Newsletter Jan Feb 18 Web

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24 Years in Skokie! 151 Years Serving Chicagoland!


Stay Updated on Facebook @KesserMaariv Twitter@Kesser Maariv*Shiurim at áñØã
Scholar-in-Residence & Melave Malka
February 2-3, 2018 In this issue:
Please join us on on Shabbat Parshat Scholar-in-Residence & Melave Malka
Yitro with Rabbi Menachem Tree of Life Sale Partners in Torah
Goldberger, rabbi of Congregation ARK Food Drive Happy Day Cards
Fast of Esther Shiurim
Tiferes Yisroel in Baltimore, a warm,
Purim Rabbi Juzint’s Books
Chasidishe shul. He is a native of Dvar Torah
Denver, graduated from Ida Crown
Jewish Academy (Class of ‘76), and is a
disciple of Rabbi Shloime Twerski. located in the shul lobby. Questions or for a pick-up
On Friday night we will hear call Larry Weinger at (847) 677-2198. We will be
some of the niggunim he composed at an Oneg collecting donations through February 19th.
Shabbat at 8:00 pm at the home of Lily & Gene Fast of Esther
Cherny, 9321 Lowell. Rabbi Goldberger will speak on The Fast of Esther will take place on Wednesday,
Shabbat morning. Rebbetzin Bracha Goldberger will February 28. The fast begins at 5:05 am, and ends
give a shiur for women at the Shul at 3:15 pm on after we read Megillah.
“Tomer Devorah - 13 Pathways to Compassion.” After On Wednesday afternoon February 28, we will
Shabbat please join us for a dairy Melave Malka at the daven Mincha at 5:20 pm (we have a custom to give
Shul at 8:00 pm where Rabbi Goldberger will discuss $1.50 as the Half-Shekel) and Maariv at about 5:50 with
“Be Holy, Be Human: Reflections on Kabbolas Megilla starting at 6:00 pm (don’t be late!)
Hatorah. Please make Melave Malka reservations to On Thursday March 1st Shacharit begins at 5:40
the office. See the enclosed flyer for more am and Megilla at about 6:05 am. Last Chance Megillah
information. reading will be at 4:40 pm, and enjoy a Purim Seudah
Etty Rubinow Tree of Life Sale (reservations required to the office) at 5:15 pm with
During the month of Shevat, which begins on entertainment by mentalist Jeff Bibik. See the enclosed
Wednesday January 17th through Thursday February flyer for details on the Purim Seudah.
15th, save 10% on all Etty Rubinow Tree of Life Please make reservations to Larry & Judy
plaques. Leaves are $90, Acorns are $450 and Weinger (847) 677-2198 or [email protected] by
Foundation Stones are $900. February 21.
Contact the office at (847) 679-9800, email Seven Decades of Medinat Yisrael - Rabbi Benzie
[email protected] or use the online order form at will give a special d’var Torah on the Sanctity of Eretz Yisrael at Seudat Shlisheet on January 13th as part of a
ARK Food and Toiletry Drive citywide celebration.
Our annual ARK Food and Toiletry Drive is now Misheberach List
underway. Non-Perishable Kosher Food Items Needed: If you have names for a misheberach, please send them
Canned vegetables & fruits, boxed meals, rice, beans, to the shul office or e-mail to [email protected].
pasta, cereals; condiments; baby formula & baby Happy Day Cards & Standings
foods; cake mixes; instant mixes like potatoes, gravies Thank you to all who have re-joined the “Standings!”
and sauces; canned tuna, salmon; Toiletries Needed: For only $50 a year, your name will automatically be
Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand soap, included whenever a card is sent from our shul to
deodorant, plastic bags, diapers, baby products, fellow members for a refua shlayma, condolence or
toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss. mazal tov. To join the standings, please contact the
Please drop off food donations in the blue bin office at (847) 679-9800 or [email protected].
Also, cards are available for purchase from the office Daily Minyan
for $1.50 each or 13 cards for $18. If you would like We have daily Shacharit which is alternating between
us to send a card for you for $2, please contact the 6:00 am and 6:10 am depending on sunrise. After
office. Parsha Podcasts March 12th (Daylight Savings Time) minyan will begin
Rabbi Louis Lazovsky's morning Vorts on the Parsha after 6:00 am, due to sunrise being so late.
are available as podcasts online at Sunday, Mincha-Maariv 10 minutes before sunset. (a link is on our Monday–Thursday, Maariv only at 7:00 pm.
homepage, On the Daily Mincha-Maariv will resume on March 13!
Podomatic page you can subscribe via iTunes. The ! Pick up a Kesser Maariv Pushke (Tzedaka Box). If
previous page, has old vorts, but a you have a full Pushke, please call Aron Lavon
Podomatic glitch does not allow us to update it anymore. at 773-418-2766, who will pick it up.
Rabbi Meyer Juzint’s Nechamas Meyer - Mussar ! Members may borrow books from our Lending
on Parsha and The Chain of Miracles Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall.
These books - Mussar on Parsha and an amazing Rabbi Soloveichik’s Sunday Parsha Shiur
Holocaust memoir written by a teacher of Rabbi Louis Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik’s Sunday morning Parsha
Lazovsky and a friend of Kesser Maariv, are available shiur meets at 9:15 am. All are welcome to attend this
for purchase from the office, and from fascinating shiur. and Amazon. Nechamas Rabbi Benzie’s Gemara Shiur
Meyer is $25 and Chain of Miracles is $20. We finished the 5th chapter in November and have
Partners in Torah begun the 6th chapter which discusses the proper
Kesser Maariv is proud to host “Partners” on Mondays blessings over different foods. This class is open to
from 8-9:00pm. Men and women are invited to come everyone. JVS Chicago scholarships
learn Torah with a partner, and hear short inspirational Please visit for
remarks at the end. Refreshments are served. college scholarchip opportunities.
Questions? Contact Jeff Greenspan. Send-a-Kid-to-Israel-Partnership
Kesser Maariv is a proud partner in the SKIP program,
where parents, the Shul and the Jewish United Fund
Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L. contribute money towards an Israel Experience for our
4341 W. Golf youngsters. Next enrollment will be in November
Skokie, IL 60076 2018. See Rabbi Benzie for details.
fax (847) 679-5041 UPCOMING EVENTS
e-mail: [email protected] "Talking Statues." Travel virtually with Beth Sair through the Chicagoland area to hear "Talking Statues"
Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky
tell their own compelling stories. Hear stories of
Steven D. Goldrich, President
Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky, statues including Haym Salomon, Jane Addams and
Associate Rabbi & Executive Director many more. This will be held on Tuesday evening
Sandy Miretzky, Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta Lazovsky, January 23rd at 7:15 at the Shul.
Co-Presidents, Adele Goldblum Women’s Council Past Events - The Women's Council membership
Committee Contact Information:
event was a great start to the year. Many thanks to Sue
Happy Day Cards Saretta Lazovsky
Goldrich for hosting the event and to the event
(847) 676-0556 or [email protected] sponsors....We had a nice dinner with the women of
Chesed Fund Anne Elovic (847) 673-2904 Libenu at Emma’s... Thank you to all of the women
Donate Books & Siddurim Office
who have become members of the Women's Council
(847) 679-9800 or [email protected] this year. It is not too late! You can still send in $30
to become a member for the 2017-2018 year. Stay
Endowment Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
tuned for upcoming programs.
Kiddush & Seudat Shlisheet Judy Whisler Wendy Hartz Memorial Lecture - Ariela Davis
Membership 8/677-2281 [email protected] of Charleston, SC spoke on “One Life to Live: Making
Social Hall Rental Office it Meaningful.” The video of it is available on our
Tree of Life [email protected] Facebook and Twitter pages.
Yahrzeit Plaques (847) 679-9800
GOOD & WELFARE birds with gratitude.
Mazel Tov to: Michael Hartz on the engagement of The Four Parshiot - Before Rosh Chodesh Adar we
his daughter Rebeccah to Ron Schrag...Drs. Dinora begin a series of four special Torah readings and
Ingberman & Larry Biel on the engagement of his haftarot. Parshat Shekalim is on Shabbat, February 10.
It commemorates the annual required donation of a
daughter Ariel, and on the upcoming marriage of her
one-half shekel coin that every Jew made to maintain the
son Dr. Jacob Valabov to TrudyAnn Edwards...Brenda Temple, to purchase the daily sacrifices and to conduct
Kahn on the arrival of a granddaughter, Brianna Alise a census of the Jewish people.
Jocie, and Mazel Tov to great-grandmother Evelyne Parshat Zachor, Shabbat, February 24, is always read
Sternfeld...Chana Rifka Meyer on her Bat Mitzvah... on the Shabbat before Purim. All of us, even children,
Ann Lavon and Aron Lavon on the birth of a grandson are obligated to hear every word of the special maftir of
in Israel to David & Rachael...Herb & Rita Lowenstein Parshat Zachor which discusses our obligation to destroy
on the birth of a grandson, Theodore Kalev, to David Amalek. The Jewish people have been commanded to
Max & Kay in Oregon. wage a never-ending battle against evil. This special
Shabbat reminds us how and why.
Celebrate your simcha on the Etty Rubinow Tree of Life!
Parshat Parah - Shabbat, March 10. In the time of the
Leaves are ON SALE DURING SHEVAT. See the flyer Temple, everyone had to eat from the Paschal Lamb
enclosed or print the order form off of our website. (korban Pesach) on Passover. We read about the parah
Welcome to Skokie: Bob Barsky adumah to remind everyone to ritually purify themselves
Refua Shleima to: Rabbi William Fertig, Bella Perlman with the ashes of the Red Heifer (Parah Adumah) to be
& all who need one. able to eat the sacrifice. This reading should be heard by
Glad You’re Feeling Better: Rabbi Neil Brill, Rebetzin everyone, even children.
Saretta Lazovsky. Shabbat, March 17 is Parshat Hachodesh. The
Condolences to: Leonard Fensterheim on the passing of additional reading discusses laws pertaining to the
his father Dr. Alvin, a beloved member of our Shul. Passover sacrifice and the importance of time, which is
For information about ordering Yahrzeit plaques, please the defining characteristic of the Jewish people. The
call the office at (847) 679-9800. Almighty promised that the Jewish empire will be one
Thank you to our recent Kiddush Sponsors: Sally Aaron, over time, as our sages expressed: “The nations of the
Bob & Sheryl Greenstein, Gene & Lily Cherny, Drs. world are like the sun and the Jewish nation is like the
Steve & Teri Steinberg, and anonymous sponsors. moon;” despite waning, always regenerating.
Fast of Esther (Wednesday February 28) – The day
Thanks to the Kats, Cherny, Zaretsky, Kipnis, Schwartz
before Purim is a fast day, commemorating the gathering
& Meerovich families for sponsoring Kiddush in honor of the Jewish people for prayer before they defended
of Yerushalayim. themselves against their attackers.
Thank you to our recent Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors: Purim (Wednesday night February 28 & Thursday
Judy & Larry Weinger, Ed & Marika Nissan, Jeff & March 1)
Eleanor Greenspan, Dan & Faith Harris, Steve & Sue As Megillat Esther teaches, Jews were hated in
Goldrich, Gilda Allswang, Sandy & Marty Miretzky, every one of the 127 countries known in the ancient
Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky, Mike Wishner. world. Haman, a former stable worker who was
DVAR TORAH originally a slave to Mordechai, became the richest man
Tu B’Shevat - Wednesday January 31st. The “Jewish in the world. He bribed Achashverosh, King of Persia
New Year of Trees” has Halachik significance in the and emperor of the ancient world, for permission to
Land of Israel, where the “Year” determines which tithes annihilate the Jews. Once permission was granted,
are separated. Outside Israel, we emphasize our bonds Haman drew lots, or “Purim,” to select the day to
to Israel on Tu B’Shevat. Tu B’Shevat is nowadays also implement the final solution. Queen Esther prayed and
celebrated as “Jewish Arbor Day” with large-scale fasted for three days prior to her request of King
plantings in Israel. Achashverosh that the Jews should not be killed. The
original fast began the night of the first Passover seder.
Shabbat Shira - Friday January 26th. There is a custom
Esther was only partially successful in that three-day
to feed the birds (putting out breadcrumbs) before we fast; it led the King to issue a proclamation permitting
light candles. The reason is because that Shabbat we the Jews to protect themselves, but the King’s original
read about the Manna falling, and it did not fall on order for the extermination of the Jews was not
Shabbat. Accordingly a double portion fell on Friday. rescinded. As a result, we prepared for a defensive war
Agitators Datan and Aviram put out their Friday Manna on Purim. As during all times of danger, we did teshuva,
on Shabbat morning and told people that Moshe lied that prayed and fasted for Hashem’s help. This second fast,
the Manna would not fall on Shabbat. However, before a communal fast, was held the day before Purim and
people could see it, the birds ate the Manna, and there eventually became known as Taanit Esther to
was no desecration of G-d’s command, so we feed the commemorate Hashem’s answering the prayers of Esther
and Am Yisrael. poor people; and finally, 4) Purim Seuda, or eating the
Four Mitzvot were ordained especially for Purim. festive Purim feast where we break bread together with
They are: 1) Reading or listening to the reading of the family, friends and strangers on Purim day. These
Megillah at night and on the day of Purim to remind mitzvot help promote fellowship and love among Jews
ourselves of the hidden but ever-present hand of the and are as valid now as they were then.
Almighty; 2) Mishloach Manot, or giving at least two Pesach & The First Seder begin on Friday
gifts of food to at least one person; 3) Matanot night, March 30, 2018!
Le'evyonim – giving two gifts of charity to at least two

Date Candle Lighting Friday Mincha Shacharit Shiur Mincha
Va’eira 1/12-1/13 4:21 pm 4:25 pm 8:45 am 3:10 pm 4:10 pm
Bo 1/19-1/20 4:29 pm 4:35 pm 8:45 am 3:20 pm 4:20 pm
Beshalach 1/26-1/27 4:38 pm 4:40 pm 8:45 am 3:30 pm 4:30 pm
Feed the Birds
Yitro 2/2-2/3 4:47 pm 4:50 pm 8:45 am 3:40 pm 4:40 pm
Mishpatim (Shkalim) 2/9-2/10 4:56 pm 5:00 pm 8:45 am 3:45 pm 4:45 pm
Terumah 2/16-2/17 5:05 pm 5:10 pm 8:45 am 3:55 pm 4:55 pm
Tetzaveh (Zachor) 2/23-2/24 5:14 pm 5:15 pm 8:45 am 4:05 pm 5:05 pm
Ki Tisa 3/2-3/3 5:22 pm 5:25 pm 8:45 am 4:15 pm 5:15 pm
Vayakhel Pikudei 3/9-3/10 5:31 pm 5:35 pm 8:45 am 4:20 pm 5:20 pm
Vayikra (Hachodesh) 3/16-3/17 6:39 pm 6:40 pm 8:45 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm
If you have a chiyuv - obligation to daven or require an Aliya, please inform Rabbi Lazovsky before Shabbat.
To sponsor a kiddush or shalashudos, please call Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281.

Minyan Times Classes
Minyanim meet in the Kaufman Bais Midrash
Sunday Morning at 9:15 am: Parsha Class in the
Shacharit Weekly Sedra.
Sunday: 8:00 am Given by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik
Monday-Friday: 6:00 am
When sunrise is after 7:07 am (after 3/12), Wednesdays at 7:15 pm (after Maariv): Talmud
Shiur studying Gemara Brachot (6th Chapter, Laws of Blessings on
Shacharit will begin after 6:00 am Food) given by Rabbi Ben Zion.
Sunday: 10 minutes before sundown Shabbat afternoon, 1 hour before Mincha: Parsha Class, given by
Monday-Thursday Maariv at 7:00 pm Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
Daily Mincha-Maariv resumes on Mon 3/13 For more learning opportunities, contact Rabbis B. or E. Lazovsky

Malamud Reference Library

Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library.
Lending Library
Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall.
Tape Lending Library
We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.
4341 W EST GOLF ROAD # SKOKIE, ILLINOIS 60076 # (847) 679-9800


* Honor a relative or friend
* Mark a special occasion
* Memorialize a loved one

During the month of Shevat (January 17 - February 15, 2018) you will
save 10% on all leaves, acorns and foundation stones on our Etty
Rubinow Tree of Life (ordered and paid for).
Wording can be in English, Hebrew or a combination of both.

Leaves are available for $100 $90 During Shevat

Acorns are available for $500 $450 During Shevat
Foundation Stones are available for $1,000 $900 During Shevat

Questions? Call the office at (847) 679-9800, or e-mail

[email protected].

Tree of Life Order Form

Please check one: Text of Plaque
[ ] Leaf
[ ] Acorn ______________________________________
[ ] Foundation Stone

Name: _________________________________ ______________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________ ______________________________________

Email: _________________________________

Amount Enclosed: ____________ Please limit each Leaf to 4 lines plus the date # [email protected] # fax (847) 679-5041

Purim 5778 at Kesser Maariv
It is a Mitzvah to have a
festive meal on Purim.

Please join us on
Thursday, March 1, 5:15
pm, for a delicious
dinner from Taboun,
featuring beef and
chicken pitas
(Vegetarian by special

Cost: $25 per adult

$12 children under 13
Scepter $36
Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Crown $72
Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik Palace $126
King $250
Parshat Zachor: Shabbat morning February 24, 2018 - Queen $360

Reservations Required:
Everyone is obligated to hear the special Maftir read on Please RSVP
Parshat Zachor which deals with the eradication of Amalek. by February 21 to
____________________________________________________________ Judy and Larry Weinger at
Tannit Esther – Fast of Esther: Wednesday February 28, 2018 - (847) 677-2198 or
[email protected]
Fast begins 5:05 am
Shacharit- 5:50 am With Special
Mincha - 5:20 pm
Popular Mentalist,
Megillah reading - 6:00 pm Magician and Comedy
____________________________________________________________ Entertainer
PURIM DAY: Thursday March 1, 2018 -

Shacharit - 5:40 am
Last chance Megillah reading - 4:40 pm
Seudah – 5:15 pm (reservations required)

Rabbi Menachem Goldberger
of Baltimore will be the

At Congregation Kesser Maariv
4341 Golf in Skokie
Parshas Yisro, February 2-3, 2018

Dairy Melave Malka

(Yoshon and Cholov Yisroel)
February 3, 2018 at 8:00 pm
"Be Holy, Be Human: Reflections
on Kabbolas HaTorah." With Chassidishe niggunim!
$25 per person
Sponsorships Available: Silver $54, Gold $100,
Platinum $180, Diamond $360 (all per person)

Join us throughout Shabbos!

Oneg Shabbos (call for details) * Drasha
Shiur for women by Rebbetzin Bracha Goldberger on Shabbos
afternoon at 3:15 on "Tomer Devorah - 13 Pathways to Compassion."
For more details please visit, [email protected] or 847-679-9800
Rabbi Menachem Goldberger, a native of Denver, is a graduate of
the Ida Crown Jewish Academy (Class of 1976) and a disciple of
the Rebbe Shloime Twerski zt”l. A sixth generation Rabbi, he
founded Congregation Tiferes Yisroel in Baltimore in 1986, a
vibrant shul where many have benefitted from kind hospitality,
warm Chassidic tunes, and chesed. Rabbi Goldberger is involved
in many community organizations and has taught at several
institutions in the area. He has composed many Chassidic
niggunim and released a CD, “L’cha Dodi,” and his L’cha Dodi
melody is sung throughout the world.

Congregation BHH Kesser Maariv AL has served Chicagoland for over 150 years!
Facebook Twitter @KesserMaariv

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