Introduction To Commercial Building Control Strategies and Techniques For Demand Response
Introduction To Commercial Building Control Strategies and Techniques For Demand Response
Introduction To Commercial Building Control Strategies and Techniques For Demand Response
Introduction to Commercial Building Control Strategies and
Techniques for Demand Response
Naoya Motegi
Mary Ann Piette
David S. Watson
Sila Kiliccote
Peng Xu
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, California 94720
May 22, 2007
This work described in this report was coordinated by the Demand Response Research
Center and funded by the California Energy Commission, Public Interest Energy
Research Program, under Work for Others Contract No. 500‐03‐026 and by the U.S.
Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
LBNL Report Number 59975
Contract No. 500‐03‐026
Prepared For:
California Energy Commission
Public Interest Energy Research (PIER)
Dave Michel
Contract Manager
Mark Rawson
Program Area Team Lead
Martha Krebs
Deputy Director
B.B. Blevins
Executive Director
The work described in this report was coordinated by the Demand Response Research
Center and funded by the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission), Public
Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program, under Work for Others Contract No. 500‐03‐
026 and by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE‐AC02‐05CH11231.
The authors wish to thank the engineers and staff at each building site. Special thanks to
Ron Hofmann for his conceptualization of this project and ongoing technical support.
Thanks also to Laurie ten Hope, Mark Rawson, and Dave Michel at the California
Energy Commission. Finally, thanks to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company who
funded the Automated CPP research.
We appreciate the helpful comments provided by the peer reviewers of this report:
Douglas B. Nordham (EnerNOC), Austen D’Lima (San Diego Gas and Electric
Company), Steve Greenberg and Barbara Atkinson (LBNL).
Please cite this report as follows:
Motegi, N., M.A. Piette, D.S. Watson, S. Kiliccote, P. Xu. 2006. Introduction to Commercial
Building Control Strategies and Techniques for Demand Response. California Energy
Commission, PIER. Publication number CEC‐xxx‐xxxx‐xxx.
The Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program supports public interest energy
research and development that will help improve the quality of life in California by
bringing environmentally safe, affordable, and reliable energy services and products to
the marketplace.
The PIER Program, managed by the California Energy Commission (Energy
Commission), annually awards up to $62 million to conduct the most promising public
interest energy research by partnering with Research, Development, and Demonstration
(RD&D) organizations, including individuals, businesses, utilities, and public or private
research institutions.
PIER funding efforts are focused on the following six RD&D program areas:
• Buildings End‐Use Energy Efficiency
• Industrial/Agricultural/Water End‐Use Energy Efficiency
• Renewable Energy
• Environmentally‐Preferred Advanced Generation
• Energy‐Related Environmental Research
• Energy Systems Integration
What follows is the final report for the Statewide Auto‐DR Collaboration Project, 500‐03‐
026, conducted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The report is entitled
“Introduction to Commercial Building Control Strategies and Techniques for Demand
Response.” This project contributes to the Energy Systems Integration Program.
For more information on the PIER Program, please visit the Energy Commissionʹs Web
site at: or contact the Energy
Commissionʹs Publications Unit at 916‐654‐5200.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary..................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background and Overview........................................................................................ 1
1.2. Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Research Scope ............................................................................................................ 1
1.4. Benefits to California .................................................................................................. 3
1.5. Report Organization ................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Building Operation and Energy Management Framework .................................. 4
1.7. Terms and Concepts for DR Strategies .................................................................... 6
2. Demand Response Strategy Overview ......................................................................... 10
2.1. HVAC Systems .......................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Lighting Systems ....................................................................................................... 14
2.3. Miscellaneous Equipment........................................................................................ 16
2.4. Non‐Component‐Specific Control Strategies........................................................ 16
2.5. Strategies Used in Case Studies .............................................................................. 16
3. Demand Response Strategy Detail................................................................................ 19
3.1. HVAC Systems .......................................................................................................... 19
3.1.1. Global temperature adjustment...................................................................... 20
3.1.2. Passive thermal mass storage ......................................................................... 25
3.1.3. Duct static pressure decrease.......................................................................... 26
3.1.4. Fan variable frequency drive limit................................................................. 27
3.1.5. Supply air temperature increase .................................................................... 28
3.1.6. Fan quantity reduction .................................................................................... 29
3.1.7. Cooling valve limit ........................................................................................... 30
3.1.8. Chilled water temperature increase............................................................... 31
3.1.9. Chiller demand limit........................................................................................ 32
3.1.10. Chiller quantity reduction............................................................................... 34
3.1.11. Rebound avoidance strategies ........................................................................ 36
3.2. Lighting Systems ....................................................................................................... 37
3.2.1. Zone switching ................................................................................................. 37
3.2.2. Luminaire/lamp switching.............................................................................. 38
3.2.3. Stepped dimming ............................................................................................. 41
3.2.4. Continuous dimming....................................................................................... 42
3.3. Miscellaneous Equipment........................................................................................ 43
3.4. Non‐Component‐Specific Strategies ...................................................................... 45
3.4.1. Demand limit strategy ..................................................................................... 45
3.4.2. Price‐level response strategy .......................................................................... 46
4. Implementation of DR Strategies .................................................................................. 47
4.1. DR Strategy Development and Commissioning................................................... 47
List of Figures
Figure 1. Examples of load shapes ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 2. HVAC DR strategy decision tree ............................................................................. 11
Figure 3. Lighting DR strategy decision tree .......................................................................... 15
Figure 4. Frequency of DR strategies ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 5. Temperature drift rate allowed under ASHRAE Standard 55 .......................... 218
Figure 6. Zone setpoints deadband.......................................................................................... 22
Figure 7. Conceptual diagram of demand savings for typical HVAC‐based demand
response strategy ............................................................................................................... 24
Figure 8. Luminaire switching – alternate rows of luminaires ............................................ 39
Figure 9. Luminaire switching – every other luminaire in each row.................................. 39
Figure 10. Lamp switching ‐ middle lamps of three‐lamp fixtures..................................... 40
Figure 11. Lamp switching – lamps in each luminaire ......................................................... 40
Figure 12. Example of price‐level zone setpoint control....................................................... 46
Figure 13. Demand savings intensity by shed strategy (W/ft2)............................................ 51
Figure 14. OAT vs. average demand savings ......................................................................... 52
Figure 15. Whole‐building hourly demand vs. OAT and demand sheds .......................... 54
List of Tables
Table 1. Demand side management terminology and building operations......................... 4
Table 2. Building HVAC types ................................................................................................. 11
Table 3. HVAC demand response strategies .......................................................................... 12
Table 4. DR strategies used in LBNL Auto‐DR studies (fully‐automated) ........................ 17
Table 5. DR strategies used in case studies (manual or semi‐automated) ......................... 18
Table 6. Conditions for global temperature adjustment (GTA)........................................... 20
Table 7. Conditions for passive thermal mass storage .......................................................... 25
Table 8. Conditions for duct static pressure decrease ........................................................... 26
Table 9. Conditions for fan variable frequency drive limit .................................................. 27
Table 10. Conditions for supply air temperature reset ......................................................... 28
Table 11. Conditions for fan quantity reduction .................................................................... 29
Table 12. Conditions for cooling valve limit........................................................................... 30
Table 13. Conditions for chilled water temperature increase .............................................. 31
Table 14. Conditions for chiller demand limit........................................................................ 32
Table 15. Conditions for chiller quantity reduction............................................................... 34
Table 16. Conditions for zone switching ................................................................................. 37
Table 17. Conditions for luminaire/lamp switching.............................................................. 38
Table 18. Conditions for stepped dimming ............................................................................ 41
Table 19. Conditions for continuous dimming....................................................................... 42
Table 20. Recommended data collection points ..................................................................... 49
Table 21. Demand savings influence factors........................................................................... 51
Table 22. Statistical significance of OAT vs. demand savings.............................................. 53
Demand Response (DR) is a set of time‐dependent program activities and tariffs that
seek to reduce electricity use or shift usage to another time period. DR provides control
systems that encourage load shedding or load shifting during times when the electric
grid is near its capacity or electricity prices are high. DR helps to manage building
electricity costs and to improve electric grid reliability.
This report provides an introduction to commercial building control strategies and
techniques for demand response. Many electric utilities have been exploring the use of
critical peak pricing (CPP) and other demand response programs to help reduce
summer peaks in customer electric loads. This report responds to an identified need
among building operators for knowledge to use DR strategies in their buildings. These
strategies can be implemented using either manual or automated methods.
The report compiles information from field demonstrations of DR programs in
commercial buildings. The guide provides a framework for categorizing the control
strategies that have been tested in actual buildings. The guide’s emphasis is on
characterizing and describing DR control strategies for air‐conditioning and ventilation
systems. There is also good coverage of lighting control strategies. The guide provides
some additional introduction to DR strategies for other miscellaneous building end‐use
systems and non‐component‐based DR strategies.
The core information in this report is based on DR field tests in 28 non‐residential
buildings, most of which were in California, and the rest of which were in New York
State. The majority of the participating buildings were office buildings. Most of the
California buildings participated in fully automated demand response field tests.
Executive Summary
Demand Response (DR) is a set of time‐dependent program activities and tariffs that
seek to reduce or shift electricity usage to improve electric grid reliability and manage
electricity costs. DR strategies provide control methodologies that enhance load
shedding or load shifting during times when the electric grid is near its capacity or
electricity prices are high. Many electric utilities have been exploring the use of critical
peak pricing (CPP) and other demand response programs to help reduce summer peaks
in customer electric loads. Recent evaluations have shown that customers have limited
knowledge of how to operate their facilities to reduce their electricity costs under CPP
(Quantum and Summit Blue 2004).
The purpose of this report is to provide an introduction to commercial building control
strategies and techniques for demand response. While energy efficiency measures have
been widely understood by many audiences including facility managers, building
owners, control contractors, utility program managers, auditors, and policy makers,
there are not many documents introducing frameworks or guidelines for measures and
strategies to participate in demand response programs.
Commercial buildings have been only minor participants in demand response programs.
This report is designed to be an initial introduction to the technical capabilities of
existing building equipment and systems and their ability to provide demand response
control strategies. While the focus of the guide is on DR, we have found that the process
of developing DR control strategies can also help identify strategies for energy efficiency
during daily building operations.
Project Objectives
The report is a unique guide that compiles information from actual field demonstrations
of DR programs in commercial buildings. The guide provides background technical
information necessary to identify and enable demand response control strategies. The
guide is intended for use by building professionals including facility managers, building
owners, control contractors, building engineers, utility personnel, and auditors.
Project Outcomes
The guide provides a framework for categorizing the control strategies that have been
tested in actual buildings. The guide’s emphasis is on characterizing and describing DR
control strategies for air‐conditioning and ventilation systems, plus lighting control
strategies. The guide provides some additional introduction to DR strategies for other
miscellaneous building end‐use systems and non‐component‐based DR strategies. These
strategies can be implemented using either manual or automated methods.
The core information in this report is based on DR field tests in 28 non‐residential
buildings, most of which were in California, and the rest of which were in New York
State. The majority of the participating buildings were office buildings. Most of the
California buildings participated in fully automated demand response field tests.
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC). HVAC systems can be an
excellent resource for DR savings for the following reasons. First, HVAC systems
comprise a substantial portion of the electric load in commercial buildings. Second, the
“thermal flywheel” (thermal storage) effect of indoor environments allows HVAC
systems to be temporarily unloaded without immediate impact on the building
occupants. Third, it is common for HVAC systems to be at least partially automated
with energy management and control systems (EMCS). To provide reliable, repeatable
DR control, it is best to pre‐plan and automate operational modes that will provide DR
savings. The use of automation reduces the labor required to implement DR operational
modes when they are signaled.
HVAC‐based DR strategies recommended for a given facility vary based on building
type and condition, mechanical equipment, and EMCS. Based on these factors, the best
DR strategies are those that achieve the aforementioned goals of meeting electricity
demand‐savings targets while minimizing negative impacts on the occupants of the
buildings or the processes that they perform. This guide discusses the following DR
strategies for HVAC systems, which are best suited to achieve these goals:
• Global Temperature Adjustment of Zones, and
• Systemic Adjustments to the Air Distribution and/or Cooling Systems.
It is often difficult to estimate the demand savings achieved by HVAC strategies,
because the building’s HVAC electric load is dynamic and sensitive to weather
conditions, occupancy, and other factors. However, previous research has found that
HVAC demand as well as demand savings tend to have positive correlation with
outside air temperature (OAT).
Lighting. DR strategies for lighting can also be effective in reducing peak demand. On a
hot summer day when daylight is in abundance, daylit and/or over‐lit buildings are the
best candidates for lighting demand savings. Since lighting produces heat, reducing
lighting levels will also reduce the cooling load within the space (Sezgen and Koomey
1998). Lighting DR strategies tend to be simple and depend widely on wiring and
controls infrastructures. However, since lighting has safety implications and the
strategies tend to be noticeable, they should be carried out selectively and carefully,
considering the tasks in the space and ramifications of reduced lighting levels for the
DR control capability of lighting systems is generally determined by the characteristics
of the lighting circuit and the control system. Following is the list of lighting DR
strategies discussed in this guide in increasing order of sophistication:
• Zone switching
• Fixture switching
• Lamp switching
• Stepped dimming
• Continuous dimming
Miscellaneous Equipment. There is also demand savings potential for certain other
equipment in both commercial and industrial buildings. Equipment or processes with
the demand saving potentials discussed in this report are fountain pumps, anti‐sweat
heaters, electric vehicle chargers, industrial process loads, cold storage, and irrigation
water pumps.
Non‐Component‐Specific Strategies. Other effective DR strategies focus on controls
settings rather than on specific equipment. Such strategies highlighted in this report
include demand limit strategy and signal‐level response strategy.
HVAC systems can be an excellent resource for DR shed savings because; 1) HVAC
systems create a substantial electric load in commercial buildings, 2) the thermal
flywheel effect of indoor environments allows HVAC systems to be temporarily
unloaded without immediate impact to the building occupants, and 3) it is common for
HVAC systems to be at least partially automated with EMCS systems.
For HVAC DR strategies, global temperature adjustment of zones is the priority strategy
that best achieves the DR goal. In contrast, systemic adjustments to the air distribution
and/or cooling systems can be disruptive to occupants. DR strategies that slowly return
the system to normal condition (rebound avoidance) should be considered to avoid
unwanted demand spikes caused by an immediate increase of cooling load.
Lighting DR strategies tend to be simple and provide constant, predictable demand
savings. Since lighting produces heat, reducing lighting levels may reduce the cooling
load and/or increase the heating load within the space. The resolution of lighting
controls tends to be lower than that of HVAC controls. Also lighting systems are often
not automated with EMCS. These issues can be major obstacles for automation of
lighting DR strategies.
If a DR strategy can be achieved without any reduction in service, the strategy should be
considered as permanent energy efficiency opportunity rather than a temporary DR
strategy. That is, it should be performed on non‐DR days as well. The process of
commissioning should be applied to each phase of DR control strategy application,
including planning, installation, and implementation to make sure the goal of DR
control is achieved.
The information in this report should be disseminated to key personnel who are
involved in DR implementation including facility managers, building owners, controls
contractors, and auditors. Disseminating this information will help provide a common
understanding of DR control strategies and development procedures to enable these
strategies. The report is not an exhaustive list of all DR strategies. Further research is
needed to better understand the peak demand reduction potential and capabilities of
these strategies for various building types in different climates and occupancy patterns.
One specific technical development needed is to explore the design and operation of
simplified peak electric demand savings estimation methods and tools. Current auditors
and building engineers have widely varying methods to estimate peak demand
reductions for various strategies.
Benefits to California
This guide is based primarily on case studies in California and is intended to help
streamline the DR control strategy implementation process and increase successful
participation in DR programs in California. Peak demand reduction and demand
response are key parts of the state’s energy policies.
1. Introduction
Demand Response (DR) is a set of time‐dependent program activities and tariffs that
seek to reduce or shift electricity usage to improve electric grid reliability and manage
electricity costs. DR strategies provide control methodologies that enhance load
shedding or load shifting during times when the electric grid is near its capacity or
electricity prices are high. Many electric utilities have been exploring the use of critical
peak pricing (CPP) and other demand response programs to help reduce summer peaks
in customer electric loads. Recent evaluations have shown that customers have limited
knowledge of how to operate their facilities to reduce their electricity costs under CPP
(Quantum and Summit Blue 2004).
1.2. Objectives
The purpose of this report is to provide an introduction to commercial building control
strategies and techniques for demand response. While energy efficiency measures have
been widely understood by many audiences including facility managers, building
owners, utility program managers, auditors, and policy makers, there are not many
documents introducing frameworks or guidelines for measures and strategies to
participate in demand response programs. Commercial buildings have been only minor
participants in demand response programs. This report is designed to be an initial
introduction to the technical capabilities of existing building equipment and systems
and their ability to provide demand response control strategies. While the focus of the
guide is on DR, we have found that the process of developing DR control strategies can
also help identify strategies for energy efficiency during daily building operations.
This report will help understand technical aspects of demand response control strategies.
HVAC systems are often complex combinations of components with minimal sensor
points, limited trend logging, and poorly‐commissioned sequences of operation. The
process of developing DR control strategies will provide valuable peak demand savings
in addition to new insights for improving energy efficiency during daily building
operations. The report is the first guide that compiles information from actual field
demonstrations of DR programs in commercial buildings. The guide provides the
technical information necessary to install demand response control strategies for
audiences including facility managers, building owners, and auditors.
This report provides an introduction to commercial building control strategies for
demand response that have been field‐tested in actual commercial buildings. These
strategies can be implemented using either manual or automated control methods. The
authors compiled information from actual field demonstrations in commercial buildings
that have participated in DR programs in California and New York. Thus, the guide
provides a framework for categorizing control strategies that have been tested in actual
buildings. The guide emphasizes strategies for air‐conditioning and ventilation systems.
There is also ample coverage of lighting control strategies. In addition, the guide
provides some introduction to DR strategies for other building end‐use equipment. It
also discusses non‐component‐based DR strategies.
The report is a unique guide that compiles information from actual field demonstrations
of DR programs in commercial buildings. The guide provides background technical
information necessary to identify and enable demand response control strategies. The
guide is intended for use by building professionals including facility managers, building
owners, control contractors, building engineers, utility personnel, and auditors. It may
also be of interest to researchers, energy planners, and policy makers.
The demand response control strategies discussed in this guide would be recommended
for either semi‐ or fully‐automated DR, though they may be used for manual DR as well.
See Section 1.6 on Levels of Automation for DR for definitions of DR automation types.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has been conducting a series of research
projects and demonstrations of fully‐automated DR strategies (referred to as LBNL Auto‐
DR) (Piette et al. 2005a, 2005b, and 2006). This report is based on the cumulative
experiences and findings from the LBNL Auto‐DR demonstration studies along with the
other case studies referenced in this report.
The core information in this guide is based on DR field tests in 28 non‐residential
buildings, most of which were in California. DR data from the Energy Commission’s
Enhanced Automation case studies in California were also evaluated (CEC 2006a), along
with case studies from New York (NYSERDA 2006). Case studies to date have
emphasized certain types of buildings, while other building types have not yet been
studied. The majority of the participants have been office buildings. Other building
types include several retail sites, a supermarket, public assembly buildings, a cafeteria, a
post office, a museum, a high school, data centers, and laboratory buildings. The sample
did not include any hotel or healthcare buildings, but many of the strategies discussed
may be applicable to these building types. Most of the California buildings participated
in fully automated demand response field tests.
It is also important to consider the HVAC systems that the case studies and
demonstration buildings used. Built‐up variable air volume (VAV) systems with central
cooling plants dominate the sample, although many of the smaller buildings use rooftop
packaged unit systems. Many of the less‐common HVAC systems were not included in
the case studies. This report did not identify any water‐source heat pump or gas cooling
sites that have implemented DR strategies.
This guide focuses on summer peak demand reduction strategies, although lighting DR
strategies can be utilized to reduce winter demand as well. Most of the examples
introduced in this report are based on case studies in the northern or central California
region, which has a mild or hot‐and‐dry climate. This report does not include careful
consideration of the application of DR to facilities in hot and humid climates.
This guide is intended as a starting point for organizing and presenting such
information. Although the information is based on a limited number of buildings, the
authors compiled the existing case study data because of the need for organized
information on this subject. The information in this guide has been evaluated by several
professional engineers and energy analysts to bring building HVAC and controls theory
into the discussion of DR strategies.
This guide is based primarily on case studies in California and is intended to help
streamline the DR control strategy implementation process and increase successful
participation in DR programs in California. Peak demand reduction and demand
response are key parts of the state’s energy policies.
This section discusses the guide’s background, objectives, organization, and definitions,
terms, and concepts. Section 2 provides an overview of the characteristics of demand
response control strategies. These control strategies are presented in four categories:
HVAC, lighting, miscellaneous equipment, and non‐end‐use‐specific measures. In
Section 3, ten HVAC strategies, four lighting strategies, six miscellaneous equipment
strategies, and two non‐end‐use‐specific strategies are described in detail along with
their system requirements and sequences of operation. The appendices provide more
detailed descriptions and case study examples of each strategy. Section 4 discusses
commissioning and the EMCS data collection procedure; measurement and verification
of demand response strategies is very important to achieve successful demand response.
Statistical findings from the DR strategy case studies are also introduced in this section.
This report reviewed DR strategies that have been demonstrated in actual buildings in
previous research activities, including;
• Enhanced Automation ‐ California Energy Commission (CEC 2006a)
• Real‐Time Price Response Program ‐ Independent System Operator New
England (ISO New England 2003)
• Automated Demand Response ‐ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
(Piette 2005a, 2005b)
• Automated Critical Peak Pricing ‐ LBNL (Piette 2006)
• Demand Shifting with Thermal Mass ‐ LBNL (Xu 2004, 2006)
• Peak Load Reduction Program ‐ New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority (NYSERDA 2006 and Smith 2004)
• New York Times ‐ LBNL and New York Times (Kiliccote 2006)
• Demand Response Program Evaluation ‐ Quantum Consulting and Summit Blue
Consulting (Quantum and Summit Blue 2004)
This section provides background information for various energy and demand control
activities. It also provides definitions of terms and concepts used in this guide.
During the past few decades, knowledge and use of practices to minimize energy
consumption in commercial building design and operations has been improved to
achieve greater levels of energy efficiency. Related to reduction of energy use is energy
cost minimization. Electricity cost minimization in building operations requires close
attention to the structures of electricity tariffs, which consider the time and the quantity
of electricity used. Electricity pricing structures can be complex, including time‐of‐use
charges, demand ratchets, peak‐demand charges, and other related features. New
demand response programs and tariffs that utilities or independent system operators
(ISO) offer provide greater incentives to consider the use of sophisticated building
operational and control strategies that reduce electricity use during occasional events.
Following are three definitions for building design and operational control strategies.
Table 1 provides insight into the motivations, design, and operation of these three
strategies (Kiliccote 2006).
Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Energy efficiency lowers energy use while
providing the same level of service. Energy conservation reduces unnecessary energy
use. Both energy efficiency and conservation provide environmental protection and
utility bill savings. Energy efficiency measures can permanently reduce peak demand
by reducing overall consumption. In buildings this is typically done by installing energy
efficient equipment and/or operating buildings efficiently. Energy‐efficient operations, a
key objective of new building commissioning and retro‐commissioning (for existing
buildings), require that building systems operate in an integrated manner.
Table 1. Demand side management terminology and building operations
Efficiency and Peak Load Demand Response
Conservation Management (Dynamic
(Daily) (Daily) Event Driven)
TOU savings Price (economic)
Motivation Peak demand charges Reliability
Grid peak Emergency supply
Resource availability
Efficient shell,
Dynamic control
Design equipment, systems, Low power design
and control strategies
Demand shedding
Integrated system Demand limiting
Operations Demand shifting
operations Demand shifting
Demand limiting
Initiation Local Local Remote
Peak Load Management: Daily peak load management has been conducted in many
buildings to minimize the impact of peak demand charges and time‐of‐use rates. Typical
peak load management methods include demand limiting and demand shifting.
Demand Limiting refers to shedding loads when pre‐determined peak demand limits
are about to be exceeded. Demand limits can be placed on equipment (such as a chiller
or fan), systems (such as a cooling system), or a whole building. Loads are restored
when the demand is sufficiently reduced. This is typically done to flatten the load shape
when the monthly peak demand is pre‐determined. Demand shifting is achieved by
changing the time that electricity is used. Thermal energy storage is an example of a
demand shifting strategy. Thermal storage can be achieved with active systems such as
chilled water or ice storage, or with passive systems such as pre‐cooling of building
mass. In California, time dependent valuation (TDV) 1 is also in use for building energy
code compliance calculations required by the state building energy code (Title 24) to
take into account the time that electricity is used during the year (CEC 2005). TDV
acknowledges that some efficiency measures reduce summer peak electric demand more
than others.
Demand Response: Demand response is dynamic and event‐driven and can be defined
as short‐term modifications in customer end‐use electric loads in response to dynamic
price and reliability information. Demand response programs may include dynamic
pricing and tariffs, price‐responsive demand bidding, contractually obligated and
voluntary curtailment, and direct load control or equipment cycling. As discussed above,
Demand limiting and shifting can be utilized for demand response. DR can also be
accomplished with demand shedding, which is a temporary reduction or curtailment of
peak electric demand. Ideally a demand shedding strategy would maximize the demand
reduction while minimizing any loss of building services.
Figure 1 illustrates concept of typical electric load shapes for each energy/demand
control activity described above.
1 Time dependent valuation (TDV) is an energy cost analysis methodology that accounts for
variations in cost related to time of day, seasons, geography, and fuel type. In California, under
TDV the value of electricity differs depending on time‐of‐use (hourly, daily, seasonal) and the
value of natural gas differs depending on season. TDV is based on the cost for utilities to provide
the energy at different times.
8 Baseline
Building demand
6 efficiency
4 Demand
2 shifting
Time of day
* This chart is conceptual; the data are not from actual measurements.
Occupant satisfaction: Occupant satisfaction should be maintained by adjusting DR
strategies to minimize the reduction in service, so that the occupants do not notice the
change in service (detectability), or at least so that the occupants can accept the changes
(acceptability). Many studies have addressed the effect of temperature changes or
lighting changes on occupant detectability, acceptability, and task performance.
Newsham et al. conducted an extensive literature search on these studies (Newsham
One common question regarding DR strategies is: If you can use a strategy for a short
period, why not use it all the time? Even if the occupants do not notice the reduction in
service, the occupants’ productivity may be higher when the space conditions are closer
to the occupants’ desirable conditions. Differences between the impacts of short‐term
and long‐term space condition changes are yet unknown. Daily demand savings
associated with reduction in service should be considered carefully. See Links to retro‐
commissioning below for discussion of related topics.
Shared burden: DR strategies that share the burden evenly throughout the facility are
least likely to have negative effects on building occupants. For example, if it were
possible to reduce lighting levels throughout an entire facility by 25% during a DR event,
impacts to occupants might be minimal. However, turning off all of the lights in one
quadrant of an occupied space would not be acceptable. In HVAC systems, strategies
that reduce load evenly throughout all zones of a facility are superior to those that allow
certain areas (such as those with high solar gains) to substantially deviate from normal
temperature ranges. By combining demand savings from shed in each component of
HVAC and lighting systems (and other loads, if available), the impact on each
component is minimized and the demand savings potential is increased.
Closed‐loop control: Comfort is maintained in modern buildings through the use of
closed loop controls. Sensors are used to measure important parameters such as
temperature, and actuators adjust dampers or valves to maintain the desired setpoints.
The effect of the valve or actuator on the controlled zone or system is measured by the
sensor, hence closing the (control) loop. Control sub‐systems for which there is no
feedback from sensors are known as open loop controls.
To maintain predictable and managed reductions of service during DR events, strategies
should maintain the use of closed loop control wherever possible. However, closed loop
control may become an obstacle to achieve demand savings when the final target
parameter cannot be changed through centralized control. (For example, pneumatic
control systems cannot change zone setpoints from centralized control, while typical
direct digital control systems can.) For instance, if supply air temperature is raised in a
closed loop control system to reduce chiller demand, the fan speeds up to deliver more
air to satisfy the zone setpoints and fails to shed HVAC demand, unless the zone
setpoints are increased.
Granularity of control: For the purposes of DR control in buildings, the concept of
granularity refers to the amount of floor area covered by each controlled parameter (e.g.
temperature). If the space has many zones that can be separately controlled, the control
strategy is considered highly granular. In HVAC systems, the ability to easily adjust the
temperature setpoint of each occupied space is a highly granular way to distribute the
DR shed burden throughout the facility. Less granular strategies such as making
adjustments to chillers and other central HVAC equipment can provide effective shed
savings, but can cause temperature in some zones to drift out of control. Granularity of
control can also allow building operators to create DR shed behaviors that are
customized for their facility. An example would be to slightly increase all office zone
temperature setpoints, but leave computer room setpoints unchanged.
Resolution of control: Higher resolution of control increases the flexibility to adjust the
level of DR control within a desirable range. Higher resolution of control also enhances
the capability of ramping up the change of DR control parameters. HVAC parameters
can often be controlled with high resolution; in many systems temperature setpoints can
be adjusted by as little as 0.1°F. Although some modern fluorescent dimming ballasts
can adjust individual lamps light output in 1% increments, most commercial lamp
ballasts are only capable of turning lamps on or off.
Rebound: At the end of each DR event, the affected systems must return to normal
operation. When lighting strategies are used for DR, normal operation is regained by
simply re‐enabling all lighting systems to their normal operation. Lights come back on
as commanded by time clocks, occupancy sensors, or manual switches. There is no
reason for lighting power to jump to levels that are higher than normal for that period.
However, without special forethought, HVAC systems tend to use extra energy
following DR events to bring systems back to normal conditions. Extra energy is used to
remove heat that is typically gained during the reduced service levels of the DR event.
This post DR event spike is known as rebound. To minimize the chance of high demand
charges and to reduce negative effects to the electric grid, rebound should be minimized
through use of a graceful return to normal strategy. The simplest case is where the DR
event ends or can be postponed until the building is unoccupied. If this is not possible,
strategies that allow HVAC equipment to slowly ramp up or otherwise limit power
usage during the post‐DR period should be used.
Links to retro‐commissioning: Assuming the HVAC and lighting systems are already
operated to achieve optimal occupant satisfaction and minimize energy consumption in
their normal operation, the implementation of DR may cause a reduction in service.
However, there are many cases in reality where the systems are not operated optimally.
In these cases, it may be possible to reduce electric demand without reduction in service.
If a facility finds such a strategy, it should be considered a permanent energy efficiency
opportunity rather than a temporary DR strategy, and should be performed on non‐DR
days as well.
Planning a DR strategy can be a good opportunity to examine the sequence and
parameters of building control. While facility managers may be concerned about
deviations from current operation only for energy efficiency, they may be more
motivated if the goal is both energy efficiency and DR because the occupants can be
more permissive under a DR situation in many cases. Once confirmed that the strategy
does not negatively impact the level of service, the strategy can be operated on a daily
The LBNL Auto‐DR studies found several cases where DR strategies merely impacted
the level of service and incorporated the strategies in their daily operation (Piette et al.
2005a, 2005b, 2006). In one example, a duct static pressure reset strategy was used for a
building with pneumatic zone controls. Through this effort to develop short‐term DR
strategies, the duct static pressure was reset to operate lower during all operating hours.
In another case, reduction in service actually improved occupant comfort or
productivity in some zones that were over‐cooled during normal operation. These cases
can be viewed as classic retro‐commissioning opportunities, identified through the
process of developing DR strategies. In other instances, when examining electric load
shapes, the team found equipment, such as fans or process equipment, running
unnecessarily at night.
In addition, if systems in a facility are operating poorly due to design or commissioning
issues, it may be more difficult to implement effective DR strategies. For example, if
zones are over‐cooled due to excessive minimum airflows or low supply air
temperatures, raising zone temperature setpoints during a DR event will not save
DR strategy commissioning: The process of commissioning should be applied to each
phase of DR control strategy application including planning, installation, and
implementation to make sure that the goal of DR control ‐‐ to maximize demand savings
and minimize impact to occupants ‐‐ is achieved. The commissioning procedure and key
issues are described in Section 4.1.
Design of DR control strategies would ideally take place during the new construction
commissioning phase and be incorporated into the commissioning process. A
demonstration of this concept is being planned at the New York Times Headquarters
building (Kiliccote et al. 2006).
HVAC systems can be an excellent resource for DR shed savings for several reasons.
First, HVAC systems create a substantial electric demand in commercial buildings, often
more than one third of the total demand. Second, the thermal flywheel effect of indoor
environments allows HVAC systems to be temporarily unloaded without immediate
impact to the building occupants. Third, it is common for HVAC systems to be at least
partially automated with EMCS.
However, there are significant technical challenges to using commercial HVAC systems
to provide DR savings. These systems are designed to provide ventilation and thermal
comfort to the occupied spaces. Operational modes that provide reduced levels of
service or comfort are rarely included in the original design of these facilities. To
provide reliable, repeatable DR sheds it is best to pre‐plan and automate operational
modes that will provide DR savings. The use of automation reduces labor costs
associated with the implementation of DR operational modes.
HVAC‐based DR strategies recommended for a given facility vary based on the type and
condition of the building, mechanical equipment, and EMCS. Based on these factors, the
best DR strategies are those that achieve the aforementioned goals of meeting electric
demand savings targets while minimizing negative impacts on the occupants of the
buildings or the processes that they perform. The following DR strategies are prioritized
to achieve these goals:
• Global Temperature Adjustment of Zones
• Systemic Adjustments to the Air Distribution and/or Cooling Systems
It is often difficult to estimate the demand savings that will be achieved by HVAC
strategies, because HVAC cooling load is dynamic and sensitive to weather conditions,
occupancy, and other factors. However, previous research has found that the HVAC
demand and its demand savings tend to have positive correlation with outside air
temperature (OAT).
In all field tests that used HVAC‐based DR strategies, upon initiation of DR events,
temperatures in occupied zones drifted from normal levels at rates well within the
acceptable rate of change specification allowed in ASHRAE Standard 55‐2004 (ASHRAE
2004). DR strategies used to return HVAC systems to normal operation should also be
designed to limit the rate of temperature change so as to not exceed the ASHRAE
standard. DR strategies that slowly return the system to normal condition have the
additional benefit of limiting rebound.
HVAC strategies can be categorized by the system targeted for control modification.
These include zone control, air distribution, and central plant, in order of recommended
priority. Where practical, DR strategies that use temporary modifications to zone
temperature setpoints are recommended. This recommendation is based on maximizing
DR shed savings effectiveness while minimizing the potential for occupant discomfort.
Figure 2 shows the basic concept of the HVAC DR strategy decision tree.
Y DDC zone N
Zone Central plant
control control
Do not try DR
at this time
Figure 2. HVAC DR strategy decision tree
Building HVAC types
Building HVAC types are characterized using the following four primary system
attributes and the secondary attributes listed in Table 2.The primary attributes are (1)
constant air volume (CAV) or variable air volume (VAV), and (2) central plant with
chilled water system or packaged units. Applicable DR strategies depend on these
system types. Applicability based on these attributes is described in each strategy
section. Many of the less‐common HVAC systems, including water source heat pumps
and gas cooling systems, are not included in this study.
Table 2. Building HVAC types
Type Primary system attribute Secondary system attribute
Single zone / multi‐zone
CAV system with central plant Single duct / dual duct
Type A
(CAV‐Central) With reheat / without reheat
Type of chiller
Single duct / dual duct
VAV system with central plant
Type B With reheat / without reheat
Type of chiller
Single zone / multi‐zone
CAV system with package units
Type C Single duct / dual duct
With reheat / without reheat
VAV system with package units Single duct / dual duct
Type D
(VAV‐Package) With reheat / without reheat
CAV: Constant air volume VAV: Variable air volume
Table 3 provides short definitions of DR strategies and their applicability by building
HVAC type. One can find a building HVAC type that is the closest to one’s building,
and look for those strategies that are appropriate. Even if the HVAC type matches, the
strategies listed here may or may not be feasible, depending on the control attributes of
your building.
Table 3. HVAC demand response strategies
Category DR Strategy Definition A B C D
Global temperature Increase zone temperature setpoints for an
adjustment entire facility
Zone Decrease zone temperature setpoints prior to
control Passive thermal DR operation to store cooling energy in the
mass storage building mass, and increase zone setpoints to
unload fan and cooling system during DR.
Duct static pressure Decrease duct static pressure setpoints to
decrease reduce fan power.
Limit or decrease fan variable frequency
Fan variable
drive speeds or inlet guide vane positions to X X
frequency drive limit
reduce fan power.
Supply air Increase SAT setpoints to reduce cooling
distribution X X X X
temperature increase load.
Fan quantity Shut off some of multiple fans or package
reduction units to reduce fan and cooling loads.
Limit or reduce cooling valve positions to
Cooling valve limit X X
reduce cooling loads.
Increase chilled water temperature to
Chilled water
improve chiller efficiency and reduce cooling X X
temperature increase
Central load.
plant Chiller demand limit Limit or reduce chiller demand or capacity. X X
Chiller quantity
Shut off some of multiple chiller units. X X * *
Slowly restore HVAC control parameters
Slow recovery ** ** ** **
modified by DR strategies.
Rebound Sequential Restore HVAC control to equipment
** ** ** **
avoidance equipment recovery sequentially within a certain time interval.
Extended DR control Extend DR control period until after the
** ** ** **
Period occupancy period.
* The strategy can be applied to package systems by reducing shutting off some of the compressors.
** Applicability of rebound avoidance strategies is determined by the DR strategies selected.
Zone control strategies – Global Temperature Adjustment
This strategy requires zone level direct digital control (DDC) that can be easily
programmed to respond globally to demand response commands. Some control system
manufacturers provide products that enable the zone setpoints of all thermostats to be
changed globally by one parameter. This software feature is known as global
temperature adjustment (GTA). For control systems that do not offer GTA as a standard
feature, it can usually be programmed during the installation or retrofit process, at a cost
somewhat higher than if it were a standard feature. This strategy has proven to be an
effective and minimally‐disruptive technique for achieving HVAC demand response.
Air distribution strategies
In systems for which global temperature adjustment of zones is not an option (such as
those that are not DDC), strategies that make temporary adjustments to the air
distribution or mechanical cooling systems can be employed to enable demand response.
If the HVAC (fans, chillers, or both) is a constant volume system (without VAV), direct
control of the equipment may be considered.
If the HVAC system is VAV, a combination of multiple parameter controls can be
considered. Within a closed loop system, fans and chillers always try to maintain the
required set points by changing HVAC parameters. For example, a supply air
temperature (SAT) increase might reduce chilled water flow to save cooling energy, but
fan power might rise to increase airflow to maintain cooling zone set points at the VAV
boxes (which try to compensate for warmer supply air by supplying more air). To
achieve a demand reduction, the fan and chiller control strategies may require
simultaneous modifications. One may want to limit or fix the chilled water supply
temperature, and simultaneously limit or fix the variable frequency drive (VFD)
percentage to reduce fan power.
While effective in achieving load reductions, the use of systemic adjustments to air
distribution systems and/or mechanical cooling systems for DR purposes has some
fundamental drawbacks. In these strategies, the DR burden is not shared evenly
between all the zones. Centralized systemic HVAC DR shed strategies can allow
substantial deviations in temperature, airflow, and ventilation rates in some areas of a
facility. Centralized systemic changes to the air distribution system and/or mechanical
cooling systems allow zones with low demand or those that are closer to the main
supply fan to continue to operate normally and hence these zones do not contribute
toward load reduction in the facility. Zones with high demand, such as the sunny side of
the building or zones at the ends of long duct runs, can become starved for air. After a
VAV box is fully opened, its zone setpoint is no longer under control. Increased
monitoring of occupied areas should be conducted when using these strategies.
Cooling strategies
Most modern centrifugal, screw, and reciprocating chillers have the capability of
reducing their power demands. This can be done by raising the chilled water supply
temperature setpoint or by limiting the speed, capacity, number of stages, or current
draw of the chiller. The number of chillers running can also be reduced in some plants.
As mentioned above, reducing the central plant load can typically achieve larger
demand savings than can be achieved by reducing the air distribution load. These
strategies may cause some air distribution load increases, which are usually more than
compensated for by central plant load reductions.
Rebound avoidance strategies
As mentioned in section 1.7, HVAC systems tend to experience rebound, using extra
energy following DR events in order to bring systems back to normal conditions. To
minimize the chance of high demand charges and to reduce negative effects on the
electric grid, rebound should be minimized through use of a gradual return to the
normal strategy. The simplest case is where the DR event ends or can be postponed until
the building is unoccupied. If this is not possible, strategies that allow HVAC equipment
to slowly ramp up or otherwise limit power usage during the return to normal state
should be used.
On a hot summer day when daylight is abundant, daylit and/or over‐lit buildings are
the best candidates for demand reduction using the lighting system. Since lighting
produces heat, reducing lighting levels will also reduce the cooling load within the space
and allow the HVAC strategies to work for extended periods of time. Research has
shown that each kWh of lighting savings can also provide additional cooling savings by
reducing the cooling load. This savings varies in quantity by building type and
characteristics, climate zone, and season of the year. An LBNL study estimated that, on a
national annual average, 1 kWh lighting savings induces 0.48 kWh cooling savings for
existing commercial buildings (Sezgen and Koomey 1998).
Lighting demand shed strategies tend to be simple and depend widely on wiring and
controls infrastructures. However, since lighting is typically associated with health and
safety and the shed strategies tend to be visible, they have to be carried out selectively
and carefully considering the tasks perfomed in the space and ramifications of reduced
lighting for the occupants. Typically, the resolution of lighting controls tends to be lower
than that of HVAC controls. Also, lighting systems are often not automated with EMCS.
These issues can be major obstacles for automation of lighting DR strategies, although
lighting strategies are popularly used in manual DR.
Estimating the demand savings potential of lighting strategies depend on how the
demand savings are achieved. Demand response control capability of lighting systems is
generally determined by the characteristics of lighting circuit and control system. There
are two ways to implement demand response control with lighting, absolute reduction
and relative reduction. Absolute reduction is achieved by programming preset lighting
level for times when demand response is required. This may be configured in many
different ways based on the lighting control strategies, i.e. half the fixtures on, one third
of the lamps in each fixture on, or all lamps at 70% of full light output.
The problem with an absolute reduction approach is that it does not yield any savings or
may even increase lighting electricity consumption if the lighting levels are the same as
or lower than the preset levels at the time demand response is initiated. Therefore,
although this approach is easy to implement with current lighting control systems, the
demand savings estimate varies depending on the building use and occupancy.
Relative reduction means reducing loads with respect to the level of lighting at the time
of demand response. Instead of reducing to a preset level, a certain percent reduction
over the current value is achieved during a demand response event. Implementation
requires that the light output from the lamp or power output from the ballast is
communicated back to the lighting control system, so central closed loop control is
required. Systems with such sophisticated controls tend to be newer and more expensive.
The decision to implement absolute or relative lighting reduction depends on the
building lighting infrastructure, the lighting use in the building, and the capabilities of
the installed lighting control system.
Following is a list of lighting DR strategies in increasing order of sophistication.
• Zone switching
• Fixture switching
• Lamp switching
• Stepped dimming
• Continuous dimming
Y Central lighting N
Y Dimmable N
Y Bi-level N
Y Bi-level N
Y Zone N
Y Step dimming N
a photosensor. Less granular strategies affect more occupants and tend to be more
disruptive. More granular strategies require well‐designed and well‐implemented
infrastructures and allow occupants to better accept DR strategy implementation.
DR can target other equipment besides HVAC and lighting. If the equipment is
independent from any critical operation, the sequence of control does not require such
careful consideration. One issue of shedding miscellaneous equipment is that this
equipment is often not connected to the EMCS but rather is operated stand‐alone. In
commercial buildings, the demand response potential of miscellaneous equipment shed
is usually insignificant compared to HVAC or lighting shed. On the other hand, in
industrial sites, significant demand reduction can be achieved by temporally unloading
process loads without jeopardizing the process or product quality
The demand response control strategies mentioned above can be controlled in a
sophisticated manner with the use of an advanced EMCS. Combination of DR strategies
are programmed in the EMCS to coordinate appropriate strategies based on various
conditional parameters such as outside air temperature, whole building demand level,
or electricity price level. These strategies may require a high level of programming effort.
Table 4 and Table 5 summarize the DR strategies used during 4 years in the LBNL Auto‐
DR studies and the other case studies. The list contains 56 participants (35 commercial
and 9 industrial buildings). All 40 LBNL project sites implemented the strategies as
fully‐automated DR, while the other case studies used either manual or semi‐automated
Bi-level switching
Dimmable ballast
Fan-coil unit off
Slow recovery
SAT Increase
Fan VFD limit
Boiler lockout
Bi-level switching
Dimmable ballast
Elevator cycling
Fan-coil unit off
SAT Increase
Fan VFD limit
0 5 10 15 20 25
# of sites
This section describes the details of the system operation methods of demand response
strategies. Each strategy is explained with system requirements, sequence of operation
and specific issues to consider. The information is first summarized in table form and
then explained below.
This section describes the details of HVAC DR control strategies. Table 6 through Table
15 summarize the key information on the strategy, and the details are explained below
the table. Definitions of items in the table are listed below,
• Definition – Brief definition of the DR control strategy.
• HVAC type – Applicable HVAC types as defined in Table 2.
• Target loads – HVAC system component or equipment whose electric load is
targeted to be reduced by the DR strategy.
• Category – DR approach: demand shed, demand shift, or demand limit as
defined in Section 1.6.
• System applicability – HVAC or control system characteristics required to use
the DR strategy.
• Sequence of operation – Detailed sequence of operation used to program the
EMCS to implement the DR control strategy.
• EE potential – Potential of achieving savings from energy efficiency as well as
DR by applying the DR strategy during regular practice outside of DR events.
• Rebound – Risk of rebound peak and necessity of rebound avoidance strategy
from applying the DR strategy.
• Cautions – Miscellaneous issues to be considered when the DR strategy is
applied to mitigate and avoid any risks.
• Applied sites – Number and building type of the LBNL Auto‐DR participant
sites that applied the DR strategy. None indicates the DR strategy was not
implemented at the LBNL Auto‐DR sites, but was used in some other case
studies or at an ex‐candidate site that implemented the strategy but could not
automate it.
GTA is typically implemented by broadcasting a signal from the central EMCS HMI
server to all the endpoint space temperature control devices distributed throughout the
facility. Upon receipt of a global signal from the central EMCS server, the final space
temperature control devices interpret the signal and react accordingly. (For example, the
global signal for DR Mode Stage‐1 means to increase space cooling setpoints 3°F and to
decrease space heating setpoints 3°F). Final space temperature control devices suitable
for GTA include: 1) space temperature controllers that adjust VAV terminal box
dampers (e.g. VAV boxes), 2) space temperature controllers that adjust hot water
heating coil valves or chilled water cooling coils (e.g. fan coil units, CAV multi‐zone
heating, and cooling coil valves) and 3) space temperature controllers that adjust the
capacity of heat pumps or direct expansion (DX) units.
To avoid an unwanted increase in heating energy, heating setpoints (if any) should
remain the same or be reduced during GTA mode. Otherwise, raising cooling setpoints
could also raise heating setpoints, and may cause heating operation to be started.
GTA may be implemented on either an absolute or relative basis. Absolute setpoint
adjustment of GTA allows the operator to set the space temperature setpoints for the
entire facility to absolute values (e.g. heating setpoints at all final space temperature
control devices = 68°F and cooling setpoints at all final space temperature control
devices = 76°F). Relative setpoint adjustment of GTA allows the operator to adjust the
space temperature setpoints for the entire facility to new values that are offset from the
current values by a relative amount (e.g. heating setpoints at all final space temperature
control devices decrease 2°F from current values and cooling setpoints increase 2°F from
current values).
While being implemented, the rate of increase in temperature in the spaces should
comply with the temperature drift rate allowed under ASHRAE Standard 55 as outlined
in the Figure 5:
these vendors provided some of the largest sheds and required the least amount of set‐
up labor.
For sites that have EMCS controlled space temperature zones, but lack GTA, it can
typically be added in the field. To add GTA to an existing site, each EMCS zone
controller must be programmed to “listen” for a global GTA command from the central
EMCS system. In addition, the central system must be programmed to send GTA
commands to all relevant zone controllers on the EMCS digital network. Typically GTA
commands are sent in a global broadcast to all controllers simultaneously.
Manufacturers offer different types of VAV zone setpoint configuration methods. The
following two examples are common VAV zone setpoint configurations.
1. Define zone cooling setpoints and zone heating setpoints separately.
2. Define the midpoint between zone cooling setpoints and zone heating setpoints
and the width of the deadband. 2 Increasing the deadband makes cooling setpoints
higher and heating setpoints lower. Raising the midpoint makes both cooling
and heating setpoints higher. Figure 6 shows the change in the deadband and
required airflow change in a VAV system. 3 Increasing the cooling setpoints
reduces the required airflow.
New deadband
Airflow CFM
Setpoint-airflow relationship
with original deadband
Setpoint-airflow relationship
Min with new deadband
Δ Th Δ Tc
2 Deadband in the context of zone temperature control has two definitions; 1) the temperature
range between actuation and de‐actuation of the cooling or heating system, and 2) the
temperature range where no cooling or heating (beyond that required to provide fresh air) is
provided. Although the first definition has been historically used, the second definition is also
commonly used. This report uses the second definition.
3 Figure 5 shows proportional control for illustrative purposes. Most zone controllers use
proportional and integral control algorithms.
If GTA of zones is available, it is the recommended HVAC DR strategy for commercial
buildings. In field tests, sites that used HVAC DR strategies other than GTA usually did
so because that feature was not available at the site. Reasons that GTA was not available
include: 1) Space temperature was not controlled by the EMCS (e.g. use of pneumatic
controls in occupant zones), and 2) Space temperature was controlled by the EMCS, but
the space temperature controllers did not include the GTA feature.
While the GTA strategy reduces the service level of the occupied spaces, it does so using
a closed‐loop control strategy in a highly granular fashion. This causes the DR shed
burden to be evenly shared between all building occupants and keeps all zones under
control. Since none of the zones are starved for airflow, there is no risk of ventilation
rates dropping below specified design levels.
Sometimes if the HVAC systems are oversized and the chillers are not controlled by the
percentage of zones asking for cooling, the GTA strategy has to be combined with
supply air temperature reset. One typical example is a building with multiple rooftop
units, where the compressors are controlled not by how many zones are directly asking
for cooling, but by meeting the supply air temperature setpoints. If the units are
oversized or the minimum supply air flow rate is too high, GTA may not work and the
zone temperatures will not follow the new setpoints because of the excessive cooling
provided by the minimum air flow. In that case, the SAT setpoint has to be increased
about 3~5oF in the GTA period to reduce the minimum cooling delivered by the HVAC
The GTA strategy works well with most built‐up HVAC systems, where typically the
chillers shut off if the percentage of zones that ask for cooling is less than a predefined
threshold. In GTA, if no zones ask for cooling once the new setpoint is above the current
zone temperatures, the chillers normally shut off automatically. Sometimes, instead of
being completely shut off, the chillers will only be reduced to a partial capacity, to
maintain cooling for some “hot spots” that are poorly balanced or otherwise overloaded.
Thermal zones that are poorly designed or poorly balanced can also pose challenges due
to overcooling. If minimum fresh air requirements are overcooling many zones, shed
savings from a GTA DR strategy alone may not be effective. This problem can be solved
by increasing the supply air temperature in addition to raising the zone temperature
Demand savings components of GTA
Demand savings by the GTA strategy consists of two parts, steady‐state savings and
transient savings. When zone setpoints are raised, cooling is turned off or reduced to its
minimal operation until zone temperatures reach the new setpoints (transient savings).
After zone temperatures are stabilized at the new setpoints, the cooling load is still
lower than the baseline cooling load due to a smaller difference between zone setpoints
and OAT (steady‐state savings).
Transient savings can be achieved by the thermal mass storage effect of building
structure mass, including floor slab and interior‐and‐exterior walls, furniture, and other
materials. When zone setpoints are increased by the GTA strategy, the thermal mass
components have stored cooling energy. The thermal mass cools down the indoor air
and displaces the cooling load until it runs out of stored cooling energy. Duration of
transient savings can widely vary depending on factors including building structure,
outside air flow rate, internal heat gain, and solar heat gain through windows.
Figure 7 illustrates a conceptual diagram of demand savings (not actual field data) by
the GTA strategy with zone setpoint (ZT set point) increase from 72°F to 76°F. The zone
temperture (ZT read) is also shown. A case study of this strategy is introduced in
Appendix A, section A.1.
500 95
Steady-State Savings
400 90
Whole Building Power [kW]
Temperature [°F]
300 85
Transient Savings
200 80
100 75
0 70
Pre‐cooling the thermal mass of the building can be used to reduce the peak load. For
example, in summer, the building mass can be cooled during non‐peak hours to reduce
the cooling load in the peak hours. As a result, the cooling load is shifted in time and the
peak demand is reduced. The building mass can be cooled most effectively during
unoccupied hours because it is possible to relax the comfort constraints.
Thermal mass control strategies differ in the way they store and release heat from the
mass. The building mass may be cooled by natural or mechanical ventilation, with or
without mechanical cooling. Pre‐cooling can be performed either during the unoccupied
hours or during the occupied non‐peak hours, usually in the morning. In climates with a
large diurnal temperature swing, it may be possible to pre‐cool the building mass
without mechanical cooling.
If there is sufficient pre‐cooling and the daytime cooling load is relatively low, it may be
possible for the indoor air temperature to remain within the comfort range during the
peak hours without any mechanical cooling. Cooling energy stored in the mass can be
discharged during the peak hours by either zonal temperature reset or demand limiting
the cooling plant and distribution system (Xu 2004). A detailed simulation study of the
passive thermal mass storage strategy is summarized in Appendix A, section A.2 (Braun
et al. 2001).
AHUs begin to lose control of the SAT setpoints due to a shortage of cooling. Then CAV
systems begin to lose zone control. In VAV systems, unless the VFD or IGV are locked,
the fans speed up to increase airflow to deliver more air to the zones. The SAT cannot be
maintained even with the increased airflow and begin to lose zone control, because
amount of cooling capacity is limited. Therefore, locking fan VFD or IGV at the position
prior to the DR operation is required to achieve demand savings. Chillers that are not
operated when the DR operation is initiated must remain offline.
Once the operating chillers reach full load, the AHUs begin to lose control of the SAT
setpoints due to the shortage of cooling. Then CAV systems begin to lose zone control.
In VAV systems, unless VFD or IGV are locked, the fans speed up to increase airflow to
deliver more air to the zones. The SAT cannot be maintained even with the increased
airflow and zone control begins to be lost, because the amount of cooling capacity is
limited. Therefore, locking the fan VFD or IGV at their positions prior to DR operation is
required to achieve demand savings.
In this section, conditions for each lighting DR strategy are first presented in table
format (Table 16 through Table 19) followed by discussion.
Figure 8. Luminaire switching – alternate rows of luminaires
• Separately switching on every other luminaire in each row (luminaire switching),
as shown in Figure 9. Since this wiring scheme is less common than the wiring
scheme of Figure 8, rewiring may be required to achieve this pattern.
Figure 9. Luminaire switching – every other luminaire in each row
• Switching the middle lamps of three‐lamp fixtures independently of the outer
lamps (lamp switching). The wiring for a three‐lamp fixture can be done in one
of two ways: 1) Two ballasts are installed; i.e. one of them drives the inner lamp
and the other drives the outer lamps. 2) Fixtures share ballasts (tandem wiring);
i.e. two inner lamps of two fixtures are connected to a two‐lamp ballast and the
four outer lamps of two fixtures are connected to a four‐lamp ballast. Both wiring
schemes, shown in Figure 10, deliver the same operation for this strategy. (The
second option may be preferable because it uses fewer ballasts and the total
wattage per luminaire is slightly lower. However, the luminaire layout must be
conducive to luminaires sharing a ballast; i.e. luminaires must be close enough
together to allow the tandem wiring).
Figure 10. Lamp switching - middle lamps of three-lamp fixtures
• Separately switching lamps in each luminaire (lamp switching). In two‐ or four‐
lamp fixtures, each half of the lamps can be driven by a separate ballast or ballast
combinations and switched off independently. Figure 11 shows this
configuration for two‐lamp and four‐lamp fixtures.
Figure 11. Lamp switching – lamps in each luminaire
Fountain pumps
Exterior or interior fountains serve mainly for visual comfort, though a they have some
evaporative cooling effect. Since fountains are mostly located in common space, shutting
down fountains may not cause much discomfort to the occupants. Though it varies
widely depending on pump size, potential demand savings is about 3 to 10 kW for each
Anti‐sweat heaters
Cold display cases with glass doors in grocery stores usually have small anti‐sweat
heaters to keep moisture from forming. Some of them can be controlled by a thermostat
or humidistat based on the room air temperature or humidity. Turning off the anti‐
sweat heaters for short period of time may not cause any significant service loss to the
display cases. Potential demand savings is about 5 to 10 kW for a typical supermarket
(30,000 to 50,000 ft²). However, if anti‐sweat heaters are controlled by humidistat, this
strategy may not save much demand in a dry climate because the air does not contain
much moisture. Savings may not result by curtailing anti‐sweat heaters in a supermarket
with a dehumidification system, since during normal operation the room humidity may
not become high enough to turn on the anti‐sweat heaters.
Electric vehicle chargers
Regardless of when vehicles are used the next time, electric vehicle chargers usually
charge vehicles whenever the vehicles are plugged into them until the batteries are fully
charged. When the batteries are fully charged, most chargers shut off or ramp down to
trickle charger mode. If the vehicle will not be used until the end of the day or the next
day, charging it is not necessary during a DR event. There are some charger systems
designed to take advantage of time‐of‐use rates during normal operation. This
technology can be used for DR operation as well. The electric demand for a Class‐1
electric vehicle charger is usually up to 2 kW, and that of a Class‐2 electric vehicle
charger is up to 6.5 kW.
Industrial process loads
Some process equipment loads can be shut off during a DR period without spoiling the
process or product quality. For example, a material process plant might shut off transfer
pumps during a DR period. Because the process has a buffer tank, the processed
material is stored in the tank for short period of time. Once the DR period ends, the
transfer pumps restart and transfer the material in the buffer tank to the storage tank.
Another example is a cement process plant that shuts off rock crushers. During a DR
event, the rock crushers are run before the DR period, so that they will have enough
crushed rock until the end of the DR period. Both of the above cases use demand shift
techniques. If the buffer tank is filled, or crushed rock runs out, the equipment must be
restarted even during the DR period. Other strategies that do not use demand shift, such
as air compressor shed, are also available, but careful consideration is required not to
spoil the industrial processes.
Cold storage
A large segment of agricultural and food processing plants have cold storage equipment.
The refrigeration load for cold storage can be shed during a DR period by increasing the
storage temperature setpoints or unloading chillers. It is possible to shed cold storage
load without spoiling the product by keeping an acceptably‐high limit of storage
temperature and limiting the length of exposure time to the higher temperature. A pre‐
cooling strategy may be a suitable option for cold storage. Unlike commercial building
spaces, cold storage areas usually have much lower internal and external heat gains, so
the thermal mass storage effect lasts longer than it does in commercial building spaces
(Quantum and Summit Blue 2004).
Elevator cycling
If a building has multiple elevators, some of the elevators can be shut off or cycled
during the DR period. This strategy is considered a demand shift strategy because it
does not save energy consumption if occupants wait for the remaining elevators. Part of
a large office building in New York City used this strategy and shut down two elevators
in each passenger bank as well an escalator (NYSERDA 2006).
Irrigation water pumps
Water delivery systems that have large‐scale water tanks can store sufficient amounts of
water to satisfy their customers during a curtailment. This large storage capacity
provides the flexibility to pump and store water before it is needed. This strategy will
contribute to significant water pump demand savings without reduction in service. A
water measurement system integrated with the pump control system is required to
analyze water reserves and ensure that a proper water supply is available even during a
curtailment (NYSERDA 2006).
Non‐component‐specific strategies are means of control of the single or multiple DR
strategies introduced so far.
4 A demand response program where participants submit bids for a proposed level of curtailment.
For accepted bids, participants receive a credit equal to the product of the energy reduction and
the market price plus a participation bonus.
Zone Setpoint [°F]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Electric Price [$/kWh]
Figure 12. Example of price-level zone setpoint control
4. Implementation of DR Strategies
This section discusses procedures and issues to be considered during the process of DR
control strategy planning, installation, and implementation.
The process of commissioning should be applied to each phase of DR control strategy
application, including planning, installation, and implementation. This will ensure the
goal of DR control, to maximize demand savings while minimizing impact to occupants,
is achieved. This process should be supervised by a “coordinator.” A “coordinator” can
be a controls contractor, a building facility management team, or a third‐party agent.
The following steps should be taken to achieve successful DR strategy operation.
1. Initial site inspection. At the beginning of the DR strategy planning, the coordinator
collects all the necessary information on the site process to minimize redundancy.
The necessary data include building type, building floor area, HVAC and lighting
system profiles, EMCS profiles, and historical electricity demand data.
2. DR strategy sequence of operation. In coordination with the coordinator, facility
managers, controls contactors, and other key personnel, DR strategies are planned
with respect to system applicability, impact to occupants, desired demand savings,
and other relevant factors. Each planned DR strategy needs to be written as a
detailed control sequence of operation so that controls contractors can understand
exactly what they need to do with EMCS programming and additional hardware
installation if necessary.
3. Demand savings potential estimation. The coordinator makes a preliminary
estimate of demand saving potential to estimate the benefits of participating in the
DR program and to justify the project cost. While estimation of demand savings from
lighting DR strategies can be relatively simple, demand savings from HVAC DR
strategies are complicated by various factors. Development of a simplified
simulation tool for demand savings estimation from different DR strategies is
4. Performance monitoring plan. Along with the DR strategy sequence of operation,
EMCS data collection should be also planned in advance by the facility management
team. EMCS trend data are helpful to evaluate the success of DR strategies. Table 20
lists EMCS data points that are recommended for collection for DR strategy
5. Proof‐of‐concept manual test. It is recommended that facility management team
perform a manual DR strategy demonstration test as a proof‐of‐concept. The
coordinator should supervise the test and analyze the trend data after the test. If the
demand savings by the DR strategies are weather dependent, such a test should
preferably be conducted on a warm day that can represent a DR event day (at least
85°F or higher). If operational problems or complaints occur even though the
sequence of operation is successful, the strategies should be reconsidered. The test
results should be compared with the preliminary demand savings potential
estimation. If there is difficulty conducting both a demand savings estimation and a
manual test, at least one of them should be performed (manual test is preferred).
Obstacles to a manual test include seasonal weather conditions, concerns about
distracting occupants without a real DR situation, and lack of sophisticated controls
to perform a manual test (e.g. hundreds of zone setpoints cannot be changed
simultaneously without automation).
6. DR strategy proposal. Based on the DR strategy sequence of operation developed in
the previous step, the controls contractor develops a project proposal for the client.
7. DR strategy installation. When the project proposal is accepted by the facility
manager, the controls contractor starts the EMCS programming and hardware
installation as specified in the proposal.
8. Post‐installation test. When the DR strategy installation is completed, the facility
manager tests the strategies to 1) confirm that the strategies work correctly as
specified in the sequence of operation, and 2) verify the demand savings potential as
estimated in the calculation and pre‐installation test. Confirmation of correct
operation is more critical, and may be done on a cool day with a shorter duration
than actual DR events. EMCS trend data should be collected during the test. After
the test, the coordinator should check the EMCS data, especially for the modified
parameters, to see if the controls change occurred as planned. If it did not occur, the
EMCS programming should be revisited.
9. M&V for DR events. Measurement and verification efforts should be continued by
the coordinator during the actual curtailment as well. If the post‐installation test was
conducted before the hot summer season, the reduction in service can be larger and
the demand savings can be widely different during the real curtailment than in the
test. The DR operation should be carefully reviewed especially until the first or
second curtailment is completed. The facility manager should calibrate the strategies
to maximize demand savings while minimizing impact to occupants.
Completing all the steps above may take several months or more, depending on the
effort required for coordinating the process among facility managers, controls
contractors, and upper management decision‐makers. It is important to prepare DR
strategies well in advance before the peak summer season arrives.
One of the issues of DR implementation is whether the facility managers should notify
their occupants of the potential adjustments in site conditions from DR. The LBNL Auto‐
DR studies included both participants who notified their occupants about DR and those
who did not notify them.
4.2.1. No notification
One of the most common reasons not to notify occupants is to avoid unnecessary
concern among occupants. When occupants are notified of an upcoming DR event, some
may overreact and increase complaints. In one case where the facility manager notified
occupants of the DR event in advance, some occupants complained that the zone
temperature was too high. However, later the facility manager found out that the DR
control had failed and there was actually no affect on the zone temperature. In later DR
events the facility manager did not notify the occupants and received no complaint call
even when the DR strategies were successfully operated (LBNL Auto‐DR demonstration
2004). No notification may work well if detectability of the DR strategy is low.
4.2.2. Notification
On the other hand, some facility managers prefer to inform the occupants about
upcoming DR events. One of the common reasons to notify occupants is to avoid
upsetting occupants. In this occasion, notification works well if detectability of the DR
strategy is high but still within in an acceptable level (i.e. the occupants will notice the
reduction in service but can accept it). In one case, when the facility manager did not
notify the occupants of a DR event, some occupants inquired about increased
temperature or reduced lighting because they concerned that the HVAC or lighting
systems had malfunctioned. Once they were told that it was part of DR effort and not
equipment failure, they understood and the inquiry calls stopped (LBNL Auto‐DR
demonstration 2004). In a unique example, the facility group announced a DR event the
day before and requested employees to wear tropical outfits. They declared the DR
event “Aloha Day” and employees apparently enjoyed the temporary warm space
condition (LBNL Auto‐CPP demonstration 2006).
This section describes demand savings achieved by DR strategies with some example
data from the LBNL Auto‐DR studies. These studies covered DR events for eleven
buildings in 2003 and 2004. Demand savings achieved by DR strategies vary, especially
for HVAC DR strategies, depending on various factors. It is difficult to estimate demand
saving potential by an HVAC DR strategy until it is tested. Even within the same
building, demand savings will vary widely depending on weather conditions. Table 21
summarizes the factors that influence HVAC demand savings. On the other hand,
lighting DR strategies generally provide consistent, predictable demand savings.
Lighting demand savings can be influenced by daylight (if the strategy uses dimmable
ballast control with daylight feedback) or occupant behavior (if the strategy can be
controlled or disabled by the occupants).
Table 21. Demand savings influence factors
Building factors System factors Strategy factors Weather factors
Building use HVAC type
Depth of shed Outside air temperature
Building size Efficiency
Area% controlled Outside air humidity
Structure type Control type
Duration of curtailment Solar radiation
Level of occupancy Commissioning
Figure 13 shows maximum demand savings intensity (W/ft²) categorized by shed
strategy for one of the LBNL Auto‐DR tests. The test was performed on November 5,
2004, a relatively cool day with maximum average outside air temperature (OAT) of
66°F in the site locations. Of the 9 sites shown in the chart, these methods were used to
calculate the demand savings from their DR strategies:
• 5 sites (A, B, D, G, and H) used the whole building baseline method,
• 3 sites (C, E, and F) used HVAC end‐use metering data, and
• 3 sites (I, E, and F) used lighting end‐use metering.
1.20 • RTU shutoff
• GTA (76Æ80F) (3/3Æ1/3)
• Lamp switching
• Fan shutoff
factors mentioned above, the demand savings can be either larger or smaller than those
shown. Since these results are from intermediate seasons (fall and spring), demand
savings by some HVAC DR strategies can be larger than the results shown in the charts.
Figure 14 shows the average demand savings (CPP high price period 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
versus outside air temperature for six sites, including four offices and two retail stores.
The results vary building by building. While Office A, Office C, and Retail B seem to
have positive correlation between OAT and demand savings, Office B, Office D, and
Retail A do not show correlation. In the charts, P means probability of linear correlation
between the average demand savings and OAT.
100 120
20 20
0 0
70 80 90 100 110 70 80 90 100 110
Outside Air Temperature [°F] Outside Air Temperature [°F]
160 100
140 80
100 60
60 40
40 20
0 0
70 80 90 100 110 70 80 90 100 110
Outside Air Temperature [°F] Outside Air Temperature [°F]
Figure 14. OAT vs. average demand savings
Table 22 lists the results of paired sample t‐tests for OAT vs. demand savings shown in
Figure 14 (significance level α = 0.05). The demand savings at three sites out of six
showed statistically significant correlation with OAT. The weather dependency of
demand savings varies widely depending on many factors including the building’s
system profile and the DR strategies chosen. Further investigation should be conducted
with a larger set of sample data.
Table 22. Statistical significance of OAT vs. demand savings
Sample Statistical
Sites DR strategies Probability
size significance
Office A GTA, CHW valve limit, etc 11 97% Yes
Office B GTA 11 4% No
Office C GTA 11 100% Yes
Office D RTU shutdown, Lighting, etc 11 79% No
Retail A GTA 5 87% No
Retail B GTA, RTU shutdown 11 100% Yes
Figure 15 shows the correlation between outside air temperature (OAT) and average
whole building power demand for an office building for a high‐price period (3 p.m. to 6
p.m.) for 11 events in 2006. This building utilized GTA strategy with two‐level increase
for a rooftop unit (RTU) system with VAV. The high‐price period average of the
adjusted OAT regression baseline and CPP baseline of the event days are also plotted.
Regression lines are projected for the actual demand of non‐event days and event days
separately. As shown, the regression line of non‐event day actual demand has positive
linear correlation, as well as does the regression line of event day actual demand.
Though the event day demand line is slightly steeper than the non‐event day line, the
two regression lines are approximately parallel. This indicates that the average demand
savings were nearly constant regardless of OAT at this building. The adjusted OAT
regression model baseline shows a higher estimate than the actual days’ regression line.
Since the noon‐time load of the actual event days was closer to the adjusted model than
the regression estimate, we assume that the adjusted model is more accurate in this case.
The average demand savings based on the adjusted OAT regression model were
approximately constant over the series of events. This chart also indicates that CPP
baselines were nearly constant, because CPP baseline is an average of the building
demand for non‐event days. On the CPP event days the OAT was higher than that of
any non‐event days.
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Max OAT (°F)
DR event day Non-DR event day Adj OAT Reg
CPP Baseline Linear (Non-DR event day) Linear (DR event day)
Figure 15. Whole-building hourly demand vs. OAT and demand sheds
5.1. Discussion
This section addresses key issues that were not pursued in this report. These issues can
form a future research agenda.
Hot and humid climates
Most of the examples introduced in this report are based on the results from the LBNL
Auto‐DR studies. The studies were performed in the northern California region, which
does not have a hot and humid climate. Thus, this report does not include careful
consideration of application of DR to facilities in hot and humid climates. While lighting
DR strategies are mostly independent of climate, further field investigation in diverse
climate conditions should be considered for HVAC DR strategies.
Demand savings potential in different seasons
The focus of the report was to introduce DR strategies for summer peak demand
reduction. However, although a DR event is likely to occur on a high‐temperature day,
an unexpected event in electric grid conditions or a temporary electricity price increase
can be triggered by factors other than temperature. In such cases, the demand savings
potential for seasons other than summer should also be investigated for HVAC DR
Short hours versus long hours
As DR programs evolve into more dynamic and real‐time strategies, a variety of DR
program options will emerge, including short‐hours and long‐hours events. This report
does not specifically indicate the difference between the short‐hours and long‐hours
events. A short‐hours event may be triggered by a sudden contingency in the electric
grid and may require short‐term but aggressive demand savings. On the other hand, a
long‐hours event may be triggered by an electricity price change or other factors and
may require long‐term but moderate demand savings. Characteristics of a DR strategy
may better suit either short‐hours or long‐hours events or be applicable for both.
Currently major California investor‐owned utilities (IOUs) offer Critical Peak Pricing
(CPP), which has a DR period of 6 hours, and Demand Bidding Program (DBP), which
has a customizable DR period of 2 to 8 hours. DR strategies and the depth of DR control
should be carefully investigated with relation to their duration to maximize demand
savings achievement, minimize impact to occupants, and maximize financial incentive
benefits from the DR programs.
Demand savings estimation tool
As mentioned throughout this report, the demand savings can widely vary depending
on numerous influential factors. It would be useful to have a simplified calculation tool
for demand savings estimation. The tool should be examined by comparing it against
actual case studies and detailed building simulation models. Development of a
simplified estimation tool for various types of DR strategies is recommended. Part of
this development was initiated in passive thermal mass storage cooling research area
(Xu 2006). A series of discussions has been conducted among LBNL researchers and DR
auditors regarding simplified calculation methods to be used in utility incentive
applications for DR technology installations. These efforts need to be coordinated and
5.2. Conclusions
The conclusions of this report are summarized below.
• The goal of DR strategies is to meet electric demand savings targets while
minimizing negative impacts on the occupants or the processes that they
• HVAC systems can be an excellent resource for DR shed savings because:
o HVAC systems create a substantial electric load in commercial buildings,
o The thermal flywheel effect of indoor environments allows HVAC
systems to be temporarily unloaded without immediate impact to the
building occupants, and
o It is common for HVAC systems to be at least partially automated with
EMCS systems.
• For HVAC DR strategies, global temperature adjustment of zones is the priority
strategy that best achieves the DR goal. In contrast, systemic adjustments to the
air distribution and/or cooling systems can useful for DR, but care must be taken
to prevent disruption to occupants.
• DR strategies that slowly return the system to normal conditions (rebound
avoidance) should be considered to avoid unwanted demand spikes caused by
an immediate increase of cooling load.
• Lighting DR strategies tend to be simple and provide constant, predictable
demand savings. Since lighting systems produce heat, reducing lighting levels
may reduce the cooling load and/or increase the heating load within the space.
• Major obstacles for automation of lighting DR strategies are:
o the resolution of lighting controls tends to be lower than that of HVAC
controls, and
o lighting systems are often not automated with EMCS.
• If a DR strategy can be achieved without any reduction in service, the strategy
should be considered as a permanent energy‐efficiency opportunity rather than a
temporary DR strategy. That is, it should be performed on non‐DR days as well.
An added benefit of DR is that these energy‐efficiency opportunities can often be
discovered through development and implementation of DR control.
• The process of commissioning should be applied to each phase of DR control
strategy application, including planning, installation, and implementation to
make sure the goal of DR control is achieved.
5.3. Recommendations
This information should be disseminated to key personnel who are involved in DR
implementation including facility managers, building owners, controls contractors, and
auditors. Disseminating this information will help provide a common understanding of
DR control strategies and development procedures to enable these strategies. Readers
should note that the report is intended as a starting point for organizing and presenting
such information, not an exclusive list of all DR strategies. Further research is needed to
better understand the peak demand reduction potential and capabilities of these
strategies for various building types in different climates and occupancy patterns.
Additionally, research is needed in characterizing the capabilities of EMCSs for enabling
DR and matching DR technologies and strategies with existing DR program rules for
delivering optimized demand savings. One specific technical development needed is to
explore the design and operation of simplified peak electric demand savings estimation
methods and tools. Current auditors and building engineers have widely varying
methods to estimate peak demand reductions for various strategies.
Among specific technical development efforts, development of a simplified demand
saving estimation tool is recommended, as mentioned in the Discussion section. These
efforts should be conducted as streamlined research.
This guide is based primarily on case studies in California and is intended to help
streamline the DR control strategy implementation process and increase successful
participation in DR programs in California. Peak demand reduction and demand
response are key parts of the state’s energy policies.
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Buildings: Less is More: En Route to Zero Energy Buildings, Asilomar, Pacific
Grove CA, August 13–18.
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AHU Air handling unit
CAV Constant air volume
CEC California Energy Commission
CHW Chilled water
CPP Critical peak pricing
DBP Demand bidding program
DDC Direct digital control
DR Demand response
DSP Duct static pressure
DX Direct expansion
EMCS Energy management and control system
GTA Global temperature adjustment
HMI Human machine interface
HVAC Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
IGV Inlet guide vanes
IOU Investor‐owned utility
ISO Independent system operator
IWC Inch water column
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LRC Lighting Research Center
NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
OAT Outside air temperature
PIER Public Interest Energy Research
PMV Predicted mean vote
RTU Roof‐top unit
SAT Supply air temperature
TDV Time dependent valuation
TMY Typical meteorological year
VAV Variable air volume
VFD Variable frequency drive
Introduction to Commercial Building Control Strategies
and Techniques for Demand Response
Naoya Motegi
Mary Ann Piette
David Watson
Sila Kiliccote
Peng Xu
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, California 94720
May 22, 2007
Table of Contents
Appendix A: DR Strategies for HVAC Systems................................................................ A‐1
A.1. Global Temperature Adjustment (GTA)................................................................... A‐2
A.2. Passive Thermal Mass Storage ................................................................................... A‐3
A.3. Duct Static Pressure Decrease .................................................................................... A‐7
A.4. Fan VFD Limit .............................................................................................................. A‐9
A.5. Supply Air Temperature Increase ........................................................................... A‐12
A.6. Fan Quantity Reduction ............................................................................................ A‐13
A.7. Cooling Valve Limit................................................................................................... A‐14
A.8. Slow Recovery Strategy............................................................................................. A‐15
A.9. Extended DR Control Period.................................................................................... A‐17
References ........................................................................................................................... A‐19
Appendix B: Summary of DR Strategies..............................................................................B‐1
B.1. DR Strategies of LBNL Auto‐DR Studies ...................................................................B‐1
B.2. DR Strategies of Other Case Studies ...........................................................................B‐3
References ..............................................................................................................................B‐5
Appendix C: Case Study of Advanced Demand Response ............................................. C‐1
C.1. DR Strategies Plan at New York Times Headquarters ........................................... C‐1
C.2. Preliminary Results of Simulation Study.................................................................. C‐2
C.3. Conclusion..................................................................................................................... C‐3
References ............................................................................................................................. C‐4
List of Tables
Table A.1. Summary of DR strategies.................................................................................... A‐1
Table A.2. Simulation building description .......................................................................... A‐3
Table B.1. DR strategies by site for LBNL Auto‐DR studies, 2003 and 2004.....................B‐1
Table B.2. DR Strategies by site for LBNL Auto‐CPP study, 2005......................................B‐2
Table B.3. DR strategies by site for other case studies..........................................................B‐3
Table C.1. DR strategies for second phase simulation, New York Times building ........ C‐2
Table C.2. Simulation sequence of DR strategies, New York Times building ................. C‐2
List of Figures
Figure A.1. Whole building power (global temperature adjustment) ‐ 2530 Arnold ..... A‐2
Figure A.2. Weekday hourly zone temperature setpoints for night setup, light, moderate,
and extended pre‐cooling strategies ............................................................................. A‐4
Figure A.3. Cooling load profiles for night setup, ............................................................... A‐4
Figure A.4. Weekday hourly zone temperature setpoints for night setup,..................... A‐5
Figure A.5. Cooling load profiles for night setup, ............................................................... A‐6
Figure A.6. Fan performance curve for DSP decrease strategy ......................................... A‐8
Figure A.7. Fan performance curve for fan VFD limit strategy ....................................... A‐10
Figure A.8. Fan power (fan VFD limit) ‐ UCSB .................................................................. A‐11
Figure A.9. Total whole building power (fan quantity reduction) ‐ Roche.................... A‐13
Figure A.10. Cooling demand (cooling valve limit) ‐ UCSB ............................................ A‐14
Figure A.11. Whole building power (without slow recovery) ‐ Echelon........................ A‐15
Figure A.12. Whole building power (with slow recovery) ‐ Echelon ............................. A‐16
Figure A.13. Whole building power (without extended DR period) ‐ ACWD.............. A‐17
Figure A.14. Whole building power (with extended DR period) ‐ ACWD.................... A‐18
Figure C.1. Total demand profile of occupied floors, New York Times building........... C‐3
Appendix A
DR Strategies for HVAC Systems
Appendix A: DR Strategies for HVAC
This section provides additional technical details on HVAC DR strategies that are not
covered in the main report. Although section 4.3 of the main report discusses statistical
data from actual demand saving results, it does not clearly identify the demand savings
results for some strategies, for reasons such as irregular whole building load shape, lack
of sub‐metering, or the application of multiple DR strategies. This appendix contains
some actual demonstration results, which clearly illustrate the effects of the strategies.
Table A.1 is a summary of the strategies discussed in this appendix.
Table A.1. Summary of DR strategies
Category DR Strategy Technical Details Case Study
Zone Global temperature adjustment X X
control Passive thermal mass storage X
Duct static pressure decrease X
Fan variable frequency drive limit X X
Supply air temperature increase X
Fan quantity reduction X
Cooling valve limit X
Chilled water temperature increase
Chiller demand limit
Chiller quantity reduction
Slow recovery X
Sequential equipment recovery
Extended DR control period X
A.1. Global Temperature Adjustment (GTA)
Case Study
Site Name 2530 Arnold (Martinez CA), government office
Moderate Price (12:00 p.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m.)
Zone setpoint increased 2°F (76°F to 78°F)
DR Strategy
High Price (3:00 pm ‐ 6:00 pm)
Zone setpoint increased 4°F (80°F)
Event Date 9/22/2005 (Max OAT: 82°F)
Figure A.1. Whole building power (global temperature adjustment) ‐ 2530 Arnold shows
the whole building power and baselines 1 of the building on a DR event day. This site
used GTA, which has two levels of step increase (Pattern #1). The whole building
demand dropped 100 kW immediately after the moderate price period started (transient
savings). After about an hour the whole building demand increased and stabilized
around 50 kW lower than the baseline (steady‐state savings). This indicates that it took
an hour to increase zone temperature from 76°F to 78°F with no cooling or a minimum
level of cooling. 350 kW of whole building demand was required to maintain a 78°F
setpoint, while 400 kW was required to maintain a 76°F setpoint.
When the high price period started, the demand dropped again from 350 kW to 300 kW
(transient savings). After about an hour the whole building demand slightly increased.
Around this time the whole building demand began to decrease towards the end of the
occupancy period. The building did not have a rebound peak because the occupancy
period ended at nearly the same time as the end of the curtailment period.
2530 Arnold: Sep-22
Whole Bulding Power [kW]
Figure A.1. Whole building power (global temperature adjustment) - 2530 Arnold
1 LBNL’s OAT regression baseline model and PG&E’s CPP baseline (highest 3 days of the last 10
non‐event working days) are plotted.
A.2. Passive Thermal Mass Storage
This section summarizes the results of a simulation analysis of passive thermal mass
storage strategy conducted by Purdue University (Braun et al. 2001). Several thermal
mass pre‐cooling and discharge strategies were examined in the simulation.
Table A.2 shows details of the building for which the simulation model was developed.
The simulation tool was used to estimate cooling season operation for a variety of DR
strategies, utility rates, and locations. For these simulations, typical meteorological year
(TMY) data were used for all locations. The acceptable range of occupied zone air
temperatures was considered to be between 69°F to 77°F. This range was based on
comfort studies specific to the field site (Keeney and Braun 1997).
Table A.2. Simulation building description
Building use Headquarters office building
• 1.4 million ft², 4‐story
• Heavy‐weight concrete structure, energy‐efficient windows
Building profile
• Total of 3,600 ton chillers, AHU with VAV, total 1,200,000 cfm
• Occupancy period 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
DR Strategy Pre‐cooling
Figure A.2. Weekday hourly zone temperature setpoints for night setup, light, moderate,
and extended pre‐cooling strategies shows zone setpoint temperature variations for
four strategies where the on‐peak occupied setpoint was held constant at 73°F. Night
setup was the baseline used for comparing the alternative strategies. The light pre‐cooling
and moderate pre‐cooling strategies are simple strategies that pre‐cool the building at a
fixed setpoint of 67°F prior to occupancy and then maintain a fixed discharge setpoint in
the middle of the comfort range, 73°F, during occupancy. The light pre‐cooling begins at
3 a.m., whereas moderate pre‐cooling starts at 1 a.m. The extended pre‐cooling strategy
also starts at 1 a.m. and attempts to maintain the thermal mass cooled until the onset of
the on‐peak period. In this case, the setpoint at occupancy is maintained at the lower
limit of comfort, 69°F, until the on‐peak period begins at 9 a.m. At this point, the setpoint
is raised to the middle of the comfort range (73°F).
Figure A.3 shows the simulated cooling loads for a sample day in mid‐July in Chicago
for each of the strategies. For all three strategies, night setup resulted in very little
cooling during the unoccupied period, with a peak ocurring in the middle of the night.
The cooling requirement was relatively flat during the day, with a second peak near the
end of the occupied period. Each of the pre‐cooling strategies resulted in reduced
cooling requirements throughout the occupied period, particularly in the early morning.
The greater the pre‐cooling, the greater the on‐peak period load reduction. For each
strategy, although the on‐peak total cooling requirement was reduced significantly, the
peak cooling requirement during the on‐peak period was only marginally reduced.
These strategies tended to discharge the mass relatively early during the on‐peak period.
The peak loads could be reduced further if up to the upper limit of comfort range were
used throughout the on‐peak occupied period.
Figure A.2. Weekday hourly zone temperature setpoints for night setup, light,
moderate, and extended pre-cooling strategies
Figure A.3. Cooling load profiles for night setup,
light, moderate, and extended pre-cooling strategies
Figure A.4 shows two additional strategies that have the same pre‐cooling
characteristics as the extended pre‐cooling strategy, but that use the entire comfort range
during the on‐peak occupied period. The maximum discharge strategy attempts to
discharge the mass as quickly as possible following the onset of the on‐peak period. In
this case, the setpoint is raised to the upper limit of comfort within an hour after the on‐
peak period begins. The maximum discharge strategy maximizes storage efficiency and
load shifting but is not necessarily optimal in terms of peak load reduction. It tends to
lead to low loads during the morning and a peak during the late afternoon. Linear rise
strategies were also investigated as a means of leveling the load to further reduce peak
loads. The slow linear rise strategy raises the setpoint linearly over the entire on‐peak
occupied period (nine hours in this case), whereas the fast linear rise strategy raises the
setpoint over four hours.
Figure A.5 shows cooling load profiles for the night setup, maximum discharge, and
linear rise strategies for the same day in mid‐July. The maximum discharge strategy
resulted in the lowest on‐peak period total load. It also had a slightly lower peak load
than the linear rise strategies during the on‐peak period (after 9 am). The fast linear rise
strategy had a flatter on‐peak load profile but had its peak at the onset of the on‐peak
period. It is interesting to note that both the maximum discharge and the fast linear rise
strategies resulted in minimum chiller loading at the onset of the on‐peak period.
Figure A.4. Weekday hourly zone temperature setpoints for night setup,
maximum discharge, and linear temperature rise strategies
Figure A.5. Cooling load profiles for night setup,
maximum discharge, and linear temperature rise strategies
A.3. Duct Static Pressure Decrease
This section describes the principle of controlling fan behavior using the duct static
pressure (DSP) decrease strategy. Figure A.6 illustrates the concept of fan system
parameter behavior when the DSP decrease strategy is applied. The fan characteristics
curves based on the fan laws 2 and duct system characteristics are defined here
(assuming fan size, gas density, and mechanical efficiency do not change during the DR
strategy operation):
• fan curve: Shows the relation between total pressure and airflow rate determined by
fan VFD.
• system curve: Shows the relation between total pressure and airflow rate determined
by duct system resistance (from ducts and VAV dampers).
• power curve: Shows the relation between airflow rate and fan power.
In the figure, the airflow rate and total pressure of the fan system are originally
positioned at point ○ a on fan curve 1 as their normal settings. When the DSP setpoint is
decreased, the system shifts from system curve 1 to system curve 2. Under this strategy,
the fan variable frequency drive (VFD) speed is decreased to adjust the DSP, which
causes conditions to shift from fan curve 1 to fan curve 2. The variable air volume (VAV)
dampers open wider to deliver the same airflow rate for the lower DSP condition. The
pressure‐airflow relationship is stabilized with airflow rate and total pressure at point ○ b
on fan curve 2, as shown. Power decreases as the fan speed is decreased and system
conditions move from power curve 1 to power curve 2. The demand savings achievement
by this strategy is represented by the shift from point ○
a to point ○
b on the power curves.
If the DSP setpoint is too low to deliver enough air to some zones, the VAV boxes at
these zones will open 100% and starve for air. Even if some VAV boxes are starving, the
fan VFD will not speed up as long as the DSP setpoint is maintained. If the DSP setpoint
is not met, then the airflow rate becomes lower than required to maintain comfort in the
space. This reduction in airflow reduces the chilled water flow to maintain the supply air
temperature. Consequently, cooling demand is saved under such conditions, but airflow
may fall below design levels in some zones. Therefore, careful consideration to avoid a
shortage of fresh air supply should be taken in selecting a DSP setpoint.
2 The fan laws relate the performance variables for any dynamically‐similar series of fans. The
variables are fan size, rotational speed, gas density, volume flow rate, pressure, power, and
mechanical efficiency (ASHRAE System and Equipment Handbook 18.4).
Figure A.6. Fan performance curve for DSP decrease strategy
A.4. Fan VFD Limit
This section describes the principle of controlling fan control behavior by the fan variable
frequency drive (VFD) limit strategy. Figure A.7 illustrates the concept of fan system
parameter behavior when the fan VFD limit strategy is applied. In the figure, the airflow
rate and total pressure of the fan system are originally positioned at point ○ a on fan
curve 1 as their normal settings. When fan speed is lowered by the DR control, system
conditions shift from fan curve 1 to fan curve 2. To maintain the duct static pressure
(DSP) setpoint the system conditions have to be on system curve 1. When the strategy is
applied the total fan pressure moves to point ○
b on fan curve 2, with a corresponding
reduction in airflow rate. On the fan power side, when the fan speed is lowered the
system moves from power curve 1 to power curve 2. Due to the airflow rate reduction the
fan power is reduced to point ○
b on power curve 2.
However, the VAV boxes are not satisfied with the reduced airflow and start opening
the damper positions. From this point, the system can no longer maintain the DSP
setpoint, because the fan speed is locked. The condition rides on fan curve 2 as the DSP
decreases while the airflow increases. In the figure, conditions move from system curve
1 towards system curve 2 (DSP 1.0 IWC (inches water column)), and the airflow rate is
satisfied at point ○
c on system curve 2. The demand savings is represented by ○
a – ○
c on
the fan power curves.
If the VFD limit is too low to maintain sufficient DSP, the VAV boxes at some zones
open 100% and starve for air. Even if some VAV boxes are starving, the fan VFD will
not speed up because the fan speed is locked, causing DSP to drop. This strategy may
provide essentially the same result as the DSP decrease strategy. However, when the
fan VFD limit strategy is used, the resulting DSP cannot be predicted, while DSP can be
specified with the DSP decrease strategy.
Figure A.7. Fan performance curve for fan VFD limit strategy
Case Study
Site Name UC Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara CA), Library
Moderate Price (1:15 p.m. ‐ 2:15 p.m., 3:15 p.m. ‐ 4:15 p.m.)
Supply fan VFD 70% limit
Economizer 100% open
DR Strategy High Price (2:15 p.m. ‐ 3:15 p.m.)
Supply fan VFD 60% limit
Duct static pressure reset 0.4 IWC (partial)
Heating/cooling valve closed
Event Date 11/19/2003 (Max OAT: 69 °F)
Figure A.8 shows the fan power demand of a university library that employed the fan
VFD limit strategy in a mixture of multiple strategies. The fan power shed was mostly
accomplished by the fan VFD limit strategy. During normal operation most fans were
operated at 100% VFD. During the moderate price period the fan VFD was limited to
70% achieving approximately 17% fan power reduction. During the high price period
the fan VFD was lowered to 60% resulting in approximately 35% of fan power shed
compared to the baseline operation.
Power [kW]
Figure A.8. Fan power (fan VFD limit) - UCSB
A.5. Supply Air Temperature Increase
This section describes the controls behavior for the supply air temperature (SAT)
increase strategy for VAV systems. When the SAT is raised, the VAV boxes require more
airflow and open the dampers wider. This causes the DSP to drop. The fan speeds up to
maintain the DSP setpoint resulting in a fan power increase. Therefore, locking the fan
VFD or IGV at their positions prior to curtailment is required to avoid a significant fan
power increase. However, even when the fan VFD or IGV is locked, the airflow increases
until it satisfies the VAV boxes (when DSP is lowered airflow rate can increase even
without increasing fan speed). Along with the airflow increase, the fan power may or
may not increase depending on its location on the power curve (no power reduction is
expected). Therefore, fan power demand savings cannot be achieved by this strategy.
The increased airflow requires the same amount of chilled water flow as would be
required at the original SAT setting. Therefore, this strategy will not save or may even
increase fan power demand, nor will it save chiller power demand, while the DSP
setpoint is maintained.
To achieve cooling demand savings, the SAT setpoint has to be raised until the VAV
system loses control of the DSP setpoint. As in the fan VFD limit strategy, when some
VAV boxes open 100% and begin to starve for air, the DSP setpoint can no longer be
maintained if the VFD is locked. Then the airflow rate becomes smaller than required.
This reduction in airflow reduces the chilled water flow to maintain the SAT.
Consequently, the cooling demand is saved.
For reheat load reduction an SAT increase strategy will be beneficial for both CAV and
VAV systems. If the building has a large reheat load, since many VAV boxes are running
at minimum damper position, the airflow increase caused by the SAT increase will be
minimal. Technically, the same amount of cooling energy will be reduced as reduced
reheat energy.
The best practice for reheat control for a VAV system is to increase the SAT until the first
VAV box damper goes to the fully‐open position. If the building is operated in this
manner the SAT increase will cause some VAV boxes to starve immediately. If the SAT
is controlled at a fixed temperature, the SAT increase may not cause a significant zone
temperature increase if most of the VAV boxes are operated below 100% open. If the
building tends to have a large reheat load, fine tuning of this strategy results in
worthwhile demand savings without a severe reduction in service.
A.6. Fan Quantity Reduction
Case Study
Roche Pharmaceutical (Palo Alto CA),
Site Name
Office, Auditorium, and Cafeteria
Moderate Price (1:15 p.m. ‐ 2:15 p.m., 3:15 p.m. ‐ 4:15 p.m.)
Auditorium ‐ supply fans off (50%)
High Price (2:15 p.m. ‐ 3:15 p.m.)
DR Strategy
Auditorium ‐ supply fans off (50%)
Cafeteria ‐ supply fans off (50%)
Office ‐ supply fans off (50%)
Event Date 11/19/2003 (Max OAT: 66°F)
A pharmaceutical laboratory campus used fan quantity reduction for its DR strategy at
three buildings ‐‐ an office, an auditorium, and a cafeteria. Half of the constant volume
AHUs were turned off for 3 hours in the auditorium and for 1 hour in the cafeteria and
the office. Figure A.9 shows the whole building power (not including the cooling
demand) and the aggregated OAT regression baseline of all three buildings. The levels
of demand shed due to the different price signals can be clearly seen in the demand
profile. After the first $0.30/kWh signal at 1 p.m., the whole building power dropped by
71 kW at 1:15 p.m. from the implementation of the fan quantity reduction strategy in the
auditorium. After the $0.75/kWh signal at 2 p.m., the demand dropped further by 57 kW
at 2:15 p.m. when half the fans were also shut off in the cafeteria and the office. Roche
achieved maximum 164 kW demand savings (28%) from 2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. After the
end of the moderate price signal at 3:00 p.m., the cafeteria and office fans were returned
to 100% operation, while half the auditorium fans remained shut off.
Whole Building Power [kW]
A.7. Cooling Valve Limit
Case Study
Site Name UC Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara CA), Library
DR Strategy Moderate Price (1:15 p.m. ‐ 2:15 p.m., 3:15 p.m. ‐ 4:15 p.m.)
Supply fan VFD 70% limit
Economizer 100% open
High Price (2:15 p.m. ‐ 3:15 p.m.)
Supply fan VFD 60% limit
Duct static pressure reset 0.4 IWC (partial)
Heating/cooling valve closed
Event Date 11/19/2003 (Max OAT: 69°F)
Cooling valve limit was another strategy employed by the university library. Chilled
water is supplied from a campus‐wide chilled water network, and during the DR event
the cooling valve was completely shut off to reduce chiller demand at the central plant.
The fan was kept operating at lower speed to deliver fresh air to zones.
Figure A.10 shows the library’s cooling demand, which was calculated from chilled
water consumption at the library and the ratio of the central chiller plant electric
demand to total chilled water supply Btu/h. Cooling power dropped significantly at the
beginning of the high price period because of the strategy. However, the cooling power
demand had a rebound peak at the end of the shed period and was greater than the
baseline demand for that time period. A rebound avoidance strategy should be
considered when this strategy is applied.
Power [kW]
A.8. Slow Recovery Strategy
This section introduces a case study of the slow recovery strategy, one of the rebound
avoidance strategies.
Case Study
Site Name Echelon (San Jose CA), Corporate headquarters office
DR Strategy Moderate Price (12:00 p.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m.)
Hallway lighting turned off where ambient light present
Daylit office lights turned off
Inner office lights dimmed to 20%
High Price (3:00 p.m. ‐ 6:00 p.m.)
1 of 3 RTU turned off
DSP reduced from 1.5ʺ to 0.8ʺ
SAT increased from 55 to 65°F
Rebound avoidance
Ramp‐up DSP in 0.2 IWC increments every 5 minutes (manual)
Event Dates 10/13/2005 (Max OAT: 83 °F), 10/25/2005 (Max OAT: 69 °F)
Figure A.11 shows the whole building power and OAT regression baselines of an office
building that employed a set of HVAC DR strategies for the high price period. Due to
limitation of the control system’s capability, the rebound peak avoidance strategy was
not programmed for the first test. After the DR period, all the HVAC operations were set
back to normal at once, and this caused rebound peak.
Figure A.11. Whole building power (without slow recovery) - Echelon
Whole Bulding Power [kW]
For the second test, to avoid the high rebound peak right after the shed period, the
operator did manual slow recovery by ramping up the duct static pressure from 0.8 IWC
to 1.5 IWC in increments of 0.2 IWC every 5 minutes. It took about 20 minutes to get the
DSP back to normal. The building operator also manually ramped down the supply air
temperature from 65°F to 55°F gradually over 30 minutes after the end of DR period.
Figure A.12 shows the whole building power of the site when the slow recovery strategy
was applied. Use of this strategy mitigated the high rebound peak.
Whole Bulding Power [kW]
Actual LBNL Baseline CPP Baseline
Figure A.12. Whole building power (with slow recovery) - Echelon
A.9. Extended DR Control Period
This section introduces a case study of the extended DR control period strategy, one of
the rebound avoidance strategies.
Case Study
Site Name Alameda County Water District (Fremont CA), Office
DR Strategy Moderate Price (12:00 p.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m.)
Boiler disabled
CHW setpoint raised to 50°F
Current limiting to 70%
SAT increased from 55°F to 65°F for AHUs 1, 2, 3, and Lab AHU
DSP setpoint decreased from 1.5ʺ to 1.0ʺ
Zone setpoint increased to 75°F
High Price (3:00 p.m. ‐ 6:00 p.m.)
Zone setpoint increased to 78°F
Rebound Avoidance
Extend shed control 2 hours (until 8 p.m.)
Event Date 9/29/2005 (Max OAT: 87°F), 10/6/2005 (Max OAT: 75°F)
Figure A.13 shows the whole building power and OAT regression baselines of an office
building that employed multiple HVAC DR strategies. At the beginning of the
demonstration this site did not have any rebound avoidance strategy programmed. At
the end of the DR period a high rebound peak occurred due to the sudden recovery of
HVAC operation.
Whole Bulding Power [kW]
After experiencing the rebound peak during the first test, the building operator added
an extended DR control period. Since the occupants start to leave around 6 p.m., the
operator assumed that there would be no significant impact on occupant comfort even if
the DR strategies were continued after the end of the work day. The new sequence of
operation initiated the original DR strategies when the DR event was triggered and
continued the strategies until 8 p.m.
Figure A.14 shows the demonstration results after implementation of the extended DR
period strategy. For this event all the strategies were successfully operated and rebound
peak did not occur.
Whole Bulding Power [kW]
Actual LBNL Baseline CPP Baseline
Figure A.14. Whole building power (with extended DR period) – ACWD
ASHRAE 2004. ASHRAE Handbook – HVAC Systems and Equipment. American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 18.4.
Atlanta GA.
Braun, J.E., K.W. Montgomery, and N. Chaturvedi. 2001. Evaluating the Performance of
Building Thermal Mass Control Strategies. International Journal of Heating,
Ventilating, Air‐Conditioning and Refrigeration Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 403‐
428. October.
Keeney, K.R. and J.E. Braun. 1997. Application of Building Precooling to Reduce Peak Cooling
Requirements. ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.103, No.1, pp. 463‐469.
Appendix B
Summary of DR Strategies
Appendix B: Summary of DR Strategies
This section summarizes the DR control strategies chosen for each participation site in
the LBNL Auto‐DR studies over three years (Piette et al. 2005a, 2005b, 2006) and other
case studies (see section 1.5 of the main report).
Table B.1 summarizes the DR strategies chosen for the Auto‐DR participant sites in 2003
and 2004. Albertsons, Bank of America, OFB, Roche and UCSB participated in the 2003
and 2004 studies and rest of the sites in the table participated in the 2004 study.
In these tests the moderate price period was from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 4
p.m. The high price period was from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. The strategies chosen for the
moderate price period were continued during the high price period, with greater
increase or decrease of parameter setpoints chosen for the moderate price period.
Table B.1. DR strategies by site for LBNL Auto-DR studies, 2003 and 2004
Site Name Moderate Price High Price
► CHW temp increase 44°F Æ 47°F ► CHW temp increase Æ 55°F
► GTA cooling 1.5°F increase ► GTA cooling 3°F increase
300 Capitol Mall ► Supply fan VFD lock
- Office ► Fountain pump off
► Fan quantity reduction at loading deck
► Zone switching at lobby
Albertsons - ► Bi-level switching 35% off at store area ► Anti-sweat door heater in night-mode
B of A - Office, ► SAT reset 55°F Æ 59°F ► SAT reset Æ 59°F
Data Center ► DSP decrease 2.2” Æ 1.8” ► DSP decrease Æ 1.4”
Cal EPA - Office ► DSP decrease 1.0” Æ 0.5” ► Zone switching in daylit space
► Unload chiller and cool with ice storage
► Fan quantity reduction (2 AHU off)
Research Lab
► Electric humidifier off
► GTA cooling 2°F increase
Cisco - Office, ► Boiler pump off & stairwell fan coils off
Data Center ► Zone switching in daylit space
► Zone switching in stairwell, lobby, hallway
50 Douglas - ► GTA cooling 76°F Æ 78°F ► GTA cooling Æ 80°F
Summit Center - ► GTA cooling 76°F Æ 78°F ► GTA cooling Æ 80°F
► GTA cooling individually setup by zones ► RTU quantity reduction (2 of 3 off)
Echelon - Office ► Continuous dimming at office ► Zone switching in common area
► Bi-level switching up to 50% off in hallway
450 Golden Gate ► GTA cooling 72°F Æ 74°F ► GTA cooling Æ 78°F
- Federal Office ► GTA heating 70°F Æ 68°F ► GTA heating Æ 66°F
NARA - Federal ► GTA cooling 75°F Æ 76°F ► GTA cooling Æ 78°F
Archive Storage ► GTA heating 70°F Æ 68°F ► GTA heating Æ 66°F
Oakland Federal ► GTA cooling 72°F Æ 76°F ► GTA cooling Æ 78°F
- Office ► GTA heating 70°F Æ 68°F ► GTA heating Æ 66°F
Kadant - Material ► Transfer pump off
Monterey - ► Bi-level switching 33% off at lobby
Table B.1. DR strategies by site for LBNL Auto-DR studies, 2003 and 2004 (continued)
Site Name Moderate Price High Price
► GTA cooling 72°F Æ 76°F ► GTA cooling Æ 78°F
OSIsoft - Office
► GTA heating 70°F Æ 68°F
Roche - Office, ► Supply fan quantity reduction (50%) in Bldg- ► Supply fan quantity reduction (50%) in
Cafeteria A Bldgs-B&C
► Supply fan VFD limit 70% ► Supply fan VFD limit 60%
UCSB - Library ► DSP decrease 0.4” (partial)
► Heating/cooling valve closed
USPS - ► Chiller demand limit 75% ► Chiller demand limit 50%
CHW: chilled water, GTA: global temperature adjustment, VFD: variable frequency drive
SAT: supply air temperature, DSP: duct static pressure, RTU: rooftop unit
Table B.2 summarizes the DR strategies chosen for the Auto‐DR participant sites in 2005.
The major additions from the 2003 and 2004 studies were passive thermal mass storage
and rebound avoidance strategies. In the table, pre‐cooling for passive thermal mass
storage and other strategies started prior to the DR period and are noted as “Pre‐event”
in the Moderate Price column. Rebound avoidance strategies are noted as “Rebound” in
High Price column.
Table B.2. DR Strategies by site for LBNL Auto-CPP study, 2005
Site Name Moderate Price High Price
► Boiler disabled ► GTA cooling Æ 78°F
► CHW temp increase Æ 50°F ► (Rebound) Extended DR control period 2
ACWD - Office, ► Cooling valve limit 70% hours (until 8 p.m.)
Lab ► SAT increase 55°F Æ 65°F
► DSP decrease 1.5" Æ 1.0"
► GTA cooling Æ 75°F
► DSP decrease 2.2" Æ 1.4"
B of A - Office, ► Fan VFD lock 3 minutes after DSP decrease
Data Center ► CHW temp increase 5°F at secondary loop
► Cooling valve lock at AHU
► (Pre-event) Free cooling when OAT is below ► GTA cooling Æ 78°F (4/3°F/h step-by-step)
Chabot - 62°F. Pre-cooling until noon at 70°F average
Museum zone temperature.
► GTA cooling Æ 74°F (4/3°F/h step-by-step)
► GTA cooling 76°F Æ 78°F ► GTA cooling Æ 80°F
2530 Arnold -
► (Rebound) Sequential recovery: VAV boxes
released one by one over a short interval
► GTA cooling 76°F Æ 78°F ► GTA cooling Æ 80°F
50 Douglas -
► (Rebound) Sequential recovery: VAV boxes
released one by one over a short interval
► Zone switching at hallway with ambient light ► RTU quantity reduction (1 of 3 off)
Echelon - Office ► Zone switching in daylit spaces ► DSP decrease 1.5" Æ 0.8"
► Continuous dimming 20% off in offices ► SAT increase 55°F Æ 65°F
► (Pre-event) GTA 72°F until 11:50 a.m. for ► Turn off HVAC system at 2:50 pm (school
Irvington - High
pre-cooling closes at 3 pm)
► GTA cooling Æ 78°F
Gilead 300 - ► (Pre-event) Shed control starts at 11 a.m. ► Same as moderate price
Office ► SAT increase 55°F Æ 65°F.
► (Pre-event) Shed control starts at 11 a.m. ► Same as moderate price
Gilead 342 -
► SAT increase 55°F Æ 65°F
Office, Lab
► GTA cooling Æ 75°F (70 - 75°F normal)
► ((Pre-event) Shed control starts at 11 a.m. ► Same as moderate price
Gilead 357 -
► SAT increase 55°F Æ 65°F
Office, lab
► GTA cooling Æ 75°F (70 - 75°F normal)
Table B.2. DR strategies by site for LBNL Auto-CPP study, 2005 (continued)
Site Name Moderate Price High Price
IKEA - Retail ► GTA cooling 2°F increase ► GTA cooling Æ 76°F
LBNL OSF - ► (Pre-event) GTA 0 to 2°F in morning for pre- ► GTA cooling up to 6°F increase
Office, Data cooling
Center ► GTA cooling 2 - 6°F increase
Oracle - Office ► DSP decrease 20% ► GTA cooling 3°F increase
► RTU quantity reduction (3 of 12 off; ► Bi-level switching 1/4 off in sales area
Target - Retail th
Increased to 5 on Oct 6 to end of summer)
USPS - ► Chiller demand limit 80% ► Chiller demand limit 65%
Distribution ► (Rebound) Slow recovery: increase chiller
Center demand limit by 5% every 15 minutes
This section summarizes the DR strategies chosen in the other case studies listed in
section 1.5 of the main report. Due to lack of data, technical details of some of the
strategies, including whether control setpoints were in normal or DR mode, were not
included. These DR strategies were either manually or semi‐automatically operated.
Table B.3. DR strategies by site for other case studies
Building HVAC Lighting Others
► Fan VFD limit 40, 60, or 80%
Facility - Office ► GTA cooling
► CHW temp decrease
► GTA cooling ► Bi-level switching
► Chiller demand limit ► Zone switching in common
► Shut off one condenser area
water pump
Facility 2 - Office
► CHW temp increase 3 to 5°F
► Fan VFD limit to minimum
► DSP decrease
► Chiller quantity reduction: 40 ► Zone switching in daylit area ► Shut off 150-hp mixers (1 of
Facility 3 - Food & 60-ton chiller, 10 &20-ton including central warehouse 2)
Processing chillers in packaging room, and second floor packaging
chillers in freezer warehouse area
► Shut off air compressors,
glass transfer equipment
Facility 4 -
motors, dissolver, conveyors,
Glass Processing
mixers, fans, and tank farm
Facility 5 - ► Unload two 20-ton package ► Bi-level switching 40% off in
Chemical unit in production area production area
► Main building lighting ► Shut off cold storage and
Facility 6 -
reduction (details unknown) selected process and
Packaging &
packing lines from noon to
Cold Storage
2:30 p.m.
► Shut off cold storage for
Facility 7 -
maximum allowed period
(Packaging &
without spoilage
SCold storage)
► Shed misc. process loads
Table B.3. DR strategies by site for other case studies (continued)
Building HVAC Lighting Others
► GTA level 1: 74 Æ 76.5°F ► Level 1: Continuous dimming
► GTA level 2: 76.5 Æ 78.5°F to 50% in core, 70% in PC-
► Reduce perimeter fan boxes dominated interior and
to 30% capacity from 2 p.m. perimeter zones
New York
to 6 p.m. ► Level 2: Continuous dimming
► (Pre-event) SAT decrease to 50% in core, 70% in
Building - Office
54°F until 2 p.m. for pre- interior zones, and 0% in
cooling perimeter zones
► SAT increase 59.5°F from 2
p.m. until 6 p.m.
Home Depot - ► Bi-level switching 1/2 off in
Retail sales area and display light
Rockefeller ► CHW temp increase ► Elevator & escalator cycling
Center - Office ► Fan VFD reduction
Lafarge Building ► Shut off rock crushers
Materials -
Material Process
MCWA - Irrigation ► Irrigation pump peak shifting
Wesleyan ► Turn off unnecessary lighting ► Turn off unnecessary
University equipment
Ganahl Lumber - ► Continuous dimming
LA County - ► GTA cooling ► Continuous dimming
Piette, M.A., O. Sezgen, D.S. Watson, N. Motegi, and C. Shockman. 2005a. Development
and Evaluation of Fully Automated Demand Response in Large Facilities. Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. CEC‐500‐2005‐013. LBNL‐55085. Berkeley CA,
January. Available at‐pubs1.html. Accessed November 10,
Piette, M.A., D.S. Watson, N. Motegi, N. Bourassa, and C. Shockman. 2005b. Findings
from the 2004 Fully Automated Demand Response Tests in Large Facilities. Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. CEC‐500‐03‐026. LBNL‐58178. Berkeley CA,
September. Available at‐pubs1.html. Accessed November
10, 2006.
Piette, M.A., D.S. Watson, N. Motegi, S. Kiliccote, and P. Xu. 2006. Automated Critical Peak
Pricing Field Tests: Program Description and Results. Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory. LBNL‐ 59351. Berkeley CA, April. Available at‐pubs4.html. Accessed December 3, 2006.
Appendix C
Case Study of Advanced Demand Response
Appendix C: Case Study of Advanced Demand Response
This section presents a unique case study of commissioning of DR control strategies that
was planned from the new construction system design phase. In 2005 Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) researchers worked with the design of the new
New York Times Headquarters building in Manhattan to integrate control of lighting
and shading devices, to commission the lighting systems, and to develop DR strategies
and DR controls specifications for the building. LBNL developed a detailed energy
simulation model to design the optimal DR strategy 3 .
The building systems and the owner’s preferences provided a framework and identified
constraints for DR strategy development. The owner requested that any common
equipment, such as the chiller plant, and common spaces would be exempt from DR
work. In addition, the DR strategies would be implemented floor‐by‐floor depending on
occupancy and other priorities. DR control strategies were initially proposed as follows:
• HVAC system: Increase the cooling setpoint 3°F for moderate demand reduction
and an additional 3°F for further demand reduction. The 3°F change was
proposed as a starting point for the simulations. Iterations of the temperature
gradient were expected depending on the simulated temperatures within the
• Lighting system: Employ two stages of lighting control. Stage 1 involved
lowering the lighting power in all perimeter daylight configuration zones by 70%
and in all zones close to the central core by 50%. During Stage 2 perimeter lights
were turned off. Anytime the lighting system reached 10% output it was
automatically turned off.
A detailed energy simulation model was used to evaluate dynamic DR control strategies
during the new construction design process. A custom version of the EnergyPlus 4
program was developed by NaturalWorks 5 and utilized for this simulation. The
modeling and simulation effort was conducted in two phases that involved some
iteration. In the first phase, a basic building model was developed and a limited set of
DR strategies was simulated, such as window shade control (control angle of window
shades to optimize daylighting and solar heat gain) and global temperature adjustment
(GTA). To refine the model the owner and LBNL researchers assisted in providing
accurate estimation parameters.
3 This section is a summary of a paper presented at the 2006 ACEEE Summer Study (Kiliccote 2006).
4 EnergyPlus is a building energy simulation program for modeling building heating, cooling,
lighting, ventilating, and other energy flows.
5NaturalWorks (San Diego CA) offers consultancy and research services in the field of building
During the second phase NaturalWorks delivered a more complete model including the
ability to simulate lighting shed strategies. For lighting management during DR events
the space is divided into three zones based on use and daylight availability: core,
interior, and perimeter. The model included two strategies for the lighting system, two
levels for GTA setup, and two additional HVAC strategies: 1) decrease supply air
temperature (SAT) for thermal mass pre‐cooling until 2 p.m. and increase SAT during
the demand peak period, and 2) reduce fan coil units’ capacity on the perimeter. Table
C.1 lists the DR strategies modeled in the simulations. These DR strategies were
combined in six different operation schedules described in Table C.2.
Table C.1. DR strategies for second phase simulation, New York Times building
Type Strategies Definition
GTA-1 Cooling setpoint increase to 76.5°F
GTA-2 Cooling setpoint increase to 78.5°F
FCU Reduce perimeter fan coil units to 30% capacity from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
SAT SAT 54°F for pre-cooling until 2 p.m. and then raised to 59.5°F
Reduce lighting power to 50% in core zone and to 70% in PC
dominated interior and perimeter zones
Reduce lighting to 50% in core, to 70% in interior zones, and off in
perimeter zones
Table C.2. Simulation sequence of DR strategies, New York Times building
Lighting None
Lighting None
Lighting Light-1 Light-2
Lighting Light-1 Light-2
Lighting Light-1 Light-2
Lighting Light-2 Light-1
Figure C.1 displays the preliminary results from the simulation model analysis. This
chart shows the baseline with overnight pre‐cooling and the demand profile of the
building under pattern F, the DR sequence shown to provide the most demand savings
in the most recent simulation results. Demand savings estimated from this simulation
was approximately 600 kW. The simulation study also revealed that the overnight pre‐
cooling strategy should be refined. The results indicate that morning pre‐cooling may be
as effective as overnight pre‐cooling while consuming less energy.
Figure C.1. Total demand profile of occupied floors, New York Times building
For any building, the owner must decide how aggressively the DR strategies will be
implemented, based in part on occupant comfort. The current simulation results display
potential demand savings but do not provide occupant comfort indicators.
NaturalWorks has planned to examine predicted mean vote 6 (PMV) and temperatures in
the building that will provide indicators of conditions in the space under different
sequences of operation. Further simulation studies are needed to provide more accurate
estimates for the owner to make a decision on the most efficient DR strategies.
The study also examined the financial impact of the demand response activities in
different scenarios.
C.3. Conclusion
DR strategy planning from the early phase of new construction design can reduce the
risk of missing effective DR strategies or programming unwanted strategies. Performing
building simulations will reduce costs and efforts to manually demonstrate the effect of
DR strategies and/or to reprogram the EMCS. Analysis of the combination of demand,
energy, comfort, and economics is important to achieve the best DR strategy for any
6 The average comfort vote predicted by a theoretical index for a group of subjects when
subjected to a particular set of environmental conditions.
Kiliccote, S., M.A. Piette, and G. Hughes. 2006. “Dynamic Controls for Demand
Response in New and Existing Commercial Buildings in New York and
California.” Presented at the ACEEE 2006 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in
Buildings: Less is More: En Route to Zero Energy Buildings, Asilomar, Pacific
Grove CA, August 13–18.