PS Logging

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)

ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-3 Issue-3, February 2015

Use of PS Logging and Ground Response Analysis

A. S. M. Fahad Hossain, Naveel Islam, Mehedi Ahmed Ansary

Abstract— With the increased use of machines on super There are two aspects for safety against earthquake hazards:
structures along with constructions on loose sands and soft clays firstly, safety against potentially destructive dynamic forces
in Bangladesh, the chances of collateral effects are increasing. and secondly, the safety of a site itself related with
Degree of damage during earthquake strongly depends on geotechnical phenomena such as amplification, land sliding
dynamic characteristics of building as well as amplification of
and liquefaction [6]. Dynamic effects have been taken into
soil. So for measurement of dynamic properties and site
amplifications, seismic wave velocities determination is necessary. consideration in design codes in many countries around the
The paper deals with the use of PS Suspension Logging Downhole world to mitigate the risk from earthquakes. To ensure the
Seismic Testing System for measurement of compression and safety of structures under earthquake loading, often using
shear wave velocities also determination of the dynamic soil zoning maps based on geological assessments of seismic
properties and site response using DEEPSOIL (Hashash et al., hazards which are embodied in building codes or regulations.
2011) V5.1. The site safety during earthquakes is related to geotechnical
phenomena such as amplification, land-sliding, mudflow and
Index Terms— Soil Amplification, Dynamic Soil Properties, PS fault movements. For this study a 100ft borehole was
Logging, Downhole Seismic, DEEPSOIL, Response Spectrum,
prepared using Standard Penetration test and a 2.75in PVC
Peak Ground Acceleration.
pipe case was installed at Japanese Institute of Disaster
Prevention and Urban Safety, BUET. After than the
suspension PS Logging apparatus was used to measure the
Few of the major earthquakes over the years, alike the seismic wave velocities by downhole seismic method. Then
Sumatran Earthquakeor the Great Indian Earthquake along using the compression wave velocity and shear wave velocity
the coast of bordering countries of Bangladesh has different dynamic soil properties were calculated and later
augmented the demand for earthquake resistant designs for using that shear wave velocity data, equivalent linear site
the vibration induced parameters of soil [1]-[2].For this response analysis of the soil was performed using the
reason accurate and proper soil investigation has become an DEEPSOIL software.
essential concern to grasp precise knowledge about the
underground soil condition. The PS suspension logging II. HISTORY OF PS SUSPENSIONLOGGING
method directly measures and provides accurate and
high-resolution shear (S) wave and compression (P) wave P-S suspension velocity logging was first developed in the
velocity profiles [3]. During an earthquake, the subsurface mid-1970s to measure seismic shear-wave velocities in deep,
soil column acts like a filter with strain-dependent properties uncased boreholes; it was originally used by researchers at
that can increase the duration and amplitude of shaking in a the OYO Corporation of Japan [7]. It gained acceptance in
narrow frequency band related to the soil thickness, physical Japan in the mid-1980s and was used for other velocity
properties (P and S-wave velocities, densities), shape of the measurement methods to characterize earthquake site
surface and subsurface boundaries [4].The spectral content response. Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) has
(amplitude, period, and phase) and duration of earthquake measured S-wave velocities in boreholes using the PS
recordings can therefore be significantly affected by local site suspension logging tool since 1980. Since the early 1990s it
conditions, especially at unconsolidated soil and sediment has gained acceptance in the U.S., especially among
sites with a near-surface impedance contrast with underlying earthquake engineering researchers [8].
bedrock. The response of the ground is therefore of great
importance for earthquake engineering. The response of soils III. METHODOLOGY FOR DOWNHOLE
to cyclic loading is controlled mostly by the mechanical
properties of the soil. The most common types of dynamic PS Logging test can be performed in two method- Downhole
loadings are, machine vibrations, seismic loading and cyclic seismic and Uphole Seismic method. The downhole seismic
transient loading, etc. The dynamic properties associated test requires only 1 borehole (preferably a 3in diameter hole
with these dynamic loadings are shear wave velocity (Vs), with PVC pipe installed up to the depth in which competent
shear modulus (G), damping ratio (D), and Poisson’s ratio soil or rock is reached) to be used for the geophone receiver.
(v), Young’s Modulus (E) of soil [5]. Usually PVC pipes are used tostabilize the hole during the
test to avoid soil from the side of the borehole to fall inside.
The standard for the test technique is set forth in the ASTM
Manuscript Received on January 2015. D4428/D4428M. For the test, a wooden plank source is used.
A. S. M. Fahad Hossain, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, A 6in x 30in area approximately 10ft from the borehole is
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
Naveel Islam, Graduate Student, Faculty of Engineering & Applied cleared off. 6in x 6in x 30in (or similar) wooden plank in the
Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. cleared off area is positioned and pinned down by driving a
Dr. Mehedi Ahmed Ansary, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, vehicle onto the plank so that one of the drive wheels is
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh.

Published By:
8 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Use of PS Logging and Ground Response Analysis using DEEPSOIL in BUET-JIDPUS, BUET, Dhaka

centered on the plank as shown below. The plank was = + (ii)

extended farther beyond the outside diameter of the tire. The

sensor is mounted on to the wooden plank. The plank is hit
separately on both ends to generate shear wave energy in two Here,
different directions. It is also hit vertically in the downward = Distance between top receiver to source
vertical direction to generate vertically polarized = Distance between bottom receiver to source
compressional wave energy. The shear wave energy is = Travel time of wave to top geophone
polarized in the direction parallel to the plank as is the = Travel time of wave to bottom geophone
transverse component. The shear component is used to
The calculated compression and shear wave and also the SPT
measure the shear wave energy. The vertical component is
N values at different depth are shown in Table 1
used to measure the vertically polarized compressional wave
energy. Typically 3-5 records are taken for each type of wave Table 1: Calculated Compression (P) Wave Velocity and
– shear east going, shear west going and compressional Shear (S) Wave Velocity and SPT N Value.
vertical. According the “SYSTEM REFERENCE MANUAL Depth SPT P wave S wave
2007 - CROSSHOLE AND DOWNHOLE SEISMIC TEST ft N Value Velocity, Velocity,
[9], 8 records are taken for each wave type. In all, 3 different ft/s ft/s
tests are performed at each depth for the 3 different wave 6 2 1369 136
polarizations collected; all depths are recorded together in 11 5 870 433
one file. Figure 1 shows the field setup of the test. 16 14 3168 758
21 18 2597 1316
26 9 2917 295
31 10 3034 1324
36 14 6276 1041
41 21 6421 1572
46 20 2175 656
51 30 6790 1366
56 30 3377 821
61 32 3218 533
66 45 3913 703
71 37 2298 731
76 34 3443 1286
81 22 2476 1339
Figure 1: Installation of PS Logging Equipment
(Downhole seismic method) in field (Date of testing, The calculated compression and shear wave and also the SPT
02/08/13) N values at different depth are shown at Figure 2.
From the calculated travel time of the compression and shear SPT N

wave, the velocity was determined by dividing the distance of 0

0 20 40 60

the source to receiver by the travel time. Both compression 10

wave and shear wave velocity are determined in this method.

Depth ft







Shear Wave Velocity ft/s Compression Wave Velocity ft/s

0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 0

10 10

20 20

30 30
Depth ft

Depth ft


50 50

60 60

70 70

80 80

Figure 3: PS Logging test in Seismic Downhole method 90 90

Equations used, Figure 2: (a) SPT N Value (b) S Wave Velocity (c) P Wave
= +

Published By:
9 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-3 Issue-3, February 2015

The equations for determining the dynamic properties are as ρ = Density
follows, = Shear Wave Velocity
= (iv) = Compression Wave Velocity
= (v) = Poisson’s Ratio
& = Young’s Modulus
. ! # $%
= !
(vi) Different Dynamic properties of the soil profile near
! # $%
" BUET-JIDPUS, BUET, Dhaka was calculated from the Shear
& =2 1+ (vii) and compression wave velocity and is shown below in Table
K= (viii) 2.
* + ,-

Table 2: Dynamic properties of soil at BUET-JIDPUS, BUET, Dhaka.

Depth P Wave S Wave Density ρ Shear Constrain Youngs Poissom's Bulk
ft Velocity Velocity Modulas G Modulas M Modulas E Ratio v Modulas K
m/s m/s

6 418 42 1.76 3109 307965 9296 0.49 303819

11 266 133 1.84 32595 130382 86921 0.33 86921
16 966 232 1.84 99181 1719523 291473 0.47 1587281
21 792 402 1.84 297787 1155857 790016 0.33 758808
26 890 91 1.76 14596 1396139 43634 0.49 1376678
31 925 404 1.76 287681 1508107 795231 0.38 1124532
36 1914 318 2.00 202544 7337528 601883 0.49 7067469
41 1958 480 2.00 461475 7678764 1354919 0.47 7063463
46 664 201 2.00 80920 883084 234598 0.45 775190
51 2071 417 2.00 348288 8590652 1030146 0.48 8126269
56 1030 251 2.00 126187 2124909 370593 0.47 1956660
61 982 163 2.00 53216 1931474 158140 0.49 1860520
66 1193 215 2.08 96289 2964696 285634 0.48 2836311
71 701 224 2.08 104519 1023612 301671 0.44 884253
76 1050 393 2.08 321725 2296560 912761 0.42 1867594
81 755 409 2.08 348454 1187389 900631 0.29 722784


0.8 Kobe
Equivalent Linear Site amplification was performed using the 0.7
Input Motions Imperial
Spectral Acceleration (g)

DEEPSOIL. . In DEEPSOIL (Hashash, Y.M.A. et al., 2011), 0.6

rock depth is assumed to be below the last layer, so to prevent 0.5

erroneous results the last layer was assumed to be the same up 0.4

to a depth of 100m. In this study, The Kobe Earthquake 0.3

in south-central Japan on January 17, 1995 (Mb-7.2);The
Imperial Valley earthquake in Mexico–United States border
on October 15, 1979; The Northridge earthquake in the 0.01 0.1 Period (Sec) 1 10

north-central San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles,

Figure 3: The Spectral Acceleration Variation of the
California on January 17 1994 (Mb-6.7) and The Kocaeli
different input motions.
Earthquake at Kocaeli, Turkey on August 17, 1999(Mb-7.4)
was selected as input motion for ground response analysis. Response Spectra
All input motions were converted to Site class A, to be Response spectra of four earthquakes are shown in Figure 4.
imposed on the bottom of the bed rock. The Spectral Among the four earthquakes, Imperial Valley earthquake
Acceleration Variation of the different input motions are produces highest (1.103g) peak spectral acceleration (PSA)
shown in figure 3: for this site and Kocaeli earthquake produces lowest (0.609g)
peak spectral acceleration (PSA). It is observed that initially
soil surface response is more than input response for some

Published By:
10 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Use of PS Logging and Ground Response Analysis using DEEPSOIL in BUET-JIDPUS, BUET, Dhaka

earthquakes for this site. The comparison of PSA of the site Northridge Kocaeli
Max PGA (g) Max PGA (g)
soil for different input motions is shown in figure 5.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Kobe Input Motion 1.2 Imperial Input Motion
10 10
1 Surface
0.8 Response Response 20
Spectral Acceleration (g)

Spectral Acceleration (g)

30 30

Depth ft

Depth ft
0.5 0.6 40 40
0.4 50 50

0.2 60 60
70 70
0 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Period Period 80 80

Northridge Kocaeli Figure 8: Maximum Peak Ground Acceleration for the

0.9 0.7
Spectral Acceleration (g)

0.8 Motion
Motion 0.6
Spectral Acceleration (g)

Surface Surface
Response 0.5
Response Site amplification factors at sub surface layers are often used
0.5 0.4 as one of the parameters for estimation of ground response.
0.4 0.3 The amplification factor is the ratio of peak ground
0.2 acceleration at surface to that of acceleration at hard rock.
0.1 0.1 The amplification factors are determined as;
0 0 Amplification Factor = PGA recorded at ground surface /
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10 PGA recorded at hard rock
Period Period
Amplification Factor (For Kobe earthquake) = 1.547
Figure 4: Response Spectra for the site JIDPUS, BUET
Amplification Factor (For Imperial Valley earthquake) =
Comparison of PSA Kobe
1 Imperial Valley Amplification Factor (For Northridge earthquake) = 1.066
Northridge Amplification Factor (For Kocaile earthquake) = 0.856
Hence, the amplification factors have also been computedand
PSA (g)

it has been identified that similar to the peak ground
0.4 acceleration values, the variation is within 0.856 (Kocaile) to
0.2 1.547 (Kobe).
0.01 0.1 Period (sec) 1 10 VI. CONCLUSION

Figure 7: Comparison of PSA for different input Motion Being a precise and accurate testing method for determining
for the site JIDPUS, BUET. compressional and shear wave velocities the use of PS
Suspension Logging Downhole Seismic test is getting its
Maximum Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) importance day by day among the researchers. With this
Maximum Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at different research paper, the suspension PS Logging equipment was
depths of four earthquakes for this site is shown in figure 8. first used in Bangladesh University of Engineering and
PGA at surface and that at bedrock is obtained from the Technology (BUET). The author tried hard to represent the
analysis. The peak ground acceleration values at surface are use of Suspension Logging Downhole technique. But being
observed to be in the range of 0.157g (Kocaeli) to 0. 281g less economical which requires skilled manpower may be the
(Kobe) and that of the bedrock were observed to vary from cause that it is not widely used in Bangladesh for research
0.181g (Kobe) to 0.189 g (Northridge). The impedance in the work. But considering its accurateness its demand is being
acceleration values can be observed. Such as, a sudden rise felt nowadays. The different dynamic soil properties and the
within few meters can cause considerable damage to the sub site amplification parameters may be used for creating
and super structure resulting in huge loss. seismic zoning mapsfor an effect of a definite earthquake
motion over area. So using the test data the author
Kobe Imperial Valley
Max PGA (g) Max PGA (g) calculatedthe dynamic properties of soil and performed the
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
site response analysissoftware like DEEPSOILv5.1. From
0 the equivalent linear analysis of DEEPSOIL, Imperial Valley
10 earthquake produces highest (1.103g) peak spectral
20 acceleration (PSA) for this site and Kocaeli earthquake
30 produces lowest (0.609g) peak spectral acceleration (PSA).
Depth ft

Depth ft

40 40 The peak ground acceleration values at surface are observed

50 50 to be in the range of 0.157g (Kocaeli) to 0. 281g (Kobe) and
60 60 that of the bedrock were observed to vary from 0.181g
70 70 (Kobe) to 0.189 g (Northridge).
80 80

Published By:
11 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-3 Issue-3, February 2015

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Published By:
12 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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