Safety Manual
Safety Manual
Safety Manual
Safety Manual
This manual is intended to be used by company management and site supervisory personnel
as a working procedure in the implementation and maintenance of our respective
Construction Safety Program.
The program requirements are based on the potential safety hazards and operating losses to
which the company had a foreseeable exposure on the date of publication of this manual. The
manual will be revised as necessary to add requirements and procedures involving newly
identified exposures.
Many safety related matters involve situation-specific factors which are difficult to anticipate.
Accordingly, this program is not the definitive statement, or the only statement, on company
safety concerns or procedures. This program is a starting point and a good-faith attempt to
help create a safe working environment.
In every case, governmental rules, regulations or restrictions currently in effect or which may
be published will be the minimum requirements which this program will meet or exceed.
We welcome and encourage your ongoing suggestions for improvement of this manual. We
would also appreciate your sharing with us any ideas that have worked well for you.
The construction industry is a hazardous occupation. The work requires alert minds, healthy
bodies and the ability to carry on operations under difficult circumstances. Each operation
presents its own peculiar problems, and no two jobs are alike; hence, it is not possible to
formulate a set of rules which will cover all the hazards that may be encountered in
construction work. Because conditions change constantly on construction sites, these
conditions must be monitored constantly.
Safety to the worker, as well as to others, engaged on the same operation, is not only
dependent upon total commitment from management, and the judgment of the superintendent
or foreman in charge, but also on the individual workers themselves.
As a guide to workers in the safe conduct of their work, this program has been prepared from
the experience gained over many years of construction. Its instructions and rules must be
obeyed for the good of all workers. Proper safety devices and precautions must be used.
Setting the tone for safety at the beginning of the project will pay off greatly throughout the
job in terms of safety, quality, and schedule.
The safe way to do a job must always be found before going ahead. In the event no rule is
found to cover the situation in question, contact the safety manager for specific instructions.
Always use good common sense.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2. Hazard Assessment
Table of Contents
b. Job Procedures
Job Procedures Annual Review
6. Maintenance Program
Table of Contents
8. Inspections
Inspection Policy
Work Site Safety Inspection
9. Investigations
Investigation Policy
Incident Investigation Procedures
Critical Injury/ Serious Accident Definition
Incident Investigation Report
Vehicle Accident Investigation Report
1. Company Safety Policy and Assignment of Responsibilities
Employees at every level, including management, are responsible and accountable for the
company’s overall safety initiatives. Complete and active participation by everyone, everyday,
in every job is necessary for the safety excellence the company expects. Management
supports coordination of safety among all workers on the jobsite.
Management supports participation in the program by all employees and provides proper
equipment, training and procedures. Employees are responsible for following all procedures,
working safety, and wherever possible, improving safety measures.
I trust that all of you will join me in a personal commitment to make safety a way of life.
The safety information in this policy does not take precedence over applicable
Government legislation with which all employees should be familiar.
Signed: Date:
Gregg Aicken, President
1. Company Safety Policy and Assignment of Responsibilities
A primary goal of Elan Construction Limited is to conduct all operations as safely and
efficiently as possible. To meet this goal, we are assigning the responsibility, authority, and
accountability for safety to the management and other personnel within their areas of
operations. Everyone associated with our projects has the responsibility of performing their
work in a safe and efficient manner and to report immediately unsafe conditions and acts to
their supervisor for correction.
1. Assumes the responsibility for the safety and health program and sees to it that the
program remains successful.
5. Authorizes all necessary expenditures for safety based on safety laws, ordinances or
recommendations of the safety committees, loss control personnel, or employee
6. Regularly attends safety meetings to show interest, review the performance, and encourage
the effectiveness of the safety policy.
7. Personally supports the program with a periodic safety letter to employees, safety award
presentations, special events authorization and compliance with all rules.
Safety Manager
1. The Safety Manager must be thoroughly familiar with Elan Construction Limited Safety
Program and shall monitor the management responsibilities for safety as addressed in this
2. The Safety Manager must be familiar and stay current with the OH&S Regulations and
use as a reference.
3. Where imminently dangerous conditions warrant, the Safety Manager, Project Manager,
and Superintendent will have the authority to shut down the project or shut down a
specific unsafe activity on the project.
4. Review all accidents with Superintendent, Project Manager, and employees and insure
that the proper accident investigation procedures and corrective actions are taken.
5. Monitor job sites and functional areas along with Superintendent, Project Manager, and
any other Elan employee who visits our job sites, to ensure adherence to the provision of
Elan Construction Safety Program for all sections of our Company.
8. Supervise, support, and direct the Safety Superintendent to insure his responsibilities are
being carried out properly and thoroughly.
9. Act in a safety resource advisory capacity for the organization and generate ongoing
improvements to Elan Construction Safety Program. This shall include publishing
periodic safety letters.
10. Report on a monthly basis to the President regarding safety issues, topic, ideas, etc.
Project Manager
2. To understand and enforce our construction safety program as well as the occupational
health and safety legislation.
3. To provide all supervisory staff with an understanding of our accident prevention program
as well as relevant occupational health and safety legislation.
4. To provide all supervisory staff with proper, well maintained tools and equipment, plus
any other special personal protective devices which may be required.
5. To provide ongoing safety education programs and approved first aid training courses as
6. To monitor departments and projects and hold them accountable for their individual
safety performance.
1. To know and apply our construction safety program and relevant occupational health and
safety legislation.
2. To ensure that all employees are educated to work in a safe manner and that they use all
protective devices and procedures required by this firm and by legislation to protect their
health and safety.
3. To advise all employees at orientation they have the right to refuse any unsafe work (see
1.3 unsafe work policy) and of any potential or actual dangers and how to isolate,
prevent, or remove them.
4. To arrange for medical treatment as required, in the case of injury or illness including
transportation to a doctor as necessary.
5. To report all accidents immediately, to investigate all accidents fully, and to advise
management on how to prevent similar accidents in the future.
6. To carry our regular inspections of the work place to ensure a safe and healthy
1. To read, understand, and comply with this firm’s safety policy, safe work practices,
procedures, and rules.
2. To wear the safety equipment and personal protective devices and clothing required by
Elan Construction and Occupational Health and Safety.
3. To notify his/her supervisor of any unsafe conditions or acts that may be of danger to
other workers of himself/herself.
4. To report all accidents, injuries and incidents to his/her supervisor as soon as possible.
5. To take every reasonable precaution to protect the safety of other workers and
6. Maintain good health and advise his/her supervisor if any limitating health problems.
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1.2 Statement of Policy - Subcontractors
The safety performance of each Subcontractor is equally as important as that of Elan Construction
Limited. Each Subcontractor is responsible to Elan for the safe and healthful performance of all its
work on this Project.
Elan has overall responsibility for all field construction safety and health matters on the Project. Elan
shall hold each Subcontractor’s management, supervisors, and employees as well as sub-
subcontractors responsible for safety and health matters within the scope of their assigned or
contracted work.
A copy of the Elan Construction Safety Handbook shall be given to each worker at a job orientation
session. Attendance at a Elan orientation session is mandatory for all workers and is a prerequisite to
working on a Elan Construction Limited Project.
Individual employers may wish to distribute information on safety guidelines and procedures in
addition to this manual. In all cases, this manual is to be considered as a minimum requirement.
Each employer has the responsibility to provide a safe working environment for its employees, to
provide clear instructions to employees about the tasks which they are to perform and to ensure that
workers are trained or sufficiently skilled to safely do the work which they are instructed to perform.
Each employee has the responsibility to protect his/her own person and co-workers by performing
work in a safe manner, to utilize all safety equipment which is specified to be required for the
performance of the work and to report all unsafe working conditions or practices which become
Periodic safety audits will be made by Elan to determine if safe work procedures are being followed,
however, the safety auditors are not directly responsible for worker safety. The responsibility for
safety belongs to the individual worker and his/her employer.
Each employer has the responsibility of maintaining good housekeeping within the scope of their
assigned or contracted work.
The Elan Supervisor or the safety designate shall ensure that the Subcontractor is taking every action
possible to prevent accidents, and is complying with the laws, rules, and regulations of the Elan
Safework Procedures, and any governing legislation. This includes any Safework Procedure that has
been established specifically for this Project.
Signed: Date:
Gregg Aicken, President
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1.2.1 Subcontractors Responsibilities:
Accept and implement Elan Construction limited overall Health and Safety Program;
Read, understand and comply with the company’s safety policies, practices,
procedures, and occupational health and safety legislation;
Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing for the task;
Develop safe work procedures for their expertise level and have them reviewed and
approved prior to work commencing;
Complete and submit inspection reports and incident / near miss reports, reports must
have a follow up date provided. Report any injury;
Daily FLHA must be done and a copy given to the Site Superintendent;
Hold or participate in toolbox safety meetings with their personnel at least once a
week. Documented minutes and attendance at these meetings shall be forwarded to
the Site Superintendent for review and action.
Take every reasonable precaution to protect the safety of themselves, other workers
in the area and the general public.
On conclusion of a project, Elan Construction Limited will make a timely review of each
subcontractor’s safety performance, incident and injury experience, and other factors that will
be helpful in evaluating the subcontractor’s suitability for securing future contracts with Elan.
In the event that a subcontractor exits or is terminated from a project that remains in
progress, a similar timely review will be preformed
Post-Project evaluations’ will be performed by Elans Safety Manager in coordination with the
Project Manager and the Site Superintendent who worked with the subcontractor during the
specific project under review.
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Company Name: ________________ Project Name___________________
Example Example
Project Name Oxford
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Lost Time 0
Medical Aid 2
First Aid 2
Near Miss 1
# Workers on Modified Duties 1
# of Disciplinary Actions Taken 4
Warnings 4
Suspensions 4
#of Supervisors (Foremen) on Project 3
Subcontractors Glenmore Fabricators
"Sub" Subcontractors TMR Steel Erectors
The purpose of this policy is to establish procedural guidelines as per the Occupational
Health & Safety Act for a work refusal.
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Elan Construction limited is committed to the protection of its employee’s, the environment,
and its physical assets. Elan Construction Limited will continue to maintain a safe work
environment in order to prevent occupational injuries.
All employees are equally responsible for complying with the requirements of the Alberta
Occupational Health & safety Act and its Regulations.
The Superintendent will advise all workers of their right to refuse unsafe work at orientation
prior to starting work at the site.
It is the policy of Elan Construction Limited to resolve health and safety concerns before a
work refusal occurs and provide a uniform reporting procedure.
1. Worker has reason to believe work or task is unsafe.
2. The report shall be made to the Superintendent / Foreman (preferably in writing) and
should outline the worker’s reason(s) for believing the work to be unsafe.
3. The worker shall remain in a safe place near his / her work station.
4. Superintendent / Foreman shall forthwith investigate in the presence of the worker.
5. The Superintendent / Foreman shall respond to the worker in writing, outlining
remediation plan, the reasoning behind it.
6. Should the issue be resolved and corrective action taken, if required, the worker shall
return to work. If the issue is not resolved proceed to step 2.
Step 2:
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1. Following the investigation, should the worker have reasonable grounds to believe
that the work or task continues to be unsafe, they must remain in a safe place near his
or her work station and Elan’s Safety Manager will be notified.
2. Other employees shall also be advised of the workers refusal and his or her reasons
for the refusal.
3. The Safety Manager shall investigate in consultation with the Superintendent /
Foreman and the employee that refused.
4. The Safety Manager shall give his / her decision, in writing, as soon as practicable to
the employee including any applicable changes made in order to return the employee
to their duties.
The documentation for a work refusal will include the following information:
1. Name of the employee refusing the work
2. date and time of work refusal notification
3. Superintendent / Foreman’s name
4. Employee’s reason for work refusal
5. Investigation notes from the Superintendent / Foreman and results
6. Time the Safety Manager was contacted and the time he/she arrived and departed
7. Investigation notes from the Safety Manager and results
8. Signature of all personnel involved
Signed: Date:
Gregg Aicken, President
The purpose of this policy is intended to promote employee awareness and facilitate
employee safety when they are working alone. Elan Construction Limited will ensure that
there are safety plans in place for those who work alone, along with applying all reasonable
measures, for the protection of employees who are performing their duties in areas under
conditions where they are required to be on their own.
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This policy applies to any employee who is required to perform hazardous work alone on or
off the premises and whom may require assistance if they are exposed to conditions that
result in a work related injury, health impairment of any kind, or any other adverse condition.
The requirements of complying with occupational Health and Safety Act, regulation and
Code (part 28) the employer must:
All hazards must be assessed prior to work at hand being started and proper controls must be
put in place to minimize potential hazards and to protect the health and safety of the
If there is a lack of communication due to cell or radio coverage or if the work is deemed to
be high risk, there must be a helper present on site.
Signed: Date:
Gregg Aicken, President
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3.1 Excavating, Ditching, and Shoring Safety
3.1.1 No worker shall enter a trench which is more than 1.5 meters deep unless the trench is
properly shored, caged or back sloped.
3.1.2 Barricades, warning of the danger, shall be installed around the excavation as long as
the hole is open. These shall be designed in such a manner that personnel cannot fall
into the hole. Warning lights shall be installed at those excavations that are left open at
night outside the confines of a secure site.
3.1.3 Prior to anyone entering an excavation where gas seepage may be a problem, the air
quality shall be checked and confirmed as adequate for breathing in the excavation,
and that combustible and poisonous gases are not present.
3.1.4 Any person entering the excavation where toxic gases are present shall use a SCBA
and safety harness or belt with a safety line attached if appropriate.
3.1.5 A designated safety person, properly equipped shall be on site whenever anyone is in
the excavation.
3.1.6 A safety plan shall exist which includes allocations of men and equipment to effect a
rescue should it be required.
3.1.7 Ladders extending one metre above the excavation and situated not more than 10 m
apart shall be in place. Ramps may be used instead of ladders. These shall be cut in
the walls at similar strategic intervals to facilitate entry and exit.
3.1.8 Excavation equipment shall be positioned such that it does not endanger the integrity
of the excavation or any surrounding equipment.
3.1.9 At no time shall the backhoe digging envelope extend beneath the machine.
3.2.1 Workers shall not start any mechanical equipment unless they are thoroughly familiar
with its operation and they have been authorized to do so.
3.2.2 Machinery guards provided for protection against revolving or reciprocating parts
must be in place before the engine or equipment is started.
3.2.3 Operators shall inspect the unit at the start of the shift to ensure operating reliability
and proper functioning of all safety alarms and features.
3.2.4 The operator shall not operate the unit if in his opinion it is unsafe to do so. Units
with improperly working safety features shall be taken out of service until repaired.
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3.2.5 All workers concerned with directing the operation of the unit shall use a clearly
defined method of signaling to the operator.
3.2.6 Signalmen or safety guards shall be used for all tight spaces and backing up
maneuvers. (With the exception of backhoes, front end loaders, and bulldozers where
backing up may be part of the machine operation). In such instances, warning signs
and or barricades may be used to keep the work area free of intruders.
3.2.7 Employees shall not ride on any equipment not provided with a proper seat or
platform for the purpose.
3.2.8 Equipment power units shall be shut down during all refueling and servicing
3.2.9 When maintenance procedures are to be carried out, equipment shall be suitably
choked or rendered immobile during the maintenance work. All pinch points shall be
blocked or locked open.
3.2.10 Each operator shall promptly notify a supervisor of any defects in the equipment.
Upon changing shifts the next operator shall be advised of such defects which have
not been repaired.
Defective tools can cause serious and painful injuries. If a tool is defective in some way,
Notify Superintendent immediately.
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To ensure safe use of hand tools, remember:
Air, gasoline or electric power tools, require skill and complete attention on the part of the
user even when they are in good condition. Don’t use power tools when they are defective in
any way.
There are a number of tools utilizing an explosive charge in use throughout the construction
industry to drive fastenings.
The manufacturers of these devices provide detailed instructions regarding their use and
maintenance. These instructions, along with the legislation specifically set out for their use,
shall be closely adhered to at all times.
3.4.1 Only properly trained and qualified operators are to use this type of tool. The user
shall possess proof of this training issued by the manufacturer, authorized
dealer/distributor, or other competent source.
3.4.2 The tool must be CSA standard approved for “Explosive Actuated Fastening Tools”.
3.4.3 The tool should be loaded just prior to use with the correct load for the job
anticipated. Tools should never be loaded and left to sit or be moved to an alternate
work site after being loaded.
3.4.4 The tool should never be pointed at anyone, whether loaded or unloaded. Hands
should be kept clear of the muzzle end at all times.
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3.4.5 Explosive/powder actuated tools should always be stored in their proper lockable
3.4.7 When used, the tool must be held firmly and at right angles to the surface being driven
3.4.8 Eye protection must be worn by the operator. Where there is a danger of spalling, full
face protection must be worn. Hearing protection is also to be worn in confined
3.4.9 To prevent free-flying studs, ensure that the material being driven into will not allow
the stud to completely pass through it (i.e. glass block, hollow tile etc.).
3.4.11 Always be aware of the other workers. Where a hazard to other workers is created
by this operation, signs and barricades identifying the hazard area are mandatory.
Abrasive wheels can cause severe injury. Proper storage of new wheels, proper use of wheels
and proper maintenance of wheels must be observed.
3.5.1 Familiarize yourself with the grinder operation before commencing work.
3.5.2 Ensure proper guards are in place and that safety glasses, face shields, gloves and
safety boots are worn when using portable grinders.
3.5.3 Never exceed the maximum wheel speed (every wheel is marked).Check the speed
marked on the wheel and compare it to the speed on the grinder.
3.5.4 When mounting the wheels, check them for cracks and defects, ensure that the
mounting flanges are clean and the mounting blotters are used. Do not over tighten
the mounting nut.
3.5.5 Before grinding, run newly mounted wheels at operating speed to check for
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3.5.6 Do not use grinders near flammable materials and glazing units. Protect glass
whenever possible.
3.5.7 Never use the grinder for jobs for which it is not designed, such as using the side of
the disk to champer pipe.
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3.6 Grinding
Severe injury may occur if proper protective equipment is not used and properly maintained.
3.6.1 Check the tool rest for the correct distance from the abrasive wheel, maximum 1/8”
or 3 mm.
3.6.2 Replace the grindstone when adjustment of the rest cannot provide 1/8” or 3 mm
3.6.3 If the wheel has been abused and ground to an angle or grooved, reface the wheel
with the appropriate surfacing tool.
3.6.4 Protect your eyes with goggles or a face shield at all times when grinding.
3.6.5 Each time a grinding wheel is mounted, the maximum approved speed stamped on the
wheel bladder should be checked against the shaft rotation speed of the machine to
ensure the safe peripheral speed is not exceeded. A grinding wheel must not be
operated at peripheral speed exceeding the manufacturer’s recommendation.
3.6.6 The flanges supporting the grinding wheel should be a maximum of 1/3 the diameter
of the wheel, and must fit the shaft rotating speed according to the manufacturer’s
3.6.7 Bench grinders are designed for peripheral grinding. Do not grind on the side of the
3.6.8 Do not stand directly in front of grinding wheel when it is first started.
3.7 Use of Portable Ladders
Ladders can be used safely if they are given the respect they deserve.
Before using any ladder, make sure that it is in good condition and is the right ladder for the
job to be done.
3.7.1 When setting up a ladder, secure the base and “walk” the ladder up into place.
3.7.2 The ladder should be set at the proper angle of one (1) horizontal to every four (4)
3.7.4 When in position, the ladder should protrude one (1) metre above the intended
landing point. Ladder must be tied off.
3.7.5 Workers shall not work from the top two rungs of a ladder.
3.7.6 Don’t overreach while on a ladder. It is easier and safer to climb down and move the
ladder over a few feet to a new position.
3.7.7 Always face the ladder when using it. Grip it firmly and use the three-point contact
method when moving up or down.
3.7.8 The minimum overlap on an extension ladder should be one (1) metre unless the
manufacturer specifies the overlap. Top of ladder must be tied off.
3.7.9 Keep both metal and wood ladders away from electrical sources.
As with all ladders, make sure that the step ladder is in good condition, and is the right ladder
for the job to be done.
3.8.1 No work is to be done from the top two steps of a ladder, counting the top platform
as a rung.
3.8.2 When in the open position ready for use, the incline of the front step section shall be
one (1) horizontal to six (6) vertical.
3.8.3 The step ladder is only to be used in the fully opened position with the spreader bars
3.8.4 Tops of step ladders are not to be used as a support for scaffolds.
3.8.5 Don’t overreach while on the ladder. Climb down and move the ladder over to a new
Because the construction of these scaffold can vary greatly as to use, shape, location
and the type of job to be done, they sometimes are built in a haphazard manner. To
avoid this, the following Safe Work Practices are minimum.
3.9.2 The material used to construct these scaffold should be sound, close grained and
finished on all four sides.
3.9.3 The scaffold must be capable of supporting four (4) times the load that might be
imposed on it.
3.9.4 All component parts should be tight together and properly fixed to each other.
3.9.5 Proper perimeter railing must be set in place; top rail, intermediate rail, toe board.
3.9.6 Scaffold work platforms shall be a least 500 millimeters wide for light duty and 1
metre wide for heavy duty scaffolds.
3.9.7 When used as a scaffold work platform, planks shall be secured from movement by
cleats or by being wired in place.
3.9.9 Safe access and egress is to be provided to all work platforms by the use of ladders.
3.9.10 Scaffold work platforms shall not span more than 3.1 metres on light duty scaffolds or
2.3 metres on heavy duty scaffolds.
There are various types of metal scaffolds and they all have a right and wrong way to be
The misuse of scaffolding is the cause of numerous serious injuries. Every worker who
designs or constructs a scaffold should be competent and know what the manufacturer’s
specifications are for that type of scaffold.
The scaffold type which will be suited for the job and capable of withstanding the loads to be
imposed on it must be determined before the job begins.
Ensure that:
3.10.1 The scaffold you intend to use is the correct one for the job.
3.10.5 Safe access and egress to both the scaffold and the general work area has been
3.10.7 Tower scaffolds have outriggers or are guyed and have all component parts secured in
place (i.e. cross braces, pins, lateral braces).
Toe board - Horizontal member at platform level no less than 140 mm in height
above the platform level.
3.10.9 Scaffold planks are of number one grade materials with maximum spans of 3.1 metres
on light duty and 2.3 metres on heavy duty with a maximum projection beyond the
ledger of no more than 300 mm.
6. Leveling adjustment screws extended less than 0.3 metres and lock nuts
7. Tower tied to rigid support horizontally every 1.4 metres and vertically
every 4.6 metres.
8. Free standing tower scaffold steadied with guy wire every 9.1 metres in
9. Platform planking cleated on underside at each end with wood or angle
10. Platform planking tied down securely.
11. Platform planking maximum span 2.3 metres for heavy duty and 3.1
metres for light duty.
12. Vertical ladder securely fastened in place.
13. Safety cage needed around vertical ladder if it is more than 6.5 metres in
14. Perimeter 140 mm to be placed on work surfaces - toe board permanent 1.8
metres, temporary 3.5 metres in height.
15. Perimeter hand rail 0.9 metre to 1.07 metres high with a mid rail around
all work platforms.
16. Separate rope or hand line in place at all platforms to raise and lower tools
or material.
17. Warning devices/signs provided if erected over walkways or roadways
(flashing lights, reflective tape streamers, or area is roped off).
18. Minimum clearance from overhead power lines maintained as per
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
19. Rolling scaffold wheel brakes locked and outriggers extended to maintain
maximum height of 3 ties the smallest base dimension.
20. Separate ladders being used for scaffold access.
3.11.1 (a) Hand tools shall be kept sharp and in good working condition. Worn or broken
tools shall be replaced. Notify superintendent immediately.
This type of power hand tool is one of the most commonly used in construction. Because of
this common use there are numerous accidents due to thoughtless acts.
The following are the minimum accepted practices to be used with this saw.
3.12.1 Approved safety equipment such as safety glasses or a face shield is to be worn.
3.12.2 Where harmful vapors or dusts are created, approved breathing protection is to be
3.12.3 The proper sharp blade designed for the work to be done must be selected and used.
3.12.4 The power supply must be disconnected before making any adjustments to the saw or
changing the blade.
3.12.5 Before the saw is set down be sure the retracting guard has fully returned to its down
3.12.6 Both hands must be used to hold the saw while ripping.
3.12.8 Ensure all cords are clear of the cutting area before starting to cut.
3.12.9 Before cutting, check the stock for foreign objects or any other obstruction which
could cause the saw to “kickback”.
3.12.10 When ripping, make sure the stock is held securely in place. Use a wedge to keep
the stock from closing and causing the saw to bind.
3.13 Use of Chain Saws
Chain saws are used for many jobs in construction. Since this tool was primarily meant for
use in the logging industry, it can be an unfamiliar tool to some workers.
Workers must be trained in its safe use before using a chain saw.
3.13.1 This proper personal protective equipment to be worn is set out by the manufacturer
and Occupational Health & Safety Legislation.
3.13.2 Fueling of the saw must be done in a well ventilated area and not while the saw is
running or hot.
3.13.3 An approved safety container must be used to contain the fuel used along with a
proper spout or funnel for pouring.
3.13.4 The correct methods of starting, holding, carrying, or storage and use of the saw as
directed by the manufacturer must be used.
3.13.5 Ensure that the chain brake is functioning properly and adequately stops the chain.
3.13.6 The chain must be sharp, have the correct tension, and be adequately lubricated.
3.13.7 When carrying/transporting a chain saw the bar guard must be in place, the chain bar
must be toward the back and the motor must be shut off.
3.13.8 The chain saw must not be used for cutting above shoulder height.
Air powered tools in construction range from stapling guns to jackhammers. If not treated
with respect, these tools can become a powerful enemy rather than a servant.
3.14.1 Compressed air must not be used to blow debris or to clear dirt from any worker’s
3.14.2 Ensure that the air pressure has been turned off and the line pressure relieved before
disconnecting the hose or changing tools.
3.14.3 All hose connectors must be of the quick disconnect pressure release type with a
“safety chain/cable”.
3.14.4 Wear personal protective equipment such as eye protection and face shields, and
ensure other workers in the area are made aware of or have restricted access to the
hazard area.
3.14.5 Hoses must be checked on a regular basis for cuts, bulges, or other damage. Ensure
that defective hoses are repaired or replaced.
3.14.6 A proper pressure regulator and relief device must be in the system to ensure that
correct desired pressures are maintained.
3.14.7 The correct air supply hoses must be used for the tool/equipment being used.
3.14.9 Follow manufacturer’s general instructions and comply with legislated safety
Balance Loads
Use double chokers on beams to avoid slipping through.
Estimate the center of gravity or point of balance. The lifting device should be positioned
immediately above the estimated center of gravity.
3.15.1 Select only alloy chain slings and NEVER exceed the working load limits.
3.15.2 Make sure the hoist or crane is directly over the load.
3.15.3 Use slings of proper reach. Never shorten a line by twisting or knotting. With chain
slings, never use bolts or nuts.
3.15.4 Never permit anyone to ride the lifting hook or the load.
3.15.5 Make sure all personnel stand clear from the load being lifted.
3.15.6 Never work under a suspended load, unless the load is properly supported.
3.15.7 Never leave a load suspended when the hoist or crane is unattended.
3.15.8 Inspect all slings thoroughly at specified intervals and maintain them in good
3.15.9 Inspect each chain or sling for cuts, nicks, bent links, bent hooks, etc., before each
use. If in doubt, don’t use it.
3.15.10 Ensure that safety latches on hooks are in good working condition.
3.15.11 Ensure that the signaler is properly identified and understands techniques of proper
signaling. Designated signaler to do the controlling.
3.15.13 Any boomed equipment (crane, backhoe, sideboom) operating within the boom
length of the minimum safe distance (as specified in the table below) of any electrical
line shall have a competent signalman.
When operating, no part of any crane or its load shall be permitted to approach any
closer to any power line than the distances specified unless the electrical authority has
been notified and the line de-energized or insulated.
Rigging looks like an easy operation that requires no particular skill or experience. But if you
have an idea that just anybody can do it, you’re on the wrong track. Too many men have lost
fingers or hands or have suffered more serious injuries because they thought, “Anybody can
do that”.
3.16.1 Name one member of the crew to act as a signalman, and instruct the equipment
operator to recognize signals from that person only. The signalman must be careful
not to order a move until he has received the”all ready” signal from each member of
the crew.
3.16.2 Each rigger must be sure he’s in the clear before he gives an “all ready” to the
signalman. When you have positioned the sling or choker you’re using, release it, if
possible, before you give the “all ready” signal.
3.16.3 If you must hold the sling or choker in position, be sure your hand is clear of pinch
points. In fact, your hand should be far enough away so there’s no possibility of a
frayed wire catching your glove and jerking your hand into a pinch point. (Of course,
frayed cables should never be used).
3.16.4 Watch out for the roll or swing of the load. Since it’s almost impossible to position
the hook exactly over the load centre, there will almost always be a swing or roll.
Anticipate the direction of the swing or roll and work away from it.
3.16.5 Never place yourself between material, equipment or any stationary object and the
load swing. Also, stay away from stacked material that may be knocked over by a
swinging load.
3.16.6 Never stand under the load, and keep from under the boom as much as possible.
Chances are that nothing will break, but something might.
3.16.7 Look over the place where the load is to be set. Remove unnecessary blocks or other
objects that might fly up if struck by the load.
3.16.8 When lowering or setting the load, be sure your feet and all other parts of your body
are out from under. Set the load down easily and slowly so that if it falls on the
blocking, it will be a slow shift that you can get away from.
3.16.9 Identify the designated signalman by the use of distinctive vests, armlets, etc.
3.17.1 Wire the thimble to the rope at the desired point, then bend the rope around the
thimble and secure temporarily by wiring the rope members together.
3.17.2 First attached the clip farthest from the thimble and tighten (be sure the base of the
saddle rests upon the live end of the rope and the “U” bolts on the short end). All
clips must be attached in this manner.
3.17.3 The clip nearest the thimble goes on next. Do not tighten yet. If one or more
additional clips are to be attached, place them at an equal distance apart between the
clips already attached.
3.17.4 Before tightening, place some stress on the rope to take up the slack and equalize the
tension on both sides of the clip. (Do not apply too much stress or the clip attached
in Step 1 will not hold). Tighten all clips.
Spacing Between
Diameter of Rope Number of Clips Clips Centre to Torque
(Millimetres) Centre (Millimetres) (Newton-Metres)
6 2 38 20
8 2 51 40
10 2 57 65
11 2 64 90
12 3 76 90
16 3 102 135
19 4 114 176
22 4 133 305
25 4 152 305
29 5 178 305
32 5 203 488
38 6 229 488
44 7 267 628
50 8 305 881
3.18 Use of Propane
Since propane is heavier than air and invisible, it is a special concern when it is used on the
All installations and use of this product on the job-site must comply with the Government
Legislation set out for its safe use.
Suppliers delivering the product or setting up the equipment at the site must be part of the
safe work practice.
3.18.1 Nylon slings must be used in a “choker” fashion when loading, off-loading or lifting
propane tanks.
3.18.3 Tank valves and regulators are to be removed from the tank prior to any movement of
the tank. Protective cap to be in place if available.
3.18.5 All trucks, cranes or equipment used to handle propane tanks must be equipped with
a fire extinguisher appropriate for the size and type of tank being handled.
3.18.8 When in use, propane bottles are to be securely held in an upright position.
3.18.9 Tanks are not to be hooked up and used without proper regulators. Never operate or
handle tanks while smoking and always allow ventilation before lighting vaporizors.
Tiger torches, although valuable to a job-site, are sometimes misused in a manner that can
make them dangerous.
Tiger torches are only to be used for preheating of piping etc. prior to welding.
3.19.1 When a torch is used, an adequate fire extinguisher must be present.
3.19.2 Torches are not to be used for heating of work areas or thawing of lines and
equipment, etc. when not in use.
3.19.3 Ensure that the propane bottles are properly shut off.
Work involving welding, cutting and burning can increase the fire and breathing hazard on
any job, and the following should be considered prior to the start of work.
3.20.1 Always ensure that adequate ventilation is supplied since hazardous fumes can be
created during welding, cutting and burning.
3.20.2 Where other workers may also be exposed to the hazards created by welding, cutting
and burning, they must be alerted to these hazards or protected from them by the use
of “screens”.
3.20.3 Never start work without proper authorization and completing a hot work permit.
3.20.4 Always have fire fighting or prevention equipment on hand before starting welding,
cutting or burning.
3.20.5 Check the work area for combustible material and possible flammable vapours before
starting work.
3.20.6 A welder should never work alone. A fire or spark watch should be maintained.
3.20.7 Check cables and hoses to protect them from slag or sparks.
3.20.8 Never weld or cut lines, drums, tanks, etc. that have been in service without making
sure that all precautions have been carried out and permits obtained.
3.20.9 Never enter, weld or cut in a confined space without proper gas test and required
safety lookout
3.20.10 When working overhead, use fire resistant materials (blankets, tarps) to control or
contain slag and sparks.
3.20.11 Cutting and welding must not be performed where sparks and cutting slag will fall on
cylinders (move all cylinders away to one side).
3.20.12 Open all cylinder valves slowly. The wrench used for opening the cylinder valves
should always be kept on the valve spindle when the cylinder is in use.
Cleaning solvents are used in the day-to-day construction work to clean tools and equipment.
Special care must be taken to protect the worker from hazards which may be created from
the use of these liquids. Wherever possible, solvents should be nonflammable and non-toxic.
The foreman must be aware of all solvents/flammables that are used on the job, and be sure
that all workers who use these materials have been instructed in their proper use and any
hazard they pose.
3.21.2 When flammable liquids are used, make sure that no hot work is permitted in the area.
3.21.5 Provide adequate ventilation where all solvents and flammables are being used.
3.21.6 Use goggles or face shields to protect the face and eyes from splashes or sprays.
3.21.9 When breathing hazards exist, use the appropriate respiratory protection.
3.21.10 Never leave solvents in open tubs or vats - return them to storage drums or tanks.
3.21.11 Ensure that proper containers are used for transportation, storage and field use of
3.21.12 Where solvents are controlled products, ensure all employees using or in the vicinity
of use or storage are trained and certified in the Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System. Ensure all WHMIS requirements are met.
3.22 Fire Safety Guidelines
The following general safety guidelines are applicable to all workers on all aspects of the
construction project.
All temporary and permanent electrical wiring and equipment shall be in accordance with
the Canadian Electrical Code.
Nozzles of air, inert gas, steam lines or hoses should be electrically bonded if used in
cleaning or ventilating tanks or vessels used for flammable materials.
Exhaust systems of all internal combustion engines shall be located away from combustible
materials, and be safely isolated from building structures.
Diesel engines shall all be equipped with positive air shutoffs.
Open flames shall be prohibited in any suspect area, and suitable warning signs shall be
Non-sparking or “hazardous location” type battery-powered equipment should be used in
suspect areas.
Smoking is allowed in specified areas (to be determined by the Superintendent), which are
posted as Smoking Areas.
Clothing worn in hazardous areas should be anti-static types or no nylon equivalent.
Combustible materials should not be stored within 3.5 m of any building. Stacked height
not more than 7 m.
Suitable fire extinguishing equipment should be located in easily accessible positions.
All outside storage areas must be free of unnecessary combustible materials.
Only approved containers and portable tanks should be used for storage and handling.
No storage in personnel access areas.
Adequate clearance should be provided around lights and heating equipment.
A separation of materials that react with water to create a fire hazard, and also flammable
and combustible materials.
Drums, tanks, and other containers stored in quantities and with clearances as specified in
O.H. & S. standards.
Storage areas should be graded for safe drainage of possible liquid spillage. Also, adequate
drainage should be allowed for storm water and spillage when dikes and curbs are used.
Portable tanks should be equipped with emergency venting.
Storage areas should be kept free of weeds, debris, and any unnecessary combustible
Isolation of areas used for transference of flammable and combustible liquids by fire-
resistant structures (1 hour). Drainage provided to control spillage. Ventilation provided
to keep vapours below minimum flammability limit.
Transference of flammable or combustible liquids only between electrically bonded
Transference of flammable or combustible liquids through a closed piping system only, or
approved pumping device fitted with a self-closing valve. Transference by applying air
pressure to tank is prohibited.
At point of end use liquids kept in closed containers, any spillage promptly cleaned up.
Flammable and combustible liquids not used in the open if less than 15 m from any source
of ignition.
Clearance between heating devices and any combustible material to meet requirements of
O.H.& S. standards.
Heaters not suitable for mounting on wood floors to be set on heat-insulating material
equivalent to at least 25 mm concrete, and extending beyond heater at least 0.6 m in all
Sufficient supply of fresh air required to ensure health and safety of personnel, proper
combustion, and no undue rise in temperature.
All heaters to be set horizontally and level, unless manufacturer’s design permits otherwise.
Good housekeeping is essential in the prevention of fires. Fires can start anywhere and at any
time. This is why it is important to know which fire extinguisher to use and how to use it.
Always keep fire extinguishers visible and easy to get at. Fire extinguishers have to be
properly maintained to do the job. Fire extinguishers should be charged and checked for
missing or broken pins. Where temperature is a factor, ensure that care is taken in selecting
the right extinguisher.
Types of Fires
3.23.1 Class A: These fires consist of wood, paper, rags, rubbish and other ordinary
combustible materials.
Recommended Extinguishers
Water from a hose, pump type water can, or pressurized extinguisher, and code acid
Recommended Extinguishers
ABC units, dry chemical, foam and carbon dioxide extinguishers.
Recommended Extinguishers
Carbon dioxide and dry chemical (ABC units) extinguishers.
This procedure provides guidelines for the erection process and the protection of personnel
during pre-engineered building erection, (self-performed or contracted).
Before starting steel erection, anchor bolts must be checked and certified for proper
Prior to the start of steel erection a survey will be made of the conditions to determine the
hazards and the kind and number of safe guards that are required to be installed and used.
The survey shall include, but not be limited to, safe access and movement, work procedures,
tools, and equipment.
3.24.2 Bracing
As the building erection begins, it shall be braced to the extent required to support the load
per the AISC code. Erector shall provide temporary bracing during the erection and maintain
temporary bracing until roof and wall panels or permanent braces are installed. Temporary
cables shall be no less than 3/8" in diameter and shall be flagged for visibility.
Temporary Bracing
Temporary supports, such as temporary guys, braces, falsework, cribbing, etc., must be used
throughout the entire erection process to secure the steel framing or any partially assembled
steel framing, against load, including those resulting from wind, seismic forces, and erection
equipment and operations. Temporary bracing will also assist in keeping the structure plumb
and square.
It is the responsibility of the erector to determine the amount and size of temporary bracing
and to furnish and install such bracing.
Bracing furnished by Butler is a part of the permanent structural support system for the
completed building and should not be relied upon as temporary bracing.
Warning tape or flags should be attached to any bracing installed to prevent personal injury
and damage to the bracing or building from construction equipment.
Always be careful to avoid loading a ladder beyond its capacity so that there is not excessive
deflection in the middle. If this is the case, the ladder should be braced to prevent deflection.
The ladder shall extend at least three (3) feet above the upper landing and secured top and
bottom on both sides. Ladders must be set up in such a manner that no unauthorized person
may use them day or night.
a) Portable Ladders
Portable ladders shall be used at such a pitch that the horizontal distance from the top
support to the foot of the ladder is about one quarter of the working length of the ladder.
The material, size, and construction of every portable ladder to be such that when placed at
an angle obtained by moving the foot of the ladder out of the perpendicular a distance equal
to 1/4 its length, it will support a vertical load of at least 200 pounds applied at the center of
the middle step without imposing stresses in excess of the allowable working stresses of the
material used in the ladder. The material, size, and construction of every fixed ladder to be
such that it will support a vertical load of at least 200 pounds applied at the center of any step
without imposing stresses in excess of the available safe working stresses of the materials
used in the ladder.
Wood side rails of portable ladders shall be dressed on all sides and shall be free from
sharp edges and splinters. Knots over 1/8 inch in diameter shall not appear in rung.
Knots shall not appear in the narrow faces of side rails, treads, or rung.
Portable ladders shall have a minimum width of 11 1/2 inches between side rails, except for
the upper four feet where converging side rails providing less than 11 1/2 inches of space are
Personal Protection
In all pre-engineered building structures, safety belts and/or scaffolds will be used by all
employees exposed to a fall hazard of 6.5 feet or more. Static lines and life lines will be
installed as needed within the structure to facilitate tying-off. Employees will tie off whenever
they are exposed to a fall from the structure. Connectors will be permitted to unhook their
safety belts only during the actual receiving and positioning of structural members. As soon
as it is safe and appropriate to do so (generally as soon as the connecting bolts have been
installed), the connector will be required to re-hook his safety belt. When gathering, stacking,
and installing roof decking, personnel shall be protected by safety belts with lanyards attached
to a catenary line, life line, or other substantial anchorage or by providing work platform or
It should be emphasized that this procedure is mandatory and must be followed at all times.
Any person, regardless of the job function, who is found violating this procedure and
exposing either himself or other employees to a fall hazard, will be subject to disciplinary
If, in any particular situation, compliance with the above is impossible or highly impractical,
the Safety Manager must be notified to approve or define any required deviations before the
work commences. No deviations will be permitted without the express approval of the Safety
Unless workers are tied off as described in the following Section 3.25.2, safety nets shall
be provided when work places are more then 6.5 feet above the ground or water surface,
or other surfaces where the use of ladders, aerial lift baskets, scaffolds, catch platforms,
temporary floors, safety lines, or safety belts is impractical.
Where safety net protection is required, operations shall not be undertaken until the net is
in place and has been tested.
Nets shall extend 8 feet beyond the edge of the work area where employees are exposed
and shall be installed as close under the work surface as practical, but in no case more
than 6.5 feet below such work surface. Nets shall be hung with sufficient clearance to
prevent user's contact with the surfaces or structures below. Such clearances shall be
determined by impact load testing.
The net construction and support shall be in compliance with O.H.& S. regulations. The
mesh size of nets shall not exceed 6 inches by 6 inches. All new nets shall meet accepted
performance standards of 17,500 foot-pound minimum impact resistance as determined
and certified by the manufacturer, and shall bear a label of proof test. Edge ropes shall
provide a minimum breaking strength of 5000 pounds.
Forged steel safety hooks or shackles shall be used to fasten the net to its supports.
Connections between net panels shall develop the full strength of the net.
If safety nets are not being used when work places are more then 6.5 feet above the
ground or water surface, all workers exposed to fall shall be 100% tied off in a safe and
acceptable manner. This shall include connectors at the point in time there is a safe,
stable work area to tie off to.
Where the elevation is 25 feet or more above the ground, or water surface, or
continuous floor level below, and when the use of safety belts and lifelines or more
conventional types of protection are clearly impractical, the interior perimeter of the
structure shall be provided with an approved-type safety net extending at least 8 feet
horizontally from such perimeter and being positioned at a distance not to exceed 6.5
feet vertically below where such hazards exist, or equivalent protection provided.
Lifelines and safety belts, including anchorage, shall be in compliance with O.H.& S.
regulations. Lifelines, safety belts, and lanyards shall be used only for employees
safeguarding. Any lifelines, safety belts, or lanyard actually subjected to in-service
loading, as distinguished from static load testing, shall be immediately removed from
service and shall not be used again for employee safeguarding
Approved safety belts and lifelines shall be worn by those employees whose work
exposes them to falling in excess of 6.5 feet from the perimeter of a structure or through
shaft ways and openings not otherwise adequately protected the anchor end of the
lifeline shall be secured at a level not lower than the workman's waist, and at a horizontal
distance not to exceed 6 feet, except where the waist level connection is not possible,
connections at foot level may be permitted, provided that adequate risk control
procedures are followed. Lifelines shall be secured to a substantial member of the
structure or securely rigged lines, using a positive-descent control device.
Safety belts and nets shall be required in accordance with O.H. & S. regulations.
Lifelines shall be secured above the point of operation and are to be an anchorage or
structural member capable of supporting a minimum dead weight of 5,400 pounds.
Lifelines used in areas where the lifeline may be subjected to cutting or abrasion, shall be
a minimum of 7/8 inch wire core manila rope. For all other lifeline applications, a
minimum of 3/4 inch manila or equivalent, with a minimum breaking strength of 5,400
pounds, shall be used.
Safety belt lanyard shall be a minimum of 1/2" nylon, or equivalent, with a maximum
length to provide for a fall of no greater than 6 feet. The rope shall have a nominal
breaking strength of 5,400 pounds.
All safety belt and lanyard hardware shall be drop forged or pressed steel, cadmium
plated. Surface shall be smooth and free of sharp edges.
All safety belt and lanyard hardware, except rivets, shall be capable of withstanding a tensile
loading of 4,000 pounds without cracking, breaking, or taking a permanent deformation.
The Elan Safety Program will include instruction in the safe installation of roof panels.
Handling of roof panels, installation of panels, edge of roof protection and recognition and
correction of hazards will be reviewed. In addition, appropriate printed roof safety
information will be distributed and the understanding of this information signed off by all
workers before they go on the roof.
During the placing of MR-24 roof panels or Butlerib II roof panels (if any), our erection
forces or Erection Subcontractor will abide by O.H. & S. regulations and Elan Safety
Program comprised of the following as applicable to the Work:
Workers on a roof with a ground to eave height of 6.5' or more who are working within 6
feet of the edge of the roof shall be protected from falling from all unprotected sides and
edges of the roof by an approved motion stopping system which must include a tie-off
system, roof edge nets, or a perimeter cable system. When roof edge nets or a perimeter cable
system are used they shall remain in place until the roofing work is completed and workers
are no longer working on the roof. If roof traffic is contained, controlled and posted by roped
off areas and aisle ways so that workers are not allowed to go in certain areas of the roof,
then these "off limits" areas do not have to be protected. If work must later be done in one of
these "off limits" areas, roof perimeter protection will be required in this area.
The edge of roof clamp may be used as a tie-off system when working within six feet of the
edge of the roof (when working outside the edge of roof warning line or edge of roof electric
warning line), installing the roof seamer starting platform, starting the roof seamer, placing
the roof eave panel, placing the roof panels in the direction of the roof installation, installing
the edge of the roof trim and gutter, installing curbs, skylights, and other roof mounted
equipment, or other activities at the roof edge. (See Page 37). This tie off system can be used
in lieu of edge of roof nets or a perimeter cable motion stopping system.
3.26.2 Warning Line
In all areas of the roof where work is in process and a perimeter edge of roof cable system is
not in place, a warning line shall be erected around all sides of the roof work area, not less
than six feet from the edge of the roof. This warning line shall remain in place until the
roofing work is completed and workers are no longer working on the roof. This warning line
shall consist of a rope or cable having a minimum tensile strength of 500 pounds. This rope or
cable must be attached to stanchions which must be able to withstand sixteen (16) pounds of
pressure without tipping. Stanchions shall be thirty-nine inches (39") high from the roof
surface to the point where the rope or cable is attached. The rope or cable must be attached
at each stanchion in such a way that pulling on one section of the line between stanchions will
not result in slack being taken up in adjacent sections before the stanchion tips over. The rope
or cable will be flagged at six (6'-0") feet intervals with highly visible material. If roof traffic is
contained, controlled, and posted by roped off areas and aisle ways so that workers are not
allowed to go in certain areas of the roof, then these "off limits" areas do not have to be
protected. If work must later be done in one of these "off limits" areas, roof warning line
protection will be required in this area.
When the work is of short duration and limited exposure and the hazards involved in
rigging and installing the safety devices required by this Article equals or exceeds the
hazards involved in the actual construction, these provisions may be temporarily
suspended, provided adequate risk control is recognized and maintained under
immediate, competent supervision.
People securing insulation or installing roll runner banding must be tied off.
Clean off roof daily of all roof filings and/or miscellaneous rubbage.
All openings in the roof, mezzanines, floors, and elevators must be properly posted and
protected. Subcontractor creating the hazard is responsible for protecting it.
If trash is being removed from the roof by dropping it below, a guard shall be posted in the
area the debris is landing to warn personnel of the operation. Do not allow trash to hit the
3.27 Hot Roof Operations
3.27.2 Roofers tending kettles, or carrying buckets of hot tar, shall wear gloves that fit
snugly at the wrists, and long sleeved shirts fastened at the wrists.
3.27.3 At no time should a roofer, while handling or exposed to injury from hot tar, work
without a shirt or appropriate footwear.
3.27.4 Appropriate portable fire extinguishers shall be kept at or near the kettle, attached,
if practicable, to the tongue of the kettle, away from the danger zone.
3.27.5 Kettle covers should be equipped with a handle that projects at least fourteen inches
(14") away from the surface of the cover or lid.
3.27.6 Kettle covers shall be closed and latched when in transit and the kettle should be
slop-proof when cover is closed.
3.27.7. When parked, means shall be provided to prevent inadvertent movement of the
3.27.8. Ladders should be used with great caution, and roof gutters should not be depended
upon for support.
3.27.9. Workers handling buckets of hot tar should not carry anything that will interfere
with the safety of this operation.
3.27.10. The gallows frame shall be securely anchored before hoisting materials.
3.27.11. Only muscular power shall be used to hoist materials by means of a gallows frame.
A winch or power hoist shall not be used.
O.H. & S. regulations shall be followed regarding proper, safe use of equipment and work
processes, man baskets, forklifts, scaffolding trailers, scaffolding, and staging. Ground should
be level and compacted-No risk of movement.
Butler roof panels can be a safe walking surface (except for slipperiness caused by oil, wax or
moisture) ONLY when they are completely seamed (MR-24 or VSR panels) or fastened
(Butlerib II and CMR-24 liner panels) to other panels on each side.
Panels not completely seamed or fastened on each side are not safe and can collapse suddenly
and without warning!
Never step, kneel or place weight on the raised edge of an MR-24 panel or VSR panel or
on the edge corrugation of a Butlerib II panel or CMR-24 liner panel.
Use extra care when installing panels with creased or kinked corrugation or edges.
Placing weight on any portion of such a panel may cause the panel to collapse.
Never stand or work within five (5) feet from the end of a panel that is not fully seamed
or fastened. Always use walk boards.
When fastening a panel to the structural, stand toward the middle away from the raised
edge or edge corrugations of the panel and directly over the roof structural.
Never allow more than one worker to stand or work on the same panel between two roof
When walking on CMR-24 liner panel that has been fastened to the roof structural, do
not step on the side lap. Step only on the liner panel area that is supported by the roof
Never use unattached roof panels as a work platform for any purpose. This is an extremely
hazardous practice and should never be done.
Unpainted roof panels are coated with oil to protect them from rust during shipping and
storage. This can make the panels very slippery to walk on.
The oil has been specially developed to evaporate when exposed to air. Evaporation usually
takes 30 to 90 minutes or longer depending on weather conditions. You should remove
panels from the bundle and expose them to the air to allow for evaporation before installing.
The oil may leave a coating of oil on the soles of your shoes. This coating may cause you to
slip and fall even when you are no longer working on the roof panel.
If a bundle of panels is stored on a slight slope, the oil may run down hill on warm days and
collect on one portion of the panels. This makes the oily portion of the panels ever more
slippery than normal and will make evaporation slower.
Painted panels have a silicone (wax) finish which also is very slippery to walk on if need be
try kneeling on panels.
Dew, frost, or any other moisture on roof panels, whether painted or unpainted, greatly
increases the slipperiness of the panels and extra care should be taken.
In certain conditions, it is essential that walk boards be used in the flat of the panel when
installing roof panels or insulation. Fall protection must always be used.
Never step on a single roof panel or a stack of several roof panels lying unattached on the
purlins. The bottom side of roof panels may also have oil or wax coating. If you step onto a
single panel lying unattached on the purlins, it may slip causing you to lose your balance and
fall. Even a stack of several panels lying unattached on the purlins may slip if you step on it.
Always clamp or tie roof sheets. Wind can blow at anytime.
The Use of Walkboards When Installing Roof Panels - In certain conditions it may be
necessary to place walkboards in the flat of panels. (Walkboards for MR-24, CMR-24
liner panels, or VSR should be 2 x 12 stock.) The boards should run the full length of the
roof slope and should be fastened together by drilling a hole near the ends of each board
and tying it to the next board. Cut a groove in the bottom of each board so that the
board will lie flat and not tip back and forth because of the rope. This will prevent the
boards from slipping out from under you when you step on them.
If You Need a Work Platform - for laying insulation or any other purpose, you should use
a runway as specified in O.H. & S. Section 1926.500 (d) (A walkboard at least 18" wide
with a toe board and a 42" high railing made of 2 x 4's on one side with another rail
halfway between the toe board and the top rail.) Never use unattached panels as work
To Avoid Slipping - wear good work boots while on the roof. The danger from a slip is
greater while installing roof panels or insulation and at the edge of the roof. Use
walkboards in the flat of panels when installing panels or insulation. When working near
the edge of the roof, you should use fall protection such as safety lines, safety nets, a
catch platform or the like. To reduce the danger of slipping from oil, remove panels from
the bundle and expose them to air to allow the oil to evaporate before laying them in
place on the purlins.
To prevent Panels from Slipping - Do not step on loose roof panels or even a stack of several
roof panels. Clamp/Tie down to purlins.
3.30 Erecting Precast/Prestressed Concrete Safely
Lifting members
Communication is key! The crane operator and one assigned signaler in the erection crew
should use hand signals or two way radios.
Be cautious during inclement, windy weather. High winds can increase the load or cause
side loading on the boom and reduce its capacity.
Before making a lift, review:
How to use the required rigging
Crane load tables
Precasters recommendations on how to lift the member and how to upright the member, if
Weights of members
Clear the area around the member of obstructions and barricade the swing area of the
crane and counterweight.
Before beginning operations, address fall protection needs for all phases of construction.
Use ladders, personnel lifts, or scaffolding to gain access for making connections.
Before releasing a member from the crane, make sure it’s securely connected.
Do not use hands to reach under a member to adjust a shim or bearing pad.
Ensure stability of the structure during erection by installing temporary bracing, shoring ,
and guying.
Inspect ground conditions and soil compaction in areas where cranes will be travelling or
Fully extent outriggers. If outriggers cannot be fully extended, reduce crane lifting
capacities to those shown on the chart for “on rubber”.
Use cribbing to spread outrigger loading. Rule of thumb: to determine the minimum
square feet of blocking under each outrigger, divide the crane capacity (in tons) by five.
Level cranes within 1 degree to eliminate side loading on the boom.
Ensure that the load does not strike the boom or outriggers and never allow a crane boom
to hit or touch any structure.
Use an anti-two-blocking device to prevent contract between the load block and the
boom tip.
Use a signaler when operating within a boom’s length of power lines.
3.31 Placing Concrete
Place Concrete
Using the truck chute to fill the form by backing up the truck or pulling it forward
As close to its final location as possible - the less you move it the better
Starting in a corner, then working away from the corner
Starting at the low end and working uphill, of on a slope
Into (instead of away from) fresh concrete
Using square-mouth shovels or concrete rakes to move concrete; other tools cause
Have one and only one person directing the truck
Be Safe
In addition of other safety requirements, when placing concrete workers should wear:
Full length shirts and trousers
Rubber boots and gloves
Eye protection when exposed to concrete splatter
Warning: Fresh Portland cement concrete can cause skin irritation and burns. Injury may
result from wet clothing. Wash skin promptly after contact.
Wear a red or orange vest during the day and a reflector vest at night
Use red 18-inch square flags for sign paddles
Make sure the flagger station is well lit at night
Wear hard hats & CSA approved steel toe boots
Located far enough ahead of the work zone to give drivers time to reduce their speed and
workers time to evade out of control vehicles. (Flaggers must have a signaling device
such as a radio or air horn.)
Located on the pavement shoulder or in closed lanes, not in a traffic lane.
Adequately marked with warning signs.
Manned by more than one flagger, if sight distance is inadequate.
Manned by a certified flagger
When flagging:
Stand alone. Don’t allow co-workers to congregate around you
Designate a chief flagger when two flaggers are controlling alternate one-way traffic.
TO STOP TRAFFIC - Face oncoming traffic and hold the STOP paddle in a
vertical position at arm’s length. For greater emphasis, raise your free arm, so
your palm faces the traffic. Give traffic enough time to stop. Don’t flash STOP
When a driver is close.
FOR TRAFFIC TO PROCEED - Stand parallel to the traffic movement and, with
the SLOW paddle in a vertical position, motion traffic ahead with your free arm.
TO SLOW TRAFFIC - To alert or slow oncoming traffic, face the traffic and hold
the SLOW paddle in the vertical position at arm’s length. For added emphasis,
slowly raise and loser your free hand with your palm facing down.
WHEN DELAYING TRAFFIC - Alert nearby drivers of the approximate time of
and reason for the delays. Every reasonable effort should be made to prevent
excessive delays.
TDG is governed by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and is designed to protect
the public, the environment and property from hazardous goods that are being transported.
The legislation applies to anyone transporting these goods and everyone who is required to
handle these materials including: packers, shippers, and receivers.
Every time the goods are transported someone has to make sure that certain duties are
carried out. The Regulations refer to this person as the consignor, or shipper – the one who
offers the goods to transport. Someone who makes the arrangements for the materials to be
transported from one site to another has the responsibility to fulfill the duties of the shipper
before turning the shipment over to the carrier for transport.
The employee who actually transports dangerous goods may be both the shipper and carrier.
If an incident or spill involving dangerous goods occurs during any phase of transport, the
person in charge of the goods at the time is responsible for reporting the incident.
The consignee or receiver only has one responsibility under the Transportation of Dangerous
Goods Regulations: to keep a copy of the shipping document for 2 years. This requirement
also applies to the consignor and carrier.
Under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulation anyone who handles, offers for
transport or transports dangerous goods must be trained and certified.
The Certificate of training is issued by the Alberta Construction Safety Association, but is not
valid unless it is signed by the employer.
A Typical Supplier Label and Required Content
Employers must ensure that supplier-provided containers of controlled products are labeled
with WHMIS supplier labels. As long as a controlled product remains in the supplier-
provided container, the supplier label must remain attached to the container and be legible.
For normal day to day use of controlled products, employers are required to furnish some
form of workplace warnings such as labels, tags or markings. Although there is no specified
format for workplace labeling and other forms of hazard warnings, information on safe
handling and a product identifier (e.g., brand name, code name, or the chemical name of the
product) must be provided. Reference must also be made to the availability of a MSDS.
(If there is no MSDS then you MAY NOT use the product!)
See material safety data sheet
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of all workers using a scissor lift.
Signed:___________________________ Dated:________________________
Gregg Aicken, President
Inappropriate use of music devices endangers workers, both the individual using
the device as well as workers working alongside the individual. The use of any
music device, in the workplace, has the potential to distract the worker and may
interfere with the proper and safe use of equipment and machinery. It may limit
their ability to hear alarms or sirens, calls from co-workers or instructions from
Supervisors, which could create potential serious situations and increase the risk
of an accident. The use of a music device poses a risk that the music itself and/
or the accompanying headphones may get tangled in machinery or interfere with
the proper use of PPE.
It is the policy Elan Construction Limited, that workers may not use any music
device in the workplace, while they are working. The only areas the use of
music devices will be permitted will be confined to the lunchroom / break room
areas, specifically designated as such, while the worker is not working. ie:
coffee and lunch breaks. At all other times and locations within the workplace
area, the use of music devices is prohibited. This policy applies to all workers,
contractors, consultants, subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, suppliers,
temporary workers, and any other third party personnel working at Company
Signed:____________________ Date:______________________
Gregg Aicken, President
3.36 Hazardous Energy Control Procedure
Hazardous Energy can come from:
Lockouts will be used to control these hazards and the workers will be trained to do the
lockout on the specific equipment producing or potentially will produce the hazard.
Electrical panels will have a supervisor’s multiple lockout device to accept other workers
lock this device will be secured to the Electrical panel switch handle in the off position.
The Supervisor will put his lock on the multiple lockout device and so will the worker(s)
doing the work. Check all the equipment to be worked on that it is not energized. When the
work is completed the worker(s) will take their locks off and notify the supervisor to take
his / her lock and clamp off so they can turn the Electrical Panel back on.
All locks must have a DO NOT REMOVE tag with the following information on it.
Gas line valves supplying equipment to be worked on must be locked out in the closed
position, bleed off and test for any Gas present. The Supervisor will put a multiple Lockout
device on the Gas Valve handle in the closed position then the worker(s) will put their lock on
the multiple lockout device with the following information.
When the work is completed the worker(s) will remove his / her lock, notify the Supervisor
and then the multiple lockout device can be removed.
Where there is Danger or Potential Danger from the inadvertent movement of a mechanical
device (i.e. Huge pressure pump, counter weight) then the Mechanical energy must be
controlled prior to starting work on the equipment.
Release the stored mechanical energy; be careful of the springs, tension or gravity.
Use block cables or chains to create a zero potential energy state.
DO NOT START tags must be put on all points where the equipment can be started from.
When the work is completed the worker(s) must remove the tags and the lockout mechanism
used, the worker(s) must do a thorough inspection of the equipment prior to starting.
3.37 Working near overhead power lines
The first step t working safely around power lines is to call the utility to determine all power
lines in the project area.
The Danger of overhead power lines is that there is no protection on the wire. Electricity is
looking for a path to ground, so if you contact an overhead wire you or the equipment you’re
operating will be its path to the ground.
Check with the local utility to identify voltages on any overhead lines and determine the
required limits of approach.
Use caution when using tools around overhead lines, this includes but not limited to Cranes,
Backhoes, Aerial Lifts, Rough Terrain Forklifts, Ladders, scaffolding, or long lengths of pipe.
If a large piece of equipment such as a crane runs the risk of encroaching on the safe Zone, a
designated spotter whose only job is to maintain the safe zone must be assigned.
The local utility may be able to install “line Identification” This is a PVC pipe not for
protecting the lines, but to make them easier to be seen.
Lines may sometimes be temporarily moved or protected, contact the local utility for clarity
and NEVER attempt to do this kind of work get the utility to do this work for you.
Excavations in the vicinity of power poles can be dangerous. Soil near the base of a pole
must not be disturbed without consulting with the local utility.
Spoil piles should not be located under power line; this reduces the clearance and could
create a hazard.
If power lines are contacted or torn down, stay clear- at least 10 meters- and call the
Electrical utility in your area. Call Emergency Services for assistance.
Test the confined space for oxygen levels between 19% and 21% no less than 18%
Test for the presence of CO, H2S, if present the space must be ventilated to reduce levels.
Concentrations must be below occupational exposure limits specified in OH&S schedule.
NOTE: This safe work practice is for Sewer Pipes, Manholes, or Excavations over 1.5
meters deep.
A safe work practice for Vessels, Tanks, Ovens with Pipes supplying Toxic Chemicals, Gas
A Competent Emergency Watch person must be at the Entrance / Exit at all times, if that
watch person has to leave another Competent Emergency Watch Person must replace him /
The Emergency Watch Person must be able to communicate at all times with the worker(s)
When leaving the confined space and expecting to return later a “DO NOT ENTER” sign
must be put at the entrance.
Workers must wear a CO, H2S monitor and be set to sound an alarm at 10ppm for H2S and
25ppm for CO as per the Occupational exposure limits.
Workers must wear a harness and be hooked up to a safety cable and winch when working in
an area where the worker could be overcome by toxic fumes or gases.
Workers must be trained in the use of gas testing and detection equipment.
Workers must wear PPE appropriate to the conditions where they will be working.
Working in the cold can result in hypothermia or frostbite and even the heavy and bulky
clothing worn for protection from the cold can cause problems on the work site.
Hypothermia, or below-normal body temperature, is generally the result of a combination of
factors, including cold and windy weather, fatigue and clothing that is poorly insulated or
Moderate hypothermia: violent shivering, loss of dexterity of the hands and feet, and an
inability to think or pay attention.
Heat stroke and hyperpyrexia (elevated body temperature) are the most serious
types of heat illnesses. Signs of heat stroke include body temperature often greater
than 41 degrees C, and complete or partial loss of consciousness. The signs of heat
hyperpyrexia are similar except the skin remains moist, Sweating is not a good
symptom of heat stress as there are two types of heat stroke – “classical” where there
is little or no sweating, and “exertional” where body temperature rises because of
strenuous exercise or work and sweating is usually present.
If the worker is experienced on the job, their time in the hot environment must be
limited to 50% of the shift on the first day, 60% of the shift on the second day and
80% of the shift on the third day. On the fourth day a full shift can be worked.
If the worker is not experienced on the job they should spend 20% of their time
working in hot conditions on the first day and increase by 20% each subsequent day.
When and where applicable, reduction of physical demands of work tasks should be done
through mechanical assistance such as hoists, carts, etc.
Workers will be provided with water and be reminded to drink a cup approximately every 20
Workers should take more frequent and longer breaks if possible in shaded and cooler areas.
Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion that comes from physical or mental exertion; it
is a message to the body to rest. It can be aggravated by the lack of sleep or an accumulated
sleep deficit. It can cause slower reaction time and can result in poor decisions, more
mistakes, decreased performance, and dangerous lapses from micro sleeps and automatic
behavior. Fatigue has a significant influence on the Health and Safety both at work and at
home. When it comes to work and fatigue, research shows that the probability of a workplace
incident rises and falls with alertness. Research also shows that fatigue can impair in the same
way as alcohol consumption.
Fatigue can be caused by long hours of work, long hours of physical or mental activity,
inadequate rest, excessive stress at work or at home, and combinations of these factors. Signs
of fatigue will vary from worker to worker, typical physical signs and symptoms are:
Sleepiness, including falling asleep against the workers will (micro sleeps)
Loss of appetite
An increased susceptibility to illness
Fatigued workers may have their ability to perform mental and physical tasks impaired some
of these impairments are:
Slowed reactions- physical reaction speed and speed of thought
Failure to respond to changes of the surroundings
Incorrect actions either physical or mental
Flawed judgment and an inability to concentrate
Increases in memory errors, including forgetfulness
Decrease in vigilance
Increased tendency for risk-taking
Two or three times a year Superintendents and Foremen are to discuss fatigue at the weekly
toolbox meeting and how it affects worker performance especially when working in a
DANGER zone; ensure that all tasks are performed with a safe and healthy approach. Get the
Safety Manager involved if you have a case that requires professional medical help.
In keeping with occupational Health and Safety Code Part 9 Elan Construction Limited
requires all workers to use a fall protection system at a permanent or temporary work area
where a worker may fall 3 meters or more, or if there is an unusual possibility of injury if a
worker fell less than 3 meters.
Elan Construction Superintendents, Foremen and workers will be provided fall protection
training and instruction. This training and instruction will be done again prior to the 3 year
expiration to stay current.
Superintendents are responsible to ensure that all new or transferred workers have the
required and current fall protection training. The Superintendents will notify the Safety
Manager of anyone needing fall protection training so training can be registered for the
earliest available course.
Superintendents are responsible to check sub-contractors workers for proof of fall protection
training, failure to show a valid current fall protection training card will result in the worker
not being allowed to work in the area where fall protection is required.
3 b. Job Procedure
4. Using wheel wrench, pry off hub cap from wheel that has flat tire.
5. Again using the wheel wrench, loosen the lug nuts by turning counter clockwise 1/4 turn.
7. Ensure that bystanders are at least 10 feet away from the vehicle.
9. Using wheel wrench, remove all lug nuts. Place nuts in hub cap.
10. Grasp tire at 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock points, remove and set aside.
11. Grasp spare tire as above and set in place over wheel lugs.
12. Replace all lug nuts and tighten until wheel is in place.
13. Crank jack down until it is clear of axle and remove thus placing the tire on firm ground.
14. Using the wheel wrench, tighten all the nuts. Tighten every second nut in sequence, a
little at a time, until all nuts are as tight as they were originally.
16. Place jack and crank as per directions inside hood lid.
Starting Equipment (Cold Starts)
1. Hard hat
2. Steel toes boots
3. Safety glasses
3. The mechanic/operator will do a walk around the equipment to make certain the
equipment is safe to start
4. The mechanic operator will climb on equipment using the three point contact method, and
check for any danger. Do not operate if there are lockout tags.
5. If there are no such lockout tags on the equipment, then the mechanic/operator checks to
make sure the equipment gears are in neutral and checks that the park and emergency
brakes are activated.
7. Once engine is running at an idle, the mechanic/operator will check again all park and
emergency brakes and drop all hydraulic accessories such as blades, bowls, buckets, etc.
9. The equipment should not be left idling for more than 15 minutes.
Setting up Oxygen/Acetylene Cutting Torch Equipment
Oxygen bottle
Acetylene bottle
Cutting torch assembly
Vented area
Proper wrenches
1. Choose a low traffic and well ventilated area for your set up.
Note: Please secure bottles (if free standing) from falling over!
2. Remove oxygen cylinder cap and check for debris inside valve. Install oxygen regulator:
regulator adjusting screw to be turned out (counter clockwise);
attach green hose with flame arrestor to regulator and to torch outfit
(clockwise/right hand threads).
3. Remove acetylene cylinder cap and check for debris inside valve. Install acetylene
regulator adjusting screw to be turned out (counter clockwise);
attach red hose with flame arrestor to regulator and to torch outfit (counter
clockwise/left hand threads).
4. Before cylinder valves are turned on, make sure torch valves are turned off:
turn on oxygen cylinder on nice and slow (this prevents wear and tear/damage to
regulator) and open fully. Key type should be open one and a half turns;
check for leaks between regulator and cylinder.
5. Turn oxygen regulator adjusting screw in (clockwise). Your green line will now be
charged with oxygen. Check for leaks between regulator and torch. Check hose as well.
Open torch valve to blow out line then close it.
6. Turn acetylene regulator adjusting screw in (clockwise). Your red line will now be
charged with acetylene. Check for leaks between regulator and torch. Check hose as
well. Open torch valve (vented area) to blow out the line, then close it.
Unsafe Practices:
1. Cracking open bottles to see if full or not. (use appropriate regulator with the adjusting
screw fully out.)
4. Heating up the acetylene bottle with propane to get more fuel out.
Oxygen bottle
Acetylene bottle
Cutting torch assembly
Vented area
Proper wrenches
Security rope, cable or chain
Bottle caps
Secure storage area
3. Open the torch oxygen valve to release all pressure from the hose and regulator.
6. Open the torch acetylene valve to release all pressure from hose and regulator (vented
Unsafe Practices:
1. Cracking open bottles to see if full or not. (use appropriate regulator with the adjusting
screw fully out.)
4. Heating up the acetylene bottle with propane to get more fuel out.
1. Refer to this manual’s Safe Work Practices and OH&S regulations before operating this
3. Check tool over for free movement of parts. Clean and lubricate if necessary.
4. Put on personal protective equipment for head, eyes, ears, feet and skin.
5. Choose the correct nail size and shot strength. Remember green is the weakest and purple
is the strongest. Your shot selections are green, yellow, brown, and red, purple. Do
sample shot if necessary. Recommended shot for concrete is yellow and steel is red
8. Load the nail at the end of the barrel only when you are ready to use tool. (Never carry
a loaded gun).
13. Spent cartridge should be picked up and put in the refuse container. All cartridges must be
completely 'fired' before they are discarded.
14. Always store tool in the plastic case it comes in and return to the tool storage.
Note: Depending on the tool’s duration of use, it may require a cleaning and lubrication part
way through the day. Refer to Manufacturer’s recommendation as minimum
maintenance requirements.
If not used properly, this tool can cause serious bodily harm to the operator or others
nearby. Please be responsible.
Use of Fire Extinguisher (Dry Chemical)
Note: Although most extinguishers are similar, take a quick moment to look over the
extinguisher before using. This procedure is primarily for extinguishing flammable
4. Start with a short burst at the base of the fire and use a swinging motion from left to
right always keeping the fire in front of you.
1. Check to make sure the maximum number of revolutions per minute identified on the
abrasive wheel or disc is compatible to the maximum grinder revolutions.
6. Make other workers aware of grinding taking place in your area. Erect signs if necessary.
Erect shield to deflect sparks and filings.
7. Check grinding wheel for chips or other potential hazards. Replace if necessary.
8. Ensure grinder is brought up to full speed before applying pressure to grinder and material
being ground.
9. Clean up filings.
Note: Also refer to Safe Work Practices for grinding in this manual.
Grinding Steel
1. Check to make sure the maximum number of revolutions per minute identified on the
abrasive wheel or disc is compatible to the maximum grinder revolutions.
7. Make other workers aware of grinding taking place in your area. Erect signs if necessary.
8. Check grinding wheel for chips or other potential hazards. Replace if necessary.
9. Ensure grinder is brought up to full speed before applying pressure to grinder and material
being ground.
10. Remove grinder from surface being ground before switching grinder of.
Starting a Chain Saw
Chain saw
Can of gas/oil mixed fuel 40:1
Bottle of chain oil
9. Give start rope on or two short, rapid pulls. If chain saw starts, put choke switch off.
10. If saw has not started after initial one or two pulls, repeat pulls on start rope with the
choke off.
Defective Tools
2. Write on tag what you believe to be the problem with the tool.
How to Lift
1. Look over the object to be lifted. Make sure that it is not too heavy or clumsy for good
balance. Make sure path is clear.
2. Stand close to the load with your feet apart for good balance. Make sure your footing is
secure and there is no tripping or slipping hazard.
3. Bend your knees put yourself in the best possible position for the lift. Avoid twisting the
wrist, reaching out, and or leaning over material or equipment. Use a wide balance stance
with one foot slightly ahead of the other. Maintaining the curve in your back.
5. Maintain the natural curve of your back. Lift gradually bend your knees and lower with
your legs avoid twisting/quick jerky motions. You can injure yourself just as easy, lowering
a object as lifting it.
Note: If the object is too heavy, large, long or hard to handle or must be placed higher
than the waist, try team lifting where 2 or more people work together. The
people should be about the same size. One person should give clear signals so
the effort is made together.
Job Procedure
Working alone
1. A worker must have a helper if the work being done is determined to be high risk.
Working from heights
Working in confined spaces (under current OH&S Regulations, a worker is not
permitted to work alone in a confined space)
Working in isolation from first aid services or immediate / emergency assistance
Working with hazardous substances or materials
Working with electricity
Working with material under high pressure
Working where there is a possible threat of violence
3. If the job site has a crew present and the task will stretch into the after hours of normal
work, arrangements with the Superintendent / Foreman must be made to have someone from
the crew stay with the employee until the task is completed or the work is done for the day.
3. Face shields must be worn when chipping concrete, welding, cutting metal using a
grinder, chop saw or cut off saw. Safety glasses are required for other operations such
as using a circular saw, table saw or hammering metal.
6. Riding on equipment is prohibited. No person shall ride any hook, hoist or other material
handling equipment which is used strictly for handling material and not specifically
designed to carry riders.
8. Hand tools shall not be used for any purpose other than that intended. All damaged parts
shall be promptly repaired or replaced.
9. Power tools shall be operated with guards furnished by the manufacturer “in place”.
11. Explosive/powder actuated tools shall be used only by persons who have been instructed
and trained in their safe use.
13. Welding and burning operations shall be carried out only by authorized personnel with
appropriate individual protective equipment.
14. Accidents, injuries or “near misses” regardless of their nature, shall be promptly reported
to job superintendents.
15. Company vehicles driven by Elan personnel only with valid driver's license.
4.1 Enforcement Policy
No worker shall enter the worksite under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Use of such items
on the worksite shall be cause for permanent removal from the worksite.
Elan representative at the worksite has the responsibility and authority to consistently
administer the enforcement policy to any worker who violates the health and safety
Signed: Date:
4.2 First Warning Letter
To: Date:
Attention :
Please be advised that this is your first written warning which has been preceded by a
verbal warning on for violation of our company rules and safety
Please be advised that any further violation will result in a 24 hour suspension. Please help
us to keep you and your fellow workers safe on our jobsites.
Yours truly,
Site Superintendent
Elan Construction Limited
a) All your personal injuries must be reported immediately to your supervisor who must
arrange for first aid or medical attention.
b) All accidents involving damage to materials, structures, equipment, and property, shall be
reported to your supervisor at once and accident reports or statements must be completed
as directed.
Good housekeeping on the job is mandatory and every employee must do his part daily in
this activity to ensure the job is done efficiently and safely.
No person shall sell, possess, consume or be under the influence of any alcohol or illegal
drugs while on the construction site or while enroute to or from the site.
Non-compliance will be considered grounds for immediate removal from the site and
further disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
4.3.5 Rowdiness
4.3.6 Lifting
Unsafe lifting positions, such as lifting from an uncomfortable position, lifting with back
instead of leg and thigh muscles, and over-lifting causes many painful injuries. If the object
is too heavy or awkward to handle, get help or use a mechanical device.
Work around existing equipment which is energized or pressurized requires a hot or cold
work permit from Elan. Employees working around such existing equipment shall not
proceed until they have specific knowledge that a work permit is in place and they have
been cleared by their supervisor to commence work.
a. Each vehicle driver and operator of rubber tired construction equipment shall comply
with project speed limits and traffic control procedures. Unless otherwise posted, speed
limits will be 10 km/hr on facilities sites, and 50 km/hr on municipal roads (for driving
during the course or work).
b. No vehicle with an obstructed rear view shall be backed up unless an observer signals that
it is safe to do so and the vehicle is equipped with an operating back up alarm signal that
is audible above the surrounding noise.
c. Any person driving on the construction site right-of-way shall have his vehicle lights on
and all occupants of the vehicle shall be wearing seat belts.
f. Private vehicles are not allowed on construction sites unless in a parking area designated
by the superintendent.
4.3.9 Firearms
Radio or tape head phones shall not be permitted on site since they could render the user
unaware of potential dangers and could be a source of ignition.
4.3.12 Smoking
4.3.13 Sanitation
Compressed air shall not be used for blowing dust or other substances from clothing worn
by worker.
b. Gas cylinders must be secured in an upright position at all times to prevent falling.
c. Oxygen cylinders must never be stored near highly combustible materials, especially oil
and grease, or near other fuel gas cylinders.
It is the policies of this company to have all employees use the proper PPE as follows.
Employees of this company will wear hard hats, safety footwear, high visibility vest, work
grade long trousers, work grade long sleeved shirts (long sleeved as required) CSA Grade 1
high cut boots, at all times when at work sites, These requirements do not apply to employees
when they are inside offices, lunch rooms, or the cabs of vehicles.
All PPE used by this company will conform with O.H. & S. regulations.
The company will supply all other required specialty PPE. The company will maintain all
specialty type PPE according to manufacturer’s instructions.
* The safety information in this policy does not take precedence over O.H. & S.
Regulations. All employees should be familiar with the O.H. & S. Act and Regulations.
General Information
Safety footwear is designed to protect against foot hazards in the workplace. Safety footwear
protects against compression, puncture injuries, and impact.
Safety footwear is divided into three grades which are indicated by colored tags and symbols.
The tag color tells the amount of resistance the toe will supply to different weights dropped
from different heights.
The symbol indicates the strength of the sole. For example, a triangle means puncture-
resistant sole able to withstand 135 kg (300 lbs) of pressure without being punctured by a 5
cm (2 inch) nail. For more information, look at Alberta’s O.H. & S. Statute and Regulations
or CSA Standard “Protective Footwear” Z195-M1981.
In construction, it is recommended that only the green triangle grade of footwear, which
also gives ankle support, be used.
Your choice of protective footwear should always over protect, not under protect.
choose footwear according to job hazard and CSA Standards.
lace up boot and tie laces securely; boots don’t protect if they are a tripping hazard or fall
use a protective boot dressing to help the boot last longer and provide greater water
resistance (wet boots conduct current).
choose a high cut boot to provide ankle support (less injuries).
wear defective safety footwear (i.e. exposed steel toe caps).
under protect your feet or modify safety footwear.
General Information
Safety headwear is designed to protect the head from impact from falling objects, bumps,
splashes from chemicals or harmful substances, and contact with energized objects and
In construction, the recommended type of protective headwear is the Class B hard hat which
has the required “dielectric strength”. There are many designs but they all must meet the
CSA requirements for Class B industrial head protection.
Most head protection is made up of two parts:
the shell (light and rigid to deflect blows)
the suspension (to absorb and distribute the energy of the blow)
Both parts of the headwear must be compatible and maintained according to manufacturer’s
instruction. If attachments are used with headwear, they must be designed specifically for use
with the specific headwear used. Bump caps are not considered a helmet. In Alberta they can
only be used when the only hazard is where a worker might strike his/her head against a
stationary object.
Proper care is required for headgear to perform efficiently. The service life is affected by
many factors including temperature, chemicals, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation (welding).
The usual maintenance for headgear is simply washing with a mild detergent and rinsing
replace headgear that is pitted, holed, cracked or brittle.
replace headgear that has been subjected to a blow even though damage cannot be seen.
remove from service any headgear if its serviceability is in doubt.
replace headgear and components according to manufacturer’s instructions.
consult O.H.& S. or your supplier for information on headgear.
drill, remove peaks, alter the shell or suspension in any way.
use solvents or paints on the shells (makes shells “break down”).
put chin straps over the brims of Class B headgear.
use any liner that contains metal or conductive material.
carry anything in the hard hat while wearing the hard hat.
General Information
Harnesses are used in construction to provide workers working at heights above ground level
with freedom of movement and protection from falls. These devices will arrest a fall and
absorb some of the shock of the fall. The systems are usually worn around the body and
attached to a lanyard, fall arresting device or rope grab. Better quality systems usually have
some form of shock absorber in the system.
If the fall to be arrested is short (less than two feet or 0.6 m) a safety belt can be used. If the
fall is greater than two feet, a body harness is recommended to prevent further injuries caused
by the sudden stop at the end of the fall.
A lifeline should never be used as a service line. The only time a lifeline becomes a load
bearing line is in the event of a fall. At all other times it should be just slack enough to permit
free movement on the service lines.
In the construction industry, full body harness systems used with a shock absorber are
preferred over waist safety belts.
It is very important to get quality advice in the selection, purchase and maintenance of your
fall arresting equipment.
“Fall Arresting Safety Belts and Lanyards for the Construction Mining Industries” Z259.1-
“Fall Arresting Devices, Personal Lowering Devices and Life Lines” Z259.2-M1979.
“Lineman’s Body Belt and Lineman’s Safety Strap” Z259.3-M1978.
obtain expert advice before purchasing a fall arresting device.
properly train and practice with system you decide to use.
use webbing type harnesses instead of leather harnesses.
use only the manufacturer’s components for replacement parts.
inspect carefully before each use (inspection to be performed by a trained worker).
have the harness fitted snugly to the worker using the system.
ensure that the anchor points are secure and able to support the load in the event of
a fall.
follow the manufacturer’s instructions on care and use.
ensure all lines used with the systems have thimbles.
use only the proper safety rated fastenings with the system.
use a full body harness with shock absorber whenever possible.
modify, change or put additional holes in the harness or hardware.
jerry-rig the system.
use the system for any other than its intended use.
use the lifeline for a service line.
5.4 Limb and Body Protection
General Information
Due to nature and the construction workplace and the number of different hazards, it is not
possible to cover specialized limb and body protection in detail. These types of hazards are
known as “job exposures” (exposure to fire, temperature extremes, body impacts, corrosives,
molten metals, cuts from sharp or abrasive materials). PPE in the category would be items
such as:
For more information on the type of specialty PPE you require, check your local O.H.& S.
office. With all PPE, following the manufacturer’s instructions on its use, care and cleaning is
critical and will help you get the full service life from your specialty PPE.
PPE for the hands include: finger guards, thimbles and cots, handpads, mitts, gloves and
barrier creams. Choose hand PPE that will protect against the job hazard. Gloves should fit
well and be comfortable. This type of PPE has to protect against chemicals, scrapes,
abrasions, heat and cold, punctures and electrical shocks.
PPE for the hands come in many forms, each designed to protect against certain hazards.
Gloves most commonly used in the construction industry are made from leather, cotton,
rubber, synthetic rubbers and other man-made materials, or combinations of materials.
Vinyl coated or leather gloves are good for providing protection while handling wood or
metal objects. When selecting hand PPE, keep the following in mind: look for anything at
the job-site that may be a hazard to the hands. If gloves are to be used select the proper type
for the job to be done. Inspect and maintain hand PPE regularly. If in doubt about the
selection or need for glove or hand PPE, consult your safety supplier, Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS), or local O.H.& S. office.
inspect hand PPE for defects before use.
wash all chemicals and fluids off gloves before removing them.
ensure that gloves fit properly.
use the proper hand PPE for the job.
follow manufacturer’s instructions on the care and use of the hand PPE you are using.
ensure exposed skin is covered (no gap between the sleeve and the hand PPE).
wear gloves when working with moving machinery (gloves can get tangled or caught).
wear hand PPE with metal parts near electrical equipment.
Use gloves or hand protection that is worn out or defective.
General Information
This PPE is designed to protect the worker from such hazards as:
flying objects and particles.
molten metals.
splashing liquids.
ultraviolet, infrared and visible radiation (welding).
This PPE has two types. The first type, “ basic eye protection”, includes:
eyecup goggles.
mono frame goggles and spectacles with or without side shields.
Hardened glass prescription lens and sport glasses are not an acceptable substitute for
proper, required industrial safety eye protection.
Comfort and fit are very important in the selection of safety eyewear. Lens coatings, venting
or fittings may be needed to prevent fogging or to fit with regular prescription eyeglasses.
Contact lens should NOT be worn at the work-site. Contact lens may trap or absorb particles
or gases causing eye irritation or blindness. Hard contact lens may break into the eye when
Basic eye protection should be worn with face shields. Face shields alone often are not
enough to fully protect the eyes from work hazards. When eye and face protection are
required, advice from the O.H.& S. office, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or your
supplier will help in your selection.
For more information, look at:
Alberta’s O.H.& S. Statute and Regulations.
CSA Standard “Industrial Eye and Face Protectors” Z94.3-M1982.
ensure your eye protection fits properly (close to the face).
clean safety glasses daily, more often if needed.
store safety glasses in a safe, clean, dry place when not in use.
replace pitted, scratched, bent and poorly fitted PPE (damaged face/eye protection
interferes with vision and will not provide the protection it was designed to deliver).
modify eye/face protection.
use eye/face protection which does not have a CSA certification (CSA stamp for safety
glasses is usually on the frame inside the temple near the hinges of the glasses).
Welders and welders’ helpers should also wear the prescribed equipment. Anyone else
working in the area should also wear eye protection where there is a chance they could be
exposed to a flash.
5.6 Hearing Protection
General Information
Hearing protection is designed to reduce the level of sound energy reaching the inner ear.
The “rule of thumb” for hearing protection is: use hearing protection when you
can’t carry on a conversation at a normal volume of voice when you are 3 feet apart.
Remember, this is only a rule of thumb. Any sound over 80 dB requires hearing protection.
Hearing loss can be very gradual, usually happening over a number of years.
The most common types of hearing protection in the construction industry are earplugs and
earmuffs. If you choose to use the other types of hearing protection, ask your safety supplier
or O.H.& S. office for further information. It is important to have different styles of hearing
protection available. Different styles allow a better chance of a good fit. Each person’s head,
ear shape and size is different. One style may not fit every person on your crew. If hearing
PPE does not fit properly or is painful to use, the person will likely not use it. If the hearing
protection is not properly fitted, it will not supply the level of protection it was designed to
Most earplugs, if properly fitted, general reduce noise to the point where it is comfortable
(takes the sharp edge off the noise).
If your hearing protection does not take the sharp edge off the noise, or it workers
have ringing, pain, headaches or discomfort in the ears, your operation requires the
advice of an expert.
Workers should have their hearing tested at least every year, twice a year if they work in a
high noise area.
For further information, look at the CSA Standard “Hearing Protectors” Z94.2-M1984
Respiratory protection falls into two major categories. The first category is Air
Purifying Respirators (APRs) which are particle (dust) chemical cartridges but NO
visor plate. The second category is Atmosphere Supply Respirators, including self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), air line systems and protective suits that
completely enclose the worker and incorporate a life support system.
Only APRs will be dealt with here. The second category of respirators requires much
more specific information and training. If you need to use Atmosphere Supplying
Respirators, you should get expert advice.
The choice depends on your job, labour cost, and your maintenance facility.
It’s important to remember that APRs are limited to areas where there is
enough oxygen to support life. APRs do not supply or make oxygen.
The service life is affected by the type of APR, the wearer breathing demand, and the
concentration of airborne contaminants. When an APR is required, consult the
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). O.H. & S. or supplier for the exact
specifications for the APR.
Facial hair can prevent a good seal and fit of an APR: One to three days
growth is the worst. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter regarding
the mask, filters, cartridges and other components. Workers who must use respiratory
protection should be clean shaven.
An APR is only as good as its seal and its ability to filter out the contamination
it was designed for.
Combination Respirators
This type of APR combines separate chemical and mechanical filters. This allows for the
change of the different filters when one of them is plugged or exhausted before the other filter
(usually the dust filter plugs before the chemical filter.) This type of respirator is suitable
for most spray painting and welding. For more information check the:
For further information see the appropriate current Occupational Health and Safety
Train workers very carefully in the APR’s use, care and limitations
Ensure that the respirators are properly cleaned and disinfected after each shift
according to the manufacturer’s specifications
Dispose of exhausted cartridges and masks in sealed bags or containers
Keep new unused filters separate from old used filters
Monitor APR use they are useless just hung around the neck
Replace filters when breathing becomes difficult
Use for protection against materials which are toxic in small amounts
Use with materials that are highly irritating to the eyes
Use with gases that can’t be detected by odor or throat, nose irritation
Use with gases not effectively halted by chemical cartridges regardless of
concentration (read the label)
Use respirators or masks if the serviceability is in doubt
Use APRs where oxygen content in the air less than 16% or 18 kilopascals (partial
pressure or greater)
Supervision shall ensure that all preventive maintenance is carried out by qualified personnel
according to established schedules and that records are maintained.
All employees shall regularly check all tools and equipment that they are working with, and
shall take out of service any tools or equipment that poses a hazard due to a need for repair.
* The safety information in this policy meets or exceeds O.H. & S. Regulations. All
Employees should be familiar with the OH & S Act & Regulations.
Signed: Dated:
Gregg Aicken, President
(To be submitted monthly)
Unit Number________________________________Location_______________________
Comments _______________________________________________________
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all employees receive adequate safety training.
Elan Construction Limited will provide and ensure that all employees participate in the
following safety training:
Trade: Foreman:
Topic(s) Discussed:
Suggestions Offered:
Action(s) to be taken:
Injuries/Accidents Reviewed:
Foreman’s Signature:
Supervisor’s Remarks:
Signature: Date:
Where it is appropriate the following topics can be used as they become current or
require review.
It is the policy of Elan Construction Limited to ensure a safe work environment for all
personnel working on the site and visitors. It is mandatory that all personnel or visitors who
enter the worksite will wear the following personal protective equipment:
It is the policy of Elan Construction Limited that all subcontractors, hired truckers and
equipment suppliers are to provide, prior to commencement of work:
All personnel must also obey site rules, signs and speed limits.
All visitors must report to the site office and receive authorization prior to entering worksite
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a safe work place.
Yours truly,
Signed: Date:
Gregg Aicken, President
8 Inspection Policy
It is the policy of Elan Construction Limited to maintain a program of safety inspections. The
objective of this program is to ensure the construction safety program is enforced and to
control hazards in the workplace.
All Elan facilities and job-sites shall be included in the inspection program.
Formal inspections shall be conducted by the manager or designate at each facility or job-site
on a regularly scheduled basis.
Signed: Dated:
Gregg Aicken, President
Elan Construction Limited
It is policy of Elan Construction Limited to have all incidents that result in injury or property
damage, or that could have resulted in serious injury or property damage, thoroughly
The purpose of such investigation shall be to determine the causes of the incident so that
appropriate action can be taken to prevent recurrence.
Supervisors shall be responsible for conducting investigations and submitting reports to the
project manager.
The project manager shall determine and implement appropriate measures to prevent
The following procedure will be followed after getting proper medical care for the injured:
1. The Elan Construction Project Superintendent will make a judgment as to the severity of
the accident.
2. If the accident is such that the worker has to go to the hospital, the Superintendent will
call the Project Manager and alert the Site First Aid Attendant immediately.
3. If the accident requires the worker to go the doctor's office only, but there is a question
in the Superintendent's mind, "Maybe I should call the First Aid Attendant anyway?",
please call the First Aid Attendant immediately to clear up the question. No matter how
minor the accident is , the Superintendent shall always notify the Project Manager and
Safety Manager of the accident.
B. On an Elan building erected project, the erection and other subcontractor employees are
the concern of the Elan Erection Superintendent.
C. In an Elan material only project, the Erection Consultant (on other type projects referred
to as Superintendent,) shall act in an advisory capacity only with the workers, versus
giving specific directions.
D. On a Elan project, any direct field labor are the concern of the Elan Project
Superintendent or Erection Superintendent
6. Immediate action must be taken by the Superintendent in regard to his judgment to call the
Response Team. Don't delay your judgment.
9.2 Incident Investigation Procedures
After contacting a member of the Response Team, begin the process of making an Incident
Investigation Report (Section 9.4) taking the following steps:
1. View the scene of every accident. The area can change completely within hours.
Take photos, where possible.
4. Secure the names of all parties involved, i.e., property owner, injured party, and
5. Do not speculate or discuss the accident with people outside the Elan Construction
7. Send the original copy of the Incident Investigation Report Form by fax to the Safety
Manager and keep a copy for your file. Complete the Form as fully as possible
immediately after the accident. Send additional information which may surface (including
WCB Worker's Report of Accident, doctor's report, developed photos, etc.), separately
as soon as available.
1. Nature and circumstances of the occurrence and the bodily injury sustained
2. A description of the equipment/machinery
3. The time and place of the occurrence.
4. Name and address of the injured worker.
5. Names and addresses of witnesses.
6. Name and address of treating physician.
If the accident causes a non-critical injury (where a person is disabled from performing their
usual work of requires medical attention), provide Written Notification to Safety Manager
with 24 hours.
1. Incident Type: Injury/Illness Property Damage Major Potential Fire Spill Other
Name: Dept:
Property Damage
15. Type:
16. Description:
Diagram of Scene
24. Were the corrective actions implemented within 24 hrs _____ Yes ____ No If no explain_____________________
25. Safety Manager is responsible for the follow up. Follow up Date: (Y/M/D) ____/____/____
Safety Manager: _______________________________________
Vehicle Accident Investigation Report
9. List dates of all vehicle accidents reported by driver in the past 3 year.
10. ______________________________________________________________________
Part III - The Cause of the Accident (Also complete reverse side.)
11. What did our driver or any other employee do, or fail to do, that contributed to the
12. Did driver's physical condition (hearing, eye defects, sickness, lack of sleep, etc.)
cause, or contribute in any way, to the accident?
Yes No Explain:
13. Did a vehicle's condition, scheduling, routing, maintenance, etc., contribute in any way
to the accident occurrence or to the resulting damage or injury? Explain.
Part IV - Corrective Action Taken
14. What is being done to prevent a recurrence? Be specific. List definite steps taken.
Avoid vague or meaningless answers such as, "Told driver to be more careful," etc.).
15. ______________________________________________________________________
Signature of Employee____________________________________Date_______________
Signature of Supervisor____________________________________Date_______________
10 Emergency Response Plan
1. This is a standardized emergency response plan and must be reviewed and modified as
required to suit each individual project. This review must include coordination with
the owner’s emergency response plan if present.
2. The emergency response plan must be reviewed with all Elan workers including new
hire employees to ensure they are familiar with the plan and their individual
responsibilities. The plan must also be reviewed with all sub-contractor workers
including transfers from other Elan sites.
3. The plan must be posted in an area that is easily and fully accessible to all workers on
4. The plan must include an emergency contact list, within the City of Calgary and
surrounding areas 911 is the call out number for emergency services. Rural or isolated
areas have specific phone numbers for specific emergency response services, and
these numbers will be included on the emergency contact list, as required. In addition
to this emergency contact list, the address and appropriate directions must be included
and posted for easy access by all personnel on site.
5. Qualified First Aiders must be identified including both Elan employees and sub-
contractors. This identification may include posting First Aid Certificates in the jobsite
office or hard hat identification stickers.
6. Prior to work starting each day the individual supervisors or foreman, including sub-
contractors, must submit a manpower head count so that the total work force size is
known and can be accounted for in the event of an emergency.
7. As part of the emergency response plan the individual sites must be evaluated and
proper and safe muster points established for gathering areas in the event of a
8. Signaling devices to notify all personnel on site must be in place and the proper use
and signal identification relayed to all personnel during the initial site orientation. This
signaling device is a standard air horn and the signal identification, requiring
immediate evacuation of the site to the appropriate muster points will be 10 second
blast of the air horn.
9. Depending on the nature of the emergency the appropriate emergency services must
be contacted immediately, generally by telephone, and if necessary the evacuation
signal sounded to notify all personnel on site to evacuate to the appropriate muster
areas. In the event of a site evacuation, a head count must be taken to ensure all site
personnel are accounted for. Should outside emergency services be required, it may
be necessary to post an individual to assist the emergency service team in their prompt
access to the site and incident area.
10. Following the elimination of the emergency situation, the appropriate site
investigation and report procedure must be completed and if necessary final analysis
and review with all site personnel to eliminate recurrence.
Fire Department:
First Aiders:________________________________________________________
Principal Contractor:
Office Phone Number: Home Phone Number:
Mechanical Contractor:
Office Phone Number: Home Phone Number:
Electrical Contractor:
Office Phone Number: Home Phone Number:
Treatment Record
4. Number of Incidents:
Damage Only:
Injury Only:
Injury and Damage:
Near Miss:
Number of Investigations Completed:
Number of Recommendations Made:
Superintendent’s Signature:______________________________
Frequency Average