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i01406091 i02358169
Illustration 58
Oil Level Gauge “ADD” mark (Y) and “FULL” mark (X)
Illustration 57
Oil level gauge NOTICE
(Y) “ADD” mark Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual for
(X) “FULL” mark more information on lubricant specifications.
2. Remove oil filler cap (2) and add oil, if necessary. Note: The engine may be equipped with auxiliary
Clean the oil filler cap. Reinstall the oil filler cap. engine oil filters. The extra filters require more engine
oil than the standard amounts. Refer to the OEM
4. Start the engine. Ensure that the lubrication To ensure that the sample is representative of the
system and the new engine oil filter is filled. oil in the crankcase, obtain a warm, well mixed oil
Inspect the lubrication system for leaks. sample.
5. Stop the engine and allow the engine oil to drain To avoid contamination of the oil samples, the tools
into the engine crankcase for approximately five and the supplies that are used for obtaining oil
minutes. samples must be clean.
6. Check the engine oil level. Use a marking pen in Caterpillar recommends using the sampling valve
order to engrave “ADD” mark (Y). in order to obtain oil samples. The quality and the
consistency of the samples are better when the
7. Add 3.8 liter (4 qt) of the recommended oil grade sampling valve is used. The location of the sampling
and weight of engine oil to the crankcase. Full valve allows oil that is flowing under pressure to be
volume will now be 49.2 L (52 qt) for the standard obtained during normal engine operation.
sump, or 68.1 L (72 qt) for the deep sump. Allow
the engine oil to drain into the engine crankcase The 169-8373 Fluid Sampling Bottle is
for approximately five minutes. recommended for use with the sampling valve. The
fluid sampling bottle includes the parts that are
8. Check the engine oil level. Use a marking pen in needed for obtaining oil samples. Instructions are
order to engrave “FULL” mark (X). also provided.
i03542996 NOTICE
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
SMCS Code: 1000-008; 1348-554-SM; contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
7542-554-OC, SM contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
In addition to a good preventive maintenance dealers and customers.
program, Caterpillar recommends using S·O·S oil
analysis at regularly scheduled intervals in order If the engine is not equipped with a sampling valve,
to monitor the condition of the engine and the use the 1U-5718 Vacuum Pump. The pump is
maintenance requirements of the engine. S·O·S oil
designed to accept sampling bottles. Disposable
analysis provides infrared analysis, which is required tubing must be attached to the pump for insertion
for determining nitration and oxidation levels. into the sump.
Obtain the Sample and the Analysis For instructions, see Special Publication, PEgj0047,
“How To Take A Good S·O·S Oil Sample”. Consult
your Caterpillar dealer for complete information and
assistance in establishing an S·O·S program for your
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact the skin. i01536470
• Engine model
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
• Service hours on the engine injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact the skin.
• The number of hours that have accumulated since
the last oil change
Do not drain the oil when the engine is cold. As the oil Nonferrous metals may indicate wear on the
cools, suspended waste particles settle on the bottom aluminum parts, brass parts or bronze parts of
of the oil pan. The waste particles are not removed the engine. Parts that may be affected include
with the draining cold oil. Drain the crankcase with the following items: main bearings, rod bearings,
the engine stopped. Drain the crankcase with the turbocharger bearings, and cylinder heads.
oil warm. This draining method allows the waste
particles that are suspended in the oil to be drained Due to normal wear and friction, it is not
properly. uncommon to find small amounts of debris in the
oil filter. Consult your Caterpillar dealer in order
Failure to follow this recommended procedure will to arrange for a further analysis if an excessive
cause the waste particles to be recirculated through amount of debris is found in the oil filter.
the engine lubrication system with the new oil.
To help prevent crankshaft or bearing damage, crank
engine to fill all filters before starting. Do not crank
engine for more than 30 seconds.
Removal Procedure
Engine Speed/Timing Sensors 1. Disconnect the harness assembly.
- Check/Clean/Calibrate 2. Remove the bolt and the sensor.
SMCS Code: 1912-040; 1912-070; 1912-524 3. Remove the O-ring seal from the sensor.
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar 2. Position the sensor in the housing and install the
Dealer Service Tool Catalog” or refer to Special Pub- bolt.
lication, PECJ0003, “Caterpillar Shop Supplies and
Tools Catalog” for tools and supplies suitable to col- 3. Connect the harness assembly.
lect and contain fluids on Caterpillar products.
An extension of the oil change interval to 12 months
Illustration 61 is permitted if you follow the required procedures for
(4) Sensor storage and start-up. This extension is permitted if the
(5) Harness assembly following intervals in the Operation and Maintenance
(6) O-ring
Manual, “Maintenance Interval Schedule” have not
been reached:
Removal Procedure
• Operating hours
1. Disconnect the harness assembly.
• Fuel consumption
2. Remove the bolt and the sensor.
Only qualified service personnel should perform this A valve rotator which does not operate properly will
maintenance. Refer to the Service Manual or your accelerate valve face wear and valve seat wear and
Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve lash adjust- shorten valve life. If a damaged rotator is not replaced,
ment procedure. valve face guttering could result and cause pieces of
the valve to fall into the cylinder. This can cause piston
Operation of Caterpillar engines with improper valve and cylinder head damage.
adjustments can reduce engine efficiency. This re-
duced efficiency could result in excessive fuel usage
and/or shortened engine component life. If a valve fails to rotate, consult your Caterpillar
Ensure that the engine can not be started while Fuel Injector - Inspect/Adjust
this maintenance is being performed. To help pre-
vent possible injury, do not use the starting motor SMCS Code: 1290-025
to turn the flywheel.
Table 10
Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect Required Tools
3. Loosen fuel return (7) for two full turns. Operate Replace the Element
fuel priming pump (1) until fuel appears at fuel
return (7). Tighten the fuel return (7).
Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
minutes before cranking the engine again.
i02049797 3. Shut off the fuel tank supply valve to the engine.
Fuel System Primary Filter 4. If the primary fuel filter is equipped with a drain
(Water Separator) Element - valve (3), open the drain valve in order to drain any
fuel from the filter case. Close the drain valve (3).
SMCS Code: 1260-510-FQ; 1263-510-FQ NOTICE
Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that might
Water in the fuel can cause the engine to run rough. spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.
Water in the fuel may cause an electronic unit injector
to fail. If the fuel has been contaminated with water, 5. Remove the fuel filter bowl (1) and wash the fuel
the element should be changed before the regularly filter bowl with clean diesel fuel.
scheduled interval.
6. Remove the fuel filter (2).
The primary filter/water separator also provides
filtration in order to help extend the life of the 7. Clean the gasket sealing surface of the fuel filter
secondary fuel filter. The element should be changed base. Ensure that all of the old gasket is removed.
regularly. Install a vacuum gauge. Change the
element for the primary filter/water separator if the 8. Apply clean diesel fuel to the new fuel filter gasket.
pressure is at 50 to 70 kPa (15 to 20 inches Hg).
In order to maximize fuel system life and prevent pre-
Fuel System Primary
mature wear out from abrasive particles in the fuel, Filter/Water Separator - Drain
use Caterpillar fuel filters.
SMCS Code: 1260-543; 1263-543
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for proper part num-
9. Install the new fuel filter (2). Spin the fuel filter
onto the fuel filter base until the gasket contacts
the base. Use the rotation index marks on the
filters as a guide for proper tightening. Tighten the
filter for an additional 3/4 turn by hand. Do not
overtighten the filter.
Do not fill the fuel filters with fuel before installing them.
The fuel would not be filtered and could be contami-
nated. Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear
to fuel system parts. Illustration 66
(1) Bowl
(2) Element
10. Install the clean fuel filter bowl (1) on the new fuel (3) Drain
Bowl (1) should be monitored daily for signs of water.
NOTICE If water is present, drain the water from the bowl.
The water separator is under suction during normal
engine operation. Ensure that the vent plug is tight- 1. Open drain (3). The drain is a self-ventilated drain.
ened securely to help prevent air from entering the fu- Catch the draining water in a suitable container.
el system. Dispose of the water properly.
12. Start the engine and check for leaks. Run the NOTICE
engine for one minute. Stop the engine and check The water separator is under suction during normal
the engine for leaks again. engine operation. Ensure that the drain valve is tight-
ened securely to help prevent air from entering the fuel
Detection of leaks is very difficult especially if system.
the engine is running. The primary filter/water
separator is under suction. A leak will allow air to
enter the fuel. The air in the fuel can cause low i01007602
power due to aeration of the fuel. If air enters the
fuel, check the components for overtightening or Fuel System Secondary Filter -
undertightening. Replace
SMCS Code: 1261-510-SE
Fill the fuel tank after operating the engine in Operating the engine in water that contains
order to drive out moist air. This will help prevent silt, sediment, salt, algae, or other significant
condensation. Do not fill the tank to the top. The contaminants will have an adverse effect on the heat
fuel expands as the fuel gets warm. The tank may exchanger system. In addition, intermittent use of
overflow. the vessel will adversely affect the heat exchanger
Some fuel tanks use supply pipes that allow water
and sediment to settle below the end of the fuel The following items indicate that the heat exchanger
supply pipe. Some fuel tanks use supply lines that may require cleaning:
take fuel directly from the bottom of the tank. If
the engine is equipped with this system, regular • Increased coolant temperature
maintenance of the fuel system filter is important.
• Engine overheating
Fuel Storage Tanks
• Excessive pressure drop between the water inlet
Drain the water and the sediment from the fuel and the water outlet
storage tank during the following conditions:
An operator that is familiar with the normal operating
temperature of the coolant can determine when
• Weekly the coolant temperature is out of the normal range.
Inspection and maintenance of the heat exchanger is
• Oil change required if the engine is overheating.
• Refill of the tank For information on maintenance of the heat
This will help prevent water or sediment from being exchanger and cleaning of the heat exchanger, refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Heat Exchanger -
pumped from the storage tank into the engine fuel
tank. A four micron(c) absolute filter for the breather
vent on the fuel tank is also recommended. Refer
Your Caterpillar dealer has the equipment and the
to Special Publication, SENR9620, “Improving Fuel
personnel in order to measure the pressure drop
System Durablity”.
across the heat exchanger.
If a bulk storage tank has been refilled or moved
Consult your Caterpillar dealer or refer to the
recently, allow adequate time for the sediment to
settle before filling the engine fuel tank. Internal Service Manual for service information for the heat
baffles in the bulk storage tank will also help trap
sediment. Filtering fuel that is pumped from the
storage tank helps to ensure the quality of the fuel. i02121526
When possible, water separators should be used.
Hoses and Clamps -
i01065537 Inspect/Replace
Heat Exchanger - Inspect SMCS Code: 7554-040; 7554-510
SMCS Code: 1379-040 Inspect all hoses for leaks that are caused by the
following conditions:
The interval for the maintenance of the plate type heat
exchanger depends on the operating environment of • Cracking
the vessel and on the operating time. The raw/sea
water that is circulated through the heat exchanger • Softness
and the amount of operating time of the vessel affects
the following items: • Loose clamps
• Cleanliness of the heat exchanger plates Replace hoses that are cracked or soft. Tighten any
loose clamps.
• Effectiveness of the heat exchanger system
• End fittings that are damaged or leaking 5. Disconnect the old hose.
• Outer covering that is chafed or cut 6. Replace the old hose with a new hose.
• Exposed wire that is used for reinforcement 7. Install the hose clamps with a torque wrench.
• Outer covering that is ballooning locally Note: Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130,
“Torque Specifications” in order to locate the proper
• Flexible part of the hose that is kinked or crushed torques.
• Armoring that is embedded in the outer covering 8. Refill the cooling system.
A constant torque hose clamp can be used in place 9. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
of any standard hose clamp. Ensure that the constant cooling system filler cap's gaskets. Replace
torque hose clamp is the same size as the standard the cooling system filler cap if the gaskets are
clamp. damaged. Install the cooling system filler cap.
Due to extreme temperature changes, the hose will 10. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
heat set. Heat setting causes hose clamps to loosen. leaks.
This can result in leaks. A constant torque hose
clamp will help to prevent loose hose clamps.
Each installation application can be different. The
differences depend on the following factors: Maintenance
• Type of hose
SMCS Code: 1000
• Type of fitting material
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the hose Maintenance Information
The operating conditions of an engine affect the
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the maintenance intervals and the time between
overhauls for the engine. The following conditions
affect the maintenance intervals and the expected
Replace the Hoses and the Clamps overhaul interval for the engine.
Severe Operation
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Severe operation is the use of an engine that
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, exceeds current published standards for the engine.
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system Caterpillar maintains standards for the following
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system engine parameters:
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres-
sure. • Horsepower
• Range of rpm
1. Stop the engine. Allow the engine to cool.
• Fuel consumption
Note: Refer to this Operation and Maintenance • The best cost/value relationship per hour of
Manual, “Overhaul (Major)” for further information extended life can be attained.
about the major overhaul.
After Failure Overhaul
Oil Consumption as an Overhaul If a major engine failure occurs and the engine must
Indicator be removed from the hull, many options are available.
An overhaul should be performed if the engine block
Oil consumption, fuel consumption, and maintenance or the crankshaft needs to be repaired.
information can be used to estimate the total
operating cost for your Caterpillar engine. Oil If the engine block is repairable and/or the crankshaft
consumption can also be used to estimate the is repairable, the overhaul cost should be between 40
required capacity of a makeup oil tank that is suitable percent and 50 percent of the cost of a new engine
for the maintenance intervals. with a similar exchange core.
Oil consumption is in proportion to the percentage This lower cost can be attributed to three aspects:
of the rated engine load. As the percentage of the
engine load is increased, the amount of oil that is • Specially designed Caterpillar engine features
consumed per hour also increases.
• Caterpillar dealer exchange components
The oil consumption rate (brake specific oil
consumption) is measured in grams per kW/h (lb per • Caterpillar Inc. remanufactured exchange
bhp). The brake specific oil consumption (BSOC) components
depends on the engine load. Consult your Caterpillar
dealer for assistance in determining the typical oil
consumption rate for your engine. i03398635
• The engine's service life can be extended without Monitor the engine as the engine accumulates
the risk of a major catastrophe due to engine service hours. Consult your Caterpillar dealer about
failure. scheduling a major overhaul.
Note: The driven equipment may also require service Inspection, Reconditioning or
when the engine is overhauled. Refer to the literature
that is provided by the OEM of the driven equipment.
Exchanging of Components
Inspect the following components according to
For the major overhaul, all of the bearings,
the instructions that are in Caterpillar reusability
seals, gaskets, and components that wear are
publications. Refer to Guidelines for Reusable
disassembled. The parts are cleaned and inspected.
Parts and Salvage Operations, SEBF8029, “Index
If necessary, the parts are replaced. The crankshaft
of Publications on Reusability or Salvage of Used
is measured for wear. The crankshaft may require
regrinding. Alternatively, the crankshaft may be
replaced with a Caterpillar replacement part.
Recondition the worn components or exchange the
components, if necessary. Your Caterpillar dealer can
Your Caterpillar dealer can provide these services
provide these services and components.
and components. Your Caterpillar dealer can ensure
that the components are operating within the
appropriate specifications. • Camshaft followers
• Camshaft thrust washers
Replacement of Components
• Connecting rods
Replace the following components during the major
overhaul: • Crankshaft vibration damper
• Camshaft bearings • Cylinder head assembly
• Connecting rod bearings • Cylinder liners
• Crankshaft seals • Engine mounts
• Crankshaft thrust washers • Scavenge oil pump
• Electronic unit injectors • Engine wiring harness
• Gear train bushings • Exhaust manifold seals
• Gear train bearings • Exhaust manifold bellows
• Main bearings • Fuel pressure regulating valve
• Piston rings • Fuel priming pump
• Aftercooler core • Fuel transfer pump
International Convention for Safety of • Inlet manifold gaskets
Life at Sea (SOLAS)
• Inlet manifold seals
Caterpillar recommends replacing the following:
• Oil cooler core
• All shields that have been installed to cover up fuel • Oil pump
and oil line connections per (SOLAS) regulations
Note: Turbocharger components require precision 6. Clean the turbocharger housing with standard
clearances. The turbocharger cartridge must shop solvents and a soft bristle brush.
be balanced due to high rpm. Severe Service
Applications can accelerate component wear. 7. Fasten the air inlet piping and the exhaust outlet
Severe Service Applications require more frequent piping to the turbocharger housing.
inspections of the cartridge.
Removal and Installation
Walk-Around Inspection
For options regarding the removal, installation, repair
and replacement, consult your Caterpillar dealer. SMCS Code: 1000-040
Refer to the Service Manual for this engine for the
procedure and specifications. Inspect the Engine for Leaks and
Cleaning and Inspecting for Loose Connections
A walk-around inspection should only require a few
1. Remove the exhaust outlet piping and remove minutes. When the time is taken to perform these
the air inlet piping from the turbocharger. Visually checks, costly repairs and accidents can be avoided.
inspect the piping for the presence of oil. Clean
the interior of the pipes in order to prevent dirt For maximum engine service life, make a thorough
from entering during reassembly. inspection of the engine compartment before starting
the engine. Look for items such as oil leaks or coolant
2. Turn the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel leaks, loose bolts, worn belts, loose connections and
by hand. The assembly should turn freely. Inspect trash buildup. Make repairs, as needed:
the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel for
contact with the turbocharger housing. There
should not be any visible signs of contact between
• The guards must be in the proper place. Repair
damaged guards or replace missing guards.
the turbine wheel or compressor wheel and the
turbocharger housing. If there is any indication of
contact between the rotating turbine wheel or the
• Wipe all caps and plugs before the engine is
serviced in order to reduce the chance of system
compressor wheel and the turbocharger housing, contamination.
the turbocharger must be reconditioned.
Belts for multiple groove pulleys must be replaced as Inspect the water pump for wear, cracks, pin holes
matched sets. If only one belt is replaced, the belt will and proper operation. Refer to the Parts Manual
carry more load than the belts that are not replaced. for the correct part numbers for your engine or
The older belts are stretched. The additional load on consult your Caterpillar dealer if repair is needed or
the new belt could cause the belt to break. replacement is needed.
• Drain the water and the sediment from fuel tanks i01851812
on a daily basis in order to ensure that only clean
fuel enters the fuel system. Zinc Rods - Inspect/Replace
• Inspect the wiring and the wiring harnesses for SMCS Code: 1388-040; 1388-510
loose connections and for worn wires or frayed
wires. Corrosion in sea water circuits can result in premature
deterioration of system components, leaks, and
• Inspect the ground strap for a good connection and possible cooling system contamination.
for good condition.
Zinc rods are inserted in the sea water cooling
• Inspect the ECM to the cylinder head ground strap system of the engine in order to help prevent the
for a good connection and for good condition. corrosive action of salt water. The reaction of the zinc
to the sea water causes the zinc rods to deteriorate.
• Disconnect any battery chargers that are not The zinc rods deteriorate instead of engine parts
protected against the current drain of the starting for the cooling system that are more critical. Rapid
motor. Check the condition and the electrolyte level deterioration of zinc rods may indicate the presence
of the batteries, unless the engine is equipped with of uncontrolled electrical currents from improperly
a maintenance free battery. installed electrical attachments or improperly
grounded electrical attachments.
• Check the condition of the gauges. Replace any
gauges which are cracked and replace any gauges The zinc rods must be inspected at the proper
that can not be calibrated. intervals. The zinc rods must be replaced when
deterioration occurs.
Inspect the zinc rods within 24 hours of initially
Water Pump - Inspect filling the plumbing with sea water. If no significant
corrosion is noted, inspect the zinc rods again after
SMCS Code: 1361-040; 1361 seven days or 50 hours of engine operation after
having been immersed in sea water. If no significant
A failed water pump might cause severe engine deterioration is noted, continue inspections after
overheating problems that could result in the following every 50 hours of engine operation.
Illustration 67
Illustration 68
1. Unscrew the old zinc rod or drill the old zinc rod
from the plug. Clean the plug.