A Day in The Country

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A Day in the Country is a story about two orphans at play when a threatening storm is appearing forcing
the residents to take refuge. Danilka,a boy, 8, managed to have his hand trapped needing assistance.
Luckily, Danilka's sister Fyokla,6, secured the town cobbler Terenty's assistance to rescue him. The
storm passed and the rest of the afternoon, the three enjoyed the splendors of the country. Danilka is
awed by nature and its beauty


The story happened at the certain village where a thick dark cloud is forming in the sky and a
threatening storm is looming between eight and nine in the morning.


The characters in A Day In The Country by Anton Chekhov:

1) Fyokla - the little girl beggar in the story. Her age is six(6).
2) Terenty - the cobbler in the story
3) Danilka - an eight-year old little fellow in the story.
4) Silanty Slitch - the Terenty's bosom friend and sacristan in the story.


The problem presented in the story A Day in the Country by Anton Chekov is when Danilka's hand got
stuck in the thicket. It is still very early in the morning but Danilka already put himself in trouble. A heavy
storm is also looming above so he wants his hand to be free as soon as possible.


With Terenty's help Danilka was able to remove his hand off the tree, at the same time he and
Fyokla learned a lot from Terenty's experiences.

i get emotional cause terenty was once an orphan and he see his self on that two children reason why
he helped them and someone is telling the story because in the end of the story, u can see tht the
sentences and how it was narrated was someone is talking to you, or short term,.. it is narrated

There was a threatening storming luring at the village urging the towns people to evacuate and take
refuge to a safer place. Amidst the storm is a six-year-old orphan, Fyokla, running looking for her Uncle
Terenty. She needed his assistance to rescue her brother Danilka who happened to have his hand
trapped in the hole.

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