International Journal of Chemtech Research: Richard E.M.F. Osak and Budi Hartono

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International Journal of ChemTech Research

CODEN (USA): IJCRGG, ISSN: 0974-4290, ISSN(Online):2455-9555

Vol.9, No.08 pp 575-582, 2016

Sustainability Status Assessment (SAA) in the integrated

farming system of dairy-cattle and horticultural-crops in

Richard E.M.F. Osak1* and Budi Hartono2

Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of SamRatulangi-Manado, Indonesia
Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya-Malang,Indonesia

Abstract : Integrated farming system of crops-livestock (IFS-CL) ̶crops including

horticulture plant, and livestock including dairy cattle ̶ provides provides several advantages
both environmental and economic. The study aims to assess the status of sustainability in
integrated farming system of dairy cattle and horticultural crops in Indonesia. The research has
been conducted in Nongkojajar, Pasuruan Regency, Province of East Java, Indonesia.
Sustainability Status Assessment (SAA) methods that has been used this study is Rapid
Appraisal for Crops-Livestock(dairy) System (RapCLS) base on economic, ecological, technical,
institutional and social (EETIS) dimensions. The sustainability status of the integrated farming
system of crops-livestock (IFS-CL) model in Nongkojajar, Pasuruan Regency be in a position
quite or fairly sustainable (67,79). Therefore, to improve the sustainability status should be
efforts to improve and to increase the value of the attributes of each dimension of continuity,
particularly in order to guarantee the sustainability of the two main dimensions, economic and
environmental dimensions. EETIS dimensions of sustainability in value up to the category of
sustainable status, are the sustainability of ecological dimension (73.88) and the social
dimension (71.18), which means socio-ecologically more sustainable, rather than
economically (67.98), technology (56.74) and institutional (69.15) which need to be given
attention mainly on the attributes of each dimension that is less sustainable.
Key words: sustainability status assessment (SSA); economic, ecological, technical,
institutional and social (EETIS) dimensions; integrated farming system of crops-livestock

Sustainable development indicators attempt to measure sustainable development in its entirety, taking
into account the multi-dimensional and integrated nature of sustainable development 1.Concept of sustainable
development aims to maintain economic advancement and progress while protecting the long-term value of the
environmentally, it provides a framework for the integration of environment policies and development

Recently, there is an urgent need to adopt more sustainable agricultural systems, and logic evaluation
process is needed to determine alternative management strategies for success 3. The functionality of systems in a
geographic domain and use this definition to formulate a new quantitative indicator of sustainability, the index
of sustainable functionality4.Sustainability assessment is strategic, sustainability-oriented, constructive and
potentially transformative. Its key role is to explore the opportunity-creation and problem-solving potential of
Richard E.M.F. Osak et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(8),pp 575-582. 576

framing contexts other than those in place, such as alternative institutions, technologies, spatial and temporal
arrangements, price relations and associated policy regimes5.
Implementation of environmentally based farming system is highly dependent on the perception of
agriculture practitioners (citizen) and policy makers (government). The citizen’s perception about his/her role in
protecting the environment represents a personal aspect, since an individual could be more or less involved in
protecting the environment regardless of his/her concern about the situation6. In Indonesia, the crop livestock
integration system has become one of the government programs in environmentally sound livestock
development program. Recently the system integration of cattle-plant has become a national priority to create
an environment friendly agriculture.
In recent, one model of environmentally sustainable farming isintegrated farming system of crops-
livestock (IFS-CL). The importance of the role of integrated crop-livestock systems for sustainable
development, and that integrated crop-livestock systems, implying a diverse range of integrated ecological,
biophysical, socio economic conditions, have been a foundation of agriculture for hundreds of years7.
Technologies and management schemes that can enhance productivity need to be developed, at the same time,
ways need to be found to preserve the natural resource base. Within this framework, an integrated crop-
livestock farming system represents a key solution for enhancing livestock production and safeguarding the
environment through prudent and efficient resource use8.
One of the efforts that need to be developed in the cattle livestock farming that is environmentally
sound dairy cattle farming. Dairy cattle farming should be developed byan integrated farming system of crops-
livestock (IFS-CL) ̶ crops including horticulture plant, and livestock including dairy cattle ̶ because a lot of the
obvious benefits of crop livestock integration system.
East Java province as an area which has the most dairy farmers in Indonesia, producing about 800 tons
of milk per day, and one of the main production areas in the province that isNongkojajarsub district. Current
dairy farming in Nongkojajar is not only to produce fresh milk as primary product, but also able to produce by-
products such as organic fertilizer (bioslurry) and alternative energy (biogas). It seems that the current dairy
farming in that site is currently being integrated with horticultural crops in the integrated farming system
pattern, so the cycle of dairy cattle farming activities in addition to increasing household income also preserve a
sustainable environment9.

Materials and Methods

The research was conducted using a survey, where the method of sampling was purposive sampling.
The area survey is Pasuruan Regency, Province of East Java, Indonesia. In this regency has an sub regency
region that had the largest population of dairy cattle is Sub Regency of Tutur Nongkojajar.The purposive
sampling is selecting the sample, depending on research purpose10. Main criteria of sample respondents,
according to the research purpose are farmers who practiced the integrated farming system of crops-livestock
(IFS-CL), farmers have dairy cow, horticultural crops, forage plants, and has a biogas reactor installation.
Number samples are amounted to 10% of the 1,220 farmers who meet the criteria, so that the number samples
are 122 IFS-CLfarmers.
A large number of definitions of sustainable development have emerged so far, and varies the
measurement method of agricultural sustainability. Sustainability Status Assessment (SAA) methods that has
been used this study is Rapid Appraisal for Crops-Livestock(dairy) System (RapCLS) base on economic,
ecological, technical, institutional and social (EETIS) dimensions.Rapid Appraisal for Crops-Livestock(dairy)
System(RapCLS) analysisis modified from RAPFish method by Pitcher and Preikshot model. Measurement of
sustainability by 3-5 dimensions or aspects of sustainable metrics11,12. In this study are economic, ecological,
technical, institutional and social(EETIS)dimensions.
Each dimension is determined attributes, the number of attributes of each dimension depends on the
object of study of sustainability in the research area.Selected attribute reflects the level of sustainability in every
dimension, and adjusted to the availability of information that can be obtained from the character of the
resources that were examined in the study area. Then each attribute given ordinal scale of 0 to 5, where a scale
of 0 means bad (poor) and 5 means excellent scale (high). Research has been using 16 attributes of economic
dimension, 17 attributes of ecological dimension, 18 attributes of technological dimension, 15 attributes of
Richard E.M.F. Osak et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(8),pp 575-582. 577

institutional dimension, and9 attributesof social dimension, the total attributes are 75 attributes as expressed in
Table 1.
Table 1. Attributesnumber each sustainability dimension

EETIS Dimensions Attributes Number

Economic 16
Ecological 17
Technological 18
Institutional 15
Social 9
Attributes Total 75

The more the number of attributes, the better and the precise of sustainability status obtained. The
attributes of each dimension in this study, are :

1) Attributes of the economic dimension, are: (1) The level of family income; (2) the proportion of IFS-
CLrevenues tofamily expenditures; (3) IFS-CL contribution to the family income; (4) IFS-CL revenue-cost
ratio; (5) the ownership scale of dairy cattle; (6) ownership scale of horticultural crops land; (7) the
availability of feed concentrates; (8) the allocation of farmers working time; (9) savings as capital reserves;
(10) the availability of credit; (11) the amount of direct subsidies for farmers from third parties; (12) the
availability of milk market net; (13) the availability of crops market net; (14) the availability of compost
market net; (15) the level of the cost of substitution of chemical fertilizer to organic fertilizer; and (16) the
level of substitution of fuel subsidy to biogas incentive.
2) Attributes of the ecological dimension, are: (1) height of the land; (2) temperature; (3) relative humidity;
(4) the level of rainfall; (5) the availability of clean water sources; (6) the slope of the land; (7) the level of
afforestation /reforestation; (8) the level of utilization of forage crops on erosion-prone land; (9) potential
biochemical / chemical oxygen demand (BOD / COD) in the river; (10) potential reduction in GHG
emissions (methane, CO2) through biogas; (11) the use of dairy cow manure to biogas; (12) the use of dairy
cow manure waste to compost; (13) the use of crop waste for livestock feed; (14) the potential for
substitution of chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer; (15) the potential for fuel substitution by biogas;
(16) the availability of electricity and energy; and (17) the availability of cage drainage.
3) Attributes of the technological dimension, are: (1) the construction of cage; (2) air circulation and
ventilation; (3) the application of artificial insemination; (4) prevention and treatment of diseases; (5) cow
bathing and cage washing equipment; (6) the milking equipment; (7) hygiene and sanitation of milk
collection tools; (8) the availability of forage varieties; (9) the provision of quality concentrate feed; (10)
technology applications for forage preservation (hay); (11) the application of ammoniation technology of
forage and cropstraw waste; (12) the use of probiotics for the manufacture of feed; (13) storage of livestock
manure; (14) the arrangement of biogas reactor; (15) the use of biogas; (16) the manufacture of organic
fertilizer; (17) the use of organic fertilizers on crops and forages; and (18) the application of three strata
(horticultural plants - shrubs forage - tree forage).
4) Attributes of the social dimension, are: (1) the perception of farmers on organic farming; (2) the
perception of farmers on crop-livestock integration system; (3) the perception of farmers on biogas; (4) the
perception of farmers on organic fertilizers; (5) the perception of farmers on soil and water conservation; (6)
the proportion of gender in livestock-crop systems integration; (7) participation of farmers on environmental
extension and training; (8) the ability of farmers to school their children; and (9) the public response to the
application of IFS-CL.
5) Attributes of the institutional dimension, are: (1) implementation of the Law on Environment; (2)
socialization of the Law on Environment; (3) the implementation of legislation on the environment; (4)
dissemination of environmental laws and regulations; (5) the existence of sanctions against violations of
environmental laws and regulations; (6) implementation of the general plan of the regional spatial; (7)
implementation of zoning on dairy development and horticultural crops; (8) the presence of village officials
who had attended the environment extension and training; (9) the training and mentoring of government
agencies, NGOs, private farm businessman; (10) the role of cooperatives in the purchase and distribution of
milk from farmers; (11) the marketing chain of compost; (12) the institution of credit providers; (13) the
organization / group / cooperative of farmers; (14) the organizational dynamics (group / farmer
Richard E.M.F. Osak et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(8),pp 575-582. 578

cooperatives); (15) the role of the organization's members in determining the organization's policies; (16) the
role of rural public figure (key person) in determining the policy of the organization; (17) the role of
government officials in determining the policy of the organization; (18) the role of government institutions
(livestock calving/breeding institution, agricultural extension agencies); and (19) community service
ofuniversity for livestock farmers.

The value of each attribute of each dimension of economic, ecological, technological, social and
institutional, based on data obtained through interviews and field observations (primary data) and through the
study of literature (secondary data), analyzed the level of sustainability with multi dimentional scaling (MDS).
Overall value of each dimension attribute is entered in the Microsoft Excel application program, then analyzed
using Rapid Appraisal for Crops-Livestock(dairy)System (RapCLS) that modified from the Rapfish application

Table 2. Status assessment category of sustainability

Index Value of Dimensions Category Sustainability Status

00,00–24,99 Poor unsustainable
25,00–49,99 Less less sustainable
50,00–74,99 Quite fairly sustainable
75,00–100,00 Good sustainable

Results of assessment of performance attributes of each dimension are mapped into two reference
points which is a bad point and good point, and the level of performance is divided into four (4) categories of
the assessment of attributes11,13. Assuming that the performance lies between 0 to 100% or bad to good to all,
with four levels of sustainability status, which is bad, less, well being and with intervals of 0.25%, 50%, 75%
and 100% as expressed in Table 2.the calculation manner of each dimension index14 is as follow:

Dimension index : Di = x100

Multidimensionindex : MD =
where : Di = Sustainability index of dimension ith
Xij = Median score of attribute jth on dimension ith
Xij(max) = Maximum median score on dimension ith
Xij(min) = Minimum median score on dimension ith
MD = Sustainability index of multidimension (overall dimension)
n = Sum of dimensions

3 Results and Discussion

Analysis of sustainable dairy cattle and horticultural crops farming integration systems in the area of
research is done to determine the level of sustainability status, and determine the attributes of each dimension of
sustainability needs to be leveraged to improve and enhance the future sustainability status. Results of the
analysis of the sustainability status of each dimension can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Status of sustainability each dimension

EETIS Dimensions Index Value of

Category Sustainability Status
Economic 67,98 Quite fairly sustainable
Ecological 73,88 Quite fairly sustainable
Technological 56,74 Quite fairly sustainable
Institutional 69,15 Quite fairly sustainable
Social 71,18 Quite fairly sustainable
Overall dimensions 67,79 Quite fairly sustainable
Richard E.M.F. Osak et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(8),pp 575-582. 579

Results of the analysis are shown in Table 3 shows the overall sustainability dimensions on integrated
farming system model ofdairy-horticultural crops in the district of PasuruanTutur be in a position fairly
sustainable with each dimension index is between 50.00 to 74.99, which means not yet in sustainability status
peak with an index more than 75.00 to 100.00. Results of the analysis of the overall sustainability of each
dimension can also be seen on the kite diagram shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sustainability Status Position of Each Dimension

Results of the analysis shows that the sustainability status of each dimension of sustainability status
closest to the sustainability of the good status (sustainable)are the ecological dimension (73.88) and the social
dimension (71.18) which means socially and ecologically more sustainable, compared with an economic
dimension (67.98), technology (56.74) and institutional (69.15) which need to be given attention mainly on the
attributes of each dimension that is less sustainable.

The position of the sustainability status of each dimension is based on a kite diagram above, are
described as follows:

1) Economic dimension.The economic dimension is the main and most important dimension in defining the
status of the sustainability of a farming system. Results of the analysis showed that the measurement of the
economic dimension of the economic dimension has a value of 67.98 or in sufficiently or fairly sustainable
status. Results indicated that the model of the integrated farming system of crops-livestock (IFS-CL) in
TuturNongkojajar, Pasuruan Regencyis still needs to be accelerated and improved economically, because
of economic factors, especially the increase in income of livestock farmers are the main factors of a system
of farming to survive and sustainable.
To encourage the index number to a higher level, especially on the attributes that determine and still low
contribution to economic sustainability, which is an attribute of capital savings, credit availability, and the
availability of concentrate feed, which is followed by a third-party attribute the availability of
subsidies.Other attributes even lower contribution, but need to be given attention to further improving the
economic sustainability of integrated dairy-horticultural crops farming system in the study area.
2) Ecological dimension. The measurement results show that the ecological dimensions of the ecological
dimension has a value of 73.88 or in sufficiently or fairly sustainable status. Attributes that contribute to
environmental sustainability is reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), shows that biogas
production component though not maximum utilized by dairy farmers households, but has contributed to
high environmental sustainability status. Attribute slope contributes both to ecological sustainability, due
to the implementation of government and community programs for afforestation and cultivation of forage
fodder in sloping lands as mitigation of erosion and landslides.Additionally attributes rainfall, humidity
and air temperature sufficiently contribute to environmental sustainability in dairy-horticultural crops
farming integration system with in the study area.
Other attributes are still low contribution, so it needs to be addressed to further improve the ecological
sustainability is mainly attribute waste handling of dairy cattle. This is due to the utilization of biogas and
bioslurry which is still less than optimal, so that they contribute relatively low in the integrated farming
Richard E.M.F. Osak et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(8),pp 575-582. 580

system of crops-livestock (IFS-CL)sustainability. Other attributes despite not being the main attributes and
dominant, but still need to be given attention by the farmer and decision maker.
3) Technological dimension. Results of the analysis of the sustainability status position for the dimension of
sustainable technologies in quite category (56.74), attributes of dairy cattle farming has not strengthen the
integrated farming system of crops-livestock (IFS-CL). This is caused by the techniques and equipment
used as commonly in developing countries are still a simple technology or traditional technology, in which
the characteristics of such technology is used because of limited capital to finance intermediate technology
or advanced technology as in common in developed countries.
Viewed from the technological aspect, the attribute with the highest scale application attributes preserving
forage, ammoniation sewage plants and feed probiotics, but it is still very rarely applied by livestock
farmers. This result means that, attributes that have been applied to other technologies such as the use of
milking equipment, cages and other construction, but are still classified as a low-tech (low technology) so
that the results of the analysis still shows a low contribution to the sustainability dimension of technology.
4) Institutional dimension. Results of the analysis showed that the institutional dimension measurement of
the institutional dimension has an index value of 69.15 or in sufficiently or fairly sustainable status.
Institutional dimensional position measurement results that show the status of the ongoing enough, shows
that institutional factors in Tutur Nongkojajarstill need to be improved to better status, because the
institutional factor is a factor supporting the development of a farming system in developing countries.
Attributes the highest role institutions in encouraging the implementation of the system of sustainable
farming in the area of research, with which the implementation of the general plan of the regional spatial
(RUTR/RDTRD) that sets the region TuturNongkojajar as a center for the production of dairy cattle15, so
that there should be no beef cattle to prevent competition in land use forages and forage food livestock
between the two types of these cattle farmers. Other attributes enough to contribute, but there is also a low
contribution, but all attributes basically need to be addressed and can be leveraged to improve the status of
institutional continuity in implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable farming systems.
5) Social dimension. Results of the analysis of the position of the social dimension of sustainability status
reached an index of 71.18, or in the category of fairly sustainable. If seen from the achievement of the
social dimension of the index value compared with the other dimensions, the dimensions of sustainability
is the second highest among the five dimensions measured in contributing to social sustainability.
Attributes the highest role in encouraging the implementation system of sustainable farming in the study
area, seen from the aspect of technology with the scale above is the perception of farmers on soil and water
conservation, perception of organic fertilizer, and gender proportion in the system integration of dairy
cattle and horticultural crops.

Other results showed low contribution of some social attributes, such as community response to system
integration and perceptions of farmers towards organic farming, though special dairy farmers have introduced a
system of integration and utilizing organic fertilizers for horticultural crops. Other attributes even lower
contribution, but need to be given attention. The social dimension relates to the attitudes, responses and
perceptions that need to be improved through extension, training and demonstration plots to further enhance the
social sustainability of the integrated dairy cattle-horticultural crops farming system existing in the study area.

General discussion on the above results as follows: Results of the analysis of the integrated farming
system of crops-livestock (IFS-CL) sustainability in Tutur Nongkojajar obtained the highest scale are ecological
dimensions and social dimension, which means socio-ecologically more sustainable than the economic
dimension, institutional and technology. These results differ from the results that beef cattle fattening
sustainability in Ciamis Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia is simultaneously less sustainable16
andagribusiness sustainability of dairy cattle in the district Cisarua and Megamendung have the technological
dimensions as the highest scale (sustainable status), while the social dimension in the category of less
sustainable17. A researchreported that the agropolitan based sustainability status in Situbondo showed the
highest scale but only makes fairly sustainable categories, arethe economic dimension and the social dimension,
while other dimensions are less sustainable in the category are the institutional dimension, the ecology
dimension, and technological dimension18.

The economic dimension is the dimension that greatly contribute to the sustainability of agriculture,
whether monocultures, mix, and integrated farming. Attributes on the economic dimension of dairy-
horticultural crops integration system sustainability, especially determining the income of farmers, which are an
attribute of capital savings, credit availability, and the availability of concentrate feed, which are followed by a
Richard E.M.F. Osak et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(8),pp 575-582. 581

third-party attribute the availability of subsidies.These three attributes a very important role because of the
facilities received by farmers as members of cooperatives, especially the subsidy provided by the government
and NGOs to farmers through cooperatives KPSP Setia Kawan Nongkojajar. Moreover, the sustainability of
this economy will be higher, if given the intensive subsidy or compensation by the government for the use of
biogas and organic fertilizer. Other economic dimension attributes are also still need to be given attention to
further improving the economic sustainability of the integration farming system in the study area.

Attributes technological dimension in technical dairy cattle farming has not strengthen the sustainability
of the dairy-crop integration system, as most technology and equipment used by farmers in this area is still a
simple technology or traditional technologies than in developed countries that already using advanced
technologies (high technology).

Traditional technologies are still used by farmers, due to lack of capital to finance the procurement of
intermediate technology or advanced technology mainly equipment and supplies such as milking supplies and
equipment, feeders and watering equipment, barn and parlor supplies, animal care supplies, veterinary supplies,
animal control, outerwear,etc. The technology that has been used in study area are the utilization of the milking
equipment, cages and other construction, but are still classified as a low-tech, so that the results of the analysis
still shows a low contribution to the sustainability dimension of technology.

Contributions to the social dimension of sustainability was still low by some social attributes, such as
community response to integration system and perceptions of farmers towards organic farming, though dairy
farmers have introduced a system of integration and utilizing organic fertilizers for horticultural crops. The
social dimension relates to the attitudes, responses and perceptions that need to be improved through extension,
training and demonstration plots to further enhance the social sustainability of the dairy-horticultural crops
farming integration system in the study area.

Institutional dimension is an important dimension in the sustainability of farming, particularly in

developing countries. Attributes the highest role in the institutional dimension in driving the implementation of
sustainable farming systems which the implementation of the general plan of the regional spatial in the study
area. Attributes facilities and assistance from the government, relevant agencies, Non Governmental
Organizations (NGOs), private institutions and Milk Processing Industry (MPI) enough to contribute to the
institutional dimension status, while other attributes enough to contribute, but there is also a low contribution.
All attributes of institutional basically need to be addressed and can be leveraged to improve the status of
institutional continuity in implementing sustainable farming systems and environmentally friendly.

The sustainability status of the integrated farming system of crops-livestock (IFS-CL)model in
Nongkojajar, Pasuruan Regency be in a quite or fairly sustainable position (MD=67,79). Therefore, to improve
the sustainability status should be efforts to improve and to increase the value of the attributes of each
dimension of continuity, particularly in order to guarantee the sustainability of the two main dimensions,
economic and environmental dimensions.

Dimensions of sustainability in value up to the category of sustainable status, are the sustainability of
ecological dimension (Di=73.88) and the social dimension (Di=71.18), which means socio-ecologically more
sustainable, rather than economically (Di=67.98), technology (Di=56.74) and institutional (Di=69.15) which
need to be given attention mainly on the attributes of each dimension that is less sustainable.

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