Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Storage Rack Structures
Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Storage Rack Structures
Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Storage Rack Structures
Abstract: Individual components of cold-formed storage rack system are most vulnerable to local
and torsional buckling under gravity as well as lateral loads.The capacity-based design of cold-
formed storage rack system consists of deterministic allocation of strength and ductility in the
structural elements and performance evaluation by suitable techniques. Nonlinear time history
analysis (NTHA) and nonlinear static pushover analysis (NSPA) are most commonly followed
techniques for seismic performance evaluation of any structural systems. Although, NTHA is the
most accurate method of seismic demand prediction and performance evaluation, it is
computationally heavy and even requires the selection and employment of an appropriate set of
ground motions. This paper deals with analytical investigation of efficient configuration of
conventional pallet racking system on the basis of seismic performance by using NSPA. This
analytical study on conventional pallet racking system subjected to lateral loads is focused: i) to
identify the local buckling failure modes of components of storage rack systems, ii) to evaluate the
effect of local buckling on ultimate lateral load carrying capacity, and iii) to propose structural
alterations for components of rack system so as to obtain most efficient configuration of
conventional pallet racking system. Two different configurations of conventional pallet racking
system are modeled and analyzed on the general purpose FE platform under monotonic
unidirectional lateral loads. The results of NSPA show that pallet racking system with horizontal
and inclined bracing is more efficient as evidenced from good estimates of the overall
displacement, base shear and yielding capacities.
Keywords: Pallet racks; cold-formed steel; nonlinear push-over analysis; base shear.
1. Introduction
One of the most significant uses of cold-formed members is for steel storage racking structures,
such as a pallet, drive in, and drive through racking systems. In typical pallet rack structure,
generally, beams (stringers) have boxed cross sections, while columns (uprights) are open thin
walled perforated sections to accept the tabs of beam end connectors, which join beams and
columns together without bolts or welds. Therefore, the design of pallet racks is quite complex.
The behaviour of the perforated columns which are generally thin walled members is affected by
different buckling modes (local, distortional and global) as well as by their mutual interactions.
Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected] Received 1 May 2015
Revised 28 December 2015
C 2015 Chaoyang University of Technology, ISSN 1727-2394 Accepted 30 December 2015
The response of beam to column is typically nonlinear. Moreover, bracing systems are generally
placed only in the cross aisle direction. The need for organizing pallet racks in such a way that the
product is effectively stored and sufficiently accessible hampers the presence of bracings in the
down aisle direction. Lateral stability is, hence, provided by the sole degree of continuity
associated with beam to column joints as well as by base plate connections. Presently, for the
design of these frames, no specific code of practice exists. Although in the United States and some
other countries the specification published by the Rack Manufacturer’s Institute [1] serves as a
guideline. Therefore, analysis and design of pallet racks are quite complex. The most accurate
method of seismic demand prediction and performance evaluation of structures is a nonlinear time
history analysis (NTHA). However, this technique requires the selection and employment of an
appropriate set of ground motions and needs a sophisticated computational tool which handles the
analysis produce ready to use results within the time constraints of design offices. For professional
practicing designers a simpler analysis tool with less computational effort is desirable. One method
that has been gaining ground, as an alternative to time history analysis, is the nonlinear static
pushover analysis (NSPA). The primary objective of research presented in this paper is to
investigate most efficient configuration of conventional pallet racking system on the basis of
seismic performance of the conventional pallet storage rack systems using numerical tests. For this
study, two different categories of five tier storage rack frames with various configurations like
section thickness, use of spacer bar in upright (column) section are analytically tested using
nonlinear static pushover analysis (NSPA) process. The past research on nonlinear static pushover
analysis and on conventional pallet rack systems is briefed in following section. Section 3 deals
with details of two different categories of five tier storage rack frame and its configurations. FE
modeling with validation and NSPA of rack frames are presented in subsequent sections. Final
section summarizes the important findings from the numerical tests on cold-formed storage rack
The purpose of the pushover analysis is to evaluate the structural performance by estimating the
strength and deformation capacities using static nonlinear analysis and comparing these capacities
with the demands at the corresponding performance levels. The basic procedure of this method is
to perform a sequence of static analysis under monotonically increasing lateral loads in each of its
principle directions to stimulate the loading history of the structure during the collapse. The
potential of the pushover analysis has been recognized in the last decade and it has found its way
into seismic guidelines ATC-40 [2]. The pushover is expected to provide information on many
response characteristics that cannot be obtained from an elastic static or dynamic analysis.
The following primary response characteristics are aimed from NSPA:
i. Estimation of strength and deformation capacities structural system for fundamental mode
of vibration.
ii. Location of the critical regions, where the inelastic deformations are expected to be high.
iii. Consequences of strength deterioration of particular elements of the overall structural
iv. Sequence of members yielding and failure and the progress of the overall capacity curve
of the structure.
Krawinkler and Seneviratna [3] has highlighted in the history of pushover analysis method.
Initially the majority of work concentrated on discussing the range of applicability of the method
and its advantages and disadvantages, compared to elastic or nonlinear dynamic procedures.
Asawasongkram et al. [4] studied the seismic performance evaluation of the semi-rigid steel
storage rack located in Thailand. A numerical model of the structure was created with the
incorporated nonlinear behaviour of semi-rigid beam-to-column connection. Chopra and Goel [5]
have taken efforts to extend pushover analysis to take into account higher mode. Kalkan and
Chopra [6] presented a modal-pushover-based scaling (MPS) procedure to scale ground motions
for use in a nonlinear response history analysis of buildings. Fajfar [7] presented a simple nonlinear
method for the seismic analysis of structures (N2-method). This method combines the pushover
analysis results of a multi degree of freedom (MDOF) model with the response spectrum analysis
result of an equivalent single degree of freedom (SDOF) system in typical acceleration-
displacement format. Thus, this method enables the visual interpretation of the seismic response
of the system and establishes the relation between the basic quantities controlling seismic response.
Among the various techniques of pushover analysis, NSPA is more favored as it is simple,
computationally light and still provides more accurate results for fundamental mode of vibration.
In the current study NSPA on two different configurations of conventional pallet racking system
is carried out to investigate the strength and deformation capacities of racking systems. The pattern
of lateral load adopted for NSPA conforms to the equivalent static force distribution pattern of IS:
1893-2000 specifications [8].
Sangle et al. [9] studied the three dimensional (3D) model of conventional pallet racking
systems using the finite element program ANSYS [10] and carried a free vibration modal analysis
on conventional pallet racks with 18 types of column sections developed along with semi-rigid
connection. They also performed the finite element buckling and dynamic analyses of two-
dimensional (2D) single frames and three-dimensional (3D) frames of cold-formed sections with
semi-rigid connections used in the conventional pallet racking system. The results of buckling
analysis for the single 2D frames were compared with those from the experimental study and
effective length approach given by RMI [1]. The finite element model used for the single 2D plane
frame was further extended to 3D frames with semi-rigid connections, for which the buckling
analysis results were obtained. However, the study by Sangle et al. [9] does not consider material
and geometric nonlinearity in their numerical investigation. Sasaki and Paret [11] studied the
procedure to perform the multi mode pushover method and this method applied to various
structures. Multi-mode pushover (MMP) uses the capacity spectrum method to compare
graphically the pushover curve to the earthquake demand. Kalavagunta et al. [12] have
investigated the progressive collapse of cold-formed storage rack structures subjected to seismic
loading, using pushover analysis. Moghadam and Tso [13] extended the pushover procedure for
seismic damage assessment of asymmetrical buildings. By means of an example, it is shown that
the accuracy of the proposed 3-D pushover analysis is similar to those applied to planar structures.
The procedure is found to be more successful in estimating the global response parameters such
as inter storey drifts than local damage indicators such as beams or column ductility demands.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show two distinct categories of storage rack frames. Figure 1 shows B1
type frame which consists of inclined braces only and Figure 2 shows B2 type frames which consist
of inclined as well as horizontal bracing. Columns are typical HAT sections with and without
spacer bars. The column (upright) sections in storage racks are perforated for the purpose of easy
assembly of the beam end connector. Perforations are generally assumed to decrease the elastic
local buckling load of a flat plate loaded in uniform compression; however, hole often causes a
change in the wavelength of the buckling mode which actually increases the buckling load away
from the hole [14]. The significance of this increase in strength will depend on the geometry and
material properties of the member and the boundary conditions. The current specifications allow
the use of non-perforated section properties to predict the elastic buckling strength of perforated
members, by assuming that the presence of such perforations does not have a significant effect on
the reduction of the overall elastic buckling strength.
Figure 2. Typical B2 type frame with inclined and horizontal bracing only
The column (upright) sections used in the study are MW (Medium Weight) column section
having three thicknesses 1.6 mm, 1.8 mm, and 2.0 mm each and HW (Heavy Weight) column
section having three thicknesses 2.0mm, 2.25mm and 2.5mm each. Their cross sectional geometry
is provided in Figure 3 and in Figure 4. Purpose of choosing three different thicknesses is to know
the change in behaviour when the sections are made locally stable by having greater thickness. In
the present study spacer bars are also provided to avoid the local buckling of uprights.
Figure 3. Medium weight (MW) column upright section as per Sangle et al. [9]
Figure 4. Heavy weight (HW) column upright section as per Sangle et al. [9]
For the above sections, sectional properties are calculated based on the weighted average section.
A weighted average section is a section that uses an average thickness in the web portion to account
for the absence of the material due to the holes along the length of the section. Sectional properties
of the sections are given in Table 1 and material properties of the same sections are given in Table
ABAQUS [15], a general purpose FE solver is used for numerical analysis. For all FE models
presented in this study, S4R shell element and C3D8R brick elements are used to model columns
and bracings respectively. Similar elements as available in ANSYS [10] like Shell 63 element for
braces and Solid 45 element for column upright were used by Sangle et al. [9] to model the storage
rack frames. The purpose of using the shell (S4R) and brick (C3D8R) element to model
components of a storage rack system is to trace local buckling of individual components like flange,
web, lip of the cross section. Details of these elements are provided in Table 3. .Three dimensional
FE planer model is validated with experimental results of stability analysis by Sangle et al. [9].
Table 4 shows analytical results of FE models are in good agreement with experimental results.
Thus the model is validated. Further convergence study is carried on a frame HW2.0B1 of height
3.1m for obtaining the proper mesh size of the different parts of the frame such as column upright
section, bracing and spacer bar, etc. The results of convergence study are shown in Table 5. For
the convergence study automatic mesh (size 10 mm x 10 mm) is found to be appropriate and same
is adopted for present work. Figure 5 represents ABAQUS [15] modeling of typical column
upright HAT section used in this study. Typical meshing at upright and braces junctions are shown
in Figures 6 to 8. Details of the various elements used in finite element model are given in Table
3. As shown in Figure 9, the frames of the rack structure are subjected to monotonic unidirectional
incremental lateral load at each tier level till complete inelastic deformation are induced in the
system. ‘Static Risk’ analysis step of ABAQUS [15] is used in theses numerical tests. The ‘Nlgeom’
option is kept on to account for geometric nonlinearity. The lateral displacement of top of the
uprights is monitored to control the analysis.
Figure 6. Typical meshing of column section and details of joint of frame without spacer bar
Figure 7. Typical meshing of column section and details of joint of frame with spacer bar @ 100 mm c/c
Figure 8. Typical meshing of column section and details of joint of frame with spacer bar @ 200 mm c/c
In the present research sizes of individual components of storage rack frames that affect the
stability of the rack structure under gravity and seismic load are decided by trial and error method.
Ultimate lateral load resistance of the storage rack frame is improved step by step both by changing
the bracing combination and by changing the thickness of uprights at points where plastic hinges
are forming initially. Base shear at the time of collapse is improved till it is greater than the applied
lateral load as per IS 1893-2000 [8]. Equivalent Lateral load distribution factor Cvi as per IS 1893-
2000 [8] is calculated using following equation (1)
wi hi2
Cvi in
i 1
i i
where, n is the total number of floors and wi is the seismic weight of the ith floor and hi is the height
of ith floor from the ground.Few results obtained from the analysis, with different combinations,
are presented in this paper.
Table 6 shows variation in ultimate base shear (as obtained from NSPA analyses) for various
configurations of B1 and B2 type frames with respect to section thickness and use of spacer bars
in upright column sections. As observed from these results, B2 type of frame without spacer bar
offer almost 90 % more lateral load carrying capacity when compared with B1 type of frame
without spacer bar. These results also highlight that, for both categories for frames (B1 and B2
type frames) the use of spacer bar in uprights delayed the torsional buckling and enhances the
lateral load resistance. With the use of spacer bar in upright column section, the increase in lateral
load carrying capacity for B2 type of frames with respect to B1 type of frames are about 40 % and
50 % for 100 mm and 200 mm spacing of spacer bars. Figure 10 and Figure 11 represent typical
pushover plots for two distinct configurations of storage rack frames. The purpose of pushover
plot is to obtain the capacity of the system in terms of both lateral load resistance and inelastic
deformation when system is subjected to the monotonically increasing unidirectional lateral load
representing the fundamental mode of vibration. As observed from these graphs B1 type of frames
(with inclined bracing only) offers almost 50% less lateral load resistance in comparison with B2
type of frame (with inclined and horizontal bracing only). The system overstrength of B2 type of
frame is significantly more than that of B1 type of frame. These plots also highlight that frame
with section thickness less than 2.25 mm the local buckling in braces and columns restricts the
ultimate lateral load resistance capacity. For very thin sections the pushover analysis is aborted in
between because of local instability.
Table 6. Variation of ultimate base shear of B1 and B2 type frames with respect to section thickness and
use of spacer bars
Thickness Ultimate Base shear (N)
Type of of
frame elements B1 B1-200 B1-100 B2 B2-200 B2-100
MW: 1.6 21615 26943 28308 43306 44831 45204
Medium 1.8 22120 29046 30093 43606 45388 46626
Weight 2.0 22341 30686 31950 43902 46432 47720
HW: 2.0 22476 33133 34399 44321 47706 48527
Heavy 2.25 22647 35108 36659 44486 50615 49218
Weight 2.5 23047 39120 40469 45027 54001 54794
Figure 10. Base shear versus upright top displacement for B1-200 type frame
Figure 11. Base shear versus upright top displacement for B2-200 type frame
Figures 12 and 13 show the von-Mises stress contours for 1.6 mm thick B1 and B2 types of storage
rack systems, respectively. These stress contours are captured in an instant of maximum lateral
drift as obtained from pushover analyses. Theses stress contours provide valuable information
regarding spread of inelastic deformations as well as identify the critical locations where local
instability restricted the ultimate lateral load carrying capacity of the system. For B1 type frames
with very thin section (= 1.6 mm) the local buckling of inclined braces and for B2 type frame
flexural torsional buckling of upright without spacer bars restricts the optimum lateral strength of
the system.
Figure 12. von Mises stress contours for B1-200-1.6 mm MW at an instant of maximum top displacement
Figure 13. von Mises stress contours for B2-1.6 mm MW at an instant of maximum top displacement
The authors express their gratitude to colleagues from the V.J.T.I. Mumbai, University of
Mumbai, Government College of Engineering and Research Avasari for their support in the said
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