include broadband networks, with emphasis on neighbour networks. Communications may include aspects
ATM and at present on all-IP networks, protocol and service such as composition, security and mobility.
engineering (specification, validation, test and evaluation),
resource management and Quality of Service (QoS) and, III. STRATEGY AND MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS
more recently, wireless and mobile communications.
Research in Mobile Communications at INESC Porto is being
This paper focus on the main research activities in mobile
carried out by a group of senior researchers and post-graduate
communications, which builds on and extends the experience
students, mainly in the framework of EC funded R&D
of the group in all the above topics, while opening new
projects, thus continuing a strategy that has been pursued over
directions of research in line with the current trends in fourth
the years with success. Five main lines of research are
generation (4G) networks.
currently being explored: ad-hoc networking, generic link
layer, QoS and congestion avoidance, testing and multicast.
A. Ad-hoc networking
Mobile communications networks differ from fixed
networks by a set of characteristics that include (1) mobility In ad-hoc networking, the first aspect being addressed is the
of the terminals, (2) properties of wireless links, which are spontaneous formation of networks. Existing ad-hoc routing
characterized by variable bit rates and variable bit error ratios protocols are being studied and characterized in order to
(BER), (3) low processing and memory capabilities of the assess their adequacy for networks supporting multiple types
terminals, and (4) low consumption requirements. Two of interfaces and devices, such as laptops and PDAs.
important research areas are currently emerging in the mobile Particularly interesting is the improvement of these protocols
communications field: fourth generation (4G) networks and and solutions so that multipath, multicast and QoS may be
ambient networks. used.
4G networks are an extension of current mobile A second research topic is the integration of ad-hoc
communications networks, such as GPRS and UMTS. networks with infrastructure networks. In this context, address
Besides the assumptions made by GPRS and UMTS that autoconfiguration and gateway discovery are hot issues, but
Internet and mobile communications will evolve side by side, the support of fast handover using these nodes, the node
4G introduces the concept that a mobile terminal will be handover between ad-hoc and infrastructure mode and the
adoption of multipaths are also being considered.
A third line of action is the definition of a new ad-hoc
The work described in this paper has been partially developed in the projects
communication concept. It is based on the assumption that the
WANDER funded by FCT and DAIDALOS, Ambient Networks and
computer is configured as in current networks, but simple
VISNET of FP6 of the EC.
signaling allows that when two computers or networks meet from the lower layers, such as the current BER, the bandwidth
they can exchange information about routes, security and QoS in use or the queues lengths.
and form a new network. Aspects such as mobility and multi-
D. Testing
homing are also included.
Testing is one of the strongest research lines, having
B. Generic link layer
matured over the years, covering both performance and
The generic link layer research line tries to unify the access behaviour aspects.
to the various radio technologies that are relevant in 4G. From the performance point of view, passive testing
Although IP could, in theory, be used for this purpose, there components that monitor traffic and model it as flows are
is a set of issues, including QoS, security and efficiency, for being developed. Flows are assumed to be mobile, and the
which the IP layer is not offering adequate answers. An tools being developed need to be capable to follow them so
intermediate layer, similar to Multiprotocol Label Switching that the network operator always has a correct view of the
(MPLS), but taking advantage of cross-layer mechanisms, is traffic and also understands whether the flow, when moving,
the solution being pursued. still continues to receive adequate service.
On one hand this means that the IP layer can always find the On the other hand, active test components, which are used
same interface for configuring very different layer 2 to estimate the available bandwidth between network entry
technologies. Hence, this layer must provide additional and exit points, are also being investigated. This will help a
functions, such as link detection and adaptation, as well as source to decide whether new flows can be transported to the
interoperation with fast handover mechanisms, so that destination, in a network that only provides best effort
mobility with QoS can be supported. For this purpose, the services
layer helps the handover by means of functions that first From the behavior point of view, work is directed to
request resources and then book them. automatic test generation derived from protocol specification.
In addition, this layer will also make communications more The protocol is modeled as in formal languages like SDL or
efficient. IP packets that carry voice are small, thus meaning Promela. High level formal languages based on state
that the packet header introduces high overhead; the solution machines that communicate by means of queues and
points to the adoption of Forward Error Correction (FEC) and messages are used. The model obtained is then randomly
robust header compression techniques that may take explored so that a new message is selected and sent to an
advantage of cross-layer information and thus reduce the implementation of the protocol. The messages received by the
overhead. implementation are then evaluated against the model which,
Finally, security is another important issue in this layer. in case the message is valid, selects another message to
Traditional layer 3 or layer 4 security solutions do not work stimulate the implementation. The value of the method
well with header compression; for this reason, new schemes resides on the algorithm defined for selecting the next
that make use of existing layer 2 mechanisms need to be message/parameter to send and in the tool itself.
E. Multicast
C. Quality of Service and congestion avoidance
Multicast and broadcast are considered as a horizontal issue
In the Quality of Service research line, problems are and, as a rule, they are relevant in most of the other topics,
addressed from two complementary points of view. namely in ad-hoc routing, QoS and security. Existing ad-hoc
In the first one, a traditional approach is followed. It uses routing protocols are being extended in order to support
DiffServ, plus signaling adequate to mobility, combined with multicast. As far as QoS, a new solution that allows the
resource reservation at the access networks. The aim is reservation of resources for multicast groups has been
developing a solution that enables the usage of IntServ like specified and implemented. Finally, security mechanisms that
services in the access network, which can be deployed over enable groups to access and decipher video and audio streams
heterogeneous layer 2 technologies and book resources for have been developed and are being improved.
flows. New and more advanced radio resource management
techniques are needed. InterServ must then be mapped into IV. MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS TESTBED
DiffServ in the core network; this requires the development of
A mobile communications testbed is being deployed with
signaling to transport flow information and request resources
the main goal of providing the basic infrastructure and tools
and capable of working in highly mobile environments.
necessary to support advanced research in 4G networks. It
In the second one, it is assumed that networks only provide
constitutes the platform for integrating and demonstrating the
best effort services; the aim is the provision of acceptable
innovative results of this research, as well as offering services
levels of QoS, even in the presence of highly mobile nodes,
to users, thus allowing the assessment of users’ requirements
which generate large amounts of real-time, non-congestion
in a real environment. The testbed was specified taking into
controlled traffic. The main objective is designing new
account a number of requirements driven by the outlined
congestion avoidance algorithms and signaling mechanisms
research objectives.
that, in order to be useful, may need information available
In the first place, it includes heterogeneous layer 2 network growth, thus meaning that in Portugal we are starting to reach
technologies and offers a solution for integrating and the critical mass required to enable mobile communications to
abstracting the QoS mechanisms provided by each emerge as a relevant industry, mainly from the
technology. communications software point of view.
Two communication modes (infrastructure and ad-hoc) are This has already been recognised and lead recently to the
supported. The infrastructure component is aimed at creation of a thematic network on mobile communications,
emulating 4G telecom networks; it includes access routers to which integrates a number of institutions (academic, industry
which IP terminals are connected and provides mobility and operators) that decided to join efforts around common
support by means of MIPv6 and fast handover, while QoS is scientific and technical objectives.
negotiated and enabled by the QoS Abstraction Layer. The
ad-hoc component is mainly used to demonstrate integration
with infrastructure networks. It will also be used in Ambient
Intelligence scenarios that provide ambient services with QoS
requirements to terminals (PDAs and mobile phones) that
communicate directly with each other, using multiple layer 2
technologies. Ad-hoc routing protocols and light QoS
mechanisms (mainly for congestion avoidance) are currently
being investigated for this purpose.
Finally, cross-layer mechanisms allow applications and
intermediate network communication layers to adapt to the
dynamics of wireless and mobile communications.
A prototype version of an ad-hoc network has already been
implemented with the main purpose of creating a simple
Ambient Intelligence scenario, capable of demonstrating its
mains concepts, such as the adaptation of the environment to
the immersed elements, automatic service discovery and
network auto-configuration. It is based on current wireless
network technologies (WLAN 802.11 and Bluetooth) and
offers services that adapt to the preferences and
characteristics of the human users in the ambient, reacting to
their presence.
The testbed will be progressively upgraded with new
functions and services. While simple solutions have been
used to demonstrate the basic concepts and features at an
early stage of development, the network will be further
enhanced with new services, including real-time ones, in more
complex scenarios. Moreover, network automatic
configuration mechanisms will be improved, QoS and IP
macro and micro mobility will be introduced and ad-hoc
multicast routing will be supported, thus allowing the fully
integration between the infrastructure and the ad-hoc
This paper described the current research activities in
mobile communications networks at INESC Porto, focused
on some of the most important and challenging topics in 4G
This area is becoming quite appealing and rewarding not
only from the research point of view but also because of the
business opportunities it offers to all players in the field and
the promise of new applications and more advanced services
to users.
As a result of the research strategy adopted, the group has
grown and matured and is quite active, both at national and
international level. Other research groups are having similar