Ethernetip-Sinamics G v3
Ethernetip-Sinamics G v3
Ethernetip-Sinamics G v3
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1 Task
1.1 EtherNet/IP Overview
1.1.1 Industrial Ethernet
The Sinamics drive family offers both PROFINET and EtherNet/IP software stacks
for the Sinamics G series which is easily selected by a parameter setting in the
standard Sinamics firmware. The CBE20 communications option board for the
CU320-2 control unit is required on the G130/G150 drives to communicate on
The network IP address of the Sinamics G drive can be set through the STARTER
software. With STARTER software installed on your computer you can connect to
the Sinamics drive through PROFINET or EtherNet/IP.
The Sinamics drives operate on unicast telegrams which reduces network traffic.
Sinamics G drives have been certified by ODVA for EtherNet/IP conformance
testing and participated in the EtherNet/IP PlugFest. Siemens is a member of
ODVA with Vendor ID # 1251.
2 Solution Overview
2.1 Solution Overview
2.1.1 Hardware Structure
Software components
Table 2
Component No.
STARTER Version 4.3 SP2 or later 1
RS Logix 5000 Version 20 or later 1
NOTE RSLogix 5000 Version 19 can be used when not using the EDS file
3 Programming Overview
3.1 Configuration Methods
There are two methods to configure a Sinamics G series drive to communicate
over EtherNet/IP. This manual will focus on the SINAMICS approach to
configuration using Add On Instructions. This approach requires version 19 or
higher for RSLogix 5000. Alternatively, the drive can be set up for ODVA type
configuration. This allows the user to import a G120 EDS file and treat the drive as
an ODVA AC drive object. This approach requires version 20 or higher for RSLogix
5000. Refer to the diagram below for a general overview of the steps to configure
with either method.
The EtherNet/IP telegrams to the Sinamics G series drives can be freely configured
using the free telegram structure for the message frame type. Alternatively in an
effort to seamlessly integrate the communication between a Sinamics G series
drive object and an AB Logix family controller Add On Instructions have been
designed for the RSLogix programming that mimic standard telegrams used in
Sinamics G configurations. For most standard applications the use of the AOI’s
can greatly reduce the Engineering time to configure a system. This manual
documents the use of the AOI’s developed to simplify the integration of Sinamics
drives connected to RSLogix automation systems over EtherNet/IP.
Figure 3-1 Example utilizing Simple Speed AOI and Standard Telegram 1
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NOTE Telegram Type 1, 352, and 111 can also be applied to Sinamics G130 and G150
drives utilizing the EtherNet/IP connectivity.
The G120 Simple Speed Block (also used in G130/G150) provides an interface for
basic speed control of a drive object in Sinamics via EtherNet/IP. The Drive is
configured for control using Standard telegram type 1 which presets the drive
speed reference and control word to be sourced from the communication interface.
The G120 T352 Speed Block (also used in G130/G150) provides an interface for
speed control of a drive object in Sinamics via EtherNet/IP. The Drive is configured
for control using Standard telegram type 352 which presets the drive speed
reference and control word to be sourced from the communication interface. In
addition there are four separate user defined control words/setpoints available; and
feedback for Current, Torque, Warning and Fault values.
The EPOS block interfaces to the Sinamics Basic Positioner via EtherNet/IP. The
EPOS Positioner is used for the absolute and relative positioning of linear and
rotary axes.
The AOI provides a direct interface to EPOS control. The Sinamics G120/130/150
List manual provides detailed explanation of all functionality available. Note that
drive must be referenced before absolute positioning is allowed. State control and
sequencing is not provided. Additional user logic is required to synchronize the
state of the drive with the positioning functions.
The instruction interface provides easy access to basic drive control and to most
signals and setpoints required for control of the MDI mode.
0 = No Referencing
1 = Enable Referencing
0 = No MDI mode
Note: All motion should be completed before
disable to avoid fault.
1 = Enable MDI Mode
MDI_SETUP BOOL Enable MDI Setup Mode
0 = No Setup Mode
1 = Enable MDI Setup Mode
MDI_POS_TYPE BOOL Select MDI Positioning Type
0 = Absolute Positioning
1 = Relative Positioning
MDI_FWD_DIR BOOL Enable Forward Direction
MDI_REV_DIR BOOL Enable Reverse Direction
Note: If Both MDI_FWD_DIR and
MDI_REV_DIR are True, shortest path is
selected for absolute positioning
MDI_EDGE_TRIG BOOL Trigger Loading of Setpoints
Load executed on rising edge of input transition
MDI_CONSTANT_TRIG BOOL Select Setpoint loading type
0 = The setpoint are accepted on the rising edge
of the MDI_EDGE_TRIG input
1 = Setpoints are continuously loaded. (Absolute
Positioning only)
INTERMEDIATE_STOP BOOL Stop motion. The canceling the motion
0 = Stop motion
1 = Allow motion
The MDI Mode AOI interfaces to the Sinamics EPOS positioner via EtherNet/IP.
The EPOS positioner is used for the absolute and relative positioning of linear and
rotary axes.
The AOI implements a state machine that allows the selection of three major
motion modes. The three modes are Velocity mode, Relative positioning, and
Absolute positioning mode.
Velocity mode enables motion at a constant velocity set by the Speed reference
input. The velocity setpoint can be changed while the axis is in motion The drive
uses the Accel and Decel setpoints to reach the velocity setpoint. The mode is
started by setting the VEL_MOVE input of the instruction.
Jog forward and reverse is also available by setting the appropriate inputs to the
instructions. Jog velocity is set in the drive at parameters P2585 and P2586.
Relative positioning mode allows the axis to travel for a specified distance set at
the position setpoint input of the instruction and selecting the REL_MOVE input.
Absolute positioning mode moves the axis to a specified position by setting the
position value at the position setpoint input of the instruction and the setting the
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ABS_MOVE input.
Note that the axis is not allowed to position until it has been referenced.
4.7 UDTs
UDTs are provided as representing the typical control and status words used for
Telegrams implemented by the AOI provided. This cannot be utilized when using
the provided EDS file. The UDTs can also be used independently to map IO data
sent and received by the drive. The user application is able to directly control the
telegram words and bits to accomplish control concepts not included in the AOIs
provided by Siemens. This is the case when using user defined telegrams (free
telegram configuration with BICO) to exchange data with the drives.
5 Drive Configuration
Initial commissioning of the G120/130/150 drives is not in the scope of this
document. Refer to the Sinamics G120/130/150 Getting Started Manual to assist in
the commissioning of the drive(s). This sample application referenced in this
document utilizes the Sinamics G120 training unit.
Connect the Ethernet cable from the SINAMICS G120 interface X01 P2 (or one of
the CBE20 ports on the CU320-2 DP/PN) to the Ethernet interface (port) of your
PG/PC. This should be the only Ethernet cable connected to the Sinamics G drive.
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Set the IP address and the subnet mask of the Ethernet card of your PG/PC.
Ensure that the subnet of your PC and G120/130/150 match.
In STARTER, go to Options > Set PG/PC Interface…. select the TCP/IP interface
parameterization. Click OK.
Go to Project > Accessible Nodes. If the window doesn’t automatically search for
drives on the network, click “Update”. Right-click the found drive unit and select
“Edit Ethernet Node”.
1. Enter the desired IP address and Subnet Mask. Ensure the IP address has
the same subnet as the Logix controller
2. Press the Assign IP Configuration button.
3. After completing the IP configuration assignment, enter the device name.
4. Assign this to the SINAMICS G120/130/150 drive by pressing the Assign
Name button.
5. Close the screen by pressing the Close button.
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1. Go online with the drive via Profinet/Ethernet connection and navigate to the
expert list.
NOTE When using AOI’s with the generic Ethernet module, p8980 = [0] SINAMICS
When using an EDS file, then set p8980 = [1] ODVA AC/DC
1. Go online with the drive via Profinet/Ethernet connection and navigate to the
expert list.
NOTE If you are using a standard AOI (e.g. with telegram 1, 352, 111), make sure you
set p922 = [1], [352], or [111].
*For example if you are using Telegram 352 and change to Free-BICO telegram
(P922 =999) then the four freely configurable input value to the drive must be
terminated to “Dummy” parameters if they are not used for actual parameter
connection – such as torque limit or added speed.
The IO data is available as an array of integers in the controller tags section of the
project tree. They are included as a tag list with the L5K file.
The second rung holds the AOI. The local variables “InputDataBuffer” and
“OutputDataBuffer” are used as storage for the AOI to receive and send data to the
Controller IO tags.
The first rung copies the IO data for the drive to a local variable to be used by the
AOI as inputs in the “DRV_STATUS” parameters. “DRV_STATUS” and
“DRV_CONTROL” is declared as INOUT parameters and therefore passed by
The third rung holds the copy command that moves the control data from the
working variable “OutputDataBuffer” to the controller IO tag.
All AOIs provided will use this method of data exchange with IO containing the
drive data. Additional access to the control data can be performed before the data
is copied to the IO Tag. This allows the user to utilize features already mapped in
the telegram that are not control by the AOI. In a similar manner the Status data
can be access by the user program.
The MSG instruction can read from or write to a parameter by accessing the drive’s
communication object. When parameterizing the MSG instruction, below are some
important parameters:
On the G130/150:
CU class = 401hex
Drive class = 402hex
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NOTE It is a good idea to one-shot the message requests (e.g. with a flasher). If the
rung for the MSG instruction is always true, the communication board can get
overwhelmed and fault out.
1. MSG Instruction:
Insert the MSG instruction.
2. Instruction Tag:
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3. Message Type:
Select the CIP Generic message
4. Service Type:
Select “Get Attribute Single” to read
and parameter or “Set Attribute
Single” to write the parameter.
5. Class:
401 (hex)
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6. Instance:
This is the parameter number of
the object, in Starter. E.g. DC Link
voltage (p26).
7. Attribute:
This is the parameter index. For
parameters without an index, use
8. Destination:
For reading a parameter select a
Controller scope tag where the
value will be written
12. Path:
In the communication tab enter the
name of the IO node for the
G120/130/150. Use the Browse
option to find the node in the
project tree.
9 Troubleshooting
I can’t go online with the drive in Starter using the Ethernet cable.
Do you have firmware v4.7 on the drive unit? Communication from Starter to the
drive using Ethernet/IP is only support with firmware v4.7 or later on the G120. If
you are using v4.6, then you will need to use the USB cable to connect to the drive
with Starter.
2. Is Drive set for EIP (G120: p2030 = 10, G130/G150/S120: p8835 = 4)?
a. A power cycle is required after changing p2030/p8835.
b. For drives with CU320-2 (G130/G150/S120), the PLC must be
connected through the CBE20 card on the drive.
4. Did you parameterize the Generic Ethernet Module in RSLogix 5000 correctly?
a. Do you have the “Comm. Format” set to Data –INT, or accidentally set
to Data-DINT?
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On the G130/G150/S120 check that you have the CBE20 set up on the control unit
as IF1.
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10 Glossary
AOI (Add On Instruction): Commonly used logic for a task that is encapsulated into a block to
be reused in RSLogix programs
BICO: BICO technology (Binector Connector Technology) allows the drive to be adapted to a
wide variety of requirements. Digital and analog signals which can be connected freely by
means of BICO parameters, are identified by the prefix BI, BO, CI or CO in their parameter
Control Word: Arrangement of two bytes used to command the drive sequence control
(referred to as STW1 in SINAMICS Documentation)
EDS File: Text files used by RSLogix network configuration tool to help identify products and
easily integrate them on a network. All available G120/130/150 EDS files can be found here:
Free Telegrams: The send and receive telegrams can be configured as required by using BICO
technology to interconnect the send and receive process data.
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L5K file: File type used for importing an AOI into RSLogix program
MDI (Motion Direct Input): Direct setpoint input function for positioning
ODVA: Open DeviceNet Vendors Association. Organization that supports network technologies
built on the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™) — DeviceNet™, EtherNet/IP™, CompoNet™,
and ControlNet™
PROFIdrive: Device profile to provide standardization of drive telegram type thus minimizing
integration and commissioning time and effort.
Standard PROFIdrive Telegrams: Structured in accordance with PROFIdrive profile with the
internal process data links automatically set up in accordance with the telegram number setting.
Status Word: Arrangement of two bytes used to report the current status of the drive (referred
to as ZSW1 in SINAMICS Documentation)
Telegram type 1: Standard PROFIdrive telegram of two words for simple speed control
Telegram type 2: Standard PROFIdrive telegram of six words for vector speed control
Vector mode: Axis control type including closed loop, open loop, and V/Hz speed control.
Typically used with induction motors to obtain high speed and low torque ripple.
11 History
Table 11 History
Version Date Changes
V1.0 05.28.2013 Initial Release
V1.2b 10.17.2014 Draft for Revision
V2.0 03.26.2015 Add in explicit messaging
Added in troubleshooting
V3 07.02.2015 Added in G130/G150 information
Removed references to USB connection
Removed the appendix and added the “edit ethernet node”
to the main documentation
Updated T352 block
Added in T111 block
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