Universality of The de Broglie-Einstein Velocity Equation: MC E MV P

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Universality of the de Broglie-Einstein velocity

Yusuf Z. Umul

Abstract—The de Broglie-Einstein velocity equation is derived
for a relativistic particle by using the energy and momentum II. THEORY
relations in terms of wave and matter properties. It is shown that
the velocity equation is independent from the relativistic effects One of the most important features of the quantum theory is
and is valid also for the non-relativistic case. The results of this the duality of wave and particle which was put forward by the
property is discussed. works of Planck [6], de Broglie [2, 3] and Einstein [7]. The
relativistic equations of energy and momentum can be defined
Index Terms—Quantum mechanics, Special theory of by
relativity, dynamics
E = mc 2 (5)
I. INTRODUCTION p = mv g (6)

I n this paper, we will discuss the universality of an important

relation named as the de Broglie-Einstein velocity equation
[1]. This relation can be defined as
where m is the relativistic mass of the quantum particle. It can
be written as
vg v p = c 2 (1) m= (7)
v g2
where v g and v p are the group and phase velocities of the de 1−
Broglie waves [2]. c represents the speed of light. The general
according to the special theory of relativity [4]. The relations
opinion about this equation suggests that it is not valid for the
of energy and momentum can be given by
non-relativistic particles. The reason of this proposal is the
relation between the phase and group velocities of a quantum E = hk (8)
particle which can be given by and
v g = 2v p (2) p = hw (9)
when the wave properties of a quantum particle is considered.
for the non-relativistic case. It is obvious that Eq. (2)
contradicts with Eq. (1). In fact this equation is obtained from h is the angular Planck’s constant. k and w are the wave-
the non-relativistic energy and momentum relations of number and angular frequency, respectively. It is important to
note that the dependence to the relativity of the energy and
E= m0vg2 (3) momentum arises from the terms of m. We will define a
2 quantity of α by taking the ratio of
and E
p = m0 v g (4) α= . (10)
for E and p are the kinetic energy and momentum of the it is obvious that α is independent from the relativistic effects
particle. m0 is the rest mass. since it is not a function of the relativistic mass. It can be
Our proposal is the universality of Eq. (1) and the defined as
contradiction of Eq. (2) with the special theory of relativity. It c2 w
is the aim of this paper to give a brief physical and α= = . (11)
mathematical proof of the suggestion and discuss the results of vg k
this approach. We will use the ideas of de Broglie and the Since the ratio of the angular frequency and wave-number is
special theory of relativity [4, 5] in the construction of our equal to the phase velocity, Eq. (11) directly leads to Eq. (1).
In fact this derivation of Eq. (1) proves that it is independent
from the relativistic effects since this equation is obtained by
Y. Z. Umul: Author is with the Cankaya University, Yuzuncu Yil, Balgat,
Ankara 06530 TURKIYE (corresponding author’s phone: +903122844500; e- taking the ratio of two quantities which depend on relativity in
mail: yziya@ cankaya.edu.tr). the same way.


In this section we will study the non-relativistic equations of [1] M. Born, Atomic Physics, (Blackie & Son, London, 1937).
[2] L. de Broglie, “Ondes et quanta,” Compt. Rend. 177, 507-510 (1923).
the energy and momentum by considering the results, obtained
[3] L. de Broglie, “A tentative theory of light quanta,” Phil. Mag. 47, 446-
in Section II. Equation (7) can be rewritten as 458 (1924).
m0 [4] A. Einstein, “Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper,” Ann. Phys. 17,
m= (12) 891-921 (1905).
vg [5] A. Einstein, “Ist die Tragheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt
1− abhangig,“ Ann. Phys. 18, 639-641 (1905).
vp [6] M. Planck, “Über das Gesetz der Energieverteilung im
Normalspektrum,” Ann. Phys. 309, 553-563 (1901).
when Eq. (1) is taken into account. The non-relativistic mass [7] A. Einstein, “Über einen Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes
can be found by betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt,“ Ann. Phys. 322, 132-148
 vg 
m ≈ m 0 1 +  (13)
 2v 
 p 

for v g << v p . Equation (2) also contradicts with this condition.

According to Eq. (2) which is widely accepted in the literature,
it is not possible to get the approximation of Eq. (13) since the
condition of v g << v p is not satisfied. Now we will define the
relations of energy and momentum as
 vg 
E ≈ m 0 c 2 1 +  (14)
 2v 
 p 

 vg 
p ≈ m 0 v g 1 +  (15)
 2v 
 p 
for the non-relativistic approximation. It is apparent that the
value of α does not change for this case. Equation (3) can be
obtained by subtracting the term of m0 c 2 from Eq. (14). But
the momentum must be taken as
v g2
p ≈ m0 (16)
2v p
for this case. Otherwise the contradictive result of Eq. (2) will
be obtained.

In this paper we showed that the straightforward usage of
Eqs. (3) and (4) yields a contradiction which exposes itself
with Eq. (2). It is shown that this equation contradicts with the
special theory of relativity. It is mentioned and proved that the
de Broglie-Einstein velocity equation is universal and is valid
for the non-relativistic cases since it does not depend on the
relativistic case. It must also be put forward that this equation
is obtained from the fundamental equations of the quantum
theory and special theory of relativity. For this reason it is
reasonable to interrogate the correctness of Eq. (2) instead of
eliminating Eq. (1) for the mechanics of the non-relativistic
particles. It is important to note that this result also affects the
correctness of the differential equations of the quantum theory
like the Schrödinger equation.

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